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The Grytalline Structure of Herderite, Datolite and Gadolinite
of isostructure-gadolinite. Its formula is obtained from the dato-
linite-formula. GaBSiO OH by replacement of the 5-charge-pair CaB
by YBe and introductign into the inversion-centers of the cell
(cf. figure 3 in reference 5) of 2 additional Fe** with a simul-
taneous replacement of 4 OH by 4 0. This leads to the formula FeY,-
-Be Si 0 in the case of 2 such"molecules" in the cell. An ana--
a m?lar to the above-mentioned ones was carried out for
gadolinite- 30 of very strong inequalities in this case had determ-
ined 40 signs of supporting group. The second projection of the
electron-density is shown on figure 3, the coordinates following
from it in the fourth column of table 1v The quality of the radio-
gram was worse by the inclination to metamictic disintegration of
gadolinite, and due to the indetermination of the atom-factor of
Y (Z ;,39) whose major part is on the one hand replaced by Er
(Z - ) and on the other hand by Ca (Z - 20). It is easy to rea-
lize that the atom-coordinates of gadolinite are closer to those
of herderite than to those of datolite, as a Be-atom with a radius
much larger than that possessed by B in datolits is part of the
two first minerals. There are 3 figures, I table, and 6 references,
Card 3/4 4 of which are Slavic,
The Crystalline Structure of'Herderite, Datolite and Gadolinite
SUBMITTEDs April 4, 1957
Card 4/4
SMEXOT, Alokoey Tamileyeviehi akademiko, BIIWV, N,T.,, ajmA mike otvqtgtv8j*..
.[Crystals in scion~o and ongluearlug] KrIstany v nauke i teldmilms'
lzd*2og -dope Nookraj Izd-vo And. muk SSIM, 1938. 53 P*
(Crystals) (;IU 11117)
13 E L 0 Vj
Soveshchaniye po eksperimentallnoy i tekhnicheskoy mineralogii i
petrografii., 5th Leningrad, 19%.
Trudy0of (Transactions of the Fifth Conference on Experimental and
Apglied Mineralogy and Petrography) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR., 1958.
51 po ls800 copies printed.
Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya. nauk SSSR. Institut geologii rudnykh
mestorozhdeniy, petrografii, mineralogii i geokhimiij and Akademiya
nauk SSSR. Institut khimii silikatov.
Resp..Ed.: Tsvetkovy A.I.; Ed. of Publishing House: Ivanov, B.V.;
Teeh. Ed.-: Kiseleva, A.A.
PURPOSF-. This book is intended for scientists and students of minera-
logy axid petrography,
COVERAW: The pretent collection of articles are reprints of reports
piesented at the Fifth Conference on Experimental and Applied Minera-
logy and Petrography, held in Leningrad on March 26-31, 1956. The
Card 1//11
. 0
Transactions of theFifdi Conference (Cont.) SOV/1310
purpose of the Conference was to exchange information and coordi-
nate the activities in the fields of experimental and applied
mineralogy and petrographyand to stress the increasing complexity
of practical problems.' The Conference was sponsored by the
Academy of Sciences of the USSR and organized bi its Institute of
Ore Deposits., Geology., Petrography,, Mineralogy and Geochemistry
of the Division of Geological-Geographical Sciences,, and the
Institute of Silicate Chemistry of the Division of Chemical
Sciences. During the Conference special tribute was paid to
Academician D.S. Belyankin.*(died 1952)y founder of applied
petrography in the USSR and organizer.of the first four con-
ferences and Academician A.N. Zavaritskiy. (died 1953),out-
standing petrographer and mineralogist.*-Of-the 76 reports pre-
sented, 53 are reprinted in the present volume. Each article is
accompanied by diagrams, tables,, and bibliographic references.
Card 2/ 11
Transactions of the Ffftla. Conference (Cont.) SOV/1310
TAiRT OF. coNmTs:
Foreword 3
Introductory words by Academicianv D.S. Norzhinskiy 5:
Ginzbergp A*S. Academician D.S. Belyankin's Role in the
Development of Russian and Soviet Petrography 7
Palatnikj, L.S. and A.I. Landau. Methods of Investigating
Multi-component Heterogeneous Systems 19
Belov N V Academician; V.S. Molchanov and N.Ye. Prikhidlko,
=:~ ~yn";;*s and Structure of Hydrosilicates.. Containing Sim-
. ple and Complex Heavy Metal Cations 38
Toropov N A.$ Kh.S, Nikogosyan and A.I* Boykova. Synthesis
and Anaysis of.8ome Broperties of Hillebrandite and Other
Calcium Hydrosilicates 44
Ryskin., Ya.I. Infrared Absorption Spectra of Some Hydrated
Calcium Silicates 55
Card 3/11
Transaction's of the Fifth Conference (Cont.) SOV/1310
Berg, L.G. and M.Sh. Yagfarov. A New PreqIsion Thermographic
Method for Determining Thermal Constants and Heat Effects
Ivanova, V.P. and F.Ya. Bindull. Attachment for an SON-8,
Polarigraph for Accelerated Microthermal Analysis by the
Differential Heating Curves Method
Sementovskiy., Yu.V. Relationship Between the Thermoactive
Content of Matter and the Thermographically Registered
Dilaktorskiy, N.L., and L.S. Arkhangellskaya. Problems in
the Methodology of Thermal Analysis 88-
Korzhinskiy, A.F. Thermo-optical Analysew.':of Minerals of
the Spidote Group and of Certain Tourmalines 97
Card 4/11
Transactions of the Fifth Conference (Cont.) SOV11310
Ollshanskiyp Ya*I. (deceased). on the Reaction Between
azid Fluorides of Metals 114
Leontlyevap A.A.. Computing Linear Velocity of Crystallization
of Solid Phases in Silicate Melts 119
Lebedev, V.I. Results of Studies of Kaolin and Brucite Under
Pressure by Means of Thermal Curves 129
vol~rovich' M.P.',q D.B. Balashov and 'Z.I. ~takhovskaya. In-
vestigation of Elastic.Properties of Rocks Under High
Pressure 137
Konovalov,-P.F. and A.I. Yefremov. Use of Ionizing X-ray
Structure Analysis in the Study of Certain Physicochemical
Processes 146
Ahtipov-Karatayev., I.N. and G.M. Kader. Experimental Studies
of Hydrolysis Processes in Primary Minerals and the Forma-
tion of Secondary Argillaceous Minerals 159
Card 5/11
Transactions of the Firth Conference (cont.) SOV/1310
Zaleasklyp B,V. and OX, Kbrotkova. Study of the Effect of
PorositV, on Frost-resistance of Roclcs,--. 166
Berg$ L*Ge Diffusion Method of Mineral Pynth4,sis f~6
Mchedlov-Petrosyanp O.Ps and K.A* Klnkladze, Calorimetric
Analysis of Hydrating Processes in Dehydrated Stratified
Hydrosilicates 180
Ovchinnikovj L.N. and L.I., Mettikh. 'Relationship Between
Ore Formation and Assimilatiori., According to EXperimental 188
Dilaktorskiy, N.L. and M.A. Kiyler. I.Exfoliationof Slate-
.Kukersite Cinder Melts 201
card 6/11
Transactions of the Fifth Conference (Cont.) SOV11310
Khitarovp N.I. Reaction Between Oligoelase and Water In
Conditions of High Temperatures and Pressures 208
Ostrovskiy, I.A. Experiments on Some Silicate,Systems
with Volatile Components,, 214
Syromyatnikovp F,V. N~teriale for the Study of the Calcite-
Water System 221
Feodotlyev, X.M. and V.K. Shlepov. Salt Solubility of
CertAin Elements -in Supercritical Water Vapor .230
Ovehinnikov, L.N. and A.S. Shur. Studies of Porosity in
Minerals and Rocks 237
Parkhomenko., E.I. Piezo-electric Effects in Rocks 248
Ivanovy B.V* Chemical-mineralogical Changes in Refractory
Kaolin During Operation In Glass Melting Furnaces 253
Card 7,111
Transactions of the Fifth Conference (Cont.) SOV/1310
Lapinj, V.V.s N.N. Kurtseva and O.P. Ostrogorskaya, On the
Mineralogy of High Titanium Slags 273
Rudneva., A*V* New Minerals in Titanium Slags 285
Budnikov,, P.P.,*Academician (AS Ukr. SSR). Effect of
Gypsum in.Hardening Portland-cement 299
Bozhenov, P.I. and V.S. Sallnikova. Utilization of Certain
NatUral Minerals in the Building Materials Industry 314
Butt, Yu. M. qnd L.N. Rashkovich. Study of Magnesian Hydro-
silicates Obtained In Hydrothermal Synthesis 322
Blyumen, L.M. Problems in the Hardening of Mineral Binding
and Pressurized Materials 330
Card 8/11
Transactions of the Fifth Conference (Cont.) SOV/1310
Dilaktorskiy, N.L. and Ye.A. Galibina. On the Nature of
Hardening Processes in Slate Cinders- 337
Bezborodov, M.A.p Academician (AS BSSR) and I.A. Konopeliko
Crystallization Ability of Glass Synthesized on the Base
of Low-melting Clays of Belorussian SSR 348
Kaynarskiyy I.S. and I.G. Orlova. Relationship Between the
Physicochemical Properties of Equivalent Melts and Quartz
