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s IS' R ~jtuni tr.4LWIor, El i-d I'll C 0 1 K 0 V j PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION .917 Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut po pererabotke nefti i gaza i polucheniyu, iskusstvennogo zhidkogo topliva Issledovaniye i primeneniye nefteproduktov (Study and Use of Petroleum Products) Moscow Gostoptekhizdat., 1957. 213 p. (Series: Its: Trudy vyp. 65 1,000 copies printed. Eds.: Puchkov, N.G., Zaslavskiy, Yu. S,; Executive Ed.: Kleymenova, KoF.., Engineer; Tech. Ed.t Mukhina, E,L, PURPOSE: This book is intended for engineering and scientific personnel concerned with the production, study and use of petroleum products. COVERAGE: This collection of articles gives the resnIts of the scientific research work of the Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatell- skiy institut po'pererabotke nefti i-gaza-i poluoheniyu iskusstvennogo Zhidkogo topliva (All-Union Scientific Research Institute for the Processiig of Petroleum and Gas for the Production of Synthetic Liquid Fuel) on the operational properties Card 1/17 Study and Use of Petroleum Products 917 of fuels and lubricating oils and describes methods for investigating, by the use of radioactive isotopes, the chbmicalcomposition and I physioochemical properties of petroleum products and thewear- resistant properties of oils. TABLE OF CONTENTS: I. TESTING FUELS AND LUBRICATING OILS Puchkov, N.G.; Serov, A.V.; Belyanchikov, G.P.; Reznikov, V.D.; and Pychkov, S.I. Motor ProperFf1-es---dr-D%azzT-(Ms from Sulfurous Petroleum 3 Diesel~oil from eastern Devonian petroleum deposits with high sulfur content (up to l.percent or more) was evaluated on the basis of the following criteria: -1) motor properties,, 2) power and economy factors (in motor D-35);, 3) wear of motor parts (the main criterion)., and 4) iunctional stability. Laboratory "investiwations and extended tests of this oil, with additives aznii-4 and "tsiatim-339", showed that it guarantees normal length of service for tractor and automobile diesels (D-35 andYaAZ-204 respectively), and is equal in quality to Card 2/17 Study and Use of Petroleum Products 917 oil from Balm-deposits. There are 8 tables and 1 Soviet reference. Puchkov, N.G., and Belyanchikovs G.P. Fuel for High-speed Diesels 13 The present article gives com a tive test data on standard fuel (according to GOST 4749-49 D.~.'r; uel froW-the heavier fractions of petroelum, and compound fuel ( a mixture of 8,0111fuV and fuel from heavier fractions in a ratio,of 30:70 .on the basis. of their performance In a two-cycle YaAZ-204 engine. It is concluded that fuel from the heavier fraction of petroleum may be utilized-with a slight increase in viscosity (12 cst or, 2) and the absence of heavy tarry residues (95 perce'rit orizes at 400*). Fuels from catalytic cracking with a cetane number of 40, in the pure state and mixed with fuels of direct distillatioh may be widely used in modern tra-eter-_ engines. There are 4 tables, 6 figures and 6 Soviet references. Card 3/17 .Study and Use of Petroleum Products 917 .Puchkov, N.G. and Rubinshtejqi..S.F. Investigation of the Starting Qualities of Oils in Motor ZIL-120 24 This article gives the c6aparative results of the role of the viscosity of oils at lao,temperatures in starting motors ZIL-120 and GAZ-51-, The installation of a more .powerfult starter may increase the.limit-visrosity which fixes the flowability and starting temperature limits of the oil within the intervals 100 to 300 poises and 20-25 to 100 poises, respectively. Experimental data indicate that for these two large motors the minimum viscosity -values for oil are 250 and 100 poises for flowability and starting respectively. There are 8 figures, 2 tables and 4 Soviet references. Reznikov, V.D. On Methods and Extent of Motor Tests of Lubricating Oils 33 The author states that present methods of tesing lubri- cating oils are neither satisfactorily accurate nor comprehensive in providing data which will aid in choosing the proper oil for a given motor. Proposals for improving these conditions are given. There are 7 tables and 6 ref6rences., of.which 5 are Soviet and 1 English. ~d C ar 4/17 Study and Use of Petroleum Products 917 Serov, AN. The Basis for Methods of Short-term Tests for Evaluating the Wear-resistant Properties of Diesel Oils 46 In this article the author cites methods of evaluating wear-resistant properties of diesel oils on the basis of several considerations which are discussed at length. It is stated that determination of motor wear according to the amount of iron dissolved in the'lubricating oil is quite possible. It is concluded that the basic factors determining the rate of motor wear are the rotational speed of the crankshaft, motor load, and temperature., although the influence of the latter is apparently less noticeable in diesels than in carburetor motors. There are Tfigures., 4 tables and 7 Soviet references. II. JIMSTIGATION-OF PETROLEUM PRODUrTS Zaslavskiy, Yu. S.; Shor, G.I.; Kirillov, I.G.; Lebedeva, F.B.1 Yevstigneyev, Ye. V.; And Zlobin, O.A. The Application of Card 5/17 Study and Use of Petroleum Products 917 Radioactive Indicators (Tigged Atoms) in the Investigation of Wear-.;resistant Properties of Lubricating Oils 58 The purpose of this investigation was to establish a rapid method of evaluating wear-resistant properties of lubricating oils by the use of radioactive isoto 98 s. A motor part was exposed to an isotope, eego, Coo , and wear was measured by measuring the radiation intensity of the lubricating oil with a-counter tube. A structural scheme is given for an automatic apparatus which will continuously record the radioactivity of circulating oil (thereby making nvisible" the wear on components as it fluctuates with changing test conditions). There are 17 figures, 6 tables and 32 references, of which 11 are Soviet and 21 English. Zaslavskiy, Yu. S.; Kreyn, S.E.; Shneyerova, R.N.; and Shor, G.I.. Radiochemical Investigation of the Action of Oil Additives 85 Card 6/17 Study and Use of Petroleum Products 917 This investigation concerned the capacity of additives to demonstrate an-inhibiting action on oil during the operative process (i.6.,)to ensure an antioxidizing effeot)v or the capacity to prevent the catalytic influence of surface metal on the oxidation of oil. It was found that the protective coating, once having formed, later begins to decompose and erode, and is eventually washed off the metal surface completely; retardation of corrosion, thereforev is most effective during the 15rmation of the protective coating. Engineers A.I. Kuznetsova, I.A. Morozova; Technicians M.B. Koziyenko, N.M. Avde7eva,; and laboratory assistants P.I. Shishova and N.V. Dmitriyeva participated in thd work. There are 16 figures, 1 table, and 14 references, tf which 12 are Soviet and 2Engli3h. Zaslavskiy, Yu. S.; Shneyerova, R.N.; Shor, G.I*; and Kuznetsova., A.I. Radiochemical Investigation of the Stability of Solutions of Additives in Oils 107 Card 7/17 Study and Use of Petroleum Products 917 This investigation was made because of the need for additives that will not-prealpitAte from oil under the influence of various factors. It was found that, by using tagged atoms in a method based on centrifuging,, stability could be determined by measuring the radioactivity of the oil layers after centrifuging. Professor S.E. Kreyn acted as consultant in the work. There are 3 figures, 4 tables and 3 Soviet references. Tilicheyev, N.D. Cryoscopic Methods of Analyzing the Hydrocarbon Content of Petroleum Products. I. Cryoscopic Methods of Analysis Without a Solvent 117 The author bases the method mentioned in the title on a principle of chemical thermodynamics which states that the temperature of crystallization of any solvent is.-loviered 10 by the same amount of any substance on condition that it is soluble in the liquid phase and insolublt in the solid phase of the solvent and forms and ideal solution with it. Card 8/17 Study and Use of Petroleum Products 917 On the basis of this law, and by accurate determination of crystallization temperature, the author determines,, and gives methods and equations for determining a) the purity of individual admixtures (hydrocarbons), bj the quantity of individual admixtures, and c) the concentration of sulfuric acid. S.A. Yuganova participated in b), and V.P. Peshkov$ Doctor of Physical and Mathematteal Sciences, acted as consultant. Tilicheyev, M.D.; Okishevich, N.A.; Borovaya, M.S.; and Goysa, Ye. 1. Cryoscopic Methods of Analyzing the Hydrocarbon Content of Petroleum Products II, CryoBcopic Methods of Analysis Using Solvents 130 This article reviews the above-mentioned method in which the authors determine the amount of admixture by taking a solvent with a sufficiently high value and adding I percent mol of a substance. By observing the change in crystallization temperature of cyclohexane, it was possible to determine Card 9/17 Study and Use of Petroleum Products 917 -of error' of plus the amount of admixture with a-degrep. or minus 1 percent* This method and'the'chromat~oeaphic method were used to determine the amount of aromatic hydrocarbons in gasoline (with a degree of error of plus or minus .6 percent), the aihount of nonsulfonated admixtures in different fractions of aromatic hydrocarbons, and the quantitative d6terfainAtion of-aromatic hydrocarbons in petroleum oils in a solution of cyclohexane. V.S# Buk participated in the quantitative analysis of aromatic hydrocarbons in petroleum oil. There are 3 figures, 21 tables and 12 references, of which 9 are Soviet and 3 English. Tilicheyev, M.D.; Goysa, Ye.I.; Tsyganova, Ya V. A Gravimetric Me-thod for the Quantitative Determination of Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Light-eblored Petroleum Products 148 This paper gives the results of tests of aviation gasolineso "Galosha" gasoline, and white spirit (a turpentine subsitute) for the presence of aromatic hydro-carbons. Two variants of Card-'10/17 Study and Use of Petroleum Products 917 the method were used9which incluae (Variant I) treatment with sulfuric acid and rinsing with water and (Varismit II) titration with a 0.1 n solution of KOH. The accuracy of this method was,determined with synthetic mixtures of alkanes and cyclanes~qap~thenea) crf gasoline B-70 and 2.2.4 - trimethyl pentane.