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qRLOV. S.P,; POZDxmo IsGo Pq?rfo2-.4lon,of Nockells diverticulum bv a flobbous. Kbirurgila 31 no,j: 122 Mr 1,57' (MLRA lo: 6) (IMSTIlli:-WOUNDS AND INJMUBS) 0 If 10 V) '), r, AUTHORS: Kazanskiy, Yu.A., Belov, S.P. 89 -I-io/18 TITLE: The Spectrum of Scattered r -Radiation After Passage Through a Lead Barrier (Spektr rasseyannogo r-izlucheniya posle prokhozhaeniya svintsovogo barlyeray. PERIODICAL- PlWsics,andi The~~motec~plqxwsl P9 Aeaictors, (Fi4i* i teplot i i '_I tte)Pin ka re"~ov), Supilement Nr 1 to Atomnaya ei~rg J. 19~8( usm ABSTRACT: The spectral and angular distribution of the r -radiation of a -0-5 0 Co-60-source is dealt with after the r-radiation has passed through a lead block of &or = 3.9 (given in free lengths of path). Measuring vas carriea out with a swivelingly mounted scintillation spectrometer. Spectral distribution was measured at 01 10, 2o, 3o, 48 and 600; the respective curves are given. Furthermore, the differential energy spectrum of the scattered - -intensity is given. Within the range of from - 0.5 to 1.2 MeV experimentally and theoretically computed values agree well, where- as from 0.3 to 0.5 MeV they do not. There are 3 figures, I table, and 4 references, I of which is Slavic. AVAIIABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 1. Gamma rays-Scattering 2. Gamma rays~Speetrum SOV/89-5-4-'10/24 hUTHORS: Kazanakly, Yu. A., Belov, S. P., Matusevich, Ye. S. .TITLE: Angular- and Energy Distribution of T-Rays Scattered by Iron and Lead (Uglovyye i energeticheskiye raspredeleniya 1-izluoheniyal rasseyannogo v zheleze i svintse) PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, 1958, Vol 5, Nr 4, pp 457-459 (USSR) ABSTRACTs Measurements were carried out on the angular- and energy dis- tribution of Co6o and Au198 11-radiation which had been scatter- ed by lead with eo r - 2,2; 4,1; 6,3; 8,2 and iron with eo r ~ 2, 4, 6, 8,5, and qt8 (~o denotes the absorption coefficient of r-radiation and r - thickness of the filter). Measurement took place in semi-infinite geometry. For measurements the scintillation spectrometer (Cs,J(T*1)- crystal: diameter 30 mm, height 27 mm) was used. Measurements were carried out at the following angles 0: 10, .20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 . The angular distributiom obtained are plotted in graphs; The Card 1/2 results obtained by the present paper and the papers of ref- SOV/89-5-4-10/24 Angular- and Energy Distribution of T-Rays Scattered by Iron and Lead7 erences 1 permit the following conclusions to be drawn: The angular distribution of the intensity Of the scattered 3-rays depends only little upon the thickness of the layer of the scattered medium (up to a thickness of layer of 10 free lengths of path). This determination holds for materials with small as well as with medium or large Z (concrete, iron, lead) within the 2t-energy do'main of from 0,4 to 1,3 MeV. S. G. Tsypin and V. I. Kukhtevich advised the authors in working out this paper,and S. I. Chubarov and V. I.Popov as- sisted in carrying out experiments. There are 6 figures and 4 references, 1 of shich is Soviet. SURINITTTED: April 13, 1958 C~-.rd C'!,2 21(7) SOV/89-6-6-11/27 AUTHORSs Belov,'S. P.-t Dulin, V. A., Kazanskiy, Yu. A., Kukhtevich, V. I., Taypin, S. G. TITLEt Space and Energy Distribation of the Neutrons in Boron Carbide (P rostranstvennoye i energeticheskoye raspredeleniye neytronov v karbide bora) PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, 1959, Vol 6, Mr 6, pp 663 - 665 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors report on investigations of space and energy dis- tributions of 3 and 15 Mev neutrons in boron carbide. The 3 ]Wev neutrons were the roduct of the reaction H2(H2,n)He3, the 15 Mev neutrons from H3(H3,n)He4. The test arrangement (infinite geometry) is briefly described. Boron carbide 1-18+0-05 