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C';;~~h,tyrdal' stibuit-y of glass'es from peaf Slar's, -Al. A nn T-954).-Glas5t-s fro-.11 p- tat slap asialwvd SiO. P,7.28 to Tio~. 0.24 to 0.31, AIA 15.2,13 to lj).7t;, Ff!~02 S.45 to 10.78. CaO 2-2, 14 to 30.60, MgO 110 t,) 1.82. NATO 2.23 to .4.63, and K-.0 R5,13 to 0.74%, Stability against Water, all:a1file so]-ations, and aUkaline carl)Dnate-% prove'd satisfactory, but tests Willi aCid3 (TIC), IT'So') sjtowed that rMany of the glla5--es vere deeply dc~ntroyed and corroded "right throtigh" by the solutiun, lrr5ing tbe origh-ml i-ilrenus voliffifien nrd charizing in color. ~,t>minx gravity, rciraction, avid ad5mpti" cip;~city. B.Z.K.- CtIkU, edlourWs at" =d m1tropormlly tm-L M.- A. Ik7bor4gy j Ohl. Ahad. Nauh SSSA 1954 $5, ' - - Cnioration of 8 -c-% by ditions of Cu, AS, Au:and ot ' colloidal 3nbsu-noca,arn ep The colloltIM partlJos ilnpaTtinj, colonr to Classes hzvo dimensions of IM-3DO A. which 3uggeBts thb vximtrnce of pares of similar size. Evidem as to the existence of such pores Is provided by the fa,;t that the d of cryst. quartz is 2-65 and that Of SID., glass only 2-20. Also, accordi4 to the data in literature, the SiOs glas3 consists even at !3DD--2MO of aggtrbztrs t;f soveyal hundred elenentary SID."" tetrahedrons, several hundred A. lung. The fact that thcsa Ag7e,gatva are not packed r4 closely m the Sit)4- teirahedrons in cryst quartz conlimiB the existence of rairropore3 of dimensions ~300 A. S. K. 1-kenowicz. -7 V Cbee Ical t"mination of Russian zbnett of the Mth and XlIth centuries. M. A. lint"Mov anil II. V. FiAliver (State Mu5rum of MR&MM-70-wr PWaJYAI_'d. Xnxk 3,S-VA 03. inve5tita- lion of the ruing, lidds. and tombs of the pie-Nfongo)Lin tru roncrMs espr6ally bracelets. bezids, on,) XnUlrts of lla3s (Kier, Novgorod, Gmdno, ' Minsk, Stan-) Rv.,,zan. Ladoga, Bdoozero. etc., as centers)- P~evIOUQy, the glass li~_i& and jobIcti: were assumed to have criZinat"I in the Orknt; the indigenous origin in Rn~sia is, however, now established. Centers of manufaOuring W-re in Kier, x0strem. nnd Ralkoycls. Byen mulikehired-glass techniques were kt)DTM. This fact II clrifirived especially bi. Chem. ftnaVsrs of gLIM products, and the raw matrrWs or their color 11 . )gMrnt9. (1) Liver-brown and rrd h,-adsarehigh in PbO(&D7,), in the latio pbo:'X~ - 1'2, vrith PbO + SO- - 945' D. CuP and FtO, are The 612cl color pigments; CnO. 11-IgO. alka- lies, A)-Qi, TiCi,, and Mare only zm~~znes, (2)AcOm- IM gOI)TC1 of :1 X CI 01cate glass 'With 13.35% Rio. 18-57% QvO), high in FjO, (4.41%). Indicates the ize of bone and wood ash 3srair-Mtcrials. (3)Beadsoluxpb !alicatr X12ss are pallticulafly interestinx beraust 01 th* cDmp .n.-vk-likh is i.n tj, system KjO_pbG_FjO3 projected in the immediate n6glibothwd vi the c,.)mpd. R,I).PbOASA. The 5um K10 + IIbO + SIDs 13 abDul 03 to 97%. the in-P. only7~5VtoMV. Polailt,quart2sarni.and PbowrTz the cbk4 , TY matclials, but no 2sii vw added (cf. Olit atismce of CaO). This zesult is iMPDd2nI- bt-ise PTcvkvA'Jy 'be use *I potash uw not knovm In Russia before the xvib century. The sullate content of the raw potash is also very c1mric- teristic; Coo as pigment was imported from Iran. AvioItt- Colored bead contains i.00% Mno. evidently coining Itoml SIT *U9jWAI=dIo%Idq an 14tt rLfraction of ailicate Ithum It. A. Bszaoitomy ANn 1%. 1. ZEL----ml. Pekl-dy Alflrv ADO CZF,';%437_.P (I 771~7--Mgu sepies of rxr~-?I- -ratnim Swus WrT-_ PrVp4Trd IFTOM thr original glaSS Of M! 75, CnO 10. and NazO 35% by substituting various amounts of Zr()j for SiO3, CaO, and Na,0 and ah-o by ad1ing or sijbst ituting Stich Z111). KA.-11111 LiA) Witt) iIwrt!asiIIF by substitution of Z-0, for otlier components fcllavvs a straight fineinallrases. Inrreaseinrefrri0ior with Zro~ differs ,-ith the glass and depends on IN, c-urrpr-r-nion as a whole a5 ~Iell as on the r3ature of the oxide which it replaces. The partial numbvr of refraction for ZTO) in silkate xlass~ was calculated a-& 2.170; this differed, on the averale, by 02t,7,D from thr exptrimental value. Cry3tal glass with 6.2% Zr0j and equivalent in refrac- tion to that rnade with 21.5~' ThD was prepared (ri, of Ir:c former was I.MV. 2nd that of the latter 1.640). 13.'~K. 60 14 1-) 'almital cofz'vv~itfwn an-3 iml m-thc;ds ci-' Ki-v, Ina at-,O Ill mimy nthe~ ccut~!ts, C.g. in -g,r,x1. -,c-., glaE-;,~ rmmufg. has i, tcur:--hW in the A to 31,01 corititH, of thi, -,TC g' e- .1, % j-.f N C-e 15 (1 m~ ftom (14-lerem c-ttim'tuU. They not only ho WEI vilr~ibllilty of colorn znd compn., hilt the vkcrdrity inw,t ~reazl, , Th-c inwt fluid gl,-~sscs, (!.g. of b Y i zuc,--aic stones, Ilave (-ast from the mcit at tiAlativ 1 ttmp-, Lu rrletAl ci- c-tramic mulds. Theoc glio-c5 arc high ir PbO, e.g. '~ P',O + 1.0 to 1.33 SiG.-, with re"atiYoly --j oprifyir BracOet3 b;ive high coatents of Sn% . ~g age. bc~!n drawn from the only coftened glass, with a viscoiiEy of abaLt IP pcls-vs, of L "rhart" type. Bubbles included show the ;-haracleiistic eWp~.oidaktretrhed sbapc!. Sach glasses xe K-Pb gzm~ts, C,g~ I Kto, I PhD, 5 sic)" 5~111~lar tomodera gla~--.-sfnrraoir) vicuum tubes (Philips). D~i- of tLr samt glass typt shmv that thLv hivc b-vn p7t-~Z-! in c,lc~zd molls (-Fabh-s"). GAIcts were ~crmed h v bl(- tn~ esp&--ii0ly of K-ca Silicatt glasses with SOIlle MgO ANI t-g. I X) K~O; 2.3 C-,;C); i3.s, 111~- -- - -- --- -- --- ol th~ Pb bat-ct.,Cl- glasses are remarkab)e. Thc cl!ml campn. 6 of th-- typt 1,I) PbO; 1.8 to 1-0 SiC),, .,f sulfut in PLI.- ;i [Ile SMUN11j" -:11nth, .1.;lt A- 11) 1111i .111d ill fww- lLo~ i,l-j im';z r i. Oz. nd U;1d'i SO, 1XIth lll~ It r". c ol !11= MIX". uc h if, Le o,~Iic;a Z:g I Ind S()-. With twice t1if. C, t), ol ;rlw. .f ~t, iw-i In ,4 Synthesia o glaage from low-PaPHIPIt Offila of Vftite Russian (Byelatusalan) S.S.R, and study of some of their - tharacteristics. - M., A- )3rZhnrMoy- and )j)RI'ko. - W)PI ;, 1="t. Akad. Nft W.,I955, a. 6 UI-7;3~jn Russian).-The melting properties and phys. cha;~cteristscs have been studied for exptl. glasses contg. AJjOs 0-16, KsO 6.4-15.2, and CaO 7-17 at the sum of SiOs + AhOs equal to 684-76%, resp. The glasses contg. much AI%O, at the same total percent of SiOt + AJ.03 were most difficult to inelt. With inctvasing amt. of All0i the,total amt. of SiO, + A1,03' should be decreasLd. The best cryst. properties were with '!he glasses contg. the lowest am ,t. of CaO + A1108. With*' increasing AJ*03 the sum of CaO + AI%O, should be also decreased. By increasing the c6ncn. of CaO on the expanse of SiOs or NajO the phase of the Vrimary crystn. of wallas- tonite is shiko to the phas4r a 'fridymite. Within tAte range of the e6nens. of SiO2 69-70, A110, 6.0, FetOs 13-2- U.2, V40 1.0, and TiO, 0.1 %, resp., the wollastonitecompn, of ihe.glasses; changes,to the tridynilte compd.1%,-IThe crystu. pr of the gja&W increases with the. addi". of MgO. 7=A6ntin=uj 1114casing of the MgO to the conca. of 4.5% t. ph cif the glasses cluaige from tridymite to 1.4~T'IY.Slt.-r,uugllwolWtonite. The mat. cMtn. properties show the glasses at the temp. corTesponding to "zero mcnis cus.- Data are given for the resistance of the glasses contS. S102 66.1-7 1. 1, TiOt 0. 1, Al,Os 5.".2, FeA 1.4-1.5, CaO 7.0-7.5, MgO 0.3-4.6, NajO 11.8-14.3. and XtO 1.0%, tesp., against treatments with water, 2N NacCO3 soln., and 20,24% UCI, which indicate that these expd. glasses are of superior quality in comparison with the common window glasses. ror the industrial use the clays with a low concti. of AIA and FeO, should be used. Formulas am given for the c:t:cu. of the glass batches contg., the Campo eats of a complex Chem. compn. anch as clays. V~Ierhic 2 r In the m of uUmsonks for the mechankv] trestaymi I. A. A, GEZBURO, and N. P. KaAsNuov (Glass & Cera r- mics, M=Of;v' lth~ 5). In Russian. Experisnents show that ultrasonics can be u ndiris of glass; whereas La nomial grinding not more than a q"rfer of the abr"vii i~ains am effectivo--the mins moving paralk] to the surface pound-in ultrasonic lovg"Iing all the grains are effective and move perpendicularly to the 3urfhce ground. A -7 It was not found possible to grind ultrasonically without abrasives. Although it is concluded that grinding by rmam of ultrasonics is ssible the thickness of the laycr ground off varies within rlLher wide firnits (0-01 to OV5 mm.)'. 14iscellaneous--Archaelogy card 1/1 Authors I Title I per'edi"I I Abstraot I Institution Pub. e6--ii/39 Bezborodov, H. A., Prof. Glass making in ancient Russia Priroda 44/1,, 70--76) Jan 1955 The view formerly held that glass making did not begin in Russia until the 17th century is contradicted by the findings of the Russian archaeologist, V. V. Khvoyko, who proved that the making of glass was carried on in Kiev in the llth century. Soviet archaeologists have also found evidences of glass making in other places in early times. Samples of ancient articles made of glass are i2luBtrated in color with descriptions of each sample and a table showing the composition of ancient glass. Eleven Russian ani Soviet references (1913--1954), Illustration; table. Submitted - z, n- 1/n ffi, /j, USSR/Chemical Technology - Chemical Products and Their Application. Silicates. Glass. Ceramics. Bindersp 1-9 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 19, 1956, 62258 Author: Bezborod Konopellko., I. A. Institution: None Title: Syntheses of Glasses from Readily Fusible Clays of BSSR and Study of Some of Their Properties Original Periodical: Vestsi AN BSSR., 1955., No 6. 