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BELYAVSKAYA, M., kand. ekonom. nauk; VYSHKVARTSEVA, L., kend. ekonom. nauk
Improve the analysis of the performance of the Repair and
Operating Center of the f1set. Reah. transp. 23 no.1:54-59
Ja 164. (MIRA 18;11)
LM,Yk~qK_A,U,_N.,,_kand. ekonom. n auk; LEGOSTAYEV, V., inzh.-ekonomist
Improve the planning of returns. Rech.tranap. 23 no.9:
9-11 S 164.
(M RA 19 t 1)
BLANK, Shlioma Pinkhusovich.,- J3EWAVS'KAYA Maia Iosifovnal
VYSHKVARTSEVA, Lillya Timo-,eyevna; red.;
LOBANOV,, Ye.M.,, red.
(Performance analysis of enterprises operating in inland
navigation] Analiz raboty ekspluatatsionrjykh predpriiatii
rechnogo flota. Moskva., Transport,*1965. 171 p.
(MIRA 18.-7)
Use of exercise therapy in hyrertensL-n in middle a4(!d and
elderly persons, troateci in a Vop. I.-ur.-fizioter.
i lecl-.. fiz.. kul't. 28 ric.3- ',7-223 --e 163. 17-.5)
3. Iz Mentrallnoy poliklinilki SoFaza jovetskikh pisatfiley
(glavnyy vrach~and. rn-d. wauk V.Ye.' Gill-jr) I kafedry lachebnoy
fizkulltury i vrachebnogo kontrolya TSentrRlt~oi7o instituta
ft7,'rl.-_skqY hIltury (naue"wry v ul-wroditel '-do's ---.n 1, S.'. ~avpov).
BELYAVSKAYA,, T. A. Cand. Chem. Sci. '
Dissertation: "Applications of the Complex Compounds of Uranyl-Acetate
for the Determination of Sodium." Moscow Order of Lenin btate U imeni
M. V. Lomonosov, 11 Jun 47.
SO; Vechernyaya Moskva, Jun, 1947 (Project #17836)
.0gWat"Isa 'Cull. Kbim.
v6$" AN a . 0. 1, sp. pss.-Mol. s Fobm
Aldwk NO. 3. aw" I --Graviontrie doin, of Na as
.%s.%IotTOs)AAcOW0TU-(drW at W*) Is essily acclow-
lpflabect with me.amsto bypptn. with& rescentcontir. UOr
and OwAcOhAMO in ale. AcOlf. If not
amock X an Ma is F t. the reoulle 4" good;
odmwbQ they an Us hu no effect even In 311-lubt
amts. colaimmy tKtI. and by defl. the Vol content by
the forotyuM method dtor 4lowlying the ppt. In AcOll.
Naantitative gnal sio.0 V.N.Alskeeav. Reviewed by T.A.Bellavokala,
I.M..Gibalo, Zav,lab.21 no.7:884-885 '55. (HLU 8:10)
1. Kafedra analiticheakoy khImii Mookovskogo gosudarstvannogo
(Chemistry, Analytic--Qa4ntitative)
f roqkEcj hd I.Uaa
dyQtUhAa2 Method" chrom.AfogrifhY I . I - -.1
auk INa. 2, G7-71(IVWJ.--Zl in HNOt SOM. ww Mcz~~ il
through different catk-A cxch--nr- resins; it wa-s. ra 0, (ly
-Iczb--d on 2 ef thnm ia the gl-- iatlzrvzl P,aliafly
-U,iwrbcd or. ilie &.-0, and lvt~!Iy x4atwk~~ va -'c
N.'ats of Zr(IN02"', with VeC4, Ftzl,-',044~ N1.
~N'04).- w N.'Cit ;vffe P-awJ through one ce the cablalc
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1957, Nr 12, p 368 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Alimarin, I. P., Belyavskaya, T. A., Bazhanova, L. A.
TITLE: Separation of Titanium From Accompanying Elements by the
Method of Ion-exchange Chromatography (Otdeleniye titana ot
soputstvuyushchikh elementov metodom ionoobmennoy
PERIODICAL: Vest. Mosk. un-ta, Ser. matem., mekhan., astron., fiz.,
khimii, 1956, Nr 2, pp 167-170
ABSTRACT: A systematic study of exchange of Ti4+ and Fe3+ ions in
solutions of HC1, HZS04, and CNS- was performed. The dis-
tribution coefficient Y was studied with regard to the ion-exchange
resin and the'solution. It may be computed from the formula
P = M, v/m(M-Ml ), where M, is the cation fraction in the
resin, M is the initial quantity of cation, v is the volume of the
solution, rn is the mass of the synthetic basic resin (SBS). In
all experiments v= 60 ml, m= 0.5 g. It is established that at
0.4 N and 0. 1 N HZS04 P Fe/ (PTi = 13.1 and 17.5, respectively.
Card 1/2 Results obtained with thiocyandteare of little practical interest.
a~j cuo~c_" aLQ/V*YV a ) zz~_~
Separation of Titanium From Accompanying Elements (cont. )
The method of segregation was verified in a cylindrical tank IZ
cm high and 0.8 cm in diameter. The completeness of the segre-
gation was controlled by colorimetric and radiometric methods
and involved the employment of Fe59. The separation of Fe and
Ti was examined for Fe:Ti ratios varying from 1:1000 to
10,000:1 (the amounts of Ti varying fr~m 0.001 to 10 mg, and
those of Fe, frorr 0.001 to I mg). 100-425 ml of 0.4N HCI are
ernfloyed to elute Ti4+ , and 100- 500 ml of 4. ON HGI i .o elute
Fe The separation was complete.
Z~ G,
1. Titanium-Separation 2. Ion exchange-Applications
Card 2/2
(YA L;,S kA~y4j
Category: USSR/Ans.Iytical Chemistry - Analysis of inorganic
Abe Jour: Referst Zhur-Dinlya, No 9, 1957, 30967
Author : jgjy&UIWa T. A., Padeyeva V. I.
Inst :Moscow University-
Title :Quantitative Separation of Beryllium from Some Elements by the
. Method of Ion-Exchange Chromatography
Orig Pub: Vestn. Mosk. un-ta) 1956, No 6, 73-79
Abstract: Study of the conditions of Be adsorption by SBS cathion-exchange
resin, depending on pl, and of its desorption by hydrochloric:
acid, alleffitlies and s;lutions of (NHV).,COT, I%HCO?. A method of
quantitative separation of Be from Ca and Ni is described. To
the solution containing Be and Cu (Ni),, is added NHPH and an
excess of 10% solution of (Nff#).jCO.3 (PE 8-5-9)- The solution
is passed through a column (height 20, diameter 0.7 cm.) contain-
ing SBS in W+ -form, at a rate of I - 5 -2 MI/minute - The COIUMI
is vashed vith'20-30 ml of (jiHOxCO,3 solution, the solutions are
Card 1/2 -7-
AUTHORS: Chmutova, M. K. SOVA-56-58-2-25/48
TITLE: Separation of Zirconium From Chromium and Aluminum by Means
of the Method of Ion-Exchange-!Mhromatography(Otdeleuiye
tsirkoniya ot khroma i alyuminiya metodom ionoobmennoy khromato-
PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly., qimiya i khimicheskaya
tekhnologiya, 1958, Nr 2, PP-~305 - 307 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In recent years, a series of papers on the chromatographic
separation of zirconium f..:om the accompanying elements have
been published (Refs 1 to 16). The present report contains
material on the sorption of the metals referred to in the
title from hydrochlorio acid solutions by means of ion-
exchanging resins. The sorption of related elements from
hydrochloric acid solution can be quite different in its
properties. This is due to the unequal stability of the
chloride complex-ions (Refs 17 to 20). In order to clarify
the optimum conditions of chromatographic separation of the
afore-mentioned metals, the comparing sorption of the elements
Card 1/4 was investigated. The distribution coefficient lis calculated
Separation of Zirconium From Chromium and Aluminum SOV/t56-58-2-25/48
by Means of the Method of Ion-Exchange-Chromatography
according to the formula
Mil V
where M is the'fraction of the element
in the resin, M the total amount of the element in the
initial solution, Y - the volume of the solution and m - the
mass of resin. V and m were constant in the test-i carried
out by the authors- 3 ion-exchanging resint Er2_'.'=.;1O
and AN-W.were used..After the coefficients of '.he element-
distri~aiian between the hydrochloric &aid solutions and
the ion-exchanging resins were foundp further tests have
shown a completely lacking sorption of all 3 mentioned metals
from 0,1 - 6 n.-solutions of HC1. The results are shown in .
table 1. It hence follows that zirconium is completely sorbed
from relatively diluted HC1-solutions (0,1 to 1 n.). This
indicates itn existence as positively charged ion in the
solution. Chromium is more weakly sorbed under the above
conditions. Aluminum is completely sorbed from 0,1 n. - solution,
Card 2/4 but from 1 n.-solution it is scarcely sorbed. The sorption
kiepa:,.ation t~)f Zirconium From Chromium and Aluminum SOV/156-56-2-25/48
by Means of the Method of.lon-Exchange-Chromatography
of the elements decreases according to the 4noreasing
acidity. It further follows from table 1 that the
differenoes of sorption from I n-H01 can be basea on.the
chromatographic separation of the zirconium from chromium
and aluminum-The proposed method of quantitative separation
is briefly described. There are 3 tables and 21 referenoesp
5 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Kafedra analiticheskoy khimii Mosl-ovskoge gosudarstvennogo
universitets im.M.V.Lomonosova (C'h-ir of Analytical Ghemistry
of.Moscow State University im~ni M.V.Lomonosov)
SUBMITTED: October 14, 1957
Card 3/4
Separation of Zirconium From Chromium and Aluminum SOV/156-58-2-25/48
by Means of the Method of Ion-Exchange-Chromatography
Card 4/4
AUTHORSt Belyavskaya, T. Asp Alimarin, I. P., SOV/75-13-6_9/21'~
-roTo~sovaI. F.
