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BAROYAN, Oov. Yellaw fever in Africa. Zhur. mikrobiol., apid. I immun. 33 no.7:6-10 JTl t62. (MIRA 17:1) BARGYAN, O.V.; BOLOTOVSKIY, V.M. Preliminary results of vaccination against influenza. Report No.l: Degree of reactivity and immunoganicity of different anti-influenzal proparatiozis. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. i im=. 33 no.11:57-62 N 162. (MIRA 17:1) 1. 1z Instituta virusologii imeni Ivanovskogo AMN SSM. B~~N O~~ln-es-V-dg~ihaKgvj&,hi_GAYLONSKAYA, Irina Nikolayevna; PARNES, Ya.A., ze&;-LYUDK0VSKAYA, N.I., tekhn. rod. . [Intestinal viruses and the diseases caused by them] Kishech- nye virusy i vyz3r-raemye imi zabolevaniia. Moskva, Medgiz, 1962. 149 p. (IG RA 16: 5) (COXSACKIE VIRUSES) (ECHO VIRUSES) BA11,10YAl~) O.V. Problem of the specific prevention of the most important virus diseases. Vest A1,94 SSSR 18 no-5:36-45163. O-M-A 16:8) (RMUS DISEASLS -REVL,."YION) -BARGYAN, O.V.; BOLOTOVSKIY, V.M.; GUKASYAN, G.B.; SLEPUSHKINA, V.G.; MOOESYAN, A.M. Comparative study of tho im:manologIcal activity of various influenza vaccines depending or. the antibody level prior to waccination. Zhur. mikrobiol.., apid. i im;iun. 40 n0-37 116-117 Mr '63. (MIRA 17,,,2) BAROYAN, V.0. e ng on the problem of influenza and acute respiratory diseases, Vop. virus. 5 no. 1:123-125 Ja-F 160. (MIRA 14:4) (RESPIRATORY ORGANS-DISEASES) BAROYANt V.O. eir 1~1~ on the ;roblem of influenza and acute respiratory diseases. Vop. virus. 5 no. 1:123-125 Ja-F 160, (MIPUA 14:4) (RESPIRATORY ORGANS-DISEASES) BAROYANt V.O. --,--19;Mr~"on the problem of influenza and acute respiratory diseases. Vop. virus. 5 no. 1:123-125 Ja-F 160. (191U 14: 1+) (RESPIRATORY ORGANS-DISEASES) BAROYAN, V.O. - - - ,on the problem of influenza and acute respiratory diseases. Vop. virus. 5 no. 1:123-125 Ja-F 160. (MIRA 14:4) (RESPIRATORY ORGANS-DISEASES) . . .... .................... T T T L:': Prot ec: t ing DP ~'e c taces in t ne '-:;a::..a of' Ap,. ara-r u,, by an r :.Cid-Proof Paste (Zziolichita ezli dennyl-h mest i V ~11-11'Iftr:Lturo T 7 L pro::iyshIe,.ncst 1,)I)5, Nr p-- 14 31 (USSR) F) S 2A C T Tna uut!,,or t o~:uther Yritn ccdinov and N A.Yeremin developed v. paste which diflers from the previously used diabase pastes in that it contaJns a toluene solution of polyi2.ubutyl one and, wato r gl aSL ~ The ~- rus,-od pol yd ocbutyl e.-.e is dissolveo, in L~jluenc- for two or three days and is to its use. The water glass is boiled ar.d '4*-'-'tj.,-E:-I and 11,.en nkx,~d wit'.. t,-e above Solution at -a ratio cl- 11:2; af'-,~~rward~; -1', is -added to the filler (dialcase powder 3'1~I-!r-,-.-,--uoride) intil t,e desired consi-~tency r,--acha(.. This )nste is applied in ',-.4 layers to the defec'I placo. Exa-wl~-:; !.-om viorl: demonstrate t-~,t protected thi.--: way life cf more than 1,5 years even w-.-en is in with molten i)-en(-!, anhydride and rd i 2 t i n r~ h -, c., ~ i I e a 1, 121 C - 1 '~ 0A pp E~ r a tD11 t n, _-_y; d e t r, A;~ S7 v a r ofi for ASS~ 2/2 Aleks~--.ndr litich;__ 41~; - red. y _ ~L _ , [ Geoc heriai:3 try oi' opigelictio. proceoso,;; superi, zz e 'e le on j Geokllindia ep! gene tiche ski kh protsessov; zona gipergeneza. I-'.oskva, Nedra, 1965. 271 p. 0,41,~A 18:7) BAR-Pa~'~TKWSKA, Jadwiga; NIF.IIAMISKA, '-~arta; DGE!~CZ--liTSK.A., Joa:--na Use of epsilon-amInocaproic acdd (EAC'I) in L-,Tr--cclogr &nd obstetrics. Girek. pol. 335 no.1:101--86 Ja-F164 l. Z II Kliniki Poloznict-wra i C-orob Kobl-ecych AIM w Wa--s.-p- wie; 'Kiero-wTik-. I.Rosnkowski. BOPYMISK!, 7c! ia; 7adwiga 311 ir. 4-- c al e-~,-al -,;r- -~ j cm (" f tlle ~~. -: "]* - al ox-it C, ~; "..-1 1. z - -, . -C 1. tyg. Ilek. 19 nn~44.'16-86-1668 11' 2 '6-1 1. '~. 11 d !.!s-dycznej w ,arszav i:, . J. .1. Jb~LuX'lK P.I. , prof.; POZIwisillyp S.S. y dotsent (Kiyov) , ._-- '- - --I - - ---- Sanitary and epidemiological station as a base for training ph~-,--'clans Ir of a medical institute. Sov. zclrav. 21 no.1.25-27 162. O"d-LiA 115:2) 1. Iz Kiyevskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (PUBLIC !EALIH-STUDY AND TEAL;HII;G) KOLA?, 0.; PRASILOVA, T.; DOTJBRAVA. 0.; EARRAGAN,--M.- Subacute sclerot~z~ng leukoenccphalitis in the course of Sabin's poliovaccinhtlon. Cesk. neurol. 27 no.5046-348 s 164. 1. Neurologicka klinika le)(arske fakulty Falackeho University v Olomoucl (prednosta prof. dr. J. Hrbsk, Dr6a .) a Ustav patologicke anatoride lekarske fak-ulty P&lackaho University v Olomouci (prednosta doe. dr. V. Valaoh). BARRE, Lucien Live-line work in distrjjrjtj-on networks. 'Offiad elektrot.C-chn 28 no.11/12-,350-354 N-D 161. 