57-69j Belorussian; Izv. AN BSSR, 1955, no 6, 61-73 Abstract: Study of fusibility and fabricating properties of glasses contain- ing (in %): A12o3 6-16; ko 6.4-15.2; CaO 7-17; total SiO2 + A1203 68-76. Glasses with higher A1203 content and same total A1203 + SiO2 were found to be more refractory and difficult to fabricate. On increasing the A120 content in the new glasses it is necessary to lower the total A1283 + SiO2- In crystallization properties glasses having a lower CaO + A1203 content were best; the higher Card V2 usSR/chemical Technology - Chemical Products and Their Application - Silicates - GlAws. ceramics. Binders, 1-9 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - KhImiya, No 19, 1956, 62258 Abstract: the A1203 content of the glass the less should be the CaO + A1203- Decrease in CaO content compensated by SiO2 or Na20 shifts the glass compositions from the region of primary crystallization of vollastonite toward that of tridymite and decreases crystallizatioil. In the case of glass compositions located within the limits of the wollastonite-cristobalite boundary line a lowering of Na2O content to 2% has little effect on crystallization, while addition of MgO increases it sharply. Transition of glass COMPOBitiODS from W01- lastonite region into diopside region is accompanied by further in- crease in crystallization. A study was made of chemical stability of the glasses and compositions are recommended which are suitable for mechanized manufacture of blown articles. Card 2/2 t ls~M A. !'~Tdol UINISM on MS(DKVMPU~Aa 14o Sio'.(107 ~Ti red, wh To.% is 0-45,361 is Ca, 11-7. or 11h, and Wis K or Na. Resis 1. extraction by water or aq. NaCO$ falls as z ri-~&s from 9= and then rises continuously to x - 32; resistance to extraction by alls to z dil. IICI f. - 2, then rises to a max. at x - 8- 10, and then falls Tt!-* " of the glasses rises continuously with rising z. Max=1.4 tolwards de-vitritication is for x < 5 or >20. Gla3ses. with j 0-13 are coloudess. with x 13--24 am yellow, and with 27-1;6 are brown. R. TRPAS=- 4 'S tile "t V Oid'-Rus*i~-a or the eleventh to thIrte Won chrinled tonv-D-si Dezborodov. BA!E~nml- Pc-'Wtj~h, IML, 47. 3-37; cf. C -1-A9 vpimlm -tbene -,V- jL v AS no ju&geli6ji~ q~ ~s Wore thj! Aftemth ce::mr Rs swnPles jr but that the older gla found ivEre impartU--ad firm-ml wesmm mountries goes b--k to' ristey (Petersburg, IS-90j). Already in 1852, 110 w,~ Chiis--mov made cvMaiit that therz wits a Ykal ratffieval Rl.!5~:*,--, -old s1wlidt rt-1!firmf,1 .!I)- La vkrablz, -MOn Ric, wv] 0-011~h .1.5 file cc-lllv7:~ il;,rlj :ivilizaco .4t on tievc-lopV-3 6N0 g.*,:1,~j,--a-IIrfg., clzpxiallly fc-1 C'malliv;;tal p,,I:- pu--s (Coltrr~~j lmm-15, L,%~ct`,:Is, Ot ctr"Itry. T!i-- rtn74t tu--"1113 by arid Do-i7bvik (19fr,4) a !r:atrrj:jI wl~i-.h ~V,15 ~Xnlmrl, ~)V TIJIL 12 (31 fragmellu, of bz~4t!5, rtc., ni-E! give-1. Particulo-rly in- nz axe u:;aq-oe sm-hs ho;n r. ja the calhc~drul of Ch~!Tllizov :.r, 1185), e-lf Yvllvw, fivLr-ml, or 7rc~r. cosur. I1:1111 ~Iko. C',m'Ev!:t3 ap tv up *U 23.3 . V,"": -wL'.1: ;Inly ~31 Onc bllir- IN-103 0.7 P10j, aml I i0l. -!!C- il--- L) I I ss it Imw K.0 'N!", to 15.3i~, )i3 011I%iv I - ~; 1., 01 !,ghcr t,:!I) Y~~() 10 ~) to Tht ilrc cla~-,ifik:d 1, (1) n-mi" '(,~-t hf~ riol, r I KTO: 1, -0 tv 1.3 SiO..; ~2) K-i'h with I KO: 2, Clio: 63 Sif).-; Ol I pbo: Cuj) .15 i~q TU A msting, dr,willg, 9 :;)Jas -d ear!y W. 1,110 BBZBQAQJ)QV~".x * IHANAYAL. V.L..nauchn)7 redaktor; SHURYDER, Ye.B. r, W---'n"' . -i A- PINOVA, L.Ta.,tekhnichaskiy redaktor [H.V.Lomononov, foundor of scientific glassmaking] H.V.Ikmonosov - oanovopolothnik nauchnogo steklodeliia. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. materialam, 1956. 113 p. (MLRA 10:4) (Glass manufacture) (Lomonosov. Mikhail Vasillevich, 1711-1765) USS:',/Gencrai Questions Abs Joil7-,: Rcf Znur-IS-iimi7a No. 7, Au t1hor ; Inst, Hone Title 14. L. Lomonosov - founder of scf.ent-Ific Glassmalz-frc. Or-T Pub: Pronstroylzdat, 1,0E76, 115 pages w'. illuotrat!-on .17 roubles. Abstract: No t/G)"Making in Ancient RUSSIAISOMMOic V Drevild RU511. A. B Akadmil Nauk S,S R Mus Price 10T fA- --Thif little is j,:t:t archeology and part tecvm~4,qy A~ 13 1i", wz~% mi, fir,j ur-bm-~ prt~ 11L,1~ to sn-IM refining, awl, "i cf,ur~v. of v,T'inilc~ Ef, Cii in,t, in 1.o ~,t Fj n-wil, U-im, ;,I":, It", 1:!-L! tit, f~,, f :,4, A-j:, if i;! 11t, !1, lir-A 1'h;q,t,f 'J I)(. b"A al- rt Vic In Ru--ita. ,mn: 2:1,.1 -I-, vb,.,vu Ilmn'd d'.itiIIN fy*m "5 vay)y ois 1~e tb vemur., frinn ~i;l L-trht-[ 1;1ri- t-w It!, f1l MINIV10113 S-Wnj,':~ 01 ~Jllj More The daw are given in about -.10 -eri:Js i-1 Ott- early days ~~re lwal S-1; _F-t~rg_ Id, IAI thv rz~vlac-i~-r c,f as %VEII the L!, "hicil thi, hL-k 1, a -Po,'t Th, M L lit C,! it h 1,; rz 4-1 USSR 11 Acoustics. 41 trzasn'-lics. j-4 Abs Jour I~el' Zhur - Fiz-;kcL No 3, 1957, INo '7479 ,kut;hor Bezhoro4.Qv, 1,',.A., Gerburg, A.A., Krasnikov, N.P. I ns t ,;ore .1i ~ Expericrice in the Application of 'Liltrasonic3 to the Mechaniccal Vforkin!: of Glass, Ori;- Pub Sb. statey Vses. Zaoch, politelchn. in-ta, 1956, v-1). 13, 26-34 A,bstract Aftor Civingtr brief information on the nature of ultrasonic os- cillations, the results of experimental -aork on the application of L)ltrasonics for DOlishing glass are reported. The experi- ments we-e made with a machine constructed at the Leninerad Letal Plant by Engineer, I-I.m. Pisarevskiy. Glass plates with a sur- face of 20 x 8 mm were polished. The area of the working tool varied from 20 x I mm to 20 x 20 mm, and the amplitude of the oscillations varied from 0.005 to 0.02 mm, al-id the time for a -1e cut ran -ed from 10 to 20 seconds. The thicLmess of the Card 1/2 - 79 - BEZBOR(TDOV, M.A., :Lxperlence in usinr glasis . Sbor.nwi(-h.r-.,.. (Glasa) ~,.A,-. R;?ASNIKOV, N.P. ultrauonic wnves ~for mechAnicni treatment of' Ba 1-1 nolitekii.inst. no.55:12-13 '56. (VLRA I (! : / ), (UitrAsonle wnves-Industrial applications) USSR / optics. K Abs Jour: Referat Zhur-Fizika, 1957, No 4, 10313 Author : Bezborodav. M.A.~ Zelenskiy, A.I. Inst :lio_~ ~Given Title :Effect of Zirconium on the Crystallization Atility and lAgbt Refraction of Certain Silicate Glasse5- Orig Pub: Sb. nauch. rabot Belorus. politekhn. in-ta, 1956, vYP. 55: 45-53 Abstract: To study the effect of zirconium on the properties of glass, 302 specimens were prepared. Upon crystallization of the glass, the primary phase is either the cristobalite, or the /3 -wolla- stonite (with the Zr02 contents being greater than or equal to 18%). It is assumed that ZrOP cannot be a "muffler." The de- pendence of nd on the contents of ZrO2 in glass of various compo- sition was measured. A recipe is worked out for zir_zoni-= cut glass, nd = 1.549. Card 1/1 3EZSQRODOV. M.A. 0! p "I ItWA- %-~. ~ Microporous strunture of glass in connectioi, with its coloring with colloidnl colorants. Sbor.nFtuch.rab.Bel.politekh.inst. no-55r3-11 056. WaA 10:7) 1(Glass) USSR/Chemical Technology. Cheriical Pro(lucts and 11heir 1-9 P.pplication Silicates. GLiss. Ceramics. Binders. Abs Jour Referat Zhur KhiLdya, No 4, 195T, 1-2520 Author Bezborodov M.A., Zelenskiy A.I. Inst Be-16 u"_1G3'aE-P0KYtchnic Institute Title The Effect of Zirconiuri on Crystallizability and Refrac- tion of Some Silicate Classes Orig Pub Sb. nauchn,rabot Belorus. politekhn. in-ta, 1956, No 55, 46-53 Abstract Zr02 can be inclu4ed in glass up to 20% in lieu of SIO 2 up to lQ% in lieu of CaO and up to 5'~ in lieu of Ha20, Such zirconium f_aasses (ZG) do not require hiElier temperatures of raelting. 1-4A 1d20 can be added to Class containing 0,5-5c;:', ZrO2. MgO ~r ZnO included in lieu of CaO, up to 101~, do not affect the melting pro- cess of ZG. Inclusioa of Li 0 in lieu of HapO, up to 1%, produces a readily fusi?la ZG.-, Inclusion of K20 Card 1/2 69 - USSR/CheMcal Technology. Chemical Products and Their 1-9 Application Silicates. Glass. Ceramics. Binders. Abs Jour Referat Zhur Xhii,liya, No 4, 1957, 12520 in llom of Na20, enhances the refractory properties of ZG. 1-7% K 0 in lieW Of Nn2o call be added to glass containing 0-5-1~ ZrO2. In the cozpositlons studied 'ZrO did not cause any opaqueness. L,sufficient neltin., viih an in- creased content of ZYO 2 In the glass ( > 1%) 1-. caused by zircon particles remAning in the rielt due to vii in- couplete reaction during the process of &lass foruation. Melting conditions of glass production remin practical- 2y unchanged oil using pure 7,rG2 in place of zircon. In- clusion of ZrO2 decreases considerably the crystallizabi- lity of the glass. 7,r02 raises the index of refraction fron, 1-517 (in the absence of ZI n the glass) to 1,595 (with 20~ ZrO 2 in t 8 The authors are of the opinion that ZrQ2 can replace PbO in crystal glass. Card 2/2 - 70 - BEZBORODOV, N.A.; SHARAY, V.N. Chemical petrographic analysis of some new formations in industrial glass. Sbor.nauch.rab.Bel.politakh.inst. no.55:54-63 156. (KURIA 10:7) (Glass) RASKIN, N.M.; BXZBORODOV,~-N.A., red.; KNIAUT. G.A., red.; FIGUROTSKIT. N.A., red.; hYCHNP N.R., red. Jzd-va; ARONS.-R.A.. tekhn. red. NanuocriDts of chemists of the second half of the 18th century in the Archives of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.] Rukopianys materialy khimikov vtoroi poloviny XVIII v. v Arkhive AkaAsmll Nauk SSSR. Nauchnoe opisanis. Koskva, lzd-vo Akademii Wauk SM, 1957. 212 p. (Kim 11.