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BELISKIY. LF New method of synthesizing pyrrolese Con7ersion of furanamines to 2.,4-dialkylpyrroles. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.9:290f-2911 S 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii imeni N.D. Zelirskogo AN SMR. (Awan-mine) (Pyrrole) SHUYKINJ, N.I.; BEI~T$KIY, I.F.; VASILEVSKAYA, G.K. Hydrogenation of 2-meth3rl-5-acetylfuran on catalysts containing metals of the VIIIt# group. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.9:2911-2914 s 162. (MA 15:9) A 1. Institut organichaskgy khimii imeni N.D. Zelinskogo All SSSR. (Puran) (Hydrogenation) (Cdalysts) SHUYKIN, N.L; BELISKIY LF.1 KMMANOVV R.A. Thermal traneformations of dihydrofuranse Izv.AN SSSR.Otd.khime nauk no.2t377-378 F 163s (KM 164) 1, Institut organicheskoy khimii im, N.D,Zelinskogo AN SSSR. (Furen) SHUrKINI N.J.; BELISKIYO IF,; SKOBTSOVAp G.Ye, -catalytic transformation of amines of the furan series to pyrrole homologs. IzvAN SSSR*Otd.khim.nauk no*2078-380 F 163., (KMA 16:4) 1. Institut organicheek khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo 0 SSSR. FuranO5 py~role) SHUYXINI N.I.; VASILEVSKAYAq Hydrogetation of 2-methyl-5-acety1furan on skeletal catalysts* Izv.AN WSR.Otd' (MIRA 16 .khim.nauk no.39525-528 Mr 163. 1, Inatitut organicheskoy khimli im. N,D*Zelinpkogo AN SSSR,, Mran) (Hydrogenation) SHURIN, N.I.; BELISM, I.F.; GRUSHKO9 I.Te. Interaction of P - and,(~oxides with phosphorus chlorides, Izv.AN SSSR.Otd.khim.nauk no.3:557-558 Hr 163, (MM :0634) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinakogo AN SSSRO I (Phosphorus chlorides) (Oxides) BKLISKIY I.F.- SHYUKIN,, N.I. Now method of synthesizing 2.,4,,5.,-trialkylfurans* Izro AN SSSR. Otd. khia. nauk no.4:723-726 Ap 163. (MIRA 16 :3) 1. Institut organichookoy kh4vail im. N.D.Zelingleogo AN SSSR. (Awan) SHUYKIN, N.I.,-, GRUSHKO, I.Te.; KARAKHANOVI R.A. Synthesis of 1,3.,4-trihaloalkame. Iz7v. A,N SSSR. Otd.khim.nauk ho~6;1088 J'e 163, (MM 16t7) 1. Institut organichaskoy khimii imeni Zelinskogo, AN SSSR. (Paraffins) (Halogen compoxinda) BELISKIYY I.-F.;.SHUYKINp N.I,; SHOSTAKOVSKIY, V.M. Catalytic hydrogenation of furan and aliphatic hydroxy compounds by the flow method'under elevated hydrogen pressure. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser.khim. noOsI631-161~ S 163. (MM l6tq) 1. Imstitut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zslinskogo AN SSM. (Furanaorylic acid) (Hydrogenation) (Alcohols) BELISKIYl I.F..; SHUYKINq N.I.; SKOBTSOVA, G.Ye. Conjugated hydrogenolysis in the synthesis of pyrrolidine homologs. Izv. AN SSSR, Sar,khim, no.9:1675-1678 3 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Institut orgatichaskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelingko o AN SSSR. (Hydrogenation) (Pyrrolidirel Trz! ~'T SHUYKIN, N.I.;. EELISKIY., I.F...; SKOBTSOVA, G.Y-9. Catal~ic synthesis of higher pyrrole and pyrrolidine homolop from -furylalkylamines. Izv. AN SSM. Ser.khim. no.9s 1678-1680 S 163. (EMA 16:9) 1. Institut or aniahaskoy khimii im. N.D.7,elinskoge AN SSSR. Canamins) tPyrrole) (Pyrrolidins) I SOBOLLFV, Ye.V,; ALENSANYAN, V.T.1 XARAKHANOV., R.A.j-WliIlqlr'ry,.k-,F OVODOVA, V.A. Raman apectra of ame a3l*l-aubBtituted furaka, Zhur,strukt k 4 no.3:35&363 W-Je 163. 1. Komissiya po spektroakopii AN SSSR. (Puran-Speatra) BFIISKIYI I.F.; SHUY-KINp N#I& Catalytic hydrogenation and hydrogenolysis of furan compounds* Us.p khim. 32 no.6:707-736 Je 163. (MMA 16:8) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii AN SSSR imeni N.D. Zelinskogo. (Furan) (Hydrogenation) SMK11%1, N.I., KOVACS 0., X1 , BARTOK, M.; Institute of Organic t _";-S ~~, - F - - Chemistry N.D. Zelinskii of the Aeademy of Science of the USSR, 14oscow and Institute of "Organic Chemistry, University of Szeged (original language versions not given). Catalytic and Thermic Conversions of Cyclic Ethers.u Budapest, Acta Chimica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Vol 38, No 2, 1963, pages 115-121. Abstract: [English article. authors' English summary3 Results of-joint in- vestigations,obtained thus the conclusion that a/ the direction of the hydrogenolysis of a-substituted cyclic ethers depends on the number of members in the ring, on the nature of the substituents, on the applied pressure and mainly, on the nature of the catalyst used; b/ that the thermo- lysis of a-substituted oxethanes is independent of the nature of the substi- tuent and of the applied packing; c/ that the catalytic isomerization of a-substituted oxethanes is accompanied by the cross-splitting of the ring. 9 Eastern European, 7 Western references. 2 SHUYKIN, SHOSTAKOVSKIY, V.M.; KARAKHANOV, R.A. Synthesis of tetrahydrofuran, ketones and their isomerization to 20'-diketones. Dckl. AN SSSR 151 no.6:1350-135,1 Ag 163, (MIRA.16:10 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. SHUYKIN,, ~.I.; IMLISKIY,, I-?.;.VASILEVSKAYA, G.K.; SHOSTAKOVSKJY, v.M. me"4 Hydrogenation of 2-mothyl-5-acety1furan .in the liquid phase. IZv-AN SSSR.Ser.khii.- no*811475-1478 kg 163. (KMA 16s9) 1. Institut organichaakoy khimii im. N.D.Zel-inakogo AN SSSR. (Ketone) Ob*ogenation) BELISKIY I F SHUYKIN# Nolo; SHOSTAKOVSKIY, V.M. Catalytic synthesis of ?19-ketocarboxy3.ic 6stemi ty the method of conjugate hydrogenolysis. Dokl..AN SSSR 152 no./+:862- 864 0 163.