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-~AXPVEKKO., V. If. Detemination of the required lengthening of the palate iu operative treatment of congenital. cleft palate. Stomatolo- giia 42 no.4s58-59 JI-Agt63 (MIRA 1724) In -1-7 stomatologieheskoy polikliniki Leningradskogo go- rodskogo otdela zdravookhraneniya. MIct V-P- ,y nz. ENE YAKOVENKO., V-Vc Experimental investigation of hydrodynimic characteristics of the propeller shaft of a high-speed v-.6sel. Trudy LFI no.248t 121-131 165. (MIRA 18ig) MATVEYEV, B.V.; YAKOVENKO, V.V. Automatic ultraviolet ray clinics for individual use. Adm.-byt. komb. ugollo sha3kht. no.400-52 161. (MA 15:8) ~1..Donetskiy nauclino-iseledovatellakiy institut nadshakhtnogo stroitel'stva. (Ultraviolet rays-Physiological effect) (Coal miners-Diseases and hygiene) L 63065-465 EF-1(n)-2/ F,-J1P(m)1&-,T (1)/9-JA(d) Pd-I/PU-4 Wei ,ACCESSION MR. Al 5015716 UR/2563/65/000/248/012 1/0 M I AUTHOR.- YakovenW TITLE: An expertmtintal study of the_kdrodwa~c properties of a propeller shaft for high-speed boats SOURCE: Leningrad. PoliteklinichagkiX Instifut. Trudy, no. 248, 1965. Tekhnicheakaya I' i gidrogazodinamika (Technical gas hydrodynam [ca-), 121-Ml TOPIC TAGS- hydrofoil, vessel maneuverability, proWler shaft characteristic, flat bottom boat, yawing force, Magmw effect, wird tunnel ABSTRACT: rnstantmeous prescures on a rotor surface were measured in tunnel tests (shaft at 2000 or 3500 rpm, flow velocity V, 12, 20 or 35 m/sec, angle of attack 4 = 14 or 18', rotor driA angleX= 0, 3, 11. 5 or 10. 5', measurement point 200, 572, 944 or 1316 mm from center line of rear vertical suspension) with a hollow duraluminum cylinder (OD = go Mca, 1600 mm) to define the effects of.a, flat W- ttora in a boat on the distribution of hydrcd-y-namic load alon.a the length of the shaft. Another series served to 'iefine 'iumj-'Ur I-, irr,*e;3 4ctlng on the shaft (-Vi 12, 20 or 30 m/sec, 200(, 3500 or 5000 14 t'V to Stroubal numbers Sh T-PM, -card L 63065-4~c~ XCE SION NR' AT5015716 The author describe; test and recording eq*.ment and ctreuttry, plots data he obtained in 4rafA. and --oncludes that yawingy for(ps of a strength sufficient to exert a notice- and coursse stability will act on a raptilly rotating a', I of -Arift- The '~Iagnti~~ effo-,(, is id,,?rittfied is the primarv t1he 6~4~;At_l_mlal acting on a rotor _n an 3.:,,Jal flow layout. Orig. arl. ha.,; 11 figures and 15 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Leiingradskiy politeklinIchesidy Institut imeni M. 1. Katinfnp (Uningrad Polytechnic Institub.-) SUBNUTTED- 00 ENCL., 00 SUBCODE: ME, PR NO RY F SOV: 00 1 OTHER: 000 Card 2/2 A C N h: A T'_~ (-4 1, AUTHOR. Yak-arenko, V.-V.- TITLE. The effoct of a wa-ke'ou the flow around a thIck profile in nonateady- state mativa SOURCE: Leenijig-rad. Politelthnicheskiv institut. Tridy', no. 230, J-9M. ~ekhnjche- oT~ech skaya gidrorneklaalka iTechnical .3 r anical), 3- 20 TOPIC TAGS: hydromechanics, Hquid flrw, wake, thick profile, nor-stationary fiaw, eddv shroud fk ti~fjon dv' i SO% baloAced (symmetrical) p f e of N. G. ori the pressure a or to 11 Y Z Zhukovskiy giving off torsional, harmori'c vibrations in an air flow. The profile assumed to be rr-.ovlna for~vard in ar. unlimited liquid with a velocity of Vo with respect to r9oLionlass iTstarA ul courdinates x,,,, yo, and to be z-otating With art w1gl'ial- veioci'y a ce r o origin of movable X. V .tafti pole 0, with whfoh to combine(i th co-.~rdinaze sys"m. The vwue oi Lhe prussura at Lhe poiaL of the prok'Lie fol- thi_~ -eE'-:kjL irr!-stat~i_-,n-arv riovement of hrnlld ;q d,-(--mined Y)y mpans of a 1.agTamze in'tef-ral. 'J nn anci fn=Lil arf~ Lnveii ............. W gk ~N_ I- L 10679-65 ACCESSION NR: AT4041806 calculating the perturbation velocities. The value of the quasf-constant circulation, according to the Zhukovskiy postulate, is determined on the basis of the condition off finiteness of the velocity tangent on the sharp edge of the proffle dO, (0) 0. The author shows that the curves of Instantaneous pressures at the proffle vibration phases considered differ considerably from the static pressure curves for the corresponding angles of at tack, and that -, traice, of the physical configL.ration adopted "Ation of pressures oxrozz the .ribratding -3w-the study- has ~a noticeable cUzqt:on-.zhe di5ton ftle. Orig. &A.1 haii-i 9 figures -Wid'91 11. tormulaiLf~ ro. p ASSOCIAVON: Leningra&Hy politelchnichask-ly Insfitut imenf M. 1. Kalinina (Leningrad Polytechnical Institute) SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SU-B CODE: ME OTHEM 000 40 REF 80V% 01,34 4 .V2 ACC NR: AT7005309 SOURCE CODE: UR/2563/66/000/265/0123/0128 AUTHOR: Yakovanko, V, V. ORG: none TITLE; Composite aerodynamic characteristics of a thick wing in unsteady motion SOURCE: Leningrad. Politekhnicheskiy institut. Trudy, no. 265, 1966. Gidro- gazodinamika (Hydraulic and gas dynamics), 123-128 TOPIC TAGS: subsonic aerodynamics, aircraft wing, oscillation, pressure distribu- tion, aerodynamic characteristic, aerodynamic lift, aerodynamic moment, torsional J'flutter ARSTRAM, An experimental inveqtigation of total aerodynamic chracteristics of a wing of finite thickness subjected to high-amplitude angular oscillations in a gas'flow of 22.8.