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VOIDDINA, G.F.; RUMkNOVAj,-I.M.j,.EELDV,, N.V.,, akadamik
Cr7sta,Mne structure of ceDOBIte Ca2(Y. TR)2[Si N
Dokl.AN WSR 349 Ao.lsl73-175 Mr 163.-
1. Institut kristallografti AN SSSR.
(Conosite) (x-ray crystal' grap1w)
GUANI Yk-STAN' [Kuan Ya-hsien]; SIMNOV, akademik
Crystalline structure of "bafertisit" BaFe27iOZ'Si2O7J7(OH)2-
Dckl. AN SSSR 149 no.6:1416-1419 Ap 163. (KIRA 16:7)
1. Institut kristallografii AN SSSR.
(Silicates) (Minerals)
KHEIROV, M.P.; MAHEDOV, Kh.S.; BELOV, N.V., akademik
. Cryatalline struature of rinkite Na(Ca, CO)2(T" COO CSi~g F.
Dckl. AN SSSR 150 no.ltl62-164 My 163. 16t6),
Crysta.Uina structure of hopeite zn 'CP04 72.
DAL AN SSSR 150 no.,2.-381-384 )tr- IZ3. iWRA 16:5)
NSRONOVA', N.N.1= NITIlp akademik
CZ70ta3line structure of I idite N42-r Si6 3H20, Dimorphism
s 0 no.32
of dimeta ca A St 15
ilicate radi 1* 54015). Do 09
a (MMA..16;6)
642-645 My 163.
31pidite 0178t&ls)
dioa341 (Chemistry-))
Crystalline structure of hodg~inaonite-Zn 2Ha(SiO43 (OH)
Dokl. AN SSSR 152 no.-2t327-330 S. 163.' 6ig i6all)
KURBANOV, Kh.M.; RUMANOVA, I.M.;, .,,,,akademik
Crystalline structure'of probbrtite CaNa[B507(OH)'4)-3H20. Dokl,
AN SSSR 152 no.5tllOO-1-103 0 -163. (MM 16t12)
Fedorov group (1~0) as a generic indicant of the family of
crystal structures. Zhur. strukt. khim. 5 no.5:719-729 S-0 164
(MIRA 181l)
1. Moskovskiy gosudarstyennyy universitet imeni M.V. Lomonosova. -
-1 55004.45,
........ .....
~4_7 Pr-4/Ps-:4/Pu-4 iJP(t) MIJKIZIGSIATACH
At CE3~1014 NTI: AT5007722 S/0000/&1/000/000/0009/0021
AUTHOR: Belov, N. V
TITLE: A c rystallo -chemical approach to gome peculiarities tr the behavior of oxides at I
high temperatures
SOU RC E: AN ~SSSR. Inslatut Uiniff silikat-ov. SUlkaty t okis ty v khimit vysokikh
temperatur (Silicates and oxides in high-temperature chern-Istryl. MZ00w. 196,3, 9-21
TOPIC TAGS: hot oxide behavior, phenomenological analysts, lattic4 enthalpy, magma
crystallization sequence, phase conversion mechanism
,,AIRSTRACT- The report discusses the behavior of various oxides (Cao, MgO. S102, AIZ03t.1
at high temperatures. Phenouienological and crystal lattice
arc, used to illustrate the sequeiu~e of cooling and crystallizzwon of magina- Details i3f the
nal szi~icture are analy7ed for their stgnificance to ener-~;-y rvquirezrnents in solid to
'I"he rpport deals speciftcaJIY the ~~)ordlnatior,,U w moic-cujar
L 55004-65
SUBr-,UTTED: 0000063 ENCL: 00
1110 REF SOV: 007 OTHER: 004
"New crystallochemical data which can be used in vitreous state theory."
report submitted for 4th All-Union Conf on Structure of Glass, Leningrad,
A-21 YA-,. 64.
Moscow Inst Crystallography.
inzh.; NQM, V.N., inzh.; OBRAZTSOVA, N.V., inzh.s red.;
.YALYSHEV, Z*S., inzh.., red.; KOFEYKINA, L.V., red.
of industrial thermochemical testing of barrel
boilers] Metodika ekspluatatsionrykh teplokhimicheskikh
ispytanii barabannykh kotlov. Moskvap Izd-vo "Energiia
1964. 126 P. (MIRA 17:61
Is ORGRES, trust, Moscow.
BOKI7, rxeorgiy Borisovicb; PORAY-KOSHITS,, Mikhail Aleksandrovich;
BELOV, N.V.p akademikp red.; DOLIVO-DOBRMLIMYA, Ye.H.p
- r ad.
(X-ray structural analysis] Rentgenostm&turnyi. analiz, Mo-
skvap Izd-vo Mosk. univ. Vol.l. Izd.2. 1964 488 p.
iKM 17:12)
Dra,6ings showing crys tal structures in Shubnikov antisymmetry
groups. Kristallografiia 9 no.2:147-154 Mr-Ap'64.
1. Institut, kristaliografii AN SSSR. (MIRA 170)
-~ ' RoUclature
of Bravais lattices. Kristallografila 9
YT-Je 064. (MIRA 17j6)
X-ray diffraction examination of active (d-) and racentic (d, 1-i1
Sb-tartrates. Krijitallograflia 9 no.3s402-403 Ily-Je 164.
1. Institut kristallografi4l AN SSSR.
Refined crystalline structure of bertrandite Be4[Si2O7) (OH)2-
Kristallograftia 9 no.4*551-553 JI-Ag 164.