TITLE: Separation of Titanium From Accompanying Elements by Means of
Ion-Ebrchange Chromatography I(Otdeleniye titans. ot soputstvu-
yushchikh elementov metodom ionrobmennoy khromatografii)
Communication 3. Separation of Titanium and Zirconium
(Soobeh7chehiYe 3. Razdeleniye titans. i tairkoniya)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal analitioheskoy khimiiq 1958, Vol 13, Nr 6,
pp 668-670 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs The authors of the present paper investigated the adsorption of
tetravalent titanium and zirconium in ion-exchange resins in
hydrochloric solutionL The use of hydrochloric solutions is of
interest in ch=omatography because frequently a slight
modification of the acid concentration leadsto a considerable
difference in the adsorbability of elements the properties of
which are very similar to each other (Refs 1-6).
The adsorbability was investigated by determination of the
distribution coefficients. Here, an exactly weighed sample of
Card 1/4 the air-dried exchange resin is shaken with a certain volume
Separation of Titanium From Accompanying Elements SOV/75-13-6-9/2t
by Means of Ion-Exchange Chromatography.
Communication 3. Separation of Titanium and Zirconium
of the solution to be investigated until equilibrium is
attained. From an aliquot of the solution the amount of the
element is determined that has not been adsorbed by the resin.
The distribution coefficient is computed according to the
formula M
V (Ref 9)
9 MI
where M is the adsorbed part of the element in mg, M the total
amount of the element in mg contained in the initial solutiong
V the volume of the.solution and m the quantity-of the resin.
The authors determined the relative adsorption of titanium and
zirconium by this method. V and m were kept constant.
As adsorbenta the cation exchange resins SBS and KU-2 (both in
the H-form) and the anion exchange resins EDE-10 and AN-2P
(in the Cl-form) were used. The content of titanium in the
equilibrated solutions was determined photometrically with
Card 2/4 chromotropic acid, the content of zirconium with arsenazo.
SeparaItion of Titanium From Accompanying Elements SOY/75-13-6-9/22
by Means of Ion-Exchange Chromatography.
Communication 3. Separation of Titanium and Zirconium
It was found that neither titanium nor zirconium were
adsorbed by the two anion exchange resins in 0.1 - 6 n
hydrochloric solution. In dilute hydrochloric solution
(0.1 - 1 n ) zirconium is quantitatively adsorbed at both
cationites used. That indicates that zirconium under present
conditions is pkesent in the form of positive ions. On the
increase of -the acid concentration a slight~difference occurs in
the-adsorption at the two oationites, The resin SBS adsorbs:,
Zr to a very.small extent even in the stronger acid solution.
There is only a small adsorption of titanium in 0.1 - I n
hydrochloric solution, in stronger acid solutions there is no
adsorption any more. On the basis of the different adsorption of
titanium and zirconium in 1 n hydrochloric solution at the
cation exchangers KU-2 (Zr is quantitatively adsorbed, Ti not
at all) a method of quantitative chromatographic separation of
titanium and zirconium at concentration ratios of Ti t Zr as
1000 : I up to Ti : 'Zr as I z 10,000 was devised.
The separation occurs in I a hydrochloric solution; zirconium
Card 3/4 is washed out from the exchanger by 4 n HU
Separation of Titanium From Aecompanying Elements. SOV/75-13-6-9/21
by Means of Ion-Exchange Chromatography.
Commi~nication 3A Separation of Titanium and Zirconium
After the separation neither titanium in the solution of
zirconium, nor zirconium in the solution of titanium could be
found. T~e use of the resin SBS cannot be recommended since,,
first the elution of the same quantity of titanium requires an
amount of 1n HC1 that is 2-5 times higher, secondly, because
Zr could be eluted by 4 n HC1 only up to 80-85%. The procedure
of the separation is described in detail. There are 2 tables
and 19 references, 2 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova
(Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov)
SUBMITTED: October 22g 1957
Card 4/4
a,, kvc. WA -w-ralgS9 owl IF! 9
ALMRIN, I.P,.; BELYAVSK&TAp, :, KI BIN-V3M' [Ha Ping-won]
lbrms in which zirconium exists in solutions of hydrochloric
acid, ammonium carbonate, and complexon. III, Hadiokhimiia I
no.6:645-649 159. (MIRA. 13:4)
(Zirconium compounds)
.211(s)5 0)
'7fi-_rr-v mf.rwma. Coll*go
TITU: 7he aon c
S ry
V.Stulk Raskolakos, Sarly. %.tamatikt."lkl,
Pt 110ZIMULS astroami.1, flulkt, khtsil, 1959, Ir 3, pp 221-223 (MR)
AISMCTI W.%omforence was convoned by the joitiatIvo of the
lab .4torlys radialghlall khtmichakago fakul tat. =9 (laborm,
tory of JtA4t*4h4m1vtrr of the nopartmeat of Cb.slotry of Mosses,
state University) =4 am, halt 14 Mesa*$ from April 20 to
4pr1l 25, 1959. It -.5 att.Adaj by prof.s.ors, wobor., wat
ocimtIrtz collaboratorg of 32 universities and calleges of
be Son* Un4an. In his opening addr*sm, AA.S.Yas
~R_ a
a. g
Do* or"llaltsvieno sttassel %be Importance a als- -
Shaul ,, 4c Ufa .:r. alt,.r.d by Seater. of Vasco.
St 9 - -t1j; "V rat.rty. yadvmoy flitki
lt~d..kS A Frodtotto. of
20r, -7 tv b ;.c7t -2s); 1.;,n , A.P.Judnkoi
ProlUctLoft of U4Igaltlv* TS*tcTt. by Zxtras%LCW SO $-Dike toft'AaloS.
car4 '1/4 taboratortys rattekhtatt (Laboratory or Xadjoch-lotry):
S.Parati.u of 16410-
4 dell AT.S.Nowmarame.
X Famolt R.Shukla: S~c3iurj7 She &.2.11 Atoss
ialx`O~d "ir to At"hyl IT0.14691 S-6.2-onsim
It"tAous cc -got, Sulmr- "a
L.T.3.14-7, -he St.%* of
M I-Kluti.t.1 M.S.
UU-460I.. Isai i; -A Ut Wor D1 %to
v-k, t~, ; 1.n.r.j Theory of the
.1 U2.1.4st-. X&M."%M '81th S3S-1OM.rPb.3UO CrYttallto#
Pr6ztptt.%O-1 A-V.L.Pitskly. Z.&.24vi.b. Ch
Coprony-It.11.ct of pr.,"tjAj= With jj.!!24r-1
.Y_~ V!~#. oIs,
Sb..Ad T-s .3thk.r..j
S.P.r%gs of 1-64. A!,xv on U# Basis of the xg"PIA p,,224
X.3-Z&UfO&k-, A.4 DaUghkim, V. It I" a
of u9 u6m.tio.19; V/
cr :he of Solld.1
Z.B.Za'soreck,t, I
KC-1-4 ; Coochosistry of 1.41tas X~3.%.bora'40, V.I.
0.1olut.41ton Of Clanton 1Tjr -L."8
AA.21.24oSO-14now, to PXk7%:,LA.1 Tar%lal
T&3;zr Pressure of Co in Alloyv With Sit T~~A.Pjjs jk_Dto IL,
he S.t&~lor Or
3Z~ A. tlcW ti.141 Olubtq
A-7.1s,71.tok1j, Ispy Froosure of XIM2.
TS.A.Likt., .1.
C.Avura on. of th. 32intil'.tiog AttAZX-_#r& to the App4rat.,
of the S. Xsf.dr. &.&II'ticka.kay khl.11 (Ch--T of IS
Ch--Istry); LZA"Mtl, CP,JU&,LU0.W XPALML=1
as & U.119active 1.7441aaria, ;T-.A-302 --.k 1,V11,
j1p.1-al. Sr;1193 !f by 1*4 ftin..C.
Byrlk*; -."A. ZOO of
,~i_ -Acy kum.1 ( of -r.rcomic
."ry. it., _he*
L.W.100. , G.P.
Card 3/4 or 3-.,
Act4 of
f the
U41-tioc or solido an rhasr pty.tco-ch.picat pm~,.rtj.gj
I.TO.lU'hmyl.nko tichazz. 1. th. Systea
fi-SK4 - so5at Ch To. x tu . ratedr, kht.i.r...k.y ki-ttki
(ChUr cf ch"to.1 Alo.tice)l
AppllzAlton of rMU-stor It. fur2c.* of
he th.v4rvpar:t' son of% oroi%~
C*.Voun4 v 4 1
;,l- 4,11 , 4 d i1.4
lectu'. z the 9 ot y 'Itoch.01C., Imatmotlou at
%he d.;.rtS.m%v or At-ralti.s.