-I) (Ioningrad-Manueoripts) (Bibliograpby-Chenistry) USSR/Microbiology. Technical Microbiology 8F--Z-60p"Oj)OV' M-A Abe Jour Ref Zhur-Biol., No 13, 1958, 57598 Author rp~dM Villdflush R. T. BezbQ ~. A*? Inst cad;- -F- my of Sciences Belorussian SSR Title :Effect of the Microflora of Clays on their Plasticity. Orig Pub :Izv. AN BSSRI Ser. fiz-tekhn. n., 195171 No 1, 11-21 Abstract :Ammonificating bacteria .ind aspergillus fungi were discovared in three samnles of clay which were investigated. No desulfating, butyric acid, and cellular bacteria viere found. An increase of 3.72% in the Dlastictty of the clays was obtained within 30 days by the action of ferments prepa- red frora the cultures of microorganisms isola- ted from clay and cultured on a mixture of Card 112 32 BEZBORODOY, N.A., ska"mik; IWKDVA, M.N. - MA10 r,"_ Therml ezpansion of cesium silicate glass. Dokl. AN 3SSR I no.1t 13-46 J1 157. (MIRA 1193) 1. AN BUR (for Bbaborodov). (Axpansion (Elsat)) (Glass-) IiEaoiluwv, M. k~ Glass manufacturing in the Ilth and 12th centuries in Ibin and Poland. p. 118. (Szklo I Ceramika, Vol. 8, No. 5. "'aY 1957. 4rakow, Poland) SO: Monthly List of Rant European Accessiaiir- (FW,) Lc. Vol. 6, 140. 8. Aug 1957. Uncl. AUTHOR: Bezborodov, M.A., Professor, Member All BSSR 72-11-8/9 TITLE: Science of Ceramics In the USSR (Nauka c keramike v SSSR) PERIODICAL: Steklo i Keramika, 1957, Nr 11, pp. 25 - 28 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Up to the outbreak of the October revolution in 1917 scientific research on ceramics was limited to only a few laboratories of some technical colleges. Practical work in the factories had no contact with science. The employers preferred to work with imported foreign raw materials (from En.,land, Holland and Nor- way). The domestic raw materials were used only as addition to the mass. After the revolution a number of institutes were found- ded. In the years 1921 - 1922 the State Experimental Institute for Silicates was founded in Moscow and in 1931 the Institute for Glass was separated from it. In 1932 the M-Union Institute for Building Materials was divided up into three instituies one of them for ceramics. In the years after the October revolution institutes fr.7 silicates were founded in Tomsk, in the Ural as well as in K. arl kov. In the years 19 3B - 39 the State Ele ctric Ceramics Resiarch Institute was founded. At that time scientific Card 1/2 research laboratories for silicates and ceramics were founded Teaching Ceramics in the USSR 72-11-8/9 with the chairs of some colleges. Technical editions played an important part in the development and distribution of the know- ledge obtained. In 1925 the periodical "Keramika i Steklo" was founded. Furthermore some principal directions of research are mentioned: systematic research of domestic raw materials for ceramics mentioned collectively in the monography "Clays of the USSR"; the investijation of the Al 0 - SiO - ZrO - system; 2.3 2 2 the improvement of th, composition of mass as well as of the technology of insulator production; the development of the masses and the technology of artificial porcelain teeth and of tooth- cements; production of domestic ceramic colors and glazings, etc. There are 2 figures. AVAILABLEt Library ofCongress Card 2/2 3-12-12/27 AUTHORs Bezborodov, M.A. Professor, Academician of the BSSR Academy of Sciences. TITLEs Laboratory for Special Problems at the Vtus (Problemnaya laborstoriya vo vtuze) PERIODICALi Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly, 1957P ff 12, pp 60 - 63 (USSR) ABSTRAM A soientific-reaearch laboratory of silicates and glass was opened at the Belorussian Polytechnic Institute. For this purpose a test plant for glass synthesis consisting of various furnaces was installed, and modern equipment made available by the Ministry of Higher Education. The wide range of problems to be treated required the collaboration of other chairs and specialists of petrography. Contracts signed with the industry were oxpanded and a close connection with industrial organizations established, a scientific council was created including scientific collaborators, re- presentatives of industry and participating chairs. The author enumerates the problems set before this laboratory. The laboratory will develop researches in two directions: obtaining synthesis of refractory glass at low temperatures and the investigation of phenomena appearing in the applica- Card 1/2 tion of accelerators. An increasing number of elements is Laboratory for Special Problems at the Vtuz 3-12-12/27 now applicd for glass synthesis which gave interesting results. The application of cesium for instance permitted to obtain glass with an unusually wide linear heat expansion, up to 250 - 280 . lo-7, a softening's temperature under 2000 and a light refraction of over 1.78. Somesystems will be investigated per- mitting the creation of glasses with increased heat resistance and a capacity to be welded with metals of great heat expansion. ASSOCIATIORt The Belorussian Polytechnic Institute imeni I.V. Stalin (Belorusakiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni I.V. Stalina) AVAILABLEt Library of Congress Card 212 V 2027. Tk%tW1e Likaim for fatIng -N! and E. F. N), u? K TovA (Glasi,& Cowniju, Moscow. 14, No, 4. 3, 1957). In werc carried out on t1w use U tx-nionite clays in waH-tilc baOic-;. Sp--zjo~z, ~f,r semi-dry pressinR) were )=pared in 3 scri,-~s! (1) knolin and t-,tonitc- ' (2) t--nionite, and quartz !."d, (3) kaclin. bentoniie, q=rtz aj 7. ~ ' ' content of bentonite varied from 6 to 10'. NAIX~S prmed as 2,850 p-s.L wad tested, green and cry. for Thc -trength incrtaacd with incTexsing t-aloant hut T-1) tnaxima bavmen and bowee-n 25-30%. bc:n~vnh~-. 'the fir%l flixXtrowl) P01"'I 11 1 /4.9 be due to a denst arid th-- szw,ld to uhc h:gh COment C-1, fi:l~ -,;ftufl1 conferring on the body thc propcrtics of a C`a-, Tht bnt 1,11-90'. The Mgh green strcr.Sqh and 1-~Sisl3iyt to 'sing p,~ -s--sible. The of wafc Com3iiiing UP IL) I i (78-~5,%). (2 tabit-s.) ------ --- A/ BRbORODOV, A.-, prof.i' akaaemik; CeramicB echnologyAin the U.S.3.R. Stek. i ker. 14 no.11:25-28 N 157. (MIRA 10:12) 1. AN BSSR. (Ceramics) 2o-6-27/48 AUTHOR- Bezborodovt I.-I.A., Member of the "UHjBelorussian .:ni, x.achan' TITLE: The Influence of Zirconium and Titanium on Some Prooerties of Silicate Glasses (Vliyaniye t3irkoniya i titana na nekotoryje svoystva silikatnykh stekol) PERIODICAL: Doklady AN SSSR, 1957, Vol. 115, Nr 6, pp. 1148 - 1151 (Usa) ABSTPACT: Special interest was in recent publications dedecated to glass which contains the above-mentioned elements. Every one of those imparts characteristic properties to the glass: resistance to crystallization, to chemical reagents, increased refraction of light etc. In individual cases the influence of these elements is not the same, ho-wever, and depends on the composition of the .-lass-like system and on the. quantitative content of these ele- ments in it. The study of individual sjstems of this type makes it possible to determine sepzLrately Vieir behavior in the sy- 3tems, as well as their influence on the properties of t-.1-lass. The present paper descilbes 'the experimental work done in the study of the part played by '21 tnd 7r, whon they are simultane- ously introduced into Silicate glUSSLO. It V,',-!S _-LOJUM'd that tile Card 1/3 introduction of Zr to sone titaniiim-silicate-glaszes would re- 2o-6-27/4c3 The Influence of Zirconium and Titanium on Sonc Properties (-~ SilicaLe Glasse3 duce their property of crystallization without causin- an es- Q sential modification of their refraction of liGht. The replace- ment of TiO by Zro was carried out by weight from 1 ~O to 1o0/4". 2 only 66 of 54 compositions became glas-like. Tho cry9t,-1lizabi- lity gradually decreases with a decreaoe in the content of TiO 2 in the glass and with the increase in silica, when the content of the other components stays constant. A comparison o2 glLsses from different series with an equal content of ZrO 2 shavis t'lat the crystallizability is the higher the more TiO 2 and the less silica are contained in it. The lowest crystallizability was found in glasses with an average Zro 2*" content (about 7 The replacement of Ti by Zr at first reduces this ability, but then again increasss it. The highest stability of the glasslike state in the system SiTiZrNa when Si ~;, 60 ;,', is observed, when the content of CaO and I'la 0 is constant. The chemical stability: water-resistance little,cFlanCes. Soda-resistance. It is redliced on replacement of TiO by silica, ir. is increased on replazrent of 'Oio by ZrO (When t9e Sio,.-Iontent i~3 cunstant). Acid'resist- ~ce. Shows the oppo:3ite te'dency of so3a-resistance. Rufraction of light. In completely cry3t,-il-free .~las.3~s it -;ias dot_e~riijjr~rj Card 2/3 by the im:'iiersion mathod. It decrvaqe3 'with incr~!a3in~; cunt'--ni, 2c)-6-27/48 ~he Influence of Zirconium and Titanium on 30.,.ie Pro,pertie:~ o P,1-,zst~j of silica. Thermal ex-,)ansion. It was :ieasiLred between 30 ,.rd 0 400 C in 1 5 - 2 0 mra thick bars. The aver-a,-,,e coef ficients vary onl,, r little with a modification of content of the inOivi- dual el ements in jaso. The fujinK tui:iperLiture -ij increusLd b0? introduction of -r02. It varies between "100 and 650 OC. The best composition of all glasses tested was: 55 SiO .12-13 TiO U 2 2* B-7 Zr02. 