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AFANAsluv, G.D.; ZALESSKIYO B.V.; KUPLETSKIY, B.M.; LAPIN, V.V.1 PETRmp--V.P.; USTIYEV, YO.K. On the tenth anniversary of D.S. Beliankin. Isv. AN SSSR. Ser. geol. 28 no.10:103 0 163. (MIRA 16:11) AFANAS1YHV, G.D.; BAYUK~ VOUROVICH., M.P,~ ZALESSKTY., 13. V. FIbysical properties and the absolute age of certain rocks in India and Ceylon. Izv. AN SSSR Ser. geol. 29 noJM-42 H064 (MIRA 17a3) 1. Institut geologii rudnykh mestorozhdeniy, petrografiig minera- lagii i geokhimli AN SSSR i Institut fiziki.femli AN SSM;~ Moskva. IAVEROV, N.P.; BELIKOV, B.P.; IVANOV, I.B. Absolute age of the intrusive rocks and the upper age boundary of igneous activity in the southwestern spurs of the northern Tien Shan. Izve AN 58SR. Ser. geol. 29 no.10:103-113 0 164. (MIRA 17til) 1. Institut geologii rudnykh mostorothdaniy, petrografii, mine- ralogii i gookhimii AN SSSR, Moskva. BELIKOV, B.P.; LAVEROV, N.P.; IVANOV, I.B. Upper age boundary of magneous activity in the southwentern spurs of the northern Tian Shan. Dokle AN SSSR 158 no.2:338-341 S 164. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Institut geologii rudnykh meatorozhdeniy, petrografii, mineralogii i geokhimii AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom D.I.Shcherbakovym. __66 -"0627- Eldr(l) ' OW ACC NR: APECC14990 SOURCE CODE: UR/0011/66/000/002/0003/OV9 AUTHOR: Aleksandrov, K. S.; Belikov, B. P.; Ryzhova,. T. V. ORG: Instituce of Physics.SO AN SSSR, Krasnoyarsk (Institut fiziki SO AN SSSR); IGEM AN SSSR;'Moscow TITLE: Calculation of elastic parameters of,; the basis of\mineral compositioni SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya, Seriya geologicheskaya, no. 2, 1966, 3-19 TOPIC TAGS: elastic modulus, propagation velocity, porosity, multiphase rock d"WfA94., ')7 "U epz AW_ 0 Q r 3 1 ABSTRACT: Elastic moduli of rocks with uniphase and multiphase were investigated on the basis.of quantitative evaluation of their.composition. The data were compared with the experimental values obtained from some selected rocks. Because the errors in the deterihination of the elastic properties of minerals usually range from 3 to 10%, the Voigt-Reuss-Hill method, described in detail by Belikov (1964), was employed for studying uniphase rocks; it was assumed that a multicomponent aggregate is elastically isotropic. A formula -IV, - , A, was used for the evaluation of the mean elastic modulus W) of an aggregate, where Vi is the.specific volume.of i component and Ai is the elastic modulus of i mixture com- ponent. Some experimental values of the elastic properties were obtained using the L 40027-66 ACC NRs AP6004990 velocities of propagation of transversal and longitudinal waves in selected specimens at zero pressure.' Assumi ng that the elastic properties of rocks are determined mainly by the elastic properties of their components, (with porosity and structure playing an insignificant role) the elastic moduli of multiphase rocks collected in.various parts of the Soviet Union were determined using a method developed by Aleksandrov and Nosikov (1956). The data were compared with the values obtained from the velocities of propagation of elastic'waves in selected rock'specimens. The data show that for -the uniphase rocks, tfie'deviations of the experimental values