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_F)~ rw F- A/, US SW Physical Chemistry - Electrochemistry. B-12 Abs Jour: Referat - MMMal, Khimiya, No 3, 1958, 7314. Author : -T.N,_]Belina, A. 1. rrasil, shchikov. Inst, : btate-TeTe-a-fi-fic ]Research and Planning Institute of Nitrogen Industry. Title : Electrochemical Processes of Oxidation under Pressure. Orig Pub: Tr. Gos. n.-i. i proyekrn. in-ta azotn. prom-sti, 1956, vYP. 5, 356-363. Abstract: To continue the work (Mnlm, 1955, 31327),, the anode be- 0 havior of smooth and platinized Pt and Ni in 1 n. NOR at 20 and various polarizations and pressures P of H2 was investi- gated. It is shown that the dependence between the anode current density i and the potential If remains lineal up to (+20) to WO) =v (compared with n.v.e.[hydrogen saturated electrode? See abstract 10. 7302.-7) in the cue of ordinary Pt and up to 0.2 v in the case of Pt, which has been preli- Card 1/2 -12- TJ,SSWFhysJca1 Chemistry Electrochemistry- B-12 Abs Jour: Referat. Zhurnal KhiMiYaY Ito 3, 1958, 7314- minarily oxidized as anode. in the case of Ni, the recti- linear branch ofthe curve (i., V ) covers the region of the anode polarization and the start of the cathode polarization at P up to 100 atm. At P greater than 120 atm, and starting from +0-18 to +0-20 V) q is shifted at a constant i to the magnitude of +o.42 v, at which the phase oxidation of the electrode takes place. An usumption, of a Mutual Oxygen and hydrogen influence at their joint adsorption is expressed. The strength of the surface oxides rises with the increase of p of H2, and the presence of solute oxygen facilit4tes the adsorption of H atoms forming on the Cathode- Card 2/2 _13- ZIOLKOWSKIJ, Zdzislaw; BELINA-FREUNDLICH, Danuta Announcement. Chemia stosow 6 no. 4:615-616 162. 1. Katedra Inzynierii Chemicznej, Politechnika, WrIckaw, I ANDRTUSHCHMO. 7u.3., BIGIN. Tu.1., BASHKIF&SW, A.A., B11 'KOV, G-Ye, ZXWUCEBR,-~~USMM, N.M., VAGANOTO A.X.,,GASHBYO A.M., THSIKOV, LA., ZGIRSKff. Ch.l.. IGHOW,M.L. -COMR119, Te.V, XMIKOV, X.T.. PATSESVICK. 1.P., PICHAX, F.I., RAYTSES, T.B.. RUDAKOV. A.S.. SAPRYKIN, V.H., SrDOROV. 7.F.. LWINSKIY. Te.A. DI.P.L. CEFMM6VSKIT. Yu.1., BUSMM. N.M., kand.tekhn, naux, rode; DUGINA# WeAw,tekhnereds (Manual for agricultural machiner7 operators] Pt, 3, Stationary internal combustion engines, steam engines and windmills, Rural electriftention. Mechoulantion of production In animal husbandry* Spravochnik makhanizntors Rel'skogo kh02IRI8tV8. Pt. 3. Statsionarays, 4vigateli vautrennego sgoraniia, lokomobili I vatrodvlgateli. Blektrifikatain sel'skogo khosiaintva. Kekhanitateiia proinyodstveWkh protsessov v zhivotnovodstve. Pod red. N.M. Bushueva. Moskva, Goe.nauchno-tekhns Izd-vo mashinostrolt, lit-r7, 195 200 p, ~H-IRA 11:8) (Agricultitral machinery) AMYUSUOMMO, lugs.; BAGIN, Yu.l.; ~ASHKWSW, A.A.; BBMIX:OV, Me.; jLWtINICHIM.j~Sh,;.-3USEU7%7, N.M.; VASANOV, A.K.; GASEMY, A.M.; YBDIff.-CA.; 7-GIBSKIY, Ch.l.; IGANTIYIW. X.I.; KOWSHKIN, U.N.; MIXOT9 N.T.; PATSIMIOR, Ioll.;.PICH&K, 7,1.; FUTSIS, V.B.; RUDAKOV, A~S.; SAFRYKIN, V*M.; SIDCROV, F.F.; MUNMY, Te.A.; KHANZHIN, F.K.; CHIMOVSKIY, Tu.I.; YMMIN, D.D,, Imud. takhn, nauk retsenzent;'MOAROV, X.P., insh., reteenizent; TORBIWq 2eSel kand: 'tekhn. nauk, retsenzeit; POLKANOT.J.P.9 k-And. tekhn. nank, retsenzent; IGNATOYff, M.G., agrouom, reteenzent; GUTKO, I.K*, in2h. retsenzent; YXDMOV, X.P., tekhn. red.; SAWAOIKOVA, O.A., takhn: red* [Reference manual for the agricultural machine operator] S~pravochnik makhenizators, sellskogo khoziaistva. .Pt.2. ~Repair of tractors and agricuitural mac*hiner*7TRemont traktor6v i selskDkhoziaistveunjvl& mashin. Pod red. N.K. Bmshueva. Nbakwa, Gos.