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ISTEK z, mr.invii GAWUC, Vladywlawp mgr inz,; HARASIMOWICZ, WTZKj_2NU= A Bdward,, mgr. in*. Tropieglization cif industrial equipmento Praegle meche 22 110.*QW-631 25-0163 1. Instytat Mecbmiki Pkvoyzyju?l, ViRrezave. (for Blestek), 2. Instytat Slaktrotacbniki, Wki-omm 4,far Gawuo and Harasimovicz). BIESTEK$ Tudeue-7, passivated silver coatings to accelerated tornishing. Inst mech precyz 11 no. 42: 23-40 163. ar DIESTEK, Tadeusz Correlation coefficients for results of ao*I*fiCed i4twSUPY and field corrosion tests of electroplated zinc and cadmium coatings. Inst mech precya 12 no.46il-17 164. BIl `:~,ZAD, C. rarllu., F, 71jr " 11 L, . 1; pstf , '.ochrm larz, . - i, "PsycliolcIr"ical Tlxp~,ric, cc ir Pa (am"OLiTIA PCIS"'.A, Vol. 10, Vo. 44, Octobfir 19-54, Warsaw, I SO: Yorthly List of Fast Fixopear Accesslors, 11(,y W1. "'. $ lic . ), march 1955, Urc-l- BIESZCZAD. Ce ......- We are'waiting for the SW-2p pe 12e (SKRZTDLATI FOLSKAO Warasawajp Vole Ilp no* 3. Jan. 1955-) LA, 9Dt 'Nontbly List of East thuropean Accessions,, (ERAL)v WO Vol. ho No. Jan* 1955., unel. A.G. Podstavy mineralogii (Foundations of mineralogy) SO: ROwe Ksiazki #1, Jan 56, Uncl. YUGOSLAVIA / Laboratory Equipmenty Apparatus# Their F Theory# Construction and Application. Abs Jourt Rat Zhur-Khimiyaj No 18i 19581 60744- Author i La Bletrys Inst i Title tUpon the Method of Double Weighing& Orig Pub: Kemija u industrijis 19570 6v No 12t 377-380- Abstract: It Is shown that the principlep on which Gauss's method of double weighing Is based# brings to Men- deleyv's method (weighing with a constant load on the balance)* The influence of friction# tempera- ture# atee Is studied* The greatest accuracy is attained by using balances of special construction with counterweights* Card 1/1 BIVANSKI, W. Affect of calcium on acetylcholine content of nerve fibers. Acta. physiol. polon. 3 no. 3:247-258 1952. (CIML 23:5) 1. Qf the Institute of Hm~ Physlolo&7 (Hoad--Prof. Xr. Cxubalaki, K. 11.) of Warsaw X*dlc&l Aoade*. .0 1 AMYX, Barbara; BI37ANSKI. Vieslaw fterspeutic value of rAw &AI-mrsethenia drms according to olluical and electronWographic aspects. Neur. &a. polsks 9 no.4:471-483 JI-Ag 159. 1, Z Iliniki Chorob Nerwawych A*N* w Waresswis p.o. lisrownikiL: prof. dr 1. Haunumnowa-Petrunewics I z Kilniki Ortopedycznej A.M. w Waresawte Klerowulk: prof. dr A. Gruca. (PAR&BYWATHOMINNICS ther) (MMLI MIAX&M ther) (KTAMNWIA OVATIS ther) BIALROKI, Stauislaw;__AP414 w, GAWLIK, Zbigniev - _jj,~e la~ Radiological, anstono-pothological and biochemical changes in the femoral heads with deforming changes. Ch-ironarz.ruchu ortope polska 24 n0-6:529-536 159- 1. Z KllMk:L Ortopedyasnoj AN v Waresawle. Kierownik: prof.dr A. Gruca. Z ZaklAdu Azatouii Patologioznej AM w Waresavis. Kie- rovnik-. prof.dr J. Dabrovalm. (YAM HIAD pathol.) " ~l ~ealawj JAWORSKA, Mieozyglawa Diagnosti( and therayoutio proble= in progreonive =soular dystropby. Chir, narseruchu o-rtop* polska 26 no-3:243-252 161. 1. Z Kliniki Ortopedycsnej AM w Warsaawie Kierownik: prof. dr. A. Gruca. (MUSCUIAR DYSTROPHY) BIEZANSKIp Wieslav; BAMOS33WICZ, Waclaw Isvels of calcium, phosphorus and basic phosphatase in the blood serum of'orthopedic patients treated with ossopen, Chir.narz.tuahu ortop. polska 26 no-41353-363 16L 1. Z KlinW Ortopedycznej AM v Warazawie Kierownik: prof. dr A. Graca. (FRACTUM ther) (BONE AIW BOIM) (CALGIUM blood) (PHOSPHATES blocff) (PHOSPHATASES blood) ---Bl&ZANSKI, wieslaw; GRUGAs Adam Physiological priziciplee of the mobiUsation of amputation stumps. Ghir. narz. ruchu ortop. polska 26 no.6:759-763 161. 1. Z Klinikl Ortopedyoznej AM w Waramwie KierownW prof. dr A.Gruoa. (AMPUTATION STUMP surg) BURUCKA, Halina; BIRZAMI, Vieslaw The problem of therapeutic gymnastics in conservative therapy of scoliosis. Chir. narsad. ruchu ortop. W. 27 no.3067-373 162. 1. Z Ininiki Ortiopedycznej AM w Warssavie Kierownik: prof. dr A. Gruca. (SCOLIOGIS) (MMRCISE THERAPY) BIEZANS_ , ~ Result of the treatment of arthrosis defamans with &xmalone MUr. narzad. ruehu ortop. pol. 28 no.61609-614 1163. 1. Z Kliniki Ortopedymej AM W Warazavis, Kiermniks. prC~ droA.0ruca. 4 U_KANSKI. Wieslaw; TLUCTIOWSKI, Witold Valve of electrodiagnostic investigations in peripheral paralysis of the facial nerve. Otolaryng. Fol. 19 no.3: 325-330 165. 1. Z Kliniki Ortopedycznej AM w Warszawie (K-lerownik: prof. dr. A. Gruca-) i z Oddzialu Foniatrycznego Kliniki Laryngologicznej AM w Warszawie (KIerownik: prof. dr. A. Mitrinowlez-Modmejewska). [Blezins, A.), prof.; L15flnEVSXIY, S.M., prof.; PETUrJIOVA, L.I., doktor mad nauk; IZNTSBERG, K.Ys. [Lenvbergs, X.), dotsent; SEGLINI, T.Ya [Seilins, T.1; SKUDRA, A.Ya.; UNPIN', Kh, [Liepins: H,] Posture disorders and scoliosis in children. Ortop., travm. i protez. 26 no.1204-76 D 165. t (M'-TA 19 s 1) 1. Iz Rizhskogo instituta, travmatologli I. ortopedil. Adres avtorov~ Riga 5, u1. Duntes, d.16/22, Institut travmatologii I ortopedii. Submitted JUIY 30v 19659 BIEZUNSKA-41AIMISTOWA 1, _Izabe3a, 'TU 10th International Congress of Papyrologists; Warsaw-Gracovo .september 3 - 9j, 2961* Nauka polska 10 to.2,-153-151 162. 1. Uniwarsytets Warosawa i A u, ~i' F.1i '4.Jj44 'i~ 4 q to the conco. of As,' when it suildealy shifted to thL Madwits of tho'c6azdatko proccon. x1v vow tess"no COMWOM of the mind 1". SM of love, omptatim value of the pure AgBr. Similar results were Wj'W' IYAURSO, after obtained I* the a ems AgNOrKCI-KI-KNC6 and AjNOj an KC1-J1CN-KN191 This Indicates the original and en,tre do 3pig 19aly. Zaigreb, YuSoolavia). crow 140MIXIn English); d. C-4. 30, An. of less sol. component (AgBr, AgI. and AgCN, resj. = them am insufficient Br, 1, or CN Ions to -met nith 16272h.-Oseffulatin of mixed slightly ad. AS Sets in Presence of KN% was followed by a tyndallometrie tech. all As"' kwi, chloride ions particinte In building up the nique (C-4. 