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SEDLACHKP J,;'-T~~BEC, Fr- Angiom of the oboroid in Sturge-Vaber-Krabbe syndrome, Cask. ofth. 17 no.33232-237 MY 161. 1. Ocni kUnika LFM, Praba 12, (ANGIMATOSIS pathol) (CHOROID patbDl) VRABECI Antonin., inz. I - Prospects of the development of packaging technilque, In the heavy,engineering industry. Tech praoa 17 no.4047-21+8 Ap 165. 1. Branch Center of' the Packaging Technique of the Mintstry of Heavy Engineering it the Zavody V.I.Lenina, Plzen. rR 4,846Z~ r. VRABIC, I., Mrs doe.; 7AHII. K., KUDr OMNMWAW Unusual ease of tumor of the lacrimal gland. Cesk. ofth. 11 no.l: 53-56 rob 55. 1 1. Z I ocni klin. KU v Praze - predn. prof. WJDr I.Dienstbier (LACRIXAL APPARATUS, neoplasms adenocarainona) VRABECo F. "Ability and inability to Identify colors." (p. 291). ZELEZNICE (Zeleznicni vydavaterstvi) Praha, Vol 3, No 11, 1953. SO: East European Accessions Limt, Vol 3,, No 8, Aug 1954. VRAM, F. Investigations of the endothelium of the anterior ourface of the huzan iris. Biol-listY 31 Suppl:118-126 2 Jan 1951. OUG 20-9) 1. Of the First E7e Clinic in Prague (Acting Head--Docent Dienst- bior, M.D.). CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Humn and Aninal Morphology - Normal and Patho- S logical. Sense Organs. Abs Jour Ref Zhur Blol., No 11, 1958, 50386 Autho- ~,Vrabeq.,,,,Xt,~.~% Tnst Title Intravital Staining of Nonpigmented Moles of the Conjunctiva Orig Pub Ceskosl. ofthalmol., 1955) 11, No 4-5, 272-275 Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 VRABMC, F. Examination of crystalloids In the horizontal retinal calls in path- ologic conditions. Cesk.ofth- 7 no-5:315-318 1951. (CWL 21:1) 1. Of the First We Clinic of Cbarles University, Prague (Acting Head Docent X.Dlenstbier.M.D.). VRABEC, F. ", - - . -~, - --- -: -. Studies on phacomatosis. Cook. ofth. 8 no.1:32-36 Jan 1952. (CM 22;2) 1. Of the First By" Clinic (Ifead-Prof. 1. Dionstbier, H. D.) of Charles Univorsity, Prague. E(=%-r'TA 'N'MICA See 112PI01 13/5 0phdajmcf1oEZr MaY 59 fill(). STUDIES ON THE CORNE-AL AND TRABECULAR ENIX)TIIELAUNI. 11. ENDOTHELIUM OF THE ZONE OF TRANSITION - Vrabvc F, FirF* Eye Clin.. Univ. of Prague - mar.j."MITHAL. 14.75ft.-Tr;q~;(u,,7-fini liluff., 5 i 1-1*yes of cats, rabbits find hesus monlo,ys, witne human ryen with different pattio- logical conditions, and one human eye which was clinically normal but was Priu- cleated because of an orbital tumour, were studied. The fmsic method usf,d was the silver impregnation method of McGovern (1955, 1956). The results were com- pared with those obtained by the replica and pseudo -replica methods, the latter vontly with additional staining. Even in tht- apparently normal eye, Lite possibility of functiotial changem in the orcre,tion of the 4-cownt nubstanve a.-4 well 4ts the vover- ing muh4tance should be borne in mind. 'PtP ijijecimrni; umed were vither frozeii .icctions or teased preparations; mrist (it thern were mounted in Apathy'li Hyrup to prevent excessive dehydration and shrinkage (it the cement substance; some specl- mens mounted in Canada balsam showed that the cement substance seems much more resistant to dehydration -ifter impregnation with silver. The enclothelial covering of the zone of transition in the region of the anterior border of Schwatbe's ring is described. The peculiar fan-shaped groups of endothelial cells at the peri- phery of the cornea are closely related to the anterior anchorage of the ciliary imiscle tendons. The endothelial elements immediately posterior to the margin of Descemet's membrane are conspicuously enlarged. The fact that the outlines of the cells are preserved in the endothelium of the zone of transition (in the super- ficial as well as in the deeper layers) may hive some bearing oil the C3ntro of the flow of aqueous humor to the corneal stroma through the 9heaths of the trabecular meshwork. Excellent microphotographs. Ascher - Cincinnati, 0. Vital ataining of non-pigmented nevi of the conjunctiva. Cesk.ofth. 11 aoo4-3:272-275 1955. 1. Z I* ocni kliniky JrArlovy university Y ?rase, pradnosta prof. Dr I.Dienotbier (XIVUS (,,O,,conjunctiva, diag. by methylene blue staining) JUNCTIVA, neoplasms nevus. nom-pigmented, diag. by methylene blue staining) MICKY, J.; TRABIC. F. Iffect of antihistamine drugs on phototrople novemient of re- tinal pigment of the Ooblo gobio. Biol.listjr Suppl,1:65-69 1950. (OLML 200) 1. Of the First Pro Clinic in Prague (Acting Read-Xocent I.Dionotbler,M.D.). VRABEG, F.; JAKELE, J.; PRCIILIKOVA, ff. A case of pancytopenia with ertensive climes found in the fundus oculi in a child with Pelger's leukocytic anomaly. Gas. lek. ces;--. 101 no-39:1.180-1-183 28 S 162. 1. Oani klinika lekarske fakulty hygienicke KU v Fraze, prednosta doc. dr. F. Vrabec. Howtologicke oddeleni lekarske fakulty hygianicke KU v Praze, prednosta. 