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86389 3/020/60/135/002/034/036 11 4 Bo16/BO52 AUTHORS. Balitsina, N..V. and Shapiro, K. I. TITLE: New Data on the Influence of Streptomycin on the Radiation Damage of Celle of Mammals PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 196o, voi. 135, No. 2., pp. 463-466 TEXT: The authors report on -their studies of the protective affect of streptomycin against radiation damage in the cells of mice. The vork was carried out to splvp the following problems: 1. radiation damage of cells and the protective effect of streptomycin as reflected by the number of chromosome aberrations.. 2. Has streptomycin only a prophylactic effect? 3- Is streptomycin effective in all cells exposed to radiation regardless of their stage at the time of application? Like in previous experiments of the authors (Ref. 1), the Ehrlich cells of ascitic carcinoma in mice were studied. Experiments for answering problems I - 3; 1. The growth inhibition of the tumor was used as radiation damage index. Card 1/3 8630 New Data on the Influence of Streptomyoin 8/02OJ60/135/002/034/036 on the Radiation Damage of Cells of Mammals B016/BO52 The carcinoma cello were exposed to y-rays of C060 (dose of 1500 r) in vitro. The asoitic liquid with an addition of 1 mg/k of streptomyoin was incubated at 370C forJ-h before irradiations Unaffected mice were vaccinated with (20-30-1 calls per animal. After 7 days the volume of the developing tumor was measured. From the results the authors conclude that there is a protective effect of streptomycin in the case of tumor growth inhibition (and also in the case of chromosome aberration, Ref. 1). 2~, Ascitic cells were treated with a gamma dose of 800 r in vitro. In a series of experiments, streptomycin 0mg/ml) was added before, and in another one after irradiation. After that, the mixture was incubated for 1 h at 370C. The cell suspension was then injected into unaffected mice. After 24 h, ascitic liquid samples of these mice were fixed and dyed. Normal anaphases, early telophases, and those with chromosome aberrations were counted.-Problem 2: Streptomycin is also effective against radiation damage when applied immediately after irradiation. 3. The authors introduced streptomycin 1 h before irradiation, and studied the frequency of chromosome aberration 8, 12, 16, 20, 24t 28, 32, 48, and 72h after irradiation. The authors conclude that streptomycin is ineffective Card 2/3 86389 New Data,on the Influence of Streptomyoin 3/020J60/135/002/034/036 on the Radiation Damage of Cells of Mammals Bo16/BO52 against radiation damage when introduced 7 h before the anaphane sets in. In conclusions the authors state that streptomycin partly eliminates radiation damage of cells, but only when applied after irradiations since the successful elimination of cell disturbances is only possible within a brief period of time. This period is limited by the time of irradiation and the first stage of call division. The authors point out that streptomycin is highly effective despite the shortness of this period. There are 1 figure, 2 tables, and 4 references; 1 Soviet and 2 US. ASSOCIATION- Institut biofiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Biophysics of the Academy of Sciences USSR) PRESENTED: May 21, 1960, by 1. 1. Shmallgauzen, Acad6mician SUBMITTED: May 17, 1960 Card 3/3 SHAPIRO, N.I.; BELITSINAp X,V. Chemical structure of otreptomycin and changes In the frequency of .nuclear lesions caused by the irradiation of memallan eel-Is. Biofizika 5 no; 6t752-75,4 160* (MIRA 13:10) 1. Inotitut biologicheakoy fiziki AN SSSRp Moskva. JSTREPTOMYCIN) (RADIATION PROTECTION) BELITSINA, N.Y.; SHAPIRO, N.I. Recent data on the influence of streptou7cin on the effectiveness of radiation injury of mammalian cells. Dokl. AN SSSR 135 no.2: 463-466 N 16o. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Institnt bioflziki AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom I.I. Shmallgauzenome (StreptoaVciu) (Radiation protection) GAVRILOVA L.P.; NEYFAKH, A.A.; SPIRIN., A.S. Zffect of radiation-inactivation of nuolei on the OnthsOiO of.informational ribozmaloic 40i*.in embryos of the pond loach (HiBgu=us foOOi2lO)- DOk-l- AN SSSR 153 n*45:1204- 3.2 06 D 163. WRA 3.73 1) 1. Institut biokhimil. iM. A.N. Bakha i Inatitut mOrfOlOgii -zhivotnykh im, A,N. Svertaeva AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademi- kom A.N. Belozerakim, BELITSINA, N.V.; GAVRILOVA, L.P.; AYTKHOZHIN, M.A.t NEYFAKH, A.i.; SPIRIM,* A.S. Infornational. ribonucleic acid at early stages of the development of the embryos of the loach(Misgurnus fossilis). Dokl. AN SSSR 153 no.2t464-467 N 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Institut biokhimii im. A.N.Bakha AN SSSR i Institut morfologii zhivotnykh im. A.N.Sevefteova AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom A.N.Belozerskim. j1E ? ACC-NRC~-,660174%_ _.--_~ - ------ SOURCEXODE: 'N ~-_ -AUTHOR: SpIgn, A -A.-SHO ad o1i Belit lnai~_, scow CAG. ~~.none TITIEi Inf ormation ribonucleic, aci in~early Oinbryogenesis ~A, 2 19 SONCE, Uspekhi sovremennoy biologii~ v, 65o 187-204 TDPIC,TAGS:, RNA poteinj ~ biologic - repr6ductio% biosynthesis'' ABSTRACT; Recenl1work-on the role of Info=a'tion.ribonuclatc, ac~ds-(WIN&7.7~' is iin the Aynthesi.s of.proteln' and-doll-differentiiition~in.carly-embry~ggenes -is reviewed. It Is pointed out that although Jacob and Monod's hypothesis 0 iin 3~egar4, t thi mechanim of the action of WRNA has proved productives no indicating1ts. a licability to,processes of call' differen-, pp tiation exist.:.