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VOLF.1 V1. International course on biological ekfects of radiation in Rehovot, Israel. Jaderna energie 9 no.3:100-101 Mr f63. VOLF, Vladimir, MUDr. . ---" -"t -. Possibilities of influencing of metabolism of radioactive substances. Pracovni lek. 8 no-5:351-365 Oct 56. 1. Z Ustavu hygieny, prace a cborob z povolani v Praze, reditel prof. Dr. J. Telsinger. (ISOTOPES. metabolism. regulation (Cz)) YURI YEV, V.Tael-i--q~~,ro STRDNA., I.G.., kand. sellkhoz. nauk., zam. otv red;j VOLIF V.G., red.; POLYAKOV, I.M., red.; LAPTSEVICH, G.; r d,,, 7TTTZT,'F.N.., red.; POKIDIKO, A.I., red.; POTOTSKAYA, L.A., tekhn. r-6d. [Scientific problems in seed production, the study and the inspection of seeds] Nauchnya voprosy semenovodstva, semenove- deniia I kontrollno-semennogo dela; sbornik materialov. Kiev, Izd-vo Ukr. akad. sellkhoz. nauk, 1962. 203 P. (MIRA 16:5) 1. SoveshchaniYe po organizatsii nauchno-issledovatellskoy ra- boty v oblasti semenovodstya, semeno*adeniya i kontrollno- semer(hogo dela. Kharkov, 1961. 2. Uk*4nakly nauchno-issledo- vatellskiy institut rasteniyevodstya,'selektsii i genetiki (for Strona). (Seed industry) inzhener; GLEBOVICH, G VOL' J., kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk. Problem of measuring non-linear distortions by the method of reciprocal modulation. Yest.sylazi 14 no.4:14-16 Ap 134. (RUA 7:6) 1. Prepodavatell Kiyevskogo Instituta kinoinzhoneroy (for Vollf). 2. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy radiotakhniki Gorikovskogo politakhnichookogo institute, im. A.A.Zhdanova. (Sourid-Aeasurement) USSR --------- - i- N." MCA ,Vol. noati;car distortual, lIItrtxluf:xll ?IV aAl aJ systf:q it I% ~cc~sarv t(k U.~, a ciiatinclous ~Fk~ctrucn Id R, Ia ti, VOLT, 74% N. I "Problem of t"lonlinear fransformations of Oscillations of Comr.lex --Crmll Kiev loly-technic Institute A report' delivered at a conference on 2;lectro-Acoustics held b.-,~ the Acoustic Commission, the Acoustic Institute of the AcadeaV of 3ciences, USSA, and the Kiev Order of Lenin polytechnic Inst., from 1-5 Ju1Y 1955 in Kiev. SO: Sum 728, 28 Nov 1955 ritenvily of Harmonic and Combination Co nentis in tho Noolinear 01martiona of Co M, VGIT. (390, 2 19SS. vol. 1, N6,17pp_T2rI'Bj The effect of linear. quadratic and cubic; response characteristics *on W. anplar, saw-tooth and rect4hplar signals is con. sidered: results are tabulated, VOL'F,V.K. Comparison of sensitivity in the harmonic and reciprocal modulation methods of measuring nonlinear distortions. TrwW lom. po akust. 8:70-75 053. (912A 8:8) 1. Kiyevskiy institut kinoinzhenerqv. . (Acoustics-Neasurewent) - - -- -~ - I-,.- --- .1.1 .,-. -1 1-- 4~~,-,,; - ~ m -.- --~ M- FF.- W~ Ult-I --- �~ I)D!~ ", I,.- --- - - - - -1 - I.. . w f I ) USSR/Electronics Vd FD-2228 Card 1/1 Pub 90-8/12 Author : *VO Title : Appraisal of the quality of audio-frequency transmitting devices Ferio6,ical : Radiotekhnikal-10., 59-62, Mar 1955 Absl'-_~,ct : The effect of power supply voltage pulsation upon the level of noise gen- erated in a push-pull amplifier circuit, is discussed in this a-ticle. certain conditions of power supply pulsations it is possible to raise the non- linear distortions, without affecting the noise level. To lower the overall level of the self-generated noises in a push-pull amplifier circuit, the arms of the network are made symmetrical, though the noise level in each arm in- dividually might be high. 3 USSR references. Tables; graphs. Institution; *Active member of the All-Union Scientific and Technical Society of Radio Engineering and Electric Comunications imeni A. S. Popov, Moscow Submitted : 12 Jul 1954 Subject Card 1/2 Author Title USSR/Radio Engineering Pub. go - 4/8 Vollfp V. M. AID P - 4238 Pulse measurement of nonlinear quantities Periodical Radiotekhnika, v. 11, no. 1, 32-41, Ja 1956 Abstract The author discusses a method of measuring nonlinear distortions by applying a periodic series of pulses (pips). He examines certain characteristics of the method and formulates requirements to which basic elements of the measuring apparatus should conform. The author studies the influence of the band-elemination filter on the evaluation of nonlinearity in a quadratic and a cubic system. He selects the proper measuring- signal characteristics, the frequency range and the filter band-width which permit obtaining best measuring results and assuring the optimum selectivity of the filters. All data obtained by analytical methods were confirmed experimentally. T*o diagrams, 2 Soviet ref- erences (1949, 1955). ' Radiotekhnika, V, 11, no. 1, 32-41, Ja 1956 Card 2/2 Pub. 90 - 4/8 InBtitution : None Submitted : il 16, 1955 AID P - 4238 VC) ~, PF I V, m .- BIESNARKWITlyi) B. N1., VCLF, V. V. , V. z;., K~i!i(;,i'_`7IJY, 1., -L. T. .- a rx-I YURYZJ, A. A.- 1. __ - K "Wwrc Ana~yseri, and Spc~ztma.~'erG vith Variable-Tuninf~ Filt-,ru vith Cores. " -I/ paper presented at the 4th All-Union Conf. an Acoustics, Moscov, 26 May - ~R Jun 58. 8315h - S/108/60/015/009/006/008 o pss n 13002/BO67 AUTEORS: Beskorovaynyy, B. M.f Vollf, V. M., Gorbenko. V. S., Karnovskiy, M. I., Shotskiy.