14UDr. J. Jane'Le. Detska klinika lekarsko fakulty hygienicke KU v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. J. Gizkova-Pisarovicova. (PEWER IIUET ANOMALY) (FUNDUS OCULI) (AI04IA APLASTIC) VRABEC, Fr.; VRABEC, J.,- KAVKA, J. Histological changes of the h=an cornea following roentgen-irradiation. I. Cesk. oftal. 18 no.6:401-/+06 N 162. 1. Ocni klinika lek. fak. hyg. University Karlovy v Praze, prednosta doe. dr. Fr. Vrabec I. ocni klin. fak. vseob. lek. University Karlovy v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. E. Dienstbier Ocni oddeleni nemonice OUITZ v Litomyslip prednosta. dr. J. Kavka. (CORM) (ORBITAL NEOPLASMS) (SARCOMA RETICULUM CELL) (RADIOTHERAPY) (RADIATION INJURY) VRABFG, Fr,,.;- -EDLACEK, J.; V11ABEG, J. I- ~ Histochemical changes of the human cornea folloving roentgen-irradiation. II. Cesk. oftal. 18 no.6:407-410 N 162~ 1. Ocni klinika lek. fak. hyg. University Karlovy v Praze, prednosta doe. dr. Fr. Vrabec I. ocni klin. fak. vseob. lek. University Karlovy V Praze, prednosta prof. dr. E. Dienstbier. (CORNEA) (ORBITAL NEOPLASMS) (EYE NEOPLASMS) (RADIOTHERAPY) (RADIATION INJURY) m=RnA mick Sea.12 Vol.2a/S Optithalsolas7 Aud6 1170. VRABEC Fr. Ire Clin.ophtalmol., Uhiv. do Prague. *Sur lea rapporis do@ sea regenerees de Is cornde humaine avec lea keratobtastes. The relationships between regenerated nerve fibres of the human cornea and keratoblasts OPHTHALMOUDGICA (Basel) 1955, 130/1(24-31) Ilium. 4 In various pathological conditions of the uvea - inflammations, tumourm and especial. ly melanoblastoma of the chorold - clinically intact and clear corneas may show ex- cessive hypertrophy of the nerve fibres. attributable to Irritation of the nerves in the suprachoroldal and suprpcillary spaces. Newly formed nerves, situated In the superficial layers of the corneal stroma. mostly show the shupe of a loop or a cluster &M are often deprived of Schwann's sheath, TISS w4har observed a dWgrM form of fibre, remarkably broadened to a flat ribbon. The newly-formed nerve fibres show reinforcetnents opposite the nuclei of the kerstoblastm. towards which the ribbon-shaped fibres sometimes send amoeboid expansions. The impression is gained that the nerve fibre proper, without the protective and nutritive Schwarat's sheath, owing to the expansions of its prefibrillar plasma, participste* in the meta- boliam of the keratoblasts. It may also be supposed that there is, on the contrary, a phenomenon of degeneration and absorption of the nerve fibres by the keratobtasta. However, this hypothesis in refuted by many arguments, in particular bythe appear- ance and the calftro-OT-the ribbon-shaped fibres. It in established that there are close direct relationships between the newly-formed fibres and the keratoblasts, wMch explain a large number of phenomena, such as oedema of one half of the cor- nea, the discrepancy between ocular pressure and corneal oedema in treated acute glaucoma. etc. Sourdille - Nantes VRABBC, Frantleek;VRkBBC, Jan Higtological examination of the lacrimal gland in chronic por- phyria. Ceek. ofth. 15 no.5t371-374 0 059 1. 1. ocni klinika V v Praze, Dreduosta prof. dr. 1. Dienstbler. (PORFMIA pathol.) (IACRIXkL APPAROM pathol. ) CZECHOSLOVAlaA/Hunrn rnd Animtl Morphology (~lormnl nnd PrtholoEierl) S Nervous Synton. Abs Jour : Rof Zhur -- Biol:.,' No 7, 1958, No 31166 Author LLVrabloc Fr. Inat : 'To-t-ff-vo-n------ Titlo t First Treece of the SLnrt of Leternl Goniculato Eodias in Ontoganosis. Orig Pub : CoskoBl. ofthelmol., 1955, 11, No 4-5, 21j-219 Abstrpct : 11c, abstmet Orrd : 1/1 ZXCERPTA 7- .,j~ CA Sec.jZ Vo.11/6 Ophthalmology June 57 903. -_VRABEC F Sur le 'plexus sub- 8 Cog; 1. Clin. Ophtalmol., Univ. de Prague. basaTr_ ae' de Hoyer, Her.s plexus subbasatis corneae 1955 of2-3 ACTA ANAT. (Basel) , 25 -4 (273-279) Illus. 2 In numerous normal and pathological human corneae the author was able to find a nerve net, which he considers to be identical with Hoyer's plexus subbasalis cor- neae. This plexus is only to be found in cases of pathological innervation of the cornea. For this reason the author is of opinion that the term plexus subbasalis should be eliminated from the nomenclature of the normal innervation of the human cornea. (1, 4.12) P')O 2 V01.9/6 OphthalmolOgY Jun 55 zKC:-:RPTA ',-,:i:DjCA SeC.1 1004. VRABEC Fr. 1. o~nf Klin, Karlove Univ., Praha. * Primird epitelOV6 nATo-F`y-Fa`snat6ho t~'L'ska Primary malignant epitheliorna of the ciliary body SL.O-FTHAL. 1954, 10,16(367-375)LIlus. 