9/cm3; neutron detectors-:-l) proportional counter wi4 ;F 3 enriched to 88% with-B 10 ;2) fission chamber with natural uranium, U 235 (enriched to 75%), and Th2321 3) threshold indicators; 31 31 2, 56 56 121 12o P (n,p)Si . Al (n,P)Mg'7,Fe (n fp)Mn , Sb (n,2n)Sb 9 Cu'3(n,2n )CU62, In115 n9g) In 116m. Figure 1 shows the space Card 1/3 neutron distribution %3 and 15 Mev) in the passage through Space and Energy Distribution of the Neutrons in Boron sov/89-"6-6-11/27 Carbide boron carbide. Detectors for the 3 Mev-neutrans: 1) and 2), for the 15 Rev neutrons, 2) and 3). It was found among others that an ihorease of the threshold energy.of-the detector in- creases the inclination of the attenuation-curvesof the neu- trons. In measuring the 15 Rev neutron attenuation by means of the indicator Ou 63(n,2n )CU62 ( Ethresh' 10.9 Mev) the relaxation path for the distance source - detector R >16 cm does not change and is close to the transport path Xt r - IS + 2 cm. A comparison of the data contained in the present paper with those from refer- encel (Geneva Pajer Er 2147, 1958) is briefly discussed. The following relative capturefigures are determinedt indicator: Ou 63 Sb 121 Pe56 ii 27 p31 In115 measurement by counter 6.5,il 8+2 1 0-73:LO.15 l.o4�0.15 - /3 by spectro- Card 2 meter I o.651o.15 6+2 Space and Energy Distribution of the Neutrons in Boron SOV/89-6-6-ii/27 Carbide Figui-e 2 shows-th-e energy distribution of the neutron flux in boron carbide-for differe 'nt intervals (energy interval 1-5 - 15 Mevq results standardized in the interval 13-5-15 Mev). Moreover, the ratio between- cr. U 235 (E eff) and 1B 10(Eeff) of the reaction (n,a) with B 10 in boron carbide was determined. In the case of 3 Mev neutrons 0.97 1 0-03 was obtained at Eeff' 120+10 kev.-In conclusionp the authors thank I. I. Bon- darenko for advice and discussionA,N. D. Proskurnina, V. F. Bashmakov,"A. N. Nikolayev, and V. I. Popov for assistance in .the N. Serbinov and I. A. Vorontsov f,or work at the neutron geriexatoi. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 4 references, 2 of.which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: January 6, 1959 Card 3/3 -.BAKOV., A.T.; ZLQ1,-S-R,,-ZAZANSKIY, YL,.A.; POPOV, V.I. Yield of x-rays due to radiation capture from Iron. Atom. ene.rg. 13 no..'..-31-37 J1 162. (MMA 15:7) %'(xamma rays) (Neutrons-Capture) 1/0~6 01/0.01/067' B108YB 18O_ AUTHORS o Bakovt A. T.'9 B619 v 9S. P. Kazanskiyl' Yu, A. f Popovq~vi. 4: TITLEs Comparison of the,gamma spectra from the radiative capture- of thermal and fast neutrons PE RIODICALs Zhurnal eksperimentalinoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki,~ v. 44 no..I, 1963, 3 9 TEXTs 4The~gamma spectra &rising-from the capture of fact and therm'al neutrons from a water-moderated'uranium Mn, Co, Pe, Ni and' C11 were studied bymeans,of a scintillation gamma spectrometer wiWan KaI(TI) sin'~le crysital.~ To eliminate the gamma'backgroundq 'the --aample.w. as shielded on~Ihe reactor side by a Bi-Pb-Bi sandwich screent and the detector by-a screen of organic glass and boron carbide. The' spectra ;of all five substances were similar' in shape (Pig. 4). The difference in gamma intensities produced by fast and thermal neutrons in attributed to,- theeffect of P-neutrons. There are 4 figures. BUBMITTEDt May 99 1962 Card 1/2 d W'. BELOV S.P.; WLIN V.A.; KAZANSKIY, Yu.A.; TSYPIN, S." --- ! ~, 11 1 1 1J, U. Angular distribution of 3 and 15 Mev. neutrons in beryllium. Atom. enGrg. 18 no.1:67-68 Ja 165. (MIRA 18.2) L-2-1-942-65 EPF(n)-Z/En(m)/E~WG(M)/Ei~p(fi)/Egp(e)/Eiep(t) pu_4/pdd rjp(c;) AFICAMOR: AP5005804 S/0089/65/018/002/0136/0140 AUTHOR: Belov, S. P.; Dulin, V. A.; Kazanskly, Yu. A.; Popov, V. I.; Tsy-pin, S. 0. TITLE: Experimental investigation of shielding on the RIZ stand SOURCE: Atomnaya energlya, v. 18, no. 2. 