46, IM). The ad cossm,. ded. by the csystas lattice and stabilize the particles. Aittrtheequality ofthLeoocvs.olAs*wkdBr-(I-orCN-,mp.)IsrezchtLi conen.-of ASNO, in tracting mixts.. was covet. at 2 X 10-4M. there an still enough of thaw anim In soin. even for the The concn. of the componesst that me& a more ad. ppt2 sation of particles and the coagulation value c' hangr3 with As (KCI or XBr resp ) also was const. (2 X 10-*Af) stabUL In order to s"M the Wact 4 chat In the $v$. 414 the coocis. of st&bM*. to that of pure A, Br (ASI or AjCN, resp.) ing Ion. Sedes were prepti. within each System wkk dil- it - Btu a n. 0 1 ftreat concus. (0-2 X 10-AM) of the component that snada a chlod& System greatly reduced its turbidity. less &W.-p - ttrions (K+) addo. increased it spin and the coagulation curve _pt. with AS. 'Me conca. or varied within such a ~~ An. taking into considers. _v%d*s!~,WJuW thl"Yanate chWWtcr, which wA-4 9(111 tion the Cossess. of V.+ k" both in neutral tlectraly" KN% rtsum, howtva, at the coacn. of SCN- equal to that and In the reacting cuts. The enw. .01 AS+. In the System AsNOrKBr-KI-KNO, addn. of t7on CM I- to paq bromide system gradually shifted the cloaguladon counttrion; was Wand Co both owes ol'the value. The crit. time of coagulations wMMUB 10 exond value toward that of the pure AgI. The behavior of the liithe~aseotASCI-AgSCNwhtnitw"lmin. ThOtImpt last 2 systerm Indicates Simultaneous PPtu- Of both cotn- was 200. in the system ASNO4r-XCI-KBr-XNO& wall. Powntso presumably In the form of mixed crystals. addis. of Dr- to the pure chloride system did not change the kratohiit- r PIAGOJZVIC, M., dr.; KOVAGWICp Do, dr.; BIGA, S., dre; VASOVIG, Mo. dr. The effect of aureoxWein ointment on the clinical picture of trachoma; wMariences In antitrachoma dispensary in Padinska Skala. god* glasno 8 no-5:173-173 New 54. 1. Klinika ta acne bolesti KoAtahskog fakultets. u 3sogradu (upravzik prof. dr. Djordje Neste) (TRACBENA, ther. aureowela. ointment) (AURBO M IN, tbere use traebomag ointment) BIGA, So ~4a, M. dr. Keratitis in the course of wAlignmat lymphogranulonstosis. Srpski arh. celoks lek. 82 no.3s654-658 Ny 154. 1. Klinika za ooze bolestl Nedialaskog fakultata u Beogradu; upraynik: prof* dr. Djordje Nestoo (Rad js Ureduletvo primilo ?.1.1954 god.). (MA ITIS. Compl. *Hodgkin's dinJ (HODGKIN'S DISIA.U. compl. *k9ratitis) - Bi oflLa Bilateral occlusion of the central artery of retina during essential hypertension. Srpski arh. celok. lek. 84 no.4: 532-536 Apr 56. 1. Klinika is ocne bolestl Medleinskog fakultsta u Beogradu. Td. upravnikao. Ivan Stankovic. (RWINA, blood supply central artery occlusion, bilateral, In essential hypertension (Sor)) (HYPWMION, complo bilateral occlusion of central retinal artery (Ser)) STANKOVIC, Ivan, dr. prof.; BIGA, Sofija I Acute keratoconuo, Srpski arb. colok. Isk. 88 no.12M73-1182 D 160, 1. Illinika sa bolesti ooiju Madicinakog fakultata Univerziteta u Beogradu, VA, upravnikat prof. dr Ivan Stankovic. (KERATOCONUS) 11ARISTS, S. (Beograd); BIGA S. (Beograd) -from one Inclusion blennorrhoea and one tra- chom 100 Into the amniotic cavity of the embryo- natad iug6l. 17 no.2:123-132 163. -M A V I A BI GA, So. ~,~n O"InIc for Eye Diseases (MinIka za 'Done -7FI-e 3t 1 Fa --Lilt- ~,f Xo I I c I ne ( Med I o1 n sk I Fakul te t 3e I C. va!.'] e 'Jauses of In RealIents ot' th-9 In3tituto 4'or, 311n,l Chillren anil YounE People, Zcsmun." Brpj~i Ar-h1v za C'elpkuong Lekara~vn, Vol 90, Jo -0 p A'% z L.. L, a a -2-3--;aar summary7 nie author compare3 tt-'~ recults an cphthalmolorical eurvey of 150 out of 1531 !",labitantti .)A' a:i ii~-tLtllu-.Ion for blinl ohll~ren and yccir.' ': with the resuitn- cf similar lnva~!tl,~,.atlon3 9:) ~.`wroqlavlla aril elsewhere. In. cowaon tiie findings -,-Crl-l 31clantific Itterature. the author raooi-tc "acilat"T's a"'I nlreelltarv legenaration are on thi rLsa aa 0!" an-' thA infoctIons are cn the la- I no s zi c a u 3 -7i .R5ferenoei3 to Yhu7oolav stuIle-n. BIGA, 5ofl,a Ocular cbanges in morig;,-Ileir, 'eroski arli. t-elok. lek. 42 na.le 57-62 Ja t64 I. Oma k1l.-SvIft Me6ivinskc-g faku3teta lfn3ver2lteta ti Becog,.I, (Upramike praro dre 'I'M Slaiikovle). du PACALOWSKI, Janusz,, mgr inz.; mgr inz. Bronze B 476 as alternate for bronze B 555 and bronze B 663, Rudy i metals 8 no,, 5: 171-177 My 163. PASTOOVA, Jana; BAIAS, Vladimir; BIUNOTUT.Ajojp4~;_~ING3M. Iadislav; LMMOVA, Tavara; VIACH, Vladimir Importance of open Intracranial injuries with regard to mortality & lose of working ability. Roshl. chir. 38 no.6:373-380 June 59 1.1;lChirurgiolm klinikR v Prase, prednosta. prof. dr. J. Payrovsiq Neur oilcka Kinika v Prose. prednost.a akadealk prof. dr. L Renner. (BRAIN, wds. & IQ. ) (DIUBIUTY NVALULTION) BIGASH.E.7,, polkovnik, kand. ictorichaskikh nauk Communism and nations. Komm. Vooruzh. Sil 46 no.6: 34-41 Mr 165. (NIRA 18:11) ASKAROV, F.A.; BIGAYE;VA, A.R. Geological time of magmatio procennes in the Xyzyl Kum, Uzb. geol. shur. 9 no.4:54-63 165s (MIIRA latq) lo Institut geologii i goofiziki Im. Kh.M.Abdullayeva AN UzSSR. KGDAV Ladmilas mgr.; BIGDA$ Czeslaw, mgr .......... Magnetic method of orack detecting tests of weldings. Prze9l meah 23 no.15:430-1+33 10 Ag 164 - 1, Dolml,, Lower 6ilesian Electric Machine Works., Wroclaw. - kIGDA, Ludmilas mgr.; BIGDA, Czeslawp mgr I Magnetic method of crack detecting tests of weldings. Przegl meoh 23 no.151430-A,33 10 Ag 164 - 1. Doljwl, Lower 6ilesian Electric Machine Works, Wroclaw. BIGDASH, S.A., podpolkovrdk The "Atlas* rocket; material from the foreign press. Vents protivovor4sabore noo2t27-31 F 161. (MIRL 14:2) (United States-Intercontinental ballistic miseles) KEMI, Istvan; BIGN, Gaza Diurnal changes of the irregular electrocardiogram. Magy. belorv. arch. 11 no.2-3:70-74 Or-June 58. 1'.