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S/153AIN~705/004/005/006 AUTHORS: Yakovlev, A.D., Kullchnitskayte,, Ye.l. -TITLE: On curing of soft epoxy-resin,: films with carboxyl- containing methacrylic copolymer. ;.PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zAvedeniy. Khimiya i khimicheskaya tekhnologi-ya, v.$, no.4, 1962, 642-646 'TEXT: The curing of soft epoxy resins D)q-6 (ED-6) and ~)-40 (E-4o) with the aid of n-butylmethaeryiate- methacrylic acid (7%) copolymer was investigated. The optimum curing was obtained for 50 to 70% content of the copolymer in the epoxy resin films. The content of.three dimensional polymer in tbe'mixed films and their resistance to swelling increased with temperatuie of the curing process. The components in the mixed films are-shown to form a common structural pair, in which epoxy groups react with the carboxylic groups, similarly to the reaction of epoxy groups with -low molecular woight acids. The latter reaction, however, r occeds more readily and begins at 1000C, whereas the copolymer p begins to react at 150%, , Thus the copolymer-containing films i%re of relatively low reactivity'. In comparison with low Card 1/2 S/153/62/005/004/005/oo6 On curing of soft epoxy resins E075/E436 .,molecular weight acids, such as phthalic anhydride, the amount of the copolymer needed for curing is 7 to 8 times less in te' s rm of molar quantities. It was found that the mixed films have ..,-Sufficiently good anti-corrosive properties. es There are 5 figur and table. ASSOCIATION:.-Kafedra tekhnologii lakov i krasok,Jeningradskiy tekhnologicheskiy instifut im. Lensoveta (Department-of Varnish and Paint Technology Leningrad Technological Institute imen'i Lensoveta) SUBMITTED., Oebruary 13, 1961 Card.2/2 YAKOVISV, A.D.; KOSIBLEVA, N.V.; OKIM31UNIKO, I.S. Obtaining organic dispersions and coatings on the 'base- of aerf-Lonitri-le- butylacrylate copolymers. Lakukras. ubat. i M prIm.(no.3:3-5 '63. MIRA 16:9) 1. L-aningriLdAiy takhnologiche8ki institut im. Lansoveta, (Proteebiva coatings~ (Acrylonitrile polym-ars) YAKOVLEV, A.D.; STOROZHENKO, G., red. (Dyeing and decoration of plasticol KraBbenle i dekori- rovanie plastmaBs. Rigat Latvilokii rearmbl. in-t nauchno-tekhn. informatsil. i propagandy, 1965 59 P. (MIRA 18i12) YAKOMV. A.F. Vesico-urethro-vaginal fistula of unusual etiology. Urologiia 24 no-3: 63-64 MIV-Je '59. (MIRA 12-12) 1. Iz kliniki khtrurgii (zav. - prof. L.G. Granov) lzbevskogo medl- - taimakogo inatituta. (MUNART TRACT, calculi, causing vesico-urethre-vaginal fistula (Ras)) OPISMU, USICOVAGINAL, etiol. & pathogen. calculi causing vesico-urethro-vaginal fistula (Ras)) (URLMM, fistula, vesico-urethro-vaginal fistula caused by calculi (Ras)) N15 789 I .11 1 1 Yloskva, . d.- POGREBI14SKIY) A.P., prof., red.; REUEL', ATLAS, M.S.) prof.) re y prof., red.; ATLAS, M-S., YAKOVLEV A.F., A.L., prof., red-; prof., Otv- red. [Problems of economics; studies] Voprosy politicheskoi ek6 Moskva) 1963. 420 P. nomil.; uche~We zapiski. (1,1RA 17-3) yy institUto 1. Moscow. Moskovskiy finansov 49-1-7/16 -AUMR: Yakovlev# _A.4 TITLE: Some Methods of Solution of the Direct Problem of Aerial y-tay Explorati62i (Nekot62 .yp sposoby resheniya px7amoy PERIODICAL: Izvestiya, Akademii Nauk SSSRI Seriya Geofizicheskayal 19589 Nr-lt Pp.75-85.-(USSR) ABSTRACT: ~Bymeasuring the y-~radiation field at heights of.the order"of 20 to 150 m above the earth's surface one can obtain information on the distribution of y-ray sources contained in the upper layers of rocks. The distribution obtained directly in the above way is in some way connected with the distribution of-the radioactive elements-but is also deter- mined by other geological properties of the region. At the present time the aerial method is widely used for prospect- ing for uranium.and thorium (Ref'.l)-. A graphical method is described which can be used for ~Uick calculation of the following integrals: to (1: VYX2 + 72 + h dx dy - Y) elp (X2 + 72:+ 0)3/2 Card-1/3 (sq,. 