1. Asystent -kierownika Zakladu Rozdzielszego Energii i Gazu w Nuntes, Electricite de France i Gaz do France. S/135/60/000/01O./012/015 A006/AO01 AUTHORS. Kheyflts, D, P., Engineer, Barreras. IL, Morozov, A, F., &1pan'ko,_ G. F., Technicians TITLE: A Modernized Burner for Welding Thin Metal ir Carbon Dioxide PERIODICKL: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, 1960, No. 10, P. 32 TEXT; A simplified design of a burner for welding In carbon dioxide was V/ developed on the basis of the TsNIIT14AS burner and introduced at the'Mcscow "Gidrooborudovaniyell experimental machine-plant- The burner has the fo_-Mc~vii~__ particular features: 1. Non-ferrous metal parts were partially eliminated; 2. The cooling system was improved thus preventing scorching of the in'ter- changeable burner; 3. The burner has a lighter weight, facilitating Its opera- tion. The burner nozzle is made of M1 copper and cooled by rL,_,ining water, circulating between the nozzle and a bushing soldered to it.. For the in- and outflow of water to the nozzle copper pipes are used, The carbon dioxide gas enters the welding area through 4 apertures in the ~- W5 (DSh5) holder tip, The nozzle Is fixed by a disk and a nut, Insulated wit.1, asbestos cement gask,~T's. Ar exch%,igeable tip from the AW-5(DSh-5) holder is used In the burner. The carbon Card 1/2 S/135/60/000/010/t)12/015 A006/A00 1 A Modernized Burner for Welding Thin Metal in Carbon Dioxide dioxide gas Is supplied to the burner from a cylinder through a hose molril -1d In the handle and passes through the heater, reductor end a drying device, Ti- t-ip rrust be inserted into -the nozzle to 10 - 15 mm depth. The throat depth- of the electrode from the burner must not exceed 40 mm at an are ignition of 160 - .180 amps current. During welding the electrode throat Is 20 - 25 mm, The bunner can be easily assembled and dismounted. Tests made with the burner yielded satisfactory results when welding butt and overlap joints of 4 mm thick 73" grade steel, at 180 amps current and 2 mm diameter (-a-10r(- (Sv-!OGS', wire. Triere is I figure. Card 2/2 -'57062;-65 opt 523. IiJOA V 41 T w0 ff law Ast 0 m' 3C'.:279 iiU as N 22-4, o eiii ti ti Po' 9 The ons -.were:, ijeuited; .- obsOrvati are lit ~-.:-Vaft ~to~:-explala.' the presence, vf-ai second rjlmp-~-emliss w.:source. ln:'Ithii', ~raxwva- coij-m'.'. 0' Um U OU3 gai ttibutlozi -of :Tiurus!-4 source., at the wairalth9th a6d -a aeasureA ns'ddal ugi-i!~Ith- to righ an Allikv-41tion., or ;-;A t 6 lobsor V vlo -of, 4, raft *a- of - the t i opun t .7. 07 'vaye eriethi a, 4'0"..6r: lobe 3 io 3a-gm'and 84is' I -respeqtlve)Yoo The t ilmk~ ll:~ vi 4/3 Jill -57 7 vh 6b vere' Th tbi~ c41ilvslaa:'Ai' ;'16i: 6f b 61 teru.-- -::rest .;Of toe M~Aosureo;~_:~- tci~'thi._ i"t - of,_. Ta the -mesa uts.- oi uresle ults of, th 4 4M 4;0~c~ th thi :tbe dbsea J'AA-. l~.j'2,-.ftgurea: md I'V168-titute or, AwHFE5ilm:-e4 tnt zltdtz aVWU= 0 0 , go'. er..BM.* 004 MR: khhik:L. I-, elektrobikil- Ak'Mezdj~.' miuk SSSR h Cis*, 'idem~r i:Bcj-' ~o en UB. COM, 8 Ec M: mos. -_T 5/058/63,/000/003/053/104 A06Z/A101 .AUMORS: I., Gorokhovskiy,:]YU. N., Oratsiemskaya, Z. I., -Pruss, P. Dependence of the resolving power of multilayer color films on disposition sequence of the layorn. PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, nzika, no. 3, 196is 88, abstract 31)594 ("Uspekhi nauchn, fotogr.11, 1961.), v. 8, 21 7 28) TEXTs A concept is i~ntroduced for a resolvometrio balanciv- of three elementary Images in the final positive color inage. Requirements are formu- lated for the structure of a pair of multilayer films farming a set, in which the resulting image can attain the highest resolution. A study was made on the resolvometrio properties of 7 sets of multilayer films wAh different sequences of disposition of the layers, and it is shovri that fulfillment of the presented demands brirZa about effectively a higher resolution and a-resolvometric ing of the set. Therresolving and distinguishing powerzi of two negative multi-~ layer materials and the positive images obtained from then are compared. It ls,,` Card 1/2 S/0'58/63,/000/003/053/104 Dependence of the resolving pointer of... A062/A101 shown. that these mttely proportional to each other and quantities are approxim tbat, consequently, the quality of,geometria reproduction of' two-dimensional color ob~eats can be, at least in a first approximation, characterized by the m nitude of the resolving power. ag [Abstracter's note: Complete translation]* Carsd ~V2 S/05EV63/ooq/oo3/o41/io4 A06W*AIOI AUTHDRSs Novflkov, T. A. "AMMU-M-24, Gafurova, N. S. TIMs Dependence of the resolviy~g power of photographic 'Layers on the content of optical sensitizers in them PPIODICAL: Referativnyy. zhurnal, Pizilm, no. 3, 1963, 83, abstract -~D%8 Tr. Vses. n.