10 CaO. 15 Na 0; refrac Lion of light 1 .61. It c~-n De re- commended as initiai recipe for the production of utensils of better qu&4ity. There are 4 fit'~,ures Bind 14 Slavic references. ASSOCIAMN: Belorussian Polytechnical Institute, Minsk 'Beloruaskiy polite-khnicheskiy inotitit-t- Idinsk) SUBMITTED: Dec~irL-ber 19, iq~'6 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 AUTHORS: Bezborodov, M. A., blember of the All ffe_1-or-a-s-si-a_n_BZR -,and Bobkova, ii. 1j. of th,.; 2 o - 4 -34/ ~1 TITLE: The Influunce of Caesium on the Refraction of Li~,ht bi Silicate 0 Glass(vliyaniye tseziya na svetoprelomleniye silikatnykh stekol) PERIODICAL: Doklady All SSSR, 1957, Vol. 1106, Nr ~',, pp. 652-655 CUSSR) ABSTiUCT: The behavior of caesium in glass can be interesting due to its position in the periodic law where it has a special position. It has the greatest ion radius and basic properties which are marked to the greatest extent. The properties of glass-like, casesium containing sjstems was inspite of this not invk~stigated system- atically. In present paper a part of such in experiment which is carried out in the scientific research laboratory of the instute (see association) is discussed. Three systems were investigated in glass-like state: 1- Cs20 - Si02; 11. Cs20 - Ca6-Si02 and III' C320 - Na20 - Al 03 Simultaneously with the srstem I) glas- ses. Li20 - Si021 Wa26 -'Si02 and K20 - Si02 zere sjynthetized in which the alkaline component was introduced in equimolar quantities with CS20. Figare 1 shows that: 1) the refraction in- dex of the 2-coiaponent-silicate--lasses increases with increasing 0 CS20-content; 2) the caesium-silicate-glasses have a higher re- 0 Card 1/3 fraction index than the lithium-, sodium-, andj~otassium glasses The Inflaence of Cassium on the Refraction of Li7ht by Silicate k;lass. 2o-4-34/51 of equimolar composition; 3) the refraction olE' light of the 2- component-silicate-glasses decreases according to the content of the alkaline oxide in following order: CB20 - Li20 - K20 - Na.20. In order to study the role of caesium in 3-component-glasses, the part of the diagram R 20 - CaC - Si02 was chosen which corre- sponds to the industrial compositions of sodium glasses. 4 series of glasses were synthetized- 1) Li20 - CaO - Si02; 2) Na20-CaO- -SiD2; 3) K20 - CaO - Si02 and 4) C320 - CaO - 602. In both series the refraction indices, determined by experiment, corre- 3ponded completely to those obtained according to the method of Appen ( reference 4 ). The refraction of light decreases in the 3-component- glasses in follov~ing order: Li20 - Na20 - K20- It could be assumed that it will still decrease in the case of a sub- stitution of K20 by Cs20. The contrary was, however, the case. This phenomenon was effected by a deviating behavior of caesium in the glass. As the caesium ion belongs to the greatest cations and has simultaneously a small charge, it is obviously deformed in the glass. This influences considerably its behavior in the glass and the refraction of ligth of the latter. The refraction index increases with the caesium content so that caesiam is to ta- ke the first place in the given order. At present the caesium Card 2/3 salts are comparatively expensive components for the production The Influence of Caesium on the Refraction of Li,-,ht by Silicate 2o-4-34/51 Glass. of glass. Polucite -a natural m-inr--ral- was recomiiianded as sub- stitutionsfor it. Its high refractoriness(c4i .rca 169oO)demands, however,easily fusible additions.Thia i-iiineral and bla?O were used for the synthetization of 4-component-glasses according to the system CS2-Na O-Al 20~-SiO2.The choice of th+ompositions was li- ? ound s ate of the caesiam oxide to A1203 and Sio 2* wited by the Therefore the Cs O-content of the alumina increased with the Ton- K e pollucite compojition was exploited and N20 erde. Actually t added to such an extent as to obtain together with Al 203 and Si02 of the pollucite a FI-eutectio.Tilis glass is completely mol- ten and gets clear already at 13ooO. Since the increased Na20- content is bound to lead to a reduction of the chemical power of resistance the 1'120-content was reduced in favor of SiOg.The auth- ors obtained by this methoa satisfactory glass at 1350 -Finally the partial number of the caesium oxide was compated for the re- 0 in glasses with 2,3,and 4 components. fraction of light 'TCS 2 There are 4 figures and 6 references,3 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATION: Belorussian Polytechnical Institute Minsk (Belorusskiy politekhni- 1~ cheskiy institut Minsk) SUBMITTED: December 2o, 19~6 AVAUABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 ~F-z " F) - 5(l) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2451 i Bexborod2y,_X,-A,, Academician, Academy of Sciences, BSSR, Pr-o-f-essor, and N. M. Bobkova, Candidate of Technical Sciences .Vliyaniye tseziya na nekotoryye svoystva s~likatnykh i bornykh stekol (Effect of Cesium on Some Properties of Silica and Boron Glasses) Minsk, Izd-vo "Zvyazda," 1958. 42 p. 1,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Belorusakiy politekhniche8kiy institut. Nauchno-is8ledovatellakaya laboratoriya silikatov i stekla. Tech. Ed.: B. I. Bartman. PURPOSE: This booklet is intended for chemists and technologists in glass manufacturing. COVERAGE: This booklet investigates the role of cesium in glass and its influence on some properties of silica and boron glasses in the following systems: 1) C820-SiO2, 2) Cs20-CaO- S102, 3) Cs20-Na2O-Al2O3-SiO2, and 4) C820-PbO-B203. Data are Card 1/3 Effect of Cesium (Cont.) SOV/2451 given on molar and percentage compositions,-cooking properties, crystallization propertleB, refractive indices, thermal expan- sion, Infrared permittivity, and softening temperatures. No personalities are mentioned. There are 23 references: 14 Soviet, 7 English, and 2 German. TABLE OF CONTENTS: None given. The booklet is divided as follows: I. CS20 - S102 System II- CB20 - CaO S102 System III. C820 - Na20 A1203 - S102 System Water resiatance Soda (Na:jCO3] resistance Acid resistance IV- C820 - PbO - B203 System 7 13 23 29 29 29 31 V. Fractional Amounts Of C320, B203, and PbO for Light Re- Card 2/3 Effect of Cesium (Cont.) fractivity and Thermal Expansion Bibliography AVAILABLE: Library of CongreBs Card 3/3 sov/2451 35 41 TM/jb 10-23-59 BLIZBORODOVY M. A. Acadeadeldi, and I. A. KONOPEL'KO "Crystallization Ability of Glass Synthesized on the Baseof Low-melting Clays of Belorussian SS.R" P. 348 20 F.. ,fo 9 1 1174 -1.. TYSTISki-t-, ~)Tlc -A, tll- F mid, xv,priiit ti jF j,,k e- i,~ ~I e- G 1ju A) te, ci~4:a %-w~ z~- 4~x-tiwtnix, awrt eb 1-0!,4 rw;tl t4l' AUTHOR: B ezboroaov, M.A., Professor, Member of the AS 722- 2-9/20 Belorussian SSR TITLE: The Main Tasks to be Performed by a Laboratory for Silicate Problems of the Polytechnic Institute of Belorussia (Osnovnyye zadachi problemno silikatnoy laboratorii Belorusskogo politekhnicheskogo institutZ. PERIODICAL: Steklo i Keramika, 1958, Nr 2, pp. 24-26 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This laboratory, which was organized in March 1957, is intended to elaborate and to solve problems of science and technical engi- neering. It is equipped with modem devices of home- and foreign origin. Among other things, an experimental plant for the synthesi--i of glass with furnaces of various constructions, purposes and efficiency has been installed. The author mentions 2 important problems of modern chemistry: the development of a theory of cata- lytic processes and the determination of the most perfect catalysts for individual chemical processes, the explanation of the rules governing the relation between molecule structure and the proper- ties of the substance. It is known that hitherto no theory concern- Card 1/2 ing the calculation of the properties and particle numbers for glass The Main Tasks to be Performed 'by a Laboratory for 72-2-9/20 Silicate Problems of the Polytechnic Institute of Belorussia without silicon oxide has been developed. An important task is the synthesis and investigation of various physical and chemioal prop- erties of glass-like systems. The laboratory maintains close con- tact and collaborates with the laboratories of the professorial chairs of other institutes as %vell as with industrial orgADJ ations and construction offices. When working new types of glass it is re- commended to apply the method of using the eutecticum as imitial glass. AVAILABLE: Librar7 of Congives Card 2/2 '3EZBORDDOY,_11.&.-.[Bezbarodau, M.A.). akademik; PBTROV, L.K. [Piatrou. kand.tftkhn.nauk-. GRISHINA. N.P. [Grysbyna, X.P.1, kani. tekhn.nauk Composition of gases found in Kiramizit pores and effect of additives on clay swelling. Vestsi AN BSSR. Ser. fiz.-tokhn. nav. ilo.2:48-60 $58. 04IRA 11:10) 1. AN BSSR (for 'Rexborodov) (Karawit-Testing) AUTHORS: Bezborodov, No A., Kachan, I. So SOV/156-58-3-44/52 TITLE: The Optical Refraction of Titanium-Zirconium Silicate Glass (Svetoprtlonl*niye titano-tsirkoniyevykh silikatnykh stekol) PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysahey shkoly, Khimiya i khimicheskays, tekhnologiya 1958, Nr 3P PP- 572-575 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Titanium-zircon'Lum silicate glass was investigated by measuring its optical refraction. The determination of the optical re- fraction was carried out by means of the immersion method. The results obtained showed that in the mutual exchange of SiO 2 in glass with ZrO 21 and Zr02 with T'02 an increase in the optical refraction takes place. In the exchange of one part by weight of Sio with TiO n increases to 0,0064, in the exchange of 2 2 D Zro 2with TiO 2 nD amounts to 0,0020. The partial quantity of ZrO 2 for the optical refraction V TiO - 2,170 WELS proved. The . 