(iso-octane). Variant Iwith a degree of error of plus or minus -5 percent, is recommended, whereas Variant II had a degree of error of plus or minus .8 percent. There are 7 tables and I Soviet reference. Tilicheyev, M.D. Basing the Boiling Po:tnt of Petroleum Products on Atmospheric Pressure 156 Boiline points are "brought to normal" according to the press*e-of saturated vapors of individual hydrocarbons, on the basis of n-alkanes. The author states that this method and others lead to serious errors., and gives methods for Card 11/17 Study and Use of Petroleum Products 917 computing these boiling points when transferring from one pressure to another by usingthe coefficients of Antoine's equation (tP =AB -lgP - C) and a graphic method based on the molecular weights of the compounds. There are 3 figures, 4 tables and 11 references, of which 6 are Soviet and 5 English. Ptashinskiy, I.A. and Guseva, R*I. Electrometric Method of Evaluating the Corrosive Aggressiveness of Lubricating Oils 174 This article gives a resume of research on the electro- chemical nature of the corrosions of metals in different solutions. The electrochemical nature of the corrosion process was proven for solutions of acids and for oil SU, and a satisfactory method for measuring the electric potential of a metallic electrode in lubricating oil was worked out* There are 3 tables and 7 Soviet references, Card 12/17 Study and Use of Petroleum Products 917 Ptashinskiy, I.A. and Frolova, M.K. Polarograpkic Method of Determining Tetraethyl Lead in Gasolines l8l The authors offer a simpler and more reliable method of determining the concentration of tetraeth-yl lead in aviation and automobile gasolines. The quantity is computed according to the formula TL (Pb(C2H 5)4) =32~.22 C-75 , where TL is the 109 quantity of tetraethyl lead per g/kg. of gasoline; C the concentration of lead chloride, determined according to a calibrated graph based on the polarographing of the tested solution;andgthe density of gasoline at 20* C. The quantity of ethyl liquid product P-9 per ml. in 1 kg. of gasoline is: X= 1.213 TL. It is stated that this method requires 1/~ to 1/4th as much time as staridard methods. There-is 1-figure, 1 table and 3 references., of which 2 are Soviet. Card 13/17 Study and Use of'Petroleum Products 917 Osher, R.N.; Zaytseva, L.D. Determination of the Saponification Number*of Petroleum Products and the Content of Free Fats in Consistent Lubricants 185 This article first reviews in detail various methods for making the'determination mentioned in the title. However, a unified method based on ordinary t1tration procedures is Pffered as being quicker and more accurate and has been accepted as standard method GOST 6764-53, There are 3 tables. Bagryantseva, P.P.; Badayeva., M.K.; and Kaygorodtseva, R.A. The Protection of Hydraulic Gas Containers from Corrosion 189 A review is given of efforts that have'been made to,produce a suitable liquid to inhibit the corrosion of hydraulic valves of gas containers* Investigation showed that carbon black increased the viscosity of the oil base-, while sudan apparen-tly had no influence. Synthetic rubbers and polyisobutylenes were used successfully as components of the protective liquid. 'The simultaneous.,introduction of a pasbivator and a protective liquid into the water which Card 14A7 Study and Use of Petroleum Products 917 flows through the shutoff valve of the gas container increases the effectiveness of corrosion protection. The acidity of.this liquid does not have a negative effect on Its protective properties. There are 7 tables and I figure. Kaulina, M.M. and Luneva, V.C. Evaluation of the VIBCOUT Properties of Consistent Lubricants at Low Temperatures by Using Rotary and Capillary Viscometers 199 The above-mentioned methods are described in detail. 1) The rotary viscometer [Ref. 21 is based on measuring the resigtance of lubricants on a revolving roller. 2) The capillary viscometer I'Ref. 1. 4, 71 is based on measuring the resistance of oils passing through a capillary tube. The rotary viscometer has no temperature limitations, it is stated, and the viscosity of lubricant greases can be determined at -300 C. The rotary method was worked out by Card 15/17 1 Study and Use of Petroleum Products 917 V.P. Pavlov and the capillary method by the Institut nefti AN SSR (Petrol6um Institute,,-Academy of Sciences, USSR). There are 2 tables, 2 figures and 7 Soviet references. Bagryantseva,, P.P. and Badayeva., M.K. The Influence of the Volatility &nd~Viscosity of Mineral Oils on the.Operational Properties of Cold-restBtant Condistent Lubricants 2o6 Commercial lubricants were investigated to compare their physicochemical and volume properties, and to test their work capa6ity in roller bearings on.stands and under operational conditions as well. It was concluded that viscosity properties andxork capacity of lubricants gre dependent upon the h- ydrocarbon content and upon the volatility and viscosity~, respectively,of their component mineral oils. Also, volatility showed great,influence on viuoslt~ properties.,'which were dependent in a linear relationship. Experiments were-carried out at an experimental station of the RNII-TV' . 'There are 9 figures and 4 tables. Card 16/17 Study and Use of Petroleum Products 917 Luneva., V.SI., and Kovalev, V.A. Quick Method for Determining the Protective Capacity of Concistent Lubricants 219 This article outlines methods for and gives results of evaluating the protective effectiveness of lubricants against corrosion in both liquid and gaseous mediao Petrolatum, gun lubricant and commercial vaseline were the more resistant to gaseous corrosion, while vorrosion was beat controlled in liquid media according to GOST 5757-51., which is based on measuring the.width of the protective coating of oil deposited on metal surfaces at.,various temperatures., and several other factors. There are 4 figures, 7 tables and 14 Soviet references. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress TH/ksv 1-23-59 Card 17/17 AUTHORS: Puchkov, N.G., Borovaya, M S Belyanchikov, G.P. and Gavryukhin, N.M. (V.N.I.I.*i~3 TITLE: Wearability of an additive in oil during its work in an engine. (Srabatyvayemost' prisadki pri rabote masla v dvigatele). PERIODICAL: "Khimiya i Tekhnologiva Topliva i Masel" (Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Lubricants), 1957, No.21 pp.49~56 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: The problem of the required level of concentration of additives in oils at which the wear of an engine operating with high sulphur fuel will not exceed the wear obtained with a low sulphur fuel and the limits of the possibilities of additives in suppressing corrosion wear were investigated. As a first step a method of determining the rate of consumption of an additive in oil was required. This was developed on the basis of determining the content of barium chemically bound in an additive and that split off from the additive and combined with products formed on combustion of fuel and oxidation of the oil (barium in octane and benzene soluble and in the residue insoluble in these two solvents). The efficiency of an additive at various levels of sulphur in the fuel was studied using an alkylphenol compound TsIATIM-339- It was shown that the additive is being consumed during operation of an engine (YAZ-204) and that the metallic component of the Wearability of an additive in oil during its work in an engine. (Cont.) additive is transformed into insoluble compounds which are partially filtered off with the products of the oxidation of the oil. The rate of consumption increases with increasing sulphur content of fuel- 5-10% additions of the above additive decrease the engine wear but the degree of wear obtained with low sulphur fuel cannot be attained. An increase in the concentration of the additive decreases corrosion wear but simultaneously increases the wear by abrasion. Maximum useful concentration of the additive for operation with fuels containing below 1% sulphur should not exceed 3% and for fuelq containing up to 1.3% of sulphur - 5%. The wear of engine was measured by the method developed by TMA H A.N. SSSR and weighing of compression rings. Experimental results are given in graph and tables. 