* (MIRA 16:11) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D. Zelinskogo AN SSSR. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Shu7kin). SHUYKINp N.I.; LISKU".F.; SHOSTAKOVSKIY, V.H.; XMIKOV, S.M.; GN&ORMY-CAYA, G.K. Conversion of -ketocarboxylic acid esters to lactams. Dokl. AN SSSR 153 no.3:628-630 N 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Institut organ~cheskoy khimii im. N.D. Zelinskogo AN SSSR. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for ShiWkin). BELISKIYI I*F,; SHUMNp N.I*; KARAI(WOVp RwA* Synthesis of y-ketols and dihyclkofurans based on 1-fur7l-3-al- kanols. Izv,AN SSSR,Serekbims lo*2:326-331 F 164- (KIM 17: 3) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N04elinskege AN SSSR. BELISKIY I SH=Np N.I.; VOLINOVAo Z.K. Synthesis and isomerization of 2,,2-dialkyl-5-propyltetrahydro- furanse Izv*AN SSSR.Ser,khims no*2;369-371 F 164* (KERL 170) 1. Institut organichaskoy kbimii im. N.D.Zolinakago AN SSSR. SHUYKIN, N.I.; BELISKIY, I.F.; SAVEKINA~ O.N. Catalytic rbduotion of furan carbonvl- and.hydro.Vl-containing compounds. '*Izv. AN SSSR. Ser.khim. no.3t534-537 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. Sl UYKIN, N, I.; APIOK, Y.; BATITOK, M.; KARAKIIANOV, R. A. Synthesis and tsomerization of 2-n-propyl-5-phenylt-lrafuran. Izv AN SSSR Ser Khim no. 4:746-747 Ap 164. (?IRA .17:5) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii, im. N. D. Zelinskogo AN SSSR. SIUYKIN, N. I.;,RFLl 1~~IY_~. F.; KARAKHANOV, R. A.; KOZKAJ, B.; BARMK, M. Isomerization of tetrahydropyrans. Izv AN SSSR Ser Khim no. 4:747-750 Ap 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo AN SSSRo SHLrYKIN,- N. I.; BE~ISKIY, 1. F.; KARAKHANOV, R. A.; NAZARYAK, A. A. Synthesia of -dlketones by conjugated 'ydrogenolysis. Izv AN SSSR Ser Khi.m no, 4:750-751 Ap 16,10 (MIRA -15) 1. InstWit organichaskoy khimii im. N. D, Zelinskogo AN SSSR, N.I.; FETROVO P.D. [deceased]; GU'KHOVTSEV SKOBTSOVA, G.Ye. Synthesis of furanamines and their catalytic conversion to nitrogen- containing five-membered haterooyales. Izv.AN SSSR.Ser.khim,, no.9: 1682-1685 S 164. (MIRIL 17110) 2. Institut organicheskoy khiaii im, N.D.Zelinakogo All SSSR. SHUYKIN. N.Io; BELISKI7, I*Fo; SHOSTAKOVSKIY) V.MG . ..... Catalytic syntbesiB Of o~-,alkyl-Y-ketoenanthlc, eBterv. Mmr. ob. khim. 34 no.7t2118-2120 JI 164 (MM 17t8) le Institut organicheakoy khinii imeni N.Do Zelinskogo AN MR. BELISKIY, I.F.; SHUYKIN, N.I.; SHOSTAKOVSKIY, V.M.; AN, V.V. JO and furylacrylic Catalytic transformations ofe-furylpropion- acids during hydration in the vapor phase. Dokl~;N SSSR 156 no. /+-.861-864 Je 164. Nin 17:6) 1. Institut organichaskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. 2. Chen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Shuykin). SIPJYKIN, N.I.; SHOSTAKOVSKIY., V.M.;, B.ELISKIY, I.F. Catalytic i3omerization offl-tetrahydrofurylpropionic esters. Dokl. AN SSSR 156 no. 5;1137-1139 Je 164. (MIIRA 17:6) 1. Institut organicheskoy klilmii im. N.D. Zelinskogo AN SSSR. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Shuykin). BELISKIY, I.F.; SHUYKINP N.I.; SKOBTSOVA, G.Ye. Catalytic transformation of furanamines to 2j4-dialkyl pyrroles. Izv, AN SSSR. Ser. khim. no*6:1118-1120 Je 164. Synthesis of 215-dialkylpy.-rolidinea by ~,onjugated catalytic hydrogenolysis or ruranamines. Ibid..-1120-1123 (MIRA 17:11) 1. Instutut organicheakoy khimii im. N.D. Zelinskogo AN SSSR. SHUYKIN, N.I.; BELISKIY, 1,.F*; VOLTIDVA, Z.K. . Synthesis of trialkyl~etrahydrofurans by the method of catalytic isomerization. of V--itetrahZdrofury1a1kano3x. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. khim. no,6:1128-113d A 164. (MIRA 17;11) 1. Institui--i~~eheskoy khimii im. H.D. Zelinakogo AN SSSR. f F.- '711MIN, N.I.; AWAFOROVA, G.YP,. ji-* ';~nthasl- of -0 oline homologe. Tl.,,vo AN .56.SE Ser, 'Khlm. no.l.. Yrr --162 164. 60 ~ I I- .1. Lnstitut 6rg -..-.,3A'-ogo AN SSSR. -,anichasloy kh!ml,- im.. N.D. Zellr 0 ABC, A-WVTTb. , G.Y'3. Conjugated hydrogerolysis In the syn,,-rifijj3 Of 2,5-diaLkylpyrroles. 0 izv. AN SS3R Ser. no.!:163-165 16-, 041RA 18:2) L. inct-I.I.iJ. crg~,nicheakcy khIm!l i.,% N.D. AN SSSR. GLUKHOVTSEV, V.G.;.BELISKIY. I.F.: ZAKHAROVA, S.V.; VOLINOVA Z.K. Synthesis of tetrahydrofuran aldehydes. Izv. AN SSSIR Ser. khim. no.2: 357-359 '65- 0 - (MIRA 18:2) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D. Zelinskogo AN SSSR. m SHMIN, IT.I.; AN, V-V.; SHOSTAKOVSKIY, Hydrogenation of furylpropionic acid on catalr.;ts containing certain metals of ~he group VIII. Izv. AN SSSR Ser. khIm. no.!-1: 2102-2103 N 161+ (MIRA 18zl) 1. Institut organIcheskoy khimli im. N.D. Zelinskogn AN SSSR. -Z, -00 L -fei L TOP CCESSION ITR: AT5008625 512333164 11-~ x raTHMS: Shuykin, N. L Bel skiyj 1. P. Barkovska-ya, L. Ya.; GaraSIMOT, Mt X, ITITUt Synthesis of some cyclic sulfidq$' ;SOURCE: All SSSR. Bashltti-vskiy filial. ~Ii---iya mar.--LoTTL-iicheskikh soyedineniy, acdarzhashchikhaya v neftyakh i nefteproduktakh, v. 7, 1964, 56-60 TOKC TAGS': sulfido, cyclic group, cyclization, thiophane, organosulfurt furans., sodium sulfide, cyclic sulfide 'ABSTRACT: A method for synthesizing 2,3,5-trialkylthiorlhanes was developed to produce them- in quantities sufficient for eycperi--,~-,ntati~n with orb-anosulflux cc--- poizids at the institut nrganicheskoy khiaii Bash7,.f SSSF ~'---stitute of OrgarAc; ~,%c.