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The Reaction of 1 3-Dichlorobutene-2 With ChIlomprenc: Tr"~ir,r 9-2-8 the Action of Friedel - Krafts - Gustavson r-it;~tlyStE,. Tj 1 , formin.- pro ducts oont a ininl~ one , tv;o, ti-iree or ~ 1 ore mol ecid es . The product of t lie i.(':! CA 1011 Of On C :.101 OCIZ1 0 1 -dichlorobutene--2 vdtli on(, :~iolecult- ch-l-roprclic lils- the structure of -ire references, ; Of whicil nro. Soviet. ITTED '.'.arch 5, P)57 Card 3/'- AUTHORS! K I,.- b a n,~ k a y . A S Ay aJ ya vi A ~ G Barkl~udar~ ar Y, 0 TITLE: Iritei-ac-,ijn of *,h~ D,,ohl-.-)robaten~ 2 Wit'h T~oprent-. anr'! DCiinvi Unde tlit,% A,,tion ol' Ft~C_', ill v,yp PERIODICALi Zhurnal Obsh,,bov Kh i m;J 1958 V,-1, 26 Nr 4 pp. 88- -5,9'11 (USSR, ABSTRACT- In the previov.-~ papez ~.h~ .nvestiCation rEos,,ilts of the reacttion :.f '! .3~di-_hlor~butpnp-2 vvi-h chlororrene under the action of tho :,a+51y&-'s Frldzl' - Krafls - Gustav- son (Zhiirnaa Otsih--hey 8 v C: I - 6 5' were dei%onq t rat erl The aulh-rz~ con'lnized work --n ~h,_s di-vertion and a?i--rest_,1qatf-j thp of the interu.,= lion of vith ar-J rdi,,Tiry: ,n -..he F~C'1_ Ti b,)v+h c-_7,ps t~ forl-oa,_10,~ of lov; ml-i.mrular as a~, (~f r~-s~noid ncrodu,-t~? Tas -1 11 Card '/4 observi~d. Tfi~y d-.1 n-- -,1 j n Interaction of thn watt, 7 ~4 Isoprene and D-,,-,ry.1 Ur-3er '.h- ArT ~ o!-, 7 i m a 7- -,duck ' )-s h a I ys - A ~ C' 17~--,sc- furrher ~XOeT_i m e T, .3, On y i. I L th~~ 0 a i o r concen-~ral -~,,)n did rO'r S!-.-PaS~- f 4-1-1 h E e D r s 4--reased T; I Tnu _~ r a,,-j -F o c. sd cx t11P Y-] -1 of th~ p r m a a om"Po v d w h i t -a t 10 'D 0 t 11 ~ 2 T- T 7~ n t ho s vi i r v IT. 1) 1 U a 2 Dr Of h 'Dary adI4~Ora, C,.Dz- p ~D U 11i ir~ es th U.- nr~ t, i~as d r e r e -2, ,~X r -~ ~z S, T 1 uroduct, p e c rma t 1 r) c, f ay b e expe c' e a-4 r ~T a~: c, d n t o 'r lie di rec,~ 4 n of t !I n d= 2 -1 id ~ho addl o~_ ' 11 , 3 1 ai, e i_ ri h e r m a t i t.; n, of cr;j,j.)oiA!-'d (.1) Card 214 ~"TfctT c I T CH_ '6 Interaction of Iscprene and D--v--nyl Undtr "~- A,Tion if F~_-C-: ill Tie z31r,.1,--,~,T- of 1he "or:--A Nvas 7a-i-ion, Nrl addi~icn uroduc+s of -~wc 1 7. dichlo-_:)butene.-2 m-let-u'e~~ t-, i)[- 7~o,,r-n- molecu'_zi are cb_ser_ri~d thm.~ rea.-~ i.-Dr. maxt'_r- ~ Tn -,h? addi t ic._-~ of I~ '-. d,~t-.hlo-obu~ erne-` as primary produ:': t.1- di-~:iryl the formation of thzee differen- reac-.jon produ-.,Ts can be expecte.1 according to +hP dircetion of the add2ticn. ('A; '.:*? or The was uotd f,-,r tP;~ determ'-na-aon of the s~ru,;~v_T- Tne result sh-i.,s that t~,~ takes place alz~c in thl-s %ast- main.-v ir. the -:.! posi-,ion and that a CH,CC*" z=CHCH,CH_,CE17----C1iCH.,C, fOTM,, in t1!!9 n a(Wi-,m produot,,-. (A two ' '-dich- 1;robu.-.n--' MOICCUle-7 to _rt- dviiny.l mclc~ule ivere ob= serve-i -n the real-a,~n m7xtu-_- The resul-s, of the investi= gation pro-lea in th~ of as well as Card w:rh isopr~~-)-7- th- of tak~a place Interaction of th-~ -D-. 2 'W,, Isopre-n-. and 1)1-.,-4ny* '.Tnri~y 'hc, A.--i~-,n ?-,f FeC' under th~ forina'-,.o-i of hir -1d -~her molecular s. Conclus!:~r, T-!-. f-,~iid tha- -.n th,~ as as 1--,v -,,, o 1 add4~~-jc- p-t7c-du,-, a--? form-~~J. ~ 7 'i A pr i p a -?d d ictil oro a,, addi,:-ion prc-~u..~ ,f 7. di,-hicrobutene-2 ",I Ther~ i~3 I tab--,~,-. 