-i. kinofotoin-tal,1.1962, no. 46, 6.5 - 75) TEXT: An investigation war. made on the dependence of tht; resolving power U f optical sensi- of photolayers of fine and coarse granularity on the content o tizers in them. It is establi&.ed that as the concentration of the sensitizers in the phot-olayers increases, the resolving power, determined behind light fil- ters,of the primary colors, passes as a rule through a MaXimu3. In the opinion of the authors, the,change of the resolving pvwer under the Influence of the. sensitizers takes plar,,e fir3tly on account of the sensitivity shift off the layer Into that portion of the spectrum in which -the light scattering Is different from that in the region of the own sensitivity of AgHal, and iiecondly as a re- sult of their action on the apatity an& the aon~rast toefticient ot the layer. Card 1/2 S/058/6:Vooo/GO3/041/10.4 Dependence of the resolving power of... A00-P-A161 It is shovm that large quantities of sensitizers sirraltaneously increase the opacity (thereby bringing about an increase of the resolvIng power) a-nd reduce the contraM (thereby lt-3adirg to-'a deer-ease of the po-eter). The ob- tained results are submitted to an analysis from the point of view of the com- petition between these t-wo factors. Ubere are 15 re.-Verences. V. Sintsov [astracter's notes Complete translation) Card Z~2 LEVIP S.M.; BARRO, M.I. Activation of the chromium hardening of emulsion layers. Trudy NIKFI no.51:95-98 162. (MIRA 16:12) B,LILRIO,jl~l.; GOaOKiiOWI:-IY, Yil.ll.; GRATSIJU~*SKAYA, Z,!.; PH-USS, F.1,1r, De,.)--ndenca of the resolving power of nuatilayer color fil-ms on^tha sequential arrangement of the layLrs, Usp, nauch- fot., 8~ 21-28 162. (Milu MUM, P.V.; BARRO, M.I. "Spectral analysis of the photokraphic process" by M.N. Gorokhovskii. Reviewed by P.V.Meikliar, M.I.Barro. Zhur. nauch.i prikl.fot.i kin. 8 no.1:76-77 Ja-Feb. 163, (MIRA IW) (Fhotography--Equipment and supplies) (Gorokhovskii, IU.N.) NOVIKOV, I.A.; BARRO. M.I.; GAFUPOVA, N.S. FIffect of the presence of optical sensitizer5 on the resolving power of photographic emulsions. Trudy NIKFI no.46:65-75 162. (MIRA 18:8) SA.LRON, A.Ye., kami.tek.Yn. --- Automatic "on and off" switching of Fara2lel operatin~~, transformers. Pron.enerp. 17 no.2:14-1r, F 'C--? ("If?,, 15:3) - e. (Electric transformers) (Autumatic control) __J~RRON,_A.Ye., kand.tekhn.nauk Automatic switching of a.c. and d.c. Unes. Makh.i avtom.proizv. 16 no.9%42-43 S 162. (KRA 15:9) (Electric switchgear) BARRON, A.Yq., katA. takhn. rauk Automatic consecutive starting of meehanismB in line prodn~tion. Makh. i avtom. proizv. 17 no.52-30 My 163. (K[P-k 16t6) (Automation) I F BARRON, A.Ye.y kand.tekhn.nauk Schematic for conneCTin.- igritrons in a three-phase network. Prom,energ. 18 noU:9-10 11 t6~. (MIRA 16:12) 1 ;7-1957-12-232611 Translation from: Referativriyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1957, Nr 12, p 59 (USSR) AUTHOR: Bars, P. A. TITLE: The Adjustment of KU-80 Recovery Boilers Operating in Con- junction izith0pen-bowthRamarnz (Naladl:a kotlo\-utilizz0o.--o% KU-80, u5;tz-,no%-lennykh z.i tnartenov~,I.imi pechirni) PERIODICAL: V :;b. : Kotly-utilizatory martvno%'fk. pechcv. Mo! cov Metallurgizd,it, 1)--17 pp .'7- 37 ABSTRACT: The starting up and adjustment of t-,k,o KU-80 recovery boiler-; t,RB) at the "Azovstal'" plant is described, The following were observed when the flow of flue gases pa., ;ed through thc boiler in it~-' entirety: gener,iting czip~tcl,.",, 10.1? t,/hr; ste'--m prvt~.~.ure, 6.5, atns (abrolutc) tcnNrature of tho steam, 3530; temperature of flue gasez at the boiler inlet, 5350; tem- perature of flue ga~,es at the boiler outlet, 258"; efficiency, 4,'.8 percent. Without cleining the he,ting surface.,,, in oper,oicna). run of the RB lasied up to 8-10 days. Without Lte~m-bla:,r cle~-,n- ing the eff;c;cncy of the boilers decreaFes rapidly, the temperture of the %vaste gases ri!~es to 300o, zind the stearn genert~fing capacity Card 1/1 of the bDiler is reduced to 6 t/hr. Ye. N. 1. Boilcrs-"T~crn Lion 2. 30ilers-,.diustment 3. methods 4. 13oilers-Tost results BARS, P.A., inzh. Increase in the productive capacity of a coal pulverizing system using 250/390 ball mills in anthracite culm, grinding operation. From. energ. 