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VOROTYIMSE7A, A., nauchnyy sotrudnik Colorado beetle on tomatoes. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 10 no.10:49-50 165. 04IRA 18:12) 1. Moldavskiy filial Vaesoyuzriogo nauchn6-issledovatellskogo instituta zashchity rastenly. v0p,bvS?,AYA, V, I,. "Origin of Histamine In the Animal Organism. Communication 2,11 Fiziolg. Zhurnal SSISR Mysiological Journal USSIR), MX, S~-115, 1940 VOR& Tipy Lesov Yevroreyskcy Cl!ast! SS51111 (TyT-es of Forests in the European Part of the t'l',R) Kiyev, Izd-Vo Akadf--Ji IlTark Ul/relmil-ov SSR, 1953. 449 P. Diagre., Maps, Tables. At Head of Title: Akadernlya 1.14uk Ukrninakoy SSR Inntitut Lesovodstva. SO: 7M/5 729.42 .V9 VOROTILOV) M. At Feeding and reeding Stuffs - Analysis Vitamin A content of feeds in the Southeast. Korm. baza 3 no. 5, 1952. Monthly kist of Russian Accessions, Ubrar7 of Oonrress, September 19412. IMCLASSIFIED. VOROTILOV~ M. A. Carotin Vitamin A content of feeds in the Southeast. Korm. baza 3, No. 5, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congreasp Septomber 1952. UNCLASSIFf',"D. (600) Cattle - Feeding and Feeding Stuffs 7. Progressive methods in pasture fattening of cattle. Dost. sellkhoz. no, 5, 1952 9. 'Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, JanuarY --1953. Unclassified. 0 - . JAR 0 lei lip 06 -4- -L ! 44 .00 .00 i; Tv ;i~Z ~JMMgaWft "kd.011 *a Vol 004, 00 a 19"" vat On goo CULIM 19, 10, I'll 0 o 19 0 0 40-Avo 40 0 0 wo 0-0 0 0 o o's I a rol Zoo coo MT. see 0 COO r* goo goo am iii N A A 1 41 000 104INSIVINIS :10 1," 00 0* *o0o 0000*000 ! ! 2 s 004~'/ ! ! f 1 ~694V 00004000-6 060000 ! of ov Il A A to I$ u IS If 1 10 0 0 1.1 A 'A ... I Ott 0 0 go t Dqt#nnj"wA at the cooffidesit of ,=; 1. :. Son autilicts by bog We Ora. I Aipplitcl Chem. Ql- S 94 It, 9 00 a a.- ft- 6&1 J3,L4-3)(IW3).-Tbe b)% oft t ii WAIrr 16.3-23-0. F*CdOs (4.0 41. 1. INCAMitlic u t) 11c, mt 'n i i i 0 0 ir ' . . nsii n limiter it) 11), and S 0.3%. The caeff- Of Ab"'IfPf" Amlilly 4kvicaud With On itivirwr of '11C.Svitile 400 tria-A: ibis dmew finally IPMAIlle A I $)list -, Itilt itprvwk)uttr"jps.slAnx",i,tAI1,S. Thr(nitip .1 ab"ptWo n dtid. by the initial tviti ". to other (wim beirtic The varac). Thu#. at 118S 4 the uplinial trisip. of time Atitourfilkm of the 11,5 Was ab%nbed) anti 45' was crP 11.9 concu. of A. A. Po 'T 4- a It a a U_x _vF__ 1____ _4_4_2 A_$ s I T z~z_ ; a- 0 0 h it" !.04 NN I , stained Rtdtmtv P. lip At fit%' of I hir iff"Tut 6*0 I tv'up. to (the Wn. of at 45" nal for ortly o o Ile* L WINATUAll CLASSiFICATIC", wait .0 $Miami .40 a.. 3.t - 114*1 ma.iji, _4111110"t u it A, '0 is j v am J or flaif* evistim'- o o a 4 3 6 00 00' Ile *0 0 gel 0 o 0 e 0 p-QTPIXOve.-J ADBIIOYt Viktor Petroviaht KHMOV, L.IC.,, ,Iyieh. GLY 10 . goX~ rodaktor; DAYXV, G.k."',""redushchty redaktor; (MMIADIYZYA, I.K., tekhni- cheakly redaktor [Mechanization of labor-consuming op6ratione on tank farms] Kekhanj- zateiia trudoemkikh protsessov na neftelazakh, Ianingrad, Gone nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo neftlanoi i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, Uningrad- akoe otd-nies 1936. 220 p. (HUA 10:1) (Petroleum--Storage) 7~ P, hysics Accelerated-ion generator Card Pub. 22 - 14/52 Authora I Baev, D. V.; Vorotnikov F, Ye.; Gerch4arg, B. H.; Sidorov, 11. 1.; Shuf, A. V.; =nd fonvd~, Crntj, Title k e13ctrostatie generator in a compresued gas rariodical I Dok. All S-SM 101/4,. 637-639, Apr 1, 1955 Abstraot I A deue'rlprtion of -- high-val-tage electrostatic generator of the Van de Graaf typo is presented. The genere tor is operated at a gas mixture (nitrogen and C02) ccnpressed up to 6 atmospheres, and it supplies 2,8 eiv energy. Due to a good focusing device, a narrow (1 =) beam of ions with 60 mu a current can be obtained at I he out-put of the generator. Two USSR references (1955). Diagram. Institution i Acad. of Be., USMR, S. I. Vavllov Dist. of Physical Problems Presented by: Academician A. P. Alexandroff, Voverber 17, 1954 7 U 14 a It vWa xA a vjo 0 0 $1 -4--m f -9 A iX.. I-A-1--l- -W,QC 90-ai jv R 14F 419 f 090 .1, &V Raw. 20,733, Aug. 31, 1933, The tkctro& I* kiii ebm equi arnow& X00 hY wt, of owides al N mW'IPb wkk Um sd&,,-4 or"a bb3der. GO* coo too Sol SOS 00 v :zoo ago too, I It 1 .1471 gas aw a' 9 de 0 0 1 0 so 0 000000o0 so 0 000 0 0 00 0 48 0 0 Ole 0 0 0 *0000 00 0 * 0 0soa 0 0 off0 0000 4 V w 1 4 v 4 it 0 11 14 if 4 IF 4 PO x 2 a )o A ~w 0 a A's it w u m a v 0 0 a 0. a &I m a IF 9 4 1 1 V I I AA 0 CL W U, I I J. 1-1 00 ir b19M May 11, se 90 too 00 oil 00 i ' SOO, go ols ~V:! -00 00 111.1-01 oo g u a o * " " " , * " ' o, 0 0 goo 0 0 0 0 a a 0 o 0 0 0 0 g 00&0:0 00 0 go 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 **Oo 0 00 * ".1, 1 0 J~ 6 ThI Ku ~,,, S. SAMOTLIVSKIY,M.B., kandidat tekhnicheskikh muk; %26# gKOV'S.F., gornyy Inzhener; SHIRAY,Ye.N., gornyy inzhenori"i kim D.N., inshener; GORODNlCHEY.V.M. "Rock freezing in the process of shaft vinkbW.." X.G.Trupak. Reviewed by M.B.Samoilovskii and others. Ugol' 30 no.8:48 Ag,55- (MIRA 8:10) 1. Voesovuznyy nauchno-iseledovateltakiy institut organizateli i mekhanizateii shakhtnogo stroitelletva (for Samoylovokly, Vorotnikov, Shiray). 2. Ukrzapadshakhtontroy (for Korniyovskii) 3. Nombinat Stalinshakhtostroy (for Gorodnichev) (Shaft sinking) (Frosen ground) (Trupak. N.G.) KOCKETROV, N.,Tl; VORMIXOTA, L.A. jl----,-----, ... I A-l"Oft I, Opeww" . Synthesis of phthalazines b7 the o7clizatica of ac7lhydrazones of aromatic aldehydes. Zhur.ob.khim. 26 no.4:1143-1145 Ap 156. (Kum 9 . 8) 1. Institut farmakologii Akadmii meditelackikh nauk 535R. . (Phthalazine) (Hydrazones) to .00,: 00 IV. Arj so 0043 00'a AMA *1* 0* go '00 IONM MAP 010 oil ads We t1t out I ta p v 0 A a 2 4 f Is ~18 0-0 0-0 0 *_0 4000 990004 00 6 0 00 go 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AD-OL 0 - - 0'0.* 0 4-0--o 0roe's 0 .0 0 MEMO MMMMIW~wm- goo 400 c0 0 coo goo goo coo goo goo wool 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 00410000000040 0v I I Ili i 61 1 3 4 1 0 0 - W 11 ;J Ik $4 1% 11 11W4# It 4 it to I? a Nt 11 14 it uK v I, a I( I t A 11-S --- 11L N CAWick prorlott-A of sammyl "*tat* IV it, ul j-uit#**,IVUk swJ I.. A. %,mit4f~Aml .1, Jf#sI4 CA"16 MISS. & M-)-14-44-43-54 utlitai& W)jfvih). -40 cf. C. A. I, *44".-Pivvimptly dtwra" t%p1j. Omth. t6W 4604 MWYMCS *We OW4,71W vraw" vw I (W ;1%) td mrMICHACHAU W*0 Okotakwd at tm7tase of tk vvwty 4 iutlvdw~m 4 %be air -am$ milt. frwo.tsor. to 4.0m Mtn. mdy %hahtly 4k.-tviv. at 00 J so 00 00 :too .:oo 00 0 11-LLO '~(&l Off"OUNIE CLAWMAM. r.? 60 It ?v It st it x Q1 it a a it CK kL3 '1 1. 