- nauebuo-tekhn. izd- vo maahinostroit. lit-Z7. 1957. 335 po (mm 11:9) (Agriculttwal*machiner~-Maintenance and repair) ( ,, (-f If . ' # 'T /C -/"-, I %~ ~)7 SHCHERIO) Yu.S.; BAGIV, in.1.1 BASHXIRTSIV, A.A.; BIT IKOV. O.Ye.t 1SgwL-L.Sh'- B RM, N.M.; VAGANOV. A.I.: GASHIT, A.M.: xRL -TWOKOV, X.A.1 ZGIRSKIY, Ch.l.; IGNATITV, N.I.; MRUSHIII, U.N.; KUZIHOV. N T:; PATSOVICH, I,R.; PICHAI, F.I.; RAYTSIS, T.B.; RUDAKOV, A:S I SAPRVIII, Y.M., SIDOROV, Y.P.; UNINS11Y, Ye.A.; KHMHINI P.K.; CHXMOVSKIY, Yu.I.; YIRAKEITIN, D.D., kand.tekhn.nauk; retsensent, MAKAROV, M.P., Insh.,rateenzent; TOR133YIV, Z.S., kand. tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; POLIANOV, I.P., kand.tekhn.nauk, retsembut; IGNATIYIV, M.G., agronam, reteenzent; GUTHU, I.H., inshener, reteensent; SARAFANNIKOVA, G.A., tekhn.rod.; 73RKAKOV, N.P., [Manuel for agricultural mechanft6ri] Spiavochnik mekhanizatora sel'Ovgo khosiaistva. Moskva, Goo.nzuehno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry-. Pt.l. [Tractors and automobiles, agricultural machinery and implewents, and operation of machine and tractor yards] Traktory i avtomabili, sellskokhoslaietTennyo mmehiny i orudiia, okepluatateiia mashinno-traktornogo parka. Pod. red.N.M.Bushuava. 1957. 462 p. (MIRA 10:12) Nachine-tractor stations) 26783 B/121/61/000/008/004/006 DOWD113 AUTHOR: Belinicher, I.Sh. TITLEt New method.for milling concave surfaces PERIODICALs Stanki i instrument, no. 8, 16-19 TEXTt The author described a new method for milling concave surfaces. It consists in milling the concave profile of work pieces using cutters with rectilinear cutting edges. Milling can be carried out in two ways: (1) on a vertical-milling machine using face cutters if the profile of the work iece is within that section of the ellipse limited by its major axis g. 1). (2) On a universal horizontal-milling machine using angular c'ut- M ters if the profile of the work piece is within that section of the ellipse limited by its minor axis (Fig. 2). The front angles were chosen according to formulas proposed by Professor M.N. Larin, i.e. 230 for A 15 (2Khl3) steel; the rear angles were 10-150. The new method has been introduced at the SverdlovBkiy turbomotornyy zavod (Sverdlovsk Turbo-Engine Plant). The efficiency of initial milling of blades was doubled. When milling the inner profile of the working-blades of the 20th sta#e of the turbine by means of Card 1/4 26783 B/121/61/000/008/004/006 New method for milling concave surfaces D04l/D113 cutters with? 18 (R18) steel knives, the allowance is removed in one pass instead of 4 rough passes as envisaged by former methods at v = 35.8 m/min, a transverse adjustment t - 25 mm, a longitudinal feed s = 52 mm/ain, and n- 71 r.p.m. The new method has the following advantages: (1) Optimum va- lues of the front and rear angles can be chosen. (2) A smoother surface is obtained. (3) No idle sliding of the mill's cutting edge occurs when using face and angular cutters. (4) The amount of cutters is reduced because one cutter can mill several profiles. (5) Hard-alloy cutters pan be-used. There are 5 figures. Card 2/4 KOZIN, B.G.; ITMIYAKOVP V.B.; RABOTIN, A.N., inzh., retsenzent; . BELINICHER, I,Sh,,j_,,kand. tekhn. nauk., red.; GARANKINA, -,red.i,zd-va-;-DDIKINA, N.F., tekhn. red. [Screw-thread machining; handbook] Rezlboobrabotka; spra- vochnik. Moskva., Mashgiz, 1963. 