9) 49-1-7/16 81. ome Method*sof Solution of.the Direct Problem of Aerial T-ray Exploration. and: 0WT (10 fX2 + IpI (X) COSETW + (x)]- A (Eq'.20) + F2(x), which have a major importance in the direct problem of aerial T-exploration. The first of these integrals gives the intensity of the y-field in the air from a plane radia- ting surface consisting of rocks *ith an arbitrary distri- bution of the "zero" y-field:. The second integral gives the intensity of the y-field in the air above a 2-dimensional curvilinear rock surfaceg also with an arbitrary distribut- ion of the "zero" field. The complex spectral structure of the primary T-radiation is taken into account (uraniump thorium and potassium) as well as ','Compton scattering . The following assumptions are made: 1) the primary spectral composition of the T-radiation corresponds to the T-radia- tion of uranium or thorium in equilibrium with deoay products; Card 2/3 49-1-7/16 Some Methods of.Solution of the Direct Problem of Aerial y-ray Exploration. 2) the element composition of the'absorbers corresponds to i effective Z numbers 11(rock) and 7(air) ; 3) the media are homogeneous in density. The ratio of the densities of the radiator-absorbQr (rocks) to the absorber (air) is of the order of 2 x 10.) ; 4) the angular characteristic of the Y-ray detector is isotropic (a nondirectional detector) and its spectral characteristic is linea:r. There are 10 figures, 1 table and 3 references, 2 of which are Slavic. ~ASSOCIATION: Ac'.3c'. of the USSR.Institute of Applied Geophysics (Akademiya-nauk SSSRI Instit'at prikladnoy geofiziki) SUBMITTED:, December 24, 1956'. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card 313 11-9-58-5-3/1 5 AUTHOR: Yakovlev, A. F. TITLE: On the Ano;;a~~found in y-ray Surveys by Aeroplane (0 forme deystvuyushchVtrh i registriruyemykh anomaliy pri aero-gamma- silyemice) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geofizicheskaya, 19581 Nr 5, pp 594-604 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Radioactive elements in the upper layers of the Earth's surface produce a y-field in the atmosphere to a height of several hundred meters. Anomalously high values for this field may indicate a bed of radioactive material. In air surveys of the y-field a difference is found between the value registered and that actually existing at any point. This is due to the inertial properties of radiometers. THus one of the main ta5ks in thisfield is to determine the actual field from the.instrumental record at any height. Earlier work is given in Ref.l. 1. The anomalous y-field from the profile The author considers one of the scalar quantities of the y-field - its intensity. This is proportional to the number of y-quanta registered per unit time by a receiver placed at a given point and possessing an isotropic angular character- Card l/lOistic and a linear spectral characteristic together with a 49-58-5-3/15 On the Anomaly f ound in -(-ray Surveys by Aeroplane - size smal11 COMPared with the mean free path of the y-qu-,mt-,UaS the intensity at any height for a given surface Eq (:I) gives fi;ld I TO (~_x)2+(_Q_Y)2+_ h2) I(X'Y) --;y 0 h do d. +-(TI-y)4 h213 2 j where x, y and h. are the Coordinates of the observation ~~ % 0 are the coordinates of a point of the point and rption co- radiatinS sdrface. The use of the effective abso efficient IIL , determines the complicated spectral compo- sition of Ithe y-radiation (from uranium-, thorium, P-Otassium,)i he Compton scattering at the oro-air boundary and the -t The author ;ion of the CA,Dsorbing,medium corresponding cOmPOs' ons found in manY typical forms next considers aromajous regi Card 2/10 49-58-5-3/15 'On the Anomaly found in y-ray Surveys by Aeroplane. of y-ray survey. Assuming that the anomalous region can be defined by a contour on the surface of the stratum, all interior to this contour have the same anomalous zero intensity. The excess of this value over that of the normal background is denoted by 10 . Formula (1), given above, can now be used to give wi(x) the anomalous curve pro- files at a height h above the surface (the centre of co- ordinates being taken in the centre of the region). (a) h?ofile passes over the centre of the area (cross- sectional dimensions small compared with h). In this case, the function under the integral sign can be considered con- stant,, The author thus gives an equation for Wl (x using the notation lih x- - IL-c etc. (b) Profile passes to the side of the area at a distance y from the centre. The substitution R2 = ~2 + y2 is made in the basic and a result similar to (a) is obtained, with h replaced by R . (c) Two-dimensional problem - radiation zone of width _&r5 Card 3/ldsmall compared with h , and infinite length. The substitut- 49-58-5-3/15 On the Anomal.