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ail I f IN if a A t a t it a 00 00 Is * u 0 0 JI a a 16 111 a uj_u'r IF A v_.".A_Q.wj -00 The co"Fat of the 1936-1939 Campaialk in Clechoold, wakia. 1. The beets, yield and pwilkstion of JWCrs I'll 1A dy 00 ' (Immi; cf. C.;t.J2,QvKr. 11. The Itrallon evapors. . beat ind yield tios, Cobtrutradon, crystallization and 000 bolance. Frank 26tart-h woe "T44.1,64411CAL 4,1194ATUOt CWSWIC010" . ..' - ...' I. - -1 - U 6 At 00 AS o 0 '0' q 0 q 0 * 0 * 0 o to o 0000 0 too a** sit 0 I 0 ago* C-I11r='!%-. zz_= I 4 too gee An A 4 a ad 0 a 91 1 a 3 Ail 0 * 0 0 Or 40 0 0 ;11 I if * * 0 0 o o o 0000000000000 0 _.'tf S~p ?!."sofas__ SOA so 00 Th* WW$co' of tim lempaintsith of gh, oxtncftd owes tbtlt 9400"tion 494said a4dUkatkie, In Vowlak, JUP. 62. 11KI-AM). 32, 3Kr. Frank Man-sh fo of 001 LITINsiltAg ILASWKAT" it flows llv,flj isspice* .10 sit Is 4d , q W T T 0 9 1 Ab 4 3 S in so Is,; 44 a, a c A 1 114 u A, 09 a el It _: :!* * 1110 0 00 00 go so 0 : *-: 00 0 00 J* 0 9 9 * 0000 0 4s 48 00 0 , * Q'e ass smiiasimi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 '-00 00 -09 *00 see see 400 900 goo q#0 see :00 W. T~ 05 t 4 if v u w to is u N m **A M,-V Ar -A 001 A A ON ""viltissat In dw lawdt publictow of DI 00 f*4edme for Cadutiag Man" AA&I 04, tO St"fud 9.1111 VondriL, aty Cokoemp. $0, 42-3(lWr.)-. Z. Zai'.. B.H-' 00 62, 54-&-The 12 modificall0fit Of 00 z ptomdures appmvtd by a cmMINWO of If SiTto In tbdr new famn. =11,11aftsh 00 a 00 0 AIR-ILA PRIALLIM&KAL LOINATWE CLOINFKATSOX 2.1a.3 LF aqr oil Z It At .0 T It it 0 a, 9 n 0 0 010 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 Oro -0' Ip 10 o : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AD 0 6 0 * a Z 409.0-1 its- An A S I OJ 0 0 5 '1 V so 9 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 400 =00 goo, zoo too 15# 0 woo SO 0 NA 1, It. , a. W "I- - I a I a 0 0 to a 11 W it ty to IV a to b 343 is '~`v 0 A III '-AA'-Z n I f ft I I I I-L-ACK 9C 00 tit Jk_. f I-jo- 0 a $ 0 V I A s I#. 4,,#a I 00 04 Portion woudko apm tboo acdowo of Wick" wpm wW*4 00 /iood add" Ok". J11i Vandrik. Z. ZwJo,,in4. J,,Aw. jtomk. Rep. 61, 1 77-413(1037T~-&FV. A, 30 M-M jasmh to 00 06 w 00 0 its t"W" I tl-.! .1 &ITA44.446KAL 1,119641TWI C4,01.1focallem go 0 0 0' so u Ar to is 1g 0 0, of v 9 of a It I I1W 0 4 1 1 0 to of 4 * to 0 0 0 0 0 0 e o0 0 0 4 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 e s 00 0 4 0, 0 0 0 0 * Q~*$ o e is 0 o 0 Os 4 0 *to 0 0 0 0 0~ 0 0 3031 UMIA &mum ivej 41 62 as 6d A~ C 0 1 T cat %I u W W, W., 'Iffik "I.$ t E-L-77i o 0 "t-If -116.41 0 OW4 00 0 v 00 009 00 A, 0e 00- 06, -m-v-z -Z mm Pal m4-K-wf of It-9f6i alp ul sal-K "n p UODPW mu 00- v0 00 0& 00 00- 00 win do 7, 00 1 "oo s c1 a u 01 4 a a &sees Ah, --W- W W W W W W a W'qPW 9 W 0 - - V-_ _' 4 1 -A- I- A.0 4#. dolfj~ A Pvr*v�1'f* Wr's. is[' 111111100111 to rs W a a is A trotted di"s Is 19:7"JV1 V=ih. U-26-Y Famartimr. 50t 13-18OW)-A frartkin6fa batcholtstd. beer s1ki .0411 was packed to brick-fined pitit in the rwitomary manner at temp. of W and was used as a coatful; the cetattader I-Of a .1 The Imicb was bc*ltd to Z01, was tran"Jed at 40' and was pqKkvd into brick4itted pits at.War. Afleral Ail ftionihA of storep the contrW batch 4.4 "" ithowed art 18% loss In vol., a 17.2% too in wt.. & 25% loss in pulp, it a pw of 4J, a 19.1% I= In total N, *ad a white granular 38 74but the warraird batch 6howed a 44% loss W spr act 0 it ~ v a 38.7 Jose In wt., a 46%, loss In pulp, a Pn of 40, 90 j a 13.7% lose W total N, and a yellow, Winty appitarAnce with ficlulds dralaing from the Inters;iisers. Inher pits a** 4,Mned after 7 mouths oLst yxar showed an s&W. In. crease In tbr analytical d nc,, between the controls 4*0 a** and the warmed sik". At another place the packing of warmed slicts at Wj~-=* and of control slic" at 161 gave 00 Asnaar rmits (unfavorable to the warmed slicci). At a Is** third plate tlww oblervitions me., reversed: after 4 4nd 00 11.5 trionihs, of packing the warmed slicm (AclicWted at Off 30-M.") and the control sliers (packed at 1611 showed similar changes but with the I hily jimter changes occurring in the ciantrol batches"I slices. V. conclodes see 0 that ma.;y bkA. charigits may occur during the state" of triolt'hihat the changes which may predominate during the s of patking drprtW upon lival conditions (character of pits Owe, etc.) and that the effects 61 A qWCI4I treat- 'ruent (before packing; with "o4te results In mind will be lost under the Influence of the predornins local can. ditlosI4, Frallaff air Ilaresh I a.: 14,4, all CAL UteRATURt -CILA1111FOCAVICO 00 18ldej 81140 6mfii;'q Ali i5i 'T of 11 1 1 U 1 11" 10 11 'a great 11411[w ; a a if ;KWS fiIIIII a Sit a 19 0' of to I a 9 It I _U:4100 : : V 0 0 *1: 0 sit9 100 Of lot 0 0010 0 00 0 0 00 u U 4 Is U Naito NX 10 ic ttil-j- - A &I R A j , - . ,- - no mod yw of sirpsikm with cu Ofw swood s 1l l I for drArmisift Invoct ROW. JIM VoqOk- -1w A 4 m lm f C -00 w of ).- M o few 5 Co 4 4o 'W 221 rMh h i 3ii d W ; 4 ) w a nsens ( r a spw m4mV % -441 than OAW% k3vm mcar. The ~;4ysis of thm 2PM- owns vrom repeated; W 49F% of the detax. OW 3 "ally" 0 mwk by the ( Nmer mctbnd agreed within the range (QM- 0,01m, 832 I f avold within 0-03MA. Owing to as an- of o m n of m th f fl ! avors than 0.05% i ev m wam d requency mu e nvert saw was a 79%, In 1034 it ims 2 M% In WO smalym. The di;;~butlc~ of the empke f I t b 1l l b 8 a** 00 nver ocui mus" Was rtg . "s conig.. j=~ o ~~ under le wasin the no. of d*mted aaalyves 4o0 00 x was only 60% " Urge as *ben the Herzfeld methoc! bad bom employed. Frank Afamh &00 Igoe $NBC** .&1 0- 41" ~$&W ad a- all U a AT so AS 1,, .19 Il In C19 it It i 43 elk In A s a 0d a 0 4 1 W 60 9 -a a ~i a V K~m 010-*00 00 oo* 0*004 -711~090-0010000 of go** 000 he 00 00 we 0 V6 N R A K 0 \1A rur"TO Z*-,, Z, ; VOORAWA, I 01-ganization of vards for navborn; care of premature, Fediat. 11'sty 6 n0-3:182-164. YAW-JurA 1951, (CIM 20: 11) IN Of the Institute of Care for Mother and Child in Prague- Podole (Director - Prof. J. Trapl). Read of the Pediatric Division Docent K. lubat, MeD, M 77 '-it L 947846 DD ACC NRs Ap6019953 SOURCE CODF,, oz/oo7g/65/007/003/0236/0238 AUTHORt Vohdrakovap.Me OR6 DepaAm"sn't1of Reneral Hygiene and Communal Hygien6# Medical Fa6iiltr of HyRien ,-;'Charles Universityg Prague (Katedra, bygieny'obacne a kom~~lni ~Iek# ~fak, hygienicke KU) TITLE.- Changes in the serum level offree fatty acids in rate repeatedly exposed to noise SOURCEt Activitas nervosa superior, v. 7p no* 30 1965p 236-238, 'TOPIC TAGS: 'ratp'acoustic biologic effect# nerump,biochemistry ...IBSTRACTs Changes in the content of free fatty abide in the serum of the rate Indl- cate that repeated noise influences their levelo The level of the acids increases.. substantially after extende.d exposure to toisee. No differsices in th'einfluence of noise were the age of the rats when firet'exposed to the noise* Orig. art. 1 2 tables& ri P i ~_7 simm DATEt WeW 6rd: BABUREK, Jiri; VONDRAKOVA., Milena, inz. Comparison of properties of paper clays. Papir a celulosa 19 no. 7:195-197 Jl 164. 1. Institute of Plain Pottery Technology and Ceramic Material Dressing, Karlovy Vary (for Baburek). 2. Research Institute of Paper ard Cellulose, Prague. BABUREK, Jiri; VONDRAKOVA, Milena Examimition of monodisperse fractions of Sedlec kaolin vith the electron microscope, Silikaty 7 no.4s284-293 163, I., Ustav technologie hrube keramiky a upravnictvi keramickych surovin, Karlovy Vary; Vyzkumrq ustav papiru a colulosy, Praha, Z/009/61/000/012/001/005 E112/E953 AUTHORS: TITLE; PERIODICAL: Zahradnfk"Lubom:(r, Form4nek Zdendk, gfovfk Miroslav, Tyroler Jii4f and_Vondrdkovd Zden'a Recovery of germanium dioxide from f1w -dusts Chemick~ pr&Wsl, no.12, 1961, 625-629 TEXT: The only domestic sources of germanium in Czecho- slovakia are the flue dusts from certain coals (germanium contents range from 0.2 to 0.8%) and the present paper discusses three possible methods of recovery via germanium dioxide: 1) Extraction with water or inorganic solvents, such as H S04 -HC1 HNOA, NaOH and ONH02SX,oBest results are achieved witi 0.65 N-A2S04_1 yielding up ()7% of the available germanium. Extraction efficiency is closely connected with.the physical characteristics of the flue dusts, good recoveries being obtainable only with flue dusts of very fine particle size. Furthermore, only..germanium available in soluble form will respond to the method. 