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(Soligalichl Soligalich. By I.N.Ardentov i dr. Kostromal Nostromakoe
knizbnoo.izd-vot 1960'. 346 (KIRA 34:7)
(so galicJ
391-ammam wftmm=e! ftMm
ZHELUDKOV, Aleksey Petrovich, kand. ekon. nauk. Priniriali uchaotiye:
red.; SKVORTSOVA, L.# tekhn. red. --------
(Discussions on the fondamentals of the economics of socialistic
agricultural producticnl Be3edy po osnovam ekonomiki sotsialisti-
cheskogo sellskokhoziaistvennago proizvodstva. Kostroma, Kostrom-
skoe knizhnoe izd-voy 1960. 220 pa (MIRA 14%12)
1. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy ekonomiki i organizateii sellskokhozyay-
stvennogo proizvodstva Ko.-Rtromskogo sellskokhozyavstvennogo instituts.
"Karavayevou (for Zholudkov).2. Nafedra ekonomiki J organizatsii~ sell sko-
khozyaystvennogo proizvodstva Kostromskogo sellskokhozyaystvemogo in-
stituta "Karevayevo" (for Tergoyeva,, Shimetkina, Lebedeva).
(Agriculture-Economic aspects)
KCLBASOVA, I.K.; LTAMM J.P., starshiy nauchnyy sotrud.; KAKAROY,A.S.1
SHXPnL'A, N.A.. st4rshiy nauchnyy sotrud., SEPIEURR, N.A.,
)wnd. ekon. nauk, red.; HUM, M., red.; TROPIROYA,Z.,
[Workers' control and nationAli2ation of tfie industry in the Ko-
stroma Government; collection of docmments, 1917-19191 Raboahii
iontrol'I i natsionalizatsiia promyshlennosti v lpstromakoi ga-
bernii; abornik dokumentov, 1917-1919 gg. tostroma , Kostromakoo
knizhnoe 12d-va, 1960. 223 p. (MIRA 14:5)
1. Kostroma (Province) Upravlenlys vnutrennikh del. Arkhimqy
otdel. 2. Nachallnik Gosudarstvannogo arkhiva lostromokol ob-
lasti (for Kolbasov) 3. Naohailnik-Arkh:Lvnogo otdela Upravle-
niya vnutrannikh del Kostromakogo oblispolkoma (for Makarov)
4. Arkhivnyv otdal Upravle'niya vnutrannikh del Kostromakogo obl-
ispolkoma (for Shapeleva, Lyamina)
(Kostroms Province--Works councils)
(Kostroma Province--Industries)
BOCHKOV, Viktor Nikolayevichi -BELOV, M.., red.
[The Wevellskii discovery) Otkx7tie Nevellskogo. Kostroma,
Kostromskoe knizhnoe izd-vo., 1963. 43 p. (MIRA 17:9)
BELOV, M.A., gornyy inzh.; OGNEV, A.S., gornyy inzh.
Convenient &tpacity of warehouses holding ore for asbestos-
enriching plants. Stroi. mat. 8 no.2:17-18 F 162.
(MRA 15:3)
SHCHEDRINSKIY, Mikhail Borisovich; VOLEGOVI Aleksandr Vyacheslavovich;
MYULIER, Eduard Karlovich. Prinimali uchastiye: 0G=j- A.$..,
inzh.; BFEj0_,-M.A,4-inzh.; USTINOV., D.V., inzh.,, retsensent;
GORSHKOLEPOV, N.A.., otv. red.; ROMANOVA, L.A., red.izd-va;
SABITOV, A.p tekhn, red,; ILIIIISKAYA3 G.M., tekhn. red.
(Asbestos concentr ation] Obogashchenie asbestovykh rud. Mo-
skvaj Gosgortekhizdat, 1962. 233 p. (MIRA 15:7)
(Asbestos) (Ore dressing)
BEIA)V, M.A.,. gornyy, inzh.; SONIN, B
Crushing parameters of larg
the central Urals, Yjav.-
(Ural 14untains
BELOVI M.A.,,,inzh.
Averaging the quality of asbestos in storehouses of preparation
plants. Izy. vya. ucheb. zav.; gor, zhur* 6 nQ*6:183-186 163,
(MMk 16: 8)
1. inatitut Vaesoyunnogo nauchno-isaledovatellskogo instituts,
asbestoobrabatyvayushchey prorqehlennoetiv 'hekomendovana
kafedroy atkrytykh gomykh rabot Dnepropetrovskogo gornogo
Efficiency andsmothbdo-ofaveraging the quality of asbestos
ores. Trudy. NII4sbest.---.:n6.2&3-29~ -162. (MIRA 16:12)
An efficient output of ore-dressing.plants for the treatment
of asbestos ores. Nauch. trudy VNIIasbest no.3t4l-47 162.
(MIRA 16:11)
_�LOV j, M.D.
Prospective herbicides, Khim. prom. no.10139-40 0 161.
(MIRA 15:2)
Z71-10"ly ~,--
Use of metal packing cores. Taket.prom.17 no.1:91-23 a '37.
(NLR& 1w)
1. Zaveduyushch~7 laboratorlyey fabriki imenj SaIsBalashova
(for' Zhukcr). 2. Xaster pq&AA~Inogo teekba fabriki Imeni Sol.
Balashova (for 3sIbv).:-
(Cottou, spinning)
Selecting the most effective draft apparatus in cotton
manufacture. lzv.lrys.ucheb.zav*; takh.taketoprono noal:
156-157 l6o, (*M 13W
I* Ivanovskiy toketil'Wy institut.