7 tables and 5 figures, no references. Card 2/2 ,,- - I I -- I /L QV, - r . FUCHKOV, N.G.; SBROV, I.Y.; RRLYANCHIMV, G.P.; REZNIKOV, V.D.; PYSHKOV, SA. Suitavility for engines of diesel oils derived from sulfur crude oil. Trudy VNII NP No.6;3-12 '57. (MIRA 10:10) (Diesel fuels) PUCHKOV, N.G.; BUTANCHIKOV, G.P. Iluels for hlgh~speed diesel engines. Trudy VNII NP no.6:13-23 157. (MIRA 10:10) (Diesel fuels) PATSENOV. PM, G. I.; VLADZITBVSKITj~'A.P.; PATSUKOT, I.P.; AUSM, A.T.; LMTAN, G.S..; PMOV,-G.G.; X07A)RRZOVA, A.A.; LISITMT, K.Z.; TAKOBI, X.Aj MMTANOMOV, ga.; IVANOV, V.S.; VORONOV. H.K.; RU- KTANTSEY, V -A* ;- ZALI&IPLaLme WJL. ; DZHHAYA, V.D.; LEVINA, U.S., Yedushchly red.; TROPIMOV, A.T.,, [Manual on the uses and consumption itandards of lubricants] Spra- vochnik po, primenenliu. i normam raekhoda smazoehnykh materialoy. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.isd-vo neft. i. gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry. 1960. 703 P. - (KCRA 13:4) (Lubrication and lubricants) I.P.; CHEICATTSU, N.A.; KA2nIN, I.T.; ININOV. Te.A.; OSM, R.N.: EPF (M) /-FDS AFncApGc N-4 NR-. AT3002006 S/664/61/000/000/03l /0318 'TITLE: The testing of oils i ;cal experience therewith. ladditives. BqrqvgLya MS4 Dery~ Belyanchikov, 0. P. Ilk with additt 9 on anginei and mechanisms. an pra'cti- -'- -- -Me. The testing of oils from sulfurous crudes with various JSOURCE.- Prisadki k maslarn i topl.ivam; trudy nauchno-tekhnicheakogq__ '.soveshcha ]~!cow, Gostoptekhizdat, 1961, -'311-318-." TOPIC TAGS: lubricant, lubrication, additive, oil, engine. mechanism, sulfurous, S-containing, 6, crude, *premium, Series 0, Series I, Series 11, Series M, AS-9, 5,- DS-8. DS-11, VNII NP-360, TsIATIM-339, VNII NP-362, PMSv., Anglomol, Mon%- i 1santo, Santalube, DK-Z,-' Esgo, Castrol, Shell, Rimula, Mobilgard, YaAZ-204, 1GAZ-51, D-35, ZD 100, -,oxidation, antio.xidation, ash content, PZV, Kolomenskoye. 1ABSTRACT: The paper sets forth the generalization of results of tests of a number- lof domestic additives in comparison with some foreign additives, in an attempt*to obtain oils of Series 1,,* H, and III by means of such additives. , Tests comprised ;Esso ZOW/30 and AS-9i 5 with various additives in the. premium grade (Series 0); iCastrol-30. Shell X-100, and DS-11 with various addit4ves in Series 1; Rimula-30, i 1. Card 1/ 3 L 20341;-63 ACCESSION NR: AT3002006 iSAE 30 (Shall), and DS-11 with additives In Series M and Mobilguard-593 and DS-~ with Santalube-311 Additive In*SerIes III. Asli content, PZV rnerit factor. oxidatioi lin the DK-Z testing device'(residue in %, change in viscosity in cat at 1000C, and : ihigh-temperature stabilit in min) are tabulated. Detailed data for engine tests in. y Ahe GAZ-51, D-35. and YaAZ-?.04 engines, as well as 600-hr long-term tests in ithe GAZ-51 are tabulated. Details on the operational qualities of DS-8 and. DS-11 !with various additives are adduced. These laboratory investigaitions and engine itests of oils with additives show -that existing domestic additives permit-the ob.tain- iment of engine oils of a new grading system corresponding to foreign oils of ,premium and Series I type for stringent engine -operating conditions. These oils tare also suitable for use In older engines. Additives for oils of Series U and 1U. ,,required for newly projected engines, must still be developed. Some domestic -additives. suitable for making of oils of Series 0 and 1. approach the quality,bf 'foreign additives. However, additional work is required to establish optima -selection and concentration criteria for these additives. Additional work is ire- quired to Improve additives for oils of Series I for engines such as the Kolom.- skoye-Plant Diesel engines, the SPOG, and others. Additional work to redu-c', W !content or change the character of metal-organic compounds in additives Is re quired to reduce the precipitates in the combustion chamber which.increase tb wear; the antioxidation properties of additives must also be improved. COrd Z/3 L 20341',i-63 1ACCESSION NR: AV300i006 10rig. art. has 7 tables.. ASSOCIATION: VNII NP iSUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: Z3,Yan63. UB CODE: FL, CH. EL NO REF SOV: 007 ENCL.: 00 6THER: 000 ,Card-3/3-- 29237 Cno Voli/WW/olo/ooVoli E1911/E384 AUTHORS: Reznikov, V.D. and Belyanchikov, G.P. TITLE: Filtration capacity~-as -an 1ffdT1-c-NtZr--of- the properties of motor oils PERIODICAL: Chemie a chemickS technologie; Pr"ehled technick6 a liospoda"r"'skd literatury, v. 18, no. 10, 1961, 467, abstract ci,61-6463 (Khimiya i telchnologiya topliv i masel, no. 10, 1960, 41 - 44) TEXT: One of the characteristics used to assess the performance of lubricating oils in engine tests is the weight of deposit retained on the oil filter. In the case of straight mineral oil, high filter deposits indicate poor thermal stability of the oil. Additive-type oils usually give smaller amounts of deposits on filters and the scatter of results is very great; therefore the amount of deposit formed on the filters is not a reliable index of the quality of additive-type oils. However, if the criteria are correctly chosen the amount and nature of deposits formed upon the filter can serve to characterize the oil. For given test conditions, the deposit Droperties are Card 1/3 29237 Z/011/61/018/010/004/011 Filtration capacity .... C-194/E384 fairly stable. Thus, in testing an engine type A-35 (D-35), deposits contain 66 - 80%,oil and resin, the remainder being benzene insolubles. The main factor governing the amount of deposits retained on the filters is the dispersion of the deposits. Accordingly, oils with detergent or dispersive additives are best characterized not by the absolute amount of filter deposit but by the proportion of the total contamination in the oil that is retained on the filter. Kadmer and Mauser (Ref. 2) have defined the degree of filterability in this way and Soviet work has shown that this factor is related to the anti-deposit-forming tendencies of the oil in an engine under laboratory conditions. It is considered that high-ash, heavy- duty oils should give filterability factws not greater than 300'; oils of high quality can give up to 50q,O' but samples giving values greater than 709S, give unsatisfactory engine performance. This applies to filters type AC,410(ASFO) and other values ifill doubtless be valid for different filters. The results apply to an engine type D-35, using fuel with 10,,,0' sulphur content. The degree of filterability is of less significance as a character- istic of anti-deposit-forming tendencies. The complete absence of Card 2/3 29237 Z/011/61/018/010/004/011 Filtration capacity .... E194/E384 deposits on a type ASFO filter indicates a very high degree of dispersion and stability but there may be a risk of wear if there is no deposit. If the filter does not retain anything, the effect is the same as if the engine had no filter and particles capable of causing wear can accumulate in the oil. Accordingly, the degree of filterability that corresponds to the best conditions, both from the standpoint of deposit-formation and wear, is 20 - 350%. Minimum engine wear resulting fron, iron in the oil and on the filter was observed when the filter retained 40 - 60% of the contaminants that enter or form in the oil. 5 figures, 4 references. [Abstracter's note: the brief Czech abstract abstract has been substituted by an abstract of the original article.3 J V Card 3/3 RSZNMV. V.D.-,. BELYANCHIKOV, G,P* 7iterability as an index in the engine testing of lubricating oils. Rhim.i. tekh.topl.i masel 5 no.10:41-44 0 160. (MMA 13:10) 2. Voesoranyr nagohno-iseledovatel'skir inatitut po pererabotke nefti L gazov i poluchenlya iskuseftennogo shidkogo topliva. (Lubrication and lubricants) (Filters and filtration) 5/081/62/000/006/095/117 B162/B10i //Not AUTHORS: Puchkov, N. G., Borovayaj M* Spq Deryabing A. A., Pelyanchikov, G. P. TITLE: Tests on oils from sulfur petroleums with various additives PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 6, 1962, 546# abstract 6M293 (Sb. "Prisadki k maslam i toplivam". M., Gootoptekhizdat, 1961, 311-318) TEXT: Laboratory evaluation and results of motor tests of a series of imported oils (with additives) of the "premium" grade, 1,.II*p and III and Soviet oils AC-6 (AS-6), AC-9-5 (AB-9-5)9 AC-11 (DS-11), and. AC-8 '0 from sulfur petroleum with-the additives 3""" 14Tr-360 (Vnii NP-36o), ya) , C 0 -3 (SB-3), H r -102 (NG-1 02) , Vnii NP-362 WIT-22 (IP-22), ITMCA (PMS. PMSYa + Vnii NP-353, Vnii NP-370, Vnii NP-371, L~vavmm-339 (Tsiatim-339), and some others. The motor tests were carried out in~test-bed and operat conditions on the engines PAS -51 (GAZ-51 ), A -~5 (D-35) , 91A,1-204 (Y&AZ- 25 204), 2P,100 (2D-100), CMR (SUD)i and KAM-46 KDM-46). The tests ahowed. that Soviet oils with the additive Vnii NP-360 ~6~) or the additive ip-22 Card 1/2 30 13 1 v a .1~~ ~ey Ck igatc t o a rta i n t he r c a i a I I TV) hiclh dirninish C 0 1:7 0 :j "'!'I L c I i wi , it nd he z 1) t; -.j n - w e.,j i t p ,:i. Ps v