-M/sec. velocity is reported. The experimental model and techniques are described. The time dependence of lift and moments are determined here by integrating the characteristic curves of instantaneous pressuze distributions previously determined experimentally by the author. This makes it possible, in spite of laborious calculations, to predetermine one or another characteristic structures of the flow near an oscillating wing. Analysis of the results presented in graphs for the coefficient of Cnrd 1/2 UDC! none ACC NR: AT7005309 normal forces and moments show tha"t the moments of aerodynamic forces not only' do not damp osc 'illations, but, on the contrary, tend to increase their angular oscillation amplitude. They also make it possible to elucidate to a certain degree, the mechanism of torsional flutter of a thick wing. The calculations i -of coefficients of rotary derivatives'with the'aid of data obtained on aerodynamic forces and moments by the method proposed by S. It. Belot serkovskiy! are presented. They determine completely the dynamic effec,t of flow on an oscillating wing, , Orig.' art* has: . 3 figures, 3 formulas, and 2 tablefl., (ABI SUB CODE: Ol/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 0051 ATD PRESS: 5115 2 YAKOVENKO Ir Ya kand.tekhnicheski-kh nauk; ISAROVA, L.Yu., nauchnyy sot2-udnik Physic,al and-biochemical characteristics of shelledand unshelled corzi'harvested at various stages of ripening. Trudy VNIIZ no,.38s233-242 t6o. (MIRA 15212) 1. Odesskiy tekhnologicheskiy-institut imeni Staling, (Corn (Maize)-Analysis and chemistry) DZHARALOV, G.B., doktor ekon. nauk; VOLOTKO, N.A.; YUN, D.N., kand. ekon. nauk; FOFONOV, B.M., kand. ekon. nauk; KALYAKIN, P.V., kand.ekon. nauk; DESIATCHIKOV, B.A., kand. ekon. nauk; KHUDKOVSKIY, A.B., kand. ekon. nauk; ARTYKOV, A., kand. ekon. -nauk; FOKIN, A.I.; ULIMASOV, A.~ kand. ekon. nauk; YAKOVENKO, Ye., red.; BAKRTIYAROV, A., tekhn. red. (Principles of the economics of Uzbekistan industry] Osno- vy ekonomiki prorWshlennosti Uzbekistana; uchebmae posobie Tashkent,, Gosizdat UzSSR, 1963. 282 p. (MIRA 17:1) 84639 S/076/60/034/010/022/022 B015/BO64 AUTHORS: Gurmang V. 5.9 Yakovenkoq_Ye9 1.9 Fapisova~ V. I. TITLE: Infl uence of the Phase Transition 'A in the Matrix Upon the Annihilation of the RadicalsiFormed in the Photolysis of a Frozen 25% H 202 bolution in Water PERIODICALs Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol- 34, No. 10, p. 2372 TEXTt In the course of investigations of kinetic laws of the concentka- tion and recombination of radicals, forming in water in a photolysis by ultraviolet light of a 25% frozen H 202 solution, by the method of the electron paramagneticresonance the authors observed that the processes of the phase transformations i4n.the matrix influence the recombination of the radicals. Allen and Stoyn (Ref. 1) have already assumed the possibility of.such an influence. The spectrum.of the electron paramagnetic resonance of the radicals, in samples irradiated at - 1960C, changes somewhat at a temperature increase to - 130 0C, and in the range of from - 125 0C to - 1200C the radicals vanish completely. When the irradiation temperature of the samples is over - 1.15 0C, the radicals form again and remain stable Card 1/2 84639 Influence of the Phase Transitions in the S/076/60/034/010/022/022 Matrix Upon the Annihilation of the Radicals B015/BO64 Formed in the Photolysis of a Frozen 25~6 H202 Solution in Water 0 un il 53 C are reached to be then rapidly annihilated again. The thermo- grams of the non-irradiated samples show that at - 1160C an exothermic phase transition begins, and at - 53 0C an endothermic transition. According to Chormley (Ref. 2), the transition from the amorphous to the crystalline ice takes place at - 1200C. N. Ye. Mironov and A. G. Bergman (Ref. 3) observed the formation of a eutectic in the system H 202 - H20 at - 52-50C. Thus, it was shown that under the conditions of the present experiments, the phase transitionsin the matrix cause a rapid annihila- tion of the frozen radicals. [Abstracter's note: This is a summarized translation] ~There are 1 figure and 3 references: 1 Soviet and 2 British. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni.M'. V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: April 20, 1960. -Card 2/2 SHVED., V.I.; AFONIF, V.D.; BOLDINSKIYj Z.I.; YAKOVENKO, Ye,P., red. [Repairand testing of her-y electrical equipment at the Chirehik Electrochemical G,mbinej Remont i ispytanie krup- nogo elektrooborudovaniia na Chirchikskom elektrokhimiabe- skom kombinate. Tashkent, Gosizdat UzSSR, 1962. 115 p. (MIRA 18:3) KELIBERT, D.L.; KHODZHAYEV, F.Kh., red.; KUVALDIN, V.A., red.; YAKOVENKOJ, Ye.P.,, red. A~W (Safety measures in mechanizing heavy and labor-consuming work in the cotton and bast industries) Tekhnika bez- opasnosti pri mekhanizatsii tiaz~elykh i trudoemkikh rabot v khlopkovoi i lubianoi proryshlennosti. Tashkent, Gosiz- dat lJzb.SSR, 1962. 181 p. (MIRA 17'.5) KORZHENEVSKIY, IT.L. [deceased], md.; BABUSHKIN, L.N.. doktor geogr. nai,*,; DONSKOY, P.Y., red.; YAKOVESKO, Ye.P., red.; GOR.IKOVAYA, Z.F., tekhn.r,ed. [Natural..conditions 'and resources of the AM-Darya lower reamhes; the Kara Kal-pak A.S.R. and Khorezm Province of the Uzbek S.S.R.] Prirodnye uslovits, i resursy nizovIev Amu-Darli (Kara Kalpakskaig ASSR i Khorezmaknia,oblast' UzSSR). Tashkent, Izd-Vo Akad nauk Uz.SSR, 1959- 350 P. (Materialy po proizvoditellrqm silan Uzbekistana no.10). (MIRA 13:2) (Amu-Darya Valley--Physical geography) MOSHKOV, Aleksoy Dmitrlyevicb; YAROVENKO, Ye.P., red.; SALARHUTDIIJOVA, A., BOBYLEVA, Vera Ivanovna; GUSHCHA, Petr Kazimirovich; XAKgVEN~O, Ye,,E-,- Ted.; ABBASOV9 T. . tekhn. red. [Amphalt .concrete pavements] Asfal'tobetonnye pokrytiia. Taishkent, Gosizdat UzSSR, 1962. 