-.The importance of informosomes: (mRNA nucleoprotein's), in ~.pfbcasses involvedin cell differentiation is emphasized with references to '4 Ar V mer vik on the q by ;4q, 44thgrp Oqd by M, 0 cording to the, j Oq 49 hypothesia'ad 'vand" b'~' 6he aii6ors V- mRNA'acc~mmlatas in cells In an;, inactive form,: i4e that of free infor6osbmess The process of intensive regulated (pro-gramed):protdi n synthesis after fertilization'is released by with rib6so'mes of Inforn-osomes that are freed of Inactivating !~Protain. Uparimental facts indicate thait.regulation of this synthesia may i 'proceed in the cytoplasm and does not depend on the'presence of the nucleuse ~A considerable role In the process of protein-synthesis is played by maternal NA that- -h a's- d i process of diii6lopmefit'oUne oocyt,e. "' "though, t Eel= 6 -Dy nuclei of t z a -T `~ fn ensive synt or 6% he mbryo 9 a imme Ta ir fertilizationp~the newl y formed mRNA particirates-to only,japg r extent... Drotei vnth nesi n a 8 Ln the early: otat6a of embiNoge I-EBM DATE: none. ORIG 007 OTH Z;: 046 BILITWAU, A.I.,nauchnyy totrudnik (Makhachkala) Letter to the editor, Zashcherastoot vrede I bol. 4 nool:19 ja.4 159. (MMA 12: 2) (Herbicides) (F=gicides) PODZEY, Anatoliy Vladimirovich; SULIK&, Andrey Mikhaylovich; YIRAGD, Valentin Petrovich; TSUKAkOV, Ivan Samenovich; ]rUINDZHI, A.A., Inzhener, rateenzent; STAN M IGH, V.Go,inhener, redaktor; BBLIT-SX&YA, A.K.,rodaktor; SHCHIRBAKOV. P.Y..takhnichaskly redaktor [Technology of building aviation engines; the processing of principal parts and units] Tekhnologita aviadvigatelestroaniia; obrabotka oenovnykh detalsi i uzlov. Pod red. A.V. Podzeia. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo obor. promyshl.. 1957. 415 p. (MIRA 10:5) (Airplanes--ftines) FEDOTOV, Aleksey Ivanovich; BELITSKAYA E I red. (Machining various materials with diamond tools] Obrabotka almazwjmi reztsami raz:Lichrqkh materialov. Leningrad 1965. 33 P. (MIRA 18:41 BELITSKAYA, Marina Sergeyevna; LIMAWOV, Yevgeniy Andreyevich; 1010-07T,-r.-T. -,recl. (Direct current and voltage transformers for high- voltage converter systems] Transformatory postoiannogo, toka i napriazheniia dlia vysokovolltnykh preobrazova- tellnykh ustanovok. Moskva, Energiia, 1964. 235 P. (MIRA 18:1) BELlT,)xAYA,,M,,S..- LIMANOV, A.M. Error of a dec. trangformer am3 rreans for decreasirg it. izv. 111111T no.2:128-,.142 157,. (MIRA 18:9) r,-1 WWI I - I AA OSA t3 !6 pm. vammulls AN* recofaml was t s".1 co c I'mu'l m llzr 09 lolk"MA lea a of IIC(Itll. 090 *0 4 OA Writ -00 i a. is um*t& x1twurr. .00 Jumts. of dww wkb It to Mcd. tW be POIY'ucr cunsis" 1110 It 'a, mbwd pm&wu. to wbkh star-, (vt the larmne (1) Aijaw lay 1.4-Addo,allemlelY IllbuladiveIr (U) unitoki age 000 40%011 Lift, IIU%kyAb% Ukkk 2 Unitsol I Aff PIRM III 1.4i poeitiong to I or "1 -1 a MWIS ul M VVAd'Av% of I is unile'r ftQUmjLjnUwj.2-wVclI.4-v*oitk-. 01thell.21.3% wAtkxls mw the It" thruvills is pablowind tbmugb 1.2-1 161. lAicester x0o as* 49 gut* too* wos Is U Ill AT 10 U ZA OA It I ~1911 I a 0 3- it 0o 0 0 0 0 0/0 4 0 0 69524 SOV/81-59-9-33443 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, 1959, Nr 9, p 561 (USSR) AUTHORS: Degteva, T.G., Belitskaya, R.M.. KuzlminskU, A.S. (Comm. I); fegteva, T.G., Kuz'minskly, A.S. (Comm. II) TITLE- The Physico-chemloal Foundations of the Process of Oxidation Destruction of Swollen Vulcanizates. Communication I. On the Conjugated Oxidation of Rubbers and Solvent in Swollen Vulcanizates. Communication II. The Effect of Inhibitors4n the Oxidation Destruction of Swollen Vulcanizates PERIODICAL: Tr. N.-i. In-ta rezin. prom-sti, 1956, Mr 3, PP 73 - 85, 86 - loi ABSTRACT: 1. The effect of the solvent (S) on the process of oxidation of a vulcanizate (V) from SKB has been investigated. The kinetics of the oxidation of S and swollen V was examined on an oxidation installation. In the oxidation of S the kinetics of accumulation of stable peroxides in them has been studied. At 1500C S can accelerate,as well as inhibit the cxidation of V. With an increase in decomposition rate of the perouides formed in the oxidation of S the intensity of the process of combined oxidation of V and S increases. The oxidation of 3 and swollen Card 1/2 V is a conjugated process. The efficiency of the action of S on the 69524 SOV/81-59-9-33443 The Pbysico-chemical Foundations of the Process of Oxidation Destruction of Swollen Vulcanizates. Coi=unication I. On the Conjugated Oxidation of Rubbers and Solvent in Swollen Vul-cifilzates. Communication II. The Effect of Inhibitors on the Oxidation Destruction of Swollen Vulcanizates. oxidation of V under similar conditions depends on the rate of formation and de- composition of peroxides of S. II. The behavior of inhibitors (1), as well as of sulfur bonds in Vie oxidation of swollen V of MM has been investigated. In the oxidation of V tho processes of destruction (D) and structuralization take place simultaneously, in which case D is predomimmt only in the presence of I. In pro- portion to'the I consumption the struoturalization rate can become equal or exceed the D rate. The behavior of oxidation I In swollen and non-swollen V is different due to the appearimoe of radicals of another reactivity in the conjugated oxidation of rubber and S than in the oxidation of rubber alone. The vulcanization structures can decompose with the separation