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-IN, IP k _:: , I GZTZMICI, razimierz; BRIDWSICI. Renryk Gritical eval ion of replacing the resected stomach with intestinal graft in peptic ulcer. Polski tygod. lek. 12 no.50:1943-1944 16 Doc 57. 1. Z I Kliniki Chirurgiezuej A. K. we Wroclawiu; kier ';wnik prof. dr K. Gzyzewski. Adres: Wroclaw, ul Poniatowskiego 2, 1 Kulin. Ghirurg. A. M, (GASTEZGTOKY replacement of reseoted stomach with intestinal gmft in peptic ulcer, evaluation (Pol)) BEIOWSKI, Ifenryk.- OLE.SZKIRWXCZ, leopold Coexistence of peptic ulcer and pathological lesions -in the billary tract. Polski tygod. lek. 13 no.44tl?22-1724 3 Nov 58. 1. (Z I Kliniki Ghirurgiezuej A. H. we Wroclawiu; kierownik: 'prof. dr K. Czyzewski) Adres: Wroclas, ul. Poniatowsklego 2. LKlin. Chirur- (BILTART TRACT, di coexistence with peptic ulcer (Pol)) (P3PTIG Ulm coexistence with biliary tract dis. (Pol)) CZYZEWSKI, Ka2imierz; BRIOWSKIp Henryk Therapy of hemorrhage in peptic ulcer. Polski prxegl. chir. 30 no-5: 479-481 May 58. (PEPTIC UIM, hezorrhoges' ther. (Pol)) BBWWSKI, H.; RWZU, H. Suture of perforations in the cervical portion of the esophagus. Polski przegl. chir. 30 no.7:767-770 July 58. 1. 2 1 Kliniki Chirargiazuej Xterownik: prof. dr 1. Czyzewski oras z Kliniki laryngologiezuej A. 14. we; WrOclnwiu Kierownik: prof. dr W. Jankowski. Aares autora; Wroclaw, ul Ponlatowskiego 2, 1. Kli-alka Chirurgiczna A.K. (IMOPIMIM, parf. cervicalo isurg., primary 3uture (Pol)) BEWWSXI, Renrjrk; 407Z, Jerzy; SUDLOWSKI, Zygmunt .001ftitivity of th* intestinal mucoap, to bydrochloric acid In dogs, Polaki pr%qg1. chir.' 32 no.11-11059-1066 160. 1. Z I Kliniki Chirurgiczaej A.M. we Wroolaviu Kier m W prof. dr L Czymovski s Xatedrr Anatomil Patologiaguej W.S.R. we Wroclaviu Kierownik., prof. dr A. Zakrzovoki.0 (INTFp9TINE pbysiol) (Mr=RLORIC ACID) BELOWSKI, Henryk. "hological changes in mucous membmnes of the stomachand intestines after various modes of gadtractomy. Polski przegl. chir. 33 no.3:213-219 --161. -1 0 1. z I Kliniki Chirurgicezne AN we Wroclawlu Kierownik: prof. dr. K. C'YzevakL L z zakladu Anat.-Patol. W.S.R. we Vroelaviu kierownik: prof dr, As Zakrzewaki. (GASTRECTOff) On the frequency of duodenal refl= into the stomach. P01. tyg. Isk. 17 no.19,.751-753 7 My 162. 1 1. z I Kliniki Chirurgicznej AM we Vroolaw:W; kier.: prof. dr K. Czyzewski, (DUODEM din) BFILOWSKI, Henryk Mucous membranes of the sma-U intestine after the anastomosis with the stomach. Pol. przegl. chir. 34 no.7%687492 162. 1. Z I Kliniki Chirargicznej AM we Wroclaviu Kierownik: pr'of. dr K. Czyzewski. . (INTESTINE SMALL) (STOMACH) BELOWSKI, Henryk Extensive traumatic liver injury. Pol. przegl. chir. 34 no.22tI303- 1305 '62. 1. Z I Kliniki Chirurgioznej AM we Wroolawiu.Kierownik; prof. dr. K. Czyzewski. ABDOMIN4L INnRY) (LMR DI�K4g T 0 I?AnlnA; KU)TZ, Jerzy morphological changes of intestine transplanted between the stump of the stomach and duodenum of a dogi studies in the field of repneration in the I Surgical Clinic of the School of Medicine and in the Cha:Li of Pathological Anatomy of the Agricultural College in Wroclaw. Zesz probl. nauki pol no.18:62-68 pt.2 159. 1. Kierawnik Kliniki Cbirargicznej Akademii Medycynym Wroclav: prof. dr K. Czyzewski. 2. Kierownik Katedry Anatomii Patolo- gicznej, Wyzsza Szkola RoIniczat Wroclaw: prof dr. A. Zakrzewski. IPOLAND B WSKI, Hentyk first Surgical Clinic (r Klinika Clxirur- nry' II Ke~a'di WS"~ ademia Modyozna, Medical Aced Tgqc z ~na guy] in Wroclaw ODirectors Prof. Dr, K, CZYZEWSKI) "7he Pathophyxiological Principles of Surgical Treatment of Gestric and Buodenel Ulcers." Warsaw, Polski Tygodnik Lekarskip Val 18, No 21, 20 May 63, Pp 737-7V-O- Abstract:(Author's English summary modified] Author discus- ses the principles of surgery of gastic and duodenal ulcers in view of recent physiological findings, and reports the results of h13 study, He found that the gastric content following operation for duodenal ulcer by the Rydygier me- thod revealed 2.t times more KCI than those operated by the Billroth II method. I'his was not the case following opera- tion on gastric ulcers, and the author explains the under- lying phyaiulogical causes. He considers'tho Rydygior me- thod contra-indicatod for duodenal operations, but the choice method for gastric ulcer ones, 7here are 38 rtforonoes, of which 6 are Polish, one Soviet, and the others Western. __j. ........... BELOWSKI, Henr7k Effect of duodenal contents on gastric mucosal morphology. Postepy higemadedosw. 