-tr found in y-ray Surveys by Aeroplane. ions ~-40 y - 0 and r 2 _ x2 +-h2 are made in the basic formula which is then integrated from q = -o* to +-QO. Numerical values for the function y(9) are given in Ref.3. (d) Radiation zone of width 2d . length again infinite. The magnitude of the anomaly is written, in this case, as a function of , values for which are given in the table. 2. Agproximation to the anomalous curves by the function It can be seen from Figs+.l and 21, that the equations obtained for the anomalous curves (w1, W27 W W are., to a good 3~ approximation'. represented by an equation of the form 2 2 W(X) ---exp x /a The constant a deDends on h (for r 2 W, and w Vh y and K and T (for (for W2) 4 This formula is sufficiently accurate for small x althoughthe deviation of the approximate curve from the true value for large x(>a) is not important in anomalous y-field problems. since, in this region,, the magnitude of the field itself is small. Hence, the experimentally obtained results Card 4/10 J- ') 4-9-58-5-3/" On the Anomaly found in y-ray Surveys by Aeroplane. agree very well with this approximation (so long as 'there is an approximately constant null y-field in the area). Fig-3 gives an example of an anomalous curve, registered over an area containing an increased amount of radioactive elements, and an anomalous curve computed from this approximation, The author defines a by the condition that the observed and approximate curves should coincide at the point w = 0.5 if X is the abscessa of this point, 2x is called the anomaly width. Thus x" - 0-832a For the different anomaly curves wl, w2, w3 and w4 the following con- ditions therefore hold: Xe f M O~832a AK fl(R) 0.832a x2 (15) X f 9d) 0.832m 0-1832a X4 The computed curves are given in Fig.4,, In the range of heights 0-150 m 0-0.5 in free path units) which have the greatest si5nificance 3-n practice, the approximations given in Eq.(16 hold,, (Fig.4 gives the relation of the Card 5/10anomalous parameters to the Gaussian curves). In the case 49-58-5-3/15 On the Anomaly-found in y-ray Surveys by Aeroplane, of.a radiation zone of width 2d the exponential type of approxiirtation only holds for d^4~-,3, However, the formula is,still available for the decreasing branch oi the anomalous curve. L~~ The form of the reEistered anomalous curves GeHerally7 speakinG,', some forming of integrating (RC) counter is used in air surveys of y-ray intensity. The time relation between the registered effect (the current iR(t) across the re2sistance R) and the velocity of -transmission of the im- pulses from the y~ray receiver to the RO counter (proportional to the intensity of the I-ray field at the given moment of time I(t) is defined by the differential equation: I(t) RC M (18) 1b, t R The author now alters this to.relative units, giving: W(t) g(t) (19) Card 6/10 bt 49-58-5-3/15 On the Anomaly found in y-ra,v Surveys by Aeroplane. Where time is counted from the moment when the anomal7 has its maximum value (w = 1), r- = RC -W =z i max 0 RM/i(O) M IM/I(O) - ex- cc = x'J' W -p and P (V is th'e V 0.832V velocity of the.aeroplane). On solving this equation. an expression is obtained for the registered anomalous carve, On substituting y -t/p (measured in units of 0 ) and Y =;.P/T 7 an equation containing the error function of y - y/2 is obtained. Erf t is,, in this case, an odd function of the argument t . For large t the expansion (Eq.23) is employed, giving Eq.