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VODTAKOV, L.T.; XOSHKINA, Ye.S. Water softening with cationites prepared from Pliocen and Hauterivian clays. Trudjr I no-16-.77-84 151 [Publ. 1521. (MIRA 12:12) (Vater--Boftening) (Bose-exchanging compounds) NIODYLIXT 1, T - V.G. ------ - It Recearch for ak,)lin vfbstItju-,,~32 'LI t;-I -rr~duation of lopther. Trio-dy KMPI ro.18-.107-112 '53 r-Publ- O"MA. 1-:11) (Kaolin) (Letathor. Artificial) 7- 1 VODY,1KC), i:. N. Defended his Dissertnticm for Candilate of Technic~t' Sciences in th,~ Be'cru!~SiA.r, lolytechnical Institute, 114nsk, 195-3 Dissert,ition: 'IE-ffeet of High-Frequency Inluction Pardlening on the 3tructure and l,echanical Properties of Carlburiz.1mr -Steels 18 Kh3T and 20 CKWIll SO: Referativnry Zhurnal Khimiy,-., No. 1, Oct. 195) (14/29955, 26 Apr 54) FUNKE) V.F. (Moskva); YUDKOVSKH, S.I. (Moskva); Prinimala uchastiye Structure and properties of alloys of zirconium diboride with iron, cobalt, and nickel. Izv.AN SSSR. Otd.tekh.nauk. Metj topl. n0.4:126-132 Jl-Ag 162. (MIRA 15:8) (Zirconium alloys-Metallography) (Powder metallurgy) VODYANAYA T A - MAKULOV, N.A,; ESSENY A.I. ;;=&.AA4;jp Y Spectrum analysis of NIVO-3p IIIKA, SKA-.1, A14gK, No. 149, AMg6-1 alloys by metal spec:bnenn. Trudy Giprotsvetaietcbrabotka no.24:355-358 165. (MIRA 18:11) VODYANIK, G.M.; STRELITSOV, I.P. Now drive for NPI-typee counter-rotating fans. Trudy TIPI 13701-87 162. (MTIRA 16110) ZHURAVLEV, P.V.; I~ODYANIK,,G.M. Using SVM-6X fans in electric loccootive construction. Trudy NPI 13703-79 162. (MIRA 16:10) VODYANIK,_qrigoriy Mikhaylovich,,-starjhiy prepodavatell Dynmaies of NPI counter-rotation fans. Izv. vyB. ucheb. zav.; elektromekh. 3 no.9.95-Ul 160. (MMI 15:5) 1. Kafedra gornoy mekhaniki Ilovocharkaoskogo politekhnicheskogo instituta. -vrws, w aQ%d pment) ~Fa~ E VODYANIK., I.T.,, inzIl. R6.3-Ing of a crawler tractor with the formation of track. Trakt. i-sellkhozmash. no.9212-34 S 165. (MIRA 1&10) VODTAIIIE, P., nauchW sotrudnik Remote, control In gas 87stems. Zhil.-kori. L-bot. 8 no.9:5-7 158. (MIRA 11:10) 1. Institut ispolizonaniya gaza All USSR. (Gas distribution) (Remote control) YODYANIK,--P.7. Telemschanical control in the Stryy e7-s field. Gaz. pro=. no.10:47-32 0 158- (MIRA 11:11) (Stryy--Gas, Natural) (Remote control) 1~ VODYA111K, Petr Fedorovich; DUbWVINA, 1;.D,,, ved. re(l. D.utornatic contro-I of a gas Ifield 1, A'7!.oma,4_::'r_ezkce up- .., A(,,6,1~. 223 p. ravlenie gazovym proirlsioT. Mo.3kva, Nedra - 17:8) VODYANIK9 G. M., CAND TEcm Sojq l.wvr&lp+.a" OF lrVt AERODYNAMIC 1811110=mLacaw" OF COUNTER- ROTAT ION -AW VEN- TILATORao NOVOCHERKASSKt 1960, (MIN of HIGHER AND SEC SPEC Eo UKSSR. DONETS ORDER OF LABOR Reo BA4NER POLYTECII INST). (KLt 2-619 207). _121- -A VODYANIK, P.P. In reference to L.A. Endin's article. Gaz.prom. no.11:29-32 ff 058. (MIRA 11:11) (Gas distribution) (Remote control) TODYANIK, P.P. AutowAtic control of gas wells. Avtomatyka no.2:62-72 160. NIRA 13: 7) 1. Iastitut ispollzovaniya gaza AN USSR. (Automatic control) (Gas wells) - -- - - I" - I- !- r.,- - , -1 T , " I -. , - , " -1-,f * -~ - - - , i / I / , , . I - " ". - --- -1 - - - - - VODYANIK, . - Central ccntrol of the Stry7 gas syutem. Gaz. -Dro:4. ao.2:2B-29 F 156. (Stryy--Gas distribution) OURA 11:2) (Automatic control) VODYANIKI P.F. .Automation of gas recovery processes, and gas gathering systems at gas fields. Gaz.prom. 6 no.5:11-13 My 161. - . (MIRL 14-1 5) ' (Gas wells) (Automatic control) VODYA"T TKOV, Yu. A. -- - WATAMMW-"r" I Summer pi-ZETA-cal work of students on the collective farm. Biol. v sbkola no. 3:34-39 MY-Ja 158. (KIRA 11:8) 1. Novosibirskiy oblastnoy institut usovershanstvovaniya uebitaley. (Keelyanino-Agriculture--Study and teaching) VCDIANIKOVj XU. IA. L67- ~.