17 no.58507-545 S-0163 1, Z I Kliniki Chirurgicznej AM we Wroclaviu; kierowniks prof . dr. K, Czymewski. BELOWSKI, Henr-A neitis follicularis. Pediat. Pol. 38 no.l2tlO69-1071 D163. lo Z I Kliniki Chirurgiamiej MI we Woolaviu; kierownikt K.Czyzewski. BELOWSKI, Henrykj CZYZEWSKI, Kazimierz, GIKMMSKI, Aleksander; UIAW4AIEWICZ, -Leopold. ..Clinical virsungography. Pol. tyg. lek. 19 no.#26t977-979 2~ TeT64 1. z I kliniki Chir'urgiez'nej (kierownik: prof. ft. mod.--., K' Czykewski) Iz Kliniki Radiologicznej Akadem CIYcznij':L we Wi-oclawiu (kierownik; doc. dr. med. ZJubrakieview).- MWWSKI,, Henryk Modern surgical therapy of chronic pancreatitis. Pol. tyg. lek. 119 no.44il673-1674 N 2164 1, Z I Kliniki ChiripgJ.oznej Akademli Medyoznej we Wrocalviu (Kierownikt prof. dr. K. Czyzewski). BELOWSKI, Henryk Bronoho-abdminal fiatulae. Pole przegl, chirs 36 no,,6t777-780 Ja t 64. 1. Z I. Hliniki Ghirurgioznej Akademii Madycznej we Wroci4wiu (Kierownikt profs dre Ka Czympki)e HIGHALSKI, Zbigniew; MATKMKlj, Jozef; BELOWSKI, -Henryk Comparison of the morphologic picture of the gastric muccea, In dogs before and after resection of the vagus nerve. Pat. Pol. 16 no.ltll-M Ta-Mr'765. 1. Z Katedry Anatomii Patologic2nej Wydzia:L Wet. Wy=zej S*oly Rolniczej we Vroclaviu (Kierownik: prof. dr. med. A. Ukrzewski) i a Kliniki Chirurgicznej Akademii Medycznej we Wroclaviu (Kierowniki prof. dr. med. K. Czyzewski). "IMME2 de~vicdlfor producing corrugated filter disks from conical blankm Glass 54.9-Nol-I 173(AM SOURGEt Byulletent izob)r,eteniyi tovarnykh'znakov, no. 15f 1965) U4 TOPIC TAOSs'-pneumatic.device, metal stamping$ 'filter ABSrRACT: -This Auth,br,cerbificate--ori6i3ent6, astamping device for producing'.'.. corrugated filter~diska from - conical blanks*- The device contains a piston (placed in a pneumatic chainbear and driven by a pneumatic cylinder) and a die-(see Pigs 1 BELOURTSEV, F. Case of benign pulmonary tumor in a child. Khirurglia no.6:3.20-121 Is 162. (KMA 15:7) 'kuIttetakoy khirurgicbeskoy kliniki Astrakhanskogo medi- 1. Iz fa tainskogo instituta khirurgicbeakogo otdeleniya (sav. Beloyartaev) 1-y OblAstnoy klinichaskoy bollnituy. (IZNGS-T'UMORS) EELOURTSEV, ~~* Effeat of ether,, t~dopental and Aminazine on the brain and liver. Eksper. khir.,i anest. no.1:88-90 165. (MMA 181u) 1. Kafedra patologicheskoy arAtoxii (zav. - prof. M.S. Brwwhtayn) Antrakhaxwkogo meditsinokogo instituta, KISSIN, Yu.V.I- BELOYE ') GOP.- YBREI-W-bl, I.V.; VELICHEITOVA, Ye.A.; TSVEMCIA9 V.I.; C1=C7,-Nk.' Spectroscopic criterion of the isotacticity of polypropylene. Vyskom.soed. 5 no.7:1117 .,J1 '63. OVUM 16:9) (Propylene-Spectra) !n Ure a~ir:plv of L 33592-66 EWT(m)7E_WP(j) RM ACC NRs' AR6o16186 SOURCE CODE: UR/0058/6 5/000/011/DO21/DO21 AUTHORS: Gladchenko. L. F.; Pikulik, L. G.; Belozarevich, No L. TIZU: Study of electron spectra of a series of aromatic molecules in solution SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 1ID151 REF SOURCE: Tr. Komis. po spektroskopii.-AN SSSH, t. 3, vyp. 1, 1964, 319-326 TOPIC TAGS: electron spectrum, nonmetallic organic derivative, absorption spectrum, complex molecule ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the electronic absorption an reflection spectra of a number of very simple derivatives of benzeneAand phthalimide~in solutions at room atid lower temperatures, The character of the lo-ng-wave absoprtion of phthaliaide is analyzed on the basis of the change in the long-wave absorption band in a number of substances with different substitutent groups. The Stepanov universal relation is applied to the absorption and emission spectra of frozen solutions of complex molecules. [Translation of abstract) SUB CODE: 20 Card V ACCESSION NRs AP4043007 S/0051/64/017/002/0209/0212. AUTHORSs Gladchenkoo Le F.; Pikulike L. G.; Belozarevich, N. L. TITLE: Study of electron spectra of a series of aromatic molecules in solutions SOURCE: optilca i spektroskopiya, v. 17, no..2, 1964, 209-212 TOPIC TAGS: aromatic compound spectrum, electron transitio n, A,luminescence, fluorescence, phthalimode, benzene ABSTRACT: In order to obtain a more reliable determination of the characteristic electron-vibration frequencies in each spectral band,J and to trace their variation from compound to compound, the absoirp- tion spectra of benzene, toluol, benzoic acid, phthalic acid, ,phthalic anhydride, and phtbalimide were measured at low temperatures'~".. Vaing solvents that either vitrify or crystallize upon cooling J-.1ethyl alcohol and*dioxane, respectively)& Analysis of the data shows that each of.the spectra of all the substances contain funda- .1/2 I.