-.iistry RashFILq SSSR). Trialkyl-replac-cd thi-o-phsnes ve:-e obtalned from- triall7l replaced tetrahydrofwranes produced by the method proposed by -1. F. Bel I skiy and N. -~. -E'huyk~ (Izv. AN SSSR, 9, 1956, 1962). Furfuro; arld al~Dhlatic alciehydes and ketones served as the basic a,.Obstances for the prod-action of tr1aI'--YItetraI7qd--o- furanes (y--eld of 70-90%) by a procedure which is descr-lbed and illustrated. Tetrahjdrofurame hommalogs were hydrobrominated at 1100%120C to produce thicphar-es. Subaequent cyclization with sodium aulfido ; and cxtraction FToduced now cyclic 'Card BELI SKIr, To R. Bellskiy, I. R. - OMMatrical speed control on woodworking machiness" Trucbr Kirova, No 65, 1949,p. 285-200 SO: U-524o, 17, Dec. 33, (iatopis zhurnal Inykh Statay, No. 25, 1949), BELISKII, 1. .1. and others Obshchays elektrotekhnika. Poscow, 1951- 6~pr. A university textbook which deals with the fundaTentals of the electrification of the USSi and the role Russian SGientiets have played in the develorment of electro-technice. The book reviews f!eriaral laws of electricity and ma~netlsm; tublished by the Govt. Fublishing Fouse of Enermatics. BELISKIY. 1, _ k.; BESEKERSKIY., V. A.; DONSKOYO A.V.; PHMMS, A. i.; YURKOVSKIY, YE. K. Electric Engineering "General course on electric engineering for non- electrotechnical higher technical schools. General electric engineering." Reviewed by Profs. V. P. Khashechinskiy, S. A. Press. Elektrichestvo no. 8. 1952, Accessions. Monthl-y Ust 2f ussia Library of Congress, November 1952. UNCUSSIFIED BELISKIY. I. R. Elektrooborudovaniye lesozagot6vitelinykh predpriyatiy (Ele6trical equipment for lumbering enterprises) Moskva, Goelesbumizdatt 1953. 383 p. diagre., tables, "Literatura"; P. (379) S03 N15 729.4 .U LASTOCRKIM. Pavel Vladimirovich; IZRALIYANTS, Vasilly Xikheylovich; MLISKI "--- 1.R redaktor; FEMOT, B.H., redaktor; MM, V.P., tekhnTCFe-GFrY"- ^ -**tor. . rMn [Operating selenium rectifiers] Ekspluatatells aelenovykh VyPrIami- telei. Kookwa, Goolosbumizdat, 1955. 30 Po (an 9: 5) (Bleetric current rectifiers) 10 BM'MIT, losif acmanovichi dotsent, kand.takhn.nauk; VOROMITsym, r.j., W~G -Z.Be, starshiy prepodavatell. retsenzent; ZHESTYANIKOV, V.H,, red.; PITSRW, Ys.L.. red.izd-va; PARAMNAI N.L., (Blectrical equipment for lumbering enterprises] Blektrooboru- dovanis lesosagotovitellnykh predpriiatii. Moskva, Oosiesbum- ixdat, 196o. 06 p. OaRA 13:5) 1. Moskoveldy lasotekhnichaskiy institut (for Ginsburg). (Lumbering-Squipment and supplies) (Electric machinery) KUZIYINOVp Grigoriy Petrovich,, dots., kand/itekhn.- imauk; EELI~Kjjjw", prof'. kand. tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; BUKREYEV, B.A., retsenzent; RO;ii, V.A., dots., kand. tekhn.,nauk, retsenzpnt; SHMESHOV., V.F.V dots., kand. tekhn. naukjretsenzent; YAKOVLEV., N.A.; retsenzent; BEZGODOVA, L.V., r".; URITSKAYA, A.D., tekhn. red. [Thermal electric powe lante in the lumbering industry]79plo- silovye ustanovki les7oi-ppromyefilennosti; uchebnoe posobie d1la studentov vaekh fakulitetov. Leningrad,.Vses. zaocbnyi leso- tekha. in-t. 1962. 198 p, (miRA 16:8) 1. Glavnyy spetsialist otdela energetiki GLT (for Bukreyev). 2. Nacballnik otdela energetiki Gosudarstvennogo instituta. po proyektirovaniyu lesnogo transports (for Yakovlev). (Electric power plants) "BPecte of petroleum mining in the teaching of physics. Politakh. obuch. no,2;64-68 7 '58i (KIRA 11:1) (Physics--Study and teaching) (Petroleum engineering--Study and teaching) BBL I UX&AII. ~, 2 Rectifier made from a dismountable school transformer. Politakh. obuch. no.11:70 N 158. (MIRA. 11:12) 1. Zaveduyusbehiy kabinetom fiziki i matematiki I~zanskogo Institute. itsovershenstvovanlya uchiteleys (Electric current rectifiers) ENLISKIT, M. Let's have more children's shoes of good appearance and quality. Sov. torg. 33 no.8:20-22 Ag '59. (MIRA 12:3-1) (Shoo Industry) 14(6) SOV/112-59-1-344 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnai. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 1, p 47 (USSR) AUTHOR: Bel'skiy, M. 1. -Des gh.-Fedturbe of.-..'. Heating Networks for Supplying Heat to Industrial TITLE: Bases PERIODICAL: Tr. Nauchno-takhn. soveshchantya po proyektir. i str-vu teplovykh setey. M.-L. , Gosenergoizdat, 1956, pp 128-133 ABSTRACT: A list of plants and shops of an industrial base is presented; it contains up to 50 heat-consuming installations. Scattered buildings at the base tend to increase heat-supply line costs. Most consumers require 3-5-atm, saturated steam; only expanded-slag production requires 8-atm, 3000C steam. The blue- prints provide for a segregated steara-supply system of 4-5 and 8-10 atm. A requirembnt is formulated to concentrate all higher-pressure steam consumers in one arei. of the site. A large number of small heat consumers necessitates- simplification in pipe laying and use of buildings as supporting structures for Card 1 /Z SOV/112-59-1-344 DeiAgn,Featureb_-._.of.., Heating Networks for Supplying Heat to Industrial -Bises heating pipelines. A method of pipeline laying in permafrost soils is considered. Publication of an album of drawings of heat-network typical components and designs is considered desirable. M. L. Z. Card 2/2 eEL'SKIY, M BELISM, H, ole of wholesale bases In mesting.the demands of the people. Sov. 7 158. 