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S/PT6/6d,/I,%34,/010/01 3/022 110150064 lie gerd fo i Fig.' i temperature dependericist I GO dissociationa 2 - c< T 'Dir) and 3 T 2 ho redation 10, W AAT-~P ri)i t 14- N A at a con'stant 49- 3 preasure :P;: - 300, atm, IV - s JW M41 M M 74141 W_ AV A Pine. 1. TemnepaTypass asnucaumn:IcTerlenn AwetotinsixHit c[; 2-o~ = (clc(18T)p a4 - ct; = (MaIM)p . Allot Pewmils 2NHO N2 + 3Hj nPR 116CIOMMOM AdDaeriNg'' PWO MA, Card 5/6 .......... 11111 HU in am HIM, of Iii B/976/60/034/010/013/022 D015/b064 Legend fai! J?i g.2 pressure IAw. 'dependence,t 1 degree of con- -V&raion 2 and 3 - r*1 ~P for the 2), : P 2 ioaction CO + 211 CH OR in 2 : 3 gaa the course. of r6actio A n in ~the. ! t/ 'IM equivalent mixture at ak a conatant tamperatwre T n;113o82OC.: X 29 5C Puc. 2. 3asItCHMOCTL OT Aamenna: I -cTenenli VIP ap - Pala (Malapl)r !wfi Peakung Mr ap c0+2Hz::::qCff,0H(ras)' npoTemomeR v arks rommon Te"eo 6t UPR Doi Card 616 ric 27 7 1 1:11!! VOR011OV., A.V. Some tlierwd amic corollaries of the disperild 0100CAll the=7 I Yn I af gas - liquid phase transition. Zhur.fiz.kbi'l 985-~ 35 114J.9t 1 1993 161. (HIM IA: 10) 1. KharIkovskiy politekhnichookiy inatitut ims Ii Le~ima. (Gas dynamdes) 1; N 1;111:.!: VORGNOV IAv New f-cpressicir of the con,:3tant of ch-3.mictil aqu',.Ubr-4U_j. -TZ7. vyo. ucheb. zav. ; khim, I khim. tekh. 7 no.3:3~18-395 164. R , 17 - 10' 1. ~I-Arlkovskiy pD3ite~hnicl,eskiy Anstitut im-eni banirml, kaf eara fizichaskoy khimti. VORONOV, A.V. Singular thermodynamic points of reversible chejr-irql re~~-ctlions. Prtrt "I. Zhur.fiz,khim. 37 no.7s1472-1480 JI 163# KharIkovskiy politekhnicheskiy inatItUt imen'. I+enina~, -63 ~pqpj- P I U 17726 m /14M ACCESSIC 9 M 4 ts AP3004058 &U, Voronovr A v MT12t .-Special thermodyrx-mic polLt,a of reviralible: bljhLm~cal r Ctiv ~d. dary I)r0asurei; it aq a MiAvres of r4e- jequilibrium shift pressure ar-d bo-,in vanto j SCURCEs Zhurnal fiziebeskoy khiviip Vo 37*r nool 7, :1!)63f~: 147 ;48a -1,0 Ch i PaID OC TQPIC TAGSs equilibrium' ChUtIPOSOU it v r i IMTPICT: -A new-ard-more convenient expressio, J:oi!!il~he - constant has been proposed. Thia~oonslv-at is 4~10( il~~ tEe terl.r i ~tian of 111~ pen .111, Oct of tho reduced pressure which ate= from'ohemlc4li a ui ca. 1! vlh~o degree oficonversion upon the ralli. s i-O 114 v luced; cordi r za(BLp 410 rAt 1.4 in ed of special reaction points in equlvalant~,mi!fa` ! Irata vkd ~-ns atoichiorretric type of reaction and' fj~leci~104A 11 y I I N I i t4 -.1molecule numbers-at the right nl left, alde !of Ithe lie acv.ion etjitA 0 la 'The reduced coordinates of special poin~i f cr t60' vb.iric~a~, alt :) Jkliatt to typeil of' a 'ions have been determined, and the law.which- ~6ter"iAll Imlij, il those~ ire al. ba, b0n ~4 nbli'i i d ~al ',_coordinates as a function of type ot thexeacticn. i ca rd ~jT T,! L 1?72-j-b3 1 il--.- 1ACCESSION MIS AP3004056 Ostera, the 0 ~fl a'' ordirary coordinatea. of,lthe p cial iwie,ik.' X41,1 jctli& rapy*rtiowi- !to the- coordinaton of the reduced proar-m-roo ' idianta lare aimply do - 'A l ti tertmined by of t1m viamldt~do ~oi,~ eqpi li ~ ~ -th i i f t if h t ~ ~ ~ n e o ana o n ven or ca lon c ,t n g a Lqq a t Qit ~b n o a~p r l t gv p1 a with given value-i in no go, art'al M;i; :;:L tsiblclo n-ideal ayatecso 0 ad ii and 23' iforintilas ASSOCIATM Kharlrw t, t skiy J b~ m (Xkjarko echnical instituta 'S U M T FM t 07mar62' DATE ACQs 15 u 63 Tj c 00 'SUB-CCDE: CH NO RV 307t~:: 004 Ill cloo /2' 2 . Or P -d- ... . ...... ....... Singular thermodynw4c points of reierzible themI&LI rellotions. 0 Part 2t Methods for datemination of the coordina'00 V~ the singular points. Zhur. fiz. khIz. 36 no.12:2593-2600 D' 1620' (MM 16t 1) 1. KharIkovskir PoUte)dmiaheekiy Inatitilt imeni, nln&~',' (Chemical reactions-Conditions and lawe) plas,r,a ellipsoid in its cum 1-101"; c-" f0r.-Ofl- Vrrt. 'Ma-alt. un. SeT-. J (XI-.. -4:2) 3: U-20 S-0 '60- L,,,O3jcO-,rs,,~.jy ~;ooudarstvenn7j ,-,jj.v,.r.Atott stlitiatichca%oy fizillci i i.-ekhanild. (Plaona (Ionized Gaaec;)) VOROMOVp Plasma stability figures as affected by surfaci tonsLono. Vest, Moak. un. Ser. Wiz., astron. 18 no.5z43-48~S-o 063. (MIRA 16slo) 1. Kafedra statisticheskoy fisiki i makhaniki Mookovokogo gosudarstvannogo universiteta, DEBOV.. S.S.; KARDASHVE, S.R.) VORONOVj, A.YA, Effect of polyadenylic acid on the incorporation~o- 1~ulne into proteins by liver ribosomes in rate. Vop# m6d. kh1m. 10 no,6:635-07 N-D 164. (laRA l9a) 1. Kafedra biologicheakoy khimii I Moakovskogo ordona Lenina meditsinskogo institute, imeni Sechenova. I ~I'll3jilill, 6620o 5/18-/6U/000/b05/003/010 B0197i3O5,6 ;4411 AUTHORt A Yq, ,of Force TITLEt The Plasma Ellipsoid in an Intrinsic Fiel~ PERIODICAL: Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya 3t fiiika, .astronomiya, 1960, No. 5, PP, 74 - 80 TEXT: The author investigates an ellipsoid rotating round a z-axis with the angular velocity (A), which consists of an.ideal li4uid,;positivelX charged with constant zcharge density. On the surface of thb ellipsoid a constant hydrostatic pressure p' is assumed to exist14 The'equilibrium, equation in the system of coordinates of this ellipsoi(I ist~ P/9 + + y')12 + C m QNQM z Here, p is the hydrostatic pressure) 9. and q0 are th6, densities of the substance and of the positive electricity, ~ is the eiectrostatic potential of the ellipsoid. The equation for a surface of the same p;Iposure is set up. From studying this equation it follows that the ellipsdid of revolu-, tion can be in -relative equilibrium only if the axis! 6f rotation coincides Card 1/2 86280 The Plasma Ellipaoid in an Intrinvic Field 311681601600100510091010 of Force BOIg/BO5"-6 with the larger axis. In the case of a tri-axial ellipabid, the axis of Irotation must coincide with the largpst axis of this elilipsoid..Finally, slight disturbances of the ellipsoid surface at, relatiVe eqxiilibrium are studied. The dispersion equation is set up and by means 1of a' boundary transition, the dispersion equation for a sphere and an, infinitely long cylinder is obtained. It is found that, an oblong ellipilaid is absolutely unstable with respect to slight disturbances of its su-,Iface, If, however, an estimation of the charge density of the plasma Is used, iuch as is given by the ambipolar diffusion theory, a lifetime retiulW for such an ellipsoid, which is proportional to the square of the ~;qidiuj ) of a sphwre having the same volume. The author thanks Professor A.:4. Vilasov for raising the problem and for valuable advice. 1. inent-foned. There are 3 references: 2 Soviet and 1 US. ASSOCIATIONt Kafedra statisticheBkoy fiziki i mekhaniki (De~partment of Statistical Physics and Meohanics) SUBMITTED: April 13, 1960 Card 2/2 + .III : 111 ~ !11 1 R. 1 11 MIN! WPM P, 111 1 It 114 1 11 1r VORONOV$ B.; KOSM014TSOV, V. A. .ExhJbiw3 relat-soooo Prof.