(24) for G(Y) for large, negative values of y - y/2 Large, negativ lues of y y/2 will occur when y is very large (>15-20) for all ranges of Y-values,for~which G(y) is real. Thus, in this case, G(y) ==exp(-y 2) and the recorded and actual values coincide. Fig.3, for example, shows the forms of recorded and actual G of anomalous curves for a series of y .. For y = 2 the experimentally obtained curve is also given. From the expression for g(t) it can be seen that if time is always expressed by the dimensionless quantity y then the form of Card 7/10 49-58-5-3/15 On the Anomaly found in y-ray Surveys by Aeroplane. the recorded anomalous curve G(y) depends only on the para-- meter y (which is proportional to the ratio of the width of therecorded anomaly to the magnitude of the time constant), Thus the similarity criteria for scaling down the recording process can be easily found, e.g., in scaling down, the velOcity V , the time constant cv and the geometrical dimensions of the anomaly oc , can be changed, to fulfill the conditions: (X at Y Y (26) or TT- VaT An important characteristic of the recording process is that the areas under the recorded and actual anomaly curves are equal and independent of the magnitude of RC . (This can be established by integrating (18) from t = -w to +-W) - The author next investigates the maximum of the curve G(y) obtaining an expression for the amplitude and the width (Y), He also defines a coefficient of asymmetry for the curve (Y) k] The results of calculations for ymax Gmax Y and k are given in Figs.5-7 (continuous lines), Card 8/10 ..On the Anomaly found in y-ray Surveys by Aeroplane, The following points are of importance in air surveys of y-ray intensity: (a).If the time constant is reduced to 0.2~- 0.4 seel values of the parameter y are easily obtained (Y> 5-10) for which the recorded curve is not appreciably difterent from the actual anomalous curve, (b) As is shown in Fig.8 and Eqs.(32), relationships can be found which can be Used for-working out the actual amplitude and width of the anomaly together with the displacement of the maximum, on the basis of measurements made directly on the radiometer tape). A suitable method of.determining the amplitude is given in Ref.2 (cf the dotted line in Fig.8). (c) The ampli- tude of the recorded anomaly decreases as the time constant T increases, but the accuracy of measurement of the background coujiting rate n1 is improved. If n2 denotes the actual amplitude of the anomaly then the optimum time constant is given by the maximum of the ratio. amplitude of the recorded anomaly n2G max background fluctuations an, This gives Eq.(33) as the c*ondition for a maximum and numeri- 9/lcpal calculations -ive the values in Eq,(34). Figs.5-6 show Card 49-58-5-3/15 On the Anomaly found in y7-zay Surveys by Aeroplane, the,results calculated by Peirson and Franklin (Ref.1), which are considerably different from those of the author, Eqs,(35) reDcoduce their results 0i - 0) These can be seen to suffice only for a rough estimation in practice and are ob- tained in theory by replacing the real anomalous curve,by a square pulse of-width 2t' - giving Eqs,(36). (In the art- icleT Fig.5 gives the displacement of the anomaly maximiLra, Fig.6 gives the decrease in the amplitude of the anomaly, Fig. 7 gives the vridth and the coefficient of asymmetry of the re- corded anomalies and Fig.8 gives a nomogram for the solut-ion of the inverse problems, There are 8 figures, 1 table and references, 4 Soviet and I English. ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nauk SSSR, Institut prikladnoy geofiziki (Academy.of Sciences, USSR, Institute of Applied Geophysics) SUBMITTED: December 24, 1956. 1. Gamma radiation--Measurement Card 10/10~ YAIKOVLEV.. A.F. (Ivanovo) Results of the use of corticosteroids in the treatment of epidemic hepatitis* Klin. med. 41 no&7128-33 J1163 (MIRA 16:12) 1. 1z kafedry infektsionnykh bolezney i epidemiologii (zav. prof* Ye,P, Ushinova) Ivanovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. 1. YAKOVLEV, A. F., Eng. 2. USSR (600) Hydmelectric Power Stations 7. Perfecting the automatic regulation of the power units of hydroelectric ''plants, Elek. sta.., 24., no. 3. 1953. Discusses weak points (in particul Iar., complexity) of automatic relay- contact app for control of equipments at hydroelectric power stations; describes briefly simplified circuits proposed and used in USSR. Such simplification of app., undertaken by personnel and VNITOE primary prganization at a hydroelectric power station., reduced cases of faulty operqtion of automatic control app from 17% in 1951 to 2% in 1952. 