17 no.11;28-31 N 162. (MBU 15:12) (Coal, Pulvarized) (Milling machinery) BARS, Sari The head of the family is ill. Hung TU no.5:16-17 1,br 162. BARS,,Sari Bright thoughts on Childrents Day. Hung TU no.6zlO-ll Je 162. BARS, Sari- A visit to the Vamos family, Hung TU no,W9 F 163. it 16 It la to a $1 U a 36 a is 27 0 jo a 1, w U 3, m b it 0 6 6; U U a a Eo a I I v I A I I AA 90 CC U m It I A p 00 h7droeUmi*ld stfuctwW mmy W the Unbal rWoa. -60 06 w. A"JL E. A. IWI-And E. S Itkina (C-Pi. ft.j Acid. 194). investigation ha- 1~11 00 carried out into the PM%L bility of outlining the tectonic structoic -60 00 1 the Alisubm region on the Imsib (d the tonii-Awn M rdr.~ -attfsL 1 .00 11 .; 11 00 ': D 0 00 j o 00 00 00 o6 00 FA a# q90 ago zoo do i1o 0 00 00 too tsoo 00 8 t - 0 o U is LI r, t, it 011 Aft I U itxn J Aj a 3 v dIQ 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 is 0 0 0 0 0 0 , ST1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : A a 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 010 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 6 a e 0 I ,.IAr a A. * Rs.f Ye flThe 19h9 Gublrdn Readik~sp 11 Iz. Ak. Nauk SSZ-i?, Otdel. Tekh. :aizk, ';o.11, 1259 i, I'l ~ AIMSBYEV. F.A.: BARS, Ye.A.; GULYAYEVA, L.A., GIZZER. V.G.; GAVRILRINKO, Ye.S., KOGO. S. .Irroneous intarpyetation of V.A. Sulin's genetic classification of watem. Gaol. nefti 1 no.0:06.-69 is '57. (MIRA 10:8) (Water, Undercround-Analyalul i ),,I] BARS, Ye.A. Hydrochemical indicea of oil-bearing potential and methods of prospecting for oil pools. Geol. nefti 1 no.8:13-18 Ag 15-7. (MIRA 10:12) I.Institut nefti AN SSSR. (Oil field brin6s) APELITS-N, I.E., dok:tor tekhn.nauk; BARS. Ya.A., kand.geol.-min.aauk-, 3CRISOV, Yu.P.. 1--ind.tokhn.nauk; VELIKOVSKIY, A.S., prof.; VYSOTSKIY, I.V., kjjnd.eeol.min.nauk; GOVOROVA. G.L., dots.; DAZINOV, Y.N., prof. ZHDANOV. M.A., prof.; ZHUKOV. A.L. dots.; KOTTAKHOV.,F.I.. prof.; lOtFM, A.YB., doktor geol.-min.nauk; MURAVIYEV. I.M., prof.; MUSHIN, A.Z., inzh.; NAMIOT, A.K11., kand.tekhn.nauk; KHODANOVICH, I.Ye.. lcand.tokhnnauk; !GILYSTOV, V.T., inzh.; CHKRNOY, B.G., 'kand. tekhn.-isuk; SHUROV, V.I., dots.; SAVIIL~, Z.A., vedushchiy red.: POLOSI11A. A.S., [Manual fo potroleum extrriction] Spravochnik Do dobyche nefti. Pod obshchei red. I.M.Muravleva. Moqk-va, Gos. anuchno-tekhn.izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry. Vol. 1. 1958. 540 p. (MIRA 11:4) (Petroleum industry) B.'j"S, Ye. "Results of hydrochem-ical re:;earcli work obtained in the course of prospecting for BARS, Te.A. Hyd.rochemical studies neftl 9:2113-257 158. (Oil in prospecting for oil fields. Trudy In8t. (MIRA 12:4) fields brines) r" q B.~PS, Ye.l.; GLF,,-.ER, V.G. Hidrochemical survoying In lrk~uinlt~llslo7e Di8trict, Bashkir A.S. 3.R. Trudy Inat. geol. I rf,:,rz~b. gor. iskop. 1:314-327 160. (MIRA 11~.1) (Arkhangeltskoye DiGtrict--W~.ter, Underground--Analysis) BARS, Ye.A. I~ydrochemical investigations in the middle Daubikhe and Suchan Valleys and. the Kangauz-Shitukhe tectonic zone carried out in 1953-1954. Trudy Inst. geol. i ratrab. gor. Iskop. 1:363-374 16o. (9IRk 14:1) (Maritime Territory-Water. Underground) E~ARS, G.A.; F;13D, 1.0.; ,J:. Genetic aEFociation of oil- anu Faf:-bearinr !.~:E-lns ', -11 7~ r- ;- 7-, c I of i:, 1--aFins Df undervround watprs. G('01. nPft! ~ raza -I o - I I ; 27-34 (I.- iqA 14: Ins titu' gc3lo?ii i ra. r a cotl:i Eo:~~uchik~ iskopa% Nefte- Fa2, Gl-fAvno;ro FpolorD-ra7-,~'CiOChnoF-o u,ravleniya HES,.Z; rosudarstvennyy univi~rEitet; (Fetrol(.-urr. PARS#Yo.A.; B0RSHCHEVJ[ IY, G.A.; BROD,I.O.; OVCHRINIKOV, A.M. Method of setting up boundaries for artesian and oil-and gas-bearing basins. Izv.vyz.ucheb.zavo; geol. i razv. 4 no.11: 95-101 N 161. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova, Moskovskiy geologorazvedochnyy institut imeni Ordzhonikidze i Institut peologii i razrabotki goryuchikh iskopayemykh AN SSSR. (Petroleim geology)(Gas,Natural--Geology)(Water,Underground)' veshchcstvo L v n BARSLBOV, G.P.; SH3VXWVA, V.A. Contributions to the study of luminescence of minerals. muz. no.4:3-35 '52. (Luminescence) (Mineralogy) Trudy Min. (MLRA 7:11) AUTHOR BUBNIKOV P.P., BARSAKOTSKIY V.P. PA - 2495 TITLE Chemistrv and T_ S11i echnology of J, cates in China. (Khimiya i tekhnologiya silikatov v Kitaye - Russian.) PERIODICAL Vestnik Akademii Nauk 1957, Vol 27, Nr 2, PP 74-79 (U.S.S.R.) Received: 5/1957 Reviewed; 5/1957 ABSTRACT The Chinese Academy of Science worked out a plan for scientific work to be accomplished within the next 12 years. The major part of this work shall be devoted to problems of Chemistry and the technology of silicates. Several new scientific institutes are intended to be founded for this purpose the main task of which will be the investigation of various oxides, vitreous substances, and silicate raw materials for the purpose of developing the silicate industry. The Chinese Peoples' Republic has vast stocks of various valuable silicate materials