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VOTAVA, Z. Continuous rise in the incidence of phoemelia in nevborn infants in western Europe and its relation to thalidoxide administration. Curreryt status of the problem. Case lek. cask. 102 no.21:561-564 24 W 163. L. Farmakologicky ustar lekareks fakulty hygienicke KU v Praze, prednoota prof. dr. Z. Votava. PHOCCHELIA) (TMIDOMIDE) ABNOR M ITIES, DRUG-INDU CED PREGNANCY COMICATIONS) DRUG Tomma) IINFANT NEWBORN) (PREGNANCY) VORTELP J. - ----- "Mounted harrows." p. 523 (Mechanisace Zemedelstvi) Vol. 71 no. 22, Nov. 1957 Fraguej Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) W. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 FINGERLAND. As; VORTRL. Ve Causes of child zortalit7 according to data of the pathologic and anatomic branch of the medical faculty af Charles University In Hradci Kral-ova in 1949. Cac.lak.cosk. 90 no.9t274-278 2 Mar 1951. (CUIL 20:7) PINGZRLAITD, Ant., Prof. MUDr; VORTHL, VI., MUDr; ZITDRYS, J., MUDr Oesophagitis herpeticao.Cas.lak.cooko 91 no*16:473-475 18 Apr 52. 1. Z pathologicko-anatomickeho ustava lekarske fakulty v Hradei Kral. Prednosta: MUDr Ant. Fingerland. (ISOPRAGUS, disoasea, esophagitis ulcerative, pathol.) VCRZ-:L V1. VGRIEL Vl, *Akutni encefalomelitisakutni roztrousena sklerosa nozkozdsni. Acute di-sser.mnated encephalorryelitis. - acute multiple sclerosis CA5-U,;K-CzS. 1953, 92/33-34 (915-920) Illus. 3 Description of 4 cases of an acute inflammtory disease in which signs of mnineeal irritation occurreds with bulbar sTnptomatoloGy and flaccid paralysis that becane spastic later. In one case a multiple sclerosis could be diagnosed with certa:Lnty, but in he othor 3 cases neither post-n-ortem findings nor the cll-nical evolution allowed a definite differential diagnosis. 1he differentiation botween acute multiple sclerosis and disserxinated encephalomelitis is in many cases impossible. Both belong to the same Group of derVelinating diseases. Henner - Prague SO: EXCIMPTA ISDICA~ Section 8., Vol. 7. No-5 may 1954 SAZAMA, Leon. MUDr# doo.1 JAROS, Otakar, MUDr-, TORTAL, Vladimir, KUDr - -- I Cerebral abscess of dental origin, Cask. stomat. no*3:211-117 June 54. (BRAIN, abscess dental origin) (THITH, abscess alveolar. causing brain abscess) Y'O 7INGXRLAND, A*, prof, MIJDr; TORTBL. Tle, HUDr;,DVORA]r, Jo, WJDr; ZMAM, L. , WDr '"W~~"P40mw"7% Generalized cryptococcosis (toruloole). Caso lake cask* 93 no.30: 809-816 23 July 54. 1. Z kateder pathologicke anatomis, mikrcb1ologie a neurologie Vojeneke lekarske Wcademis T Hradci Kralove. (MYPTOCOCCOSIB, aspeets) VORTEL,V.; KRAUS,Z. Determination of the proteins in the skin and I~mph nodes and :1 their relation to cryoglobulinemia in acrodarmatitis chrcnica - ; atrophicans. Cesk. dermo 39 no.2tl29-132 Ap'64 1. Registracni stredisko histologie koznich nemoci pri patolo- gickoanatomickem ustavu (vednuolt prof, dr. Ae Fingerlajid#DrSo.) a pri kozni klinice (prednostatprof. dr. B.Janousek) lelcarske fakulty KU v Hrudol Kralove@ ---SY-C,.1-tPTA !-fEDICA Sec.10 Vol.8/11 Obstetrics Nov 55 ~-11142. It LA% 1) A. IV( if" I. I: I, V. , I'l IJ I WVSKI E. and IIA No .1. P-5111 111j:1 (327-333) Ilhs. All.t. (if tht, after m1suct-t-Shful ill- 1-1-4-ImilArv rupitil.t. it'll 4 1( I'll), III r ;md ;tft--I- prepo ration for forct-p4 delivery, villholism broaght $;o dv;oh. Tht, mavroscopik-al illlopsy rinaiings uvrt- nt-cmivv, savc rawr tl..0111,11 vxplaillod atz (if .1 Ilaolllo- tit lim. 14) 1-ItIckifig, of 11:1. fibrillilgell h.v the allilliotiv fluid. Tilt. dla- ifY Ii.t. filldin" 4 Illecollitlill, I.; - go and vernix Cast.o.4a ill )f 11;v Tht. vahle of administration of spagniolyties alld oxvg4*11 villhidism thle to allilliotic Bluid isemphasized. Iloradovskl - A1111111 FINGERLAM, Ant., Prof.; VORTIL, VI., doe., Hradeo Kralov) -. Diabetes mellitus; pathological anatony. Cook. Castroecter. 9 no.3:161-169 SApt 55. (DIABNSS MMLITUS, pathologyj VORTIL, Vlad., Doe., Dr.; FINGIRLAND, A., prof., Dr. Perinatal mortality causes; statistical report from the Anstomoptbological Department, Hradec Kralove Military Medical School, 1949-53. Cesk. pediat. 11 no.11:867-874 Nov 56. (INFANT MORTALITY perinatal, causes. statist. (Cs)) EXCERPTA MEDICA See 7 Vol 10/11 Pediatrie3 Nov 56 VORTEL V. Pathol. Inst. Univ. Hradec KriloO. cGeneralisierte Speichel- -dr0TVMrF-u-91nfekt ion bei Sauglingen und Kindern. G e ne ra liz ed sa I iva ry gland virus infection in infants and children FRANKFURT Z. PATH. 1956, 67/2 (133-169) Illus. 17 Rgport on 21 cases of generalized infection due to salivary gland virus in infants W young children. Enlarged cells, containing inc!usions bodies, can often be ii famd in the submandibular gland (so-called cytomegalies). Under certain circurn- ItaAces, especially in decre2sed resistance, generalized spreading of the viruses, which are usually present in the organism as saprophytes, develops. In a severe Otction. this may be the cause of death. In 10 cases, interstitial pneumonia was lwnd with numerous cytomegaties in the interalveolar septa. In 8 cases the disease Ilertloped as an acute enterocolitis. The, liver was involved in 8 cases; especially I athis organ disseminated millary necroses which had formed round cytomegali;s, "re found. The disease may also show the appearance of acute or subacute hep- ifitis The adrenals were Involved In 6cases; necrotizLng inflammation of the medulla. awwtilas miliarynecroies in the zona fasciculataof the cortex could be observed. The iWacys were involved in 6 cases: In only one case was the damage of a higher "e. In which the cytomegalies filled numerous convoluted tubules. Busch - Vienna (V. 7) PROCHAZKA, Jar.; VORTZL, T.- MLIL, F. Malignant bronchial adenoma. Cas. lek. cesk. 95 no.37: 1005-1008 14 Sept 56. 1. Cbirurgicka klinika VLA J. ICv. Putkyne, prednosta akadamik J. Bedrna, patbolog. anatom. ustav, prednosta prof. Dr. A. Yingerland a plicni lacebna v Zamberku, prednosts, prim. Dr. F. Hydlil. (BRONCRI. neoplasms differ. diag. from middle lobe synd., case report (Cs)) (ATELECTASIS, differ. diag. middle lobe synd. from bro9chtal adenoma, case report 02)) EXCERPTA MEDICA Soc 5 Vol- 10/9 Patf-oior7_Lpj~J.7 2536. VORTEL Y, and HEROUT V. Pathol. Inst., Mod. Alcad., Hradec Krilovd (CSR). *Gcnerallsierte Infektion mit dcm Virus dca Herpen simplex bei Kindern. General Infection with virus of herpes simpiex in children ZBL.ALLG. PATH. PATH. ANAT. 1957, Illus. 