196-5, 136-140 TOPIC TAGS: capture ga=na radiation, neiAron spectrum, uraniu water reactor, zero pover reactor, radiation shiel-din RIZ stand ABSTRACT: A zero-power reactor stand for studding processes taking place in the shielding directly adjacent to the core is.described. The uranium-water reactor, 7~ -th t or h the reflector e-neu row spectrum's n: -e c-t stand 'can be varied iii t e_-energy~~-_ region below 10 kev, thus simulating the spectra of various thermal and intermediate reactors. The results of the measurements of neutron spectra and of the study of shielding materials (Iron, qick-Sl ven. and borated nickel) are gi Orig. art. has: 6 figures and 1 table. 'J [BPI ASSOCIATION: none Ccird 2 I ~k . ~. Cafd 2 / 2 - - -.1 - - - -11 i -1 05069-67 EwT(m) jp,/rD SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/000/M70/0174 AUTHOR: Abagyan, A. A.; Belov, S. P.; Kazanskiy, Yu. A.; MaEip-,~ ORG: None TITLE: Measurement and calculation of the coefficients of secondary gamma-radiati SOURCE: Voprosy fiziki zashchity reaktorov (Problems in physics of reactor shielding); sbornik statey, no. 2. Moscow, Atomizdat, 1966, 170-174 TOPiC TAGS; gamma radiation, neutron, radiation shielding, capture cross section ABSTRACT: The authors consider the coefficient of secondary emission 0 which expres- ses the ratio of the total number, dose or energy of capture y-quanta to the total nura- ber of neutrons emitted from a given shielding material. The general expression for this coefficient is 1,0 (r., Q. E) dQdEds where (D(r, 0, E) is the neutron flax at the point r in the unit energy interval at energy E and in the unit solid angle about the direction !D;E..v (E) is the radiation capture cross section for neutrons of energy E; ill(E) is the yield of y-quantaof L 05069-67 C NRs - AT6027933 energy Ej per capture of a single neutron with energy E; ip(r, rs, Ej) is the func- tion which gives the attenur_~ion of the stream of y-quanta with energy' Ej from the point of y-quantum production r to the points rs on the surface. A formula is derived for the asymptotic value of 0 determined by the physical properties of the shielding material alone. A comparison of theoretical and experimental asymptotic values of 0 shows a systematic divergence by a factor of approximately,2.5, the theoretical data being overestimated. The reason for the divergence is assumed to be inaccurate deter- mination.of neutron intensities at the boundary. In spite of the discrepancy between experimental and theoretical data, the nearly constant divergence obtained for various elements with large, small and moderate capture cross sections (tungsten, lead, iron and nickel) indicates that the proposed method may be used for calculating the asymp- totic values of 0 with an accuracy of 30% if a correction factor of 2.6 is used. The authors thank S. G. Tanin and V. Ya. Pupko for interest in the work and useful ie-, marks. Orig. art. has: 3 figures, 6 formulas. suB com 18/ suBm DATE: 12jan66/ oRiG REF: 003 AT-tv NK9 AT6027939- SOURCE CODE.: OR/6666/6670007060FE6 AUTHOR: Abagyan, A. A.; Belov, S. P.; Kazanskiy, Yu. A ; Popov, V. I.; Fadeyev, K i. Dubinin, A. A. ORG: None TITLE: On the function of effectiveness of shielding materials with respect to capture gamma-radiation SOURCE: Voprosy fiziki zashchity reaktorov (Probleffs in physics of reactor shielding); sbornik statey, no. 2. Moscow, Atomizdat, 1966, 164-169 TOPIC TAGS. radiation shielding, radiative capture, gamma radiation ABSTRACT: The authors compare experimental and theoretical data on the function of effectiveness of shielding materials with respect to capture y-radiation in nickel. ti The function of effectiveness is expressed as a linear combination of quantities of the type. hAp IB f (x) hAp- hB, .FA where p and p represent the concentrations of the respective components in the shiell A D (3 0 ing materials. This function shows the change which takes place in the functional when a unit of substance B