255T61 9. Month List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April 1953, Uncl. PAUTIN, N.V.,, inzhener; y)jjWjjV. A,Y,, insheners Automatic control of frequancy and active power. Bletrichastvo no.3: 58-64 Mr 156. (MLRA, 9t6) 1.1nergeticheskly inatitut AN SSSR (for Psatia).2.Dneprovsksys. Gidroelekrichookaya stantsiya Imeni V.I.Ianina. (Automatic control) (Hydroelectric power stations) YAKOVLEV, A.F.;.RYZHIROV, I.N.; KROLI, B.I. UGB-4 unit for horizontal drilling. Stroi, ti--,b. 9 no.7:33 il 164. (IKIIRA 17: 11) 1. Leningradskiy filial sp=-tsiallnogo konstniktorskogo byuro "Gazetroymashinall. KOGAN, R.M kand teklin.nauk; ITIKIFOROV, M.V.; FRI24AN, Sh.D., kand.tekhn. naa; CHIiikOV, V.P.; _~AKOV4.V~ A.F., kand.fiz.-matem.nauk I)etermining the liater equivalent of snow cover by means of airplae gamma ourveyss Metoor, i gidrol. no-4%51-55 Ap 165. (MIRA 1894) 1. Institut prikladnoy geofiziki AN SSSR. YAKOVLEV, A.G., preasedatel'. z.96sk. t of the capital in the nev five-year plan. Gor.kho The.Stalin Distric (MA 6:1 21 no.1:13-22 ja 147. 1. Ispolnitelinyy komitet stalinskogo rayonnogO.SOveta Deputatov tradys- shchikho7a. (Hoaco-4--city Planning). (CitV Planning--Moscow) Compilation of' Information of the USSR Machine and Machine Tools industry c Restricted. ,contained in Soviet Publi ations. ATIC. y~KOV13W. A. G- 2. USSR (600) rerding of Non-Circullar Gear, I-Lachiie Tools and instrame- t 12 7. Device for Th Dee 19481 9. Corrpilation of Information on tiie USSR Machine and I'lachine Torls Industry Contair-od in Soviet Publications. Arl"10. Restricted. YAKOVIFV, A. G. 2. ussR (6oo) 011.1tiin, of ~'Fo --Circul,:~r Wbeels, VAchiie Tools r-. In v ie N2. 9- Sep 1950 . n 7 9. Coq-,ilation of InfOrrkltion of the USSR Rachine and liachine Tools Induc-trY ntions. A'TIC. Restricted. Contained in sovje~ Pubi c, j. ykxovl;Ev, A. G. .2. USSR (600) llin-, V- 7. Device-for the Selection of Tolersacos Durin~ Conveyeor Lnine Dec 195' .16 Jy Too,,- L c~, I~iformatiwll on the USSR Kach Ine an, Gom ATIC. Con-tainc-11 i~l SOVIat Flablif,,- YAWVLEV, A. G. ,.Machine-Shop Practice Universal jig for drilling holes in cylindrical parts, Stan. i instr. 23 No. 3, 1952 Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, July 1952. Unclassified. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January -1953. Unclassified. 1. YAKOVLVI , A. G. USSR (600) Milling Machines .7. Device for removing backlash in milling operations with automatic feed. Stan.i Instr. 2.3 no'-, 12, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, II-.rch 1953, Unclassified. BOGDANOV, V.M.; TAKOVLEV, A.G. ml-,k"~-Ik- Multi-roller milling. stan. I instr. 24 no-5:33 W 153. (MLRA 6:6) (Milling machines) I YAKUILE'll A._(.t and actronezaUve ~~Oh;, 3. "Tartaric A(.,J(l v~'ethod for ynthesis of 1~1 Adsorption of Tartaric Acid and Acid of 6odium on Aluminum 1~ydroxide, 11 Bull 6oc Chim., b3, 969, 10~28; -,~hRirhq, 61, 151, 213, 1929; Koll,"", U,, 154, 1929. A. YAKOVLEV A. ~Irl~l Wrdliisny) Of Blectrone-gative Sols, lip d Oompound during the -Dynthesis olyatoi-aic tici IIjull. -~Oc. Ohjjr,., 47, 1211, 1.9310. 62, 1665~ 1930; hg Belqa Gorka. A.- G~ F -the InIfterali4d 10 M "I '23i 74-81(4055),-r-The ~ mineral sprin I U m~i. - No eYI4 Y' - 6-Ab -, Cl . Cl 49 ka C 3 B IA l G k b - - , . or a gr oup e yiA a t ongs 1 o 0 Only arats. o alkali. metals 23.2, and Cz .19r8% mau f , ~COx a nd freE COs and traces of S04-werefound " The chera. - 'is I~dlcates that )njpn..did not-Joange durin~90 years- Th the spring derives its water from de-eo;~~ddttd.basitis~isolated~, from:contact wIth:t1i sur iid' g 5tnta.- This-also rou in ex plains the high mineralization and almost totat absence of sulfates; the desulfatization behig carried -out by, sulfate-re- - du6ig anaerobic 6acteria. The. high percentnge of Ca and the presence of striatl atuts. of compds.of Br, 1, As, P, B, and - Li mak-eg the'rofikra spring valtvible balneologica Y. N-1-A mi~ _A' J: YAKOVLEY, A.G. Capting ceramic., Parts vithOut gating. Av.prom. 26 w.8:87 Ag 157o (MM 15;4) (Ceramico) if V L_ V USSH/Chemical Technology Chemical Products and Their Application. Silicates. Glass. Ceramics. Binders, 1-9 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur Rhimiya, No 1, 1957, 1676 -Author: Yakavley, Inatitutiont vonnezh Zooveterinary Institute Titlet Materials on the Physicochemical Investigation of Mineral Binding Substances. Communication 2. Influence of Surface-Active Additives on the Improvement of the Grinding of Cement Clinker Original.