4 An Increasing number of cases of generalized herpes simplex In the newborn and young children is being reported. Two cases are presented, one In a 16-day-old Infant and the other in an 8-month-old child. In the newborn, infection in apparently acquired from the genitalia of the mother at the time of birth. Characteristic pathological findings were reported In both cases. In one, the virus was proven by animal inoculation. The newborn infant began the disease with fever, Inflarnmr.tion of the naeopharynx, followed by vorniting, dyspnoca, diarrhoea, icterus and bleed- ing. Gross findings showed bleeding in the cerebellum. ulceration of the occophacus, liver and adrenal necrosis. Microscopically, the characteristic feature in the ap- pearance of acidophilic nuclear Inclusions In the organs Involved with bland necro- sis of tissue. In the older cb1ld, the bronchial and intestinal epithelium was also involved. Lubitz - Wood, Wis. (V,7*) VORTZLj-.V,-MUDr. (Hradec Kralove. Tylovo 367) Organ changeo in fatal chickenpox. Cook. pediat. 13 no.1:10-14 3 Jan 1. Pathologickoanatomicky ustav VIA J. Zv. Pnr]Wne v Hrudel Kralove, prednosta prof, Dr. A. 7ingerland. (GHICUMM, pathol. post-mortem (Cx)) .1 STVAN,, J.; VORTBL, V.; FRIDRIGH, No AIMM-m in guinea pig organs In normal & pathological conditions. Cas. lek, cask. 97 no.6-7:214-217 14 Yab 58. 1. Ustav lekarske chamie uniyqrsity Karlovy, pobocky v Plzni (prednosta doo. J. Stepan) Ustav pathologicke anatomie VIA J. Zv. P. v Hradoi Kralove (prednosta prof. Yingerland) Vyzkumny ustav organickych synthes Pardubice Ryb itv i. (PHE M BIA, metab. almmi=m in gainea pigs (Cz)) (FIRICARDITIS, metab, same), (ALI%ZM, metab, in pericarditis & pneumonia in guinea pig (0s)) EXCERPTA MICA Seo 5 Vol 12/9 General Path. Sept 59 2637. THE AETIOLOGY OF MESENTERIAL LYMPHADENITIS - Zur Atiologle der Lymphadenitis mesenterialla - Xgs-Lel V. . Jindrdk K. and Akad. J. Ev. Purkynk V I m o I a F. Pathol. Inst, u, Zentr. Lab., Mod. 11radec Krdlovd - VIRCHOWS ARCH. PATIL ANAT. 1958, 331/6 (631-040) Graphs I Tables I Illus. 3 In 29 cases of mesenterial lymphadenitis (Wilensky-Strutherm) with a clinical course of acute appendicitis, the characteristic picture of a reticulocytic suppurat- ive lymphadenitis (Mas3hoff) was found. Specific antibodies against Pasteurella paeudotuberculosto were demonstrated in the serum of the patients by the CFT. Meg nterial lympha4enitle to a pasteurellools. (V. 4) ~4 F, U, DID VONDRACKOVA, A.; VYMOLA, I.; VORTHL, V.; OIIDIIACXK# J.; MIAL, 1. Atypical form of lyssa. Cas. lek. ceek. 98 no.29-10:933-9)7 17 JuIV 59 1. Ustredni mikrobiologicka laborator, prednosta MUDr. 7. Vymola. Ustav patologicke anatomie. prednosta nrof. MUDr. D. So. A. 7ingerland. Klinika nemoci infekenich, predwsta doe. MUDr. J. On4racek. Vojenska lekareka akademie Ann Nv. Parigne v Hradci Kralove. (RABI33, case reports) KRAUS, Z.; VORTEL, V. Epidermodysplasia verrueifornis. Cesk. dem. 35 no.2:95-" Ap 1,60. 1. Registracni stredisko histologie koznich nemoci pri patolo icko- anatomickem ustavu (pmdnoista Dr. Sc. prof. dr. A. Fingerland5 a pri kozni klinice (prednosta prof. dr. B. Janousek) lekarske fakulty v Hradci Kralove. (SKIN dis) IVORTKI V.; PLAKHIY, V. [Plaqhy, V.] ~Goneralized cvtomegaly and its clinical significance In childhood. Pediatrila 38 no.11:73-78 N 160. 0 (KIRA 13:12) Iz Patologoanatomichaskogo instituta (rukovoditell doktor med.nauk A.Fingerland)*i detskoy kliniki (rukovoditall prof. %.Blekha) maditainakogo fakuliteta Korlova universitata v Gradtoe Xarlove (Chakhoolovakiva). (VIRUS DIM= in Inf. child) 0 '. ACC NR%APU032244 S.OURCE- CO.DE: _- UR116Y~6_16_61o .60-10-6 AUTHOR: Kintera, F.; Vortelf. V. ORG: Military-fledical Scientifie Resenrch Institute, Karlov University (Voyenno-meditsinskiy nauchno-issledovatel'okiy institut Karlova universitata); Institute for Poist-graduato Training of Physicians im. Purkinlye, Karlov University (Institut dlya usovershevstvovaniya vrachey Karlova univerBiteta) TITLE: Experimental airborne tularemia SOURCE: Zhurnal milcrobiolog' As epidemiologii i immunobiologii, no, 9, ~2-66 TOPIC TAGS: infective diseases animal disease, tularemia, guinea pig, bacterial aerosols biomedical chambers immunization, V'qe'-1A)6 ABSTRACT: Normal and immunized guinea pigs (average weight 32'0 'g) were exposed to I and 100 Dlm aerotol doses of-F. tularen- aie no. 2713 (a virulent strain Isolated in Cxech2slovakia) in the biomedical chamber shown schematically in Fig. 1. UDC:616 FA_CCNIh tIrjWWWW W to =- 777~W-7w-w- -W- it T: ~;. / 4 ~- Fig. le Experimental chamber 1 - Air feed; 2 air outflow; 3 - manometer; 4 - pressurized air; 5 - atomizer; 6 - flow meters; 7 - air pump; 8 - aperture; 9 -'lamps; 10 - pres- surized steam feed; 11 - condensate drain; 12 main valve of chamber; 13 - main valve of movable box; 14 - drain valve with disinfecting mechanism; 15 - air outlet to oven for combustion; 16 - ma- nometer; 17 - liquid'filter with disinfectant., I ACC NRI AP603221til The particle nize of the aerosol wao.between 0.5-4.5 mi- crons. Conditions In the chamber were kept constant at 8 mm water pressure, air temperature of 18-20*C. and 85% relative humiditys Immunization of 120 guinea.pige was accomplished with P. tulareneiv strain 15 live vaccine in an intradermal dose of 94-104 microbial cells, aud five weeks later the animals were exposed to the aerosol doses indicated. The results'of comparison,of profileration of P. tularenaie in normal and immunized1guinea pigs are shown in Fig. 2. Number of microbes Number of microbes %'S W P3 %4 %e %4 L1;9~d 3 ACC-14CAP6032244 c d 0 14 v' Q o Wj-, .0 0 NJ- - ZVI - 0 .5 F 1 9 1 lop Days Days Fig. 2. p~olfferation of Fe t l~rdreniis in' various organs of imaun l zed awd normAl auinea VIRS a - Lungs; b - ymph*no des; c. - spleen; d - liver; ;l - normal,AuLnea pigs; 2,3 immunized guinea 941312 am VM figurea suB com W suBm DATE: 08ju165 , S# [WA-50,* CBE No. 141 q [ELI Card it A, VORTEL, Vladimir; PIACHY, Vladimir Brain lesions in general cytomegaly in the neonatal age. Sborn. ved, prac. lek. fak. Karlov. Univ, 8 no.5037-542 165. 1. Patologicko-anatomicky ustav (prednosta - prof. WDr. A. Fingerland, Drdc); Detska klinika (prednosta: prof. WDr. J. Blecha, DrSc) v 11radci Kralove. JINDRICHOVA., Jirina; I~ORTU ._, -Vladimir,;- FINGERLAND, Antonin; JINDRAK,, Karel; CHROBAK, Ladislav Fatal pazimyelophthisis degenerated to subacute mryeloid Jeuke-mia caused by benzene. Vnitrni lek. 11 no.10:cY95-999 0 165. 1. Xrajsky ustav narodniho zdravi, odd-leni chorob z povolani, Hradec Kralove (prednosta: doc. 14]Dr. Jirina Jindrichova, CSc.), Patologicko anatomicky ustav lekarske fakulty Karlovy University * Hradcl Kralove (prednosta: prof. MDr. Antonin Fingerland, Dr.Sc.) * 1. vnitrni klinika lekarske fakulty Karlovy University v Hradci Kralove (prednosta: prof. 14IDr. Frantisek Cernik). -VORT4j_Vq, PIACPYp V.; FINGERLOID, A. Hepatitis In infants after transfusion of pooled plasmi. Cesk. pediat. 20 no.10:879-882 0 165. 