1. Rachallnik Glavobuyltorga. .(shoo industry) BELISKII, M. The plant attained its rated output* Na stroi, Ron. 3 no.12x7-8 D 162 (MIRA 16:2) Is GlavWy inshe Novokusnetokogo savoda krupnopmnel Inogo domostroyaniyao (Novokuznetsk-Concrete plantis) BEVSKIYp M. X. 25916 Bellekly, M. K. Modifikataiya kostno-plsaticheskoy reamputatsil Dznaneliaze, reb: problemy voestanovit. leoheniya invalldov Oteches voyny. Astrakhan'. 1948, a, 263-66 SO: Lotopial Zhurnal Statey, No. 30, Moscow, 1948 BELISXIY, M.N.; TB%YTLIN. D.A., inzhener. - Greater selection and better quality in footwear. log. prom. 15 no-11:17-19 N 155. (KLU 9:2) l.ffachallnik Glavobavitorge. Ministerstva torgovli SSSR (for Bellskiy). (Shoo industry) t BELISKIYO M04. Stratigraphy of-ancient metamorphic formations in the Lyapin region in the light of new data. Inform. sbor. NIIGA no.31: 25-36 162, (MIRA 16:12) BELISKIY, N. They bave again reached the leading position. Zhil.-kom.khose 10 no.414-6 160. (KnU 13:6) 1. Predsedatelt ispolkoms, Toronezhakogo gorodskogo Sovets, deputatov trudyashohikhaVas (Voronezh-Muni*ipal services) L'S K 0 HeteoroboO .cal A .at.- C.- 1 551.32 ~I 19 .a" I., Relkit kelebanUA tomperaturY a& Chernomorskom pobtraWl KaTkam so Vol. 4 No~ 3 ~,Osz."IiWfal I Morozatal. [Rapid changes of temperature an the lllaft~Sea Coast of Can Ron .1 A _dr6meeorotoricheskil I - . PO ?4rch 1953 cco-Psaled by f-1-3 f, CM * m A Subtrop -E -7- c. 5 tabi D WiMOICUSko"S Rafoxiroganjim jk;.s;F3aW.7o7T76-l2S.l93d. 45maps,5tabi The BiblioMp4.on Proof comprthensivt synoptic analysis of frost conditions on the sea coast of the Caucasus. u -jrj and Frost Foreoutingtilecem two pilacipal types of synoptic situations during these frosts: 1) when the advectioll f 0 slrwav~~'oomu from the "a and 13 accompanied by northedy and northwesterly winds. and 2) I the coastal line coming from over the mountain range andd [its aaccompan by !the air flow ruches northeasterly 'xinds. A list of frosts la the Sochi-Baturn area for the period 1832-1932 is attached. 'Subftd Urddinss: 1. 5 ON conditions for frost 2. Frost frgolu4sciss BEISKIYp N. I. "Synoptic Conditions of Leningrad Floods". Tr. OkeanoRr. in-ta No 27,, pp 43-.80,9 1954. The main cause of Leningrad floods is the fluctuation of the Baltic s-ea lev-elj, produced by strong winds., variation of.atmospheric pressure,, or passage of cyclones. These meteorological and hydrological data should be studied for flood forecasting. (RZhFiz, No 11, 1955) SO: Sum No 884, 9 Apr 1956 P Of -yi '~ 6' 13 13' t 'Rubyeo biN 962) 4 tals band 0.044.0er c t:' on 8 en ahd:o 4.9 f length 4-04 we re inve -- r f 24: mm ,,The:osoillato * strengths calculated -6 both c. onedzitra t ions were .Oual at.1-5 x 10. the error bein'' 6 er g p dent-for-the OX98 p'e- rceni and~,7.percent for the .0.'044 Per cent Or, It i6w,therefore.concluded that the.oscillator stren .gth of the ruby R lined does -'not:ohdnge 4ben:., ~th erature goes. room* to 8K. -11he authors thank I-#;'V4- Ph i~afTnpd B. L. Lif or continuous. interest , -th jvprk.and' hank - In' useful hintd The autbore't also S. V. -Grtim-Grzhii~avlki%r-m-easu~riti the concentration of, 9, th4i ions fn- the ruby.samples., -This,.report:was.presented,by I.N. Obrei- mov., ~3 formulas r~g. art. baevi.2,figures and ASSOGIA17ON: Instittit eleMentoorgardcheakikJA soyedineniy- Akademii. nauk-SSSR-(1-natitUte of OtitancielefflentAl Compobdej Aeademr of So SSSR) 'A 'd t - Catd,-: 2/~ J; L 163~-,66 2 ., NRI -A ACCESSXON P50 . . SUBMITTED 04NdiWiL , ENCLs -.00 opii OOD9f NR HEY SOW 005. 4 r 77, UPS#~Organic Chemistry. Syifthetie Organic Chemistry X-2 Abs Xour. , Ref 26676 Author Ar onovich Bel! skiyg,:N*K Mihaylovq B.Mv Inst : 1-Aaademy,pf Sciences of USSR. Title : ,Aoti6n.-~of.':Aiitive.Nit:rpgon on Organic Sub- stances:."- Orig Pub A N S 8 R"0 t d V~ :,khime, 1956, No.,:5 .Abstract -:I,.,0cl6hex9n*--n-hix&ne- cyclohexano' C I ., - 1 ~60: 6~ 1 Uj k I a n-butyl 9 0 1 G GOO 6hikahoiii cyc H '41 - `hi id` acid hth 1i ic A f t t l -n- a c o o u c ~ o p , i olole acid-, and, - pt6dric acid (III).interact ac 'tiii_riitrogen,.at.a speed decrea3ing in wit4~. ' , ''the above,.,6rder and,pr6du ce HCN and traoes of dic'yan .ogen. ~.At, the liat er action with-uwatwa- 3,ted.-arid aromatic:,compounds, solid substances Card 1/4 USSR/Organic Chemistry. Synthetic Org~nic Chemistry. E-2 Abs J.our. Ref-Zhur Khimi No. 81 1956, 26676. 10 to.50 hours...HCN in the amount of 1.6 mg p Ier liour Is forming froin: malted 'III at, 700, 74 mg-of HCN per.hour is.forming from 11 at the ~ B ame,"telip-e-r, atur,e* ~- and L9. mg Of it~. per,. ho-q;, is. forming at a9bout 20 II, ,The presence of,pyridine (IV), phanyliso- nitrile"M ,behz6#'itri16-(V.T) and, probably, dinftii!6~0~...t6~4phthalic acid among the pro- ducts of'the"r'eaet-ion of active nitrogen with Cf,H,e was proved. At the action of IV on naph- t5-ayene (VII) quinolina and Isoquinoline are produced.together with other products. The absence of amine3 was proved in both cases. The following reaction mechanism was surmised: C6H6+N--+06H5+NH; 06H5+N---"5H5+CN; Card .3/1+ Synthesis of 4-klkyl-i-kzadehvdrequinolii3inium Salts. ASSOCIATION PRESENTED BY SUBMITTED AVAILABLE Card 2/2 condensed acids, and a new-beteirooyollo system develops-4-alkyl-i-a-, zadshydrequinelisinium salts. The beat results are obtained when app- lying hydroahloria.knd,brom'iae-hydrogen acids. They. are crystalline substgnoes, easily i5lublein water,maderaisly soluble in hot alcohol, whereas indissoluble in other and beitzel.Their perahlorates are more stable than bromides.They lack non-aromatic double.bonds in both of the condensed oples, as fhe.bromate,*bsorbs 5 mol hydrogen on the occas- ion of catalytical hydration ever Platinum.' 