-tACCESSION NRt AP4043007 ym- mentally two frequencies, one corresponding to the completely s imetrical vibration of benzene (964 cm-1) and one to the incompletely-1 symmetrical vibration (528 cai-1). Consequently the spectra of all these compounds are governed essentially by the cloud of 7r electrons.1 :1 of the benzene ring, disturbed by the substitutes to a*lesser or greater degrees It is shown that the frequency of the electron trana", .;sition in phthalimide does not correspond to the symmetry frequency of the spectra, as is frequently assumed,, but to the region of the maximum of the absoiption band. Experimental data to confirm this .~;.conclusion --tre cited.r~Orig. art. hass 2.figures and 1 table. .'.'ASSOCIATION*. None WEDS' ENCBS 00 !SUBMI* 29Jul6'3 SUB CODES -9pt Oc REP SOVt 006 OTHERS. 002,. 17 2/2 7 7, BEWZER. I.1. -- ~- ~-. - Hillside plowing for soil conservation. Zemledelie 27 no.8: 30-34 Ag 165. (MMA l8ill) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovateltskiy institut zeml-c-deliya. NO-CEWSWAI' I.I. I. "-Noft*" -mmd~ Blectrop~otouet c observations on the light polarization of 16 cephieds. Vest*Lan.un. 11 noolg:150-153 '56~ (KERA 10:1) (Stars, Variable) 0 *a 0 a 0 0, 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 of : ~ I I f $ 4 9 A / I P ft ft 0 If W " 1) A ;0A A p A A )j 0, q Si to Atil't 61-1 tis''j-9 Lab A f I M 0 U JA' 41 S) .6 prey-flaff loom of gasoline as an eamcdoc awivat 00 A, Belotem. MadaMas Zkirvw Pda, 1939. No. 3,8 to. -00'. Variations and Ott" ductuations in 0 [UAW mustimplion abostril aviotis lows in extit. of 00 to, Wad (Ab. TIw privielpal rent"Ir 14Y in MI"A"ing the 09 app.. AM eswially in cha4ius The tkplikilmator hant a -06 venkal cohuhn witb WxHmd baffles to a ve"kal packrtl -00 toww. Julian F. Imnith 09 A $00 0 Ail 00 be 0 404114 i too* ITAI,LtMfK&L LITIO41LAO CLASSIPKATICII 94- i i Iwo* 00 8: ~v C.t iiiiii.-i-C 00 it i a o4 a Ar Im 0 a I U 96 if 00 -f-67-; I & I 0 0 0.0 0111 0 0 0 0 00 0.0 0909 0 0 41 0 too 0 0 0 0 64 0 AUTHOR; Belozerov, A.; Shtullman, 1. 107-58-3-18/41 -TITLE: Shipments of Radio Parts for Rural Radio Amateurs (Posylki dlya Bellakikh radiolyubitgley) PERIODICALt- Radio, 1958t 'Br 3, p 25 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The DOSAAF radio amateur clubs may help to improve the supply of radio parts to local trade organizations by informing them of the quantities and types of material needed to meet con- temporary demand. The supply of radio parts, especially to rural areas, is still inadequate, although a large amount is shipped to villages. Some industrial installations, for ex- ample the plant "VEF", Director G.V. Khubayev, did not ship any power or output transformers or filter choke coil of the radio IlLyuka". The "Glavkoopkulittorg" sends shipments of radio parts to rural areas (complete sets for assembly of ultra short wave radio stations, battery and ac receivers, Card 1/2 electrolytic capacitors, etc). For 1958, the set for Shipments of Radio Parts for Rural Radio Amateurs 107-58-3-18/41 assembling ultra short wave radio stations has been changed completely, in accordance with an agreement with the Central DOSAAF Radio Club. The assortment of other radio parts was also changed. Transistor shipments are completely inadequate, and the authors hope that the "Glavkul'ttorg" will improve such shipmente (badly needed for building battery receivers) in 1958- 1. Radio equipment--Supply methods Card 2/2 GURIYANOV, S.; VASIL' MVP S.; EELOZEROV, A.;-KIFORINKO, Ye.k A now grain elevator in the Virgin Territory. m*-elev. pro*. 29 no.20 F 163* (KMA f6 8) 1. Direktor Adyrskogo khlebopriyemnogo punkta TSelinnogo krays, (for Gurlyanov). 2. Sekretarl partiynoy organizatsii Adyrskogo khleboprifamnogo punkta TSelinnogo kraya (for Vasillyev). 