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CBS hi6R])DlWp Z. "Ovatr fOP WOOD ChWION %IVUr�itY (Idkuvka UMML Wftiok& PIW , Cookoolommkik gnom-2 No 30 L9630 vp IST-14 VTLI= am APPU"tiOn 6f IMON" T9046 In* %PON" T46t fOr HW=74 BARDODFJ, Z. Value and use of exposure tests. VI. Carboxyhempgalobinemia and carbon monoxide in expired air. Gesk, bvg. 8 no.2:108-112 Mr 163. 1. Katedra hygieny prace lekarske fWty hygienicke KU, Praha. (CARBON MONOXIDE) (HMOGLOBIN) (AIR POLLUTION) BARDODEJ, Z.- PEKAREK, V. Styrenes. Prac. Lek. 15 no.8:suppl:19-20 0 163. BARDO Z, - ---- -,., I*tabolism styrene. Cask. hyg,. 9 no. 4:223-239 Mly 164. 1. Katedra hygiany prace lek&rske fakulty hygianicke KU [Karlovy university], Praha. BAjr~, DIZ, 76en ek ; F v V.-ara I, l-V.T)R,Rl -1h 11 -7 -~n ilolarograjYh-1,2 det(-mination of madelle acld -- th,~- Prac. lek. 16 no-9'V,14-41j~' N 1 64 1. F&tedra hygleiy prace lekarske fakulty hygienicke University v 1raze., a Ustav hygieny prace a clicrcb z po-volani v Praze, Kraiaka Stradocf~skpho kraji, v Fraze. BARDODEJ, Z.; B NOVA, ~E.,- BARLA, J.; KUKACKOVA V.; VITOVA, A. Estimation of diphenyl and diphenyl oxide in the atmosphere. Cesk. byg. 7 no.9:543~-51+7 0 162. .1. Katedra hygieny prace leknrske fakulty hygienicke University Karlovy, Praha Okreshi hygianicko-opidemiologicka stanice, Presov. (BIPHEHL COMPOUNDS) (AIR POLLUTION) MUODEJ, Zdenek;-"QQP;":j VA Ej a_ Value and application of exposure tests. X. Exposure teErt for ethyl benzene. Gesk. hyg. 6 no.9:537-545 0 161. 1. Katedra. hygieny prace lekarske fakulty hygienicke Karlovy university, Praha. (AIR POLLUTION). (BENZENE rel cpds) BARDODEJ, Zdanek; BARDODEJOVA.0 Eva; MALEK, Bohuslav Value and application of exposure tests. XL Exposure test for styrene. Gesk. hyg. 6 no.9:546-552 0 161. l..Katedra hygieny prace lekarske fakulty hygienicke Karlovy university, Praha Oddeleni hygieny prace hygienicko-epidemialogitke iftanice UNF-Praha. (AIR POLLUTION) (BFMENE rel cpdr.) -Lno~lca-,JD Of .:01-1- '.7.z.,~ny :racc LQ ui -c-E) olo ni dc "c. 0- -U r"T U CO:,':oslo-vcns'.,a 1,7 0 9 PO ~7- -1-latui on of Diii:,-hnnyl and sarao s 7~ K! .0-1,,, V. A BENES, V02Av; BARDODW, Zdenek; BAIJ)ODEJOVA, ~IrA; KUKACKOVA, Vera; WTOVA, Alena Physical exertion and the phenol test. Cesk. hyg. 7 no.1:46-48 F 162. 1. Katedra 4gieny prace lekarske fakulty hygionicke Karlovy university, Praha. (BE NZEIE? metab. (PHENOLS urine) (DIDUSTIIJAL lpaDICIIE) BARDODEV, Zd4nek; BARDODEJOVA,--Eva; BENZ, Vaclav; KUKACKOVA, Vera; VITOVA 0 Diruesia and the phenol test. Cask. hyg. 7 no.1:49-52 F 1621. 1. Katedra hygieny Orace lakarske fakulty hygienicke Karlovy university, Praha. '.' * (FIENOW urins) (BENZENES metab.) (INDUSTRIAL I-EDICINZ) vaki alytical Chemistry. E -2 Czechoslo a 'fnalysis of Inorganic Substances. Abs Jour: Ref. Zhur - Khimiya No. 2, 1958, 4326 Author : Bardadem, Krivutsova, Kukachkova, Pikha, fd~razhil Title : The Photometric Micro Determination of Hydrocy- anic Acid and Cyanides Orig Pub: Ceskosl. hyg., 1957, 2, No. 4, 244-250 Abstract: A previously described method (Epstein, E. Analyst. Chem, 1947, 19, 272) has been modified. In the HCN determination 1 liter of the air to be passes through 2 wash bottles containing 3 ml. of 0.1N NaOH for about 10 minutes. The con- tents are washed and neutralized by the addition of 0.3 ml. of 2M Na H2P04. To 2 ml. of the re- G ard 1/14 Czechoslovakia /Analytical Chemistry. E-2 Analysis of Inorganic Substances. Abs Jour: Ref. Zhur - Khimiya No. 2, 1958, 4326 sulting solution is added 0.2 ml. of 1% solution of chloramine T and shook for 1 minute. To that, 5 ml. of the pyridine-pyrazoilone (PPR) reagent (1 vol. pyridine - 4 vol. of 1% of 1-phenyl-3- methyl-5-pyrazolone) is added 6 heated for 7 minutes on a water bath at 70 C. and cooled. The extinction is measured in the photometer us- ing an S 61 light filter. The resulting red- violet coloration changing into blue with time is stable for 20 minutes. The detection mipimum of 'HCN is 0.1'd ; the limit of dilution 1:101. Instead of PPR, pyridine-phloroglucinol (PFR) reagent (1 vol. of pyridine-+ 4 vol. of 1% phloroglucinol solution) can be used. In this case the readings are taken after a 7 minute Card 2/4 Czechoslovakia / Analytical Chemistry. E -2 Analysis of Inorganic Substances. Abs Jour: Ref. Zhur - Khimiya No. 2, 1958, 4326 waiting period at room temperature with the S 50 light filter. The resulting red-violet color- ation is stable for 20 minirbes. To plot a cali- bration curve, standard solutions are used. They contain 2K/ ml. of HCN (when PPR) or 8 r/ml. of L HCN (when using PFR). The error of the determina- tion is 5%. For the preparation of pyridine and phloroglucinol solutions, 1 g. of the compound is dissolved in 70 ml. of C2H50H containing 1% of low boiling benzene, and the resulting solutions are made up to 100 ml. with water. In the deter- mination of cyanide aerosols, 20-50 liters of the air to be analyzed is passed through 5 ml. of 0.1N NaOH at the rate of 1.5 I./minute. Instead of phloroglucinol, resorcinol or orcinol can be Card 3/4 .Czechoslovakia / Analytical Chemistry. E-2 Analysis of Inorganic Substances. Abs Jour: Ref. Zhur - Khimiya No. 2, 1958, 4326 used as well. The resulting red-violet colora- tion Is less intensive. C ard 4A ROUBAL, Zh. [Roubal, J.1-, BARDODZY, TS. [Bardodej, Z.1; KRIVUKOVA, M. [Krivucovd, )(.1 Practical control measures to be observed in working with toxic substanceB. Usl.zhiz.i zdorov. 