of sulfur. This decreases the oxidation of V. In the case of heating V without 02 at 1500C only polysulfide bonds are decomposed, the heating of non-swollen V leads to structuralization. V. Glagolev Card 2/2 AUTHOR: Belitskaya. R. 80V/138-58-10-10/10 TITLE: peromeitrib D6termlhation of Total Sulphur in Raw and Processed Rubb6rs (Am~ei~dmetricheskoye opredeleniye ob.shchey sery v kauchukakh I rezinallch) , MRIODICAL: Kauohuk I Rezina.,-l958$,Nr 10, pp 35 - 39 (USSR)_., ABSTRACT:- Amp6rometrlc titration'permits direct determination'of sulphate ions ih a solution Vbtained'b~ oxidation 'df'a rubber sample ayid leaching the residue.' The apparatus is simple ahd'the method is'sultable both for factory' c6htrol laboratories and-for inv6stieatidnAl work. Sul- phur determination*can be-made in'6 - 7 hours by this method ag-alfist 16 -- 20 hours by normal weighing methods. The apparat6s,*illustratfed in Fig.2, comprises a'calomel electrode 1, Joined throuC;h the M-solution invessel 2P and tfie electrolytic brid,-e 4, t6 the electrolysing vessel 3. The mercury dtop electrode 5 in this vessel complet6s the mirror Galvanometer'citcult 8, 9, 10. The solution for el~actrolysis is prepared by oxidizirC rubber samples' In concentrated nitric acid with bromine Card 1/3 added. A mixture of MgO and Na2CO3 (Eshka mixture), s(YI/138-53-10-10/10 kngrometric Determination of Total Sulphur in Raw and Processed Ru bers t6 prevent'6oa,~,ulation 'is added to the re�idue after evaporation. Ne resiaue is-then heated to-SOO - 85000 ahd'held there for 12-~ - 2 hours. The residue is dis- solved-in bolling'-wat6r and filtoted. 10'ml of the solution are placed In the electrolyzing vessel and - neutralized with dilute HNO,,.., 10 m" of'alcohol brace- tbne'a"re'added and tt;he-solu~ion ln't"*he vessel'flush6d through'with hydrogen or nitrogen for 5 ---7 blnutes.* The solution is titrated with Pb(N03)2 reagerit.,-eith6r 0-.02 or 0.05 Normal adcording to the concentration of sulphate'ibna present;' Figs.1 and 4 show the normal *course of thb cur,~ds-for diffubion current (here expresg6d'as mm deviation on the ealvahoiniter scale) aGainst quantity of the re6gent added (ml)' 'Eledtrolysis'prodeedsat 0.8 volts-0 -A blank"Is ru; which sh6uld produed immediate rise in dif fu~iort 'current as in curve 1 of Fi&.4.- The Pb(N%) equivalent polnt is ol,.,~arly defined by the Uiter- s6ctid~2 -L of - btraight line 8 ''dratin through the' two sebtidiis of thediffusioh current versus reagefit quantity'carve. Calibration ctirves"edni be constructed, as in Fig.3p by Card 2/3 determining the equivalent pc,ints when titrating stan- SOV/138-58-10-10/10 Ain.perometric Determination of Total Salph-,jr in Raw and Processed Rubbers dard's-61u~tiond Of sodium sulphate iiith th6 'same leAd nitrate'reage t Fio'3 shows concentration of"'sulphate ions'-(m.rholes2litre)T*agaiiigt addition of lead nitrate (ml 6f 0.05'Normal'solution) on the-brd1nate. Altet-; natlirelys' the percentage total bulphur content can be calculated directly from a formula given Ythich-tAkds'into account volume'ahd normality of -the r6a.-ent,' volfte-df the _'t itrated'solution, weight 'of the orisinal (rubber) samp'le, afid'voluMe'of solution'obtained therefrom. A' table is given combaring sulphur determination of'a ndm- ber of different rubber tjampl6s both by this meth-od'and by the nbrmal weighing rie thol. There are 4 Firgures, 1 Table,and 5'References-. 4.8oviet and 1 German- ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovateVskly institut r6zinovoy Promysh- lennosti' (Scientifia-relsi~ikr'bh Ifi8titu-td 'of the* Rubbei, ItIdustry) Card 3/3 S/081/60/000/019/011/012. A0061AOOI Translation from: Referati vnyy zhurral, Khimiya, 1960, No. 11, P. 546-547, # 79528 AUTHOR., Belitskaya. R. M~ TITLE- Determining Non-Saturation of Butyl Rubbers, PERIODICAL: V sb.- Metody analiza. syrtya. I materialov primenyayemykh v rezin. Prom-sti Moscow, 1999, PP. 54 - 65 TM- The author investigated the.applicability of various methods of determining tho non-saturation of butyl rubbers containing 0.2 - 5% dione. The methods of halogenation with the aid of IC1 and in.particular IBr yield higher values of non-saturation due to secondary reactions which are difficult to acn-, sider quantitatively. IBr is not applicable at all to determine ncn--~-qaturation of butyl rubbers. The method of ozonization with subsequent determination of viscosity of the ozonized solutions,,is not applicable as well, since during ozonization of butyl rubber solutions not only double bonds but also single C-C bonds are disrupted. Values of non-sat-uratlon approaching true values, were obtained when tit-rating COOH groups in products of butyl rubber ozonization. This method Is relatively complicat-ed and is not applicable to series analyzes, but Card 1/2 s/o8i/6q/ooo/ol9/011/012 Determining Non-Saturation of Butyl Rubbers A006/AOO1 only to the standardization of series methods. In practice non-saturation of butyl inibbers I's best determined by reaction with 12 and mercurie acetate (MN24q (VI-TV No. LU) 50-54). This methcd Is 1,qss labor-oonsuming and permits a fairly acourat--e determination of butyl rubber non-saturation, withoat its refining. To determine the relative value of non-saturation of unrefined butyl rubber, a per cent content of' Neozone D, divided by a faotor of 2, must te vib-tracted from the total value of non-saturation; the Neozone D percentage can be determined e. g, using N by the Kjeldahl method; the