'M., - 3071?5-14-4-30/50
Ch-stalry -f
Applied Chemistry
P-10=CAL& ZhurmA4 4,"lltich-oker kbloll. M9, Vol 14, XT 4, " 511-512
A32TUCTs AVY"XIAGU27 300 persons ps~tlatpatod In the sort or the
Department or Analytical Chemistry, smand than repreventatly.6
or varlova maleatific research Smotitutes, higher schools and 1-41-
,;:Si;roqo in Russ"* scloatists from Cht"A
3014-I.&. Fols.", vacgry' " Italy. Appraziftt.1y 70 _4>
reperto -to "It Xw bis opening #pooch I,.Pj_AUm&9L-roqort*d
me the Achlo, :1 ro;ul%o a" a* on"ro problem. of analytical IC:
gg reported an the pplivation of Pystao-
ebMI:SZ7. 4t;LCD-----
aboul &I am a a is roge"ous systems for the solution of a
Orion of prablose of analytical chomi.tryr`7. 1. K"M too.
:Porud an made" PAU. In the U" of GrffAAI`a-r-.A_v__ArfJ-
based at the ."BPI* of halide a" tb4.Gy.A&%a
t1ot oorrelasioa betmeas the stability of complexes &.A4
Us pooltion of the corresponding central &tons in the periodic
C&TA 114 47$24~ - P.-Nk." sal V m 1*4tured on the atabllltC
of animates of Cu, Co, MA SU 7=241ng an 'the *%r-oturo of
tba axis@ molecule. X.Y,.jac2p= lmatuv*4 a& the double
shorme%or f reastiou of itame ocapounds to the formation of
0011ple"11. The 3,701.161% of the AP7110atIon Of b6"ro"IyacIde In
OAKI"LO4 ouldetry -*a dealt .1th In the leatures of
and oo-warkere, amA ALI,_X*_k2X1A and 1.
FmIstabacra. A large musbar of Ion sure a deal I ~1 0 the ju.~';
man Or6w4Q nkdOtta Sa "47446- A-%-Zms6x-sX4 X,1_1UM%I0
reported 00 %M -YPUQSSLGA of 41alkyl. A4 41r71 dithlo.
0060cris &~14 for tha separattox or *I*-Rlf,
"71 &roosts 6414 a" &r'71 pb.20dalo "I Ord
ble treated scon pmpdrtlom at saw conyl,exons. The
InestarO6 Of J.A-JALWMAW 464 ~~Aammbko
daull w10 the phatemotrIs detwralmatiox of a ser as or sTs'"n"
wz** fluorlso 4arl"t*~. I- lectured on the use at
weahs,owatl a In analytical. 4.4 T, M.
lot"a'.on the d*tervil"41.4 of Untalus uslad
Min'..'inill pact putomotry. IjS,_T_x2ftc%2rktj " "
reported on see b1" savattive analyst. "thodo
C&rd_v4_._, OALAC an N41traviolot microscope. Several lecturve dealt .1th
set.-.1,44 AM tuarotloal #M4.4. of spootrun analysis
(&_ oA&Pmt%Ax_t2dnZ-1x.X- 1,- T.TusbUrn and
% ok or ~~t X. 311ko"'. treated the
mt~ . N. .
jorf"tion of flows photometry. Several XcOtursf dealt with the
dateralmattax or elosesto Ity polrogran !-k
XL!trM2AbU.a1'XAAA%AXX add I A T .'?. Cokh"
So g ft.." report I
lyallko~ mp.....~_M
t1toov M-r~ ~.y treated the use of amptirometria
tttratjon .1th Sam m`fo`*-M7r"-Im the ahmaistry of ursalum and
Martams. N.V. Seararts abov*4 pwo.lbl2t It*. of p"41011ag the
som"tiom, of chrostatographic ssprazie. of slostat. Used on
their pattlca So the porle.114 o7.tou._:, lXp.1k.p r4parlad
as "a "a of too exchange In the Smoot A. state of
mostsamos to mejuti4a.. AXa~% rA
Lectured as the chromatograr-ble separation .1
0. ftly"41:1 reported an adapting the proportion
f -MZma,Z'N._ nza in .04 associates jvpOrtod
.a fb. :X~b*AC*r of P..=
hronatographis proof a ultoall"Ido preparation. In
Card 3/4 liquids of the orgar4em. 0. L. st."Umts And associates treated
Sba application, of blab polymer$ So Chromatographic analyst..
Tbo 200:4ra of A.A_ZkVkb&rlWI7 AA4 0-
damill Ith So chromatography. deloral lecture* treated trA us. !Pat i
radloootiva isotopes for UA ckrozatorraphic lavestlitation of
oomplea remotion &M assoatat.s), for the
laventigatiom of the setbaAlsts of team or rare
:41tale Jtb vulf`14*9 (XA_jajL..T) and for det.rmiairg rare
leosm'Lo b 94." of I-atop. U1.11oft
-LUIRML91 Is the f1sid f
the lecture . or J6.a-Zazal,", sad T_~. lalm-% With
amoostotso have to be asationed. -he M.-ted the -i-.'C0-MfiaA or
rapid attar.-thads for the .3mult."out 4.t.ral-tion at more")
.%waonto fm:.o" we*CI~01 #~rs'4& of Wrap, fl~artm &AS
.1. O..P0..ds. fy
Condition of zirconium in solutions of mineral acift. Vest.)(osk.
un.Ser.ma6t., mekhpetron.,fis.,khim. 14 no.4*-207-214 159.
(HIRA 13:8)
1. Kafedra analiticheekoy khimli Moskovskogo univerelteta.
J S/189/62/000/005/003/006
AUTHOR-0: Belyavskay2, ~T~A., Alimarint I; P., and
Mu r'ing-wen
TITLE: C~romatographfc separations of zirconium and
PERIODICAL: Moecow., Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya II,
Khimiyaq no. 5, 19629* 41-44
TEXT: The present work is a part of systematic study of the
separation of Zr from metals with which it is commonly alloyed,
by chromatographic methods# The sorpt'ion.of Zi and Be was
first measured--up to 11N HCl,.up to 5N HNO Y 201,16 (NH 4)2CO3P
and up to 55; complexone III--on cationite KY-2- (KU-2) and
anionite AB-17 (AV-17) under static conditions. Comparison
'of the results revealed that the two metals.might be separated
chromatographically from 2N aciday 2% complexone III, and 5%
Card 1/2
F 3/1-89/6 2/000/005/003/006
Chromatographic separations... D204/D307
(NH 4)2 CO 31 although the difference in sorption was not so pro-
nouncbd in the latter case. It was experimentally confirmed that
Zr and Be may be effectively separated on KU-2 from 2N HC1
or 2N HNO 3 solutions, for Zr:Be ratios (n) varying from
-2000:1 to -1:7000, by passing the acid solutions ot the mix-
tures over KU-2 packed in an 18 em,.1.2 cm diam..column at
2 ml/min, eluting the Be with pure 2N acid and desorbing Zr
wi'th 4N acid. The metals were also separated in a 14 cm, 1.2
cm diam. column.packed with K'U-2 from a 2d1o complexone III
solution, with n varying from 25:1 to 1:800, eluting Zr
with the pure solvent, removing complexone III from the column
with water, and deBorbing Be with 3N H01. There are 4 figures
and 2 tables.
ASSOQX~TION: Kafedra analiticheskoy knimii (Department of
Analytical Chemistry)
SUBMITTED: December 14t 1960
L.C.ard 2/2
-,,;AUTHORSs Kolosoval I. F. and Belyavskaya, To A.
TITLE: A study of the complex formation by beryllium, by the
ion-exchange method. Communication II
PERIODICAL% Moscow. Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya II. Khimiya,
no. 1, 1963, 52-57
TEXT: A continuation of earlier work (Vestn. Mosk, un-ta) Ber. khi
mii, no. 5, 55, 1962). The present study wap.concerned with the be-
havior~ of Be in HNO and H01 and was motivated by shortage of lite-
rature data. Ion-exchange resins KI-cl and A 13- 41 (2%AI30) (KU-2 and
AV-1.7, (2% DVB)) were used, with grain size 0. 1 - 0.25 mm; the acids
Were purified and BeTwas employed. The procedure was that used
previouslyi.In HNO the conditions were chosen to avoid hydrolysis
and polymerizations:the ionid.strerigth/a,';; 9.5
Oelt Be
6 0
V,~V,10_. and.- the'':- temperattire'.Was
d. 1/2,
A study of the ... D204 307
BeNO and Be(NO f-ormed with stability constants of respectively
3)2 1
0.25 t 0.05 and 41,6 + 2.6. Three chloride complexAs formed in HO
at 0.5fel = 0.1 and [C1-1- 0.5 - 0.01 moles/l and a temperature
of 16 + 0.1 00 with stability conBtante BeC!+ - i2.9 + 0.2, BeGi
.290+ 0.5, and BeCl - 25.0 + 0,5. Be is thus more susceptible to
complexing in H01 solutions. The authors express their gratitude to
I, N, Marov for his advice. There are 4 figures-and 3 tables$
ASSOOIATIONs', Kafedra analiticheskoy khimii-,(Depqrtment of Analy-
tical Chemistry):
SUBMITTED: Maroh' 19j,J962
,.., JCar~ 2 / ~2-
Review of O.Samuelson's boob *Ion exchange separations in
analytical chemistry." Zhur.anal.khim. 18 nn.8:1031-1032
Ag, 163. (NIRA 16M)
Plao-tometric determination of ber~yllium with bezyllon Il. Zhur.anal.
khim. 19 no.91ll62-1163 164. (MIRA 17:10)
1. Moscow State University.
,_ffjI, AVSKAYA , T. A.; - KOIDSOVAp I,F,
Beryllium complex formation with glycolic, lactic, and mandelic.
acids.,-Zhur. nearg..khim. 10 no.2:441."5 F 165.
