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FROLOV, Ivan Mikhaylovich; MOKSHIN Stepan Ivanovich; red.; DkN1LINA,.A.P,.tskhn.;Vd. [Flyipt gmong-dt~r-'~),Litidshohie aredi zvezd.,.. Moskva Gospolitisdat., j%~.,, (MIRA 160) (Bykovek*, Valerii Fedor',ov'ich) (Tereshkova, Valentina Vladimirovna) --BELYAK07. V, nauchnyy ootrudnik Nuclear photographic emulsion uncovers the secrets of the microworld. IUn.tekhe 6 no,9:53-55 S t6l, (MIRA 3-4:10) 1. Obuyedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniya, g. Dubno. (Photography., Particle track) LYTJBOVTSEV, VLWimir Illich; BLWAKOV, V.,, red.; MUKHIN, Yu.j, tekbn. red. [Beyound the Datanga RiverlZa, rekoi Khatangoi, Moskva,, Gospolitizdat., 1962. 108 p. (KM 15:10) (TayW FeWmaula-conective fams) (Dolgans) MLYAXO~j V. A. ----m 27968. EELYAKOVj, V. A. -Itogi leebeniya invalidov oteebestvennoy voyrV po materialam instituta ortopedii, travmdtologii i proteziroveniya, gospitaley i lechebnykh uchrezhdeniy uzbekskoy SSR. Trudy pervoy Nauch. Mezhresp. Knof-tsii p0 lecbeniyu , ihvalidav otechestv. voyzW v m-ed. Azii. tashkent, 1949, S. 85-91. SO: Letopist Zhurnallnvkh Statay. Vol. 37, 1949. VOIKOVA, ~.A.; MMagPjJ[J4,HEDVEDEV,, lu.A. Distribution of depth doses from the telegarma apparatus with C51370 Mederade noo5:82-& 1619 (MIRA 14all) 1. Is Gosudarstvennogo naucbno-iseledovateliskogo onkologicheskogo instituts, imeni P.A. Gertsena. (CESIUM-.ISOTOPES) (GAMKA RAYS.-THERAPEUTIC USE) 'e,'2- L \.) A- K 0.4)q, X. BILYAKOT, VA,; IVANOVA, L,Xe; XOZLOVA, L*G#; TOLSTOV, KD* Facperimente,with 600,micron layers from the OR" Imalsion of the Notion Picture and,Photography 3;:ientific Research Institute. Shur. anuoh. tprikl. fot, i kin, 2 no.51325-329 3.0 157. (MIR& lotli) 1, ObRyedinenan Institut yadernykh Iseledoyaniy, (Photographic emulsions) I I '. . BARASM. MOVI V. S.) JE&AROV, V. A., BMELEV, R. G., MALTSEV, V. M. , TOISTOV; K. D. TEN GYN, and WANG b-HM ~FENGI' "Multiple Production of Particles in Collisions between 9 GeV Protons and Nucleons." Nuclear Physics) Vol. 9, NO. 1, NOV. 1958. Joint Inst. Nuclear Reseaach, Lab Theoretical Physics and High Energy lab.,Dubna. Abstract: Some theoretical calculations pertaining to multiple production of particles in nucleon-nucleon collisions at 7-10 GeV were presented in ref, 1. Some preliminary experimental results obtained by trridiating photographic emulsions with proton beam from the eynchrocyclotron of the Joint Inat Nuclear Research were given in ref. 2. In the present paper we compare the theoretical results of ref. 1 with the results of some now experiments. 372 stars, of which 50 were ciassinea as proton-nucleon collisions, were recorded in VIDI-E photof~Taphio emulsions along the tracks of 9 GeV protons accelerated in the JINR proton synchrocyclotron. The mean number of charged particles created*in these collisions was 3.6 0.5. The angular distribution of fast charged particles Is obtained. As a whole the emperimntal results Wee with the statistical theory of multiple particle production within the limits of the experimental errors. Some discrepancy is evident in the small angle range and may be due to the contributio on non-central impacts and to asymmetry of the angular distribution in the c.m.s. 66838 (23.3000) SOV/77-4-6-5/16 AUTHOR: Bejyg~ Kozlova..L*G., Sviridov, V.A. Tolstov, TITLE: Dependence of the Sensitivity of NuclRar Emulsions on Temperature Within the Range of 2-300~ K PERIODICAL: Zhurnal nauchnoy i prikladnoy fotografii i