3. Preds;~itell mestnogo komiteta Adyrskogo khlebopriyemogo punkta TSslinnogo kraya (for Beloserov). A. Sakretarl komsomollskoy organizatsii Adyrskogb khlebopriyeanogo punkta T&Unnogo kraA (for Kiforanko). (Adyr-Grain elevators) -F -A- 0 VI IA - ~: BEZZUBOV. Ieonid Pavlovich; MNLOZEROV I - --- -- 1' A.'I - . reteenzent; UNSHELOY, Y.Y., retuenzent; speteredaktor; NASWVA, YeeFo, redaktor; GOTLIB, B.M., takhnichaskiy redaktor [Ghemistr7 of fate) XhImiia zhirov. Moskva, Pishchapromisdat. 1956. 2z6 p. (MLEA 10:4) (Oils aud fate) 13~W o A 9 1 e Vibrailon of the machinery space framing in river craft. Trqd~v GPI 14 no.10,45- 4 158. (HM 13:2) &lls Naval architecture)) (Vibration (Marine engineering)) Cand 0 rocps BEWZEROV, A. I. bw Tech Sci -- "Vibration of the roofs of of river bs*Ao,." Gorlkiy, 1960 (Min of Higher and Secondary Specializeid - Education RSFSR. Gorlkiy Mytechnic Inst im A. A. Zhdanov). (KL, 1-61, 191) BEUY~EROV, A.I OV kbn. nauk, kand. teklm. nauk; BOCHK , B.F., kand. te NOW Method- protecting wire transducers and lead wires from the effects'of water at high premaure. Trudy GPI 17 no.5:5-6 l61. (MIRA l6t6) (Electricity on shipa-Safety measures) (Protective coatings) GORSE-IFIIIIIP S.F.; BLLOZ-'ROV, A.14. SOON 0 Gomparison of horizontal and vertical transfer of loads. Gor. zhur. no.7:10-12 Jl t64. (HIRA 17:10) 1. Nauchno-issladovatellskiy i proyektW institut "Gipronikell", Leningrad. BELOZFROV. A.P. [Bilozerov, A.P.] Some indices on the functional state of the adrenal cortex in experi- mental allergy. Fiziol. zhur. [Ukr.] 11 no.1:125-12,0 Ja-F 165. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Kafedra patologicheskoy fiziologit Kharskovskogo moditsinskogo instituta. Pulsed control of the electric drives of traveling cranes. From. energ. 21 no. ltl8-20 Ja 166 (MM 19:1) 24(8) SOV/119-59-7-13/18 AUT11OH: Belozerov, A. V., Engineer TITLE: A Simple Instrument for the Determination of the Coefficients of Linear Expansion PERIODICAL: Priborostroyeniye, 1959, Nr 7, p 27 (USSR) ABSTRACT; This instrument permits determination of the linear expansion coefficient of rods or tubes e,; a length of up to .10 cm. It con- sists essentially of a quartz glass tube, into which the part to be investigated is placed. The expansion of the sample is transmitted by means of an intermediate piece onto a measuring clock. The quartz tube is heated from the outside by means of steam. The error of the expansion coefficient thus determined is given as amounting to 1.5 to 2%. There is I figure. Card 1/1 BELOZEROVj A.V. I Device for determining the coefficient of linear expansion. Uch zaps Pad inat Gerto, 197:238-240 158. (MIRA l6t9) (Expansion of solids) BELOZEROV, B, Chasing two hares. Grazhd.av. 19 no.lOsl3 0 162. (MMk l6t2) 1. Inzhener-inspektor Upravleniya uchebnykh savedeniy Glavnogo upravleniya Grazbdauskogq.vozdushnogo flota. RUMANIA 578.088.9:616-36-002 Of BELOZEROVI E. so the State Medical Institute (Institutul Medioal-7d~e~t-t Sverdlovsk. IlThe Variability of the Trace Element Gallium In Patients with Infectious Hepatitis." Bucharest, Studil si Cereetari de Inframicrobiologie, Vol 17, No 4. 66, pp 279-284. Abstraet: In a study of the metabolism of gallium in the blood, urine and feces of patients suffering from Infectious hepatitis, the author found that its quantity varies with the severity of the disease. It is suggested that this variability expressed in a percentage form could form the basis for a test of the functional capability of the hepatic calls. Includes 3 tables and 16 Russian references, Manuscript submitted 9 March 1965. 1/1 ,=&~sBOROD11, A,; KAGA , A,; PIATMOT, A.; CHWARIZOO Z, -MLOUROV Nothods of determining theconomic effictiveness of investments In th6pain storing and milling Industryo N*,-otw, prom* 26 no,10:21-23 0160; (KMA 13 10) (Grain-Storage) (Grain milling) 15-57~5-7222 Translation from: Referativny zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 5, P 211 (USSRT AUTHORS: Belozerov) G. I., Goldyrev, Ye. I. TITLE: Te5t of the Hydrofract Method on Petroleum-Bearing Strata in Bashneft' Union Enterprises (Opy~ primene- niya gidravlicheskogo razryva plasta na promyslakh ob"yedineniya Bashneft') PERIODICAL: Novosti neft. tekhn. Neftepromysl. delo, 1956, Nr 5, pp 16-17 ABSTRACT: The Tuymazaneft' Petroleum Industry Bureau has de- termined the following efficiency relationships in use of the hydrofract method on petroleum-bearing strata: 1) the volume of the fracturing liquid should be