(KMk 180.1)
1. Moskovskiy goaudarstvennyy universitet, khimicheskiy fakulstet,
kafedra analiticheskoy khimli. Submitted July 19, 1963.
IA, T. A.
complex formation of beryllium with certain J*hydroxy acids,
Zhur.neorg.khim. 10 no.W64-771 Ap 165, (MIRA l8t6)
.1. Moskovskiy gosudars-tvennyy univeraitet, khimichaskiy takul't;t,
kafedre analiticbeskoy khimlie
Complex formation of vlWium by means cif icri e!x-:Mnge.
Vest. Mosk. un. Ser, 2.*Khim. 20 no. 5:69-72 S-0 f65.
(AURA 18:12)
1. Kafedra analitichesko-v RIO--- I i Mo.9k,)vskrp S
,o gomidar tvennogr,,
uw-versiteta. Sulvittec .-Novo 24#;1r,,64.
Sorption of iron (III) by ion exchangers form aqueous and
aqueous-methanol solutions of hydrochloric and perchloric
acids. Vast. Mosk. un. Ser. 2- Khim. 20 no.6:71-73 N-D 165.
(MIRA 19:1)
1. Kafedra analiticheskov. khimii Moskovskogo, universiteta.
Submitted Feb. 22, 1965.
MMUNOV., K.A.j BELUVSUUp TS.Z. (Naliningrad)
Treatment of peptic ulcer witb pantothenic acid* Klin.x~%Os V
uo,8tl46-148 Ar 160. (MIRA 1793-1)
Determination of mick6mounta of substances by their acamn-
lation, as ineolubli Mma on electrodes and subsequent electro-
chemical dissolution. ZavG- lab. 28 no.9tlo47-1052 162.
(MIRA -,6: 6)
1. Doneiski-Y fill'al Toes6yushogo naughno-isoladavatellskogo
irstituta khimicbeskikb'i~eaktivov.
(Electrochemical ana3ysio)
Polarographic determination of trace quantitieB of silver in lead
salts and thionrea.'Zav.1ab. 29 no.4s393-395 163. (MM 160)
1. Donets,kijr filial VBasoyuznogo nau4*no-issladovatellskogo
instituta khimicheskikh reaktivov.
(Silver-Analysis) (IAad saitL,) (Ursa)
Determination 'of silver in salts of alkaline and Alkaline earth
metals. Metod. anal. khim. reak. i prepar. no.5/6%124,-128 163,
(KIM 170)
1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut khimich6skikh
reaktivov i ooobo chistykh khimichaskikh veshchestv, Donetskiy
f Wal.
Determination of tba miarquantition of some metals with,thal prilJzin-
ary concentration on a graphite electrode. Retod. anal. khim. reak. i
prepar. no.5/6sl29-134 163. (MIRA 17s9)
1. Vsesoyumyy nauchno-issledovatellaIdy institut khimiobaskikh
reaktivov i oxob%,ra-xstykh khimicheqkikh veshchestyp Donetakiy
Particular features of the behavior of thin layers of substances
on an indifferent electrode. Elektrokhimiia 1 no.-3:311-315 Mr
165. (MIRA .18t:L2)
,fuznogo nauchno-issledovateliskogo
1. Donetskiy filial Vseso,
instituta, khimicheskikh reaktivov i osobo chistykh veshche3tV.
am c W' ' dete
-currents Th ed~lxie`thq'o. le -11 WAe,
ion of tracefama6fts-df metalsIn'co - vfida- that -are more-electroaegad4~lhdzv the
hnpu rlt being Mermined. The error of the deteraftadon does not exceed 12% in tfie
rd 72
Continuous polarographic determination of heavy metals in
electrolytes. Zav.lab. 31 no.10,11772-1175 165. (MIRA IS:1)
1. Donetskiy filial Vaesoyuznogo nauchno-iss:Ladcrvatellskogo
institute khimicheskikh reaktivov i osobo chistykh veshchestv.
Determining orgoaterol in nonirradiated and irradiated
yeasts, Vit. res. i ikh isp. no.6:204-211 163.
(KERA 17:1)
1. Institut biokhimii AN UkrSSR., Kiyev.
X,4V.57A-,4Xq, Ae. A
Iffect of LAgobylus preparations on blood fibrinogen and fibrin.
Biul. ekep, biol. i mod. 38 no.7:49-54 JI 154. (MM 7:8)
1. Is kafedry famakologil (say, doteent I-I-Akopov) Samark&udekogo
meditsinskogo instituta imenj I-P-Pavlova.
(BLOOD COAMILMON, effect of drugs on,
Lagohylus extracts)
Lagoh7lus, off. of extracts on blood coagulation)
Capsella bursa pasitorts as a blood coagulation. FarmA toks. 18
no.1:45-48 Ja-F 155. (MM 8:7)
le Irafedra famakologii (zav. doteent I.I.Akopov) Samarkandskogo
meditsinskogo hatituta iment I.P.ftvlova.
Capsella burea'pastoria, eff. on blo*od coagulation)
(BLOOD COAGULATION, effects of drugs on,
Capsella bursa pastoris)
Effect of lagochilin eater on conditioned food reflexes. Med. zhur.
Uzb. no.7:56-57 J1 161. (HIBA 15:1)
1. Iz kafedry ax wii (zav. - prof. I.A.Akopov) i kafedry
normallnoy fiziologi (~a-v-. - dotsent Ye.A.Belyavskaya) Sama kandskogo
gosIui(-.zstvennogo meditainakogo instituta.
Pf~~,-t of a renciving doce ot~ antipeas rjr, -hr- hgher
antivity c- dogs. Naw.h. II-t,uiy 'Sa:Jaf ZZ
nstltuta imnnl. Favl~wa.
,~I, 11
. I. ! . ; 11"! " 1, A,; F EVA, T.N.
- ___ _L - - ~::) 7il. L
'f f c, I
. --;t of a pro*lcnged s'Amulation of the per'ph-ral 3eg=ent of
the vagus nerve on the heart asphyxia. Btu'l. ekop. biol. i Med.
59 no.6:28-32 Je 165. OMIRA 38:6)
1~ Fiziologichaskayh gruppa (nauchnyy nikovcditell - chlon-korres-
pondenL AMIN SSSR prof. M. ;-.idrnov) kiM SSsi~, Moskva.
Effect of the resistance to respiration on the functional state
of the respiration center in dogs in a chronic experiment. Biul.
eksp. biol. i med. 60 no.8sll+-17 Ag''65. (MIRA l8tq)
1. Fiziologicheekaya gruppa (nauc~-Ty rukovodi'%-,el' - chler--
korrespondent AMN SSSR prof. A.I. Smirnov) AMN SSSR, Moskva.
Aromatic hydrocarbons., Part 16: Aromatization of balogen-substituted
totrabydropbthalic acids (adducte of the diene syntbesie) under
the action of pbonpborus pentoxide. Zhur. ob. kbim- 30 n0-11:
3535-35,'.?l N160. (KM 13: 11)
(Cycloboxenedicarbo.Vlic acid) (Aromatization)
(Phosyborus oxide)
S/020/61/13 6/00 3/019/02 7
AUTHORS: Shchegoleva, T. A. and Belyavskaya, Ye. M.
TITLE: Organoboron Compounds. Synthesis and Some Properties of
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1961, Vol. 136, No. 3,
pp. 638-641
TEXT: The authors report on the reaction of '4iborane and ethyl mercaptan
in ethereal solutions at room temperature.They obtained a 60-70% yield of
tri-(ethyl-mereapto)-diborane C2H 5SBH2BH (SCO 5)2 (1) independently of the
quantitative proportion of reagents6 (I) is a liquid which can be distilled
In vacuum without decomposition, and does not dissociate in solutions.