(MIRA 17:11)
1. Institut kristallografii AN SSSR.
:::~~ I
Crystal structure of roselite Ca2Co[AsO4]2.2H20. Dokl, AN SWR
155 no. 2:353-356 Mr 164. (HIM 17:5)
- ----------
Crystalline stnicture of the mixed d.1-NHOb tartrate o"
d;l-(NH4)2(Sb2(C,4H406)21-41120- Dokl. AN SSSR 155 no. 3:
545-548 Mr 164. (MIRA 17.5)
1. Institut kristallografii AN SSSR,
Crystal structure of creedite Ca3Al2(1? 0011)1004-'H20. DAL
AN SSSR 155 no. 5:1082-1084 Ap 164. (MIRA 170)
L Institut neorganicheakoy khimii Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN
akademik - -."
Cryst&l structure of synthetic sodium titanosilicate Na 2(TiO~(SiO41.
Dokl. AN SSSR 157 no.6:1355-1357 Ag 164. (MIRA 17:9)
Crystalline texture of "uklQnsko it Namg[,qo4](nii)d2H
v 296
Dokl. AN SSSR 158 no.ltI16-118 164 (MA i7:8)
1. Institut neorganicheskoy khiraii Sibirskogo otdeleniya
No* 14. Outline of structural mineralogy* Min abore uo*17:3-34
163. (HIRk 1701)
1, Institut kristallografii AN SSSR,, Moskva.
Gross sections of doubled Paterson functions. Kristallograflia
9 no.6t771-777 N-D 164. (MIRA 18:2)
1. Institut kristallografii AN SSSR i Institut fiziki AN Moldavskoy
Crystalline structure of barilite Br~",92S1207- Use of difference
eyntheses for the exposure of light atoms in the presence of
sufficiently heavy atoms. Kristallografiia 9 no.6:816-827 N-D
164o (MIRA 18:2)
1. Institut, kristallografii M SSSR.
MUSTAFAYEV, N.M.; ILYUMI, l,.V.; BEIDT, N.V., akademik
,~~Vtalline structure of K-nuorobaryllate K2BBF4(BEL2S'C")' Dok"
AN SSSR 159 no.6t1287-M9 D 164 (MlRA l8d)
14 Bravais lattices as generators of 230 Fedorov symmetry groups.
Zhur, strukt. khim, 5 no.607&887 N-D 164. (MIRA 1834)
1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova.
of elpidite Na2Zr fS'60'15 I 3k-,().
Kristallografiia 9 no.6:828-834 N-D 164.
(MIRA 18:2)
1. Insti-tut tieorganicheskoy khimii Sibirskogo otdaleniya AN
Crystalline structure of the Bi-molybdate B12(McO/,]3- D'Okl- AN
SSSR 162 no.3:563-564 My 165. (WRA 18:5)
1. Institut khimii AN AzerbSSR.
Outlines of stractural mineralogy, Part 15. Yin.sbor. 18 no.-31:5-15
164- (MIRA 3.8:5)
1. Instit-ut kristallp-grafii AN SSSR, Moskva.
BELOYI_A.Y. ~ _ _
Outlines of structural geology. Fart 15, Min.sbor. 18 no.4':223-125 -
164a (MIRA 18:5)
1. Institut kristallografii 0 SSSR, Moskva.
. ]BELOV.-R, Noy?, --~
'. !.j 11 -- I :~
Mineralogy at the 6th International Congress of Crystallographers,
, Zap. Vaes. min. ob-va 93 no-3:249-259 164.
- (MIRA 18:3)
SIMONOVO, M.A.; akademik
Crystal structure of the.Na, Zn, Cd- metasilicate Na4ZnCd[SiP6]20
Doklo AN SSSR 164 no'62t406-409 S 165. (KIRA 180)
1. Moskavakiy gosudarstvannyy universitet.
KOSTOVI Ivan, prof.; ~~ ~A akademik(translator);
MAYXOVA. Te.J... red.
(Crystallography. Translated from the Wlgarian] Kri-
stal.lograflia. Moskva, Mir, 1965. 528 p. (MIRA 18:3-2)
V.., nRaderiik
Crystal structure of cadmium tungstate U1104, Doltl All SS.SR 16.6
no.l.-.87-89 Ja 166, 411PA 19:1)
1. Moskavskiy gosudarotvennyy universI.Wta im. M.Lomonosova
i Institut kristallografil AN SSSR.
-T.4 'T
NR: AP6027 1~-
ACC / )
DE: UR/0020,/65/165/001/0088/0090
Kqzfiiiin~ E. A
R. BeIkWj K~ V. (Academician)
r1!~yStateUn1versI!XJxn NJ'Lobachevoldy
(Gorlkovskiygosudarstve univerafteo -
Instilute of crystallography,.Acad.emy of: Sciences SSSR (Institut kristallografil Akadendi
ni ~SSSR)
TITLE-. Crystd.etructur6 of. the s~mpleat La and Sm silicates
SOURCE: Ai;'SSSR. .1i 165 no.L 1965, 88 90
I GS: samar um~ coinpodnd ~'lanthanurd compound, silicate, crystal stiuctur6
ABSTRACT: Single-glyst1j'
12 02
ox~ratal: chips'of the: ompounda La 0 SiO La2N
:SM J&ate2
abdft~() -is
910~, .3-2SIC) synthesized at the Insti try,
203 tute of hem
AN SSSR titut =1 81lik1t0V)
-1eningrad (Ins were structurally analyzed by: x-ray
diffraction. The unit cells of the hypothetical compounds La,,O
3' SiO and La2O3'
were found to-be completely^idehtlcal,,indicaii~g that these c"0mpQs are Identical; tbe
1,4" same applied to the' Fhn silicates. ~.Powder patterns of the La and Sm, silicates were
strildngly similar to, those of britholite, a structural analog of apatits The atomic.
ard 1/' 2
:4 UM. 648.7.' T
'% ~ - .: -, -, ., -. .. 1 .1 - ~ .1 .-1 . . I ~ i -. ~,-. :. .