-tekb. obr. IS no.7:31.,'.32 JI %1. (MMA ~14:7) london-Exbibitions) tcational education) "'M RIP 3 -"'Ir 11 ''l, F ['I U1,111i, ~llfllll ii 11, M iI voromv, B. --------- - - .JS. '57 . I ftiry tale on the screen. Rabotnitsa 35 no-1:25 0 (XZJ?A 1012) (Motion-picture cartoons) j VORONCfVp BA, In assistance to labor organization. Vast. Oviazi 25 no,6s 15-16 Je 165. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Direktor izdatellstva "Svyazl", -~B. A. Literature for tF-l-!,c,,-u:,mun-'t cation -workers for 1965. Vest. aviazi 25 no.1 31"32 165. (MIRA 18;4) 1. Direktor Izdatellslva IS-,ryazl'l. VORONOV, B.A. ZT=-- TI-P)IIshed by "03"riazl" for its readBrs. Vest, svialzi P/+ no.2: 3132 F 164. (14J+n 17 4) 1. Direktor izdatellstva "Svyazl". Moskva. VORONOV, B.A., instruktor The greater Moscow area should be provided with outitanding com- munication services. Vest. avlazi 21 no.1:3-4 4 162. ~ 1 (KRA 1515) 1. Moskovskiy goro4skoy komitatIommunistichook6y pj~rtii Solvetskogo Soyuza. IMOSCOW-Telecommunici~ation) ------------ VORONOV, B.A. Literature for communication workers. Vest. svi~izi 22, no.3:31-32 Mr 162. (14I.RA I Z) 1. Nachallnik Gasudarstvennogo izdatellstva lite~atury~po voprosam svyazi i radio. (Bibliograp~y--Telecommun,leaticf:n) VOROMOV., Be A@ Speed up the mechanization of postal service. Vest. aviasi 23 no.4:20-21 Ap 163. (KMA 1624) (Postal service) B. F. (Gorlkiy) protective glasses with r Iefldctive light filters~. Gig.,; truda I Prof. zab. no.4:48 '62. 15,: 4) 11 Otdel tekhniki bezopasnouti i provphlannay,smnitaki Gorikovskogo avtozavoda. (SAFETr,,GOGGL'ES) i z 7 i . Ell'i I ~!' Illip! I I ......... . LiIIIII.. . I 11MILT I iffil 1114 116611 -. ---TT ---- . ; 11 1 1 11 , - I i 1 1! 1 1: - -t~"fjff~. fif'412"4m M-111UM ~ . I I 1.1 : ., ------- " U 'I j : ! 1 .11 , N I' I.i11 ii i I i ": I il~' . 11.11 JETFI, 1111 MR, lill'i'll, ~1-7 lff=1111-1011 : 1 il, - ;- VOROHOV, B.GO Work done on spectra in the laboratory of metal ph7aica a f the StalingTed branch of the State Institute for Petrolelm. Xachinery Design and Research. Yiz.ebor, Ino.4095~-402 '58. :(LIRA 120) 1. Gosudaratvenn57 nauchno-issledovatel'skiy Institixt Neft,.ranogo mashinostroyeniya, Giproneftemash. (spectrum analysis) VORONOV. B.G-- Apparatus for the excitation and recording of alpectr a. Zav.lab, 28 no.5:621-625 162. (IURA 15t6) 1. Volgogradakiy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy inm,~,Itut-Ukhnologii mashinostroyeniya. (Spectrograp'li) : . . 'Is I I 'll'i f 11 , I . 1. :. ; I I fl' I .... -.11; .... I. .. .... ...... -, I ~ 1 1. . ! i if - 1~ I ~ if I I' "I. . ! - ~ I I - 1 11 1- 1 - ;1 11 * 11 , I !, F 1: !;: I I !~: 0!, 1: 11, i III I Ii; jjlljl~ * )v 6 V,) A:9 2" R .1 till 01 ;:1:Wjgv 0 0.0 0 .0., AHM V S, .0 SO V C6 . 0 9. P.- V41 Vil j 0 01~ 2 961j S.0 :461000. ii. 089012 0 S tA IMN.3j" fiffl,"t"'i 01 1-0 0 ~Is at .9 0; 1 N,: R4 N All .113,15. fiffil -a. 04,444 1 IN 7r- --- --- , 00 0 Ole. V v - . 2 5 26 , N 5 Z 2 t _ - . . o oh low fA . a-* ~5 , U0 ..A c 0 9 A' 0 A H ,. i 1 i a I . : !I : i 1 . . T I . I I'll ild''11111111 ii , i ;1, 1 1. , It', ; il 1111 111 It .11 i ! 1 i 11 . I I! I ) : ~ . : I I - I F : , ~: 1 1 1 1 I Hil ! i IN; ;I I I I I I I. I P I rifil",M11171,11TIll -1, 711i, i III ?!: 1 !1 , 11 , - I "i I I ;1 11 - [ ; -~ - - . . . ; al 1 1.11 N 11 !*; 1 1.11 L LIU-.1" THW 1~ III-_ . . .1, ,, It", III f( r . . . . . . . . .I I M~ : T -- i-T, , " , -- I I , , " - , , I i i a I liq I I 1! 11111 ., :: I. IN , 7 ~ i 11 11 7411111,11liTirT s/576/61/ooo/ooo/oofy/m E132/EI35 AUTHORS: Voronov, B.K., Dazhevskiy, icYa., Titovnio Eu X. q and ~-Klivos-iikova'-V.D. TITLEs Obtaining uniform single trystals of a ~iaizoiduttcrs by Czochralskils method SOURCEs Soveshchaniye po poluprovodnikoirym matikirial4m,, 4"Ih, Voprosy metallurgi-4 i fiziki poluprovodn-;koyl poluprovodnikovyye soyed.ineniya i tverdyye spla~?7. Trudy soveshchaniya., Moscow, Izd.-vo AN SSSR'J 1961. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut metallur$li i"m,enL A.A. Baykova. Fiziko-takhnichaskiy institW.'.: TEXT.- The problem in growing crystals for ~al ectrizal purposea is not now just one of purity, but of dist,ributing a controlled impurity in a uniform way. Exptrtmentp4ly this is done by making the crucible in the form of two communicating 7esselz (Fig.!). Generally the inner vessel contains Thai' impli-l'ity in the desired concentration and the outer contains the material, e--ther pure) or with a selected reduced concentration of~impurity. The connecting aperture is made so small that diffusion oal the Card 1/3 7-7 S/576/61/oOO/O100/006/020 Obtaining uniform single crystals ... E132/2135 impurity from the inner vessel to the outer can be ~egle~lotedl thh flow in of new material thus takez place only when the r~rystal_ is withdrawn from the melt. The c*ncentration of the ivapxr~ i ty in the inner iiessel can thus be kept up by feeding -it ~Lntolthe OUteT. formulae are then derived relating the gaomijtrLr:a'j", dima:tisionet o,,f the inner and outer vessels and a apteima-n for designing a crucible for gzowing an ailloyed single f-,.rystay, If the distribution of impuzity In the crystalline 'Irad 1di'a Wn. D VA of the crucible is tG be non-unifcrm then this oan~'be &rranzed, by mak-ing the tross-sectlonal area lof the outer vesxie,l T61--y appropriately with depth. There are 2 figures and 12 Teferentess. 3 Soviet-bla,_- and 9 non- Sevie t -b ls~^ The four most re,,,,ent English laniri.,age rafarencea arez R!:1.4. W. Le-,rsrzlon~ J,, Appl. Phys.5 .1958., V.P-9, Ref'.-3 W. Leverton, J. Elettro~::hew. Soc.9 15958, U. Ref.7,,, Nelson. Transistors,, 1956, vcl.l, pabl. RCA,,L&1fDpxa.tVrJ.E.-,, Ref.9a W. Pfann, J. Hobsteller, G. Indig., J, Appl,,~ Phyf!., , IC'58, Vr,.-!. 29, 1238-1240~ card 2/3 66A. lil j~w,.t 11 1 1: 11 !IF Al J1, 7, 177 T 33807 S/137/62/000/00i/o69/237 A060/A102 AMORS i Voronov, B. K., Dashevskiy, M. Ya., Titovas B~l AM., 143ivostikova, V. D. TITLE: Obtaining homogeneous single crystals of semiconductors, grown by the Chokhrallskiy method PERI,ODICALs Referatimy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no.. 1, 196~, 45,''abstract 1G346 (V ab. "Vopr-. metallurgli"i iiz, poluprovodni6v",. Moscow, AN SSSR, 061, 51-- 54Y TM;' Aimethod is proposed for obtaining single crystals of,se~iconductors accprding to Chokhrallskiy's method by pulling out. The seaconduators have a u~form impurity distribution and, ac-cordingly,,have "iform electrical chaxac- teristics., The method is based on the maintenance of a con ~tant concentration of impuritiep i~ the melt and on growing the crystals under' conditions suc~i Ph&t the-effective coefficient of impurity-distributio .n remains consUnt.throughout the process of growth. The uniformity of*the impurity concentration in the .melt is attained by the use of a crucible fabricated in the fo;74. of tuto communicating vessels.. Thedimension of the connecting pipe