The substitution of the remaining three hydrogen atoms by ethyl mercapto
groups is only of advantage between 110 and 150OC; in this case triethyl-
thioborate B(SC 2H5)3 (1,) is formed in good yields. Ethyl amino complexes
of di-(ethyl-mereapto)-borane (C 2R5S)2BHGNH20 2H5(111) and ethyl-marcapto-
Card 1/4
Organoboron Compounds. Synthesis and Some 3/020/61/136/o03/019/027
Properties of Tri-(ethyl-meroapto)-diborans B016/BO52
borane C2H5SBH 2. NH2C2H5(IV) are formed first by the action of ethylamine
on (I), Then ethyl-amino-ethyl-mercal)to-borane M forma from (III) by
separation of mercaptan and is then condensed into N-triethyl borazole
(VI) (see insert schemed. Ethyl mercaptan-lis also separated by (IV) which
is converted into ethyl-amino-borane (VII). The latter is isolated from
the reaction mixture especiall in the form of a trimer (VIII). As regards
its chemical properties, (VIII~ Is like the trimer of methyl-amino-borans
(Ref. 2) Howeverl there aleo exists a dimer (IX) of (VII) which together
with (VI;I) is contained in a liquid fraction with a boiling point of
85-900/2 mm Hg. When left standing, (IX) is converted into (VIII). (IX)
differs from (VIII) as to Its chemical propertiest when heated, both are
converted into N-triethyl-borazole (VI), in (IX) 'however, only at lower
temperatures (partly already when distilled in vacuum), while in (VIII)
no hydrogen is generated below 140 - 150OC; at 1800C it is completely
transformed, The behavior of (1) in propylene is like that of
di(n-butyl-mercapto)-diborane-in ethereal solutions (Ref. I)t the one half
of its molecule which ie more intensively hydrogenated accumulates on
Card 2/4
Organoboron.Compounds. Synthesis and'Some- 810201611-136100319-191027
~.A ~'Properties--'of,--.Tri-(et4yl-meroapto).-diborane-, BO16/BO52
ropylene, already at, room-temperature. :T us di-h-propyl-th acid
P ioboric
e thyl 'e s ter, (C 9C H forma.,The-,otherhalf..of the molequl6lie
3.1 2
dime"rized'into tetra-(ethyl-m-eroap biarf
to)-diV e (C H BHBH(SC-H
2 (X1)
2 5S)2 5)2
temperature (I) 'does not react' with ethylene or octene. By boiling
W; 4
_!":(I) in e
theres.1 solutions with.octanei-ithe authors obtained an eater
mixture. of,di -acid (C'H (XII) and
')2 5
71 'C _(SC
n-octyl-thio.boric acid H H (XIII). This accumulation is
8 1 2 5)2
il, accompanied by a symmetrization leading to the formation of I)
I and
'tri-n-octylboron. There are' 5 references: 2 Soviet and 2 US.
ASSOCIATION: Institut o~ganichebkoykhimii im. N..D. Zelinskogo Akademii
nauk SSSR kInstitute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D.~'
Zelinskiy of the Academy of Sciences USSR)
PRESENTED,. July 7, 1960 by B. A. Kazanskiy, Academician TI
July 4t 1960,
--------- Hi .
(CAS)i BH -
B/H ~
N 4
W \NHCtH$,
Ha (Vill)
Card -4/4
Prinimali uchastlys: ; LISUNOV, V.R.;
M.A., prof., red.; PERSHINA, Ye.G., ved. red.; TAKOVIEVA,
Z.I., tekhn. red.
[Method for determining the parameters of oil and gas pools
for appraising reserves trj the volumetric method in fields
of the platform type] Metodika opredeleniia parametrov za-
lezhei nefti i gaza dlia podBeheta zapasov ob"emp meto-
dom na mestorozhdeniAakh platformennogo tips. (By] V.S.
Melik-Pashaev, i dr. Moskva, Gostoptekhisdat, 1963. 269 p.
(Petroleum reservoir engineering) (MIRA 16:8)
MENISHIKOV, Stanislav Mikhaylovich; BELYAVSKIY. A., red.; SOIDVIYEVA,L.,
ml, red.
[Millionaires and managers; the lodr.-rn structure of the finan-
cial oligarcby in the U.S.A.) Millioner7 i menedzhery; soyre-
mennaia struktura finansovoi oligarkhii SShA. Moskva, Mysl',
1965. 454 P. (MIRA 18:5)
;;i , 4-A(1%4tL, c'IhIC.,I. 44, Mali-
Sordineptil. Sbom
To CM ml. abot. EtOll is gnedual1v adilml with c1toling and
stirring 142 g- TiC14, after which the mist. 6 saul. Avith dry -
1e, - A. 'rite m,A
NIls with _Cooling tuitil 51 1;. rain ij ria0m
is rapidly filtered coned. in ractta, rutiltered, mad di,td.
vieldingtl7-70%(FJO),Ti,b,13(~--2*,b.2.ifl,-7*. Atiolmm-
iions mtL-.t be done with complete cultWeit of mokmm.
G. M. Ktl~ulapoff
USSR/Organic Chemistry - Theoretical and General questions
on Organic -Chemistry
Abe Jour -Referat:,Zhur,- Khimiya,,No 2,-1957,' 4228
Author Nesmeywovj A%N*, Preyllina., R.M., Zo-kharkino L.I.,
Titl13 ; Action of.Nucleophilic Substances on Compounds of the
Structu .re CM CH.= CRR'
Orig Pub : Zh. obshche Iy khimii, 1956, 26, No 4, lo7o-lo82
Abstract .-By dehydrobromination-of lil,l-trichloro-3-bromobutane
1,1,1-trichloro-3-brpmo-3-phnylpropane (11), 1,1,
i_trichlo,ro-3-bromo-3-tiethylbutane III) and 1,1,1-tri-
4-dinethylbutane IV) (synthesized by
chloro-3 -1
-addition of MC1 to the corresponding olefins) were
prepared, respect
vely:. 1,1,1-trichlorobutene-2 (V),
1,1,1-trichloro-3-phenylpropene-2 (VIL.1,1,1-trichloro-
3-methylbutene-2 (VII) and 1,1,1-trichloro-4,4-dimethyi-
pentene-2 (VIII). Structure of.VI was confirmed by
Card 1114 -3 -
USSR/Organic Chemtstry - Theoretical b_ld General questions E-1
on Cr~wic Chemistry
Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 2, 1957, 4228
Which is attributed to spatial hindrances. In an alcoho-
lic medium (C2H ) NH reacts with V and VI to form mixtu-
res of alkoxy. Rna amino- derintivee, while with VII and
VIII only alkoxy-derivatives are formed. With (C~H5)2NH
alone, without alcohol, V and VI form amino-deriva-
tives, while VII~does not react even at 1100.~ On action
of NH3 and piperidine (XL), in an alcoholic medium., VII
forms a small ariount of amino-derivativeB. The same
course of the reaction has been ascertained on interac-
tion of V, VI apd VII with Na S in alcoholic medium: V
and VI form mixtures of 0- ani S-derivatives, while VII
yields only 0-derivatives. The authors draw the conclu-
sion that the reactivity of the investigated compounds
depends to a large extent upon the nature of the substi-
tuents at the center of action of the NP. With decrease
of the electr4hilic nature (EP) of the compound under
Card 3/14 5
US-SR/OrgWc Chemistry - Theor6tical and General Questions E-1
an Organic Chemistry
Abs Jour RQferat Zhur - Khimiya, No 2) 1957, 4228
on interaction of III vith alcoholic KOH there is formed,
in addition to VII) I.,I-dichlora-93-methyl-butadiene-1,3
(XV). Action of excess alkali In III or oa 1,1,1,3.tetra-
chlaro-3-methylbutane (XVI), in CH OH or C2H5OHj gives
1)1-dichloro-3-methoxy. (XV11) or Ill-dichlorow3wethoxyp
3-methylbutelae-1 (XVIII), On heating XVIII is converted
to Ve VII also forms XV on boiling and in CH COCH at
100o . On action of HCl (gaseous) xv and XVII ;0,= X
vhich is readily reconverted to XV (alcoholic alkalis.
It is shoiin that on interaction of VII with alcoholic
alkali, (C H )2M or XI, there is formed an 4dmixture of
XV, The Qu#tion is made that XV can be formed by
isomerization of VII to X and subsequent splitting off
of HCl or as a result of direct action of
card 5/14 . 7 -
USSR/Organic Chemistry - Theoretic al and General questions E-1
on Organic Chemistry
Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 2, 1957t 4228
Xf : Y+H~~ OC' 0-CH3 2
C _ C(CI[3).__
H CH C-Cl I + XCl + YH (2)
H '*CI CH = CC12
the NP -reagent on Tr -conjugated system (see
scheme 2). High yield of XV from X and its low yield from
VII are indicative of the fact that VII reacts with NP-
reagents in accordance with scheme (1) vithout any isomw
rization. Noted is th4 aimilarity in behavior of the
Cbc-group of VI and of C6H 5CCl (hydrolysis by 90%
CH OH, disproportionation W12 forration of C1CH2C0Cl
on heating with 11 There is proposed a new
scheme (cf., Kharasch, J. Amer. Chem. Soca, 1947, 67,
1100, 3.105), of alkaline hydrolysis of the products of
addition of CBrCl to olefine:
card 6/14
USSR/Organic Chemistry - Theoretical and General Questions E-1
on Organic Chemistry
Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Xhimiya, No 2, 1957, 4228
alcohol, medium
III VII - --;~ CC12 = CHC(CH3) (OC2H 5 ) CH3 --4
HooccH From 44 g i in 50 ml absolute alcohol
HBr is split bff by means o7f 11.2 g KOH in 50 ml alcohol
(2 0, 6 hours) to get V, yield 51%, BP 57-57-50/49 mm,
n % 1.481o, djO 1.2972. 4-7 g V oxonized (CHC13, 6c'
ozone, 4 hours) to the chloral, yield 50%, identified as
dinitrophenyl hydrazone. By interaction of 50 g Cl C
CH-CHO with equimolecular am unt of CH3M9I (2 hoursi
is obtained 1,1-dichloro-3-Ilydroxybutene-1 (XIX). yield
60%, BP 720/10 mm, n2OD 1,1r(92, d 1-3026. By action of
Br.2 on DC is formed dibromo-trichlor butane, BP 8r/1 mm,
Z~e-OD 1.5590, d40,2.0466. Ozonolysis of TX y1elds
COC12, identified as-diphenylurea, MP 232-2330. 205 9
II and 275 9 02Y 37 boiled 8 hours to give VI, yield
Card 7/14 9
USSR/Organic Chemistry - Theoretical and General questions
on Organic Chemistry
Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 2, 1957, 4P-28
Card 8/14
64%, BP 91-920/1 mm, n20D 1.5710 d2c 1 3217. On dehy-
drobromination with alkali in C2H Ch VI'reacts with al-
cohol. 153 g III in 50 ml alcohoi treated with 415 g KOH
in 180 g alcohol (00) to get MI, yield 3.5 9, BP 30-310/8
rm n201) eld 6o.5%, BP 45-460/8
1.5027, and VII, yi
n26D 1.4822, d 0 1.2497. From 63 g XVI and 1r[ g KOH in
150 ml CP OH (j 5-200) 1 day) are obtained XV) yield 1 g,
and X%-II, yield BP 51-520110 mm, nP-LD 1.4 0
71% 11 il
1.1418. In the same manner frcm 50 9 XVI, 35 g KOH and
100 ml C2H OH are obtained 12 g XV and XVIII, yield 14 g,
BP 72-73 mm, n2OD 1.4616, d~O 1-1101- 17 g XVII and
C2H ONa (from 6 g Na) in 80 ml absolute alcohol boiled 10
ho~Z, added 8 6 KOH in 10 m.1 water and boiled 6 hours,
to get (CH3)2-C:CHOOH, yield 4.2 g, mp 69-,joc (from water).