-BLI-TYurlyev, A. A., Membcrs of tho Society TITLE: Perrit With Variable Adjustment V\4000' PERIODICALs Radiotekhnika, 1960, Vol- 15, Po- 9, PP. 57-611 .1 TEXT% In 1958, analyzers and spectrometers for frequencies of the sound-wave range were developed at the kafedra akustiki i zvukotekhniki Kiyevskogo politekhnicheskogo instituta (Chair of Acoustics and Sound Engineering of the Kiyev Polytechnic Institute) in which ferrite filters 7ith variable adjustment are used. Besides, also ferrite filters with variable adjustment were developed, which operate in the range'of up to 120 kc/s. In the present paper, the following is discussedt Selection of material and shape of the core; working conditions of the*magnitoprovod; nonlinearity of the characteristics of ferrite cores and selection of the input signal; temperature compensation; transients in ferrite filters. The analyzer developed at the aforementioned institute has the following Card 1/2 * "Mete_ C*trc. it 83154 Ferrite Filters With Variable Adj1istment -/108/60/015/009/006/poa ~002/BO67 datat frequency range 40 c to 15 kc/s divided into five sub-rangest 40 - 150 0, 120 - 450 0, 400 - 1500-C, 1200 - 4500 c and 4000 - 15000 c. The ferrite filter with variable adjustment consists of two F-shaped members mounted to f -2000 (P-2000) ferrite cores of the type OLLI-20 (OSh-20) for the first two frequency ranges and of the typeOW-12 (OSh-12) for the remaining frequency ranges. The relative band-width of the fertite filter with variable adjustment is 10t(1-5 - 2) ~. Thus, on a detuning by half an octave 45 decibels and on a detuning by one octave more than 60 decibels are attenuated. The frequency characteristics of the apparatus are presented in Fig. 12. There'are 12 figures and 5 Soviet references. SUBMITTED: December 30, 1959 Card 2/2 VOLIF, V.M.; GATKIN, N.G.; GEPUOIN, V.A.; KARNOVSKIY, M.I. Interference rejection of a receiving channel "band filter - detector - lower frequencies filter - threshold device." Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; radiotekh. 8 no-4:404-410 Jl-Ag 165. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Submitted May 7, 1964. VOLIF VOMO Regen,,i-ated stage with high stability. Radiotpkhnika 20 no.3:26-20 Mr 165. (MIRA :L8z6) I.-*. DbyNtvitellftyy bhl~m Natchnb-tekhnichesTcogo obshchpstva radiotekhniki i elpktrosvyazi imeni Popove. SAVINKOVA, Ye.I.; VOLIF, Ye.F. Effect of the concentration of ferric sulfate on the separatLion of silicon dioxide from pickling solution. Trudy Ural. politekh. inst. no.94slO3-105 160. (MIRA 15:6) (Matals-Pickling) (Silica) LlTVINOVA, R.I.; VOLIF, Ye.M.; TIKHONOV, Yu.A. Developmental anomaly of vessels in the lower extremities. Vest. rent. i rad. 40 no.6:52-54 11-D 165. (1,9RA 15:7) 1. Detakaya gorodskaya klinicheskaya bollnitoa No.2 imeni I.V. Rusakova i kafedra detakoy khirurgii (zav. - prof. S.Ya. Doletskiy) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershonst,vovaniya vrachey, Moskva. VOLIF, Yo.; TSELLNER, V. Integral equations for YN-scattering. Zhur. eksp. i tear. fiz- 40 no.1:163-169 Ja 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Ob"Yedinennyy institut yadernykh Assledovaniy. (Intergral equations) (Icattering (PhYsics)) VO~ ~F_~V21 DOMOKC611, G. 'i Reaction 'r1- + p - >A'4 V. Zhur.PkSP-i t"r-' Z- 4-2 n0-3:871- 871, Mr 162. (MM 15:4) 1. Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy. (Nuclear reactions) SHMOVITS, I.; SHISHKA, K.; GUFKA, M.; VOLIF, Yu.; SMERCHANSKIY, V.; SID101max M. ~Panctional parameters for artificial blood no.3:13-20 161. of an apparatus made in Czechoslovakia circulation. Eksp.khir.i. anest. 6 (MIRA 14:10) kPBEFUSIOU PU14P (HEART)) VOLIF, Yu.; TSELLW, V. It -Dec&7 and 71~1_, -interaction. Zhur.ekBp.i toor.fiz. 41 no.3:835-841 S 161. (WFA 14:10) 1e Obl'yedinennyy institut yadernykh lssledovaaiy. (Maeons-Decay) (W-ions--Scattering) S/056/62/042/CO~/016/049 B 102/31 ~8 AUTHORS: Vollf.* YU, Domokosho Go TITLE: The reaction Tl-+ p-,\? + K, PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperiinentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 42, no. 3, 1962, 871 - 874 TEXT: The differential cross section of the reaction n-+ p--~~ + Ko is calculated, when the exchange of K"'particles", as well as the radiation correction to the Green function Ac(q2)=Q;,,IfM'-ql+[I(q 2)], and the vertices 2are taken into account. 0AV 1 if the KI spin is zero, 0 g -q qV/m if it is 1 . V" i t h as. v (1) A-v (2.,)4K (1) 1 I's, v is Qs. v (1), 4 1 (3) J< (1) = )/(1 + -Ar- 4mt, A = (ml Card 1/3 The reaction TE-+ p--I-z + K 0 S/056/62/042/003/036/040 B102/B138 qS 1 if the KI spin is 0 and [t-2(m~+1)~ if it is 1, go I F (q') 13 IM 12 _)S G2S P' T 21 is 62 16 (2n)4 W I p I kK (M I(MA + CMN)2 7 q (Al, - qT I =m2-q2+ Yt(2;t)411 MI-ml-I K (AP) K (MI) (8a) AC Im-w(AII) m3K (AFs)- + -7t-v - M2 (M3 - q S 2 (,&12) dai . 0v I P'I *rK, [(M,& + eAIv)'-qlj.(- q 2) 1 F (q')1'1 A'v do-)V T2 -(2n) W I p I ko MA I t (86) M2 - q3 + is (2n)' 71K (MI) 2 (ml 4- t) - MI IVII - M, - I K (Af~~ - 64 MIV, -SFI-( X(MI) - M, I -,zFV 0 K (m2) q2 - 2 (m2 + 1) NJ M3 q%-M' if is obtained. The subscripts S and V refer to scalar and vectorial cases respectively. 