0 -efe~en:111. SUBMITTEDi MaT-h !q:;7 Card 4/4 SAYADYAN~ A,G,; KUBANSK!Yv A.L.; BARKHUDARYANI M.G. Film-forming subsiances from polymers of 1,3-dichlorobatene-2 and divinylacetylene. Lakokras. mat. i ikh. prim. no.4:27-29 161. (MIRA 16:7) (Films(Chomistry-)) (Polymers) (lacquer and lacquering) BAVIYYDARYAN, S. S. "The interrelation of 'Types of Internal Inhibition." Dr. Hol Sci, Inst of Physiolo~y Imeni I. P. Pavlov, Acad Sci USSR, leninl--rad, 1955. (KL. No 13, Mar 55) SO: Sum. No. 670, 29 Sep 55--5urvey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (15) RARKHUDARYAN, B.S. - Q*4--w-7A. Materials on the characteristics of dogs with an inl,ez---,.'iate type of nervous systame Trudy Instefiziol- 5:203-216 '56. (MLRA 10:1) I& Ilaboratoriya eksperimentallnoy genatiki vysshey nervnoy dayatell- nosti. Zaveduyushchiy - Y.K.Kraauskiy. (TEMPERAMENT) (NERVOUS SYSTEM) BARKhTDARUR, S-S. Physiological mechanism of the interaction of two ~Hstinct Jiffere--l tions. Fiziol.zhur. 46 no.6;71F~725 je 160o (MMIM 13. 8) 1. Fr= the Sechenov Institute of Evolutional Phyniology, Academy of Soiences of the U.S.S.R.v Leningrad. (CONDITIONED RESFONSE1 BARMIJTA, Stilepo, inz. (aJelm, ul. Viktora Cara Emina 3/1) Nuclear propulsion of ships. Tehni Jug:Suppl.:Yasinstvo 12 no.2-.298-301+ Fe 163. 1. Pomocnik glavnog direktora Brodogradilista 113. Maj"., Rijeka. BLRKIDZIJA., Stijepo, inz. Tracing in our shipyards. Brodogradnja 5 no.4',181-184 t54. BARKIGJIJA, Stijopko, inz. Optical tracing in shipbuilding. Brodogradnja 5 154. P~UZKIGHA, Stijapo:, inz. Some observations and data relative to the construction of the hu-11, Brodogradnja 6 no.1:1-11 155. BAREIDIJA, Stijepo, inz. (:Iijeka, u1. Viktora Cara Emina) Trend,- in the buildilng of' freighters. Tehnika Jug 18 no. 8: Supplement: Masinotvo 12 no. 8: 1498-11.04 Ag 163. 1. Pomocnik glavnog direktora Brodogradilista "3. maj",. Rijeka. BPMIDIJA, Stljepo, dipl. inz, Gas cutting in 6hipbui.l~--'.-.,--, 6 n,-.-/ 16",. 1 L, 4 i 4 B IN,-_YqX_#-Boriso:r-iaht-prof.; SOKOLOVA, Ye.G., red.; GABERLAND, M.I., --P= tekhn. red. [Pigmentary tables for studying the acquired pathology of color vision] Pigmentny6 tablitsy dlia iseledovaniia priobretennoi pa tologii tsvetovogo zreniia. Izd.2., parer. i dop. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo med.lit-ry Medgiz, 1960. 32 p. plates (MIRA 14:6) (COLOR SENSE) USSR/Medicine Biology - Regeneration, 21 Apr 52 Healing of Wounas "Distribution of Ribonucleic Acid in Cells in the Re- generation Which Follows the Amputation of Extremi- ties of White Mice," N. F. Barkina, Inst of Animal Morphol imeni A. N. Severtsov,.Acad Sci USSR "Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol LXXXIIIJ, No 6, PP 917-919 In Mice, which do not regenerate amputated extremi- ties, an increased development of ribonucleic acid during the process of healing takes place in the con- nective tissue only. The process differs from that occurring after amputation of extremities of young tadpoles (stages up to 111b) and axalot1s, which regenerate the amputated member under increased formation of ribonucleic acid in all tissues. In mice and other animals that do not regenerate mem. bers (tadpoles of stage IIIa), the 1st stage of regeneration (that of destruction and de-differ- entiation) is skipped. Presented by Acad A. I. Abrikosov 28 Feb 52. 