2 Card 1/2 quantitative dependence of the partial quantity TiO 2 for the SOV/156.-58-3-44/52 The Optical Refraction.of Titanium-Zirconium Silicate Glass optical refraction index upon the content of SiO 2 in silicate glass was shown. The following empirical formula was suggested for NT102 in-wirconium-silicati,glass: NT102 - 2,25 - 0,0035 (A-50), where A denotes the S102 content in mole%. There are 3 figures and 15 references, 12 of which are Soviet* ASSOCIATION: Xafedra. jilikatov i stekla Belorusskogo poli- tekhnicheskogo.i nstituta (Chair for the Silicates and Glass at tho 2Wjorwm:j8'n Polytechnical Institute) SUBMITTED: December 20, 1957 Card 2/2 BUBORODOV,..Pt~A..akademik; MARINOV, X.R.,dotso (Sofiya) ,lase from the old Bulgarian Chemical and technological study of P capitols of Pliska and Preslav M - XIII centuries). -Vestsi AN BSSR-Ser.fix.-tekh.nav. no.4:72-81 158. (MIRL 12:4) 1. AN B33R (for Beaborodov). (Bulgaria-Glass) AUTHORS: N- N- TITLE: Synthesis and Investigations of Proper-,%ioz7 Hi--hly Refraotive Glq,-,-e:; (S-a'11tez svoystv vysckopre_1cmJyayushchikh toirkuniyevD--barJye-i;,.kh stekol) PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Khimiiya i khimilcheskaya tekhnologiya, 1958, Nr 4, pp 7168-7('12 (USSR.) ABSTRACT: In the present paper the sy ii L he 31" 5 of nr--,.,, ghly r a f rac glasses was investigated cn the basis of oxide and berium o-.,uide. For the syntheois of the expexim-ent-al glasses the phase diagram rf the system Na00 - BaO SiO was taken, 2 which an 20-creasing rjuant-ity of :.irc:~nium clioxide was intr3duced. instead of SiO, -The r.,axirum cort---nt cf ZrO -;r:; 2 2 24%. The 1--light refract_~on of the glasses _J',nc_-:eases with the increase of the zir.,cniuri- a.2d, bar-lum oxide C~-ontent c-f the glasses. The crystallizabili-t"., z~f t-he waz --investiEated and it was found that glasses conta-_*~Jirg F-lAp of zi!,Conium di.3xide are the most resiataznt t-- crystalli.--atio-- Laboratory exrj-,~r~.ments were carripd ~ut with of CaO and K,O. Card 1/2 The glasses were Investigatsd a-.--, t-c. the fc.111cving pro70ertie'fi: Sul 11--6--58--4-41/49 Synthesis and Investigat' or-s of Prope r, -'er, 1.f HigFI.,Y R~!f -LiCt'-*,' Zi 0 rLiU Barium Glasses crystallizability, refractive -'ndex, cheir,ca, stabil4ty, softening temperat--=,F~, and the7mal exl)-ins-1.~n. Tne fcllowing zirocnium-barium glas~iez~, were sugges'.-ed for -zhe use in 0 , -- I indust:7y: Nr 3/1V - ~S-01 - 40""o; Zr02 - 1 3c,0; BaO - 20%, 0 Cao - 6%; Na 0 13~-i Y, - w_-',-,h refractive J.ndex 1.601. 2 2 Nr 4/'V'- (SIO 52~-; ZrO - i 'Vu; BaO - 91.1; C&-O 11/116; 2 2 Na 20 - 1e.; K20 3%) *-Jt-h r e f r s -, te i n d e x1.1;q2. Th ere are 4 f igur e a , 2 t, ab le-,~; , azid 15 re f c- c, e s , 12 of whi Ch are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra tekhziz~lcgi'-~ stekla i ail--*katov Bel-r-as5kcgo pc-li- tekhrLicheskcgo of f cr Glass and- Slli-,~ates at tli;,. In5ti"ute.) SUBMITTED: April 15, 1958 Card 212 AUTHOR: Member, SOV/72-58-11-4/15 I- I Academy of Sciences, Belorussian SSR TITLE: Synthesis of New Glasses as a Result of Research on Glassy Systems (sintez novykh stekol na osnove izucheniya stekloobraznykh sistem) PERIODICAL: Steklo i keramika, 1958, Nr 11, PP 7 - 12 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It is necessary that new synthetic glassy materials with the following properties be produced: stability in high temperatures and high resistance toward corrosion by various chemical reagents; a very small specific weight and a very high mechanical durability; stability toward short-wave and cosmic radiation. Glass which will permit the penetra- tion of infra-red rays of various wave lengths will also be required. The creation of new kinds of glass is closely related to the development of the physical chemistry of inorganic materials in the glassy state. Nauchno- issledovatel'skaya (problemnaya) laboratoriya stekla i silikatov Belorusskogo politekhnicheskogo instituta (the Scientific Research Laboratory (For Special Problems) of glem and Card 1/2 Silicates of the Belorussidn Polytechnical Institute) in Synthesis of New Glasses as a Result of Research SOV/72-58-11-4/15 on Glassy Systems cooperation with the laboratoriya fizicheskoy khimii silikatov kkademii nauk BSSR (Laboratory of Physical Silicate Chemistry AS BSSR) completed the papers for the publication of the monograph "Diagrams of Glassy Systems". Figures 1 through 5 indicate the present extent of our knowledge of the properties of various glassy systems. Figure 6 gives a list of the glassy systems which have been investigated. I. I. Kitaygorodskiy, T. N. Keshishyan, and Ye. A. Faynberg recently published their results on the investigation of the system BaO-Al 0 -B 0 -SiO - J,~ c2 2ut M. A. Bezborodov and V. A. Ulazovs arhed 0 the synthesis of the glass systems Li O-Al 2 0 -B 0 -Sio S. M. Brekhovskikh investigated t9e systam ~b; -Bi 6* - Sio 2 3 21 and M. A. Bezborodov and N. M. Bobkova investigated the system Ce 2O-PbO-B 20 . The continuous research on various kinds of new glasse; is of great importance for the develop- ment of the chemistry of glass and the production of new glasses. There are 6 figures. Card 2/2 .13EZBORODOV, M.. TECHNOLOGY Periodicals KHTMIIA I INDUSTRIIA Vol. 30, no. 6. 1958 BEZBORODOV, M. Cointemporary problems Of gl2Ss research; synthesis of new plass on the basis of the study of Flass-forming systems. Tr. from the Russian. p. 169. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EFPJ) LC, Vol. 8, No. 5, may 1959, Unclass. 6 5,E'L 9 /1~ 0 SOV/81-59-22-79300 Translation fromis Referativnyy zhurnal, Khimiya, 1959, Nr 22, P 344 (USSR) AUTHORS: Bezborodoy, M.A.,.Villdflush, R,T, TITLF. An Experience of the Synthesis of Chemically Resistant Multi-Component Glass PERIODICAL!, Sb. nauchn. rabot.-Belorussk. politekhn. in-t, 1958, Nr 63, pp 3 - 15 ABSTRACT: In the present work the methods of the synthesis of glass applied by M.V. Lomonosov, V. Ye. Tishchenko and others have been developed: the method of "addition". For the synthesis of glass the following components were taken; S102, Zr021 A1.0 3, CaO, BaO, K20, Na.20. The method of developing the new types Of glass by means of their gradual synthesis and the transition from the less complex to(the more complex, from the three-component to the seven-component glass,has been described. It has been shown that the effect of A1203 on the increase of the chemical resistance of the investigated glass, especdally against the action of H20 and n/10 Na Is more efficient than the action Of Zr02- .2C03 The given method of synthesizing a complex multi-component glass has Card 1/2 been tested by experiment on the example of developing chemically VK SOV/81-59-22-79300 An Experience of the Synthesis of Chemically Resistant Multi-Cofflponeiit Qlaz,6 resistant seven-component glass types. It makes possible developing any glass types with prescribed properties. Glass types of the following composition(in %) are re- commended for production: Nr 141 Sio 68.64, CaD 7.35, BaO 7,35, K20 7 .35, Na, 0. ,,0 7.35, A' 603 o*98 ., zro2 9 ; Nr 142 S102 67.96, CaO 7.35, BaO 7,28, K20 7.28, N__d 7.3, A1203 1.45, Zr02 1.45. I, Mikhaylova, Card 2/2 BEZBORODOV, M.A., akademik, prof.; KAZMV, L.Ta.. kand.tekhn.nauk, dots. Methods of checking the quality of glaos containere. Sbor.nauch. rab.Bel.polItekh.Inst. nn.63:41-52 158. (MIRA 12:4) 1. LN BSSR (for Besborodov) (Glass containers) ,jWBORODOV,_-X..A.. akRdemik. prof.; ZHUNINA, L.A., kand.tekhn.nauk, dote.; GUBSKIY. G.Z., lush. Optimm conditions for agglomerating of batches of sheet glass. Sbor.'nalmeh.rab.Be-I.politekh.inst. no.63:63-74 (MaRk 12:4) 1. AN BSSR (for Bezborodov) (Glass manufacture) BZZBORODOV. M.A., akademik, prof.; MAZ=V, L.Ta., Imnd.tekbn.nauk, dots0; ZILIVSKIT. A.I., kand.tekbn.nauk, dots. Developing formulae for colored glasses for mozaice using fluorine opacifiers. Sbor.naucb.rab.Bal.politelen.inst. no.63: 95-104 158. (KIRK 12:4) (Glass manufacture) BESBORODOV, M. A. (Minsk) "Methods or the Identification or Stones and Cords in Glass." "Glass Manufacturing in East and Middle Europe in Antiquity and in the Early Middle Ages." oTess on Glass., Intl Comission an report to be subaitted at 5th Intl. Co (ICG). Munich, Germanyx 29 fts Jim to Jul 59. BICZBORODOV, K.A., prof., akademik; TERHOLENKO, X.N., kand.tekhn.nauk; '-.';---AUF~ANOVA. N.V., red. [Zirconium-barium glass] TSirkonievo-bariovye stekla. Minsk, Rodaktoionno-izdatelookii otdal BPI im. IJ.stalina, 1959. 32 P. (KM 13:1) 1. AN BSSR (for Bezborodov). (Glass) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/3763 BetbOroday M.A., N.M. Bobkova, S.M. Brekbovsklkh, N.N. Yeimoleako, E.E. Mazoil and Ye. A. Poray-Koshits Diagrawy stekloobrunykh siitem. (biagrawcf Vitrifom Systems) Minsk, Redaktsionno-izdatel'skiy otdel BPI imeni I.V. Stalina, 1959- 313 P- Errata slip inserted.~ 1,500 copies printed. Sponsoring Agencies: Minsk. Belorusakiy politekhnicheskiy institut. and BSSR. Kinisterstvo vysshego, Brednego spetsiallnogo i professionallnogo obrazovaniya. Ed. (Title page): M.A. Bezborc-dov, Academician, BSSR Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences; Ed. (Inside book): N.V. Kapranova; Tech. Ed.: P.T. Kuz'menok. PURPOSE: This book is irtended for chemists, scientists, and engineers dealing with'vitriform systems. Card 1/3 Diagram of Vitriform Systems sov/3T63 COVERAGE: The materials conte. 