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7R-M a an -1 T A--I -Ak llftnl-z M-u4-4-k- -P-, L. t- %-I o0 '00 '00 00 00 *0 AP'AAAX-; FUR I&I'rRNIhIXG WL StWS FOR DIFF&LAT SCHzXZS OF WCaIrG 00 00 A WALM HIII Nil L%&kUjbvakp Zavodvk%y& Laboratoriya 191,9, vol. 15, 00 nvp pr 616-61fI-.-Iw-ku-s3 Lan-.. A device 1..4 dosertlAxt Nr une to ",ther so 4 with a tensile testing machine, by vh;ich the stresses on Lhe rolls In 00 tbe rolling of flat 3p6Cimens or tubes can to determined. aso 00 00 '00 00 '0* 00 ASSALA .11 oil j.k 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *A G- I$I a a 3 4 &man so* 0000000 tioe BEZLADNOVP N. L. PA 65T104 UM/hadlo Broadcasting my 1948 Radio, Wired 'Wired Broadcasting in the USSR," N. L. Bezladnov, Candidate Tech Sci; B. Ya. Gertsenshteyn, Engr, 2 pp 'Vost Svyazi- Uektro-Svyaz" No 5 (98) Briefly describes development and expanalon of wired broadcasting In the USSR, with some notes m the progress of USSR technology In this field. ow 65T1o4 REMIA OV - N L. PA 36/49T104 USM/Radio Jon/Fab 49 Amplifiers, Radio Frequency Vacuum Tubes "Operating Conditions Necessary for Maximum Utilization of Output Tubes in ?owerful Broadcast Amplifiers," N. L. Bezladnov, Cand Tech Sci, 11 pp "Radlotekh" Vol IV, No 1 Applies simplified analytical method, based on ideal characteristics of tubes, to determine optimum operating voltages for powerful broadcast amplifiers (m-6oo, M-1,000, GK-3,000, G-431, etc). Submitted 17 Boy 48. MAO 36/49TIO4 BEZMIOVO N.J. "Stations of "ebroadeasting Systems.," Svyazlizdat, 1954 BULADNOV. NikoV-Llvovich; GLIICMAN, Smen Tevoeyevich; POZDEYEV, Boris -~-T i "'SAVINA, Nina Alekesudrayna; KASHAR(WAJ.G., redaktor SOKOLOVA,R.Ta., tekhnichemkiy redaktor [Station apparatus for radio diffusion) Stantsionnye ustroistva veshchaniia po provodm. Moskva, Goslsd-vo lit-ry po voporasm eviazi i radio. 1955, 491 P. (MIRA 9:2) (Radio--Apparatus and supplies) ,~rcjvin,- '!,.e ;--asi,,rcrent. in his paper, of TrT! of Non linear Distortions" noted the deficiernies of the a:- plied met--o,-Is of measurement and sulm-ested -to distinr.~iish d,,-namdc froi~. stllatilc of ic-lic"l- ness of nonlinear distortions. For this -.,urpose, a dcvice like an "artificial ear" has to he dieveloped. The ar V lorl. or c-f cac.~! -'i,. i:-esont -'- ;-,t t!ie Eleventh Scient-Ific and 'echn~cal Session of 'c-',e Lcnin,--rad Sectior .""G.IiL (Scienlific ai,d -c-chiiie'-11 Scci.:.,L, C- t" ~ ; - . . 1.,. 1, ~ ~ I I - Ic~r of -.1--dio j . ~~ .: C11'.1 ji. S. .-' -c- 4,,c- ce-I u-va Le 114 -n;-rad, 16-2h Apr 56. Radiotekbulks, Mo. 7, 1956 -7 f 'V, "Improvement of Nonlinear Distortion Measuring Method," by N. L. Bezladnov, Elektrosvyazl, No 2, Feb 57, pp 10-19 . .......... I ~ - Methods for obtaining maximum conformity between the measured values and the degree of subjective perception of nonlinear distortions are de- scribed. For this purpose measurements of relative levels of distortions taken in the process of reproduction of voice or during tests simulating transmission are recommended. This method takes into consideration the loudness distortion corrections, as well as their masking by the trans- mitted signal and the noises originating at the place of reproduction. The principles for the construction of measuring circuits are discussed. The author expresses thanks to V. M. Vollf and V. K. Ioffe for their assistance. (U) BE71-A NOV, Niko,~ay,4!vovich-.,,GKRTSSIISRTEYN, Boris Yakovlevich-. SAVINA, 1. 1--iffils Alekaandrovnaz BASHCHUK..V. I, red.; YAB IWVA, S,F., ., a .. [Wire broadcast networks) Seti provodnogo veshchaniia. Monkva. Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po voprosam sviazi i radio. 1959. 371 P. (MIRA 12:9) (Wire broadcasting) BONDARENKO, I.P., inzh.; YEVWKIMOV, G-S., inzh.-, -DML-~-DNOV, V-YR. On tho article "Increame cross mectiono ~f Bezop. truda v prom. 2 no.2:?2-23 F 158. (MIRA ll:Z) 1. Nachal Inik upravleniya Krivorozhakoeo ok-rw,-n Gosgortekhnadzora SSSH (for Bondarenko). 2. GlPLvny7 twhimnr upravlnnlya Kazakh- ntanokogo okruga ftegortakhmazora, SSSR (for Bezladnar). (Mining engineering) BRZLADNOV, V.Ya., inzh. ,----~~Preventing destructive effect of undert-round mining on surface buildings. B020P. truds, v prom. 3 no.6:38-39 Je 159. (MIRA 12: 10) (Mining engineering--Safety, moasuret.;) ARMIYREV. V.V.; !MA~140Va, 11.1.; &OW"'K0. L.T., ,,,*1ect:-i., r--x1tion n~ 'thf, ;-11dit-r-y ")f Vie Col-t';~ w" In thr: fovwttlon of a conditioned defensive reflex. Tr-u(~-, (AHA ~1 -rit firiologli , tcllnoo!setora. (Bmin. Localization of funation) ZlIZI-11J, A. B'IZIIAJI, A. 'N'ew methods fortxStin-g Cotton. p. 1118. Vol. L, no. 11, Nov. 1955 T-EKLTIL Zagrcb, Yugoslavia L:o: :'-astern European ~Iccession troi. 5 No. L April 1956 ;-41 ZT AJ.1 A. The development of Greek cotton. p. 612. (THSTIT, Vol. 6, No. 6, June 1957, Zarreb, Yu,oslavia) SO: Monthly List of Last European Accessions (EFAL) Lc. tol. c, No. 10, uctober1957- 'ncl. 10 the shape of the body has an insigni- ficant influence. Papers of M.A. Mikhe ev f Ref. 1_7, B.D. Katsnellson and F.D. Timofeyeva FRef 22, S.S. Kutateladze CRef. 5.7, L I.Kudryashev Z_Ref 71,, o.A. Gerashchenko CRef . iO-71 A.A. Zhukauskas Z Ref. 12_7, B.S. Petukhov, A.A. Detlaf and V.V. Kirillov fRef 151 are mentioned and their experimental and theoretical data are compared graphically. There are 3 graphs and 15 references, 10 of which are Soviet, 3 English and 2 German. ASSOCIATION: Nikolayevskiy korablestroitel9nyy insti'Uut imeni admirals. S.0. Makarova (Nikolayev ShiD BuildinR L_r ov Card 3/4 69461 3/143/60/000/02/009/018 D043/DO02 A