4-methyl-1-aza-ectahydre- quinolisine-bromide dovelops. The cyclization as above,however'is not possible in the 0480 Of 11=C6H51By means of hydragan acid the authors obtained a-aminopyridena salt and aoetophenone whereas under the influ once of the gaseous bromine hydrogen in other the bromal hydrate of the a-aminopyrideneand tribenzoylbenzol developoIn addition the results of the spectrum analysis are quoted:. The character of to spectrum is deter- mined by the azahydrequineliaiiiium ixualaus.This nucleus is similar to these of 4ulnolixe and'isequinoline with regard to absorption-domain and-oharacter.The speatruz is devided into three parts as in the case of the latter.In the experimental part methods of preparation,yiolds and formulas of the substances dealt with are given.(Iill. 16 citations). Institute for elesent-organic Compounds of the Academy of Science of the U.S.S.R. 2.11.1956 Library of Congress 32842 3/020/62/142/002 /023/029 ea p ,, re Phenomena in B101/B144 _Pqlymers~ sinteia'khimidheekdgo.fakullteid'MGU (Laboratory for Special Organic ,.Synthesis of thd Chemical Divisiowof MGU)!.. The-epr spectra were recorded b ins. and V,. P. Nazarov at 9035 Me .y Y, A.. Kolbasovq U. M. Mukh /see klystron.- .-frequency And," with 'a,magnetio, field: of 0 - 5,000oe, using a spectroscope i built by the'Optieheskays, laboratoriya, INEOS AN 8SSR (Optical Laboratory of INEOSj-AS-.U8bR).. Polymers containing no metals produced no Iresonance. The following,metal.-comp ounds produced. a 'eignalt IV Cu (g - 2.1.0, 'SH.., 150 oe,' _P ixi);- II Cu, (g 0''2.10p SH - 10O.oej P - 0.8); 111 Cu (2~01, 001 6-4); IV Fe: (2. 01 ~,. 8 ~d j 1 1 Fe (4-14, 390 2 10-;1)1 11 Fe (2-03v- 1-6);.,IV.Zn (2, 001-'139-1); 1 Zn (2.00, 121'6.*2j; II Zn (2.OOP 131 OA ;. !iI Zn'(2-OOP 13i - 0-1); IV Cd (2.00P 13, 1); and III Cd ~2.009 13t:"_1 0-7~. P is - the relativ;e'- signal., amplitude $ related to the amplitude of the, compound- with, 'I V, wh i*6~ was 'put equal to unity; SH is half the width of the absorption - line. ~ -Summing'up i . P or. the Cu, Ni, I Fe, , and II I Fe com- pounds, a.planis configuration with D S etry exists near the inetal atom, al % Ymm Tetrahedr y. is, found for IV and II Fe. The absence of signals inthe c6s e- attributed to the-s~litting of the spin triple,t into W6 vels . In. the. -case of Cc -the. signals were absent oting to-2~;,, -16, t -the formation o4'a 3 7.3/2.,doublei'with-low transition intensity.. 't 0, Card: 2/3 32842 3/020/62/142/002/023/029 e. p. r. phenomena in polymers ... B101/B144 Por the polymers containing Zn or Cal neither width nor intensity of the absorption lines changed during cooling to 780K. It is possible that a Pauli paramagnetism may exist here. I. V. Obreimov and B. L. Livehits are thanked for discussions. There are 1 figure, 1 table, and 3 non- Soviet references. The three references to English-language publications read a6*follows: A. A. Maki, B. R. McGarvey, J. Chbm. Phys., 22, 35 (1958); W. Low, Solid State Physics, Suppl. 2, N. Y. - London, 1960; M. Tinkham, Proc. Roy. Soo., 236A, 535 (1956). ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds of the Acai- .-demy of Sciences USSA) PRESENTED: July 12,.1961, by I. V. Obreimov, Academicia;i SUBMITTED: June 26, 1961 Cara 3/3 4go -dispersion of the birefringence in hexahydrate europium Ap '62. ,grids crystals. Doki..A-N SSSR 143 no.6:1313-1316. ~Iementioorganicheekikh soyedinedy AN SM. (NIRA 15:4) jF,;Inq#tut.- Fr~dst'avleno akademikom I.B.Obreimovym. (Eiiropiuln chloride crystals-Optical properties) S/020/62/144/006/010/015 B108/B102 AUTHORS: Bel'skiy, N. K., and Mukhtarov, Ch. K. TITLE: Electron absorptionspeotrum, of some biohromate crystals at low temperature. Interpretation of the spectra PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 144, no. 6, 1962, 1269-12 71 TEXT: At 20.40K, various bichromates show a group; of bande close to the long-wave absorption edge. The position of the band corresponding to greatest wavelength is nearly the same for all bichromates, which indicates that the electron transitions are only slig4tly dependent on the intermolecular interaotiork. The bichromate spectra apparently originate from the molecular ion Cr 0 in the whole of which the 2 71 electron transitions take place. These transitions combine with the vibrations of the Cr 2 07molecular ion as well as with the lattice vibrations. The Cr 0 vibrations are attributed to O-Cr-O deformation 2 7 vibrations. There are 2. figures. Card 1/2 S/02 62/144/006/010/015 Electron absorption spectrum of... B108YB102 ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganioheakikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds of the Academy of Soienoes USSR) PRESENTED: February 19, 1962, by I. V. Obreimov, Academician SUBMITTED: February 15s 1962 Card 2/2 S 03l/63/0lV/0oljOl3/6JL-,.'