is substituted for a unit of substance A where IL JO)dA, 4) (r.. E) e BdpdEdV SSS I 4n4 describes the production and yield of capture y-radiation. In this formula E) is neutron flux; E)l is the macroscopic cross section of radiation neutron cap-, ture is the yield of y-quanta of given energy E, per captured neutron; hi is the dose created by a unit flux of y-quanta of energy Ej; pl(r) is the total coeffi-v.. cient of linear absorption of y-quanta of initial energy Ef_;Bj is the dose factor f9r accumulation of y-quanta of initial energy Ej. The function f(x) was experimentally. studied by introducing a hydrogen-containing substance into a nickel screen made up 4f sheets measuring 80x8OxO.8 cm for an overall thickness of 25 cm. This specimen was surrounded by a neutron shield for reducing the background. A single-crystal scintil- lation gamma-spectrometer with a crystal,of sodium iodide was used for measuring the number of capture y-quanta with an energy of greater than 7 Mev produced by radiation capture of neutrons in the nickel. Curves are given showing neutron hazard functions iwith respect to capture y-radiation. These functions describe the contribution of neutrons to the stream of y-quanta behind the screen as a function of the neutron ienergy and inlet coordinate. The results show that the addition of hydrog,?n-containing :material through nearly the entire thickness of the nickel layer increases the inten- Card L 65057---67 rXCC NR. AT6027932 .sity of capture y-radiation behind the screen. An exception to this rule is the first 1 6 cm of nickel where the neutron hazard function for low energy particles is less than the function for high energy neutrons so that a good moderator placed at these points Ireduces the intensity of capture y-quanta behind the screen. The authors thank V. V. IOrlov, V. Ya. Pupko and S. G. Tsypin for interest in the work. Orig. art. has: Ifigures, 17 formulas. SUB CODE: 18/ SUBM DATE: 12Jan66/ ORIG REF: 005 Card V-i /61) 1. BELOVA So so 2. USSR 6oo 4. Physics - Study and Teaching 7. Use of visual aids in the rural school, Fiz. v shkole, No. 1, 1953. R. Nonthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Con,,!,ress, April 1953, Uncl. B=V, S.S. (Rostovskaya oblast'). )(athematical meetings for pioneers. Jkt. v shkole no.5:33-48 S-0 153. (HLU 6:9) (MathematicB-Study and teaching) STOICHEVI A.; TOPALOV, I.; BMV St ; pISFV, IV. Our experience with a combined contrast method. Khirurgiia, Sofia 14 no.2/3:356-359 l61. 1. Khirurgichno i rentgenovo otdelenie, Voenna bolnitsaF Sliven. (PNMOPMUTONEUM ARTIFICIAL) EMOV.. SOT.Ke- --------------- "Problem - in oil and gas content in mesozoic deposits in the south of the 'USSR" report to be submitted for the 6th-Worlct Petroleum Congress, Frankfurt am Main,. W. Germany, 19-26 jun'63. BELOVII S.V.; YEROKHIM., Y.Mj ANOKHINA., L.M.; SOLOVIM,, li*V. Accounting for iself-aboorption, and aelf-ocattering in measuring aboolute activity of thick-layer apecimen. Prib.i tekhekep. , 6 no*5:56-61 3-6 t61. (MMA 14:10) MoUar counters) BELOVi ,;.V,; BYGIROV, A.F. I ing the mean c --radiation frou, Ict.-activity Determin energy of 4 samples. Atom. energ. 16 no.6:55.~F Je 164. (MIRA 17:7) 38520 s/186/62/004/003/013/022 E075/E436 AUTHORS: Agj-Q3r, S.V,, Zhelezkov, R.V., Polyakov, N.T., Sidorov, N.V. TITLE: Radiometric method for the de,termination of isotopic composition of cerium separated from the fission products of heavy nuclei .PERIODICAL: Radiokhimiy,!i, v.4, no.3, 1962, 334-340 TEXT: A method is described for the quantitative determination of,the isotopes of radioactive Ce, isolated radiothemicallj,~rom Ce 1, Cel 3, Ce144 and their filial isotopes Prl 3 and Pr To determine the activity of Ce144 and Pr144 from the P*-ray spectra, a ~-spectrometer was used with an anthk-acene crystal and photomultiplier. Determinations of Cel4l and Ce143 were carried out uijnga