1 no.3 (pt.1):208-210 '57. (MMA 11:3) 1. Iz Instituta gigiyany truda pri Universitete Karla v Frage (INDUSTRIAL TOXICOLOGY) (AIR-POLLUTION) AS, HUNGARY/ IOptics - Optical Methods of Analysis. Instruments. K-7 Abs jour Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 3, 1957, 7952 Author Bardoks, Varshunli Inst K6zponti Fizikai Kutato Intezet, Budapest. Title Spectrochemical Analysis by Time Scan of the Spark Sprectrum. Orig Pub : Magyar kem. folyoirat, 1956, 62, No 7, 245-246 Abstract : The use of a precision high voltage spark generator and an optical system with a rotating mirror makes it pos- sible to separate the continuous spectrum of a spark from the line spectrum of the electrode material. As a result the sensitivity of the analysis is conside- rably increased. Card 1/1 - 100 - RZECZYCKIP W.; A11cja; HILLAR, M.; WOJCIECHOWSKI, J. Sialic acid and other protein-bound carbohydrates in Ehrlich mouse ascites tumour fluid. Acta biochim. polon. 10 no-3-* 315-319 '63. 1. Department of Biochemistx7, Medical School, Gdansk. (NEURAMINIC ACIDS) (CA-RCINCKA, EHRLICH TUMOR) (HEXOSES) (HEXOSAMIN&S) (PROTEINS) FARDA,", 13. "Great Results in the Lunin IMovement. 11 P. ,,41 IfThe Honorary Locomotive Engineer of "U-12711.11 P. 44 "The New Electric Locomotive of the Ganz-Kando Type." p. 45 (Zeleutice, Vol. 3, no. 2, 1953, Praha) SO: Monthly List of East EuroDean Accessions, Vol. 3, no. 2, Library of Cong-ress, Feb. 1~54, Uncl. - BARDOT X, B. T:,-;GHNOLOGY Periodical: ZLIZZNICAR. No. 123% Ne. 1958. BARDON, B. Heaviest train in the history of Czechoslovak railroads* p. 2759 Monthly List of East European Accession (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 3 March 1959 Unclass. BARDOINI B. Rationalizers are the peoneers of progress. p. 227 ZEIEZ'!ICAR. (Ministe-stvo, dopravy) Praha, Czechoslovakia. No. 9, Sept. 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol, 8, No. 11, November 1959. Uncl. - FXGI~RPTA YEDICk Sec 9 Vol 13/2 surgery Feb 59 1156, DIAGNOSIS OF PRIMAItY TUMOUH OF TIIE LESSER OMENTUNI - Diagnostika primArnfch nAdoru' maldho omenta - BardoA L and Naho- d i I V. Rentgenol. Odd. Fak. Nemocn. a Chir. KI-in.-M _j*_~-S'. Karlovy Univ., Praha - ROZHL.CHIR. 1957, 36/12 (824-829) Illus, 4 Turnours of the lesser omenturn manifest themselves mainly by pain or a sensation of pressure in the epigastrium, with a palpable resisinnee. The physical signs and X-ray picture are described. A case is reported and added to the 18 already pub- lished. The localization in the lesser omenturn, had been predicted preoperatively and the tumour, a fibrosarcoma, was removed. (IX, 5, 16) SERRA. ; BARDON,L.; BREJGIiA,M.; JIRASEK,M. Contribution to the diagnosis of large retro- and intraperi- toneal structures. Cesk. rentgen. 18 no.2tlOO-104 Mr'64- 1. Rentgenove oddeleni falmltni nemocnice v Praze, 10; vedouci: prof.dr.R.Ble-ha. 4- ----------- f3=110SOVAt T. 1. Berdonoso3aa T. I. "The effect of ma1aria infection on,th I course of suppurative., for the most part., fire-am caused w=dsji- rudy Krymsk, med. in-ta im. Stalina., Vol, X-11, 1948) p- 219-22 So% U -3850j 16, Jpne 53, (letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 5, 1949) MUSKO. L.; BARDOS. A. Pathologic separation of the symphysis in pregnancy and following spontaneous labor, LeJc6 obzor 3 no,l..2:63-82 1954. 1. Z Zenskej a porodnicej kliniky SU v Bratielave. (PUBIC SYMMSIS, *separation in pregn. & puperperium) (FMXOCT, complications, *separation of pubic symphysis) (PUMUWIUM, complications *separation of public sy;#70is) BARDOS, A. (Bratislava, Zoehove 5) Regulation of labor by medioation In praxis. Lek.obzor 3 no-9: 491-501 1954. 1. Zo zenske3 a porodnickaj klinity SU v Bratislave. (LABOR, management by medication) BARDOS, A._ Historical d9velopment and characteristics of the soviet g7necolog7 and obatetrics. Brat. lak.liatY 35, Vol. 2 no.4:231-236 31 Aug '55. 1. Z I.Zenskej a porodnickaj kliniky LAM v Bratislave. prednosta prof. dr. Sv. Stefanik. (CrYMOLOGY In Russia, hist. & characteristics) (03STEMOS in Russia, hist. & cbaracteristies) EXG!IiPTA I-EDICA Se-c-5 Vol-10/3 Gen.Fathoiof~.v Kar 57 897. 13ARD09 A. and PON~UCII A. 1. Z6r)skej a p6rodnfckej Klin.LFUK. Bratisla- va. 4 K IWOMImatike popbrodnej nek r6zy hypofSzy. S o m e p r o b I c m s a f post-parturn necrosis of the anterior pituitary BRATISLAV- .SK9 LEK9RS LISTY 1956, 3618 (486-490) Illus. I The authors point out some contradictory features of Sheehan,s syndrome, especial- ly as to whether acute anterior pituitary necrosis in itself can be an immediate hae- of ruptured uterus with massive i. of death. They describe one case cause p. morrhage, with the patient's life being initially saved by transfusions. infusions, antibiotics and analeptics. but a fatal outcome on the 8th day in a state of extreme dehydration. Autopsy showed necrosis of the anterior pituitary, and also multiple infarctions and necroses of spIL-en, kidneys, skin and other parts. These changes might be caused. apart from shock and anaernia, by premature separation of the placenta leading to sensitization of the organism as in Shwartzman's phenomenon. Hoban - ValalskL6 Mezifilft (X. 5) C~-2 Abs J3ur 2"66 ilutaor Gy., Glf.)s-z, L., D 1 r, k, AS Ti cl,-- uIi ii th~ Am', -) -,-i.c 1. -C ~ur- of Dic- Ole~ Orig FLfb, Ac~c~ 1957, 7) lio 42 3~ .." Abstract T., - wor, ccnn,---m-61 a cow 670 kg; yi,.:lcl f~%r J25 o,I -L.ctau-ion, 6,012 1q, cont,nt af 3-91,',,- Calvings, 11), and a j"2-y-ar cov (w,ight a-L. sluu~- -2: 560 lcg; mill: lor 300 daYO, 3,980 lc-- v"~:.