.' E039/E120 AUTHORS t -i ~YN - ~K- and Mukhtarov Ch#JK*i TITLEt Electronic absorption.spectrum of some bichromat6 at low temperatures.. I. PERIODICAL: Optika i spektrookopiyal v,14# noz 1,: 1963 .713-87 TEXT: The absorption spectra of crystals of ammonium, ttetramethylammonium and sodium bichromate are investigated, -The icrystals were'obtained by crystallization*from aqueous solution* band varied in thickness from 0.1 to 1.2 mm. A plane diffraction''. i grating spectrograph was u.sed, with dispersion 20 X/mm for a graiting of.6oo lines/mm and:an aperture of 1/10., The light nouro was". a high pressure krypton lamp A-120 (GSVD-120).. At 20.3 * 1K !all-'three bichromates pbeses-s-.a:continuous spectrum as~ln the cas !of tassium bichromate. Xi, 78 - *K the'red aboorption boundaj4--I-s Ai 'a 11 the bf-chromates and in ithAlpectrunc6f-the totramethylammonium salt some structure iW: ~observed. At 20.~ narrow-lines appear in, alk the, spec,tra~ ;The ratio of the nuclear parameters for tat", wethylammoniuml~ ,iCard 1/2 M JL l 4 Electronic'eibsorption spedtfum of ... 3/03. /001/O s/o51ffi)/oI E039/Fi 1;0 , bichromate ils a:b:c o.6-i68,1:o.4q86j while"that obtained from X-ray diffrdetion is a %b s6 R- 0.6311sO -514, ,Wll Idetails of --'All the spectriare given and wAvenumbers ;abulatid,~ The spectktim'of a frozen aitieous solution '61 tetramethylammohi~tm~bichromate'at:. .20*4 OK wai.'also stud ied. are 11, f igure a , and ...Z., tab I e 6, P. r SUBMITTED: November 20,, 1961 ,fCard,2/2 '7 -771 line correspondinji-to the 0-- 0 transition in'tli6 'I 11 -ABSTRACT.' 1hd absorption 1 -7F 6D F luci ' ~A s'6f particular Inter~sit from the standpoint of e da triply charged Eu ion I the, inf luence o'fneighboring d. Ions on, the'rare varth Ion add deta~ani~. 7 -Atoms an - - :i - 1. -~ ~~ . I fl~ . ~---the h I th' f t,that both -Aape of such lines.', T is :stem rom. eac the ground andexol ed states.-Are characterized y angular momentum J 0 so that the travusitio~ ~h;- ise to A-single line that s-.Uot,:subject to splitting by the ambient dleq!.' ziV6 r -:.trio~'ancf magnetic-fields. -MO r -In,SuCl #6H20 this line,'which-is-lo Icated imove 3 17258'.80 1 04".09 ca-1 Is.welli.4aparated from, other lines. The 7po--560.trarUii~ is an electric and,As-4trongly-polarized along themonoclinic ax". A cordin-ly, ihe-absorption~and.di6p~iisidn.of wafers of different thickness,, c UA 'Qi rd 1. _v I, 17784,6_3 ACCESSION ~NR:1,~ AP 8 300584 normal -'thw- plane of a6 RuCL )F8~4 avac abular,,.Mst~% were measured Va-d I 3 ~'.trograph with,~,,a plane 1200. line iff ra6t1on:'grating (dispersio .1. 'The a.bsorption.was measured by th4` iiethod, of photometry,. using a, 12-step weak ,ener 1he, spectra *are PhOtOgrAphOd'i OA. UO.-grai4 Agf A 180Pan r film and scanned by meaw UF-2,: micriodensitometer, -The shape of the.Absorption llne-(Pig~.l in the En-1, closure) is - nearly Lorentisianl..':tho,.'~evisti6,Tis In the w1a,gs may be attributed ,.".,,',,.inherent sho'rtcomings~ot the 0hotometric procedure. The anomalous dispersion curve vasi~obtairwd by. the Babinet iq~thod:with aii a6cu racy of 5-8% (Fig.2,in the En'0169,1,4% el'o, h. f cai4~~la ' by'meani of two, different formul on the 6a4 -Th scillator ted ptrengt ~,A. :.sis 'of . the, abs orptiorl:' curve equals 1. 11 10-8 or-. 1. ~; X. 10-8. The aboarptLon: line. half.~wldth is. 1.4 cm.11 vhich',is an exceptional'small v A a ue for measurements 'at 'k -tem e at~'e-'This 'of. the, -line indicaMe minimum interacti of 00m on p r the electronib.!ItrAnsition,with,-the..vibrations of the lattice atoms. "Me auth -this: OP t pdifunity't(i thank f or his attention"and his teres. -thp' IAOesti'gation ai2d,A. S. Krochuk: for assistance, in the work." Ori ArC.has- :4 fb' :mUlas,."a,nd 311iures., ASS'OCIATX61i: none 34 PODoc62' DATE AOQi~~00003: EMM 01 ;:41, SUB!,CODS: PH: No. MIP, sayl 00 rd Absorption and so4ttering of light in the EuCl . 6H 0 cM*a at the 7Fo-15De-transition. Opt.-i spekt. 15 no.2:21+5-248 Ag '63. (MIRIA 17:1) -t 16677 65 ACCESSION NR: AP4045627 S/0020/64/158/002/0317/0320 AUTFIOR- N. K.-,. Mukfiame&~~, D. A.',, P�rLa Beltski3~ imov. 1. V.- TITLE: Profile of the absorption and dispersion curves of the R- lines in Mby SOURCE: AN $!9SR. Doklady*, v. IGO, no. 2, 1964, 317-320 TOPIC TAGS: absorption, ruby crystal, dispersion, Lorentz line profile, tausis line profile, oscillator strength, p;olarization'interference method ABSTRACT: This experimental inv6stigation: was undertaken in order to deterryi-'.-, 0 in whether the absorption and dispersion curves f the ruby R- lines have the 7 Lorentz or the Gauss profile. The absorption spectra were obtained at room temperature. The ordinary and extraordinar rays were photographed separateiv y with the DFS-3 spectrograph. The dispersion was measured with the same spe- . cimen by the pGlarization interference method described previously (N. K. Bellskiy, DAN 143, #6, 1313 (1962)). The results indicate that the Lorentz curve fits well the experimental data, The oscillator strengths for RI and H2 Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP5004337 S/0070/65/010/001/(WO(r, AUTHOR: Bel'skiy, N. K.; Struehkov, Yu. T. TITLE: Crystal structure and optical properties of europium- chloride hexa-hydrate Elac I 'GH20 3 SOURCE: Kristal1cgrafiyaq v. 10, no. 1, 1965, 21-28 -AGS: - .