equal to 2 to 2.5 times the volume of the suction and pressure pipes; 2) the volume of the sand- carrying Card V2 liquid should be 2/3 of the volume of the suction and 15-57-5-7222 Test of the Hydrofract Method (Cont.) pressure pipes; 3) the volume of the pressuring liquid should be not less than 1.5 times the volume of the suction and pressure pipes; 4) 150 kg to 200 kg of sand should be added per cubic meter of the sand-carrying liquid. An aqueous solution of sulfite-alcohol. spent liquor with a viscosity of 150 to 200 centipoises is currently being used in enterprises of the Bashneftt Union for hydrofracture of strata in pressure wells. Petroleum with a viscosity of centipoises is used as the sand carrier in fracturing of Devonian petroleum- bearing layers. Petroleum with a viscosity of 30 centipoises is used for carbonate traps. Water is most suitable for use as the fracturing liquid and pressurized liquid for artesian water wells; petroleum is most suitable for these purposes for petroleum wells. Thirty-three hydrofract applications in Devonian petroleum-bearing strata gave an average increase in daily flow per application equal to 4.5 tons during the first month of operation after the appli- cation. The increase in daily flow from carbonate traps amounted to 5 tons per well in 11 wells. Card 2/2 V. B. 0. KOVALENKO, K.I.1 BELOZER07, G.I. Reserves for increasIng petroleum production in Baehkir fie a. I Id Nefte khoze 43 noo9:22-27 S 165. (mrRA. istao) , I-V. " BErDMOV. G.I. fther tic e of sapropelic oozes in the Semasbko Polyclinic in Yaroslavl. 'Trudy labseor...-ot-1. no.6:128-129 156. (MMA 9:34) (Yaroslavl-4aprojile-Therapautic use) BELOZEROVp 0. P. BE=EROVv G. P. "The Economic-Geographical Characteristics of the Northern. Regions of Omsk Oblast.* Min Higher Education USSR. Molotov State U imni A. M. Omilkly. Molotov, 1956* (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Geographical Science) So: Kniahnaya latopial, No. 19, 1956. RUOZ -my, I.P. Gravitational effect of a vertical cylinder of finite dimenslom. Razved i prom. g69ft2. ne.24:28-34 158. (NIRA 11:12) (Gravity) BEWZMT-I-AA; GRITSAT, L. Inzhener. , Operatiag the steam pover plant In the "Shakhtersk*. Mor. flat. 16 no.3;12-14 Mr 156. (MLRA 9:7) l.Starshiy mokhanik parokhoda 113hakhtersk" (for Belozarov).Z.OVKU (for Gritev). (Boilers, Marine) (Shakhtarok (Ship)) BEIA)ZEROV, K. Efficient scavenging of three-combustion chamber boilers. . Mor.flot 21 no.2:2~46 P 161. (MIRA 34:6) 1* Starshi~ mekhanik parokhoda. "Beshtau.w (Boilers, Marine-Ma.intenance and repair) t VORONTSOV, A.G., red.; ZHIMILEV, L.F.. red.; PAIMNLMVA, P.G., red.; SHIR1107' v I red.- BF.=EROV K.S., red.; TEMINA, Ye.G.. red.; FXDCROV, A:N:: red.!, red.; SEUTOVA. 0.19, red.; VCROZITSOVA. Z.Z., [Rconomy of the Udmurt A.S.S.A.: a statistical manual] Narodnoe khoziaietvo Udmurskoi ASSRI statisticheskiy ebornik. Ishevsk. 1957. 135 P. (HIRA 11:3) 1. Udmurt A.B.S.R. Statisticheekoye upravleniye. 2. Ifachallnik, S.tatistichookogb Upravleniya Udmurekoy ASSR (for Voronteov) (Udmurt A.S.S.R.-Statistice) BASIYAS, I.P.; BELOZEROV, M.M. Causes of the formation of metal incrustations on magnesite steel pouring nossles and ways to prevent it. Stall 23 no. 3: 222-224 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Vostochnyy institut ogneuporov. . -'Io-.-:-w,%t- . -- - " 7.:.. ..;~ -".~ ~ EgLOZEROVP N., starshina, 1-cy stat'i We are.going out to the ocean again .... Kom- Vooruzh. Sil 46 no.5t 58-62 Mr 165. (WRA 18s4) KUZIN. Ale~sey Alekseyevichtj$j4ZHROV. N.G., red.; KOTLYARWO' V.A., - [Ore region] Rudnyi krai. Belgorodskoe knizhnoe isd-vog. 1958. 81 p.- (MIRA 12;6) (Kursk Ykgne,tio Anomaly) BELOZEROV.,_.A*p~ay.,Vy~,c4~)4~L7!~y~ch; SKUBA, I.A., red. (Technology of rubber) Tekhnologiia rezlrq. Moskvat Khimiia, 1964. 660 p. (MIRA 17:12) BELWEROVt P.A.; PLANOVSKIY~ A.N.; CHEKHOVV O.S. Study of the spray hydrodynamics In a spray plate column at low pressures of liquids in a cross-flow of gas. Khim. prom. 40 no.10033-736 0 164. (MIRA 18:3) RM111-0 ,,P.; TOROPOVA, M.; KAKRIDW. Ve; BIWA, To. redaktor; TMMOVO I.. r. [Plant and animal life of lCostroms Province] Jhstitollnost' I shirotayi air Mostrouskol, oblastis Eftrskhtal Mostrouskoe oble lmd-vol 1949, 12) (a" (Iostrom Proviuce-Botany) (Botafw-Kostrom Province) (XostrovA Provinoe-Soolog7) (Sooloa-AmItrom Province) 0 7-,Cz7pa7,y 1 . i, Dyn,-L-dcs of weed infestatirm of ricil coils In the ccntradpart of ',Foloj~tla :7-rov-bice. DokI. Xr. sdl'khoT.. 17, 110- 3, (1952) !