62 p. (MIRA"16:7) (Asphalt concrete) MUNIKO, N.P.; KALLAGOV, A.1.9 spats. red.; YAKOVENKO, Yo.P., red.; SALAKHUTDINOVA, A., tekhn. [Gas industry of Uzbekistan] Gazovaia promyshlennost' Uzbekistana. Tashkent, GosAzd-vo UzSSSR, 1963. 229 pe (MIRA 16:7) (ftbekistan-Gas industry) KULAKOVSKIY, I.V.; VASHCHENKO, Ye.A.; IDBAINOVSKIY, G.A:.;,YAKOVENKO, Ye.P.; BESSONOV., A.A.; GIDBIII,.N.M.; PERCHPIIOIK, B.Kh. From the pages of "BiUleten izobretenii i tovarnykh znakov.11 Elek. stat. 35 no.1:37 Ja 164. (MIRA 17:6) YAKOVE14KOI Ye.Ye., nauchnyy sotrudnik -Disinfecting potatoes against rhizor-tonia and potato scab. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 6 no.5:25 MY 161. (MIRA :L5;6) Laboratoriya zashchity raotenly Chitinskoy sellskokhozyaystvemoy opytnoy stantsii, at. Darasull. (Chita Province-Potatoes--Diseases and pests) SHTODIAN, Illya Grigortyevich; Y=UNKar-Yu---P-, inzh.,; KOLOMIYTSEV, A.D., red.izd-va; ILIIIISLAYA, G.K.,, (Dynamics of mine conveyer traction chains] Dinamike tiagoifth teepei rudnichnykh konveierov. Moskva, Ugletekh- izdat, 1959. 289 p. (HM 12:9) (Conveying machinery) (Mine haulage) 8/103/61/022/008/011/015 D274/D302 AUTHORS-0 Litolichanko, Ts,G. and Yakovenko, Yu.P. (Moscow) TITLE-, Analytical and structural description of mechanical -transmission in automatic control systems with res- trictions and backlashes PERIODICAL~ '~Avtomatika i telemekhanika, v, 22, no, 8, L961v TEXT-, An attempt is made at a simple structural description of backlashes and restrictions, all the essential features of collision effects and elastic properties of mechanical transmission with back- lashes and restrictions being taken into account. The method pro- pbsed makes it possible to carry out grapho-analytic computations and simulation in a sufficiently simple way; previous methods did not have this advantage, Equations are derived which describe the rotation of two bodies which are divided by a backlash, elastic prop erties being taken into account. A block diagram of the system de- scribed by the equations is given, It is simple and can be readily Card 1/ 3 S/103/61/022/008/0li/015 Analyrical and StrUCtural.', D274/U302 simulated, without requiring the computation of initial conditions in passing from separate motion of eLements to joint motion, If the relationsh-Lp between the moinerit M (between the bodies) and the elastic deformation ~, (which tnkcct; account of the backInsh) is non- M.-ne,sr, the structural diagroin rein;dns the arne with the e).ception ol the non-lincar unit (where half -lines are replaced by curves), If the inertial and position moments are absent., the backlashes are described by hysteresis loops (in the case of infinitely great rigid- itv of transmission), '-restrictions in the motion of elements of mechanical transmission can be considered ao particuler cases ot biacklash, in the structiaral diagram of motion %,,-ith restrictions, a non-linear characteristic of dead-zone type is found in the feedback Circuit. Influence of internal forces or* dissipation is examined, ~;nergy is dissipated by collisions, an accurate description of this effect is very complicated. However.,, for structural description a simplified picture is sufficient, It is assumed that plastic defor- mations do not occur-. hence the dissipation is a function of elastic deformations only. This relationship can be given in two wwys- a) It is assumed that.the dissipation force is directly proportional to -,"ard 2/3 ~4, i~~4zt&'f z 1- %~U. 248112 S/103/61/022/008/011/015 Analytical arA structural-,,, D274/D302 the rate of elastic displacement of one body irith-respect to the other; b) The energy dissipated by the collision of two bodies is Prooortional. to the zCbsolute length of elastic displAcemert betw'een the two bodies, It is Dossible to use a similar method for calcu- latiiig. energy dissipation by other elastic deformations of control- system elements, (not only by backlashes and restrictions). 1"'Xara- Dles are given i-inich illustrate the method on systems with back- Lashes,, 'Lliere are 6 figures and 4 Soviet-bloc re-ferences, UBMI.WTED - June 1, 1960 Card 3/3 FINKELISIITEYN, G.E.; VAYSMAN, L.M.; LAMSETER, Ye.M.; Prinimali uchas- tiye :GILI BERG, V.B., inzh.; BEIgNIKIY, D.S., inzh.; IVANOVA, P?Iyn- yvl~B. V.A.P,inzh.; PELOSEITKO', V.A., inzh.; YAKOV -r-inzh. Device fo,Ir technological control of the content of current- conducting inclusions in condenser paper. Bum. i der. prom. no.4.-6-12 O-D 163. (MIRA 1713) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut bumazhnoy promyshlennosti. CHOPOROVA, M.I., kand. med. nauk; YAKOVENKO, Z-F-, kand. med. nauk Reouli;s of a study of diseases caused by adenoviruses; in Odessa. Vrach delo n6.2:109-111 F'64 (MIRA 172-4) 1. Virusologicheskoye otdeleniye Odesskogo naucbno-issledova- tellskogo instituta epidemiologii J mikrobiologii imeni I.I~Hechnikova. ~-K V ~.N. K 0Z. F. 2,U R'O, L.A. -,Oii ~tvlsl "fi r a! e tiology of :;e Te~D'Ira'~W-j I 9 no.4."'