iu 0 fo - -I I g in 1 "k, C~ A tC 32531 S/065/62/000/001/002/002 E194/E135 AUTHORS: Puchkov, N.G., Borovaya, M.S., Belyanchikov, G.P., Zelenskayas R.G.9 and Severov, Ye.ZE TITLE: Service performance of basic lubricants refined in different ways 17 PERIODICAL: Khimiya i tekhnologiya topliv i masel, no.1, 1962, 53-59 1 TEXTs Engine tests at the VNII NP showed that engine oils derived from Eastern high sulphur crudes caused ring-sticking. In this respect alone they were worse than Baku oils, being equal or better in ell other respects. Accordingly, a study was made of hydrocarbon group and ring structure and other properties of various lubricants before and after engine testing. Eastern and Baku oils were found to be generally very similar but differ in the content of sulphur compound and in hydrocarbon structure. Because of their constitution Eastern oils oxidise to form oxyacids and asphaltenes which promote ring sticking. Even though the oil-resin contents of the initial base oils were Card l/ 3 32531 s/o65/62/000/001/002/002 Service performance of basic E194/EI35 similar, the oils from Eastern crudes produced more lacquer in the engine and in a laboratory oxidation test than did Baku oils. Oils deeply refined by solvent, acid or adsorbents were more stable, but whereas the Baku oils so refined deteriorated at a steady rate the Eastern oils displayed an induction period, being initially the more stable, but later oxidising more rapidly. Adsorption refining was particularly effective in improving the stability of the oils and reducing ring sticking with oils of Eastern crudes, giving satisfactory performance even without the use of additives. Work is in progress on hydrofined Eastern oils and preliminary indications are that this treatment gives somewhat higher VI than solvent treatment. However, hydrofined Eastern oils have inferior additive susceptibility, particularly to sulphonates, though their properties were much improved by additive %141414 Hn-36o (VNII NP-36o). Hydrofined oils with this additive behaved well in 100 and 600 hour gasoline engine tests and in 800 hour diesel engine tests. A simple comparison of certain physical properties of hydrofined Eastern oil with those of Essolube, and Shell Rimula oils, indicates that the Soviet Card 2/3 32531 Service performance of basic ... SIO 5/ 2/000/001/002/002 E194/E135 base oils can be as good as foreign ones. The need to match additive to base oil is emphasised. There are 5 figures, 9 tables and 4 Soviet-bloc references. ASSOCIATIONs VNII NP Card 3/3 1 PUCHKOVI N,G.; TRAKTOVENKO, I.A.; BELYANCHIKOV, ~.P.; GAVRYUKHIN, V.M.; SMIKOI Z,A, Performance characteristics of winter diesel oil from eastern sulfur-bearing crudes. XhimA tekh.topl.i masel 8 no.ls58-63 Ja 163. ()URk 16s2) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut po pererabotke neftl i gazov i polucheniyu iskusstvennogo zhidkogo topliva. (Diesel fuels) L Q2_66 EWT (m)/r ;DJ ACC NR"' Ap6oil220 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/ooo/oo6/0057/0057 INVENTOR: Blagovidov, 1. F.; Druzhinina, A. V.; Monkstyrskiy'-V.-N.; Puchkov, N. G.'. Deryabin, A. A.; Borovaya, M. S.; Kvaliani, T. K.; Zaslavskly, YU.S., Filippov, V. F -Tar Dmi P.. Kali manyan, G. S.; �h2r4_j,_j triyeva, T.'; Re~h ~kov yev, A. M.~. Suleymanova, F. G.; Zaynalova, G. A.; Sadykhov, K. I., ORG: none TITLE: Preparative method for motor oils~ Class 23, No. 179868 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshiennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 6, 1966, 57 TOPIC TAGS: lubricating oil, lubricant additi-~,e ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a preparative method for motor oils,involving the introduction of additiveall To impart the required service proper- ties, the additives used are an alk-yrp-henol-formaldehyde condensation product (3-15%), a sulfonate additive (1-6%), an additive based on xanthates or dithio- phosphates (0-5-1%), and an organosilicon additive (0-003-0-005%) [the additives are no further identified in the source]. Ism] SUB CODE: 1l/ SUM RATE: O2Aug62/ ATD PRESS: Y -2 2.6r- Y, /I/ li C ~~'/ '/ 4- "~~ ~ ~ /~- - / -, BARDIN.I.P., akademik: AHTIPOY. H.L. nauchnyy redaktor-, HLYAhCHIKOV, K. nauchny7 redaktor; GHLOV, I.V., inrhoner, nauch~"--TmVw& i-WAS"'V, A.I.. redektor lzdatellstva; KLIMOV, V.A.. redaktor izdatelletva; LrI,%Xl&VA. A.A., tekhnichookiy reclaktor [Iron ore deposits in the U.S.S.R.) Zhelernorudnaia bazza chernoi metallurgit SSSR. Moskva, 1957. 565 P. (HLRA 10:10) 1. Akedemiya nauk 'SSSR. Institut metallurgii. 14ezhvedomstvennaia postoyannais komisaiia po zhelezu. 2. Nachallnik Glayproyekta Hinisteretva chernoy metallurgii SSSR (for Antipov).. 2. Direktor Gosuderetvennogo institute po proyektirovaniva -netallurgicbeakikh zavodov (for Belyanchikovl 3.Gocudaretvenn~7 institut po oroyekti- rovaniyu metallurgidieskilai zavodoy (for Orlov) (Iron ores) I.P.. akadem1k,; STRUMILI~, S*G,, akademiki radel SEWUNDY, L.D., akademife'. red,-,f,SRCH8RBAX0V. D.I., akademik, red.; ANflPff, #.I., red.; PLjA!gHIK0Y,_X,.L.~ed.; BRODSKIT. T.B.. red.: YRROP16TW, B.L. red.; LIBERM0, Aja,., red-; MOLESHKIN, S.M., red.; ORLOT, I.T., red.; SMIRNOV-YERIN, S.S., r*441 R11MAN, V.V.. red.; SAWRIN. A.M.. red.; SLEDZnM, PoTe., red.; SEOBNIKOV, N.L., redo; SOKOIOV, G.A., rtA.-, FM, V.I., red.; Nizov, r.B.0 red,; SHAPIRO, I.S., redo; - SHIRYATXV, P.A., red.; KWA01W, A.l.', red.isd-va; KUZIMIN, loss$ (Vagnetits oros of the Kustanay Provinch and their exploit4Ltion] Magnetitovre rudy Kustanaiskoi oblasti i puti ikh Ispollsoftniia. Otvetatve=yi red. I.P. Bardin. Ybekwa, Isd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1958. 489 p. (Zholesorudnye mostoroohdonlia SSSR). (MIRA 32t2) 1. Ruesia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Mintoterstvo geologit i okhramy nedr. (Knetanar Provinc'e-Kaguetits) BULDIMEY, G.P.; TOGM, D.A.; NOVOKHATSM, I.P.; V=. D.L.; DrUGIM, I.V.; KAVUH, V.M.; KMWKO, A.A.; r I I OV. M.R.; ARSENITEV, SeTas; YEGORKIN, A*No;XCR=Oyg P*Fo; KUZIMIN' V.N.; STREIRTS, B.A.; PATKOVSKIT. A.B.; BOOSLATSICATA, B.M.; INrOBOM, D.B.; FINKSISURN, A.B.; SHAPIRO, I.S.; LAPIN. L.Tu.. Prinimali uchastlye: NIVSKATA, G.I.; FMX)SWOT. V.A.; KASPILOVSKIT, Ya.B., =NOVA, K.V.. BARDIN, I.P., akademik,; SATPA7W, K.I., akademik, nauchnyy red.; SMUMILIN, akademik, nauchnyy red.; ANTIPOV, H.I., nauchnyy red.;,.B~TANGHIXOV,K.P., nauchnyy red.; TZROFMV, B.H., nauchWy red.; KALGANOV, M.I., nauchnyy red.; SWRIN, A.Kp nauchn" red.; SLM)ZYUK, P.Te., nauchnyy red,; NIKOV, V.B., nauchnyy red.-, STRM, N.A., nauchnyy red.: BANEVITSER, A.L., red.izd-va; POLTAKOVA, T.V.. [iron ore deposits In central Kazakhstan and ways for their utilization] Zhelezorudnye mostorozhdaniia TSentrallnogo Kazakh- stana i puti ikh ispoltzovaniia. Otvetotvennyi red. I.P.Bardin. Moskva, 1960. 556 p. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Kezhduvedomstvennnys postoyannaya komissiya po zhelezu. 2. Gosudaretvannyy inatitut po proyektirovaniyu gornykh predpriyatiy sholezortidnoy i marganteavoy promyshlennosti i promyshlennosti nemstallicheskikh iskopayemykh (Giproruda) (for Boldyrev, Vogmang Areenlyev, Tegorkin, Koreakov, Kuzlnin, Strelets, (Continued on next card) BOLDYM. G.P.-(contjnued). Card 2. 3. Institut geologicheekikh nauk AN Kazakhakoy SSR (for Novokhatakiy). 4. TSentralino-Kazakhptanskoye geologiclioBkoye upravleniye Ministerst- va geologii i okhrany nedr SSSR (for Verk, Dyugayev, Kavun, Kurenko, Uzbekov). 5. Nauchno-~seledovatellskiy inetitut meldianiche6koy ob- rabotki polesnykh inkppayemykh (Nikhanobr) (for Patkovskiy). 6. Gosu- darstvenW 4natitut proyaktirovaniya metallurg.zavodov (Gipromez) (for Boleslavskaya, Indenbpm. Finkellshteyn, Neveknya. Fedoseyev, Karpi- lovskiy). 7. Mezhduve4ome%vennaya poatoyannaya komissira po zhelezu AN SSSR (for Mmpiro, Zarnova. Kalganov). 8. Gosplan SSSR (for Lapin). (Kazakhatan-Iron ores) BARDIN, LF , akademik, otv. red.fdaceased]; b%~ nauchnyy red.; YEROFEYEV, B.N., nauchnyy red.; ZVYAGIN, P,Z., nauchnyy,red.; KOSHELEV, V V.,, naubhnyv red.; MELESHKRI, S.M., nauchnyy red.; MIRLINt G.G., nauabW red'; MDSkALIKOV, Te.F., nauchnyy red.1 POKROVSKIY, M.A., nauchnyy red.; SLEbZYUK, P.Ye,., nauchn.yy red.; FINKEISHTEYN, A.S., nauchnyy red.; KHAWHENKO, A.K., nauchnyy red.; SHEVYAKOV, L.D.,, akademik, nauchW red.; SHAPIRO, I.S., nauchnyy red.; SHIRYAYEV, P.A., nauchnyy red.; OKHRIMYUK, Ye.M., nauchnyy red.; YANSHIN, A.L., akademik, nauchnyy red.; MAKOVSKIY, G.M., red.izd-va; VOLKOVA, V.G.,tekhn. red. (Oolitic iron ores of the Lisakovka deposit in Kustanay Province and means for their exploitation]Oolitovye zheleznye rudy Lisa- kovskogo mestorozhdeniia Kustanaiskoi oblasti i puti ikh ispoll- zovaniia. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 234 p. (Zhe- le2orudnye mestorozhdeniia SSSR [no.1]) (MIRA 15:12) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut gornogo dela. (Kustanay Province-Iron ores) AUTHORS: Belyanchikov, L. N.