'ined in this book on vitriform systems were com- piled by the Scientific Research Laboratory of Glass and Silicates of the Belorussian Polytechnic Institute and the Laborator7 of the Physical Chemistry of'Silicates of the Belorusiian Ac'ademy of Sciences. Tke book surveys all literature on the properties of vitriform*systems available up to 1958- All vitriform systems are presented with "compoaition-property" diagrams. Figures I through 5 provide a graphic swmw7 of the present state of knowledge of the properties of various vitriform systems. The systems are presented diagram- matically in increasing order of complexity. One-component to eight-component systems are treated. This survey shows.that to date 177 systems have been studied and 568"lqmposition-property" dtagrams. have been constructed. Chapter I was written by Ye.A. Poray-KoshitB.- References accompany individual ch4terp. TABLE OF C(AMEN'TS: Preface 3 Ch. I. Structure of Glass 14 Ch. He One-Compcment Systems 41 Ch. III. Two-Cmponent Systems 51 Card 2/3 Diagram ofVitrifoxu Systems I Ci2. V. Three-Ccopment Systems . . ch. V. Multicawnent syst~ I System Index AVAILABIZ: Libraa7 of Congress Card 3/3 sov/3763 75 236 300 JA/dva/qop . 7-2t)-W RIZBORODOV, M.A. Dezbarodau, M.Aj, akademik; MAZO, B.S., kand. tokhn.matd--; N.P. [Gryshyna, N.F.Ig kand. tekhn. nauk; KAMINSKAYA, V-S- [Kaminakaia, V.S.], inzh. Studying some properties of K20 - PbO - B203 - SiO2glass as a base for enamels on aluminum. Vestsi AN BSSR. Ser. fiz.-tekh. nav. no.1:53-57 159. (MIRA 12:6) LAN BSSR (for Bazborodov). (Glass) (Nnamel and anamimling) BBZBORDDDV. X.A. . alcademik Socand youth of an old n&terial. TUn.tekh. 2 no.8:15-16 Ag '59. (mm 12: 7) 1. AN BSSR. (Giasa) BXZBORODOVI MA, [Bezbarodau, M.A.]. akademik; KHODSKIY, L.G. [Khodski, L.H.], inzh. Awertles of kO-PbO-Al2O3 glass. Yestai AN BSSR. Ser.fiz-tekh. . 642J#9 059- nav. no 3. (MIRA 13:3) Is-AN ~SSR.- (Glass) BXZBORODOV, M.A.. akademik; HAZO, B.N., kand.tokbn.nauk; GRISHIE'Li, H.P., kand.telft.nauk: WIMKILYA, V.S., inzh. Some properties of glasses Of the BYStOn 120 - A1203 - B303 P205. DoklkN BSSR 3 no-2:52-55 7 159. (Hipit 1 :5 1. AN RSSR (for Besborodov) (Glass) I BEZBORODOV, M..Ae; MELINIK. M.T. Some properties of PbO - A1203 - Si(~ glasses. Dokl. AN-BSSR 3 no-8: 33B-340 Ar, '59. (MIRA 12:11) (Glass) Dietri Wc/ltne(j) SIR enamel# for 41W 3, __M_ _M z.-Ternary O"jakawRle Ing) act .. . . I systems e: examd. Aw the form*tlon, MID te (13M and from C I It %K P on em. resistance of the jURIes. of IBOD~ tem All com ) were heated to a max and _51 (Ohl (IV) H I a I on" Cd j O ) . . p. ons wt measured between 2D* and 200'. reall nee, anmd low therma expat"141 emits. I , I M 1~7.xfe(y andthe em. resistance to HsO and HCI was detd. by wt ; Ul 'the stance (toin tile aystwit XfO-Pbo-sch (V), C ViettlectollIA loss. The system KO-DA-PA Yielded stes. wi~ PH v at WAY KjO content (10-20) its studied. Plax; ii fusion temps. in the map 7OD-1300 the lowest meltlLm- , UM-B~D*) contained K,O 40. 'The thermal expansion, Virom V with DA to and KIO ID-15 had low expunslon. Increased with increasing KjO content. Wt. loss an HjO; . coeffs. and good 1190 resistance (wL km of treatment was 70-98%. Three compns., contg. AIM' The rxpan&n coeffs. deemsed with lncmW SA Z% 1(~-20, lhOs 10-20, and PA 70-M, yielded glasms In the tent, and the fusion temps., which decreased OOD-13MO a =t th I KO t t I system AlpclhO~-Pj%. which had a welt temp. of approx. 13MI and good chem. resistance. A study of the system' con en n . n , were e ranp y the glasses front V with BA 2D. the optimum compn- for an KjO-AI2%-BjO#-Pj% (1) was made. Compim. in the' enamel an A) was found at K*O 15, Pbo 35, si% 3D. and ranges KvO 2D-45, BA &-M. Ps% 35-55, and A % a BA 2D. GUases from V conts. BAh 30 had higher ex- d l H O raw re- ower pension coeffs., higher fusion temps.. an s ln-~ - vistance than these contg. BA 10 and 20. iel DETOMMasr b G creased witli Increasing Koo ionte"t. HO treatmenti a r caused a 4D-00% wt. loss: Increasing the AIA in I to 10%,' Increased the fusion temDs. Q IOD-=*) and decreased the' vn4 low (304-40.7%) on UjO treatment. Compus. In the' ranges X90'540. BA 6-35, PA 3D-M, and Ak% 15 caused regions of infu"ty, crystn.. and glase lormation.1 The wt. low io."M%) was at a win. In glasses with high, - YPA and low'KO content: The thermal expanvoc of these- 11 1 high. Increasing the " - - . .- - % .- BZZBORODOV - I'----------. M.A.; RZKIMUYA. T.L. Litbium-lead-ollicon glass. Doka.AN BSSR 3 no.12:488-491 D 159. (MIRk 13:4) (Glass) 3ItZBORODOV,,,M.A.; mAzo, wssrNA, N.P.; KAMINNATA, V.S. ........ .%--, Inamels for aluminum. D*I. AN BSSR 0 no.7:300-302 JI 159. Okamel and enamling) (Aluminum) (MIRA 12: 11) 15(2) 50~''/72-3-1-lo-'/14 AUTHOR: Bezborodov, M. A., Academician of the Belor~;ssian-SSR '-ThW~I F 4;-, TITLE: en e of Some Small Additions on Glass ',,Ielting. From the Report Delivered at the Second Conference of the Officials of Glass Industry of the Belorussian SSR in June 19159 PERIODICAL: Steklo i keramika, 1959, Nr lo, PP 7 - 9 (USSR) ABZT2ACT: The author describes here the role played by tv;o inelting accelerators: sodium chloride, and 3mmonLum. sulphate. Some years ago, M. A. Bezborodov and A. M. Shumilin (Footnotel) experimented on the role played by sodium chl'-ridu in ~lass- melting at the Scientific Research Laboratory for Glau,,~ and Silicates of the Belorussian Polytechnic Institute. The.-.-.ial analysis, microscopic examination, and the method of determin- ."g-.-.the weight loss during heating were applied for studying the processes of vitrification. A. G. Repa and Ye. P. Danill- chenko (Footnote 2) showed by experiments that codium bisili- cate forms in the mixture Na 2CO3+SiO 29 at excess of SiO 2* The influence of Na 2CO3+SiO2+NaC1 on the acceleration of vitri- fication is especially clear in the mixture NaCl. M. A. Bez- Card 1/2 borodov and L. A. Zhunina (Footnote 3) have already previously The Influence of Some Small Additions on Glass Melt J rg.SOV/72-50-1 0-3 1114 From the Report Delivered at the Second Conference of the Off-icials of 'lass Industry of the BelorussiaA.SSR,ld June 1959 underlined the role played by the liquid phase of the charge C. in the acceleration of vitrification. The observations made by means of radioisotopes and the cone precipitator are summarized in a table. 1. 1. Kitaygorodskiy (Footnote 4) made experiments in the USSR with the addition of ammonium salts to the charge. A. I. Mochalov and Khomenko (Footnote 5) carried out experimental meltings in continuous glass-meltin- furnaces with an addition of 1-1V% of (NH 4)2 so4and established the Dositive role of ammonium sulphate. In 1936, M. A. Bezborodcv and N. 0. Abellchuk (Footnote 6) made experiments on the investigation of physical and chemical phenomena occurring during the heating of a charge with the addition of (NH 4)2S04' By introducing ammonium sulphate, the glass-melt- ing process is accelerated since the surface of the liquid re- actants is greatly enlarged, and the reaction takeS place with the participation of the liquid phase at lower temper- atures. There are 1 table and 9 references, 6 of zhich are Card 2/2 Soviet. 717; 26-20 rizy.',ry. 115? (Viti-e-, Statt; icil,elltiv- cf tl,~ T,,I,d All-Ur.1- C-.- far nee 01 the,o,- Stet,, E-d in 1959) a f! ` "" 12 d vo Al SSSR, 19~0. 5,'.4 p. Xrrata slip 3,Z00 coyi- print,l. (r,rlco: Its; T-iy) Sponsoring Arerrlc~: :-'.Itut klael' sIlIkatov h, ii: S7:;R. Viic;o~s..roy, khl.ich-k.y~ irieni D.I. P.-dellye- a:,., (;-ud'r.t,-nYy L-rdir. optich,-kly il-ItIt,it irchl LI.I. V-11-a.. Editorial bcrd: A.I. V.P. M.A. B-1, ... 3.,, O.K. Potv-10iii., V.V.V.rgi., A.G. K.S. T.viitr.p'ye~, A.A. P.A. V.S. Mollhanw, R.L. Hy-iller, T,.A., C..Iri=n, N.L. T.-;,', V.A. "loringlinya, A.K. Yalkh),Ird; Ed. of Publichine goiize: I.V. Cuyuvr; Tech. Ed.: VT. Pohelec. PMWI:: This bmk Is Intended for researcht- In Uie science and technolcInr of gl_..a. CCFIDVZE: The book contains the mpo.-tn c,id disc=n1ois of the Third Conf. rence on the Vitreoun State, held In 1-1h~rad cei Y-ber 1(-19, 1919. They deal vith the Lid r"ultn of stutlying tLe ctructure of glacar., thi, relation betwe- the structure end pror,~rtlec of planclu, the nature of the Chmical bonJ a-I glass tracturc, and the crytte'loche.zli,try of glass. Fuel silica, -clienl- of vitrificntim, optical prcpertlec and glass stricture, aed tbaelectrical properties of glacries am also disluzzel. A a-ber of Vie re- ports deal with tire der-ndcnce of ginrs prcTer~ics oa canip"altion, the tlatl.g of 9laii.e. and radiation effecta, oril cietheii1c.1, tIect-1-1, and ch-11.1 proje- ties fClasses. Other pnlvr. treat Ones .=1cond-tors wid soda boro.11jecte gLasee:. The Cociference vaii stt-~cd by v- tr- 3o3 delegntea rreic Soviet and East C rean scientific ars.".1cation.. A_ t-,ft peirtIci;-tA in the discurcicr:ui wera N.V. Solmlu, Ta. V. K-chinsiely, T..A. G-tev, V.P. Pryanighnikov, Yu. Ta. GoUlb, O.P. Mehedlov-Petrocynn, G.P. Mik.)inylov, S.M. Petrov, A.N. I-revo D.I. L-Iri. A.V. ShatIlos, W.T. FleshchInthly, A.Ya. K=nrtisov, F.V. Degtyareys, G.V. brur4aao,ak.y., A.A. W-, M.M. Skorriyakov, P.T.. Patin. E.K. Kellar, Y.-A. Kuzrietitov, V.P. Pomdrey, R.-S. She~eleylcii. Z.G. Pl-nbker, and O.S. Molchan7m. The firrea or the C~nfare.