kinematografii 1959, Vol 4, Nr 6,.pp 42.7-429 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author reports on recent Soviet study of the depen- dence of the recording properties of various-nuelear emulsions on temperature within the range of 2-300 K. The results of-the first experiments were published in the paper of N,A. Dolina I ' A -Sviridov, KeD. Tolstov and E,N. Tsyganov Z Ref 1-3. Subsequently, an attempt was made to improve.the recording properties of the emulsion NIKFI R 400)&by a change in the processing con- ditons. Curve 1 of'the graph (taken from the,paper of V.A. Belyako#, L,G. Kozlova, V.A. Sviridov, K.D. Tol- C d 1/3 stov and E.N. Tsyganov CRef 2 7 ) corresponds to the i ar normal processing conditlOnB ol emulsions, which ith WV 66838 SOV/77-4-6-.5/16 Dependence of.the SensitiZity of Nuclear Emulsions on Temperature Within the Range of 2-300 K regard to the correlation trace donsity of fog are most suitable for exposure at room temperature. Curve 2 corresponds to intensified development conditions, the fog increasing in this,case by 50%. NIKFI l6i~~-bempera- ture emulsions with6ut silver iodide gave better results. Under normaloprocessing conditions, the relative sensi- tivity at 20 K for the best series of emulsions was equal to 4513%, and the absolute density of the tracks of the relativistic particles amounted to 17 grains for 10O.P. The microphotograph shows the tracks of 71-mesons .with an energy of 340 Mev ang nuclear fission at an ex- posure of the emulsion at 20 'Ke' Fine-grained emulsions developed by N.A. Perfilov, N.R. N8vikova and Ye.T. Prokoflyeva Ref 3-7 showed at 75 K a relative sensi- tivitY of ?5 . The density of the grgins on the tracks, of the relativistic particles at 300 K amounted to 46 grains per 100,P-.Experiments with Ilford ("Illford") Card 2/ 3 600/4, layers Ref*4_7 were also carried out (see 66838 SOV/77-4-6-5/16 Dependence of the Sensit.iAty, of Nuclear Emulsions on Temperature Within the Range of 2-300 K Table). Whe grain density at exposurewithin the range of 2-215 K averages 1~-17 grains per 100 ,~&of particle track. The fog is approximately constant. The layers were prooessed under conditions recommended by the. firm of Ilford. Comparative data on NIKFI and Ilford emulsions are given in the graph. There are 1 graph, 1 microphotograph, 1 table and 4.references, 3 of which bare Soviet and 1 English. ASSOCIATION% Ob"yedinennyy institut yade kh i sledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Researe7h 1s SUBMITTEDt September 23, 1957 Card 3/3 2, AUTHORS: Barashenkovg V. S.,JLelyakov, V* Avg -SOV/89-7-4-12/28 Van Shu-fen', Glagolev, V * Ye,-Jj6-IXYMzhavp N., Kirillovap Le F., Lebedev, Re Met Malltsev, Ve Met Markovq P. Keg Tolstov, K. D., Tsyganovp Be N., Shafranova, 74. G., Yao Chling-bzieh TITLE: The Interaction of Fast Nucleons With Nuclei of the Photo- *emulsion HIKPI-R PERIODICALt Atomnaya energiya, 1959, Vol 7# Rr 4t pp 376-377 (USSA) ABSTRACT; The present paper deals with the interaction between 9 Bev- protons, which were'accelerated in the beam of the synchro- hasotron of the Ob"yedinennyy institut yaderuykh isale'dovaniy joint Institute of Nuclear Research), and the nuclei of a f photoemalsion of the NIKPI-R type. The results of these measurements are shown by a table. On the basis of the data thus found it is possible to draw several conclusions as to the mechanism of the interaction between a fast proton and a nucleus. If the p;imary nuoleon-nucleue collision