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BIGHKOVSKAYA, 0 V BAZHEDCWVA,, ~.A.; BABINA, N.S.; BOGDANOV, G.F.; --I-,- Effect of some acridine derivatives on the poliomyelitis an4 murine enoapbaloWelitis viruses. Vop. virus~. 6 no.*6s736-738 N-D 61. (MIRA 3.5-2) 1. Sverdlovskiy nauobno-isaledovateltakiy institut po profi3aktike poliomiyelita. (ENGaHLLOKIELITIS) (POLIOMYELITIS) (ACRIDINE) BICHKOVSKAUO O.V.j BAZM=MOVA,-&A.; MINA, N.S.; IVANOVAO O.D.; KISEMAp L.P'.--; NEVANKAYA., I.I. Increase of the antibody titer in two-stage 4-mmJzation against poliomyelitis with a live vaccine. Vop. virus. I no.2:241 Mr-Ap 162. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Sverdlovskiy inntitut po profilaktike poliomiyeli". (PMIOMISLITIS-VAGGIWION) ~11, i~ In. BlZBENIN, I G ..L 0 L, Frinenie udobreniy na dernovo pozolistv),i pocbval-b (na prirere kalingradskoi) (The Use of FertilIzers In Grassy, 5%line Soils. For example I- Faliningrad Oblast)v by) V. V. Tserling i I. G. Dazhenin. Yoskva, Akader4miga., 1954. 207 P. (Almde"iya nauk SSSR. Pachvenny institut. Kallngradskaya kompleksl'aya ekspeditslya. Nai,thno-populaynmaym serlya.) RA=j ., ILRASNA, G, I. --- --MU6." * Ibres Of POUSSIum in soil and Potassium uutrition of plants. Poch- vovedonle no.3:11-21 Nr 1590 (KIRA 12;11) (Plants-lutrition) (Potassium) BA ---- I OVA. - Xechanization replaces manual labor. Sov.profooiuzy 16 no.13-.18- 20 JI 16o. (XMA 130) 1. Predesdatell zavkoma mookovskogo priborostroltellnogo xavoda "Xanometr-n (Antonatic, control) BAZRSNOVj A.D., elektroslasar'; TEMSHCHWO, V.I., elaktroslesarl How we have increased the reliability of the electric equiPwnk of diesel locomotives. Blek, 1, tepl, tiaga 7 no-4117 AP 63. OURA 16.- 5) 1, Zagotovitallnoye otdolaniye depo Orsk Kuybyabovskoy dorogi. (Diesel locomotives-glootric equipment) SIDORENKO, L.N.; BAZHENOV, A*G* Cancer of the stomach in a patient with situs viscerum inverBus totaliso Vop, onk. 10 no.10:102-103 164. (MIRA 28:8) 1. Iz kafedry onkologii gosudarstvennogo instituta dlya usovershenBtvo- vaniya vrachey im. Kirova, (sav. kafedroy - chlsr-korrespondent ANN SSSR prof. A.I.Rakov) na, base Institute, onkologil. AW SSSR (direktor - ,I-yetvitellnyy chlen, AMN SSSR, prof. A.I.Serebrov). Adres avtorov: 7--ingrad, Pesochnoye, 2, Leningradskaya u1., 68, Institut, onkologii AM SSSR, ZHENOV A.G. Cast and welded flaBks, Lit. proIzv. no.2s47 P 165. (mrm IM) BAZIC-NOV; A.G.; DC14INIKOVSKIY, G.G. Cummingt=ite from thenImen Mountains. Trudy Inst. geolo UFAN SSSR no,70M-77 165. (M-M 18:12) BAZHENOV A,G. Gahnite from pegmatites containing amazonite in the Illmen Ireservation. Trudy Inst. geol. UFAN SSSR no.70:257-259 165. (MIRA 18:12) BAZHMTS A. lnzb.; ZAIKIN4, T., Insh.; IPPOLITOVA. T., lnxh* Device for arsotlog reinforced concrete columns. ]k strol. Mosk. 2 no.8:30 Ag 159. (MIR& 12:12) 1. Stroltellrq7 ucbastok-19 tresta Xosstroy 16.4. (Coluans, Concrete) W (tic rt a r ~~~qksa lvano3jkhLLEVENSnMO a'V.p red.; SAVCHMO, A~ Te*Vop tAkbno red& [Quantum radio pl7sice, a new science] Novaia nauka - kvantovaia. radiofizika. Moskva,, Izd-vo "Znamie.,O 196L 34 p. (NarodrWi univeraitet kulltury. Betestvennonimcbuyi fakulltetp no.25) (MIRA .15:3) (Radio) (Microwaves) PARIKANT-9 vaientin Lukomdrovich, pror, d6ktor fisiko-matem. nnk.., pMMn", Pa"I Alsknyovioh'v prot.9 doktor fitUo-matem. nauk,, J=reaj&bqUvgk;y pre4i; aAump xhumu Didtriyeviebt pror. p dokbor fbilkoontem. mautl IUMTSOVs, Ivm Vasillywilab; TOISM, Nikitia Alskes"vicb, Wof., doktcr Agav-mtes4 =mkl Tnmt Alskmandr vaonlyevicb, wmasmik [deoo:asadlj, BARMp Ivem Pavlpvlohp akademft [decoaqedll Bk~ ~Al PASIMMp IeBo; Tod*; RAZIT't I.T. 9.-tekbn. red. Sersei ivanavuh aborulk, Mookyap Isd-vo RSM*OR 1961, 43-p~ allsba yo rasproottawrAlu po- liticheAdkb i nauebmrkh sm-li. Bar.% Fisika i lelhJu4jap uo.3.0) (KM 34s7) (vavilovp serpi ITmovicho 1891-1951) BAZUNOV, A. 1. Cand Geol-Idn Soi -- (diss) "Idnernlorj and geology of I h the. Karager. oobalt depositV Tomsk, 1958. 15 pp (Yin of Higer Fduoation USSR. Tomsk Order of Labor Red Bonner Polytechnio Inat in I. M. Kirov), 100 oopies (KL, 36-58, 110) -10- BAZHHHOV. Aj. --"~Cobalt =nd nickel minerals in the Karagen deposit (soutbwesteM Altai). N&ucb.dokl.vy9.9bknly-, gool.-nauki no.4:169-176 '58. (mmA 12:6) 1. Tomskty polite'khnicbeskiy institut, Vmfedra mineralogii. (Karagem Valley-Cobalt nines and nining) (Karage" Valley-Nickel nines and nining) BAZMOTO I.I. Smolyanin*vite from the GorMy Altai. Izv. TPI go: n2-n8 158. (KMA 12: 2) 1. Predstavleno professorom A,K. InsImirqm. (Altai Kountains-Smolyaninovits) BAZMOV, A#14 Rare earth spIdote from the southeastern part of the Altai* Zzy. TPI go: ng-129 158 - (MMA 12-.2) 1. Predstavleno, professorom A.M. luxlminym. (Altai Xountaine--Dpidots) ,AA Ka"-Z. Transvealits from a deposit of the southeastern Altai Nountairw- Up. Veen* min. ob-va 8B noo6s715-720 159. (nRk 13:8) 1. TAfedra mineralogli Towkogo politekhnichookogo irAtltut&. (Alt.&I Wountalne-41ranevea6lite) of BA Ov. A. 1. Migration of cobalt in the oxidation zone of sulfarsemide depostis. Geol.-rude mestorosbe no,3:114-n7 NY-Je 160. (MIRL 13:7) 1. Tomskty politekhnicbeskly Institut. (Cobalt) (Oxidation) BAURNMO A.I. Zoning of contactpwtascmatio prukarn formations as revwasd by the soutbeastern part of the Iyeftex intradve massif in the Gornyy Altai. Izv.vyv*ucheb.sav.; geol.1 rasv, 5 no,1:48-59 A 162. (KMA 15:2) 1. To=kiy politekbnicheskiy iwtitat I-eni S.K.Kirovao (Altai Muntaim-Metuonatim) BICH, Ya.A.v kand.tekhn.nauk; BAZHENOV, A.I., inzh. Results of testing the mechanical properties of coal seams in Kemerovo and Prokoplevsk region mines of the Kuznetsk Basin. Ugoll 39 no.3:2S-32 Mr 163. (MIRA 180) BAZNGNOV A. K. Dissertation defended for the degree of Candidate of Philosophical Sciences at the In3titUtO Of PhilosoptW "'Griticium of the Philoso-Ibical, Sociological View of A. Kasco.11 Vestnik Akad. Nauk, No. 4, 1963~, Pp 119-145 BLVMOV9 A.M. (UlanU.Ide., ul. Pavlov,,, d.90 kv.1.1)j XtZAROV-RYGDYWN, Y.E. I Ttuor of trachea causing asphyxia in thyroidectomy. Vast. khir. 92 no.lsIO4,-105 Ja 164. (NIERL 17ill.) 1. Is otorinolaringologiohookogo (save - AA Bazhenov) i kbirurgi- oheskogo otdolmiya (sav. - V.V. Baldynov) Respablikamalkoy bollnitsy (glaynyy vrach - molushemyy vrach RSFSR Z*B. Badmayeva) Buryatokoy ASSSR, Ulan-Ude. DUMCIVp A.N... dotsent; FEKI 870V,, M.N., kandoveterinouauk acidatiow.reftotim pmesgas in the organisms of dairy ows in acotommia and oetwAystrophy. Voterimariip. 