+5-*)-4;,l'- 1. (&s:..1skJ.y lnstl~ut epidemiologli, ll mixrObb:j!091~A. imer-I MOROZOVA, M.G. ; TROFIROV, K.A.; MAMIMOVA, T.K.; TURONOK, L.P.; ABAKUYOVA, A.I.; GLADKIKH, V.G.; YAKOVENKO, Z.L.; XUZNWSOVA, V.I.; DUSHKIM. M.M.; Lvini, L.S., polko~nik DZKMARI, S.M., mayor med,i- tsinskoy slus4by. ViachesiavAllillevich Aliakritakii. Arkh.pat. 15 no.2:95-96 Kr-Ap 153. (MLR& 6:5) l..Kafedra patologicheskoy anatomii., 2. Gorodskayu prozektura. 3. PAL. (Aliakritakii, Viacheslav Vasil'avich, 1835-) LW4;; MDROZOVAp M.G., dotsent; DUSHKINA., M.M.p assistent; MAKSD4GVA# T.K-o assistent; TURONOKO L.F.p asaistent; yAKOV~~ ~,-4ssistent viacheslav Vasillevicb Aliakritskil (1885~1960)j obiUwy. Arkh. pat. 22 no.5:92-93 160o (IOU 13 19) (ALIAKRITSKIIs VIACHESLAV VASILIEVICHo 1885-1960) BOK, I.I.; BARBOT do MARK, A,V.i VISLOGUZOVAq A.V.; GALD%Vp M.S.; LI, A.B.; 10~40WVICH, M,L.% YAKOVENKO., Z.V.- ASSING, I.I.; HUF09MALREV9 A.B.; SOKOLOY'q'"O.7.j vzvTvUTkZVAyY8.P.,- ,SEROV, W.P.; LEONOV, G.14,; ZAKHAROV, B.S.;'ZAGrAYWVv V.I.; BOROVSKIY, V.M.- LITVINOVA, A.A.;jPOGREBINSKIYp M.A.; NASONOVA, O.M.; KHAYDAROV, R.M.; SUVORDVA94R.Isp red.; ALFFWVA, P. F. , t ekhn. , re d. (Ili Valley, its nature and resourcesi niiskaia dolina, ee priroda.i reBursy. Pod obshchei red. 14.I.Lomonovicha. Alma- Ata, lzd-~-vo AN Kaz.SSR,, 1963. 338 p. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Akademiya nauk Kazakhskoy SSR, Alm~L-Ata. Institut geolo- gicheskikh nauk. 2. Nauchrqye sotradniki Instituts. geologi- cheskikh nauk AN KazS4R (for Bok, Barbot de Mami,-Visloguzova, Galiyev, Li, Lomonc~ich, Yakovenko). 3, Institut pochvovedeniya AN KazSSR (for Assihg, Nurmangaliyevp Sokolovq Borovskiy, 'Litvinova, PogrebAnpkiy). 4. Institut botaniki AN KazSSR (for Grigorlyeva, Nasoriova). 5. InBtitUt zoologii AN XazSSR (for Serov). 6o Kazakhskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (for Leonov). 7. Kinisterstvo sel'skogo khozyaystva KazSSR (for Zakharov). 8. Kazanskiy filial Instituta "Gidroproyekt" im. S.Ya.Zhuka (for Khaydarov). (Ili Valley--Pbysical geography) lyl.mF--Iz -1-91111~4~-ML-359~ill 1'1-~~xfa;_~-;~~Ii~M-Af awlAR X~17~-M? ff~ 1~ Mg~YW 1~ -t4v~T ~6 YAXOVM, B. Defended his Candidntes dictertation in the Geogrephy Faculty of Yo!!Cow st-r-te University on 3 JulY 1952. Dissertation: "The Don-Khoper Interflumce (Phynic~l-Geogmphical Characteri~tic.-)." SO: Veatnik lrffonkov~-kogo Univer-niteta, 3eriya Fiziko-Matematicheskikli i Yeste3tvennyl-Ji Nauk, No. 1, Moscow, Feb 1953, pp 151-157: tranal. in 41-29782, 12 April 54, For off. ame only..- L 24310-66 EINT (1)/FOGAWA(h) Gin" YEGOROV, A.S.; YAKOVETS, B.N.. Interdependence between the level of the work capacity and the pattern of a fatigue curve in muscular work as affected by the subjects' comprehension of a task and their attitude toward it. Vop. psikhol. 11 no.1:93-99 Ja-F t65, (MIRA .18-4) 1. Kafedra psikhologii. Instituta fizicheskoy kulitury imeni P.F.Leagafta,, Leningrad. GLUSHCHENKO, Mina Seraenovich, inzh.; KUZNETSOV, Boris Vasillyevich, inzh.; SHP321AR, Ivan Ivanovich, inzh.,- YAKOVETS G.A., inzh., ., retsenzent; LESOVAYA, Ye.Ye., red.; [I-lotor'boat enginea] Lodochnye dvigateli. Kiev, Gostekhizdat, USSR, 1963. 179 p. (11IRA 16:12) (Motorboat engineE) YAKOVETS. N. I. (Kiyev) A forgotten aspect. Apt.delo 4 no.1:6-7 Ja-F 155 (MIRA 8:4) (PHARMLCY,l in Russia) ZZ Elm O law XM()Y-E-Tq,,Yuri3r Vladimirovich4 ASTAKHOV, V.D., red.; KUPIKE, [Ketho4olog'y of price determination in the mining industry) Metodolokiia tsenoobrazovaniia v gornodobyvaiushchei pro.. ryahlennosti. Moskvap,Fkonomikap 1964. 214 p. (MIRA l7sl2) 1. Zaireduyushchiy kafedroy politicheskoy okonomii Leningrad- skogo gornogo instituta (for Yakovets). SOV/94-58-12-9/19 AUTHORS: Strakhovi!, K. I. , Andrianov,P-' S.I,l Yakovlev, V.A., Ivanchenko, I.N. and _.Yakovi 3 A.I. TITLE: A Continuously Operating Induction Heater for Heating Hot Stamping Tools(jndukti3ionnyye nagrevateli nepreryvnogo deystviya dlya nagreva shtampov) 'nergetika, 1958, i; PEPJCDICAL:PTomyshlennaya h ANr 12, pp 20-21 (USSR) .ABSTRACT: Hot stamping tools are usually heated by tubular:~heaters but it takes a long time to heat the tools up in this way. The authors have developed a method of using induction heating for these tools. Insulated conductors are inserted in thetools as shovin in the s1mtch and a 50 kVA transformer is used for supply. Conductor dimensions and current ratings are given. An electronic temperature controller is used. With this method of heating the tools are heated continuously and uniformly, the heating time is cut by a factor of five and is now 1-5 to 2 hours, of better quality and the power consumption is much less. This suggestion was Card 1/2 SOV/94-58-12-9/19 A Continuously Operating Induction Heater for Heating Hot Stamping Tools awarded. a fourth premium in an All-Union Power Economy competition. There is 1 figure. Card 2/2 .PARIKOZHKA, I.A.; FUGOLCH, A.B.. Prinimali uchastiye: PASHCHKNKO, Z.6.; IPMUN# IeIe; TWSKALOT, N*Po: SHUCBMMO, A.Ta.; SAIRAWYA, TA,; TRMINA, Zh.G.; LEVINOV, X.G.; -T~C~HA.Tee, SALIT"O L.$,,, red.; SHEFIR, G.I.,, (Kanual o& electric measurements of loag-distanos commumicatioz lizool Rzkovodstvo po elektrichaskin izuersaiian mzhdugorodaykkL li*:Li aviazi. Moskva. Goo.izd-vo lit-ry po voprosam sviazi i radio, 1960, 194 p. (MIRA 13:6) l."Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glayacys upravlemiye awshdugoroduoy telefoaso-tolografsoy avyazi. 