is an intoraction between ziucleon-and channel, the velocity of the center of mass in an interaction.of silver and bromine with the channel will be considerably lose than in an interaction Card 113 with light nuclei, Thereforep also the number of a-particles The Interaction of Fast Nucleons With Nuclei of the SOV/89-7-4-12/28 Photoemulsion NIKFI~-R must be considerably greater. In the experiment, the numbers of s-partioles for light.and heavy nuolei arep howevert nearly the same. This is explainable on the basis of the cascade mechanism of interaotio'nt in which the energy of the a-partioles decreases rapidly in cascade collisions* The mltiplio~ty of the particles produced decreases simultaneously. In the case of the greater number of g-partioleop nucleons are concernedt which may be explained by the cascade mechanism of nucleon - nucleus interaction. Also the agreement between the transversal momentum p6 p for g-protons originating from interactions with light and heavy nuclei points in the direction of the inter- action cascade mechanism. Besides, a search was made fcr strange partidles by employing the method of investigating according to areas. The cross section of the production of k"~-Partiolss with an energy of Z4 140 Mev in a medium- weight nucleus of the photoemulsion. amounts to (5 t: 2)10-27.cm2. Besides, the amoun-c of the production oross section, the wide angular distribution of the k-mesonst as Card 2/3 well as other facts indicate that a noticeable fraction of The Interaction of Fast Nucleons With Nuclei of the SOV/89-T-4-12/28 Photoemulsion NIKTI-R claw strange particles is produced in an intranuclear casoade process. Rwthermore, the medium-weight energy losses of a fast nucleon.are evaluated in the case of a single nucleon- nucleon collision. A gBev-proton gives up an average of (5-1 1 0o8) Bow to a medium-weight nucleus of the photoemallsion, which amounts to (60 t 10) % of its initial energy. 4-05 Bev are used for the production of pionss and 1-05 Bev are trans- ferred to the nucleons of the nucleus. As a proton in an medium- weight nucleus undergoes approximately 2 collisions, the proton, in one single nuoleon-nucleon collision, loses AE - 35 1 10 % of its initial energy. By means of other measurements of the pion energy spectrum carried out independently of the present paper in a nucleon-nucleus collision AE - 40 t 10 % is obtained. The statistical theory of multiple production furnishes AE - (40 - 50) %. The authors thank G. 13eznogikhg V. Vaksimj Z. Kuznetsovajonnd N. Metkina, for their help in the meaunrementat and L. Popova Ibr* hie assistance in analyzing measuring results. There are 1 table and 1 reference. Card 3/3 R4-0, d B004/BO70 AUTHORS: Belyakov, V. A., Van Shu-feA', Glagolev, V. V,, Dalkhazhav, N-1 Lebedev R. M., Mellnikova, N. N., Nikitin, V. A., Petrzhilka, V., Sviridov, V. A., Suk, M , Tolstov, K. D. TITLE: Inelastic Interactions of 7 Bev iC-Mesons and Nucleons /17 PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol- 399 No. 40O)t PP- 937-947 TEXT: The inelastic interaction of 7-Bev x--mesons with nucleons is studied in this paper. The preliminary results were communicated to Kiyevskaya konferentsiya po fiziki vysokikh energiy (Kiyev Confe--ce on the Physics of High Energies)i The emulsion chamber consisted of 240 14owto-P ( IKUP - yers with a thickness of 400g. 5300 interactions with the nuclei of otoemulsion were observed. Of these, 535 inelastic interactions were analyzed (Table 1). The theoretical distribution of the charged particles was calculated by V. S. Barashenko . Spurious scattering was eliminated by special measurements (Table 2). 