2) Chlorin- ation of flue &usts. This process can be operated either at lower temperatures, in presence of steam, or at high temperatures, in presence of air. Compared to the distillation method with HC1, Card I Recovery of germanium ?,/009/61/000/012/001/005 B112/E953 yields of germanium are inferior and the recovered proaucts less pure. A further :?ectification'is therefore necessary. The chlorination method, on the other hand, offers the advantage that even very low-content flue dusts can be processed. 3) Direct distillation with HG1. This method is considered the simplest from. .the technological point of view. It is only suitable for raw materials', containing germanium in a volatilisable form and is not economical for flue-dusts with low germanium content, The ME:thod consists of treating the flue dust with HC1, and procedures for 1,-he separation of the formed GeC14 are described in detail. So far, this has been effected in two ways: a) Absorption of the gaseous mixture in water, containing 20% HC1. A recovery of 2-13 9 germanium per I litre is feasible but this is considered unsatis- factory, b) Foparation of germanium tetrachloride by condensation. However considerable amounts of GeCli, are entrained by HC1, and the metAod is, therefore, rejected as uneconomical. The authors now offer a new pro!-.edure for GeC14 absorption, based on the use of non-polar solvents, of which carbon tetrachloride has proved the most suitable. The efficiency of a 0.2% GOC14 solution in CCII,, Card 2/~ Recovery of germanium ... Z/009/61/000/012/001/005 E112/E953 is given as 97-99-5% at 20*C. As practical processing would require large volumes of CC1 (1500 kg/kg Ge) a two-step absorp- tion process is suggested. diagram of a laboratory arrangement for the continuous recovery of germanium tetrachloride by the carbon tetrachloride method is shown (Fig.6). The apparatus operates under slight vacuum and has a capacity of 30 kg flue ,dust per day. The solution of GeCl in CCl is preliminarily refined by extraction with concentrated hydrochloric acid, ontaining 10% nitric acid. 1~ydrolysis of GeCl is carried out in the usual way. The experience gained in laboratory trials led to the construction of a semi-technical batch-wise unit, which in two months produced 10 kg germanium dioxide from 1000 kg flue dust. There are 5 tables, 5 figures and 5 references: 12 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet bloc. The English-language references read as follows: Ref.l: Journal of Metals, 979(1953); Ref.2: Johnson O.H., Chemical Reviews, V01,51, 432 (1952); Ref-5: Aubrey K.V., Nature, vol.176, 2 (19 5). I If ASSOCIATION: Ustav nerostnych surovin, Praha (Institute for Mineral Ravi Materials, Prague) Card 3 Recovery of germanium ... Z/009/61/000/012/001/005 E112/E953 SUBMITTED: January 16, 1961 Fig.6. Legend. 1- mixing vessel, with stirrer, for absorption of flue dust in hydrochloric acid, 314 - steam-heated boiling tubes, 5 - separator, 6 - condenser, 7 - absorption vessel, 8 - absorption column with Raschig rings, 10- separating funnel with CC14, 9 - condenser, cooled to OOC, 11- reservoir, to which a slight vacuum is applied. Card 4/~ VONDRAKOVAq Zdenas inz.j ZAHRADNIK, Lubomirp dr-, inz-o Uhreat statn-4 -."'l"=mWfvj3TOVIK, Hiroslav, inz., laureat atatni cany GaMum and ita rav materials in Czaaboolovakia. Geol pruzkum 5 no. 5142-143 Vq 163. 1. Ustav nerostnych suroving Kutna Horap pracoviste v Fraze. 23566 jj ~,o 11097 z/oog/61/000/007/001/004 E112/EI35 AUTHORSs Zahradnik, Lubom~rj Forma'nek, Zden4k, 9?ovfk, Miroslav, Tyroler, Jii-i, and VondrAkovd, Zdans. TITLEs Properties of furnace flue dusts and their use for the recovery of germanium PERIODICALs Chemlck~ pruemysli 1961, No-7, PP. 337-341 ~TEXTs Coal which is rich in germanium was &shed in a reducing atmosphere and Coarser fractions were separated by means of cyclones. Flue dust of finer particle size was recovered by electrostatic separation and this contained up to 1% germanium. Industrial recovery of germanium was considered feasible and therefore laboratory methods for its extraction and the nature of the bond between germanium and the flue dust particles were studied. The flue dust was separated into different fractions according to particle size and the relationship between germanium concentration nd particle size was investigated. Germanium contents decreased s the particle size increased and, consequently, main attention : was paid to flue dust smaller than 60 u (0.12% Ge). During the ashIng of coal a number of elements are volatilized and absorbed Card 1/4 23568 Z/oo9/61/000/007/001/004 E112/E133 Properties of furnace flue dusts and their use for the'recovery of germanium from the gaseouis phase by the flue dust particlec. The sorption process was studied by determining the concentrations of the various elements in the original coal and the flue dust. Spectroscopic methods of analysis were used and results are tabulated. On -the average, the flue dusts contained between 27 and 33% combustible materials. Their concentration decreased on extraction with 0,2 N-H2SO4, indicating that they did not consist entirely of carbon. Results for three types of flue dust are tabulated, showing the following; 1) lose of weight of flue dust on calcination; 2) loss of weight of flue dust on calcination, after extraction with H2SO4; and 3) loss of weight of flue dust on extraction with H2SO4- Results of spectrographic analyses of flue dusts, H2SO4-extracts and extraction residues are submitted, listing all elements occurring in the three different fractions in the following'concentrationst 1) higher than 1%; 2) 1.0-0.1%; 3) 0.1-0.01%; and 4) lower than 0.01%. The following values are tabulated for germanium: original sample of flue dust, I - 0.1%; Card 2/ 4 23568 z/oog/61/000/007/001/004 E3,12/E135 properties of furnace flue dusts and their use for the recovery of germanium 112SO4-extract, I - 0.1%1 ashing residue of H004-extracto 0.1 - 0.01%. Extraction methods for germanium from flue dusts, using water, acids, sind.alkaliss, are described. Water extraction recovered about 50%,of the available germanium. Extractability with HZS04 was inversely proportional to the concentration of the latter, (20 N-112SO4 extracted 64.5% Ge, while 0.05 N-H2SO4 gave 96.7% recovery). on the other hand, extractability with HC1 inereaseB with increased concentration. Recovery of Ge by means of HNO was not feasible. The separation of Ge by means of HC1 from t9e coarser fly ashes is also described. An addition of HF (in the form of CaF2) is recommended to convert the SiO2 to SiF4, which in driven off by heating. Extraction with weakly alkaline solutions was somewhat inferior to processing with dilute acids. In order to obtain additional information about the isolation of germanium from flue dusts, the volatility of germanium dioxide at X different temperatures was studied and results are tabulated. It was found that up to 400 OC germanium was not volatile and was Card 3/4 23568 z/oog/61/000/007/001/004 Properties of furnace flue dusts E112/2135 assumed to be present as de02, easily soluble in alkalies. On the other hand, samples of flue dust, heated under identical conditions, showed poor extractability of Ge by means of dilute sulfuric acid. This is explained by the poor solubility of Ge02 in H2SO4- It is concluded from laboratory experiments that flue dusts containing 0.3-1.0% Ge present a suitable raw-material for a Czechoslovak germanium recovery industry. Extraction with dilute sulfuric acid or treatment with HCI and distillation as GeC14, optionally in a tream of HC1, are suggested. The described laboratory methods ere utilized for industrial scale production, details of which are : to be published later, There are 7 figures, 12 tables and 12 referencess 3 Czech, 7 English and 2 German, ASSOCIATION: Ustav nerostny"ch surovin, Praha (Institute for Mineral Raw-Materials, Prague) SUBMITTED:' January 16, 1961 Card 4/4 SIOO11621000101910191053 B144/B160 AUTHORS Stovik,, Miroslax, 't"ahradnik, Lubomir, Tyroler, JiM, Vondra- kov&t Z a~a FqrmaAe1,.,'Zdenck -TITLE: 'Proaac ti ~n.of ~6ncentratea of germanium hnd other trace el6_' men-ts by )bUrninj; coaLl in furnaco eintee PERIODICAL: Reforativnyy 2hurnal.