(cotton spinning)
BEIDV,__hj sa-gosistent
Detmmining the breakage pro length unit in the apinn dustr7.
Tekst.prom.,21 no*6828-31 Je '61* (KMA 1 :2)
Ways of improving the performance of the back draft mecy"iam
of spinning machines. IzO.vys,ucheb.zav.;tekh.teket,prom,
no.2t67-75 163. (MIU 166)
1. Iv4ovskiy tekstiltnyy institut imeni M,V.1runzes
(Spinning machinery)
BM)V, M. F.
Fie"da of friction forces and tbe;' inff force In a zone of
dr+Ing with a ma-ved fleld. I-zv. 4;f-uaheb. zav. ; tekh,
teket. prom. no*6:75-86 163 (RrRA 17t8)
lo ivanovakly takstlllnyy Inst-itut Imani M.V.F'rmze.
FrAction of cotton fibers Jn the ciamp of the draw!rg roll. pairs.
Izv. vya. ucheb. zav.; tekh. tekst. prom. no.4:4P-54 '&~.
( HIRt 17.- 12)
1. Ivanovgkiy tekstillnyy institut im. M.V. Frume,
Field of the friction forces in the clamp of a drafting pair,
Izv. vys.Iucheb. zav.; tekh. tekst. prom. no.6:46-53 164.
(MIRA 18:3)
1. Ivanovskiy tekstillnyy institut imeni Frunze.
BELOV, M.F., vrach
Treatment of the initial forms of oblittirating endarteritis with
the ganglionic blocking agent arpenal. Trudy KGMI no.10:254o-256
t63- (MIPk 18:1)
1. Iz kafedry gos'pitalinoy terapil (zav. karedroy - prof. 1.B.
Shulutko) Kalininskogo gosudarstvannogo meditsinskogo instituTa.
-BELOV., M.G., inzh.
type bar for testing insulators in a network with a com-
c.,pensated and dead-ground neutral line. Energ. i alektrotekh. prom.
:'ho.202-53 AP-Je f64. (MIRA 17:10)
B,,LO'.'2 h. I., Lnginear Cand Tech Sci
Dissert-ution; "Hydmulic Gulculations of ihe
Derivation of Hydroelectric Power Stations."
Eoscow Order of Lenin Power Zngineering List
imemi V. El. 1"'Olotov.
80 Vecheryaya Moskva
BE=,,-M.,, khudozhaikp zaaluzbennyy deyatell iakuestv Kazakbakoy SSR
Strong impreovion, Sov*foto 21 no,5:22 Yq 161* (MM 14:5)
Bum, R.I., kwAidat tekbuicheek1k nauk.
Istrie'ture and propertlesof double-loop cotton fabrics. Taket.
prom. 16 no.5:25-32,Ny 156. (XLRk 91:8)
(Cotton veaving)
M.I., (ed~)
Russkie morekhody v Ledovitom
i Tikhom okeanakh (Russian navigators in the Arctic
and Pacific Oceans). Leningrad, Izd-vo Glavsev-
morputi, 1952. 386 p.
SO: Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Vol. 6, 1b. 1, April 1953
1. BEWV, M. I.; VSESt IN
USM (600).
6' Discovery, and UploraUon Arctic Regions
Did"Andrepv 14ndit wdet?
aeoge Obahcho 841 No* 5*
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessionst Library of Congress, jmuary .1953. Unclassified.
MOV. M.T., kandidat lstoricheskikh nauk.
Introduction. Oeog.abor..UO-3:5-12 154. (HLRA 7:11)
EMOMMIN ------
BILOV, X.L. kandidat Istorichaskikh nauk.
Compilation of a general map of the Second Kamchatka Upedition
of 1746. Geog.sbor. no.3.-131-145 154. (MLRA 7:3-1)
(Arctic regious)'(Soviet I&-- last)
H..I. kandidat Istorichaskikh nauk.
Nov materials on the journeys of the Udtyug merchant Nikita, fiba-
laurov. Geog.sbor no-3:160-184 '54. ' (KINA 7:11)'
(Arctic reiions) (Dicoveries (In geography))
jAaaach; DIZMM, I.M. , redaktor; TMOMOVA, T*.IL..
tweWrobtakiy redAktor,
Egamen Deabnev) Semen Deahnev. Koskva. Isd-vo "Horskol transport'.
1955. 1952 p. (KLRA 8:8)
(Deshnev. Semen Ivanovich. d. 1673)
BELOT, GAKKEL', Ye.Ya., red.; OKLADNIKOTA, A.P*, red*;
Ab, M.B., red,
[Arctic voyages from ancient times to the middle of the 19th
century] Arkticheskoe moreplavanie s drevneishikh vremen do
serediny XIX veka. Morskoi transport, 1956. 591 P.
(MIRA 12:2)
(Arctic regions--Voyages and travels)
c, V HM 0 V /c, /7'~
) M I f~ ftR1 4-~/-/-V
BRIOV, Mikhail Iva novich:, GORYANSKIY. Tu.V.. red.; KOTLTAKOV.A, 0.1., tekhn.
(Northern sea,route; on the 40th anniversary of the opening of the
Soviet Arotio Severnyi morskoi put'; k 40-lonliu o9voeniia
sovetakoi Arktiki. Leningrad. Izd-vo ONcerskoi transport," 195?.
120 pe (MMA 11:4)
(Northeast Passage)
"Akademiya nauk SSSR. KoMis0y4__0q problemam Savera
Letopial Severa; Yezhegodnik po.voprosawlatoricheskoy geografll,'.~,
Istorli geografichookikh otkrytiy I Issledovaniy na Severe. t. II
(Chronicles of the North; Yearbook of Historical Oeographyp History
of Geographical Discoveries and Exploration of the North.)
v. 2 ftscow.. Geografgiz,o-1957. 279 p. 2,000 copies printed.