'L 079o4-67 :'W(ja)/C- JD
Acc NR: AP60W4:
Vo DbM' Ast
L. N.;, Il uk np V,__V V.
_y _Ai Bolovt 11, ffAw
I.ORG: Institute of CnrstAlo riphy AN SSSR (Institut kriotal-lografii All SS~R);
:Yloscow State Un1versjMAmj,';Hj:V, Lo~~v (Moskovskiy gosudmtvwjW univei
'TITLE: synthesis.~ and-brystil!straoturo of cadmium mol date
.SOURCE.' Kristano ho. 4o 1966t A-60
ITOPIC TAGS;, ~eadmium'.'eoldpound'vi"~~i6lybdate, crystallizationt exchange reaction,
stoichiomotry, crystal,':lattice stmeture
JABSTRACT: Tho'singlo cryitatls. of.Cdl-$004,woro the product of hydrothorml crystal-
ilization in the systoms'CdOJ10O3-XCl-H20 (11 = Lip Nag X). The synthesis was in an
'autoclave with w6rking.,chambor volume 43 __ 50:cm.31-at pressure 1,000 - 1,500 atm
for 3 -- 5 daYs. During _thR~,h
ydrothormal synthosisp in addition to the dissolution
of the componont6i their tiansport#,and orystallizatioh of the cadmium molybdate
in the cold zone df'tho' &'u"t'oaavep an exchange rodotion between C&160~ and LiCl was
observed in th9.li4uid'.phase:at.1iCl concontrations larger than 20%, with formation
of a mixed Li-p-. Cd-mo1Yb4U'::*t_ -constant but non-stoichionstrio compositions The
t Card 1/2 R
L 0790h-67
ACC NR: AKQ24671~-',..,
Colo tl
single crystals were.. ith dimonsions up to 3 mmo with to
having paramotors trago al lattice
a Mo 0 3.1-19 1 (Z = 4)1 space group 'S
O:C the structuto and"tablos-of.tho coordliatos of the atoms C4h" = I41/a. gramal
distances aft presented -:, T~ and of the intoratomic
i-,- 0 PrOporties are comparad with those oj
datos. orig.-, other molyb.
a and 2 tables.
-.DATE.. 0466/
4~ N
Y A:~f-
01 z~,
4,0 IM 'P-
N": A117009591
SOURCE CODE: Un/0020/66/170/005/1070/1072
AUTHOR: Shchedrin, B. M ; qq_Lqy.,.-N.,_Xt_(Acadcm i c inn); Zhidkov, N. P.
cite University in. M, V. Lomonosov (Moskovskiy Cosudarsvrennyy
ORG, Moscow St.
TMIX., Mterial point method in the structural analysis of crystals
SJURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 170, no. 5, 1966, 1070-1072
7'OPIC V.GS: crystal structure analysis,, xray diffraction analysis
ADSTRACT: A method Of "thO MAOrI061 point" ims dovoloped for the struct-j~aj
amlysis of crystals. In this met-hod tho totality of Parawtera to be dcfinod
by coordinates of an absoluto minlauna is asounod to corroopond to coordinatoo
of som3 matorial point that romains on a zurface doscribod by a solootc4
function in an n-dimewinal spaco* Urder thu action of a conlitional Cravity.
foraj, tho rztorial point is diop)Acod and I.OrAa to got :Lnto rogiona of m4nI=1-
potorrvial anorMr. Math-tical cxpmsoiona based on thooo coneopte havo boon
derived for calculations to ba ear7icd ott in etructurra analpia,
By applyins t1ho notbod dosoribod., authora tbw dov-ormIzad th% aryatal evractum
of Ni-nitrodioth71cvMi^-,'-o chlorldo /Mcn2X~~Cjen tho basic of X-ra7,.! Oria. art; has: 6 formulas, LJPF~.;~ -40,059
UDc: 548
AUTHOR; Belov., _N.Ya. Director of the Central Laboratory of the Kirov.
TITLE; coments
MIODICAL: Zavod3kaya Laboratoriya, 1957, Vol 23, Nr 10, pp 1219 1220
ABSTRACT: In his report delivered on the occasion of the 40th anniversary
of the October revolution the director of the laboratory of the
once-time bi,",;est arms-factory of Russia (Putilov3kiy Zavod) gave
a historical review of the activity of t1n laborato17 vnich was
tinder his charge and at which already in 1904, ouch well-!mown
Russian scientists, as '.3elyayev, Lipin , 'Tudtsov, and others %Tork-
ed. At present, the physical raothods of analysis are applied by
preference in the work-laborator;r. Since 1939, ultrasonics-defec-
toscopy according tb S. Ya. Sokolov has al2o been introduced in
this laboratory. A collective of metallophysicsts of these works
under the direction of 7.imhev, P. I. , P. F. Vasilevskiy, and
L. S. lavrentlyev introduced a perfected powder-magnetoscopy for
the exa,.-iination of ferromagnetic materials. With the assistance of
the collaborators of the national institute of optics luminescence.
Card 1/2 defectoscopy was also introduced here for the investigation of
nonferrocagnetic materials. Since the production of various spe-
cial alloys with certain properties was introduced a mass control
of the finished products in view of ma,-,netic permeability was in-
troduced. At present, there is also a division for radioactive iso
topes attached to the work-laboratory by raeans of whica satisfac-
tory results were already achieved by obtaininZ tunigsten fron the
scrap of open-hearth-furnaces by applyinS tunasten-isotopes (17185)
in Mnich case the extraction of tungsten increased bY 80 ~.'. it is
contemplated that the same process should be introduced for the
purpose of winning. titaniun within the near future.