92 --r1KO,, 2 (7a) S 92 . 1 fK(M2 (76), V Card 2/3 0 The reaction + p->.2 + Y, S/05 62/042/003/036/049 B102YB138 4.; +k , the total energy in the c.m.s., E - P P , PAP - relative . Po 0 !A-p K I parity of it, p, PK' - 1 if KI is a scalar (0+) or a pseudovector W), P, - -1, if KI is a pseudoscalar (0-) or a vector (1-). F(q 2) is the form .1 2 2 factor of the vertex PI-XI, -,--(m+l)- . The reiults make it probable that KI has spin one. There are 2 figures and 4 references: 1 Soviet and 3 non-Soviet. The three references to English-language publications read as follows: 410's. Alston et al. Phys. Rev. Lett., 1, 520, 196o; Chia 11wa Chan. Phys. Hev. Lett. 6, 383, 1961; A. Mirza et al. Phys. Rev. Lett.. 6, 145, 1961; M. Gell-Mann, F. Zachariasen, Preprint Cal. Tech. 1961. ASSOCIATIONs Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research) SUBMUTTED: October 10, 1961 Card 3/3 IRLLEL_ 1f, J.]; SARANTSEVA, V.R., tekhn. red. (Calculating the trajectory of the Rogge 10-meoun] K vychi- sleniiu traektorii Redzhe P-mezona. Dubna, Ob"edinennyi in-t iadernykh issledovanii, 1963. 3 P. (NIRA 16:6) (Mesons) USSR / Domestic Animals, Rabbits Q-5 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 2, 1958, 7205 Author Yu. K. Vollf. Inst Title A New Breed of Rabbits. Orig Pub: Karakulevodstvo i zverovodstvo, 1957, No 2, 35-36 Abstract: The new breed of fluffy rabbits "Belaya Pukhovaya" is highly productive. The live weight of male rabbits is 3.6 to 4.4 kilograms and that of the females - 3.5 to 4.3 kilograms ~rabbits of the original breed weigh 2.6 to 2.9 kilograms). The yield of fluff from male rabbits amounts to 320 to 485 grams, from females - 260 to 420 grams (fluff obtained from the original breed amounts to 160 to 200 grams). Card 1/1 V(,Lr., Z. TFC111j'OT.'GY periodicals: HUTITIK Vol. 9, nc.1, Jan. 1959 VOLF, Z. Segregation zone in rimed steel fractliwes. p. 1". 1 "'ont'aly List of East Eltropean Accessions (E.----AI) LC Vol. 8) - no. 5 Lay 1959, Uncla:7s. U V Growth of austenitic grain of Lq94 9 at tub. temperatures. Irm i mo F., Di _~,n, str: 492a .;Husnicki tidy 13, 0 4-Mq$ r1E he - Wtao growtv I eniti ,of au3t c &min of medium-C steril at 120G-1350' are igiven. From heat expts. carried out with samples 20 X 20' ~ X 20 mm., the dependence of the growth of austtnitic: 1grain on temp., and on time at temp. is given. Thesizeof ;the austenitic grain depends on temp. of heating. In the Isothermal delay the speed of the growth is highest from 0 to I hr. With increasing temp , the upper region of the iinterval Is shifted to a shorter time. The first mark of 'burning of the investigated material takes place in iso- thermal delay at 1250'. With increasing temp. the time, J/ Oortens. Petr Schneld -cL- Vou, Z. "Defects in rol-led material." Hutnik. Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 5, no. 11, Nov. 1955. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAT), LC, Vol. 8, No. 6, Jun 50, Unclas ,I IVOLFY,j 0 Defects in rolled blocks caused by incorrect heating, of ingots. p. 231. HUTNIK. Vol. 6, no. 8, Aug. 1956 Praha, Czechoslovakia SOURCE: East European List (SEAL) Library of Congress, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 1957 Wl T31 an F-11) -~ J~~ L, -/~ & /). 0 AIBAKOV, A.; VOLIFBERG. D. Rapids of the St.lawrence River. TOkM9 mt& no.9:20-22 5 134, (MLEA 7:10) (Great lakes) (St.lawrenoe River-Mavigation) VOLIFBERG, D.B. "M 'I I FAM01-! , " " Talvi Z~m Hydroelectric Power Plant in the United States (frc.= "Water Power," no.8 1957). Klek.sta. supplement no.6:43-44 K-D 157. (Culumbia River--Hydroelectric power stations) b r- -, / 0 ~-3 Ild /-, ~-- , " I VOLIPBE _ --- Industrial power problems at the sectional session of the World Power Conference in Belgrade. Prom.energ., 12 no.9:38-39 S '57. (MIRA 10:10) (Belgrade-41actric power--Congresses) SOVII I Z-58-1-267 Translation from: Referativnyy'zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1958, Nr 1, p 38 (USSR) AUTHOR: Avakyan, A. B., and Vol'fberg, _P--B- TITLE~ Review of Power Installations in Switzerland (Obzor energetiki Shveytsarii) PERIODICAL: Ener okh-vo za rubezhom, 1957, Nr 1, p 1-8 9 P ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry. AVAILABLE: Lihrary of Congress 1. Power plants--Switzerland Card I/ I TOLIFMG. D.B. Review of power engineering in Ita3,v. Inargokhoz. la rabo no.5$1-10 S-0 157- (MIRA 13:1,6) (Italy-Power engineering) VOLI.IPERG, D.B.; DOROSHCHUK, V.Ye.; KRIKUNCHIK, A.B.; LEBOW, B.P.; PAKSHVER, V-.-H.;,ROXOTYAN. S.S.; SEMMMSOV, V.A. [deceased]; SMBINOVSKIY. G.V. General SODOCtS. Slek. Bta. supplement no. 1:2-4 -Ta-Y 158. (MIRA 11:7) (Power engineering) VOLIFBF,RG, D.B. Data on pn,iqr ongineering and nower systerif; in the U.S.j.. Illnk. nta. no.4 Supplement:1-8 JI-Ag 158. 0-lial., 11:10 (United States-Pownr engineering) v SOVI 1 .12 -59 -4 -642 3 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, N1- 4, p 4 (USSR) AUTHOR: Vol'fberg, D. B. TITLE: Electric Power of France in 1957 PERIODICAL: Energokh-vo za rubezho-m, 1956, Nr 2, p 42 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry. Gard 1/1 VOLIFEM D B ~s Survey of power engineering in South America. Energokhoz. za rub. no-5:1-10 S-0 '58. (MIRA 11:12) (Iiatin America--Power engineering) TOLIFBARG, D.B. 