- - .1arr ... d by I.I. r1taygcrodskU7, ScIent'st and Engineer, Doe-tor of Tath-cal Science.. Th. f oU'_Inz Inst.'!,u't,r3 vcre tj t* d flIt tl,,Lr to tne of SI-3 science On.iL.. .. .01 -r: GO..'1'1rAtve=YY C,*ich-tkty Institut (Stmte Optical institute), I-t1tut k.~Itli II1k%-- A% S~Xn (-,.,&tjt,jte a,, 5111cato Cr,mjotrz, An USC.R), Fiz-,-C c~ ly 1~tltlt AIN Lt~~R (,-I' ,~Ics Inctitutc Ar U~-n), FIrIk~trLhnIt%Cokiy ins!c t AN Irf:t1t.,tl AS U::_'~?)' I-%1t,L fi..k.1 AN KISR. Y_ k I 1-1t,te of F!ijelci, Ac.d-y of L'clanc'~' relo-k.y. S"R. L.bcrst,'~y ef F."yd1'sl Crie'lat.- or ".11-tel of tit InctIt'it 01,311chey I neorgi-~. cheakYLhIiIPC; F11rik (1-tiu-, of 0,--1 -1 Che=!.try. of Fel"-P.Y. S_-R, Y"-k), I-LIt,t ~h C ' ..Y.di he ni~ &N xo:"14 Ur'SR), .YYInetIt_t 0%.kl rtt' in.t' 't."i I ci_)' t "':'yY "'tIt" t'k_ I_Ikn' (Stete I-t' lit. ria's Fiber,) Inntltut alektroleL~_ .!, afQ,tG.. f..I n1ch-koza ist'ki, (C~t I rt _- r Electrical Glacx), Cibl"kly fitik- tech" 1CL-my !%.tit,it, T"', Siter.1%,ftyricetic-acal Inctitute, -d. erc !;I., ((. I Y . lin.- rt.-. U:A-rs t ), Mo~L-rkly -My ItIf".1tit I..t! of C.,-1C.1 kly t, k IfIrtitcit in. LIe-c-ta lratlt~t tep!"Ic!-kly it nnd 0 t, d. T.- conr--_ -r 'P"!n tie -fI (A 't" 1111-t- - A.S. Chi. I V f k -': Ye 1,-y-srt t ~,onulftret.venn),y or-3-a 1,ehi, , _t1'r,"my sn't1t 0 1-!,il V"Sl_ T' 15 'f t, i-1,0,, rec-7-AWtio., I. cir~:-I- a. C'ni,r for 'f "l t- r --h ciii to i"ItO. W11, t,e titl- II Y ir~.! ,,, "':'" " wt,! C-',try of GI h! to jnin III.~ I'L'.Ir1.1t1-tl C-Itt" C:1 C.I.f-Incti -I V~, t or p. :to, cf. Cl-"I", :1, -i C'-ttt-:' I_ it _~et _ t1--, M "I p.r. S.r_ VO ....... V.A. lcfr,. .!,.I .,:VT* V le;,rt- Vltrec,w st"t~ (Ccat.) -/W55 ftelati- v'c or Te-troply", K.S. Geneml Pro'~1-5 or Ftruttu- an! rroi-tIcs or Glm"Cl 37 Dc'hl~~, L.l. Pddttivity or Silica Glm-o Tlroy~rties in C--ctm Vith Tc,clr 5--tarO 48 Bezborodoy, N.A. vitreo- s)stma ani ve rrctl~ Of Gl~z r--'tJm 55, Ut~ or the Ch-i-MI f-I "I St-1 !~ Of CL--af Myuller, R.L. jrk~tor of CILmIcal Scl--J. Cz-1-1 rr~&rt-les or Polyceric I fl -tl Cc, Ctass-Fcmllng Sutat-rs acd t~c Kat~ of Vitr. 61 Gorr~-, ft.A., ~~d B.T. rol-fy't- Fm~jl~- cf Vitr1ric~t.,o,. Fc~OArltlea It Ch.lxc~,-ld~ Gi..r,a 71 T.r~cv, Y.V. 01- s a 78 card 6p VIAMMO State (Cc,Ot.) -/5035 "rystalIc-thimittr; or 026-0 of C Cyt.1 Ct,_1 t pel-, N.V. (Acmd-zc~ici-j. GI.,, Lien- th rx a., siliemt~s 91 Diseun.lon 95 FLZIM 511.1C.A. YJ-%A.'I=l 07 r~el&lllt. Avr,-tinik, A..J. On tPie ryblec, of Crys~~l F..,"* TO~t~ rr r~ .Oz m ad BiLic. 115 B.t,i.kl., O.K. Vit,ifi-tic, 7-rc-v .11 C'j- St'-r--~t~'C 120 Mel'bichenko, L.(;,. C~ t~,a Probl- Of Fc=ttZ t~- Glaza -,tmrtqm D-~Jtz to. Melti.? Froces. 125 L-pluktki., D.M., O.A. I'll., -d V.I. P'.Jk~j- or rie.t~ic.i C-11-ctt~ltl Or F-ed 5111c, -1 1)7rat- It Fl- 125 vjt-- state (CO,"t.) T-01-k-, X-11. On V., ftel- of' Gir- r~m!rq: Chfch'Airl, V.A., -1 C.A. Y-In. rl-troly~-.~ vf tlq.:a Altnim~~Iiictvu I.T., ~d C.A. T"'..". ~f IN-i Silica of Cab-Fao-'102 &'d visc~.- - 131 Itach-"ao -1 vitr-ri-tl6l. ~'6~tvrlctlc~ of the Ullkln~ht~y,, H.V. rol Vm st-t~l -1 rl-UO C", 1)2 T-V.. .,i M.V. flmthal or StMyltr the 13FI bulutimm, I.A. ofucul A,tiyjoy -~j Vitri-St%tim 142 C-I BIZ2 Vltrco,~* State (Cmt.) SM/50)5 Che~icml rrol-rt-.c3 of' Glczzca Dubrovo. 5.r. ChmICKI Frc~rtlca of Claz~ccz- 419 Rikollskly, D.P., Ye.A. Lnd V.V. St~Jy of the Irtcr- iction or 13-trc'!t GIL-- W-It?) solution,- ly of the t I.Me. or M,W~cd 42~ Duz,r-hly, V.A., "-d T.S. rubrov0.,,;,-,. 0, t!.i f t!:. Surface Fil, of 01-- 428 V.F. Uffect of KU-.U Erth H'ta.1 Qxr:1-, 0., the ck~tmlc.l st&bIltty of al=ce. 432 Al,mv,o.n, A-V. Ixt-hicr cf F-lel Vltre-~jc B,--It~ With Aq,,.O,~' t-cl,: S.1,ftimn and the stet. cf the 1. tb~ Etmcl..~ of r-nat cl~v 4>5 M"tley, L.Ym. VitrIfitatirm ~d Prc7irtle. or Zcmt~ 01--3 07 Ctrd 16122 Vitmoua St.t. (Cont.) sw/m5 lke--"rgd~. M.A., r.E. F~W~ ~nd V.S. K~lr kly- On the FDI~ Of Al r,~ in G1-- 441 B-kjovaklkh, S.M., t=d V.!r. Sc2orova. Spthcalo ~nl Stu;y of the lpro;,rtie. of Hnf..'= S'llect- Glw' -1-0 4" DI.c-lon 83-17 V-11-tOM SIST"= 07 A ZF,-;IAL EAWIM Scinleml~ct.r Glea.,o Kolmly.t., B.T. r-i.=t.ttor sort., V.A., I.V. Patrim, ~~d S.V- Pl~Kcrovakl7t. ZI-trScul ftn~-rtlem or fi-e sezlcuie!.-ct~r Cxle~ CIA;aes 454 Xol-ly,t., B.T., N.A. Ger,.r-, "~d V.P. Sh:1.. Vit-o- Slt.te in Clh.l,c~-,e.lde. 456 llol~iyet., B.T. -4 B.V. P.,I-.. Opti-I P-2,rtles of' chalr.a-ldt Cleave A, ~O card l9/:"2 vitrema, st.te (Cmt.) sow/5035 K-I-IY-t-, P.T., T.11. F--t-m, -,! T.F. Pr~~rtl,, of cimi-j;-te, ri-,z 465 A.A., -1 Y..A. p~tor r F:,y~j_ n.,j I-Elty "ffr-tic" !"Lull;' Gr V-tr"'-3 C~nlco,3cftldta e' LrL-lc 470 V.K., ~m V.7. -'j T-d-" to Vjtrjfj"t1'.' of G.Itldc. or Gr-p V of D.Y. 4-14 Di.ew.1w 4y a sad. Vo-.lilcate DobyclAn, D.P. C-t,.j of' p-, G3,- :7tmot-- Pm"!- C., the 1;~L' ll.~111-te C;I-- -lt-'t~ C-tO-'! Vitt, It ha) Akimov, V.V. OPtic6l COn-it-t- ~d V : Ity of C~,I, L~rosijjctt- cle-el 41M C.x~l 20/22 BEZBCRODOV, M.A.., akademikp prof.y doktor teklin.muk; MAZEELEV, L.Ya., dotsent, -'~- nauk; ZHTJNINA, L.A., dotsent.. kand.tekhn.nauk Research work on the chemistry and technology of silicates in 1936- 1956. Sbor.nauch.trud. Bel.politekh.inst. no.66:91-1-16 157. (IM, 16:9) 1. Akademiya muk Belorusskoy SSR (for Bezborodov). PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/4136 Minsk. Belorusskiy politekhnicheskiy institut Xhimiya i khimicheskaya tekhnologiya silikatnykh materialov (Chemistry and the Chemical TL-chnology of Silicate Materials) Minsk, Redrizd. otdel BPI imeni I. v. Stalin&, 196o. 165 P- (Series; Its: Sbornik nauchnykh trudov, vyp. 82) 1,000 copies printed. Editorial Board: M. A. Bezborodov (Flesp. Ed.) Academician, Academy of Sciences BSSR, L. A. Zhunina, Candidate of Technical Sciences, N. N. Yermoleako, Candidate of of TLchnical Sciences, P. F. Mikhalevich, Candidate of Tbechnical Sciences; Resp. Ed. for this issue: L. A. Zhunina; Ed.: N. V. Kapranova; Tech. Ed.., P. T. Kuzlmenok. PURPOSE: This book is intended for chemists and technicians interested In the physicochemical properties and the production of glass. COVERAGE: The collection contains 20 articles which give data on the synthesis and physieochemical properties of various widely used and some experimental glais compositions. Numerous property and phase diagrams of glass compositions are given. The apparent need to conserve boron, evidenced by the third article, Card 1/5 Chemistry and the Chemical Technology of Silicate (Cont.) SOV4136 may be noteworthy. No personalities am mentioned. References accompany some articles. TABIX OF CONTRNTS: 1. -.Bezborodq~!, N.A., Academician, Academy of Sciences BSSR, and A.M. Kripskiy, er. Heiycods of Studying the Crystal Structure of Glass 3 2. -Bezborodov.,.,--M.A.., Academician, Academy of Sciences BSSR, and N. N. Yermo- i~- '-dandids-t-e of TL-ohnical Sciences. Synthesis and Structure of Glass in the System C&O-Pbo-Al203 16 3- _Bezborodov, M.A., and L.Ya. Nazelev, Candidate of TL%chnical Sciences. lk-velbfxi~iit, *of- -Nonboron Glass Compositions for Water- and Petroleum- Gage Pipes and Their Testing 24 4. Bezbor24_qy,.M.Aj, N.N. Yermolenko and L.A. Zhunina, Candidates of IS-chnical Sciences, and Ye. Z. Novikova, Engineer. Light I;L-fractivity and Crystallization Capacity of Glasses Found in Some Sections of the System Na2O-C& 2-Sio 29 Card 2/5 Chemistry and the Chemical Technology of Silicate (Coat.) SOV/4136 5. Bezborodov, M.A., and N.N. Yermolenko. Glass for Penicillin Vials 34 6. Mazelev, L.Ya., Physicochemical Properties of Glass of the Composition B203-Li2O-BeO-MgD Dependin Upon Composition and Structure 38 7- Mazelev, L.Ya., and A.I. Zelenskiy, Candidate of Technical Sciences. Synthesis and Study of the Properties of Glasses of High Clay and Low Al kal i Content 54 8. Mazurenko, V.D. Investigation of Some Properties of Glass in the System Li2O-BaO-B203-SIO 64 .9. Zhunina, L.A., A.M. Kr1pskiy, and Ye.Z. Novikovs. Experiment in Producing a Glass Crystal Material From Easily Melting Belo- russian Clays, 79 10- ShaMY, V.N-, Candidate of Technical Sciences. Study of Crystal- lization in Glasses Produced From Easily Malting Clays 86 Cexd 3/5 FORAY-KOSHITS, Ye.A., doktor fiz.-matem.nauk, red.; AVGUSTOIK, A.I., red.; BARZAKOVSKIT, 7.P., red.-,-_A1ZBOROD0V,-K-A-,red.; BOTVINKIN. 0.K.. red.; VARGIN, V.V., red.; VLASOV, A.G., red.; UVSTROPOYEV, K.S., red.; IS V. A.A., skademik. red.; WVETSV, M.A., red.; MOLCHANOV. V.S., red.; XTULLER, R*L,, doktor tekhn.nauk, red.; TCROPOV, N.A.. red.; FLORINSKAYA, V.A., red.; YAKMIND. A.K., red.; SUVOROV, I.V., red.izd-va; BOCH3VIR, V.T., Evitreous state; transactions of the Third All Union Conference on the vitreous state] Stakloobraznoo sostoiania; trudy Vsesoiuznogo soveshchBniia po stakloobraznomu sostoianiiu. Moskva, Izd,-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1960. 534 p. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Vossoyuznoye soveshchaniya po stakloobraznomu BOBtoyaniyu. 3d, Leningrad. 