Editorial Board: Andreyev., A.I... Belov., N.I.p Burkhanov, V.F.,
Yefimov~ A.V. (Reap. Ed.), Chernenko, M.B. (Deputy Reap. Ed.)-and
Sho~erbakov,D-14-Rd:.:-Vorantsova, A.I.; Tech. Ed.: Koshelevaj S.M.;
Map. Ed.: '14allehevskiy, G.N.
PURPOSE: The book is intended for readers interested in the Soviet
COV.tRAGE: The present volume, the second of a series of three, Is a
collection of 27 articles by various authors Presenting an histori-
cal account of the exploration and economic development of the
Card 1/6
Chronicles of the North-.(Cont.) 936
Soviet North. A small part of the book -is devoted to Arctic areas
beyond the confines of the Soviet Union. The aim of the book Is to
contribute to an understanding of the physical geography, eartog-
raphy, ethnography, and economy of the Soviet North through a
historical survey of these factors. A large number of authors,
explorers, scientists, travellers, pilots, navigators, etc. are
cited. The text is accompanied by numerous photograph and maps.
From the Editors 3
On Drifting Ice in the Arctic Ocean (From the Logo of Stations
t."North Pole No. 4" and"North Pole No. 311)
Bol otnikov, N.Ya. The Siberian Grain Expedition of 1920 34
Card 2/6
Chronicles of the:North (Coht.) -936
Pinegin, N.V. Over Novaya Zemlya
Zotin, N.I.,Drift of Soviet Scientific Research Stations in the
Central As*6tiu* 73
Grigorlyev, V.V. Open Water Navigation itk-o,~High -
Latitudes of the Arctic 78
Starokadomskiy, M.A. Nomeaveroput' [Committee of the Northern Sea
.-RoutelExpe.ditions. to Gydanskiy Sever 81
Belov, M.I. Belov, M.I. New Data-on VladlmJLr Atlasov and the First
Russian Ex-p-901TI-ons to Kamchat~~ 89
Sldorov, K.V. kovaya Zemlya on XVII Century Maps IOT
Chernenko, M-B. Trevels in "Chukotakaya Zemlya" and the Voyage to
Card; 3/6
Chronicles of the North (Cont.) 936
Alaska by the Cossack Lieutenant Ivan Kobelev in 1779 and
1789-91 121
Frumkin, P.A. Notes on the History of Spitzbergen 142
Kremer, B.A. How the Existence of Franz Joseph land was Predicted 147
Chernenko,, M.B. Materials for th6 Biography of Ya.I.Nagurskiy,,
First Polar Aviator 150
Gromov, L.V. Traces of an Ancient Settlement -in Wrange-1 Island 155
Divin, V.A. T~e Second Siberian-Pacific Expedition and Problems Of
Economic Development of the Soviet Far East 157
Frobstj A*Ye. From the History of Petroleum Production and
Processing in Ukhta 176
Card 4A
Chronicles of the North (Cont.) 936
Slavin, S.V. Notes on the History of Railroad Building in the North
in Pro-Revolutionary Russia 188
Freydin, I.L. The Struggle for a Sea Route to the Pechora 206
Chumak, P.A. O.Ya.Sedov in the Soviet Par East 216
Agranat,G.A. Spitzbergen During the Last 15 Years 224
Vyshnepol'skiy, S.A. North-west Passage 234
Lappo, 3.11. Research on the Central Arctic by Foreign Scientists 239
Agranat, G.A. Recent American Pualicatione on Russian America 247
Bogorad, Yu.D. From the Pages of the West German Journal
"Polarforschung" 255
Card 5/6
Chronicles of the North (Cont.) 936
News in Brief (Compiled by G.A.Agranat). New Polar and Arctic
Instututes. The Canadian Ministry of Polar Affairs.
Inhabitants of the American North. Non-stop flight by jet
plane via the.North Pole. 'Transaretic air communication. A
new pipeline in Alaska. Projected railroad from th# USA to
Alaska. Oeological explorations of the Canadian Arctic
Archipelago. Migration of the magnetic pole in the Northern
hemisphere. An expedition to Ellesmere land. Housing on the
i66 shelf 25T
Malyshey, V.I. Ancient Written Recq~ds from the Pechora 265
Suzyumov, Ye.K; Heroic Peat of the Crew of the Icebreaker
A. Sibiryakov" 271
Bobrov,, N.S.. Airplane Skis A Russian Invention 274
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress MN/whl
Card 6/6
RuBeian trips to Kamchatka before
no.ls25-35 U-1 157.
Atlasov. Izv.Vses.geog.ob-v& 89
(nu 10:3)
and exploration)
PRIVALOV:PUYAr GenriYetta,,Alnk4eyevna; BBWV, M., red.; TRHBUKHOV, X., takhn.
(After forty years; dhwWs'~I&the iu4metrioa geography of Costrom
Provin*e] Za sorok let; izmenaniia v geografii proiashleunositi
rostroviWcoi oblasti, [Irostromal Ustromskos knishnoe isd-vo,, 1958.
46 Ps (MM 110)
(Kostroma Provinoe-Industries)
teent. ksna.te)dm.nauk; XALINiei -B.A.,. retsen-
teenzent; POSTNNOT. S.A., red.; KAKWWXA,
A.N., red.isd-va; YKWAKOVA, T.T.~
(organization and technical standardization in stevedoring
OrganiZatsiia truda i, tekhnicheskoe uormirovanie us peregruzooh-
nykh rabotakh., Koskya, Izd-vo 41echnoi transport." 1959. 166 p.