Into 39.5 g XVII HCI (gas) is passed for 2.5 hours, stra-
tified liquid is poured into HC1, bottom layer is sepeas.-
- 10 -
UsSR/Organic Chemistry - Theoretical and General questions E-1
on Organic Chemistry
Abs Jour Referat ZhU:r - KhidiYa) No 2) 1957) 4228
and therefrom is obtained X) yield 30.1 g) BP 58-58-50
/15 ran, n2(0,,n 1.4847, d?O 1.2527. X is also obtained by
passing HM (gas) ( -5+to -70, 3 hours) into 14 g XV in
presence of I g ZnC12) yield 52%, BP 640/25 Mm- From
26 g 4,4-dimethylbutene-1, 60 g CBrC1 3 and I g of dini-
trile of azo-bis-isobutyric acid (autoclave, 100-1050,
6 hours) is obtained IV) yield 38 g, BP 900/5 ma, n20D
1-5030, d4O 1.4792- From 0.11 mole IV and 0-33 mle
(C2H )2NH ( - 100p, 18 hours) is synthesized VIII,
yiela 7o%, BP 64-650,/lo mm, n20D 1.4725, d~o 1-1403-
Ozonation. of VIII yields the chloral. From 35.6 g V
and C1130Na (from 4.98 g Na in 50 ml CH30H) is obtained
- 1000) 2-5 hours) lil-dichloro-3-methoxy~utene-l
~xx), Yield 50%., BP 640/57 mm., n2OD 1-L580, di4O 1 1722.
15.9 g V and 18.3 g (C2H5)2NR (boiled 8 hours~ fo;M
1,1-dichloro-3-diethy]Tudno-butene-I 0MI), Yield 50%,
Card 9/14 - 11 -
USSR/Organic Chemistry - Theoretical and General Questions B-1
on Organic Chemistry
Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Khimiya., Ila 21 1957, 4228
BP,79.5-8oo/14 mm, n2OD 1,4690, d~O 1.0470; hydrochloride,
W 167-50- Same amounts of V and (C2H ) NH heated in 40
ml CH3OH which gives 34 XXI and XX, 5 2 BP 40-410/15 M-
From 32 9 V, 32- COONa and 0-5 9 Ki, in 50 g
8 g CH9 -3-
CH COOH - 1000, 18 h urs) is obtained 1 1-dichloro
acetoxybutene-1 (XXII), yield 59%, BP 83-.80/26 mn, n20D
1.459o, d3O 1.2234. Structure of XXII Is established
by converting it by the action of alcohol into XIX, BP
630/6 rm (in the paper: 1,1-dichloro-3-hydroxybutene-2).
Heating of 30 g V and 29 9 Na2S.qH 0 in 80 ml alcohol and
10 ml water 1000, 6 hours) gives bis-(1,1-dichloro-
3-methylpropen~o 1.yl)-sulfide, yield 40%, BP 1040/5 rn,
n20D 1-5345, d4 1-3156, and 1,1-dichloro-3-ethoxybutene-1.
From 24.4 g v and sodium zalonis ester (from 4.6 g Na
and 32 g malonic ester in 80 ml absolute alcohol) is ob-
tained (boiling 3 hours) the ethyl ester of 5,5-dichloro-
Card 1o/14 -12
USSR/Organic Chemistry - Theoretical and General Questions E-1
on Organic Chemistry
Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Xhimiya, No 2. 1957, 4228
-3-methyl-2-carbethox en'tene-4-ic acid (XMI), yield
70%, Bp lor/l M, n2;,;..4605, d'4'-o 1.1829. 20.7 9
XXIII are hydrolyzed kTF boiling vith HC1 and CH COCH)
and decarboxylated to 5, ,5-dichloro-3-me:thylpent;Ae-4-ic
acid, yield 85,7%, BP 1090/1 M, n2'DD 1-4800, d~o
1.2739. By interaction of 10 g V, 1.2 g AlC13 and 25
ml C61% (stirred 30 minutes) is obtained X16, yield 70%)
BP 73-74o/ 1.,5 mm, n2OD 1.5423, d 1.1702.
On action of C12 XTI forms I 1 1 2-tetrac
butane, BP 107-1080/1-5 mm, n26D-'1-5568, d&0 1.3634.
Irom 36 g IX and 36-5 g (CZ5)21"M ( --%- 10001 16 hours)
are ollyttained. XXI, yield 13.8 9, Bp 84-870/21 mm, and
20#6 g IX. Interaction of 15 g VI and 5-5 g KOH in 25
ml. abso'-.i~e C2H OH .(15-20P., 16 hours) gives 1,1-dichloro-
3 3-phen;'1pro ene-1 (XXIV), yield 87%, BP 90-910/
I nm, na'-
OD 1.530 1,1822. From 11 g VI and 12 g
Card 11/14 13 -
USSR/Organic Chemistry - Theoretical and General Questions E-1
on O-cganic Chemistry
Abs Jour - Refere' Zhur - Khimiya, No 2, 1957, 42P-8
(C2H5)2NH in 25 ml absolute C2H5CR (heating 8 hours)
-- are obtained YXIV, - yield 4.5 g. and
1,1-dichloro-3-diethylmdno-3-phenylpropene-11 yield
4.8 g, BP 98-990/1 rm, n20D 1.5335, d&0 1,1116; hydro-
chloride MP 1119-1500 (from alcohol-petroleum otherl.
From 11 9 VI, 3 g AIC1 and 20 ml C6H6 ig synthesized
XIXI., yield 76%, BP 1~,M4301/1 maI '. n OD 1-5951~ d9o
1.2180. By interaction of 17 g VII and 8.5 g YOH in 40
ml CH OR (15-.200) 16 hours) are obtained a small amount
of ;P;~d XVII, yield 82%, BP 47-480/7 mm. Interaction
of 10 g VTI ard 16 g ) NH in 30 ml CH OR (heated
(C2H5 3
10 hours) gives XV and 2RI, yield M. BP
57-580/14 =. From 10 g VII and 5 9 ITH in 40 ml absolu-
to alcohol (in ampoule, 90-95c'
) 4 hours) is obtained
XVIIII with a yield of 6 g. and 1,1-dichloro-3-amino-3-
methylbutene-1. yield 0.9 g, BP 64-650/12 rm, n2OD
Card 12/14 - 14 -
USSR/Orgauic,Chemistry - Theoretical and General questions E-1
.on Organic,Chemistry
-Abs.Jour Referat Zhur_-:-~himiya., No 2).1957) 4228
:1.4785,-d~ 0 1.1488.., On heating (4 hours) 8.7 g VII and
16 g XI,in .40 mi absoll4te C2115OH there are formed a
small.amount of 5 9 .XVIII) Bp 61-620/16 m, and
1.,I-cUchlor-o-3-pip6ridino-3-methylbutene-1 with a yield
of 0.6 g'; hydrochloride. MP 248-2490 (from alcohol).
From 8.7 g VII and C6H SNa (from 8 9 C6H SH) in 30 ml
absolute alcohol (heating 4 hours) is obLined XVIIII
yield-6 g, 'and 111~cUchloro-3,3-dimethylpropene-1-yl
phenylsulfide, yield 2.1 g) BP 102-1030/1*5 m) n2()D
1.5705, djO 1.1988. On interaction of VII with N42S
in CH OR only XVII is formed. Interaction of 16 g
Vii & ml C6H6 and 1.5 9 AlC13 gives XIV, yield 11 g,
BP 60-810/1 rm, n2OD 1-541it .. d&0-1.154o. 8.4 g
X1V are oxidized with 12,5 g KMn04 and 6.2 g KOH in
280 ml water (900, 10 hours) to ce, , CK -dimethyl-
phenyl acetic acid, yield 4.9 g, mp 76-7r (from
Card 13/14 15,-
AUTHORS: Nesmeyanov, A. N.$ Academician, SOV/2o-122-5-20/56
Freydlina, R. Kh., Corresponding Member, Academy of
Sciences, USSR, Belyavskiy, A. B.