36-196 /1 '716VOOQ1OOIV0581,_~o1 A05~~i,, 10 1 1%U71MRS: DarkinI~h~,.yev, G., Aliyev, G. M., Eeriinov, !. G. TITLE: T~-tr~ c'foct of ~idmlxture on elecL1,1C puro sa- I e n i u: n, 1P '9_2, 5' - 51P ER 10 D !C AL -Ref-rativily- zhurnal, 11,,'etallurgiya, no. abstract, -:"2 zv . PON Azerb-"S'SIR . Ser . f i z . -.,,natemi n.", no. 3, 1961, 0,;, - 7L, `,~zerbaydzhanian summary) T EXT The effect of Ga on electric properties of pure Se -,-;o~s studied as well as the possibility of substituting; by gallium the halciz! 1cim-Lxtures apIplied at oresent in the industry. The Se used had a plzrity of "D,).95,06"'. Ga was intro- L 11 duced both as GaSe and in thometallIc form. 11hen producing Ga and Se samples, a _echanical mixture of Se powder and m~,tallic Ga was charged into ampoules, v'hich e evacuated to the Dressure of 10 rm;i mercurty column. and place_- in a mffle n The e_--:Dosure was :.,-z-nace .-:.-1ere the temperature %,,as gradually raised up to 0,30C. )t hoars and therea.-:ter the mixture was cooled v.,ith t',,Ie -furnace. %-rhcr. preparing. Se and GaSe swmples, the mechanical mmixture in evacuated ampoules was heated to 1,ICOOC. The electric conductivity was measured by a sound method in the tempera- Card 1/2 o- ,2;-.e effect of sailium admixture on... ture ranz;e of 2~ - 2000C both on pal e Se sa%lple~; a,,-.,,! on tLose 0.'25, 0-5o " 3 22, 3 and 4 ~-,' Ga. it has been zhovtn that ,!ith an inc-cased Ga concentration (,Iect-ic conductivity increas-es, rea.(,-hes and tul,en drops . ,t 4el') Ga, ,7~dded in the foz-r-, of Go.Se, Se chan~;(,s li"ot"1111C cli;waoter Of Into mml- -aonductor one. T~Ile elect-ric concluctivity of lie sariples a r:~Otdlic Ga admix- u ~,:.,-e incrcase:3 wi-tIl the temperature. The differen'ial force 11 NO 0 C. At indoor temperature the ::as i-.,,easured in 'lie te-moerature ran-e of 20 0 er::,.oc-lectromotive force of Se is 91.4pv/degree, and it drops rapidly wituh 'he Samples -~.,itll a Ga admixture have a hole type conductivity. increase of temperature. GaZe and metallic Ga adm-L.--tures change essentillaily the course of the ter,,Iperattire -dependence of the thermoellectromnotive force of pure Se. The thernoelectromiotive roe o;' le ;,;it', wi'h 'lie a Gaf,e and motal'lic Ga ad,,:ui-tu-c increases Lcmnerature. "'lie hole nobiii',, in Sc ~,-.ith a GaSe admixture !ncreases t',le -te:-,-,:)e,-a+.ure, an" in Se with a metallic Ga admixfture it decreases ulp to 7GOC aund increases a -further :Lncrease of the temperature. B. T,,ur,)Vsl,!_Y rAbstracter's note: Complete translation] L C ard S/058/62/000/005/0841/1-39 4. ACOWA1011 AUTHORS: Aliyev, G. M., Abdullayev, G. B., 13aridnkhoyev, Kh. G., Keri:zov, !.G. r- 'Electrical properties of pure selenium P22IODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 5,1952, 2,), abstract 5:-:230 ("Ple'ruzeler. AzerbSSR Yelmler A'~cad. Dokl. AN AzerbSSR", 1961, v. 17, Do. 7, 569 - 574; Azerb. summary) =T: The temperature dependence of concentration n and of mobility,t( of p-type carriers in Se has not been fully clarified yet. in semiconductors, n E;ro,,.,s usually while tL drops with ap rise of temperature. The inverse was true of Se material of a purity of99.994%. Functions characteristic'of- semiconductors were obtained wi th Se of puri'~y 99.990 Diagrams were plotted w" tho rcsuts of measurements, performed between 0 and 2000C, on electrical conductivity, ther- mo-emf, and the dependence calculated for n and Ltusing these data. B. Ollid-,ov [Abstracter's notle: Complete translation] 1,Y f" \ Card 1/1 ACCESSION NR; Arh005130 S/0249/63/019/008/0009/0013 AUTFORS: Abdullayev, 0. B.; Aiiyev, G. Y.; Barkinkhoyev, Kh. G. TITLE: Effect of gallium impurities on the thermal conductivity of hexagonal selenium - SOURCE: AN AzerbSSR. Doklady*, v. 19, no. 8, 1963, 9-13 TOPIC TAGS: selenium thermal cenductivity, selenium, thermal conductivity, hexago- nal seleniump gallium impurity effect, gallium impurity, gallium, amorphous seleni- um, metallic impurity, selenium valve, Ioffe formula, phonon mechanism, absorption coefficient, crystalline selenium, nonmetallic impurity, crystal lattice, metallic gallium impurity, selenium doping, phonon scattering ABSTRACT: The influence of metallic gallium admixtures on the heat conductivity of crystalline selenium in the temperature interval of 85-450K has been studied. Cylindrical crystal agglomerates of pure selenium with Os O.25s 0.50, 1.0, 2.0, 3.4 and h.0 wt ON were tested. Their diameters were 10-12 mm and their lengths 10-13 rm. Tests were conducted under static conditions. To avoid--adiation heat losses, lateral surfaces of the specimens were coated with india ink and carbon black. It Card 1/~ ACCESSION NR: AP400513PO was found that at 299K (~ reached its maximum for the 1"O" admixture. A study of temperature-A relations for 3 samples brought out the existence of mir-ijna in the 300-330 "t ra-e. The elec-tron component of A was estimated to be on the order of -10-i0 --- 10-8 cal/cm, sec degree. The phonon theory of heat conductivity indicates that for the Debye temperatures and a bove,tk is inversely proportional to T: YaA T cu.ceg-zpaa The present experiments confirmed this theory for T between the temperatures of liquid nitro.-en and room temperature (with coefficient a varying from 0.75 to 0.98 for different samples). At higher te,"rperatures (350K) an increase in A, reaching 25-30% at 409K, was observed. This increase is attributed to the photon mechanisr. and to heat being conducted by electromagnetic readiation. T:ie authors thank 0. G. Reriv, director of the heat laboratory, for his interest and valuable suggestions. Orig. art. has: 3 graphs, 1 table, and 3 equations, ASSOCD.TIChl: Institut fiziki All AzerbSSR (Institute of Physics AN AzerbSSR) SUBMITTED: 23Y1aY63 DATE ACQ: 20Jan6h EINCL: 30 Card 2/3 7-.,, , ACCESSION NR: AP4005130 SIM CODE: PH Card 3/3 FM NO REF SOV: 015 OTHER: 004 AtC=10N NR: AP4027708 B/Oi33/031000/000/0073/0078 AAJTHOR: . Barkinkhoyevi . Sh. G.; Ankerov, Ch. AL; Allyei, Gi, K TITLE: The affect of a mercury admbdure on the electric properUes of selenium SOURCE: AN AzerbSSR. Izvestlys. Sertya fiz. -matem. i tekhn. ncLuk, no. 6, 1963, 73-78 TOPIC TAM: mercury, mercury vapor, selenium, electric conductivity, dif-- fusion facto r, componerst suspension,. molybdenum ampule, thermoelectromotive forces doner level, acceptor level A13STRACT: The' investigation into the effect of mercury impurities on the elec- tric pRoperties of selenium was prompted by the contradicto opinions on 11as subject pubL-shed in literature. The samples involved in the7 at were moirko. e den.urp ampules with selenium and mercury. Following a special treatm6nfi'"s sampt~s .