0 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 a 0 Ole a O's 0 a IN o a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --s-6-0-0 0 00 0 0 & 0 0 0 q 0 0 0 0 1o 0 000 04 0 c 0 0 4 000 0 # 0 0 * VOROTNIXMI H. M. : Agriculture. Young followers of Hichurin. Novosibirsk,, Novosibirskoe obl. gos. izd-vo, 1951* 9. Month List o.f Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, November 194? U'cl. I 1A A I'VVI w "Otto 0. I door Belot at dow t4aiwood 41,00101 Tke siablilly a vu~ 8, 09 111-10 'nw grog brick 0* 4 Ow kits was 4 DY 1 11 1. wort After 0 ini H to tho d&r and Xt., A too! j 110"Ilms Y. P. H. H. -09 0* -*o .00 x00 .06 00 c0 SO* 40 e a** no* t2oo boo too 0 boo u is it -a of a to 411 60 to f '14 #A I 1 4 Od 0 d 6 1 V 61 a 48 0 4 It 9 N or a 0 o 0 04 10 0 0 0 00 19 00 * * 0 * 0 0 4111 * YORMYAGIN, VoXo, inshener; AISMWDROVICHO Vol*# inshener, 4~,, -4--, ~ Now type of protective device for amall diameter valves on gus-pipes. Gor. khoz. Hook. 27 no.5:34 My '53. OrTRA 6:6) (Gas pipes) VORCMTIS~71, V. T. Dvoinye kolonkovye truby Z:Dual colunn pip-3si. Msokva, UgletelkhizAat, 1953. 82 p. SO: Mon1lily List of Russign Accessiors, Vol. 6 No. 12 March lc54. VOROTYMSEVAt N. N~, VOROrMSEVA, N.N. (Hoskya) NV, Clinical aepects and therap7 of chronic Osentery In claldren. lelvd. I akush. no.6,34-38 Js 154. 7:7) (DYSOMY, BACITY-A In Infant and child '~therj ftdicine - Antibiotic$ eatment of Dysentery of Children With the Tew ibiotic Synthomycin," Prof A. I. Dobrokbc=nv&- t Y. Vorotyntseva, Infectious Diseases Cli=~.--- lust of Pediatry, Hosp imeal Rusakov '*Sov Med." Vol XV, No 4p PP 6) 7 Synthomycin (prepn 777) vas originally syzzthem~ !-- the 2d half of 1949. It is nev antibict~.-- tained syntheLictIly from chem.crude According to cl4nical resulLs, it is valzal-lr tbr-i-apieutic agent for treatment of acute therapeutic effect ~ii, of children. Its 41 M~SR/Medicine - Antibiotics (Contd) necessarily accompanied by sterilizati= zf intestine. Synthowycin has no apparezit. on patients. VOR01101TSEVA, USSR/Miedicine - Infectious Diseases I&r/Apr 52 "Joint Yeeting of the Yoscow Society of Pediatrists airl the Yosccw Department (Otdel) of Public Health Devoted to Gastrointestinal Diseases, 10,11, May 1951." S. Shapiro "Pediatriyall No 2, pp 71-74 In 1950, USSR scientists succeeded In producing exptl dysentery In monkeys (which are resistant to.Flexner bacilli) with Sonne bacilli; type-sup immunity in dysentery does not detract from the imrortance of the problem of immunization, because only Flexner badilli and Sonne bacilli (the latter since World War II) cause the disease in the USSR IT). the problem of preserving Sonne bacilli in the immunogenic form has been solved; the enteral method of immunization against dysentery is the most promising (Prof V. L. Troits', Corr YRml Acad VSed Sci USSR). Extensive expts demonstrated that treatment of dysentery of children with bacterlophage is without effect (R. B. Kogan. Dr. Med Sci, Inat Pediatry Acad Med Sci USSR). In regard to the effect of antibiotics In dysentery, BM-1 acts on the-intestinal syndrome and should be applied in light and medium forms of the disease; synthomycin is effective in acute and toxic forms; albomycir acts on staphylocceci causing complications II.I. Vorotyntseva, Inst of Pediatry, Ac*d Med Sci USSR). FA 207T62 9. MonthlX List of Russian Accessions, Library o 1)E(22M-M 1952 f Congress, 1953, Unclassified. VOROTYI,'TSEVA, N. V. Dysentery Levomycetin therapy of dysentery in children. Fedlatrila, Vo. 3. lc,~52. vclllii.-~lli"11!11~i,,J"~:jli~~, n. v. "Treating Dysentei-j in Children Ath Chendcothern-peut.1c -3 and Antibiolics." Acad 74:cd Z'Jci U6j, Cow, 195 . (I~ZhBlol, 7~o 1, Sep 54) SO: Sun 432, Z*~ I~ar 55 TOE OTYSTSIM-up IJ .1. 1 J -. Antibiotics and the treatment of &cut* dysentery in children. 7e'lldzher & akush no. 2:10-13 79b 1953. (CIAM 24--2) f ri. vacTrim", "Use of levomyeetin in the treatment cf dysentery in children" Tr. frcm the Russian p. 57 (kNAI!-- LE RC-VYC-SGVI` TICE. SERIA FEDIATHIE Vol. 6, 110. 3, ~ky/June 1953 Burcuresti, Rumania) 'SO: East&roplan, LC, Vol. 2, !~o. 12, Dec. 1953 TGROTYNTSITAR-N.V., kandiclat moditsinakikh nauk. Some measures for preventlag chronic dymenterr and a nev combined therapy method. Pediatrila, no.5:49-55 B-0 155. (KLRA 9:2) 1, Ix Instituta pediatrii ANN SSSR (rakoyoditell-chlea-korrespondent AMR SSSR prof. A.I. Dobrokhotova) (DYSMFMY, chronic, prey. & ther) ~(20TYNTSEVA.-N.V.; VINTOVKINA.'INS. Duration of dysentery In children. 20 no.8:35-)9.&g 156. (MLRA 9:10) 16 Is otdola ostrykh detskikh Infektail (save - chlea-korrespondent Akademil mediteinskikh nauk SSSR saeluzhennyy dayatell nauki prof. A.I.DobrokhotoTa) Institute pediatrii kkademii maditainakikh nauk SSSR (dir. - chlen-korrespondent Akademii mediteinekikli nauk SSSR prof* O.D.Soicolova-Ponomareva) (DYSENTIRY. BACILLARY, In inf. and child ther., eff. on duration of die.) R AUTHORi Vorotyntseva, N.V., Candidate of Medical Sciences '*-7-2/51 TITLE# They Must not Know the Horrors of War (Punt, oni as znayut ushaaov voyny) FERIODICALt Nauka i Zhizn'9 1957, # 7, p 2 (USSR) ABSTRACTt The author, a young pidistrioian and mother of two chidrtn, expresses her wish for peace and friendship between the nations. She points out that Soviet scientists are ready to cooperate with their colleagues all over the world, and that physicians by exchangitig their experience would greatly con-tribute to im- .prove the health of children and adults. The article contains one photo. AVAILABLE% Library of Congress Card 1/1 1J, BILIBIN, Aleksandr Fedorovich, prof.; SAKMOV, Petr Ivanovich; VOROTTHTS37A, Nina Vikto ovao; IMHATEV, S.V., red.; XUMA, Uin. ro a . [Treatment of dysentery: manual for practiBing physicians] Lechnnie dizenterii; -posobie dlia prakticheskikh vrac'.aei. Pod red.A.Y.Bilibina. Moskva, Goa.izd-vo med.lit-ry. Medgiz, 1959. 199 P. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Chlen-korrespondent ARN SSSR (for Bilibin). (DYSM4MY) VORUTlYNTSEVA, H.V.- VINTOVKIIIL. I.S. " ..-,: , On the 100th anniverBary of the birth of Praskovlia Vaoillevna To,iklins)vda: 1850-1923. Pedlatriia 37 no.6:94 Jo '59. (MIRA 12:9) (BIOGRLPHUS, To W inskala, Fra9kov'ja V. (Rue)) VOROTYINTSEVA N.V.,,nauk Im=nity in Apentery. Fe Idiatrila no.5253-57 161. (KM 1415) 1. 1z Instituta pediatrii M SSSR Wir. - prof. O.D, BYAolova- Ponomareva i otdolenlya ostrykh detgkikh infektsii (rukovoditell - profe A.I. Dobrokbotova [deceased)). (DYSENTERY) VOROTYNTSEVA, H*V..,., Problems in the patholocy and treatment of children with dis- orders of water - salt metabolism in acute intestinal infections. Pediatriia no.1:20-Z7 162* (KM 15:1) 1. Iz otdola ostrykh detskikh infektsiy (zav# - prof. S.D. Hosov) Instituta, pediatrii AW1 SSSR. (WATER METABOLISM) (124TEST111ES-DISEASES) (SALT IN THE BODY) Content of procalne and Its hydrolTo !P@ block. J.? N. VomtynLieva F V 4%6qdutine after Pfoc& Ina. and N. 1. Krakovskil Ph-Ackuq-u Surg., Acad. Med, Set. U.S.