2 Report on a rare malignant epithelioma of the ciliary body issuing from Id.e non- pigmented layer of the epithplium and invading the ciiiary body. Its minute struc. ture, as is typical of this type of growth, consisted of single-layered c.11indrical epithelium in which melanine formation could be proved by silver impregnation. in the area of infiltration into the corpus ciliare the tumoar was formed by solid clumps of malignant type. Zahn - Prague (X11. 5.16) .:,CERPTA '-,2:DICA See.22 V01.9/6 Ophthalrology Jun 55 857. VRABEC Fr. I.Clin. ophtalmol., Univ. de Prague. * L'innervation du --9-y-stbme trab6culaire de Vangle irien. I n n e r v a t i o n o f t h e t r a b e c u - lar system of the angle of the anterior chamber OPHTHALMOLOGICA (Basel) 1954, 128/6(359-364)lllus. 4 The author studies the innervation of the angle of the anterior chamber in man and various vertebrates. The nerves come from the supraciliary space and from the nerves of the ciliary body; they form in the trabecular system a rich nervous plexus of complicated structure. One can find sensitive nerve endings and in birds Herbst's tactile bodies. Franfois - Ghent EXCEaKA ~:MICA Sec.12 V01.9/11 Ophthalmology Nov5.5 771. VRABEC Fr. 1. Clin. ophthatmol., Vniv. de Prague. * Une anomalle intL%- ress-5-n-re-95-c r istal tin d'un foetus humain cyclope. Interesting anomaly of the crvstalline lens in a cvcfopic human foetus OPH- THAUNIOLdc'ICA (13asel) 1955, 129, 2 ('107-110) Illus. I Fxamination of the cyclopic evehall of a 25-mm. human foetus removed for extra- uterine pregnancy showed the following anomaly: the lens anlage had been pushed forward by mesodermal tissue; as a consequence, it closed the opening of the primitive vesicula and in:ide contact with the epithelium of the corneal anlage. Redslob - Strasbourg ~ VHMG, Yr. -,- First traces of appearance of the lateral geniculate body in orthogenesis. Cesk.ofth.-11 no.4-5:213-219 1955. 1. Z 1. ocni kliuiky v Praze, Preduosts. prof. Dr Dieustbier (THAIAMUS. anatomy and histology lateral geniculate body, first traces in fetal develop. VRABIC, Yr. - Problem of innervation of the corneal epithelium. Cook. ofth. 10 no,2;96-101 Ap 154, 1. Z 1. ocni kllniky university Karlovy v Prase. Prednosta: prof. Dr I.Dionotbier. (Cn'RMU, innyorwation, *of epithelium) SIMKOVA, Maria. Doc.. Dr.; VRABSC, Frant., Dr. Changes in the cornmal nerve plexus In Irldocyclitin; studies with mathylene blue. Cask. ofth. 12 no.3:205-207 June 56. 1. Z I. ocni kliniky- Karlovy univ. v Praze, prednosta prof. Dr. E. Dienstbier. (IRIDOCTCLITIS, pathology, corneal nerve plexus, methylene blue stain. technic (Cz)) (CORNEA, innervation, nerve plexus, pathol. in iridocyclitis, mathylene blue stain. technic (Cz)) SR-TOVA, M.; SEDLACKOVA, J.; VRABAC.,_?~~ __ Neurohistological verification of the effect of antiglaucama diathermocoagulation methods an the corneal nerve plexus. Cesk. oftal. 19 no,5:316-319 S 163. 1. 1 ocni klinika fakulty vsedbeeneho lekarstvi KU v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. E. Diensthier, DrSc. Ocni klinika lekarske fakulty bygienicke KU v Praze, prednosta, prof. dr, F. Yrabee, DrSc. (GLAUCOMA) (BLECTROCOAGULATION) (CORNEA) (NERVOUS SYS=) (WOUND HEALING) (HISTOCHOff STFff ) VRABEGO J. Some aspects of the problem of epibulbar spithellwas. Cesk. of tal. 18 no.6.-428-431 N 162, 1. 1. ocni klin. fak. vaeob. lek. University Karlovy v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. E. Dienstbier. (EYE NWPIASMS) ,VRABEC, Joze A simple example of a continuoua nondifferentiable function. 0b mat fiz 9 no.2:79-81 Ag 162. VRABEC, J. Reaction of intraocular tissue to perforating and non-perfora- ting scleral coagulat4 on. Cas. lek. cesk. 103 no.21:579-582 2 2 My 16,14, 1. 1. ocni klinika fW.,ulty vseobecneho lekarsttii KU (Karlovy university) v Praza; prodnosta: prof. cb-. B.Dienotbler, DrSc. SDIKOVA,M.; YPJMG,j. . _ Vital staining of the corneal nerres following coagulation antiglaucoma surgery in ratbits. Cas.lek. cesk. 103 no.18: 494-1+97 3 My'64 1. 1. ocni klJnika fakulty vssobecneho lekarstvi KU (Karlovy vniversity] v Praze; prednostao. prof. dr. B.Dienstbler, DrSc. VRABW i J, Ustological experiences Vith epibdbar excision of suspicious twaors. Sborn. lek, 63 no97/8sl98-202 31-~61. 1, 1 ocni kliniks fakulty vseobdbneho lakarstvi University Karlovy v Rrase, preclaosta prof. dr. Emil Dionstbier. .II (EYE neoplasms) VRAIT!~-..T. - - Ch the histogenesis and his topathology of melanoblastoma of the choroid. Sborn. lek. 66 no.8:2J+5450 Ag'64 1. 1 ocni klinika fakulty vooobeeneho, lekarstvi University Karlovy v Praze; Irednostat prof* dr. E.Dienstbier, DrSc. VRABEO, T. An interesting focal change In the corneal jtroma. Cesk. oftal. 19 no.5.-320-324 S 163. 1. 1 ocni klinika fakulty veeobecneho lekarstvi KU v Praze, prednosta rof. dr. E. Dienstbier, DrSe. MFUWAL DYSTROPHIES) (EYE mEOPLASMS) (MELANOMA) VROW, J. Unilateral pigmented degeneration of the retina. Cesk. ofth. 14 no.2;, 134-137 Apr 58. i -1 1. 