'I, ~ 11 ~ I Plenary session of the International Blectrotechnical Co=Ission in 1958. Blektrichestvo no.7:87-M JI 158. (MM 11:8) (Sweden-Blectrio engineering--Congresses) AUTHOR: Vollfberg. D.B. SW-98-58-9-!6/21 TITLE: Hydroelectric Power Plants of the USA and Their Role in the General Electric-Energy Balance of the Country (Gidroelek- tricheskiye stantsii SShA,i ikh roll v obshchem e-lektro- energeticheskom balanse strany) 41 1.1 PERIODICAL: Gidrotekhnicheskoye stroitelletvo,111,r 9, 1958, pp 44 - 47 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A list of existing hydroelectric power plants in USA is given together with their capacity, dimensions and equip- ment. There are 3 tables and 12 US references. 1. Hydroelectric power systemB Card 1/1 13(6) SOVI 112-59 A-6428 Tran,31ation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 4, p 4 (USSR) AUTHOR: jol'&=g, D. B. , Doroshchuk, V. Ye . , Krikunchik, A - B - , Lebe'4.ev, B. P., Pakshver, V. B. , Rokotyan, S. S., Sementscv, V. A., a-id sexlbinovskiy, G. V. TITLE: General Review of the Power Industry Abroad 1%1956-1957) PERIODICAL: Energokh-vo za rubzhom, 1958, Nr 2. pp 1-43 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry. Care. 1/1 VOL I IFBEIIG, D. B. Some data on Canada's paver engineering during 1957 and on her power systems. Finergokhoze za rubs no.1:1-10 Ja-F 159. (MIU 12: 4) (Canada--Power engineering) 'i ; VOLIFEM, D.B. power in the USA during 1958. Snergokhoz. za r1lb. no.2:48 Mr-Ap '59. OfIRA 12-.5) (United Statee-Ilectric power production) _ :k., _ red.; SAV 'TEV, GALOCHKIN, M.P.; iBORULYA, V.L., red.; VQL~?p~pql D EL V.I., red.; XCHU23Y, N.H., [Some problems pertaining to the develor ent of electric power engineering in the U.S.A. (1948 to 1957 1 Nekotorye vop~osy razvitiia elektroenergeticheakogo khoziaistva SShA. 1948-1957 rx. Moskva, Goe.energ.izd-vo, 1959. 82 p. (MIRA 13:3) (United States--Power engineering) _', VOLIFEMG, D.B. ....... - Stornorrfors Hydroelectric Power Station in Sweden. Znergokhoz. za rub. no.5:35-37 S-0 159. OaRA 13:2) (Stornorrfora, Sweden--Hydroelectric power stations) VOLIYBJ,RG, D.B. Construction of da=9 in Japan. laergokhoz. za rub. ao.6:32-40 V-1) '59- (Japan--Dame) (KIlU 13:3) VOLFIBIMG, D.B. Brief Information concernitle, power onginearing V some countries for 1958. rub. no.1:43-46 ju-F 160. 04IRA 13:5) (Power engineering) VOLIPBERG, D.B. Tree Karias kqdroelectric center in Brazil. Zaargokhox. za rub. no.5:39-42 S-0 160. (MIRA 13:10) (Brazil--Bydroolectric power otations) VOLIFBERG, D.B. Power engineering in Great Britain in 1959 (from 'Elect-rical' Re7iev, roe- 3 and 5, 1960). rub. no-3:44 160. (MIRA 13:7) (Great Britain--Power engineering) VOLIFBJERG Construction of hydroelectric power stationz on the Columbia River in the United States. Energokhoz,za rub. no.6:33-39 11-D 160. (MIRA 14:3) (Columbia River- -Hydroelectric power stations) VoLIFWER(i D B. inzh. =:~ 2 -]lie 'e.9th Session of the Executi,~e Comnittee of the international Commlasion on Large Dams. Gidr. strol. 32 no.8:60-61 Ag t62. (MIRA 1-:9) (Damo-congrasses) GALOCHKIN, N. P. ; 3LOL:_Ep~~Gj_.Pr B. , inzh. , red, ; LEVCHIK, L, P. , red.; SOLOVIYEVA, A.!., te)dLi. red, [Electric power engineering and power plant construction In the Commonwealth of Australia] Elektroenergetika i energeticheskoe stroitel'stvo Avstraliiskogo Soiuza. Mo- skva, Orgenergostroi, 1963, 75 p. (MIRA 16:11) (Australia---Electric power) Is V01.1/8 Cardi0vascular AU- 57 DXERPTA I-EDICA Sec. 2 3 6 8. VOLFBERG E. D. State Ped. Med. Inst., Leningrad Pubnonary ze.-*;;s -I-Cnir into-the POTICI ve~in-(Rtissian text) Arkh. Patol. 1956, 18/3 (103-104) Illus. 2 0 " Description of a case in a child aged 2.5 months: all pulmonary veins united to one common vessel, which opened into the portal vein below the diaphragm. The fora- III(M ovale was open, the left atrium was of the usual size, the left ventricle slightly smaller than the right. Brandt - Berlin (V, 1, 18) ussR/Gencral Problems of Pathology - Tumors. Compqrative U oncology. Tumors of Man. Abs-Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., No 5, 1959, 22958 4uthor : Volf'Berg, Ye.D. Inst : Title Chorioepithelioma of Ovary in a 6-Year-Old Girl. Orig Pub : Akusherstvo i ginetologiya, 1958, No 4, 105-108 Abstract : In a 6-year-old girl pains suddenly appeared in the stomach, as well as bloody discharges from the vagina. In view of the strong pain, laparotomy was performed and, in the region of the right ovary, a tumor of the size 5-5 x 4.5 x 3-5 cm was discovered. Histologically, the tumor was regarded as a chorio-epithelioma on a back- ground of teratoblastoma. Light Langhans cells and 3inticial elements were the prevalent structures in the tumor. Other elements of the tumor were fields and cords of lamellar epitheliolike cells, regarded -., components Card 1/2 - 32 - USSR/General Problems of Pathology - Tumors. Comparative U Oncology. Tumors of Man ~ -Abs Jour : Ref 2hur Biol., No 5, 1959, 22958 of a teratoblastoma. After removal of the tumor, the bloody discharges from the vagina stopped and, 1 month and 8 days after surgery, the girl was discharged in. good condition. Card 2/2 MPOVP F. I.; VOLIFBERG, Ye. D. Phlegmon in newborn infants. Khirurgiia no.6:28-33 Je 162. (MA 15:7) 1. Iz ~,,afedry khirurgii detskogo vozrasta (zav. - doktor meditsinskikh naulr G. A. Bairov) i kafedry patologicheskoy anatomii (zav. - prof. V. G. Chudakov) Leningradskogo pedintri- cheskogo meditsinsko,co' inrtituta. (INFA,'IITS(NEWBORN)-DISEASES) (PMGMON) YOLIFBNHG, Ye.D. NO. Dissecting aneiu7sm of the aorta in childhood. Pediatrila 37 no.7:82-84 J1 159. 