&R.). Farmakof. i TokOol. 16, No. 6, 3.4-44(1953).--Cinical detm. undcr pwilne (1) blrKk shov"d that climinat!on of I or of P-*mLnobenzo;c wM (11) CKCU-"4 In (1-7 lift. Thk Anit. VVICS With 010 Initial rate and Intensity of diuresti. Cortical bt,xk potrally mults In elimination of both I and It. In (top. pam- nephml block wu followed by ellminatim of I in 607o of cases -andUltimmecases. The clinical detris. showed about 70ig elimination of 1; evidently It under reactions In the body. Intravenous I Ift dop Is not W rhydrolyzed wrap Ij unchanced. Julian P, 51011ki- ,~Ia'~e 41,? lye' "ex, YOROMSAVA, 76 act of novocaine block on the activity of enzymes catalyzing the conversion of aovoeaine In endarteritis obliterans (with 9-- ry in Finglish). 44 no.8:53-58 Ag 157. (YIRA 10:11) 1. Is Institute khtrurgii imeni A.T,Vishuevskogo (dir. - doyetvitall- nyy chlen AMR SSSR prof. A.A.Vishneveldy) AKU SSSR, Moskva. Prestayle- na doyetvitellqrs chlenox ANN SSSR I.G.Rufanovym) (18TM81S. effects, -1 procaine inactivation in andarteritis oblitersne (Rue)) (PROOAINE. metabolism, inactivation b7 esterases in endarteritis obliterans (RUBD (THROMBOANGIITIS OBLITZRANSO metabolism, prodaine inactivation'ty astdrasse (Rus)) VOROTYNTSFVA, Ye.N. Distribution of radioactive novocalne in the organs and t!.aisues of an animal following its lntraveno%in adminintration and In case of a lumbar block. Eksper. khir. I anent. 7 no.4:c,o-gr Jl-Ag t62. (MIRL 17 5' 1. Iz biokhimicheskoy laboratoril Inatituta kh1rurgil imen! A.V.Vishnevskogo (dir. - daystvit--Ilnyy chlen A144 SSSR prof. A.A.Vishnevskly) AKI SSSR. VOROTYUrSEVAs U.N. Effect of novocaine on the oxidation-reduction process bi the nem tissue. Eksper. khir. i anest. no.lt9l-94 f65. (MIRA 18:31) .1 1, Biokhimicheakaya laboratortya (zav. - prof. A.S. Konikova) Inatituta khirurgii imenJ. A.V. Vishnevskogo (direktor - deystvitellnyy chlen AMI SSSR prof. A.A. Vishnevskiy) AMN SSSRv Moskvu, 4-1 I -. .BOROVIGH, A. Over the border. So; Veterinariya; 23; 7; July 19L6; Uncl. TABCON 0 * 0 * * 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 VORMIC A* P,) "Infectious equine encephalcmyelitis in USA in 1945." SO: Vet. 24 (4) 1947, P. 42 0 40 0 0 0* 0 0 - - - -- -- - VaROVIC11 p - A. - CA ~' "A Ilew Vaccire at;uiiist Rijiderp?st" Peterlrariy , Vol 24, Ito 49 Mfoscow~ 19470 Trans 83 , A. Lfi- I "Gastro-Duodenal Probe for Horses," 2nd Editionj Biomd6iz, Ibilisi, 1~46, bj atsstaii:ft, lecturer Mi. A. Xumsiev "Castration of Bullsj Raw and Boars,," Kazan., Tagoizdat, 1947,, by Prof. A. P. Studentsov, I-Sarited Worker of Science. Reviewed by A. Borovich Veterinariya, Vol 24. No 8, 1947p p47 ra.) VOPnVICH, A. U, CO-author w--; th F.. Borisovich, A. Glinnakov, and A. Shapiro, of ~ VFTERINARY 1-C-DICINE IN WE WSR . .0 SO.- Sellsko Khoz$-aystvemnaya !Entsil-lop--diya, Vol. 1, Ed. 3, PP. ~91-29,1, T! skva, 1949 Unclassified i --- 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 a 0 VOROVICF, A. A. "What munt the PreGident of a I-olkho7 know about tho Veterinary Code of the USSR." Imloncow, Publication af the Minist.-ly of Agricult r a, .11tion of k:ricultural USSR. 1952. 8 pmges. (Mlain Administi, Propaganda, Ministry of A,~riculture, USSR) SO: Vet., Aik; 1952, Unclassified. a 0 0 0 0 * 40 0 0 40 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 41 0 0 0 0 41 40 V01OVICII, A. A. Foot-and4louth Disease Epizootic hoof and mouth disease in Europe during 1951, Vaterinarlia 29.. No. 61 1952. Monthly List.of Russian Accessions., Library of Congress., August 1952# Unclassified. MOVIM A& 4720. VOROVICH, A. A. Chto nuzhno znat' predsedatelyu kolkhoza o voterin- arnom ustave Bosr. staliniri, goeizdat yugo-oBatii, 1954. 18 a. 18sm. (upr. sellskogo khozyaystva, yugooset. art. obl. upr. S.-kh. propagandy). 2000 okz. 30 k.-avt. ukazan na oborote tit. L.-na oset. yaz.---(54-57832) 619(47) SOt Letopisl Zhmnall nykh Statsys Vol. 7p;$1949 Vo-,IOVICH, I.I,, Doe ?hys Math Sci -- (diss) "Certain mathematical problems of noa-linear theory of envelopes." t, Len 1958, 15 pp (Len Order of Lenin State Univ im We 4hdanov) 150 copies (KLj 29-58P'127) - 1 - -, , ,,_~L , _ , VCHOVICEI, 1. 1. Existence of solutions in the non-linear theory of shells. Ity. AN SSSR. Ber.mat.19 no.4.,l73-l86Jl-AgI$5. :(KLRA 8:10) 1, Predetavlano akademikom B.L,Sobolavym (Ilastic plates and shells) (Mathematical physics) I I : r VAIP:i .~j !~Ii~ "'i , . ~, 2 t NYA, 1~ --t7: M I Off in tiff. Itemliffe'er ML -1,114 ~dd, I' x I ............ SOV/124-57-4-4604 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika. 1957, Nr 4, p 105 (USSR) AUTHOR: Vorovich, I. I. r- TITLE: Some Problems of the Nonlinear Theory of Shells (Nekotoryye zadachi nelineynoy teorii obolochek) PERIODICAL: Tr. 3-go Vses. matem. s"yezda. Vol 1. Moscow, AN SSSR, 1956, pp 201-202 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry Card 1/1 SUBJECT AUTHOR TITLE PERIODICAL USSR/MATHEMATICS/Theory of probability CARD 1/1 FG 397 VOROVId I.I. On the stability of motion for random disturbances. Izvestija Akad. Nauk 20, 17-32 (1956) reviewed 11/1956 Let the moticn be described by the system n M. M Z a iixi + Z bikxk + f:i(x1'--'Xn;t;xn+1P ... 'xm) - Fi. j-1 k,.n+l I Here xi (i-10,#*jn) shall be the sought functions and (X n+11-1xm ) be a certain random event. Let the probability theoretical description of it be given by a complete system of correlation functions. Under the solution of (1) the author comprehends the determination of the probability theoretical behavior of the event (X,,...,x n'x nf-j" *txm ) from the behavior of (X n+lt*"Pxm ). This very difficult problem, in singular cases, has been solve4 by Kuzneoov, Stratonoviff and Tichonov (Avtomat. Telemech. AL 375-391 (1953)). The author obtains the same results, but with a careful mathematical argument. N 09,0VIC0 ) 1-11 SUBJECT USSR/MATHMUTICS/Funrtional analysis CLRD 1/2 PG - 510 AUTHOR VOROVId I.I. TITLE On some direct methods in the non-linear theory of slightly curved shells. PERIODICLL Priklad.Mat.Mech. 20, 449-474 (1956) reviewed 1/1957 The very interesting paper is a contribution to the theoretical investigation of non-linear differential equations of the theory of slightly curved shells. The author starts from a variant of the theory proposed by Vlasov (General theory of shells, Moscow (1949)). Humorous assumptions (the projection of the shall is a simply connected domain C, for the boundary of which a very appreciable smoothness is required, in C there exists the Green tensor of the plane theory of elasticity etc.) permit to reduco the original system of differential equations to an integro-differential equation. For the in- vestigation of this latter one the functional space L and two Hilbert spaces H and H I are applied with different scalar products. The proof of existence for the solution of the integro-differential equation is reduced to the proof of existence of critical points of a certbin functional. Then the applicability of the methods of Bubnow-Galerkin and Ritz to the thoory of the slightly curved shells is theoretically proved. If the approximative solution is set up in the form W. a C In TI+ *** + Onn ~OnO where the form Prikled.Mat.ifech. 