Generalized Equation of the Natural and Forced Convection With External Flow Around Bodies SUBMITTED: August 6, 19599 by the Kafedra teorii teplotekhniki i Budovykh parovykh kotlov (Department of the Theory of Heat Engineering and Marine Boilers) Vr Card 4/4 'VIJTEV, Evg., inzh.; BEZLOV D. inzh ; VASILEVA, 14., inzh.; DRAGOMIRCV, T. Itcroasing durability of tho guides of metal-cutting tools by surface hardening. Mashinostroene 12 no.6tl7-22 Je163- ACCESSION NR: AR4041557 S/0274/G4/000/004/AOlGIA017 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Radlotekhnika i clektrosvyazl. Svodny*y tom, Abs. 4AlOG AUTHOR: Bezlov, Ye. F.; Nigmatullin, R. Sh. TITLE: Frequency-response curves of series RC-line CITED SOURCE: Tr. Kazansk. aviaIts. in-ta, vy*p. 73, 190, 57-G3 a TOPIC TAGS: frequency response curve, RC line, RC cable, boundary value problem TRANSLATION.- During solution of boundary value problems describing processes of diffusion and non-stationary heat transfer with help of electrical models there arises necessity of use of semi-infinite RC-cable. Frequency characteristics of modulus and argument of such cable can be obtained from expression of oper- ational conductivity: Card 1/4 ACCESSION NR: AR4041557 C VW- jcp- Physical realization of RG-cable involves certain difficulties. Possibi3ity j9 shown of replacement of cable in given frequency range by series RC-linep i topened at the eTvi. There is considered a series line consisting of impedances Z, Q, Z, z E 2 z I '(see Figure 1). On the basis of Kirchhoff's laws there is composeda system of equations for it in operator form. System is solved by method proposed by Carelow- 'Jaeger ("Operation Methods in Applied Mathematics." Publishin&' House of Foreign Literature, 1948). For' RC-circuit when at = co, z - Rv Q - 1/pC,, operational conductivity of series line is equal to: Y(P) - PG118'nh nQ]/[B'nh (n+')Q - sinh nQ311 (2) Wgie 0wh Q - 1+(RC/2) p. Taicing in '(2) *.is, there can be found frequency-response ".purves of modulus and argumsn~ of. adWittance: . ....... 'Card 2/4 ACCESSION NR: AR4041557 I IF U*) IWC V KM+LM (4) K-cos a sinh 7 L-sin a cosh T in a cosh T 'M--cos sin cos ct - sinh Y , N=sin cosh 8 s a - n arctan A/2 j' 0 = (n+1) - arctan A/?, ,,Y =n ln B, 8- (n4-1)ln B, ---F A-If t +cD Y!-6+wltl- 2 B wv+A 2A Y4-+A*,ir-RC- with Comparison of curves constructed from (3) and (4) for 0.75 x 10 , frequency responses determined by (1) ahmm that decrease of r improves frequency- response curves in region of high frequency# _and increase of n leads to their Card 3/4 ACCESSION NR: AR4041557 decreane in region of low frequency. For high frequency, where If :;0, formulas0 and (4.) can be simplified considembly, --Bibliography: 3 references. SUB CODE: E C, M A ENCL: 00 'Card 4 4 BNZL'UTSKIY. G.S. mbined-Ta"ryngocele. Vest.oto-rin. 19 no.4:104 Jl-Ag 157. (MIRA 10*11) 1. Iz khirurgicheakogo otdelenlya Borov-skoy bollnitsy, Molotov- skoy oblasti. (N=K--TUMCRS) BZZLUTSETY, G.S. A case of biliary peritonitis in closed rupture of the liver; Sov*'Med. 22 no-8:138-137 Ag '58 (MIRA 11:10) 1. 1z khirurgicheskogo otdeleniya (zav. A.A' Tholkin) Ugleural'skov gorodskoy bollnitsy N0,1 Orenburgskoy obln9t; (glavnn vrach V.D. Shpakovskiy)e (LIM,rupt. closed. causing biliary peritonitis (Rus)) (PERITONITIS, etiol. & pathogen* biliary. caused by closed liver rupt (Rus)) P" MZLYAK, V,V., inzh, Smooth blasting in surface rock excavation sites. Energ. stroi. no.4:43-46 165o (MBA 18:12-) AUTHORS~ Bezlyud'ko, A,I. and Novikcv, I.A.. Engineers TITLE-,- To Step-Up the Dr2-ftizip, of HcrizonTai Mine Workingo (Uskoil', tempy prokhozhdeniya fr - ,orizontal~nykh Cornykh vyraboick) PERIODICAL- klekhanizatsiya -~-_rudoyemkikh i tyazadlykh rabot, 1953, Nr 1, PP 11-14 (USSR) ABSTRACT- This is P_ detailed descrip-Uor. of a rew eet of highly effi- cient ore minina machi-res produced by Giprorudmash, cap- able of performing 200 to 250 m of horizontal di-ifting psr month. The following maoh:~ne* are mentioned and describad~ a BKM carriage equipped with six d7illing machines of the type KS-509 which can be operated simultaneously4 high speed percussion drilling machines of the type PRSZM and PRT constructed for drilling with SUDDOrting pneumatic props of the type KPP-4 and KPP-r,;, a loading installation of the type R-10 OQUJ_DPP_! with a conveys_- and driven by two electric motors of the tuyre F2-A051-4, ea,-..h :.f 4.5 kwi 10-ton mine cars of th6 type *I.TO-10 and VOK-10., which are unloaded through hinged walls. Giprorudmash has developed a circular dumping me,~hanipm of the type OPE-2 for the un- Card 1/2 loading of 10,1.-on. inine car-i equipped with rotating couplings, 3OV/118-58-1 -3/16 To Step-Up the Drifting of Hoxizontal Mine Workings two exnerimental modc-la have been oxccluced by the "Kommunistll Plant and have beer. in oneration since February 1957 in the mine imeni Sergo Ordzhon:kkIdz& of th:- Leninrucli Trust,. They have prcvsd suitairle foi ii!~e ir. m2xas of the Krivorozhsk-iy R~g Baain'~' There are 4 photographs 2 lets of diagrams, and 4 tabL?s. 1. Mining engineering--USS.R 2. Etillir_g ma3hines-.