Tridymitisation 359
Sinellnikov, N.N. Mechanism Of Quartz Transformation Into
Tridymite 371
Karyakin, L.I. and K.N. Repenko. Synthesis of Minerals in a
Chrome-spinel Reaction with Magnesium Oxide at High Tempera-
tures 382
Mikey, A.Ya. Chemical-technological Study of the Dnepropetrovsk
Region Glauconites as',Dye and Water Softening Materials 395
Card 9/11
Transactions of the Fifth Conference (Cont.) SOV/13
Astreyeva, O.M. and V.M. Guseva. Methods of Studying
Teradnt' Hydration Products With an Electron Microscope
Kxikolev, G.V. and M.T. Mellnik. Synthesis and Properties
of thelft-calcium Silicate
Volkon8kiyp B.V. and V.I. Sadkov. X-ray and Petrographic
Studies of Tri-balcium Aluminate in the Presence of
Fluorides at High Temperatures
Avetikov, V.G. Role of Magnesium Oxide in Steatite Ceramics
Zhilin, A.I. (deceased) and Yu.D. Kruchinin. Properties of
Slag Melts and Their Castings '
Yakovleva, M.Ye. Rbaction of Some Silicate Glazing Melts
With Ceramics at 1000* - 1250* Firing Temperatures
Card 10/11
Transactions of the Fifth Conference: (Cont.) SOV/1310
Filonenkop N.Ye. Titanium Compounds in Blectro-corundum 452
.Lavrov.. I.V. Analysis of the Alumina Component in the
Na20 - A1203 - S'02 System 462
Bron, V.A. Effect of Crystalline-chemical Properties of
..Additives on the Sintering of High Refractory Oxides
In the Solid Phase 471
Bron,-V.A. Diagram of the fusibility of an A1203 -
Cr203 System
Arakelyanp.O.I. Solid Solutions of the Na20 - Al 203
Fe203 System 484
Shchepochkina, N.I. Physicochemieal Study of BaO - T102
and FeO - T102 Systems 493
Toro P N#A and F.Ya. Oalakhov, Solid Solutions in a
2 S!Og System 505
Resolution 511
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress ab
Card 11/11
B%WV, N.Y., akaderAk.
Cr;mtal struature of g1lidAtes. Mim.nauka i prom. 3 no.1:46-56
158, (UM 11:3)
(Silicate crystals)
AUTHOR: Belov. No V., Member, AS USSR 30-58-3-12/45
-Vaynshteyn, B. K., Doctor of Physical and
Mathematical Sciences
TITLE: The Cohgress of Crystallographers Hold at Montreal
(Kongress kristallografov v Yonreale)
PERIODICAL: Vestnik Akademii Nauk SSSRp 1958, Nr 3,
pp. 64-67 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The fourth congress took place in the summer of last year and
was attended by more than 700 scientists from 21 countries.
The Soviet delegation consisted of N. V. Belov, L. No Belyayev,
Go B. Bokiyj Ye. G.-'Bronnikovaj B. K. VAynsh "teyng Go So
Zhdanov, V. I. Iveronoval A. I. Kitaygorodakiy, Z. Go Pinaker
and So I. Shchetinin. They had a special number of the
periodical "Crystallography" taken with them, which contained
all reports delivered by the delegation on this congresel as
well as a collection of scientific investigations"The Growth
of Growth of Crystals". The work of this congress was carried
.out by 18 sections. In the plenary sessions lectures were
Card 1/4 delivered on Itopical problems of modern crystallography.
The Congress of Crystallographers Held at Montreal 30-58 -3-12/45
On the last two days special symposia on electronograpby and
on the physical research methods of crystallography were held.
Great importance was attached to consultations held outside
the official sessions on various scientific problems. A large
group of reports dealt with the theory, the method, and the
now results obtained by investigations on the atomic, structure
of crystals. In the nection "Progress in Structural
Determination", A. I. Kitaygorodskiy among other things, dealt
with the correlation theory among structural factors. Much
attention waa paid to electronic computors. Also new types
of apparatus were on show in special exhibitions of this
congress. N. V. Belov reported on new silicate structures.
The authors regretted the fact that, in the field of structural
determinationp mainly only such structures were precisely dealt
with as are already known. A report on general problems of
crystal chemistry was delivered by G. Shdanov. The report by
G. B. Bokiy and G. A. Kukina dealt upon the crystal chemistry
of the complex compounds of bivalent platinums. A. I.
Card 2/4 Kitaygorosk:Ly spoke about several results achieved in the
The Congress of Crystallographers Hold at Montreal :50-58-3-12/45
investigation of organic structures at the Institute for
Organoelementary Compounds of the AS USSR. Z. G. Finsker spoke
about the results obtained by electronographic investigations
of some carbides and nitrites. Radiographic investigations of
displacements were dealt with by V. I. Iveronova. L. M.
Belyayev delivered a report on the investigation of a
distribution of activators in halide-orystale of alkaline
metals. Ye, G. Bronnikova gave a survey of the methods of
breeding piezo-electric crystals in the USSRi On a plenary
session the Soviet delegation showed the film. "The
crystallization of two-teased diphenylamine (dvulistnikov
difenilamine). In the section dealing with the symmetry
theory N. V. Belov, reported on the 1651 group of the spatial
black- and white, as well as on groups of colored symmetry. In
a symposium Z. G. Pinsker and B. K. Vaynshteyn delivered a
lecture on problems of structural electronography and its
development in the USSR. B. K. Vaynshteyn gave a report on
electron dispersion by means of crystalline polydispersion
Card 3/4 preparations. Parallel to the congress a full session of the
The Congress of Crystallographers Held at Montreal 30-58-3-12/45
Society of Crystallographers was held, on which occasion
now elections were finally carried out as the result of which
N. V. Belov was elected vice-president for 6 years and other
Soviet scientists were elected members of various commissions.
The Soviet delegation was able to visit scientific research
laboratories of the universities of Montreal and in the
vicinity of this town, as well as the National Research Center
in Uttaxa. They were able to convince themselves of the high
level f these institutions. The congress showed that
crystallography is developing according to plan.
Card 4/4
AUTHOR: Belo SOV/?0-3-1-16/26
~TITLB: On the Law of the (X-ray) Extinctions in Quartz
(0 kvartsevom zakone pogasaniy)
PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 1, pp 89-90 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In B.Ya. Pines' book, "Lectures on X-ray Structure Analysism,
second edition, Kha-r1kov, 1957, the law h + k + L = 3n
is found for the reflections from the rhombohedral cell of
quartz. This is not found in the International Tables or
other standard handbooks. This is likely to cause con-
fusion and is an archaism. It arises from an old classical
tradition of using a'tiply primitive rhombohedral unit
cell (extra lattice points at 1/3, 1/3, 1/7 and
2/3, 2/3, 2/3) which corresponds with the observed external
forms. It is the rhombohedral cell in terms of which a
hexagonal primitive cell can be exprehsed.
The error that four indices are desirable for the expression
of co-ordinates and axes in the hexagonal system is also
found. Belov demonstrates that h + k + i = 0 and that
the fourth index is redundant but desirable for faces but
Cardl/2*' meaningless and confusing for axes and co-ordinate8.
SO V/70-3-1-16/26
On the taw of the (X-ray' ) Extinctions in Quartz
There are 2 figures and 5 Soviet references
ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallogra-fii AN SSSR (Institute
of Crystallography of the Ac.Sc.USSR)
SUBMITTED: December 13, 195?
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Borisov, S.V., Pavlov, F.V. and Belov, N.V.
TITIN: A Graphical Method for Solving -te ~un admen aif-Harker-
Kasper Inequalities (Grafieheskiy metod resheniya
osnovnykh neravenstv Kharkera-Kaspera)
t-pp 90-92
PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 1" " (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The most powerful inequality relating the-absolute
unitary structure amplitudes is:
H � UK) 1 + UH+K) ( 1 + UH-d
This leads to a relationship between the signs of
SH+K = SR. 8K ,and SH_K = %-SK . The examination of
all quartets of reflections is a long process and can
be facil#ated by suitable graphs.