1, Patologickoanatomicky uctav (prednosta prof. dr. A. Fingerland,, DrSc.) a detaka klinika (prednosta prof. dr. J. Blecha, DrSc.) lekarske fakulty Karlovy University v Hradci Kralove. KRAUS, Z.; VORTEL V - FINGERIAND, A.; SALAVEC, M.; KRCII, V. Uncommon skin manifestations in Wegener's granulomatonis. Cesk. derm. 40 no.6:378-382 D 65. 1. Registracni stredisko histologie koznich nemoci pri patologickoanatomickem ustavu (prednosta prof. dr. A. Fingerland), kozni klinika (prednosta prof. dr. B. Janousek) a I. intermi klinika (prednosta prof. dr. F. Cernik) lekarake fakulty Karlovy University v 11radci Kralove. MOS,, Menek; BARTA, VaclgLv- Carcinoma metastasizing to the skin. (Report of cases in the Registration Center during the period 1958-1962). Sbom. ved. prac. lek. fak, Karlovs Unive brad. Kral.) 6 no,5 suppl.2 (y 589-599 16Y 1, Registracni stredlako hiotologie koznich namoci pri pato- logicko-onatomickem ustavu. (prednostal DrSas prof* MUDr, A.Fingerland) a pri kozni klinice prednoutat prof. MUDro B*Janousek) Radiologicka, klinika ~prodnostatDrSo. prof. MUDr- J.&stecky), Karlova universita v Uradmi Kralov96 ENDRYS,Jiri; KVASNICKAp Jiri; STEINHART, Leo; VORTEL, Vladimir; BMKj Vladimir; VYSMUZIL, Jan; KRAVECt .1 Method of measuring the volume of flow through broncho- pulmonary arastomoses* Sborn*vedepracelekefak.Karlov.Univ. (Hrad.Kral) 6 no*3t219-228 163. l.Kardlochirurgicke stredisko (prednostatprof. MUDr,J.Prochazka); Linterni klinika. (prednosta: prof, MUDr.J*Rehor); Hadiclogicka. klinika, (prednosta, DrSo., prof& MUDre JoBastecky); PatoIogicko- anatomicky ustar (prednosta DrSc., MUDr. AFingerland) a Chirur- gicka. klinika, (prednostat prof,p ML'Dr* J.Prochazka), Universita. Karlova. VORTELp Vladimir; ERZEKq Vladimir Myoglobinuric nophroxis after embOactomy in the comm= iliac artery. Sborn.ved.prac.lek.fak.Karlov.Univ. (Hrad.Kral.) 6 nos,3t291-29/+ t63. l.Patologicko-anatomicky ustav (prednostatprofop DrSC*j MUDr. A.Fingerland) a II ohirurgicka klinika (prednosta:prof. MUDr. T.Prochazica), Universita Karlova. pF,TR, R.; VORTELI V.; JINDRAKp K. Resul ts of purgical treat&ynt of intracranial aneuryoWo Cesk. neurol. 26 no.51297.3w 3 163~ 1. Neurochirurgicks. klinIka lekarske fakulty KU v Hradci Kralove, prednosta prof. dr. R. Pstr Patologickoanatomicky ustav lekarske fakulty KU v Hradci Kralove, prednosta prof. dr. A. Fin erland. ICEREBRAL ANEURYSM.) (VASCULAR SURGERY) 'WN (SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE) (CEREBRAL HEMORRITAGE, VORTEL, V.; KRAUSO Z.; KYNTERAI F. ~ 114-A 1. A case of clinicallyj bacteriologically and histologically confirmed tularemia. Cas. lek. cook. 102 no.32/33:914-916 16 Ag 163- 1. Fatologickoanatomiclq ustav lekarske fakulty KU v Hradci Kralove, prednosta prof. dr. A. Fingerland Dermatologicka klinika. lekarske fakulty KU v Hradci Kralove, prednosta. prof. dr. B. Janousek. (TULAREMIA) STEPAR, Jan; V~CIRTEL, Vladimir Contribution to a possibility of damages of the organism during therapy with PAS and-'other tuberculostio drugs. Cas.lek.ce6k. 99 no-3/4:13.1-117 22 Ja 160o 1* Ustav lekarske chemie lakarske fakulty KU v Plzni, prednosta doc.dr. Jan Stepan. Ustav patologicke anatomie a histologie le- karske fakulty KU v Hradol Kralove, prednosta prof.dr. A. 7in- gerland. (PARAAMINOULMYLIC ACID eff.juj.) (ANTITUBMUIAR AGEIRS effoinj.) CL-.C-;G6:,UII;.FjA pi;m' Flo, ?rof.' ana JINDEAF, X.J. C;--,Liic of .;17r-uro- sur6ory (Ncairochirt~rc;icka ird?a), i'acu i ty of -.QcLici-n~. fa~vilta), Charles University, hvaaec Yralove, Dr R. y Ls -,, a v) , rilld jjjr,,~jtute of Fa-~,hological natromy (?atoioj;icVoana-.omic:'r c i n'-~ r"Iculty of Chrxles Univw-sity, hradc,-c Kra'ove., ircof. ''I. -:j,, airecior &.~LCI~Pt for r'Ah 4171iiia'Uons canl'ut be ciu- LIUx'.';Iin(A1- 11,44,,-sults of Surgical Treatment of intracrarsial kneurisiii~;." Vol -L(VI(7D.', "o 5, Sc,:)'e;aber 63, LrAuvhors' :;ngiish summar-i]. A surgical trea,ment of saccular intracranial aneurisms aT. a stagu when clinical sympioms are absent JS fully jusiif iod. Good results are cu~~ pamly to ti~a favorable SLale of h.;al-L,h of thi; oa-.'Lent and partly to t%e aavance mce in surgical tech- nique. 'Cho purPose of the operation is to prevent further he;aorrihaLe. r--e-ults of surgical treatment at an acute stage are poor and an o.,eraLion alone is not enoiigh to Imurove conditiorm. Tables are includin with inform-ation on surgical treaTment. T'venty- :..,o ref erencGs, includinz 1/1 3 Czech and 7 Russian. GRADSKIY Hikultwh [Gradsky, N.10 doktor medenauki JPR7-Wp Vlad~alr ned.nauk; GEROUT, Vladimir ( Herout, T. T,--'~o-ii;r med.nauk (Chekhoolovakiya) Stomach biopsy in clinical preatice.,d. no,7tl2-19 161. (MIRA 14t8) 1. Iz kliniki, propedevtiki vnutrennikh bolezney meditsinskogo fakullteta Karlova univeroiteta v Gradtse Xarlove (rukcrvoditell - doteent, doktor med.nauk F.Chernik) i iz patologoanatcmicheskogo instituta meditsinskogo fakullteta Karlova univeTsitata v Gradtse Karlove (rukovoditell - doktor med.nauk prof. A.:Fingerland). (STOMACH) (BIOPSY) AFAXASIYEVA, E.L.; VER130IDVI V.I*; S.QTWSEVp.-X.K,; KROTOVA~ V.As; .MANIKOVSKIY, V.I.; MESHCHWAKOVA, Mal SHIMARAYEV, M.N. . Comprehensive synchronous Umnological studies of Baikal waters. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geog. no. 2:120-125 Mr-Ap 164* (MIRA 17:5) 1. Limnologicheakiy institut Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR, USSR/Medicine - Infectious Diseases May/Jun 52 "TreE%tment of Dysentery in Children With Levo- m7cetin," N. V. Vortintseva, Dept., of Children's Acute Infectious Diseases, Pediatrics, A-cad Med Sci USSR "Pediatriyu" 140 3, PP 50-58 '%is a synthetic .8 Article atntes that levomy-cetin antibiotic, c=pletely Identical'In Its chem and biol characteristics with the natural antibiotic c.hl1or=y_-etin (levorotatory). If administered in time, it notes, lo-vomyeotin is very effectiv- in 22eT33 tba over-all treatment of dysentery in children. Clinical material and exptl data shov that this antibiotic has a.strong bacteriostatic effect not only on agents producing dysentery, but also on some other disease-producing agents. According to article, its action is superior to that of other antiblotic:3. it is effective and produces the -least sepondary complications in the organism. Hend ofhbept of Children-is Acute' Infectious Dis- eases. tn's-t-of-Poidiatrics, AcpA 24V ~ lWoFT. 1. DobrokEh~oto Eon &~L. irector of ~ra liFE-o-f-W-diatrics, Ac -Me,d Sci. USSRill,'Prof M. N.. ' '_ - '_ ' , - _~O Nz a En~t s:e:v ~7eai ~t a =h e dd to Children's Hosp imeni Rusakov. 