---ost-"o--~s':oy Gosu'-nr~tvamay-Y z elago -ichr., I i t.-1'. 0 ./ /I _Z USSR/Weeds and their Control N AbB JOUr Ref Zhur - Biol., No 1, 1958, No 1853 Author Belozerov P.I. t Not la-ve-6- P iltie The Germination of Weed Seeds Contained in.the Arable Stra- t= of the Soil. Orig Pub Zemled., 1956., No 12, no-= Abstract Iaboratory tests conducted furing 194o-1941, 1953 and 1955 have shown that the average germination of the weed seeds most pre- valent in the arable stratma of the soils of the central part of Vologodskaya and the western part of Kostromakaya Oblasts amounts to approximately 27%. Moreover, these tests have es- tablished that from the germinating part of the seeds, the basic mass of the majority of weeds germinates during the first 30 days. Card, 1/1 MMOZEROV, Petr Ignatlyevich- PSMMCHKATA, G., red.; TROPINOVA. Z., e red, LVegstation of lostrom Province and its utilization] Rasti- tolinost' lostromelcol oblasti i as Ispollsovaule. lostroms, Kostromekoe knishnoo isd-vot 1959* 72 p. (xxRA 14a) (Kostroma Province--Botany, Bconomic) BZWZEROV, P. I. Spreading of some weed species in the northeast of the luropean part of the U,S.S,R. Pot.xhur. 45 no.8-. U27-1232 Ag '60. (KUU 1328) 1. Kostromakoy pedAgogicheakiy institut im. N.L.Nekranova. (Russia, Morthern-Weeds) BELOZEROV. P.I. "A gidde to the Plants of Yaroslavl Province" by N.H,Belovashina, V.K.Bogachev, V.V.Gorokhova, Reviewed by P.I.Belozerov. Bot. zhur. 49 no.1:139-141 Ja 164. (MIRA 17:2) .1. Kostromskoy pedagogichaskiy institut imeni N.A.Nekrasova. BELOMOV, P.L. Belozerov, P.L. "On the t;ermination of week seeds) extracted from the tilled soi2 layer". Doklady Vsesoyuz. akad. s.-kh. nauk im. Lenina, 1949, Issue 1, P. 33-38, - Bibliog: 6 items. SO: U-3042 11 1-i-arch 53, (Letopis Inykh Statey., No. 9. 15,49) - .9 W P..,L. . - -- - - Distribution of Alodea camdOnBi$ in the North. Bot.shur,41 no*2: 262-263 1r 156. (WBA 9:7) Northern-Alodea) (Russia, gob On *46 4L- 00. 00 0 00-0000000000 evo,wowl V sole 0 0.000000*00:0009001 : MR a x v A 44 a SOCOPGOIX&NO *FUR$ T !!! !~. I t t~ It 01 AT a IS J U~_ftp _)" I I il-It - lop &.0 &I*-"Dfts F. caftos AWW'S -4091 ;AT ltla~i act& k 9 am IWIMP-191-M mp Wm2u AUIPOOM 4" PLO"= "M 00"W"m 241 tq 0 am ap t MP ja 7A0 ul .0p9= t 01 am -am nomp Aftomp ap paupwary SIQIXW- -"Mabid* -=a% J40d Owpout an v" puma=3 MAMOV q1 P84AMIdde ups@ 0 it qwA 34 up p vGpvAnw vi~ - ._ - . ppa"a so OR jaA" on p 100911ASSISIP lop .n. NO an P"Aw mft-1616 toot woo spa JUN _P INLAN" r =rip -So- 11,1810204 C" Its fj "00 ;~j '? iji m, 00 41 USSR/General Problems of Pathology - Pathaphysi3loMr of the U. Infectious PrQo6va Abs Jour flef Zhur -BLA,j na 91 1959l 8665 Author Belozerov, P.T. Ltst Ukrainian Institute for the Advancement cf Physicians Title Material .Itile Exporitiental- Stu~y 6f the R-,)Ie of the Nervous System in the -Imwijbiolaaical Reaction in Tuber- culosis Orig Pub Khar'kovek.* nauchn. mod. :)-va, Ukr. in-t usoversfi., vrachey,' 1957, N3 8o 87-95 Abstract Experiments were performed on tuberculous nice, rate, gLdnea pigs and rabbtis and an the same tuiinals vhich had been sensitized to tuberculosis. The skin tubercu- lin reaction was weake"ed durinG drug-induced sleep of varying durations, after local novocaine block. with Card 1/2 BEIDZEROV S.K. (Perm') Graphic presentation of nimerical indices in economic geograph ll~ courses. Geog. v shkole 25 no,5:42-48 S..JD 162. (MMA 15:9 (Geography, Economic-Audio--visual aids) SVISTKOVA, A.M.; 13NME5QLjAj&- Agricultural microdistricts of the Komi-Pem Area Collective Pam Administration. Uch. zap, Perm. gos. un. 101t?0-79 163 (MIRA 18%2) BELOZEROV, Semen Yefimovich~ AVDEYEV, N.Ya.,.dots., otv. red.; KOVALENKO, YU,V,, red,,; PAVLICHEM.-M.I., tekhn. red. [Principal stages of the development of the general theory of analytic functions]0snovnye stapy razvitiia obshchei teorii mnaliticheskikh funktoii, Rostov-na-Donu, Izd-vo Rostov4kogo univ., 1962. 311 P. (MIRA V&3) (Functionst Analytic) PANASENKO, Ivan Andreyevicb; PROSKURGV., Kazimir Vasillyevich; BELOZEROV, Viktor Alekseyevich; DISSKIY, B.S., spets, reZr.',"-'M1MYQ, F.I., red.; TIMOSIIEVSKAYA, A.A.,, tekhn. red. [Operation and repair of television receivers) Ekspluatatsiia i remont telovizorov. Donetsk) Donetskoe knizhnoe izd-vo 1962. 