37 no.lis" N 160. (KMA 3.6s2) 11 Uningradski-y voterinarAn institute (Cove-Diseasee and posts) (Oxidationg Physiologiva) PROTASOV, A.I., dotsent; SnW, A.V., prof.; SMIRNOV, A.M., dotsent; BAZ=0l- A -N., doteent; VILIM, A.M., prof.; BASWMIN, A.F.. -~-Otaent;'SLWALOV, X.1op prof,; VJffJMt, A.A., prof.; NUMOROVp V.A.p prof.; JXMOV, Y.Pep doteent; KUZNNSOV, G.S., prof*; BOCHAROV, I.A., prof.; SHOEMBATM, P.Ta., prof.; TSICK, R.A., prof.; GRIMOVEDYA, 74.7a.. dotsent; ADARMIS, V.P., assistant; BMTY N.A., dotsent; NITSOVICK, V.Yu., dotsent; GUWAs NeVet d tsent; ~~, P.P.. dotsent; OURIVICE, Ta.G., prof.; FADOTOV, B.H., prof.; DOBIN, N.A., dotsont; SIROTXIN, V.Ae. prof* (deceased]; OXIMIN, V.V., prof.; TIWMIMOV, P.D*p prof.; POLYAKOV9 A.A., prof,; POLYAKOV, Pja., red,; BARANOVA, L.G., takhn.rade [Concise handbook for the veterinarian] Kratkii spravochnik vateri- narnogo vracha. LenIngrad, Gos.ixd-vo sallkhoz.lit-ry, 1960. 624 po (KERA l3tl2) (Veterinary medicine) BLZMWOV,, A.H., dotment XLectroaardiograpby in the diagaosis of food cattle* Vbtorinariia 38 no.803 Ag 161 (MIRA l8zl) 16 Laningradskiy Taterinaim7y institute fliss, M.A.; RUTRIYEYA, RUKAVISMIIKOVA, MELINIKOV, Aeve GeV.; SMIRNOVA* A.S.; Prinimal-i uchastiye: V-V-; KOTEWNIXON I.&.; ZHIVYKHp T.I.; BAZHM.V Ways of irwroming the pnrfoihmuce abarecteristics of electrodes for st"02..."elting furnaces, Stall 25 no.5:423-425 Yq 165. (MIRA 18W HISSP M.A.; DMITRIYEVA, G.V.1 SHIRNOVA, A.S.; Prinimali uchastiyet RUKAVISHNIKOVA, V,V.; KOTELIVIKOVA, I.A.; ZHIVYKH, T.I.; BAZUKOL.A.&A-MININOV9 A.V, Ways of improving the performance characteristics of electrodes for steel smelting furnaces. Stall 25 no.5423-425 W 165* (MIRA 18:6) BAZUENOV,, A.F.; XUZIRAV WL; PYATACHROV., B.1o; MiUMMAj, T.M. Meat using equipment in the cotton indufftry* by V.P.Saw:Llov. Reviewed by Bashenov and others, Iav.ns,.uchebzav*; tekb*twwtprom* no.1s-160-,162 163. (KEU 1614) I* Ivsnovskiy enargetichankLy institut imeni Lenina, (Cotton wnu acture.-Equipment and supplteo)(Reat engineering) (Samilovs V.P.) V. BAZMOT, A*Pt I Izvestliatloix *f beat ozqhoW In dryivg thla wterl&ls, froo Mll ne.28tI47-156 156.. (Dryise) (=A io:6) UZEawov, A*P. Cand Tech Sci (dies) "Study of the coefficient of heat emission during the drying of thin materials." Most1957, 15 pp 20 cm. (Min of Higher Education USSR. Mos Order of Lenin Power Engineering Inst im V.K. Molotov.) 