- U c'-vit--nt of 4.1%:,; of calvinp, 26). iv-i6at, vol-, a --iisions of th,-, a;i(I diaaotur of K.',I. Lyu'-~':Ov. Card 1/1. PONTUGH, Anton, XU3)r.;BARDW, Augustin, NUJ)r. Technic of conducting premature delivery with reference to preventing trauma of the central nervous Votes; Gauss packs. Cook. gym. 22[36] no-5:376-385 June 57. 1. sen. pro. kliuika. v Bratislave, prednosts. prof. KUDr. Syetozar Stefanik. (BIRTH INJURT, prey. & control Gauss packs in prey. of (INS inj. during prematwe delivery, technic (Oz)) (GBNTUL NZWOUS SYSTAK, wds. & inj. prey. during premature delivery with Gauss packee technic (Gs)) BARDOS, AuMis t in The effect of pencillin prevention of congenital syphilis on the lowering , of nerinatal mortality. Cesk. pediat. 8 no.6t528-531 5 July 58. 1. 1. Dor. gyn. klinika Bratislava. prednasta prof. Dr. 5v. Stefanik. (PSNICILLIN, ther. use prev. of congen. syphilis, statist. (Oz)) (STPHILIS, CONONTIAL. prev. & control prev. by penicillin, statist. (oz)) *OKA _L't MJDr. (Bratis lava, Zochova 5. Conservative treatment of postoperative recurrence of relative incon- tinence with dondren. Cask. an. 24[38] no-5:369-372 June 59. 1. 1. P_yn.-por. klinilm LLFUK v Bratislava. Dradnosta prof. Dr. S. Stefanik. (URINATION DISORHM, ther. granugenol oil prep. in postop. incontinence in women (CZ)) (SCLEROSING SOIDTIONS. ther. use granugenol oil prep. in postop. incontinence in women (Cz)) URDOS_j 'A* The histology of the placenta after preventive penicillin treat- meut of congenital syphilis in pregnancy. Cask. gyn. 24[381 no.6: 413-416 Julv .1959. 1. 1.- zeu.-por. klinika IN v Bratislava, prednosta prof. dr. b'v. St'efanik. (SYPHILIS, CONGENITAL, prev. & control) (PIMWGT. compl) (PIACINTA, pathol) (POICILLIN, ther) A. SUICIAXZ0 G von Nanos Country: Czechoslovakia 6) Academic Degrees: /not given/ Pirst Gynegitlogical id-D ka a .Mernity Clinic (I. GynekolWc 'Ra ini -at Affiliationt tDrUdn,11c I;bkarbkU-fdn-Ita; FacTilty of Medicine/ UK /Universita Komenskeho; Comenius University/, Bratislava; S"nft Director: Professor So STEPANIKv M. Source; Bratislava, Lekarsky 0bz-or-,-To-X-X, No 6, 1961, pages 345-348, Datas "Application of the zrincplea of Plastic Surgery in Suturing and Drainin the Operative Wound in Gynecology." KLIMENT, VA.; MASARIK, J.; BARDOS, A.; RATVANY, T. A note on the differential diagnosis and therapy of vegetative pelipathy. Cesk.gyn.26[401 no.1/2:io2-lo6 7 161. 1. 11. gyn.por.k1inika, prednosta doc.dr. Hudcovic; Psychiatrielm klinika, prednosta prof. dr. Guensberger; I. gyn.por.klinika v Bratialave, prednosta prof.dr. Stefanik: Gyn.por.odd. OUNZ Levice. prednosta dr.Hatvany. (AUTONOMIC IWVCUS STSTEM die) BARDOS, A. -------- no academic degree indicated GSSR lst Chair of gynaecology and obstetrics, medical faculty, Comenius University (I. katedra gynekologie a porodnietva lek.fak. Univ.Komenskelio), Bratislava, director: prof. S. STEFANIK., MD Bratislava, Bratislavske lelcarske 1J;~ty, No 11-12, 1962, PP 610-W "Contribution to the Study of the Contractility of the Uterus FolloTzing a Long- Term Application of Small Doses of Chlorpromazine and Roscrpinell SNAJDJq V., prof.; ANTOS, J.; LUKAS, V.; BOUDA, J.,--BARDOS, A.; MANKA, J.; HAJEK, A.; PACIN, Z.; SKACEL, K.; STIKSA, E.; SIKL, 0.; SKODA, V. Clinical aspects of carcinoma of the endometrium. Cesk. gynek. 27 no.3:173-177 4 162. 1. 1 gyn. klin. fak. vseob. lek. KU v Praze, prednosta prof. MUDr. K. Klaus. (UTERUS NEOPIASMS) j3Ar,L)US , A. Does guaicol glycerin other have an effect on the motilit--,' of the uterus? Cesk. gyn. 27[41] no-4:280-285 My 162. 1. 1 gyn. m. klin. v Bratislave, prednosta prof. MUDr. S.Stefanik. MUSCLE REIAMTS pharmacol) MaWS pharmacol) BARDOS A. Experimental and clinical contribution to effect of ataractic drugs on uterine contractions. Godc. gyn. 2'1[411 no.5:381-386 Je 162. 1. 1. gyn, por. klin. UK v Bratislave veduci f dr Stefanik. MHUS pharThacol) (CHLOAPRO' ~:AZINVO (RESERPINE pharmacol) (MUSCLE I-Z1AXANTS ther) (PARASDU:'ATHOLYTICS pharmacol) BARDOS, A. Effect of ataractics on kymo-insufflation curves. Cask. gynek. 27/41 no.8:09-614 162. 1. 1. gyn.-por. klin. Lek. fak. UK v Bratislava, prednosta prof. dr. S. Stefanik. (CIWRPROMAZINE) (RESERPINE) (BENACYTZINE) (GUIACOL rLYCERYL MTER) (UTERUS) (FALLOPIAN TUBFZ) akRDDS,, A. CSJT 1st obstetrical and gynecological clinic of the medical faculty of Comordus University kI. zenska a porodrdicka 10j-rdka Lek.fak. Univ. Nomenskeho), Bratislava; director: prof. S. ST- NIK, I:D Bratislava, Bratislavsko Lekarske Li , No It, 1963, pp 226-231 "Clinical Contri:bution to the Aetiology of Ciongenital -iypotrophy of the 14emborn" (1) BARDOS, A.; SAPAK, K.; SKLADANy Do; MOTILI E. An attempt to evaluate labor-n-nalgenia and spasmolyigis. Cesk. gynek. 