is selected In such a way that it allows neglect the diffusion of the impurities from the inner vessel Into Card 1/2 33807 3/137/62/000/001/069/237 Obtaining homogeneous single cryztals of... AO6Q/A1O1, the outer. The flow of material from the outer vessel into the inner occurs only as the crystal is pulled out, and ensures a supply for maintaining a constant con~- centration of impurities in the melt in the inner crucible. ~A calculation is given for the ratio of the geometrical dimensions of the outer and!the inner crucibles and the calculation of alloying by this method. Vhypothesis is put forth as to the possibility of the application of the proposed method for pro- grammed feeding of the melt to obtain single crystals with segments containing various predetermined quantities of impurities. There are 12 refe,reaces. B. TurovsXiy [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 C-NRj A P 7 S 0 U A -C E - C 0 D E -U R / 0 2 2 6 16 70 G 0 0 0 1 / 0 0 T 3 i 0-6 8-6 AUTHOR: V (Moscow); Dudkin L.'D. (Mosp-Gur); Xiryukhina, Xn 111ve .T Truso N. I. (Mosc rusova, Z~. N. (Moscow) ORG: none TITLY,: Study of the Cr-Si system in the disilicide region SOURCE: Poroahkovaya metallurgiya, no. 1, 1967, 73-8.0~' TOPIC TAGS: chromium silicon Isystem, stdi Ichlometric M4xtu1,:,,e,; microbardness, , momq-4Wr Wpm, -alm - bftow neat conduotLylty, lparrW denill, jqtAj WMA Y, 2frmq#* ary ABSTRACT: It was found that the chromium disilicide phase, ckystallizing at CrSij. 95, expands with a drop in temperature, shifts toward silicon, and at 1250C corresponds to the saturated composition of CrSij. 08-1. $0- CrSi2. 02-2.03 The stoichiometric composition corresponds to the minimm Im of1microhardness, the maximum of heat conduction, the minimum value of hole concentration, the, rd 1/2 ACC NRt AP7004401 minimum effective density of states of the carriers, and the maximum value of the prohibited zone width, raO. 7 ev, which falls near the single-phase boundaries to 0. 4-0. 5 ev. It is assumed that the high hole 6oncentra'tion (3. 1020/cm3) in the stoichiometric mixture is due to intracrystalline defects. NV,Ith deviation from stoichiometry toward chromium, the defects are reduced, ~nd at CrSij. 95 Of stretched single crystals, it approaches 0, while on deviation toward excess silicon, it remains approximately constant.- One molecular defect yields from 0. 5 to I carrier into the valence band. Orig. art, has: 2figures and 2 tables. [Base7d on authors' abstract] [NT] SUB CODE: 11 rSUBM DATE: 30MAy66/ORIG REF: 013/OTH REF: 003/* Card 2 ~_C"CWRI AP 31279 IL46 E CODEt UR/0229/66/000/ooO/00;?6/0028 THOR: Voronov, B. M. S G: None TLE: Protecting diesel cylinder sleeve),and, blocks from corroiIion-cavitation mage 0 URCE: Sudostroyeniye, no. 8,.1966, 26-28 PIC TAGS: marine engine, diesel engine, corrosion inhibit7or, cavitation, engine oling system STRACT: Various corrosion inhibitors used in closed diesel engine cooling systems ~e considered. These include such additives as potassium dichromate and emulsified 1. However, potassium dichromate actually promotes corrosion ~ben its concentration creases significantly in the cooling reservoir. Moreover, if for sane reason salt .ter gets into-the cooling system, potassium dichlorate becomes compl etely ineffectiv( asides leaving scale in the system. Emulsified oil, on the other hand, in the form such substances as Emullsol "B", becomes stratified with the introduction of salt .ter into the fresh water cooling system or during transportation and storage at low !mperatures. The poor corrosion and cavitation resistance of these inhibitors make mandatory to find another way of preventing porrosion cavitation da mage in marine Card M t o9i?-447 ACC NRt AP6031279 3 liesel engines. The possible use of lacquers as well an caAmiumjand chrcmium plating is discussed, but the cost involved is too great. A series of si~lentific research or- ganizations have worked on the development ofa good irdiibitor and as a result of thei; efforts the following anticorrosion additived~were presented for;'testing: INK-8, emulsoid "KS" and VNII NP-117. Results of comparative tests sho~r that the VIIII NP-11`7 inhibitor is the beat. This inhibitor was developed by the All VnioniScientific Research Institute of Petroleum Processing. The additiye =swirter's'oluble oil which protects metal surfaces rroBro-nd-ne disadvantage of thin additive in that it damages rubber seals, but this can be taken care of by using various typen of more stable rubber products. Operational procedures for using this.inhibitor specify that the entire cooling system should be drained after 1000 operating hours and washed out with fresh water. VNII NP-117,inhibitor has replaced all others at the present time and significantly increases the aervice'life'of marine diesel eniLnecb Orig. art, has: 1 table. 3 /40/ $UB CODE: OTI i&M DATE: None Card :)1;) u9st VORONOV, B.L. Fk-Meson nuclean interaction in the axlomat4c appfroradn. Zhur.eksp. i toor.fiz. 49 no.6s1802-1811 jD1165. 1 (MIM 19a) 1. Fizicheskiy institut im. P.N.Lebodeva AS 53SR. Submitted July 1, 1965. VOROMV, B.N.0 Impitan voyanW letchik pervogo klasma Plight of fighter planes In pairs during bad metsorologiml conditions, (INIM lite) opis~tsr PIAUIpiloting) AID P - r-$461 Subject USSR/Aeronautics - training Card 1/1 Pub. 135 - 7/29 Author Voronov, B. N., Captain Title To improve the methods of flying training in aviation, schools. Periodical ; Vest. vozd. flota, 2, 33-37, F 1957 Abstract : The author, a flying instructor, points Out the lack of coordination between the methods of flying training used in the flying schools and in the Air Force units. The article merits attention. Institution None Submitted No date L -25691=~� E IN T (til )/T ACC NRi Apr-M2721 SOME CW A AUTHOR: '.Ammov, -Be Le- P. N Mbed ORG: feb'Institute im, evL- Ac*my: of Seletut, 1L. ~'stitut Akademii nauk SSISR) TITLE: -Pion-nucleon latm-ati-mL in the =16Wiic; SOURCE*.. Zhuinall ekaper'imentalfnV, i TOPIC TAOS strong, nuclear intermetion., Pi lntd*~Ot- ton, ft 'matrix 'Pertlirbationjo matrix elevent ABSTRACT.-'~ L %arge-sy=wtria interaction b4gtirewi'piona. wd~ vIt within the framework of a now exiematio approv.411 p; g~d, bj, Ve 47., 2285j, 1964 and elaeifhere). Appraichate!aq tona str 14A ing at low energies,, where the neglect of a-hw~ Ott! ng* iiT ill justified. Faynberg's system of basic actions!i =difiedll am' YA Itu! particu til it t14 sllocall~ I -possi ciple of minimal singularity of quasilocal opeimtorax so tb ithe are eliminated, Together vith other Standard ~rin~lplehv th, a; obtain a closed system of equations for the mtrix4lenionts jr, to going off the mae a shell only with respect to a6 Ingle in it: or arbitrariness of the theory is redmced to tiro undefJnid~realjcl- .4%*111 ' to the pion-nucleon vertex and to the naaan:four-point 411 'Ki rd 1/2 LOP liltion u - v 25, gL u Oil- Si q -.412 IT; IS I S ell j ;1 8 .2 a i BE IL d 9:1 't c U4 !!.2v VQAukjuv 13,V Teorema chetayeva o newtoychivosti s tochki zreniya yee-" dqk~.gatel'stva. M., Trudy vo~;en. - vazd. akad., Zap. :3e.:-dn po teorli. u3toychivocti dttzhamv- a, 2 (1946) So, Mathematics Ln the USSR9 1917-1947 edited by Kurosh, A.G., Itarkushavich. A.K., Rashevshiy, P.K. bloscow-Lenim-3rad, 1948 STRASHKEVICH,, L.P.; VORONOV, B.V. Exhibitions and displays of special itams. Inf=.biul.T,j;In no.113-15-. (MIRA 1W) 36 N 164. I.