100 copies. (KL9 23-57, 112) \BAZEMV# A-P-, kandetekbnnauk Heat exobange during the drying of tbin materials. Sboranaacbe trud. IBI no,8:98-113., 138, (UM 13s4) Owing apparatus) 11f - AUTHOR: Bazhenor, A.P. (Engineer) 94-2-5/27 TITLE: Intensifying the process of drying thin materials (Povysheniye intensivnosti protsessa suahki tonkikh materialov.) PERIODICAL: Promyshlennaya Raergetika, 1958, Vol.13. No.2. pp.15-17 (Mc;-sR)- ABSTRACT: A laboratory investigation was made into beat and mass exchange when drying cloth. The results were checked,on an industrial scale. Drying tests were made on different kinds of cotton cloth in the temperature range 60 - 1200C, with air speeds of 0.5 - 2.0 m/sec, Convoetion-radiation drying was carried out with a radiator surface temperature of up to 5500C on pieces of cloth 650 x 900 mm,and at higher temperatures on asbestos boards. The results of the investigations are graphed in Fig.l. and show that the intensity of evaporation is approximately proportional to the temperature difference between the medium and the surface of evaporation. The results confirm that transfer of evaporated substance at the surface takes place by effusionj the vapour molecules move independently of one another at the speed they had on leaving the surface of evaporation. A formula is given for heat exchange during evaporation. Results of investigations of the duration of drying, presented graphically in Fig.2. are used to consider the factors that govern the effectiveness of convective drying. At low temperatures (about 6000 increasing the air ed is v:ry effective, but it should not Card 1/2 be raised above about 2m7a:c . At emperatures of about 10000 the Intensifying the process of drying thin materials. 94-2-5/27 air speed should not be greater than 1 m/sec. Even modern cloth-drying equipment does not fully exploit the possibility of speeding-up the drying process. At optimum air speed aud temperature, the intensity of drying can be further increased by radiant beating in a convective drier. An equation is given for heat exchange in this case. The principles of combined radiant and convective drying are discussed and it is considered that this method is applicable to cloth, paper and other materials. Radiant-convective drying should be applied during the period of constant rate of drying, that is, while the temperature of the material is not much higher than the wet- b-dlb temperature. Even if the intensity of radiation is kept moderate, so that the material is not over-heated, the time of drying in existin e ipment can be halved. There are 2 figures, 2 literature reference.fg'.Usi.). AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. 1. Cloth-Debydration-Test results Card 2/2 IAZIXW;~,AiVir- kiknA.t9khn.u&uk IntentifyIng the drying pr9cesses of thin materials. ISTOTTS. uchelb.siav.; energ. 2 no.12:108-111 D '59. (KM 13:5) 1. Ivanovoldy onergetichankly ivatitut imeni M.Lenina. Predstaylena komfereatsisy po trometergetika. (Drying'apparatus) BAZHZNML. A-P kand. te . nauk, tekbn. naukq dots., takhn. naukt dots.v red.j nauk prof., red.; SWIN, redo; dots., red.; EROVKIN, L.A.# red.; RWIANCVA, T.M., kand. TROSHIN, P.V.y kand, tekhno V.M.p kand. tekhn. nauk; dots., [Heat and mass transfer in industrial systems] Teplc.-i massocbmen v promWahloruVkh ustanovkakh; tematichaskii abornik, Yaroslavl', 1964. 86 p. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Ivanovo. Energatichaskiy institut. BAZWOV. A~4eelsa Petromm, doktor red. nauk; GORODIIDVA, Vera Vladimirowa.p doktor mod, nauk; LAGUTINA, Ye.V.,, red, (MaLligwmt tumors) Zlokaebeetvamiye opukholi. Moskva, Izd-vo 'Znania.0 1965. 47 p, (Narodnyi universitets F&WItet zdorovlia,, no,12) (MIRA l8s6) ltl(71, ZRUTINTI v V. jm9W Nov electrical prospecting apparatus for work based an the Intensity NOMA. lasyed.1 okh.nedr 22 no*7:49-54 Jl 156. (MLRL 91ll) 1. Ministerstva goologli I okbrany nedr 6 M . (Nospocting-Goop,bysical sethods) (Ilectric Instrumuts) BAZMOT, A*V.. lushenor; SHAUTW, N.D., Inshoner. No- oesm TISM101861 shaft-type Impact mills with metal collectors. Wdorgatik 4 ne.8:11-12 Ag '56. (Pulverizers) (MMU 9:10) BAZHENOV, A.Se --- Small pulse radio range finder. Biul. nauch.-tekh. inform. VIM no.2t44-48 163. (KatA 18t2) 1. Go&Warstvenrqy pologiaboskiy komitet SSSR. RIZNIKOV, I.L; BAZHEW, A.Ye. Irregular current distribution and voltage lose in alectrol.,41c bath leads. TSvet-met-33 no.1:48-57 Ja 160. (KRA 13:5) 1. NadvoltOdy 0,yuminlyevyy sayod. (Blectralyale-Squipment and supplies) XWSMUNj I.I.j BAZHBNOVp A.Ye. W--~ -POla'rograPbY of MUD With litblva and potamailum chloride an the oupport using a stationary electrode. Sb=.prikI.Wdx. 34 not912lO2-2104 S 161. (MIFA 14;9) (Polarography) PEW I BM MEPLOITATION SMA333' Iloohk"v, V. V. ed. Tek2udka ismers" raftoaktlv"kh preparatowL abornik statey (Teoh- rquoi for the Measurement of Radicaottye ticrAs; collection I Articles) Moscow, ftnatomix4at, l9b2. = oples I~rinted. Ids. t A. N. SmIrnova. wid M. A. Salmov; Teclw.' Ed. % S. M. Pop*va. PMtP=: This book In intended for specialists In nuclear instru Mentatiori. C07MOEt The book is &'collectioti of arI.Itles on recent developments in 1)'measurement of the activity and oT th P031- The methodo ogy and tion-of eld6sions of radioactive preparations. ipparatus usid*ln these studles*are described in detail. ~'Refersnces are given at the end of Osoh article, TANX OF CONTSMs i _7 _7 TlechrAquss for the NamismOnt (QiAt.) WT/V333 TurkI4 Near -the Cono*ntration of 0-ftdtting , A, D. 4r*mnt of Gases* w4 the'DetermUmblon.of fteir.1motovid'009poeltIon-by 'Means 234 i V. N. Neasurment of tbo T- &W PAotivity of Lavrenohlk# . Aerosolv ~39 Ivalm, Yu, F. 01, No a X. PecktistaiP. Xag- and y-gpootrom T A. ibmr, I. 141A L N. Shlyagin. xIvwtIo ape Ivanow, Yu, F.* . trmst*v W163 LysgW; P.' N. AM& Yu. X. Golubev, L, X. 8h] .171w tov . =Q. T. Yakowlas 'DolutIllatIca T--spectribmstor. .'With a baltichanwl Aislysevi and a VAlt for the, Automatia 09 Speotm ottlng-. Dambommo, V. - A. Tn. M. Golub*v, AW T., X. Ahlysan. AolntimAt.~: - Speotrostw. -Dsad_T1is'X_g*4t,~ 202 7- car`4 KWPOV, A.Ya,; BEDAREV, V.I.; BAZHBN(YV, B*M* Feeding castings with high-strength iron. Lit. proizv. no.9:40 S '64,, (MIRA 18;10) w BEDARKV, V.I., inzh.; KHRAPOV, A.Ya., kand.tekhn.nauk, doteent; BAZHENOIV, B-H,s inzh. Stability of the results of inoculating magnesium into cast iron. Vest.mashinostr. " no.1207-59 D 164. (MIRA 18:2) BAZHENOV, B. P. Problem of Ancient GlAciations in the Basin of the Zeya River T ahe author verifies the opinions expressed by A. A. Usov (Ro=j- J- M& (Placers and ores), Hoe 69 ?t 1931) and by V. K. Flerov (Tr- - trecrta Z6IntnrArv9eVkA (Works of the Gold Prospecting Trust), No. 10, -1938) con-- cerning the considerable development of ancient glaciations in the basin of the Zeya River. On the basis of special field inreatigations into the ancient glaciations in this territory the author concludes: the Zeya river basin contains several traces of ancient glaolation, the glaciation being of local character and coordinate with the mountain peaks; in fom they were small glaciers of the present-day Ural type, and they had very small distribution. He asserts that in the entire Zeya river basin both cover glaciation and local (rather large) glaciation were abarant. (RZhOeolg No. 4, 1955) Sh statil VRAn. mAnch. pC11takhn. Inta, No. 6, 1934, 33-39. SO: Sum. No. 744o 8 Doc 33 - Supplementary Survey of Soviet Scientific Abstracts (17) BAZ Conference on geology and minerals In central regions of Arasuoyarsk Territory. Isy,vyg, wheb. saw.; tevet. meto no-3:149-150 1 58. (MRL 11:11) (Krasnoyarsk Territory-Geology) RAZHKNOV B.P I*Iyzing pebbles in order to study placers in the Zova Basin. Izv.vya.ucbob,zav.;geol.i razv. 4 no.7--I~tf- (mm 1. Moskovski-y institut tmtrqkb mt&UdY i Solota imeni H.J. KaIjairm, (Ze7a Valley-Gold ores) BAZHENOV, B.F. History of the studv of placer deposits in the Zeya River Basin. Uch. zap. MDPI 124:159-168 63. (MIRA l8t6) KORSWV,, Vladimir Sergayevich; NOVIKOVO Mikhail Psvlovit1; PAMLEYEV, red. grafichookikh V.V., inzb., retsenzentl B rabotj YAKOVLEVAI V.I.# red.1 MODEL', B.I.v tekhn. red. (Manual on the mechanization and automation of assembling opera tionel Spravocbnik po mekhanizataii i avtoratizataii sborocbmykh rabot. Moskva# Naabgiz., 1961, 373 pe (Him 1592) (Asasuhly-line metboda) BAZIMIJOV,, D.7. --- "'; Shortcomings of sractrum ala2,y-,ls by means of harmonic analyzers and ways for their eliniwion. Akust. Zhur. 10 no.2:147-151 164, (MIRA 17.6) I. Akustichoskiy instItIlt A4 1WR, Moskva,, ITSKOVICH, G.M.; KISELEV, V.A.; CHERNAVSKIY, S.A.; BOBKOV, K.N.; PANICH,, B.B.;., ~ZHENO~VD.~V., red. (Preparation of a course project on machine parts; reference manual] Kursovoe proektirovanie detalei mashin; uchebno- spravochnoe posobie. Izd.4.p perer, Moukvao Hashinostroenie 1964. 594 P. (MIRA 180) KSENOFONTOV, B-o-ris Maksizio-vich; BAZHENOV-F.)I,_, laureat Go=Iar premii,j inzhey retsenzent., ii~, N*A*pAAkkba&.4-ed* (Gasting by the vamn suction ntbod] Litle metodom vakmnmo vsasyvaniia. Sverdlovsk# Mashgis., 1962. 167 p. (IGRA 15:7F (Nonferrous metals.-Founding) (Vacuum teabnology) - ~ , - ~ -- - ------ Plaster Determination of the strength of adhesion of plaster to its fowidation. Biul. strol. tekh.. 9, no. 13, 1952.. Montl,ly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Niverber 1952. I-INCIASSUIED. . . . '.., V , , ; . 11 . BAZHINOV. G.A.,jusbener. Adjusting electric power gacerator tralus.,ftergetik 5 n0-5:1&19 W '57. (XIectric generators) (KISA lor,6) - BAZIENCIV, G.L., karyl. teklin. rv,.uR; B.T. , t,.khn. nauk Guniting the walls of a grain elevutor. Prom. Btroi. 