100 p. (MIRA 17:2) -I I,-: " -, ~ r~ . I - o. , , , 'IT-ypi-cal fo~, ~,,uti.on-I~'7.ctura theatOrs6 s~aro--ial ~oili t,',-catc.,r7" I Z- i, i -, io:i,~-1-cliEmik , -o. 7, !~~,52 33ELILIN,, Go 2. UssR (6oo) 4. Moving-Pictare Projectiou 7. Dimmor m9vin&-picture locations with daylight film showings. Kinemokhanik. No.9, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessious, Library of Congress, -Taaua'7 -1953. Unclassified. BILININ, (it .8-NOWWOW Platining ana calculation of moving picture theater capacity. Kinomekhanik no.4:23-26 AP 153. (Moving picture theaters) I OMU 6:6) BILILIN, G. RINOwdo""Naft Daytime moving-picture projection in claseroome. linomekhanik no,5:23-28 W 1,53. (MLBA 6:6) (Moving-picture projection) ~.% a - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11110111C 0 FTV 11 0. .0 .01 LF .1 A 'A_c a I r A-A _A 1-1 ~L~vo 004 not -00 Tb~ 0 Sect 0l gall WCWM ga ow od"don of morbifol to bubo" amAk still. ZALKAI- 11"lovAltya will jUivilliAll, LAIL, LVII 111 00 0* 1-3(in Euxt6b. Addit. tit A% bi itilits. W 008 ti o.2-104'to Airdakiltr mirlaw-Voirom %Ultturt wo Yc"t 00 aulf Will mwbitsil, rcducr% thv "M i4 sA-g bow. Ale.and '00 unutdi"ll sk. 6 twk-wist, the oxi,latilml i9 willut.4 6 IV. 43 Ian". AvOl I (".:I WA141"I to t1w Cull life -.1 .00 00 Ak.. hA% oic smito coft-t. 'ro Imewilt 1116 VVIA14141is"I sit 00 0 1,01 isLIL"WiteLm.. it 644'i~aw tom.-Illise 11W euvr1irv :100 mull not with &14'. Frl.V %WI.jtl)l 111t.1111, 41-1 %0 he 00%o 160 1:0 0 goo 1!00 1%00 joo i I DO 40 111414 Hit o"l 081 u Is AT Asiv, 1 1 4 a 0 4 1 4 V I 0 p 13, to ova Ian nuet unwo, w -3 is 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11111 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 O'o 0 0 0 01 .11100 00000 & 0 wieso 0 **so*& 00000000 0 0 a 0 a 0 a 0 & a a BAMNIN, L,N*;. BILINKINO AAe; BUX&MV, V,A.; XA6ULIN, VA,-, ZOTMV, S.L, New techuolcS7 In the manufacture of tubular form components Iq means of'high-frequency heating. Xed,prom. 14 no,3t3O-52 Mr 16o. (MIRL 13:16) 1. gedilco-instrumeutalvW xavod 617raenogrardayets",* (KZDICAL IffSTRUMMS AS AWAMUS) BELINKIN 1~.A.;-BUKANOVv V.A.; ZOTIKOV~ S.L.1 KATULIN, V.A.; SHTACHKIML, Substitution of plaotio materials for metals. ifed, M;j '15 no,-1: ~~55 4L 161. 1411) 1. Ieningradakiy ordena Ioenina mediko-instr=entallnyy savod WKral3tOgVaMGy8t8.' (DRUG INDUSTRY) .BELINKIN BAMNIN, Lev Nikolayevichl IL 'IN, V.A.,v rcd.; GRIGOR'YZVA.,-l,S,,, rede izd-va; BELOGUROVA, I.A..' tokhm. red. [Mechanization of ornamental grinding and polishing operations] MokhanizatBiia dekoratlufth shlifovallno-polirovallrqkh rabot; ol-7t zavoda "Krasnogvardests.0 Leningrad, 1962. 30 p. (MIRA 15 z 8) (Grinding and polishing) ,Cz -BEIMIKIY,_A.Airq-'inzh, Standard planning in woodworking cnt~.rprisos* Deroprorao 10 noel: 16 Ja 161. (VMd 14:2) 1. Giprolostrans. (Wooduorkiw,, industries) (Factories-Design and construction) F. , 11:511.113 Cutting of rorm6l beechwood sleepers on vertical saw frames. P. 505 (Industrin Lennu3ui. Vol. ~, n(-.. 