*ere crystallized at 210C for 26 hours. The electric conductivity md: therin 041ectromotive force were then measured br the compensation m6thod. and the graphs were plotted-on the basis of Ow mean values of me"ral Wows- Card ACC FSSION NR: AP4027708 me rMs. The same samples were used for measuring the thermaelectromotive foRce in relation to copper,within an 8-10 degree gradient and 20-200 C temper- a%-e range. The experimental data reveal that the small concentrations of Memijry atoms in the selenium tend to reduce its electrical conductivity. This. cari 14e explained by the assumption that the mercury atoms in the selenium pro-, doce donor levels which increase with increasing impurities, intensifying their, compensation of the selenium acceptor lev 18. Such an effect of the impurities the selenil prior to the full compensation of m, accep'tor levels, should lead to a reduced electric conductivity. The increasing temperature relationship of t6: 'concentration and the reduced mobility of the current carrier in selenium are natural from the point of view of the band theory. All the data published in " literature indicate that the mobility Increases and the concentration of the cur-- tent carriers in selenium decreases with temperat%ires. But this problem, an '-,the whole, is still not very clear. Orig., art. ha6i 8 fturts ASSOCIAT100: AN AzerbSSR SUBLUTTED:~,00 DATE ACQ-i 17Apr84 ENCLt 00 SUB dODE: PH, CH NO REFSOV.- 504 OTHER: 006 Cwd 2/ 9 BARKINKHOYEV., Kh.G.; ALIYEV, G.M. Electric properties of selenium of varying purit3r in the solid and liquid phases. Izv. AN Azerb. SSR.Ser. fiz.-mat. i te" nauk no.3:95-101 163. (WRA 16:11) ABDTJLLAYEV, G.B.; ALIYEW, G.M.; BARKINKHOYF-V-,, Kh.G. Thermal conductivity of selenium. Fiz. tver. tela 5 no.12t3614-3615 D 163. (AURA 17-.2) 1. Institut fiziki AN AzerbSSR, Baku. ABDUIJAYEV, G.B.; ALIYEV, G.M.; R~"INKHOYIT, jh.G.- - Effect of gallium impurities on the heat conductivity of hexagonal selenium. Dokl. AN Azerb. SSR 19 no-8:9-13 163. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Institut AN AzSSR. 7 .ACCESSION NR: AP4028423 S/0161/64/006/004/1016/1022 'AUTHORS-. Abdullayev, G. B.; Aliyev, G. M.; Barkinkhoyev, Kh. G.; Askerov, Ch. M.; LarionkinA, L. S. TITLE: Electrical properties of crystalline and liqui d selenium after d;oxygenation -SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 6, no. 4, 1964, 1018-1022' ~TOPIC TAGS: electric conductivity, selenium, deoyygenation, thermoelectromotive force, solid liquid study ABSTRACT: -The authors measure.d-the electrical conductivity and the thermoelectro- .motive force of three samples of Be in the tempei-ature interval 293-773K. The -3, 1~1 10-4./ ~aamples were characterized by the following impurity concentrations: 10 and 10-51"' for the three samples, respectively. Measurements were made on all three ;samples before deo;qrgenation (ordinary Be) and on samples 1 and 3 after deo>Wgena- .tion. Different jumps in conductivity were observed during fusion of all three :samples of ordinary Be. The activation energy of electrical conductivity was found Ito be 2-05 ev for liquid Be of this type. In the solid phase, the thermoelectro- ~,motive force of sample 1 ordinarySe declined with increase in temperature. During C,,d 1/2 IACCESSION NR: AP4028423 ~.fusion the sign changed to negative, and in the liquid phase it increased in ;absolute value. The thermoolectromotive force of samples 2 and 3 ordinary So in the DiLring fusion it fell sharply .crystalline stato increased with rise in temperature. L ...'