- 1. A Magyar Nephaldsereg Ilgesseegugyi Szolgalatanak kozlemerqo. (BIRCTROGMIOGDAPHY diurnal changes of irregular electrocardiograms (&u)) (PNRIODICITY same) TROMBITAS, Jozsef# dr.; BIGEJ~es dr.; NIGOARA, Ioan,, dr. Data on the problem of cervical erosion and trichemonal vaginitis. Magyanoorvelape 26 no,5:307-312 S '63. I 1, Moronvasarhelyi Orvostud=anyi e9 Gyogyszereazeti Intent S%Uigs -Nagyopuzat Klinika (vezeto: Larinez Erdo* Andras prof,, as OrVos- tudomanyok doktora). 61 O.-!A , L; . For a corminuou.9 u~,-v Q3.,,nit6,i L. of the irvention and inuovatloa mw, macut ia "I naval, and aerial transportation. P 2-29. R-WISTA TMNSFORTURILOR. (Asociatin Stinitifica a ZVinerilor si Technicienilor din Rordnia si 14inisterul Transporturilor Rutierc, Navale si Aeriene) Bucuresti, Romafiia. Vol. 6,-no. 6, June 1959. Monthly List of Fast Rtropean Acemsions (F-FAI) LC. Vol. 8, no. 9, Sept. 1959. Uncl. B=M, A. USMN,etals Steel ingots Metallurgyq Ferrous Oct 48 "Influence of Gas Evolution on the Formation of a 6.5-Ton Ingot From Boiling Steel," Docent A. A. Bazdenezhnykhp V. F. Agapov, A. M. Bigeyevr I. A. Tkachenko, V. M. Mitryukovskiy, A. L. Kushnarev,, Engineers, Magnitogorsk Mining Metal Instp 7 pp "Stall" No 10 Use of new method for collecting gaven evolved from a solidifying boiling steel ingot (under positive pressure)-indicated inaccuracy of vast maj *ority of results of foreiga researchers, who worked with a vacuum and extracted gases from metal and fettling simultaneously.. using containers for taking sampleso Main constituent of gases evolved is carbon monoxide (90%)p not hydrogen. Vigorous boiling of the metal in the mold causes vertical circulation, which improves ingot structure. Manganese has considerable effedt on rate of gas evolution. When content exceeds 0.40%,, amount of gas decreases and ingot structure deteriorates. PA 19/49T78 BIGEYEV, A.M. Dissertation: "The Calculation of Open-Hearth Charges in the Scrap-Ore Process." Cand Tech Sci, Magnitogorsk Mining and Metallurgical Inst,, Sverdlovsk, 1954. (Referativnyy Zhurnal, Khimiya, Moscow, No 15, Aug 54) SO: SUM 393, 28 Feb 1955 - - - ~~ -~, 3 ~~ 1 , ~,' - - -, - - 7 . - X BIGBYBVO,.Abdrashit Haserevich, dote.kandotekbn.muk; PANFIWV, M.I., red.; ........ ZJW. Ye.K., I Coomputation of charges for open-hearth furnaces using the scrap process] Haacbet wrtanovskikh shikht pri skraprudnom protsesse. Sverdlovsk, Gosonauchno-takhaoisd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tevetnoi metallur ii, Sverdlovskoe otd-nie, 1957. 194 p- (MIRA 11:2) f0pen-hearth processi) 133-8-6/28 AUMRS: Bezdenezbmykh, A.A. and Bigeyev, A IM. (Cands.Tech.Sci.)9 Dikshteyny Ye. 1. 9 PerchatUn, Sirotenkop A. 1. f (Engineers). TITLE: The d*evelopment of the deoxidation process of rimming steel. (Usovershenstvovaniye takhnologii raskisleniya kipyashchey stall). PERIODICAL: "Stall" (Steel), N0.8, 1957t pp-701-707 (USSR). ABSTRACT: An inv6stigation of factors causing substantial varia- tion in manganese losses during deoxidation of quality low carbon rimming steels. (08 k n H, 08 knF, 08 kn Pl- and 08 kn chemical composition is given in Table 1), produced in 400 t open hearth furnaces was carried out. The follow- *pg students of MGMI participated in the investigation: fi.- Antipinp N.Kuskov, B.Khorshun and others. The composi- tion of pig used varied within comparatively wide limits, % C.4.1-4.59 Un 0.15-0-.259 Si 0.65-1.0; S 0.025-0.055; P 0.085-0.150. The 11mits of composition of metal and slag during the individual smelting periods are given. The 'composition o'f metal before 'deoxidation %: C 0.06-0.09; Mn 0.04-0.09; 8 0.030-0-033; P 0.007-0.010; slag: CaO 43-46; Card 1/4 sio 11-17, FeO 10-20. For the deoxidation of steel the whoie required amount of ferromanganese was added to the 133-8-6/28 The develo]pment of the deoxidation process of rimming steel, (Cont. ) influen.ce of the following factors on manganese losses was studied , 1) The influence of retention time in the fur- nace after deoxidation; 2) Duration of tapping (Fii-3): 3~ The influence of metal temperature before deoxidation; 4 The influence of FeO content in slag (Fig-5). This in- fluence becomes obvious only at FeO content above 12-14%; 5j The influence of silicon content in ferro-manganese (Fig. 6 ; 6) The influence of carbon content of metal befbre deoxidation (Fig'.7) and as during decarburisation of steel 08 kn ore additions are often made (1-1?'5 t) not long be- fore deoxidatioz4 the influence of thiL addition was also studied (Fig'.8). On the basis of the data obtained the consumption of ferromamganese for deoxidation for ME con- ditions was calculatedq using a formula derived by A.If. Bigeyev: T(QQ f TFeMn :-- 105 Card 3/4 - [MnIFeNn (100-Uft) where: TFeMn - consumption of ferromanganese for the deoxidation of the whole charge of steel in kg.; T - 133-M/28 The development of the deoxidation process of rimming steel. (Cont-, ) furnace capacityp tons; ENN)f - manganese content of finished steel %; IQ r - residual manganese content in steel before deoxidation, %; Din - total manganese losses (in furnace, runner and ladle)t %. The frequency distri- bution of residual manganese content before deoxidation is given in Fig.9. To facilitate calculations under works conditionst tables were prepared (2 and 3) of required ferromarganese additions for various operating conditions encountered in practice. An example of calculations is given* It is stated in conclusion that the application of the method of calculating the required ferromanganese additions in practice decreased the consil ption of the latter by 1 - 1.5 kg/ton of steel and prevented the pro- duction of metal outside the composition required. There are 3 tables, 9 figures and 5 Slavic referencei., ASSOCIATION: agn"togollsk Mining-Metallurgical Institute and NK. (Magnit5ogorskiy Gorno-Metallurgicheskiy Institut i ME). AVAILABL : Library of Cengress card 4/4 137-58-4-6673 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 4, p 51 (USSR) AUTHOR: Bi TITLE: The Effect of Variations in the Unit Load on the Hearth of an Open-hearth Furnace on Certain Technical