12, Dec. Aicuresti, RIrenla) I.' L. -ontily Index of East European Accessicns (FFI-I) LC. Vol. 7, no. 2, February 1958 BELINSCHI. P. AGRICULTURE PERIODICAL: REVISTA PADURILOR, Vol. 73, no. 10, Oct. 1958 BELINSCHI, P. Application of asymmetric siople models to mechanical production of sleepers. p. 608 Monthly List of East European Accessions (&!I) LC Vol. 8. No 4 April 1959, Unclass I- E3LINSKATA, A.T.- BOGUMAYSKAYA, S.A.; MIN, A.B.; PRUSSAK, 10. T. TJ - MAYIDOTICH, Ya.I., do-ktor yarid.nauk, red.; MORUSTALRT. 3:70V Md.-. SHIU)T, L.A.. red.; TODMAGINA, S.D., tekhn,red, [-Socialist competition in-Leningrad enterprises during the years of the first five-year plan, 1928-19321 Sotsialistichaskoe sorevuovanie na predpriiatiiakh Laningrada v gody pervoi plati- letki. 1928-1932 gg.; ibornik-dokumentov i materialov. Pod red. U..I.Davidovicha. Leningrad, Isd-vo Laning.univ., 1961. 343 P. (MIRA 14':4) 1. Leningrad. Gosuderstvannyy arkhiv Oktyabrlskoy revolynteli i ootsialistichookogo stroitalletva. (Leningrad--Socialist competition) Ck- TITOVA., A. I.;DADA $TAX, M. A.;B3LINSFJ.TL, A. Ya Investigation on the effectivuess of certain antibiotics and chemical preparations in diphtheria bacilli carriers. Uchen. zapski vtor. moskov. mad, Inst, Stalina 1:231-237 1951, (CLUL 21%3) le Assistant for Titova. 2. Paculty Children's Clinic (Director - Prof. Do Do Lebadev) and the Department of Children's Infee- tions (Head -- Go V. Vygodchikov), Moscow Municipal Institute of 31pidemiology and Bacteriology. B31LINSKAYN INA .-YAT=vA, ya.*. f 1, Blaotrode proportion of ion exohavgs membraneg [vith gumgU7 in ftlishl. Vbst- M 12 no.16:85-102 157. (MIU10ril) (Illectrodialysis) (Alectrodes) (Ion exchange) jzLnqsKAYAj F. A.: Master Chem Sci. (dies) -- "rhe electrode properties of I................... ........... cationitic ion-exchange reeins". Leningrad, 1958. 8 pp (Leningrad Order of Lenin State U im A. A. Zhdanov) 150 coPies (KL, No 5, 1959, 144) LGU 1 ron,)rtlv~; if 'in f~xc,~ F~ T ,10.2?:112-P120 A9. (la Ion 'e'--cclhanr,!a) (I-aribranes ,Electrode propertie,~ of ion exchange membranes. Usp.kWmo .20 no.7:0,14-931 J2 161. (KMA 14: 8) 1. Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet, kafedra fizicheskoy khinii. (Ion exchange) (Blectromotive force) MATEROVA, E. A. (Materova, Ye. A.); BELINSKAIA, F. A. [Balinakayap F. A61 Electrode proparties.of the iron-agahanging membranes. Analele cbimis 17 no.1:23-43 Ja-Mr 062. ACCESSION NR: AT40424261 8/0090/63/000/000/0075/0081 AUTHOR: Materova, Ye. A., Belinskaya, F. A., Militsina, E. A. TITLE: Some of the electrochem!cal properties of, ion exchange membranes I SOURCE: Respublikanskoye nauc6o-teknicheskoye soveslichaniye po'ionnomu obmenu. Alma-Ata, 1962, Teorlya I praktika Ionnogo ebmena (Theory and practice of Ion exchange);- trudy* soveshchanlya. Alma-Ata, lzd-vo An KazSSR, 1903, 76-81, TOPIC TAGS: ion exchange membrane, ion exchange resin, polymer film, electro- ment, galvanto chemistry, membrane potential, resorchiol exchange resin, pil measure CCU ABSTIMM The difference between the membrano potentials of various ion' exchange disphragms prepared form sulfocarboxyl resins, hydroxyl cation exchange r4sins, basW anion exchange resins and some inorganic ionite.s was investigated at the Ion exchange laboratory of Leningrad University. The membrances were prepared in the form