2_28T33 PMYAX.'M.U.; VOSTHAN, M.S. k f; innovators of Russian commmAcation enginsel-Ing, Yest,sviazi 7 no-llsll N #55- (KMA 9:1) I*N*challnik Takhnicheskogo otdola Kinisterstym, nyasi (for Vortman),ZAtarshty inshener Bywo lsobroteniy. (Telecouranication) CHISTTAKOVA, A.M.,, 10THAll stnrahiy laborRnt# TIMTIYAKOVA, To.I.,, labornnt Protein content of diets in pulmonar7 tuberuclosis [with svxmukr7 in 7rench], Probletub- 36 no*'5f49-58 158 (XIRA 11:8) 1. Is kafedry gigiyany pitnniya Stalinakogo mediteinakogo inatituta i iz-kafedry giglyeny pitaniya lenlngrnd0-ogo annitarno-giglyenicheakcro maditainakogo institute. (TUBERCULOSIS, PUMNART, there distal protein compouition (Rue)) (DOT, in.vAr. die. ' pulmo tuberc., Vrotein composition (Rus (PROTEIN, notable requirements in pulm. tuberce (Rua)) 8 (5) SOV/112-57-5-10182 Tranalation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 5. pp 86-87 (USSR) AUTHOR: YoxIMIn, V. Yh- TITLE: Electric Motors - From Blueprints to Shipping Room (Elektromotory - ot chertezha do ekspeditsionnogo sklada) PERIODICAL: Nemetskiy eksport, 1956, Nr 2. pp 65-67 ABSTRACT: The work of "people's industry of the German Democratic Republic, the Elektromotorenwerk, Wernigerode, Is briefly described. The plant builds standard squirrel -cage -rotor motors and wound-rotor motors, as well as other special machinery (crane-type motors, change-pole motors, etc.). Electric motors with aluminum winding are manufactured. After five years of experience, aluminum windings look promising. Tropicalized electrical machinery for India, Egypt, Indonesia, and China is also manufactured. Tropicalized machines are subjected to care" insulation tests in special Card I /Z SOV/112-57-5-10182 Electric Motors - From Blueprints to Shipping Room -weather chambers. Uniformity of batch production Is noted; it is insured by a suitable preparation of processing. Procedure of electric machinery testing is described. Each fifth machine is tested for starting, stalling, and normal working torques. Model medical and personnel services are organized at the plant. I. A. R. Card 2/2 VORTMANj, Z.M. twR/Engineering HVdrnul4cs, Dec' 53. Equipment "Ground Water Lowering With Needle Fil-- ter Installations," Z. M.. Vortman, Engr ."Gidrotekh Stroi" No 12, pp 8-11 Describes equipment and operational pro- cedure for lovering level of ground vater by 8-9 m, using 2-storied system of needle filters. Considers method most expedient among all others. Discusses several examples of practical applica- DOBROVOLISKITO A.V., redaktorl HKACHKOV, I.As. Inshenerp redaktor; CHUdMOV. N.A., redaktor; VCRTMAN. Mass, takhnichookiy redaktor [Structural ceramical a catalog and handbook] Stroitellnaia keranika; Walog-spravoohrAk. Pod red. A.VaDobrovollskogo i I.A.Skachkova. lzd. 2--e. Kiev, Goa* izd-vo tekh. lit-ry MISR, 1954o 119 V. (KNRA 8:3) Is Ukralne. Upravlaniya po delam arkhitak-tury i stroitolletva. 2, Chlan-Icorrespondent Akademil arkhitaktury SSSR. (for Dobrovollekty) 3e Doyetvitellnyy chlen Alcademit arkhitaktury USSR (for Dobrovollakly) (Ceramic materials) PEREPELKIN, V.S.; ZABOLOTNOV, V.I.; VORTYNTSEV, D.I.1 NEKRMV, I.L. . Cofi enteritio-in adults and the carrier state of enteropatohgenic Esaherichia coli. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. i i=un. 40 no. 81 122-125 Ag 163, (MIRA 170) SHVED, Anatoliy Petrovich; VORUSHILO, Vladimir Ivanovich; SERGEYEV, D.I.p red. (marine power plants and their operation; practical exercises for a course] Sudovyo silovye ustanovki i ikh ekspluatataila; prakticheakie zaniatiia po kursu. Moskva, Transport, 1965. 101 P. (MIRA 18:3) PJCCMMNKO, V., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk; VORUSHILOV, V., inshener. Increasing steam parameters in existing steam power pleats. Kor. flot 16 no.4:19-21 Ap 156. (MM 9:8) 1. GVKU. (Boilers, Karins) VO c/. YORUSHKIN, V, "n"No"W"W"% rxperience aperAting a field lumber mill. no.1:26-27 S 157. (Sawmi,11.8) 7oen-inxh.%!3ur. ID! (MLR.A lrj:g) rrilit Tr-2en on,,- FactIM! ir -I of' Tirpn:7~. T~a-r f1i Tnst of Zooloc-:7, Acad Sol U53R, LA-Mr-g-ady romation." Dr Diol Sol (KT,, Fo 1, Jan 55) ,vey ()f So4entific and Technical Wsscrta~jons Defended a+ USSn Firher StIr -Educa-tioxial Trstitutlops (13) ~jo: Slur_ r.Tr', 2c, ilil 55 , -167.6 -. - - -.~ --- - - .- .,. . - 1, , . . . - . I .. . ~ , 1, .. I , If,. - ,p I ~- ,- t"Illimp I 'AR, I 75b - # "'T. go: A Or go lid 00 " fTWO - 4 7 3). I % Ot ummaw *all w ,ig Ali a 4 4 - I t A It MAL U1144101 (441UFACA1101, -.- ...... 11"I SIVI&I " A -140,74-0- e -, - , -,-- "it ant Got. Ow "I III AV 00 IS -. I to a 19 Op it Of it Of ! In, 0 40 0 0 0-0 0-0-* 0 00 0001-0 OA 0 see 0 fs 0 0 *00 0 Too -@0l via 0 11 New MC11104 for a atLan4 sWur detertuinsUan to metal allu 1. A. i AR v "Wnyes, 4 . OJ I I KalvmIt 4, 115-22(1956). 1 fletlasl. Alloy Ave.A.0 I an sanp Is weighed In a u trudble, Tlai Is PI ed In am -or filmace, burned in an OstfeAm. The C06 apd S(h content of the gas Is measured by the mu-1 v .- Ion cquipment operates fast, Is lntxpftdve, and is ouitable 12r_ strial det fit. AmIrew W. Zalay-- ---Emmr- 7 M MVM~k VoRUSHIL.0, V.I.p starshiy prepodivatell . . Adjusting single-eccentric drives. Sad. sil. ust. no.2:39-47 '63. (MIRA 17sl) 1. Odesskoye vyssheye inzhenernoye morskoye uchilishche. VORYJZMOV, A,, predeedatelle Kore tractors for agriculture. Sov.profsoiuzy 1 no.4:28-31 D 15). (MMA 6:12) 1. %avodskiy komitet professionallnogo soyuss, Vladimirskogo trak- tornogo zavoda. (Tractor Industry) 1. VORYPAYEV, E. P.; "JOBOUT, V. N.; Engs. 2. us:;it (6w) 4. Ships 7- Vessels for small river5. Recl-.- transp. 13, No. 2, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congreus, April -1953, Uncl. DAMKEVICH) L.L.; SURANSM, D.Ya.; USOLITEEV, V.A.; AZBELI, M.Ye.; BOZFXVIKOV, S N.,- VO 11 RM EV 6- ENEVSKIYj IfAlWYLOV., K.N.; GLAZOVA SHA 11 RU'll ., Ye F 1-0 SHAI, V. e.; P' OPOPOVy N.C.; SHADRIU, Ye.N.; IMMOV, V.D.; NECHAYEV, I.N.; EESPALOV D - ILLARIONCIV) V.I.; GLEBOVp F.IL; GLAZOVA) Ye.F.;' 9T~Al, N.Ya.; GoaSlillit V.I.)- GAVRILOV) V.A.; TIMUMM, M.P.~ roteenzent; YERWYCHEV, V.I., retsenzent; KRASOVSKIY, V.D., rotsonzent; VIYUNNIK), A.P., retsenzent; SISMIZAT, M.S., otv. red.; RUSINj N.P.,, otv. red.; YASNOGORODSKAYA, M.M., red.; VOLKOV, N.V.p tekhn. red. [Instructions to lVdrorieteorological stations and posts) Nastavle- nie gidrometeorologicheskim stantsilam i postan. Leningrad, Gidrometeoroizdat. No.3. Pt.3. [Meteorological instruments and observation methods used on a b7drometeorological network] Me- teorologl6eskie pribory i metody nabliudenii.9 primeniaeWe na gidrometeorologiebaskoi seti. 1962. 295 P. (MIRA 15:5) (Continued on next card) DASHKEVICHO L.L.- (continuod) Card 2. 1. Russia (1923- U.M.H.) G3.avnoye upravleni4re gidrometeoro- logicheakoy sluzbby. 2. Glavnaya goofiziche.*aya observatoriya Pauchnc-issledovatellskogo instituta. gidromateorologicheskikh priborov i Gosudarstyennogo gidrologicheskogo instituta, (for Dashkevich, Surazhakiy, Usolltsev, Azbell, Dozhevikov, Vorzbenevskiy, Manuylov.. Glazova, Karpushap Protopopov, Shadrina, Igrunovy liechayev, Bespalov, Illarionov, Glebovs Glazova, Kaulin, Goryanin,, Gavrilov). 