Parameters of a Heat (Vliyaniye izmeneniya udellnoy nagruzki na pod martenov- skoy pechi na nekotoryye tekhnologicheskiye parametry plavki) PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchn. tr. Magnitogorskiy gornometallurg. in-t. 1957, Nr 11, pp 93-112 ABSTRACT: Quantitative relationships between certain technical para- meters of open-hearth steelmaking and the hearth unit load (UL) have been established. An expression for the dependence of hearth UL on the rate of C oxidation, VC =0.0715 IJ211 , is suggested, where A2is the oxidizing capacity of the furnace atmosphere, 17 = T S, T is the furnace capacity, and S is the hearth area. The relationship between the excess C in the metal per melt and the hearth area at various levels of ore consump- tion, on the one hand, and the UL on the hearth, on the other hand, has been determined. The greater the hearth UL, the Ca rd 1/2 smaller is the possible excess C content per heat, all other con- 137-58-4-6673 The Effect of Variations (cont. ditions being equal. An increase in hearth UL in the 1-2.5 t/m2 range evokes a significant reduction in the amount, of residual slag required, while in the 3.5- > 5 t/m?- range it has no effect yon the residual amount of slag. In furn- aces with low hearth UL (up to 1 t/m N), it is possible to worR without running Off slag, but if the UL is higher (3-5 t/m?) it is necessary to run off slag-, moreover, the greater the hearth UL (all other conditions being equal), the more slag has to be run off during the period of fusion. Slag must be run off even if the P content is low. The retained content of various elements is de- termined by the equation U =, 100 - f 10, 000/(100+0. 35LEh/ Nwhere U is the burn-off of the element, LE is the distribution factor. ~E)~7Ej (E) and [E characterize the content of the given element in the slag and the metal. A nomogram for the calculation of retained elements is presented. In view of the superior distribution of the element being'eliminated in large furnaces. it is easier to obtain a steel of low P content. For maximum utilization o" - HOY- ing elements in the initial charge, it is desirable to have furnaces with 1he smallest possible hearth UL. S.L. 1. Open hearth fUrnaces--Operation 2. Heartho.-Loading 3. Heats--Analysis Ca rd 2/2 TAMTKIT, Ijej NZUYL13W9 B&T.* imind. tekhn. nauk, itarshiy nwichay notrudnik; BAMlCUN3Wp Tole, imd. Ukhn. nacks dots.; IffIffs SoLo, profe, daktor tokha. nauk.; OTXSq G.X., prof,,-doktar tekhm, vAnk; ORM306 Mo BIGZM~ AoX., kLule iel&. nauk. dots. i LIMITS, Sole g kando lbkhn, iWPONTPM# A* Yu. . kago lakhn' . nauk, starshiy nawhW motrudnik; FCFANOF, A.A., kRnd. tokhn. nauk, starshly ~&=h- nyy sotrmftlk~ OGRTZMp TeX; GONCHAUKO, R.I., kand. takha. *auk; ADRANOT, B.A., avichayy sotrud-1k; MUMMY, T.G.; LAMYSHIrIN. I*Nog kude fakha, nank; AFAW'YW* B*G" iMd. takhn. nauk; SHMOT I p MoNeg starshly zauobWy motrudalk; ITANTI, Ye.T.; XPUMNO Z.D., starshiy uLuohmWy sotimidalk. Dinaunmions. Mule TMIGM no&3.8/199107-119 157o (MINA 11:4) 1, WhoMllidkkovi tWo tsekha Orsko-1h&l1lovMwgo lcombimta (for Varnmrskly. 2. Mistltut ustallurgii Urallskoo filiala 0 SSSR (for Mikhayliker,IAbremvwlo 3. Direktor Ukr&inokvgo institute, wtallw (for Goichavemko)A. lbelpropetrovddy matallurglabeekly IvAtitut (for BaptimmmxUy, lovin)o 3o ZxvedWmi~ch A Imfedroy ustallurgii stall Nedwwakogo lustituta stall (for 0%)* 6. za'.. veduyushchly laboratoriyey Yonakiyovskogo int ~&' , Oahe mkogo tokhatkum (for Gerber). 7. Irafedra ust&llurgeil - all VAgnifogor- skago gorno-wtallurgiaheekogo luetitutajfor liffl Ww- boditell 6 1 - zwerternoy gMpy Mentral noy savodskoy laboratoril sayodaim. j%trovmk*o (for Wshits). 9. Institut mtallurgii Im.Daytma AN Mit (for Pblyakay). (Contlumed on next oard) TAXNATSKIT. I.N.--(oontinumd) Card Z. 10, Urallskly InstItut metalloy (for lbfanov), U. Institut chermy mt&3.lurgii Alf USSR (for Ogryskin), 12. Ikohal $nil; ?Sentz-ql lacy savodelmy laboratoril YenakiyevskWmt&nuWcheiskoja sa-vada (for Yalinov0dr). 13. TSontrallnyy nacmhao-looledovatellskiy Ingtitut chernoy wtanurgli (for Iqpotyvhkli~ &~, Spshteya). 14. Ikohallalk kowerternoy laboratorit TUntrallnego nauchno- losledavatellakago Instituta aher~moy wtallurgil (for Afansslyw), 15. Ikehalln:Lk laboratorit Tuesoymsnogo nauohno-ineledovatellskoge Instituta ognsuporaw (for Ivanor)' Oes";ar procose) b i CrE YE V~ PIM I WK SOV/3942 Zaveryakha, Nikita V":Ll'7evich,, Znglneerp AbdrasbIt ftseyevich B1gtpv Candidate of Technical Sciences, Imovid. Andre7evich Volkovs Engineev., and Aleksey Andreyevich Dezdenezhnykhp Candidate of Technical Sciences Rwalfts. stali v mnn=y%k martenovskikh tsekhakh (Teeming Of Steel In UDdern Open-Bearth Purnace Plants) Sverdlovsk, Y1et&Uurg1zdat.,:SverdlovskM otd-ni7ev 1959. 215 p, Errata slip inserted. 2.98W copies printed. Ed.: M.1, Panfilov; Ed. of ftblishing Souse: N.N. Taymbalist; Tech. Ed.: R.N. Natlyuk. N fl AN: This book is Intended for technical Personnel of oPen-M&rth fW7W8 plants in the metallnrgical and machine Industries. It my also be useful to students of telr*nn4 and sabools of higher technical afteatIon. COMM: The book reviews problems connected vith the crystallization theorvp the structure of imgots sod Ingot defects,, their enises.. =4 preventive measures. Modern methods of steel teeming an reviewed In detail., and equipmut used at open-hearth plants is described. Work organization., autoostion and mechanization of certain processesand safety meavares am ontlined. The following engineers Teexjmg of Steel in IL-dern Open-Hearth ftmace Plants SOV/3942 took part in 4z..u= v.-Iting of the book: R.I. 'Lopmkhovj, V.N. Kalashniharp and I.S. Tkacbev. The authors also thwk D.P. Stragovshelibov, RngineerL, N.7, DuLbreyq Candidate of Technical Sciencess, A.R. Norozov., Doctor Of Technical Sciences.. and X.10 Panfilorp Engineer., fbr their assistance. There we 48 references: h2 Soviet (Includl one tr,--, lation),, Oerman., and 2 Rnglish. UM OF COVIINS: Fezwword 3 Introduction 5 Ch, I, Steel L*ot; Structure and, Defects 7 1. nuar-steel ingot 8 2. 