of small a_ .disks either by pressing a fine powder with polystyrene, polyethyleneorpolymethylmeth ii -crylate as the binders, orby molding. abinder with the dispersed powder of an exchange rVala 1/2 Sac ACCESSION NR: AT4042426 from an organic solvent. Technical ion exchange membranes prepared in the laboratory of Ye. B. Trostyanikaya at P&hTI.and at the NIEPM were also studied. The galvanic cells AG I AgCl, M"Cl I Ion exchange membrane I M++C1, AgCl I Ag and Ag I AgClj: M"CI I Ion exchanges menybrane I M++Cl, sat'd-. KC1, H92C12 1 Hg were used to measure the membrane potentials In a variety of electrolytes. Despite a relatively lectivity with respect, to hydrogen Ions, membrane electrodes were found to match low se the glass electrode in measuring pH in aggreselveltnedia. Thus, a resdrcinol cation exchange resin was able to measure the pH of 0. 015 - 19.7 N HF. - The investigation of ion exchange resin membrane potentials shows them to be an important characteristi ok the chemical and electrochemical properties of Ion-exchange materials. -"Some of the experimental data were obtained by A. Zub, P. Slmbichovskiy and T. 1. RozhanskayaP Opig. art. has: 6 figures, 1 table and 2 equations. ASSOCIATION: Leningiadeldy' psuaiversitet im. A' A. Zhdanova (Leainpad State University) SUBBUTTED: 13NDV63 ENCL: 00 '-SUB CODE: )q !10. OTHER% 000 NO REF SOV: 007 -C.,d 2/2 7:7- 7 77i77 7,1-,':77-~--~,--"---~'r~--_'-_.,-,~,- M) /Su-' WIT w4pusAx ACCESSJON NR. AT50GZ306 S/0000/6,:'./000/000/0198j,"02,n7 1;4- 420 ALTTHOR- Balinskaya, F. A. , Materova, Ye. A., ~~ub, A. 1. 7'1 .0 Membrane olnetrodes' ado of Rome inorganic cation exchailge resinl in Solations SOURCE- AN SSSR, Institut fizicheskoy klAmit. Issledovaniye svoystv towebmennykh rnaterialov (Resea-rai-im the p erties of ion-exchange inaterialG). Moscow, Izd-vo, Nauka, 19.64,- 198-207 TOPIC TAGS* exchar%e reshi,. cafi6n exchadage resin, membrane electrode, eledrode - potential, electrolyte imeentration. phosphoi-nolybdatte electrode, synthetic zeolfte glauconite, polystyrene, polyi,,Ietliacrylatepolyethylene ABSTRAC M. The authors studied the effect of the concentration of NIJACI (0. ()01-3 111), KC 1 (0. 011 -3 M), NTaCl (0. 001 - 3 M), UC-1 (0. 001 - 2 M), and CsCl (d. 001 - 1 .1,11 el~_~-vtro- Iytes amd NaCl (0. 001 - 1 M) - KC 1 (0. 01 or 0. 1 M), IN~a(A (0. 00 1 - I MI) - U.C17 1'0. 0 1, -, - 0; 1 T-4), CsC1 (0, 001 - 1 M) - NaC1 (0. 01 NI), MiCl - HC 1, zug' Na~~ I - NaOH htn;tr~; c! 1, ~re - lytos on the potezatiall of inemb.-IMe ellectxodes' using tile arnillonium. salt 01., phomolybdic acid, (N-F.4)31PN'10120'40) aynthic~tic NLLA anti N~C\- zec'Lites, Card L 3190-65 ACCESSION NR-.,, AT5002306 glauconite as the electrode mernbrane n-uAterial. The 0. S - 1. 0 mni thick high quality clectrode membranes were prenared by pressing mWitres of 40-1,30% of the inorggazdc icoaftes wi&, polystyrene, polym. ethylacryLtte or polyethylene as iiia-cti-,-e binders at 1:~O Ag,/cmZ and 1-30-1-80C. Galvanic ceRs c~f two tyNs - Agj AgC1, NIeCil I membrane' AgCl I Ag (I Indiettes constant -and ** indicates vcr-,,-irg electrolyto con"atration) and A,fF I Ag-C!, MeCl* I membrane I NaCl it KC1, IW-2021 lig - wOrc us'ed in the experiments and a glass electrode was used to determine the p1l of the solutions. -Fhe results, presented in diagrarns of potential v9 pH, Ig a 4-Mer-1 (mean