scintillation. y-spectrometer. Analysis of impulse amplitudes was realized with a multichannel analyser AV-100 (AI-100). The'total activity of the products was measured with the 4--71-counters. The formula for the calculation of the - activity of Cel-44 is A = K144 x N144, where N144 is the total number of impulses/min registered in 53 to 100-m channels. Card 1/2 s/186/62/004/003/013/022 Radiometric method E075/E436 value of 1(144 was found to be 18.9 + 1.2. The activity of C0143 -as calculated by formula A X143 x N14 in which K, 43 was found to be'(1-05 1 0.05) x j.02. A similar formula was used for Cel4l , where K141 was(1.40 + 0 08) x 102. Activity of Pr143 *143 was found either from that OF Ce , taking into account the accumulation, or by calculation from the total activity, meas%red by the 4-1T-counter, of the combined activities of Celkl I C-el 3 and Ce144 __4 prI44. Errors in the determinations of the activities did not exceed + 10%. There are 4 figures and 2 tables. SUBMITTEP: May 6 1961 Card 2/2 ,ffEv.j,Uv-; ANIKIN, V.S. Gamma-spectrometric method of analyzing a mixture of iodine-131 amd iodine-132 radioisotopes. Radiokhimiia 6 no. 1:132-135 164. (KRA 17-.6) IELOV, S.V..' -~ I'll I ~ ': - - -, - Absorption of beta radiation in thin layers of aluminum. Zav.lab. 30, no.4:"9-452 164. (MIRA 17:4) P.Vi.. lnzbanor; SMIRMV, G.Ta.-,, Inzhener. Using machinery for the mechanization of loading and unloading. N(ekhostrole 13 noo6tl7w2i Ja '136-0 (Milik 9:91 (Loadlig and unloading) Method of Instrumental transition from strip to strip In the case of large and medium scale serial photographs. Trudy Lab.aersmet. 4 155. (Photography. Aerial) (MLRA q1.2) MOV. S.T., AnMMI W.-SHENTAKIN. V.P.' Change from flight cottree to flight course b7 the instr=et methoA in medium and large-scale aerial surveying, Trudy Lab.aeromet. 543-36156a (Photography, Aerial)' (MLRA 10.11) H&WV. I - Fuzziness of pictures in aerial photoorAphe caused b,., movements of the airplane. Trudy Lab.aeromet. 5:61-71 1569 (MLRA 10:1) (Photography. Aerial) (Photograrmstric pictures) BELOV, S.V.- ARTSYBASHEY, U.S. 6i~~ Studying the reflecting ability of trees. Botahtur. 42 no.4:517-534 Ap '57. (mm 10:5) 1.Laboratoriya aerometodov Akademii nauk SSSR, Leningrad. (Trees) (Reflection (C~ptics)) ORMVILUVIVZO u. u. ana imwy, 0. V. kUaM* AgrIC. OCI. IAILIngraa.) Phonological Conditions of Woods Observed by Aerovisual Reconnaissance and Colored AerophbtoBmphy." ,report presented at a Phonological Conference In Leningrad, Nov 1957, by the USSR Geographical Society. ~BZWTI S.Y., red.- [scientific records of a forest group) Uchanye zaptaki leenoi gruppy. Leningrad, 1958. 143 p. (HITL4 11:11) 1. Akedemiya nauk SSIS.R.- laboratoriya amrometodov. (Photography, -,Mrial) (Aeronautics in forestry) ov 30) FRAIN I BOOK UPLOITATION 30V/1835 P Akademiya rm* SUR. Laborstarlys vsrome%odov T- Trudy. t. 6 (Transactions of the t4borstory of Aerial Flathods. AdIray, Of Soleness, TO 6) Moscow lzd-vo AN 3333, 2 109 p. Irr'sta, slip Ipaerted. X,i6o copies prlnt*d. loop. S4.1 T.F. x1roohnich4oko, Candidate or Geological and XInerala gloal 341onae Rd. of publishing Haveav.D.N. Kudrlt*kL3PI Toch. Me X.Yu. DIM. MMIt This volume Is Intended for geologists. photo Intar=rs, or other personnel engaged In the study of landscape game especially fron.the standpoint of aerial photography. COVXRA02i This collection or studios and brief articles treats problems &a asrUl photography and photo interpretation in role. tico, to geological phenomena. The geographical area or etu4y, with minor exception, In the Cospialk plains and western &bar*. 