11mmed-steel ingot and memi-killed-steel Inipt 3- Wei&t and shave of LV40U A It. Basic Ingot. defects;-' assaw of Vnwentun 11, Methods and IschW4100 Of Steel 24,00106 1. fensmtwe and tessin rate 2. Top pouring at steel 3- Bottom pwarlag of steel 60 4, Advantages md disadvantages of t4m and bottom pouring 61 Cat 2/4 PARCHATKIN, P.N.; PANOV, A.S.; WJWIMZHNIKH, A.A.; BIGi.UV, A.M.; IAITIMIN, T.N.; DIYAKOVDV, A.I~ Sulfur distribution betwoon metal and slag during conversion smelting of low-magausse, pig iron. Isv. v3re. ucheb. Z&VO', chern. not. no.1:33-W 160. (MIRA 13:1) l.Kagnitogorokly gorno-sietallurglobeakiy institut. (Open-hearth process) (Desulfuration) PM I BOOK UFLOTTHION Xovoya v teorii I praktike proizvodstft martenovskoy stall (New [Developmental In the Theory end Practice of Open-Reex-th Steelmalting) Moscow, Metallurgizdatp 1961. 439 p. (Series: Trudy Mezhvuzovskogo, nauchnogo soveshchmiya') 2,150 copies printed. Sponsoring Agencyt Ministerstwo ;rysebego I mradnego spetsialloop obrazovaniya RSM. Moskovskly institat stall imeni 1. V. Stalin&. Eds.t X. A. Glinkov, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, V, V. r-ondakov, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, V. A. Madrin, Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences, G. N. Oyks, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences and V. 1. TavojakI7, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sclencesi Ed.: Ye,*A. Borko; Ed. of Publishing House: 3. D. Grawr; Tech. Zd.l A. 1. Karasev, PURPOSE, This collection of articles is Intended tar members of scientific institutions, faculty members of schools of higher education, ongineers concerned vith mataUurgical. processes and *7slcal chemistry, and students specializing in theme fields. Card 1A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - gg "St--A- MIME' -WM V NX Now (Developments) in the Theon (Cont.) COFUaMi The collection contains papers reviewing the development of open- hearth steelmaking theory and practice. The papers, written by staff memberB of schools of higber education, scientific research institutes, and malm laboratories of metallurgical plants, were presented and discussed at the Scientific Conference of Schools of Higher Education. The following topics are consideredt the kineti- andmechanism of carbon oxidation; the process of slag formation In open-bearth furnaces using In the charge either ore-lim briquets or amposite flux (tbe Product Of calcining the mixture or line with bauxite)j the behavior of hydrogen In the open-hearth bath; metal desulfuritation processeel the control of the open-hearth thermal melting regime and its eutomtionj beat-engineering problem in large-capacity furnaces; aerodynamic properties of fuel gases and their flow'In the furnace combustion cb=ber; and the Impovement of high-alloy steel quality through the utilitation of vacuum.and natural gases. The following persons took part. in the discussion of the papers at the Conference: S.I. Filipporr, V.A. Kudrin, M.A. Glinkov, 16P. Namj V.I. TavoysIdy, O.N. Oyke and Ye. V. Chelishebey (Moscow Steel lwtltute)j Ye. A. Kazscbkoy~ an6, A. S. Xharlto~ov (Zhdanov Metallurgical Institute)i B.S. Mikhaylets(Institute of Chemical Metallurgy of the Siberian Branch of the Acsdexq of Sciences WWI A.I. Strogarov. amd D. Ts. Porolotskiy (Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute); P.V. Unrikkin Ural Polytechnic institute i I.I* Foodn (tbe Moscow "Serp i siolot' Metallurgical Plant)j V.A. PWLUY lCentral Asian Polytocbnic lasiltut.) Card 2/1 Nev [Deveaopmeniz3 in the Theory (Cout.) SOV/5556 and M.I. Beylinar (xight School of tbo Dneproftembinsk )btallurgical Institute). References follov soxis of the articles. There an 268 references, mostly Soviet* TA= OF COVTEMSt Yoreword YIL-Yakiy, V. 1. [Moskovskly institut 9801 - Xoowv Steel Institute). prizeipal Trends in the Develoymot of Scientific Researeh in Steel T Filippor, S. 1. (Professorp Doctor of Teebmical Sciences, Ylostow Steel rmstitutel. Regularity Patterns of the Kinetios of Carbon Oxidation 15 in Yktals With lav Carbon Cantent (V. 1. Antonen)w participated in the experimotal levin, S. L. [Professor, Doctor of Teabn1cal Sciences, Dnepropetrovskly metaUurgicheBuy institut - Dnepropetrovsk )btallargical. Institute]. card 3A4 Nev [Developmenta)in the Theory (Cont.) BOV15556 Perchatkin, P.R. [Engineer], A.A. Bazdanezbnlkh (Docent, Candidate f Technical Sciences], A.M. B (Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences], and V.N. 1AtiRirtW11"_1'z ngineer), (Magnitogorsk Xining and Metallurgical Institute]. Effect of Ihmace Atmosphere on the Behavior of Sulfur During Melting In the Righ-C&pscity Open-Hearth Furnace 17anov, R.H. [Candidate of Technical Sciences), Ye. V. Abrosimy (Moscov Steel Institute). Temperature Regime of the Oxygen-Blovn Open-Hearth Bath Samarin, A.M. [Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences USSR], and A.P. Potrusayev [Engineer], [Moscow Steel Institute]. Change in Metal Composition Caused by Oxygen Moring 11siklev, V.A. [Docent, Candidate of Techuloal, Sciences, Sredneasistakil politekhniebookiy institut - Central Asia Polytechnic Institute]. Desillconizing Pig Iron by Oxygen In a Special Spout While Pouring Iran Into the Open-Bearth Furnses Card 13/14 361 371 379 388 ANTIPIN, V.G.; BIGEYEV, A.M. Oxidizing properties of open-hearth furnaces. Izv. vys. ucheb. zave; chern. met. 4 no-10:37-41 '61. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Magnitogorskiy gor-nometaLllurkibbekkAyl!Lnetitut- (Open-hearth furnaces) (Oxidation) t ZAYAKINp B.I.Ljjg)MY,-~~ZIYENKOO A.M.; Prinimali uchastiye: TKACHFMO, I.A., inah.; RABINOVICH, Ye.I.,,kand.tqkhn.nauk; IVANOVA, N.G., Lush.; BIGTAGIROV, K.K., inzh. Sulfur liquation in large rimed steel ingots, Izv. Vs. ucheb. sav.; chern. not. 5 no.7;624t 162. (MIRA 150) 1. Magnitogorskiy metalluroicheakiy kombinat i magnitogorskiy gornmetallurgichookiy inotitut. (Steel ingots--Sulfur content) ANTIPIN, V.G.j BIGHEEV, A.Me (Bigeyev, A*M9j ........ ........ . ., Oxidizing capacity of Martin furnaces. Analele metalurgie 16 no.2:45-50 AP-Je '62. qg~7y,, A ~-.'; DIKSHTEM, ye.j.; TRIFONOV, A.G.; KAZAKOV. VORNOV, F.D.; kI J4 A.I.; KOROLEV,,A-.-I.; BORODIN, G.L.; ANTIFIN9 V.G.; KUIAKOV,, A.M.; KOZRANOVJ, M.G.; GUSUR, V.F. Investigating the operation.of 400-ton open-hearth furnaces following redesign.' Stall 22 no.10-.904-907 0162. (MIRA 11:10) 1. 4gnitogorskiy metallurgichesKy kombinat i Magnitogorskiy Prnl-metallurgichaskiy institut. (Opm-hearth furaftes) ANTIMIJ, V. G.; BIGEYEV, A. M. Regularities of the passage of oxygen from the gaseous phase into the open-hearth bath. Izv. vys.ucheb.zav.; chern.met.7 no. 5: 33ip '64. (MIRA 17:5) L Magnitogorskiy gorno-metallurgichookiy institut. BIGEYEV A. M.. BORODIN, G. L.; POPOV, V. A.; FILIPPOV, V. M. Hydrogen behavior in "'Im metal of high capacity and extra high capacity open-hearth furnaces. Izv. vys. uoheb. zav.; chern, met. 7 no.6t44,46 164. (MIRA 1?:?) 1. Magnitogorskiy gornometallurgicheskiy institut. VORONOV., F.D.; ~IGEYEV,, A.M.; YOTOV, V.N.; SHITOV, I.S.; LETIMIN, V.N. Production of fluxed briquets for converter steel smelting. Stall 23 no. 3:214-216 Rr 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Magnitogorskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat i Magnitogorskiy gornometallurgicheskiy institut. BI,GhYEV,,.A.M.; N1KULIN,, Yu.P.; TUROVSKIY, B.G.; TORCHINSKIY, M.A. Removal of liquid slag from open-hearth furnaces by the drawing-off method. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 7 no.10:45-48 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Magnitogorskiy gornometallurgicheskiy institut. VORONOV, F.D.; BIGEYEV, A.M.; GONGHAREVSKIY, Ya.A.; SARYCHEV, V,F, Slag formation in the melting period in very high capacity open-hearth furnaces of the Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine, lzv.vys.ucheb.zav.; chern. met. 8 no-4:65-71 165. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Magnittgorskiy gornometallurgichoskiy institut i Ma6n.,itogorskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat. \1 ,,-..;,SARYCHEV, V.F.; GONCHAREVSKIY, Ya.A.; VCRONOVP F-D.;_tIL7 j,$ NILYAYEV, A.F.; VORONOV, V-F.; KCROTKIKH9 V.F. Operation of large-capacity open-hearth furnaces with sinter in place of ore in the charge and with the use of oxygen in the flame. Stall 25 no.7:603-605 Jl 165. (MRA 18:7) 1. Magnitogorskiy meta,11urgioheskiy kombinat i Magnitogorskiy gornometallurgicheakiy institut. BIGE-YEV,.A.M.; NIKULIN, Yu.P.; T,R^4HINSKrr, M.A. Removal of liquid slag from open-hearth furnaceq. 10 no.8s2I-23 Ag 165. (M-,Rb, 1. Magnitogorskiy mstallurgicheak-'y komb-Inat f. Magnit!,gorakly gc=cmetallurgichasIdy inqtitut, TAVOYSKIY p V.I. # otv. red. I J=Uj K redsl BORKO, 79,A,j redal GLINKOV, M.A., red.1 -A, Ye.Ya., red.1 KAPUSTINO 7*.A., red,j KOCHO, V.S.j red.1 KUMIN, V.A.p red,I-IAPITSKIY, VJ., red.; UVIN$ S.L.p red.1 OYKS, G.N.# red.1 ROMETS, V.Ao# red.1 UMRIKHIN, P.V,j redel rILIPPOV, B.I.# red, (Theory and pzaotice of the intensification of processes in convertors and open-hearth furnaces; transactions] Toorila i praktika intensifikuteii proteensov v konforte- rakh i martenovskikh pechakhl trudys Mookvap Notallurgilap 1965. 552P. (MIRA l8ilO) I* Meshvusovskoys, amuchnoys movoshohnniye po teorii i praktike lutonsifik4taii protmessov v konverterakh i mar- tenovskikh peahakh, 2, Heskovokiy institut stali i splavov for Filippov 3. Zhdanovokiy metallurgicheakiv institut for Kapuiltin 4, Urallshy politekhniahaskiy inatitut for Uxrikhin~* ~ BIGEYEV# A.M.; MILYAYEV, A.F. Mathematical representation of the finishing period of the open-hearth process. Stall 25 no.8:701-703 Ag 65. Wlrdi 18:8) 1. i4agnitogorskiy gornometallurgicheskiy institut. VORONOV) F.D., prof., FIIATOV, A.D., in3h.; DEYNEKO, D.I., inzh.; N-G=l A.M., kand. tekhn. nauk; TKACHENKO, I.A., inzh.; SELrVANIOV, N.M., -Xa-H*.- tekhn. nauk; ARYCHENKOV, V.P., inzh. Use of boil intensifiers in the rapid pouring of rimmed steel. Stall 25 no.4017-319 Ap 165. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Magnitogorskly astallurgicheskiy kombinat i Magnitogorskiy gornometallurgicheakiy inatitut. OP* BIGEYEVI M. M. Study of the Transfoxnation of Austenite into Martensite in Sub-Zero Temperatures. Trudy: UFAN 9; 13, 1937 I rVANOV., YU.N. BIGM2WAU,D.Aj Temperature balance of Keyrakm Reoervoir In 1959.-Tirad7 Insto zool. i paraz. AN Thdah. URno.26&18-U 063 (MM 1723) 1, Kayrak-Kumsk" gidroseteorologicheskaya observatoriyap S)redneaziatsk" skepeditsiya Gosudarstvermogo gidrologichesm- kogo instituta. B 1 Gi-"F.T 1. S. "PhYMico-Chem-Ical Investi,-ation of the IIa(,l-,U2Br -Nitrobenzene bys"em. (*;,-Iectrocon- I duevivity, Viscosity and specific, Gravity.) b,,- ~Y.S. Bi--i~-h (P. 1M) SO: Jour,,:al of General Chemistry (Zhurnal Cbshchei Khjmii) 10,46, lolume 16, No. 11 0 0 *'FWW7W W, 0 0-0 0 0 w *000000000000000000.0o 0:04000000000004 0 0 C 9 V 4 a a k 4 v a I f w 40 10 4. A4 00 k gr Co 00 I so is? Am* m toll#& #to ft"ll fo 46OW4 Mit"" "1164A#.6 a"% 004 00 oon 00a 006 vaq -m- BMW "a so: 1widw Aj_ aw p alolp ron" p Sim alp a 1 I u 9 = U00 .I= 1014 W" 1"m V p p p * Ing" 19 440 1 "1 a IV" p = "90 "ont-Roshm w 01 ugly '* @so go. "a 4m JO ITqI UM =wR "%- 4 d 0t 004 1 SPU ot 4__ op 0 . c IPMM lWMW p a oom 1 u - q . Ajw,qq mmum I I mWW, if - = pump V 11 MWJT' e:o 00* :7-MAw 7w ;! 