which have as yet not been scienti- fically exploited. Chinese kaolin earths are world famous as "-Iso such materials as "porcelain stone" and "cast glass stone" in which field research work will be of great importance for Chinese industry. The same may be said about quartz, talcum, gypsum, serpentine, and other materials available in China. CKU 1/3 Chomintry and Technology of 91licatem in China. PA - 2495 The main center of research is The Institute for Metallurgy and Ceramics of the Academy of Science at Shanghai with branches at Tsharisha and Kunmin. The institute is under the management of professor Chshou-Zhen and has a staff of 300 persons. Apart from experimental stations the institute also possesses industrial objects such as blast furnaces for gray cast iron. Particular success -was attained by this institute in the field of the production of fireproof articles, special glass such as electrovacuum glass, glass for steam boilers, special barium lase which allows only ultraviolet rays to pass (at 3000-4000 1 ) whilst nearly all others are absorbed, baseproof boron silicate glass, etc. A second institute of equal importance is at Mukden (under the management of Prof. Li-Siu-In) which has 6 dej~artments: enrichment of ore, science of firproofness, metallurgical chemistry, metal working, metal physics, and analytical chemistry. Further, there is the Institute for the metalurgy of casting and the Institute for building material. Further, there is the great central laboratory of the Anshan industrial combine, the Institute for Ceramics at Tsindechzhen and others. It was here that at the time of the Min dynasty (1368-1644) the porcelain industry was established, which was CARD 2/3 Chemistry and Tochnologk.,Qf Silicates in China. PA - 2495 under the protection of the emperors and aroused the admiration of the entire world. It must be mentioned that, apart from scientifically founded industry, which is making enormous progress at the time, the branches of the old established primitive home industrj are still prospering in China the products of which are distinguished by their superb and precise workmanship and hand-painted decorations, particularly as far as ch1navare (porcelain) is concerned. This circumstance decided the Chinese government to establish a new high school for the Technology of artistic products and ceramics and to found a special Institute for the Resarch of Applied Art in Antiquity and Present. ASSOCIATION: not given PRESENTED BY: - SUBMITTED: - AVAILkBLE: Library of Coilgress CARD 3/3 41004,00000000000010*0 4) ) ; p I I . - # . : I I I . . . .1 A 00 Do (60 00 PICC110.11PO Alfld hilldit 00 .4 so 00 go 00 06 00 00 00 00 Of kosefooo 00 0000400*000000V ". :1 . I - '4 ~ . " !' . r . . I x 4 , ~ : . . '~ -` 9 00 00 1 11 114~'A*ll Pi- .11. P~l- %11,1 00 -00 ll~ 0 -1. fi. MWI 'A t . so -00 00 -00 w w a w Wo- .06 f T': to Leo GO 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ejo 0 0 a 0 0 0 4 0 4 e. O'1 .b2 ch orl:. S 7. rr -~ A'~.; AR iv , N. . .--. .., Pertar'.-cable picture 1-3'ler.,,,. -,'ov.mor. 17 no.14:13 J! '57. 10:0) r~ - j / (AivR7o7:;'-Ii, Ivan Voastnntinovich. (Feodo~,iyn-Art-Gallerles and museums) BARSAMOVA, N.L. -I"I '~' '-"'. .'. Beetles damaging forest foliage in Kuba and Kusary Districts, Azer- baijan S..%R. Uch. zap. AGU no.2:59-63 156. (MLRA 10:4) (Kuba District--Btetlas) (Kusa--7 District--Beetles) (Forest insects) B4621 15- .%Silo c," 2 -2 OS S/173/60/013/002/002/OC2 All0/A029 AUT11OR: Markosyan, M. M. and Barsamyan, S. T. T I ME Study of HlectroRhysica~Pronertles of 11oly011oropreJLatexeq PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademli nauk Armyanskoy SSR, Seriya tekhnicheskikh na:.ik, 1960, Vol. 13, No.. 2, PP. 51-60 TEXT: A series of tests is described carried out ty the Sektor kabel' no- Izolyatsionnoy tekhniki filiala NII pri Armelektrozavode (Department of Cable- insblation Technology of the NII of the Armelektrozavod) in cooperation with the TsNIL zavoda im. Kirova (Central Scientific Research Laboratory of the Kirov Plant) in regard to clectro-physical properties of.1 -3 (L-3),A-4 (L-4)_~nd. 77 (L-7)'latex typ~-s. Polychloroprene latexes and coatings, as well as coatings de \10 rived from a mixture of the former latexes and the effect of the derivation m-thod on the electrophysical propertiesd the coating were investigated. The electric characteristics of the latex coating are shown in Table 1. Figure 1 shows the de- pendence of the tangent angle on the temperature of the dielectric losses and the volumetric resttances of L-7 latex coatings without additional drying and (broiten line) after additiona-1 drying at T = 200-4 50 C