-kovp, Yu. Ya.],, kaM I dat na podagogicheakits rauki, dotsent v 96i4ibfiskii-a durzha~en pe&gogiabemki institut* Agri~ltural practical works in teaching PrmOuction in rural Ischoolse Biol-"Ii.khlim 5 no.1:45-50 163a - SIHYGLYA., A.,'..; VODYANIT'iKAYA, N. I. Experimental rt%dy rf thr. motisr. cf thr. plate,-,- ~~. Khol. Lokh. 42 no.4:14--18 JI-Ag 165. k. 1. Gdel3okiy tekhnologicheskly ImUtut p!.3hchowoy 1 kliulodillInDy prorrysh-lerinost-J. (N) L 121 39-6.6 ACC NR: AP6000456 SOURCE CODE: UR/0064/r)5/000/009/0063/0065 AUTHOR: Xod-lanitakiy. 0. A.; Toirlin, A. M.; Korobkov, Ye. 1. ORG: None TITLE: Reducing the formation of a deposit on the walls of piping systems by means of ultrasound SOURCE: Khl.micheskaya promyshlennost'.. no. 9, 1965, 63-65 TOPIC TAGS: naphthalene, ultrasonic vibration, pipe , fuel deposit formation, ultrasonic effect, gaq ABSTRACT: In order to deteimtne whether ultrasound can prevent the formation of solid deposits from a circulated gas on pipe walls, dried nitrogen was saturated with naphthalene vapors, passed through a pipe in an ultrasonic field, then frozen* A GUZ-5P ultrasonic generator was used. With the ultrasound, 10-15% of the naphthalene passed through the freezing trap-deposited an its walls, as compared to 45% in the absence of the ultrasound. This amount decreased to 6% when the intensity of the ultrasound was raised to 4.6 W/CM2. Elimination of pipe weld joints was found to reduce the lose of acoustical energy and thus increase the effectiveness of the ultrasonic vibrations in preventing the formation of the deposit. The rate of formation and thickness of the naphthalene deposit decre,ased Card 1/2 UDC: 621..646.978:534-8 12139-66 ACC NR: AP6000456 substantially with increasing intensity of the ultrasonic vibrations. The experi-: ments showed that ultrasound can be successfully used to prevent deposit formation, in gas apparatus and piping systems. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, 1 table, and 1 formula. SUB CODE: '24,0 7 SUBM DATE: 00 ORIG REF: 004 OM REF: 001 T61HLIN, Ti.m.: voDY c at on of -J :5 cm thi wall. S 165. TISHCHEM, D.V.; NOSOVA, N.I.; VODZIITSKATA. A.N.; GORWIT, L.V. Industrial pyrocatechol from the acid liquor produced in the gasification of wood. Sbor.trad. TSMLKH1 no.12:104-112 157. (MMA 13: 10) (Pyrocatechol) (Wood distillation) CHAYKOVSICIY, V.F., kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent; SHMYGLYA, A.A., inzh.; VODYANITSKAYA) II.I., inzh. 11alues of the meah temperature of the walls of a Preon uniflow compressor. Trudy OTIPiKhP 12:33-36 162. (WRA 17:1) 1. Kafedra kholodilInykh mashin Odesskago tekhnalogichaskogo instituta pishchevoy i kholodillnoy promyshlennosti. VODYANITWTA,,.,2~.; KOZHEVNIKOVA, E. "Industrialization and mchanization in rural construction' exhibition. Sell.stroi. 18 no.11:15-16 N 163. (MrRA 17:3) 1. Sotrudniki pavillona "Sellskoye sti-oltellstvoll na Vystavke dojitizheniy narodnogo khozyaystva SSSR. A39l6n66--E~i1(l)----LJ2 ACC NR; A7602(~,01 SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: Pizhnyak, N. A.; Vody!~.nitzkly J A. A. ORG: none TIME: jjeatin~., of small plasmoids incident on an axially- symmetrical magnetic field SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Issleuovaniye plazmennykh sgustkov (Study of plasma clustdVa). Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1965, 53-60 TOPIC TAGS: plasmoid, plasma heating, plasma interaction, plasma magnetic field, plasma oscillation, thermodynamic analysis ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier work (in: Fizika pl.azrq i problenV u-pravlyayemogo ermoyadernogo sinteza, v. 4, Naukova dumka, Kiev, 1965) Vhere it was shown that the equations of motion of a'l)lasmoid can be represented in the hydrody- namic approximation in terms of the total current in the plasmoid and its self- induction. The present article deals -with the heating of the planmoid by the cur- rents induced in it by the magnetic field. Since the magnetohydrod-,namic equations