-Operation 3. Cargo vehicles-IDading .4. -Mate-rials--Handling Card 212 LY 0 0) 27-58-4- 2/31 AUTHORS: Bezlyucfko, A.I. and Solovlyanov, L.N., Engineers TITLE: Reserves to Increase the S'oeed of Preparation of New Le-.eas and to Reduce the Sinking and DrA-fting Costs in -he Mines of the Krivoy Rog Basin (Rezervy povysheniya skorosti podgotovki novykh gorizontov i snizheniya stoimost'i prokhodki ~i shakhtakh Kri,rc- rozhskogo basseyna) PERIODICAL: Gornyy Zhurnal, 1958, Nr 4, PP 5-8 (-035~rl) ABSTRACT: The authors are concerned with the non-execution of the plan by many mines of the Krivoy Rog Basin and describe the causes of this delay. The main cause is the untimely p-reparation for exploitation of new levels in working mines., which is explalned by'the ineffective organization of sinking and drifting works, lack of mechanization and the low quality of preparatory works. The authors propose the following measures to correct this pro- blem: 1 - improve the quality of sinking and drifting works and not allow larger sectional areas than those fixed by the Plan; 2 - introduce a modernized system of shcring; I - _Jntrc-duce the most modern me,,hanized machinps for thi,:; purposp, The Card 112 authors describe different systems and machines uoed in shoring, -, 27-58-4-21/31 Reserves to Increase the Speed of Preparation of New Levels and to Reduce the Sinking and Drifting Costs in the Mines of the Krivoy Ror L'a.9in The-e is I photo, 1 Graph, and 1 Soviet. referenc,~. ASSOCIATION:Institut Giprorudmash (The Giprorudmash Institute) Card 2/2 1. !,.inlng -mglneerin- - U33R 2. i-ilncs - U MUJSBKIK, S.M.; TARIGH, H.S.; HIZLTUDIIO, A.I.; SOROKIN. Ts.A.; Tagupov. A.V. Flame-throwing drin for drilling bUstholes in pits. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform. no.2:4-6 160'."'- (MIRL 13:6) (Boring machinery) BNZLYUDIKO, A.I., gornyy insh.; SORCKIN, Te.A., gornyy inzh.; TAMMOV, inzh. Plans for over-all mechanization of the OGigant" Mine. Gor. zhur. no. 1:54-59 Ja '61. (KIRA 14:1) 1. Giprorudmash. Krivoy Rog. (Krivoy Rog Basin--Iron mines and mining) (Nining machinery) .1 BEZLYUD I KO P A. 1. High-speed and safe machinery for miners. Bezop.truda v oma 5 no.10:7-9 0 161, (MIRA 14:10 1. Direktor institute, Giprorudmash. (Mining machinery) SUFRUNOV, N.N.; BESPALICHIK, L.M.; TIMOFEYEV, V.M.; BEZLYUDIKO, A.I., otv. red.; YEHOKHIN, G.M., ved. red., Nlyffftmo, red.; KUNIN, I.K., red.; [Jet boring; studies] Termicheskoe burenie; sbornik tru- dov. Moskva, Nedra, 1965. 182 p. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Yrivoy Rog. Institut "Giprorudmash." LEONTIYEVV M.N.; prinimali uctiastiye: BAKINA, K.V.; KISEIXVA, O.M.; KRAVETS, Ye.A.; KARWVA, S.A.; DUBNOVA, S.S,; Sa4WYAWq A.G.; ZAMORINAq Z.T.; MIIAFINAg Ye.F.; KOZELISKAYA, O.P.; VASILIKOVA, z I:; ZOTOV9 S.N.; YEMWV9 A.I.;,i3~~ZLYUDNAYAI. V.V.; NAZAROVg B:A ; ASHIKEHINA, V.M.; ASYAKINA, A.N.; TROITSkffk-, B.I.; SKVORTSOV,, A.V.p red.; LESHkKOV, I.T., tekhn. red. (The economy of Orlov Province; a.statistical manual) Narodnoe khoziaistvo (hlpvskoi oblasti; st#.tiatichesIdi sborni . Orel, Gosstatizdat, p6o. 281 p. (M3RA 14:5) 1. Orel(Province) Statiatichpokoye upravleniye. 2. Zamestitell nachallnika 4stisticheakogo upravleniya Orlovskoy oblasti (for Leontlyev). 3. Statisticheskoye ilpravleniye Orlovskoy ob- lasti (for all except Leshakov) 4- N~challnik statisticheskogo upravleniya Orlovskoy oblasti (for Skvortsov (Orlov Province-Statistics) PEZL~IJDNYY, A. S. USSR/Mathematics - Approximations 21 Jul 51 "Approximation of Continuous Periodic 1, unctions of Two Variables Satisfying the Lipschitz Condition by Means of Interpolational Trigonometrical Polynomials," P. T. Bugayets "Dok Ak Nauk SSSRII Vol LXXIX, No 3, pp 381-384 Current article isdevoted to an extension of S. M. Nikollskiyls results (cf. ibid. 31; Vol MI, No 3 1 1941; "Trudy Matemat Inst imeni Steklov, 11 15, 1945) to the 2-dimensional case. A. S. Bezlyudnyy (cf. I'Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol LXV, b0 3, 1949) extended his xesults to Ihe 2-dimensional case for a s pecial class of functions f(x,Y) Satisfying certain Lipschitz inequalities. Bugaysts demonstrates a certain theorem concerning f(x,y). Submitted by Acad A. N. Kolmogorov 19 May 51. PA 2UT61 ~,rm NOT - r4w 0 + co I A" 'g)f I qnq XQ' - us 201 P-F III!^ 3flIp!=4" 'Ap,-A-ljXKtU;*l 'IC x U-1 u 1;4 OuAlod llurin AnUT r!,~-pjo )o pul od alT.1 -nawap lal liv I IN:-;.. I (lx ,x)f- oc ,~)fl J1 Z "S9 ('S"N) 'USSS 4TIrN TtAV AM- 10a lsplwoli~l 4104 Sq sa4jv= As~ ! 0, ~ . "L#41ATF; ~XTV~7w ,,3 -V 9,14upnAlzi) 02 LUPKIN, V.M.; BEZLYUDOV, V.L. Study of transformer networks with high-voltage regulation i1or single- pliaae electric rolling stock. S.bor.rab.po vop.elaktromakhno.8.-350-363 163. (MIRA- 164) (Electric railr"do-current supply) (electric transformers) BEZLYUDOV, V.L. (leningrad) Ghoice of methods for voltage regulation in a.c. electric looomotives, Izv. AN SSSR, Energ. i transp. no.5.-60&611 S-0 163. (MIFA 16-.11) P&LYUDOIIA, M.M. ~ W - _!~~tjj Of .: scillatioriS in truns- 'Lin'.:s reCtU!-!-!;.,Cr( -1., faction of Internal and external conductors. 16-d-iotekh. i ei-sktron. 8 noAl-.1842%- 1.848 N 16-A Oellr, r: 1) I I . ~.'j L19023-65 FW?(J)/EEC_4/E.WA(b) Peb RM(a)/ASDtka)-5/AFET-R/FSD(c)/ESD(t) ACCESSION NR: AP5000454 S/0109/64/009/012/2133/Z139 AUTHOR: Bezlyudova, M. M. TITLE: Calculation of the input impedance of a coaxial -to -wavegui de junction -coated probe vith a dielectric SOURCIE: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 9, no. 1Z, 1964, 2133-2139 TOPIC TAGS: waveguide, wa~eguide junction'Tcoaxial to waveguide junction ABSTRACT. A theoretical analysis of a coaxial -to -rectangular -waveguide junction is presented, mode H.W is propagating in the waveguide,and its exciting probe is coated with a cylindrical dielectric. The principle o1 superposition and the method of specular reflection of the probe in the metal walls oi the waveguide are used in the analysis. Formulas (7, 8) for the coaxial-input impedance of the junction are developed. Also, formulas for a semi-infinite waveguide and for a short-circuited waveguide are derived. Calculations have shown that the Card I /Z L 19023-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5000454 dielectric coating permits matc)~ing of the junction up to a voltage-SWR of 1. 