000 1 ,6 . %7.411 *4" ~ 7 " an ro qm as PON 00 ID 11111 Mp 03 IUM* aM : 00 (losm p m la lo "Am *dm*%Mvgvg 00 we. / p lot pom '09 U '0t " low Of la 00- tam)) %jaw Ire.wr7p , om 6") low M531 *-Wt .q) zoo li!Um 3141 '"al W 00 r 00 oe- two or"104M *00 Bigich, 1. S. , Invontigition of t-, tctroconIuctivity snd., viocoilty in the-- -~ystcn, IN;Dr - Al2Br6 in nitrobenzene. p. 1409. The electroconU'vctivity, viscosity &nd specific grsvity is investiggted of the complex Y;~Fr - Al Br6 in nitrobenzene in concentration limits of 8-05 to 48-63% at temperbtures 10, iOp 30, and 400. The curvei of nrecific tlectrocond-,.ctivity goes through, s. itaximin vnd the molar electrocondi,ctivity incr-&z,--.s with d1l, tion. Electro- ductivity incrcase- vith of and the visco-ity Thn Zhitom-',r Agricultural Inxtitute 'rch 101, 1?47 SO: Journal of Gtneral ChemiztEz (USSR) (80) Mo. 8 (1948) MICH, 1, $'j A.M Electro Physico-Chemical investigation of the system EBr*Al Br6 5 conductivity, viscosity and specific Cravity. 2 The electroconductivity, viscosity and specific gravity of the complex KBr' A12 Br 6 in nitrobenzone was investigated within the range of concentrations from 5.08 to 58.50 percent at temperatures 20, A 40.. and 50 0 . From viscosity calculation it is shown that the maximum on the curves of specific alectro conductivity disappears and the curves of molecular electroconductivity have an abnormal character in the region of high con- contratIons. The specific and molecular electroconductivity increases with increase of tem-,erature wl--.'Lle the viscosity drops. The Zhitomir Agric-ultural Institute August 1, 191+7 SO: Journal General Chemistry (LUSR) L8 , (80) No. 12,(1948) 11, 1. S. BigiCh, I. S. - "The physical-cheMiC21 investigation Of t-~lc I-'Wl (Electrica3 conductivity, viscosit , and A12Br6-n7r-oTenzene system", T specific gravity), Tnidy Zhitomirsk, s.-kh. in-t2, Vol. 111, 19t91 P. 105-14, - Bibliog: 11 items. so: U4630, 16 s6pt. 53, (Letopis tZhurnal 'rWkh Statey, No. 23, 1949). PIGICIII) I. S. Bigich, 1. S. - "An investiption of the electrical conduc- tivity o?-n-M-obenzene solutions", Trudy Zhitomirsk, s.-kh. in-ta, Vol. 111, 1949, P. 115-25, - Bibliog: 18 items. SOt U-4630, 16 Sept. 53p (Letopis 'Zhumal Inykh St2tey, flo. 23, 1949). 11161CH "Physico-chemical investigation of the system KH Dr. Al Br6 - nitrobanzene. Electro-conductivity, viscosity and speciric gra4ity." 2 Bigich. (p. 153) SO: Jouxnal of General Ghemistry (Zhurnal Obahchei-flimil 1049,, Vol. 19, No. 1 CA 13748 60:205 1:10, W. 140 433 pod ma. at Wem" witk tomw& ibc an Ibc wo. d.. *Ed VWIWAY~ 1:342 2.0493 1 41bi 4.81M I.MW W.213N A. 1. moff 0 BIGICH, T. S. filmn?"llinj PWgrihn pjnn ivity, viscosity. 10-11P Allo ","I congnal 1. Nol"I'llnIlty.) .1~ M-713 (I. jen, tFtn. O.N.SR, 19.50, 20, 979-983 M S. transi-l- ed [,,r NINO, 1017-462,11).-Tne conductivity, il, and p fire mvitqur Volittion% ofthe compound rVH,('l,AJ,Br, tit 20', 30 .40', and 50'. The max, III the curve 01 rorldtictivity against cotien. k eliminated b3' t Y) correction. 0. D, SALTMAR'll. USSR. A,~ -DIC ~_Ve Y~TSVN ty. and sprtm: k 0~:rAA Kbim, cl, C.A. 46,849N.- -,51 v2K" The clectromnd., Ity, AU4 S.P. ffr. toy the w3d fuc Vir F-SM, range OD to 60.W% of compki. Thin mp"ifiv clectro=d, Wem O~r throulb a im-n. that &,upprara vfbtn the data or Ybw~lty. The Mol. vall~C3 increase "Ith dDz. sAd dertlop an ab. lvrm-il OL qmcterwhvnl,=. for rlw-wity. 7bems-Owere simiW to thu~w for tke NHsBr-Al-A3r# col.,Vlex In altro- r,~nl-,trt (C-4. 44. W29r). Cy S, Thermochemistrys B-8 Thermodynamic Phase Transitions. -SR/Physical Chemistry. 'US ical-Chemical Analysis, Equilibria, PhY5 14711. Zhur-Kh-imiya, No 5, 1957, Abs jour: Ref Author S. Bigich r.3AlBr3-C6H402i. Inst Study Of system KB. Physical-Chemical viscosity, Specifle Welgh:5 Title (Electrical Conductivity, No 4, 772-776 orig Pub: Zh. neorgan, 1(himlip 1956, ls -ht in The electrical conductivity and the specific weig eratures was studied at temp Abstracts the system KBE.3AlBr 405NO2 tion range from 0 to 50 and W&Jn the concentra complex, viscosity from 2 nt by Weight Of the ent. The 3' 99 to 60.70 perce up to 54.69 pere was studied Within the rangevity of the system passes specific electrical conducti ; by Weight Of the maximum at 25 to 30 percent specific electrica through a The value of the , complex XBR .3AIBr3. linearly With the temperature rise in conductivity rises trationse The magnitudes Of the M01. case of high concen Card 1/2 kgr. inst., Belot5erkov. V_UWPHY-sf~al Chemistry. Thermodynamics, Thermochemistry, B-8 Equilibriay Physical-Chemical Analysis, Phase Transitions. Abs JOur: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 5, 1957, T4711 Abstract: electrical conductivity adjusted for the system viscosity decrease together With the increase of the electrolyte concentration, they pass through a minimum, after which they increase. The electrical conductivity rises with the temperature rise, and the viscosity and the specifJn weight of the system drop. Card 2/2 C 0 /1 S USSR/Thm~dod~cs: Thermochemistry. Equilibria. Physico-Chemical B-8 Analysis. Fhase Transitions. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Rhimiya) go 8, 1957, 26174 Author : I.S. Bigich Title : tryEs-copic Study of Some Complex Compounds of Aluminum Bro- mide in Nitrobenzene Orig Pab : Zh. ne'organ. khiall, 1956, 1, No 5, 938-940 Abstract : The molecular weights of the complex compounds of 3aBr-Al.Br/ , MLtBr - Al determEnerd and =,~Cl. AlABrgin nitrobenzene were by the cryoscopic method in the concentration range from 2.63 to 12-57% by weight. The initial preparations were made by the method described earlier (mmim, 1954, 1457), It was discovered that the molecular weight of the 3 studied com- plexes remains roughly 3 times less than the theoretical weight within the whole concentration range. A 3-ion mechan- ism of electrolytic dissociation of complexes in nitrobenzene of the dissociation degree about 1 is assumed. Card 1/1 AUTHDR:- Bigicho 10S. 153 -58-1-5/29 TITIM The Physical-Chemioal. Investigation of the LiOl-AL?r6 - C 6H?O 2System (Fiziko kbimicheskoys issledovani3e aistaq M01412Sq - 06H~MO 31ectric Conductivity, Visoosity, and Specific Weight (31ektroprovodnost' , vyaskost' i udellun ves) FMODMAU Investoo. Vashikh uohobnykh