If (UH � UK) is
denoted by Z and (1 + UH+K) and (1 + UH_K) by x
and y , respectively, then the inequality :18 X 2 < xy
which takes the form of hyperbolae for the case oi"'
equivalence. Lines of constant Fj are drawn out on two
graphs (each with V - as absci~pae and as
~ 4 H~-X UH+K
Cardl/3 ordinates) one,. with "values of 2 greater than 1 and
A Graphical Method for-Solving the Fundamental Harker-Kasper
the other with values less than -1 The graj~hs are then
divided into four regions: a) it-here %-K - SH-SK
obtains; b) where S,+, = "H-8K obtains;
c) where neither obtains and ab) where both are true.
These can be overlaid with weighted reciprocal nets.' It
can be seen that the most effective inequalities will be
obtained when three of the amplitudes selected are large
and the forrth small. -For value a of Z near to 1 the
inequalities will also be effective, for a pair UHA
and U,,-, of the order of 0-15 to 0.20. There are 3
figures and 7 references, 5 of which are Soviet and
2 English.
Card 2/3
A Graphical Method for Solving the Fundamental Harker-Kasper
. Inequalities
ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallografii AN SSSR
(Institute of Crystallography of the Ac.Sc.USSR)
SUBMITTED: November 25, 1957
Card 3/3
AUTHOR: 70-3-2-15/26
TITLE: The Facial Morphology of Crystals in the Light of Their Fine
Structures (Grannaya morfologiya kristallov 4svete ikh
tonkoy struktury)
M IODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1958, Vol 31 Nr 21 pp, 225 - 227
ABSTRACT; Criticisms are made of statements in a new book
"Kristally mineralov" by I.I. Shafranovskiy (Leningrad,'1957).
Tables are given on pp 90 - 106 of the symmetries of the
general and special faces of crystals belonging to the 230
space groups. Satisfactory agreemertis found with,observations
on 8 cubic minerals but garnet appears to be an exception.
In this case, a cube and not a rhombic dodedahedr n has the
most symmetrical faces but garnet (space group 010= Ia3d)
crystallises in the dodecahedral form 110. The Aole argument
in this section is shown to be fallacious and certain
additional errors of fact are pointed out.
There are 2 figures and 6 references, 4 of which are Soviet and
2 French.
ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallografii AN SSSR (Institute of
Crystallography, Ac.Sc. USSR)
SUBMITPD: February 7, 1958
Card 1,1
AUTHOR: Be.lov, NOY4 70-3-2-25/26
TITLE: ' ou-11040 vi. 7MEding a Correct Soviet Course in Crystallo-
graphy (0 putyakh k sozdaniyu polnotsennogo sovetskogo
kursa kristallografii)
PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 2, pp-246 - 249
ABSTRACT: Nrrors in Soviet Textbooks, published since 1950, when
dealing with questions of symmetry are quoted and examined.,,
References to the books criticised are not given. Fox~eign
books are not exempt from the failings castigated.
ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallografii AN SSSR
(Institute of Crystallography,,Ac.Se. USSR)
SUBMITTED: February 7, 1958
Card 1/1
AUTHORS: _4a1ov-,-0-.Tv-,,w1Belyayev, L.M., Boki G.B., Bronnikova, Ye G.-,
'Vaynshteyn, B.K.. Zhdanov, G.S., 11;rcnova, V.I. , Kitaygor-od-
skiys A.I. and Pinsker, &G.
TITLE: The Fourth International Congress of Crystallography
(IV mezhdu dnvy kongress kristallografov) (Montreal,
July 10--1971095?)
PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 19581*Vol 3, Nr 2, pp 250 - 260
ABSTRACT: Outline of the scientific proceedings of the
.Card 1/1
~70-3- -2/
AUTHORS: Borisov, S-V., Golovachev, V.P. and,
.TITIS: On the Arbitrary Allocation of Signs in Direct Methods of
Determining Crystal Structures (0 proizvollno zadavayemykh
znakakh pri pryamykh sposobakh rasshifrovki kristallich-
PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 3, pp 269 - 2?6
ABSTRACT: The limiting conditions on the arbitrarily allocated
signs of three-structure amplitudes which are connected with
the use of the direct methods of analysis are worked out and
tabulated for all symmetries except inversion. The equivalent
groups of centres of symmetry are listed for the seven crystal
systems with latticej of the P, Cv I and F types and
under the headings of the Bravais lattices, the equivalent
centres for the tabulated forms of the structure factors, the
groupings of the different classes of reflections, the number
of arbitrarily assignable signs and the types of reflections
for which it is not permissible to allocate signs arbitrarily
are tabulated. The same types of information are also given
for the plane groups. Such data is not available elsewhere in
organised form. There are 6 figures, 3 tables and 8 references,
Cardl/2 1 of which is Soviet and 7 English.
On the Arbitrary Allocation of Signs in Direct Methods of Determining
Crystal St~-Aetures
ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallografii AN SSSR
(Institute of Cr7stallography Ac.Sc. USSR)
SUBMITTED: March 14, 1958.
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Simonov, V.J. and Be1gv,~XV4,_ SOV/70-3-4-5/26
TITLE: A Determination of'.the Structure of Ambligonite by the
Method of Minimalisation (Opredeleniye struktury
ambligonita metodom minimalizataii)
PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1958, Vol 3, !Ir 4, pp 428437 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: A full determination of the structure of crystals of
LiAlPO4F has been made by a superposition process. The
resolving power of the function used has been estimated
and the crystal-chemical properties of lithium have been
elucidated. The triclinic. cell of a natural specimen with
small sodium content was found to have the dimensions
b - 5.161 7.08 A; a - 109052'
a = 5-N 0
P = 107 O's Y = 97 54 Previous authors have chosen
different axes but their measurements agree with the above.
Three Weissenberg photographs were taken of equatorial
layer lines with Mo radiation and intensities were
estimated visually, 218 OkL, 190 h0L and 167 hko
reflections were recorded. The statistics of the hOZ zone
showed it to be centred and implied that the space group
was Pl 0 Z = 2 The Patterson projections p(x,z)
Card 1/4
A Determination of the Structure of Ambligonite by the Method of
and p(y,z) were calculated. If r 0 represents a
Patterson peak with a radius vector ro I then several
superposition functions are available, in particular:
P(Z- 1/2 r ) + P(r + 1/2 r
-0 -0
n = F(.E - 1/2 ro).P(El+ 1/2r0)
M = min. F(3 - 1/2 ro), F(Lc, + 1/2 ro)3
~(.j - 1/2 r0) - P(Z + 1/2 r 0)~
and M 1/2 1
The P-Al and P-P peaks were identifiable in the
Pattersonprojections and, as the M function was shown
to be the most powerful, it was calculated for the x,z
and y,z projections with the vectors P-P and Al-Al
and enabled oxygen positions to be found. The corresponding.
Card 2/4
A.Determination--Of-.the-Structure of.Ambligonite by the Method of
structure~fact.ors were calculated and electron density
16rojections constructed with.very satisfactory agreement.
It was concluded that the U atoms were distributed
statistic 'ally.~between two positions, final R values
(incl. zero reflections) of about 15% being obtained. The
final co-ordin ates were: (x,y,z) Al 1 (02010);
A111 (09509.0-50, 0-50); P (0-565, 0.883, 0.238);
Oi (01.64-6, 0.6801 0-3485.); 011 (0.659, 0.194, 0.402);
011, (0-724t 0.836, 0-0805); OIV (0.234, 0.-795t 0.1115);
(F,OH) (0-143, 0.319, 0.267); 1/2 Lij (0.921 0-575, 0-18);
1/2 LiII (0-995, 0.65, 0.25). The accuracy is estimated
at P + 0.002 AI-O + 0.005 At 1/2 Li + 0-05 A . Diagrams
are gi7ven of the wa7ys in which the P7' tetrahedra and the
.Al octahedra link up and a calculation of the way'in which
Card 3/4
AUTHORS-. _Belov, N.V., Belova, Ye.N. and Tarkhova, T.N.
TITIR: Further on the Colour Symmetry Groups (Yeshche o
gruppakh tsvetnoy simmetrii)
PERIODICAL: Kristallogafiya, 1958, Vol.3, Nr 5, pp, 618-620 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Diagrams of the 15-colour symmetry groups which were
given in Kristallografiya, 1957, Vol 2t p 21 can be
improved slightly. The designation of the group 1 41
is altered to 1 41(4 3) and its relationship to the
packing of squares, each of symmetry P 41 1 is illustrated.