ASSOCIATION: Tsentrallnaya lqboratoriya Kirovskogo zavoda (Central Laboratory
of the Kirov-Plant)
AMIABLE: Library of Congress
1. Science-USSR-Progress
Card 2/2 .1
25(0) SOV/32-25-1-2/51
AUTHOR: ,4~,Belov~N ~Ya Chief of the Central Laboratory of the Kirov
Machine Building Plant.
TITLE: Articles and Suggestions of the Directors of the Central Factory
Laboratori-ea in Connection With the Theses Laid Down by Party
Member No So Khrushchev at the XXI Congress of the CPSU '
"Control Figures of the Development 'of,%-National Economy of
the USSR in the Years.1959-19651' (Stat ji i predlozheniya
rukovoditeley Tsentralinykh zavodskikh laboratariy v svyazi. s
tezisami doklada tovarishcha No S. Khrushcheva na XXI sllyezde
KPSS "XontrolInyye tsifry razv11tiya narodnogo khozyaystva SSSR
na 99-19
PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratorl.ya2 19591 Val 25, Nr 1, pp 5-7 (USSR)
Card 1/3
The Kirovskiy (Putilavskiy) zavad (Kirov(Putilov) Plant ) is
a machine building and metallurgical plant; the tasks of the
factory laboratory are therefore very extensive. It Is intended
to carry on the f%otory laboratcry tradition founded by
No To Gudtsov. Reeintly, a process of dispersion hardening of
alloys was worked out by A. No Zhironkin, 1. D. Fichakhchi,
A. I. Kanavina, and others. The new t--ade-marks DT, LKZ and
Articles and Suggestions of the Directors of the CentraZ Factory Laboratories
in Connection With the Theses Laid Down by Party Member III. S. Khrushchev at
the XXI Congress of the CPSS "Control Figures of the Development of National
Economy of the USSR in the Years 1959-1965"
KhNTF are manufactured in the above mentioned factory. 45 million
tractor tracks of G13 steel are cast yearly (2 millions thereof
in the above mentioned factory). Unfortunately,.this steel is
not durable, 'but the factory mea-banine are not in a position
to work on harder steel. A plant is being planned for the
continuous casting of rod iron (of a diamet-er of 350 mm) and
iron processing tests in vacuum are being carried on. Thanks to
factory engineer P. M. Platonov's contribution, caat.linings
are manufactured in the USSR. The following engineers are
working at the above mentioned factory: V. L. Anokhin,
Ye. M. Zimneva, Yu. V. Yelttein, A. Mo Nakh-Imov, A. I. Gahertset-
veli? L. D. Khinskiy, A. No Zhironkin, and many others. The
chief of the Steel Laboratory, V. M. Zamoruyev recently
defended his doctorts dissertation. A laboratory is to be set
up in each department of the factory, following the example
of the zavQd im. Likhacheva (Factory imeni Likhachev). This
year it ha3 been set up in the rolling -mill and previously
Card 2/3' already in the turbine and thermical department.
Articles and Suggestions of the Directors of the Central-Factory Laboratories
in Connection With the Theses Laid Down by Party'Member N. S. Khrushchev at
the XXI Congress of the CPSS "Control Figures of the Development of National
Economy of the U3SR in the Years 1959-1965"
ASSOCIATION, Tsentraltnaya zavodskaya laboratoriya Kirovskogo mashinostroi-
tellnogo zavoda(Central Factory Laboratory of the Kirov
Machine Building Plant)
Card 3/3
30(l) SOV/118-59-9-11/20
AUTHOR: Belov N.Ye., Engineer
TITLE: Containers for Transportation of Wooden Articles
PERIODICAL: Mekhanizatsiya i avtomatizatsiya proizvodstva, 1959,
Nr. 9, pp 49 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The Tellmanskiy Lumber Industry Economy of the Trust
"Tatles" successfully uses cheap lattice-work contai-
ners for carrying, keeping and transporting smallsize
wooden articles. Containers are made of a low-quality
wood; their sizes are 2.lxl.3x2.1 m; capacity - about
5 mY(pig 1). The loading and unloading with the aid
of such containers is performed by automobile cranes,
electric cranes of a 3-5 ton loading capacity, or by
excavators E-505 which are provided with a special loa-
ding frame protecting the containers against possible
damage during the loading. A truck can take 2 contai-
ners at a time (Pig. 2); a rail-ro4d narrow gauge flat-
car - 4 containers, and the broad gauge flatcar - 8 to
12 of them. For inter-plant transportation it is very
Card 1/2 convenient to use the auto-loaders 4000M (Pig. 3).
Containers for Transportation of Wooden Articles
Application of such containers increases almost 2.5
times the efficiency of loading and unloading; more-
over, it eliminates the necessity of supplementary
packing of wooden goods. In the course of March-April
1959, the Tellmanovskiy Lumber Industry Economy deli-
vered to the consumer-plants over 40 flPtcars loaded
with such coniainers, representing 3/4 of its en-
tireproduction of wooden article,-.
12here are 3 photographs.
Card 2/2
AUTHORS; Vlasovq A.D,t and Belovt N.Ye.