over a period of 96 hours. The Card 113 84621 S/17::/60/013/002/002/002 A11O/'AO29 Study of Electrophysical. Properties of Polychloroprene Latexes mechnaical properties of polychloroprene coatings are satislactory and meer, the -equirements of cable bose rubber as shown In Fable 2. The moisture absorption of polychloroprene c-~atings depends on emulsifiers and stabilizers. Figure 2 shows the dvendence of the au:Forbing capacity of L-_3, L-4, F-.nd L-7 coatings and also of L-7 Plus 10 % furnace ca-rbon black coatings on the period of immersion at 20()C~ TeBtS Tevealed a strong effect. of polychloroprene on copper. HC1 ancd/i Clo separated from polych.11-oroprene show the following reaction on copper, HC1+ Cu->C'uCl2+H2 and C12-+ Cu-->CuCl-::', The resistance of these coatings to heat oil, light and moisture can be increased by ad~iition of fiirnace carbon black (Table 3) ar.dMBM (MVM) vaseline oil (Figs. 3 and 4) to the poly chl oroprene mi,xt,ure. The disadvantage of vaseline oil is that It facIlitates the. propagation of micro-organisms; this Is countered Dy an addition of fungicides consisting of a emulsion of ;salicylanilid,--t siavilized by ammonium caseAnatc. Tabir- 4 gives the composition of L-7 latex mixtures The coating process is the fol- lowingi the iT.em is pla,-ed In a concentrated solution of ~O Z CaC12 ana Oien Immersed In a latex bath A negative feature of this method is the saturation of th,? zoating wit-h Ealls wMcft Impair Its e1cetr-opIlysical properties- Another card 84621 S/173/60/013/002/002/002 AllO/A029 Study of Electrophysicil Properties of Polyclilorop-ene Latexes possibility is the "electric deposition" which is achieved by elecitrophoresIs and produces more resistant coatings (Fig. 5)~ The electrophysical properties of coatings are improved by syneresis which completely removes all. stabilizers and salts. Figures 6 and 7 show the results of tcsts in regard to dielectric losses of poly c 1-0 o-ropr fine latex coatings and volumetric electric resistances as depending on period of immersion. The use of latexes in cable prolucirion- x produces airtigh- coatings of 0.3 mm o,- less, whereas type L-7 is consiaered most suitable for ~hls purpose Latexes mixed with fungicides and vaseline are sul~able for wires and cables used in the tropics There are 6 figures, 4 tables and 5 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION Armyasiskiy filial nauchno-issledavatel 'skugo InsT ~.tuta (-Itrtro- mashinostroyeniya (Armenian Department of the ScAentlfic Research Institute of Electric Machine Building) Card 3/-~~ KOCHARYAN, N.M.; AYOPYAN, A.N.; BARSAMYAN, S.T.; TOLAPCHYAN, L.S.; PIKALIOVA, V.N. - Dielectric properties of chlorinated polytetrachlorohexa-.riene. Dokl. A14 Arm. SSR 37 no.5:263-267 163. (MIRI 17:9) 1. Chlen-korrespandent A14 Armyanskoy SSR (for Kccharyan). KOOIIAhYANY ',~,TSOYAN, S.G.; S.T.; PIFAWVAL., MI.; T'jLAP- CHYAN., L.S.; I'LIIYAN, Dielectric loss, dielectric and the effective dipole mo,:,.ent of polyd ~i:iettyi-,~;-nyleti.~,iiylcal-biziol. Dokl. Ali' Arm. SSP 37 no.1:7-13 fL3. (YJRk 16:11) U"!,:., ieac,vutel Iskaya fizziko-tekdinicheskaya laboratoriva ~,hlen-korrespondent A"; Armyans- zMy SSR (for Koci-c-rya%'. BAHBULESCU, C.; BARSAN, A.; BURCEA, fl.; FU-,J, St.,' Y-UILI-E, U., Pu--ur;-std) Natural pastures and hayfields on the Bran Plateau. Natura Biologie 16 no.2:lD-19 l,,r-Ap 164. ACC&SSION SRx Aft 4020763 S/0169/64/000/001/G027/GO27 SOURCEs RZh. Geofizika, Abs, IG186 AUMORSt Pariyskiy, N. N.; Gridnev. D. G.1 Barsenkov, S. N,; Sary*cheya' Yu. K.; Kramer, M. V. TITLE: Tidal Yariations of the force of gravity in Tashkent CITED SOURCEt Sb. lzuch. zemn. priliyov. No. 3. M., AN SSSR, 1963, 9-39 TOPIC TAGSt Tidal gravity variation, gravimeter TILLVSLATIONt Results are given of an analysis of observations of tidal Yari- ations of gravity in Tashkent carried out at the Astronomical Obseryatory with two Askaniy gravimeters in the course of 7 months. Bach gravimeter was used to carry out 16 monthly analyses by two methodas that of Pertsey and that of Lekalaze. The agreement between the results obtained by the two methods was very good. On the average, the Pertsev methodgave ~ - 1.148+ 0.0012, and the Lekalaze method gave 1.147 + 0.001 3 for the wayes Card 1/2 ACCESSION NRi AM02OT63 M27 S2, and 01. The value or 6 obtained in this wirk published earlier (see preceding report) is processed date.% nnd principally by the fact drift on the determination of the calibration using the method due to Yu. S. Dobrokhotov. DATE ACQ: 03MarG4 and greater by explained by the that the effect or factors was taken - 1% than the value larger volume of the instrument into account, SUB CODE: AS ENCL: 00 Cord 2/2 A v, Dil -,i(: of rirbon~~Is, IWI. AN Arm.33R 38 no.5.,295-299 164. 