New diagrams are given showing the symmetries of the
groups I 41md and Fdd2, better than thocp-published
previously. There are IS figures and 5 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallografii AN SSSR
(Institute of Crystallography of the Ac-Se.USSR)
SUBMITTED: July 11, 1958
Card 1/1
AUTHORS: Donnay, G., AtLo ~,N.~V-I~eronova, N.N. and Smirnova, T.S.
TITLE: On the Shubnikov Groups (0 Shubnikovskikh gruppakh)
(Letters to the Editor)
PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 5, Pp 635-636 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Letter kom the first author. Baltimore, USA, April 12,
It is suggested that in the deduction of the 36 P a groups
of the Subnikov (black and white) groups 12 groups are
not distinct but we only repetitions in different
orientations of others. 12 other groups are thought
to have been omitted.
Derivations of the groups 387 (Paccm) and 388 (Pabmb)
are taken as examples. It is found that Pabmb must be
replaced by Pamaa The co-ordinates of the black and
white equivalent points in the 3 groups are listed. All
co-ordinates of PabMb can be transformed into those of
Pacem by the following matrix: the co-ordinates of the
Card 1/3 black and white points are exchanged. No matrix will
On the Shubnikov Groups SOV/?0-3-5-22/24
transform co-ordinates in Pazaa into those in Facem
The simple rule is that if the x- co-ordinates are
identical for two settings connected by a transformation
matrix$ then the two P a-symbols will correspond to
different settings (aspects) of the same Shubnikov group.
The groups following are therefore doublets (numbers-as
in Trudy Inst. Kristallog., 1955, Vol 11, P 33):
372) 371, 374, 373; 377, 375; 380078; 385, 384;
388, 3871 390, 389; 392, 391; 394, 393; 395, 396;
400, 399! 402, 403-.
The following groups should be added Pamaa$ Pancb,
P bmm, P baa, Peabl, Panaa, beml P
a - a Pa a"AAS Peons
Paubal Panmmv P amnn -
Reply from the other authors, Moscow, July 4, 1958:
These mistakes have already been acknowledged and
corrected in Kristallografiya, 1957, Vol 2, Nr 31 PP 315-25-
Card 2/3
On the Shubnikov Groups SOV/70-3-5-22/24
Canonical forms of the 12 additional groups listed above
are given, together with the group numbers and equivalent
groups. All are preferred in the setting Pa as above.
There are 2 Soviet references.
SUBMITTED: July 111 1958
Oard 3/3
AUTHOR:* N.V. SOV/70-3-6-25/25
TITLE: Plan f*r a Uaversity bourse in Space Groups (Proyekt
vuzovskogo kursa fedorovskikh grupp)
PERIODICALs Kristallografiya, 1958, Vol 3t Nr 6, pp, 765-772 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Outline-of a system of.teaching symmetry and, in
partidular, the 230 space groups in logical way.
There are 5 references, 4 of which are Soviet and
I German.
ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallografii AN SSSR
(Institute of Crystallography of the Ac.Sc.USSR)
STJBMITTED: September 8, 1958
Card 1/1
.-AUTHORS: Simonov, V. I., Belov, N. V., Memberg Academy of Sciences,
-TITLE: The Crystalline Strmdidre-of Amblygonite (Kristallicheakaya
struktura. ambligonita.)
PERIODICAL: Dok~ady Akademii Wauk SSSR# 1958, Vo~ 119, Nr 2,
Ppe 354 - 356 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Initially the amblygonite LiAlPO (F,OH) is charote7rized in
detail (Reference 2). The amplitude statistics Fhol have con-
firmed the presence of a center of symmetry in the amblygo-
nits. Paterson's projections P(X, Z) and p( y,z) made the
regularities of the centros~zmetrio crystals be seen (Reference
4) which made possible the elimination of the vector-branches,
which correspon4 to the distances between the atoms; the latter
are connected to the center of symmetry. Moreover the mini-
mizing (References 5,6) could be carried out according to the'
Pard 1/4 projections. The approximated values of the c.oordinates of all
*The Crystalline Structure of Amblygonite
atoms apart from Licould bQ,determined from M (XJz) Dnd
M2(Y,Z) (Reference 7). The precision of the structure was
carried out according to*the projections of the electron den-
sity cr(XPY), O(Z,Z)fd(ypz) without taking Li into considera-
tion. The precision process was continued according to the
latter with the same signs according to which the latter pro-
jections were built up, until the converted.signs of all am-
plitudes Phol and Pokl (for Fexp ~ 0) harmonized. In order
to determine the position of Lip the difference synthesis
CrA (X,Z) (figure 1) was calculated under elimination of the
contribution (vklad)* of all atoms apart frIom Li. The geome-
trical analysis of the structure has shown the peaks I and
2 (figure 1) are corresponding to the "ceniters" of 1 irregular
polyhedra with common facet (figure 2). It can be assumed
that Li with a weight of 1/2 has statistically positions in
Card 2/4 the amblygonite which are 0.5 1 apart from each other. This
The Crystalline Structure of Amblygonite 2o-119-2-46/60
conclusion has been confirmed by the calculated coefficients
of the authencity R for different possible positions of Li.
The assumed coordinates of the base atoms of the amblygonite
- 2 kinds of Al without parameter (in centers of symmetry)'
and 7 other atoms in common positions with 24 parameters
(li has statistically 2 positions) - are collated in table 1.
The common anions (Fq OH) unite the Al-octahedra in chains
which extend parallel to the line bi. The bands of the al-
ternating P- tetrahedra and Li-polyhedra extend in the same
direction. The tetrahedroh-octahedron-bands are combided in
lattices which are at right angles to the direction c .
Figure 3 shows the projection of a lattice with Al anJ P, but
instead of'Li-polyhedra positions are given which are taken
by Li with a probability of 1/2. Moreover interatomic distances
in the amblygonite are given. The assumption of a structural
relationship between amblygonite and herderite (Reference 9)
is not confirme.dlas in the structure of the amblygonite/lattices
exclusively consisting of tetrahedra or octahedra are lacking.
There is, however, a similarity of the chains in the amblygo-
Card 3/4 nite with those in aphene CaTiSiO 5' There are 3 figures,
The Crystalline Structure of Amblygonite I . 2o-119-2-40/60
I table, and 11 references, 5 of which are Soviet.
SUBMITTED: December 30, 1957
Card 4/4
,&UTHORS: Mamedov, Kh. S;-~ ~! SOV/2o-121
!. ~VM~embery -4-40/54
Academy of Sciences, USSR
TITLE: The Crystalline Structure of Hicaceous Calcium Hydrosilicates:
Okenite, Nekoite, Truscottite, Gyrolite (Kristallicheskaya
struktura slyudopodobnykh Ca-gidrosilikatoy: okenital nekoita,
truskottita, girolita) A New Silicon-Oxygen Radical (Si 60 15)"A
(Novyy kremnekislorodnyy radikal (Si 60 1000)
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol- 121, Nr 4,
PP. 72o - 723 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: It is well known that from silicon-oxygen chains of pyroxene
(Sio3),,. amphibole bands are formed as a consequence of
their duplication (with respect to the plane of symmetry).
They are composed of members of 6 subdivisions each and may be
polymerized to 2-dimensional lattices (Si 205)ft. These
lattices have only 6-membered loops which are a characteristic
feature of the very.comprehensive class of pseudo-hexagonal
strata of minerals: Micap loams, chlorites. The pyroxenoid
Card 1/4 chains (SiO 3)oo with a different geometry which the author
The Crystalline Structure of Micaceous Calcium Hydro- BOV/2o-121-4-40/54
bilicates:Okenite, Nekolte, Truscottitet Gyrolite. A New Silicon-Oxygen
Radical (Si 60 15)00
discovered in wollastonite (Ref 1) ( 3 Si-tetrahedrons in
the member compared with only two in pyroxenes) yield in
bands with a different formula (Si 60 1400 as a result of
duplication, and with 8-membered chains (xonolite bands
(Ref 2)) which polymerize to lattices with a very much
changed geometry (Si 0 All these mis$nderstandings may
be eliminated if it 1 5)
a taken into account that the main
feature of wollastonite xonolite and of related Ca-minerals
are infinite columns of Ca-octahedrons which are added in
such a way that the 0 - O-edge of each of them is directly
continued by the edge of the next (Fig I b). Such an edge
is much longer than that of a Si-tetrahedron but is less than
its double height. Thanks to the inclination of the tetra-
hedrons on one edge of a Ca-octahedron a pair of Si-tetra-
hedrons is attached whereas to a following Ca-tetrahedron
corresponds an edge of a Si-tetrahedron + "saved component"
which was formed by the previous Si-tetrahedron pair thanks
Card 2/4 to the inclination. Since the edges of both Ca-tetrahedrons
The Crystalline Structure of Micaceous Calcium Hydro- SOV/2o-121-4-4o/54
silicates: Okenite; Nekoite, Truscottitep Gyrolite. A New Silicon-Oxygen
Radical (S160 15)00
.are equal this holds also true for the two modifications
of the conjugate chain of Bi-tetrahedrons. Thus such a
combination of the near xonolyte bands is possible as it is
shown on figure I v. The conjugating element ef symmetry
is the slip plane which is most natural in microcrystallo-
graphy. In the chain an exchange takes place between 8-membered
rings with the double number of 5-membered rings. When heated
up to 8000 okenite decomposes to wollastonite and a non-
orientated crystobalite which process is accompanied by a
loss of H20. The formation of an oriented wollastonite due
to dehydration obviously points to the fact that the de-
composing radical is a condensate of the wollastonite chain
(Ref 6). The final crystallochemical okenite formula is the
following: 3/Ca3Si 6015 .2H 20' 4H20/. Also the thermogram. with
2 clear andothermal maxima corresponds to the separation of
water into constitution- and zeolite water. There are 4
Card 3/4 figures, 1 table, and 10 references, 5 of which are Soviet.