20 449-474 (1956) CARD 2/2 ?a - 510 &ZL an orthonormalized base in R,, then the following theorem is valid: The set of approximations according to Bubnow-Galerkin which is contained ia a sufficiently great sphere of the space H,9 is infinite and strongly compact in Hie Every limit point Wn in 91 is a solution of the given integro- differential equation. Conditions for the uniform convergence of the sequences Wnxx , Wnzy p Wny, are set up. Then the power series expansion of the singular ana non-eingular solutions are considered in terms of a small parameter. Finally it is stated that the real solution can be the limit of complex approximations too. INSTITUTION: Rostow - Don. -T SUBJNCT USSR/4THRUTICS/ftnotional analysis CARD 1/3 PG - 701 AUTHOR VOROVIC I.I. TITLE On the existence of periodic solutions in some oases. PERIODICA1 Doklady Akad.Nauk 110, 165-168 (1956) reviewed 4/1957 Let X(x,IX29'..) be an element of the Hilbert space 2 21 4)(X,V,W) be a functional in 12 which depends on the parameters v, IT141, and w, 1wl S, 1. 'Lot Se Ix) be the topologic product of the closed sphere of radius I in the 1 2 and of the squarelvi 41,)wl4,i. 4)is continuous in x,v,w F- selxl if from weakly Xn X, lim TP lim w there follows lin X tyupwn)n n (P(Xov#W)- (~ie called continuously , Cc differentlAble on Se (xj if In every point of Sejxj there oxiete the grad, 2 where a) #rad 12 ~ has contiuuous components on SeW. b) 10(1+H,sin t,cos t)- - ~(Xqsin t,cos t)14, (R-grad, + O(X,K, t) , where JW I e-k(t) A R112 an& k(t)-..-$, 0 is en-able on (0,21C). 2 2 12 Doklady Akad.Nauk 110. 165-168 (1956) CARD 2/3 PG'- 701 Theorems Lot the functional O(Xgv,v) defined on Sjjxj be continuous and continuously differentiable on every 3Rzjxjt lot it further be even in X,v and w and.let it satisfy the condition L, x Z'6 4 09 where the sign of @quality i ~ W holds only for X - 0 for all v9w. Then the infinite system 2 .. X - grad1 24)(X,oin t,coe t) X on every epkere 2ir CD j2 dt . g2 has not lose than a countable number of f i00 0 2Ir-pariodic solutions to which there correspond different 'A 2> 0 and the Fourier series of which consint of sinus terms only. Here there exists a 2 2 sequence?~>O such that lim )~ n In -),0D -0. Theorems On 3OD xjxj let be given the functional .1 Mx2 + U (X, a in 2 ttoos *)t I)oklady Ikad.lauk 110, 165-166 (1956) CARD 3/3 PC - 7P1 where /A, ek 4 1 and U >,.O is continuous, continuously Uf forontiablo and oven in Xtv,w. Lot the 2ir-periodio function F(t) have the components f16 L2(0,27C) where oo 27r 2 21t i- It# 4 000 fidt 4 co I fi coo a t dt Op 0.0 .... 00. f 0 0 Then the equation x gr&d 4- Y(t) 2 in the sphere 2ir oo 2 21r co 2 A - f dt _62) 0 has at least one ST-periodio solution the Fourier series of which contains sinus terms only. Thos. two'and two further similar theorems are proved by reduction of th* appearing equations with the aid of Galerkin's method to certain operator equationa the solutions of which can be obtained by aid of results of Sobolow, KrasnoselloWt Wusternik etc. USTITUTIOIfUniversity Rostov/Don. C~,~C N Q ~A AUTHORs VOROVICH,I.I ..t. YUDOVICHj V.1. (Rostorv-na-D'Onu) 40-4-10/24 TITLEs The Impact of a Round Disk Upon a Liquid of Finite Depth (Udar kruglogo diska o zhid1cost' koneohnoy glubiny). PERIODICAL: Prikladnaya Mat.i Mekh., 19579 Vol.21, Hr 4P PP-525-532 (USSR) ABSTRACTt With the aid of the Fourier method and under application of the contractina mappings the authors investigate the impact of a round disk of radius a upon a reating ideal liquid of d relations it follows that for depth h. From the obtaine ' vertical impact the influence of the finite depth can be neglected and it must be set h-c* - p if h*,-;pl9la. The error in the determination of the maximum pressure etc. remains be- low 6% in this case. If z-O is the free surface, awl, the density 5.1t U the velocity of the diskj y the velocity potential of the liquid particles, then it is e.g.s S2 S 5 2 1 EU 4. fl 1 - .(7+5r + :L 7 + Z.0 Ir 31Y h3 4 57Y h h 9Tr2 r-41 3 - + 7 (17+21r2 +7r4) 1 + r 2 CARD 1/1 210?r J SUBMITTED: November,9, 1956 AVAILABLEs Library of Congress tq/ 'I X.-I. AUTHOR: VOROVICH'I.I. 38-6-215 TITLEs On Some Direct Methods in the Nonlinear Theory of Oscillations of Flat Shells (0 nekotorykh pryamykh metodakh v nelineynoy teorii kolebaniy pologikh obolool-,-' PERIODICAL: Izvqstiia Akademii Nauk, SSR, Seviya Hatcmaticheskay&,, 1957s Vol. 210 Nr.6, pp.747-784 (USSR) ABSTRACTs At first the author considers a very general nonlinear operator equation 0) Z5 tt n -AIG -A2r. -K pt + 'i(P, t) with the initial conditions g(P), otl two . "E(P) P rz- J~l Here A 2Zi is assumed to be nonlinear and the other operatoks are defined in special spaces where they have to satisfy certain additional conditions. Then, with the aid of the principle of Ostrogradski-Hamilton, for (1) a generalized solution is defined which not necessarily has the second derivatives with respect to the time. For the determination of this solution the method of Card 1/2 Bubnov-Galerkin is applied; the solution is sought in the form On Some Direct Methodx in tho Honlinoar Thoory of OocUlatione 30-6-2/5 of Flat Shells of a linear combination of functions forming a complete system. An existence theorem is proved. It is shown that the set of all approximative solutions in a certain space is weakly compact and that it contains an infinite subset each accumulation point of which is a generalized solution of 0). With the aid of the general theory developed in this way, the author considers two problems on nonlinear flat shells (with and without consideration of the inertia of the longitudinal motions). 