-ray ej europimn co*04 .4 7 f ,~____JLTOPIC T structure study, refractive'index, optical axis, crystal syne-ony ABSTRACT: As a secruel to int investigation made by one of the aqthors (Bel'skiy, Dokl. AN SSSR v. 1~3, nr,. 6, 1313, 1962) of the ab-sprption and dispers'-on of liglht in cr~yztals of rare-earth element salts, a c=pIete x-ray structural investigation .i '! GxLl S wa-s imn-de of 3f hexalWdrate of europiur, chorido. T'he prtltmirmz- r- t presented in the earlier paper are refined and corrected. The crystiLls vrere grown from aqueo-us sclutions, and had a monoclinic syngony vLth. a - 9.67, b = 6.r-2, c - 7.99 R, 6 m ' 4036' 11 a 2, sp4ce group P2/n. The stracture is rAde up of _L 11 cat i.. [2.4(R20)6~C121' and of isolated Cl- ions, with the cations and anions octuIrling frequent positions on the two-fold symetr-i axes, All the Card 1/2 :X: ,4~ ACCESSION Mi AP5004337 shortest distances in the structuxe correspond to the au= of the iordc rad-ti or the hydrogen bonds between the water molecules. The dispersion of three principal refractive indicer, of the cr-,stal was measured in the visible region of the spectrum. The values obt&1ned for D-line ofsodiitm are n_ - 1.5815, nn - 1.55784, and n 1.5702. The angle of the optical axis vae 690.6 The directions of 'the absorCng rnzagnetit~ and elt-,~tric dipoles, and of the ref r;t,-t 4 ve -index Indicstrix exis were lieter-aineri relative to the unit-cell axis and ~o the Positions of the a 'c c, 1, e nnected .rith the "is in the unit cell. It is concluded that the quant ti - co an va-er n--otin-I thp Fu4-, whereas the directions of the abGorbing -Iipt?les are Cnore StrongLy -hal, 3 PM~7 I I-D - FLN C L r"C'. ER SUB CODE: SS OP -4 -M' BePakiy, N. K.; Lar.,nt-oyich, A. M. Tj TI-I~: Negative &I spernion at the R line in ruby J'N SC *,: 1C EZhurnal eksperimentallnoy i tooreticheekoy fizikl, v. 48, no. 2, 1965, 752-756 Z~populatlon Inviaraian, dispersion, refractive indax TOPIC TAGSi M!!y lasef, ABS7,Rt,,-,-- 7he authors investigated the dispersion of Ught In r-aby with an in- 7- e wharl. tha aulhstan~-rj haa a vary high 1IL-minnot-ence brtzhtness. A h8, A r,,~by cryct6l fr~r -he anc, r 0 ".8 ".-~e ve --a- St S-r - P 1,4-1'.voon t no ntux' Tutn Rm~ ALCESS-SION NR; AP50065" SL!e It, is @how-,. the m6aaureumnt of thia JrLroallopiya v. 17, 402, 1964). nen'-'ve ~-,lsop-rsior. maker. 4 + n-,ossible to deler-m-ina tho m-lOati-n a-,;*Kcrc, C r,,:k It tha~rk V. "cr :k~Sr~ --VF- re, "I soyradl n e nl a,llrm ml, ~K NO IRU SOV 1 003 Card 2/3 AQMS:SICN NRt X'35006530 OTHM t 003 MCLOSIM- 01 Ccl,d 3/3 MHAILEDOVA, D,A. DeterrIning the oscilla'tor force of the ruty -3-,_ line at 78cF by the method of Rozhdastvenskii hooks. DokI. AN SSSR 162 no.3-.5-27- 529 My 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Institut elementoorganicheskWi soyedineniy All' SS)SR, Submitted December 11, 1964. MLIS!LTY~N#K.; motmVICH, A,H. Nega~1w.-ap clisper-01.7-0 on .the R:L I!me in ruby%, 7h=. ckap. j tax. flu. 48 noa;~3,152-750-, 'r 165. (MIRA 18.--a) la Irwtitu-14 alfomoutjorgdniohaak!-Ah sop-d-imou.11 AN &sSR i Fiziqh--Aq,(l7 iwtttuAv. i-*~Td P.N. TwieUva Alt SSSR. . 1. - I- I- . I .- . . ': -'-, - I',- .,.~ li~:,z z:., . BELISKrY, N. N. "Disposition of New Bast Fiber Cultures and Hemp-Jute Industr,,,- in Sarato-iskaya Oblast." Qand G--og Sci, Voronezh U, Voronezh, 1953. (RZIiGeol, 3GP 54) SO: Sum 432, 29 I-Tar 55 14-57-6-12476 Translation froms Referativnyy zhurnal,, Geografi7a, 1957, Nr 6, P 109 (USSR) AUTHOR: -Bellekly, W. TITLE: An Appraisal of Natural Conditions in Saratovakaya Oblast' in Respect to its Suitability for Growing Now Kinds of Hemp (Otsenka prirodnykh ualoviy Sara- tovskoy oblasti v svyazi s-proizvodetvom novykh lubya- nykh kulitur) PERIODICAL: Tr. Voronezhak- un-ta, 1955,, Vol 42, Nr 4, pp 29-30 ABSTRACT-. Large areas growing gambo hemp, southern hemp and rope hemp have been recently observed in Saratovskaya Ob- last'. The author discusses in this article what must be done to develop new types of hemp in this district; he relates the needs of the future hemp cultivation to the natural and historical factors, and analyzes natural conditions in Saratovska-ya Oblast'. He shows Card 1/2 that, If Irrigation is introduced, soil and climate An Appraisal of Natural Conditions (Cont.) 14-57-6-12476 conditions will be found favorable to the growth of now kinds of hemp. Card 2/2 V. P. M. ACC NRt AUTHOR: Bellskaya, N. N_ I ORG: none TITIZ: Accuracy of mamerical predictions of the pressure field at the earth's surface SOURCE: Moscow. Teentrallnyy institut prognozov*'Trudy. no. l58s 1966* Sinoptichaska,va mateorologiya (Synoptic meteorolog3r)s 54-6o TOPIC TAGS: weather forecasting.. atmospheric pressure., atmospheric model ABSTRACT: Results are given for'comparison of numerical models in predicting the pressuie"'field at the earth's surface. The modeli examined are those of R. K. DuBhkin and Ye. G. Lomonosov, of 1. Z. Lutfulin, and of Ve.S. Purganskiy. They are all quasi- geostrophic models, but differ in that the first considers the near-surface frictions the second the near-surface barometric tendencyp and the third