28 no.7z489-1+92 S 163. 1. 1 gyn.-por. klin. Lek. fak. UK v Bratislavep prednosta prof. dr. S. Stefanik. (ANESTHESIA, OBSTETRICAL) (PHENOTHIAZINES) (ANTIHISTAMINICS) (PARASYMPATHOUTICS) 33ARDOS, A. Contribution to the study of contractility of the uterus after lon- 0 term application of small doses of chlorpromazine and reserpine. Bratisl. lek. listy 42 no.11/12:n.p. 162. 1. Z*I. katedry gynekologie a porodnictva Lek. fak. Univ. Kanenskeho v Bratislave~ veduci prof. MJDr. S. Stefaaik. (UTERUS) (CUORPROMAZINE) (RESERPINE) BARDOS A Clinical contribution to the etiology of congenital hypotrophy in newborn infants. Bratisl. lek. listY 43 no-4:226-231 &63. 1. 1. zenska a porodnicka. klinika Lek. fak. Univ. Komanskeho v Bratislave, veduci prof. MUDr. S. Steranik. (INFANT NEWBOHN' DISEASES) (PRENATAL INFLUENCES) (PREGNANCY COMPLICATIONS) (PLACENTA) (UMBILICAL CORD) BARDOS, A.; MASAR, I.; TEREN, L.; SOCHOR, J. Does an influenza epidemic increase the incidence of intrauterine fetal death? Gesk.gynek. 28 no.8:545-547 0 '63. 1. i. gyn.-por. klin. Lek. falk- UK v Bratislave (pred-nosta prof. dr. S. Stefanik); Zdravot. komisia SNR v Bratislave.; II. gyn.-por. klin, Lek. fak. UK v Bratislave (prednosta doc. dr. A. Hudcovic); Gyn.-por, odd. OUNZ Bratislava-okolie (veduci MUDr. J. Sochor). Or' BARDOS,A. Critical evaluation of kymoinsufflation as a method of determin- ing the effect of drugs on utero-tubal muscular activity. Cesk. gynek. 28 no.9:604-609 N163. 1. I.katedra gynek.-por. Lek. fak. UK v Bratislave, vedouci prof.dr. S. Stefanik. 4- PONTUCH,A.; CATAR,G.; ELISCHEROVA, K.; BARDOS,A.; ZAJACOVA, E.; SKL(YVSK&jM.; SAPAK,K.; SZOLD,L. Role of toxoplasmosis and listeriosis in the causes of prematuro labor. Gesk. gynek. 29 no,4:262-265 My'64 1. 1. gyn.-por. klinika lak. fak. UK [University Komenskeho) v Bratislave ( prednostat prof. dr. S.Stefanik); Ved.lab. parm Lek. fak. UK [University Komenskeho] v Bratislave a Ustav epid. a mikrob, Lek. fak. UK [University Komenskehal v Bratislave (prednosta.* doc.dr. J.Karoleek). DARDOS tA.; SAIIAK, K, Effect of spasmolytic d.--igs cn '-he course c,-' :ab-3r and norma-" . , I -,;.. I 2~ 8 uterine contractility. CaF. lek. c~,,ok. 103 Ag 164. 1. 1 zenska a porodnicka klinika v IIT-rednosta -rcf. I'. I- dr. S. Stafanik). NAGY, Ntarie; FEITTZ, Gy.; Anna I Histcchem.rml study of Bome acttssory sex glwndla li. hi~,s. A:cta vet. Acad. sc-L. HLmg. 15 no.1',V-40 165 . i , - ( -1 - i . - , 'T, . 1. Leh:tstuhl fur AnatomAe und Histal,--g1c, -e ic- - ~f G ry. Kovacs) dar Veterinainedizinisch-n UnIverslivA, Ebdapest. BARDOS,A. (Dratislava, Steinerova 34/A) Role of rational pharmacotherapy in our field. Cesk. gynel. 30 no.1:1-2 Mr 165. AtarEx ci. Ibid.1-32-34 Spasmolytics. Ibid.:61-64 1. 1. g3m.-por. kliniki Lekarske fakulty University Komenskeho v Bratislave (prednosta: prof. dr. S. Stefanik). DOKA,V.; KOSECKY,L.; RARDOS,A. Chemotherapy and antibiotics. Cesk. gynek. 30 no.1:34-38 "Ir'65. 1. 1. gyn.-por. klinika Lekarske fakulty University Komenskeho v Bratislave (prednosta: prof. dr. S. Stefanik). '!. .4 ;- 15 MOth ftpellgUt 1-.*fZVklWt NJ9Y Allil IMA Ifun; 134.367. May 3. 19I.S. hfiflmne oil (1-11, 100-1 s I .. aml naplithalvir :1 jpat1% are invil"I. aml I im., I-Iti, I Fm~lv SANMR L. rp,.~,)OS r,., OAAVIEG D, Stnux u5mplex a jej liscenio, ffi- -trim simplax and Its thera;F Slovez, lekar 12s6 Juna 50 p,. 28M5, t 1. Of the Institute of Clenoral, and Experimental Pathology of Slovuk University (Head - Downt, Cl. Burdoo, M.D.) and of the Endocrinological Consultntion Station of the Institute of Ratioml Health in Bratislava (Head - Doc*nt, 0. Bardon, M,D.). CM Vol. 20, Ro. 2 Feb 195a Bardos, G. "Hok zorav.-Anickeho patrmatu iekLr-,,:, Slovenslej 77nJveT-7,it_,_ na~~ la meniq zLvo~,jid. (Ilyd. 1.) Pr t:Lslavay 1951. L). ~S iL,ucnu hniznic~-. s'ove:ishi- vied L, t year of he~ I h Surei-iiSio.- in Brtii slava ii,6ustries by the -e- c,, 1 7,~_ccitv -he slovf,l" Tmive~-~-ity) f SO: 1onthly List of Europeztn L. C. Vol. "o. 1 ':-z, &,4~rDO,S, G,. BARDOS, G.; RARTA, I.; MZIC, A. V~~ Contribution to the morphology of T wave.Bratial. lek. liety 35 no.3:129-137 15 Fob 55. 1. % ustava pro vseobeenou a eksperimentalnu potologiu TYM v Bratislava; predn. prof. dr. G.Bardos. (MIRMOCARDIOGRPYff T vave morphol.) BARDOS, G.; XOMADEL, L.; KREZE, A. Physiological onlargemnnt of the heart. 1. Reserve power of the heart according to Soviet physiology. Bratial. leir. listY 35 no. 7:395-408 1955. 1. Z Ustavn pre vseobnenu a experimentalnu -Datologiu LIFUX. predn. prof. 'Mr. G. Bardos, a z Ustavu pre telovycbovne lekarstvo LFUK, T)redn. doc. '~MDr. F. Handzo. (CARDIAC ENLARGDTFM, physiology-, reserve power of heart.) BARDOS, G.; WMADEL. L.; MZE, A. Physiological enlargement of the heart. II.-Dilatation and hypertrophy, causes of physiological enlargement of the heart. Bratisl. lek. listy 15 no.9:459-473 1955. 1. Z Ustavu pre vesobecnu a experimentalnu patologiu. LFU, prednosta, prof. MUDr. G. 