The Crystalline Structure of Micaceous Calcium Hydro- SOV/2o-121-4-40/54
silicates: Okenite, Nekoite, Truscottite, Gyrolite. A New Silicon-Oxygen
Radical (Si 60 15)Q4
ASSOCIATION: Inatitut khimii Akademii nauk AzerbSSR (Chemical Institute
AS Azerbaydzhan SSSR) Institut kristallografii Akademii natLk
SSSR (Institute of Crystallography,AS USSR)
SUBMITTED: April 29, 1958
Card 4/4
AUVORS: Mamedov, Xh. S., Belov-,-X-x--,--.- SOV/20-121-5-37/50
Member, Academy of-ZoTencest USSR
TITLE: Crystalline Structure of Foshagite Ca 8[S'60171( OH )6
(Kristallicheskaya struktura foshagita Ca 8ISi6017](ON )6
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol. 121, Nr 5,
pp. 901-903 (USSR)
ABSTRAM The authors introductorily discuss the previous versions of
the formulae of this mineral belonging to the fibrous hydrat-
6d' wollastonites (Refs 1 - 5). It is a typical fibrillar
mineral. Besides powder diagrams, also X-ray diagrams of the
rotation-about the fiber-axis can be obtained from it. The
corresponding lattice period amounts to 7,35 R, the pseudo-
aemiperiod 3,68 however, is distinctly marked which is
characteristic df- several Ca-ailicates (Refs 1,2). Foshagite
is similar to xonontlite with respect to the temperaturg at
which the main quantity of water is removed (650 to 75d0 accor-,
Card 1/3 .
ding to reference 5). Similar to the Ca-minerals mentioned
Crystalline Structure of Fosh.agite SOV/20-121-5-37/50
ca8LS,60 17](0H)6
above, foshagite, heated up to 800 0, after dehydration
transforms into A-wollastonite, the fibers of which are
orientated parallel to those of the initial foshagite. The
above mentioned period and semiperiod are equal to the two
latter and to the previously mentioned minerals. The parame-
ters of the monoclinic cell of foshagite (Ref 5) are given.
The basic cleavage - at (001) - and a less marked one - at
100) were determined by means of an electron microscope
Ref 5). The authors discuss the views developed by Gard and
Taylor (Ref 5). Contrary to this reference, the authors have
given a.practically more convenient description of13-wolla-
stonite (Ref 7)1 there are two superfluous Ca( in it,
compared with wollastonite. The authors subsequently denote
foshagite as a ronontlite enriched with lime:
Ca 6 [S16O 17](OH)2 + 2Ca(OH )2 'Ca8P16o 17 ](0H)6'
Figures I and 2 show a structural scheme of foshagite and a
frontal projection; figure 3 shows a plan in "Pauling's"
Card 2/ 3 (paulingovskiye) cylinders. It is easy to build a model of
Crystalli-a-) Structure of Foshagite
Ca 81'i60171 kOH )6
cf foshagite entiroly of wollastonite chains (Fig 4), i.e.
strictly according to formula
2(4C1aO.3,9iO 2'H201 - Ca8'[Si30912(OH)4'
Then the reaction taking place at 7500 remains quite unin-
telligible, so far as a simple separation of water from the
Ca-minerals (Ref 5) does not require any temperatures above
There are 4 figures and 11 references, 6 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION; Institut khimii jlkademii nauk AzerbSSR (Institute of Chemi-
stry, AS Azerbaydzhan-SSR)
Institut kristallografii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of
Crystallography, AS USSR)
SUB11ITTED: May 7, 1958
Card 3/3
AUTHORS: Simonov, V. I., Belov, N.-I.Y., Member,
TITLE: The Crystal Structure of Seidhozerite
struktura seydozerita)
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol
SOV/20- 122-1-42! -1--7
"cacemy of Sciences,
122, Nr 3, pp 473-476
!.BSTRACT; On the basis of an analysis M. Ye. Kazakova gave the formula
Na2(Mn Ot5O , Tio 75' Zro 975)5'208 (F,OH) for zirconium titanium
silicate (23~ ZrO 2t 13~, TiO 2) found by Ye. I. Semenov called
seidhozerite. According to optical and roentgen goniometry the
mineral is monoclinic and has the cell parameters a
b = 7,10, c = 18,30 A, and 102043'. The allegation that
seidhozerite is holohedral was confirmed by the amplitude
statiatics /F hOl /; by means of this statisLics a clear (accord-
ing to Ref 2) centrosymmetric distribution could be observed.
According to the specific weight d = 3,47 the problem arose as
to the realization of the structure with 3 Ti- and 3 Zr-atoms
Card 1/3 per cell in the P2/c group in which only 2- and 4-fold positions
The Crystal Structure of Seidhozerite
are possible. It was not possible to draw reliable conclusions
on the structure by means of the superposition method. The main
results were obtained from the projection D(x,z). A regularity
in the position of the peaks could be observed from this pro-
jection which was recently found by the atithors for amblygonite
(Ref 4). It once played an important part in the determination
of the epidote structure (Ref 5)- In seidhozerite 2 atoms with
approximately equal atomic numbers must be placed in centers of
symmetry translationally not identical which are at a distance
of a/2 from each other. A further analysis of projection under
consideration of th.- regularities of the syntheses of Patorson
(given in Ref 6) ma-le poesible the observation of two other
heavy atoms. Ths relative position of the 4 atoms observed was
used for the sr.derposition of the Paterson projection and for
the construction of M 6(x' z). The latter furnished the first
surface model of the structure. This was lateron determined more
precisely by the computation of the signs and by the computation
of the projections C(x,%). After having returned t6 projection
(y,z) the authors determined the sign of F Okl by means of the
rnrd 2/3 direct (statistic) method (Refs 7,8). Then a(y,z) was construnt-
The Crystal Structure of Seidhozerite SOV/20-122-3-42/57
ad. A precise projection O(x,z) made possible the determination
of the grain ratio from Ll(y,z), and the determination of the
latter by means of the normal method. The assumed coordinates
of the 17 base atoms (43 parameters) are given on table 1.
Seidhozerite proved to be a diorthosilicate inspite of its
orthosilicate empirical molecular formula. The 8th O-atom con-
tained in the chemical formula is not a component of the silicon
oxygen radical. The crystallochemical formula of seidhozerite
must be set up as followst Na4MnTi(Zr 1,5 , Tio P5 )02(F,OH*~P7]2'
There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 11 references, 9 of which
are Soviet.
SUBMITTED: July 31, 1958
Card 3/3
AUTHORSt Mamedov, Kh. S., Belov, N. V: SOV/20-123-1-44/56
Memberi Academy a_i~!i~c`4a;!',U'8SR
TITLE: The Crystal Structure of Tobermorite (Tobermorites)
(0 kristallicheskoy strukture tobermorits, (tobermoritoy))
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 123, Nr 1, pp 163 -
165 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Tobermorites are fibrous and at the same time platy, mica-
like Ca-hydrosilicates. They take on considerable amounts of
water in the same manner as montmorillonite and vermiculite,
remaining monocrystalline. There is only a corresponding
enlargement of the parameter of the elementary cell. The
water content in tobermorites increases in sharp, jump-like
incremental a characteristic which distinguishes them from
the above-mentioned clay minerals. Each increment has been
given a different name. All tobermorites are characterised
by rhombic symmetry (Ref 1). Their constants and properties
are described. If the various amounts of inter-layer water
are left out of consideration, the composition of all tober-
morites is the same. One "tobermorite from Lokh-Eynort"
Card 1/4 (Ref 2) differs from all others. Its parameter corresponds
The Crystal Structure of Tobermorite (Tobermoritea) SOV/20-123-1-44/56
form-wise to an 11 2 hydratet it changes into oriented
fibers of wollastonite, but its basic cleavage is not (001)
but (IGO)-like and it cannot be changed to a 14 A hydrate
even after being ground to a fine powder and treated with
water for many hours. Megaw and Kelsey (Ref 3) presented
a structure scheme which rees satisfactorily with the dif-
fraction picture of an 11 1 hydrate. They work from the as-
sumption that of most importance are the wollastonite chains,
(Sio 3)"' which are characteristic of the product of their
thermal reactions. The chains are responsible for the fiber-
like form of the tobermorites the sheet-like structure is
a result of condensation of the amphibole chains to talc
nets. The silicon-oxygen nets are (according to Ref 3)
similar to corregated cardboard. The authors develop the
concrete structureof tobermorite sheets from these schemes.