;T.ITLE-. Quality factor of the amplifier a age's and of the out-;
put circuit of a wide band klystron
'PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v, 7, no. 10t'1962t
1787 - 17914
-TEXT: The purpose of the paper is to discus6-the de,Pign-of a multi-
.cavity klystron.resulting in an optimum 6ain-bandwidth-'factor, The
optimization is carried out for two parameters ~D and Vp where the-~..
former is concerned with the amplifying atag68 and the.latter solely,
with the output circuit, The definitions are as follows
Z k and -Tr
Where 1/Q 3 db bandwidthp k - gain of a single staget n - ele ctro-
nic effi~ciency. Assuming staggering tuning but otherwise identical
stages, i/Q and k represent averaged values# The calculations are
performed for anannular beam of electrons (outer radius al and
Quality factor of the amplifier ... D266/D308
inner radius b) moving in a tunnel. The resonators are of the usual-
reentrant type, where R/Q is approximated by the following formula
2 (21
R C C, )2 (8)
where 21 width of the interaction gap, d - inner diameter of the
drift tube, C21 a2 constantsv taken 'in one particular case as
C C! 110 and E 4z- 03, Similar approximation is used -for the plasma
2 2
frequency reductionfactor which is written in the form
P = cip (7.)
where C1, el - constants afid p is the normalized mean radiust de-
.fined as
a.+ b Vj__
v _2 p2
:where w - angular frequencyp v - beam velocity, P v/c' c veloci-
~ty of light. The gap coupling coefficient is taken as
Card 2/3
B/109 62/007/010/009/012--i-
Qualtiy factor of the amplifier ... D266YD308
M rump i O(a) (9)
,vihere,Iop Jo - Bessel functions, a/b, a.= ~Lvl 0 and are then
expressed with the aid of the above parameters and means for maximi-.
.zing them are investigated.-There is a transit angle which optimizes
-both II and 7 but generally only one of them can be optimized and a
compromise must beipought, The optimum'value of the perveance is
ce-must be chosen on practica
.often not realizablb and then pervean 1
considerations,and the value of transit angle optimized later. No
bomplete design is described, but the author claims that the appli-
.cation of the method is sti~aightforward*'There are 2 figures.
SUBITITTEDO- June 27, 1961
Oird 3/3
Quality of amp3lfier stageB and output circuit of a wift-band
klystron. Radiotakh. i elektron, 7 no*10:1787-1794 0162,
(MIRA 15:10)
Calculation of m' C.-owave dovi-t-os wi Un tubular beams. Izv, vys.
ucheb. zav.; radlotekh. 7 no.;QU,248 lAr-.Ap 164.
(MIRA 17'.9)
Pi;-.4/P3b-24/Pi,,~4 /A';FTR
/AF _/!~~Vftt),~RA Mt'
ACCESSION NR; AP4045489 S10109/641009/00911663/1674
TITLE: Wavoe in t ch'ity electron boams with a finite focuoing field
SOURCE: Radiotakhnik.- i olektronika, v,~ 9, no~ 9, 1964, 1663-1674
TOPICA TAGS: cyclotron frequency, SHF tube, drift tube, space charge
ABSTRACT: A method is offered for space-charge and cyclotron
waves in a tubular bea-m under conditions of a finite focusing magnetic field and
an arbitrary ratio of the plasma frequency to the working frequency. The
excitation of a high-density tubular beam is analyted under the assumption that
these quantities are different for differant waves: (a) tho functions determining
the dependence of beam waVda on the radius and (b) the plasm-a-frequency and
t cyclotrom-frequency reduction factors. A numerical example is supplied to
illustrate the method. Orig& art. has: 2 figures, 39 formulae, and 5 tables.
SUBMITTED,. 213un63 ENCL: 00
SUB CODE4, EC.;, REF'SOV: 004 OTHER: 004
BEI.Clv) N.Ye.
- "W-ftm-w~
V-~vea !n ~,tgh~,jer e.
.Stty electron bearg vith a finite frzusing f.!.P;l -
Radiot-r-kh. I tilektron, 9 no.9:1-.663-1674 S 164o
(MIRA 17-.3.0)
MARKIN, Petr Sergeyevich, doktor tekhn. naukj LEVCHENKO, Petr
Vasillyevich, kand. tekhn. nauk; STHMV, Konstantin
Konstantinovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; MITKALINNYY, V.I..,
retaenzent; MIKHALISKIY, A.A., retBenzent; BELOV 0
red.; SYROHINA, M.M., red. izd-va; MALIKOVA, N.T., tekhn.
(Kilns and driers of refractory plants]Pechi i sushila ogne-
upornykh zavodov. (By,]P.S.Mamykin i dr. Sverdlovsk, Metallurg~
izdat, 1963. 471 p. (MIRA 16:2)
.(Refractories industry-Equipment and supplies) (Kilns)
Aerodynamic protection of reverberatory furnace roofs. TSvet.
met. 38 no.2:24 F 165. (MIRA 18:3)
BILOT, P. general-pollcovnik
Patriots on now China. Toen.znan. 35 w.4:9-10 Ap 159.
(MM 1217)
BEWi. P.A.
Som shortcomings in zoology teaching. Blol. v shkole no-102-34
J&-F 158 (UM 3.1il)
1. Vladimirskiy oblastnoy otdal narodnogo obrazovanlys.,
(Vladimir Province-Zoology-Study and teaching)
28(2), 3(7)
Card 112
B24&v=. __Candidate of Physical and Mathematical
.. F- ,
The "Pogodall.Computer for Weather Forecasts
-_ ----76
Radio, 1959, Nr 10, pp 14 - 16 (USSR)
The author explains the theoretical premises of
using electronic computers forveather forecasts.