1959. (Glass--congre &sea) 31971 S/081/61/000/023/04o/o6i B138/B101 AUTHORS: Bezborodov, M. A., Mazo, E. E., Kaminskiy, V. S. TITLE: The role of aluminum in aluminophosphate glasses PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Khimiya, no. 23, 1961, 341-342, abstract 23K267 (Sb. "Stekloobrazn. nostoyaniyell, M,L~ AN SSSR, ig6o, 441-444. Diskus., 446) TEXT: The following six ternary, quarternary & I quinternary phosphate systems have been invostigated: K 20 - PbO - P 20 5P Al203 B20 3 -P2059 K2 0 - Al 20 3 -B203 -P205 (with 5, 10, 15, and 20% Al 2 03 K20 - Al203 - B20 3 - P205 sio2 (with 15% K20, 20% B 2 03 K20 - PbO - Al203 - P205 Sio2 (PbO 10~, SiO 2 15%), K20 Al203 - P2 05' The glass formation ranges, thermal expansion and chemical stability of these systems were studied. In both the borophosphate silicic and lead phosphate silicic glasses, chemical stability was improved by the introduction of A12 03* The chemical stability of glasses is very closely Card 1/2 1971 SA 8 YB 61/000/023/040/061 The role of aluminum in B138 101 related to their structure and variations are directly connected with structural transformations. Experimental factors are explained from the viewpoint of the structure of the glass former P20 5* The introduction of tetrahedrons (Sio ) into a phosphate glass skeleton isfound to have a 4 very much smaller effect than A10 4' It suggested that Tio 2, BeOq Zro, and ThO2 should, in ascending order, have a positive influence in increasing the chemical stability of phosphate glasses. LAbatracter's note: Complete translation. Card 2/2 15(2) SOV/72-60-i-,11/17 AUTHORS: J3ezborodovq M. A. z Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Belorusakaya SSR, Mazo, E., E., Kaminskaya, V, S. ~4 TITLE: Enamels for.Aluminum on the Basis of the Lead-phosphate-silicate System PERIODICAL: Steklo i keramika, 1960, Nr 1, PP 35-39 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors and N. P. Grishina had previously produced easily fusible glasses suitable as a basis of enamels for aluminum. They were, borever, not resistant to 4p' acetic acid. In the ptesent paper, the authors describe a number of experiments to obtain mixed lead-phosphate-silicate enamels resistant to 4% acetic acid. They refer to papers by A. A. Appen and Gan Fu-Siq as well as K. P. Azarov and V. Ye. Gorbatenko. Figures I and 2 show the glass-formation ranges of the systems in- vestigated. Table I indicates the chemical resistivity and coefficients of thermal expansion. Table 2 lists the compo- sitions, table 3 the essential technological characteristics, and table 4 some technical properties of the enamels obtained. Card 1/2 Table 3 presents the optimum enamel compositions (Nr 264 - white, SOV/72-60-1-11/17 Enamels for Aluminum on the Basis of the Lead-phosphate-silicate Syetem and Nr 257 - colored enamels) with a baking temperature of 0 540-580 . These enamels are resistant to 4% acetic acid, cold and boiling water. Heat dilatation of these enamels lies between 151.5 and 177.10-7. There are 2 figures, 4 tables, 0-/~ and 6 references, 5 of -which are Soviet. Card 2/2 BMORMOV, N.A.., HBLINIX, X.T. Studying the votes U20 - PbO - AI~03 - state, Doki.AN BM 4 noole.11-14 Ja SiO~ in a Vitmeous '6o. (NM 13:6) (Glass) 3496o L 11267/ 7" C, it Ti Tll I C) "S Bezborodov, 1-11..",., :,.ovtunenko, G.,".., Volchek, L.:'., ll~ 11 1 va, volkad! tuv The eflec- o-- stronz4um and --. a r, -an E; s 3 n c a 4 --, T~ r 0 - per-Lies of glass SC)UhC a e::~,iya i Luk BS SH, i Inc ti t--t c. 0y nr--~r- Cl ,;aiiichesiroy 'r-hiriii. Sbornik l--e a-utl-ors studied the effect of Sr -~nd on ~-.=Ze-- - o t c on t a i i, i.,-- a lk al i s c. r b o ra t e s , s, ii -t a b 1 e fo --, -1 Z s - I e S (3 as the effec t o i' larce qua nti tes of 2e . The -'cul-.-d in~- and tion rropelr-~i es, cher.,,ic 1 s t a b _i 1 J-1 T v ~. nd o c e n 0 n C C, il i C o-:' the CaO - SrO - - 'PeoO- i;i*0,p '.02 tytes of ~-lasses syn-.n esized; the c-' ~'f-s~es varied withir. the o 11 c w i C) i z s S 0 0 - L n, 0 1 L~ - 5 - 2 0 Fe 0, C 2 a r, d S i G, ~Z. :~u--.` ex~- r-, - L Card 1/3 J 6-4b The effect of strontium d =enzs on the foL-,nidin~, propcrr~ies of Class thc~ ~L~t."IGVS~ US-I-. t"e follow'r. S~02 I~j co"'n-pone nt 5 of tl.,o !:,,ix tu, z~e were e d d ed c' e;::c substai.ces. The L--Iiasse;~ were rrocesneJ at CC'C. 25 5~) S~O and - 20 ,,. CaO shc-,.ed foun-dir- -hese were affected adversely on iicreasinE ~aO correspondin.-ly decreasinL-, -~,he S--,,O conie"-Itj Ili -L!'.i~ zatior, ~,rc,-I~erties i~-.'.I,rovcd on aocro,'~cii.,r, tai~eously incroa~.dnC i~;c OaG. Tijis zo a lesser decree, ..Ihen increas-in- th e 04 -e -L-8se C)f Ln 047, Z', . ~ loss .,a initia-l i.owder sam--le cn ter, 0. o r 2'- c G .0 2 o z 2 Ia2-- 3) 2z;-- showed ~-tability to -Lhe afor e m. c! nt i o ned c, where zlne srability increased o-,~ lowerin- th"i Sro ~;ard 2/ anu 1J50j C~~.() c j.tD, illC 01, 0 t i Ys --led clit Lt !L~200 C -")-- kith a con+e. Ze I, Iz Of Of CaO -,I v Z~ro &2-,-; 'd shcl..~ed ~. - ~s te Of decre_,sed IU 2 0 0 -L1121"e i~2,e 5 i1i6_11-0,9, Itable bloc 0Z'-~jovjez_,;)joc. Y, _(~ ',.nc(,:,: refe:rences to 01 icazi 02-.S !,ead as foil % ows: Chilas, Dimbleby, ~ioc. `_,U--_.e2-. vla-'s Techn.. no. 5o, 7c. 172, u m, i,- a ni~us -~ry, V. 9 3 0 . a 5 23 lass card 26192 S/o a 1 //6 1 12 -n1 -r ~'IB 6 AUTHORS; 13o-zborodov, 11,1. A., Mazzo, E. E., Kaminskaya, V. S. TITLE: in.~reased chemical resistance of ename3s for aluminum PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Khimiya, no. 12, 19061, 5,06, abstract 12K372 (12K372)("Sb. nauchn. rabot. In-- oloshch. neor,;,.-an. khimii All BSSH", 1C,16o, no, 1. -7~0-71) TEXT. Chemina"y resistart bcron-free enamels containing no Li,,o Toro prepared. Optimum composition (in mole;0J.- K 0 ~ 11., ~7; 2 1 'a 20 ~ 12-46; lq.2~); S-4.0 2 a41.05; Ti02 = 113~63- GrindirS additives ~"in sodium ii.etas-ili~ate = 2; boric acid TiO,2 water = -27,5-28.3, 0 Baking tem-,erature '-,BO C; baking of the onamel c~-10 min, T'le enamels may be use6 for the decoration of architectonic details, jerelry 1-d as ins%illa'-ion on aluminum. By increasing the TiOp content to ,5-32 rcle"'~ the authors obtained ena-mels with a higher resistance to Cerd 1/2 26192 J)/o6II'6I/C~:)0/012 ",17/028 Increased chemical. renistance of .- I l l c)/I~ " 16 Tj otronS acids which inddeates that 'the s-Llicon-cxygen skeleton of the glass is strengthened by the incorporation of TiO tetrahedrons, 0 41 [Abstracteris note. Compiel-e translal-Ion] Card 212 slo8i161100010121019/026 B110/B216 AUTHORS: Bezborodovq M. A., Khodskiy, L. G. TITLE: Lead phosphate enamels for aluminum PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 412, 1961, 396, abstract 12K374 (12K374)("Sb. nauchn. rabot. In-t obshch. i neorgan. khimii AN BSSR11, 19050, no. 1, 72-83) TEXT: The authors studied the range of compositions of the system K20 + PbO + Al 203 + B203 + P 205 characterized by low softening point 7 (414-4250C) high thermal expansion coefficient (132-156.3-10- ) and resistance to boiling water with a view to preparing enamels suitable for aluminum. The following property changes with composition were determined for this system: Thermal expansion, density, and temperature at which softening begins. A series of white enamels with properties rendering them suitable for decorative coatings were prepared on the basis of a glass of the composition (in mole's): K 20 = 20; PbO = 30; Al 203 ~ 15; B203 ~ 10; P 2 05 ~25- [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.] Card 1/1 S102'86119~6 1/000/012/018/028 211-11 B1 1 O/B216 AUTHORS: Bezborodov, M. A., Grishina, N. P. TITLE: Boron-free phosphate enamels for aluminum PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 12, 19619 396 abstract 12K373 (12K373)(t'Sb. nauchn. rabot. In-t obshch. i neorgan. khimii AN BSSR", 1960, no. 1, 91-98) TEXT: An easily fusible phosphate-strontium enamel with an annealing temperature of 400 0C and the following composition (in mole~b) was developed: K 20 = 4.2; Na 20 = 21.5; NaF = 20.8; SrO = 8.4; Al 20 3 = 12,.5; P2 05 ~ 32.6. Enamels with a colored polish were obtained by using Cr 2 03 and Fe 20.3 as pigment additives, and boron-free white enamels by using grinding additives consisting of 1-2ci"' of NaNO + 8%' of TiO of MoO 2 2 7 A' 3' The enamels showed a thevmal expansion coefficient of 143-164*,10 ', and a melting range of 200-20600C; the temperature at which softening was completed was 600-8200C. The phosphate enamels obtained were resistant to Card 1/2 26193 s/oal/61/ODD/012/018/028 Boron-free phosphate enamels ... B110/B216 cold and hot water, 45 CH3COOH and even to cold 5;11 soda solution. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] / I Card 2/2 BIMORODOV. N.A. [Be3sbarodau, N.A.], almdemik; RZHBVSKAYA, T.L. Nhavuskala, T.L.3, inzh. Studying some typen of Lil&PbSIO glass as a base for enamel on aluminum. Vestsi AN BSSR.S~r.fiz.-tekh.nav. no.1:57-61 160. (MIRA 13:6) 1. AN BSSR (for Besborodov). (Awmals and enameling) (Glass) 2619h S1081161100010121020/026 B110/B216 AUTHORS: Bezborodov, M. A., Grishina, N. P. TITLE: Aluminum-boron-phosphate enamela for aluminum PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 12, 1961, 396, abstract 12K375 (12K375)("Sb. nauchn. rabot. In-t obshch. i neorgan. khimii AN BSSR", 1960, no. it 99-111) TEXT: Colored and white phosphate enamels were prepared, which gave good bonding with aluminum. The enamels no. 119 and 122 proved to be suited best. Their compositions (in ~'o' by weight) were: K2 0 = 2.9; 3.9; Na 20 - 13.2; 13.2; Li 20 = 3-9; 2.9; NaF 4.4; 5.4; A120 3 12.2; 12.2; B 203 ~ 8.4; 8.4; P20 5 = 44.4; 44.4; T102 7.2; 6.7; Sb 203 3.4; 0 ZnO = 0; 2.9. To improve bonding of the enamel to the metal it is recommended to add 6-1W.' Ti021 or 6-8~;!,, CuO, or 5-6% moo3 to the charge. The authors studied the optimum composition of the grinding additives and the various methods for treating the surface of the metal. Chemical Card 112