2. Kiyevskoye otdalenlys TSentrall- zogo asuchno-isoledovatellskogo institute, svyazi (for Parikoshka. Pagat:k~--Pashchenko. Furman, Truskalov. ShaycheAko, SaItkarova, Trokhiiia). 3. TSentrallayy nauchno-issladovatellski:,r institut avyazi (for Levinov, Shvartsmax), 4, UMS (for Yalrovich). (Telecocm=ication) (Ilectric nessurements) YAKOVICH, L. o8cow). Prevention and therapy of sacrolumbar radiculitis under rural conditions. Felld,i akush. no.4:11-15 Ap 154. (Vl-RA 7:4) (Nerves, Spinal-Diseasso) YAKOVIGH, L.G. Cimbosacral radicu-Utial Poiesnichno-kroottsovyi radikulit. Hoskyao Mouiz,'1956. 14.p. (MIRA 10:2) (NARVIS. BPINA"ISBASIB) ~;~pVJV, A.A.; DEMKOY .; ~IIZI, L.N.y* GORYNYA, A.A.p kand. Ij, otv. red. [rorraulas and ephemerides for field observations on the Moon] Formuly i efemeridy dlia polevykh nabliudenii na Lune. Kievy Naukova, dur-ka, lq(~jf. p. (mIRA 17;8) yAxoTIN, F.p., inzh.; GUBMNSKATAt 1,.,T*o red*; yoLOWTBR, V.Z., takhn.rOd. of wood-fiber boardis in Sweden) Projzvod.stvo dre- D(anuf acture Shvetaii. J( akvag TSentr.biuro ekhn. val'sno-vololcnistykh plit v 0 t informateli b-amazhnoi i darevoobrabatyvaiushchei promyeblennosti. 1959. 26 -p. (MM 13:6) 1. Akaaamiya stroitellstva i arkhitaktury SSSR. (Sweden--Woode Compressed) ACCESSION NR: AT4013979 AUTHOR: Lange, Yu. V.; GoIldent A. D.; Yakovie, S. L. TITLE: Th. e IAD-2 defectoscope for inspection of Joints by the acoustic Impedance method S URCE: Novy#ye mashiny*i pribory* dlya lopy*taniya metall6v. Sbornik statey. Moscow I tallurgizdat, 1963, 94-97 TOPIC TAGS: acoustic impedance'defectoscopo, defectoscope, mechanical impedance, joint inspection, metal joint ABSTRACT- one of the most universal and effective methods for Inspection of glued, soldered, and thermo-diffusion Joints in multilayer structures Is the acoustic impedance method. This method- is based on evaluation of.the mechanical Impedance of an article on excitation of flexural vibrations in It, and Is successfully and widely used In Industry for ff~-~detection of defective Joints between the skin and and rigid elements (spar, rib, etc.) or fillers (foam layer, honeycomb). Inspection Is by the UD-1 defectoscopes, an experimental Co,d 1/6 ACCESSION NR: AT4013979 series of which was produced by the "Eicktrotochpribor" plant in 1960. The authors have now developed the JAD-2 acoustic Impedance defectoscope, an Improved version of IAD-1. The block diagram of the IAD-2 is shown in Fig. 1 of the Enclosure. The sound generator 1 feeds the piezoelectric element 2 which excites elastic vibrations in the bar 3 of the pick-up. At the lower end of the bar, the force-measuring piezoelectric element 4 Is located and connected to the input of amplifier 5. The pick-up touches the article to be inspected through contact tip 6. When the pick-up is not pressed against tile article, the force acting on the piezoelectric element 4 is determined only by the inertia resistance of thd contact tip, which Is small due to the small mass of the Up and the relatively low frequency used. Therefore, in that condition, the electric potential of the element is close to zero. This potential increases substantially when the pick-up Pxerts pressure on the article. At the same exerted pressure, the potential increase is greater at higher values of mechanical impedance of the article at the contact point with the pick-up. A defect of a connection Inside the article causes -a sharp decrease of mechanical impedance, and therefore of the potential of the force-measuring piezoelectric element. Potential varia- tions of the sensor are Indicated by an electric dial gage I at the output of an amplifier 5. C.,d 2/6 'ACCESSION UR: AT4013979 alito of the dial indication, relay 8 switches on the signal lamp 9. The At a certain low v. defectoscope IAD-2 works with a pick-up or the type DI-1 (Fig. 2 of the Enclosure). The emitting 1 and force-measuring 2 piezoelectric elements are of barium titanate. The sound-conducting bar 3 is of organic glass and has the form of a truncated cone. A steel cylinder 4 serves as a relecting mass and increases the effectiveness of the emitting piezoelectric element 1. The contact tip 5 is of wear-resistant hardened steel ShKh15 with -a -radius of curvature of 20 mm. In bar 3, near the emitter, a ~,';Aeld 6 cuts the capacitative coupling between elements I and 2. Shielded leads 7 connect the pick-up to the defectoscope, and are protected and supported by a steel coil spring 8. A brass ring 9 protects the element 2 from mechanical damage and shields it from electrical disbar- 6ances. A signal lamp 10 Is housed in the body 11 of the pick-up, The fundamental electrical scheme has been described by the authors In detail. The range of frequencies of the sound generator in the defectoscope Is 1 to 8 kilocycles/sec. The IAD-2 defectoscope can be used as part of a semi-autornatic Installation for mechanized inspection, with recording of the results on thermoelectric paper. Ile defectoscope to fed from a 220-volt supply circuit, and the power requirement does not exceed 100 W. Ile weight Is 11 kg. During tord 3/6 ACCESSION NR: AT4013979 inspection of joints, the operator moves the pick-up smoothly, pressing Its tip lightly against the surface of the inspected article. The presence of a defect Is reported by a signal light installed in the pick-up. The possibilities of the acoustic Impedance method of inspection, and the tuning procedures for instruments, have already been discussed In