~ Khimiyaj no. 19, 1962, 340, abstract.; 1,)K82 (Czechozlo-ia'r'.ian patent ','99414$ April 15, 1961) TEATi When coal is burn~,d in furnaces, -almost all the Go is carried a-way with the finer fractions in the form of volatile compounde. For more com- lete removal it is suSppoted that the coal should be burnt in a reducing atmozphere.To this end the entry of primary.air'from below is restricted to a minimum and that of secondary air above the f;rate is increased. The, ammt, of Ge compounds adsorbed In the thin fractions then rises to 80i"', the Go con- tent of the coal. The combustion Cases are led through a cyclone, where ihe lareest particles are separated, and then through an electrostatic fil- ter and a second cyclone. Alternatively, after sep3rating the laree par- ticlest the gas is passed through a scrubber, (with either mineral or sili- Card .1 /2 3/081/62/000/019/019/053 Production of concentratou B144/B18O cone oil), and then conducted through a Iydrocyclone and a centrifuge, -.,;hero' them thin fraction is separated. The wash liquid is continuously recycled. Additions of by, Y.-O.Cht sulfur (pyvite) to the coal promote, the fori~,.a- tion of vglatile Ge compotin-Js (Gaj, Ge&'2). DiaCrams of the process are shovM. [Abs tracter's notet Uompleto translation Card,2/2 ZAHRADNIK, Lulvair; FOFMANUP Zdenek; STOVIX, Miroslav; TYROLER, Jirij- VOIWWCYA,,-, Zdana., Refinemont of germaniwn dioxide. Cherm prum 12 no.2:60-63 F 162. 1,'Ustair nerostnych surovin, Praha. ILIA $0 A 90 00 00 so A 9"pUffileat to Ow dingelione for cdnyWg out cbeaLical sauglym Is nopte mills .00 dew" -tL .11 V.-og". 2. zSck"ind. t. Wth J' ' - ' - 11 1 = V = oo a 0 4 = NQ 57 014. 0y Cukrovaip, 3 1, 2RrW. C. A -Por detio. the optimum ); A 4 alky' tWthr last ram 23 cc of a bet unfiltrored Jukv Is tirsted with It dro s of a 1101% -00 _ . ., p , l d l h ki W V a lox) Ch A h l h i l 410 urru it n w il a a w rt. e, cs" a ng f*tll t S. per cc.) Rib a ite s ak p t6wryni afirr 0 2 1) h min. At corrrct alky. the M or shnuld for a dirty pink. a -00 00 a high alky. proclact-a a dark trd a&*. a low alky. leav" the Wn. culmir". lArgrr &"no tit c4cle &!uf a repWrment by P&LI, arv ncommen.led. Me vwd changn Se 4 Its artall" -rv dw%gam. zoo *0 a 0 0 W too 40 * 600 so I COO 00 too goo j z0 too aId.tLA MI TALLUN.WCAL UVIRA140111 CLASSIFICATION too ago. lit, sjLqo7 --7-7-~ 1140 0 son*a% .0 1 selavi .3. av got 1". Is, U an go nt, ; 'If, "a lit ", up =a ; ; ; : j I At K 19 I I a OW a I It Is 9 .3 a 3 6 0 00-411006 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OTO 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O;v 0 0 0 o # 0 * a * 0 * 0 0 0 0 & 4 a 0 0 & 010 0 # 0 0 * 4 0 * 0 0 o (I a 0 0 * o 0 Am A go blAc eo 00 00 8 00 j go 00 00 of u 7j! IP if 11 ma 14 11 is If ?I I a it A? J3 Ad a If v x 0 a 0 u is 44 age 4 CC it 41~-X A -1 0 fit .-C, 0-0 VIONS QY of cy-hodcTaw" patesta related to Mqu WMOWU granted Oc el. Oki,. 16 IOA7 116t 1Lft%v"wim` Ii l ( A '00 l s, 61 POMP. 31. IND-n- ILM2). .00 .00 to 0 COO 400 as's ..!!.rALA.UQ'GICAL UTIMATIONE CLASSWICAfOC* wee stow III-NIST. 13 WO-410 lama" .4. 4.. -2-4 dwc-c~.,Al# ej -.4- -40 I I bd 0 A a Is $4 9 "I; ; ; 43 a 3 1 a gre it No a A ct It 0, 0, 0 0.0 o 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 oil 0 0 0 o 0, *To 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 o o Ce *** Soo****** 0 0 0 0 0 4DIA A A a, X ~F 0 0, N ac- go cc 4A. S.A_ I ot LischoWaTaktAlk PAISGIS (IlAted to $%&t lathnology gromt*4 cc ex- V"Nt%AK u'lly Cakranit. S1. 114) ir.10021 F. 'ht. 'Piring in 1932. jifif 00 ~ 00 l .0 90 j l 00 a 'e9 so all I 0 zoo 00 zoo 4p 4 0 ~ 0 e e 0 1 - 106 iage j b4b too Joe a I A WITAM44K49 911140"1 CLG%tWK&IPCN CIO 0 - - l !71 L t a 9 11 0g a K u n of a 1 so n I dne 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ej 0 0 0 0 OV 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 or A Is is V x x P It At SLSI- ]its ILMI-JUI Ila. Q" 41 11LIt" AJF ULLLL As Of CC U4 -) I L-.# w 4p -1-it- I ,A #..A I fit OC11" 't. A Ji ". - I- . -- , .1: A 00 .4 suppitment to the directious (of Cdff)`~Qg Out C11CMIC41 analyses Is sugar Mills 00 steardinS to standirdire4 methods. JA L- % &Ltj_Z lutktrisvi ('((bs1-nvk aT Ho"p. 57'.'M 4141-MLI); DJOY Chir.4dr 51. # C&. .1, 26'M I Forlhig ill., "JAIM mlt .6 s o It'. hi, last -tn.. 215 cc. ill a hot unfJtt" jukv !- treatt'l with ") dfup% Id a () lll~jr 0 V11Y."Jol"41 thg1rill g1jil CjjCl, %4n. (14 X p~v Im cc I stut athr %hAlLing will thr v4m i~ 1);., 05 inin. At 4 cswrmt SILY. thr C(Aor Alluld lw a difty pink; 00 high Al pr-Imcs ii dArk (fit colow. $I kow Alw havvs 1111. .411. v4.wj-* J.Arp-r addit, Yclachall't.4 fly 11,10; at amly%"Lw all, di4tv'" 11 FRANK MAIlf-611 00 -3 zo 0 C-Q 0 fill I Ala-SLA VALLU16KAL U111141kAl CCASUPKATIOmi IT 0 NO As 0 rp to Do m a a 09 6 K U ft It X 913A %V041) Nei If It a 0 3 4 * f , )*I if o 8 0 6 0 0 0 a 46 0 0:0 0 0 0.4 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 0 Ill 0 6 1 11110011124 lit A . 1, 1 fit -top The inecui&1100 of loathed alicee wft Plactsddle." 144. 11111donsk. Atq. 37..77X_M)(jjW) Z' latk", C. A 17. _60 T oil, "Igo* off 00 0 t'. *11ALLAUCAL 1.111FOLARE CtASSOKAMN Vila s I w ad 4100 00 O's "e"41111011114 0 0 0 004111410;00604 $Goo a a 0 00000 0:000,00069004609904 0 4~0 0 0 0 a 0*006000000 0 0 0~ a 0 W 0 0 0 9 - al IF - " 1111 CC MA L Twit union 06 I" L . A 4 A L - . T - _ -- - -1!. 0 A 0001-S -UP O*t - A14 a Stsidles In diftlicl& J1111 V.,XT.MAK. Lissy Cakromr $1, IWO 1), zaawkertald , ' - V)l oil 111MIJ TqT". Kr- 0 4011 ) wrtr Illacyt! in difftt--itm cent *Wkniharak, Rep 57, to 4dald-unittanit"Y The 43k~ wrrt tizoed with di%ld, 111.0. cliffuearif with t-tAd 111,0ecratt ' * 1 00 11 herin%tlftOctmtaitk-dilo; . I il"&Uydi0u%cd with 11t0at 101 7gof the-quirar,the"Ad diffioion 21157C. thchod diffushm &.it% and the m6lual slkvc*~ 114%. On a laasisof .00 Of a &r the rinee 11.0 contaitied 0 aul x. Intal N. It. 19:1 albuntin N. 0 IM m. 1191 g. of sr. a 0 00 1 7 monia N, It VW Andde N, It. I Ill fielitino N. 11 3V P,(%, 2 7 sulfate &-Ji, 77 org, non-luslars. . 0 * ~ 1 The rs)IJ difittalmit soln. showed 0 OL14 It. taild N. 0 19111 alburnin ee II ff A 00 otal N, u4ionwaln. roulainctl 11472 C. I 1I.Prisuciareanda(lucitiento1913. The warm cli 101kiI &IbutuinN.011I3N&iNfi,.0 I:r?amkkN.1) 113betoine.'*,(h.23sulfatt 400 00 wis. 11 7txg non%ugars and a quotient of 017. The first soln.rontained the visual aeb. O 0 90 3 total N, Nit$ and Nil.. About 4 (Im" &,a much albumin was found In the cold ai in the ' Z o If d Ilson the profile of a slkv bawd an chem. Ivitiliffuskmiaoln, Thericacalopened in c" r a ~ '00 of I ,to al, a value higher than that obtained by aualyws was In the range o(.14 -41 . e sic. the, cells onthe cut surface from the cellular dimensions. During cliff usion at-out :13% of the lertt juice is (thisined toy rinsing The contents of Injured MIG anal Ml'- ya goo h triatlysis through the "llular menctinne. The purifying influmv of diffusion I evil walls halt lxvn lottrid cumpatfailv4dir camall; the chatices In the (juntient arm my 0 0 FRANK MAIRFS" n the diffused and rinard Jukir tw l1 l . at er iqua 0 Ito 0 too =so AS*-ILA 1141TALLWILKAL WERATIONICLAIMPKATIC411 0 Salcla'a it a.. Get 4411110"tt alias, I'm 4'.. 449 0 11 W IN 9 AS a 3 6 a 0 11 0 It i 11 0 An I S a OW 1112 a I Ka 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 J 0 0 0 0 40 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0- 00 0 1 : : : 0 0 0 9 * * 0 0 0 0 0 90 0 14 0 a 0 0 0 00 4 0 * r 0 00 0 : : 0 a J7 'a x St v 0 PF 30 It 14 L-JLAA,A"GG AL 94 -A V A -A 0 "D A.0 err# v# pomfUgs 6.0 feerfor'l$ _E i ~00 00 60" 00 A vrport as the molts of a det&U*d analrk of dloc-hale sugaraLM wd*m .00 a from 0 N zoo r~o " - 37-1 64 213 00 Wes A 0 *0 Ifurn zoo idet .1: t w. Oat U &0 0 am a* 0 0 c y to t of a diffuskm hick has been greatly diluted. The m u y IT filig" a- h4lir n" t1w. diwhw"v Watm FOANK MAXINSH A 0 Inir 00 -00 as 0 i'60 0 Y_11 i,OO '09 Ic 0 OCTALI.JaWl; AL LffENAT6,69 C1.41IMPKAMIN to growl 1 0 41 0 t Idlos'i .8 1 9.14*4 .&P 040 as( 411111vol W a." M 00 v j am I r 0 . ~'. as %F w I W 1, 9 as 4 0 A " 11 11 01, a *,, 00 01, 40 01, 0' IOUD 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 1 : : 0 41 : -0 Ott 0 000 of 0 -0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *1* 0 11 a u w A I&I so wxftm Go II 1 I 00, ~1 T sults WhI 00, u unit, go The mell nvShem 0440 111 zwkeris" - 004 GeV Go k . d . defenakdas W"tt 9wr Is M# on"M of ul L"V Cal romr. l1a. 7~ A. 27, 8=.-w-7U Ilenkid nwthod (cw kqu In the livesent - of %wrow k-*& to re- vritb tbe dv" of sumthratins. A,/ palL mt6a ascl t lA a mi are pq -mntftl to -60 Cwh for an 241n. of b slals heatts with a .00 rfuv to redwe supetheatint. Also io Z. A"kPO 39D--6(lW P SS Rfp M 00 . . . , . ~ 00 090 :Noe n 00 Ult"It"' CLASSV'CA"C* ;00, 00 0. 4-1 ~ - -F-8- -T-11 Oda 1101902d3 0 9 HAD ft IWFW u a AV 10 is 911 ;0 19 V e 000 0000000 G, Go* u D14 30 J$ x 0 AD 41 42 Q Q 4 KO 6 0 PqD I s 1 0 cl. At an t i -It. 41. r-M =50 002 sow 00 go. es 00-. 00 A -IV -A %) v- gnT. -")I, 00- M I a It a~Pl _W 14 to 94 to 91 ti if A I 1 0p I I Ito -0 a a a a dl a a a 0 a a ~ 001 001 009 004 0 Olt 000 00, 000 *0* Of- 00. 