The "BESM". "Strelall and "Ural" computers may be
used for this purpose. Recently, specialized com-
puters were introduced and the "Pogodall is one of
them. The data are fed into the "Pogodan on perfo-
rated tape in a binary code. Two tapes are punched
and compared for correctness on a KSU device (kon-
trollno-schityva-,vushcheye ustroystvo - control and
computing device). The "Pogodall will perform 100-200
operations per second. During the winter of 1959,
The "Pogodall Computer for Weather Forecasts
the "Pogodall was used for 24-hour prognoses of the I/
air pressure changes. There is 1 photograph.
Card 2/2
BKOT, P., geroy Sovetskogo Boyuss, gyarUl general-polkoulk.
Improve the patriotic activities of the mass defense societ
Voss,sman. 31 no*9:6-7 S 155* (DMU 97*
l.Prodeadatell TSantrallzogo komit*ta Dobrovollaoge.obehobeetya
nodaystviya armii, aviateii i flot, SSSR.
(Military educatiox)
AUTHOR: Belov, P. Hero of the Soviet Union, Colonel General, Chairman of the
Central-R-mi-i-t-Ate"e of DOSAAF USSR
TITLE: We Should Be Initiators of Everything Modern (Bytl zastrellshchikom vsego novogo)
PERIODICAL: Radio, 1957# Nr 1, PP 2-3 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: DOSAAP Society celebrates its 30th anniversary in January 1957. In this con-
nection, the author reviews some of the DOSAAF achievements and formulates a few
tasks. The society numbers tens of thousands of experienced radio specialists.
Corresponding members of the AS USSR A. Mints, and V. Sifprov, Professor Z. Model',
designers I. Nevyazh6kiy, Ye. Genishta, and V. Mellnikov were all formerly amateurs.
I. Zavedeyev in the North Arctic Ocean and A. Rekach in the Mirnyy settlement, both
DOSAAF champions, worked respectively at the arctic and antarctic poles. Many radio
amateurs have designed instruments for the national economy: S: Sheremetinskiy
designed a metal locator, Yu. Manoyev a humidity meter, I. Akuliniche7 a vector-
electrocardioscope, etc. DOSLAF organizations and radio clubs should encourage radio
amateurs to invent instruments and devices useful to Soviet industry. Radio amateur--
ism should become a mass movement in 1957; diversified activities and more initiative
are urged. Field day and "fox chase" contests are recommended* Thousands of radio
amateurs should go on the air with their VHF radio stations in 1957. Women radio
amateurs who set very high zvcords, such as G. Patko, A. Volkova, Z; Xubikh,
Card 1/2
We Should Be Initiators of Everything Modern
M. Bassina, are known both in the Soviet Union and abroad. Radio specialists and
engineers should be urged to devote their free time, without pay, to help develop
radio amateurism. S. Morozov, and Yu. Rtxtkoveldv (Poltava), S. Xosyak (Kaliningrad),
S. Sotnikov (140scow), A. ne-in (Kivertsy, L'Vav-Railroad), and Ye. Predko (Stanislav)
regularly receive long-distance TV programs; their experience should be studied,
used, and extended. Soviet industry and armed forces need more and more radio operators
and radio repairmen. The central committee of the DOSAAF, USSR, decided to double in
2 years the present number of technical specialists. In accordance with this decision,
local DOSAAF organizations are training automobile and motorcycle drivers, radio
specialists, and other technicians. A great many trained radio specialists capable of
operating radar and TV sets are needed.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 2/2
L)"" P A ~
P.A., general-polkoynik.
Important task for radio amateurs. Radio no.10:6 0 '57.
(MIRA 10:10)
1. Predsedatell TSentrallnogo Komiteta Dobrovollnogo obahchqatva
modeystviya armii, aviataii J flotu 33SR.
(Artificial satellites)
AUTHOR: Be1nv____P_'A__ QhAirMan USSR DOSAAF Central Committee,
~e ~Soviet Union, Colonel General
TITLE: On the Eve of the DOSAAF All-Union Convention (Navstrechu
Vsesoyuznomu slyezdu DOSAAF)
PERIODICAL: Kryl'ya rodiny, 1958, Nr 1, pp 1-3 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In connection with DOSAAF activities, the author mentions
the Khrushchev speech of November 25, 1957, the resolution
of the Plenum of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union
"On Improvement of Party-Political Work in the Soviet Army
and Navy", and the correction of the Zhukov "line". DOSAAF
is now one of the largest mass organizations in the country,
having increased its membership more than 2 1/2 times in the
past 5 years. The number of DOSAAF aviation groups at the
Card 1/3
On the Eve of the DOSAAF All-Union Convention 85-58-1-2/28
primary level increased several times during 1957. Soviet parachutists
have been particularly successful, and are now invading the I .
stratosphere, both singly and in groups. The Plenum of the DOSAAF
Central Committee has recommended radical improvements be made in
all forms of aviation sports for Soviet young people, with the help
of the trade unions and of Komsomol units. Bureaucracy and inertia
are said to exist in the administration of DOSAAF Central Committee
aviation and technical training. The primary organizations must
receive more effective leadership and more adequate equipment. The
following DOSAAF organizations are praised for their initiative and
effective work: the KharOkov DOSAAF Oblast Committee under its chairman
Ryashchenko, and the Moscow Municipal and the Kalinin Oblast Committees.