1. ocni klinika Karlovy university v Praze, prednosta prof. Dr. S. Dienstbier. (MINA, diseases unilateral pigmented degen. (cs)) VRABEC, J. Contribution to the histology of secondary b-and-shaped-corneal degeneration. Cook. oftal. 21 no.102-79 Ja 265 1. 1. ocni klinika fakulty vseobacneho lekarstvi Karlovy University v Praze (prednostat prof. dr. E. Dienstbier, DrSz:). orders . Sbr;Tr. . 1 -17 n o 8 klinilka fa-ult- -lovy v praze dr. E. ME-,~,"A VRABSO., J. Sboxm. lak. 65 eo in the sclera after diathermocoagalation r -han rIF no.8 9:244..247 Ag 163. 1. 1 ocni klinika fakulty vaeobeeneho lakarstvi University Karlmy v Praze, prednosta prof. dr, X, Dienatbier, Dr6ce (EW,TROCOAGULATION) (SCLM) (GLAWOMA) VRABNC, Frant ioak; VRABNC, Jan ------ Contribution to the problem of the etiology of chronic Inflamation of the lacrimal sac. Sborn. lek. 60 no.9:281-283 Sept 58. 1. 1. Ocni klinik-a fakulty voeobeeneho, lekarstvi university Karlovy v Praze, prednosts, prof. dr. X. Dienstbler. V. V.. Praha II. U Hemocnie 2. (DACROOSTIM. atiol. & pathogen. (CZ)) '. * VRABXC, Pr.; VRAMC, J. -- -, - Pathogenesis of ablatio falciformis retinae. Cas. lek. cesk. 97 no.50: 1572-1575 12 Dec 38. 1. 1. ocni klinilut univereity Karlovy v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. A. Dienstbier. F. V., Praha 2, U nemacnice 2 (RSTINAL DRTACM4M. etiol. & pathogen. inflamm. origin (Cz)) VRABNG. FrantisejC.;,__,Y4& Contribution to the Droblem of the etiology of chronic inflamr-tation of the lacrimal sac. Sborn. lek. 60 no.9:281-283 SePt 58. 1. 1. Ocni klinika fakulty vaeobconeho, lekarstvi university Karlovy v Pra2e, prednosta prof, dr, R. Dienstbier. Y. V., Praha II, U Remocnie 2. (DACROG-PSTITIS, atiol. & pathogen. (CZ)) SIMKOVA. mar'04..Xw~~-Jan Pignentary degeneration of the retina. Gas. lek. cask. 97 no.50:1564- 1569 12 Dec 58. 1. 1. ocni klinika Karlovy university v Fraze, prednostEL prof. NUDr. N., Dienstbier. M. S., Praha 2, U rxemocnice 2 (BBTINITIS PIGMMMOSA (G2)) VRABEG-, -J.- r* Ocular chariges in lupus erythematosus. Sborn. lek. 64 no.8/9.262-2655 Ae 162. 1. 1. ocni klinika fakulty vseol)cc-ieho lekarstvi University Karlo-rj v Fraze, prodnosta prof. dr. E. Dienstbier. (LUPUS ERYTIIEMATOSUS compl) (EYE dis) VRA.BEC, Fr.; VRMC, J.; KAVKA, J. Histological changes of the himan cornea following roentgen-irradiation. I. Cesk. oftal. 18 no.6:401-406 H 162. 1. Ocni klinika lek. fak. hyg. University Karlovy v Praze, prednosta, doe. dr. Fr. Vrabec 1. ocni klin. fak. voeob. lek. University Karlovy v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. E. Dienstbier Ocni oddeleni nemonice OUNZ v LitomIsli, prednosta dr. J. Kavka. (CORUZA) (ORBITAL NEOPLASMS) (SARCOMA RETICULUM GELL) (RADIOThERAPY) (RADIATION INJURY) VRABEC, Fr.; SEDLACEK, J.; VRABEC, J. _ Histochemical changes of the lnxman cornea f ollwing ro-entgen-irradiation. Il. Cesk. oftal. 18 no.6:40'7-410 N 162. 1. Ocni klinika lek. fak. hyg. University Karlovy v Praze, prednosta doe. dr. Fr. Vrabec L ocni klin. fak. vseob. lek. University Karlovy v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. E. Dienstbier. (CORNEA) (ORBITAL NEOPLASMS) (EYE NEOPLASMS) (RADIOTHERAPY) (RADIATION INJURY) VUM, Jan , " - Congenital melanosis of the eye. Gesk. ofth. 15 no.1:58-61 Feb 59. 1. 1. ocni klinika Karlovy university v Praze, prednosta, prof. Dr. 1. Dienstbier. (KEIANOSTS, case reliorte, eye, congen. (Gz)) (M DISELSES, case reports, melanosis, congen. (Ox)) VRLBAG, Jan Bilateral isolated melanosis of the iris. Cook. ofth. 15 no.l: 62-65 lob 59. 1''I. Ocni klinika Karlovy university v Fraze, prednosta Drof. 11. Dienstbler, (MEIANOSIS, case reports$ Iris, bilateral isolated (Oz)) OIRIS, dis. melanosis, bilateral isolated (Oz)) VRABEC, J?r,; VIIABM, J, Pathogenesis of ablatio falciformis retinae. Cas. lek. cesk. 97 no.50: 1572-1575 12 Dec 58. 1. 1. ocni klinika university Karlovy v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. B. Dienstbier. F. V., Praha 2, U nemocnice 2 (RSTINAL DICTACHKINT, etiol. & pathogen. inflamm. origin (Oz)) VRABW. Jan ------ L-~ Congenital anomaly of the optic aerve disc with a defective visual field. J. Fqg. Spidem., Praha 3 no.2:223-227 1959 1. 1. ocni klinika fakulty voeoveeneho lekarstvi University Karlovy v Praze, preduosta prof. dr. M. Dienathier. (OPTIC NXRV1, abnorm.) (VIML FIX=) VRABEC, 0. Experiences with the foundations of big cement silos. p, 299. (Inzenyskre Stavby. Vol. 5, no. 6, June 1957. Praha, C%echoslovakla) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 10, October 1957. Uncl. VIRAILECII 0. Experiences drawn in building high cranevays. p. 374. INZI-'.NYRSKE SITAVBY. Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol* 3, no. 9, Septo 1955 Monthly list of Fast European Accessions (EFAI) LC, Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. 