Telonerization of Ethylene
TITLE: . ~~~~aqhlorethylene
(Telomerizatsiya etilena s tetrakhloretilenom)
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 122, Nr 5,
pp 821 - 824 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Non-polymerizable chlorine olefins cannot undergo
any polymerization, but they can enter a telomerization
reaction with olefins. In this reaction the chlorine
olefins serve as carriers of the chain of reaction
and supply the final groups for the telomer molecules.
Among the reactions of this kind the ones mentioned
in the title are of interest as means of synthesis
uf Letrachloralkenes capable of reaction that
contain an even number of carbon atoms in the molecule
(Scheme (1)).It can be assumed that tetrachloralkenes
produced in this manner will make possible the synthesis
Card 1/3 of various polyfunctional compounds of the even series
T61onierization of Ethylene With Tetrachlorethylene SOV/20-122-5-20/56
Card 2/3
(Ref 1). The reaction mentioned in the title must
lead to the synthesic in one single staGe of compounds
containing a trichlorvinyl group (Patent in reference 2).
In the reaction performed in the presence of banzoyl
pr~roxide at 1150 and 95 atmospheres only tetrachloro-
hexene boiling in a wide range was isolated. For
this the authors used a pressure of between 50 and
200 atmospheres with and without water. Benzoyl
peroxide, tertiary butyl peroxide, bis-iso-but-yric
acid azo-dinitrile and azo-amino-benzene were tested
as initiators. In the presence of water a hiGh
conversion of tetrachlorethylene was obtained in all
cases. Peroxides were the b~-:st initiato--s among the
ones tested. Research showed that tetrachlorethylene
is a carrier of the chain of reaction which is less
capable of reaction as, for instance, carbon tetra-
chloride and chloroform. Thus, with the first substance
a conversion of only 20% was obtained and only in
case of repeated addition of the initiator during
reaction. In case of an increase of pressure the
content of higher tetrachloralkenes in the mixture
TelomerizaV_n of Ethylene With Tetrachlorethylene SOV/2o-122-5-20/56
of reaction products increases which indicates an
inertness of tetrachloretbylene.-By fractioning the
mixture the lower a,a,P,63-tetrachloralkenes (n=1.2)
could easily be isolated in their individual shapes.
Higher fractions contain by-products of the reaction
which could not easily be separated. Still it was
possible to obtain tetrachloralkenes with 4,6 and 8
carbon atoms in the molecule and to study zone of these
chemical transforma-L, ions. There are 3 references, 2 of vhich
are Soviet.
SUBMITTED: July 5, 1958
Card 3/3
3 (3)
AUTHORS: Nesmeyanov, A. N., 17reydlina, R. 1M.) SOV/62-59-6-12/36
"B~vs~ki . A- B.
TITLE: Hetero- and Homolytical Rearrangements in the Chemical Trans-
formation of 1,1,1-Trichloro-2-methylpropene (Getero- I
gomoliticheskiye peregruppirovki pri khimicheskikh prevra-
shcheniyakh 1,1,1-trikhlor-2-matilpropena)
PE31IODICAL: Izvestiya. Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk,
1959P Nr 69 pp 1028 - 1033 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The eAdition of HBr to,l-trichloro-2-methylpropene In
the presence of benzoyl peroxide was investigated. Two isomers
are formed at the homolytical affiliation:
Ccl 3C - CH2X ___~ Cel 2M - CH2X
CH 3 3
In the case of the eleotrophilic affiliation in an acetic acid
mectium an affiliation must have occurred because of the strong-
Card 113 1y inducing effect of the M 3 -group though this is in contra-
Hetero- and Homolytical Rearrangements in the Chemical BOV/62-55-6-12/36
Transformation of 1,1,1-Trichloro-2-methylpropene
diction to Markovnikov's rule. When heatedq the affiliation
yielded the following products (the formation scheme is still
more in detail dealt with):
1 3
CHCl2 CCl - CH2Br M
CM - C = CH + HEr -)CCl - CH Br (VI)
3 C, H 2 2. 9 2
3 CH3
-OCHC12 Ccl - CH2C1 (VII)
(Bz -'benzoylperoxide) CH 3
The substances produced were identified by determining their
melting point. 1,1;1-Trichloro-2-methylpropene reacts with
binzene, toluene, and nucleophilic reagents with an allyl re-
arrangement. In the experimental part the diffazent reactions
are described in detail. There are 6 references, 5 of which
are Soviet.
Card 2/3
Heteto- and Homolytical Rearrangements in the Chemical SOV/62-59-6-12/36
Transformation of 1,191-Trichloro-2-me-thylpropene
ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR
(Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds of the Academy of
Sciencesp USSR)
SUBMITTED: Septembe.r 30, 1957
Card 3/3
'AUTITORS: Freydlinag R. Do, Corresponding SOY/20-127-5-26/56
Member of the Mademy of Sciences, USSRv
Belyavskiyj A.B.
TITLE: Telomerization of Ethylene With Carbon Tetrachloride,
Chloroformt and Ethyl Trichloroaoetate in the Presence
of Iron Pentacarbonyl
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSRI 19599 Vol 1271 Nr 5, pp 1027-1028
ABSTRACT: As was proved by the authors (together with A. N. Nesmeyanov
and Ye.. To. Chukovokaya, Ref 1) iron pentacarbonyl initiates
the addition reaction of the silanes to olefins. By basing
the investigation on the homolytic character of this reaction
the authors wanted to prove this property of Fe(CO) in the
reaction mentioned in the title. It was found that his react-
ion takes place smoothl.7 at 100 - 1300 and under a pressure
of 150 - 200 atm. In the ttase of CC14 a,a,a,4)-tetraabloro
alkanes and in the case of chloroform w,a,a-trichloro alkanes
are formed. The reaction of the polychloromethanes and the
yields in the individual telomethomologues are similar under
Card 1/2 similar conditions ., utilization of Fe(CO) 5P and of benzoyl
Telbmerizdtion of Ethvlene With Carbon Tetrachloride# BOT/20-127-5-26/58
Chloroform-f and Ethyl Trichloroacetate In the Presence
of Iron Pentacarbonyl
peroxide as initiator. In one of the patents 04 telomeri-
zation reaction of ethylene with trichloroacetiv acid ethyl
ester in the presence of benzoyl peroxide is mentioned
Howeverp several data are lacking in this patent. The iatter
reaction takes place smoothly in the presence of Fe(CO) 5' it
may be recommended as a preparative production method of
a,a,oa -trichloro carboxyl acids with an even number of carbon
atoms in the molecule. In the reaction between ethylene and
some other compounds a trichloro- or dichloromethyl group %nd
a mobile hydrogen atom no positive results could be obtained.
There are 2 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Inotitut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy (Institute of
Elemental-Organic Compounds)
SUBMITTED: April 2, 1959
Card 2/2
Telomerization oA' ithylene (-nd carbon tetr,~-cUorido or
ch2oroform in the vrosenco of chromium, molybdenum, and ftmgsten
carbonyls. Izv. Jd! SSSII. Ote. khim. 7rault no. 1:177-178 Ja 161.
1. Instituto elemontoorgan3-ichoskikh soyedinerUy AT, SSS-JI.
(Ethylene) (Carbon te-trach1criiee) (Carbonyls)
=3 h
Reactions of ethylene vith triehloroethylene and tetrachloroethylem.
Izv,AN 8SSR.Otd.ihI~j;ftk 120*5:838-842 My 161. (KML 14 0)
1. Institut elemenPorganicheakikh soyedineniy AN SSSR.
11 ----------------
Interaction of othylene with trihalomethanes containing chlorine
and bromine. Izv.AN SSSR.Ser.khim. no.W514-1516 Ag 163.
NmA 16sq)
.1. Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR.
(F.thylene) (methane)
YU50=65--JUG(J)/EPA(s)-2/WT(m)/EPF(a)/EPR/EWP(J)/T/FdA(h)/EdA(i) PD-4.
-h!4/Ps-4/Pt-10/hh RFL , YWIGSIRM
ACCESSION HR: ATS002110 8/0000/"/000/000/0042/0045
AUTHOR: Fxevdlln,%. R.M.0, Kolesnlkov, G.S.I. Slontras!ft.-G.L.0, Suprun; A.P.,
Soboloval T.A.I. Bolyavokly, A.B.*, Yerahova, V.A.
TITLE: Now chlorinated monomers for the synthesis of ~oncombuitlbl polymers
SOURCE: AN GSSR. Institut neftekhtmtoheskogo sinteza. 81doz I svoystva monomeroy
(The synthesis and properties of monomers). Moscow, lzd-vo Nauka, 1964, 42-46
TOPIC TAGS: fire resistant polymer, polymer mechanical property, chlorinated polymer,
chloroalkene polymerization, tolomertzation, dehydraWogenation, radiation polymeriza-
ABSTRACT: 3,3,3-Tri, hlorop Ld 1, 1, 2-Wehloro-1. 3-butadiene, which have been
described in previously published studies, were prepared by a two-step reaction and their
homo- and copolymerization was studied in an effort to obtain noncombustible polymers.