(to zero), did not change sign, and increased again in the liquid state. Afier Ideoxygenation, the conductivity at room temperature declined approximately by a lfa~tor of 100. No jumps were observed. The activation energy of the conductivity_ !in such liquid Se became 0.6 ev. The thermoelectromotive force of samples 1 and 3 'tin the liquid state indicates n-type conductivity, increasing in absolute value. In crystalline Se of sample 3, no thermoelectromotive force was observed. It was observed in sample 1, but the value was small and corresponded to hole-conductivity. "The authors express their thanks to Professor A. R. Regell for his interest in the i !work and for his valuable advice." Orig. or+.. has: 1 figure. !ASSOCIATIONi Institut fiziki AN Azerb. SSR, Baku (Institute of Physics, AN Azerb. 'SSR) SUBMITTEDt 18Sep63 ENCLi 00 -J SUB CODE: NO REF SOVs 004 OTHERt 011 Card 2/2 aAlitn'-N' :,).I. GRO-S)SMAN, B.S., inshener, BARU,011, D.I., Inshener. Parallel nower sunply for high voltnge Automptir., blor',7 R.vatem linen. Avt6m.,telem.1 eviazi no.5;36-38 MY '57. (M!,HA 11).-7) (Railroads-Signalin&-Block system) BARKWN, D.I., inzh. Switching automatic blocking from direct to n1ternnting current. Avtom., telem. i aviaz' no.10:26-27 0 '57. (MIRA 10:11) (Railroads-SignAling-Block system) BARKION, D.I.. inzh. Testing method for feeding cables of track transformers. Avtom. telem. i sviaz' no.9:32 S '57. OuRA 11:4) (Electric cables-Testing) BARKLON, L.I. (Ufa) 21cistence of a solution to a certain class Of S"Stemb C" nonlinear integral equations. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; mat. no.6:31-15 165. 1c/,.-1) 1. Sub-utted October 24, 1964. ? i IA- ~' . - 1'. . 1 3~3' -,' I ~ -0 .7 co ~ .,o-' ovI ~., - ':,, ~--l C~l . -l C,%7 -` --.-C , -', --7. ~'Iravc, !~~C. :: - --, - - . -I C. 1.'.C. *..;, l"l*l,.,,:n;:!.,l-,.-I~h stat Vo- ;~, o.":- .1%4 RARKMAII, N.M., professor %I,,,, ".- "Organization of medical and sanitary services to petroleum processing industry of the U.S.S.R." by Reviewed by E.M.Barlman. 6ovadrav. 15 no-5:61-62 workers of the Z.Fitskholauri. 3-0 156. (Iff.LRA 10:1) (PHTROISUM INDUSTRY--HYG13NIC ASPEGTS) (PITSMIAURI, Z-) BARKRAN, I.M.; ZAMKOVA, Z.N. "Organization and methods of dispensary services for the rural population* by R.V.Bannikov. Abstract by B.M.Barkman. Z.N.Zamkova. Zdrav.ROB.Feder.1 no.2:37 F 157. (MIRA 10:7) (MEDICINE, RURAL) (BANNIKOV, R.V.) c~ BARMAN, ~ -111~ . ~ ;;6 .. Glorious anniverear7. Sov.zdrav. 16 no.4:63-64 Ap '57. (MIaA 10:8) (MOEVA. VERA PAVIA)MA, 1881-- ) lir'.Ilvha~il, 6.11. - t-- "Pkibli,-, Hcalth in the Daghestan Republic"; new periodical. Reviewed by B.M.Bark=n. Zdrav.Ros.Feder. 1 no.6:29 Je '57 - (RLRA 10:8) (II(JBIAG ILKALTH-MIODICALS) ji Q, Y )~ )~ 10, 1%, k~ P 1, BARKMAN, E.M.; ZAMKOVA, Z.N. "Studying the requirements of irdustrial enterprise workers in therapeutic and prophylactic services" by I.V.Pustovoi [Abstracted by R.M.Barkman, A".N.Zamkoval. Zdrav.Ros.Feder. 1 no.4:38 Ap '57 (MEDICINE. INDUSTRIAL) (MIRA 10:11i (PUSTOVOI, I.V.) BARKMAY, U.M.. prof. -Useful book Nollection of methodical latters.1 No.2. OSpecialized medical services in rural areas.' Reviewed b7 B.H.Barkman)a Zdravs Ros.Feder. 2 no.2:34-35 F 158. (MM 11:3) (MEDICINE, RURAL) BAREMAN. N.M.; ZAMKOVA, Z.1. ."Organization of therapeutics in a corsolidated hospital of a city district" by P.P.Obnorskii. Reviewed by S.M.Bnrkman. Zdrpv.Ros. Feder. 