1960 Uncl. VRA13:01 . _A Solution of rectangular reingorced concrete eccentrically loaded with reference to the safety factor. ps 256. INZENYRW STAVBY. Praha, Vol. 29 no. 7p July 1954. SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL), LC, Vol. 5, no. 3, March 19A. 50); 'MABSC, Madko skLn da-mages -)f h9nds ~:,Ll he,-i woi-!~civo. T-ra,,* lolc, 27 noo'wlal)3--~5 A*165. 1. lit2ticke chirurgie I-ekaroke fakulty hyglerJvk,~- Rai-I ovy ErIlArar.o.ity v ilrave (ped-nosta.- prof. dr. V. Ktirfji). V~h (3ec IOLAMH, Thromir, (Kolar, J.], doktor med.nauk-._Y#PICTSe -,Radko [Yrabac,R.I. doktor med.nauke Clinical aspects of radiation injuries of the bone during roontgeno- therapy. red. 34 no.2:43-47 Ih-jo 159. (MM 13:-4) 1. Iz radiologicheekoy kliniki (zav. - prof. Tyacheslay Shyab, dok- tar meditelay) I klinild plasticheskoy khirurgii (zav. - akademik 7rantishok Burian) Earlova universiteta v Prage (Chekhoslovaklya.). Adres aytorov: Praga 2, bollnitea 96.459 (Rentgenologichosimya kli- nika). (RADIOTOWT. compl. bone Inj. Ons)) (BONN AND BOIMS, off. of radiations x-ray ther. induced im.J. (Phs)) KOIAR. J.; VJJABBC, R. Disorders in development of the spine after irradiation in childhood. Acta chir. orthop. trau . coch. 26 no.3.-198-203 jhw 39. C 1. Radiologiolm klinika Karlovy university v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. Vaclav 5vab. J.)L, Baranova 23, Praha 11, (SPINA, off. of radiations on develop. disord. after irradJAtion in child. (Gz)) (RADILTIONS, inj. off. spine, develop. disord. after irradiation in child (Cz)) - VUBW# Fadko; KUCM&, Miroolav Injuries of the tissue by radiations and their surgical therapy. Acta chir. orthop. traum. cech. 26 no.4:339-343 Aug 59. 1. Klinika plasticke chirurgiev Praze, prednosta akademik Yr. Burian. (RADIATION INJURT, surg.) KOLAR, Jaromir; VRABEC, Radko Causes of biological behavior of skin ulcer induced by radiotherapy of non-neoplastic diseases. Gesk.rentg. 13 no.6:36&-378 D w59. 1. Radiologicka klinika, prednosta prof.dr. V. Svab. Klinika plaaticke chirurgie KU v Praze. prednosta akademik F. Burian. (RADIOIUMPY compl.) (ULCER etiol.) MIAR, Jaromir; VUBEC, Radko Growth disorders of the cranium and spine after irradiation in childhood. Cesk. rentg. 13 no-3:169-173 June 59. 1. Hadiologio)m klinika. pi-edn. prof. dr. Vaclav 5yab KlInIkR plasticke chirurgie Karlovy university v Pra2e, predn,, akademik T. Burian. J.IL Praba 11, Baranova, 23 (RADIATIOM, ;nj. off. cranium & spine growth disord. in child. (Oz)) (CRANIUM. off. of radiations on growth disord. in child. (Gz)) (SPINII, off. of radiations on same) KOIAR, Jaromir, MUDr.; RUNG, Radko, MUDre X-ray picture of cification & ossification of sort tin=e arter burns. Gesk. rentg. 12 no.1:13-20 Mar 58. 1. Radiologicka klinika KU v Praze, prednosta prof. Dr. T. Syab. KI-inika, plasticke chirurgis W v Prze, prednosta akademik F. Burian. J. K.. Praha XI, Baranova 23. (BUM, physiol. calcification & Ossification Of soft tissue after burnso x-ray (CZ)) KOLA=H, la. [Kolif, J.]O; VPABETS, R. (Tralfto, R,,J -1 Arthropathies caused by X-ray therapy and radiotherapy* Ortop., travmoi protex. 23 no.6:33-36 Je 162* MW 15:9 1. Iz radiologicheskoy kliniki. (rukovod. - prof. V. Shvab) i klimiki plasticheakoy i vosstamovitel8noy khirurgii (rukovod. - akademik F. Burian) Karlova univeroitetag Praga, (RLDIOTMWY) (X RAYS--THERAPEUTrC USE) I. (JOINTS-DISW-SES) KOLAR, J.; BABICKY, A.; VRABEC, R.: Techniokm spoluprace; CHROMEG, Ch.; OPPLTOVA, M.; TICHY, Z. Changes in the bones caused by electric current. Acta univ. carol. (Mad) no.43537-570 161. 1. Radiologicka klinika fakulty voeobeensho lakarstvi University Karlovy, prednosta prof. MUDr. V. Svab Izotopove laboratore Biologic- keho ustavu CSAV v Praze, reditel akademik I. Malek Klinika plasticke chirurgie lakarske fakulty hygienicke University Karlovy,. prednosta akadamik F. Burian. (ELECTRICITY) (BONE AND BONM pathol) BEKO V.; KOLAR, J.; SEDLkCEKp JT.; XUCERA, M.; SCHWANKp R.; MARESOVA, J.; TRAPL, J. Clinical importance and therapeutic-principles of benangiama in childhood. Ceek. pediat. 18 no.9098-" S 163a, 1. Radiologicka klinika fakaltY vaeobeeneho lekaretvi KU v Prazep prednoota prof. dr. V. Svab, Dr8c. Klinika OUsticks chirurgle lekarske fakulty bygienicke KU v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. V. Karfik., DrSc. II kozni k1trJka fakulty- vasobsoneho lekarstvi KU v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. T. Obrtel, DrSc. (EEWGIOMA) (NEOPLASM RADIOTHER.APY) (NEOPLASM REGRBSSIONJ SPONT)MOUS) (SURGERY, OPERATIVE) VRABEC, R.; KOLA.R, J.; DOBRKOVSKY, M. Grou-th disorders as a result of thermal injuries. Acta chir. orthop. traum. aech. 29 no.6:559-565 D 162. 