'Joat at the atuoies are well Illustrated with mial phatogrophs, AsIds trom the numerous articles an geological phenomena of the Caspian basic, the following are also oov*rodt portions of the Russian platform, the Wjyunkuay sands of Central Ektakhatan. photo intorw-.tation or clayey flats. desert vegetation &nd tre* cover, the effective loan speed of photographic objectIves, photogramotr1a determination or profiles on hydro technical models, and others. go personalities are mentioned. References follow each main &rUal*. TABLX OF CONTEMS Ija SPA D.T. TUY*Sdav. 3oms Factors Which 1:~wths go Appearance of Clay Plate - Aerial rhotof ~100 Tlno%dov D.V xeys for later Unt Desert Vegetation on . X& ivicalo Aerial rhatogrUM' Ice pd rV. Dolov. The ReflOOtt" iiOPOrtIll Ar,taybashey. "J., a Ot apselas of Trees 120 Belov 3 V. and A.Z. borezin. The SIVU1440,44 of Aerial phi$ conditions and Varlous Types of Aerial Film for Atudying Forests 146 card 316 AETSTBASHEV, Ya.S.: BIWV, S-V- 158, Reflectivity of trees* Tr* rab. aaromet. 6:120-145 (KERA 1211) (Trees--Spactra) (Photograpbic intarprotation) BELOV, S,V.; BMMIN, A.M. Importance of natural and technical conditions and type of film for aerophotographic study of forests. Trudy Lab. aeromet. 6:146-175 1 58, (MIRA 12:1) (Forests and forestry) (Photographic interpretation) 26-58-7-9/48 AUTHOR: Belovo S.V Candidate of Agricultural Sciences TITLE- Care for Forests (Bereohl lesa) 'PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1958, Nr 7 pp 55-58 (USSR) ABSTRAM Since 1949, a wide forest belt between the ObI and Yenisey rivers (57 to 580 north latitude) suffered from mass propa- gation of the Siberian silkworm Dendrolimus sibiricus. The damage caused by the caterpillars in the forests of the Pribaykal region and the Chita Oblast- from 1,049 to 1952, and in the Tomsk Oblast: in the Chulym river basin and the Krasnoyarsk Kray from 1950 to 1956, grew to dimensions of a 10;rov disaster. An estimated 8 million ha of forests2 consisting of 30% spruce, 25%.fir, 30% cedar, 15 to 20% birch and aspen and small amounts of pine, coniferous trees of an average 140 to 180 years with a yield of 200 to 250 cu m per ha, were devastated. In addition to this, rot and the spruce longhorn Monochamus urussovi, with 40 larvae per running meter, threaten additional forest expanses. The huge .losses are acutely felt by the forest economy, the railroads, pencil factories and-all industrial branches depending or. Card 1/3 wood supplies. Losses, especially of cedar, spruce and fir Care for Forests 26-58-7-9/48 trees, endangered the food basis for fur-bearing squirrels, martens and several wild fowl. Although the Glavnoye uprav- leniye lesnogo khozyaystva i polezashchitnogo lesorazvede- niya Ministerstva sellskogo khozyzystva SSSR (Main Admini- stration of the Forest Economy and Farmland-Protecting Forest Cultivation of the USSR Ministry of Agriculture) has known of the danger threatening these forests since 1949/50 and studied the biology of the peat, the measures.taken at last were too late and ineffective. When insecticides were spread from the air in the Tegulldet ~-Rayon ~. in 1956, the number of caterpillars per tree had already amounted to 40,000- Since it is estimated that the poison kills about 95%, the remaining 5% or 2,000 caterpillars a tree suffice to finish off the forests. It is important to recognize from the very beginning the activities of forest-pests. Therefore, the Forest Group of the Laboratory of Air Methods of the AS USSR in 1957 developed a method of spectrozonal air photography of the forests infested by the Siberian silkworm and a second method of ensuing interpretation and evaluation of these photographs. The experimental photos were made on 5.types of air photography films, the pan- Card 2/3 chromatic T-10-600, the orthochromatic RF-3, the infra- Care for Forests 26-58-7-9/48 chromatic 1-760, the spectrozonal two-layer SN-2 and the three-layer color TsN-l- The spectrozonal SN-2 film in con- nection with an orange OS-14 light filter proved to be the most suitable combination for the purpose of recognizing by color shades the SpOtB of deciduous and coniferous, in- fested and non-infested trees on the air photograph of a vast forestscape. There is 1 graph and 4 photos on insert. ASSOCIATION: Laboratoriya aerometodov AN SSSR - Leningrad (The Laboratory of Air Methods of the AS USSR - Leningrad) 1. Forestry--Preservation--Theory Card 3/3 K4 ItsM I'd 13 BEj2j&m%;cj=pvic,h; BMMOV, N.I., otv.rea.; XUDRITSKIY, D.K., --, [Using aerial photography in forest surveyel.Aarofotoolemka leaov. Koskva, Izd-vo Almd.nauk SSSR, 1959.