04IRL 12:10) 1. Iz kafedry patologicheakoy anatomli (zav. - prof.D.D.Lokhov) Leningradolcogo pediatrichookogo meditninskogo instituta, (dir. - prof .11,T. Shntova). (AORTIC AIEMYS14, tn inf. & child, dissecting (Rua)) VOL' FBIMG, Ye.D. Chorioeptitholioma of the ovary in a 6-year-old girl. Akuh. i gin. 34 no.4tI05-108 J1-Ag '58 (MIRA 11:9) 1, Iz kafedry patologichookoy soatomit (zav. - prof. D.D. 14khov) 10mingradskogo pediatricheskogo meditsinskogo instituta (dir. -prof. N T. Shutova). (CHORIOCARGINOMA. case reports ovary, in 6-yearl old girl (Rus)) (OVARY, naopleame choriocarcinoma in 6-year old girl (Rua)) VOLIFBERq.Te.D. (Leningrad) I rare anse of -pulmonnry veins emptying into the DOrtAl vein. Arkh,pAts 18 no,3:103-104 '56 (MMA ll:]LO) 1; Is kafedry patologicheakoy anatomii (zave - prof, Do), iomov) Leningradakogo gosudaratvennogo pedintrichaskogo meditsinskogo instituta (dir, -prof, Me Shutova) (VEIRSXULMONART. abnorm anomalous drainage ;nto portal vein (Run)) (ABNMWLIT ISS 9 anomalous drainage of pulmonary mina into portal vein (Rua)) MINS, portal system. abnorm. (same)) "Enuilibihirs diLl '"I of the sys!enl A10-riat) !H'. 4i (DV VOLIFBERG, Ye. D. -0 Dy5enter-y in Infants." IlThe Morphological Characteristics of Contem-, ry Gand Med Sci, Leningrad State Pediatrics ',-:edical inst, !A--ningrad, 1955. ( n,,No 1P, Apr 55) SO: Sur.. i:o. 704, 2 flov 55 - Survey of Scientific and Technical Dis%ertations Defended at U-'SR Higher :;ducational Institutions (16). T, 461f)4--~SA. LI: T. (d ) /FS2-:3 D AC-C-NR, AT6022348 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/ooo/ooo/0076/OOT9 AUTHOR: Vollfbeyn, S. P. ORG: None + TITLE: Effect of interference and distortions on transmission of discrete information! by frequency modulation SOURCE: Vsesoyuznaya nauchnaya sessiya, posvyashchennaya Dnyu radio. 22d, 1966. Sektsiya teorii i tekhniki peredachi diskretnykh signalov. Doklady. Moscow, 1966, 1 76-79 1 TQPIC TAGS: data transmission, FM pulse, communication channel, aignal distortion 4y~ 4~A4^-&'W,44~ 1- AB6TRACT: A method is proposed for calculating fringe distortions during transmission of discrete signals by frequency modulation for a wide class of interference. The uke of this method is illustrated by derivation of formulas for fringe distortions which' appear when there are momentary disruptions in the channel and when a low carrier fre'- quency is used. Derivation of the principal formulas is based on the concept of them complex signal. A complex signal corresponding to an oscillation S(t) is defined as;, a signal with a spectrum equal to zero on negative frequencies and coinciding with - double the spectrum for the oscialltion S(t) on positive frequencies. Orig. art. hqs.: 7 formulas. CODE: 091 Sum DATE: o9Apr66/oRiG RF.F: 002 1. 7 umv (I S S - MACC NRt AP6033681 souRcE coDE: uR/oio6/66/oo/oio/0026/0030 AUTHOR. Yaroslavskiy, L. I.; Voltfbeyn, S. P.; Usov, I. S. ORG: none TITLE- A unthod for increasing the transmission speed of discrete information SOME: ElektroBvyczl, no. io, 1966, 26-30 TOPIC TAGS: binary code, data transmission, encoding th--ory ABSTRACT- The authors review variaticns -in the duobinary technique for improving the transmission of binary coded data. The technique treats a binary signal train to a second binary encoding, which permits higher inforrnation transmission rates and gives better reFistance to transient noise effects. A direct form of duobinary coding ia seen in Fig. 1, where (a) is the input binary signal. 11iis signalis transfori~ed i -such -that its negat:ive-going zero crossings yield (+l), "Out' it's positive-going zero crossings do not (0), resulting in the duobinary singal of (b). The 1963 papers of Lender and Bramhall on the subject are cited, and their findings on the advantages of duobinary coding are confirmed. The cited authors credit the increased transmission speed to the fact that the energy spectrum of the duobinary signal is only half that of the original; ho%mver, the present authors deny that this; G45- -67 ACC NR: AP6033681 LJ--L-j L-JF=9L-Iw-j Fig. 1. Duobinary encoding can be the reason, since a case can be shown where a doubled speed is achieved even though the energy spectrum is unchanged, Another hypothetical example of duobinary coding is given which would increase transmission speed by 1 1/2 times. Orig. art. has: 6 foz=las and 