13 Soviet and 1 foreign references are quoted. PRESENTED: By S.L.Sobolevy Academician SUBMITTEDt March 8, 1956 AVAILABLE: Library of Congreau Card 2/2 VOROVIGH, I.I. On tfia existence of solutions in the'nonlinear theory of shells. Dqkl, AN SSSR 117 no,Zt?03-206 N 157. (MIRA llS3) 1. Roatovskiy na Donu goeudaretvennyy uuiversitat. Prodetavleno akademikom SeL. Sobolevym. Mastic pMen and shells) 1400) SOV/2o-122-1-9/44 AUTJJOR: Vorovich, I. I* TITLE: ;ome Problems of t-b-a-Stability of Shells in the Large I (Ifekotoryye voprosy u3toychivosti obolochek v bollehom) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 122, fir It Pp 37-40 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A linearization method, according to which the instant of the lose of the stability in determined by the first eigen- value of a certain linear boundary problem in very often used for the solution of many problems concerning the stability of elastic systems. It in known that the lineariza- tion of the equations cannot always be applied to the prob- lem of the stability of shells. This paper deals with some ,eneral facts concerning this problem which were found by an exact analysis of the fundamontal equations of the non- linear theory of the shells. The author makes the following assumptions: 1) The central surface of the shell E is given by the equation r_* - 70(a, P) i a, P 6 ~Z' ; 9 in a f inite region Card 1/2 of the plane a,p; 2) The boundary 7-57 of Q consists of a Some Problems of the Stability of Shells in the Large BOV/2o-122-1-9/44 finite number of arcs and the tangents of any of them turn continuoual 3 r has continuous derivatives of the second order in ~~ The external forces which act upon the shell are assumed to have t1ja form AX9 XY, AZ where A is a numeri- cal parameter. The following operations mus. be carried out in order to solve the above-mentioned problem: 1) Find the number n('X) of the posoible atranood states of the shell for various A. 2) Determine the degree of the reality of any equilibrium ahape of the shell if the number of those shapes is higher than 1. An an example, the author investigates a closed shell. In this case, the first part of the stability problem may be reduced to the investigation of the number n(X) of the solutions of the -ion-linear boundary problem of a system of eqiiations given in thin paper. A lemma and 6 theorems concerning tPhis subject are given. Finally, the author reports in a few lines on the degree of reality of any equilibrium shape. The results of this paper are valid also for some other cases of shell embedding. There are 12 refer- Card 2/2 ences,all of which are Soviet. FRESENTED: May 12, 1958, by V. I. Smirnov, Academician SUBUTrED: June 28, 1958 1400) SOV/2o-122-2-9/42 AUTHOR: Vorovich, I. I. TITLE: The Error of the Direct Methods in the flon-Linear Theory of Sholls (Pogreahnost! pryamykh metodov v nolineynoy teorii obolochak) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol'122, Nr 2, pp 196-199 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author first writes down the solutions of a system which describes great deformations of a shell. The direct methods for the approximate soliition of this boundary problem are used either according to P. F. Papkovich or in the form developed by Kh. M. Mushtari. First, the.method developed by Papkovich is investigated, The approximate solution w n of the problem is given as n Wn - ~~ a nkyk (P~, a nk f3 ~wnj X, (F) AB da do k-1 .Card 1/3 where Xk(p) is an orthogonal normalized basis in the space BOV/2o-122-2-9/42 The Error of the Direct Methods in the Non-Linear Theory of Shella 1119 . The moaning of the terms of the initially mentioned system of equations was given in a previous paper (Ref 1). The authoisthen mention*some facts which are arguments in favor of the application of the Papkovich method. In some cases the velocity of the convergence of the expansions with respect to IWn may be e3timated. These estimations rely on data concernL the degree of amoothness of the solutions of this problem. The author then mentions some theorems which are based upon those estimations. In the second part of this paper, the method developed by Mushtari is investi- gated. In this cacep the approximate solution is given as n n W. = CO b nk k (F); --'n* (u,lvn) nk k a X c _( TV ~k) k 1 k=1 where Xkv Tk' and ~k form an orthogonal and normalized basis in the space 11 3Q *The author then mentions come facts which are arguments in favor of the application of Mushtari's method. Similar results may be found if direct methods are Card 2/3 applied to a system of equations'containing a function of SOV/20-122-2-9/42 The Error of the Direct Methods in the Hon-Linear Theory of Shells the tencionse This gives a modification of the method by P. F. Papkovich and V. Z. Vlasov. There are 6 references, 6 of which are Soviet, ASSOCIATION: Rostovskiy-na-Donu gosudarstvenn universitet (Rostov-na-Donu State Universityf PRESENTED: May 12, 1958, by V. I. Smirnov, Academician SUBMITTED: June 28, 1957 Card 313 24(6) SOV/179-59-4-V40 AUTHORS: Vorovich Kosmodamiansk'Ay, A. S. (Rostov-ria-Donut TITLE: Elastic E quilibrium of an Isotropic Plate Weakened by a Number of Equal Curvilinear Borings PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdele niye tekhnicheskikh nauk. Mekhanika I mashinostroyeniyel 1959, Nr 4, pp 69-76 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The method of Kolosov and Muskhelishvili is used here for solv- ing the periodic problem of the theory of elasticity for a i~Ate. with an infinite number of curvilinear borings. It is shown that this method is Sim ler and more goneral than that of R. C. Jo Howland (Ref 15. The theoretical investigation of the present problem was,carried out in the papers by G. N. Savin (Ref 2) and S. G. Mikhlin (Ref 3). The functions of Kolosov and Muskhelishvili are expressed by the formulas (1.1) (Refs 3,4)o The e uations (3-3) and (3-4) are derived for the two functione yM and #(z) of these formulas. They are sub- stituted into the boundary conditions of the first main prob- lem of the paper (Ref 4), and (3~5) is obtained. The outline problem (30) is solved by uao of (3.6) The further analysis Card 1/3 Is made-for the concrete case where 1ro iboring outline, through SOV/179-59-4-9/4-0 Elastic Equilibrium of an Isotropic Plate Weakened by a Number of Equal Cuzvilinear Borings the center of which the origin of coordinates is laid) is an ellipse, the outline of which is reflected by the function 4-1 onto the cutline of the unit circle r'o, The formulas 4-5 - (4-8) are derived* With the help of the latter and of 3*6~, approximation formulas for the functions 9 and y are ob- ~ L Uained from (3-3) and (3-4)- By means of these functions, the strains in the plate are found from (1.2). Two cases are in- vestigated: stretching of the plate along the x-axis, and along the y-axis. Diagrams are drawn on the basis of those investi- gations. They show that in the former case the number of borings exerts its greatest influence on an individual boring when the ratio a/b of the Bemiaxes of.the ellipse is small. In this case, the maximum strains in the plate decrease as compared with the case where the plate in only weakened by one boring, In the other case of straing the picture ia inverted. The greatest In- fluence is exerted by the number of boringa on the individual bcau irg :Ina high ratio a/b.