~j Grigorash, R. IT., SOY/163-58-3-17/49 ~anov=,A. TITLE: The Electric Operation Schedule,-if Arc-Vacuum Melting (Elektricheskiy rezhim dugovoy vakuumnoy plavki) PERIODICAL; Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 3, PP 95 - 103 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The electric operation schedules in are-vacuum melting were investigated to determine the economy of melting furnaces. For this purpose the electric system of an are-vacuum melt was used in a laboratory furnace with a content of 2-7 kg in crucibles of a diameter of 65 and 85 mm- The change of the arc voltage in the are-vacuum melts was investigated. The arc voltage is a function of the amperage. The ratio of the di meter of the electrode to the diameter T of the crucible is _ _ The dependence of the are voltage D ' on the amperage was investigated at D 65 mm- Within the ranges investigated the amperage 1 1500 A. The de- pendence of the are voltage on the amperage has a linear Card 1/3 character. The dependence of the are voltage on the ratio The Electric Operation Schedule of Are-Vacuun, Melting soy/163-58-3-17/49 d at D - 65 mm and at the amperage I - 1500 A was D investigated. From the giagram may be seen that with the increase of the ratio -D the voltage drops. If the dia- meter of the electrode is greater than half the diameter of the crucible the decrease of the anodic voltage does not modify. An empiric formula for the determination of the voltage as dependent on the amperage and the diameter of the electrode is sugGested; U + I ( 23,3.10-3 + 3,33-10 0 d2 _') (3) where U 0 denotes the sum of cathodic and anodic voltages in Volt.9 I the amperage in the arc, and d the diameter of the electrode in centimeters. Furthermore the melting rate was investieated. The experiments showed that the rate of melting depends on the amperage. At higher amperaGes (higher than 2500 A) the melting rate increases with the increase of the diameter of the electrode. T-e Card 2/3 dependence of the melting rate on the amperage was in- The Electric Operation Schedule of Arc-Vacuum Melting SOV/163-58-3-17/49 vestigated at a diameter of D - 65 mm. The increase of the diameter of the electrode increases the heat emission coefficient of the electrode. On an increase of the amperaCe and with a greater diameter of the electrode the curve of the meltinE; r;te shows bends. There are 4 figures, 1 table, and 9 references, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy institut stali (Moscow Steel Institute) SUBMITTED: April 24, 1958 1 Card 3/ 13 AUTHORS: Belyanchikov, L. N., Grigorash, R. IT., SOV/163-58-3-24/49 TITLE: Laboratory Vacuum Arc Furnaces (Laboratornyye vakuumnyye dugovyye pechi) PERIODICAL; Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 3, PP 142 - 148 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The best conditions for metallurgical melting processes are given when the melting is carried out without ceramic crucibles and with a simultaneous degassing of the metal. The furnaces which have been used hitherto do not comply with these demands. A new type of furnace was devised which is called vacuum arc furnace. Such furnaces are constructed in a useful way taking into account the corresponding melting processes. Three types are sugaested; 1) A furnace with hot consumable electrodes in neutral atmosphere at a pressure of 30-760 torr. 2) A universal type of vacuum are furnace with consurtable electrodes in neutral atmosphere. 3) A furnace with consumable electrodes in vacuum. In figures 1,2,3, and 4 Card 112 the individual types are shown. The construction of Laboratory Vacuum Are Furnaces SOV/163-58-3-24/49 a melting furnace for 5-50 kg is given. The pressure within the high-vacuum furnace is measured by membrane vacuum gauges. and for a low vacuum BT-2, and for a higher vacuu~VM` -1 are used. The amperage varies between 1000 and 3000 A i~_s dependent on the composition of the charge. There are 5 figures. ASSOCIATION: 11onkcvskly institut stali (Moscow Steel Institute) SUBMITTED: April 21, 1958 Card 212 AUTHORS; TITLE: PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT: .5 ~ja=ci'-.5 ~, ~Grigorash, R.N., SOV/163-58-4-7/47 Panov, A.V. Choice of Polarity at Electric Arc Melting of Steel in Vacuum (Vybor polyarnouti pri dugovoy vakUUM110y plavke stali) Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 4, PP 40 - 45 (USSR) Steel of the following grades was recast: .Shk"--15, m i8N9r, steel 45. The steel was irelted in an electric are vacuum furnace J, and 20 kgs (steel). When melting with crucibles of 2, 3, 5, 7, one electrode u6ed as cathode (the crucibles being of positive polarity) the metal bath ser7es as anode. The temperature of the anode spot lies, as a rule, at some hundred degrees above that of the cathode spot, i.e. the metal bath being the anode the thin metal top layer is heavily superheated in the region of the anode spot. The latter causes an increaued evaporation of the metal. '-ehe meLd! vapors condense on the walls of the crucibles and form a thin metal coat:~ng out of the remelted metal. For this reason, the splashes from the liquid metal bath do not directly arrive at the copper walls of the crucibles, but at the metal coating and form Card 1/2 Choice of Polarity at Electric Are Melting of Steel in SOV/163-58-4-7/47 Vacuum a so-called "corona" of the ingot-., In this way, the molten metal does not come into irLmed`.a~e !ontacl. with Lae crucible walls but does so with the "coronall. The'fusion between "coating" and "body" of the ingot is influenced by three faci;ors: current intensity, the ratio of the electrcde diameter to the diameter of the cru- cibles, and the diameter of the cru-.-ibles.- When remelting with the electrode used as anode (the electrode being of positive po- larlity) the situation is diffexent. The copper walls of the cru- cibles remain unprote,.,ted, the metal splashes reach the unprotect- ed cold copper and are tightly welded on. The consequerces, when the ingot- cools dewn, are interns'. strains and cracks.-Therefore it is more suitable to use the electrode as cathode. There are 5 figures and 3Soviet references. ASSOCIATION; Moskovsk-iy institut stali. (Moscow Steel Institute) SUBMITTED: May 28, 1956 Card 2/ 2 180) ' AWMORS; _~elanchikov -N., Grig rash# Ro Not SOV/163-59-2-9/48 y Pano"wt A* Ve TITLEi The Behavior of Gasec in the Vacuum Aro Melting of Steel (Povedeniya gazov pri vakuumnoy dugovoy plavke Otali) PERIODICAL: Hauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Lletallurgiya, 1959, Nr 2j PP 48 - 55 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This investigation concerns the inflience of the melting rate d I g, of the ratio 5 of the diameters of electrode and crucible# of the application of the magnetic field, and or the polarity on the degasification of the metal. The tests were carried out in a laboratory furnace on crucibles with diameters of 65-85mm. The analysis of the pumped-off gas was made by means of the mass spectrometer MS-2. Figure 1 shows the dependence of the gas liberation V (in om3/g) on the melting rate g 17sea). The V-shaped curves can be represented by the VX9-tion A 2 V ~ + B9 .The values of the coefficients A ana B are 9 Card 1/3 indicated in table I for crucibles of various sizes and for The Behavlor of Gases in the Vacuum Ara Melting SOV/163-59-2-9/48 of Steel various diameter ratibs 4 . The first term of the equation 7 determines the gas fraction liberated on the anode. The coefficient A approximately increases with the square of the diameter d of the electrode. Figure 2 compares the gas liberation on the electrode with that from the crucible. This comparison shows that hydrogen is mainly liberated on the electrode, while nitrogenp oxygen, and carbon oxide come from the crilcibla. Figure 3 shows that there are differences between the analytical data and the real gas liberation. They are explained by a gas adsorption on the nonmetallic inclusions and by the metal condensed on the crucible wall. Piaure 4 and table 3 show the d influenoe of the diameter ratio 'D on degasification. Under the experimental cond:itions, the optimum ratio was 0.77. The investigation of the gas content in the metal in different places before and after melting (Tables 3,4t5.1 showed Card 2/3 considerable differences in the upper and lower sections, in the The Behavior of Gases in the Vacuum Are Melting SOV/163-59-2-9/48 of Steel center and on the periphery after melting. They are explained by the temperature differences and by adsorption on the condensed metal. The application of a magnetic field speeds up the removal of nitrogen, but produces a formation of pores in steel rich in carbon. Tables 7 and 8 show the degasification at pole changing (electrode as cathode and electrode as anode). They only confirm the rising degasification with a rise in current intensity and melting rate. There are 4 figuresl 8 tables, and 3 references, 2 of which are Soviet, ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy institut stali (Moscow Steel Institute) Submitted: August 15, 1958 Card 3/3 0 S/148/60/000/002/001/008 AUTHORAs _R21L3ngh1~2~LjN GrIgorash, R.N., Panov A.V. T=s On the.Uroblem of the Metal Temperature in Are Vacuum MeltinglOProcess PERIODICAL% Izvestiya vysshikh uchabnykh zavedeniy, Chernaya metallurgiya, 1960, Nr 2, PP 32 - 38 TEXT% The authors doubt the existing hypothesis on high and superhigh temperatures of the liquid metal in vacuum arc melting. Investigations of the anode and cathode spots and the are column show that the temperature of the anode spots does not depend on the current intensity and is determined by the anode material and the pressure of the gas in which the arc is burning. It drops with reduced pressure. The temperature of the cathode spots is always below the temperature of the anode spots and depends also on the pressure. Ex- periments carried out for the purpose of determining the dependence of the depth of shrinkage cavities on preswAre proved that the depth of shrinkage cavities increased with higher pressure. This proved the elevated temperature of the pool. Thus the are column is the only area of the are having superhigh Card 1/3 Pr 8/148/60/000/002/001/008 On the Problem of the Metal Temperature in Are Vacuum Melting Process temperatures. Processes occurring in mercury rectifiers of the Ignitron or excitron type are compared with analogous phenomena in the vacuum furnace are. It is shown that the high temperature of the are column can not be a basic factor in metal degassing, elimination of non-metallic impurities and of the temperature of the liquid metal pool. Results of chemical ana- lyses prove indirectly that the metal Is not superheated in are vacuum meltIng Process. Investigations were carried out into the effect of melting temperature an loss In bqrning of components in UP to 33% Al), Ni-cr /'JD to 47% Cr) and Ni7mn!