(KIU 12:11)
(Dockj (Loading and unloading)
doktor intor.nauk, starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik;
PrInimala uchastiye BASHKuRin, N.I.. mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik.
GAKMI9 Ya*Yaos profog doktor geografenaukg red*; CHIRIMO, X*Bog
red,; FRISHKAN, Z.S., red.lzd-va; KOMTAKOVA, 0.1., teldmoredo
[History of the discovery aud development of the northern route]
Istoriia otkrytiia i oevoeniia Severnogo morskogo puti Leni -Orad,
Izd-vo *Korskoi trausport."..Vol.3, Lzoviet arctic na;igationni-
Sovetzkoe arktichaskoe moreplavanle, 1917-1932 g.g, Pod red. IA.IA.
Gakkelia L H.B.Chernenkoe 1959o 509 pe (MIRA 13:4)
1. Leningrad. Arkticheskiy nauchnoo-i9mledovatellekly Institut.
2. Ae.:tichemkli~oi antarktichaskiy nauchno-insledoystellskLy inati-
tut ()*or Beloy
(Russia, Northerno-Discovery and exploration)
Now Russian data on the voyage of the nVegam around Europe and
Asia. Izv.Yses.geog.ob-va 92 no.4!308-321 Jl-Ag l6o.
(MIRL 13:8)
(Northeast passage)
Studies on the history of the Soviet Korth. Probl. 'Arkt. i..
intarkt, no. 4:7-14 160. (HIU 13:12)
(Artio regions-Rassian exploration)
BFLWY, M.I.,doktor istorpnauk
design? Priroda 49 no.11:89-95 N 160. (MIRL 13:11)
1. Arkticheskiy i AnUmkticheskiy institut, Leningrad.
(Piri Reia,' d.1554?) (America--Hape)
BELOV., M*Io. doktor iotoricheakikb nauk
Report map of the First Russian Antarctic Expedition. Inform.
biuleSoveantarkeekspe no*3.1&5-24 16le OMA 1594)
1. Arkticheskiy i antarkticheakiy nailohno4asledovatellskiy
(Antarctic regions-Russian exploration)
SHCHERBAKOV, D.I., akademik, red.; TIKHOMIROV, G.S.,, kand. ekonom.
nauk, red.; BE doktor ist. nauk., red.; SUZYWOV,
Ye.M., r .; FEDOSEYNVt I.A., kand, tekhn. nauk, red.;
FILIPPOV, M.S., kand, geol.-m:Lner. nauk, red.; PERVAKOV,
I.L., red.; CHERNYKH, M.P., mladshiy red.; GOLITSO, A.V.p
red. kart; VILENSYAYA, EX.,, tekhn. red.
[Soviet expeditions of 1959) SovetWde ekopeditsii 1959 goda.
Moskva, Gos. izd-vo geogr. lit-ryp 1962. 303 p,
;(KIRA 15:7)
(Scientific expeditions)
V.I.Lanin and the problem of the Soviet North. Let. Sev. 3:
7-14 162. (MIRA 1588)
1. Arktichaskiy i Antarkticheskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy
institut Glavnogo upravleniya Severnogo morskogo'puti.
(Arctic regions-Ftussian exploration)
BELOV, M. I. (Leningrad)
Against false interpretation of Piri Reis maps- Priroda, 51
no.2:8448 F 162. 1 (KM 15-.2)
BELOV, Mikhail Ivanovich; 1APINA, &D., red.; USANOVA, N.B.p tekhn.
across the Arctic Ocean; out
-line history of the
iscovery and mastering of 'the North Sea route] Put' che-
rez Ledovityi okean; ocherki iz istorii, otkrytiia i os-
voeniia Severnogo,morskogo puti. Moskva, Izd-vo "Morokoi
transport," 1963. 236 p. (MIRA 17:3)
Defense.of Dickson Harbor in Vgust 1942. Probl. Arkt. i Antarkto
no.1309-95 161, (MIRA 109)
(Dickson island region--Naval battles)
Is this new information about S,I,Dezhnev'e voyage?; In reference to
B.P.Polevol's article. Izv. Vses. geog. ob-va 95 no.5t443-446
S-0 163. (MIRA 36 t 12)
BELOV, M.I., Inzh.
Effective use of plastics in the machinery, industry. Vest.
mashinoatr* 44 no*3.2:75--76 D 164. (MIRA 18:2)
M.I., doktor iote nail ) ate naucIm. sotr. Frinimall ucha-
KUZNETSOVA, V.V.., nauchn. Botr,, inzh.-kartograf;
SHPITSBERG, I.P., st. nauchn. sotr.; LARIOVOV, A.L.;
KOBLENTS, Ya.P., at. nauchn. sotr.,- OKSENOVA, Ye.I., red.
[First Russian Antarctic Expedition, 1819-1821 and its
resultant navigational chart] Pervaia. rusakaia antarktiche-
skaia ekspeditsiia 1819-1821 gg. i ee otchetnaia navigatsion-
naia karta. Pod red. M.I.Belova. Leningad, Izd-vo q1orskoi
transport,n 1863. 164 p. (HIRA 17:4)
1. Leningrad. Arkticheskiy i antarkticheskiy nauchno-
issledovatellskiy institut. 2. Arkticheskiy i antarkticheskiy
institut, Leningrad (for Belov, Kuznetsova,
3. Institut teoreticheskoy astronomii AN SSSR (for ShpAsb-Wrg).
4. TSentrallryy muzey Voyenno-Morskogo Flota SSSR (for Larion*dXk-:-
3DGATOV I.P., retsenzent; -BELO], M.I,,, retsenzent;
1"VZOVp K#A,p retsenzent; MEMEROVIGH, M.G., retsenzent;
ORFANOVp I.K., retsenzent; UTOV, S.M., retsenzent;
TONYAYEV, V.I., retsenzent
LVoscow-Gorkiy-Moscow; guidebook on the Moscow Canal,
and the Volga, Oka, and Moscow Rivers] Moskva - Gor'kii
Moskva; putevoditell*po kanalu imeni. Moskvyp Volge) Oke i
1,~,oskve-reke. Moskva, Izd-vo "Tranaport," 1964. 101 p.