- The second main problem of the paper (Ref 4) is then investigated. In this case, the formula (6.1) Card 2/3 is put in the place of (3e5). The solution of the problem of SOV/179-59-4-9/40 Elastic -Equilibrium of an isotrcp-A*.c Plate Weakened by a lvh:nber cf Z,,;.1 Curvilinear Borings A. the state of strain in an isotropic plate with circular borings in which hard balla are solderedis g'-ven as an example. The two-above-mentioned cai;as, stretching along the x- and y-axe3, are also investiga-ted hewc. In the pzssent case, the stretching forces p act in infinity at the angle a to the center line of the borings (Fig 4)- It is shown that the influence of the in- finite number of the equal circular borings on the state of strain con3isto in the fact that at a-0 the concentration of strains on the boring outlines becomen higherp and at a=1/2 7 it becomes smaller. There are 6 figures, 3 tables and 4 ref- erencos, 3 of which ara Soviet, SUBMITTED: April 17, 1956 Card 3/3 ROZOV, Yu. (Yookva); BORODIN, V. (pov,'Tuchkovoh SHIYRIN, A. (Laningrad)- BOMURnW, P. (posjolyy Nolodes Q; VOROVIGHp B. (at. Yarvolints;) w Readers exchange practices. Boyaoto 19 no.11:61-62 A '59. (MITtA 13:4) It (Photography-Zquipment and supplies) 10(2) AUTHORS: --4QK211a~~~udovich, V. 1. SOV/20-124-3-1 3/67 TITLE: The Steady Flow of a Viscous Fluid (Statnionarnoye techeniye vyazkoy zhidkosti) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSRI 1959t Vol 124, Nr 3, PP 542-545 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors investigate a steady laminary flow of a viscous fluid within a certain range 2 *. This problem is reduced to de- terminin4 the velocit vector v(x) from the equations X7v' v - (1 7)-;- + ~- (1/~)Vp ((V,~) - const >O); div V - 0 Is Here '; and are given vectors$ and x is a point of the range R . The present paper deals with the differential properties of the solution within a closed range and with the rate of convergence of the Galerkin-method. For the given problem the authors introduce a generalized solution, prove herefore a theorem of existence, and show that there exists an arbitrary number of continuous derivatives in the closed range if the limit of the range and the right aides of the equations are sufficiently smooth. A theorem of existence is obtained Card 1/2 especially for the classical solution, but without the use Mqw-g V-$ q g mg, M -01, - M - - I M, A 17 K -6 M I The Steady Flow of a 'Viscous Fluid SOV/20-124-3-13/67 ASSOCIATION: PRESENTED: SUBMITTED: of estimates for GreenIn tenser of the corresponding linear problem. There are 5 references, 4 of which are Soviet. Rostov-na-Donu gosudarstvennyy universitet (Rostov-na-Donu State University) September 20, 1958, by G. I. Petrov, leadeinician September 20, 1958 Card 2/2 ~4(6) SOV/2o-126-4-14/62 AUTHORSs Vorovich, I. I., Krasovskiy, Yu. P. TITLE- On a Method of Elastic Solutions (0 metode uprugikh resheniy) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 126, Nr 4, pp 74o - 743 (USSR) ABSTRACTs In the present paper the application of the method of elastic solutions to the main problem of elastically-plastic deforma- tion is to be dealt with without any assumptions on the little- ness of parameters. The problem of minor elastically-plastic deformations consists in solving a system of differential equa- tions (1). The two boundary conditions are given under which solutions of (1) are found. The (limited) functional s;ace X1 for these two solutions is then defined, and two conditions are made concerning the vector functions. Two operators, A and B, are introduced, by means of which the two boundary problemm may be solved. Further, three theorems are developed with re- spect to the operators, from which it follovs that the sequence of elastic solutions converges in the space a like the first Card 1/2 derivation of a geometric progression. There are 4 Soviet 0-n a Method of Elastic Solutions SOY/2o-126-4-14/62 references. ASSOCIATIONt Rostovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet ( Rostov State Univer- sity) PRESENTEDt February 19, 1959, by S. L. Sobolev, Academician SUBMITTEDj 'February 19p 1959 Card 2/2 is v V Is is t 41 tl pit Ali `70 7! ?2155 10.1 Sj gj6l/053/004/001/002 ((tIO GM/C222 AUTHORSt Vorovich,1.1., and YudovichtV.1. (Rostov-na-Donu) TITLEs Stationary flow of a tenacious incompressible fluid FERIODICALs Matematichookiy aborniko V*531noo4i 1961, 393-428 TEXTs The main results of the paper are published in (Ref-14: I,I.Voro- vioh, and V.I.Yudovich, Statsionarnoye techeniya vyazkoy zhidkosti [Stationary flow of a tenacious fluid] DAN MR, v.126# no.3 (1959), 542-545). The authors consider the stationary motion of a tenacious fluid in a bounded container, They investigate the dependence of the differenti I properties of -the solutions on the smoothness of the initial date; furthermore the error is estimated which arises for the solution of :he problem according to the method of Babnov-Galerkin. The existence of a generalized solution is proved under weaker assumptions then in (Ref.11 JoLeray, 9tude de diverses 6quationa int6grales non lin6aires et de quelques robl9me quo pose 11Hydrodynamique, Journ.Math.pures et appl., 9, no.12 M33),,01_82). The flow of an incompressible tenacious fluid in a region is described by ,)A_V - (_V, 17 PJF, (1.1) Card 1/8 22855 Stationary flow... S/039J61/053/004/001/002 0111/C222 div 0, (1.2) where v -- velocity; P pressure; -41S-- positive constants, F -- non- potential part of the forces due to inertia. On the boutdary S of the region -Ulet :~Js Oct (1-3) where ;Cis a given vector. Problem; Determine vqP so'that they satisfy Let the following assuptions be satisfiedr a)9j -- bounded region of the 2- or 3-dimensional space; S ronsists of m closed surfaces S11829""Sm. with a continuous curvature. b) Inil there exists a continuously differentiable solenoidal vector where '; is identical with ;Z on S. a) On all Sk (k-1,2,...,m) it holds fcgnd' 0. (1-4) Sk Functional spacest- 1) Hilllrt space H A-A q7sY I closure of the set of vectors being smooth and 22 5 Stat ionarj flort... s/o3g/61/053/004/001/CC2 CIII/C222 solenoi dal in_Q rhich vanish in the neighborhood of S; the norm is .