-' Periodical: Tr. VoronezbBk, zoovet. in-ta, 1956, Vol 13, 231-236 Abstract: The investigation of the surface tension of liquid polydiene hydro- carbons and polystyrenes at the liquid-air interface and of benzene- water solutions by the maxim-um bubble pressure method has established the possibility of their utilization as hydrophobic additives as well as grinding-promoters in the grinding of cement clinker. For Com- munication 1 see Referat Zhur - Xhimiya., 1956., 72502. Card 1/1 PISAREITKO, Aleksandr Pavlovich, prof.; POSPELOVA, Kseniya A.Ieksandrovna, dots.;-YAKOVLEV., Aleksard--~_~�r iyevich, dots.; VOYUTSkaY, S.S., prof., retsenzent; NAZAROV, V.I. --pi-~o-T.-,,retsenzent; TLUITA&II, S.S., prof., retsenzent; BARAMBOYM, N.K., prof., retsenzent; KUKOWIF, I.D., red. izd-va; YE,.ZHOV.A, L.L., tekhn. red. (course in colloid chemistry) Kurs-kolloidnoi khimii. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo "Vysshaia shkola.,,, 1961. 241 P., WIRA 14:12) (Colloids) PRIMAY,, N.N.;_YAKO'ILEV, A.G. Thermal castration of millet. Agroblologiia nr,.4:613-614 JI-Aq 164. (MIRA 17112) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovateltskiy institut zernD*Dobovykh kulitur, laboratoriya genotiki i tsitologii. -YAKOVLEVP AsG- flew miethods should be progressive. Ritt i put. khoz. 5 no-3:18 mr 161, (WRA 14:3) 1,1jachallnik Topkinskoy distantsii, puti, st.Topkip Tomskoy dorogi. (Railroads-14anagement) SIVELIKIN, V.V.; YAKOVLEV, A.G. ------- I - Problem conceining the electric power supply of th-- oil bearing reglors. of the Tatar A6S.S.R. Trudy Kazanofil*AN SSSR.Ser.energ.i vod.khoz. no,2.-109-UO 161. (MIRA 15:3) (Tatar A.S.S.R.-Electric power distribution) OVL-w, Avenir Ivanovich- (Sci Res Inst of Sanitation of tlie Kinistry of Health RSFSR) Academic degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences, based on his defense, 26 July 1954, in the Council of the Sci Res Inst of Sanitation of the rdnistry of Defense USSR, of his dissertation entitle6: "Variability of the Virus of Javanese Ihcephalitis.1'' Academic degree and./or title: Doctor of Sciences SO: Decisions of VAK, List no. 26, 17 Dee 55, Byullatent MVO SSSR, Uncl. JPRSPNY 548 YAKOVIZV, A,,I.; KRABUM, TS.TS.; XLMKOV, A.A. Kicro-agglutination of Rickettsia and viruses ovserved by fluo- reseence microscopy. VoPevirus 3 uo,6:369-372 H-D '58. (KIRA 12:1) (RICEMS IA, micro-agglut.,luminescence microscopy (Rus)) (VMUSBS, Game) (AGGLUTTUATION, micro-aggluts' of Rickettsia viruses, luminescence microocopy.(Rus)) YAKOVLEV, A.I.; POLOZOV,-A.I. Change in the complement-fixing activity of antigens prepared from Rickettsia burnetii. Zhur.mikrobiol., epid.i immun. 33 no.8:74- 79 Ag 162. (MIRA 15slO) (RICKETTSIA) (ANTIGENS AND ANTIBODIES) (COMPLEMENT FDIATION) SOKOLOV) M.I.; KHAVCHENKO, A.T,,;,LA~OVLEVj,A.I.- Review of the periodical *Vorooy virusologii Ofor 1961 Vo viras. 7 no.3.*373-376 My-.Te'62. (WRA 16:8~" (VIROLOGY-FERIODICALS) YkK0VLEVP A.I.; ANDREYEV, V.A. Use of the drip-aaminar method in producing complement.fization reaction in experimental viral and rickettsial, infections. Lab. delo 19 no.3-.47-50 Mr 163. (KIRA 16:4) 1. Institut poliomiyelft~ i vi~usnykh entsefalitov ARI SSSR. (COMPLEMENT FIXATION) "(RICKETTSIAL DISFASES) (VIRUS RKEARCH) NRi-AP6021-594-- --SOUliCE-CODE-:-UTI/0402/66/000/003~ AUTHOR: Dzhivanyan, T. I.; Yakovlev, A. I. ORG: Polion7elitie.and Viral Encephalitis Institute, Academy of Medical Sciences (Institut poliomyelita i virusnykh entsefalitov AM SSSR) TITLE: Using serotyping to determine antigenic properties of inactivated tick-borne encephalitis vaccine SOURCE: Voprosy virusologii, no. 3, 1966, 376, TOPICTAGS: serotyping, vaccine, inactivated vaccine,'tick borne encephalitis, antigen, antigen property , 4A.#j"74j_ Megr17;c EAJr_e-PH.4,L1713 ABSTRACT: The complement-fixation reaction can be used for rapid determin~tlon of antdgerde activity of tick-borne encephalitis vaccine. Use of -this test '~s a preliminary iiidiocator of vaccinal activity during production is -suggested. 50;.!CBF, No. 10) SUB UBM DA=, none/ mre: W s Card YAKOVIZVj,-A*,1,,, Organization of the lubrication unit. Hashinostroit-ell no.10: 10-12 0 163, (MIRA 16:12) ROLIK, A.I.; KOSHVMIETS, A.Ye.; YAKOVLEV, A.I. Study of the operation of axial fans, in the cooling system of high-.9peed PS motors., Energ. 