(FIRA 17:6)
--m NAM-En.
YEFINMOV, A.V.1; EI--;4QV-,,JjJ,,,-,doktor ist. nauk; VEDUSHEVSKPYA.,
kand. ist. nauk;
(Atlas of geographical discoveries in Siberia and north-
western America in the 17th and l8th centuries) Atlas
geograficheskikh otkrytii v Sibiri i v Severo-Zapadnoi
Ameri~e )CVII-XVIII vv. Moskvaj Nauka, 1964. 134 P.
(KUU x 9).
1. Chlen-korrespond6nt 21 SSSR (for Yefimov).
BELOV, M.I.., doktor ist. naukp red.; OMWOVA, Ye.l.,, red.
[Russian Arctic e3q*ditions of the l7th-20th centuries;
problems in the history of studying and mastering the
Arctic] Russkie arkticheskie ekspeditsii XVII-XX vv.; voprosy
istorii.izueheniia i osvoeniia Arktiki. Leningrad,, Gidrome-
teoizdat, 1964. 231 P. (KMA -180)
1. Leningrad. Arktirheskiy i antarktiche.-kiy nauchno-isaledo-
vatellskiy institw.. 2. Arkticheskiy i antarkticheskiy v-1tw~-,-.~i
naA;qbno7I-svIedovate1'skiy institut) Leningrad (for Belov).
Book reviews* Izve Vaeoe geoge ob-va 96 noo6;528-04 lq-0 164
(mil'A 18:1)
KORYAKIN, Sergey Fedorovich, kand. ekon. nauk) dots.; i7ERl-jShTE*-ff,
Iosif Llvovich, kand. ekon. nauk, dots.; Prinimal._._,
uchastiye: ELLI11SKIY, Yu,F,, st, prep.; SRHA13SIlTEY )
Ye.A., dots., retsenzent; CMKASOV-TSIBIZOV, A.A... tit.
prepod., retsenzentl V;ILYUKOV, M.A.) at. prepod.,
retsenzent; F-OZUROV, N,D., kand. ekon. nauk, retsenzent;
EAKALISKIY, I.I., kand. ekon. nauk, retsenzent; KRDER,
B.A., inzh.p retsenzent; PETRUCHIK, V.A., kand. ekon. nauk,
red.; GUBMU4AN R.L., kand. ekon. nauk, red.; RODIN, Ye.D.,
kand. ekon. nauk, red.; DUBCHAK, V.Kh., inzh., red.;
MARTIROSOV, A.Ye.) inzh., red.; PALYUSHKIN, V.A., inzh.,
red * BELOV M 1 2 qoktor geogr. nauk, red.; SINITSYN, M.T.,
inz;.,.---r-e-c-t-.*-.,"-;iiSNIKOV, V.G., kand. tekhn.' nauk,, red.;
ZUIAKHOVSKIYA, A.G., kand. ekon. nauk, red.; hUZIMIN, T.P.,
inzh., red.; NEMCHIKOV, V.I., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.;
GEMBARG, Ye.A., inzh., red.; FILIPPOV, K.D., red.;
KRUGLOVA, Ye.M.., red.
[Economics of the merchant marine) Ekonomika morskogo trans-
porta. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Moskva,, Transport, 1964.
527 p. (MIRA 18:1)
Bmavp M.I.f doktor iste naukj otvo red*
[Voyages and geographical discoveries in the 15tb-19th
centuries] Puteshestviia. i geograficheakie otkrytiia v I
XV-XIX vv. Moskva., Hauka., 1965. 158 P.
(MIRA 18:4)
1. Geograficheakoye obshchestvo SSSR.
ARASHKEVICH, V.M., dotsent; BELOV, M.N., inzh.
Flotation of ozidized zinc minerals. Izv. rfs. ucheb. zave;
gor. zhur. 6 no.3:190-196 163. (NMA 16: 10)
1. Sverdlovskiy gornyy inatitut imeni, V.V.Vakhrushova.
Rekomendovana kafedroy abogashchaniya poleznykh iskopayemykh.
A,'V.SIIKEVICH, V.M., kand. tekhn. nauk; 11MV, 'V.N., inzh.
Floatability of oxidized .zinc ores dependeng on their mineral
phase composition. Izv. lrjs. ucheb. zav.; gor. zhur. 7 no.10:
179-184 164. (MIRA 18: 1)
1. Sverdlovskiy gornyv institut imeni V.V. Vakhrusl~nva. Rekomen- .
dovana kafedroy oboga3hcheniya polezuykh lskopayemykh.