'Bardos a z Ustavu pre telovychovne lakarstvo LFUK. prodnoBta doc. MUDr. P. Handzo. (CARDIAC EYLARGMMIT, physiology,. causes of physiol. enlargement.) U HEDIGA Sec.13 Vol.1/9 Cardiovascul;ir Sept 57 2534. BARDOS G., KOMADEL L'. and KREZE A. 10st. pre Vgcobecn6 a Exp. Patol.'El- UK a ME Telesnej Vychovy a Telov~chovn&o Lek. LFU K. Bratislava. 0 fyziologickom zvaMeni srdca. IV. 0 vegetativnom t6nuse v elektTokardiografickom. obraze 9portovcov The physiological enlargc?ncist ol the heart. 1117. The vegetative ton 1(s in the electrocardiographic Pattern o1 sportsmen Bratislavske lekdrs. Listy 1957, 3718 (449-463) Tables 9 The authors evaluated 608 ECG tracings of top spertsmen from 15 European coun- tries with regard to the occurrence of vagotonia. They determined the vegetative tonus with the help of 4 typing sj&ns: rate, P wave, P-Q interval and T wave in the Und lead. They found that the single signs in sportsmen are most frequent in the horizcntal position with much more fre uent shifting to the side of the vagus than to the side of the sympathetic. They 7ound a general vegetative vagus tonus in 48.6% of males and in 29.3% of females. Before the start a shifting of the general vegetative balance to the side of the sympathetic is observed. The authors consider that shifting is a conditional reflex reaction to the circumstances of the competi- tion. (XVIII, 6*) BATDOS, Gejza Kapitol"ur z patologickej fYziolovie. 3. diel. Dychanic. (Chanters From PatlioloFic Physlol%,y. Voll-3. Resniration. a universitv textbook 2d ed. illus.) Bratislava, SPN, 1/'57. Q3 P- 'BiblioF-raficky katalo,-,, GSR, Slovenske khil,y, Vol.VIII. 1957. No. 101- n-316 HUMARY BARDOS, WzaaLPx, NOVASZEL. Ferenc, Dr; Szeged Megye-Right City Council Hospital, II. Medical Ward (Szegedi Fjj, -- Megye Jogu -- Varosi Tanacs Kor- haza, II. Belosztaly). IlThe Incidence of Thromboses and Embolisms in Our Ward Over a 10 Year Period.11 Budapest, Orvosi Hetilan, Vol 108, No 8, 19 Feb 67, pages 356-358. rlbstract: rAuthors' Hungarian summary] The thrombo-embolic diseases occurring and diagnosed in the 40 bed medical ward, over a 10 year period, are discussed. The data are compared with the pathological-anatomical ones. Attention is called to the increase in the number of thrombo-embolic complications and to the importance of postoperative febrile conditions which may be a sign of thro-mbo-embolic complications. When pneumonia develops followin-7 an operation, the possibility of pulmonary embolism must always be kept in mind and caution must be exercised. Furthermore, attention is called to the importance of anti- coagulant treatment. A case is described in which the patient died of ful- minating pulmonary embolism about 18 days after the initial symptoms of em- bolization. 8 Hungarian, 7 Western references. BENKO, Sandor, dr.; TIBOLDI, Tibor, dr.;_BARDOS, Jozsef.. dr. Effect of terpenes on cancer in mice cauged by banzopyrene. Magy. onkol. 7 no-4:209-214 D 163. 1. Szegedi Orvostudomanyi. Egyetem I. sz. Belgyogyaszati Klinika. -k I BARDOS., L.; GORDON, A.; STOPEKOVA, M. Congenital lobar emphysema. Bratial. Lek. Listy 42 no.3:180-187 162. 1. Z Chirurgickej kliniky Univerzity P.J. Saferika, v Kosiciach, prednosta prof. MUDr. J. Knazovicky, z Detskoj kliniky Univerzity P.J. Safarika v Kosiciach, prednosta prof. HUDr. F. Dam-nt, a z Ustavu patblogickej anatomie Univerzity P.J. Safarika v Kosiciach, prednosta doe. MUDr. I. Kutlik. (PULMONARY EMPHYSaIA) (INFANT NEWBORN DISEASES) *a** 0 0 0 0 0 a 1 t I f I if tj if w is is 1? 16 b A11,1011 LIU Ul$ by A,~A-L-2 L f c N I i- L x V I ." "-a go LLf t1_11 4 A- 1_0 I li t .11 4,7 A Worlde mW sodium N64k*vw -00 on ths IsIdem. selp"un aml pbosphem makabdism 490 of fabMts W.4v* learleall smovele of "Wass AW phse. Pborus, LAUZ HArdoa. Kadenkyek (1111thalooduh Or Na !~M -iffnifintntir d6uhlis~ dw awt. of P cumed in Ot lecv~- NaHCO, abo deerftsed tbe cuirted Ca and Mg. Sittrultancously the sp. Cr. of the urim dirnirtiAbrd _09 and a P"wKmnced diurrsb was otyAYYW. Dating with in- -00 vwvtoitA of the sall- IM to &stb with w,-m 00 Finbjr 00 190 ~00 r,04 .w gas I F 4 U AV W) At It to 14 a 1111 On 1191MA lZ ell 0 *1* O(o 4 0 0 0 0 0 6 BjkRDOS, Ladislav; CERNY, Jan -wNxNwM?AW.. ~ Modified Kondoleon operation In tberapy of ulcus cruris. Roshl-chir. 35 no.12:716-720 Dee 56. 1. Chirurgicka klintim v losictach. predn. prof. J. Knasovicky. (Adresa altorov: KUNZ. chirurg. kliniks. Kosice.). (LIG, ulcers surg., modified Koodoleon operation of ulcus cruris (Cs)) 2:- t-.,tec, rir.)ture c" -i ir. 36 no f): 5 7. .:,~kn t-linittv v 7p-cd'lOq-. zni !-,int. of o.,micin ili!!~! &rlery GASPAROVA, K.;-BARDOS, L.; TARABCAK, X. Pulmna27 thphoid in a 2-year-old infant. Gesk.pediat. 14 n0.12: 1088-1092 D 159. lo Detske klinika, prodnoats doe. MUDr. F. Demant. Chirurgielca klinika, LIUK v Kosiciach, prednosta prof. Mr. J. Knazovicky. KOS v Kosiciach, riaditel NUDr. I. Kratochvil. (TYPHOID in lnf.& ohild.) (lUNG DISFASES etiol.) RARM, L.;KIJNSTADr. J. Angiography of the mediastinam and lungs by the author's own method. Rozhl. chir. 39 no-3:168-172 Mr 16o 1. Chirurgicka kliniks. LM Kosice, prednosta prof. J. K12azovicky Radiologicka klinika LTLJX Kosice, prednosta doc. A. Zhustadt (OGIOGRAPHT) (MIDIASTINUM radiograpbv) (LUNG radiography) BARDOS, L.; GORDON, A. Spontaneous cbylothorax in an infant. Bratial. Lek. Listy 2 no.11: 673-680 161. 