3. Komissiya. Glavnogo upravleniya gidrore- teorologicheskoy sluzhby pri Sovete Einistrov SSSR (for Nechayev, Usolltsev, Tiraofeyev, Yefremychev, KrasovskJyp Vlyunnil-,) (14eteorology) POP~V, Ilikolay Vasillyevich; ZASLAVSKIY, I. I., reds kt oLdQEW&OVA, L.K.,rodaktor; SOKOLOTA, R.Ya.,takhnichaekiy redaktor, [Homemade visual aide in geography] SamodelInye posobiia po geografii. Pod red. I.I. Zaslavskogo. Moskva. Izd-vo Akad. pedagog. nauk RSFSR, 1957- 110 v. (MLRA 10:4) (Physical geography-o Study and teaching-Audiovioual Elide) TARASOVA) 011ba Titovne; SVADKOVSKIr,I.F., red.; VOLKOVA, Ye.l.., red.; red.; IsIMOVA, T.A., red.; IIIKHAYLOVA, L.V.,Ired.; PAITILOVA, T.S., red.; SIUVIRA, L.S., red.; ZAGIK, L.V., red.; GARNEK, V.P., tekhn. red. (How to protect children from common cold3j Kak uber,~~chl detei ot prostudy. MoAva, Izd-vo APN MIMI, 1963. 15 p. (MIRA 16:12) VORMY, P.V*, Inshoner. Nvico for assembling and testing pl~* banks and motors* Sbor*mtso novetokhtv strol, 25-no*10.,19-20 !53, OMA 6:12) (Pipe ) vo VA, L. V. Codling moth in the orchards of the'Baikal lake region. Prirodu 42 no.9:119 5 t51. (KLdA 6:,l ) 1. Irkutskiy pedugogicheskiy institut. Ouikal. Luke-Codling moth) (Codling moth-Buikal, Wce) VORM11A, Lyudmila Vladimiz%,ovna (Irkutsk State Pedagogie Inst) Academic Degree of' Doctor -if Biological Sciencesp based on her defense.* 24 December 1954, in the Council of the Zoological Inst AcadCSci USSR, of her dissertation entitled: "Hamful entomofauna of fruit-trees of the Prebaykal and factors of its formation." Academic degree and/or title: Doctor of Sciences SO: Decisions of VAKI List no. 24, 26 Nov 55, Byulleten' MVO SSSR, No. 20, Oct 57, Moscow, pp 22-24, Uncl. JPRS/*NY-471 1365 Vrednaya Entomofauna plodovykh deravlev. Predbaykallyn Ifaktor7 gee formiravani L.,, 1954. 32 o. 20 om. (300 1. in-t Akad Nauk SSSR). 100 ekis. B. to. -(54-52109) SO: Knizhaya L*topis'.. Vol. 1,, 1955 __V_T I . VORZHVA, L. V. Occurrence of the lesser apple worm (laspe7resia pomonella Lj In eastern Siberiap Biul, MOM Otd, b1ol, 59 no.3i49-52 Yq- je 154 (MbRA 717) iSiberia. !astern--Apple worm) (Apple worm--Siberia, lkst,ern) USSR/General and Special Zoology - Licects, P-6 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol... No 5, 1958) 21087 Author :'Vorzheva., L.V. Inst : Kuybishev State PedaCo&dcal institute', Title : The Facts of the Areal Disruption of Some Insects Inju- rious to Fruit Trees and Their Explanation. Orig Pub : Uch. zap. Kuybyshevak. cps. pod. in-t.. 1956, vyp, 16, 143-153 Abstract : The clizatic peculiarities of the spring season when the insects intensified their feeding explained the absence in the gardens of East Siberia (the Pre-Baltal and the Near-Anou-a regions) of the brown tail moth, the apple beetle Nitidulidae, the snout beetle and the rare occurren- ce of the gypsy moth and the apple moth. A short and dry spring creates conditions for a rapid development of the Card .1/2 VORZHEVA,'L.V., prof. Bacterial control of leaf rollers. Zashch. rest. ot vred. i bol. 3 no.44.23-24 Jl-Ag 158. 1 (MIRA 11:9) 1. Kuybyahevskly podagogichaskiy institut. (Leaf rollers) (Insects, Injurious and beneficial- Biological control) voRZMA. L.V- harmfulnS88 Of some little-known microlopidopteraa Biology avA oests in the southern Part of Irkutsk Province [with fruit tree I o.4t820-828 '58- . summary in Bngli9h3- Int-ObOz- 37 ~ (HIRL 11:12) 1. 1vVbV9bavskiy pedagogichesklY institute 9, X~ybyvhsv, paste) (Irkutsk rravince--Lsaf rollers) (yrujt__Djseass0 and 'et VARGUZINA,, Z.; ISATEVA, H.t=,VORZHEVA# L&Vo, prof,,, nauchnyy rukovoditall Testing Izver fungi and bacteria against inaeot pests of fruit trees. Uch.zap.Kuib,gos.ped.inst. no.37s23-26 162. (MIRL 16:1) .(Fruit trees-Diesases and pests) I (Inaectsp Injurious and beneficial-Biological control) LAZAREV, Ye.; SAFONOVA,, L.; GODOVKMj, E.1 VORZHEVA, L.V,, prof &P nauchnyy rukovoditell Effect of microe'lements on the grouth and development of young birdis, Uch,zap.Kuib4gos.ped.inst. no.37s217-32: 162. I (MM 1631) (Trace elements) (Foultry-Feoding and feeds) 2 r VORMVAJ V* ve PHASE I BOOX EIMOITATION solf/,6012 "emlya uauk SSSR. Inst1tut aytomat1kI,I telkneld3kn1ld. Aytomatichesicoye reguliroyanlye 1. uprallesiiye (Autantio Regulation and Cqntrol) Xoscow, Xzd-vo AN SSSR, A962. .526 p., Errata slip erts4.' 9000 copies printed. I -ins Reap. Edft Ya. Z. Ts"kin, Prolessor, Doctor of Tectmical Sciences I ' X. N, Ed. of Publishing Houses To. N. Orl forlyev; Tech, Ed. s DorokhIna. PURPOSEt This book ib intended for'sojentiflo resoaroh workers and engineervoono erned with aiitomation. COVERAM Iiie book ls~'& collection og "loles 99nalsting,of papers 'delivered At the TWObaf ofl:union Scientists of the Insti- tutq oft,Autg6ation and.T.3.=.=4s,, Aoada.7 of Soleno*s USSR, hold in XardhII960. Alwide range of scientific and toohnical, estiona relating to intmatici r4gulation--and gontrol Is covered. u q Card 1/12 *utomatio Regulation (Cont.) BOV16012 The articles are O~erzize~d in seven sections, including automat 0 'docia control systems, automatic process control, o&Wting wid;decio Making- devices, autmPtion components and,devlo*s, Ptatietioal methods in alitomation, theory of relay circuits #Ad finite wit matio systems,, and automated electric drives. No personalities are mintioned, References are given at the end of each artiblo. TA=X OF CONZWSt PART X* AVIVKATIC MTROL 378=0 Andreyokilkov, S. 1. 2hi effect of dry friction and slippage [playj ~ on errorAurIng reverse Sear, oper&tJ-,4z% of stryo- food systems Andrerchik", 71. 1. Dynamic &*Guraoy of machine tc)*Is with 14 aymed control proar Oard V12 Automatic Regulation (Cont.) SOV/6012 (:~O::~Zheva., V. V,,' bbtaining partial minimal forms of Boolean runc,tions-for,avoiding race conditions in switching networks 437 Didenko, V. P. Minimization and construction methods for bridge structures In relay systems 444 Kazakov., V. D.jand V. V. Naumenko. The realization of Boolean functions and variables in contactless logical switching circuits by the additional determination method 461 Kazakov.. V. D. The form of minimal expressions of symmet- ,xical Boolean functions of an arbitrary number of var- iables 468 PART VX:1. AUT014ATED ELECTUO DRM Vershinin., N. D. Application of.the invarlance principle in stabilizing the speed of d-c motors, Card 11/12 ACCESSION NR: AT4031770 8/0000/63/000/000/0170/0179 AUTHORj Vorthavao V#V6 TITLE: Investigation of the structures of relay devices from the point*of view of their operation on real contacts SOURCE: AN SSSR. Strukturnaya teorlya releyny*kh ustroyetv (structural theory of relay devices). Moscow, Isd-vo AN OSSR, 1963p 170-179 TOPIC TAGS: control systemautomatic control, feedback, relay, relay str.ucturep relay operation, electromagnetic relay ABSTRACT: "For conveniencels