-G2avW metodist pavill,ona "Biologtya" AN S-SSR~na V~Stavke dostizheniy narodnogo khozyaystva SSSR (for StrashRevic,11). 2. Direktor pavillona "Professionallnotakhnichaskoye obrazova-,j-yell na Vystavke dostizhenly narodnogo khozyaystva SSSR (fo: Yoronov). 1, 1 , 'I I"! '11 r~, I 'T Ni ri, rl-, .A OVv 13 Ya-* (decease'd]; VOLKOVA-, G.I. Automatic dev-1ce for thie turbidimetric titrati(-m of j;,o'-,7nOr-3- OviRl'i lg-.-,L) Zav. lab. 30 no.lltl4ll-1413 164 1. 14oskov-nkiy tekhnologricheskiy institut vrjasyicly i m6locbxcy promyshlennosti. I - i i I ~l ld!~IiH 11111i. ROM q L.L.. prof. (Kuybyshev),; BARSHGHIKOV, V.K.,j prof. (Koakva), red.; VORONOT, D.A., red.; YXMBEVSKITP T.I.;, prof., red.; (Kuybyshev); CHWUDM"o K.Y.,; BX"nS=KGV=IY, N.L. [Current problems in neuropatholoa and Psychist AktualInye problemy nevropatologii i poikhiatrii. Trudy. ViLibYstiev, 1957. 366 V. (Gosudarstvennyi nauchao"isigledovatelliskii~'inatltut paikhiatrii KZ HISM. Trudy, vol. 16; Kuibyshavelcii goandarstvennyl mditainakii institut. Trudy, vol.9). L Kezhoblastuoys noveshchaniye nevropatologov I poikhietrov Povolshlya i primykaynahchikh oblagtey, 1956. (MYOUS STSM4w-DIMASES) (MCIIIATRY) VO RON9,1 L ---- -- Lei lt-EpidemoloZ~ical and Ecological on !-7prewj-L-11, or Tan and Animals,," Professor D.L. 7ORM01, Depax-tv-4nt of FfiA State InCtituto of Vetcrinary DematoloQr (Dixect/jr A.111.11vii,rillkCN)P.5~4PP Questions reL;arding bioloU and cl.-ansIffca-,',i,:):,a o;:' vour, trichophytons and ndcrospores hve practical ,i.- well ar, thdoreti~.ICL1, vFIijq4:L'I 391741941 author worked out .7stcm.for sc,,.~,rces of on basis of their biolo[Ty and ecolo&(. (LC;IIBT76) Q, SO: M--dituinskiy Paraz itologiya; No.Ij Jan L946 uncl d 0 0 0 0 a 0 a a a 0,0 ~0:0 0 0:0 0~0 0 tu - - VGRAGN 27270- VORONOV, D. L. Sezonnost' rasprostrananlya I sposoby Nwitidachl epizootichoukog,o limfangoita loshadey. Veterinarlys, 1949, No.9, S. 23-25o So; Letopis' Zhurnallrqkh Statey, Vol# 36, 1949. !i i I i I , I , . 1 :1 :. I t: ;i H iiii::iIIIIIIIIII 111.1 111111 ~! 11,1111 I'l -; 4 ! I i I 'i . 41 11 1 I'll I't IWO .1 -1 1H IN VORONOV, D.L., professor Separation of mWsporia into a speCial n06010giPUnit*~TOstovsn- i dorm. 30 no.5:23-25 8-0 156. Ovu 9:12) 1. Iz kliniki koxhnykh i venerichaskikh.boleney Czav. kefedroy - prof. D.L.VORONOV) Byatauskogo meditainalcogo institute imeni almd. I.F.Pavlova (dir. - prof. L.S.Sutulov) (FUNGUS DISIASIS, dlAg~ megasparia as isolated mosologic unit!,; ------------------------------------------------ SULI119 V.-A., inzh.; VLX` *"V I Kh. , rAr-irshiy tehhnik Q.Vo.L'b~;"'i~) J. VOLOWN-- Dm. U.A-lidiabaa) ; i ATAYNICNg A., olo',tr. Or SWIPIC Ye"; Lk (G.G 'll'iy) KOP OV, IT., inzh. (g.Lezningrad) Suggested, created, introduced. tzobr,i ratss,np~s6:3840 Je 160s. (~f IPA 14: 2) 1. Byuro sodeys.viya ratzionalizatsii i i izobretatelistvu Gosudar- utvemogo noyuznogo konstrW,,torsko--teldnologichesico wbyuro po proyek- tirovar-iyu schetnylch mashin, g.Leningrad (for Sxtlin~.! 2. Sotrud-nik ga-zety "Stroite.111 (for Shapiro)* ~loeclmological innovatiom) wo-, LL ~~, 1, ~gTFT,-- ~rl VCRONVI$ F our reliable reserves& Prof,-tjkh. cbr, 22 no.90;40 J 16% (MIAA 180) 1. D:Lrektor Magnitogorskago metallurgichaskogo kombinaWo - Rom - 11 1 EI : ; ; 1;[ 11 "1 qj I 1m. I P . I Hill! - N $000 0 0 41 (If (a - W. If a f Go a r 0 f .1 0 9101~lf e 0;1 i If tj If M 4 1 f L., 1-1-1-4-2-4-A L-AL, ~ ? .0 -A- 4 A 0 0 Alit. Oll.b-P.Mazure b7drogazatica lot got Col, N. Klyuk. I t t v n ir~ NOCIT'lloy and bl. Neh. Khon. Fieirfolia Topliza -4 00 I J. i drIM11fi-Thr hydrugirfultiurt app, r"nq44ti of a 04111 J1 receiving vnw) (1). a reactor (21) and a dischorge vewl I'll Ior the reaction product. The Iverivitift vCVWl for the 0 a i hydrogenation stock Is equipped with an clectromagmtk. feedin device the stock flowin into th r wt r i d "S 0 so e e o , , equ g g ppe with a pressure gage and a gas discharge opening, The that of %be-itinal feed too fly ifolkvulik- extent arilea t&- -00 , tractor III placed at an incline toward the outlet and Is 2 (ofmatiflo of cnkr. Upphattgntri Ond gm shouht 1w -E ; heated by ni"ns of an eler. resistor. Its outlet I% run- A , a I i I riveted with the discharge vvsmi throsixii a Jrint ciloil,lwd A A 11-Imings, - for the mul l-4 f It d i h l h ,n o - oi fe t s an l rou.-up e. I . ~-inl. am ground arml have a .",fwt rasklrt 7 and a drowitur of the app. art given). A gas oil of (I.S8 , I op* gr. and b* 2M)-330 *" ,4ed* The hydroge.6on z oe 1 too was carried out with the reactor charged with N1 shavings r 00 and! at a feeding velocity of 34G-2iXIO cc. M hr., a const. - * pressure of 2(N) atm. &M a temp. ranging from 2 ,Q to j AM*. The hydrocmted product was distd, and the ju C1 2301 tim I b f l d f J roc f. a ove was recyc e a number o t me%, Best readis were obtaitted at a procen tern of On I amd 1 - p. j vviocity off (red smosailting (a a cc. per, afla., while the 00 7W of Saboune in a -lbrough ape. tion Wwuld not tacead 26%11 the forinsakasol cwhoWeasit! am Istabe. wee a n It is advinable to pvvhmt the stoelt pwk-ti fairly Is the caw ni high -poiar-polat harl oil (used in fame of she ipts.), The op. sr. (A the rrcyck stock should w4 rx"ml A%*-ILA 411ALLURCCAL LIMAtIONIE CLASSIFICATIC19 at, I 23lbo rive If 0 No* - If M U is A7 s if K air 11W 1 14 9 a a 3 1 a I'll . I a tv it W 00000 0 0 f 0 T o 41 O 0000 0 0 *see* 0 0 0 0;1 9 0, a 00 0 41 0 000 16,41 1 Ili If 'VI pill , j"". ... . - . ~ Ila 47- ~gl j; -1111's 0 0 o o a 0 0 0.0 6:4 1 6 r I f 111 to Is 11 td 11 to, It W a, a M n 0 V to 10 to M )I -it or ~W &I it) A) it 0 A S - A 9 -k-JL-4-A-L- AL-11 9 A 1 1 -Sip AA 00X;V IJ,' taill C.f IN"t 0 06 A, haw Intl oil. l(Masint the I In the,brater ttrids to I-00 a "alkARM I.. the yl,'M of itfoot-blat. 'I a - th at Ctfoort; e a tn e 00 F. Vamwv joad M. FJOWN6, x ! 'r- & beater must be under prrsioute of It. The -ohape of the i Dun fillinx of the reaction charoobtriozi tuouidtnMr. influence an as tb~ed~nl the hydrogetuttion ops-raticon: with hmi=ntotl efi3rnbiers. 60 fl, Whit Wife sO zW pW"W. metal sluovingossive the best rotfoutu; with viiOW thaynben 1 `1 optimum Cunditim for diffusUm of d"ll In the liquid noill 06 photse are Omosined fil usitog'~* fift-motth metal 00 a =06 wound Wb a spiral. y incsikiiml the tj it col passage of the ;.