The Kolomna DOSAAF aeroclub is assisting in opening a DOSAAF glider
club in the town of Zhukovskiy [Moscow Oblast]; an aviation sports
club will shortly be organized in Cheremkhovo, Irkutskaya Oblast'
(chairman Yerikov). Other cities in Irkutskaya Oblast' showing
similar activity include Angarsk, Kachug and Usol'ye. DOSAAF
organizations are active in Magnitogorsk, Kurgan, Vologda, Leningrad,
Kursk, Krasnoyarsk, Yegorlyevsk, Makhachkala, Riga, LIvov, Kaunas,
Card 2/3
On the Eve of the DOSAAF All-Union Convention 85-58-1-2/28
loshkar-Oly, and Maykop. The DOSAAF Republic Committee of
Belloruaskaya SSR (chief Bezdenezhnyy), on the other hand is critized
for its failure to organize and train adequate numbers of flying
teams, The author stresses the importance of the calibre of
instructors and considers their ability to be decisive in ensuring
successful training. Applicants at the Saransk and Raluga instructor
training schools include men and women who are admitted on the basis
of their records in sports. Personalities mentioned include:
Yu. Peklin and N. Pryakhina, Masters of Sports; G. Lyubushkin,
Moscow model airplane builder; helicopter pilots V. Yermakov (Gomel'
aeroclub), A. Lutsenko and F. Belushkin (TsAK SSSR), A. Teplykh
(Tsentral'naya planernovertoletnaya shkola) Central Glider-Helicopter
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 3/3
~ :
Method for calibrating throttle (contracting) devices based on
the application of the theory of similarity Priboroatroonle
no.2:22-23 7 160. iHM 13:5)
AUMOR.- Goronina) K. A.; Belov) P. K.; Sorokina) E. P.
ORG: Scientific Research
Institute at the Gor'kiy University (Nauchno-
issledovatel'skiy radiofizicheskiy institut pri Gor1kovskom universitete)
TITIS: Determination of the dielectric constant from the change of polarization of a
reflected wave
SOURCE: IVUZ. Radiofizika,, v. 9., no. 5j* 1966.v 975-979
TOPIC TAGS: dielectric constant) electri p
I c olarization, electromagnetic wave reflec-
tion, phase shift, refractive index, dielectric loss
ABSTRACT: The awLhors show that since a definite relation exists between the complex
reflection coefficient and the dielectric constant, and since a connection exists be-
tween the dielectric constant and the change in polarization of the wave reflected
from the investigated medium, it is possible to determine the dielectric constant by
measuring thepolarization of the reflected wave. It is also shown that for an ex-
perimental determination of the ratio of the principal axes of the polarization ef-:--
1ipse and their orientation it is possible to use a receiver for linearly polarized
waves, and that the optimal angle of incidence is the so-called principal angle, at
which the phase shift between the polarization components is equal to 90% The ,
authors then describe a setup for the measurement of the dielectric constant of water
in the millimeter band (FU. 1). The waves were generated by a backward-wave oacil-
ACC NRt AP6033289
M% S
Figo 10 Block diagram of setup. S - Parabolic
mirrors P - rectangular waveguidep 0 - reflectors
I ,
receiving born antenna.
lator and shaped by a parabolic mirror and a rect-
angular waveguide. The reflected wave is received
by a horn antenna and is guided to the receiver by
a waveguide operating in the TEO, mode. The polarization is measured by rotating the
receiving antenna together with the detector. The test procedure is described in de-
tail. The dielectric constant of water was measured at 16C at several wavelengths
from 1.2 to 1.6 rnm. The values agree well with the theoretical Debye formula for them
dielectric constant of water and with measurement results by others. The temperaturej
variation of the refractive index and of the dielectric loss angle were found to de-
viate from the Debye formulas especially at higher tesperatures. Orig. art. has:
3 figures, 4 formulas, and I table.
SUB CODE: 2o/ suBm DATE: 26.Tan66/ ORIG PXF: 003/ OTH REF: 002
AUTHOR: D'yachenko, N. Kh., Doctor of Technical- Sciences,
Belov, P.M., Candidate of Technical Sciences
TITLE: The Work of the Carburetor Engine During Accelerati*
PERIODICAL: Avtomobillnaya promyshlennost', 1959, Nr ?9 pp, B-12
ABSTRACT: The authors studied-the behavior of gasoline engines
during acceleration..,They explain-the causes of the
engine power reduction.and..the higher fuel consumption
during acceleration. Analyzing.the function of the
spark advance mechanlem.of-an R-23 distributor, they
established that a 9-10
from the optimum angle will.cause a 5-8% power reduc-
tion on engines-of type ZIL-120,and-M--20. They in-
vestigated the influence of butterfly valve position
changes on the acceleration intensity. A sudden open-
Card 1/3 ing of the throttle for accelerating the engine disturbs
The Work of the Carburetor Engine During Acceleration:
internal processes in the engine, causing a decrease
of the available power. A slow, gradual opening of
the throttle deteriorates dynamic conditions and
increases the fuel consumption during the accelera-
tion period. The engine and-the automobile cannot de-
velop a high acceleration and the acceleration pro-
cess is delayed.- Consequently, some intermediate po-
sition of the butterfly valve will produce the best
results. Experiments with ZIL-120 and M-20 engines
.confirmed this conclusion. The authors further in-
vestigate the character of the air flow with different
throttle positions, saying that interruptions of the
air flow in the intake system may occur with a sudden
open-ing of the throttle. Finally, they recommend some.
measures for reducing the losses of power and torque
of gasoline engines during acceleration. The design
Card 2/3 of the air/fuel intake may be improved. The intake
The Work of the Carburetor Engine- During. Acceleratiox~
system may be heated. Additional fuel may be injected
during acceleration. The most radical improvement is
the direct fuel injection into the cylinders. Correc-
tions of the spark advance mechanism may be made. There
are 8 graphs and 3 Soviet references.
Card 3/3
AXATOVg-TovgenIy Ivanovichl ])p
11kolay Unritonoviahv prof., doktor takhn.nauk; MUUTOT-
Vitaliy,Sergeyevich; ZHDANOVIXIY, N.S,, doktor tekhn.nauke
reteenzent; DOUSOVA, G.A.. red.izd-va; FRMIN, P.S.,
[Performance of a motor-vehicle engine under unsteady conditions]
Rabota avtomobiltnogo dvigatelia na noustanovivshemsia reshims.