(up to 43% Mn) alloys. 'keettPeriments proved-7re dependence of loss in burning on the content of volatile components in the alloy. Superheating of the metal pool over the melting temperature was not observed. The authors come to the conclusion that in are vacuum melting relatively low superheating of metal takes place and that the temperature of the liquid metal is mainly determined by the melting temperature. Card 2/3 6K OC-6,139 3/148/6D/000/002/001/008 on t4e Problem of the Metal Temperature in Are Vacuum Melting Process There are 1 table, 1 set of graphs, 1 oscillogram and 11 references, 8 of which are Soviet and 3 English. ASSOCIATIONs Moskovskiy institut stali (Moscow Steel Institute) SUBMITTED-. May 11, 1959 Card 3/3 06 3.2 00 S/148/60/000/002/002/008 AUTHORS: 'Belyanohikov, L.N., Grigorash, R.N., Panov, A.V. TI ME Electric Conditions and Selection of Feed Sources for Vacuum Are Furnaces ~r PERIODICALt Izvestlya vysshikh uchebnvkh zavedenly, Chernaya metallurglya, 1960, Nr 2, Pp 39 - 46 TEXTs At present in steel, titanium and zirconium melting in vacuum are furnaces d.c. is as a rule used, employing welding transformers, high- power d.c. generators and selenium rectifiers. In steel smelting, a formula was found"describing the dependence of the are voltage on the current intensity% Uarc - Uo + Rare column. 1 (1) (ABSTRACTOR'S NOTE; Subscripts "are" and "are column".-are translations of the original d (duga) and st d. (stolb dugi) ), where Uara is the full drop of the are voltage, Uo is the sum of the cathode and-anode drop of voltages Rare col . is the resistance of the aro'column, which depends on the crucible diameter (D) and the electrode diameter (d), and I is the current intensity. Graphs (1-4) show volt-amRdre characteristics of a d.c. are obtained experimentally in a vacuum of 10--3 - Lr Card 1/3 3/148/60/000/002./002/008 Electric Conditions and the Selection of Feed Sources for Vacuum Are Furtiaces 10-2 mm Hg for crucibles of 85 - 204 mm in diameter, electrodes of up to 145 mm in diameter and current intensity of up to 6,000 amp. Values of current intensity are cited for various cases of melting used in foreign and Soviet practice. The authors determined the dependence between the lowest limit of current intensity producing satisfactory ingots and the crucible diameter; a formula was developed to evaluate various feed sources used in arc vacuum melting practice (7). The following feed sources are enumerated and characterized: The PSM-1000 type self-excitation welding transformer (60 v, 1000 amp) used for laboratory vacuum furnaces. Its main advantage is the possibility of parallel switching-in the total load. The authors used VSA-5 type selenium rectifiers (64 v, 12 amp) as cu'rrent feed sources for the In- dependent self-excitation of 3 PSM-1000 transformers. The rectifiers are'fed from a RNO-250-5T voltage controller. Industrial furnaces in the USSR are mainly fed from OPN-550-750 type generators (85 v, 6500 amp) with independent excitation and a high-voltage motor. Recently, a special GPN-560-375 type generator (40 v, 14,000 amp) was developed. A graph is presented showing the dependence of maximum current intensity on furnace parameters for various types Card 2/3 -,q/-148/60/000/002/002/008 Eleotric Conditions and the Selection of Feed Sources for Vacuum Are Furnaces of generators. As an optimum variant It is recommended to use four parallel- connected PSM-1000 transformers for a current intensity up to 4000 amp. With- in a range of 4,000 - 10,000 amp the are furnace feed may be ensured by parallel- connected PSM-1000 transformers, or 1 to 2 GPN-550-750 generators or 1-OPN-560-375 generator. A voltage of 6000 v is required for the GPN type generators. The GPN-560-375 generator should be preferred to the OPN-550-750 type on account of its lower electric power consumption in melting process. For current intensity of over 10,000 amp the use of parallel-connected GPN-550-750 generators or more powerful machines Is recommended. For current Intensity of 12,000 - 14,000 amp it is desirable to raise the voltage of OPN-560-375 genierators by utilizing excitation sources of higher voltage. There are: 5 graphs and 8 references, 4 of which are Soviet, 3 English, 1 German. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy institut stali (Moscow Steel Institute) SUBMITTED: May 12, 1959 q1 Card 3/3 AUTHORS: Belyanchikov. L.N.,,Grigorash, ------ Z~~ TITLE., Kinetics of the gas in vacuo PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh metallurgiya, no.9, s/148/61/000/009/005/012 E071/E.135 R.N., and Panov, A.V. evolution during arc smelting achebnykh zavedeniy, Chernaya 1961, 79-86 TEXT: Knowledge of the rate of gas evolution in the course of smelting is necessary for the correct choice of vacuo equipment of furnaces. Factors influencing the evolution of gas were investigated on a laboratory vacuum arc furnace with exchangeable crucibles of the following capacities:. 3 kg (diameter 65 mm; V/ H = 70 mm); 7 kg (diameter 85 nun, H = 170 mm); 20 kg (diameter 102 mm, H - 350 mm); and 50 kg (diameter 150 mmt H = 350 mm). The diameters of electrodes were 28, 52, 70 and 100 mm respectively. Steels and alloys Ct,. 3 (St. 3), L11 X 15 (ShKhl5), 79VIMN (79NMA), X 20H 80 (Kh20N8O) and heat resistant alloys based on nickel were used for the investigation. Gases evolved in the course of melting were pumped out by a booster pump and collected in a Card 1/ 6 Kinetics of the gas evolution during ... s/i48/61/000/009/005/-'012 E071/EIL35 receiver placed behind the pump which permitted determination of the rate of gas evolution during melting and analysis of the gases evolved, with a mass spectrometer. The analysis of the experi- mental results leads to the following empirical formulai Q = AUL + Bg3 (4) where: velocity of gas evolution,; IJ;~ - overall throughput capacity of the system, litres/sec; B - coefficient depending on the type of steel, g - velocity of melting, g/seci A - coeffitient depending on the design of the furnate (ratio of the diameter of the electrede to the diameter of the crucible, surface area of gas evolution), mm Hg. The coefficient A% r 4 2 2 A = 11 11 - exp 1) (1 - OL ) I (4a) where, D - diameter of crucible-, cm, a ratio of the electrode diameter to the di meter of the cruzible; P - 3~7 x 10-3 mm Hg; X = 6.0 x lo-5 cm-t. The values of the co -efficient B for Card 2/ 6 Kinetics of the gas evolution during... s/i48/61/000/009/0051,012 EOVE135 various steels and alloys were as followas Kh2ON80 (1-1.6) x 10-3; ShKhl5 0.07 x 10-4; 79NMA (0.2-0.8) x 10-4; nickel based heat resistant alloy electrodes (0 10;0.45) x 10-4 (cast), 0.18 x 10-4 (forged); steel St-3 0.72 x i0- - It is considered that formula (4) can be used for the calculation of vacuo systems. It'was theoretically and experimentally shown that pressuresin the crucible and in the working space of the furnace depend on the overall throughput capacity of the system which is limited mainly by the throughput capacity of the clearance between the electrode and crucible. The total throughput capacity of the system U,: is determined froms (9) U UT + UK + UTp where: UT - throughput capacity of the clearance between the electrode and crucible; UK - same, between the electrode and the body of the furnace; UTp - same, of the conduit from-the furnace to the pump. The throughput capacities (in litres/sec) of the individual parts of the system can be calculated from the Card 3/ 6 S/148/61/000/009/005/012 Kinetics of the gas evolution during .