The authors' recent deciphering of the experiment which
yielded okenite (Ref 6) among other things (Ref 7) shows that
if the disintegration products of Ca-hydrosilicates at
Card 2/4 7 5D0are wollastonite fibers with simple chains, (Si305XII
The drystal Structure of Toberjnorite (Tobermorites) SOV/20-123-1-44/56,
*3(SiO3 )* then the double silioon-oxygen chains from xonotlite,
'(S16o 17t' (Ref 8) serve to generate in the hydrothermal
syntheses of Ca-silioates. These chains are discrete in
xonotlite itself. In okenite the double chains are no longer
discrete and intertwine in a parallel manner, but about a
half period-6 displaced, that isp displaced along the chain
axis* Okenite note are entirely flat in talc and also in
mica. ln tobermorite the okenite bonds are shoved over each
other on swelling (Fig 1). Figure 1 shows an approximate
localization of the Si-tetrahedra,.12 of which occur in every
sheet (4 overlapping and 4 single pairs) and of the 20
cations of Ca (10 overlapping pairs)l all 12 hydroxle groupsl
OH, (per whole oell) occur under Aon-covering 0 atoms in the
horizontal bonds of the xonotlite~rings. The position of the
16 (per oell) inter-layer H20 is,more difficult to determine.
The paradox of the Lokh-Eynort tobermorite is satisfactorily
eliminated if the electronogram (of Ref 2) ig studied. The
period here clearly shown is nol 2-5,5 - 11 X, as in normal
Card 3/4. tobermorites, but 3-5t5 1695 X. Thus the parameters a and
The Crystal Structure of Tobermorite (Toberm orites) SOV/20-123-1-44/5i.
b of the Lokh-Eynort tobermorite are proven to be a repetition
of the xonotlite.parameter with a c parameter which amounts
,to three-fold. There are 2 figures and 9 references, 3 of
which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATIONs Institut khimii Akademii nauk AzerbSSR (Institute of Chemistry,
Academy of Sciences, Azerbaydzhanskays SSR)
Institut kristallolrafii Akademii nauk SSSR (Orystallogiaphy'
Institutep AS US!
SUBMITTEDi August 1, 1958
Card 4/4
Card 1/3
Mamedov, Kh. S. SOV/20r123-4-47/53
The Crystal Structure of Hillebrandite (0 kristallioheskoy
strukture gillebrandita)
Doklady Akademii.nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 123, Nr 4, PP 741-745
A considerable number of calcium silicates invert to fibrous
P -vollastonite (Casio 3) at 700-600 . - These fibers are
oriented parallel to the b axis (b.2- 3.65 1) whiah is
common to the wollastonite and original silicate. From the
authors' works (Ref 1-3) it is seen that wollastonite chains
(3/sio3/,. . /Si309Z-) are not the primary structural blocks
in bydrothermal synthesis-(either n&tural or artificial) of
calcium (hydro)-ailicates. These blocks are much more complex
chains which originate by doubling of the wollastonite chains
(/si 0 /10-). These latter have been designated xonotlite
6 17100
chailLS (Ref 1). In the calcium (hydro)-silitate minerals
they are present either unchanged (Refs 2,3) or condense to
lattices (Refs 2,4)- Hillebrandite is a characteristic and
The Crystal Structure of Hillebrandite SOV/20-123-4-47/53
predominant product produced by hydrothermal synthesis
through temperature decrease (pot sediment) (Ref 6). It
precipitates easily with a surplus of Ca(OH)2 and even builds
an oriented intergrowth with the latter. It is an arcicular
and at the same time platy mineral. However, hillebrandite
distinguishes itself markedly frbm okenite and tobermorite,
primarily because it cannot be changed to oriented wollaston-
ite through thermal treatment (Ref 5). Two of the 3 cell
parameters agree exactly with those of.xonotlite (Ref 5).
This paradox - that is the undoubted role of xonotlite ih
the wollastonite reaction and the non-inversion of hillebrand-
its to wollastonite by thermal treatment - can easily be
explained if 2 subtractions are made. If (a) the basic
molecule of xoaotlite is removed from the formula of hille-
brandite and (b) the 2 unequal parameters, c, are subtracted,
the results show that the hillebrandite cell is made of
alternating layers of xonotlite and portlandite (Fig 1). This
cannot be taken literally, however, for hillebrandite when
compared with xonotlits has the following charaoteristicat
the central sheet with 2 chains, /Si 0 contains its '.own"
Card 2/3 6 17/'J'
The Crystal Structure of Hillebrandite SOV/20-123-4-47/53
calcium-cation layer both above and below, while in xonotlite
the calcium-oation layer always belongs to both central layers
of /S' 0 1 T/" chains. From this scheme it can be seen that the
perfect cleavage (001) runs through the middle of the
portlanaite layer whioh has become a constituent part of the
hillebrandite. There are 1 figure and 6 references, 5 of
which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATIONj Institut khimii Akademii nauk AierbSSR (Chemistry Institute
of the Academy of Soienceb of the Azerbaydzhanakaya SSR)
Institut kristallofrafii Akademii nauk SSSR (Crystallography
Institutes Academy of Sciences, USSR)
SUBMITTEDs August 1, 1958,
Card 3/3
Studies on structural mineralogy. Part 9. Min.sbor. no.12:
15-42 '58- (14IRA. 13:2)
I-Inatitut kristallografti AN SSSR.
0 Z
ggitl A" :,,H~ 11 tv-1. S
1! 19, M3 Zs
9 CA.;
0,4 ..w o -
7 si o
j. jAffl---~x-
-:381 oa,* 'ir.. U::!2113i"Osol n-gvnu V: is-HU'liv-P!
5 -ig
1. A
Aci 1
.5 1. 33
Tal ."-U
's A ?.
m Es 1 4
Ml 5 -j
4 1 -31 a U A i.
Belov, N. V.
"The Second Chapter of the Crystall Chemistry of Silicates"
Areport presented at Symposium of the International Union of Crystallography
Lenningrad 21-27 May 1959
SO: B 3,135, 471 28 juiy 1959
A'Report presented at Sympq~;ium of the International Union of Crystallography
Lenningrad, 21-27 May 1959
SO; B,3135,471 28 JulY 1959
"Dan Zweite Kapitel der Krietallebamie der Silicate," a paper presented
at the meeting of the German Mineralogical Society, Section for Crystal Science,
held in Berlin, 17-18 April 1959S
Angevandto Chemie, 7 July 1959
AUTHOR: Belov, N. V.
TITLE: co=*!n
Alkali Metals
A. A. 3eusa 111)
-1;E5 Paper by A. A. Beus "On the Position of
in,the Structure of Beryl" (Po povodu raboty
polozhenii shchelochnykh metallov v strukture
PERIODICALi Geokhimiya, 1959, Nr 3, pp 282-283 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The author considers it to be unjustified to tear the aluminum
portion of beryl apart, especially because the five analyses
mentioned by A. A. Beus give nearly exactly two atoms Al per
formula unit of beryl. It is much more probable that here
lithium replaces beryllium. This is indicated by the nuclear-
chemical affinity between lithium and beryllium. Besides, the
ion radius of lithium, according to Fauling, amounts to only
Mo I as against the value of 0.78 1 according to Goldschmidt,
and that value increases still more in the case of a covalent
bond in fourth coordination. In any case, it is not permis-
sible to declare that any isomorphism exists between beryl
and milarite and herefrom to draw conclusions concerning beryl
structure. There is I Soviet reference.