- "Contribution to the Quick Diagnosis of Gas Gangrenap" Zhur. Mikrob.., Epidemiol.
i Imunobioi., No.9, 1944
Vaccine and Senm Irwt,,, N=MVA,S,-,SR
Practice of mounting ship sections framed to a given sise on shimvlard
slip, Trudy VNITOSS 6 no.2:117-142 155. (MM 10:5Y
Scientific conference of the Archangel Institute of Epidemiology,,
Microbiology and Hygiene. Zhur.mikrobiol., epid.i immin. 33
no.4:161-163 Ap, 162. (KIRA 15:10)
EMMYATIYEV, Vladimir Tikhonovich;QIPW, M.P., red.; XAYIUWVA, X*D*~
[Machinist Saprykin, a follower of A.Gaganova; a sketch]
Posledovatell V.Gaganovoi mashinist Saprykin; ochark. Khabarovsk,
Khabarovskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1960. 19 p.
(=A 14:2)
(Saprykin, Nvgenii G16rasimovich)
ACCESSION M: AT4M992 S/31 i o/64/ooms i noi ma 15
TITLE, Developmat of a method for the ultrapurtf(cation of lead acetate solu
4-v- --soukE.0 Lenin.-geed, Qxosud*rstve"nv*r-(njtItut orikladwy khImilaTrudyw. no.
Kh1mlya I toWwologlya lyuminofarav (Chtmistry ar.-d techmilogy of twino-
phors), 10-15
It*I ho~'-proirattan
I ead' sicil f Mi rM pr II- V-
iod o en do --lusd4ipp Iron adsarptl6n. Ir' cc p
tatlan, o-pheftanthralNa. d I py. r I dy I
vkq~lf A
CC1;SS I Off- MR: AT4 4"2,
-conV16xing with dl
gave unsatisfactory degrees of removal of Fe; pyrldyl-e ter
reduction with hydroxylamine was succeWul, but the ccMlex could not'be extr&cto[7,
j with sufficient completeness. The author therefore developed a satisfactory
technique Involving complexit-9 with a-phenanthrollne In sulfuric acid and absorp-i
tion of the coW le-x an activated charcoa!. Ellm!nation of Cu, Co and MI was at&
j ccwplished by caprecipitation. with PbS, forra-ad In the solution on addition-of
-m-no-flun sulfide. Orig. art. has: 5 tables.
Institute for Applied-Chem stry
- - - - - - - - ji
ACCESSION NR: AT4044993 S/3110/64/000/0511001610019
AUTHOR: Belov, M. P.
TITLE: Elimination of trace amounts of Fit Cut Co and Ni from solutions of Jan.
thanum and cerium nitrate
SOURCE: Leningrad. Gosudarstvenny*y Institut prikladnoy' khImll. Trudy*, no. 51
1964. KhImlya I tekhnologlya Iyuminoforov (Chemistry and technology of luminophorsi
TOPIC TAGS: rare earth, rareearth pdrification, lanthanum, cerium. chromatographV,
absorption column, Iron absorptlon,.copper absorption, cobalt absorption, nickel 1
a bsorpt I on
ABSTRACT: In view of the requirement for pure lanthanum and cerium nitrate for the
preparation of luminophors, the author developed and tested a chromatographic me-
thod for freeing these solutions from trace amounts of Fe, Cut Co and NI. During
the test s, Cu was determined colorimetrically by complexing It with dIethyIdIthIo-!
carbamate In Isoamyl alcohol, Ni by precipitation with diethylglyoxime at PH 10 In.i
the presence of tartaric acid, Fe by the.thlocyanate method, and Co spectroscopl-
cally. Purification of a IOX La(NO 3) solution (PH 5) containing 0,001% Fe, Coo
g and,p by absorption on a column Plied with charcoal plus 5,7-dibromo-8-hydro-'
rd 2
~ACM 5
(5-1) at a fl ate of 40-50 mi/hour resulted In a solution
xyquinollne oW.r contain-
Ing only 5X10% Fe, 5x IO-b% Cu, lxl'0-5% NI and less than WO-Iti Co. For reasons!
outlined In the article, this method is preferable to fractional precipitation of
lanthanum hydroxide or lanthanum carbonate, addition of freshly precipitated CdS
or chromatography on columns containing charcoal plus either dimethylglyoxime
or a-nitroso-o-naphthalene. Similar results were obtained with a 10% Ce(NO3 )3
solut on at pH;5 In which tte concentrations of Fe and Cu were reduced from
AXIO-1% to WO% and 5x10-'%, respectively, Orig. aeto has: I tab
1e and
ASSOCIATION: Gosudarstvanny*y InstItut prikladnoy-khlmlli Lenlngr4d (State
institute of Applied Chemlstr#
NO REF SOV: 065.. 'OTHER: 000
card 2/2
KRLE13NIKOV, Gennadiy NikolayeviQiL~~~ed.; KAYDAWVA., M.D.,,
tekbn, red,
(Nikolai Sbicheglovs crew leader among construction workers] Bri-
gadir stroitelei Nikolai Shcheglov. Khabarovsk., Khabarovskoe
knizhnoe izd-vos 1958. 28 p. (MIRA 14:9)
(Construction corkers)
BEZRUK., Stepan Sidorovich.,,Geroy Sotsialisticheskogo Truda., brigadir plot-
nikov; BFWVj M.P., red.j KHDAWVAr M.D., tekhn. red.
[The pride of a bailder) Gordoot' stroitelia. Khabarovsk, Khabs-
rovskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1959. 18 P. (Km 3j+: 9)
SMANOV, Aleksey Ivanovichs Gerq7 Sotsialistioheskogo Truda; M.Ptl-
wed.; KAYDAWVA, M.D.., tekhn. red.
[Matter of honor and,glory) Delo chesti, delo slavy Khabarov k
Khabarovskoe knizhnog izd-vo, 1959. 31 Pe ?Mnu 1093
(Khabarovsk-Socialist competition)
BEWVp Kikhail Prokopiyevich; SIMKHOp 122.S.0 red.; KJWDAWVAp M.D.0
tekbn. red-.