2 or 1. 3 in the rated wavelength band of the rectangular waveguide. Orig. art. has; 6 figures, 23 formulas, and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: none SUBhUTTED: 09Sep63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: EC NO REF SOV: 004 OTHER: 00 1 Card- 212- D.B., in--tienor; 41REM. A.!-'., inxhoner. wftwmpjr-f;a Safety messurps for tmosi-~ectlng drillinr. BozoD.trudA v -Drom. 1 no.,:34-35 S 157. (YI.RA lb:9) (Ilining engineering-SAfety wessurev 3JZKAN, D.B.; VASILITAY. X.1. , Using MI-410 self-recording hydraulic manometers in test boring. Biul. TSIIN towet. mt. no.24t8-9 157, (MIRA. 11:5) (Nanometer) (Boring) /-7 f v'~) AUTHORt Bezman, D.B., and Vasillyev, M.I. 132-1-9/15 TITLE: Experiments with Automatic Recording Hydraulic Manometers of the Type MG-140 Used at Test Drilling Operations (0b opyte izpol'zovaniya Bamopishushchikh gidravlicheskikh manometrov tips, MG-410 na razvedochnom burenii) PERIODICALs Razvedka i Okhrana Nedr.0 1958, # lp PP 49-50 (USSR) ABSTRAM Equipping hydraulically operated drill migs of the types ,, 3HO-300 , , 3140-650A " and " 3HO-1200 A" with the auto- matically recording manometer , mr-410 " made it possible to use the device for recording the pressure on the face from the start of drilling operations. Oil from the hydraulic system of the boring machine, conducted into " Mr -410 ", passes through a aafety valve, which precludes pressures in excess of 25 atm. The device keeps control of the different stages of work and records the time required. There is I figure. ASSOCIATIONi Treat "Uraltevetrazvedkall AVAILABLEi Library of Congress Card 1/1 BF,Z"AIN, DI. Ya. 1 1. 'Some Data on T-~mhus Recurrens, 11 Klin. 'k d., r6, No. 6, Zhmerinsk Inter-Royon llosp. im. V. I. Lenin BEZMAN, D. 'Yo- N "'Erysid' in Treatment of Cardio-Vascular Insufficiency," Kin. Med., Vol.31.7 ; 4.0.2, 1955 Z,hmerynka County Hospital) Ukrainian Rejublic. Comments X-3546) 1~5 Jul 55 BIZKAN. D.Ya., royomqy terapayt (Zhmerinks) I."! "-:A C; onferences on theory and practice for nurses. Med.sextra 16 no.5: 26-27 My '57. (KLRA 10*7) (NMJCS AND NMING) BEMAll, D.Ya. (Zhmnrinka) MUMOO ~Koncdiosi C~e therapy of patients with circulatory insufficiency. 37 no.7tl27-130 Jl 159. (MII?A 12:10) 1. 1z terapevticheBkogo otdeleniyu (zav. D.Yu.Bezman) Zhnerin- s1cov rayonnoy bollnitsy Imeni V-I.Lenina (glavny vrach A.A. Yakovlev). (CARDIAC GLYCOSIDM ther.) PAMMOV, A.I.; KAWAYEV. N.K.. doktor akon.nauk; POLYANSKIY, F.Ya., doktor istor.nauk; TSAGOLOV, N.A.p doktor ekonom.nauk; BEZMAN, M,B,, kand.ekonom.nauk; PRIKAZCHIKOVA, Ye.V., kand.ekono-m.-E6111r,- SHMOV, H.S. Prinimali uchastiye: KOSHELZV.A, Ye.F.. mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; MWORIU. V.F., mladshiy nauchnyy Botrudnik; CHIZHOVA, L.G.. mladshiy nauchnyy sotradnik; VILENSKAYA, V.S., starshiy nauchno-tekhnichaskiy sotrudniki ZHUK, I., rod.; MOSKVINA, R., (History of Russian economic thought] Istoriia ruoskoi ekonomi- cheskoi mysli. Rod red. A.I.Pashkova i N.A.TSagolova. Moskva. Izd-vo sotsialln--.ekon.lit-ry. Vol.2. [Epoch of premonopolistic capitalism] Rpokha domonopolisticheskogo kapitalisma. Pt.2. 1960. 676 p. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Inatitut ekonomiki. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Pashkov). 3. Institut ekonomiki AH SSSP. (for Koshelevap Xhutorna, Chizhova). (Economics) BEZMAN, la.T).. student Fhonerdo'scoDe for asc. Vrach.delo no.6:6317 ja ;53 llslk-~ 11:7) 1. Virmltskiy med'AtBipakiy institute "rilo'sinmoscorr') ~4032-66 EX'T (m /DJ'A (h DM ACMTM M' AF5027962 UJV0D8q/65/019/W2/0DW0O63 AUTW,R t -Krasnow, _Yj~ Nt_;. Dmit~dm. P._P_..;- aevastlyalkpyjj!~. 0.1 ~e A* 8" TITLE: Production of sup 26 Al during irradiation of Ng with 2D-Hey deuterms SOURCE: Atomnaya onergiyao v. 199 no, 11 1965t 62-63 70PE TAGS: aluminuat radioiaotopeg irradiation, magnesium, deuteron, gamma apectru~t deutron beam, Lootope separation ABSTRACTS High apecific-activity sup 26 Al ww obtained in a rqqq gap OUR 25 th ti __k(dj )'~tnd sup 26 Mg (d,2n) by irradiating NS with a 2D-Hey deuteron beam. The step13 involved in the separation of the radiochemically pure Al are listed. The sup 26AI gamma spectrumq measured on a scintillation spectrometer, is presented, The activity of the sup 26 Al source was measured by comparison of the 511-Icer gamma line Intensity with a sup 22 Na standard and of the 1830-kev intensity with a sup 88 T standard& "The authord thiak~ Z*F. Dodtriyeva for the carrying-out of the measurements on the spectrometere" Orig. art. hast I graph and 1 table. ASSOCIATICK: none SUMMED: 2DJuI64 ENZ: 00 SUB OODEI NP NO REF SOVt 002 oT= t oo4 NA tard I_&M=66_ EWT(m)/Y' F c ~ZTCAPW)AN(M)/B1iA(d)/EWPg/)ff JP )64 9~g) 9~b)V 1JP ;0 NR: 3OW 5 Oi ob oo63~ 541-15 AUTHOR: Sevast Bezmaternykh,__ A. S, 41 t TITLE: Separation of Ne~ from a TnesiT target bombarded by deuterons SOURCE: Atomnaya energiya, v. l9t no./i, 1;65, 63-64 TOPIC TAGS: magnesium) sodium, deuteron bombardment, deuteron interaction, js~tqpt__ seyarAti J~MA8 ABSTRAM' n view of the fact tha:~'.'bxilsiting separation methods require large quantities of washing solutions and consume much time, the authors propose a method for dumping the bulk of the magnesium (94--97%) by precipitating It in the form of magnesium sulfate from water-acetone solutions. The subsequent purification of Na22 is by ion exchange. A rotating target of MA8 alloy (-95% Mg) was used witb a hemispherical head bombarded in the internal beam 0 a cyclotron with 20-Mev deu- terons (300 pa current). The experiments aimed at choosing the right solvent and the solution technique, as well as the final procedure developed, are described briefly. "The authors thank F~l .4mitriyev for help and consultations during the radiometric measurements and Bi)'/S.'