00- 00- mfsn-~ 0000f0000000009000 000 00&000090004100000-00o 60060006009000009 :00 000-0000060400000000 OW&NALSO ape* V a 11 330M Sara postI I 0' ; 0 .- . .4. 4. 14 . *! ! ~, 17 00 AV x IS fir A.9 pp styt7s too *1. covens GOOV09 ..faststs %six 0011731PNIV13 39111TOLUI Irx"111711211 v I 10 1 r qWJAVII 31119 F 'I ails-* (Lull ID-41C 10-19C is '40N *q"rQVA?1 u1 Q3PdUM ff-ft6t 010 P WW3 9M P LOAM V M 00 it 00 00 00 S00 00 00 00 00 *0 Ir *0 Of so 0 9 *Vlee* Ij its# to Vve A& X 'lotpu is I is v '4 - a CC 0 Ot t--f - I - a 4 4 .v ..0 f'. "fit) a It dw ottim4ow list diguaim 00 8 WM~:W, M14111VA (VUS ii WIMMA44111Y 00 a for u$%"% tlw_ of b"t J%kv*o;RxptL studics carti"t out it% the Uspil. Institute andle sum vAo &bv*ird thst with alrad .00 IWATS of Various dwics AW AVS~PA IUS up to 4.5% kil 00.) "ClInal Comm. it "W i= to an WIVION! In '00 *so I v the sitto of the mmat%m plawal has tam" up to the ntailtratontallp,opgpelblio. Tbere"amlatlovarntmOo s* sea i'~ ul dialmion lastelles 14 ilmo 1-blel fatior vb!kZvvvt"4 '00 *0.0 he noml isith whkA Juk-" Saw Iti diltu-ton. a Jtva~ 'lot senall dlm=Axn ut the armattur 4L# " allow flit an see lmvrm in the speed of Juk-e Row. Ctlis with latxv ib b t d l d hkb i d 00 Ir wr e e on amatint are e w art: to r arge o0 runs In the out mama. Frank Slatesh t ~ l l ~ t 7jj 03. o' a 0 0 00 no ' 'tse &%a.$ A altatkulOW&L LITIMOLAt CLAIIWKAIICN of- rI " 0 OO a.* Ila, 4.44. a owl im. W 4 4 0 0 to a is P is 0 4 at i 'M Ae 1 * : i it 0 at 8 A 01 0 R a It 19 A t 0 0 0 : 141 s, * 0 :10 0000*000000000 0 4 0 - - 0 1 * 0 0 0 0 * e 0 0 o 0 0 00 60 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0' 4 0 0 a i Alt 0 0 a -00 00 4 09 : 0 Ir *9 ' ' * f ' f ff"IMWS t#4w**G - & f c 4 a 00 11*4 WWWS. 1.111 %'vfttjtk. 1-410 (116110-WI, ;01 )-00 00 o4o., 610 Pf""Auers Ive deft. f1w sugar rnt,-"t ..I 00 Ism of sugar sane., anAly,i~ of situ. ~jjmmt.. a, 0 valtorms and invrm lugar as adppted by the InfemalkwW C n fi S o grrom w 43gar Analy,". Ainxtry,fArip. IR11 are civi-tv 0 in drtail aq well PA the rr*~im fw intmilitking any chmixr, 00 00 (nmi the wit"NIq u-1 (it Cm h-b'vAtA N1 0 .0 00 7400 so 191 Oqjt 'zoo 460 00 U W10161601 CMIRYKATION re 00 too .......- 0 IF at Of 0 0 a 1 Id R. is 4 ' 9 0 1 of 00 0 0 11 it 11 u 11 U if it it It 111 A N 1 10 It UIf 4 is Is V Is 41 0#1 ON I r 9 oil,. n 114 ?1 "1 1 'A kF 0 so, U Oss of nutritional alroseats during dw farnscatstion of swort slicits. 00 Lijly Ciskromp. S1. CO-i(1033).-Mvis %tA*ed in pits showed a Ina III susm anmatntlos to O'LM 0.01970 pri day. Wben the same limis wtr* mad" isoly 00 Ic of All sugais Tcumincd after 3 days. %U4k, beets only Istiould I* stored. and' t1ki 00 as carried out May Just Won UW b"U a" used to pecle t losses In nutcluanal IcIllrotf. Dects low its supt Content aft MA offft-W as NvTrtly as gund M bert4l. -4 0 00 to 0 so I 06 1,11, t~, 4141 0 400 00 00 00 Sl so* ;410 .00 Zoo .00 .00 izoo so A AI Is 04 0 1W a 13 4.3 a 00 00 000 0 4 0 00 00 0 0 06 a MilvTo 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 00 0 0 00 0 04 0 0 -64000 's 0 ***a 0 0 0 41 411 0 0 40*:A J-A~J 00 06 1 a ; t u Ckard" of Cho metkod, of chowk4l My "MIr'OU"als. Z' S4. WO(IW41 - comusiviam adopted the Ofner &M unmadided' -trk tkr*16m method lot det#. Inmt mm j, Fmnk 7 It a It x Wri 7~j we* zoo 10 roe L40 0 2 4K0 lie 0 to IS 00 00 SOS 40, A 0 .0 *0 00 004 004 0 0 0 0 0 A a 1 9 1 w I 11 IT IS TO Is IT L-1- LLIA a L A M-1_11, , LIJI PAP-P"Ivs - All Lisly Calromr. S ri-Ml9f ) M-Fla;re low 1 spac" which Aj! --pW by juirt aild do twe conjen gict, art considered " being detrimental to a normal ezin. Prmel'N V. Preftn't material balances. math. rampula. lions and factory detas. to show that These n,se" vf~ej Met All Unfavorable Influence and theoretirely may i- the Coam. of The Juice and may remit in an #2ln, - at the slim more complete than namely. V. do" not d hMthat large specell f2ert An 110deth'ShIf InflUrfIrt larthe ate vol. o1julce and thtfaittr now atThe liquij we undesirable. but since these factors are corrit"sated by a h4her conc - And more complete estn. V. shows that for nmxfcrate spaces the last 2 factors nmy move Than counpensatt (or the Urge val. and rapid Bow and that in vxb cam the dreaded folurfous gram betornt an aid in diffmion, Factory Triple. Trorifirmed the pri, ceding Complitatkad. Howwwr, #I* injurious ow" do not Include t" "Aims (doe to tautly design) Wh"t Afasnallue exista. arm spot" at The, wells of the tells, obwurtiou between alkes dw to an uneven packing. Am) Covers not occupied normally by the sliret. Frank Mareals l L A #11ALLUNCKAL WIN&TI-41 Ct"S"Al" .,I Claw t3vt sA I 1 11 Od 0 0 9 11 do 0 3 4 Ir it ~11~ U W so it -1 a a It 419 Is 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TV IV to we at a At : 1 0 * 00 40 0 So 0 0 0 0 is ; 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 * 100 000 * :1j0 0 *, a 0 0 0 0 ST 0 0 .00 0t '00 00 2 age 0 see '166 '90 a 0 ;'0* .00 *0 ts It 11 It U w 0 9 0 0 00 00 0 0 The Istanudmall co"derstion at thr que'stion concom - .A I tPurid"two. LM VinufrAk. 1. Zschriaj. (Mikl= Rep. 59. JKI 4TM% 7r-*Ilruak m1ursh 00 Ow 00 t 5 hi-i- I's fw 0 1'o IN 06-9,-Ai a I I v sc u n 0 1 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 ofoo 0 Ole 0 0 0 0 0 0 a * 0 a * * 0 :~O : :~ 0 0 0 0 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000cf9lis 060 0 a 0 1., U " 11 MIN $1 9 a a v A -a lvo.U-fA-.A A-AL-8 -1 -6 Xse 00 400 See see = so 00 NO It It fit 6.0 oo Tho WI vurovowal to the fourth odifloo of tho dittc-*1 0 114** for foxilwd" tbeackal a4idy"s Ja supt eaAbIlah. mau atcloordlaid to "Wli 04664. Jill Vilmliak. slowk Nit. 60, 44; A, The ihvi-"% of the f4wt 41mil. 00 0 ~i' 1111"m oft 1wholvd ift Ow t4orrilklakfus Im liallitilts IKTIS In the t*kl fur 141vaidyind 4146,jr liffill fruill 4041iff 04 a fircia; lot dag.fGmh I the Oct.. nmd" 0 0 l1w Ponspung nam4amm. I Miser Im-m4ding '3 luIhr Wreca still uIllium 00 hfim file aftlit. thr i dottlitirtiml ansino N arti-rdinm it) the 14aulk-Pavia- cukairlictric uwibod and I-* nil, the funin III uxAss". Frank hfairsh is 00 see ;04, ce 0 ze 4g 200 '00 09TALtAAFfICAL LIVIIIAT6119 CLASUPICATWO bills) *19 *11.jl C1.4 &I, U 91 At 0; to (still 016C ow" 'toKif Is It of Kw A1 .10 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 * 0 0 a * 0 At 0 0 0 0 0g 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00,0000 so* 0 0 0:0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 fig II S 6 1 1 f It It it is " I L A JL JL P t is to if 4 " 0 tin a-3121,011111 a I 1 91 j I I A a k - - copt$* ON" o J.'A a g~, #a cof #I it 41 Al 00 at A \VLq&deoc*a with W umadiftird Wrier method for a i i c at at of In rt d l th l t h 0 ve r n commerc a ir ena e o t sug 4 if 0 Z~ lourb-,beJ. 4r-hoilftvik. Rep. O 'M K 4 29 P l oo JI.I . , . are l . M , Zee goo, coo go go* *0 too to 00 oo; 10, of 09 g J, -PIPIPM., Knot 0 It it Ic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 oe '00 04 0 ,90 40 # 0 0 0 0 0 Zoo we* ~- 00 *fee goo A x n I 'is MIA t#CWQ 94SAJoj% r o, 010 0 070 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 1 1 Its# to 110111111 M is 14 of 11 a a 14, ~ A 0 n 16, 00 110 4 1 1 I ~00 00 a 00 - 7 -00 00 010 -4 ! 00 0 00 -f 00 C 0 (, ! O 0 0o # 0 " . I: studies learlift to the Istro- 1 W "Olow" l or lav rf o t d l i f r r ;- o -00 so a onti a e s ot e - m Ng e t k ' e p In few "Jar. ti VorArlik M" XmIntlL. LiJJ - 1414 -9 A) 7 7 ~06 0 $ 1 - K- I ; C. A. ?S' P Cxkrow 33 = n su"ty W 27A analyses of 484 samples of raw sugar lf-M IW3-34 is preesentid, The invert sugar content bf the -0* .0 same group of on samples was according to the met hods: it" k UA?7( ' (34A M 47 C Pi 2 4i* so 3 V : . mg. c g. u). lfmfcld OXWr .o ( C M h t x 4 . ort e s eof 0.0581% (30.7 Mg. U), cu). Vanddigtl =06 00 met bod O.OW'70, and Offtr tam method QUO 171. In tribution curves the (Nutt [me i;~t;J gave di nc f 00 '3 y- s reque the best distsibutiols. When the anslytic-al results were s COO e 0 plotted against the actual concn. Of Inve" = added to v lt n lt wh b f h d too of a e resu s e a o ga =the Ofner long Met I line; the remaining methods showed ductualknu j o 00 above and bjusr this Line over the range 0.03-0.00% :: invert sucar. Frank hfaresb 00 tj 0 0 *0 &* %fVALLbP;K#L LOYESAIL41 CLASSASKATWU :Zoo 003 1.01 ktl -i' T 'g U 0 43 000 0A O'o 11 0 d'o 0 a O~q 1001:61 -it i i, i - -w -I" r "-' KA '11 " . 0 0 000 goo 0 0 6 o 0 O'o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 0 Q all j *.i- ji.11' 4A Al. W I - -1 .11 too a OW o .4 a I w be I A) 4 1 9 MW A I ~ " * 0 0*0 so 0 - o 0 4 * a 0 0 o o f 0 6 06. 