6 figures. SUB COEE: 09/ SUBM DATE: 20ju.165/ OTH REF: 003/ ATD PMSS: 5100 Card _212 _ vmb_ VOLIFENGAUT, Yu. (Tomskaya obl.) Two Inverse theorems. Mat.v shkole no.4:65-66 Jl-Ag '59. (Mmi 12:11) (Triangle) ACC NRt ,:,I (d) til'e.7 (m) /Zd? (4') /T JR SOURCE CODE: Vollfenzonl_ AUTHOR: Go.!U!mV' N. V.; X. N. ORG: None 7 TITLE; Development of power lante of sea-going ships of the Soviet merchant marine SOURCE: Sudostroyeniye, no. 11, 1965, 31-34 TOPIC TAGS: shipbuilding engineering, marine engineerin merchant marine data, marinel- engine, diesel engine, steam turbine, steam boiler, gas fu'rbine/ 8DR 30-50 diesel engine, 8DR 43-61 diesel engine, D50 diesel engine ?, D100 diesel engine, 5DKRN 50-1-10 2 diesel engine, 9DKRN 50-110 diesel engine, 7DKRN 74-160 diesel engine, 6DKRN 74-160- diesel engine, 9DKRN 74-160-2 diesel engine TS-1 steam turbine, TS-2 steam turbine, KVG-25 steam boiler, KVG-34 steam boiler, GIU-20 gas turbine ABSTRACTt A general review of a 40-year period of progress made by tne uoviet union in construction of marine power plants is presented. The prewar development including some obsolete steam and diesel power plants is retrospectively surveyed. Shipbuilding was completely discontinued during the World War. A now development started in 1950 to produce many series of new ships and marine power plants. Two-shaft plants with aw hp, 300 rpm diesel engines of EDR-30/50 type are installed on tankers "Oleg Koshevoy" and "Inzhenor Pustoahkin" and on freighters of the "Inzhener Belov" class. Diesel plants with 2000 hp, 250 rpm engines of 8DR-43/61 type are in operation on fish trawlers of the "Mayakovskiy" class, passenger ships of "Kirkizstan" class, tankers of %zbek" class end cannery~-shipo of the "Andrey Zakharov" class. Diesel d--c electric plants with a D50, 1000-hp engine are used for propulsion of the tanker "General Azi Aslanov" and fish ships of the "Tavriya" class. Diesel d-c electric plants with a D100, 18001-hp engine are employed for freighters of "Dneprogen" class, refrigerator ships of "Sevastopol'" and 1/2 UDCz 629,12-8 ACC NRt AP6014740 "Yantanvy" class, icebreaker-freighters of "Amguema" class, railway ferries of the "Sovetakiy Azerbaydzhan" class and harbor icebreakers of the "Dobrynya Rikitich" class. Low-speed one-shaft diesel plants are mentioned for freighters "Sukhona" OMM 50/110 type, 2900 hp, 170 rpm), "Vy-tegraleall (9DXRN 50/110 tYpe, 5200 hP, 170 rpm) and "Bezhitse (7DKRN 74/160 type, 8750 hp, n5 rpm). Steam-turbine plants with steam rated at 45 atm and 470 0 are used for freighters of I'Leninskiy Komsomol" class (TS-1 type, 13000 hp with a KVG-25 boiler) and for tankers of "Praga" and "Sofiya" class (TS-j type, 19000 hp with a KVG-34 boiler). The -icebreaker "Lenin" with nuclear power p1 Vtkone 20000 hp shaft and two of 11000 hp eachTis mentioned, In 1964, the tests of a 13000-hp gas turbine plant of GTU-20 type were completed for freighter "Farithskaya Kommuna". Some ships equipped with power plants of foreign origin are also mentioned. The progress in speed between 1951 and 1959 was from 13 to 19 knots. The Bryansk Nachine-Building Plant recently started production of 5200 and 8750-h diesel engines. In 1965 the final test- ing of 9000 and 13500-hp engines of 6 DKM 747160-2 and 9DKRN 74/160-2 must be completed. Various trends in design, proposed improvements, and new prospects for the future are generally reviewed. SUB CODEs 13, 21/ SUM DATEs None 212 -ACC NR: AP6035837 SOMICE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/020/0041/0041 !N-VENTOR: Berezinskiy, V. I.;.Vol'fenzon, M. N.; Zakharov, G. A.; IV-in, A. G.; Pavlova, Ye. A.; Skachkov, A. Eydlin, 1. 1.; Yung, V. X. ORG:" none TITLE: System for automatic regula tion of the steam-main operation of a marine turbine un-it. Class 14,. No. 187041 SOURCE: 'Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye zaaki, no. 20, 1966, 41 TAGS: turbine, steam turbine, engine turbine system, marine engine, marine engineering; ABSTRACT: An Author.Certificate has been issued for a.system for the automatic con- trol of steam-main operation in marine-turbine'units with steam takeoffs connected to imits requiring dissimilar pressure, miintained by the use of pressure regulators, and to the cooled-6teaifi circuit. To provide for the regulators' independent operation' and to improve theirfunctioning,.the pressure regulators are connected parallel to i thd cooled.-steam cir~_uit. Orig. 'art. has: 1 figuie. 5' 31. 