(;enerated by (~I I'U2, j (rot I rot U 2)d9I . (1-7) .2) Space L of the vector functions with,the norm p 1 ~i 11ilp ia)p. Let 6 d) 1; 11 (p'>- in the 3_dimensioi~il cuse..and, P 5 1 in the two-dimensional case)! Definition I.1t A vector "EZ,where U Q- H, and V) iF+.(-u. vj-a + (a*, V) T+(-ZV) a- ffi_~vfotli- rot iV+T-;5jd 0 Card 3A Stationary flow'... 22855 S1039J611053100410011002 CIII/G222 is satisfied for-an arbitrary ~-G-H 1 in oallbd a generalized solution of (1.1)-(1-3)- Theorem Is Under the'assumptiona a),b),c),d) the problem (1-1)-(1.3) has at least one generalized solution in the sense of the definition 1.1. ,1(2) Let iii-: 13/2 3/2 . Then the vector ~i determined from (1-3) can be understood as a generalized-solution of the linear boundary valUe problem V A V P+T, (2.1) div u.- 0 (2.2) 0, (2-3) whero T f,+(u+aPV)(U47a)-I)A'gC-L 3/2 The vector satisfies r rot E- rot (P dr- dx (2-4) a I A for every CP C- Hi . Let the surfaco-S be dcoo:ribable in the-neighborhood of an arbitrary one Card 4/8 22855 Stationary flow... 51039J611053100410011002 ~Clll/C222 of its points in the local coordinates by X-2 r%P(Xj)x2)V (2.-6) where P shall hM-V-6 continuous 1-.-th derivatives ritli reap'ect to x -2- Then let S belong to the class Theorem 2: If Y ~;L 6 S C- CM fli6 the P (P~-P a-ria generalized solution of (2.1)-(2.?) in the canoe of (2.4)t in the yegion abelongs'to the.class 71 (2) and it holds -P m T (2-7) W(2) LP p (M denotes a constant depending'pnly onD and V A function p(x) given in the region 0 belongs to-the class H(klmt if in F5 it has a derivatives of k-th order-which here satisfy the A 1161der conditiop with 'the exponent N and the constant m. Let 3kt be the space of functibns of H(k,M, A) with the norm Card 5/8 22855 StatiIonax-y f low' S/039/61/053/004/001/002 CIII/C222 -jP P 0 + "d alp (r) O*p SU- 04110yNy".9 + P -A (3. 1) y Let S Gj\k(m,'X) if 'P(xI'OX2 of.-(2.6) belongs to H(k,m, where k,m,-k are the same for all points of S. kjN k+2, "N Theorm 3s Let FC-B Sc (mt A ), k ~Oy a !~rB Then the - -'A-k+3 k+2, 'A generalized solution v Wa of (1,1)-(1-3) belongs to B if O< and it belongs to B k+2,1-0 if X. I. ~et'the operator K be defined'by. ,.Card 6/8 22855 Stationary flow... S/039J61/053/004/001/002 OFUI 4A11 C111/C222 IV)";-'~+Jrot ';-rotjJ-fldja. JL Theorem 4: Let all assumptions of theorem I be satisfied; 6 W(2) form 'Fk 2 a base in Hi. The approximate solution of (1-1)-(1-3) is sought with the arrangement n T + 7 - -AIM WO (4-1) n n 7Un - 2: Yk k-1 Whers'Akn are calculated from LIL 7. - qk (x) dx q;kdx (k-1j2,...,n). (4.2) Then it holdes 1) For Ivery n the system (492) has at least one real solution. 2) The set tun Ines in a sphere-and is strongly compact, where every weakly converging sequence of 1;nloonverges strongly- 3) If U is an accumulation point of f- Iin H then _v - -a-f-u is a generalized 0 tunS 0 solution of (1-1)-(1-3)- 4) Every isolated solution ~. of Car& 7/8 22855 Stationary flow... 3/039/61/053/004/001/002 0111/6222 the index of whichis different from zero is an accumulation point of -Cu.'L in H, . Here for every E> 0 an N can be given so that for all n;,~- N the.fe exibt approximate solutions of (4-1) Ving in the E-neighborhood of the point UO of the space His Theorem 5 contains an estimation of the velocity of convergence of the Galorkin-method under additional assumptions. The proofs of the theorems are based on 26 lem-as. The authars mention R.A.Krasnosellskiyt O.A.Ladyzhanakayap V.Solonnikov, E*Bykhovskiy# A&I.Kosheleirt L.N.Slobodetakiy and I,Yu.tharrik. There are 15 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc references. SUBMITTED& February 10, 1959 Card 8/8 L12 00 10 go 1!,LILI 13Z1 26741 B/040/61/025/003/018/026 D208/D304 AUTHOR: Vorovich, I.I. (Rostov-on-Don) TITLE: On the general representation of solutions of equations of the conic shell theory PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk. Prikladnaya, matematika i mekhanika, v. 25,no. 3, 1961, 543 - 547 TEXT: In the linear theory the problems of shells, auxiliary func- tions are frequently introduced which make it possible to descri- be the problem by a single higher order equation. The general me- thod of introducing such functions given by A. Golldenveyzer (Ref. 2: Teoriya uprugikh tonkikh obolochek (Theory of Thin Blaotic Shells) GITTLv 1953) is presented and developed to give W V4(D. 'ChVkto (1-15) which reduces to + 12 (1 - v') hi =0 Card 1/4 S/040/61/025/003/018/026 n-n thp ffp-nprql- representation D208/D304 while m t+V Diu Clio -c2(03 J-V 0 + '2 + -2 T-Ty + V W W -- -i-- jdy')' I + V 02' 61 1 =V -!!!-% a- + L-Z-i " IA!- - 0 -u 4- + -L:. V 2 ax-lay -'~~d- 2 d" 2 y y V + -Lv - c2 2- -(2-v) V + c, W + 111Z - 0 ox dy I a, ~$- -W] C2 Its (1.19) by as as OND OND (1.20) oxs Tx-ay, axoys ~FT as as aND tr(j) 'p,p) -D - (2 + v) ,jy -jy-. v W (~pfj- - +T (1.21) W (1.22), gives oftp (t VI) h c2 (v I + 1)2 V 4(D - 20 (1 - V) Z (1.23) Card 2/4 2674161/025/003/018/026 S/04 On the general representation D208 YD304 In the case of a spherical shell (1-15) cannot always be utilized, and the following cases are discussed: 1) For which types of shells does the introduction of the auxiliary function by Eq. (1-15) make investigation of stresses possible ? 2) Ift for some shells (1-15) cannot always be used# whielz states of stress can be described by them ? 3) Can any state of stress of cylindrical shell be descri- bed by (1.20) - (1.22) ? 4) What is the degree of arbitrariness offk in the derivations given above ? It is concluded that a) If kX - - ky +ik xy / 0, then for any sufficiently smooth functions connec- ted by 1 7 4T - Vk 2w = 09, 2 + D w - Z = OP (1-13) Eh Vk CP then (1-15) is always feasible; b) If ~1,i~2 satisfy (1.15) simul- taneously, then 1), -,D2 = alx + a2y + a3xy + a 4x + a5y + a6 Card 3/4 26741 S/04 61/025/003/018/026 On the general representation D208%304 where a 4p a59 a6 are arbitrary and a19 a2q a 3 are connected by alk x + a2ky 2kxya3 = 0; (3.2) c) If the shell is spherical (kx ky = kq k xy = 0) then (1.15) is possible .only if w = Ehk 7 2 (3-3) Also if fl and(12 satisfy (1-15) simultaneously, then di, - ~2 where 10 - some harmonic,function, For the (1,20)-(1.22) the con- clusion reaches is that for any three functions connected by (1-17) (1.18)9 (1.20)-(1.22)9 simultaneously 3 2 2 31 + p(xp Y)q �2 al(X + 3vxy ) + a2L- 3x y + (2 + v)y where P arbitrary poivnomial of 2nd degrees There are 4 Sovier.- bloc references. SUBMITTED: December Ap 1960 Card 4/4 LUF-SANDRIW, II.M1, lv()ROV.V;;-. 1. 1. (F~,b ~- -, -LAID 1. on t a c '~ p12. e a 9 f f - - a t i- I r. el f; s 1 14 ~, 1 %3 v e -- .k I . rA t , i mokh. 28 no.2;;'W,",)!,'~;~'l Yr-~p ")4. (IMIRA 1-7-5) ACC t4-K- cda-jk~ 54 AUTHORS: Vilenskayak_T. V. (Rostov-na-Donu); Vorovich, 1. 