sake, only electromagnetic relays are considered in this article. The coils of these relays are designated, in the nomen~ cloture adopted by the author, by capital letters, while their contacts are designated by small letters. The results obtained in the study are applicable to relay devices using elements of various types., The conductivity of an individual circuit or of the entire system is, the'author claims. a funcLion of the system structure and of the variation of the input values of the system, 'th, circui - Circuit conductivity is-dbil*ii~ted by the letter F., when 4, t or system cond to, F 1; when it does not, F 0. The output operating conditions of Card ACCESSION NR: AT4031770 a relay device are described by a Boolean function, represented in the con- junctive or disjunctive normal form. The author notes that In relay device analysis and synthesis normally no consideration is given to the possible changes in the sequence of interaction of the different: contacts of one and the same relay (normally open and normally closed); that in, such studies are based on the concept of ideal contacts and on the assutiption that, when the relay is tripped, the normally closed contact is broken simultaneously with the making of the normally open contact. Under such ansumptions, systems which have been correctly designed or analyzed from the theoretical point:qf yiew may, under real operating conditions, fail to function properly. The reason for this improper operation is seen, by the author, in the competition .(race condition) between the normally open and normally closed contacts of the same relay. This situation is analyzed in some detail and it is pointed out that in a real device operational disruptions in the system an a result of.. race conditions can be eliminated by adjustments of the tension of the contact springs. Such adjustment does not normallyp in the opinion of the author, meet the requirements of satisfactory operational relitibilityo Following this. introductory section, there Is a general review of existing works dealine-with- tho atudy of relay systatus operating with real contactco The point is made that in all theme papers the of real-contact- 2/4 ACCESSION NR:Q AT4031770 operating aystems;have been essentially the samet they are.6sed on ready- made systems (of whatever method of construction),'-the operational correctness of which on ideal contacts is beyond any question, with a determination then made of the necessary and sufficient conditions which will guarantee proper system functioning'when operating on real contacts. Three papera employing this general technique are reviewed and their findings are. analyzed. Ilie author4 approach,to the problem of achieving structures exempt from race conditions in the synthesis of systems operating under real conditions is fundamentally dif- ferent; that is, the'problem as formulated in the present paper is not one of finding a method of-dliminating the race conditions'from already designed relay systems, but rather one of finding a method of achieving, in the process of synthesis itself, systems'free of such conditionse 'It to assumed that the operating conditions of the output of a relay device are described by a Boolean function F.(Zvvv ... VIMX49v.~-vZ) F V (fly/ .. IE)V:.. 7~ 'A perfect normal form (aisjunctive) of a Boolean function is'considered. The problem of achLevinS the minimal form of the function F=Ln corresponds in a Card 3/4 ACCESSION NR: AT4031770 contact system to the minimum~number of contacts. Ly way of example, the author has analyzed the synthesis of a system, the operating conditions of which are described by the function F.S!W,Xyz + xy' + VE + X�z +,Fg;r.+ XYZ- (2) F is derived through the quine method (W. Quine. way to simplify' truth min functions. Amer. Math. Monthly, v. 59, n. 8, 1952; v,.02, no 99 1955)# An entire set of simple implicants is first derived in 'the minimization, In his treatment of the problem, the author also mckes use of tables given by McCluakey (E.J. McCluskey, Minimization of Boolean functions, Bell System Tech. J. XXXV, No. 69 1956), Origo art.:has: 2 tables and 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITrED: 14Nov63 DATE AOQ: 16Apr64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODES "Zap cc W, REr SOVS 004 4/4 Cord 3/044/63/0w/001/047/053- A06OIA000 AUTHOR: Vorzheva, V. V. TITLEt Obtaining.partial minimal forms of boolean functions which do not interfere under circuit realization PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no. 1, 1963, 33 - 34,' abstract "Avtomat. regulirovaniye I upr.", Moscow, iV146 (In collection. AN SSSR, 1962, 4V - 443) TEXT; In the operation of a relay mechanism it is possible for Interfe- ,rence to arise, i.e. the vanishing of a signal for*a short duration, or the ap- pearance of a false signal during the change of states of the variables due to the-presence of an operation time in the relay.- The author formulates the prob- lem of obtainfng the minimal form of a boolean function Phich is free of'int 'er- ference during the change of states of onevariable. The-general minimal form of a boolean function is free of interference. Further, the author describes a procedure by following which it is possible to derive from the general miniml form special minimal forms free of interference, If any such forms other than Card 1/2- S/044/63/000/001/047/053 Obtaining partial minimal forms of boolean... AO6O/AOOO the general Minimal form are existing. The plan'of solution is a modernization of the Quine and MacCluskey minimization method. R. 0. Bukharayev [Abstracter's notes Complete translation] Card 2/2 MLDES, I.; VOSA, C.: CROSZ, A.; DOBBMI, J. Mcparimental Influencing of the blood calciiw level by hypothalamus lesion. Acta pbysiol. hung. 10 no.2-4:229- 238 1956. 1. Institute of Anatomy, Histology and Rabrioloa, University Medical School, Debrecen; Institute of Inorganic Chemistry. Kossuth Lajos University of Sciences, Debrecen. (HYPOMALMUS, phyniol. off. of orper. lesions on blood calcium & potassium In rate) (CALCM, in blood off. of exper. lesions of hypothalamus in rate) (PHOSMORUS, In 'blood same) VOSAHLIK, M. Method for the quantitative determination of zooplankton. P-136. (Vodni Hospodnretvi, No. 5, May 19.57, Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EFAL) I.C. Vol. 6, No. 9, Sept. 1957. Uncl. 20992 .2& 0:Y Z/031/61/009/005/003/004 DOO?