9 UDC: 6W ACC NR, AP6035942 SOURCE CODE: uR/o4l3/66/ooo/020/0199/0199 INVENTOR: Vol'fenzon, Sh. 0.; Korobov, Ya. V. i ORG: None TITLE: External load suspension system for a helicopter. Class 62, No. 18T541 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, toyarnyye znaki, no. 20, 1966, 199 TOPIC TAGS: helicopter, cargo handling equipment, auxiliar7 aircraft equipment ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces an external load suspension system for a helicopter. The device contains a winch with a cable, a cable head with a swivel lock and release, and a load hook. The installation is designed for increased! operational safety of servicing personnel during suspension of the load from the helicopter by using a power lock with a housing which has a built-in cup rotating on bearings, as well as hinged rotating hooks with a four-link mechanism which auto- matically grabs the cable head with the lock and release mechanism. The power lock is opened and closed by a hydraulic cylinder operated through a terminal switch. SUB CODE: vy~_Dl/ Sum DATE: o9may63 VJKZS, V.G., VOLIFSDORF, F.Tu. (Magadan) -: Two cases of \idiosyncrasy to penicillin. Ilin.medo- 36 no.11:146-147 H 158 (KTRA 11:12) 19* Iz Magadanskoy oblastuoy bolinitsy (glavnyy vrach G-V. Dugayeva) i Magndanskogo oblastnogo venerologicheakogo dispansera (glavw vrach - S.S. Orlov)* (POICILLIN, inJeff 0' hypersensitivity (Rug)) VOLIYANZON, I.G.; G-0110311CIUNKU, Yu.L. Conference on problems of cytology, histolotrr, UTA enbryoloi--r Ilip i n a. TSitologiia 1 no.2:253-255 Hr-Ap '59. (14M 12:9) (HISTOLOGY) VOLOYOSMWN, L. Polarization of fast nucleons. UnD.fix.nauk 62 no.]:?1-99 My '57. WHA 10:?) (Nucleons) (Angular momentum (Nuclear physics)) ~/D-L_rfuq AUTHOR WOLFENSTEIN L. PA - 324Y TITLE Polarization of Fast Nucleons. (Polarizatsiya bystrykh nuklonov.- Russian) PERIODICAL Uspekhi Fiz. Nauk 1957, Vol 62, Nr 1, PP 71 - 97 (U.S.5-R.) Received: 7/1957 Reviewed: 7/1957 ABSTRACT In recent years experiments with polarized particle rays, i.e. preferably with directioning of the spins, were carried out. In analogy to light polarization such a polarization can be charac- the preferred direction and the degree of polari- terized b L PAl). For polarization and analysis scattering zation P O f . by a substanze Is used according to the Suggestion by Mott and Schwinger spin orbit coupling, left - right asymmetry of ~ . Polarized rays are used in oder do study the spin scattering dependence of nucleon interaction, for whioh purpose, the catcher to be investigated is placed between polarizer and analyser (so-called triple scattering). Formulae for the scattering by spinless catchers and on a spin orbit potential (central potential + spin orbit term) are written down in Born's approximation, first by averaging over pure spin states, then by means of the density matrix formalism. Especially scattering on the basis of the optival nuclear model with CARD 113 P0, k6l. ll~p ) ,b k 012 Qb -4"2 0 6.) a 0?4 t 0.2'bl (I 0 49 4 yc 49. "; I ) 0 0 4.00 00 ll~ Z. 740 %.Z.012~,- O'tjO 4-j~b4f Obo 0 Z, ~-) "9,4 0,~ tz , a 0,~20 0 0.~ 0,~j 0'%, 0 e pi, Or Q-12 49.~ 6 0 0 02 v0 'Y'q to 1,9 t4 16- Aks I h0 Ph 0.12 LQ P Ita 09cl P4 e L'%Y ',o :0.2 -R0 t 0 h t4 0,%6. ", e 14 tz 'e 4Q r, It 4 j- a 9 04,7 94, 00 0-t e",%704to4t Or t P 90 Qb 14,2, O~t 't t a Q Pe~, ~,q Q~, 7.by4 Or 40 'ho Qtf o4le Z'q oj~ 0 6t.) -t-Qo is 0 ~al 0 e 12t it ib '92~~ co 11,10 0 e,6 ll~L G~, 0 ACe '710~~404~45,yt".40,j 04,9 04 it 0 7,0 e,104, 0,2 O~rpe, t t h or , e OJ2 -t4 '14 i"t Oty 4t Q i5b ele -Ij- Eq '30 or Y4 Z e6S O~hq *.g;, bg 04b I& Qcef 0,0 Q?,q 1 94 1), P02.~, I& Oh 0 0.~ !~~ 112 0 t I- Ob to 0 eo t Q12 Q, 0.-2 O'Z?4& ollt C~ (9 t e 0 O'l, y o"s bEQ t oaz~t. ~141 o4 lj~ 1 0.1 a 6 tbLq A ollt et 0~ Q t" q14 0." .,h "'r I ioe P,7,9 t 0 c0 40,42 00, 40 GZ~O tQ -A,9 CEIJ~ t.21 ~h 010 Ql~l ol~ 2L ASSOCIATION: PRESENTED BY: SUBRITTED: AVAILABLE: Polarization of Past Nucleons. n-p-interaction with T (isotope spin) - 0 and E - 100 MeV respectively are inferred. (7 Illustratjons, 109 citations of Dublications.) not given...-., ., - Library of Congress. PA - 3249 300 and CARD 3/3 **000000000009*000 9 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 $ 0 0 0 0 A c a a 6 99 A L 2 k 0 PQ 4 S T W .6f ..0 3" trill& mot, oop oo~ 0 OR 002 0 ev sot 00% *on esp eo= *a. 00-1 00'. 1 *000000000000*000 40*000*1- 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * * * * 0 S * * * 0 * * 9 a" 33 t S 36 V a J1 11 It iv As a a qV4 d f___S --- t A 1-0 kITTIF J.D .~ V. coot*& COD06 NAll OWLS "01- l fig 'fly &wIrv9"IFI> 14408201 Migani flat 'S06ftm %IMA upi ajajdUM3 01) pilip Ip 2q, P" (H%yy =0 OH qjpA PjW"k IF,310W au -YOWN 10 06(c P- 10 I=I Own as R" palvaq $I Ipd 411g,11, sell rpnpww "I-M 'Y ptm TI I 1 0 0 000 00 It 00 00 000 p 00 o0 go 00 00 00 eel r 1100 0 It 3 so A p Syndkeft bW$i" OU. A, A - V 01 ICIUM Rod A. 1. so Rtma.41,617, Feb. 26i IW8---OdOf M""thd pj#& is heated with on eqml amt. of Ac#O mid 201% of hajA NsOAc. The pndud Is cooled. wasbed with 160 to c= teummal. of AcOH) mid the wpd. oU dried 00 0 zoo 0 to* Leo go's It L 04 00 a It it see O'o so 00000 so k, 69 Go 0 0 4e 0 ! 3j 11 111 a It Ij u u IS it it Is a I I a Z, I ,1 1 " ~A : A C Q L I A It 1 9 L U , d 1- -9 00 e 0 A J tf- L 00 00 c 00 00 POlatimmOk "nab"m W llm"bwkall .00 *0 a t*Wm=. A. 1. K*Wtskil mmi A. M. %'uWa .%'bwn. -00 Raw Kum. 04" 1"$. pawl. .00 nwtrk metbW (C. A. S. 2W) is aftntW"U" wbw-', 800 I appuw to micsif"d "U" tialacem. Wbta cwtsw 004 uptbam evaditims we mabtaimil emAw4mt r"Wu wr .00 tibUistdJObat dwis am* be multiptWd by 1.014 to fwn*r 400 thom *qW to thm Sim by Bertrancl's sdi~uttumputr Pptn. mrOwd (C. A. 11, 3W). D. C. A. zoo ZOO 1 -so 00 S jw*o I lot I 0 u u if .0 11,; 1. tt~ (I ta 04 9 a 11 a 00000009*000000000 roe Algol ZOO 1300 aeo It I 1001 X" I TA. 