27-6) sw!.;lr :1 va W- 9ki..ya BARSO, A. (Bucuresti) Correct spelling of geograpldml P-waas,,, NAtura G-3ografia 15 no-4-.82-85 Jl.-Ag 163. BAR&U: G., prof. (liucuresti) S. Tha countxies c,f Ai~ricru; tha Unitcd Arab Republic, 14atura Geografts 15 :-10.4759-60 Jl-,Ag 963. -:f St L e 0 0 a rul. -I:V~. c CS S:~, SOURCL CODE: 0/0124/66/000/006/vOGI/V061 ACC N~Z; 'd~6030409 BaI'3X-IEYC:V, S. of stress waves in explosions of borehole charges in rocks havini; avera_7e zcoustic rigidity SOU-RCE: Ref. zh- Mckhanika, Abs. 6V438 RZF SOURCE: Tr. V Sessii Uch. soveta po narodnokhoz. ispolIz. vzryva. Frunze, Ilim, 1.24-133 IAGS: explo-o-ive charge, shock wave 70'..C T .LRANSLATION: T'.-.e a:-,plitudes of positive compression phases and their durations are ra-' icorded along wizh the velocity or- longitudinal waves. Measurements are ma3e in a clean-1, I ~ed rock facc having two exposed surfaces the lower bundle of the corner stratL--n. ,Relations are given between the maximum radial displacement rates U rl-Ilax and the dura- zion of the positi-ve phase of compression T -for various relative distances r. The in- icreasing .1--ne~an ralazion between T and r Is -fou-nd elong with the decreasing linear r-ala~- ;tion between -, and the acoustic rigidity of the neditun pC. On the basis of these data,, I ,curves a:re constructed for the relation to r of the maximum -adial displacement rate I , . max 4-... , the displacem t from ;V the -x.-, radial stress behind the wave front a I Z n4ax rmax Card 1/2 ACC N.R. AR6330"09 equiii'Driiz-, W, thc: Spacific impulse of the co.-,,jression phase I, and the specific ener- gy of the wavo crossing a unit area E. All o_-F these quantities are given in ampirical vanishing :-u:,,ctions of r with various power laas of damping. E dampens the fastest 1~0-1/r2_5). in z.-.c limits of the values o,.;: r used (from 62.5 to 250 charge rad.-i) dis- placement ra-_,c~s hel~w crit.,cal values (2.5 m/sec) for destruction of the mass are not ~obse,-ved. '.ha x~_,s-ulls o-" measurement of stress wave parameters allow one to dater- 'Mine opti-mal piarameters for borehole explosions. A. S. Stavrovskiy. 'SUB CODE: IS Card 000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 9 0 0 a a 0 A k ~.' 1) 14 IS 4 It I- Z U a N n f- A N 1, 11 V 11 M rl 10 1 V I to 4; L -1 1 A L L J, N v V AP L a I I a ISO 0 411 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ol, 0 00 00 -00 .06 06 4 It to 1, 1, 00 0" 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 : : : 4 0 0 ob 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 6 6 11 1 , I , I 0 I I, 1 1 0 1 A L V 1 V 1 2 t -AL " � 1 . a 0 Lt. V. Flamaskil, V. Amp- ..d 6-f. I'mksm., 'PI'l *1101,71 No 7 , ~341-b'1(i9W)--I)rPcmfS of Au. As mnic,,nar t;Wrp- , , colun.t,lic kti(I b i 06 j r eflY dmffibd. 4 A P'A"- 00 j roe 06 - so A Ao ro e so .00 , I'v M' lotK K' 11 . . . . . . . . . d13 P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 6 M 4100-641 6 0 0 6 v 0 00*0460 0 a 0 a off w o 6 0 0 0 a 6 0 0 0 0 0 06 w 00 60 00 .46 104 1 U S ft S . , . . .. 0 FAW. A Sj. 6chorlomste, hl,,g,,;Ate. Andi umate 11 i . rw tM " tite, fonterite. t fd -a War and spectrum T stal lite are dWxfbVd, -4~ Q -60 00 vo 0 JA J.kbriolfto, a now mmoval of tho sv4sol gir"p. ko.AVA' ('~MP4 NeW -i...i \, I - K s v . s 1, Fljxlj~h 16. , J1, ',N1 j 1043 nn Ow wr-tem Ithwill I kr, t, rtli"Ple, o1th Ormg mirtallb, lil-tit end blwk ,Irmk Illb %in hiltilir itlid florl"lo Ifirculartj, 1114, A flartMor," of A qQ it, 3 and i% highly magortic: tw(- th, J-4~ wftb d;l&vlty 1. vMer"t-im JICI mly Alley The twocTal mtv mills" in A cak-tillitirld "W tcy 1, A0,91 Clu-cu I, at A11SIVSh PVr 100, 124, velowh 01 (14, Alift, WO, CFAI, I I W. Vro 24 05. \In( -If) 54 ('&OnU -MCO I J I. NO 4) 1 PC. 11:4 1 01112. Vick 11.12. n 4, anti %um . 'I " X.-I * 4t - - .,. % :,# WWwaka of IM Urubkao AspWI (Vow.Ecom Par Swa Rogim). G 1'. IW*UWV (C-pl. #.d. Arad. Nes. U R N ~s . I V41. $1. 6810 -690) -Specimens froca the UmtukAn de"it are Inmes of a qu&rtz-oulphade vain ha~ I~n exAmmed aad a genetic ~hvrnr 1, tentativelv &a, an,ftl. %%, 14 1. USMAtinerals - Bentif leation 1944 Pyrochlore "Secondary Alteratim of Pyrochloro," G. P. Barsanov, 4 pp "CR Acad Sc.V: Vol =, No 2 Study of a specimn of pyrochlore crystal frcm the peEpatites of the Ilmn Mountains, covoismicrochemical,: optic and qualitative date. 4T70 00000 * 0 0 - o-O * * 0 * : 1 0 0 0 IS *1* 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 is * : 0 0 * a 0 u C * N g I IT CA AT u nn. L. A, Tj In- I'- 11~ "0 z I N, %!j.p I jplu.,pi 3ITt n III,, I ,,.I "Imprij l2imp%, ;,q) 1j"A 1-11" A ' I In. . ! I rl 1411411 A.A.. jo 1.1,P mitinq X"11"I -p IIIIIAT 7 V1 I I n V P1 1W41TjllU1%%.N IV I I p0 % (if 3,;j III in Ili,?. aqj 1 -'1b %ITIM tj)"A 'ilmlaj Juilladn, aqi wt -I ny .q) I" jinq Jqj - -!'R vlisua '!):Is n 1"I ' - - 1 - - ). '1 I, .