/DlO2 AUTHORS- Pold6ek, J., Engineer; Lauterbach, J.; Vo6ahlik, R.; and Kuligek, B. TITLE: Theory and application of explosive metal forming PERIODICAL; StrojirenskdL vjrroba, v. 9, no. 5, 19617 240 - 245, 248 TEXT: The ZAvody na v~robu vzduchotechnick~ch za.Hzeni, n. p. Milevsko, (Plant for the Production of Pneumatic Equipment, Milevsko) is preparing the introduction of explosive forming for VIC pressure containers mounted on RR carriages. The article describes tests on a one-third-size model (actual dimensions of the vessel are shown in Fig. 1), performed,to study the technology of this advanced metal forming method. Factors which must be considered in explosive form- ing are: (1) Choice of a suitable explosive charge; (2) the trans- mitting medium; (3) shape, dimensions and material of the mold; (4) material for forming; and (5) technological preparation of the work- ing site. All types of brisant explosives are suitable for explosive forming. Those used in the described tests were cast TNT, plastic Card 1/16 20992 Z/031/61/009/005/003/004 Theory and application... DOO?/DlO2 NP 10, gelatine high explosive (Perunit 20) and ammonium nitrate high-explosive powder. Properties of Czechoslovak commercial ex- plosives are listed in Table I. The plastic NP 10 explosive was chosen for testing of annular-, ball-, rod-, and pear-shaped charges. The annular shape is not suitable since it is not possible to ignite the entire ring simultaneously and the blank corrugates and tears. The ball-shaped charge (Fig. 4) is more suitable and can be ignited with one detonator placed in the center. However, great pressure acts on the bottom of the mold and a secondary reaction presses the blank upwards with a resultant negative influence on the final shape of the forging.. Better results were achieved with rod-shaped charges which can be ignited either at the top, at the middle, or at the bpttom (Fig. 6). When bottom ignition is applied (Fig. 7), shock- waves disperse conically and the pressure acting on the moid bottom is considerably smaller, reaching only 2,000 - 2,500 kg/cm . Since the top part could not be drawn out completely with any of these charge shapes, a mudified pear-shaped charge was tested which was suspended with the amaller end downwards and ignited at the bottom. Card 2/16 20992 Z/031/61/009/005/003/004 Theory and application... D007/D102 However, the desired effect was still not reached. Since empirical results are still insufficient, the proper charge shape and initia- tion point will have to be experimentally found for each specific case. Water was used in the tests to transmit the explosive force to the blank. The more advantageous closed mold (requiring smaller charges) could not be used since the mold in this specific case would have been too heavy. However, in the upper regions of an open mold, the transmitted pressure rapidly decreases due to the dilution of the transmitting medium, which explains the fact that the upper regions of the blank were not drawn out completely. The mold used in the tests considted of two welded halves made of 11 523 grade steel sheet. The mold shell was reinforced by 2 strong hoops and a number of radial struts. The mold was not annealed, despite the large number of welclowhich caused considerable stresses, and was loosely placed on the base plate. The blank was secured either by clay to the steel base plate, or by a 5C~ mm thick rubber lining clipped to the blank. The tests revealed that the mold bottom should be made of a material with elastic properties. The briginal- ly used 50 and 80 mm. thick plates of rolled 11 370 steel bent and Card 3/16 20992 Theory and application... Z/031/61/009/005/003/004 DOO?/D102 ruptured after several tests with the grain structure of the fracture resembling that of cast steel. When covered with a 50 mm rubber lining, the steel bottom plates resisted shock waves till the lining was mechanically damaged. A gap formed by placing spacers between the two mold halves facilitated air escape from the space between the mold and the blank. The gap width was varied within the range of 2 - 6 mm. Since the tests were made in an open mold, adequate safety measures had to be taken. When observing the safety regula- tions of Edict no. 305, published in issue 132 of the t:~edni listy (Official Bulletin), dated Oct 24, 1952, explosive forming does not imply any more danger than common pressing. Approximately 45 tests were performed on the rather large one-third-size model. They revealed some technological problems which would nol; have been re- cognized had the tests been performed with a smaller model. The gathered experiences, which led to the final design of the mold, can be summarized as follows: (1) Most advantageous is a rod-shaped charge with bottom initiation; (2) the shock-wave effect on the bottom of the mold must be reduced by increasing the distance Card 4/ 16 20992 Z/031/61/009/005/003/004 Theory and application... D007/DlO2 between the charge's lower end and the bottom; (3) the upper part of the blank must be extended by 50 mm, to achieve complete drawout; (4) the effect of the explosive must be increased by raising the water level above the charge; (5) a better securing of the blank must be developed to preve;Zt its damage at each explosion; (6) rubber with a hardness of 60 - 70"Sh offers the best resistance to shock waves; (7) the sheet thickness of the actual-size blanks must be increased 10% to obtain the desired wall thickness of pressings. The actual-size mold, designed according to these experiences, is shown in Fig. 9. The reinforced shell-type mold is horizontally split into 2 halves (1 and 2). The upper half is provided with an exten- sion for a higher water level. Due to the large dimensions, the air between the mold and the blank cannot be evacuated, but escapes thru a gap between the 2.mold halves and an annular slit in the upper section of the mold. The rather curved bottom (7) is embedded in a reinforced-concrete bed. On the inside, the bottom is lined with a 200 mm, thick rubber layer (8). The molds for both the scaled-down model and the actual-size pressings were made of 11 373 and 11 523 Card 5/16 20992 Z/031/61/009/005/003/004 Theory and application... DOOVD102 grade steels. Steel was chosen since the effect of shock waves on other potentlal mold materials is not yet known. However, test results obtained thus far indicate that plastic materials and rein- forced concrete can probably be used for molds. The test blanks (Fig. 10) were made of certificated 11 373.1 - size sheets, welded from 1 or 2 pieces with BH 48 electrodes. The welds were made using backing bars. To prevent cracking of the pressings observed in previous tests, blanks were normalized after welding. However, this treatment produced no substantial improvement and ras abandoned in later tests. The thinout of the material was measured with micro- meters at several points and results are listed in Table II. During explosive forming, the material is compressed which results in thin- out of the final pressed product. This material reduction, which is rather uniform despite differences