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0 0 6 0 0 OL ik 00 0 00 0 :0 00 j'! 10 ]1 4 It 14 is it u ii It P_ a a 1-1-U. is testem id the 14mimb odMos of D(w. S="CUMAMalroof Is SOW UMS GCGWdLM 00 00 sUerm methods. JiM V=d4k L"y Cahrmar. SS, . t ill 0 Z. ZQMW~~. A*. dt, 4&4 A.20.43471~Thda4opWcba[4",ivodiA- - Zo 0 =&Cadnrwpfoctdumar*slvw- F=xkMmvsb 00 00 00 s lit 0* coo 3900 60 wiLtij it Ar, cc- boo 4 1AL I OCK ALLIIt WOIC LAW fK4 lota too T_ u 9 AV 10 At hit Sawa Avivp$- W It K 4 It It : Kfa A I 0 9 0 q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 *0 00 0' : 0* 0 00 0 9 0 0 0 * Soo 00 00 so of 0 0 00 00 a Of 0 00 '31 00 0* 00 - - - - - . . .111 W In W"IL V V loww vi- - - - - - to u 11 N Is $0 ly pr )p a 31 A JO 0 N M 0u JL-A I ~2 AL J_t"A ..a ss .-v fit A-0 1"0 df - ~ 0 4 q.-Im a'. -fa r q , ' l fl:-tI i-00 .00 - of .40 _ YOW of expai"444 auk tk4 *Sdwd tat tko 4 = .00 0 11 4 bkw I"Wdlm 0 Dr. R. Ocan, a !7r I A A 9 1 i ON m OS Zoe 4V . Z-00 '09 '00 .00 SO 0 be MITALLMICAL UIERAIWE CLASSWICATMO -A NOW 11VISIST* LAOS AT go As It i0 004 00 Of 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Of 0 : : : 1 1: : : jo-O 0-0 of 9_4 0 0 e 900 00 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I LO Came of Oo 10%41 4lAjpdp go lakessk jAW K wallit. L Tke bd4u. cke barful. m4 dw pdkg. of tkS jiflj'yj~m~ corfiw. 21.1-20(IWI cd j C . - . 330 = rtwu (gift so wgw estatesi, aw. "It ' best Q 41 17A6 k - m 0 %. dg ww jaim q'Wkat 90-M sambuleAd" d this bftTY UqW 04JO, 4 I 1 9 ,94, 0461- M0140" q"imt 65.76, wq"WP -Cr -t YWOJIM-OwW# 1.4.1. V. pe ft Ow av. Values, for $lse amm estateis for the PmV~adee,&. rae b l resu ts s Ow0d A gcvwd imPrOvwmut Ole, Me 3 pa. ciding yean. U. madam, aw dell h4U aAd W ' y 221-M'- i4 . . meldW"l MOW Of the 193%-40 sca=n miad dCVAt94 JOS tkm 4 P" Cmt bm dw Preceding year. Ecv~~k Maresh An !see a I A. 6 L Ad"mAmia" Lff"Alraft CLASWCATOR slaw 611"831" Imp ""IRV '0 .40 0-9 4*9 4181441 dW 0" Ill G ad a is 4 Is IF 0 940 1 3 a v to .11, us ; 119 ; tIg **so *.a see 0 ;Ole ?0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a -AL to-la-M -0 0-0-111-4111- a- a a -0 a -0-OL- 0-0- 0, ll~ 0 0 0 * WO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 see Coo C*9 roe area ts *a boo llo* I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8 v to a - u So a is 11 is -M11 A The 4q" wpmt Of vie" Codcavial 00 .4 elftesesas is Mqxr beets Ata Is Now .d=a':" or, v=: 'A -TAW AW v dtW -C'kfq, Uqy A 1111-hillIKKO).- 884 -V go it lit"S ibt artoti't N C's"Atesit 0( bcet rAM (Intal N. topeol"t stabluty ac the fall al the alky. in The campalp. is h- -41141 41* 2 .) i N.iujmiuu% N in thritsmitil 111111itum, ,Alt) injurkwsNj in bects pwlAW to Ptedkt the kwrw of The campstiv (tow .00 C91VIMpkMAkis Ite the yos~ I?ti% -ISKA. Ity a rarefal W. the pteli"Liftly amino OK-61 tktnt. Recent anolyw% itioli. lectkas W I"I oveds, two isrulat IV husn& thc **I A) ggis, rate that Ilse staltm ncW* ate mA the only ItoctiVit tomb". a storm ant Cho JK-W' in 0 els. vasitriat of Jujistib, N, in dijyjaska, iuivl which ItW for he livinS bkvl is SIAC So If a I I Peordiff 114111 rall9rd I$.-Vtf 0-M1 9. of N per Itiv ansine, mid mittsims Into Amino arkis accutding to its tv- S W WIN Wl Into llw rants, 10-21W 0.4osop g. duluis he jjujjrqxvt%, The rejections whist preslocuitusic are StutA- .00 Site ic iod. !00 1',;, T914 d"'Adr. In 114V A-h1th Je"J the lailAtkati N 111ine, t,r glistarnic acill &W awarafitsw o I a rt 1. 004 t LOA 40 1111 JoY Ca4fatVit, 41, 1,441 114V ALI) aa thAt N whis-is 6 114PI In thtfusito j11kTv 11W anklows prftkxllijtatr am a *n1w, firlsolvex! III eot". Need 4kitWIMMI am which li'Mily tflt$-f% JjUanjily of solnits4l tsildfig JOUS 1111611of %AIM FASUCIS 44 OW .00 000 The asukovi; lhc it'lunims N w" drid. (tow thr "^I N dwitic N Is ck-&%,r4 sad the fribabstirt Of the 111111. is kft 6-1 coo 9,p "'muft Ow alliumid Al. the N as Nita. and a half of the N an alk. (prickiliallY Cd) As11I 011 SHADO JKi&; the afola. in theforn; 44 81nines ji. r'. that N in An ansias, whsch wbc" acws pgr"ujnatg oyrr the arvian In said. julers. The COO Alto rrmuvvd Items Nit.). FrIM11 the cWtent of tjW injuritm. rapid cvlorimetric Stankit-P.&YU, Aswthed ( C. A. ". IW) Z* 0 00 N It was "114C to IWrjk-4 11W total clussaill of ftu"33" dirtAlratit UPW the IJK1 that glulamiar. slulamic ism. it Itxvin a blise at** "ass 4hr parikulat le'll.. qrhe later As :ry:t Showed 11'[Wairt- and antarlic acid in CAN acritt that a iota0 , I 00 larse, fifirt (AlAwt 2 lbir%Jj of the i"ItifiIJUS N CUITITs -A&UMAnCe 101HU-CCOW It Aft IMICI 910he-0 goo from betaiair, an kor" chrul. msintanvc which paslws un. N; I ht N which coin lie rtmayrd as N I to 4C. :T dm-vd th-Ath all of the pfmv*" of intgar manstf.. t - pate in tbe.rcurtitm. TheNlrAkstledbYtIolsteslaDdex- Andrilk view tircarm tau riski and althatigh the injuriowi Weved ** "Ohm w".- has been called The in*kM# N by 6 N charwtgtbvd the vuw ittim beticy than Ilse total N S(assa; (he caermtsitm cif tW view W been c%e&Ak--d Cb~tfiACd ill the ig3jUriLAft X ilki psW nicasurs: the it. by field ars] tab. tirsts during the post 2 wasucts. zoo Thesymesuatic Frank Mareslo. IRA** SSMM "MIYICS Of 11W PM ;W YF1, hOW Shawn & coca. listitin between the arnim om-W cantent of ink" and the boo toe AL'r 1403.A .40 41, "1 -ilia i US -AT- 10 11 A 0 1 i W a I a 4 3 0 IF 0 0 000 0~0 00 to 0 0 9 0 0 a 0 0:0 so go of 00000 go goo 041 0 0,0 41 0 00 *v 00 9 ego* Ce 00 0 #, 0004000 of 0 41 0 41 t s 4 0 1 1 v I Iit 11 14 tl f It -...a- 1 *0 C.F(w* "t-ClOtt r*IZ-101,11 Tba of NO am& V Cftkmw. 44 44-.-61 WAS MCA be fee am MUG of Nab" to vw. WvOlm mwkf. A uwn I nct'-w bet, Tb* 9rhWA04 La to be cuded out MpWy in Qr&r 00 to bit" so Roca UP= Ow" castest. FRANK MASIMIN 00 j co 0 c0 0 00. It of 40 00 so* 400 See No 0 boo It 00 Vol I RO* aftv of 4 *spa 13 i 04T I u At Q Ll Nk It a a a I . 0 0 0 0-6 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 'a' : 11 of o o 0 a o: 0 0 0 9000000 0 0 0 0 a 6 ale s --0 0 0- 4 0-0--. 0 0 0 o 06 I .. --- Ito p Oak 6w busad" 00 *A do of I M10.48.60 10M.-AP"04 00 be smi 10 Or*t tu %&vT mifth1W ch"Ps FOAM% ILIA1161M 00 lud 5f. fuftowipg gb#Ar. .00 .00 Cog 00 L40 0 ago, ISO* bpe 16611 u a At 00 "awl i . . , 9 go so *go *go CA 001 ?I C it, -10L * 000 OO j 00 a ft dw Waste at Packlms $a ac. IRS 9 C64rome. $3. 9-1409M); ff. C. A. 41V23770. 71 fk&* of lnvt pio on 6 ilifferent V906. . drIN-4thl ! --so 00 Iffew"led. CRIJ b"1 Art In a 1,'k-w .140 : 6u a 16WAI lwkcAl stalt (tll' Mirt 0 wullitt on NAN -00 00 A. I W A11% wl thrit *I it" %by smumaw"t, l N - A A h h l l 33 A Nl% 0 t t c t t vir w4a t p aw pu % I'At IhA, t .24% .00 % 4.1 lbcif 1#1011 thriclotal In2l out fti lisl hmt uumiuliheir "06 o p $)wt. than 11. Tim disappewance A nutro"I clkawnts w t i W b i t 7 i I I .00 09 0 as not cons s ent: t*$ e o t$ lam I t autillitmal p kl;rn~-nts than U. to 14 pits I lost mutt than the contiols land In I 1l the clian ca were equal fur both types 0 1 S lpacklaff. lowest rotalmd thrit struciuce and ' Ppetrance, mitalned Ir" aliaw AM were km" in NAW a d I Ii id kh h Tk h d l 1 I as* 00 a n n w an * c anges eproi t . ulxja qu t he 4kw" of vvntiktkm in the bect taxams, Isut moce Lie 0 SOS : fir"wittadua is a cut led poomss, the ficas pa-king of lwtl wic" Into ill is m kd "l tI ** mvm em o Km y on p ntat" an wlik-b it pnnvd bgstelk-kal. F, Mamb a Flo '00 woo tgo 4.8ack it 81111101C M ' ' s a as a 4 1 Is 10 1 All 0 3 1 v U a Aw I * 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 40T a tv it it or As weg wo scliff it of 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 * it 0 * Its dove, 13 01 1 o 0 91* 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 go 00 0,000 10 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 *1* 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 * 0 1111 0 0 4 Is 0 a r a a I-AL-L.4-tLoa-mm "P"t "0 The kdom# of poklas vp" tM W"## lit sulflit"Ill a Nes"ta to lolvisfifteil saft"foll b4sj4 Nike I. )dao 00 "ay CoArsimir. 54, M4 VIOV36). In a powil wirst'. 