1. Z Chirurgickaj kliniky Lek. fak. University P. J. Safarika v Kesiciach, prednosta prof. MUDr. J. Knazovicky, a a Detskej klinik-7 Lek. fak. University P. J. Safarika v Kosiciach, prednosta pref. MUDr. F. Demant. (CiffLOTHORAX in inf & child) BARDOS, L.; BAiWOSOVA, G.; GOiWON, A. Our further experiences with pleural empyema in children. -RozhlI. chir. 41 no.5:325-329 My 162. 1. Chirurgicka klinika Lekarshej fakulty Univerzity P.J.Safarika v Kosiciach, prednosta prof, MUDr. J. Knazovicky Detska klinika Lekarskej fakulty Univerzity P.J.Safarika v Kosiciach, prednosta prof. I-TUDr. F. Demant. (EMPLIIA in inf & child) BARDOS$..L.; KUNIAK, M. Our surgical approach to the thoracic esophagus and its geometrical justification. Rozhl. chir. 42 no.10:693~-699 0 . 163. ' 1. Ghirurgibka klinika Lekarskej fakulty UPJS v Kosiciach (prednosta prof. dr. J. Knazovicky) a Katedra desicriptivnej geometrie VST v 0 Kosiciach (veduci prom. mat. V. Paluch). BARDOS 1 N. Importance of blades for the good *049 of ba-Ad saws. Ind lemnului 14 no.10:369-373 0 '63. .11 1, j" - T, - . .. -1 -.1 ,I . . _ ()II - -;," - I ,C, I ; Vi I -, I I . - . Za,, tj, 1. -~~ .1~ , _ alla ini,f~nsifica'ioij o' ),.71 1--i It-i'a--illi -15 ; S I BARDOS, V., inz., CSc. Development and present conditions of testing the precision of nechanisms. Strojirenstvi 13 no.11:820-827 11 163. -S . 1. Katedra technickej mechaniky, Slovenska vysolca s':cl-- technicka, Bratislava. A BCZZAY, V* 'In A dr. W.-n6; BARDOS, Vera, dr., dr. F.-n~; alBER, Erik~-, dr. dr. M.-n6; JIUJDAS, Ioenke, dr., dr. SZ.--nb. Problems of supplying the members of collective farms with dentr" prostheses 'n the district of Sellye. Fogorv. szmle 58 no-5s.129-135 My t65 1. A Pecsi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Stomatologiall lainikajarol (Igazgato*. Schranz, Denes, dr., egyeterni tanar). BARDOS, Vera Reaction of the epithelium of the oviducts to ovarian hormones. Kiserletes orvostud. 6 no.3:263-268 May 54. 1. Pecel Orvostudomanyi 1&yetem Anatomlai, Szovet-ee Fejlodestani Intezete. (ESTROGENS, effects, on oviduct epithelium in castrated animals) (OVIDUCTS, offset of drugs on, estrogens in castrated animals) (CASTRATION, eff. of estrogens on oviduct epithelium in castrated animals) FLIRKO, B.; BARDOS, V. HypothaIamus structures sensitive to sex steroids. Acts. physiol. hung. ll(Suppl):43-44 1957. 1. Institut fur anatomie, histologle und entwicklungBgeschichte der medizinischen. (HYPOTHAIAM, physiol. regulation of FSH secretion in rate (Gar)) (GONADOTROPINS, PITUTARY, phyaiol. PSH aeorction, regulation by hypothalamus in rate (Ger)) DEBRECZENI, Laura, dr., RIJDAS, Lenket dr.; RARDOS, Vera, dr. The use of hydrocortisone in dental prop~ylaxis. Fogorv. szemle 58 no.6:170-172 Ja 165 1. A Pecsi Orvostudomanyi Fgyetem Stomatolnpiai ninikajarol. (Igazgato: Schranz, Denes, dr., egyetemi tanar). WMOS, Vladimir Mechanizmy-zakland techniky. (Mechanisms, the Foundation of Tecl-molo, gy illus., bibl.)Martin, Osveta, 1957. 59 p. Vol.5, No.33-34, series 3, of Veda ludu (PoTular scienae). Introduction into the theory of mechanisms and machines. It deals with some basic prcblems, the solution of which is necessary for the correct and precise working of newly constructed machines and machanisms. Bibliografickly katalog, GSR, Slovenske Khihy. Vol. VIII. 1957. No.10. n.31:% MOOS, Vladimir, inz. Vectorial interpretation of the Zukovski's theorem on auxiliary lover. Stroj cas 13 no.1:95-98 162. BAR , Vladimir, inz. Geometric characteristics of mechanical devices and their ldnetic purpose. Stroj eas 12 no.6:.'174-360 161. BARDOS, Vlad~ ~, ins, Graphic, graphonumerical and numerical methods for determining the first transmission function in plane mechanisms. Stroj cas 13 no.3:24.4-261 162. 1. Katedra,strojnickej mechaniky ")trojnickej fakulty, Slovenska VYs'oka skola technicka, 3ratislava. RAIR116"), Vlai~tnirj -Anz. CSc. Synthasia of plane mechanisms from the vievpoint of accurecy, 3tro-j cas 16 no.1:105-108 165. 1. ;3,ubmitted September 4, 1964~ L 3176M6 I ACC NRs LU21696 SOURC3 CODEt CZ/0032/66/016/001/0009/00211 AUT1.110: 13irdos, Ve-Bardosh, Vo' (Engineer; Candidate of sciences; Bratislava) OLIG: none' TIME: Methods for the approximate synthesis of planar mechanisms with lower Idnorlail-lic pairs SOURQ3: Strojirenstvi, v. 16, no. 1, 1966, 9-21 TOPIC TAGS: planar logic, mathomatio analysis ABSTLLkCT-. The synthesis of planar mechanisms lilth lower kinematic pairs is explained, and it is pointed out that the optimal soluti n can be found only by applying matherna- tical analysis as the sole reliable way of obtaining sound designs and of eliminating tine-consuming experiments. Various methods of synthesis are described in-the first part of the article; in the second part, the transmission and guiding mochanisms are discussed* Orige art* has: 15 figures and 113 formulas6 fB-ased on author's Eng6 abstj CJPR:s7 SUB CODEz 05 / SUM j)ATEt none / ORIG REFt 009 / SOV REF: 015 OTH REF: 008 1. 3110'94-f56 __ F111~d~1JRk)-___ ACC _r7 C 6:)F :C7 /002 6/(65/010/004/0 374/0394 F"rdC3 Vla6imir (Engineer,Canaidate of Sciences); Barldosoval Nada I 011G; !