2 n0.3:38 Mr 158. VIRA 11:3) (HOSPITAIS) (OBNORSKII, P.P.) BaKKA19; E.M., prof , TOPBLIBXRG, M.S. . Work on problems in the organization of public health being conducted at medical institutes. Zdrav~Ros.Fed. 2 no-90-9 S '58 (MIRA 11:10) I* 1z U6,11enogo soveta Ministerstva 2dravookhraneniya ROSR i kafedry organizatsii zdravookhrnneniva (zav. - prof. N.A. Vinogradov) TSentrnll- nogo institute, usovershoustvovaniya vrachey (dir. V.P. Lebedeva.). (PUBLIC HEALTH-STUDY AND TEACHING) MTEGN, E.M.. i)rof. - - 11 - Problems in the regular and advanced trnininr of key public hf-,-lth personnel. Sov.zdrav. 17 no.8:19-23 Ag 158 (HIRA 11:9) (PUBLIC MWH, educ in RuDnia (Rua)) BARMWI, E.H., prof. Problems of -public health in nedical journals of the Union Republics of'Central Asia; survey. Sov.zdrav. 18 no.6: 25-29 '59. 041RA 12:8) 1. Iz k-afedry organizateii zdravooldiraneniya (zav. - prof. II.A.Vinogradov) TSentral'nogo instituta usovershenstvovaniva vrachey. (PUBLIC HF4kLTII in Union of Central Asian Republica (Rua)) BAPIMAN E.M. prof. (Moskva); GAUTMAN, M.Ta., dotsent; KOT, V.I., aspirant -- - (Kishinev) Seminars for the chief doctors of districts. Zdrav.Ros.Feder. 4 no.2-.30-33 F 160. (MIR& 13:5) (MOLDAVIA--MLIC ERMH--SMY A19D TSACHIM) BARKMAN 2-F um~b__Rrorl - "Analysis of the financial arki economic activity of a hospital" by I.A.Gorokhover. Reviewed by E.F.Barkman. Zdrav.Ros.Feder. 4 no.11: 40-41 160. (Y7RA 13:11) (HOSPITALS--FINANCE) (GOROKHOVER0 I.A.) A], -BLREM9 E.t prof. -A--- - In memory of G.A.Batkis. Scrv.zdrav. 19 no.10:88-89 160, (HIPA 14: 1) (UTKISO GRIGORII ABRAMOVICH, d.1960) BARDIANP rM.,,-.Rrof. "Public health system in capitalist countries" by V.S.Grazhull. Reviewed by E.M~Barktaan. Sov.zdrav. 19 no.11:73-74 160, (PUBLIG HEALTH) (GRAZHULI, V.S.) (MIRA 13:11) BAR Eimo, prof. "Organization of the inpatient section of a eity hospital" by S.IA.Freidlin. Reviewed by E.MOarlamn. Sov.zdrav. 19 no.V: 70-71 160. (MIRA U:3) (HOSPITAIS-40MINIST RATION) (FREIDLI~", S.IA.) BAW,IANq B.M.9 prof 6 --iff-it-o-iy-of Russian medicine.n Part 1: Period up to 1917, by P.E. Zabludovskii. Reviewed by E.M. Barkman. Zdrav. Ros. Feder. 5 no. 4:38 AP 161. (MIRA 1-4:4) (MEDICUM) (ZABLUDOVSKII, P.E.) B A MW I, E , prof ; FOFANOV, V.P. Teaching of disability evaluation in medical ins-,itutes. ZL-av. Ros. Feder. 6 no.4:11--15 Ap 162~ (KIRA 15:4) 1. Iz kafedry organizatsii zdravookhraneniya (zav. - prof. N.A. Vinogradov) TSentrallnogo in:jtituta us avc!rs lions tvovan iya vrachey (rektor M.D.Kovrigina). (DISABILITY EVALUATION--STUDY AIND TEACHING) BARMAN, E.M.-; PUSTOVOY, I.V. Ten-day courses for local organizcr;; of public health. Zdrav. -,-.Os, Feder. 6 no.4:43 Ap :62~ V~aRA 15:4) (PUBLIC HEALT11-STUDY J0,11i i!!AU1111,40 BARKMN_L E.M. , prof. "Planning and analysls*of expenditures for hospital and polyclinic maintenance" by I.A.Gorokhover. Reviewed by E.M. Barkman. Zdrav.Ros.Feder. 6 no.12:30-31 D 162, (MM 16:1) (HOSPITAIS--ADMINISTRATION)(HOSPITALS-FINANCE) BAR10,11ANY E. M.; FOFANOV, V. P. "Collection of scientific and practical works on the organiza- tion of the public health system and the history of medicine". Reviewed by E. M. Barkman, V. P. Fofanov. Zdrav. Ros. Feder. 