[Boring machine opeIrator Parfin Repiz; sketch about a contemporary]
Burilloli6hik Parfen Repin; ocherk o sovremennike. Khabarovsk, Kba-
baravokpo kni2bnoe izd-vo, 1959. 3,4 p. (KUU 14'. 9)
(Repin, Par-fen Petrovich)
VAYEENOV, Nester Nikonovich; red.
["Builder" has a proud ring] Stroitell eto zvachit gordo.
Khabarovsk, Khabarovskoe knizhnoe izd-vo) 1963. 14 p.
(MIRA 17: 5)
1. Proizvoditelt rabot pervogo stro-yupravleniya tresta
"Khabarovskstroy" (for Naydenov).
CHUVASHE;V, Pavel Dmitriyovich; BEIAN M.P., red.
[Large-panel construction in Khabarovsk] Krupnopanell-
noe.stroitallstvo v Khabarovske- Khabarovsk, Khabarovskoe
knizhnoe izd-vo, 1963, 216 pe (MIRA 17:5)
1. Glavnyy inzhener tresta "Khabarovskzhilstroy" (for
Development of the method for fine pirr-Ification of lead acetate
solutions. (Trudy] GIPKH no.51tlO-15 164.
Removal t-,+' 'we. Co. and Ni traces from lanthan and cerium nitrate
solutiol,-7 Ibid*t iQb (MIRA 1835)
GAYEV, Vasiliy Grigorlyevich, zhurnalist; KISELEV, Vasiliy
Kharitonovicho inzh.; EEWV, M,P,,_red.
(Prospecte,for developing the chemical industry in the
Khabarovsk Economic Region) Perepektivy razvitiia khi-
micheskoi promyshlonnosti v Khabarovskom ekonomicheskom
raione. Khabarovsk,, Khabarovskoe knizhnoe izd-vo,
1964. 28 p. (MIRA 17-.10)
1. Nachallnik gornorudnoy i khimicheskoy promyshlennosti
Khabarovskogo sovnarkhoza (for Kiselev).
ACCESSION UR: AP4043T60 S/0080/64/03T/0011658/1665
Markovski 116L. -
AUTHOR; Y, G. Belov, M. P.
TITLE: Chemical reaotione 10 the reduction of borqa oxide vith
SOURC13; Zhurnal prikl%dnor khimii# v. 3T, no. 8, 1964, 1656-1665
TOPIC T4,06i boron extraction, boron Oxide reduction, boron Gesqji-
reduction, =%Snesium boron oxide reaction, magnesium boron tri-
oxide reduction, magnesium boron.sesquioxide reduction
ABSTRACT: Reactions occurring in the reiuction Of. a203 -With _Li4neis lui~'
,have been stud led _ an-.2,--thwee, -re-act 16a;'70rodud t z analyzed. t'
Up er smen, a vere
ewgoit us ag powdered 98.3% pure magnesium vitU
r-1.0 oxygea and 98.7% pure boron oxide. These experiments shoved that'.'
fthe principal reaction in the reduction of boron oxide vith magnesiua
aMg + 0,03 2B + MgO
.vhich is accompanied, hovever, by side reactions. With a B
CCA", 1/2
W., -
6680CIATION; Gosudarstvauny,~y Inatitut
%~itute of Applied (hemistry)
prikladnoy khimii (At-e-te In-
3104 ENCL-. 00
012 OTHER: 009
ACCESS1014 NA: AP506116 :S/0086/65/038/001/0017/002'2*
AUTHOR4- BeIoL M. 13'. ; Markovskiy, L. Ya. t'
TrrLE: Magnesium-thermic method of determining oxyge impurities in elemen-i
tal baron
SOURCE: 'ZWrnal prikladnoy khimfi, 1. 1965; 17-22
v. 38.' no.
TOPIC TAGS:-:: qzygea. &ternxinationj -.-Magn
isiumthermic reaction, boron
sis. boron
ABSTRACT~.::OtAitdtim,conditidiis:''wet;e -&tehillriedlor the deterininatt'
on of
gen in eAemenW.boron by calcining'-the sample to be analysed with metallic
neatum7fn an inert atmosphere. Powdered Mg was mixed with the B in at least
.a i - 1 wt. ratio (less Mg Increased the error In the analysis), the mixture was
calcined under argon at 1120-1130C for 10 minutes, the temperature was reduzx&
to 900C and the Mg was vacuum distilled for I hour. Argon was added, the sysg- i
tem was cooled to room temperature and the MgO was extracted with 0. 5N HCl
for 0. 5 hours. Oxygen content in the boron was calculated from the amount of
. I Ii - I-
Y-- -
. II L
. - - I , I
, I I ., 7
SHAI".OV, Mikhail Nikitich; BELOV, M.P.., red.
[Aleksei f)iezhnevj a bulldozer operator) Aleksol Brezhnevj
bulldozerist. Khabarovsk, Khabarovskoe knizhnoe izd-vo,
1963. 11 p. (MIRA 18:3)
ANDRIZOV2 Mikhail Timcfeyevich.. inzh.; BELOV, M.P.,, red.
[Small mixed brigades at lumbering camps; from the
practices of logging camps in the Khabarovsk Economic
Region] Malye komplekarqe brigady na lesozagotovkakh;
iz opyta lespromkhozov Khabarovskago ekonamicheskogo
raiona. Khabarovsk, Khabarovskos knizhnoe izd-vo,
11964. 28 P. (MIFU 18 & 3)
31xperience in organizing practical vork In agriculture.