459 pions and 134'protals Card 1/3 84388 Inelastic Interactions of 7 Bev n--Mesons S/056/60/039/004/006/048 and Nucleons B004/BO70 were identified. The angular distribution of pions and the total distribution of all stare ( in c.m.s.) are shown in Fig. 1. For smallrr number of charged particles, the asymmetry increases strongly. This is principally due to pions with large momenta (Fig. 2). Therefore, th- angular distributions are very different for fast and slow pions (Fig. 3)-- Pions with momenta < 0-5 Bev show an almost isotropic distribution.,From the angular and total distributions of protons (Fig- 4) it is seen that the protons conserve their initial direction. From the momentum distributions of pions and nucleons, the authors conclude that the average momentum of the nucleons and of the charged pions does not depend on the increase of the number of charged particles. The same result follows from the data for the average transverse momenta FL of protons and pions given in Ta'hle 3. Fig- 7 shows the number of neutral mesons as a function of the number of charged particles. The results can be interpreted only partly by the statistical theory. The asymmetry of the angular distribution of the secondary pions can only be explained by a peripheric collision of the pion with a pion of the nucleon shell (Figs. 8 and,9). An estimate of the radius of the nucleon core gave the Card 2/3 84388 Inelastic Interactions of 7 Bev a--2eaons Euid S/056/60/039/004/006/048 Nucleons B004/BO7O maximum value of 4-10-14 cm. The authors summarize the results as follows, -(0 Average momentum of protons -89�0-04)Bev/c, p~verage transverse momentum - (0.31�0-04)Bev/c; asy'mmetry of angular distributions of all pions = 1.56�0.10; pions with p >,0-5 Bevfi are emittea in the forward direction, their average momentum equaling (0.87�0-06)Bev/c and agrees, therefore, with that of the protons. The authors thank D. L Blokhintaev and V. I. Veksler for discussion and advice, There are 9 figurest 3 tables, and 23 references 9 Soviet, 8 US, 1 British, I German, 4 Italian, 1 Japanese, and Polish. ASSOCIATION: Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research) SUBMITTED: May 11, 1960 Card 3/3 BELYAKCVv V.A. Momentum distribution of particles in a rarefied Fermi gas. Zhur. ekap. i teor. fiz. 40 no.4:1210-1212 Ap 161. (KM 14:7) 1. Moskovskiy inzhenerno-fizicheskiy institut. (Free electron theor7 of metals) IVANCHMNO, Pavel Nikolayevieb kand. tekhn. nauk; SJIVELIYEV, Nikolay Mikhaylovich, insh.j AHAPIRO, Boris Zakbarovich, inzh.j VOVKj, Vasilly Grigokvygvichp-inzh ; BELTAKOV, V.A., kand. tekhn. nauk.. dots.p retsenzent; YURKEVIGH, ma., 5-7h-*-,-Ted. izd-va; SHCJWTININA,,L.V*s-t.ekbn. red. (Electromachanical"transmissions; theory and design] Elektro- makhanichaskie peredachil teoriia i raschet, Pod red, F.14. Ivanchenkot Moskva, Mashgiz, 1962. 431 p. (MIRA l5t6) (Motor vehicleo--Transr-ission devices) (Slec-tric driving) BELYAJM YUNG-CHM~ VEMM, V.I., VIRYASOV, N.M., DU rUAN-TSA1, KIM HIINP fSKAYA, Ye. No., MMMWTI A.A., WHUL, A., NGUEN, DIN 17 TENEV, V.N. SOXDLOVA, Ye. So, SOLOVIiKY, M. I. 0^0 "study of A K and K K Pair Production if 7f-,D and WE Interactions at the T-8 Gev/C Momentum 101ri -Wsonsil report presented at the Intl. Conference on High Energy Physics, Geneva, 4-11 july 1962 Jo int.Institute for Nuclear Research Laboratory of High Energy Physics BELUMV V.A. WANG YUNG-CDMI UIMERs V.I., VIRYASOV) N.M..q VRMUt I..