1. Klinika plasticke chirurgie lekarske fakulty hygienicke University Karlovy v'Praze, prednosta akademik F. Burian Radiologicka klinika fakulty vseobeeneho lekarstvi University Karlovy v Praze, Frednosta prof. dr. V. Svab, Drsc. (BURNS) (GROWTH) (BONE DISEASES) (COLD) (FROSTBIT:,,,) KOLAR, J.; BEK, V.; YAZ9-0, MARESOVA, J.; SCHWANK, R.; SEDIAGEK, KUGERA, M. Roentgen findings in angioma and other vascular abnormalities. Cesk. rentgen 16no.6:380-394 D 162. 1. Radiologicka klinika fakulty vaeobeeneho lekarstvi Karlovy university v Fraze, prednosta prof. dr. V. Svab, DrSc. Klinika plasticke chirurgle hygienicke fakulty Karlovy university v Fraze, prednosta akademik F. Burain II. dermat'ovenerologicka klinika fakulty vseobocnaho lekarstvi Karlovy university v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. J. Obrtel. (MiANG1014k) (ANGIOMATOSIS) PESKOVA, 1j.* IC, P LL2~L--- . Tissue damage on the foot after roentgen irradiation of benign processes. Acta chir. orthop. trauma. Cech. 28 no-4:30?-310 f6l. 1. Klinika plasticke chirurgie lekarske fakulty hygionicke v Praze, prednosta akademik Frantisek Burian. (FOOT radiation eff.) (RADIATION INJU10,Y) KOLAR, Jaromir. MUDr.;_JW ,11,414o, Mr. Osseous changes In patients treated with roentgen rays and radium for ulcers. Acta chir. orthop. traum. coch. 23 no.4:214-218 July 56. 1. Z radiologicke kliniky Karlovy University v Praze, prednosts. prof. %Mr. V. Svab. Z kliniky plasticke chirurgie Karlovy university v Praze, prednosta, akademik Frantisek Burian. (ROEMIN RAYS. inJurious effects, vone lesions in ther. of ilcer (00) RADIUM, injurious effects, same) (uric MR, therapy. radium & x-rays. causing bone lesions (Cz)) (BONES. diseases, radium & x-ray lesions caused by ther. of ulcer (Cz)) KOLAR, -Taromir; VRABHCP Radko Changes mused by irradiation of ' Cranial bones, Cesk- neurol. 25 the no.3:149-153 My 162. 1. Hadiologicka klinika KU v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. Vaclav Svab Klinika plasticke chirurgie KU v Praze, prednosta akademik Frantisek Burian. (SKULL radiation effects) KOLAR, J.; EEK, V. ; ji-Affi"i-W, MARESOVA, J.; SCHWANX, R.; 3EDLAGEK, J-.; KUGERA, X. a X-ray findings in &ngiomas and other vascular malformations. Rev czech med 9 no. 2:103-125 163. 1. Radiological Clinic (Director: Prof. V. Sveib,, M.D., So.) Second Dermatological Clinic (Director: Prof. K. Obrtel,' M.D., D. So.) Faculty of General Madi3ine and Clinic of Plastic Ourgee (Director; Academician F. Burian), Medical Facul WVof Hygiene2 Charles University Prague. (HEMANGIOMA) 10 (SKIN NEOPLASMS) (,LBNORMALITIES~ (RADIOGRAPHY) (VASGULAR DISEASFZ) KOLAR, Jaromir; VRABEC Rad)w Changes in Ivhe bones after eleotric current injury. Cesk.rentg.14 no.4:225-235 Ag'60. 1. Radiologicka klinilm KU v Praze, prednosta prof. MUI)r. Vaclav Svab. Klinika pro plastickou chirurgii KU v Praze, -orednosta akademik Frantisek Burian. (BONE AND BMS mdiogr) (ELE6TRICITY) KOLAR, J.1_1RABZG. R. Radiation injury of the bone in adults and Its manifestations. Acta chir.orthop.traum.cech.27 no4:361-368 Agl6o. 1. Radiologiclm klinika, prednosta prof. MUDr. Vaclav Svab, a klinika pro plast. chirargii, predn. akademik 1. Burian, University Karlovy v Praze. (RADIATION IN JUR Y) (BONE AND BONES radiation off) SCHWANK, R.; MARESOVA, J.; BEK, V.; KOLAR, J.; KUCERA,, M.; SEDIAC39, A. % the elassification, nomenclature and.clinical picture of hemagioma. (An attempt at correct clAnnificatioe-of hemangioma). Cask. derm. 38 no.2:87-95 AP 163. 1. 11 dorm to-vanarologi eka klinika fakulty vve4pbsobehe lekarstvi KU r Praze, prednosta prof. dr. J. Obi-tal Radiologicka klinika fakulty mobeonaho lakarstvi KU v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. V. Svab Klinika plasticke abirurgia lakaroke fakulty hygionicke KU v Praze, prednosta akademik F. Burian. (NOMENCLATURE) (MAANGIO14A) (CLASSIFICATION) BEK., V.; KOLAR, J.; KUCERA, M.; SEDLACHK, J.; VRABEC,,. _4.; SCHWANK, R.; MARESOVA, J. On the problem of the biological behavior and spontaneous involution of hemangian in children. Ceak. pediat. 18 no.7: 605-612 J1 163. 1. Radiologic)m klinika fakulty voeobscusho lakaretvi KU v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. V. Svab, DrSc.; Klinika plasticke chirurgie lekarske fakulty hygienicke KU v Praze, prednOBta prof. dr. V. Karfik II dermato-venarologicka klinika fakulty vasobeeneho lekarstvi KU v Praze,, prednosta Prof. dr. J. Obrtel, DrSc. (FOWGIOMA) (NEOPLASM REGRESSIONI SPONTANEOUS) VF,JVAT.I(A, -Y,; VRABSC, R. A chavter Trarsosseoue fix:tticm of the bone graft, to the matrir. 6 i-n hand surgery Acta ebir. orthops tritum. cerh. .31 no.C-:518--522 DI 0/4 I* Klinika plastlake chirurgie lokarske fakulty ~ygienickva Karlovy Un-lversJty 7 Itaze (prednosta prof. dr. V.Karfik). VRABI',,C, Stanislav Material incentives in railroad transportation. Doprava 7 no 2: 104-109 165, VRABEC, Stanislav Improvement of management is the basic problem in transports, tion. Doprava no.11.366--367 162. 