activity of the chlorido), and electode materi,al, a-re discussed. The bei;'-~vior of the ion exchalnge resins as electrode membrane material was found to be similar to that of acid sulfo-resins and sodium-.).Iuminosilicate- glass. "'rho authors thank S. P. Zhdanov of the Institut khtmii silikatov AN SSSR ilicale cher-nistry Institute, AN MSM, who provided the zoolite samples, and A. A. W c nd-U-d-e-j-tE--` lass electrodes. " Oritg. .1 rt. has: 8 Itgures, I e and e experime-fits with g 1 4 formulas. ASR~IATION. None SITY111,41ITTED.. 06Aug64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: 00, MT NO REF SOV: 008 OTH ER: 009 C.,d 2/2 221168 S/Cr77/61/006/003/002/003 D045/Dl]2 Olo& 13 9,r /06 a) AUTHOR: Belinskayap G.I. ro .TITLE: 'T he quality of the imageein high-speed time magnifying lenses PERIODICAL: Zhurnal nauchn6y i'prikladnoy fotografii i kinematografiip v. 6, no.3j, 1961, 213-219 TEXT: The author pictoridlly and theoretically describeg the structure and prin- ciple of a light shutter used,in high-speed time magnifying'lenses and proposes a method.of calculating the effect or the shift of-the,image relative to the film, its defocusing and diffraction caused by the light shutter on the quality of the image. Using this methods the function G(x) is taken as the distribution of light energy-in the object studied with the'aid of the given high-speed time'mag- nifying lens. The function . A(S) is the so-cdlled function of the diitribution of the optical iye'em'of the instrument, i.e. it describes the distribution of light energy in th image -of a point or an infinitely narrow line. A~J) is de- the ab rations and the size oft6 exit pupil of the-optical system of -the instrument, ~-nd als6 by the spectrum field of the ligit energy used. The a distribu 'tibn of 1i t energy in the-image can be described b~ the*expression (Ref;. R.L. Lamberts,'J. Opt. Soo. America, 1958, 48p49O,-Ref-5: A.T. Ashcheulovp Zh.' Card 119 ~2868 S/077/61/006/003/002/003 The quality of the image .... D045/Dll2 z t 00 otogr. i kinematogr.p 1959p' 4,465):' nauchn. i prikl. f E(x) _G(x-t)dI(t)dt. (1)'. _CO where EW-is-considered'in units of illumination. The effect of shifting the image'relative to the photo filmp whichoecurs according to the law f (t), where- t. is the time variable in exposing the filmpAs introduced in e uation~(I). The ope- t I ration of the light shutter is-acdounted-for by the function which characteri-" zes the transtittancy A light energy by the shutter at, the given moment of time t The qtantity of light energy obtained during the exposure in any point of the image. with the coordinefe ~.s determined by the expression. (2) H(:-.).-~S ;fflG (x-Sjj-(t_)j (t)dtdj sinere t time- o-* sillr,';'irting the exposure of the film;ttime of completing the exposure of th e'fiim. The illumination of the image Lring its exposure will be altered. Thereforep in order to evaiuate the image obtained by full exposure) it is conven "ient to take the equivalent value of the function* Ekx) which corres- ponds. to constant Mumination during.the entire exposure, but -the accumulated quantity bf light energy equal to expression'(2). Then the equivalent value of the funct .ion E(x) is eaual to: Card 2/9 22868 S/0`77/61/006/003/002/003 The quality of image DO45/D1l2 -t)e' J (3) The author stated that, before turning from the optical