Politakhoobuch. no*6:44-54. Je 157. (MIRA 12:4)
1. Slchoduenskaya srednyaya~shkola No.2,Xhirikinskogo rayons
Moskovskoy oblasti. I
(Agriculture--Study and teaching) (FI61d vork (Nducational method))
AMMORS t Belov M*V and Kaz,~Tmovj S.A., Engineers
TITLE% Experiences in Pressure Casting of Steel
PERIODICALs Liteynoye proizvodstvo, 1959, Ni- lOg pp 12-1
ABSTRAM The authors present a report on problems in pressure casting of
steel. The higher melting temperature and several physical quali-
ties of steel cause some additional demands for the construction
of steel castings, when one compares it with non-ferrous metals.
The process of steel pressuro C~dStillg can be profitable, only if
the material of the press-form Is -very stable and its production
is economical enough. Until now the indastry has not been able to
produce a material which accomplishes these demands. A new way to
do the casting has to be found. Another problem is the choice of
steel. Not all types of steel are suitable for pressure casting.
Steel tends to fracture more easily than non-ferrous metalso Ex.-
perience has shown that steels with 0.2% C show fractures during
pressure casting very easily. The most suitable steels for pres-
sure casting are carbon steels with less than 0.15% carbon. Fig.1
Card 1/2 shows a press form for steel pressure casting. It consists of two
Experiences in Pressure Casting of Steel
change bushings (1 and 2) and a system of knockout die. The fill-
Ing temperature of the steel should be 19600-196200C, while the
press-form should hwfe a temperature of 100-1500C. Another impor-
tont factnr is the ventilation of the form cavity during the fill-
ing time to a-void blowholes. Steel 'in a melted state changes its
chemical qualities -very fast; -therefore, a method of step by step
melting Is advisable. In ;ertain casesq the,5rocess of pressure
casting has to be conducted in vacuam (Ref. . Different materials
for press-form were tested, low narbon and alloyed steels, copper
and alloys on a i.,opper basis. The tests have shown that those
steels which are usually taken for these purposesp type 3Khl3j
3KhP-Vg and 5KhNM, are !ompletely unsuitable. Metals and alloys
with high plastic qualities are more stable than low carbon steels
(type 10) or copper and its alloys. At present, the search for ma-
terials for press-form is -the most urgent problem fo-r the pressure
casting of steel. There are 4 photographa;g 5 diagrams, 4 graphs,
Ctird 2/2 9 tables and 3 Soviet r-aferences.
coo mam
Manufacture of air coolers for compressor unitoo Rnergomashino-
stroenie 5 no*103 (KIR& 12:2)
-35 Ja '59.
(Air compressors)
AUTHOR: Belov, M.N., Engineer
TITLE,. The Production of Air Heaters
PERIODICAL: Energomashinostroyeniye, 1961, Not 1i P, 35
TEXT: A new type of air heater for gas turbines has been
manufactured at the NZL (Neva Work's imeni Lenin). General
views of the air heaters are given. Each heater section
consists of two side frames and two welded covers, the whole
being mounted on rollers. The heat-exchange bundle is
mounted between the side frames. The bundle is made of
corrugated sheets welded together and forming the gas and
air ducts which are kept separate from one another. It is
the use of corrugated sheets as heating surfares that
distinguishes,this air heater from other designs. The
corrugated sheets are made up of rolled steel IX113 'Cj-r
(lKhl8N9T), 1 mm thick, of 894 X 1524 mm, The
Card 1/2
The Production of Air Heaters
corrugations are made on a 4 000 ton press. The method
of welding and assembling the sheets is briefly described.
There are 3 figures.
AKKUN OV9 YuAq M~MO'r-j U.S.; ~,BELOVt M.V. t akademik
Crystalline--structure of brandisite. Pold. AN SSS.R 137 no.10.67-
170 Mr-Ap 161, (KM 3.4:2)
1, Inatitut kbi-ii.Akademii imil AzerSSR.
(Kedabek Pistriet-4eybertite)
I - BMV, H., iuzh.
I- ~~~
Ways to ipprove the tech'nolog7 of making screw propellers. Bach.
transpe 19 no*5:29-30 'MY '60- (MML i3 -.17)
- . (Propellers)
- INIOV, N. ---
Short-range prognosis of proosure fields by the use of thewPogodaw
electronic calculating machine. Trudy TSII~ no.86:3-41 159.
(MIRA 12:9)
(Atmospheric preasure)
Diurnal pressure variations at different altitudes. Trudjw TSIP
no.86:63-70 159. (MIRA 12:9)
(Atmospheric pressure)
BILOV, N., inshener.
Better utilization of mining techniques- Kast-ugl-3 n0-10:9-10
o 154. (KLRA 7:12)
(Coal mines and mining)
BEWV9 N. I inzh.
Over-all mechanization in the manufacture of screw-propellers.
Reche tranape 19 nosl2;15;--~16 D 160* (MI 13:32
Wopeners) (Foundri~9-SqUpment and uupp33as)
Ways of expanding the ship r6pairibase of the Ministry of the River Fleet,
Roch. transp. 22.,no.7;21-22- JI fiIb (KERA,16:9)
1. Nachallnik otdolateatrallnege nauchne-issledevatallakego iwti-
tuta ekenomiki i ekeplix-tatsii vednoge trans~orta.
(Tnl;nd water transportation
(Shipa-Maintonance and repair)
BELOV2 N.j kand. tekhn. nauk
.. .
Organizing ship-repairing centers for the river fleet. Recb.
transp. 24 no* 10t19-20 165o (MIIa 18:12)