1. elektrotekh. prom. no.3:38-42 JI-S 163. NiRA 16:io) 1. Kharlkovskiy aviatsionnyy Institut. BORISENKO., Aleksandr Ivanovich, kand.tekhn.nauk., dotsent; YAKOVUV, Alebandr Ivanovich Hydrimlic resistance of medium-sized elea trical machines. Izv.vys. ucheb.zav.; elektromekh. 5 no.10:1137-U4'. 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Uveduyushchiy kafedroy gazotermod-inAmi I i reaktivnykh dvigateley KharIkovskogo aviatsionnogo instituta (for Borisenko). 2. V4)dushchi7 inzhener laboratorii promyshlennoy aerodinarniki Kharlikovskogo aviatsionnogo inotituta (for Yakovlev). (Electric machinery-Cooling) 275(k S/170/61/004/010/019/019 -A 23 1 OS/.B1 02 St Borisenko, A.' lo,,Zimin, E. P.t YakovIevp A. I. between two TITLEs Flow.~of:a,liquid and. heat exchange in the gap rotatin coaxial cylinders with'initially axial' motion Of 9 the": 'liquid PERIODICALs. Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy, zhurnal', v. 4, no. 10, 1961r, 29-133';'_ TBXT u"Thermi~l.'c alc'ul at ions for certain kinds of electromotors require. knowl6d_g6 of;-the velocity and temperature-fields between stator and,rotoln.;-,:-~; ereforeV the' authors studied t lie laminar flow of a liquid.between two Th " . 'coaxial ~cylifiders, axis-z with the radii.r and r r, Density( j ('2 -M t c viscosit and heat conductivity of the liquid are; appcific.hea V, , p -described b assumed to'ba-constant. Steady flow,and heat transfer:are divW 0 the equation~s~ ,(w7,)w vp + ~tV ?.9 W7T oyVD (2), MO 4 P, _(3), where i's t h -function of viscous;'dissipation.,,.The condition's -~4 0 and W '0- Are quently', d/df: postul ated-1- Conse Z' W z(r) Undpr:,. f r ' Ca rd ~J /4 ABRAMOV, R.R.; ALEKSEYEV, N.S.; Al~~HANGELISKIY, N.A., prof. (deceased); GUREVICH, B.S.; ZAYTSEV, V.G.; KEDRIN, Ye.A.; MIRONOVA, L.V.; OSTANOVSKIY, T.S., dots.; PALLAtOV, S.S., dots.; SERGEYEV, M.Ye.; TEJ~-OVAKIKY91, I.A.; TSEREVITINOVO B.F.; SIICW-GLOV, L.M.; YAKOVLEV A I ; BORISOVA, G.A., red.; MEDRISH, D.M., (Study of manufactured goods; concise course] Tovarovede- nie promyshlennykh tovarov; kratkii kurs. [By] P.R.Abramov i dr. Izd.2., perer~, Moskva, Gostorgizdat, 1963. 768 p. (MIRA 16:11) (Cofmercial products) LYUBIYKV, R.V.; OBORIN, B.1,; SHIRYAYEV, S.A.; DOBRIN, Z.Ye.; SHALKOV, K. -YAKOMB-Vi- ASIO Modernization of vertical milling machines for contwr machb- ing of configurated parts. Hashinostroitell nop4d~-17 Ap4j~ I - (MIRA 17 V) wyy~ NQ BORISENKO; Mot prof,; YAKOVLEVP A.I., inzh. Study of the cooling of an enclosed doe,, machine. Mektro-- tekhnika 35 no.6:54,60 Je 164. (MIRA 17:8) 2 -- - rjo -r, & -. I ?-- , , I L V4 Y.) -K, , 1-K-O-V-SKA-YA f.I KOVNIKOV, V.L.9 Icanc, rtakhn.nauk; YAKOVISV, A.I., kand.takhn.nauk; KULIKOVSKAYA, N.M., kand.tekhn-.naV----'~" Investigating the beading loads active on semiairles. Avt.i trakt. prom. no.10:21-24 0 157. (MIRA 10:12) kommunalluago khizyaystya. (Automobiles--Axlea) (Strains and.stresses) YAKOTLEV, A., kand.,tekhn.nauk; KULIKOVSWA, N., kand.tekhn.nauk Determining the assembly quality of reduction gsars of M-82D trolisy busses. Zhil.-kom.khoz. 7 no.12:14-15 '58. (MIRA 1102) (Trolley busses) (Gearing--Measureme-nt) AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT: Card 112 SOV-113-56-8-5/21 Kulikovskaya, N.M. and Yakovlev, A.!., Candidates of Tech- nical Sciences on the Calculation of Axial Porces in the Cardan Shaft (K raschetu osevykh sil kardannogo vala) Avtomobillnaya promyshlennost', 1958, Nr 8, PP 17-19 (USSR) Theoretical research made on the alit coupling of a cardan- shaft trolley-bus by V.L. Markovnikov, Candidate of Techni- cal Sciences, showed that the friction factor could vary from 0.05 to 0.2 according to the state of the slit coupling and lubrication conditions. The friction factor and the .axial forces were determined by experiments under operat- ing conditions. The tests were carried out on the trans- mission of the 'ITBU-111 type trolley-bus. The values fluc- tuated between 0.04 and 0.06. the maximum of the curve re- presented in figure 6 being/4zO.O5. But certain/livalues determined by tests attaineu 0.11 to 0.12. Experiments con- .firmed the considerations based on the theory, although the value did notattain 0.2 during the tests. This is due to the comparatively.low wear