from the calculated ones generally do not exceed 5%, and the man square deviations are 3.12% and 5.30% for the .1o.ngitudinal.and transversal waves, respectively; however, the elastic moduli have- _ , somewhat larger mean deviations from the calculated values in comparison to.the velocill ties of propagation of elastic waves, In-Spneral, If there is no great degree of porosity,.the elastic properties of'these aLberals can be well evaluated with,th 'a application of the Voigt-Reuss-Hill method. The study of the multipbase.minerals shows that the velocities of propagation of elastic waves agree well with the.experi- mental data and do not deviate more than 5%,,ivibn for the porous rocks. The computed elastic moduli of the multiphase more than 6-7% from their exper- imental values. The authors.thank theii'laolleagues --_V.-1j. Korobkova at the Insti- tute of Physic3 and 1. A. Gartman L. IF:.`-SoloLovA,.-j~, A. Jipina'and A. G_ Xhauntova at 1GYeM for assig-tance in'.91 .the work., The authors also thank personnel of the mineral.ogical museums of the'-AN SSSR, M LeninMd Mining Institute and Llvov Universiv for providing the., mineral. sp Mns.-. Acknow*dgement is also S OUR.CE CODE: UR/ ACC NR- AT6034505 0000/66/000/000/0064/0075 Borsuk, A. H.; Volarov AUTHOR: Afans'yev, G. D.; Bayuk, Ye. I.; -1ch, 1M. P.; Zalesskiy, R. V.; Pavlogradskiy, V. A.; Sinyanov, I. Z. ORG: none -1 TITLE: Preliminary data obtained by correlating physical properties of rocks from Northern Caucasus with geological and geophysical data SOURCE: AN SSSR. Otdeleniye nauk o Zemle. Nauchnyy sovet po komplekanym issledovanl- yam zemnoy kory i verkhney mantii. Glubinnoye stroyeniye Kavkaza (Abyssal structure of the Caucasus). Moscow, Izd-vo, Vauka, 1966, 64-75 TOPIC TAGS: geophysics, seismic prospecting, petrology, stratigraphy, /Caucasus ABSTRACT: The most important of the different age associations of igneous rocks in some of the structural zones of Northern Caucasus (the piedmont region, the foot- hills, the transverse depression zone, the granitoid zone and the axial zone of the Major Caucasus ridge) are described. The post-Selurian, post-Lower Carbonaceousl pre-Triassic, pont-Lower Jurassic, pre-Middle Cretaceou's and Cenozoic formations are described. The magmatic geology of Northern Caucasus is compared W.Lth geophysical data. A new scheme is suggested for the deep structure of the territory. The ancient basement is shown to consist of Hercynian and older formations. In LCard 1/2 ACC NR- AT6034505 particular, a substage of lower Middle Paleozoic formations is differentiated. It differs greatly in respect to its physical properties from younger rocks of Upper Faleozoic and Mesozoic ages, In the region of the Major Caucasus this substratum has been completely reworked by upper Paleozoic granitic intrusions. The ancient rocks outcrop in a few areas; however, to the East the Caledonian basement is covered by Mesozoic and possibly Upper Paleozoic formations. It is beliewd that the dee seismic sounding conducted near El'kholovo has located the buried extension of the Caledonia structure of the Western Caucasian foothills. Orig. art. has: 6 figures and 1 table. SUB CODE: OB/ SUBM DATE: 26Feb66/ ORIG REP; 020/ OTH REFt 001 .Card 2/2 BELIVVIN.1 30-Plis 31-1PANOVICH. TSsentrall n-i telefonii~i %,el g. ~koscow central te.Lepnone excnange7. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po voprosam sviazi i radio, 1942. 32 p. ports. (()Pyt luchs~lik-h - v massy). DLC: r-L-""269. M~i SO: Soviet Iransportation and Communications, A Bib1iojrrKqy,, Library of Congress, Reference Department, Washington, 1~52, tnclas5ified. 0 i k c),,'I SERGETCHUX. K.Ta., redaktor; BAYEV, N.A., redaktor; NAUMOV, P.A., redaktor; BELIEDY, B.S., redaktor; VEYNTRAUB, L.B., takhnicheekly redaktor. (Engineers' and mechanical mamwl of electric communications) In%henerno-tekhnicheskii spravochnik po elektrosviazi. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po voprosam aviazi i radio. Vol.5 [Telegraphil Telegraftia. 1946. 251 p. (MLRA 9:6) 1. Russia (1923- U-S-S-R-) Ministerstvo avyazi. (Telegraph) MOSKVICJNVA, T.T.1 SAMORUKOV, D.A.; AYANASIYBT, P.T., otvatetwenw redaktor; BILIKOT, B.S., redaktor; VITNTRAUB, L.B., tokhnichaskly rodkato.- (The Ion&-distance telephone operator) Telefoniatka mozhdugoro&noi telefonnoi stantsit. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po Yoprosam eviast i radio, 1951. 171 p. (Microfilm] (MLRA 7-10) (Telephone-Operators' manuals) KOTIOT, I I.; pij-71AX I R- W.oogolovnogo inthenera; DUKHTENMO. M.Yu.. 90iogni-y-konstruktor; KLIVAYCHUK, P.I.; FIIATOVA, 0.1.; KRAYCHINIO, O.M.; ROMKO, G.O.; BARDASH, O.P., spetredektor [Dwellings of two rooms and a kitchen-dining room] Zhylyi budynok na dvi kimnaty z kukhneiuridallneiu. Proekt No,o?5. Kylv, Vydavnyebyi viddil, 1953. 18 plans. (MLRk 9:12) 1. Ukraine. Upravlinnya v spravakh sillskogo I kolgoopnogo budivnytstva. 2. -Direktor Diprosillbudu (for Kotkov) 3, Kerivnik APH-3 (for Klevaychuk) (Dwellings) LAMUZOT, M.G.; BILIKOV, B.S., radak-tor; MOROZOVA, T.M., tokhnichaskiy re&aktor ' [Automatic telaphorv; with a supplemant collection of diagrams] Avtomaticheakala. tolefoaiia; 9 prilozhentem allboma akhem. 3-as parer. izd. Koskva, Goa. ind-vo lit-ry po, voprosam aviazi I. radio 1953- 2139 P, (HiciofilZ3 (MMA 8:61 (Telephone, Automatic) STOLTAROV, Nikolay Dmitriyevich; LUSKINOVICH, N.V., otvetstvennyy re- daktor; MIKOV, B.S.. redaktor: SOKOLOVA. R.Ya., tekhnicheekly re dakt or [Repair of interurban overhead communication lines with larger work teams; experience of the Michurinek wire communication center] Remont mashdugorodnykh vosdushnykh linit, eviazi ukrup- lennoi k9lonnoi; is opyta raboty Michurinakogo linaino-tokhni- cheakogo usla. Moskva. Goo. ixd-vo lit-ry po voprosam eviazi I radio, 1954. 31 P. OQU 7:11) (Michurinsk--Telegraph lines--Maintenance aj~d repair) (Telegraph lines- Maintenance and repair--Michurinak) .(Xichurinsk-Telephons lines--Kaintenance and repair) (Telephone lines--Maintenance and repair--Xichurinak) GRIGORTXV- V-I.; OKSMAN, M.L. radaktor; BELIKOV, B.S., rodaktor; SOKOLOVA, R.Ta., takhmicheekly redWor.' I - - 11 .- I [Automatic stations of subscription telegraph, type ATL-30; with supplementary series of diagrams) Aytomatichookle stantsil abonentskogo telegrafs, tipa ATI-50; a prllozheniem~komplekta ekhem. Moskva. Goo. Izd-vo lit-ry po voprosam eviazi I radio, 1954. 31 P. MU 7:12) (TelogrAph--Autonatic systems) NIKOLISKIY, Konstantin ronstantinovich; PILITS,F.A., rodaktor: BILIKOT B.S.: radaktor; KHMMSKAYA, L.H., tokbuicbeekiy redaktor= `- Oft"#- [Measurements on interurban cables when Orotecting them against corroeionO I2merAniia na mezhdugorodnykh kabeliakh pri zashchite ikh ot korroeii. Mos)cva, GosAzd-vo lit-ry po voprosam eviazi i radio, 1954. 