absolute value of non-sataration is deter- mined with the ald of a correction factor 0.65, obl~aired from a comparison of the non-saturation values found by the ozonizatioi method and by titration of carboxyl groups and by the iodine method. For the m6thod with !Cl, 'the correction factor Is 0,5. A. Dontsov Translatorls note: This is the fall translation of the original Russian abstract. Card 2/2 SOVISO-32-2-26156 AUTHORSr Degteva, T.G., Belitskaya, R.M., Kuzlminskiy, A.S. TITLE: The Effect of Phenyl-fi-NaphthylaMine and Sulfur on the Oxidation of Hydrocarbons (Vliyaniye fenil-#-naftilamina i sery na okialeniye uglevodorodov) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal priklad noy khimii, 1959, Vol XXXIIt* Nr 2, ' PP 382-388 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The effect of phenyl naphthylamine and sulfur on the oxid- ation of low-molecular hydrocarbons has been investigated in order to understand the oxidation process of swelling vuloan- ized rubbers, For.the experiments the hydrpearbons tetralin and deoalin were used. Phenyl-A-naphthylamine shows only a slight effect on the oxidation of tetralin and appreciably, retards the oxidation of deoslin (Figures 2 and 3). During oxidation amine is consumed, in the ca3e of decalin almost ' 6). After complete consump- completely after 6 hours (Figure tion an accumulation of peroxide compounds is observed. Phenyl naphthylamine has no effect on the thermal decomposi- * t tion o etralin and decalin. The in- the hydroperoxides of t Card 1/2 troduction of sulfur together with phenylp-naphthylamine SOVIOG-32-2-26156 The Effect of Phenyl 73-Naphthylamine and Sulfur on the Oxidation of Hydrocarbons increases the thermal decomposition of decalin peroxides. At 1500C the decomposition is complete. This increase is 'due to the interaction-of sulfur with the radicals RO and OH which causes a chair, procese of decomposition. There ure 8 graphs, 1 diagram, I table, and 33. Soviet references. - I SUBMITTED: September 13P 1957 Card 2/2 S/138/CO/000/004/006/008 A051/AO29 AUTHOR: Belits'kUa, R.M TITLEs The Polarographic Method for the.Determination of_ThjuSfim in Natural and Synthetic Rubbers PERIODICAL: Kauchuk i Rezina, 1960, No- 4, PP- 53-55 TEXT: A method for the determination ef thiuram by polarography was developed'using the Heirovsky micropolarograph with a galvanometer of 6.64- . 10-9 sensitivity. A mercury capillary served as the cathode and a mercury electrode served a& the anode. The experimental procedure is outlinedAn d&- tail and it is shown that free sulfurg phenyl-~-naphthal-amine, styrene adA zinc oxide and rubrax usually contained in the extracts together with the accelerator have no effect on the wave height of the thi4uramdisulfides in the polarographing of the latter in alcohol solutions on a backgroundofEnarn- m=Lm dllectm4ma A calibrated curve is obtained from the data, from which the thiuram. content can be estimated. It can also be determined by mathematical computations (Ref. 4). The given method was used to determine the M thiuram in raw rubber mixtures and vulcanizatesp and also the E thiuram in nairite. Card 1/3 S/138/60/000/004/008/008 A051/AO29 The Polarographic Method for the Determination of Thiuram in Natural and Synthetic Rubbers The obtained polarograms are given in Figure 2. The results of the polaro- graphic,analysis were compared to that of the data obtained by the calori- metric and reduction methods. The data inTable 2 show that the figures ob- tained by the polarographic method are lower, stnoe Jn the latter case the thiu- ram is determined in its unchanged state. The author points out that in se- lecting a metood for the detection of thiuram it is important to establish the purpose of the analysis. Apparently, according to the data obtained fxm the polarographic analysis the initial quantity of thiuram, which is instruc- ted in-to the vulcanizate, cannot be determined. This method is suitable mostly for checking the thiuram content in raw rubber aM ordinary rubber when the latter are stored for a long period of time, or during thermomasti- cation, etc. Finally, the polarographic method combined with the calorime- tric and reduction methods can be successfully used for the study of the kinetics and mechanism of the reaction, which thiuramdisulfide undergoes during the vulcanization process of rubber. There are 2 tables, 2 figures Card 2/3 S/138/60/000/004/008/008 A051/AO29 The Polarographic Method for the Determination of Thiuram in Natural and Synthetic Rubbers 7 references: 5 Soviet and 2 English. ASSOCIATIONt Nauchno-isaledovatellskiy inatitut rezinovoy promyshlennosti (Scientific Research Institute of the Rubber Industry) Card 3/3 j. ROMP I.L..; FfIfPTI-H. T.P.; ORDYNSKAYA, V.V.-,; BELITSKAYA, S.G.; L.N. rip t Ion of hy~raren peroxide vallors on -the -surface of 'L,atal.z3 and the role of in atmospheric Corrosion. Zhur. .fiz. khim. 38 nc.6:1.586-.1.59'L Je 164. - k.,IRA L8:3) 1. Odesskiy irntlt.l t, imonl' Lomorio~so-va. USARENKO,v O.V.; BELITSKAYA, 4.0. Data 01, the induced polarization of potential electrodes obtqined in resistivity prospecting~ Trudy AzNII DN no-4:223-229 156. (KM 1414) (Mootric prospecting) (PolArizition) L EWTW/EW(k~/b~( )/EVli( )/BD8/EEC(6)-2/ES(w)-2 q ASP/ _ESD--;3/AFI&/IJP(G)/S,9D -TzVftb41%~ DtAT ACCESSION NR:- Ap3oo4968 3/0676/63/b37/008/1694/,1696 AUTHOR: Roylih, K. L.j ]Witskaya S. G. TITLM: Atmospheric corrosion of Sagnesium in corona discharge SOURCE: Zhurnal fiz. khimii,, v. 37, noN, 1:96'3',' 1694-1698, TOPIC TAGSt corrosion, protective film, corona discharge, oxidation of metal,-inhibitibn of corrosion, Mg, Zn, Cd, Al, Fe, Cu ABSTRACT: Authors enalyzed the conditions and rate of a protective film on magnesium which is caused by irradiation of corona discharge. A magnesium eylinder,-14 mm in diameter and 15 mm high containing p=4% Fe,0.009% Si and 0.0021% Mn, was polished and placed in a corona field 20 mm, away from the i electrode and then :Irradiated from 15 to 90 seconds. Corona discharge was an induction coil. Potential difference was 12 M Degree of oxidation was determined by photographid_ method.based on the activity of separated hydrogen peroxide. 