Card g,:~
AUTHORS: 81monov, V.I. and Belov, N.V. SOV/70-4-2-4/36
TITLE: The Determination of the Crystal Structure of Sdydozerite
(Opredeleniye struktury.noydozerita)
PERIODICAL: I.Kristallografiya, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 2, pp 163-175 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: q4-ydozerite from the Seydozero are&*.. . has the formula
Na2(MnO.5T1O .75 Zro -75 )Si208(F,011) as described in the
work of Semenov, Kazakova and the author (Ref 1). It is
monoclinic with the space group
2 4
Cs Pe or C 2h = P2/e and the cell dimensions
A = 5.53 +~ 0,2 0Laic) b 7-10 + 0-03
c = 18-30 *0.10 A and P 1020431 � it. P was
found by optical goniometry. Possible contro-symmetry
is indicated by the morphologyt bv,-,~.he *bsence of piezo-
electricity and by the statistics of the hot intensities.
The Patterson functions (projections) confirmed this and
the h;~lohedrie group -P2/c was assumed.
dobs = 3.47 gives 9 = 3.87 = 4 formulae unit's Pr cell.
The Determination of the Crystal Structure of Sey zerite.
378 non-zero reflexions in the hot zone and 331 in the
okt zone were used in the analysis. The absorption
for X = 0.71 A was 35 cm- and the cross-sections of
the crystals used were 0.15 x 0.20 mm (hol) and
.0.3 x 00 mm okt . This'leads to errors in J-PJ of up to
10% and 15%, respectively. P(y,z) and P(x,z-) were
calculated and are reproduced; The heavy Zr-Zr peaks
could be identified and used for superposition methods in
the (x,z) projection. Statistical sign-determination
methods were found very suitable for the F(okt) reflexions
as the space group P2/c is appropriate For these
reflexIons those with 1, = P-n have;
F(okL) = F(orclJ = F(okJ) = F(off) and those with
I = 2n + 1 have F(o'kl) = -F(Orc -F(okl) = F(oKf)
70 reflexions with the,
,_greatest unitary structure
amplitudes were taken"as "bankers". The signs were
considered found if >3 pairs gave the same sign.
264 out of 331 signs were thus allotted. The Fourier
'Card2/5 projection was then calculated. It mhowed a systematio,
The Determination of the Crystal Structure of Soydozerit6
over-regular atomic arrangement which made superposition
methods invalid and caused the statistical method to
give ~ 25% of Incorrect signs. Crystallochemical and
mineraloglcal,eonsiAerations concerning the-isomorpous
replacement had to be used in assigning the atomic
positions (see Table 1, p 168), The accuracy of the
atomic positions estimated by Vaynahtaynts method was
Zr + 0.001, An -F#-0.002 Ti * 0.003; Si * 0.004:
Na +.-0.005; 0 + 0.009 i . All x-coordinates come from
iO(x,z) where tKere are no non-overlapping maxima.
Phot and Pokt were calculated from the coordinates and
compared with'the experimental values, giving reliability
factors of 17.2 and 22.5% for hoL and ok, reflexions
(F exp A 0 uP to sin VA 4 1.30 and F exp , 0 up to
sinWk 40.66), respectively. Without e.owtlng F exp = 0
reflexions, the values were 16.6 and 20.7%. Counting up
the bond strength balance according to Pauling's second
rule, there are some deviations of 25%.
I is? 3 arite
The DeterminatIon of the Crystal Stru. ure
The formula can be writto t 'Cturally as
5T1Oe5)02(F '0H)2 420 71" with go = 2
There are endless sheets of octahed;a threaded on the
twofold.azis. Atoms of and Na alternate in
these octahedra. Zr and Na octal~edra alternate in double
bands al6ng the b-axia. The silicate groups are S12 07
double tetrahedra parallel to b . Cuspidine and
tillayite have ximilar bonds betA,.en di6rthogroups and
Ca-octahedra. The bond distances Are tabulated-.--and
analysed. The 001 cleavage Is,parallel to the sheets
of octahedra. Optical measurements gave 2V' = +680
n. r., 1.758 and n p = 1.725 . n 9 coIncides
with a -and u with b and this is consistent with
the stiticture, the Mn &66ahedra accountIng for most of
the refractivity.
The Determination of the Crystal Structure of Seydozerite
There are 6 figures., 3 tables and 21 references, 15 of which
are Soviet, 2 international, 3 English and I German
ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallografii AN SSSR (Institute of
Crystallography of the Ac.Sc.USSR)
SUBMITTED.- .January 21, 1959-
Card 5/5
AUTHOR: SOV/70-4-2-36/36
TITLE: The Hexagonal Space Groups (Geksagonalonyye
fedorovsklya gkuppy)
PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 2, pp 268 - 276 (USSR)
.ABSTRACT: Diddetic,article on the properties of the space groupse
There are 12 figures and 3 references, 2 of which are
Soviet and I German.
ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallo AN SSSR
(InstItute of Qrystallogvaphy of the Ac.Sc.USSR)
SUBMITTED; December 1, 1958
AUTHORS: Belov N V and Klev-tsova, R.F.
TITLE: Simplest Method of Deducing the Fedorov (Space)
1e 7,mT)l,
PERIODICAL: Yristallografiya, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 3, pp 289-292 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: For pedagogic purposes it is most convenient to start
with the clasms =2 and mmm and primitive lattices.
The symmetry elements m. n, c, g( = a, or 'b) are
selected three at a time with the limitation that they
do not change from one to another by the simple inter-
'charW of axes. The method rests on the principle that,
if all the symmetry elements of a space group are moved
so that they intersect in a point and glide and screw
translations are suppressed, the appropriate point group
is obtained. In expanding from a point gtoup centres of
symmetry W are generated from i..o by, for example,
3. 1/2 00 x a 10 1/2 1/2 3,000 x (b + c),
il/2 1/2 1/2 :--- iooo x (a + b +-c). The displacements
Cardl/4 of m planes can be found by the operational equation
7p(4-3-~ 3~
SOV/ Spac6Y
The SimPlest Method of Deducing.the F edorov
0 mx X a/2 =- 1/4Mx
There are 16 primitive groups corresponding to Pmmm
These are given by adding translations to the m planes
Pm + 0, m + 0, M +-0 = PM--
Pm + 0, m + a/2, m + a/2 Pmaa
Pm 4+- a/2, m +- 0, m +- a/2 Pm%a
where theasterisk denotes a displacement of the plane
from the origin (from the original centre of symmetry).
The other groups are given, for example:
Pm + b +- c, m +-. c + a, m +. a b = Pnnn
Pm + a + b, m +; b c, m + c a = Pb XCKaX
Similarly, 10 primitive groups caa be derived fro m the
The Simplest Mothod of Deducing the Pedarov (Space) Groups
class UIM2 for example:
2 X
D2 = P 222; D 2 = P 29 2 + c, 2 c P22 21
D3 P 2 + a +' b, 2 +,- b +, a, 2 + 0 P2 ji2X2
D P2 + a b, 2 +,- b + e,2 c + a P2 2 2
This method of deducing the space groups is closer to
Fedorov's original method than to Schoenflies'(Ref 5).
There are 6 references, of which 3 are Soviet, 2 German
and I international.
The Simplest Method of Deducing the Fedorov (Space) Groups
ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallografii AN SSSR (Institute of
Crystallography of the Ac.Sc., USSR)
SUBMITTED: April 13, 1959
Card 4/4
-AUTHORS: Pavlov, P.V. and Belov, N.V.
TITLE: The Determination of the Structures of Herderite, Datolite
and Gadolinite by Direct Methods
FZRIODICAL: Krlstallografiya, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 3, pp 324 - 340 (USSR)
ABSTRACT; The structures of these three compounds were determined
in parallel by direct methods, particularly by those
elaborated in the Institute of Crystallography and in
Gorl1cly University, which proved to be exceptionally
powerful. A full account is given for pedagogic purposes.
The cell dimensions and space group, found by Strunz,
for hex-derite 5(a 9.80, b = 7.68, c = 4.8o A ,
p = gooo6s, C2h P21/a ) were confirmed. dobs. = 3,00
and Z = 4 , the formula unit being C aBeP04F. The use
of Harker-Kaspe-r inequalities followed b-.- Zpnhariasenlz
statisticall analysis has been successful several times
before-and was applied here. Weissenberiz photographs
with-Mo radiation providnd abundant data. There were 167
lndependent-hkO reflexIons. Amplitudes w6re put on an
CArdl/5 absolute scale by 'Wilson and Vaynshteyn's methods.
SOV/70-4-3-8/32 -
'The Determination of the Structures of Herderite, Datolite and
Gadolln-ite by Direct Methods
There were 15 with [Uh,,~,J > 0.5 . In all, 45 confirmed
sign relationships of the, form S H+K = SR SK were found,
18 signs were found uniquely by-.