00 with tdl::tu ~jb~=Cia pits of 3 luffrtent MCA#% r1d I.. total amb. -00 -09 a Vi! Pulp &A. [IASI N. U"w Im AdA6 WAUQUW live ead the witlW4 ad the wassisdics &will I vskmilms' firistivats. IkM With havillia lususing Ift-lic lidd. TU tiolwimil twat alit" %1mmT4 a hisbet cimitut C4 mutfilitsital vie- .00 flic"Is awl #4 fFtv wilb, Ow a litmter muffamirist fh4II file 00 8 P! unpwkvd liewls. this I% evislesily dot in a immir thwough moo 00 1 zoo dtyi". In I l I it viLlito. tho unlissickril limit alivistA a o0: - th":~h; packiml Iserts in 2pairs of two. Iliv coo rz=71. lotaft iiissm virry lwnau. two in lavtw 44 Ilse list- 000 liccim. And in 9 palls ul ciplo. file lucl,etl lietts =a loser loss, thats the Unpacked lavis. -nwttpt-. zoo will Imse Awwinued but already lisdii-vir that lvittlenisti-so 00 000 is me comill"Iell a jawnsicurtsm siusl to illdistrMT.1 fly %b 00 ful."s that a Mingle and iskillievil thapsw In Ilse 00 w. dellomillil 11 folky twit IV441 to makilm Ivisaw 1 0 Flank NINIT411 '41111 use uoo j,#Ijttjp(,iCAj tITIMLS9 C1,41101FIC we* till., C-01 Jog v, r Aps 1 1 a ad a a 0 4 2 1 1 ~Uj%t As NO Is n it K KID it 0 0 it ust stallit Pitt '00 000 0.0 0-0 * 09 00 00 4 so o 0 04 6 00 00 0 0000 go 0 0 o0 010 oo 69 00 0 ov"o-1 ~ A 0 0~,A L---- L-A-K-%,ML ------- 040 it -414 00 0 Ri xqW 4"t"Pto to inecom" oztwtod boat WAOS WAth R, 50, 2M.131 Ion) .-Tit"Villosput the 11MAl and ok-34 wavomt V. "alynd estd. twel ohms wbkh bad pwits==Ihorentaininsuct". Amaboodsol :00 broll honcolotod with Wit &M-fiStming orgamilems. For 11 got OMPOY Of "IddlAtRY SWC110 AlkedW OW 411 j to he strain sm t~m= prodomd for S days whbmt 10101MASIUM with Is lIttlim 01 b"'Iffill giv I I knowleated deld for tmwhW mod for 4cvtWr4 the Womb thmsbcalt t1w camopolsis ondIrm= dmditkwm for its opth"aft elpausboom. Is thr blasts in 3 f;; coat" stkvs voc a loseled In kkalkW - UW acd ~ and wkkb the w8199 is 41-irt SJOICS! tlutmllh lbf ISO'cl 1116M tbrr : 7 wooths later. tA than emu=, an ;Saft infected by many kral brands of todtrk. Wheu 00 a borsolarkv of fr"h water t1w, bmalated Akw n-veaW a They at imKvWc4 with a Qtw strain. a UnIggle for go 0 * a m so( dry. asbWame (W the im killom Umij am strain dimul"tto the otbtn 01101111111 IS inoculated d6m. to on amalikAmwat wMrb mormil, Alleml "d =&M-"Zph- 0.11wilum for opt" taparomi(A. P. M. as* 00 1 retmood IlSt romalatt water. Ike lotoculitivol sWm Jw.W SID 0 ""a low of dry Substance than the uninoculated gkvb. The priocival lamas In 67 obdtwv Occurred dwixg the , R-11 early maom of scomp. obAk am strdo of butork was x0o x90 too 0 00 rp NO IN a a IN I it Un It to a I 'A I t a ew a is a 1 0 0 90' op 41 0 0 0 0 00 0 00 0: 0 0 as* 0 94 Ilt OLIS: -04UP.010044, ftllllw~ l: : 4 4 SO It 0 0 41 0*0 a .000 o qoO * 0 o 0 0 0 o e o to 0 4p ot A A 00, 00 00 0 IJA 00 Jr -00 4. a6 A ,wit I 00 a The MS-33 SW tim AM! mmmpiv~my um tb* mmaktins owe. As aboWmAN -00 34 wamn V, andymed tild. bmt dkvs *tkb bad I twea hvvwkttd wit It Wie wM44mlog arsaitims. For "Voy Inowes IvIadvoy "n% Ake% U4 ast 114111411 Wittim with a Walm od todecis gives the strak an s em'"A MVM= were prmkwc4 to 2 4ays aftbout Ili IWWWAtma. Am ' - I ird dowlas feet it &W our vowtag a"d I" the .00 Plait 4 the to in ce 0 11, intfMts lbroughikst the campaign ArA the for Its qmimu= rVom&A. I Ak" he con" aim wm UWW It, Umtkd p4tA &W Qcig%j 3 MW which the water Is trOmtkied iblinch ibe two I y coo V6 bft 7 UKWtkg hAer. lit tbuft CNOWilliamWAS wkkk h&j ita ~%m Infreted by amy kwd bcands of Loadgria, ' for mesk 0* abundamme td fvtA water the boactilated dkcs rvve*W a too the a(brn 00 muller Ims of stry ambstAkv tW Ow imlowtiLated dkm. In on smsbudmorst which retimiud, lutCR4 aw E if"" The imming wain, the Imarutme4 Akm bbuvmt is i of dgy m"aam than tbv w"titmisted sUr". k", I. &Y aabd. W'WW Zg M early stmem of slegav. wUM am stralms of baccum wsa we 0 COO V ~11 U1111104AC USAINKATOOM be* _7 Igoe -:21: coiss I *#till 4. m u 0 so -v 0 tA A, 1 4 W 0 is 0 '000 a 0 too *a ; : ; 4 *n 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0*0 -0-0-9-0 41 0-0 0 0 0-411 411 0 0 900 0 000 0000 009 0 0 0 to it a to is R A J-L-A-L-A-A- --I, M_ "-_* 1, "1'l, 11 1 -A, r 2 is o it c nor"* of w b to dwmg mc ' MJI 4 V N Z h" d I M k A 4t lIt Al N A W # . . #. . v aw4ro); go p IOM. &i A 31, 2W. PrIlA mw"h as 0 =00 It I =00 No* wil, u it im so Ll i :1060 lyroff Od ad Its PC a n 0 0 0 0 OF 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 9 * 0 :;* 0 0 0 0 # e 0 0. * 0 0 * * 0 e : & - * 0 0 0 40 * A 000 90 0 0 0 0 * 0 9 * * 9 0 0 I -- - -- - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - a is v a p C, a" -P rA.'##s toots$ 00 ONCV1494S -ris 00 k ad dw "d* of a noaftad no of bftft an Ow k*W al bad 00 _dc~ -)q My epkrvd,. 44 MI 7(1101). The c Ifty 4 the atky. aI im pndktro twircify In 10 4;~t at 12 am* i~1111 t1w MkIr N criuct-at of the twvt Iv.cOm"-" Ibrand* Nan 10*8 a# ww Ibr alky. L4 t1wj"it"Will brfnvw the maw J*ets unic" The alky. Is rAA tIrvirewd by Ow luvrrokin of ountow. The hequesocy of g, ftlkbk cliterinn fcc making t1w alat twtdociiia. F. M. .00 00 & ago Of too 00 1 of coo 2 too t:* 0 SM KAL 0" Us cz 1:0 0 c", 'C""'s 4*4 - - 8 sit to 8 i w ow 0 U, AV .6* ew 0 0 0 It to 001 It ,4 * (t _0 * it0 0 0 * * 00 00 00 0 0 Ir 0 OV 100 qp0 00 000-0 00 : `01* 0 0 0 0 0 4,00 0006 i - * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 of 0 000 0 i~ L Al-L ~o 0 00 00 1-00 .00 00 -00 The 41 bo4ft k low pK I 00 .00 -.00 how rewwastadve "talms wore 00 hastitate. ; The aw. audw aM WMI"t "116 "S, Sao sell i u ... of WASW. on cv. blarbom awAcw uM N so. so 4 w 29 OW ON Aft- Of 8 MbMGM wk wu 1444 g. moo Par NO g. of wow.. 04 the basim ad thoms wits" a rt,4b ood t"GAW-102; ""- lwtke$WANL Tabkoghvtbo cook 44 Awasoods N. N MO. by Ug wouta aw go". 00 ==iM- He bkk4riNO somical add N to Voa*ik 00 w 7 LO 0 =FS sombods. time. coad. of OA M ow t A) N 4 , "i &I. v for prov MOSMINS. woo 00 Tb* dow do nHtbWty of Ow cokx6wts Go L40 stank Powedwo dwbg a or" means. F. M. woo tie 0 ~~ c;, 1 -11 ASIKIL& AfTALWIKA& LIVIIATUM CLAIWK01" its A Cv dim 481411 CK 4-V M -00 0 '71T 9', --IAA load 0 0 0 0 6 3 4 IS 9 A# so AUS 0 0 0 0000000000 00 wi 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 wo 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 WMA o# 0 1' -00 -00 aw. jilt vcm. go it A PVGOAWI CVW dw "Um C* Ow WWA%ktftm of Wd ON -*o DNA, NAftew 51 42- Z ZwAffW- emAod-b xf ST -W~ wl iwlo 0*5 sea &vt and 131-am (ST. awj& 1.4 per too g. of sim. On ame alky. of bett jokmo "A a hio CA Cwft" an to be expectaL IU hwimflow VOW to Cryan. of Ow Oftm md a cantor" extet. of I I FRANX MASM as* Oroo goo a 0 000 *00 11 -j! &SO-ILA OCTALLiW$KA4.LffilAttOICLAIVPKAIK's goo #DOW 611(*Jiv- lie" 80-Amw woo 60444s 47T-- 1414W3 wit owl got fliplo-11- - 444111 u 17 -r ~ I a 4w 0 0 ff w ; -or -I ; a ; a, ; A, I or 0 a 4 00 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OT441,40:00000000000 000 000000 000 00 0000 00 49 0000009*0 P. 9~F14 4 , 00 ave, Os 9 004 00 a 00 09 A IV$d do ------a- mso~pw of beds asa ftdw Cgedw. w6ru " I .00 of a s t V k ondrO wW =00 he N nng ed 160-M we IMP ki ** 004 =ku wt WIN go* Why. durwe dw of sucw ext". FIVAk uarfth 00 see as S aS L041ALLW IX&L UICA&VOWN1 CLAWFKATION I to too --7 Jai mw A I a ad 0 b uAV AS, lop wn apt lit it 114 Kw 4 0 0 It, 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 00 00000 go *to 0000 000 0000.0Z / o A .-C-" A fee IPOOM"t Ply Joe it :0 0 of A report Od dw al beetv Wd;vku beas dw Ulty Cubwo. U 479-M 6ev. We. of VA No: I lowrl =-4FU I :so 00 ggededundam. ''61.0tdqw". AiNW0121boO "MON aoueclw km the efitkil r I try daft tbe prq~' *00 so# %Wwp pww gmem 4v. of 10 me. MW& N=Oux. amw. til so* "M IN at a 1 4 Wkjp,, c&&Sdm of The *so sea $*we "d Aww" qwt*am lu we&tkd w" 0*0 Oftbed dely he to mr. go. of "a the sea .4.ip N - in" =-C!"= -,.*" an av. at mcd Ig 0.9". dbumw N 0M. 0,0,6 oe N 034 batelon N 0.167, iskoiaw N O~W* W ofll 0.1m, MO ~:iii. PA OSK mom" OM% 0 "k 0 aabladdloadta an 40.1 S MAN.) 2is. aftached, --l a w0exualkes 00-7. pwarb"M q& qMM VGA, alky. It CGO OAM. Ca WN a* C&O O.Ofa, &JO%t a wh I -W). t"60 cd ars. bowman " tu(ad K 0.4(M, a0weein N W.K &MOM6 N 0.003. kk N 00,14 Wabe N 0.166 md b N OAG Is 710 4ry fe"M to bfw 0 r 006 kIF Oll kW KOO am M40. to Ow" an Mand 09 Demme 4ppQv" do em- 410-ILA NIIALL;;;~Al Ulilll~l up a dw Pkats SOO frPlem Sam .1 am k by Na. wd that the ma b I ""ARV [ilk P-9r-jhwlvdrvktedr4h*..h.--j* lvo~ "-r- I a w 0 N 9 1 It a 9 a 4 3 a 1 wool as wrw"'; 0 IS* o 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 6 0000 @**Goose**@ 9 00000 4 0 4 0 0 4 ov 4 4 Go q eat goo so d eov GeV *of A @(o0 cm" so dw cm*do ti Invu k C"dww"kiL L In% dft= Vo=wAm6,UMY CWKmf. A 281-4; S. Zwbwi4d. 412; d. C A 4730 IL nbudOG, dkildsk b*41 ad XA=. '1Z 20-IN; d. C. A. 9% V9AM% MARM -- --------- 481&I1 ad 4"W Tire I ad a N a 1 9 a 9 a 1 3 i 1 1=4 66, *to 'a 0 0 0 0 e a 'a 4" **a Sao Mao 0 a x 0 sot 00 00', .00 Cakromr- $1. 2111 NIVII'M -w"Itly .00 sow Patiffift pit filk o ,stii~fficist% ifunmf the rf-,P4 firitit',12MI 41,11f,1010 1w, brClAy" 00 JS. ZLI in 161tv AVia Au.1 '-%fill MMMA, brellml weir ales 14,W aml ISO17" 1 36,10%t pq the tMAI&WIlt-Ista it"A a Ift utill diffulot I botirry'and an Initial trMP7-.