of the slit coupling. In 1954, I SOV-113-58-8-5/21 On the Calculation of Axial Forces in the Cardan Shaft A.K. Frumkin published the experimental values of the axial forces and the friction factor for different type trucks, The friction factor was about.0.145, attaining 0.18 to 0,22 Taking into consideration an eventual seizing of the slit coupling. A.K. Frumkin recommends that/U =0.4 to 0.45~ The maximur.4 vnlues of 0.11 to 0.12 obtained during the tests on the rolley-bus are.sufficiently close to the value of .,0.145 determined during tests on cars. There are 3 dia- grams, 3 graphs and 1 Soviet reference. ASSOCIATION: Akademiya kommunallnogo khozyay5tva (Academy of-Communal Economy) 1. Shafts--Analysis 2. Shafts--Friction 3. CouplLngs--Applications 4. Transmissions--Test methods SOV-113-58-10-9/16 AUTHORS: Kulikovskaya, N.M., Yakovlev, A.I., Candidates of Technical Sciences TITLE: On the Calculation of the Power Transmission Loads of Auto- mobiles with Electric Motors (K rasche"tu nagruzok silovykh peredach avtomobiley s elektrodvigatelyami) PERIODICALz Avtomobil'naya promyshlonnost!, 1958, Nr 10, p 29-31 (USSR) ABSTRACT: For inv-estigating the load conditions of power transmissions in electrically driven vehicles,,it is necessary to deter- mine the law of torque changes of the electric motor during different working conditions of the autombobile. This is necessary for evaluating the influence of inertia of the motor on theworking conditions of the power transmission. For determining the inertia moment it is necessary to know the electromagnetic moment of the motor. The basic data for determining the electromagnetic moment is obtained by oscil- lographic recording of current change process in the arma- ture and the electromotive force by a special measuring coil. The electromagnetic moment of the motor may be calculated Card 112 according to the following formula; On the Calculation of the Power Transmission Loads of Automobiles_wit~__ ,Electric Motors M 974 -LE kgm elm n whereby M elm- electromagnetic moment of the motor in kgmj I - armature current of the motor in amperesi E - e.m.f. of the.armature in volts; n- rotation speed of the motor arma- ture in rpiu, The electromotive force of the armature is E N 10-8 volts a -60 whereby N - number of armature conductors; c. - number of pa- rallel branches of the armature coil;1 - magnetic current of the main poles in mx. This results in the following equation: lm 974N 10-8 kgm a a Cd The calculation method explained by the author was used for determining data on the traction motor "DX-204" used in the trolley bus 'ITBU-111. There are one diagram, one graph and one table. ASSOCIATION: Akademiya kommunallnogo khozyay-stva (Academy of Municipal Economy) an mi I. Automot-ive -.Industry~---USSR 2. Automatic tr . a ssions--Torque Card 2/2 3. Electric motors--Flagnetic rioments 4. Mathematics--Applications LUCHAY, G.; HIMIMN, A. ; TAKOVLEV, A. Testing the performance of ET14-2 and KTP-2 cars. Zhil.-kom. kboz. 9 no.7-2~-25 159. (MIUIA 121ll) (Kalinin-Streetcars-Testing) I j I IULIKOVSKAYA. N.M.; MAGNICHKINA9 V.P.; YAKO ISV, A.I. Automation of the traction substations of streetcars and iroll~y buses., Sbor.nauoh,rab.AXKH no.13393-104 162,, (KJTd 16 (Electric substations) Otreetqars) (Trolley buses) YAKOVLEVP,A.I.; MAKSDUVp A.N. Work conditions of traction transmission on streetcars. Sbor.nsuch.rab.AKKH no.13tllg-137 162. (MM 16:4) (streetcars) t t ~ 7~;' F, CN r ~-? -_q Ki , - ~- o'~- Q ti ZNPA IN, A.A.; SiLkLKOV, K.A. Ldecedsedlt WOVLEV) A.I. POTEMKINY P.S.; SHU14IL SiTmiltansous crrinding and drying of fireclays in Shaft Ogneupory 2b no.2:63-67 '639 (MIRA 16;2.) 1. Voeooyuznyy institut ogneuporov (for Potemkin, Shumilin)s 2. E;cro-v-lchskiy kombinat ogneuporov (for Shalkov, YakoVlev)- yAKOVLEy,_A. I kand. tekbn- nauk; SVIRIDENKOp I, S., kand. tekhn* k~ --iULOVSM, A. 13. nauk; Ghara:cUristicsIOf ttls PIerformance of power transmissions in nt and separate electric drive Avt. pr - 29 cas of a.joi om e . imiRk 16:4) no.5-31-33 My 163. sudarstvennyy SoyUmVy'ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni .Go institut I nauchno-issledovateirmIci-Y avtomob"In7y :1 avtosotornyy i Alaidemiya kommunallnogo khozyaystvas (Motor vehicles-Power tran"issions) (Electric driving)