** mattriAl through thootibr bidmViistlown lotle, the zo* rVoon1*0 temp. can be lowered Vi bout fVdIM:inC the yield 19 A l(ow-boiling froictknol; tht 4. OF the texidoxe decres" No polyrneeitalloss wit tracking reac- zoo under the coaditium of the rip6,: the I.V-N* fractions: on the other hand, undett* roosidroftive cm per. 12 see ticalsiTly at the exprose tot ofhr~Wffavier of to 'he fiquid phase c4 the h dr(Tins (ion ~rfxhsctl with Vols. 1 0 6: tile hydrocarlynts fatmev, I dwttq hydrojentittkno t dw amt. of crickinfl; it Its thtjilorc IrrailaW, at it given to accumulate I*w4willar hydrwarbonat beyond a 0.0"j, point; s. S., uniler themiditionj of the e2pts. with MOO the p~ of the.loox-hoirWX ftsctk~w should 00 root exreed .1 0";". A. 00 1,111PAIM CLASPO'KA110" -00 00 too a jo I of 14 'i 4- a ottit st* Kit 9t9K K or It ff R 0443 ft 1 14 fqb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 a oll, 0 0 0 oll a 0 0 0 o o 0 00 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 * * 41 0 0 0 IP 0 0 4P * * 1, * a 0 0 0 0 *~~ o *1* 00 0 a I I ~ I ~ : I , I I ~ H: ..1: 'i ivil- I !i : 1, " I I I ! . . F I i ; i I I I !, : 1 i ! , i:1 , ; 1 iii I I i N " ! ;,! .: I'ld - E H Rt VORONOV,F Director of the Metallurgical Combine PA 2370 of Magnit6gorsk. TITLEi The Tasks now Facing the Metallurgists of.14agnifogorak. (Oche. rednyye zadachi magnetogorskikh metallurgo*f Russian). PERIODICALs Stal't 1957, Vol 17, Nr 1, PP 5 - 6 Received, 5 / 1957 Reyiewed, 5 / 1957 ABSTRACT: 1 i The statement that the amount of work performed corresponded to what was planned is followed by the following reportt he iron content in the ores remaind the same, the,quality of-the re-worked cast iron improvedp but the quality of coal and thus also that of coke deteriorated. Waiting times were reduced by 7.1 %. Supplies of scrap iroav iron alloys, and nazout were insufficient. The production volume and the selection of rolled products increased considerably in 1956. Transportation of r-.t1led goods by rail was not satisfactory. Platforms vere lacking. ing the 25 years in which the Magnitogorsk mints had been ex- do ores and aul- ploited, the major part of the reserves of oxi ' phide ores had become exhausted. Among the. remainder of the reserves the specific weight of the aulp~ide ores containing copper and requiring more treatment and ilso a process of agglomeration increases. The dreasing- and agglomerating plants available are not able to-keep pace with~arude ore preparation. Cqrd 1/2 It will be necessary, in 1957/58, to provide tor a new mill PA 2 370 The Tusks now Facing the Metallurgists of -Magnotogorsk. consisting of crushing device, and enrichment and an agglomerat- ing plant. A serious deficit was foand to' exist in the "Combine" with respeot to gas fuelp which makes it neceapary, besidais im- porting natural gas from the Ichimbay area &n.1 using mazoat, to build 2 coke-piles in the course of the years 1957 and 1958, because coke gas will in any case remain in the basio fuel used by the "Combine". Tile increase of basic production also lecl to a deficit with respect to electric anargIv steam, oompreused air, oxygen, and water. Also railroad tranaportation. no lariger warrants transport of finished goods within due time. ASSOCIATIONt Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine. PRESENTED BYt SUBMITTED: AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card 2/2 SOV13-31-59-2-5/26 AUU6Rs: yoro gineer, ikshteyn, Ye.I. Zuts, K.A., Candidate of Technical SOiend,80, Tocent Trifonov, A.G. TITLE: An Experience in Converting a 400 Ton;'Open Hearth 'Va=net-,-.e to Firing with Sulphurous Fuel Oil (Opyt parevoda 400-t marteno-vskoy pechi na sernistyy mazut) PERIODICAL; Stall, 1959!~Nr 2, pp 112-116 (USSR)~ ABSTRACT: The Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine was designed vrith a balaar-ed fuel economy i.e. coal was-delivered only for coking and- the coke oven and. blast furnace gases should be sufficient for all other fuel requirements. However, an improvement in the operation of blast; furnaces lead to a considerable decrease in the colm consumption and thus to a decrease in the output of coke, oven gas. Moreover, the calorif a value of blast furaace &-Ls deevease& from 944 K cal/m~ in 1952 to 866 K cal/m3 in 195'? and it-s' consumption for heating blast increased as much higher blast temperatures are used. In addition~some new gtis Card 113 ,31D.11/133 -59-2--5/2(5 -An Experience in Converting a 400 Ton Open ffear~,.hI*YUM.*L(40 to FA.I-inl!; with Sulphl-irous Fuel Oil consumers were introduced (sheet rollihg mill etc.) so that a wider use of fuel oil became necessa:'Cy. A description of the transfer of a 400 ton. open hearth furnace from firing with a mixture of coke oven and~blal3it furnace f?_S to oil firing and operational results obtained is gi-,,-en. The design of the furnace remained the same, only the deBign of parts was modified. oil was supplied through two injectors placed outside of the caslng~ The two oil flames from both sides of the gas part unit iiii; o -an-.- flame at a distanc.-e of 1 m. from the injectors Air is being U. blown by a fan via former gas conduit.7. The following operational results were obtained: consumption of conventional fuel 105 kg/t of steel instead of prevIous 130 kg/-F,,-, mean duration of heat 12 4s 15 ~min instead of I';S hours; the durability of regenerators to the first hot repairs 274 heats instead of 170; the voltime of the reranerators changed during small oold' repairs 260 m3 instead. of 350 =3. However, due to hi0i s',Ilphur contont Card 2/3 of oil (abolit 276) a noticeable increase of the transfer 930Y/13,3-5 9-- 2-5M, An Experience in Convertting a 400 Ton 0 pen Hearth~ Purit-ace to Firing with Sulphurous HU-1 Oil of sulphur to the metal bosh was ebser'Ved. Por this reason smelting of steels in the Atxmabe Was limited to Exades with the permissable sulphur cautgnt, of 0.0457o. There are 9 figuxr-,,q. ASSOCIATIM.Magnitogorski-y Metallurgicheski-y Kombinat i Magaitogorskiy Gorno-metallurgicheski:y', Ins-t-itut .(14ete,:Lu-r_e AtV.*te Metzllurgy Card 3/3 VORONOVP F.D.; BIGEYEV, A.M.; KOTOV, V.N.; SHITOV, I.S.; LETIKIN, V.N. Production of fluxed briquets for converter steel D'malting. Stall 23 no. 3:214-216 M:r 164. (MIRA 17~: 5) 1. Magnitogorskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat i 14agnitogoirskiy gornometallurgicheskiy institut. IIH 11 IIN 1 ~:1 111 11~ 1,11][111111111:1111,11 I'l I- III I VORONf)Vf F. D.; DIYAKONOV, A. I.; LORMIAHS V. V. Oxidation of the open-~xarth furnace bath by -,he~ learth atmosphere and its effe(t on the indices of smelting.~ lzv. vyx. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 7 no.6:40-43 164.~ VURA 17: 7) 1. 14agnitogorskiy gornometa-U.urgicheakly institut. 1v 11,1111 ITT Ii 11, j~ROJIOVp.!!_P,!,. prof.; FILATOV, A.D., Inzh.; DRINEKO, D.I., In2h.; BICEM, A.M., kand. tekhn, nauk; TKACHENKO, I.A., inuh.; SELIVANOV, N.M., kand. tekhn. nauk; ARYCHENKOVY V.P., inzh. Use of boil intensifiers in the rapid pouring of rIumed steel. Stall 25 no.4017-319 Ap 165. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Magnitogorskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat~l Magmitogorskiy gornometallurgicheskiy institut. a I IF! I -!, 7111[' 1 11~11! 9111 T W1 .11 !", ,VMPNOV F.D.;,.BIGEYKV, A.M.,-SARYrWV VoF~i~OOTICRARZTJIII -'f ` 2, v # . I Aep..P-Ibkorlov~ F.; KOROTKIKH, V.Fi Operation of large-capacity open-heArth furnhca s'uji, place of ore in the charge and with~the use of Ca"yo Stall 25 no.fl:603-605 R 165, 1. Magnitogorakiy metallurgichesk-LyAombinat i Mall-n gornametit1lurgichoskly instWit. tog.i:jv5kiY Ar50-24 __ ACC -NRs 'roln'IM AMOR XRronov, F. F. ~.Stal'~orova' 0, ~44 under TITLE: Elastic properties of barium presvurels~ up,, to '22 0 0j /Olt fq 9~ fiziki, !'V~ ~'::fto.f 196'. 75 T5) SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperiinentallnoy i teoraticheskcri! .TOPIC TAGS:. elasticity, barium elasticity rigidity, bariui~ ri~j i I! ty,:: 0 lid; bodv-, barlui~ eln~-Ucj ty 0' iui't 1 elasticity, solid body rigidity, pressurized 4iaetl~ measurement, ultrasonic rigidity measuremant:, -ABSTRACT: The ultrasound pulse method was used for,, an, 0 h~ elast' erties of solid bodles over a wide ran e of*presour s 111:1 a ds wer prop 9 r t spqt,,, used in-the investigation. The velocity of longit u dinal .and tr" ivers I J,lt 11 r wavesand the Debye temperatures were plotted as i'linctions of pr N~'fe! ffcl.,~'Cep'LS -e es at 92,000;X 2 of. longitudinal and transverse ultragound velociti M ji eiLched , thd value of about 8%. All these functions show Monotanice1iy a r1ori 1~teav 116 pr,,e15t!ur. dependence~ with a noticeable jump at 18,000 kg/cA2~1 The 0 c tresp; i&ln~ j i~-up when ;p~--c 11 sure is decreasing occurs at 17,000 kglcm2 thus showir.~g a I V s t diij i s 6p about ib00 2 kg/cm wide. The pressure increase of, density was Icalculat(id Tx"041tbd4a'r1erage sionic velocity f-anctiona. The trodulus of bulk rigidityi. thit Y60 r, mod .L s the a ax modulus, PoissoA coeffidlents, and Debyo bamperatuiie~g werie Mie~ 12'4ucem !:'rom the !8.6oire: data.; The density and compressibility (inst"tanedus cind urw~j.j :16'' f 1i ionis of pres-", sure were compared with-the Bridgeman.and Yevdokimdva-Veresi~chUjii~dai:; Ma found Card 1/2 ACC- NRs AM24694 T.. sq 0(~( 7 Vm!, 1J.11C br.-:in good agrooment. The density ln,,-rs!avi at. 2P, kg/clq wal' If J!4 'infiurl-~ and rigidity and the Young and shear moduli increased wfth preasUre;~4 j, M 'fi Aie;: 0 1rodu1M3 At ~Iie ~htise ~`~uhfji their change amotaited to 40% at 22,000 kg/r 2 ~ I L -7 0 10 N Th 7-i -c h an g e d-by-1-Al 9 -,-axi d--z b e ar---rio did 3A esavr"jp&., temperature was also, foplid nonlinear* . w L't 11 tb(p.:pbaf.;-~~ 1 6.. T11, 1 loisson Junli of'o b coefficient, ~however, shoved a 1.11%F drop at '+ e,~pb4le :Jii6p I-Mrl,' cLc -04ni, A; I reasing pressuir, but' at a slower vt c, 1 ~r f t ress rei 1, vith inc T1 t M Mr 01 t s, dependence of elastic characteristics requirr 10U~ieriit of 0~1'r`t 1; 1!C cl~ of~ 1 ;,tibl ltj~ -with ird -ipllan s6ir-1: IE higher than tM -order lor it-s desci the e substances of lesser compressibility wif.hin. wid.ex-1 preiillitro~- x1anj,,,,j ~j T I i a. of 'j;1je I experiments do. not explaJ n whether 1vhP T1b,-1'5ir! '!U,e 11i toi rearralip" transitioit of e !IevL441., Grigi; rient of the lattice or ti 1(: art. has: 3 figures, 1 table., -riulaw'd _and 6 f 0i ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki vysokikh davlerw'.y hka obiLlinn, 1, Init i; i tii of jqg~.-Pressure Physics, Academy of Scienceqjbba 'id F-!:::-:,. SUBMWED: 2 3AP r 15) 5 VIC IL, 00 4 CMIER:~ 005, S.- 110 REF SOV: 008' VD j 2/2 Car .......... A VORDNOV, F,D,.,- BIGEYEV, A.M-; GONCHAREVSKIY , Ya.A.; SARRHEV, V.F. Slag formation in the melting pe,:,iod in vexy 11iigh CilpacIty opeir-hearth furnaces of the Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combinee' Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; chern. met. 8 no.4t65-71 165.: (MIRA 18:4) 1. Hignittgorskiy gurnometallurgiche.,3kiy inst#ut i Magnitogorskly metalltirgicheskiy kombinat, TFIMPITHIFF., _yQaONOV, F.D., prof.; DIYAKONOV, A.I., kand.takhn nauk; DUSHTEY111, Ye.I.j Anzb.; -IWf-FONOV$ A.G., inzb.; LCRMAN, V.V., lnzb:;, XAi407, I.I., lnzb.,- XOVALIK, I.S. tolhnik Technological characteristics of Magnitogorsk Met,, hearth furnace operations using compreased air in the fuel dpray. Stall 23 no.12:1088-1091 D t63. (MIRA 17.-2) 1. Magnitogorskiy metallurgicheakiy kombinat I Magnitrigorskiy gorno- metallurgichaskiy institut. '1'l 11.11 111 F r 11"PI)IIII VOROKOV F.D.. TRIFONOV, A.G.; KIMSID, S.Yeo; DUSETEYN., U.1,; VALIPIT:ER, E.V. SITBEGIaV, Yu.B.; Af7UIPIN, V.G.; Prini~ki uch~Wye,, 51,11IRrOV, L.A.; LZAKOV, A.I.; YELIZAROV, A.G.; KULAKOV, A.M.;,1! KOZffAK'C-V, %[#Go; ZARZHITSKIY, Yu.A.; ARTAMOVOV, M.P.; GOLIDERERG, loB.1- ROMANOV, V.M.; HOVIKOV, S.M.; MAYEVSKIY, A.B.; DMITRUIAW, Ii; MANUIU, M.,- BEREZOVOY, I.A.; ZUTS, K.A.; BAD.Ul, S.N.1 -TAWJIII]T$-EV, Go; MITROFANOV, N.G.; GAVRILOVA, K.M*j- IVANOV, NJ Operating a 400-ten open-hearth furnace on cabiAg-head gas. Stall 20 no. 7:594,598 Jl 160. (IHIRA 14:5) (Open-hearth,furnnces-Equipment 8~i~ supplies) JIVI! W1 fill 01. ~ 11111P..11!IWIl .I.IV 4111 114111111 WRII 111111 of I I I 1 1; :1,1! '4,11fTal VORONOV, F.D.; TRIFONOV, A.G.; SREGMV, Yu.B.1 VALIFITER., Z.V111 Operation of Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine.. 6pen-hearth furnaces on natural gas. Stall 22 no.8001-704 .9~169. RA 15:7) 1. Magn:Ltogorskiy metallurgicheakiy k=bina't.' (Magnitogorsk-Open.-bew-th furnaceo) (Gass Natur6l) VCRONOV, F.D. Thirtieth arniversaryof the Magnitogorsk Hetall-urgioil Combine. Stalf 22 no.8:673-674 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Direktor Magnitogorsk,090 WtAllurgichookogolkomb#mtae (YApitogorek-Iron &W steel plants) F; III Ill T! VMOlq(N, F.D,, prof.; SELIVARaV, N#M.j. kandetekhnowwk. kandotekhn,nauk; UZIUIHWO A.M., imh.; TKACE~ZPJKO, ;.A., 4w7b.,- KUTOBA-ISVI G.G., inzh.; 3SANOVA, N.G., iuzh.;~IYABCIIIKCV, F.D., inzh.; MZNOV; A,K,,p inzh, Developing a technology for the Castirg and quo-ity:!Iuvaotigation of 21-ton ri=ed steel ingots, Stall 22 no.,8009-713 Ag us (14IRL 15:7) (Steel ingots) ij 10 VPRQXMt.-"U.., prof.j MCH(MOV, A.U., jwof,,j doktor.t0tuionaukI SELIVAITOV, 11.14., kand.teklm.naukj SX11aiGVp TuJt., knut.takha.nauk; RABINOVICH, Ye.I... kand.tekhn.nauk; CHERITOV, QJ.