Pod red. N.Kh'Dliachanko. Moskva. Goo.nauchno-tekhn.lzd-To mashino-
stroit.lit-ry: 1960. 247 p. (KIRA 13:4)
(Motor vehicle P-Nnginas)
DIYACHEKKO, Kikolay Kharitonovich., doktor tekhn. naukI, prof.; DASHKOV,
Sergey Nikitich, dokt*r tekbn. naukp prof.j HUSATOY, Vitally
Sergeyevioh., kaMetsk.hnnauk; BELOV., Favel Mitrofanovicb., kand. BUDYKO, YuriF-Ivanovich,, kand-.TeRW.-na~k. Pri-
nimali uchastiye:-BURYACHKO, V*R.; GUGINI A.M.; ZEDANOVSKLY, N.S.j
doktor teIdm.-naukqprof,.q reteenzent; YURKEVICH, M,P.., inzh,.,
red. izd.-va; PETERSON, M.M#, tekhn. red.
[High-speed piston internal conbustion engines] Bystrokhodnye
porabnevye dvigateli vnutremego agoraniia. Moskva Mashgizj, 1962.
368 P- WRA 15:7)
(Gas and oil engines) (Diesel engines)
HIM, P. N.
"Investigation Into the Contributions Made by Individual Wars of the
Atmosphere to the Variation in the Pressure Near the Earth".
Meteorol, i Gidrolo&iyal No 6j, pp 22-25j, 1954.
Statistical treatment of the data of radio sounding is conducted on the basis
of the following elementary indentity: dpo =Z'dpo -dpzl 2 4- Cdpsl -dpw2-7
-f 4 Z-dp , where dp is the day-today changes in pressure (dp is the change
at t;;*earths :~idpzj bare the o!'anges at the level t1j, etc.). The titits in
the brackets are treated as the contributions of the ifidividual layers to the
variation in the pressure at the earth. In the treatment it is assumed that
zk-zk-1 ~l km and zn =710 km.
The results of Y31 pdxs of radio-sounding ascents were divided into 4 groups:
-M sinking cyclone or ttoughs (2) filling cyclone or trough, (3) intensifying
anticyclone or crest, and (4) weak6ping anticyclone of crest. This classification
was carried out in accordance with the distribution of pressure at the earth's
surface. For eadh group the mean values of the contributions were calculated
and analyzed. It is established that sharpening of the wctremim of the ground baria
field (group 1 and 3) is ordinarily related to the advection of masses at heights
greater than 10 kme amoothing of the wctremum (groups 2 and 4) is related to the
adveotion of maepes in the lower 5-4m layer. On the average for each of the
.groups the advaction of masses into a layer between 5 and 20 km is comparatively Small.
(MGeol, No 11, 1955)
SO, S= No 994j, 9 Apr 1956
BELOV, P.N., 6and Phys-I!ath Sci-(diss) "ForecastinG Ptiaospheric
pressure by means of empiric functions of influence." I~os, 1 58.
8 pp (Yain ltdridnitstration of Hydro-Lietereolocical Service " the
Council of Liniztom USSR. Central Instof Forecasts), 100 copies
AUTHOR: Belov, P. N. 50-2-2/22
TITLE: Forecasting of Atmospheric Pressure by Means of Empiric
Influence Functions )gnoz atmosfernogo davleniya. s
pomoshohlyu empirioheakikh funktsiy vliyaniya).
PERIODICAL; Meteorologiya i Gidrologiya, 19589.Nr 2j pp. 10-16 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The application of the electronic method of computation for
the forecasting of meteorological elements makes poseible-the
solution of various problems which necessitate the preparation
of a huge amount of data. This fact can be seen distinctively
from the statistic methods of forecasting, e.g. the
forecasting of meteorological values by means of empiric
influence functions.
Here a method of forecasting of the pressure fields at
various atmospheric heights already 24 and 36 hours in
advance is suggested based on the application of empiric
influence functions. It is assumed that a certain,
connection exists between the circulation conditions
(distribution and shifting of winds and tenperatures) on
a limited ground surface at a certain initial moment and
Card 1/4 the subsequent change of pressure. The advantage of the
Forecasting of Atmospheric Pressure by Means of Empiric 50-2-2/22
Influence Functions
application of the empiric influence functions cansists
in the fact that they make possible the consideration of the
influence of seasonal conditions (intensity of cyclone
activity, different character of heat influx) and the local
conditions (influence of mountains and oceans) without
additional computations. The suggested method differs from
the corresponding methods by applioating statistic
forecasts by taking into consideration the "nonlinear member',
and by the selection of the network of the points the values
of which are used for the computation of the pressure change.
The practical application of the given scheme aimed at
obtaining the empiric influence functions for the forecasting
of pressure changes of sea level and the influence of the
heights of isobaric surfaces for the winter season (December,
Januaryq February) at 20 points of the European part of the
As an example a diagram of thd dependence of the quantities
R and 6 on the distance between the stations is repremented
6ard 2/4 on a plane surface of 700 millibar on fig. 2. (R aenotes the
Forecasting of Atmospheric Pressure by Means of Empiric 50-2-2/22
Influence Functions
coefficient of the ratio of the geopotential of two
N 2
(H; -H2)k
H; and H; denote the deviation of the geopotential from the
standard value at*the,stations 1.and 2t N~denotes the number
of determinations). Thus, it oan be seen that a does not
increase linearly with the distance as it was found
theoretically and that (2) (R