the heat exchange with the underlying.surface. Results were computed by all three schemes and then compared with the synoptic method and with observations of actual conditions. The data am tabulated, They show that the synoptic method and the Lutfulin model give much better results than the other schemes, The direction of pressure change at the earth's surface is predicted with an accuracy of 70--76% by the synoptic method and 75-76% by the Lutfulin model. The deepening of cyclones and the intensification of anticy- ACC NRt AT7006728 clonsi,are better predicted by both methods than are the filling of cyclones CA the weakening,of anticyclonese The deepening of cyclones-was forecast by eyhoptic means with an,accuracy of 81--82% andL by the Lutfulin model with an accuracy of 65--86%. f Filling was forecast with accuracies of 61--65 and *70-72% respectivOy, Corresponding accuracies were found for anticyclanese Origo arto bass 4 tablex.and 1 formula. SUB CMZs OW SUBM DATZs now/.' ORIG REFs 004 EELISKIY, N.N.; POPMENKOV, YU.V. Economic evaluation of the landscape type of the Lenin Collective Fam, Kireanoy District,, Tambov Province. Izv.Vor.otd.Geog.ob-va no.3:29-35 161. (MIU 15; 11) (Kirsanov Dietrict-Phyaical-geography) (Kirsanorv District-Collective farm -Management) BELISKIY., N.N. ~,- v ~,,, The city of Tambov; a concise study In economic geography. flauch. zap. Vor. otd, Geog. ol>-va,.117-122 163, (MIRA 17:9) BELISKIY, N.V. Ow 104"96, Certain secondary phenomena In Intravenous novocaine therapy. I Vest.ven.i dorm. no.1;24-26 Ja-F 154. (MLRA 7:2) 1. Is Leningradskogo kozbno-venerologichookogo dlepaneora 110-17 (glavuyy vrach V.I.Olekhnovich, konsulltant - chlea-korres ondeat Akademii meditainakikh zauk SSSR professor P.VAoshevnikol. (Kovocaine---~Thsrapeutic use) BMISKIY~l Cand Led Soi - (disf) Observations of the treatment of cortpin outancoun disoac,,,Sq~i~~~il'ljtr~,,vonoun ad.-.1"nistrettion of novo- cainefaid ~~Genoral reactions of the organism taking pl:-c4ncon- nection,,,YI"JM=tbtW0 Lon, 1959'. 19 pp (31.,ite Ordi~r of Lail 11 Ilist for the Adwinced 'Tradning of Physioiann im S.M. Kira Zity Xr=tolo- go-Vencrologioal Dispensary). 200 copiec (KL,37-59, 111) a . -law 19 k, A-A 0 -04, T" M11 a Idder in 60 """a as" -of the 1111111" 1 P1 z "d MU. "W. - - 6. ", - CM. Zrm*. IWO, 13' a94-'40.ow M Were Used as expd- -6-k- At ".6 opm"StOW4 ban gi jbM Were a Mtraled. At Intervals W 1-9 Viouths a lowits (no web Ut PWP VM killed. The thyroid ANd Pituitary 914VAS *We w6sbed and 4bt ituamdatrosoic action of the anterior pitui. 0 tary kA* was, tested an Artim. At Ow season of least sexual activity the wt. of the pituitary Stand vras intreated - a, 0: 0wrated lowls vm dhtfin-tly lariger and awwed no Mo. SO i =XW 618"Madons- The Sonsdalropic artivily of ghe~ pituitary of tbe nonnal (owls was, le" at the period of *6 PftteA sexual activity (April-july), while in the winter it Increased &W wss equaj 10 that of the nortuall lowls. 110 The she of the t glend of the narinal anknals in. ca"Cit 113 WON"= The wt. of The lesticks; in the e;8 0 castrated fowls It showed W was" varkliong. ". as. sutursthe The abiwence at the bftbl activity 0l IbL. g". C11111TO 111311 the Possibility Is offerttl for the acruniuls. 0 IJQU Of :CJCM~ft_r0W PrkK#It in the pituitary. The tol, Inhibitloct pituitary "Aty in normtj aninuds at the HIM Of VfttCst sexual activity is revArded as the remit D( this coren. 4A gonadotropk bunnotte. xt.0.3,luor, d 6KAL Ll"NAT Un CLAtIVIC ATIC16 $0. IWO IT- 1W01W _-# - _-____~ W T-F--q-r ~rzT U a it W 09 KM I a A -It 8 9 00 V* 0 o00 fee 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 w0:0 0 0 .afi-fc.A i-O 00A -00 go, it At o00 *0 Do Ii;! If Ubd dum"Ift" aim Do& "JD! IL -00 000 coo Poe Dow OR coo 9 80.0 teo 0 WOO son a) a a it I if v 9 aa0 uit IV IQ 11 0 0,00 OD0 00000 is 00 j* 0 0'0-0 0-0:04 0 1* 0 OLD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 00 0 0 0 0:0~0 *'0 0'0 0 a 0 0000000000000 * 0 13ELISKIY, N. V. " ?Nholeh and /-> Growth in thePo3t-~%bryonic Development of . Pigeon," Dokl. Ak. Nauk SSSR, 51, No. 1, 1946. BEL I SKIY, N. V. "Post-Embryonic Development and Body Size in Pigeon,n Dokl. Ak. Kauk, SSSR, 51. No. 5. 1946 Inst. Zoology, Mosoaw State Univ im. Lomonosov, Moscow BELISKIY, N. T. "Nutrition of Birds at Different Stages of their Development," Dokl. Ak. Nauk SSSR, 68, No. 3, 1949. Moscow State Univ. im M. V. Lomonosov "Isal.bdki r. Zoolo,*i-al Institu!,o riic~imn zooiorf~ ,,,,ti a, 4,;'oa sew! 'a to Univrx.,,ity ti. 711.7. Lo!-Jonosov, -3.9!,7-. "Vae InCluionct o--' FfNr-'~tn,7 a-3 Vi.- GmWi 5~], n;j. 7, 'Tic T,i-.,.11'6 factor in the -~O,Aenbryon-'-c or Urls," -)o7-.. 53j no. Is 11'M7 c A sigatkam of subl" In rowth Slid 40"Wmest 01 Mtwq~*T' Add. No*k S.S.S.M. U. MIA able durw 4=00th Q( rVag bming Pjgnmo ("IN,- mxltwl two c w"1 kw if t6f utollef ildwiefty "I food the ptrkjdk*y a( pamb vm4his WAIrml, bul fit illsemity ROM malutasly. In explo, In which urdy 61,14 -4 the nonad amt. of faw was &Uwml to he "ten, The I kils Otere sev"ely marded in Ou"th but the V"th pffkxi W4a h"IM 11144 W94141. t4stiOll AlItVat.111 d&Ym 11161CUll 01.311. Ifilralt AllaMni SUIWIVAMSS*l atift. ut ftxati gvew mar rajokliv Ikatiollialy in the lot stasm [I- Ily I it-I lac.1v A,hvwnl AIOWTT Mlkf Itlld ObUntWit