~ )f III pOID 'rIVj 'A,,UIMJVVI *4 'i ') ITT' I Uja jnOq D * C ; q q3 ) Qq4J "Vypq OTT) 10 !TURA InOjs I p ny )in p uorjrvodwo* ojo pav tptnb jo sampnip oql _ fit to (v 1 49 0 0 0 00099 * "'111.104 IT It -T- ir -r I V T I I I IF as V a w 9 is is q i a c L-j _r, m a JI 4! so 1 1 0o Fert""nite ftc,m the Adui lipup V/ 00 nlitles I '-pt j. 00 it' "IL It: 14h7. Id, 111111, -1 lit. 1,11, Ifi, h, 1., 1, f, ,, J~, ,, ~. 00 h.,h. 00 dr 00 00 00 go 00 41V U &V 0 A a PC LI 1. b b v a IN 44 a. .3 III It t I j -1~ I _t -00 in the L'Ists -00 47 ..06 11 '00 00 .,:I I I L -41 i Iv -00 '00 -00 izoo ~09 lee :fo a I* L a I I k 11-0 Q a a Ix Ar 4.pj., Amponlatitite from the Vehiseyevka de;>osit R.'. G. 1'. llar,afiuv. 6-;t ".J. ~-I- S s 48, 1 2~i :i I., 10~&AJv,lA k,, s '~. NtAtltlAl 11;l I IV I l%i- 1-if dc-.YjIXA A, an vul*c UrAllsuln %Ari"tl4v calhil 61otfitt, lfl~fal" Ila, IK, fit'i %4111,1 I hu lul"clal la .4 ~d ~,A, -111%l-will, j'j:l,wMl And 1~ .4- d "Ith l,, p4t.g'I"11C --mbil 10, 't-rut'. ft'dit'. it, Ill, A,l l'i-Illutitr lut", 'I h 1 I ti,p~ , 11.(): 1-l' V-, - I-- I.S~l " :ld:hjh.'d, 1:y0falp-1). VIX") jjjlifj~m x I-am, in th, - ta,,~jkt .1~j_ Sp. so 4" :1, I.v,mu,t 4 41. 11 1 to 1, v Q .1 an w U-1 k o I Ukrt&ini4n SA R_~_s R 48, lm." I'l, ~:,d 00 or " -90 96 d! .11" .1 1, 1 ifv. -I- 0 o lb, Zoo Jh, m--1 1 4~,t lee ,66 ~46 sits 06 Z*O A%..VLA 411.1.1,061CAL L171111AILP1111 CLAISOKA11900 1100 10 00 to Mw a ow ia 0 IF to it to 'a or (1 9 of cl rt tt K Ma It 1 1. 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 so 000 00 *so 0 4 0 0 a 4, 00 0 0 "_9_o R A a It a.-" -4 -L-.L a x p a 'm A -1-11 1~-Mz I 4f The stconduy SiterAllon of pylochlort. p I,,, ff"k (k4II,m'kv G ... f M,vml, A,j,l, .1~i V S p co.,14. ?,-J 'J'ad. J, I. I , 41j, I.iG 14 1191114111V It,-, Ill, Ihmii Nat) a A,vcgalc ,I po'k"t, -hltv fm. IV loliAW Alhile. and Alta, -l III% Iv Ill., III, by th, Ct'! I V t I I ti I I I I It t ~ %I IIA I A A tj N (,t I) V, 11'. a: 1, t 11 Im."Illic; jll~ t,a,l """'I I"." 04NO"I IIi it 1, at, 11"o I'll, I'll. Ill't -U1 I.Al -1 Ill, had v,11101 cow(. Will h, AN 11, 1.. z % I V 11., Sli v . N I %, I A& o 11 1,- 1,- --p. gee 00 04 00 oe 0 Z JLS 1, It DIP K Of 4 14 a K 9 *09 0 0000 00 90 1 0 0 . 0 011161166 tool OU ?1 104 o1. 4 T 1 4- X_ I A L x F a AI II Al, It U VO U 00 "e. "I - 1.1, 1.. 00 0 .- __ Th~ftautktv a tamalite (1.111 the dep'lo-t -f the 00 Kall,s h it ~vl .1-1-1 A I 5 4. fq .; 06 111, lWKI-Avilct, it"I" 1 ~,r, r -fAJIV 1-1 1 2 -1 0 tArt lk\31110- h~wlccp pw , , -.1 6 < 1." Cn. m 'Ire I- I ~.! - , " 1 .4 11" 0 , ITI4,Tjj 1, bellill Yell- t'. gr--h vell... ..I I. *0 11,1.. tiallillmiq (('.III mr (,.1.w t,~ Ou "Our 1.11,g : *0 'I hc I 1"I. 1 VIA III I lw J-wwl ~ -1 1, A %,I% I'll, im I he licrio I (IcAi,.igv pjAitc,. attvlii~tmc, paitu ulatI% 00 Ow mimll tva,111V phI, urt" Itim 1 71 1te MV., IAI I, twilt1c. The of,ak I, IlOlt Vill- S;, 66 1". It % " 4'~. CE ... ~g, i, 1-,f,, I 'I"., I 1-: go J "mA umic-r 'rile I 1:111r~i clet-it 1, "i. usaliA ill 1b, A,u-Ndul, pegmatite field 41he KaII4 k.nj:,- 00 v 1., 0.- opj~v v-,tv- 4 the A~,%.Rvil~L ki,,t, t~p,- 0 7 00 d tq a -ti- IVA;,,-Atjtc %,I?" it, the % . 'ri"t- 1 * vr A T 1 l t of par t 1 11 1 C t j,!, t4 Luju lh( lc i1 1c i % l, ! , du r f i ~ i c a a c ri i n j t r, j , c, and It, I tic I ; q 1, clwr hwizoirls of lepi lolltc, pilluc-l!e, And Amblygollite icfachc~l pcwkct% of rcd.ft~h brown " To,(). &,I,] IL , -;0.) slid other *F& nanctal~ III- t,.jgT.-%n %ith casNitentr ha%e txvn finiml. Atialy-s are 3"1m F. Hu'lelt 9 * 6 0 0 0 Lob ON to k 11 w ft *0 * 0 00 _06 '90 0 0 0 A S 8 S I A 11111ALL69tKilt WERATLAR CLASSIFKAVION 9. IPC%i Sic -7 Z.i -T-1---T- T__f VT-y 00 L s ~A 0 1 a to rp 1, 4w 9 Of A 11 a Kit It If Of n 1 1. Y 1947 "On ~-f DeT,,rslta of the ~'Ikc,! G P Barsanc- md J P "Iz-i A"~aH Nlau~~ Geacl" Vc, 2 Authore desc~rlbc the n1neralo0cal conpooltion and ort% typos of a nt~w silver deposit diocovorad 1939 on t1a Al:o! s,mrce IM t~.,m No river basin, in the acut.h- arn j:arIL cf -t~ie Mli-misairml, Pak~lon I-110 BARSANOV, G.P. Life and work of Professor Vltdimir Illich Kryzhanovskii, 1881- 1947. Trudy 149. (MW 9:6) (Kryzhanovskit, VIndimir Illich, 1881-1947) BARSADDY, G.P. .1 1 q Minnraloi7 and origin of aaglrite-augltm pegmatite from the r,roup of pits no.15 in the Illinenskiyo Hills. TnLdy Min.muz. no.1:26-45 149. MaA 9:6) (111manakiye Hille-Pagmatites)