the literature by Yu. V. Lange (Zavodskaya Laboratorlya, XXVI, 7 842(1960)). Laboratory and productiod tests carried out with the IAD-2 defectoscope have shown its considerable advantages over the IAD-1. For example, inspection of -honeycomb sandwich panels having a thin (0, 25 mm) duraluminum skin and large honeycomb (side=6mm) cells, when -perfor7ned with the IAD-1, defectoscope,is possibla only when a special and inconvenient pick-up Is applied. With the LAD-2, the saine task can be performed with a standard pick-up. Orig. art. has: 4 figures. ASSOCIATIONt none SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ- 20Feb64 ENCL: 02 BUD CODE: MMO EE 14O.REF Sm. 002 OTHER: 000 Card 4/6 L -ACCX$moN Nnt. Awmffg ENCLOSURE' 01 f 6e Didi6W6obpe Fig. 1. BlockDiagram of the Acoustic lmoedsn r (1) sound jenerator, - (2)' piezoelectric element _(sov~d.4mlttsr) (3) * smiid~~nducting ba'o (4) piezoelectric element (dynamometer), (5) ifle electric ampl r,: contact tip dial gage# (8) relay, (9) signal lamp Card 5/6 AT40IL3979 MCLOSUR&.~ sound-emitting piezoelectridbelement, (2) force -trane~ducf Opts' z6electi-xv-viement' (3) sound-conducting bar, (4) -reflector, (5) contact Up,' (6). -shield, (7) shielded leadst (8) external support and protection colli (9) bras's ring, (10Y signal IMP, (11) body Card 6/6 GALANOMATIS, A-; YAKOVITISKIY, A., starshiy prepodavateV, Economic conference in an enterprise. _Sots.trud 7 no.7:151-1,52 ,il 162. OICI~4 15: 8) 1. Na:ChalAnik planovo-proizvodstvemogo otdela Kazakhskogo zavoda sellskokhozyayqtvennogo mashinostroyeniya (for Galanomatis). 2. Ekonomicheskly fakiilltet Kazakhskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. S.M.Kirova (for Yakovitskiy). (Tselinograd-Agricultural machinery industrj--Congresses) I ,.~ YAKOVITSKIY, A. a KOSUKHINY no.5,2&-29 I~y 16.5. -8..i;) Tested and cont"irmEd. Voen. Zran. 41 1 j BURDINI N.K.; YAKOVITSKIY, G.N.# ied. [Intersection and development of surfaces; methodological textbook for a course in descriptive geometry] Pereseche- nie,poverkhnostei i razvertkil- metodicheskoe posobie k epiuru po nachertatelln-:1 geometrii. Leningradp Leningr. tekhnolog. in-t im. Lensoveta, 1964. 174 p. (MIRA Vill) GKH Mikhail Alekseyevich; FEDORFdXO, V.A., inzh., retsenzent; TAKOVLTSKITjl_._ inzh., red.; VASILI*P-ffA, V.P., red.izd-va; SHCHITININA, L.T.,, [Representation in mechanical drawing] Izobra2henlia v cherte- zhakh mashinostroeniia. Moskva. Gos.nauchno-takhn.izd-vo mashino- stroit.lit-ry, 196o. 163 p. (MIRA 13:10) (Mechanical drawing) DFSHEVOY,-*G.M.; MIRDSHN.IcHENKO, B.Ya.; LASTOCHKIN, S.V. Prinly-all ueballtiye: BU RDIN,, N. K. ; GUDKOVI N. M. ; APX49UVp M. A. , inzb. ratoonzent,-_DKOVTT.RKTYi.:-M,,~red.;Liii.-LY~, T.L., red.izd- va; KUREPINA, G.N., red.izd-va; SHCHETININA, L.V., tekhni red.,; SPEPJLNSKAYAL, O.V., tekhn.reA. (manual for a lay-out mechanic]Spravochnik razmetchika- mashinostroitelia. Koskvaf Maahgiz, 1962. 375 p. (miRk 16:1) (Laying-out (Machine-shop practice)) ACC M AP6030314 SOURCE CODEt UR/iO-IB/06/000/008/0054/0059 AUTHORI Yakovkin, *(colonel) ORG t none TITLEt Eliminating the aftereffects of a nuclear strike SOURCEI Voyennyy Vestnik, nos 8, 1966,~ 54-59,- TOPIC.TAGS% numlear-decontami6ation, militavy trainins, Warfare train- in.g. nuclear d.efensive training ADSTRACT-: The. field training.of officers-in methods and procedures for eliminatingthe aftereffects of it nuclear strike is described in a sample training session. The traimees are given nuclear blant informa- tion: duration of burnt, iy*po, yield, and location. From the duration of tile blast they can deter'6itle the yi'eld: if the blast lasts from 1 to 2 Oec,.*the yield is low; 3 sec, medium;,*5 sec and over, tile yield in high. -The trlhineeo are also given information on how.the nuclear blast .affects the locality and localubjecto. For. ,instance, within 5 to 15 min after'the Vurot'theyare informed as to tile extent of the fire and tile' degree of destruction of populated.areasp timbers, grass, cars,* From the information given they ara to 'determine what effect thin strike is~ill have, on tizoopip located at various distances from the epicenter, ~,Card l/ ACC NRi-. AP6030314 what troops will their disposal, and how to organize their operation. The exercise iodesigned to prepare officers for predicting theAegree of contamination at various points in the shortest possible time and to try to move out or take cover 'so that the troops will avoid the direct effecto.of fallout from a radioactive cloud., The troops should be taken out of,contaminated zone as-soon as possible, and only thed commence planning for personal and area decontamination. The nu- merical data and computation metfiod's used forthis article were bor- rowed from a'book by V. A. Mikhaylov and 1. A, Naumeako, (Nuclear physics and nuclear weaponsp 19669 148 ps Orige.arts has.: 4 figuresp 2 "tables, and I formula, SUB COVE1, 059- 15/ SUBM DATEs non*, I'Card '212 ACC NRo AP60303-14 RCH CODE: UR/0018/66/000/008/0054/0059 (A sou 0 9 AUTHORt Yakovkin, (Colonel) F 've-7c 11 7 ORGi none TITLE: Eliminating the aftereffects of a nuclear strike SOURCE% Voyennyy vestnik, no. 8, 1966, 54-39 TOPIC TACS1 nuclear decontamination, military trainIng, warfare trains. Ing, nuclear Of ensive training ABSTRACT: The field trainina"f'officers in...methods and procedures for eliminating the aftereffects of a nuclear strike'is-dencribe.d