image to that of the photo- graphic image, it is necessary to know how the photographic material affects the quality of the image. As regards the image of the~test object, the influence of the photo film is shown in the additional changd in amplitude N (Ref.6: A.T. AshcheUlov, Zh.. nauch.n. i priklad. fotogri. i kinematogr., 10,60, 5, 148;. Ref.7: R.L. Lamberts, J. Opt. Soc. America, 1959, 49,425). -At the present time there are no such data available for Soviet films so that for evaluating the quality of the pho-.! tographic)image,-the.approximate method proposed by A.L. Liber (Ref.8: Opt.-mqkh. pr=-stl ) 1958, No 5, 29) has to be used. -This method includes the use of the so- ca'Ied Wn i curve Fig-3). The given curve shows how many times the-amplitude in the optical'image of the test object (with fully opened shutter) can be decreased so that the lines of the given frequency would be still photographically distin- -guishalbe. The curve Wn, is the formula (I + AM V2 tv) V2 (10) Card 3/9 22868 S/077J61/006/003/002/003 The quality of'imagd .... D0451D112 where V2. V2. where. V' the resolving power..,Qf the photo layer; Va photographic resolving a power o~ the high-Lspeed time manii~lhg-lens investigated with the shutter fully opened. The point of intersection of the cufVe -W-r,j ..~;ith'.the curve showing the variation j in dependence on*ihe frequency of the lin'eb of-the test object (for example, Fig-3. curve 1) determines the photographic resolving power of the ins- trument investigated.;C~ and affect the variation of the cosine phas'e. These -terms depend on the frequency of the lines. Therefore, the images of.the lines of a-test objedt of varying frequency'will be -variously shifted in comparison with corresponding lines of the same test object. Methods of'calculating B (Ref.9: H.H. Hopkins, Proc. Roy. Soo., A, 1955, 231, 91). based an the application of Fou- rier's mathematical apparatus for different forms of pupils in instruments and taking into account diffraction and the amount of defocusing of the image, as well as* means of calculating B. and (~, for aberration systems are already known. Th;se -mothods include works (Ref.10: fenr6 Miyamoto, J. Opt. Soo. America, 1958, 48, 567) in which methods of considering several wave aberrations have 'been worked out. In Hopkin's work, formulas for calculating aberrations with the Aid of geometrical Card 4/ 9 22W 3/077/61/006/003/002/003,- The quality of the image D045/Pll2 optics are given' To check this theory experimentally, calculations of the effect of image displacement, diffraction and defocussing on the quality of -the image in the (SK) camera were conducted. The photographic resolving powerof the SK camera in the center of the field of viaion was determined by.calculation~ Circular and square-shape'd pupils, of equal area, thus maintaining constant light power for the instrument, were also investigated, (see Fig- 4)- Disregarding abeirationsp the, quality of the irage. is'deter- mined by diffraction. 'in-this connection, .the furntion A (~'') is symmetri- cal and4S = 0 (Ref. 9). B was obtained according to Hopkin s formulasi which for the square pupil have, the following form: rL Q(_ (12) where-/A- the' amount of defocusing of the imge;A the wavelength of thb light energy used;(for the SK camera 640 mm);oC-*half of the aperture angle. Forc.46