~hkj~ 2 < 1/2 + 1/2 U
2h, -Qk, 2t
and other inequalities and less directly others giving a
total of 56 "banker" reflexions, Two signs were given
arbitrarily. Zachariasen's method was then appliod and
gave another 84 signs, I.e. a total of 140 out of 167,
> 70% . About 20-24 pairs-determined each nigne The
resulting Fourier projection showed all atoms And calculated
F values gave R =- 241S only two having signs opposite to
those assumed. A socond synthesis with the remaining 27
reflexions-and recalculation with the new positions gave
R = 14. 911 without zero,~i and 20,40% with zeros up to
s in E)/% Normrlisaiion by ~,Fo= ;_~F C; showed that the
sw/wo_4-3-8/32 A,
The-Determination of the Structures 01 erderite, Datolite and
Gadolinite by Direct Methods
original setting of the amplitudes on an absolute scale
was accurate to within 5% - The hot projection was
treated similarly. There were 116 non-zero reflexions,
21 with ~U hold :~ 0. 5 - Without zeros R =- 14.3130' and
with 6o zeros up to 1.1 R =-19.71,16 - Vaynshteyn's
method gave the probable errors in ato ic positions as
follows: for Ca 0.001f 1; PO_ 0.006 1; Be - 0o033
0 - 0.615 1 and F - 0.013 A.- Table 1 gives the
atomic co-ordinates in the structures of herderite, datollte
and Sadolinite (in hundredths of a, b and c). Datolite I
represents Japanese data and datolite II Pavlov and
The structure consists of infinite pseudotetragonal nets
of P04 and BeO3F tetrahedra. In the net the fourfold
centrosymmetrical rings of tetrahedra of two sorts
alternate with locked centrosymnetrical pulled-out
octagons of the same tetrahedra. This is characteristic
Card3/5 of felspars and other related aluminosilicates. The
-The Determination of the Structures of Horderite, Datolite and
Gadol:Ln:Lte by Dix-ect Methods
structure has two.storays, the lower consisting of
antiprisms (with 8 corners) around the Ca atoms and the
upper of linhed P04 tetrahedra in one orientation and
BeO3F tetrahedra in another. Interatomic distances are
tabulated. Pauling's valency balance does not fit very
accurately for some 0 atoms.
CaBSiO4(OH), datolite (a = 9.62, b = 7.60, =-.4.84
P =-900, P21/a) was solved by Ito and Mori by a semi-
heavy atom technique. The analysis reported for herderite
was repeated. It was also pcrtially repeated for
gadolinite, Pe ++Y2Be202Si20,8 (Z = 2, a =.9.89,
b = 7.52, c = 4.71, P =90 10 331) with results ziven in
the table. Fe atoms are found at the origins octahedrally
co-ordinated but otherwise the structure is very similar
to that of the other minerals.
The Determination of the Structures of Herderite, Datolite and
Gadolinite by Direct Methods
There are 8 figures, 7 tables and 19 references, 13 of
which are Soviet, 2 German and 4 international.
ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallografii AN SSSR (Institute of
Crystallography of the Ac.Sc., USSR)
Gorlkovskiy universitet im. N.I. Lobachevskogo
(Gortkiy University imeni N.I. Lobachevskiy)
SUBMITTED: February 23, 1959
AUTHORS: Belov, N.V. and Klevtoova, R.F.
TITLE: the Simplest Way of Dknloping-
the Fedorov
(Space) Groups'.
PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 4, pp 473-476 (ussR)
ABSTRACT: Theddvelopment- of the 230 space groups by the methods
outlined in.Ki-istallografiya, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 3, still
presents some difficulties in dividing the translations
introduced by various symmetrical and semi-symmetrical
mean . Even without a diagram it is possible to allocate
a star, denoting displacement from the origin, to the
planes in the space group symbol (in the first instance
for the orthorhombic system). This is best done by
writing down each halving..'For example, Pben Is
expanded as Pm+bl m+cj m+a+b and should be written
Pb'zcn:2c All 16 primitive orthrohombic groups based
on Pmnm are listed. The method is particularly suitable
also for obtaining the tetragonal groups in the standard
form. The remainde'r'of the paper is devoted to showing
SOVY170-0 '~-3 4
r (SP.M, e) r
,;d ro~3
More - 0" the Simplest Way of D"W--- - he roups
how these can be obtained. Various modifications of the
usual notation are introduced, in particular, is used
for the special point on the.inversion axis rk
There are 4 figures and 4 references, 3 of which are
Soviet and 1 English.
ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallografii AN SSSR (Institute of
Crystallography of the Ac.Sc., USSR)
SUMaTTED; May 15~ 1959
Card 2/2
AUTHOR. Belov N*,V. SOV/70-4-4-26/34
4ITLX: On Covariant and Contravariant Relationships Between
Derivative and Generating Structures
,PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 4, pp 618-619 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: TransforMations of covariant coordinates (indices) and
contravariant coordinates (axial indices, points) are
always given in textbooks but it is not always clear
whether this relates to transformations of coordinates
for a change of axes in the same structure and In the
same lattice. This is not so: the corresponding
formulae and tables are most convenient when the structure
has some simple motive which does not describe all details
of the structure but where the crystal cell is larger and
iiore complicated than the cell oIf the pure motive.
This is with clinohumite MgF 2?4t'92S'04 where
the unit cell contains 9 of the Si-O sheet motive units
On Covariant and Contravariant Relationships Bo-ween Deklvative
aind Generating Structures
9 2 2
A a - c a A -i, - C,
2 9 9
where large letters apply to the full cell and small
letters to the motive unit. The coordinates transform:
2 2
X X Z z 4+ - x
9 9
Hence, for HS at the centres of octahedra, we get, from
~1.0, 2/9, 2/9; from 2A, 4/9, 4/9; from 4,~L/2, -1/211/9,
- 7/18. For ei at the centre of the triangle between It.
octahedra with coordinates 3/2, 1/6, we set 1/3, 1/2,
Card 2/3
0n Covariant and Cofitravariant Relation hS'V/io-'-'- WeAvative: and
ips etween
Aenerating Structures ,
There are 1 figure and 3 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Institut krist.allografii AN SSSR (Institute of
Crystallography of the Ae.Sc.j USSR)
SUBMITTED: May 15, 1959
24-710 76003
TITLE: On the Nomenclature of the 80 Plane Groups in Three Dimen-
Card 1/2
Kristallograftya, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 5, PP 775-778 (USSR)
Reviewing the historical aspects of symbolizing these
groups, the author rejects W. T. Holser's inaccurate
statements (Z. Kristallogr., 110, 266, 1958) and,criti-
cizea W. Cochran's application of international symbols
t~.o two-sided plane groups. Advancing his own earlier
views, he tabulates the same 46 of the 80 plane groups
in 5 different symbols, some of which he bases upon
A. V. Shubn1kov's principle of colored symmetry. The
remaining 34 groups are termed degenerated groups and
described by three different symbols. There is I
table; and 11 references, 4 Soviet, 4 German, 2 Danish,
I Frenoh.
On the Nomenclature of the 80 Plane Groups 76003
in Three Dimensions SOV/70-4-5-25/36
ASSOCIATION: Crystallographical Institute of the Academy of Sciences
of the USSR (Institut kristallografii AN SSSR)
SUBMITTED: August 13, 1959
Card 2/2
Card 1/3
Belov, N. V., Vaynshteyn, B. K., Kitaygorodskiy, A. I.,
A., Semiletov, S. A., Sheftall, N. N.
International Fedorov Session on Crystallography Held in,
Kristallografiya, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 5, pp 796-8oo (USSR)
The International Union of Crystallography (IUC) and the
Academy of Sciences of the USSR convened an International
Session (interim) on Crystallography commemorating the 40t
anniversary of the death of the great Russian crystallo-
grapher Ye. S. Fedorov. The session, attended by 600
scientists from the USSR,,U.K., France, U.S., Japan,
Germany, Czechoslovakia, Netherlands, Canada, Australia,
and other countries, was held in Leningrad from May 21
to 27, 1959. The major reports were presented to the
plenary sessions and some 100 reports to 2 panels. The
subject of tho lst panel was crystal-chemical analysis
and that of the 2nd panel electron was diffraction studies
Internationa'1 Fedorov Session on 76ol2
Crystallography-Held in Leningrad SOV/70-4-5-34/36
The reports 'to the plenary sessions were resented by the
following Soviet scientists: N. V, Belov M of IUC),
V. I. Simonov, V. A. Frank-Kamenetakiy, G. B. Bolciy,
M..A. Poray-Koshits, L. 0. Atovmyan, G. N. Tishchenko,
A. B. Ablov, T. 1. Malinovslciy,,Ye. A. Shugam, V. M.
Levina, Yu. S. Terminasov, Sh. Kh. Yar-Mulchamedov, Ya.
S. Umanskiy, V.I. Iveronova, L. S. Palatnijc,V..A.,Fin1