* ,W-TSAI, KIM HI IN, XE.ADNITSKAYA, Ye. B., MMMTSOV, A.A., MIRM, A. NWM DING TI, I. PATRA, V. POW, SON)LOVA, Ye. S., SOLOVYEV~'M.1.0 HOPM31M, T. j, and TSEN LIN-IAN "The Investigation ofAHyperon and e-Meson Production inZO and Interactions at 7-8 Gev" report presented at the Intl. Conference on High Energy Physics, Geneva, 4all july 1962 Joint Institute for Nuclear &search Laboratbry of High Energies BL'IYAKOV V.A.; VAN 7DII-CHAII [Wang Yung-chang); VIRYASOV) N.M.; 11-TSAY (Du Yuan-cai]; KIM KHI IW- KLADIIITSKAYA, TeX.; KUZNETSOV, A.A.; NGUYEN, DIN TY tNguven Dinh Tu]; PENEW, V.N.; SOKOLOVA, Ye.S.; SOLOVIYEV, H.I. [Properties of Jr O-Diesons_produced together with strange particles in J7--p and %7T -c-interactions] Izuchenie avoistv -Ir O-vezonov, rozhdaiushchikhsia so stranr*rmi cba- stitsami v OT :p 1 -17 --c vzaimodeistviiakh. Dubnal Ob"- edenennyi in-t iadernykh issledovanii, 1962. 10 p. (MIRA 16:10) (Mesons) BELY ,S.A~; BOYADZHIYEV, A.V.; VA14 YUN-CHAN(Wang Yung-chlang); ~MAQV VEKSLERP V.I.; VIRY4SOV, N.M.; KIM XHI IN; KlADNITSKAYA, Ye.N.; KUZNETSOV,, A.A.; MALITSEV, V.M.; NGUYEN, DIN TY; PENEV, V.N.; SOLOVIYEV, M.I.; ZRELOVA, N.N.p tekhn. red. [Production of A(4 0)-fiyporons and KO-mesons in the inter- action of 7 Gev. J-1--mesons with carbon] Rozhdonie A W 0)- giperonov i KO-mezonov pri vzaimodeistvii 0--mezonov s energiei 7 Gev s uglerodom. Dubnal Ob"edinerbWi in-t iader- mykh issledovanii, 1963. 18 p. (MIRA 17:2) BELYAKOVI V.A.; BOYADZHIYEV, A.; VIRYASOV~ N.M.; MALITOIN, V.M. (I-'echanism of particle production and interaction in the Icarbon nucleus] Mekhanizm obrazovaniia i vzaimodeistviia chastits v iadre ugleroda. Dubna, Ob"edinenrqi in-t iader- nykh issl. 1963. 23 P. (MIRA 17:7) BELYAKOV~ V.A.; VAN YUN-CHAN (Wang Yung chlanol; VEKSLER, V.1.; -~---VIMSOV, N.M.; VRANA, I.; DU YUAN'-TSAY [Tu Yuan talai);, KIM YHI IN; XIADNITSKAYA, U.N.; KUZNETSOV, A.A.; ,, E.; NGUYEN, DIN TY; PATERA, I,FENEV, V.N.; MIKM SOKOLOVA Ye.S.; SOLOVIYEV,, 14.1.; KHOWOKLI, T.; MIKHR, L (Production of A-byperons and KO-mesons in ST -p- interactions at an energy of 7-8 Bev] Issledovanie protses- sov rozhdeni-ia d-~runov i Ko-mezonov v JT -P- vzaimo- deistviiakh pri energii 7-8 Bev. [n.p. n.d.] 26 p. (MIRA 16:10) (Mesons) (Hyperons) 61056163 044/002/007/065, B102JB18 AUTHORS., Wang Yung Chlang, Veksler, V. I., Viryaeovl N. M., Vrana, I., Tu Ytlan-tslai;~,~Kim Khi Ying, Kladnitskaya, Ye. ff., Kuznetsov, A. A., Mikhul, E. Nguyen Din Ty, Patera, r., Penev, V. N., Sokolova, Ye. S-p SolovIyevj M% I., Khofmokll, T., Cheng Ling-yen, Mikhull A. TITLS: II)veatigation of A-hyperon and Ko-meson production processes in n p interactions at 7-8 Bev, PERIODICAL; Zhurnal ekeperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, vs 44* no. 2, 1963P 431-443 TEXT: The c.m.e. momentum and angular distributions determined for the A and KO particles producod in np interactions are give' and discussed. n The meanuremente were made using a 24-liter propane bubble chamber in a field of 13,700 oe. 'The total momentum spectrum of the fA-hyperons produced in the reactions x- + p A (7-0) + K0 + nn, -+p 'A Card 1/7 n (10) +,W,~+ n-n (2) S/056/63/044/002/007/065 Investigation of A-hyperon B102/B106' a re shown in Fig." I P compar e*d with theoretical re;ults. 'As it may be escribes't~e exV 11 if seen the statistipal. theory d erimental curve very %ve A