-1 219 p. (MIRA 12:9) (Forest survey$) Bm", S.V. - ---- 11 Hasolution of aerial photographs. Trudy lab.aeromet. ?t76-101 '59. (MRA 12112) 1. Laboratorlya aerometodov AN SSSR. (Photograme6tric picturas) i I BEREZIN, Alekoey Maksimovicb, KHARIN, Nikolay Gavrilovich- BEWV S.V red.; MELINIKOVA,, M.S.., redAzd-va; PARAKHRIA, N.L... r;d. (Instruction manual for the use and interpretation of aerial photo- graphs of forests in different spectral regions] Metodicbeekod po- sobie po iepollzovaniiii spektrozonallrqkh aerosnimkov diia ddshi- frirovaniia lesov. Moskva, Goslesbumizdat, 1960. 68 p. (MIRA 15:6) (Forest surveys) ALSMXU# V.A. S ~v Spectral reflecting power of trees ant other objects of aerial photography in the Weptern Ukraine, Trudy Lab. aeromet. 10;105- . 222 1604 (MIU 1411) (Mmineq Western-Trees-Optical properties) (Photographic interpretation) BELOV, S. V. Doc Agr Soi,, Diss -a- "Theoretical principles of forest aerial photography and use of aerial photographs.-~for studying the timber stock". Krasno- yarsk, 1961. 56 pp with graphics, 22 em (Inst of timber and wood., Siberian Branch of the Acad Sci U3SR)j 400 copies, No charge'(U, No 9, 1961, p 185, No 24380). 51-548417 BE' _g~e _Ya�_~j_1yeYir_h._doktor selikhoz. nauk; DMITRIYEV, Ivan 110V _MeZ Dmitriyevich, dots.; K3LOSOVA, Anna Yevmenlyevna, dots.; BELYAYEV, N.I., retsenzent; KIRILLOVA, L.D., red.; URITSKAYA, A.D., tekhn. red. (Aerial photographic 3urveying and aviation in forest manage- ment) AeroAlotoa"emka i aviat5iia v le3nom khoziaintye; uchebnoe posobie-dlia studentov lesokhoziaistyannogo fakullteta. Pod ob- shchei red. S.V.Belova. Leningrad, Vse3. zaochnyi lesotekhn. in-t, 1962. 256 p. (NIRA 16:10) 1. Nachallnik otdola aerofotoizy-skaniy Gosudarstvennogo instituta po proyektirovaniyu lesnogo transports (for Belyayev). (Aerial photogrammetry) (Aeronautics in forestry) (Fore3t management) SAMOYLOVICH, Georgiy Goorgiyevich, prof. Prinimali uchastiye: YEM]EYEV, V.S.; NUDRITSKIY, D.N.; ZENIhp F.I.. BAKH M#K CHEIEOKCV, V.P.; GERTSENOVA, K.N.; RAFES, ZAKHAROV, .P.M.; DEYNEKO, V.F., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., retsenzent; ZAKHAROV, V.K., prof.j retsenzent; MIROSHNIKOV, V.S., dots., retsenzent; BLIDV, S.V. doktor sellkhoz. nauk red. [Use of aerial photographic surveying and airplanes in forestry; aerial photography of forestB and forest aviation] Primenenie aerofotoallemki i aviatsii v lesnom khoziaistve; aerofotos"emka lesov i lesnaia aviat5iia. Izd.2., dop. i ispr. Moskva, Leanaia proWshl., 1964o 485 p. (MRA 17:10) 1. Nafedra lesnoy taksatsii i lesoustroystva. Belorusskogo tekhnologicheskogo~'fnstituta (for Zakharov, Miroshnikov). Card 2/ 2 YANSHIN, A.L., akademik; YAKOVLEV, Yu.Ya. (Moskva); PLOTEIN, S.Ya., kand-tekhn. nauk (Moskva)p' GVOZDETSKIY N.A. prof:J*l.UOVIK, I.B. (Moskva); SVINTSITSKIY, V.N. (Moskvaj; KOHOV, V V (Moskva); SULIDI-KONDRATIYEV, Ye.D. (Moskva); ~E-L 9YL-�A,YL (Leningrad) oks. Priroda 54 no,7:56-57; 71; 104-111 JI 165. (MIRA 18:7) Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V.Lomonosova (for Gvc>zdetskiy). BMV,. s.v. I ANIKM; V.S. %t6iidnqtion_ot thp" t6tql fissions-in a natural mixture -f urAnium* during itt irradiation by neutrons. Radjokhimija 7 no.1s120-124 165.. (KRA 18W 7-77 Z -, 71 ;77, - 4A - -- -~ft ' ' -"~ j :'. , 7~- : I . ~ DUA P If i~ f A'l 116W ~,OOMM fte: ww5ulel(A910061 i 7~ A.' 'M,'Dev1 --N. ftvH v =tit, ORG'* e-0 Cal -Physi AmdeW SUR, (InstitiA lilidcheskav6 A rizildimman nouk SWR) TEM -of li*amal mis~410 ftelds.