~~Kirlyanay and VJIP.~~gharav for participatirg In a discussion of tbe'results." Orig. eat. has: 3 tables. Card 1/2 L 6470-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5OX9815 ASSOCIAMON: none SUBMITTED: lhAug64 ENCL: 00 NR REF SOV: 003 mm: w4 11 w SUB CODE: NP 6 (5~~ Card 2/2 GROZIN, I.V.; BM%MTXRNM, L.N. Investigation of disruptive discharges In wave guides at a frequenc7 of 9,300 me. Izv.v7o.ucheb.%&v.; radiofiz. I no.4:111-115 '58. NIU 12 -.5) 1, Sibirskiy fiziko-tekhnichookiy inatitut pri Tomakom univer- sitete. (Blectric discharges) (Wave guides) - 2Q W4 S/109, D201YD.!61/006/010/012/027 `X /30 0 D302 AUTHOR%: Didenko, A.N.9 and B ,!fLternykh, L.N. TITLE: Design of rectangular waveguides loaded by dielectric diaphragms PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 6v no. 10, 1961, 1670 - 1676 TEXT: In thespresent article, the a hors give the basic theory of rectangular wave*ides loaded by teleltric diaphragms. he ana- lyzed system is the rectangular waveguide of height a and Ath b, which has at its interval walls d plectric diaphragms of thickness L2 ald height h, spaced by a di ance Ll from each other. The dia.- phragms are made of isotropic dielectric with large E. The disper- sion lations are obtained for the waves, eXiBting in the given syst~ n the absence of central irises in the dielectric and it is known that if the fields depend on both transver0el coordina- tes only hybrid waves are possible. It is necessary, therefore, to obtain dispersion equations for TE- and TM-waves simultaneously Card 1/10 Design o f rectangular waveguides ... S~?U~161/006/0101/012/027 D2MD302 which exist in waveguides with solid diaphra ms. For tit-n and clo- sely spaced diaphragms (P 1 L 1 P2 L2--*-- 1 ~ *tj + L k(Ll + L 2) 2 2 X) 2 + (.pe 2 k 2 k a + L L, + a L,) ) (E Ll + L 3P k' 2 2 and 2 + 2 = E(Ll + L2) k2 L1 -+ L2 k2 (4) a F-L1 + L 2 L1 + EL 2 3 are obtained, where 2 2 2 (B:)2~ P2 Ek 2 T12 k3 w L = Ll + L 2; Pi = k a 2 VO 2 a and T' and rul - the transverse wave numbers for the TM- and TE wa- ves in the y-direction. The TM- and TE- wave components are obtai- Card 2110 29314 S/109/61/006/010/012/027 Design of rectangular waveguides D201/D302 ned in the same manner. When the waveguide is filled by dielectric having central irisesp one TE- or one TM-wave only can no longer satisfy the boundary conditions and only hybrid waves are possible. Their field components may be determined from the electric and mag- netic Hertzian vectors grad div -r-1.4 n-'4 + ik rot ffm (5) e e 'T = and I - iEk rot fTe + grad d.iv ftm r-I (6) m and assuming that, as usual,. vectors I-'Ie and ITM have only the Z- components the following expressions are obtained for the compo- nents of the in phase hybrid wave within the interaction region b (0 Z%;~~ /y/ h/) C* I Ch k...Y (- iA.Q.")A.+ Q,12%) eNz, (7) -E. COs A z Yj eh kv..y (iB Q.(')A, - Q.(')B.) Card 3/10 4 29314 S/109/61/006/010/012/027 Design of rectangular waveguides D201/D302 00 Ex cog -1 x I ch k,.yAe'$-*, 2 R---.00 00 cog sh k,.t*l (- M)A. 4- ;1:11(111? ~ ~A-z s'n a- x OAO ch kv.-Y.(- Q-4A. + ip;. Q' "B,) CO HZ =sin x I sh k,..y Be"-'. where Qs(i) a 2 Q., (a) - kly'. k2y, k ik (4). (8) Q, n 2 Call Card 4/10 k2'- 2 -0v'$ a); 29314 S/109/61/006/010/012/027 Design of rectangular waveguides D201/D302 and P propagation constant of the S-th space harmonic related 8 2 jy to the fundamental by + For the other region 0 L 2 /b the hybrid field components are expressed by Do 00 (Y_ b r---W + Rr- I') b,. sh r1rn (Y - 4-) S 00 Cos X eip.2 [Rr' a,. ch V (y - Tr#,. - (16) 1 2 r---OO RrrA (4) bl. eh r. r-(y b S 2 *0 E. cos -I!- z clog" a, 5h rer (Y Ser. 2 Card 5/10 29314 Des*ign of rectangular waveguides ... S/109/61/006/010/012/027 D201/D302 00 fp's H. COs a x 21 e I - Rs a, ch r1l, (y + a- Co r 2 , (Y- b eh rm Tm.], 00 00 Hy sin -.!!- x fa.2 6) a I e Rr# "' a, sh r: + S-00 r + (8) bF Y_ b Tmsj 2 00 fp's Co H, sin a x 2] br ch r,- (y srm P-Co 2 L in which 3r... I e71018 W,* (z) dz + S,..(.)). ,C- L L 0 (17) ce-41., Wr' (s) d-- + card 6/1o 0 (18) 29314 S/log/61/006/010/012/027 Design of rectangular waveguides D201/D302 L e71p,Sdwr (S) - A (7"'.(',) + Te (2)); (19) (19) L -d. L r r. m d)V' (0) 1p,14 W, . (4) + IV,. e7 ds (0)+ (20) (20) + + ds di A2 - P- (21) (21) p" 0.2 dz psw; (1-~)] - f!2 - m2w; (0)) (221 (22) dz )p ds , _ p2 (23) Card 7/10 ds 19314 S/109/61/006/010/012/027 Design of rectangular waveguides ... D201/D302 By equating the respective harmonies of tangential components of (7) and (16) and disposing of As and Bs the following-two infinite systems of linear equations with respect to a r and br are obtained determining the dispersion properties of the in-phase wave of the waveguide with dielectric diaphragms a,(QI.,Is;,.thk,,.ysi,r'h r r, r,"h+ + + b, S",. ch r, h - R-r I') Tr-, ch r-, h] = 0, (24) CO a,. I ip.Q,(')s,-,, sh r; h - RO I') T,#., sh Fr'hl + r + b, I Q,(21 Sr-, oth k,,., y, ch F-r h + R1.7 ") s.1% si, rrn h) 0. in which co S lz~~7 + co - The analysis of Eq. (24) is rather dif f i- cult. The approximate equations are, therefore, of interest. They can be obtained assuming that the field