'A A S 4 04 0 0 _'i W J~ 3 0 0 R 0 1009060000066000900ol/ 00 0 -0 lie so 00 u 0 Ik so wit Ckv 441 u s 0 o if K a it I't :,~ 10 As I q . foe vpoo 00*00***0000 *7 eoso***eo0o***o**." -00 off a *ANW 9"" ppta. lvw~ T H Cie 0 goo Xe* woo ttoo Noel 411141 a9 4"v tit 10 #A A I v 'w 0 1 v 6s s a 1 3 s 1, 40 000000000400400*600 s*W00*906090000*60 off 004 00 Is Mwwodmki -00 AO.W C"-.OW at v .00 Laa a# %law" i bdV# ft 640 Lis tho Oro If 1. 8*0 WdL 1 0 i;J see _~LAI IFICAMN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 It a T 3 1 0 Is 0 0 0 0 0 0 O sees* 000 so 0 0 * vo :I I "!p T ~ 1 . " . ~! Ircttle parts. - " c I" I-lifit"tirl-Orl of. oc ;,y prom. 31 nc.2:42-43 FS-r, ipirt.. ~,41p!~ 19 i 6) VOLIFENZONP I.I.- SHUR, S.I. Effect of va_-Ioui; emulvifying agents on the structura~'-~z-rlogicaj properties of emulsion systems of the type water-oil. Trudy VNIISNDV no.6.-169-173 163. (MIRA 17:4) Now standard for liqueur and vodka bottlee SpIrt, prom. 26 no.8:40-43 162. NIRA 16:1) 1. TSentralInyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut spirtovoy promysblennosti. (Bottles-Standards) VOLIFENION, I.I.# i=h.; SHUR, S.I., kand.khimicheakikh nauk Investigating the viscoplastic properties of Owater in oils" type emulsion creams. Masl.-zhir.prom. 28 m.3:3b-32 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:4) 1. VoesoyuzW nauchno-iasledovatellskiy institut sinteticheskikh i naturallnykh dushiatykh veshchestv (for Volifenzon). 2. TSentral3naya nauchno-issledovatellskaya laboratoriya zhirovoy promyshlennosti Mosgorsovn,arkhoza (for Shur). (Cosmetics-Testing) VOL-'FBIIZON,.-I-.I-; SHUR., S.I.; SHEVLYAGINA, Ye.V. Effect of certain factors on the structural strength of emulsifying creams. Trudy VIIIISIIDV no.5:165-170 161. (MIRA 14:101' (Cosmetics) (Emulsifying agents) DRABKINA, Ye,I.; VOLIFEVZON, I.I.; SHEMAGIVA, Ye.V. Amino acids in the comatic industry, Trudy VIIIISIIDV no.5; 135-137 161.- (Mila 14:10) (Amino acids) (Cosmetics) DRABKINAJ, Ye.I., inzh.; VOLIFENZON, I.I., inzh. Use of nitrogen-containing compounds in cosmetic preparatior3; review of literature. Masl.-zhir.prom. 28 no.9:26-27 S 162. (KRA 15:9) 1. Vsesovuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut sinteticheskikh i naturallnykh dushistykhveshchestv. (Cosmetics) (Aminoi6ids-Therapeutic use) I.I. - Using indelible paints instead of bottle labels. Stek. i her. 17 no. 11:21-22 N 160. (MMA 13:12) (Glass painting and staining) ,VOLIMMON. I.I., inzh.; SHEVLTAGINA, Ye.V., kand.khim.nauk; SHUR, S.I., a= -kgE.-'~auk k t. Studring physicochemical properties of cosmetic creams. Jfasl.- zhir.prom. 25 no.12:21-25 '59. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Voesoymnyy nauchno-tooledovatellskir institut sinteticheskikh i naturallnvkh dushistykh veshchestv (for Vollfenzon, Shevlyagina). 2. TSentrallnaya nauchno-iseledovatellskays laboratoriya zhirovoy promysKlennosti Mosgoreovnarkhoza (for Shur). (cosmetics) VOL112MON, I.I.- Controlling the quality 25 no.8:27-30 159. (Bottles) of battle annealing. Spirt.prom. (14111" 13:3) .1 '11, z W" . OSIPOVA, V.P., kand.1-him.nauk; V'OL'YENZON, I.[., inzh.-, VISI[NEVSKAYA, A.A.; RffWACH, B-Ya.; DANT16VAD,L.I., inzh. Preparation of extracts from vegetable raw material. Hasl.- zhir.prom, 95 no.4:2?-25 '59. (MIRA 12:6) 1. Vaesoyuzrjy7 nauchno-lealedovatellakiy institut sintaticheskikh i natural'TWIh dushint-ykh veshchestv. (RanAnces and essential oils) VOLIFFMOU, 1.1-pinzh.; MILOVANOVA, I.B.,Inzh. Subetances used in hair strai7gthening; bibliographic survey. Ifaal.-zhir.prom. 24 no.11:22-25 '58. (MIRA 12:1) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatel'okly institut sintaticheakikh i natural'nYkh duahistykh ve'shchestv. (Hair--Care and hygiene) VOLOPEN74N I.I. inzh.; SHUR, S.I.j, kand.6.lM.MOMk Effect of a series of factors on the structural., mechanical and rheological characteristics of the "water-in-oilm type enm1sion creams. Masl.-zhir. prom. 29 no.2:24-27 F 163. 1 (MIRA 16:4) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut ointaticheskikh i naturalinykh dushistykh veshchestv (for Vollfenzon). 2. TSentra:Llnaya nauchno-issledovatellskaya laboratoriya zhirovoy promyshlennosti Moskovskogo gorodskogo soveta narodnogo khozyaystva kfor Shur). (Cosmetics.-Testing) VOLIMZON, I.M. calculatiiDg output In the production of alcoholic frait arA b&M Jules. Spirt. prom, 23 no.4:6-10 '57. (KLn 10t5) 1. Spii~tekbpronWra. 1 4 1 4 1 f In f: u w IS k v 0 N a 041 OWE:- 00 00 0 0 44,a i1 ~ " is whkk MIA is 0 a S L ASITALLURGKAL LIT1111AN41. CLASUFKATIOP w tp n it of 911 Of It K a.11 u a m 11 11 0ff a 41 a 43 " at 00 -410 . .00 goo Aa oi~ AAA %ilowo No I N $I AD a I a 0 0 6 0 0 * 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 VOLIFITIM-1,, L.G. Size changes in filyroblasts and hiaiincytes of the areoar tissue of rabbits under the effect of low temperatures, Sbor. rab. Inst. tsit. no.4:66-74 163 (MIRA 17:3) Effect of low tr-inperatures on the vital staining of fibro- blasts and histiocytes of the areolar tissue in rabbits. Ibid, t75-?9 163