42 no.3; 22-23 165. (MIRA 18:7) -BLZHENDV,V.jG.L.-S-kand.tokhn.raiLuk,, dotment; KLIDRIN, B.A., k&M. tekhn.rLauk,, impolriyayushchiy ob;razannosti dotsenta Study on short reinforced concrete brackets. Trudy GISI no.30:99-, 332 164 (MMA 160) a Uber die Bereehnung der Wurzaln von algebraischen Gleichungen mit Hilfe der unsnalicben Rei- ban. Khrk., Zap. matem. T-Wa. 7(1933), 39-44 OB qwedelenii intervals. arguments. pri to-,bulirovanll fVmk:tsiy, Voronezh, Trudy un~ta., 8:1 (1935)s 6-8. 80t Mathematics in the USSR,,,1917-1947 edited by Kurosh, A,U,, Markushavich, A.K. Rashevskly, P.K. Wocov-Leningrad, 1948 41965. BAZIMIOV, G. M.-Primenenie matrichnogo ischisleniya k v),vodv uravneniy dvizheniya maloy planety v ideallnykh iv ganzenovskikh koordinatakh. Vchen. Zapiski kharlk. Gos. Va-ta im. Uortkogo, T. XXVIII. Puglikatsii Astron. Observatorli. T. VIII. 1948. S. '95-98 SOt Letopist Zhumallnykh Statey, Vol. 47, 1948 - I - ", ^- X ~ - "l.", M. S - 1. '. - ff ff ~f f, . I - --,-j - -- 4 - ~/ - fl- V ~ffl - -.7r - ~L-T - . L- yy~, - ;, I -f -1 - . I - - .I I - - Ii BAZMOV. G.A. First-order pmrturbations of the mean motion of an in- finitesimal body in the problem of three bodies. Biul. Inst.taor.astron. 6 no.6078-W 156. (MIR& 13:3) (Problem of three bodies) BAZHENOV, G. M., Doe Mys-Math Sci -- (diss) "On portux%ba- tions of the first order of olements of the orbit of a body of vanishing mass in the spatially restricted elli- ptic problo-%-m of three bodies and certain related questions," Len, 195%". 24 PP (Acad Sci USSR, Main Astronomical Obser- vatory), 125 copies. (KL, 41-58, 119) - I - BAZHIWDY. G.R. Two practical schemes for calculating perturbations of the first order of orbit elements ofbodiss with a small mass in the spatial restricted elliptic problem of three bodies Biul.Inst. teor.astron, 7 no.1:43-71 158. (MIRL i3:4) (Problem of three bodies) NOV) PF" I BOOK UPWITANON SM/4758 KharIkov. Universitat. Astronovdcheskqz observatoriya Tsirkulyar., no. 22 (Circular of the Astronomical Observatory of.Kharikov State University imeni A. X. Gor'kjy, No. 22) Xhar'kov,, 1960. 79 P. -Ii= copies printed. Sponsoring Asencies: Ministerst*6 vyssbego I erednego spetsiallnogo obrazoyaniya MwOM; RharIkovskly ordene. tridmgo kmnogo znameni gosuAarstvennyy u'niversitet imeni A.-M. Gor"togo. Peep. Zd.: N. P. Barabasbovj,Academiclan.. -Acad my of Sciences ManainskLys SM; Zd.: T. X. Mu-11ovaj Tech. Edr: N. I* Malin PUXP=t Mda publicat4ion in intended for astronomers. COMM03 This issue of the Circular of tat Astronomical Observatory at Mar,kov 4i~rntAins 4 astronomical st3d4 a. 3hdividual papers present eorrectl=s for the orbital elements of minor planets 52 Rurq?a and 152 At%1&2 and a conput- ational sobsue for finding the best Chebysbey approxinatian for & given OL14 1/3 Cireu2ar of the Astronomical Observatory (coat.) SOV/4758 function in a given Interval of argament chan - Extensive tabular dPta ws provided an photo#~Mric and ahromosphorto uUvity for 19570*. Then are no references. "M OF C Sawfalova.. T. A., and K. V. BBnsksn. Photospheric and