_,eerirqq, Faculty, sloval: Institute of Technology, Bratislava (Strojnicka fakul-~a ~,V~T) TIT-----: Use of vector calculus to determine the kinematic precision of plane mach'-:1"ISN's Aplikace matematiky, v. 10, no. 4, 1965, 374-384 TOPT.G -L;,G')': calculus, error measurement, plane mechanism AB' - "i - 1. -"T: In 4nvostigatinkg the precision of plane mechanisms, be- sidos tho orror in position it also is noco5sary to know the in velocity and in direction of the velocity. In this article, voctor calculus is used to determine the last-mentioned error, which develops as a result of initial errors in the strue"ural dimoppion~s of the mechanism..' Orig. art."has: 1 figure and 42 formulas. Zjpi& SUB GCDE: 20, 12/ SUBM DATE: 18Mar64/ ORIG REF: 007/SOV REF: 001 BARDOS, V. . Npidemiology of poliom"Ittis in Slovaki& in 1947. Bratial. lek. listr 30:SUPPI- 3 :3-45 1950. (CLML 20:1) BAJWS, V. I - Application in hygiene of certain conclusions derived from.Pavlov's teaching. Sloven.lekar 12 no-11:592-598 Nov 50. (CLML 20:6) BARDOS, V. law on b7clenic and'a-til-spidemic serylees an a measure for'improfoi- men% of health standards in workers. Lek. obzor I no.5-6:172-180 1952. (GIML 23:2) BARDOS, Vojtech. MUDr Water-borne epidemic of paratyphoid fever A. Gesk. hyg. epidem. mikrob. 2 no.1:55-63 Feb 153. (PARATHYPHOID FZVIRS, epidemiology, Czech.) /7 2242. BARDOS V MMINA 3 Re PHY"ANPJ.) DIETY,Et, IMILTIOMUn, J. LIBIKOVA) He, MMSOVIOOVAI A., ROSICKY, Be and SOMODSKA V. * Komplexn~ qskum ohniska ndkaz na v~chodnorn Slovensku r, 1953. A complex survey of natural focus of infection in East Slovakia in the year 1953 BRATISLAVSK]t LtKARS., LISTY 1954, 34/10-11 (1166-1195) Graphs 3 Tables 11 Illus. 8 A zoological and parasitological exploration of this region (plain of the Carst). Practically the only small mammal living in the forests is the wood mouse (Apo- demus flavicollis); ticks (Ixodes ricinus) are prevalent in many places. Both are considered as potential reservoirs of the Russian spring-summer encephalitis, virus neutralizing antibodies to which were found in serum mixtures of the mouse and a few other small animals. Similar evidence was obtained by the CFT. The presence of antibodies against the Western equine encephalitis was also demon- strated in some of the animals. Hurnan infactions of a mild character were seen in 42 cases (partly caused by tick bites, partly by the drinking of raw goat milk). Leptospira infection (L. pomona) is apparently widespread among domestic ani- mals. Five cases of human infection with various species of leptospira were seen; the epidemiological relation to leptospiroses in small rodents is discussed. From author's summary ExcerptA NftUca See 17 Pablie Health Vol. IV6 June 55 Excerpta yWica See 17 PdWic Health Val. 116 jum 55 2243 BAR � V. 4. BALAT F., BREZINA R . KMETY E., KRALIKOVA D., MKft'1A_7T_-rTVLLj J, LABIKOVA H., MA616KA 0., MANICOVA E., NOSEK J. ROSICK~[ B tIUKOVA A., ~OMODSKA V. and ZACHAR D. * V~skum prlrodndho ohniska ndkaz v jednom kraji na Slovensku. A study of the ,natural focus of infections in a district of Slovakia BRATISLAVSKt LE'KARS. LISTY 1954, 34/10-11 (1195-1237) Graphs I Ta- bles 18 In February 1953,51.616 of the healthy population of the western part of Middle Slovakia showed a positive CFT for antibodies against the Czechoslovak or-Rus- sian spring-summer encephalitis, A description is presented of an epidemic of 100 cases occurring subsequently in this region during 1953 (especially in May- July). 60% reported tick bites, 23% were! considered as a sequel of the drinking of raw goat milk, in 1716 the route of entry remained obscure. There is some evidence that the tick reservoirs of the virus were Ixodes ricinus and Haemaphy- salis concinna. As a wild mammal reservoir Apodemus flavicollis (the wood mouse) may play a role. Low pastures with bushes in Middle Slovakia offer fa- vourable conditions for the spreading of encephalitis in view of their fauna. The same may be said with regard to leptospiroses and rickettsioses. From author's summary (XVH, 4*) V. BARDOa- V rwoz"s~sz - LIBIKOVA. H.g MAGICKA, 0., ROSI=, B. Proposals for directions for the fight against the tick-borne encephalitis in the foci. Bratiel. lek. linty, 34 no.10-11: 1275-1304 Oct-Nov 54. 1. Z Virologickeho ustayu CSAV, riaditel akademic D.Braskovic. 2 Oblestneho ustavu spidemiologia a mikrobiologie pre Slovensko. riaditel dr. J.1raroleek. Z Biologickeho ustavu CSAV. riaditel akademik I.Nalak. (31NCXPMITIS, MWIC, prevention and control In Czech., proposed directions) BARDOS, V.; SOMODSKA. V. Identification of a neurotrophic virus isolated in West Slovakia. Cesk. epidem. m1krob. imun. 5 no-5:274-278 Sept 56. 1. Oblastny, ustav epidemiologic a mikrobiologie. Bratislava, riad. Dr. Karolcek. - (ENCEPHALITIS, virus isolation In Czech. (Cz)) EX137RPTA ',~~`.DICA Sec. 17 Vol- 3/9 Public Hea,,n OPt. 97 21756. iiAiti)(A V. Ost. Lpidenliol. a Mikrobiol., Oblastn6ho 0'st. i)re Slovenske, -We ~uci iFro . Odd., Bratislava. * Experimentline poOitie gaina glubulftlu v profylaxii klie.St'ovej encefalitfdy. 