-A -.v*. At-out hal(of Ifivestabli-IsturnVi uwd an initmi 0*4 CaUcawn. td 0.2-4137t, the (Tingintlef 41.1 4127w 71W AT clutstic"t w&% 9(167 rapkilit MARt.,41 too see o0a .00 0 0 400 woo Ato.$1.4 M41ALLLMSICAL 1.11104161111 CtOWICATICO 2900 of, 00 Opts$% 6w A.. it, 0 6 1- IF'-T- V-F- lw 0 a 9 1 w a 4-3-6 1 U A* so K 0 R at Of III a 000 01, 0 91, 00 lot 04 as ; *0 00 0 go* *00000000000*0414100 0 000 0:0, 0 0 00.00 00 00 * 0 41 06 0 0 010 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O's * 0 0 a : : 406 kA 11-L 10- a p!~ 4 . - - ~ -~A~ Ab A 1*" wApdcs k 004 T 0 ! . A" V=, 216-011 S. ZWAM4G&m s9, ISI-6 i4wa'. 4141 t (IOU); d. C. A. 20, 41W,--Ehw%i Jos .00 sell mm ketorks 004 w"!VqParu to Ow aptL Imtkute. Ism a NaLtistied 4v. tt '='i -hu 0 t NMM Come. Mm 20A& "rim .00 Ar -0. "Ity. of dw.kmvr uqw OMI. 7G,su3qp"cq u_Wgvjj"*usj"p" Of NOW b"4 2, TW .00 the loss j dWO& 94 M.9 Goo vputi" 41 Th. 1 GOO 'iii~aitts anclyiw. an gly" for the FM411 Marnh Mwoo so* :00 ISO 00 9 9 :,0o 7 INA 1A A 1 8 1 V IN 9 A a I 0 0 00 0~9 0 sees 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4p * 0 4, 0 0 0; ~O-O-v 0 0.* 0 0 it 0 0 0 0 Of 0 o0 0 0 0 *1* 0 o 0 0 * 0 o 0 a 0 0 o0 000 ; 41 It a q'A L-,L- $A, M Q-~" A T%* coompemium of bevu and JuIcts dating tho IOJ?-%U 00 c )M %lowalfWAtul 1#111ort Nmilt. AttkMod. ' 3) 4 . , Frank Mal"h .00 00 40 400 00 j, too 000 ! 00 L400 k S, A rk .( Us 0 from iWelif. bO.ON aw S.# Its we* oo, f-W- V, It o N n ', 0 pq A 1 0 bt 0 IN 9 a old. , 0 0 O g 6 g s so* ~ i 00*0 0000000*00 9*006 wi fee 00 Of too. 06 as jk 04,44041 Soo f"tologo a"* no #Soo*"" of fram-lowl Woo* I OV. the I &ArA 00 ISW Ilock, Utly d. C. A. Crash. be- N40 0.2n. SAW PA O.W pdarlisiloon WO), quaM 944). UM "Its (Kon% Cool Iknd (an I lw Ciampi) auluir alb N O'OLVI, wacaw N to-W4. =140. 119 wW Injurim N O.M. ho prv"ding 3 owl 0 grDend air, yvo!sagvlorlts4 PrikoLMovsh -00 .00 -00 0 &4 gee go* Ie* u a aw so is I 1 4 is 9 1 19 IN I go 1 3 1 ff IN to 0 ot at it a at 9 it 0 0 4 o 0 o '0' 0`0' 0 111 * w 0 0 * " - I;. A to 0 0 a a eio e-,& *-e 0 004 0 a to 0 0 0 0 0 to 00 00 soto 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 P, 7,A a -L-I-A- A-4-J" Al ~ , - -- . . .. . . . . ................ .............L 00 10"Istso Ake facotly-11 *01o 00 1CIA-, 0 o The mm 4W Ow SOM-St cswAwdotguw 0!=Mm M " 00 9 AY Cxbow. 40, 2 o, ow b 10% ( i k U& a V f n g w *0 s. . as av. on" cmt"t o xmw 17.46%; We y 004 daim 1 -00 *04 . of tb* dida4m liqw* M0114 hVft IS 10 92A &V- ftt.~- -00 00 "VwAtft mok"d bvm 0 so to 0.441t. .00 so* 004 400 G*O 200 004 000 coo !d z 9 9 woo ori z , , . t! 1,00 I , Wea j !. [ .1. ""sj www ,*IT- , aAV so IN 49 Of It it 0 ot A.a j~ ~ 0 9 0 004 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 f 0 0 0 0 00 : 4 0 0 0 0 0,0 * If 06 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 09 0 0 A L A s00 -00 00A -00 *0 9 -09 *00 of A .00 sea * 0 The amw of dw IUS~19" mWip is Coftbode- off V" Us bWb OdANUMIL iM So datim- -00 s0& two J060" i -X. Zwc&vi*d- ka- 900 t0i ~luwl sAmb. )UP. 0, 97-00 C. A. M OdW- n. Facradell. ze 0 am co e 004 C. A. 28. &W. coo 000 V* lxo* J4, A 0 too -14i- as a 0 0 1 w a9 a 4 3 0 u9 At 10 Ili* a b 0Ra It It 40 n, _:,o 0sees 0000 0 0000 0#90 0 0 a 0 o # o 000f 0000 so 0 is & s, 0 a o o o o0 0 19s11 1 t 04,41 U-N. I F 00 A SO. i .:.. ~._ -1-1 __- fe 0A -00 00 so 00 -00 00 00 dW b"to WA 00 "fdMac"m d aw )dce. to '1 -'. I ' j 1: 'n. d04 A*. 0. 323 Vj cf. C. A. 20. -0* p npwb hvw 101 gugw atablidimats OO'c 41W.-Mo WMUI we Almly"d sladiaticay. Is. (ITARS) 016 '1 W" O.W% bdaw dw lo- ;F? of JMW 711U qvm"t nee for dLffu" w" A; (w be& H _qw. 94-80; Irr diftwim U"w wa -W; kW havy ibe lop. 4v, ow Akrim, 04A. TW apomtsms dwkg diffit" aw mItu. well :gt. wfar the ddd umbin um du to muddy 0 bmis juW of the sky. Rkbt StAth" Ubks *40 we givra III M&U. I'mak usftm* 0*41 04 roe RAO* ,A** _*O t:#0 1, 41 no@ 1 1., 10 bf 0 woo 4 Ivi I I I Iq - 104RI WOW %dog" 0.1 46( V-1 U a W - a A T I Q a 0 4 -t x 0 0 4 6 31 0 f as 0 0-00010 0 0 0 0 0 06 0 *fee** 9 so hgnvd 04 t *?-9(1037),-fwv C. A. JI, Algol, Fronk Mamb -00 04P =Go SCOA as* 00 s st* '840 -rill P too slow "s v 4n- os ~u 0 IN to 0 Jc 41, 14, W, a, 14C (we-ill OA 4 S. *-o in 00 142 * 0 0 * -0:0-0-0-0,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 4 0 0 of P or to 0 A ."445" 0041 1 IU 66W. the bm"d to 41 hd- 'd M-13 and 4 jkM 0 1.33%, Lktf. by tie so cial" M-7269iW), -09 P"'fis tmtbW tt" Ow- SMIGO SM no. vu 244 (,We. Is A=~IIWMC P4. 62, 30-19.-WeIEW Ire Max. 43) and agreed with w,,It (Wturs as permagrat 4my., -00 son !~! , 111 "qW tmgbliaments (out o( a total of 114) and com4. coOllm, el the bmts. t:mdjcmd 6W mormlai :: i j, pxts froto X; sady" Ksd*k-Oy rcveskd a IW WQM= Witit 44 M bEC4 k1giaell dMOV as aw- tke. COW. of 41.8 units on a -0* l, We. of 446 Men. Imm Apm thlovo W Oes ';~ - *t'k* k*d A&~ C-deet'vlly vwttr lmi*- -17-7. max. 47.7). -00 to ktp bKu with an av. ap ~mmcu. of 17.12% (Some" 11, -00 00 0 14M- Whmd IS.97%). Catapared to tba annual atce- Mud=* ykM md bftt balsam. K. g4mkla. Lilly 0 7~pitm~dkmg 13 rs. the Prm t We. WIS tbll Ckbow. Sk 273-M. 296(lon); Z. zue"44. 14C40110- 600 tet; - t W %Wr conco. wall the 10"It. 16 and bt f 'k i kh ohm wit" de- 12 ButRuMirs A. feveds that A a tallies. 4 dfaVaret ze* er t 90.3 5 v~hies ptriod, e a,. raw umirendenient 10 ~h manded a tam and whkb kft 11 was 9D.44 (max. 95M). the row-sucar was 0.94 elidg, of poe, 4pj_ahjy, yor The dgausion *ke The (adn. ozs, max. IM), the Suva In the "got t was a** emu 4 av. gpiaticut was 9o.61. the mccharizatiots 16-81. Ebe 11.14) (m*a* Om. Max. the scratutabie Sams W v potarizatiou L5.23. For A* licht )ukes the aw- OK- I)A3 04 0-49% dwisalic" was ISAJ, the pAan"tion 14,922. For the (max. 1,W). and the total Suft wemlj=%(ftRx'2.lR). as 00 beavy bqmm. the 64.17. The atmoical The cb-. duSnthies and atswrassfities encountered der. f Inf Wration, sate. and tvapa. are reported individually 2 gee 0 lowth"' with "Medi" a" 10142- GeVraPhically m ooe lcoo 00 priveedf bam the western tip of cWtha*mju to the see wb- -t'-to' XOG gee 6.L& blITALLUM61CAL LITINAT11119 CLASIMPICATICIP too 5"m 'e- !~- cm T - Ir I 'A & I a ad a a a I Ar a 9 a 1 3 1 9 441 a of it ; it It .0 a 0 94 * : 009 090 0 * 0 0 * 0 0 0 00 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 : : : : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 46 0 0 040 0 0000 0 0 000 000 0 0 0 0 000 0 * 0 Voll Mr, K J BALEJ I St Irly Ol Chen prur-l 14 164- Institilto of lnorgallLC Chairintry, Sciences) p7ague. VOIIDRAK,-JUL. TEC121OLOGY VONDRAK, JUL. Novodobe prepinace regulacnich transfontiatoru. 7 p. Monthly List of last European Accessions (kOtl) LC, Vol. 8. no. 3, March, 1959. Uncl. -V()ND?Mv,Oldrlt.*i ftz,' I . . I . I -Pollgh e3drf#k*fti&*f-WAilroad cars an.Pomen Fair. Zel dap tech 10 no.9:586 f62, VONDRAK, V. Production of chemically hardened cores for Iran castings in the Stalingrad Plant of the CKD Works. p. 299. SLEVARENSTIII. (Ministerstvo tezkeho strojirenstvi a Ceskoslovenska vedecka technicka. spolecnost pro hunietvi a slevarenstvi) Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 7p no. 7. June 1959 Monthly list of East European Accessions (ZUI) LC Vol. 8, No. 12, Dec., 1959 Uncl. KOUTSKY, JaroBlav; VONDRAK, Zdonek; GHIOUPKOVAp Karla; HATIVIONK, Valdimir Autonomic nrofile of schizophrenia* Gns. lek. ce* . 97 no.30: 938-943 18 July 58. 1. Stant lecebna psychiatricka, Jihlava, red, prim. Dr, Vilem Kotina. J. K., Jinlava, blouha stezka 1. (SCHIZOPHR3NIL' physiol. autonomic NS (Cz)) (AUTONOMIC IMVOUS SYSTA4, in var. die. schizophrenia (Cz)) Vondrak, 2. Further devolopment and improvement of the "Daye for New Technology" in the building industry. p. 468. INZENYRSKE STAVBY. (Minis- terstvo stavebnictvi) Praha. V01. 4, no. 20, Nov. 1954- Source: EM LC Vol. 5, No. 10 Oct. 1956 MUTSKT, Jaroslav; VONDRAX- Zdq4*b'9-v9.C**kW:- Autonomic system In neurotic and normal persons* Cas, lek. cesic. 46 no.10:303-307 8 Mar 57. 1, Statal psychlatricka lecabna Jiblava, Prim. Dr. Vilam Kotina. J. K., Jiblava, Plouha stezka 1* (AUMNOMIC MVOUS SYSTEM, In var, die. . neurosis, comparison with normal persons (Cs)) OWWSRS, -pbralo-1. AuConomi6 ES, comparison with normal persons (Cs)) VONDRAK,, Z. Modem Techology Days. p. 253. (INZENrRSKE STAVBY,, vol. 3,, no.B., Aug. 1954,, Praha) SOs Monthly List of East Earopean Accession,, (EUL),, W,, Vol. 4,, No. 32., Nov. 3.955, unol. Inpregration of paper ug4inzt t-L-rring. P . -I '00: East European -Acceuslorls List, Vol. 3, I'llo. 9, 19541 Lib. of Corgreaz I VONDRAKOVA'I.J~Uenat Inz.; BABMIEK, JIri, Inz, Effect of mineralogical CoMpoa4tAon on the technological . L properties of paper coating kaolins. Papir a celulosa 19 no.2r45-48 F164. 