* on ftr niclel In _n _ti-tZp ferrites by'. the nuclear. method gaum resonance soumi MUM -490 no. 6.. 10% - 301- cheskoy fisiki# v 3fM it elec*6i Zen$ 7i 31n6 0, ound#~,-fer bmapetio mate,-ialp OMP r Top,(; W6: W88 Uej off t f ~p,,jrrJtej1Ton,,, lbe ng, mpetic field* eU Parava ABSTRACT.* Th'a authorivobtained' the Mossbauer spectra'of the Ni-M-peries of.ferrites.- and determined the 'valuee:of ernal mWertic field on the Fes? nucletwith the zinc concentration varied from 6Lto--j (at 300~and 78K). 7he apparafts~-jged was of the electrddynamic,type,p des cribed in detall.elsewhere (Zavodskaya laboretoiiya No 12.9 X965)'. The ferrites were prepared standard ceramic technique. From the, spectra obtained it is deduced that. with i increasing zinc content up to total substitution of iron the zinc for the . ferrite goes over from the ferrimgnetie ordered state t,6 it paramagnetic stat6o, The~ line splitting' in the Pure nickel., ferrite can be attributed to the existence of.tvo fields'with'different ioAL Ono Sm%Uer values of the positi field correspond, to' tetrahedral positions of the Iron ions. Both thi sitive conw-. PO pon6ta Lof the field. and the electron. densi4 in the region Increase simit"eauslY.'.. CA rd ;Y2, L 32836-66 SWT(m)/EtYP(e)/EWP(k)/E'NP(t)/ETI IJP(c) JD ACC NR: AP6010270 SOURCE CODE; UR/0145/66/000/001/0158/0163 IV I AUTHOR: BelRy, Sl V.(Candidate of technical sciences) ORG: None TITLE: The determination of average pore dimensions of sintered porous metals SOURCE: MZ. Mashinostroyeniye, no. 1, 1966p 158-163 TOPIC TAGS: porosity, porous metal, powder metal ABSTRACT: The average size of pores is one of the important characteristics of porous media determining the filteling properties of porous media and the hydraulic resista;nZe in the filtration of fluids and gases through pores. Consequently, the '%uthor vestl tes the determination of average dimensions of pores of sintered porous metals/kade of spherical A puticles (bronze) and particles of arbitrary form (nichrome, stainless steel. I iron). Expe:-ixnental data presented in the article concerning the average size of the pores were obtained by squeezing liquids through the pores, by microphotographic methods, and by the ijimultaneous solutions of two equations. An analysis of the results shown that the values of average pore dimensions are influenced by the size of the particles, the porosity, L__qETd 1/2 UDC: 621.9-496 -I.. I. I --I M., ~ I.Ir' ACCESSIoN mi APW33614 S/0032/4/030/004/0449/0452. AUTHOR: Belov) S. V. TITLE: Absorption of beta radiation in'thin.layers of aluminum SOURCE: Zavodskaya laboratoriya V., %30, no. 41 1964;,449-452 TOPIC TAGS: beta ray absorption, radioactivity, measurement correction,, counter geometric factor, absqrber~ thickness,, Counter HST 17 ABSTRACT: *A study was made of beti.ray absorption in thin layers of aluminum* The data obtained are important in determining the corrdotion (based on-both ~.absorption and scattering of beta-rays) for counter measurements in studying 1' the absolute radioactivity of.samples, The method Ck extrapolating to zero absorber thidkness is fund4mentally incorrect since the absorption curve dep6rds on maximum beta energy., the form of the continuous electron* spectrum.,. MA rim ! Cal conditions. Previous studies.for,air absorption gave results with-oafficient, 1,,accuracy, but studies for mica and aluminum absorption gave contradictory results.' Experimental conditions were selected so as to-produce minimal interference. An o on window counter filled to' the pressure of 10 em H& with helium arA alcohol to 1) working mixture was 99% 'effective. The beta scattering trom. the counter tard 113, ACCESSION NR AP4033614 cap wa3.1s was < 001%.' The source (4-8 m~)' was 50 mm from the brass diaphrqp,, with~ a filter placed between., and iandom scattering was.prevented 6y a oone. The i counter had a plateau at 150-200 v (-