distribution in the se- cond region is adequately described by functions W 0e and W-m and Card 8A0 ;~~1309/61/006/0!0/012/027 Design of rectangular waveguides D201/IW02 by their deri,-~Itives. Then the higher space harmonies can be evalu- ated by the ap-l-oximate method of lacing together partial powers. The method consists of evaluating partial powers for the I and II region over one period L of the structure and adding &em at the boundary P p p p 1 1 2 2 where P c E*H df; = -2. E* 11 dz. (25) 91-F Z x P2 81f Z Z This gives an equation which has two solutions, one of which des- cribes the dispersion properties of a quasi - TE- wave. Further simplificationf#s possible if within the I and II region only the zero--... harmonic is considered, giving the solution for the Bymme- trical quasi-TE- and quasi- TM-waves. There are 4 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to the English- language publication reads as follows: R.B. Shersby-Harvie, L.B. Card 9/10 29 14 S/10 61/006/010/012/027 Design of rectangular waveguides ... D201YD302 Mulletp W. WalKinchawp So Bell. Go Loachp Procs I-E*EDt 1957, 104B, l< 273o SUBMITTED: January 21, 1961 Card 10/10 3/109/62 /007/006/009/024 0 ' /30-0 D2 7 1 /D7) Oa AUTHU: _Bazmate -ykh, N. IIE: Some clectrodynamic characteristics of rectangular wavaguides loaded by dielectric~diaphragms REI R 10 D L"'. A. LRadiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 7, no. 6, 1962, 9G5- 1301 TEXTI: A, waveouide is considered with thin, densely positioned diaphragms which can be regarded as containing anisotropic dielec- -'L;ric. The general dispersion equation is written out and the fol- lu,.in- cases are discussed: Waveguide with isotropic dielectric diaDnrarrms waveguide filled with anisotropic dielectric, and wave- . t. C5 9 ,a:uide formed by two infinite planes with anisotropic dielectric layers. The second case is chosen as the basis of mode classifi- ca,cion; waves which become TDI when inte'raction spaces tend to ze- ro are called quasi-TM;' waves which correspond to TE waves in a wave-uide filled with anisotropic dielectric are called quasi-TE. The relation between the diaphragm height and the delay is dis- ~9 Card 1/12 BEZMP.TERNYKHO L.N. Calculation of the dispersion of rod systems using a variational method. Radiotekh. i elektron. 8 no.q:1558-1566 S 163. (MIM 16:9) (Microwaves) (Wave guides) L 2506?-6!~ Pab-10/Pt-1-0/,Pi-4/Feb ACCESSION YR;AR4045746 '3/0275/6,j/000/007/A051/A052 I V,% SOURCE: Ref. zh. Eloktronika i yeye primeneniye. Svodnyy tom, Abq, 7A299 AUTHOR; Bomatermrkh, L. H.; Didenko, A. .4. TITLE, Feasibility of using. an interdigital del 31 m-5-Y-1i t ~13~ accelerators CITED SGURM; 3b. Blektron. VO wa ELMO uskoriteli. M., Vyssh. shkola,.1964, 97-102 TOPIC TAGS: eye-1.1c accelarittor, wavagulde cyc,,I-,Ic accelerator TIMNSLATIM; Characteristic-, of an interdigital delay c-ystc-m and Its afficiency 17~ in wave;7Uide cyclic aucelerators are considered. A dispersion equation is L;e~, I IT) Whose analysi-5 sho"m 'Jiat the System po.--,sesses a sufficiently wide ppsslumir' in the desirable ~fraquenclr nunge. A calculation of tiia slmnt resistance p~r u-nit le-n-th (r=0.15 corroborates the possibility of using such a systom, in at,celerating devioes operating at a wavelength of 10 cm and a lead-An height of 3 cm- SUB CODE: NfjP~- ENCL: 00 Cc3!d 1/1 ACCESSION NR: AP4039734 S/0141/64/007/002/0338/0342 Didenkot A. N.; Lisitsy*n, A. I.; AMOR: Vorablyev, A. A.; Ol'shanskiy, A. P. TITLZ* Laminated dielectric coatings with large reflect'icn coefficients SOURCE: IVLJZ. Radiofizika, v. 7, no. 2, 1964v 338-342 TOPIC TAGS: dielectric coating, reflection coefficient, cavity msonator, micro- wave equipnent, dielectric pemittivity ABSTRAM In view of various applications of laminated dielectric coating with large reflection coefficients, their reflecting properties are analyzed on the ba- sis of a calculation of the reflection coefficient frCM a semi-infinite periodic mediun, coWrising an infinite waveguide of arbitrary cross section, one half of which is filled with dielectric layers. Such a mpresentation neglects the ref lee-r!i tion fmn the second boundary of the layer and is justified at the frequencies con- sidered. The field outside the outermost layer is then described as a sun of in- cident and reflected waves, and inside the layer by a wave traveling inside the dielectrics. Calculations show that for a given reflection coefficient the dinen- sions of the laminated coating decrease sharply with increasing dielectric con- Card 1/4 ACCESSION UR: AP4039734 stant of the layers, and in the case of lwp dielectric constants (a. g., bariun titanate) , such layers can be used not only in the optical but also in the micrD- wave bands. It is shown that a frequency exists at which the tangential electric field on the surface of the laminated median vanishes, making it possible in some cases to replace metallic walls of cavity resonators by laminated dielectrics with- out distorting the field structure in the cavity. Tests,of laminated dielectric consisting of alteniating layers of paraffin and foamed plastic placed in a rectan- gular wavepAde confirmed this assumption, and the cavity produced by shorting the ends of this waveguide had approximtely the same Q as a metal cavity. Slight deviations frcm theory are explained. The use of dielectrics with large permitti- 2 _ 3 vities (10 10 ) will make it possible to reduce the tcytal thickness of the sandwich to 1 - 2 cm in the 10-cm band and to several tenths of a millimeter in the millimeter band. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 11 formulas. ASSOCLMON: None SUBMIMED: MlayU ENM: 02 SUB COM EM NR REF SOV: 003 01MR: 04 Card 2/4 AMM14M HKI AP40.39734 IMMURE o1 Dintribution of electric field in a IN stratified medium, for R = 1, A = 10 OM, E2 = 10, E, = 1, L2 = 1.2 cm (H mode). (R reflection coeffic., A Oiwavelength, e dielectric const., L thickness) Card 3/4 ACCESSION NRt AP4039734 Card 4/4 ENCLOSURE 02 Dependence of-the reflection coefficient on the wavelength within the rejection band, at E2 - 2 F L2 2.8 cm, Ll 2 c'm, a l(H' 01 mode). (a width of waveguide) 1; -57,820-6-5 F.',VT A 011) PI!-,VPeI)/Pi-4 ~ACCESSIGN NR: UR/0109/65/01,0/005/0947/0949 621-385.6-032.266 :P4rIHOR; Gos'kov, P. I.; Bezmaternykh, L. 11. 1TITIZ- Experimental investigation of an "opposing rows of rods," (delay] syst-em :SOURCE, Radiatekhnika i elektronika, v. 10, no. 5, 1965, 947-949 ITOPIC TAGS: waveguide delay line, dispersion property, comb structure IABSTRACTI: Dispersion properties waveguide delay system using opposing rGirs of- irods are studied. Theoretical and ex]~erimental dispersion cur-7es plotted on the assumDtion that the wave field in a homogeneous region has a TEM character were com.4' ipared. ExT)er-iments vere conducted by the small-disturbances method on a inodel of la six-period system consisting of two F-shaped halves (see Fig. 1 of the Enclosure).* 'From the dispersion curves shown in Fig. 2 of the Enclosure, it follows that the consideration of end capacitances-not-only leads*to a strong shift of the-dispersicn curves into the long-wave region, but at the same time causes an appreciable in- crease in the passband and altera the character of the dispersion of the "cophasal cos antiphasal ain" wave. Experimental dispersion ctirves are in good agreement with the theoretical curves calculated by taking into account the end capacitances,: I Sard L 53820-65 iACCESSION NR: AP5013348 'especially for T - R. In this system,'the dispersion of "cophasal cos + witiphazali isin" and "cophanal sin 4 antiphasal cas" waves has the s=e character, The ~'co- !phasal cos 4 Luitiphns.:J sin" o*c11lation,- differ from the "cophactal Sir -" anti- ~phasal cosvi oscillations in that a longitudinRl component of the clectric field is: 1present, on the system'z axis in the former case, while in the latter case there !is none. The experimentB show that in delwj systems of "opposing rows of rod,'I" it lis necessary to take 1111.0 account the end capacitances when culculating dispersion. ,Orig. art. has: 2 figures. [JR) 1ASSOCIATION; none ISUB1,1ITTIED: lojul64 EINCL: 02 SUB CODD: EC VO REF SOV: 061 OTHER: 000 ATb PFESS! 4022 Card 2/4 HEZMATERNMIV L,N. Reflection of electromagnetic waves from multiple-layer dielectric structures. Radiotekh. i elektron. 10 no.11: 2053--2-055 N 165, WIRA 18:11) ACC NR: AT7003994 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/000/0075/008Z AUTHOR: Vorob'yev, A. A.; B%zmatc~rn k , L. N.; Didenko, A. N.; Filatova, R. M. ~ I Y-h 1% - ORG-. Scientific Research Institute of Nuclear Physics, ElectronicB, and Automation, Tomsk Polytechnic In:,titute (Nauchno-issladovatel'skiy institut yadernoy fiziki, elektroniki i avtomatiki pri TPI) TITLE: Waveguide accelerating systems with walls not shielding the control magnetic field SOURCE: Mezhvuzovskaya konferentsiya po elektronnym. uskoritelyarn. 5th, r"ornsk, 1964. Elektronnyye uskoriteli (Electron accelerators); trudy konferentsii. I Moscow, Atornizdat, 1966, 75-82 TOPIC TAGS. waveguide se;g~ r, cyclic accelerator, particle acceleration ABSTRACT: A multilayer-diclectric coating similar to that used in Fabry-Perot in~terferometers (W. Gulshaw, Proc. Phys. Soc.. London, v. 66, sec. B, 597, 1953) and in lasers (J. Franklin Inst., 273, 177, 196Z) is proposed for the walls of waveguide-type accelerators. Uniformly bent smooth and septate closed Card 1/2 AGG NR: AT7003994 rectangular waveguides with multilayer -dielectric walls are theoretically and experimentally investigated. Formulas for the rejection frequency of a periodic multilayer structure, for attenuation, and for the total electromagnetic -wave losses due to reflection from a multilayer dielectric are derived. A length of standard 72x34-mm waveguidc whose ends were closed by multilayer-dielectric walls was excited by TEW -mode at A u 10, 182 cm; at room temperature, Q = 1800. Findings: (1) At a fixed frequency, the field structure in the above system does not differ from that in an all-metal system; (2) Use of TE-modes is preferable; inside the multilayer wall, the field attenuates rapidly; with proper selection of wall parameters, no hazard of dielectric breakdown by SRF high power will'exist; (3) The above multilayer -dielectric walls are feasible if Sr and Ba titanates are used as materials (see R. 0. Bell et al., IRE Trans., MTT-9, 239, 1961). Orig. art. has: 3 figures, 15 formulas, and 1 table. SUB CODE: 09 / SUBM DATE: 06Mar66 ORIG R.EF: 001 OTH REF: 003 Card 2/2 BEZ114TERNMIt M.F. Determining inaccess-*ble distances. Gecd. i kart. no.9:35-36 S 164. OIJRA 17:12) KUZNIX, I.A., kand. geog. nauk; BEafMOV, A., otv. za vy-pask (Defining more precisely the parameters of simplified formulas of the State All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Roads for determining maximum discharges from stomand mixed runoff in the Volga Valley] Utochnenie param trov uproshchennykh for- mul Soiuzdornii dlia rascheta maksimal'rWkh raskhdov po livne-. vomu i smeshannomu stoku v Povolzble. Saratov,. 11-vo avtomobill- nogo transporta i shosseinykh dorog 11SFM, 1961. 