3,3,3-TrieMoropropens Was synthesized via 1, 1, 1, 3-tetrachloropropano by telomerizatton
of ethylene Vith carbon tetrachloride (.T. Am. Chem. Boo. 70, 2629 (IM) and dehydro- . -I -'
bdq,==t1cn of 1. 1, 1,3-tetracbloropropons with KOH In ath3icellonolve solution to give a
53% yield of 3;3,11-triabloroproPons and aq a by-prodact.. This
L UU0.63 ---
ACC1._-=04'1 M MOMS
was also fordned by isomerization dur1nS the block polymerization of 3.3,3-trichloropro-
pene Mth 1,enzoyl peroxide. and Memorization decreased the yield of solid polymor from.
1% at 7fC to 0. 2% at 100C. A viscous, low-molecular, liquid polymer was also formeL
ScIld polymer was also formed W37.3% yield In 160 hours under irradiation, and fraction-
xtcd IP.o soluble polymer and a fraction vAdch was soluble only in tctrahydrofuran or hot
benm ne. C torsAwNch ato not described, won formed with Inethyl meftic
.2polymc nUte,
stv~cncq, v13-
I lmd acrylonltrilo..nBy a similar technique, 1, 1, 2-trichloro-1,1-
'rawenh -zs- prepared via 1. 1 2AActrac oro-l-butene, formed In 20% yield with by-
Ifroducts by telomerization of s&3hene with. tahvAhloroothyleno, and by dchydrohalogena-
n. The copolymerization of 1, 1, 2.:Wchloro-1. 3-butadino Us been do-scribed in p6-
itsbcd papers, and its homopolymerization under undefined optimal conditions yielded 99.9%
bluck polymer (110,000 molecular wotgbQ, or 95.2% yields in emulsion polywerization with
ym9rsof3.G00-.000molocu1arwo1ghL The monomer was shown to have markedlyh[Aer-
activity than styrene, i Ad the polymer& showed good solubility, resistance to add Inorganw
acids, high tensile streng1h, and adhesion to vuious zaabmials. "The authors UuWk D. L.
for carrying out The Irradlati tofu." Orig. UL us: I tage nl~
Stabilization of the luminous flux of SVDSh-250 mercury lamps,9
Trudy LT1 no*58:23-28 159. (MIRA 13:7)
1. Leningradsky takhnologicheskiy institut Is* Lensovetae
(Blectric lighting, Mercury vapor)
BELYAVSKIT, A.; SHCHERBINk, A. (Kasli, Chelyabiuskoy obl.) .
-Q ---------------------
Device for locating short-circuited turns in coils. Radio no.8:
19 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:9)
(Electric coils)
USSR/Metals cant Iron, Casting, Methods Mar 52
"Permanent Mold Casting of Large Cast-Irot Machine.
Parts," A. M. Belyavskiy, M. Ya. Kornyushin,
I'litey Proizvod" No 3, pp 30, 31
Discusses possibility of using cast iron inocu-
lated vith ferrosilicon for making permanent molds.
Endurance of such molds increases 2-4 times if
their cavity surface is used as cast, only parting
surface being machined. Two coats of mold wash
are used to prevent chilling and acicular crystn
LISICHKINA, S.M., obahchiy red.; TOKASHPOLISKIY, L.H., obshchiy red.;
.CRUTZERASHMI, Te.V., obahchiy red.; KARTAGIN, I.D., red.;
KIRITANOVA, Z.V., red.; KATTAYEV, P.V., red.; MOTORIN, A.I., red.;
POPOV, I.V., red.; POPOV, N.Y., red.; PROSURYAKOV, A.V., red.;
SOKOLOV, TV.Se, red,; STUPOV, I.D., red.; BELYAVSKIY, A.K,i red,,;
GRAZHULI, T.S.; red6; DAHZOV, N.N., red.; RAKHRAIMMI.-G.V., red.;
Development of the national economy of the German Democratic
Republic] Razvitie narodnogo khosisistva Germanskoi Demokrati-
cheskoi Respubliki. Moskva, Proisvodstvenno-izdatellskil kombi-
net VINITI, 1959. 906 p. (MIRA 13:4)
nauk SSBR. Institut na-uchnoy informataii.
(Germany, Zast-Economic conditions)
'BRgAppyl A.T.; KAIASHNIKOVA, V.S., red.; VISKOVA, Ye.l..;
A.I., takhnerede
[Villages change in appearance; construction of work buildings and
housing on collective farms) Sels mentalut oblik;.iz opyta proizvod-
stvennogo i zhilishchno-bytovogo stroitall stva v koMosakhe .
Hoekvao Goo. izd-vo selikhos. 'Lit-ry. 1957. 244 p- (HIRA 11:2)
(Farm, buildings) -
SKIY. A-V,j RMIKOV, N.A., red.; FIMYINAN, S.M., red.; SOEDLOVA, N.N.,
[Heroes of socialist fields] Geroi sotsislisticheakikh polei
(1917-1957). [Kookwal Gos.izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry, 1957. 630 P.
BELI!12" A.Ta.
Conditions for the formation and balance of underground water
in terraced sands In the southern part of the Ukrainian S.S.R.
Nauk.zap.Kievoun, 9 no-10:131-138 '50. (MLRA. 9:10)
(Ts7urupinsk District--Water, Underground)
lur, I.YA V-1 KAYA, H.R.. redalctor izdatelletva-,
~~KJMTLOVA, V.7.1 tek~wLcheskijr radaktor
[Hachinist in a gas pumping station) Kashinist gazopovyeitallnol
stanteii. Moakva, Gos.aeuchno-te"n. izd-vo lit-ry po chernot i
tovetnoi wtallurgit, 1957. 216 p. (MIRA 10:11)
(Gan distrLbution)
Treatment of pneumonia in infants with subcutaneous injection
of oxygen. Ned.zhur.Uzb. no.5:63 Xy 158. (mm 13:6)
1. 1z Reepublikanskoy oblyedinannoy bollnitsy Kara-Kalpakskoy
ASISR (glavuyy vrach - S.B. Beuzhanov).
RATMMOV., G*. (,Tambor)j PARMOVIt T.(Kishllnov); BELYLVSKIY G. (Gorlkov-
iskaya obl. BURTS"s A.
(B610VO, K:rler~OVO 0 ~D.
Repaired by amateura. Radiono*302-33 Hrt64 (MIRA 17 V
BOITSOV, Vasiliy Vasillyevichi prof.; GRIGORIYXV. Vaailiy Pirokhorovich;
RAZUMIKHIN, Mikhail Ivanovich; SMMWA. Anna Androyevna;
WDOWHOT, Tevgraf Porfirlyevich [deceasedj;_BHLTAV�KIL_R.A.,
inzh., rateenzent; BRODTANSKIT, Tu.M., insh.',-' iRORW ,
I.A.,; PUKHLIKOVA, N.A., takhn."A.
(Assembling and mounting work] Sborocbmye I montazhnye raboty.
Pod obehohei red. V.V.Boitsova. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo
myshl.. 1959. 476 p. (KIRA 13:5)
(Airplanes-Desiga and construction)
BILTAEV;SX;rT, GO;; RYBIff. P.1.;. SIREBRMIKOV, S.S., redaktor; BRIM,
ekhnichookly redaktor
[Lining steel smelting furnaces] Iladka staloplavillufth pechel.
lid. 2-9, iopr. i dop. MoskwA. Gos. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo lit-ry
po elarnoi I tovetuoi metallurgii, 1953. 322 p% WRA 7:10)
(Smelting furnaces)
Medical attendance for the rural population-improves. Zdrav. Bel.
7 no.10s!5-16 0 161. (KRA 141n)
1. Glavnyy vrach Kirovskogo rayons, Mogilevskoy oblasti.
IF IS w IS DO a a 0 x v 4 0 0 a
UI!, 11 11*11 A
oil 4~q_
0419 ef
00 Lime put* ftow caMas cubble W" -00
ika too, N a. 4.43.-Wamr,611.2"i
*t',g p to 711% of CAO, Zjv- In 28 days a
-POMIC . ag fi=-gwo marm ():3
atrwh excewbi; that ol' ul 000
no arclylem or 11"I Nil. and -Y
00 1 "Isamtrawt 11.11 stekr-y&y
00 ago,
Of as*
I 14's.
-to O~v 44t jaillic"l; 014911 OK 4%T its 00
U III AV 00 All,* IF F I
I I I I I " I a ad 0 is 9 1 x w I a a 3 a V
a i a it, it ;:Wo It A FA
foe# feel 0 00 0. 0
I.Th., inzhazer; CHEMHEV, B.F., iuzhaner.
Sxly ~~=
Using silica gal to conserve steam boilers. Zhal.der.tranap,37 zo.4:
82-83 Ap 156. (Locomotive boilers) (MLRA 9:7)
XARTIYANOV, X.N.'- wuvsxl CM[PrAw, B.I.
I . iLvAaw
.Increasign the role of cbemicotec-huical laboratories of the
railroad system. Zhol.dor,transp. 37 no.6:24-28 Je 136.(X= 9:8)
(ftilroad research)