in a -given nuclear blast informs- sample training session, The trainees are tion: duration of burst, types yield, and_ location. From the duration~, if-the blast lasts of the blast they can determine the yield: 'from V t~r_ 2,secp the yield is low; 3 sec, itkedium; 5 sec and over, the yield is high. The trainees are also given information on how the nuclear blast", offects the locality and local objects. For instaniei within 5 to 15 min after the burst they are Informed as to the extent of the fire.... and the degree of destruction of populated areas, timber, grass# care From thri information given they are to determine vhat effect this stri will have on troops various distances from the epicenter# Card NR. AP 6 0 3 0 3 14 what troops will re min at their disposa4 4nd how to organize their ,-operation. The exercise In designed to piep&re officers for predicting onlcaxination~at various points in the shortest possible: the degree of c time and to try to move out or take cover so that the troops will avoid the direct~effects of fallout from a radioactive cloud. The troops should be taken out of contaminated zone as soon as possible, and only then commence planning for personal and area decontamination. The nu-., merical data and computation,methods used for this article were bor- rowed from a book by Vo A* Mikhaylov and 1. A* Nsunenko (Nuclear physics and nuclear veaponeq 2966, 148 p@ Origearta hams 4 figureep 2 tables.-, and 1 formula* SUB COM 05p IS/ SUDM- DAM none Tmle_l~- t i~V -rI ~~ i-le-'W';.I~~5-1111 VSEKHSVIATSKjyp S. K. and Y KIN A. A. Astronomia (AstrononW), 2nd edition, 119 p., state Educational-Pedagogical Publ-, House "Radianskalsehool," Kiev 1949. Astronomical journall Vol. 27 No. 3, 1950- TAKOVKINI A.A. Kiev Astronomical observations.of lunar occultations of star$ at Obse"atory in 1947. Pabl.Kisy.astron.obser..,AO-3:99-100 '50- (Occultations) (KLBA 7:9) v_wO3,i W_j~JVrI./ iAl) w T r r, _F I YAKOVKIN, A.A. Inclination of the lunar orbit and the librat Ion effect. Publ. Kiev.astron.obser. no.4:71-88 !50. O= 7:9) (Moon--Rotation) (Noon--Libration) T , igg, g~, NINE ml 0 4 V I TAKOVKIN, A.A. Devias.for solving.Xeplorls equation. J-11W.riev.astron.obser. no 4: . 89-90 150. (XLBA 7:9) (Orbits) 1 --~-v _pv-g,~~ -,!~M ggvp g'! "'M .4, - E NdWe, :T'.,~ k 'a v g fg-v 0 I M 'MMUM Dissertation: "The Theory of the Solar Corona." Cand Phys-M--th Sci, Main Astronomical Observatory, Acad Sci IJ65R, Jan-Yar 54 (Vestnik Akaderii Nauk, Moscow, Aug 54) SO: SUM 393, 28 Feb 1955 I-Y-q- Coy KIN't YALK redaktor; LISMART, D.K., redaktor; KRYIDVSKAYA, N.S., takhrodaktor*' [Brief astronomy calendar for 19551 Kratkii astronomicheskit kalew- darl na 1955 god. Kiev' Vol;8. 1954o 83 p; (KIaA 8W 19 Chlon-korrompondent Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR (for Yakovkin). 2; Akadowlya, nauk MM, 11yov. Viddil fisyko-matematrohnyth i khimichzwkh nauk. (Astronomy) (Calendar) ia, ME $01 M 'M I 10 N N AM ON ON- YAKOVKIN, A..A. Report of.the Main Astronomical Observatory of the Acaiiem7 of Sciences of the Ukrainian S.S.R. on results of observations of the total solar eclipse of June 30, 1954. 8-9 S 154. (MLPA 8:3) 1. Direktor Glavno7 astronomicheskoy observatorii AN USSR. (Eclipses, Solar--1954) YAKOVKIN, A.A., otvestvennyy redaktor; LIS M ART, D.K., redaktor isdatelletva; '"""'W&SKIT, A.D., tekhnicheskiy redak-tor. (Concise astronomical calendar for 19561 Kratkii astronomichaskii kalandarl na 1956 godL. Kiev, Vol-9. 1955. 93 P, (KLRA 9:6) I.Alcademiya nauk URSR, Kiyev. Viddil fizyko-matematychuykh i khivich- T-abivk1u), (Astronomy-Yearbooks) LA if? 7 IY rO I (j BS F RVA in F f ro h M,3 r, A- n, -d a U s .3 r v -i f, r- v ew s Vol 40 19sb YAKOTXIXk,A,*A,,,otvetstvsn.nyy redakton, SPIVAK, B.I.,rodaktor izdatelletva IY. J.D..takhnicheakty redaktor [a 109 autronomical yearbook for 1957] Kratkii-astronoutchaskii na 1957 godI- XLay. Vol. 10. 1956. 102 p. (MIRA-20:41 ilemiya nauk UBSR, Kiyev.Viddil ft..vku-.o tychny.*hi kh ichnyk4 i;auk. 2'#' Chlea-korresponden,t Akademiy nauk UkreAnskdy PSH. (for 'Yakovkin) (.AstronozV--Yparbooks) U YAKOVKIN. A.A otvetstvennyy red.; IABINOVA, N.M.. red.izd-va; ZMXOVSKIY. .jj.,*; [Concise astronomical calandar for 19561 Kratkii astronomichesicii kelendart a& 1958 god. Kiev. Vololl. 1957. 111 Pe (MIRA 11:2) 1. Akademiya nauk URSR, Kiyev. Viddil.fisyko-matematychnykh neuk. 2. Chlea-korrespondent Akademii nauk Ukraiuskoy SSR (for Yakovkin) (AstronomV-Yearbooks) -MEW YAWVKIN, A.A. (Kiyev). Duality of the solution of problez of the moon's ph7sical libration and selection of the correct solution, Astron.tair. no-178:12-14 IIr '57. (MLRA 10:0) k1toon-Libration), 7 Boca. me, Jmiq2vu s6v/1595 Yakorvkin, Avenir Alek-0942drov-_1 C!, IsImstvennyye spizioniki ZL"I-u (ATtlficf~al Eaxth SaltellAtea) Kiyev, Izd-vo AN Ukz-a-tnskqr SSIEI, 11958. 46 p. ao3,ies prIM-WeL. Sponsoring Agew,7: Aks&alya nzmk Maelziltoy MR. So7et =s%%chnc-tekbn_4- cheskoy propagank". Resp. Ed.: 1. G. Yolchiznkiy, Caur-idate of Pllqnicral am-1 Mathematical Sciences; of Publiahirg Frxime: N. M. lebinoyra; Te6A. , Ea-: V. Yeo VkI,,qLrovae PURPOSE: , This bcoklet is intenda-d -for - "he'genekal' reader.