1/2 Card L 18.U5.63,,' ACCESSION NRs AP3004968 Findings indicate thaLt: (1) irradiation in oorona field produces' an intensive protedtive-filmj (U) effective distance of sample from the electrode is 26-25 mm; (iii) oxidation rate constant is. in hyperbolic dependence upon time of'primary action of discharge; (iv) irradiation lowers the rate of subsequent oxidation of magnesium in atmosphere; (v) preliminary attempts with Cd and Zn show that protective film formation also takes, place.on these etals. Orig. art. has* 7 figures. ASSOCIATION%esskiy tekhnologichesk'iy institut (9dessa *technological institute), SUBMITTEDt 30Sep6O DATE ACQ: 06Sep63 ENCL: 00 SUB COM. PHs CH 0 REP SOV: '011 N OTHER: 003 2/2 Card ROYKHp I.L.; KOLTUNOVA, L.N.; BELITSKAYA, S.G.; DOLDTICH, 1.P. - Investigating the atmospheric corrosion of vacuum condensates of zinc by photographic, optical and weight methods. Fiz. met. i metalloved. 17 no.5084-786 ~~r 164. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Odeaskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut imeni Lamonosova. ROYKHO I.Lj JELLISKAYA, a,G-;,BOLOTICH,# I.P.; ORDDEKAYA V.V.; a XMVEDSKAYA, N.A,, ~ I t. . ; I Study of silicon caddation. in air by optical polarization and photographic methods.~ Zhur, fiz, khim, 39 no*9:2306-2308 S.165. I I (min 18 t10) 1. Odesakiy tekbnologichookiy imBtitut imeni M.T. Lomonosova. Subject USSR/Medicine Card 1/1 Pub. 37 - 9/22 AID P - 2632 Author Belitskaya, Ye. Ya., Prof. Title- Importance of P. I. Kurkin in the development of methods for the study of the statistics of sickness Periodical : Gig. i san., 8, 36-40, Ag 1955 Abstract : A review of the work of P. I. Kurkin during 30 years (1899-1929), emphasizing its value in the fields of sanitary and demqgraphic statistics, and especially in the problems of the statistics of sickness. P. 1. Kurkin worked out methods of investigation which are used now by Soviet medical statisticians. 5 footnotes. Institution : Military Medical Academy im. S. M. Kirov Submitted : Ja 25, 1955 BELITS&M. YE. YA. "Tasks of a sanitary network in the study of the sanitary sta to of the Do lation." I PU Report stbidtt6d at the 13th All-Union '.ongress of Hygienists, Epidemiologists and Infectionists. 1939 BELITSKATA ;r9 Ya prof., polkov4ik meditsinskoy slushbY "Handbook of military medical statietics" by X.L.Notkin. Roviewed by B.IA.Bolitaknia. Voen.Tmed.zhur. no-5:90-92 14.v 159. ( W ICAL STATISTICS) (NOTKIN, N.L.) (MIRA 12:8) BILITSKAU, Te.Ta., prof. Role of t~e~'N'ilitary Medical Academy in establishing and developiVg saniiary and medico-idliiary statistics in pre-Revolutionary Rusla. rest a An SSSR 14 no; 12:72-78 t59. (MM 13:4) (STATISTICSY (HILITART KKDICINS, hist.) BILITSKAU, Te.hvro-f. Review of A. Bradford Hillts Iftinciples of medical statistics." Gig, i man. 24 uo,1200-83 D 159P (MIRL 13W (MIQLL STiTISTICS) (BILL$ BRAMMD) B]ILITSXAUO Ta,Ta.t prof. Pbtr Ivanovich Irurkin and Anton Pavlovich Chekhov; on the 25th annivernary of P.I. &rkin's death. Gig. i san. 24 no.1208- 52 D 159. (MMA 13r4) 1. Is Voyanno-mediteinokoy ordena Lenina akademii iment S.X* Kirova, (BIOaRLPHM) BF,LIT5AA-RL-lo,)a.4-prq. (Loningrad) Ikkov Alekseevich Chistovich; on the 75th anniversary of his death. Sov. zdrav. 20 no.1106-61 161. 14:12) 1. 1z Voyemo-meditsinskoy ordena Lenina akademii imeni S.M.Kirova. (CHISTOVIICH, IAKOV ALMEEVICH, 1820-1885) BELI prof. Sanitary statistics as an educational subject and its relation to hygiene. Gig. i san. 26 no.2:65-68-F 161. (141RA 24: 10) .1. Iz Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena LenirA akademii imeni S.M.Kir4ova. (PUBLIG HFALTF~ZTUDY AND TELCHIM) ,BBLITSKAYA.. Ye.Ya., prof. "General theory and methodology of sanitary statistiqal investigationm by [professor] A.M.Morkov. Reviewed by E.IA.Belitskaia. Gig. J ean. 26 no.3:109-320 Mr 161. (NIRL 1417) (PUBLIC HEALTH-STATISTICS) (MERKOV., A.M.) BELITWYA,ffe~la., prof, (Leningrad) ---------- "History of medicine in the Ukraine; according to materials from the westeim provinces of the Ukrainian S.S.R.". Reviewed by E.IA.Belitskaia. Vrach.delo, no,lOtl54-155 0 162. (MIR& 15310) (UKRAINE-NEDICINE) BELITSKAYA, Ye.ya., prof. (Leningrad) Tarks of medical statistics at the current stage. Sov.zdrav. 21 no.7:11-15 162. (KRA 150) 1. Iz kafedry organizatsii zdravookhraneniya (lopolnyayushchly obyazannosti zaveduyushchego - prof. Ye.Ya.Belitskaya) Leningrad- skogo sanitarno-gigiyenicheskogo meditsinskogo instiuta (rektor prof. A.Ya.lvanov). (PUBLIC HEALTH--STATISTICS) IMAYA,,_~eja., prof. P "Untiring toiler" by A,S.Kibardina. Reviewed by E.IA.Belitakaia. Sov.zdrav. 