34 p. 01M 15:1) (Volga Valley--Hydrology) 1. KEZIENOV, A. I., Eng. 2. USSR (600) 4. Irrigaticn 7. Increasing the efficiency coefficient f an irrigation network. G*dr. i mel. 4 no. 11 1952, 9. L"nly Jig-t at LqumsLqu ~-Cc-essicns, Ubrary of Congress, March 1952. Unclassified. BEZMENOV, A. I. Cand Agr Soi - (dias) "Study of various methods of sowing, planting, and "' i- $M ' k , ~, %--vegetable crops in the trans-Volgq re-ion ol' Saratovskaya Oblast." Saratov, 1959. 19 pp with illustrations (Min of Agr RSFSR. Saratov Agr Inst), 150 copies (KL, 41-59, 106) -34- KUZNIK, I.A.; BEZMENOV, A.I. Infiltration of snow waters into the frozen soil. Pochvovedenie no,7:59-66 Jl 163, (MIRA 16:8) 1. Saratorskiy sellskokhozyaystvennyy institut Ministerstva sel'skogo khozyaystva. (Frozen ground) (Soil moisture) FuOz IN, v 'l., , kanj . ~.C-Rr~zl . nawl - BE - A. 1 kanci. -,7ellkhoz. :_ - n auk; LIUJG Pl,'SA 17 , V. D , ,inzh. - YELIZAVEl"Or'XiA, G'V~' rel. [Agr--~ultural melioration] Inelioratsii. flo.1*6"k KoIcs. ]9t'),". 1,7, P. j s-4 RPL IVAi/ ruvi: L 3Q300-65 E-';P'T (m)/E PF (C )/E P.11/EY, P (j /Pi-4/p ACCESSION NR: AP5008111 S/0062/65/000/002/0355/0357 AUTHOR: Mlkbaylov, B.M.; Fummiuklaya, T.K.; Dezmenov, A. Ya. TITLE: Chlorine- and ethy1mercaptoderIvativeB of boraexclol)-onth and butane- 1, 4- dfborle acid SOURCE: ANSESSR. Izvestlya. Serlya Mmicbeskaya, DD. 2, 1965, 355-357 TOPIC TAGS: heteroorganic compound, orMoboron Compound, alkylboric acid, yclopeuttane derivative, ethylmercaytan derivative, boron tricbloride, ethyltW%~boratc borac ABSTRACT: The reaction of an Isoineric inixture-of having the formula C12-HUD2 (D with boron trieblorlde;md with ethyltbloborate was Eft-died. the mixture 1, obtained as the hydr6boratlon product of 1, 3-butadiene (D--M. AN SSER 17. 155, 1964, 141) gave 1,4-blB (ffielflordboryl)-.u-butane (M, 2, 4-blig (dichlorobutyl)-butize (1-1fl) and 3,4-bis (dieblarobutyl) butane (11V) at room, temperature with an excess of DC13 In Lhe presence of NaBH - 11 was also prepared by the reaction of 1-chlcroboracyclopenMnp (V) under similar conlitions: C1 PM DB 1/2 Card 39300-65 ACCESSION NR-. AP5008111 7be reaction abo praceW,--d in the 6ppoelte direction, as aNown by the reaction of I at room temperature withABC-1 ' In The preaence of NAB H~~, givbg V and Isomeric cycllc products. I and Ayl~~;A7~e in ibe.p)~~stnde NaBHl and BF3 etherate pava athy1mercaptoboracyclopentane JI) +13 (SC,111)'-~ E/ (VI) Vr &iie iefraet-hyl-butanc- and isomeric products. With an excess of etfiyltfiAoN5i&i, 4-dithioborate, I Orig. art. has: 4 formulAs. ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheslwy khlmil im. N.D. Zelluskogo Akademii nnuk 3SM (Institute of Organic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences, SSM) SUMMED: 101TUnS4 ENCL- 00 SUB CODE: OC N3 REF S(YV: 004 OTHER: 003 29 ACC NR: ' AP6011658 'SOURCE CODE: UR/0020/66/167/003/0590/0593 AUTHOR: AUkhavlov- B, I..; Bezmenov, A. Ya.; Vasillyev, L. S. iORG: Institute of Organic Chemistry im, N, D. Zelinskiy. Academy of Sciences,SSSR (Institut organicheak-oy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR) TITLE: The process of hydroboronating butadiene-1. A SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 167, no. 3. 1966, 590493 TOPIC TAGS: butadiene, diborane, organic synthetic process, reaction mechanism ABSTRACT: Elsewhere the present mthors and V. G. Kiselev report the analysis of products of a diborane reaction with butadiene-1, 3 (DAN, 155, 141 (1964). In the present paper the authors synthesized I-fttene-3--vl) baroacyclo=tan4(compound V) and 1-crotylboracyclopen- tane (compound V11) to clarify the structure of the I-akienyl boracyclopentane fraction obtained UDC: 542.91+547.244 ACC NR1 AP6011658 0 ,in that reaction. Both compounds were then hydroboronated with diborane. The experimental procedure is detailed. The results indicate that fraction C8H15B is almost entirely in the form ,of VII. This is attributed to the verified much faster rate of hydroboronation for V than VIL Participation of the two compounds in the formation of Isomeric butanediols during the oxida- tion of product mix resulting from hydroboronation of butadiene-1, 3 was 78% for V and 22% for V11. A schematic representation of the precess of mono-hydroboronation, given In the reports negates assumptions by H. C. Brown and associates that diborane Is capable of attachment to butadiene-1,3 in the 1,4 position. The paper was presented by Academician B. A. Kazanskiy 26 June 65. SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 2lMay65/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REF: 003 2/2 TAIUSOV, Sergey Vasillyevich; BAZWOIF" A.Ye.' kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk, retsenzent; PRIZ 9 . .6 nz ener, redaktor; POLYAKOT, G.F., redaktor izdatelletvai POPOVA, S.M., tekhnichaskiy redaktor [The technology of clock manufacturing] Tekhnologlia chasovogo proizvodstva. Moskva. Goa. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1956. 480 p. (MLRA 9:8) (Clockmaking and watebmaking) DUNII'-BARKOVSKIY, I.V.; YAhUSHEV, A.I., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., retsenzent; BE22-MIOV A.Ye., kand. tekhn. nauk, , retsenzent; il-EUI-i, doktor tekhn. nauh, prof., red. [Principles of interchangeability and technical measurementsl Osnovy vzaimozaineniaemosti i tekluAcheskie izrnereniia. Mo- skva, Izd-vo "Mashinostroenie," 1964. 304 p. (MLIA 17:6) W,~=OV,A.Te. Diffraction of electromagnetic waves by a semi-infinite grid* Izv,vye, ucheb, zav.; radiotekh. n0-3:271-287 MY%-Je 158. 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