234 p. (MIRA 16:121 (Television-Receivers and reception) BELOZEROV, V,G., (Kursk, u1. Engel'sa, d.136, kv.27); SKVORTSOV, B.A. (Leningrad, --------------- Ill. SZj-uia pechatnikovp M,kv.26); PARKHCMCOK, Ya. (L)ningrad, ul., Soyuza pechatnikov,,; TRAUBE, Ye.S.(Donetsk,,5, ul. Shchorsa, d.12. kv.8); DROZDOV, A.D. (Novocherkasaks u1* B.Khmellnitakogo d.151. kv.26); VAYNBERG, A.M. (Moskva, V-180,, Malaya Yakimanka, d.22, kv.19); FILATOV, M.A, (Kamerovot u1. Dzerzhinakogo d.27p kv.11); GANZBURG, L.B. (Leningrad P-3, Krasnosellakaya, d.12, kv.2); BUDANOV, V.D. (Moskva, A-287, Chuksin tupikp de4p kv*17); LYSENKO, N.G. (Kiyev,, ul. Sulimov- skaya, d.5.kv.71); SHERGIN, Ye.N. (Cherkassy, ul Uritskogo, d.37,kv.6); TRUSHCHEV, Ye#Ao SUVOROV, Yu.I. (Riga, ul. Suvorova, d.20, kv.11); ARTAMONOV, I.G. 6iga, ul, Suvorova, d.20, kv.11); OKWKIM, V.V. (Yaroalavll, Tutayevskoye shosse, d.32); OLIKHOVSKIY, I.L. (Kharlkov, pr. Mbskovskiy$ d.199) Discoveries and inventions. Promeenerg, 19 no,7:55-56 J1 t64* (MIRA 1811) 1. Bereznikovskiy sodovyy-zavods byuro po ratsionalizatsii i izobretatellstvul Permskaye. obl.p g. Bereaniki (for Trushchev). 2, Yaron3avI19 Tutayevakoye ahosse.. d-32, YaZMOGK (for Olchapkin). 3. Kharlkovp pr.Moskovskiy, d.199, Khartkovskiy elektromekhnni- cheskiy zavods byuro po ratsionalizataii i izobretatelletvu (for 011khov'skiy). BELOZEROV, V.M. Giant eoprolite -In the regacollon of a three-year-olli ohild. Vest. rent. I rad. 40 no.200-71 Mr4p t65. (KRA 18W .1. Xhirurgioheakaya, boliniteap Ishims Tyumenskoy oblasti, -S/142/62/005/001/oo6/012 E14o/E435 AUTHOR: Belozerov Yu.S. TITLE: Experimental investigation of helical transformers for nanosecond pulses PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchabnykh zavedeniy. Radiotekhnika. V-5, no.1, 1962, 58-65 TEXT: Helical impedance transformers-in coaxial lines of circular and rectangular cross-sections and various tapers-have. been measured for transient and frequency responses'. The- equivalent turns ratios were of the order of 2 and 3 (impedance ratios 4 and 9). The transient response was examined for risetime and for tilt (low-frequency distortion). There are 7 figures and 4 tables. ASSOCIATION; Kafedra radiotekhniki Gorlkovskogo politekhnicheskogo in-ta im; A.A.Zhdanova (Department of Radioengineering of Gorlkiy Polytechnical Institute im. A.A.Zhdbknov) SUBMITTED: may 2o, 196o Card 1/1 .-N KROTKOTA. 0.0., redaktor; XAIASHMIXOTA, O.Ge. w4paq,449iy redaktor [Askani"-Noys; a annual for leaders of school excursions] Antenita-Spra; posibuylk d1ta korinqklv shkillnykb skskursti. 4iv. Der0h.uchbovo-pedagog. vyd-vo ORadianslim ghkola,' 1956. 97 P. MRA 10:6) (Askeniya-Nova-Zoological gardens) HBIOMIROV, S. To. u-, # -0- 11 ~" A ~ t 4,~A , " Q141mv. S. To. Some problems in the hilatory of the theory of analytic functions. Trudy tekh. 15:169-205 '56. (KM 9 -. 12) (Mathematics--History) (Ametions, Analytic) BMZEROT, V. For a better future. Sov. foto 19 no.10:33-39 0 '59. (KM 13:1) I*OtvetetvenW redaktor rueskogo Isdardys. shurnals, "Holodeshl miraN. (Photography-Competitions) BEIMEMY, V., kropillshchik The mine is proud of-them. Sov.shakht. 10 no.9:39 8 161. (MIRL 14:8) 1. Shakhta imenJ Ka31nJna Stalinskoy oblagti. (Lvov-Volynt BaBin,-Zoal miners) GIRBACEA.9 V.;-Lm~=O~Vlv- The Deda-Porcesti Depreselon. Problems geog 9t281-288 162. (publ. 163) --MLOZEROV I V.1-1. Case of stomach lipomatools, Vast. rent, I rad. 39 no.5:57 S-0 t6/4-- (141RA IS: 3) 1. Ishim, Tyumenskoy oblasti. Developmental stage of Dermacentor marginatus (Sula) sensitive' to photoperiodical influences. Wd. paraze i paraz. bol. 34 no.ItP-57 A-F 165. (MIRA 18:9) 1. TAbotatoriyu entomologii Biologicheskogo instituta Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni A,A.Zhdanova. BELOZEROV, V,N,: KVITKO, N.V. Basic characteristics of the photoperiodic reaction in Dermacentor marginatus Sulz. (Ixodidae). Zool. zhur. 44 no.3:363-374' 165. (MIRA 18:8),' 1. Biological Research Institute of the State University of Leningrad. o1 3/2 Public Health Feb 59 688. DIMETHYLPHTHALATE A3 A REPELLENT OF THE RAT TICK (Russian text) - Belo2erov V N - ZOOL. ZH. 1957, 36/4 (625-628) An exan-dnatiolf~~-i~~;r;;;e~enizptroperties of a 20% alcohol solution of dimethyi- phthalate was carried out. Smearing the rims of laboratory vessels and the hands of investigators engaged in pulling down the nests of rodents with dime thylphthalate solution prevents the ticks from escaping from the vessels or attacking the in- vestigators. Dimethylphthalate can be recommended for uge Indisinsectizatioe. (S) s . DUNTRY USSIR G CATFGORY zoop.