* COVERAGE: The conteats cover the arwzosltIon ef the Eez!,"! is zatmosphere and pher-mena, occui-Ing in the e=trc-ne r-rjy;.k--r laye--s. Such :-~henmenm exe with the aid of artificial natelUtoa. Me* constror~.Aon wd orjya-:atIon,af rackets ere explained in simple teirs as ;arz lannehLm-g conditions and the movement of the-_satb1UtAz about the Ewth. ProblB= orf: t_=-,rel aze s143o e.Vlainedq,~Scientists ,who took pw.4; in the ccerplieUou of tMs bookle~qr -other than, the author,-are: Card 113 Artificial Earth Satellites SOV/1595 Sh-. G- Gordeladze 'Ond 1. G- K-Olcain6ldy of the Glavuoy astronaalcheskaya Obiervatorlym, AN UkrSS'-R (MaIn Astronoudcal Gbsermt=7 of the Academy of Sciences .of the UkrSSR)* and M.I. SEVAOviOdy of the Insti-tut teploonerg'etiki AN UkrSSR (IndWMW'-qrTh.8W&! Ranrg7W the Acade-W ef Sciencen of the Uld-SS4 Theie are P1 SovIet referenqen. TOLE or cmTEws: Introduction 3 SCMe Problems of Stud~J-ng t2he Upper LEWe--s of the Earth's Atmosphere How the Arti:Mcial Satellite T-zaveIe A--,-=d the Earth 19 What a Rocket Is and How Satellites Are 7,-unched 2T Card 9/3 3(l) FEW T BWK EGWZMMON BOV/2Z78 Akademiya nedc Mwainskoy SSR. Otdelen1ye fiziko-matematicheskilch nauk Kratkly astronomich9skiy kalendarl na 1959 god (Short Astronomical C&IAUdBX' for 1959). lapv.. .-Izd-v AN Ukrainskoy SSR, 1958. 123 P. 5POOO copies. printed, Ed.: A. A.. Yakovkin, Correspionding Member, Academy of Sciences, Ukralrdan SSR; Ed asel NM.,Labinova; Tech, Ed.: N. P. Rakblina, PUBPOSE: This book Is Intended for practical work in astron onq in p~gieal institutes and secondary schools, for astronomy clubs,, and for mateur astroncuers. It may also be used by topoernhers, warveyors, observers in meteorological atatiooa, and lecturers on astronomy. COVERAaEi The book gives information on th* positions of the sun and the moon fo' the begiining of each day, positions and conditions of T184billty Of T , oamItttions of planets for. every 10th day, phases of the'moon, - eclipses stats by the moono speed, rangej, and.other,-characterietics of artificial earth satellites, No, 9, - The book was compiled by S,V, Drotdov and S. 1. Seleishnikov, They tfiank'Profiissor M.- Fo Subbotin, Director of the Tzstitiit Card I/( Short Astronomij,.al Calendar,(dont.) SOV/2278 teoreticheskiyy astronomii (Institute of Theoretical Astronomy) of the Academy of Sciences., USSR '(Leningrad) for perm:Lssion to use some data. from the Astronomicheakiy Yezheg6dnik SSSR na 1959 (Astronomical Yearbook of the )r-sl~ for 1959) Published by the Institute. Individual sections were compiled by the following scientiais: 9. V. Drozdovo Monthly Ephemerides, Time and Azinuths of Sunrises and Sunsets, Azimiths of the North Star, Heliocentrf-c Longitudes of the Planets( see Tables of constants and the section "How to Use the Calendarl; S. 1. Seleshnikov, Observer's Handbook, Occultations of'Stars by the Moon, Minor Planets; A. A. Kaverin, Eclipses in 1959; A-A. Kaverin, G. V. Kuklin, 1. F. Yegorchenko, V. A. KukUna, T. G. Konstantinova, A. G. SazonovuPL. 1. Chernykh, and N. S. Chern7kh, Visibility Conditions for the Total Solar. Eclipse of October 2, 1959 for JU Loc'alities; V.S. Lazar6vskly, P~anets in 1959, Visibility Times and Duration of Rright Planets and Maps of Their Visible Paths, Mercury in 1959, Variable Sters; 1. S. Astaporvich, Main Meteoric Streams Visible in the Northern Hem-firphere. There are no references. Card 2/7 'Short Astronomical Calendar (Cont.) SOV/2278 TABLE OF CORTMM: Foreword 1959.. Beginning of the-Seasons Monthly Ephermerides An Observer's Handbook Sunrise and Sunset (Upper Rim) for the Latitude of 56c' in 1959 Longitude.-of the Sun In 1959 Corrections of Suariso Time for 1959 for Different Geographic Latitudes Length of SidereAl'. Tiiilight Card 31~ 3 5 6 18 22 23 24 .717 Short Astronomical Calen&Lr (Cont.) SCFV/2278 Planets in 1959 26 'Inner planets 35 Outer planets 35 -o:t, planets In.'1959 Helioc'efitriwli tudood 35 Mercury in~:1959 36 111.6ibility time 'azidt-..463~atio2i bf:`bi1jgbt-pl6nets in; 1959, f6r'IiLtitude 560 38 Minor, pl6aeis Ifi"1959 39 Eclipses In 1959 40 Total-` solar'6c lips6 bf~O~eir Pp:*1959 41 066ul-tationif bVb:ftgbt-1xtaiv tr-thv Xo6n in"1959 45 Card, V 7 Short Astronomical Calendar (Cont.) SCr7/22r "'LQQPr41)*",QR altom dORAUX"'WetWNPon 45 Variable Stare :tn 1959 46 Julian Days 46 Conversion Table for Parts of Day to Hours,, Mimrtes, and Seconds 47 Maxima of Long-period Variable-Stars, in 1959 48 Physical CoordiraLton. of the Sun In 1959 49 Chief MeteorIcAtrews,Observed in the Northern Rejaisphere 50 Table for.. Calaaliiting Latitude'and"Oeodetic Azimth by th* North Star 52 Corrections for Conversions of local Mean Tim to Sidereal Tim and Fran Sidereal to local Mean Tim 53 catalog of Bright Stare up to 2.5 Stellar Magnitude and 300 of Southern Declination. 54 Card 5/T Short Astronppical.Calendar (Conte) SOV/2278 Latitudes and Longitudes of AWR Cities from zero meridian Row to use the Calendar Seleshnikov,, S.'I. Notable Dates From the History of Astronomy for 1959 Shternfelld, A. A. -General Characteristics of Artificial Earti Satellites Belikov,, Be D. Observations of Artificial Earth SatellItes by Amateur Astronomers Krinov, Ye. L. Giant Meteorites Nabokov, Me Ye, Astronomical Instruments for Amateur Astronomers Current Notes News in Astronomical Literature Card 611 56 57 72 85 95 100 106 3-13 117 YAMM A.0- [Ukovkin, A.0.3 Moon and its study* Iffauka i shyttia 9 no-3:45-50 Mr '59. (MM 12:4) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Ali USSR. Direktor Glavnoy astronomicheekoy observatorii AN.USSR. (Moon) V,4