-.i- E071/E135 following equationst UT 4.2 T D T3 (I - CL 2) (1 a) litres/see; (10) V M -HT T DI 2 DK - d U 4o2 (1 - CL2)(I - a (b + 7.4-10- -- Pt K $54 . q D3 1 1 2 !T ' NZ litrep)/sec; U I T - TE - (b + 7.4-10- P 112) Tp . M 'TP + 1-53%p cp litres/se . where; bF--.10.9; Di - diameter *f the given part f the system, cm; d - diameter of the electrode, eml aA. - ratio of the electrode diameter to the diameter of the %.rucible or of the furnace; HT - distance from the outlet of the crucible to the melting zone, cm; Li - mean length of the given part of the system, cm3 X, - mean free path of a molec-ule at a pressure of I mm Hg and temperature of the outgoing gas (T), tmj T - absolute temperature of the outgoing gaa;' M - mean moletular weight of the outgoing gas; Pep - mean pressure at the given part, mm HS. Card 4/ 6 Kinetics of the gas evolution during s/148/61/000/009/005/012 ' ' * E07 I/E 135 In order to evaluate the proportion of pumped out gas in the total balance of degassing, 20kg ingots of steel ShKhl5 smelted at various currentintensities were analysed along their height for oxygen. The results obtained were compared with the evolution of gas (recalculated on oxygen) in the course of smelting, To exclude from the calculations the influence of the absorption of Sa3es by the crown of the ingot, the calculations were carried out assuming that the velocity of gas evolution is the same during the whole period of melting and equals the velocity of gas evolution in the top part of the crucible. For crucibles 100 min in diameter, at a current intensity of 1200 A, the flotation of inclusions plays the main role in the refining of the metal; thereby the reduction of oxides with carbon was not observed. on increaBing the current to 1400 A the nature of refining remains the same but reduction of the floated inclusions in the surface layer of the bath in the anode region was observed. If the current intensi* is increased to 2500-3000 A a reduction of oxides takes place in the whole volume of the bath. The results of smelting at 5000 A could not be interpreted and require further studies. Card 5/6 1 Kinetics of the gas evoiution during... S/l48/6l/OOo/ooq/oo5/oi2 . E071/E135 There are 4 figures, 2 tables and 5 referencess 4 Soviet-bloc and I English. The English language reference reads as follow3s Ref.5: G.W. Suiter. G. Electrochemical Society, 1958, Y-105, No.!. ASSOCIATION:.Moskovskiy institut stali (Moscow Steel Institute) SUBMITTED: March 30, 1961 Card 6/6 39065 S/148/62/000/005/002/009 E071/B135 AUTHORS: Belyanchikov, L.'N., Grigorash, R.N.9 and Panov, A.V. TITLE: Arc vacuo smelting of chromiumnickel and ironchromiumnickel alloys with the application of vibrations PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Chernaya metallurgiya, no-5, 1962, 69-77 TEXT: The influenc4 of the electrical smelting conditions and'of vibrations on the properties of the Fe-Cr-Ni alloy H 36XTVO (N361chTyu) and a Cr-Ni alloy on the metal quality was investigated in order to establish optimum smelting conditions. The metal for the 65 min diameter electrodes was'melted in a 50 kg open induction furnace Vith a magnesite crucible and remelted in a laboratory vacuo are furnace. From the heats 7kg ingots, 85 mm in diameter and 170 min high, were produced. Heats of the N36KhTYu alloy were produced, with and without 233 c-P-s- vibrations, using current intensities of 1500*, 2400 and 3400 A (175, 280 and 400 A/cm of the crucible diameter) and vacuo of 1 x 10-3 - 2 x 10-3 min Hg.- the ingots obtained were cut in half Card 1/3 Arc vacuo smelting of ... 39065 s/148/62/000/005/002/009, E071/El35 longitudinally. One half was used for macx-osections; the other was forged into a rod 20 mm in diameter from which specimens for tests and analyses were made. All ingots forged satisfactorily; ingots melted at 1500 A forged better than others. Ingots melted with vibrations had the same ductility as ingots melted without vibrations for the heats produced with current intensities of - 1500 and 2400 A and a somewhat lower ductility for heats produced with 3400 A. The degree of oxygen degassing (i.e. removal of non-metallic inclusions) increases with increasing current intensity; with vibrations the maximum degree of degassing is obtained at about 300 A/cm of crucible diameter, without vibrations at about 400 A/cm. The macrostructure showed that changes in the electrical conditions and use of vibrations have a strong influence on the crystallization. Vibrations result in a sharp decrease of the zone of columnar crystals and formation Y of a large zone of equiaxial crystals in the centre. There is nearly linear relationship between the current intensity and the diameter of the latter zone. Luminescence analysis indicated that, in addition to the zone adjacent to the shrinkage cavity, the zone Card 2/3 39065 Are vacuo smelting of S/1118/62/000/005/002/009 E071/E135 of columnar crystals is most affected by internal defects. Therefore, with increasing current intensity and power of the vibrator, the zone free from internal defects should increase. Creep tests indi'cate that with increasing current intensity and superposition of vibrations there is a substantial improvement in. the creep resistance. Optimum malting conditions: 300-350 A/cm of crucible diameter using vibrations of a high power. A single phase Cr-Ni alloy,was melted under the following conditions: 3GOO A (350 A/cm), 167 C.P.S. vibrations using a vibrating rod of 76 mm diameter Ocinetic moment 0.35 kgcm). For comparison the same alloy was melted without vibrations; the ingots melted without vibrations could not be forged despite a-prolonged annealing, while ingots melted with vibrations forged satIsfactortly. The creep strength at 800, 850 and 900 *C improved considerably as a result of vibration during melting. There are 4 figures and 5 tables. ASSOCIATION: Ploskovskiy institut stali (Moscow Steel Institute) SUBMITTED: December 26, 1961 Card 3/3 1~ BELYANCHIKOVI.Il.R.; GRIGORASHp R.N.; YEVSEYEVp P.P.; PANOV, A.V. (deceased] Peculiarities of the operating conditions of electric slag refining equipment. Izv. Vs. ucheb. sav.; chern. net. 6 no.7s76-82 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Moskovskiy institut stali i splavov. (Zone melting) (Electrometallurgy) -P ~t, RR F2. ACCESSION Y.R: AP5002976"' S/013YA5/000/001/0071/0M 0 AIMIOR., Belyanchikov, L. N* (Candidate of technical sciences) T sin UELE, Degqs of steel in.-the soltd.state SOURCE: Stalt, no.' 1, 1965,.7 U42 TOPIC TAGS- e& 9 ng vAcuum anneall!* f steel 1Khl8N steel _!j!4,jss1ng ol!4:d a si steel ShKhl5, steel 45KhN2SVZj steel 7 9MA- steel Kh20N8O ste-l E1661 7-77" AB - STRACT: 111dern. technology r6quizes steej~ Vith minimum gas liberation in a vac - utnn at high temperatures. VAcuum meltingWea not always achieve such results, Thereyore, the author investic, Ated degassing of several types of steel in 4 special Q, vacuum retort made of IRMSN914teel. The retort could stand shert heating up to 1300C and long runs at 800C. hined rods of 55-70 mn diameter were degassed at ,M.4 a pressure of 1.1o-5 MM Ug. Upon reaching the desired temperature, the vacuum pump was switched off and the increasing pressure measured. Gas samples were ana- lyzed. The results are tabulated for each atael type showing total degassing in m~31vec. at the given tempdratui:e. Gas liberation by the retort itself was taken into account. Cases conn,tsCed of 1120 N2. OV Co and C02- On the average, the 02 -naces ZTED SOURCE: Blaktr.otermiyac,..Iiauahno-tal(hno abot v"o 42p 1964P ~ i19-21 VOPIC TAGS: ~,orystallizationt,..Vaeuum-,arc Awnaceg ingotp -vacuum :~.'meltingp stabilization :TRANSLATION: To decrease waste.of metalss, it is n6oessary to choose., ensure a maximum Aesree. n- tof stabiIii i'' the qrystalliz'~tkdn and-'.~eftnliig of the me ~throu&out the thielmess of the:in'got. The article gives equations Use o the -redommonded oondit ions: j~3iidts -raii ing the-yielCok usable ngots: 11-a-awmn meltk&from 70-750'to 85-90%, 3 figurese Do Kas -p-', -777777 77- -7 77 k-474UM --- RUIN)JUM(t )JETT T.TP(e-) M ACC NP- AR6005796 SOURCE CODE: UR/0137/65/000/010/Bols/Bow, AUTHOR.- Belpmehikov. N. 4 TITLE: Glow-discharge degassing of the Inner cavity of high-vacumn furnace. 31 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Metallurglya, Abe. 10B90 REP SOURCE: Elektrotermiya. Nauchno-tekhn. ob., vyp. 43, 1965, 14-17 TOPIC TAGS: glow discharge, vacuwn degassing, desorption, carbon steel ABSTRACT: The employment of high-voltage glow discharge (P) makes It pol#h'ible to marked- ly enhance the rate of vacutun desorption from the surface of metal productsjiknd the optimal..;. pressure this requires is of the order of 1. Irz-5-10-2 mm Hg. The rate and completeness ofe~ the degassing are maximal when the polarity "treated product-anode, atudliary elmtrode- -cathode" is utilized, Degassing rate Increases with increasing power of P. Under optimal conditions the increase in degassing rate on employing P amounts for carbon steel to 4- 10'9 nczn3/cMkw-sec. V. Pryanikova. (Translation of abstract] SUB-CODE: 20, 13, U CWj 1/1 af UDC: 669.1;66.041.82 L W037-66 W(k)/EWr(m)/EW~(t.)/F.T1 IJP(c) JH/JD 7ACC NRs Ap6olvoi SOURCE CODE UR/0136166/000/005TO09VO09 ..AUTHOR: B9yanchikoVj-1,.jt-. ORO: none TITLE: Smelting of aluminum alloys in a vacuum are furnace equipped with a consume;. able electrode (Abstract of a scientific research paper) SOURCEt TovetMya metally,, no. 5, 1966, 94-95 TOPIC TAGS: aluminum alloy,, vacuum are furnace., else ic are, vacuum are., Yh4ak ABSTRACT: 4The electrical conditions, cryatallizationlyrocesses, and the change in the chemical composition of the metal during smelting of aluminum alloys in a vacuum arc furnace with consumable electrode were studied.