~ L102h.; TXACN?,NKO, I.A., inzh.; BIKTAGIROV, K.K.l inzh:; FILIPPOV, V.M., in7,h,; KUSTOBAYEV, G.G., inzhe Making St. 3ps capped steel in Ifiagnitogorak mAanv~gical Combine open-hearth-furnaces. Stall 22 no.8:7116-718.Ag 162, (141M 15:7) 1. Hagnitogorsldy metallurgichaskiy kombinat I Chelyabinskiy nauchno-issledovateltakiy institut motallurgil: (Magnitogorsk-Open-hearth proceas~ KAVLYANOV, G.A., otv.rod.: KRYLOV, M.14.. doktor geologo-.fwLnsr*l,,nnuk~ rod.; KMSAIUN, N.A., doktor goologo-mineral.nauk, rod..; DJIITRITZV. V.L,, kand.geologo-mineral.naukg red.; GAMITS, YNA01 tnoh., red.; VORON kand.goologo-mineral.nauk, red.; TIJLTAWCOT, Kh-T., 'Inzh., red.; GAFUROV, V.G.. kand.gpologo-mLner&l.nauk;O red.; BBDZR, B.A., kand.goologo-mineral.,nauk, red.; WSANOV, A.S., iuzh., red.; 11ANSUROV. A.R., red.izd-ve; CMWYAVSKAYA, A.B.0 red.izd-va; GORIKOVAYA, Z.P., [Transactions of.the Second Hydrogeological Conference of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, lpr.,2-9, 19581 Trudy Vtorogo Uzbekistanskog:o gidrogeologi- cheskogo noveshchanila. Tashkent, Izd-vo Akad.nal* Umbakakoi SSH, 1959. 339 P. .(MIRA 13ig) 1. Uzbekistanakoye gidrogeologichoolroye soveshchsaiye, 2nd. Tashkont, 1958. (Soviet Central Asia-Water, Underg'round-Congresses) ACCESSION NR: AP4042814 S/0126/64/0181001/6159/0166i! AUTHOR I Voronov, F, F.; Stallgoiova, 0. Va' TITLEt Effect of-hydrostatic pressure on sia.atic pr4pertLss of aLntered hard alloys SOURM FLzika metalld-v-i-metallovedeniyeo: V, A 0 t b' 1 1964,, 159-160 TOPIC TAGS: aLntered tungsten carbide 'alloy. VK,6 allby M, 10 alloy'D 0, alloy elastic property# sintered hard alloy hard atlo iladtici hard alloy elasticity charatt6rtmtical hard 111loy Young modulus ABSTRACT: The effect of hydrostatic pressure of up ;iota 16,V00 k8/c:MP on the elastic properties' of sintered 'ha rd alloys VV~-6 (9r#Zl WC, 6% :03) end VK-10 (90% WC9 10% Co) has been Anves~tigated at 2~ZC uoing ultra-,, tono Aiasadi;on the !I sonic pulses-pt a frequency of 10M,c, Calculat obtained data showed that all elasticitk, ch*ractar6tLcfl:(YOU'fi9,1(; modulus Z# shear riodulue.Go-volume.elasticity modulus, K.~ poiagont a r t i* a) and the'propagation velocity of tongitudiaiil V !aind trans- prssfure., se v- ultrasonic waves change.linearly vithAnerdia R 141aadr 1/ 2 7 L 6462-66 EWT(mt)/ iLc)ZLPF j~L.:gl _;pL 7 ~L _QF1WF1.(0.1k1 ACC NRI AP5025250 JD/HW SOMCS CODE::. 10410. AUTHOR: Panyushkin V. N V M qSonovp -7 -ORG: Institute ofThisfes of if gh Mcnm u enj A (M .fteet #f~�L(Insti~vt f jhj_j fiziki vysokikh davleniy Akademil nauk $638) K 31i .0 TITIE: The Moosbauer effect mtallld tin 6t pressures r 1. Lkb & SOURCE: Zhin*nal eksperimentaltnoy i, teo;11;rt?_C&skoy fi z-ik:L4: Pis 7 qla~; V. slyn (Prilozheniye)., ve 2.. no. 4.. 1965.. 153-1W TOPIC TAGS: tin, j!!ossbauer effect Mossbaver!s ect' sure ~iff'ec'tj hig irressure P rumi PrT research ABSTRACT: The Mossbauer effect was,;,used to stv-3y the #opt es Me ic t.J.n ',(103-Sn 4! because-its large compressibility gives grounds for hopirigli ob &n distinet~y notice able pressure effects. In particular a large increase is q4j?ect a, ~ in the ~r~dljability of emission of recoilless y quanta and the is eric shifts il"ith 'J?,epsur~e. JL 10m amorphous borony pressure chamber resembling chambers with flat,anvil, and t~ At 0. similar to that used in wprk on x-ray structur6l apalynts -piriessure, ~,~aa ca- ployed. A t I i~xini . _ff=�n sourcel ~~Ihe form of a foil 20 IL - thick, c~ ng 80-3-9% lwlast placed r1 in the pressure chiLmber. The pressure in the:ichamter 1(as liLbrii,~6a against ithe!j,%ps of the electric resistivity at Itnown polymorphic tzunajtjo~ 'in b Liiwth,41~9L~~ GA barium-,IThe calibration curve was linear and;vas linearjy~: whrappliLted to 3-10 kbar. The set4 for the observation of the Y;ossbauer effect ims o- tallari to the conartant- speed setup described by K. P. Aleshin et al.~(, 4~4 490 IL964 A3-1. Cie *ea- Card IA 6462--66 - ------ L ACC NRI AP5M250 19~ Fig. 1. Resonance curves for different presswess AN P,-43i i~~ ~rj , , I , - : , ~ 'k p~-110, b1l, I J~~ R. ar surements were made with the source and absorber at:roon tenip !~iauu:ie, ,i The resbiiance curves for each experinent were platted at pregsur 00nd , 5~90,, and ~CO Ii, of a (it~ kbar. Sample resonance curves fordiffeient pie6sur'es axe~sb;hm J. ~Plg. 1. Tile! rM- sults show that the 'depth of the reconance iacx~txses, wish i 1~ MrIP, 7 Caia Ifte .#asi ;pre:;; '41 6n ~1, ti2e half-widths of the =esonance, curves remain confitant. ccmpaii 01, be areas resonance curves for different pressures:vith the area of tuci :Iurv t I atmosih6ric!. pressure yields-the pressure dependence bf the lptr~~igty I.-VemcqUess mia6turd -1 7-- ACC NRs AJ~5025250, 170 160 150 IqO 130 4"1 j OIj a 0,05 .3 a 20 1/0 (JO ell 161 1110 w 1 811 170 PS kbar -Wr P Fig. 2. Dependence on the 3 Pressure dej)e2idence Fig. pressure P: a - of the of the positi6pj,of tkLe;, reso- probability of recoillesm n"CO., line of v ". litive y-q,uantum emission fp, to the energyid th~ rite sonanec b - of the effective in SnO2. Debye temperature 0. Card 3/4 fl~MVMMAM FCC ACC NRi AP~K)25250 as on.-. and ~b T ~e 0, - Offect rye -1 increasing pressure#' These are shown In'Fig. 2'.; Th. e, Ldept ndence y1elos ail O~talrl estimate 2.4 :t 0-3 for the Gruneizen constaht at atmosp*41c It biisure, which agrees well with the value 7 = 2.25 calculated by thl~ Grunefs~,iii fc6IL~ila. Anotber ke- sult of the experimental curves is the shift in the meigy the ~viionance inlp-Sii towards t i Aut~ Mis th F.: ..wrgy of the re re in SnN,., shmm ill Fig. ank L Vereshcho4tUl, .xaLo%aoll! _j ~bmd Ye. N. M4 ~ior -and ~ interest in lie w' i-k., 5 f revs N. N. Fiji -Ale ,,, for help In conct"r it n~ tbe j,6si3btxUer spectrometer, N. N. De yagg ' or a useful discussion of the ~ Oultj And also,Yu. T. Babotin and V. A. G-,u,.ov for particiVating Ln th~'exp"izents'.'~ - ~,Ori ~xt. bas-._7'5 figures.'V/,,-, 8UB CODE: GP sum DATE: warj65/ ORIG IW'F: 00611 o ~w.- 006! 0 o nw j card, a 6 M IMMIMOff hM"MMMW I I I It 1 11 TIM 11 A 11-11 1 11 `111 1 1 111,11 Hl 1 15 V VCRONCV, F.F.; STALOCCROVA, O.V. Mastic properties of barium at pressures up to 22COO,1-4/~~. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz- 49 no.3;755~-759 S 165. (MIFLA 18:10) 1, Institut fiziki vysokikh davleniy AN SSSRII T: 7, USSR/Atcmic and Molecular Physics - Statistical Physics, TbDi-modamamics, D-3 Abst Jouxr~al: Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 12., 1956, 34347 Author: Vereshchagin, L. F.., Voronov, F. F. '.~Scie USSR, Moscow Institut-1,on: Laboratory of Ultrahigh Pressures., Academy ofi! Ii: Title: Change in Melting Temperature of Solid Ammonia at H4Zh Pressures Original Periodical: Zh. fiz. khimii, 1956, 30~ 110 2, 329-333 Abstract: To determine the melting temperature tM of ammobia, as a function of the applied pressure., a setup was built which makes it possible~'to cakry out the re- search a:t pressures up to 3,000 atmos. It is established that tm'increases mono- tonically in the range of one to 3,000 atmos. OF/ i')OV-120-58-3-20/33 AUTHORS:vOrOnov 1-9-T-. Vereshcha&in, L. F., !,I4,rav!j13V, 7. 1. TITLE: A Palse Method of fvleasurinj~ the Speed Pf Pr.