savedenipXhimiya i khimichaskaya tokbnolog4a, 1958, Nr i, pp. 28-36 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the course of investigations of electro2yte-solutions in various non-aqueous meals. an abnormal moleoular electric oonduo- tivity could be observed In solvents with gooa aisleotrio con- stants. The results hitherto ebt&ined 'by invastigatiAg electric conductivity have recently been contesteJ by acme research workers. In the course of the present paper the author investi- gated the electric conductivity of the complex UCI-Alpr6 in nitrobonsene within the limits of concentration of from 4.49 to 39.58 Percentage by weight# as well an the Proifio weight and the ViscositY UP to 45-32% of the cowplex at temperatures cam 1/2 of 2D, 30, 40 and 500. The on-yes of the specific electric om T-he Physioal-Chemioal InvestiSation of the 153-58-1-5/29 UCI-Aglr6 ;i(;6HfflO2 System. Electric Conductivity, Viscosity, and Specil N ght- - duotivity develop over a nexivan, but the value of zolecit3a oon- ductivity increases with increa ing dilution. With regard to via- oosity the maxim= on the ourves of speoffio electric conductivity vanishes, but molecular electric conductivity is of normal obarao- ter. This course taken by the curves oonfirms Gorenbeyn' a opinion of the nature of concentrated solutions. The same development of curves representing the electric conductivity, visoosityp arA the specific weight of the complexes LiCl*A1,nBr6, M01412M and K&Br-A12Br6 investigated in nitrobenzene indicates that these sys- tome appear to be of the same nature. It was further fauna that with an increase of taTerature specific and molecular electric conductivity increases. Y&ereaz viscosity in reduced. There an 6 figures, Itablea, and 18 references, 15 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: PolteLvakiy sell skokhonyaystveraVy inatitut. K&fedrEL obahchey khtmii (Foltava Agricultural Institute. Chair of General Chemistry) StMUITTEDt September 7, 1957 card 2/2 BIGICH, I.$.; MOSHOWI-I.Ke ------------------- Electric conduativity of solutions of KCI - A3aBxj-4,HrWOS,* Izv, vys. uchebe rAv.j khim. i khim. i6kh. 4 no. 2:180-182 161. 0 (MIRA 14:5) 1. Poltavskiy sallskokhozyaystvannyy institat. Kafedra obshchey Ichinii. (Alumiram compounds) (Electric conductivity) GINZBURG, R.M.; KIPFER,, A.R.; SOMINSKITv N.I.; BIC;ESTPN# V.Ya. Thromboangiitis obliterans of the aortic arch (Takayasuls sybdrow). Terap. arl:h632 no. 7:81-83 Jl 160. (MM 14:1) (AORTA-DISEASES I (ARTERIES-DISEASES) BIGL~, M.S.; SHARYGINA, L.I.; KASPAROVA, A.B.; YAKOVLEV, V.A.; ~CHI N.N.; YUDINA, A.P.; SEMICHENKO, N.P.; STOLYAHOVI A.I.; FURSOVA, T.A.; KOZLOV, I.D., red.; SERPOIMYL, S.M.p red. [Leningrad and Leningrad Province in figuresj a statisti- cal abstract] Leningrad i Leningradakaia oblast' v tsifrakh; statisticheskii sbornik. Leningrad, Lenizdat, 1964. 250 p. (MIRA 18: 1) 1. Leningrad (Province) Statistiaheskoye nblastnoye upravle- nive. 2. Statiaticheakoye upravleniye goroda Leningrada (for Bigler, Sharygina, Kasparovap Yakovlevp Grinevich, Yudi~na). 3. Statisticheskoye upravleniye Leningradskoy oblasti (for Semichenkol Stolyarovp Fursova). 4. Nachallnik Statistiche- skogo upravleniya goroda Leningrada (for KozIov). BIGLER,- M.S.; SHARYGINAO L.I.; KASPAROVA, A.B.; YAKOVLEV, V.A.; GRININICH, N.N.; YUDINA, A.P.; SEZ-11CHENKO, H.P.; STOaAROV, A.I.; FURSOVA, T.A.; KOZLOV~ I.D., red.; SERPOKRYL, S.M*j red, (Leningrad and Leningrad Province in figures; a statis- tical abstract] Leningrad i Leningradskaia. oblast' v tsifrakh; statisticheskii abornik. Leningradp Lenizdat, 1964. 250 P. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Leningrad. Statisticheskoye upravleniye. 2. Statisti- cheskoye upravleniye Leningrada. (for Koaov, Shw . 7gina, Kasparova, Yakovlev., Grinevich,, Yudina). 3. StAbistiche- skoye upravleniye Leningradskoy oblasti (for Semichenko, Stolyarov, Fursova). GIRFANOT. V.K., kand.sellskokhozyaystvaurqkh na-ak; BIGWV. T.T. Stage development, winter hardiness, and productivity of winter grains. Agrobiologiia no.1:107-110 Ja-3P 159. (MM 72:4) 1. Institut b1olor4ftellkirskogo filials, AN SSSR, g. Ufa. in) KUM, T. T., Cc.116 Bia Sci - (di-1,S) of' WirlLer plurits in relation I to grorth alid mintwal fe(;di-ng ill the ful,u,%, :5'cppes of AMR," LeningriRd, 1960, 17 pp (botuiky lnsUtate im. V. L. Konarov, AS USS~.) (YL, 37-60, 120) t.4. r gr ri i n r r at I cn t cl 1; .,tt s5sR. Ivi ol . no. thIP, E!F (Makk 17:5) Ufa. of BIGWV. T.T. I Vptake of radioactive phosphorus (P32) by winter plants during low-temperature hardening. Fiziol. rast. 11 no. 3:480- 486 164. (MM 17:7) 1. Institut biologil Bashkirskogo filiala AN SSSR, Ufa. BIGLOVs Z. I. "Differential Operators of Degenerati Systems of Differential Expressions of the Second Order." Cand Phys-PAth Sci., Moscow State Pedagogic Inat imeni, V. I. Lenint Moscow, 1954. (IL, No 5, Jan 55) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Inatiutions (12) SO& Stu. No. 556p 24 Jmn 55 4L- uwHAlathowtics - Differential operators Card 1/1 Pub. 22 - 2A5 Authors Biglov, Z. 1. Title About a differential operator formed by a system of differential expressions of the second order Periodical : Dok. AN SSSR 99/4P 495-497o Dec 1p 1954 Abstrapt : Prorerties of a symmetricaldifferential operatoro LE) , forlmd by a syst6m of differential expressions characterizing Hirbert's space are described in the form of -theorems. Eight Russian references (1950-1953). Institution : Moscmi State Pedagogical Institute im. V. I. Lenin Presented bv: Academician H. V. Keldysh, September 27, 1954 SquOicas CAU 1/3 P4 - 063 ,INIGLOMI.. TITIZ Of a system of djfformA"&j-`&qW&*iomm of meson& order. PUIODIVAL Deklady Aked.Aaak 112, 797-799 (1957) reviewsA 6/1957 Lot 2(0jW) tM N . - ftZationg Y(X) WIIY1(x)#y2(x)I ... Pya(3L)I b9i3W,,WUMSbjs_'Ja_' tk* L. S%U"*. "Lot I -be, ma- operalar in 2(00CD.) whielk is Smwate.d. by the-differeatia-I sWession 1(y) - -Y,+P(X)y Z