1. Vyzkumny ustav dopravni. VRA= Stanislav lbasurement of 3.gbor produetivity in transportation* Doprava no.9:295-297 162. VRABEC, S. Ways of increasing average wages; a long-term nomo I. p* 71. ZELEZNICNI DOPRAVA A TECHNIKA. (Ministerstvo dopravy) Praha, Czechoslovakia Vol. 7. no. 3, 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, No. 11. Nov. 1959 Uncl. VRABEC: V. More attention to the autumn treatment r-f meadows anrJ onstures. p. L33. (hechanisace Zemedelstvi. Vol. 7, Fo. 19, Oct. 1957, Prohn, Czechc'slove'r-ia) Nonthly Index of East Eurc;pe,-,n Accessicn (EEAI) LC. Vol. 7, No. 2, February Ic,58 hom 0. 0111 ull low lau asam* 41 Alfj 048:0 it -I. ax r I I I I I AA a (K 0 a 1- $ 4 A 0 I l It oft, vaotal it, ,. . I'll"Isits A.-O pecrellf'" -vo. A it[ egg ...... ... .. 147*01t.tift. V1611A 'V`lf 1 k4" Zf"tp 1910, It. 341-h A I vj- AS 4;ik 111341) . with III ratalylt A. Ovaijam of of -31 . zoo so Goo see goo 2000 c0 0 age v 000 goo 0.. Q.( Joe a ad a so a I w of 9 u 0 190pa as gill plera ICU w I't a it 41 0 0 0 * 0 e 48 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 49 4 ele 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 a 0 T at0 0040010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 41 0 0 0 0 0 a ej 0 a 0 40 0 0 CZECHOSLOVAKIA CATAH, G. , Doc. MUDr, Qc. 1 ZACIL4A, M.; VALENT, Me; VRABICP J. I HINIE-HOLJWA# Re I I FAVLINAp Me an-mmalfilowmadow Parasitological Research Laboratory, Dept. of Biology, Faculty of Medicine, Comenius Univ. (Vyakumne laboratorium it I* i* A K&tedre biologie Lek. take University KowenxkehoT".B-rzatO8ig&v& Tfor all) Bratislava, Bratislawske lekarske listy, No 4, 28 Feb 67P pp 226-34 "Infestationoet. minall mamm"s with tissue protom"eO (re ) TWIC, Mira ~otpukownik d-r. Organic and functional problms In the diagnosis of nerve disorders. .Tqj.san.pregl.,Beogr. 12 no-5-6:260-263 May-Juns 155. 1. Neuropsibijatriska, kliniks, YKA (MMVOUS SYSTM. dis. diag.,organic & funct. approach (Ser)) DOERKOVSKY, M.: SEDIAGRK, R; Lail, J, ., -- -._ ~O Clinical aspects of frostbite. Ceak. f78141- 7 no.4035-337 July 58. 1. niniks, planticke chirurgie, oddeleni pro leobu popalenych, Klinika radiologicka, Praha. (FROSTBITMI clin. aspects (Cz)) KOLAR, Jaromir; ---,Radko, Radiation injuries during diagnostic procedures in surger7. Cos. rentg. 13 no.5:301-306 0 159 1. Radiologicka klinika, Drednosta prof. dr. V. Bvab Klinika plasticke chlrurgie KU, prednosta akademik F. Burlan. J (YUGTURIS radiography) (FORSIGM BODISS radiography) (R&DIATION INJURY) VRABETSO F.9 dots. **- W- , '' Fumetional. histolW of the angle of the anterior chambere' Vest. oft- 71 no.3:6-10 W-Je '58 (MIRA 11:9) 1. 1-ya Glazneya klinika Karlova universiteta v Prage (dir. - prof* E. Diustbir). (EYE. anat. & histol. angle of anterior chamber, funat. histol. (Rua)) KOLUMR,, Yaromir [Kolar., J.1j VRABETS., Radko Nrabecy R.] Origin and course of u1cerationo of the skin following radiation injury. Vast. rent. i rad.* 35 no. 5:50-55 My-Je 160# (MIRA 14:2) l..Iz radiologicheskoy kliniki (zav. V.Svab) i kliviki vosst~3bovitell- noy khiruigii (7-av. - akadem:Lk Buriyan) Karlova universiteta (Fraga),' Adrea avtorov: F~-aga 119 V Nemotanitse 29 Radiologicheskaya klinika. (SKIN--ULCFXS) J(RADIATION ST~CKWS) KARAMISHEV, IV.; TENCHEV, P.; V..IABEVSKI..--St. Contribution to the problem of Meckel'a diverticulum as a cause of acute surgical diseases of the abdomen. Khirurgiia (Sofia) 14 no.12: 1073-1079 161. 1. Okruzhna bolnitsa, Pleven G1. lolAr:'R. Rusev. (MECMIS DIVERTICULUM diag) (ABDWM ACUTE diag) CONSTANTINESCUP G.N.; CR1STEA, M.; VRABIE, Elena Neurological and psychic accidents in the course of cycloserine treatment, Rumanian M Rev. no.2:40-43 A J 160. (CYCLOSERI1V3 toxicologyr e (MENTAL DISORDERS etiology) (NEUROLOGIC * W11FE STATIONS) CIOYNATUI, P., dr. jat.*,, Ckre U,4-ris,artion t/,c4!mlr vith ttutopolyrz-r-Jr4da aer;f"lato 9'w partW u IA 0, re e0ecUmta in acmici-.a do atrnrjtc,.lW..-'LQ al Aloliclinicill ijr,, 10, Wotavatil (ac.0ai dro i~, Globotuu). VRABILS il ~- ~y -- Uniform preDaration of finishing pastes for sizing cotton t1arps by using tablets. p. 317. Vol. 6, no. 9. Sept. 1055. INDUSTRIA ThITILA. Bucuresti. SOURG-1: East European Accession List (LEAL), LC, Vol. 5, No. 2, Fhb. 1956. 14ILCOUs St.M.; VRABIESCO, Al. The hypothyroid effect of novocaine thyroid gland blockade in conditions of modification of the state of excitability of the central nervous system. Rev. sci. med. 5 no.3/4:205-209 160. 1. Membre de 11acaderide de la R.P.R. (for flucou). (CEMEAL NERVOUS SYSTEM physiol.) (THYROID GLAND pharmaca.) (ANESTHESIA CONDUCTION experimental) ASIAN, A.; CIWEANU, L.;_YWJ~E~q) A]..; STAITESCUp S.; COMSA, E.; NAUM, M.; COSTINIU, M.; COS14DVICI, N.; DONILESCIJ, C.; BOJINESCU,, I. Experimental arteriosclerosis in female white rats, in relation to age. Fiziol. norm. pat. 11 no.1:77-84 Ja-F 165. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Institutul de geriatrie, Bucuresti (director: prof. A. Aslan). STANESCU, S.; VRABIESGU. Al.. COSWVICIj U.; SACERDOTEANUv Fl. I Correlations betveen exUrnal pulmonary ventilation and oiU- hemoglobin saturation of the arterial blood in the aged. Stud, cercet. fiziol. 10 no.3:291-295 165. KWANWEhiman and Animal Physiology. Digestion. V Abs Jour: Ref. Zhur-Diol., No 6p 2958, 2706. 'f Author ~t--M. Milcu, Al. Vrabiescu and I. Florea. Title The L-flw)nce of the Time of ThirYon the Motor Activity of the Intestine (AnIgperimental Investi- Sation). Orig Pub: Studii si cercet1ri endocrinol. Acad. M, 19560 7, No 4; 439-449. Abstract: In rabbits during the at, r the capacity for establishing conditioned intestinal motor reflexes inareased, as did the sensitivity of interoceptors and nervous centers to acetylcholine; at the same time the excitability of the intestine decreased. In the vinter, on the other hand, the excitability Card 1/2 5-7 L 6h664~~6 ACCLSSION Nfis AP5b23232 JU1000316W01510201063i AUTHORI Zapan, M. I Andreescup V. I Cowcarup Z.. I Marti n- j Wrables TITM Toohirghiol mud as an ion exchanger SOURCEs Ravists do chisie, v- 15# w. 10, 196h, 637-" TOPIC TAGSt ion exchangep electric potential ABSTRAM -'The authors teated the mud from Techirrbiol Iake by various methods, and particularly by the recording of the electrical potuntial during ion exchanges. The mud-was found to poosess ion- ex0ang'" quF%ties fgr lower-valence ions, satecially ca. Mg Fe and X . It behaved like..oynthe id ion ex- &r~ers VA~n a jqgtq4jq_Xqg"eration with a sodium chl'oridel Boluiianej-64. 'arts bass 3 table@# 2 figaves I graph. -- #W .... .. . . -- - - - . --. . . I I I il 3262-66 E'PC (f) ACC NRI A? W 2 121 S.OURCE CODE: RU/0003/65/016/001/00~5/0039. Ye.- AUTHOR: C-_n-,t;-,_ntjneccu M.-Kon'stantinesku, M.; Vrabiepc -Vrebiyesl(~01 Vrabiyesk,,i, Ye.; Andreescu, Verona--Andreyeskup Department of General and Physical Chemistry, InQtitute of Petroleum ORG: Gas~s, and Geology. Bucharest (Catedra de chimie Mica si generala, de la Insif Nut e- petrol, gaze si geologie) TITLE: Kinetic study concerning the electrical effects during the ion exchange of some granular cationites [Presented at the Republic ChemistrY SYmPOsium at Iasip 19641 SOURCE: Revista de chimie, v. 16, no. 1, 1965, 35-39 TOPIC TAGS: ion exchange, chemical kinetics ABSTRACT: An analysis of .tne kinetic processes occurring during the ion exchange of water-softeners of the cation type under the influence of voltages of 0 to 90 volts of continuous and alternating current. The effect of the voltage in terms of the concen- tration of the solution flowing over the cationite is studied and compared to the effect with distilled water# ahd some electrokinetic processes and their possible interaction in the ion-exchahge 'process are di.scussed. Orig. art. has: 8 figures. (Based on authors' Engo abstract] IJMOI SUB CODE: 07 SUBM DATE: tione / ORIG REF: 006 / OTH REFt 002 SOV REF: 001 Card 1/1 , I's UDCt 661.183.12j#2037.36 pl-F C- u - r- C T R A-,--~3. JCT~11. : RZK111m., No. 1959p Yo - A UT TH 0 R : Bunate anu, Ch. oE: rbane s Cu ~ A.; i T Bucharr-st of PeTrclewit and Cias T I 2L. Rapid of' Phosphoric Z"%~:id ir, ana Bone -o~ 1~..; a pa ol' Copaux. Lucrarile L-st. petrol si gaze bucur~-s-'~-,.*L, 1c,,57, 3, 345-352 A- B S T RA C T For dcteT-,!,iuticn Of. F205 ir. apatite, anu bon( u~;.- is uiadc- of i;I,!I% of Copaux (Copaw, h. I G. RI 3eanc(s ue 11kcEid. des, 1c.,21, 173~ 15. 6c,411 based or. fopmation, o10 et.-Er-Thosphomolybdic icid cozj.i~lex an ac-A- me,- (j;I! Ti,e IaLLerj ai-ter (-,(;n-n- -I-fug- ~ ion, -'s separuted fro;.-, excess ether ana ~.-jatt:~r. 'Iy liqu'd7 ti-e voitme of which dEpends on yellow, o*- 0 c c).r,, t e nt o --' tl:c sample. To the sample belng anaij-z~-6 ure added 10 ml concent-,tt.-~-i h::03 and 50 r.1 co~,C:i~-u- r a Ci 5 11'2~~041 tf'C' rfilytUr(' 1:3 (-~VaIJO tL' ~Utltil , 0 3 - ~'U""~; 5 evolved, coolud, 200 r.,.! Water are added) -.euted tl'o a ~;'CL-1, cooled, diluted with w-,zter to 500 ml~ and filtered. 4RD: 1/3 7-,u-ibJLc.-,cu, L.; F,din~ I's C"* J_l,,rTR" Rumania A3,'~. JOUR. RZIMim. , No. IN31T T ITL-:~' ORIG. --PUB. E-2 ITO. 86180 1959, ABSTRACT obtained with a standard solution Of Yd12PO4 (C'- 6. g/liter). In accuracy, tl.e method is not inferior to the gravimetric; duration of dc"Le.-minat ion is of 15 minutes, B. Manole. GA.U-- 3/3 2 -3- W /CM3/64/o 1~ /o lo /o63 7/0640 z, nart4-, D.,, Vrabie~~cl, -17 .A a La 1-. tut;'I'll (10 pelm j~oologie 9 t ~;i r Uriw i t41 :-,g ra of Pqtrole-uri, ~a3es anrl -:~e C) 0 777 ORS rar;