~rr-.s ~ lolop, k. _Z,,. !,~ito!i and Ir..sects as Disease Voctoro. ARS. jr)"'TR. P210i.01. Pa. 2 2259, INN 1 1-733 AUVOR i 13olozorov, V. 11. TITLE On the Biology and Anatony of the 1-.!ite Poecilo- chirus necrophori Vitzt. (Parasitiformes, Para- sitidao) C' PJ C -FU3- Zool. zh-, 1957, 36, No 12, 1802-10813 -A ;~'STF.A C T YAtes vrare 1cept singly in humid chambers at a tempe~-ature of 18-200 in so-called "plants" --s- presenting a jar with a carcass of a smaLl animal. they wero fed fresh lervae of flies fron which tho intestine was removed. All oter .jos of the developnont were represented: feedirk,; stage, transitory stage not adapted to prolon-ed star- vation, with the excention of the dautonymph wh"ch is a "resettlement" stage capable of on- during starvation up to 21 months and low levels 1/3 G ATEGORY !"";S. 4~71117P". 2 1959, No. 5733 A U T'~ U! Z IFS'T. TITLE i cont'd. placo within 21,-36 hol~ra- 'rav. diiration of eal:.h developmental stage and the periods of starva- tion are indi,~,ated. The internal stmictiiro of P. necrophorl, namoly integumont of the body, norvous musmilature, and digestive, secretory and se-x s, ... ystems, are elaborately analyzed and illuatrated vith ,ra%,Tj-ngs.-- A. A. Zemskaya C.4 rtD - 3/3 BEMOZ11311OV.1 V.11.,Cbmd Bio Soi (diss)" The role of moisturpjn the bio- logy of cert-in gamasoid ticks (Parr. si tiforves, of rodentz and inhEibitants of their noots." Len, 1958. 19 pp (Len Order of Lanin ttate U im A.A.Zhdaziov), 150 CoPier, M03-58i 115) MIwMO.v, V.N. Noma- Influence of atmospheric humidity on the idto Ornithonyissus baenti Hirst,, 1~13 (Plarasitiforms, Liponyesidae) [with sawmary in ftllehlo 3ht. obos. 37 no,1:47-63 '58. (MIU ll.'3') 1, leniWadekly gosudarstVennn universitat. . (Mitba) (Humidity-Physiological effect) BELOZEROV V. N. and SERAVIN L. N. "The Effect of Atmospheric Humidity On the Water Balance of Alectorobius Tholozani (Iaboul, et Megn.)." Tenth Gonference on Parsitological Problems and Diseases with Natural Reservoirs, 22-29 October 1959,, Vol* IIp Publishing House of Academy of Sciencesj USSR9 Moscow-Leningradt 1959s, Leningrad State University BKE==Vg V.N.; SEUVIR# L.N. Water balance in Aleotordbium tbolovani .(Labmdb. at Negn., i882) as related to varying,.air bumidity. Med.paras.i perasbol. 29 no.3008-313 160. (MIRA 13812) (TIM) Structure of the integuments of gazasid mites (Parasitifo=es Gum- soidea) Ent; abox 39 no-,0850459 060, (KRA 340) le lafedra ontomologii Loningradskogo goeudarstvennogo wiversitatas Taningrad. .-Itea) (Inseats-Anatomy) BELOZEROV V.N. Investigation of nemroh=oral regulation of voltinism in lapidoptera with facultative pupal diapause. Vest. LGU 17 no.9:54,-66 162. (MMA 15; 5) (DIAPAUSE) (ISPIDOPTERA) BEUMBROV, V.N. The length of the day as a faotr5: determining delay of egg- laying in females of Dermacentor marginatus Suln. Red. parase i paraz-, bol. 32 no.5t521-526 S-Of63 (MMA 16 02) 1. Iz laboratorii entologii Biologicheskogo instituta lanin- gradskogo goaudarstrennogo imiversiteta imeni A.A. Zhdanova, BELOZERoT, V.N. Diapause and the conditims of reactivation of females of the tick Nrmacentor marginatus Suls (Txodidae). Vest. LGU 19 noe210-11 164 (MIR& Iasi) BELOZEROV, V. N. "An ecological regulation of the seasonal development and diapause in ticks (Ixodidae)." report submitted for 12th Intl Cong of Entomology, London, 8-16 jul 64. SELOZEROV, V,N* -- I.- I... ... . - ~ -- . Dynamics of gas exchange during the development of ixodid 'Licks. Report No. 1: Dynamics of gas exchange at the larval and -rmpYal stages of Dermacentor marginatus SuIz. and Ixodes ricinus (L.) (Acarinae, Ixodi- dae). Ent. oboz. 43 no-3:568-576 164- (MIRA 17:10) 1. Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy univeraitet, Lanirgrad. BELCZEROV,, V.N. Diapauso of the larvae of Ixodes ricinuA L. and its relation to external conditions. Zool. zhur. 43 no.11:1626-1637 164. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Biclogicheskiy nauchno-isaledavateltakly institut laningradskogo gomadarstvennogo universitetiL.