43 p. (MLRA 8:8) (Electric cables) GMV, Vadim Sergeyevich; ABOLITS, I.A., redaktor; BELIKOV,B.S.. radaktor SOLOVITZVA, L.P., tekhnichaskiy redaktor. "I I-'-. t" -'- - --~ (Automatic control of power level on long distance communication lines] Artomatichaskoe regulirovanis urovnia peredachi na liniiakh dallnet sviazi. Moskva. Goa. izd-vo lit-ry po voprosam eviazi i radio. 1954. 47 P. (MLRA 8:8) (Telecommmications) HIKUYLOT, H.I., otvatetvannyy redaktor; BELIKOV,-H.S.. redaktor; EMLMKAU, LA.. tskhnIchesId7 redartor "r [Provisional instructions on planning the protection of interurban cables from corrosion] Vremeanais, instruktaiia po proaktirovaniia. sashchity mexhdugorodVkh kabelet ot korrozit. Hooky&, 3viossisdat,, 1954, 52 P. (Microfilm] . (Him 9 . 12) 1e Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) H~nisterstvo evyazi. Glavnoye upravleniya linayuo-kabollnogo khozvaystva. (Cables) (Corrosion and anticorrosives) I - - - 9 1, W ~ ) RLMENSKIT, Boris Nikolayevich; WSKINOVICH, Nijolay Vasill3revich; XARDASHW, Hikolay Dmitriyevich: TALIKOV B.S., redaktor; SoKown, R.Ta., tekhnicheshy redaktor [Operation of telegraph and telephone lines and cables] Ikepluatatsita lineino-Icabellnogo khozialetvae 2-9, ispr. I dop. Izd. Moskva. Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po voprosam sviazi i radio. 1954. 157 p. (KM 8:4) (Telegraph lines) (Telephone lines) VOZNESEIMM, B.N.; LOGIUOV, D.F* [deceased]; GRANAT, H.R. BILUCY, B.S., radaktor; S(ZOLOVA, R.Ya., takhnichoskly redaktor [Album of basic circuits for combined operation of dial talophons exchanges with machine-switching and step-by-step systems] Pro- mothutoohnoo oborudovante dlia sovmestnot raboty AT$ mashinnoi i shagovoi Diatom. Mbskva, Goa. izd-vo lit-ry po voprosam eviazi i radio, 1954. 187 P'. [Microfilm] (HIRA 8:6) (Telephone, Automatic) IZSHCHINSKIY. Aleksandr Aleksandrovich; BLOKRIN,A.S.. rodaktor; BILIKOV, !i~L.redaktor; KEBUZKSKAYA,L.K., tokhnicheakiv redaktor (High-frequency telephone communication through coaxial cables] Vysokochastotnaia telefonnaia eviaz' po koakeiallnomu kabeliu. Moskva, Goo. isd-vo lit-ry po voprosam eviazi i radio. 1955. 52 p. (Telephone cables) (MIRA 9:2) qvich; VARSHAVSKIY, Boris Georgirevich; GUSEV, BELIKOV. Boris 21gan 3=6a Stepanovich-, KOROBOV, Yuriy Ilikhailovich; PAPERNOV, Lev Zakharovich; PXTROVSKIY. Stepan Ignatlyevich, [deceased); YAKUSHEV,M.I., redaktor; PAPINAKO,I.G., redaktor; LEDMA, N.V., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Postal and telegraph agent] Pochtovo-telogra'fnyi agent. Mo- skva, Gos.izd-vo lit-rjr po voprosam eviazi i radio, 1955. 254 p. (HIBA 9: 4) (Postal service) (Telegraph) NOVIKOV. Vasiliy Vasillyevich; PKRMUOV,A.N., redaktor; BELIKOY,B.S., redaktor; SOKOMA,R.Ta., takhnicheakiy redaktor (Telegraph station supervisor) Stantsionnyi nademotrahchik telegrafa. Hoskva., Gos.izd-4o lit-ry po voprossm eviazi i radio, 1955. 488 p. (MLRA 9:2) (Telegraph stations) K=TSJ3V. Ivan Kapitonovichg KONIKOV, V.I., otvatetvanW redaktor; BILIKOV. B.S.. redaktor; VICYN7RAUB. A.B.. tekhnicheskiy redaktor ......... [my experience withiserv'icing CT-35 telegraphic equipment] Koi opyt obolushivanita telegraftykh apparatov ST-35. Moskva, Goo. isd-vo lit-r7 po vaprosan eviazi i radio, 1956. 