1, (ROGtOV-na-Darru) ORGi none M~M Asymptotic behavior in the solution of' a 'problem in elasticity theoV for :spherical shells of small thickness ~SOURCE: Prikladnaya matematika i makhanika, v- 30,.no. 2, 1966v 278-295 ____TOPIG TAM elasticity theory, spherical shell structure, asymptotic property, approximation methody stress analysis ABSTRACT: The stress and defordation in thin-walled spherical shells under a SYMMetric, uniformly distributed load are analyzed. Generalized solutions are ob- tained for the governing equations using spherical coordinates and Euler-type equa- tions.I.Incompaot form the chaa-soteristio equation of this system gives Tj~hytft- T-Inkv ~ak d the parameter At is determined where Y is the 'shell thic)mesel -4 jA an from the boundary conditions. It is shown t t this equation has three groups of roots. One group is independent of 'Y9 one group increases as IN-Y as /--*0, and a third group increases as VY as -t--P 0. The stress and deformation for the shell are Card I -L--26oo2-66.-- A-CC W-Ri 1-25 7 066 4 obtained for each group of recta. The asymptotic, behavior of each solut an is analyzed, and a method is shown for reducing ox annion errors to an arbitrarily small value C. The method outlined tq A. 1. Lurlyo tnavnovosiyo uprugcry ei=etrichno nagruzhermoy efericheakoy obolochki. PLIM, 1943~ T. 7, vyp- 6) is used in the analysis as it applies to spherical geometries.. Orig. art. hast 66 equations and 3 figures. SUB CODr,,UV,/;/, SM DATEt 178ep65/ ORIG RM 006 CarA 2/2 1~07-0'66 I/$VIP(k)/4WT(d)/LW(=)/ETC(m)-6/EWP(w)/EWP(T) zptc) ZK/Ww -- -CODE1 UR/,DO40/65/029/005/0694/0901 ~ACCXRs AP6004073 son, GN UTHORSs Vorovich, 1. T. (Rostov-na-Donu); Zinalova, V. F. (Rostov-na-Donu) .A ORG s. none '';TITLF.j On the eolution-of'nonlinear bouniarvlvalue-~roblZ.Ms In the theo1Z of ~!elqatioity by the method of transforming them into Cauchy problems :SOURCE: ' Prikladnaya matematika-i-mekbanika, v. 29,-,.no- 5o 1965, 694-901 !TOPIC TAGSt Cauchy Droblem, boundary-value problem, elasticity theory, nonlinear elasticity j-- numeric- -intbg- - tion, tal oaputer, function, shell deformation ra c ;ABSTRACT: A method is described for transforming a boundary value problem in non- ;linear elasticity theory into a Cauchy problem to allow for a direct numerical ,!integration on digital computers. Given the deformation equdtion of a ahellg- joymbolically Ai(utvtwop) - 0 (1 - 1,20), 2- F'it is required to determine a function VuPy9w) which can be expressed as a func- ;tion of the loading parameter p. This can be done by differentiating with ~respect to p such that .Card 1/2 L ~17837-66 'ACC'NRt AP6004073 a0 dC.k TP- - AR. 1, -j..-0 iwhere Onk are transformation constants. The above equation represents a set of Ilinear ordinary differential equations in JS and CrIk.. The above analysis is applicid to the-deformation Of a spheriml dome under uniform loading condLtionee The gwerning equatione ar~_giygn~j 10 2ft PV +V'_T=0(-W-P+-L0) ('0 0 2 Ehil h 0 211 IA2) * P N P + 0) + C, (' P.) P0, P, 1where !F plays the role of the integral n .1=~Odp The resulting oriinary differential equations are solved numerically an the Minsk- 1-12 digital computer using the Runga-Kutta, integration scheme. OrIg. art. hast 26 equationeg 10 figurest and I table. SUB CODE t DATEs 311faY65/. ORIG RM M Cmrd 2/2 -no MWMT.V.00 '4A. (rAotag~-M- D=); VMV=t I.I. (ftdtCY7-r&-Dc=) AaMtotic behavior of Vio volution to a problem in alasUcity tJxMWY 2w a fiatc h021" c7UMOr Of =11-2 tbic)TAoo, PrIldo i L:-akb* 29 m.6--103$-1052 V-D 165. (IM"A 1912) 3.& &-ftitt4d June 25t 1965. ACC NR-1 - ----- %0'rjf , -,;& AUTHORSt Bazarenkop N. A. (Rostov-na-Donu)i Vorovicht 1. 1. (Roetoy-na-Donu) ORM--none- TITLEs Asymptotic behavior of a solution from the theory of elasticity for aflat cylinderof finite length andemall. thickness SOURCEt Prikladnays matematika i imekhanikap v. 290 no. 6t 1965t 1035-1052 TOPIC TAGS: stress analysis, shell theory, asymptotic propertyp characteristic equationt elasticity theory ABSMCTs A study was made of the stress distribution ir. a flat bomogeneous cylinder of,finite dimensions (see Fig. 1) Fig. 1. L Card 1/3 ACC NRj A11~0005421. 'under a unifonay-distributed-axisy=etrio load. It-is assumedL-that the cylinder has thin walls and that the stress distribution is governed by the set of equations ~q -, &W =_ 0, 1 11 !AU- 1U.0 2v 0i _-2-V j,_1 + ra where, a3 0 + L + �1 + I YZ or+ Vs a De, r W-P -Using -the fact that the solution of the-above equationa-can be obttined in Ressel funotions, the following characteristic equation is arrived at 1)) [E.3 + 2 L111 + tj%1L,6i-+, -A (p) 2 (v V - 31. 1 - t + [Ej~ + 2 (v 1)] Elz L1,1 + I.Ell + 2 (v - I)] E, 4 (v - 1) 0 where 1A is a parameter whose value is determined on the basis of conditions satisfied at the cylinder boundaries, and /-tr. This characteristio eqv-%t'on is rewritten after the following substitutions are made; Y - #R19 (112-Y/All and its various roots are discussed in-great datail.__ These roots are diviled into three groups: 1) double roots that are independent of C9 YO - 0; 2) fotw roots defined by Tit at 6k-TOk+eTjt+6'Tzt+---, TOi4--12(v*-1)_O va) ACC NRs -06000542-- 229 1 863 0 I + 1-5 V + wV Tot + & increasing as 1//T as 0; 3) even-multiple roots defined by A T,v=:!-k; At-60k+e162k+P,163k+---, (5 ITO dot - 6,k,) 0, 20-0) 7 - 8v Fit, -26,k- 26.1, + 62t = -Ak -increasing as I/&- for 0. Stress-deformation -relations are then obtained for each group of roots. A set of homogeneous solutions is then obtained to satisfy boundaT7 conditions at the cylinder ends under oy=etric and akew-ayumetric loadings. the homogeneous solution in then compared to a nor* e=ct analysis with stress relaza- tion on the cylindrical part of the bounddries. Orig. art. has' 76 equations and I 30 CODEt 20/. S= DAM 25Jun65/ ORIO-REF$ 007 t_ 'Card L Cam ,VOROVICII,_ ~!L, doktor fiz.-matem. nauk, prof.1 LYU9114)V, V.Ya.; SAFRONOV, Yu.V., kand. fiz.-tatem, nauk, doteent; 50FRON011, Ye.l., kand. tekhn. nauk; USTIWV, Yu.A., kand. flza-zatems nauk Reliability of fitting rim bands on gear-wheal centers. Vast. mashlnostr. 45 no.7:23-26 JI 165. (MIRA M10) AKSKITYAN, O.K. (Rostor-na-Dwou)," VORCV'IGHI I.I. Detemining the concentration of atursases on ths bemq,,s nr applied theory* Xrikl. mat- i r,,--kb. 258 no.3t5sq-5)6 Iti-jel", 1% 1, 11 F"I 1,1 ~-, ) .VOROVICIIj LL (Roatw-np-Donu) General representstLow of" the soclutior-9 theory of multUayer anl3otrnpl.~: ;Ahells. 29 no.4:690-700 J'I--Ag 165. to equatio-,-- im the Frikl. mat. i mekh. (MI-RA 18-0) doktor fizmatem.nauk, prof.; SAFRONOV, Yu.V., -kand.fiz.- matem.nauk, dotsent.; USTINOV, Yu.A. Axial slipping of tires on large-diameter spiral gear wheels. Vest.mashinostr. 44 no.12:13-17 D 164. (MIRA 18:2)