1. Vyzkurmy ustav papiru a celulosy, pracrviste Praha (for Vondre-kova). 2. Ustav keramiky a keramickych surovin, Karlovy Vary (for Baburek). VONDRAKOVAS Kilena) inz. ,se MAr repllca for electron =tcroscopes. Pmparation of a cpj-juj.,- S'c.(--r eel pan 803-69 163. VONDRAKOVA, M.Ij OTechnJ4ues for electron microseopyw by D.Ka7. Reviewed by M.Vondrakova. Papir a calulosa 18 no.ls24 Ja 163. SIOO11631000100110481061 B144/B186 LUTHORS: Tyroler, Jirvi, Formanek, Zdengk Vondra'kov~,-Zdena, Zahradnfk, Lubomfr, btovfk, MiroaYa-v TITLE: Production of pure germanium dioxide from germanium concentrates PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Xhimiya, no. 1, 1963, 347, abstract U38 (Czechool. patent 1011481 October 15p 1961) TEXT: Ge concentrates are distilled continuously with concentrated H01 (ratio I : I - 2) with simultaneous bubbling of Cl. (gas) through the solution or addition of oxidants (K2Cr20 7 + H250 4)' The GeCl 4 vapors tog ether with 11G1, vapors-Cl2and impurities are washed out of the gas mixture by organic sol.vents (C01 4)1 then, the GeCl4 dissolved in the grganic solvent is washed with Ul (acid) and hydrolized. Example. The apparatus comprises 2 containers with agitators of 70 1 capacity (the mixture is tapped from one container, while at the same time the other Card.1/2 S/001/63/000/001/048/061-- Production of pure germanium BIWM6~ tank is filled), a metering pump, a cooking boiler, a foam separator and an absorber. In the containers, the mixture of 25-30 kg concentrate and 50 kg HCl (acid) Is prepared. The absorber is filled with M The 4` operation of the metering pump and the heating of the boiler in controlled in such a w%y that the foam entering the separator has a temperature of 1000C. From the separator the suspension is drained-off to waste, but the vapors are led~ into the absorber, from which GcCl 4 dissolved in M 4 in drawn off intermittently or continuously and hydrolized thrice with distilled water. The product contains 0-005 - 2% As and is a suitable raw material for semiconductors. [Abstracter's note: Complete transla- tion. CELT& aAl tJ D 0, A Ur-,, T3 SURWIEt Given 11=43 Country' Czcchosloya'da Aca&,mic Dogreest -ChoiIr Df__Nutrition and Veterinary DLjetqtJ4xj Veterinary College (Katedre AffiIiations Vyzivy a aiete-t-1ky veterinarny fakulty VSZ) Brno /Chief isroslav KABRT/ S.ource: Preguet Sbornik CSAZV Veterinarni M-dicina, Vol 604) No 8, Aug 61; pp 631-638 Data$ "Study of Volatile Mitrogenouc Basam 4n Wheat fteds" VE= I , Zdenek; DVT4 VJ9LINMVA,:Vera; gradoite veterinarian graduate veterinarian $to loll%) 4) FrF- 0i oof 901 roe *0,3 rb 001 00# 60 4f oes coo 400 go* Ali of AdTkLLVK9&L LITtRAIVIRt CLAWtOKATOU 14 0. 4044h 11"Idr. - I law aowiftv is I it, I,, cIr1 9 MI I a ad a a If 1 9 IN 6 to 4 3 4 1 11" 10 0 ; blowba Keg tt K W13 R 0400 *00 0 0 0 0 *a** *6 *as *'so *04 00 of 0660004 a *I* VOIWIM. J. Anchoring of *ubsequently strained prestressed-concrete elements in Czechoslovakia. p. 47�. POZEI4NI STAVIrt. (Ministerstvo stavebnietvi) Praha, Czechomlovakia, Vol. (1) no. 99 (september) 1959. Month,ly list ~of East European Accessions (EEXI) LC, Vol. 8, No. Up November 1939. uncle VONDRASEK, Z. The handling of lw4bor from the point or view of the lumber technology. p. 201. (SBORNIK MDA IMICTVI. Praha) (Vol. 30.. no. 3P Var. 1957) 501 Monthly Ust of Eas t European Accession (EFIAL) LCO Vol. 6, no. 7, July 1957. Uhcl, ..1-- 1- - .-I . ~17. P!S! - -,;.- - c f I . - - - . - I . 4 0 1 4- 1 6 1 1 0 0 it a L N I AA 4 00 00. 00 9 It a 00 g Ow c), it jjo~x jy- - f 4 ImIlitte, was arm p" .1 1 & . I i : 1 *16 at VARICI ChAnd"I the W40. to a ~W a A~vVv A 0 0, -C 1:,-! univ 'rmgm cuckwovskis Is. - 107- da-V renew -'Okmr. 'Tl~ sr"~. was left stamfing 3 bra. at comable"bm a4butic " with a kfta- 6*0 thew *4 ad. coM I ,.13 ' I I icma~. and the man from 1 Ae mWe cmpd. orism studied. TrUarturkbolk acki was am'. dae N, #4iPA"jm; :c*V; k "rtW through Its cblo" bY the Romammmod medod -am ( , -W 1. ta) 1%0113 r In to Mi. Ix it 4 was slowly go* ,l,? 0 a Into the eldchyda V) ; dw Ist Inwdon to - 95 1 2ud, dropped Into a Wo. U the themilcia.,%rot - of Vh(OAc), lemartift M. 1100. U g.) was hated 7 b", and (do deep red cow ebang"), golil 00 brought to a boll on * water both with 0.0 g. I'UNIf Nil the homr, 1- ml, sic. &Mcd# and the letal M441. by ICI. Slit 0 '000 HCJ, 0.5 S. N&OAcJM&0. mW 10 ad. cth&W. After t e1i After 0". 91 the Clielf aml sic. solus. an of ibe I ctbAnc4 was distd. all. the residue was shaken with N 11C1. sk., the oily w&ahed w" 11.0. and twim Mstd- from ethanol to give cholylteblumalluto Chloride tV, R - trommyIncreflalyl, C9 0 the maccohydnLaone (U), tn. ISS". 11 (0.M a.) was dig- was obtained. OAT pilded Nj- a.* '04 in 10 ad. &k., 2 a., N&Ohc.311 s0 muct Ph' RC-N -N-Cjl# Ian lfkka I F44 ". h- .L A MtVALW."A ILU11641 It.OA 0 . WWOCI .I a P. I it , " . - ' - .. - . 1. __j A 0 11;00~ air Ckv oat V ml I a FW 0 W V -1 W at 2 Al 0 .7 0 v U Ia ;v It a 3 1 VA tr: a eo*oootoooooooooooo4o0,40,00000$ooofoooooooo0000 I rog 44, 0 "~2 00-000000004609 60660066-000t0000 411-0-4111- 0 0- 0 0 0 0 6 00 diwwov out aw 0. ,amoula-, Cb=. ODIUM, 10T.- of the A& HI(OH)SO6.4HOO. "c). 71f o 'd %H(90j)~GHjO Is 114or ,N1 lull( lijo Al. 0 0 tj~ see woe ti aid. Lt I WOO nd 0 14 U A* 03 h"; it Its plan Its[ Ix* 6-,- ! ~S-2 0010 -:***Oooo 000000 -so* *-* 0 :-: III *:w0w WWI- o 00 A go t dogma aftaff.bhm th at*$. "CAM"I. P"Ily amid U. rolqil .4v Ihr, wk-- -4). ww Tck this gTcpup 00 ran be added the Cmpd, KoBhiSo~yNo0s. D., Karrvnka 0ow 00 60 -00 .00 -00 -00 800 r: goo -00 6'0 if o%* 41t Iiiibli, litiflow Ov lot W, T-1 -1 ad 0 a N~l ff o1 9a a 0 IF 11 ir w it go *goo*. *goo o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 044::00049 00 ol 0000000040 o 0 o -qn, kft- Ai 0 qL* t M ' 0 (:#moms 0 1 A . -Ijir treating ba'ic twonlitis "ittalp rl with 67 % 14 163" Knew "Alt- III(OH)SAN. wit- PreN, In j M ch . & M(oinsol-Hou f0mled. in 111mv r'"mi A, ul 00 J'n . 1Ii1J(.1;O.)o.31fO Iwnol. t:jjjjqjr fther cf,11(jifilms . flew 1; 4,0 PMVWA f"'fifwd' oil. 7JIM and Rdl SrA) I (j jI . j , , wc#V Iffl"W. ,he the "P. -d *& CIPMA"t it, sit defli. the type "(7nomit' -00 (4lOkinW- khotaak~ogrxphs of the mths are given. Amy-Le-Vesc.onte Coo 00 Its 00 so 1i 41 90 400 00 40 Vo is 00 17 8.504 lie 0 1 1 u Vg Av K) 4, 0 " 0 0 0 0 * 0 : 1 * ' , , , a K CC ft it R p 01 t' 0 0 0 9 * 0 0 41 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 04 k40 00 0 0 4 00 0 004 0 00 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000.0 0 41 0 0 000 0 0 0 ; 1 1 MON at" of bleauth antl alball metals, St. .40 MON. Coom. C, A. M, 1244'. 11 W M 00 . , . - -040 .00 00.4 moo -00 00 coo 00,2 coo 00 goo 00 moo of no4l tio 0 KA LITINATkill CLAISWKATION -slew 01"029" too 14"19 00 04T got 00 & S 4 ad. a a a I or #12a 39 11 ~ 0 0 010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 9 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 v 0 q 0 0 o 0 * 0 * 00 #0f ovo of 0 0 00 0 0 00 10 o 0 4p, o 0 411 411 :OU, 00 00 00 00 Do" ~Wpbsiiiaii ksli~ ~mi allOU atAkold. slux"Sit m4 Q_VQwv&A4x ((W. (WA. *0 m'. 1 11% 449--4U). -Tte r0% d the log WK-1 tbe- *xut*aoo =00 can 0.0 ood NK& 1 400 OOJ 9100 Oo- K*U HC1 W Cto the too woo t1OO 01MVIAt CLIUWKAT" I CIO 0 2 Wow -4# 4%V 4#4 lm ON. is I ~~ AM 1 0 0 1 v U 0 All 0) U It Al. at - 11 0 a ; - *' a 1" ; 91 ig A a 10 o o 0 6 0006000000000*0000io*ooo 6046000*90006600009i 0 -e*-O-O 0* 000 **Soo* 0.4% -:I'm 0 * 0 'a 0 * 0 0 A 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0.01 C OUMM GUMIOSLOVARIA 11 'Alfar-nins. Antibiotics ABS. JOUR. OMIm., 1,10 19, 1959) Ift. roSEIS A11711OR Ign (I r a s c, k ORTO. PUB. Cealcos I f armac 1958, 7.1 NO 4.19-490 AWERACT kni ariiele dcalinpr with nbarmaceiitical nroject ~j) C3II,,N(CI13)3 Br. Com- covers CC113COOCII(CII, narisnn anil disc-ussion cilf literra-Wre Bata. The H.blioarn-nhy covers 1*1 fitles, T. Zvoro-va Card: VONDRASM, V. "Practical Problems of Electrolytic PolishJng In Laboratories and Factoriert," P. 196 (Rutnlkp Vol. 3, no. 9p Sept. 1953, Praha) SO: Monthly List of East EuroR~qn Accessions, Vol. 3, no. 2, Library of Congress, Feb. 1954) Uncl. VOUDIUASEK9 Vl-,.clmv, doe. inz.; STAND, Karel,, inz, Problems of therrial treattent of a thir, steel strip from carbon steel with 1.2 per ac-rit carbon. Sbor VSB Ostrava 9 no.3:335-345 163. VOMPASEK, J. "Ihe production of concretd pressure pipes prestressed lengthwise and crosswise." p. 422 (Meehaniaaco) Vol, It, no, 12, Dec, 1957 Prague, Czechoslovakia SO: Yznthly Inlex of Ea- st European Accessions (ERAI) IC. Vol. 7. no. 4, April 1958