Chromospberio Solar ketIvity Prom January 1 !Ehrough December 31., 1M,, According to Observations of'the 1har1kov Astronomical Observatory -3 The withors present 5 tables of data. Table 1 contAins data cberecteriz- Ing the general state of the photospherej Table 2 4b&ws data chameterriz- Ing the active rigions of the sun; Table 3 gives a list of intensive floc- culi, not identical vXth observed sunspot groups (possibly associated with sunspot groups on the concealed side of thesun)j Table 4 provides a list of filaments sad protuberanosal and Table 5 gives a list of pro- tuberances whose height a adB 60 ". Mdversal time Is used on all tables. The photosphere v&s observed visually vith a 4-Inch retractor and attacbed screen. The 1=0 of the stin on the screen was 151 m. Areas of sunspots are measured In millionth parts of a oemispbere and cor- rected for perspective distortion. Muvwspbere observations vere made photographically on a spectrobeliograph. Observations vere performed Csxd 2/3 Urau]Ar of the Astronomital Observatory (Cont. ) SOV/4758 by L. I. Wsenko sad V. A@ Yezerskkn, R. M, Chirkova., and T. A. Sawfa1m. No referenees are given. Bashenov, 0. M. Correcting Orbital Elements of Minor Plan t (52) &=pa 72 Bubenov,, G! M. Correcting the Orbital Elements of Minor Planet (152)Atala 74 ..............., P. M. Computational P3An to Find the Polynomial Which !La~nqy-,. 'in the Best Cbebyrphey iji~roximatiou A , a Given Ametion in a Given Interval oe Argmut Chup 76 AVA11ANX: IAbrary of Congress JA-dva-f&3, Card 313 1-n-61 ' XAPLAN, 111ya Abrawvioh; GA., prof., doktor fix.-matemenaukt rateensentl POLOT11. R.T*, dotsent-, kandfis.-metem.U81*6 retsonsent; GORMWIY, D.Z,,. dotsentp otvrsd.;-,.BAZ1LYMMT-Aj, I.L., red.; Aekhred. as In higher nothemilos] Praktichaskle sania- fPraotical proble tile po vyeshal wateustike. 1her'" Isdvvo Xbarlkovskogo gos. univ.Am. A*X.Gor'kogo* Pt.l. [Plaus and solid analytic geomet-271 Analitioheeksia geometrits no ploakosti I v prostraut", 1960~ 226 p. (Clsometry, Analytic) (min 14:3) UZMMV. G. M. Improving or'bit 819"nts for minor planst 1hropa (2). TSir.Astron. obser.nar.un. no.22:72-73 160.' (MM 13:7) (PUnets, Xinor) IUZMOT# G*K* . ................................... Toproving orbit eleamts for u1nor planet Atals, (152). TBIr. Astron,obsereMwoune no*~2874-75 '60** (XML 1317) (Planets, Minor) MUMOT, G. M. Coup ting systes for finding the polynomial which to the best Chabysbov approximation to the given function In a given Interval of argument variation. TS1r.Astr6n.dbs6r.D&r.un. no.22:7(w-79 'we . (MM 13 -?) (Obebysbey polynomials) AUTHOR: Bazhenov. G-M- 24361 S/0-35/61/000/r)07/007/021 A001/A101 T-L11Z: Determining the orbit of an artificial Earth's satellite from three observations PER10DICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Astronomiya i Geodeziya, no. 7, 1961, 4 - 5, abstract 7A55 ("BYU1. In-ta teor. astron. AN SSSW, 1960, V. 7, no. 10, 757 - 765) TEXT: Me author describes a sufficiently simple method of determ-ining *,e orbit from three arbitrar-i observations separated by any time intervals except f