21 no.10:89-90 162. (MM 15slO) (LEBEDEv, VASILI1 VIACHESIAVOVICH, 1892-) (KIURDIM, A.S#) ,MLU&AYA Yeygeniya Yako-ylevna; LASHKOV, SAFRONOVA, I.M., tekhn. iWd-. - (P.I.Kurkinj_his life and activiti*as]-?.I.Kurkin; zhisn' i deiatellnoott, 185~-1934. Leningmd, Medgfz, 1963 (MI;A 16:7) (KURKIN, PETR IVANOVICH,~050-~1934) (PUBLIC HEALTH) BELITSKAYA , Ye. Ya... prof Statistical coefficients and their use in sanitary statistics. Zdrav. Ros. Feder. 7 no.1002-35 0163 (MMA 16:11) 1. Iz kafedry 0 izataii. zdravookhraneniva (zav.-prof. rfleningradskogo sanitarno-gigiyenicheskogo Ye.Ya Belitskaya meditsinskogo inatituta %rektor - prof. A. Ya., Ivanor). KARFOV~ Lev NikolVevich; BELITSKAYA redo [Sanitary organization in the zemstvos in Rusoial Zemskaia sanitarnaia organizatsiia v Rossii. Lenin- irradp Meditainap 1964. 121 p. (MIRA 18:12) BELITSKIY, A. A. Hospitals Work experience of Pr, intern in n hoquital polyclinic, Sov. zdrav., 11, !to. 4, 1952. Monthly List of RusEian Accessions, Library of Congress. November 1952 IMICLASSIFI-M 857. -B4 BELITSKIY, A A 1955 Maykopsl,iye minerallnyye vody (MAykop rainey-I waters) Pod red. M. M. Shikhov 2, perer i don izd. Maykop, Adygeyokoye Knizhnoye lzd-vo, 1955. 63 Ps ITSKIY, A.A. Ktqkop balneological hospital*' Topime,fislotero I Isch. fix; kul't0 23 no4t40-462 S-0 158 (MMA n: n) 16, is Markopokoy gorodskoy fizioterapevticheskoy lechebuitay (Save* mole Jas~). 'HP EMICN--MnMtAL WATERS) CY ( BELITSKIYt A.P; (Leningrad) Analysis of the factors causing barotrauma of the ears in work under high pressure oonditions. Zhur. ush., nos. i gorl. bol. 19 no.5:98-30 S-0 19- (MIRA 14:10)' 1. Is klinflel bolez~ey ukha, gorla i nosa imeni prof. V.I.Voyacheka (rukavoditell - prof. R.A.Zasosov) Voyenropmeditsinskoy ordena 'Lenina akademii imeni SAKirova. (EAR-WOUNDS AND Impm) (ATMOSPHEKC PRESSURE-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) NIKOLAYEVA, T.A. BMITSM, A.S. Tooth - Care and Hygiene Prevention of fluorosis and of dental caries., Gig. i Ban., no* 12, 1951. 2 9. Monthl List of Russian Accession Library of Congress, March _19A, Uncl. BELITSKIrp A. S. Cand. Geolog. - Mineralog. Sci. Dissertation: "Underground Waters of the Berejniki-SolikamBk Area and Their Utilization for Water Supply." Moscow Geological Prospecting Inst. imeni S. Ordzhonikidze 17 Dec. 47 Sot Vechernyaya Mosk7a., Dec. 1947 (Proj. #17836) \ / , AS, DOROV IT, V.V., redaktor; MNYUSHKOV. A.M.. redaktor; BELITSKIT,_A.S&..- redaktor; BOOOLTUBOVA, B.P.. redaktor; DUBRDVSKIT' T.T.Fredairtor; ZHUEDV, A.I., redaktor; EDRPICUIXOV, A.A., rodaktor; KOXTUSHOV, A.M., redaktor; KULICHIMUN, R.I9, redaktor; SIKINOV, M.P., redaktor; TURK, V.I., redaktor: TURCHI3OV, Y.T., redaktor: ROSSDVA,B.M., redaktor; GMVA, O.A., takhnicbeekiy reclaktor. [Sinking. equipping ancl operating wells for the rural water supply; Proceedings of the conference of May 18-22. 19541 Booruzhenis, oborudovanie i ekepluatatsila ekvazhln dlia sel'skogo vodoonabshenita; trody Soveshchantia 18-22 maia. 1954.goda. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po, gaol. I okhrane nedr.1955. 220 P. (MLRA 8:11) 1. Soveshchan" po voprosam sooruzheniva i oborudovanlya burovykh skvazbin dlya sellskogo khozymystyd, 1954. (Wells) (Water supply, Rbral) BILITSKIY.A.S. Determining the boundaries of the second belt of the safe yield zone of underground water sources. VodA san. tekh. no-3:9-12 Je'55. (Water supply) (MLRIL 8-12) 1MLITSKIY.A.S.; NIKOL&YZVA,T.A. Regularities of fluorine occurrence in waters of Carboniferous deposits In the Moscow Basin's Paleozoic through. Sov.geol. no.44:78-86 055. (MIn 8:11) (Moscow Basin-Water, Underground) BILITBKIY, Aron Samuilovich- BUBROVSKIT, Tiktor Viktorovich; BJUMFMN, R.N. redaktor izdatel'stva; AVJCMYZTA, T.A.e takhaichaskiy redaktor [Explorator7 drillings of wells for water supply and their planning] Razvededhno-ekspluatatsionnye skyashiny dlia voloonobshenita i ikh Proakiirovente, Moskva, Wose nauchno-takhn. lid-vo lit-ry po geol. i o"ne nedr, 1956. 151 P. (KLBA 10:3) TROMOVSKLY, Bergey Vasil., revicix -,-TMlvsyTv- krnn-snmaq ich- GERM, Arlmdiy Ivanovich; BIESKAN, NAT., a ve a vsnnYY;h~'.KOTLOT' F-V.. otvatetyannyy redaktor; STAVOROSOV, A.1h., redaktor izdatelf- stva; ZAZULISKATA, V.Y,, takhnfchsskiv redaktor [Hydrogeology and drainage of mining areas] Gidrogeologiis i osusbanie mostorozhdanii pole znykh iskopaemykh. Moskya, Ugletakhisdat, 1956. 306 p. (MLU 10: 1) (Mine drainage) (Water. Underground) BELIT "%"N0 x*W"=E; Evaluation of subterranean sources of water supply in territories. polluted with radioactive products from uranium fission, [with summary in Inglish]e Gigs i Ban* 23 noolO:23-27 0 158 (MIRA 11:11) (WITERI subterranean supply contamination by products from uranium fission (RU13)) (MMIUM, subterranean water supply contamination (Rug)) TROYAITSKIT, Sergey Vasillyevich. prof.; )MITSKIT, Aron Samoylovich; CHEKIN, Arkediy Ivanovich; -o-tv-.-r~ed.; SUVCHOSOV, A.Kh., red.izd-va; BKRB=VSKATA, L.Sh., [General and mining hydrogeology] Obahchaia i gornorudnichnals gidrogeologiia. Moskva, Goo.Aaucbno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po gornoma delu, 1960. 391 p. (MMA 14:1) (Water, Underground) (Mine water) BELITSKIY, A.S.. KNIZHNIKOVO V.A.j AGRANAT, V.Z. Dispooal and deaotivation of solid radlbactive vastes. Med. rad. 5 no.Ilt62-66 N 160. (MIRA .13:12) (RADIOACTIVE WASTE DISPOSAL) ,,-BELITSKIYo AX,; ORLOVAq Ye&I* Migration of the products of uranium fission in subterranean waterse Gig. i saxi. 25 no* 6:3-8 Je 360# (MMA 14t2) (WATER-POIJAiTION) (RADIOACTIVE WASTE) BELITSXIYLA,&,gidrogeoIog (Moskva) Hydrcgeq~ogical principles for the zonal protection of subterranean ~aterlsupply sources. Gig.i san. 26 no.1:15-18 Ja 161. (MM 14sQ (WATER SUPPLY) (WATERj UNDERGROUND) DUBROVSKIY, Viktor Viktorovich;_~TSKIY, A.S., red.; BORUNOV,, N.I.,, tekbn. red. [Studying underground waters for purposes of supplying power installationsllzyskaniia podzeimVkh v6d dlia vodoanabzheniia ener~getichelgkilch.ob.1ektav,- metodicbeskoe posobie. Moskva, 'Gosenergoizdat)"1962. 