in material stretching ranging from 6.90 to 11.64%, must be compensated for by adding a 10% allo- wance to the blank. The material used for explosive-forming tests was 3 mm thick, 11 373.1 sheet metal, certificated according to 6SN 41 1373. The original properties of the material underwent Card 6/16 20992 Z ,j/031/61/009/005/003/004 Theory and application... D007/D102 the-following changes by explosive forcing: The strength increased from 36 - 38 kg/mm4 to 49 - 52.9 ~g/mm at the place of greatest deformation; to 43.5 - 50.3 kg/mm in the top section; and to 43.3 - 50.6 kg/cm2 in the bottom section. (The maximum permissible standard strength for this material is 48 kg/mm2). The ductility increased from 26.4 - 28.8 kg/mm2 to 38.8 - 49.8 kg/mm2 (in one case even to 50.8 kg/mm2). The.elongation decreased considerably and ranged from 6.6 - 18.9%, extreme values being 6 and 24.4966 respectively. Con-r traction values ranged from 59 67.8%. Notch--bar strength for 6 mm wall thickness ranged fRom 5.3 19.6 kgm/cm2; in one case only was it as low as 3.? kgm/cm:~. Microstructure tests made on samples taken from welds and other places revealed ferritic structure with a small amount of fine-grained perlite. The weld metal had the same structure. The ferrite grains had the same shape as those of the unformed material, which means that deformation (grain stretching), typical for cold-forming, did not take place. A central part, ex- plosively formed during the tests in June 1960, was used for the construction of a one-third-size pressure vessel assembled 4 months Card 7/16 20992 Z/031/61/009/005/003/004 Theory and application... DOO?/DlO2 later. This test vessel was filled with water and the pressure was increased until. failure-* At 20 - 25 atm. deformation took place rounding.both conical sections, however, failure did not occur until 30 atm. The rupture originated in the bottom section at a distance of 20 mm from and parallel to the weld. The central part remained undamaged, which proves that explosive forming influences the pro- perties of the formed material which retains its toughness despite increased strength and reduced ductility. However, the effects of various explosives on the change of mechanical properties of the formed material are still completely unknown. The insufficient know- ledge of lawa governing the explosive-forming technique is the greatest obstacle to a wider, economical use of this method. A con- tilbution towards solving this problem was made by Soviet scientist N.Akulov who discovered the laws of plastic flow of metals. To comply with the above safety regulations, a site for explosive-form- ing was chosen at a sufficient distance from factory buildings. Fork lifts and a truck-mounted crane were used for handling the mold. The mold was partially installed underground in a forming pit (Fig. Card 8/16 20992 Theory and application... Z/031/61/009/005/003/004 D007/D1O2 17) surrounded by a protective earth embankment, The curved bottom of the mold was embedded into the reinforced-concrete base plate. Surroundings of the mold bottom were also concreted with a slope towards a drain to draw-off water ejected from the mold. M6 drainage pipes end in a river at a distance of about 50 m. The top part of .the mold is lifted by three HZ 5 hydraulic jacks. A shelter at a distance of 25 m protects the blastman and houses the controls for water pump and hydraulic Jack operation. In conclusion, the author states that explosive-forming, a suitable metal-working method for large, intricate forgings and very hard materials, is not yet used in the 6SSR, partly because little is known about the properties of explosives except their destructiVe properties. There are 20 fi- gures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Zdvody na v:~robu vzduchotechnic*ch zalftzeni, n. p. Milevsko (Plant for the Production of Pneumatic Equipment, National Enterprise, Milevsko). Card 9/16 PoLkCEK, J., inz.; LAUTERUCH, J.;.VOSARLIK,_~.; KULISFK. B. Theory and practice of the explosive metal nhaping. Stroj vyr 9 no.5:240-245,, 248 16-1. 1. Zavody na vyrobu vzduchotechnickych zarizeni, n.p., Milevsko. j 33198 Z/034/62/000/002/002/002 R073/9535 V AUTHORS1 Pola'cek. J., Engineer, Lauterbac'h, J.,.Kulfsek, B. and Vos'ahllk, it. TITLE: Equipment for explosive forming of hollow bottomless vessels. Patent Application Class 7c, 14, PV 7700-60 dated December 23, 1960 PERIODICAL: Hutnick6 listy, no.2, 1962, 137 ,rl-,XT.- The die 4 (Fig-3), together with the hollow blank to be formed, are fitted watertight an one arm of the communicating vessels 1, 2, 3. Prior to forming, the fluid level is equal or h1glic?r than the level of the top edge of the blj%nk 6 which in to ha formed. The attachment 5 permits using a higher fluid level. The flui.d dampens.the unutilised energy during forming. Compared Io foViiiing in a die submerged into a container with a fluid, this equipprit has the advantage that a large and deep container is not and that the level of the fluid can be easily rexulateA.' There is I figure. [Osi-raci.or'n note:.Coinplete translation.] CaTd- 112- :7-7-7 zoo/zoo/zoo/ooo/zq/f,co/z VICE Sulwaoi OA'[miujtlX-P Itj.l iti.)Wkitills.1 VOSAHLIKI V. Small cleaning machines for Fravel beds of railroad trvcks in the Soviet Un4on. p. 23 (Zeleznicni Technika. Vol. 5., no. 1. Jan. 1957. Prahas Czechoslovakia) Monthly Index of East European Accessions ( EHAT) U. Vol. 7, no. 2, February 1958 VOSAHLIK, V - 11 ,;Z:------I,-- : Machanization of general repair work on Soviet railroad Vackse \I P. 91 (Zeleznicni Technika) Vol. 5, NO- 4, Apr. 1957, Czechoslovakia SO: MONTHLY INDEX OF EAST .EMOPEANACCESSIONS (EEAI) LC. _VOL. 7~ NO. 1, JAN. 1958 VOSMIX V. What our railroad engineering needs most. P. 124 (Zelaznicni Technika) Vol. 5p No. 5, May 1957f Czechoslovakia SO:: MONTHLY INDEX OF EAST EUROFEAN ACCESSIONS (EEAI) LC. - VOL. 7, NO. 1, JAN. 1958 VOSAHLIK, V. Zia study of Soviet railroad engineerIng. P. 30~` (Zeleznicni Technil.,a. Vol. 5, nr,. 11, Nov. 1951, Prahn, C2,PchcslovnIj,-,) Monthly Index of East European Accozisions (EEtT) M. Vol.. 7) lie. 2) February 1~,58 VOSAHLI(OVA, M. An anniversary of international coarx-ration In scronautica. P. 312 LLTEOKY OBZZOR. (Minesterstvo derrovy) Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 3, no. 3p Oct. 1959 Mouthly, List of East European Accos~:Ioxs (EEAI), LC. Vol, 9. no. 2, Feb. 1960 uncl. V03,MILO, Jo.s.ef OZ-lovators; operation, and mintenance" by H.Thlemann. 5eviewed by JOSOf VC3ahlo. Stroj vyr 12 no. 5095 Jkly 164. VOSAIIL0, J Standardization of electric crane-bridges in Czectloslovakia. p! 613. (STROHRE1,13TVI, Vol. 7, two. S. Aug 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of Last European Accessions (ZEAL) W. Vol. 6. No. 12, Dec 1957- Uncl.