1. Ex pe ri menta I use of gamma- globulin for the prophylaxis of tick encephalitis 11HATIS- LAVSKE LEKAiis. LUSTY 1956, 36/2 (65-76) Tables 6 10% human ganima-plobulin was tested for the presence of neutralizing antibodies to the virus of tick encephalitis. In 6 samples of gamma-globutin of Czechoslovak origin virus- neutralizing antibodies were demonstrable (using tile extrancural test in white tnice), while 2 samples of Danish gamniu-globulin contained no antibodies. The most potent of the Czechoslovak samples was used in animal experiments as a prophylactic against the infection. When administered 24 hr. after tile beginning of the infection, however, no prophylactic effect wag apparent. llyperimmune sheep gamma-globulin as prepared by the author contained virus -neutralizing antibodies which attaine'd a neutralizing index of over 4,000,000. In animal experiments using white mice this sheep gamma-globulin was capable of protecting the animals from lethal effects, provided that it was 7~dministered within the first 24 hr. of tile onset of infection. Chytka - Brno (IV, 17) CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Virology--Viruses of Plan and Animal E Viruses of Transmission Infections Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biologiya) no 21, 1958, 94860 Authoz : Bardos V Inst : Not given Title : Experimental Infection of White Mice with an "0" Virus Strain of Tick Encephalitis by Means of Introduction Orally with Milk Orig Pub: Bratisl. lekar. listy, 1957, 2, No 5, 269-274 Abstract% No abstract. Card 1/1 M)ICA See !4*Vol 12/4 1.ed. Apr 59 1053. VIRUS NEUROINFECTIONS IN THE DANUBE AREA ASSOCIATED WITH NATURAL FOCI - Vfrusov6 neuroinfekne s 1wirwine ohriskm-~m ~,'skylom V oblasti dunaja V. Ust, Epidenvol. it Mikrobiol.. Bratislava F 19-51`7. ~6rl-391) Tables 6 CSL. EPIDE-M. 106 IN A report oil t lie result s of an exit ini nat ion of the Danube it rea in Czechoslovakia conduct - vdinl954-56. Froiiitliel)i-,iiiisofi-()deilts5sti-~iiiist)f thevirusof tick-borneence- phalitis (recovered from Sorex araneus and Clethrionomys glareolus). one strain of the virus of lymphocytic choriomeningitis (from Mus musculus) and one sirain of the virus of Western equine encephalomyelitis (from Apodernus flavicollis) were isolated. Tick-borne encephalitis virus- neut ralizing antibodies were found in sera of rodents and in sera of man, both in clinical cases and in inapparent infections. From the brain of a deceased person the virus of tick-borne encephalitis was isolated. No neutralizing antibodies against the virus of. Western equine encepha- lomyclitis were found. Antibodies neutralizing the virus of Eastern equine encepha- lomyelitis were demonstrated in man, domestic animals and birds. Sporadically. antibodies neutralizing the virus of enceplialonlyocarditis were encountered in human sera, in sera of domestic animals and in rat sera. St. Louis virus-neutral- izing antibodies were not found. (XV111. 4) EXCERPTA IDMICA Sac.4 V61.11/4 1!-_d.1'.1crob. ctuc. AprI158 980. EXPERIMENTAL INFECTION OF WHITE MICE WITH THE STRAIN .00 OF TICK-BORNE ENCEPHALITIS VIRUS GIVEN PER OS IN 'hULK - ExperimentlIna infekcia bielych my6i kmeftom 10, v'irusu klie:,fovej ence- falitidy podan~m per os v mlieku -_DArdo� V. Ustavu Epidemiol. a Mikrobiol., Bratislava - BRATISLAVS_K_T~RS. LISTY 1957, 37(11)/5 (269-274) Tables 1 The intestinal tract of mice is the portal of entry for the 10, strain of tick-borne encephalitis virus. The virus of tick-borne encephalitis given per os in mill-, caus- ed lethal infection in white mice even if dilute-1 more than 100 to 10,000times. The experiments justify the assumption that the digestive tract of man is also the portal of entry for the virus of tick-borne encephalitis. (IV, 17*) --i--E~c-lq!PTA-"fF-4:LC-A~s-qlp-7-v-oi.12L6- Pecuatribe-,S q 8 1668. VIROLOGICAL STUDY OF AN EPIDEMIC OF SEROUS MENINGITIS CAUS- ED BY A COXSACKIE TYPE Az VIRUS - Virologick.4 diagnostika epWmie ser6znych meningitid vyvolanych virusom zo skupiny Coxsackie typu A2 - BdrdoA V. . Somodskd V. , Lacko F. and HodAlovi M. Ust. -Epidem1b1_.a Mjkrobiql. a Mestskej Hyg. -Epidemiol. Stanice, Bratislava - BRATISLAVSKE LEKARS. LISTY 1957, 37/8 (469-481) Graphs 2 Tables 7 Illus. I Virological examination of 24 cases in children was carried out and virus was-iso- lated from the stoots in 7 cases. Chytka - Brno (L, 4, 7,8,17) COUDIRY I CZFCHOSLOVAJ1QA CAHOOT,! A N, , J OUR. TtZhBio~.-L,) lio. 1959j, 4% 9947 Bardos, DIST. TITLE Study of the Neutrah.-Ang Antibodies to Virusc!5 of 'Western and '2p.5terr. Equine EncephalLomyclitides in ific Seri, of Domestic Anianals of Slovakia ORI a. PUB. 'Veterin. casor, 1958, 7, No Z, 115-126 A 337RACT No abstract. 7-a rd: 1/1 10 EXCERP-A MEDI-,A Sec 17 Vol 5/2 Public Health Feb 59 466. NATURAL FOCI OF VIRUS NEUHOINFECTIONS IN EASTERN SLOVAKIA - Vfrusovd neuroinfekcie a prfrodnlm ohniskovym v1skytom na %Ichodnom slovensku --PAX-dD-I-V 11st. Epiderniol. a Mikrobiol., Oblastnj 11st. pre Slovensko. Bratislava - &L. EPIDEM. 1958, 7/3 (163-170) Tables 4 From the brains of Mus musculus 4 strains of the LCM virus were isolated. In sera of cows antibodies neutralizing the virus of equine encephalomyelitis of the Eastern and Western type were found. In one horse antibodies were encountered neutralizing the virus strain, EMC, of the group Columbia SK. Pospffil Brno (L. 17)