-apa,;~,ation of Ultrasonic Waves (Impul'snaya ustanovkqx.dl-ja izinerenira skorosti rasprostraneniya ulltrazvukov~kh "Voln) PERIODICAL: Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperi:iienta, 11 1581.!Kr 3, DP 31-35 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The method is based on measuring th6 tide by which -the echo signal is delayed with respect to!, the dncoming. signal. The method is illustrated by FiS.I. Vie tripSering block 1 produces pairs of pulses at a rapetition.frequency of 1 kc/s. One of the pulses is used to trigger the pulse, generator 2 and the other triggers the slave sweep of the oscilloscoDe 4 . The second puld'e in each pair pro- duced by the generator 2 is delayed~with ,respect to ~he first one by adJustable. and Xmim length of, tielle. Simul- taneously with the tric3gering pulse thp! generator 2 pro- duces a short pac.'Icet of waves having a ;frequency of 10 1~1~,-/s at a rate of 1000 packets Der second. This;r.f. pulse is Card 1/3 SOV-120-55-3-20/33 A Palse Method of I'Aaasuring the Speed of Fropagc-ition of Ultrasonic Waves applied to the piezoelectric crystal 5 1~13is leads to tWe Production of elastic vibrations 71' in ttic socciaen under investigation 6 The elastic lvaves, are reflected at the far end of the specimen (or a r6flector) and retuim to the quartz crystal. The reflected is amplified by the receiver is detected c~nd then ap-plied to the oscillograph 4 The trig6erin~,~ block. is desigrned so that when -the triggering pulses are sa IitabI7 delayed one can observe on the ORO screen both the t: ansiAtted and the reflected pulses. If the reflected and transmitted pulses are made to coincide on the ORO screen (by adjustinS the delay time in each pair of pulses) one obtains a measure of the time taken by the elastle wave in briiver6iag the speci- men under investigation. The timo scale-must of course be calibrated in a preliminary experiment. Theapparatus diffe~;rs from those used previously in thAt it, emplojs a very acnurate delaying circuit based on 4 qua-Vtz stabilised generator (2). If the leading edge of 40 slji;xial is coiwid- erably distorted on pasrinfr through the wediWit the lldai~k spot" method described by Bergman in Ref.~~ 6 is~usad. Using the above method, the velocity of propagationlof ultraoanic Card 2/3 sbV-120-58-3-20/33 A Pulse Method of Measuring the Speed of Roop.aga'.tion of Ultrasonic Waves waves may be measured to an accuracy of~'5%. :Results are given for copper and iron. There are 41igu~res, 1 table and 6 references, of which 3 are English and~3 Soviet. ASSOCIATION; Laboratoriya fiziki,Aavl(]niy LN 38SR (Laboratory of Physics of Ultra-Ifigh POSSurols of the Academy of Sciences#USSR) SUBMITTED: September 15, 1957. 1. Ultrasonic radiation--Propagation 2. Ultrasonic radiation--Measurement 3. Pulse generatorr,--Applications 4. Pulse generators--Performance Card 3/3 86750 S/120/60/ooo /oo 6/026/05 E073/E335 AUTHORS: Voronov, F.F.-and Vereshchagin, L.P. TITLE: High-pressure Apparatus for Ulttasoni,c Investigations up to 10 katm. PERIODICALs 13ribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 106o,.No. 6, pp. 104 - 107 TEXT: For the purpose of studying the elastic p'roperties of solid bodies at pressures up to 101&tm. by means 6f.'ultra- sdnic pulses, using 'a., method desc ribed in earlier work (Ref. 1), eampact high-pressure equipment was built.': This equipment can also be used for other investigations or which it is si~fficient to have available a volume of 96 cm The range of operating temperatures is determined byl!the potentialities of the circulation thermostat, which irs. connected to the jacket of the high-pressure ves*~el and also by the properties of the operating fluid. A sketch of the equipment in shown in Fig. 1. A high-pressure vebsel 1 contains a quartz plate and the investigated specinhen. Card 1/8 86750 S/12o/6o/ooo/oo6/~o26/045 E073/E335 7 :High-pressure Apparatus for Ultrasonic Investigations up to 10 katm. The pressure multiplier consists of two cylinders~ . 17 and 21 with pistons 18 and 20 and the housing 1:9 , :;3 being a connection crosspiece. The low-pressure systein 10-15 feeds The system 6duc the pressure multiplier. - 5 9 pr es a prel- iminary pressure of the operating fluid in the high-pressure range which is measured by a 10 katm. spring pressure gauge 16 and a manganin pressure gauge 4 . The outer thermostat 2 is connected to the jacket of the high-pressure vessdl. The entire e Iquipment is vertical and is mounted in ali~:hous'ing of 1.2 x 1,K-2.2 m , made of 10 mm thick sheet steel. Visual observation of the pressure gauge'A is' through &.120 X'200 mm window, which is protected by a 35 mm thick sheet of ~erspex. The equipment is controlled by a press-button purlip s ar,ter and a system of valves, the-fiand-1res -,oJr-wfi!ii_--h'-4rek,1 Joutside 'the hou'sins. The components of the equipment are described in some detail. Fig. 2 *hovrs the obturitor 3 Card 2/8 V, I ill' "191 1, P, 10h kill It, A-, it ....... .... 86750 S/120/6o/oolo/bo6/0,26/045 E073/E335 High-pressure Apparatus for Ultrasonic Investigations up to 10 katm. with a collar 1 and a seal consisting of~two Steel rings 2 and 4 and the tef Ion ring 3 The obturator~: f itM onto the holder of the specimen 9 The same figure shows clearly tioradiofrequency lead into the high-pressure zone, connecting the quartz plate 10 that is glued'i 'mito ~the specimen 11 with the pulse-generating;equipme.nt. :The radio connection is made by means of a steel head 8 which carries a thin spike and a plane-parallel sealing ring ~7 and a plane-parallel microlite, 3 mm thick, sealing ring. Chlorvinyl washers are fitted between the facesJlof the micro- lite ring and the adjacent steel surfaces. Tht,steel spike is a current conductor but also serves for prelimipary ;pressing tx of the steel head and the microlite ringcnto the ~,flati face of the obturator. The self-capacitance of the radio input lead was 22 pF in air at 10 Mc/s. Fig. 3 shows a sketch 'of the joint of individual elements of the high-pressur Ie. system. FIg. 4 shows the internal housing of the high-pressure Card 3/8 U!, 86750 s/i2o/6o/ooo/od.6/026/045 E073/E335 High-pressure Apparatus for Ultrasonic Investigations up to 10 katm. cylinder of the.multiplier the piston 10 has seal consisting of a mushroom-shaped part 5 , the seat lq , steel 8 ,copper 6 and teflon 7 sealing rings. Tlx:LB figure also shows-the obturator 1 , which is fitted with an 4 and uncompensated'surface consisting of,a steppedbittihirig chlorvinyl rings 2 and 3 Fig.,6 6howi. an 6bturator with the electric leads to the manga,nin pressure gauge. 'The equipment .worked reliably in the pressure r'ange~~Jof 1,0 katm. The "mushroom" seals of the piston of the cylinder withstood 30 operating cycles without requiring replacement. ~he sealing rings of the obturator in the high-pressure vessel required frequent replacement due to the fact that the obturator has to be removed and tre-fitted after, each test. Card 4/8 inv.