6 no.6:38-39 Je 162. (MIRA 15:7) (PE101 PROVINM-DISKASES-REPOITEING) (PUBLIC HEALTH) BARKMANI:~.M., prof. "Russian intelligentsia and problems of social bygiene; first bygienic society in Russia" by E.I.Lotova. Reviewed by E.M. Barkman. Zdrav,Ros.Feder. 7 no.2s4l-42 F 163:) (MIRA 1634) (PUBLIC HEALTH) (LOTOVAS E. I BARZMAV, E.M., prof.; POPAPOT, V.P., assistent Work of the Department for the Organization of Public Health Service of the Central Institute forthe Impravement of Physiciang in carrying out periodic out-of-town activities. Zdrav. Rou. Feder. 7 no.-5:21-23 My'63- (MIRA 16:6) 1. Iz kafedry organizataii zdravookhraneniya (zav, - prof* N.A.Vinoqradov-) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvoraniya vrachey (rektor IT.D.Novrigina), (PUBLIC HEALTH) -BARKMAN, E.M., prof (Moskva) New stage in the inprovement of the qualifications of leading personnel of the public health service. Zdrav. Ros. Feder. 7 no.9:29-31 S 163. (MIRA 16:10) BARKMAN) E.M., prof. (Moskva) Results of correspondence courses in improving the qualificatinns of instructors in medical history. Zdrav. Ros. Feder. 8 no.31 39-40 Mr'64 WiA 1714) BARMAN., 0. M. Gand. Med. Sci. "The Influence of Functional Itritations on the Healing of Post-Extraction Wounds and Forrmation of an Alveolus for Dental Drosthesis'll Sto-matoligiya, No-3, 1949. Chair Orthopedic Stomatol. amd Chair Surgical Stomatol., Moscow Stomatol. Inst. f~ DOM(74YSLOV., N.S., arkhttaktorl BOLYUS, Yu,M., Inzh.; BARKO, A.S., arkhitektor A new aeries of unified olamenta of panel Walls. Prbm. Btrois 42 no.8t 15-18 165, (MIRA 18t9) 19 TSentrallnyy nauchno-inaledovateltakiy i proyaktno-ol-flpoi-irc-ntalt.-*,Y Imititut pronyahlemykh zdanty i sooriazlitinlyq BAM, Sandor From the life 6r the Keeskament radio club. Radiotechnilm 13 no.129456 D '6j'*, GALL, Sandor, dr.; BODNAR, Sanaor, dr.; BARKOCZI, Marta Prevention of infantile alimentary lesions due to nitrate containing drinking water. 11epegeszsegugy 37 no-7:190-192 July 56. 1. Kozlemeny a Szabolcs-Szatma~- megyei korbaz (igazgato: Salamon, Istvan, dr.) laborato~iuril osztalyarol (foorvos: Gall, Sandor, dr.) es Szabolca-Szatmar megye kozageszsegug7i- jarvanyugyi allomasarol (igazgato: -Teaztreberyi. Rrno, dr.). (METHEMOGLOBINDIIA, in inf. & child caused by, nitrate containing drinking water, prev. by control of open wells) (WATER SUPPLY nitrate containing drinking water causi themoglobinemia in inf., prev. by control of open wellsnfHumne)) (NITRATES, inj. eff. methemoglobinemia in inf. caused by nitrate containing drinking water, prev. by control of open wells (Hun)) BARKOCZY, Gyula New) outstanding materials in the dyeing industry. Magy kisipar 6 no.22:6 I N 162. 1. Szobafesto- es mazolomester. . BARKOOZIs Ilona "Nebraska sMosium on motivation", edited by Marshall R. Z~Tpnes. Reviewed b7 Ilona Barkoczi. Mag7 pszichol szonle ,W? no-4:453-456 160. I LARKOOZY, Istvan F,xpariences with timber production and haulage with regard to select cutting, Erdo 12 no.11:481-4/86 V 163. 1. Tolnamecyei Allami -Erdogazdasag Pari Erdeszotanek musz&k-i ve~letoja. BARKOCZY Pal. SZOKE, Gyula, dr. Economical niestions of construcing dwelling house floors and ceilinL., Ath stressed concrete beams. 14agy ep ipar 13 no.10:575-582 164. BARKOUSKI, S. .*. ~ ,W A tale about the poople off PoInsye ("Backwoods Town". Lldiia Olpikhova. Reviewed by S.Barkouski). Rub. I sial. 32 no.3:15 Mr 156.(MIRA 9:7) (Obukhova, Lidlia) BARKOUSKI, S. (-~- -