33 p. (NLRA 9:7) (Telegraph--Apparatus and supplies) BELIKOV, BORIS STEMUICII . IIIJ15 - - - 753o4 ,84 TELEGRAF I TELEFON CTELEGnAPH AND TELEPHONE] MOSKVA, GOSTEKHIZOAT.* 1958. 60 [21 P. ILLUS,, DIAGRS (NAUCH,'40-POPULYARNAYA BIBLIOTEKAy VYP. 99) "LITERATURAII: P. (621 KOMAROV, Boris Sargeyevich,prof.[deceas6dj: PIONTKOVSKIT, B.A.,; 11-RELVOW, B.S., red.; MARKOGH, K.G., (curr-int supply for wire communicattoo Rektropitanis pred- pritatit provodnoi svtazi. lzd.2., inpr. i dop. Moskva, Goa. izd-vo lit-ry po voprosam eviazi i radio, 1958. 351 P. (MIRIL 11:12) (Telephone--Current supply) (Telegraph--Currout supply) MIKHAYLOV, -Kikhail Ivanovich,!doktor iekhn.neuk. Prinimal uchastiye: RMHOV, L.D.. GRODNWI- I.I., retsenzent; GRACHEY. I.S.,; BELIKOV, B.S., red.; MARKOCH, K.G., (Effect of external electromagnetic fields on communication liner, and protective measures] Vliianie vneshnikh elektro- magnitnykh polel us teopi provodnoi sviazi i zashchituye moropriiatiia. Moskva, Gos.isd-vo lit-ry po voprosam sviazi i radio, 1959. 582 P. (MIRA 12:9) (Telecommunication-Equipment and supplies) BELIKOVj_Boris SteRanovicb; VAR3HAVSKIY, Boris Georgiyovich; GUSEV, . Simon Stepanovich; PAPERNOV, Lev Zakharovich; ZAKUMVA, N.V., redo; RCW0VA, S.Fop tekhn. redo (Manual for workers in the postal, telegraph, and telephone commuaication services] Operator pochtovc~-telegrafno-telefozmo:L sviazi. By B.S.Belikov i dr. Hoskvap Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po vopro- Sam sviazi i(radio, 1961. 215 P. (MIRA 1511) Telecommunication) BELTKOV, Bov. Seminar on the work experience of nonferrous metallurgy enterprioes of the Ukrainian 3.3.R. In the areas of effioiency and InvenLions. TSveL. met. 38 no.2:96 F '-65. 'I 18:31 GAMV, H.I.,; MZLIKOV, G.I. Detaction of Corynebacterium diphtherine In arina. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. I innuu. 27 O~o.1:100-101 Ja 156 (KMA 9:5) 1. Is kafedry apidemiologii Irlmtakogo peditoluskogo inatituta. (DUVTMZA-MCMIOLOGY) I BILIKOY. G.L. -,Z Letter to thm editor. Zhur.mikrobiol.spid.i imm. no.4:82-83 Ap 154. (KIU 7 - 5) (SpIdemlos) (Nomehiloya, N.A.) BE1921,JUL, inzh.; LITENKO, H.T., inzh. Effect of the austenite grain size on the plasticity of 9KhF stool. Metalloved. i term. obr. met. no.6:21-24 Je 161. (MMA 24:6) 1, TSentralinyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut tekhnologii manhinostroyeniya. (Steel-Metallography) (Plasticity) ZHDANOV, 'V.M.; 13ELIKOVO O.P.. Brief news. Zhur, mikrobiol., epid. i Imun. 42 no.1.148-152-. A 165, (MM 18: 6) Generalinyy sekratext Sovetskogo natsionallnego organizatsionnogo komiteta IX Mezhdunarodnogo kongressa po mikrobiologii (for Zhdanov). 2, Sekretart prayleniya Veesoynnogo obahchestva epidemiologov, mikrobiologov i infektsionistov (for Belikov). Country F Cc,.tc7,&)ry MlcroUioloj~y-.,ntibiosis nnd `-yjrIaio3is. Antibiotics Abs. Juir Ref Zhur - '.sinL., bo.19, 19'-i~, 35936 Autbur Belikov, (1.P. Institut. Titlo Som;itivity beterninationn of I~athogcnic Stap*,-iylo- cocci viith ~cspeot to Antibiotics by be Method of Yaper 4ndicator Digits Orl,.,; Pub. Sb.-. Antibiotiki. -' i I.!z,irPerim.-A"jinich. 12tich., Ma"ico"Y' 19'6, 2'7-23L Abstract Studies'were Luade of tLe sen