1962. 175:p. (M3RA 15:13.) ~(Water resourceirdevelopment) BIM.-TILM, Aron Samullnvi-,h; DUBRCV-'KIY, Vikt,--.,, Viktorcori.---h; ~'~"VTNA,I mr.; wa. rm-. (Planning exploratory-production wells for water surplyj Proektirovanie razvedochn(;-,ek~-pIuatatsicnrr ykh -.kvazhiii dha vodosnabzhaidia. MoskvaP lzd--vf, "Nodru," 196-1. 2-119 p. 17.?) BELIMKIY, A.S. Hydrogeological and sanitary conditions governing the use of underground waters in Moscow 11~-ovince. Nauch.trudy AKKIf no.'-- 40-52 164. Formation of the -aters of Carboniferous sediments in the central part of the Moscow artesian basin. Ibid.:53-70 (MIRA 18:5) BIMITSKIY, Andrey Vasillyevic KOROIXV, B.I., red.; VORONIN, K.P., (Technology of manufacturing vacuum apparatus] Tekhnologiia izgotovleniia vakuumnoi apparatury. Moskva, Gos.energ.Ud-vo-, 1959. 213 (MMA 12:9) (vacuum apparatus) BZLITSKIT, A.Te.; FUTORM, N.S. Injuries in children according to data of district hospitals. no.3:34-36 Ur 150. (CIML 19:2) 1. Of the S=gical Division of Vyaz'ma Municipal Hospital, Smolensk Oblast (Head Physician for Oblast Prof. A.A.0globlin). 1. MITSM, A.W.--STEPARIKOVA, 0. P. 2. USSR (600) 4- Stomach--Diseases 7. Treatment of gastric phlegmon, Sov. mad., 16, No- 1, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April, -1953, Uncl. BALITSKU,,,-,A,Ye_,..:,,(Yyazlma, Smolenskiy obl., ul. lomsomoll okays, d.33) V~el'-'----- Surgeort's tactics in destructive forms of appendicitis. lov.khir. arkho no.4:18-21 Jl-Ag 157. (MIRA 10:11) 1. Khirurgichookoye otdelentya (zav. - A-Ye.Belitskiy) Vyazemokoy mezhrayoanoy bollnitoy, Smolenskoy oblasti (APPBNDICITIS) 132LITSKIY. A.Ye. wo_St=geMe`tboa for processing blood at a district hospital. Probl. gemate i perelakrovi 3 no,1:56-57 Ja-F '58. (KIBA 11:3) 1. Tz Vvazemskoy gorodekoy 'bollnitsy i Smolenskoy ablastnoy atentsii perelivanlya krovi. (BWOD, PMMVJiD, 2-stage processing method (Rue)) BELITSKIY, A.Ye. Torsion of the gallbladder. 22 no-5:115-116 97 158 (MIRA 11:7) 1, Iz khirurgicheskogo otdeleniya Vyaxemskoy moshroyonnoy boll nitsy (glavny7 vrach H.S. Futorrqy). (GALLBLADM, die. torsion (Rue)) BELITSKIT A.Ye. (vyax-lma, Smolenskoy oble, u1. Komoomollakwa, d.35) ..I- --., , Case of extensive hemangiome, of the rectum* Vop.onk, 5 no.7s.94-96 '59. (KIRA 12:12) 1. Is khirurgicheskogo otdeleniya Vyasemskoy gorodskoy bolluitey (glavu. vrach - N.S. lutornj7). (MMRGIOMA - case reports) (RMM - neoplasms) MMITSKU 0 k ye Work capaoity of patients at late periods after stomach remeotion, Save. nad..- U-no.--10163.-fa 60, 1. Iz khirurgi&akogo otdolemiya.Vyazmkoy mezbray,0=07 bollvitsy' glavWy vrach N.S. FutorWy). WOMACH-SURMY) (DISABILITY EVALUATION) BELITSKIY, B.F., inzh. - --------- Plastic diffusers for water lowering notdle filters. Khidrotekh' i melior 9 no.9:273-274 164. JBEL T~~,,%H,;,KNORREp K.G. Protection from radiation in working with SHF generators. Trudy Inst. gig. truda i prof.-AMN SSSR no.ItIO7-117 160. (KM 16t12) `4 J. ~Uli ski* S1 oh;4uring'work. with NU generators MITLE s Radiatiofi4rotecti W h ektrIonika.i.yeye primeneniyet* nos 39 ODICALs- 'Rsferatiwxyy u=al El P .3v ;0 (Tr.-tn-t&,gigiyeny truda,i prof. 196~~ 7p abstract, no*-~ I 1961l 107 -117) ZOOJOV &47.: AW. SSSR T, iaus~ cuesed., Jt -a46thodo:6f.radiation*ptoteotion are dis pointed.out-that at a. -diameter 'of. -,the': screen wire of 0.06 mm a mash b '-Of 559ACM2 the -'attenuation ~ iii ~7 the.* 3 cm Aum or band-reaohes 50db,and in the'. b d- 4ldb- 10 am an Also absorption screens'-of XB (Kh*) material can be usad*_~ These screens secure' a- UP energy, attenuation.-,;> 45db. 'W _kth:the.-3witohed-on:,vhf aenerator,various over &'be tenna, ork arbors (an equivalents). should-- be used t -protect the personnel. The absorbed power 100 w, and'for speoial.materialb es much an 1,000 w,- At the same time the radiation intensity deoreasis by,'40db and -makes., up 1/tw/QM2. - The., a applic n and~laoreening rooms are.speoifiede.,.The 4dition able.to4orki. g :3 am band awa. nuation of,0R&ia-w≪70~,am, thick gives; the tte 'ICaid'i/2 T 7~~!. j 7,7r. ej~ ~*t '4i4 A 4 00/003/016/21 5 7 %3/ - pf', 2ldb,-. and -Ah-~ the 0, reopfictive'valu6ni fo , taxke~- iindows ariv 1 `*pplioable td roteativ-s' lu radiation -erier gy >2 kogjaes -are, -formatte'd;, O~ - GY - MU a eAua a A 3 6,470-~"an--elastiw'!:ix :*ith:. an attehuation '20.,6- 30db and good- secure a . , 'A J; W ._i S, 1 !7 W2 SIMS AD Sr. 980-19 31 JkV RF-BEAM SONDING OP.PLASMOIDS (USSR) Brodskiy, V.'B., B. M. BeUts)dyj S. Ye. Zag1k, V. A. Lyutomokly, and Ai V. Spioddnov. Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 33, no. 4, -Apr 1963, 419- 425. S/057163/933/004/009/021 ..Simultaneous exposure of plasmoide to several focused rt beams placed in the plane normal to the direction of motion of the plasmoids was determine electron concentration In moving plasma. The method has a limiting resolving powek of the order of a wavelength and is suitable for plasmas with electron conc6ntrations of 10 33 electfons /cms and over. Plasmoide were generated'by, a pulse-type coa3dal plasma gun; rf beams had wavelengths of 8 mm and, in some cases, 3 cm. 7he plasma gun was 50 mm In diameter, .200 mm In length; the' quartz tube was 100 mm in diameter. The results of measureinents showed that* at a distance of-100 cm from the gun plasina ftils the entire tube; 'at about 150- 200 ctn from the gun.a larger. plasmold Is preceded bj smaller one. the first OLM 212 AID Xr. 9W-19 31 )I~Y JW.M~X WMM Or PLASOUG (Owt1d) 8/057/63/~13/904/qQ9/021 traveling at C sec, the second at twice this.speed. The space between them is filled with plasma having an electron concentration between ICI; and 1015 el~ trons icm3. -At 300 cm from the gun2 the plasmolds disintegrate substantiany and are estimated to have' pilec...VT ,an approxinilde lifetime -of-SO AJ. GSA 2/2 BRODSKIY, V.B.; MLITSKIY,_P.,N~.; VORONCHE:V, A.T.; KONYAKRIN, N.V.; STAROSTIN, Yu.N. Radio sounding of a plasma moving inversely to the electrodynamio acceleration in a coaxial accelerator. Zhur. tekh. fiz. 33 no-4:426-428 AP 163. (KIRA 160) (Osaillography) (Plasma (Ionized gases)) ACCESSION M AP4044679 G/0120154/000/004/0116talM AUTHORt Brodskly_t V. 8. Belitski B, H, Lyutomak-L TITLEt Huttibutim device for pLdyLmfi 4ta~&nosAise- q~ SOURCEt Pribory& i tekhaike eksperimenta,, no, 4j 1964t 116-LIP TOPIC TAGS: plasma, pldsme diagnostics, plasmoLd, P149ad accelerati*4, coaxial accelerator ABSTRACT: To investigate processes occurring in small volumes of plasma, the devLcas described in this article utilize mirrors in the form of ellipsoids of revolution. A system of two such mirrors m4kes; lit possible to focue radio waves and obtain an illuminated spot uboad Idiameter to equal to the wavelaugth. 3y using a primafy excitet Lai the receiving and transmitting antennas constating of a number of separate exci.ters, It is pose,:ob;*ia eavaral focused beazaq at, two---type the,s.ama',:diff avant mqucmcl ase thio'bazi, vices were-ddValooed-for :plasma ' diagnost the' cmi. -aad ma-ranges ct in with electr4u"oncen, ut 'him- -AO. 1014 -election/ vattolls,.~t rd n_E2 ~ACCSSSIOH AP4044679 NRt the first type the radiating-,system cousiated of four open-elmd vave- guides which made it possible to form i dentLeal radiatioa patterns Lul',- lboth the vertical and horizontal planes. Three of the waveguides rd- !diated waves in the oillimeter band.whitre the fourth waveguLde servedll-..-- as a cm-band radiator. In the sacand type the excitatioa syatelz c0-3-1 8 1 s te d a f f ive, o pen-en d wave gu i de s , each o f wh i ch rad i a te d radio vaves. in r h c ~~3 1 111 me t e r b an d ~The Lri.vst typa of device may bc used to de- termina the boundariec of plascia regions with dLf f eren t free electron coli cent rat ion3 . vhi 1e the second may be used in the determination of dimensions of the reflecting pl.asma regLon having the electron cor,- centration which iG determined by the wavelength used in the devices Orig. art. hass 5 figures. ASSOCIATION: none I;SUBMITTEN 271u163 ATD p RES S t: -3114,- E11CL 1.00 "0 R&F SOVI! ~002 OTHEM, 000* !SUB CODEt SC,,PE I Card 2/2 student shestogo kurBa (Tyas Ima, Smolenskoy obl., ul. Iromsomol'skayao d-35) Resection of the left lobe of the liver for cavernous hemangiom. lov.khir.arkh. noo6t87-88 N-ID 159. (HIRA 13:4) 1. Xhirurgicheskoye otdalenlye Vyasemskoy gorodskoy bolinitsy I Smolenskiy mediteluskiy institut. (LIVIR--TUMRS) EELITSKIY$ G.R. Chains-ofinatrix norms. Dokl. AN SSSR 151 no.ls9-10 Jl 163. (KMA 16:9) 1. Kharlko*ikiy gosudarstvannyy universitet in. A.M. Gorlkogo. P--edstavleno akademikom S.N.Bernahtsynam. (Hatrice3) BELITSKIY, G.R.,~Kharfkov) On certain inequalities. Ukr. mat. zhur. 17 no.6:110-114 165. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Submitted June 12, 1964. ill, -j3E'LIT5K7j-'.'qll Automorphisms of order structures on a set of matrix norms. Dokl. AN SSSR 166 no.3:511-513 Ja 166. (MI RA 19: 1) 1. Submitted May 21, 1965. W-W1-W- AlAe of I IT Abp Ito 960141 1 PISICIPAS aid ploplaists mot% 00A 90A *of (111own lust.. Ail No. 5, 32-4 ObsbW lied bon) am hem r 0-9 00 0- 001 a. Am" &MOON -VWU plomw ITS roftlia carrel. Sim r4 f"POO&I I &PA the imal CLuts" of the t-- on tm*. Tilt coninctillty of skrittal, muscle under uKh coadit64i k "047 FtPC*Md ITY Inthictti %x dIre" CIMMI tXCIMIC141- rtPLWInMt 'A the IftediUM bY RkMW,RWA- MIMI*" this Caulition. A simiUr el. ect I# otwzfvtd III hesixt tatowle. In iserve 1witim. the Irpornskus is ralbor slow (3-4 lin.) tmot otu lie h4stennt by artu"I the outer shell. Although Hingger To!". or 41=0 f"toro the activity of swh tk%nc%. PUCW" Ashl Other 6016nir it"Ilderesst 1111"Wk M11.4 1104 have 40--h ImMer, A-1-1w of I'll C 10 %1W HUM'"41" MON111 still Inr%rut* the 11tallml furwfloolifix III 11W hum"MA Opec-imm even at 1'. 10 it' - by phPitil, utin The -sakul 3 activity THWAY. am U17=11ir. I.- " LMA .r=. I the ta .I St. 0 "am which nmmwly wif. minds It. G. M. Rotatuvolt mommiticiA UTIROU14 CLAWK000 A" S 19jai Ile"" 1~tdwfq .141040 OR ZPU0 AT - ; I j ; 1 0 r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 00 04) 04 0 0 rou 0 0 0 4-1 TT.-"W ONOW 411111 4K a" Ot a 0 9 '1 IF 0 0 dB 4 3 4 o 0 0 111 0 o 0 0 0 0 * 0 woo woo, goo goo Also 446 4*0 Ito* 400 woo too! :00 0 WOO . BILITSKI Aptb~ 0= Physiocochemical nature of defensive and parabiotic inhibition. Uch*sapelen.une no*164.-88-103 154. (mm 10:3) (INHIBITION) (POTASSIUM IN THR BODY) BIMTSIUYR 17 Go orgiy Donic mechanisms of fundamental Processes] Ionnye makhanizmw oisnovnykh protsessov. Leningrad, Medgis, 1958. 175 P. 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