- The experimental results are presented graphically (see Fig. 1). The dependence of the rate of electrode malting and the depth of the liquid bath R on the current I in oven by, 10-2P -'2004, H =2 0,35 -10`4 V- 3A It is also shown that the profile shape of the liquid bath during vacuum Ara Crd L 40037-& ACC NRs AP6017301 -x 0 0 / . . V0 1 j 71 10 )OPA 9 Fig. 1. The effect of current strength oat. 1 - voltage; 2 - rate of electrodo malting (o - alloy., 95% Al + 5% Mo; v - alloy., 98% Al + 2% Zn); 3 - depth of liquid bath (alloy Al Zn). M AM LW malting is given by 14 .Y 2 MR t x V 3 X- I FR -2 where R is the ingot radius., is the coefficient of heat conduction of the 'ard 9 PA 0 L 40037-a ACC NR3 AP6017301 metal, and 0( is the coefficient of heat transfer from the ingot side surfaces* It was found that the beat conditions for smelting were obtained for KV R and 1 1200 amp. Orig. art, hass 1 graph ind 4 equations* SUB CODEs 21131 MBM rATE: none/ ORM RU: 002 ~~313 BELYANCHIKOV, L.N.; GRIGORASH, R.N.; PANOV, A.V. Electricara-vacuum smelting of chromium-nickel and iron-chromimij nickel alloys with use of vibwation. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 5 no.5:69-47 162. (MIU 15:6) 1. Moskovskiy inst.itut stali. (Iron-chromium-nickel alloys-Zlectrometallurgy) (Chromiw~-njckel allo'YO-Electrometallurgy) BELUNCRIKOV. M.P., inzhener. Development of high-speed spindle design based on rolling antifriction bearings. PodshIpnIk no.7:1-5 Jl '53. WAA 6:8) (Roller bearings) bf-LYANCtimov) m-P, SPITM. T.A.. dokkar tekhniaheskM amak, profeenori MTANCHMV. M.P. Anzhenere Operation of electric interml grindIng spindles. Vest, mah- 33 no.12:26-28 D 053- 0= 6SI2) (Grinding and polishing) 8/124/6o/lboo/006/'036/039 AOO5/AOO1 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 19.60, No. 6, P. 181, # 8129 AUTHORS: Belyanchikov, M.P .Narodetskly, M.Z., &itsyn, N.A. TITLE: The Development of the Theory of Calculation of Antifriction Bear- --ings During 15 years PERIODICAL: Tekhnol. podshipnikostroyeniya, 1958, No. 17, PP. 181-193 TEXT: The authors present a brief review on the theoretical investigations applied to antifriction bearings. These investigations may be divided into a number of divisions; 1) Contact problems of the elasticity theory. Works on investigation of the contact stresses pertain hereto, which arise between the ball or the roller-and the race of the bearing. 2) The application of the classical methods of the two-dimensional elasticity theory to the solution of several prob- lems of antifriction bearing designing. The problem of stresses is solved, which occur in the bearing races. On the basis of this work, minimum allowances were determined which are necessary for mounting the bearing into the engine case. 3) The development of new methods for solving the problems of the two-dimensional elasticity theory for calculating the components of antifriction bearings. The Card 1/2 8/124/60/000/006P36P39 A005/AO01 The Development of the Theory of Calculation of Ant1friction Bearings During 15 Years stresses In plates with circular apertures are considered by new methods. 4)The investigation of the load distribution between the rolling bodies of the bearing. Results are presented of works on determining the distribution of the axial and radial loadi between the balls of radial thrust bearings.- 5) The investigation of the influence of the radial gap on the carrying power and the service life of antifriction bearings, It turned out that the carrying power of the bearings rapidly decreases with an Increasing gap between the balls and rollers and the races of the bearing. The optimum conditions of the bearing operation are ob- tained for zero-gap. 6) Investigations of kinematics and dynamics of spe-cial shapes of bearings. The kinematics and dynamics of the motion of the balls in t1irust bearings are considered. 7) Theoretical investigation of high-speed bearings and loads, to which the bearing elements are Aubjected at high speeds. The loads Affecting the bearing retainer and the heat emission in +,be bearing arre determined. A.I. Golubev Tran;slator's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. Card-2/2 "', MiLYAWHIKOV. M~P.; PLISKOV. Tu.T.; FORINOT, T.G. Instrument with a rotating disc electrode., 34 no.7:1638-1642 J1 160. (MIRA, 1327) 4 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR, Inatitut elaktrokhimiis (Blectrodes) (Chemical apparatus) BAYKOVp S,F.j kand. tekhn. nauk; BELENKOI I.S., kand, tekhn. nauk; MLKOV YANCHIKOV,_KZ... :Lnzh.; BERNSHTM~ ', S.F.0 Imb.; BEL I.L., inzb.; BOGORODIffflY, -D.D., inzh.-; BOLCUOVA, Ye.V., kand, tekhn, nauk.; EROZGOLI, I.M., kand, tekhn.nauk; VLADIMIPOV, V.B., in2h.; VOLKOV, P.D., kand. tekhn. nauk; GERASIMOVAy N.N... inzh.; ZHUKROVITSKIY, A.F.,, inzh.; KLBARGIV, M.F., inzh.; KAEEVTSOV, V.M., kand. tekhn. nauk; KOLOTWOV., I.V.t inzh.; KOIIDRATIYEV., I.M.# inzh.; KUZNETSOV, I.P., kand. tekhn. nauk; LIVGV, D.S., kand. tekhn, nauk; LYSOKO, I.Ya,, kand, tekhn, nauk; MAKAROV~ L.M., inzh.; OLLTNIK, N.D., inzh.; RABINER, Ye.G., inzh.; ROZHDESTVENSKIX Xu L., kand. tekhn. nauk; SAKHONIKO., I.M.3 kand. tekhn. n~uokf SOIDOROVy P.N., inzh.j SPITSYN, N.A., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk; SPRISHEVSKIY, A.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; CILIRIKOVI V.T., kand. tekhnma~k; SHEYNp A.S., kand. tekhn. nauk; NIBERG, N.Ya.p nauchnyy red.; BIAGOSKLONOVA, N.Yu., inzb., red. izd-va; SOKOIDVAy T.F., tekhn. red. (Antifriction bearings; manual] Podshipniki kacheniia; spra- vochnoe posobie. Moskva, Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashino- stroit. lit-ry., 1961 828 p. (MIRA 15:2) (Bearings (Machinery)) B,ELYANCHIKOV9 N.1.9 kand,tekbn.nauk, dotsent Milking machine with vacuum protection for the teat. Izve TSKhA no.4;239-240 161. (Mi1king machines) (MIRA6 W-9) BELYANCHIKOV, N. N. Dissertation; gResearch Into the Proems of Oil Produation and Its Rechanisation on Gollective bmd State Farms." Cand Tech Sci, 14oscow Inst of the mechaalzatlon ard Electrification of Agriculture, Moscow 1953. W-30928 SO: Referativnyy Zhurnal, No. 5. Dec 1953, Moscow, AN USSR (NjjjtLt) MYANCEIIMV, N.H., kand.tekhn.nauk A fast-pulse milking upchine. ZhIvotuoyodetvo 20 no-11:75-76 N 158, (mm n: n) (Milking machines) TROFINOV, Vladimir Ivanovich, kand. tekbn. nauk; j~~ANCHMVp Nikol-ay Nikolayevich,kand.tekhn.nauk; FEDOTOV,V.G.,red. - ~ -1 ~ - ~;. I-.-. - :. ". -" ~.. (Mechanization of labor consumini processes on livestock fams] Mekhanizatsiia trudoemkikh protsessov na zhivotno- vodcheskikh fermakh. Moskva, Roggellkhozizdat,, 1964. 304 p. (MIR& 18:12) BELYANCHIKOV, F.P. imh. .74 UM level indicator. Stroi.i dor.mash. 6 no.8j24 Ag 161. (MM 14t8) (Level indicators) ,-JLELYANCHIKOV, P. P. --.inzh. Mechanization of the extraction of natural wall stone. Stroi. i dor. Ydash. 7 no.5:25-28 MY,162. (141RA 15:5) (Stonecutting) (Quarries and quarrying) (Autmatio control) GALIPERIN, M.I.j doktor tekhn, nauks prof.; ABEZOAUZ, V.D.s kand. tekhn. nauk; BEIYANCRIKOV.. F.P... inzhoj rateenzent; OTDELINOV, V.D., tekbn. red. Ifft~iecutting machines] Mashiry dlia rez'aniia kamia. lzcl,2,, perer. i dap. Movkva, Mashgiz,, 1964. 338 p. (KM 17:3) BF-LYA14CHIKOV P.P. inzh.; PRONIN, G.N., inzh.; SUNDATOV, V.I., inzh. Modernized ADUB automatic weig4ing batchmeter for cyclic Irr operation. StroiA dw.mash. F 162. PURA 15:5) (Proportioning equipment) (Concrete) BELTANCWPV,. IF-tN., redaktor, inzhener. . _parts for the 3-257 exc Egiki~iqg-o- y9arjug avatorl Ketalog ixnjLqh!vaiushcb4kbsIa detalei ekskavatora.Z-257. Moskva, Gon. ifauabno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostrott. I sudostroit. lit-ry, 1953. Pt i.'liussda (1923 U.S.S.R.) Ministeretyo transportnoge I tyashe- logo mashinostroyanlya. Upravleniye iakazov i abyta. (Exoavating mohluery) BILYANCHILOV, V.N., inzhoner, redaktor. [Catalog of wearing parts for the 1-1003 and 3-1004 power shovels] Katalog isnashivaiushchikhoia detalei ekskavatoroy B-1003 1, 2-1004- Moskva. Goo. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. I audostroit. lit-ry. 1953. 25 P. WaA 7:4) 1. Russia (1921- U.S.S.R.) Hinisterotvo transportnogo i tyaxhologo mashinostroeniya. Upravlenis zakazov I sbyta. (Excavating machinery) BBLYANCMOV, VA., inshener, redaktor. (catalog of wearing parts of the A-303 power shovel] Katalog Isna- shivaiushchik.heia detalei skskavatora 11-505. Moiskya, Goe.nauebAo-tekbn. izd-vo mashinostroit.,i. sudostroit. lit-rY, 1953. 119 P. (=A 1:6) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) HinisterOtTO trausportnogo i tyashelogo mashinostroyeniya. Upravlenlye sak&sov L sbyta. (Excavating machinery) 13ELTANCHIZOV, V.S., inzhener, redaktor; MOM', B.r., tekhnichaskiy re- "WRWmm uajLrj or (Catalog of wearing parts of road machinex7l latalog iznashivaiu- shchikhaia detalei dor02hriykh mashin. Moskva. Goa. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo masbinostroitallnot lit-rjr, 1954. 382 p. (HMA 8:6) I.Russia (1923- U.S.S.Rj Hjuisterstvo stroitellnogo i dorosh- nogo mashinostroodia, (Roacl machiner.0