for this case are quite complicated, the connection between the effective dimensions_! of the Dlasmoid and its thermodynamic quantities are determined under the assu;ription that the plasmoid has a sufficiently abriDt boundary with the vacuum and tbz,t the relay.ation processes in the plasma are q-ulte rapid and satisfy the equations of an ideal gas. Tne thermodynamic eqijations for the planmoid are then written out on the bas-'s of these a asnumed spherical or spheroidal with L' p proxima t ions. 7he plasmoid is ,,,CC NR; ,;mall e -.,.c e nt r I cty. C orld ons -on2 c- w'- i ch h(- n` a z;n- o id ent er in:7 t-h;- will contract or ex~)and, fnd the valueL Of. th:a reached by the placmoid, are ther., doterrnincd fro.,n the derived er at4cnss for sev-2ral particulRr cast:.-s- Orig. art. hrx,-,: I figrure ftnci -1.6 f0nmulas. SUB CODE: 201 suBm DArE: 11N(:)v65/ muG RE-i,: ou") 2 JS -A '00 r AIVI&I wt&WGOWM VCDYANITSKIY,P.P. N.F.Rozenplenter's article OImproving the excavator method of peat winning." Torf.prom.32 no.4:24-25 '55. NLRA 8:10) 1. Torfopredpriyatiye wShaulyaym. (Peat industry) VODYANITSKIT, . P.P., Organizing the winning of milled peat. Torf-prom-33 no*3:26-18 156. 04MA 9:7) I.Shiulyayskoya torfoprodprivatiye. (Peat industr7) 18(5 17) SOV1135-~9-9-14123 1 AUTHORS: Ya. I. and Dolgitser, L. Z., Enginecre Vodyanitshijr CD , TITLE: C T~7eld4_ Q yi....-r Fans Ar n, of Turbine Rotors for Dr, PERIOD ICAL: Svxochnoye proizvodstvo, 19.59, I'Ir 9, pp 37-30 (USSP.) ABSTRACT: The rLUthorn present some data for the welding-, of turbine rotors. In 1957 the Moscow factory "Santekhdetal"' or- ganized the production of special air fans with two- side suction. This f,-,n has an efficiency of 300,000 M3/h md is used for the worl-c-lurf on corn seeds. Fig 1 sho-7s the structtire of 1--he welded turbine. Large Jirii- ensious, thin inetal -,nd considerable leriftth of the welds (85 m) caused clifficultios duving veldiiq~ L~-,,,d assembly. Fig.- 3, 4 and 5 show th2 schemes of weldin- aud assembly of the tnrbi-ae. '-Aectrodes type UOIII- 13/45, With a diimeter of 3.4 and 5 mm were use(~ for the welding. ill-Logether 17 IC,,,r electrodes ~'.qd 32 IZ]h Power are usecl ffor one turbine. En-ineer.,~ It. A.Agra- novich. 1,, D. Rotshtcvri nvid A. K. Zetler participated -IL th(, veldin-- of the turbine, as well as welders _'i. Card 1/1 SaveLlyev and M. N. Yaa:-,-.,ts. There are 5 VOI)MUINIKOU, A.A. Ing Irradiation on the course and microbioloV of experimental infected wonnd. Biill.eksp.biol. I med. 48 ao.7:Y~-38 J1 159. (HIRA 12:10) 1. Iz Sverdlo7skogo nanchno-issledovatellakogo inatituta voeetanovitellnoy khirnrgil, travmatologii i ortopedii. (dir. - chlen-korrespondent A1411 SSSR prof.F.H.Boglanov). Pradntavlena deyatvjtol'n;m chlenwi A1411 SSSR J1.H.Zhnkov1rn-Verozhn1kovym. (WOUNDS AND INJOUAS - Infection) (RADIATION FM, CTS - exper.) VA 6 '"~ Iffect of the blood and of its components on the prooess of healing of newly infected experimental wounds.Evith summary in Inglish]. Biul.eksp.biol. i med. 43 no.1:100-104 Ja 157. (MLRA 10:8) 1, Iz Sverdlovakogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo institute vosetanovi- tallnoy khirurgii. travmatologil i ortopedil (dir. - chlon-korrespondent AMN SSSM prof. F.P.Bogdanov). Predstavlens deyetvitelinym chlenom ANN SSSR prof. N.N.Zhukovym-VerezhnIkovym. (WOUNDS, experimental. eff. of hemotimr. on healing (Rug)) (MOTIMAPY, hamoithero, aff, on exper. wds. healing (Rua)) 61(ifiRlIA.. H.M.; VOI)YANICENA, 1,L2 te!nt.4-nation of nal. -K!--':!i. 2oiium hydraxidea. Zhur. a- ~Tel 165. 20 no.8:83.1-835 (MLL'LA 18:10) 1,. Kt)IlSkj.y ft'jpil t.11 S%rtp Kiro7sk,, .1 . - USSR/Diseases of Farm Animals - General Problems . B-1 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 10, 1958, 45369 Author : Krivonogov, K.P., Y2~~ _A.~ Inst : Stavropol' Agricultural Institute. Title : On the Healing of Wounds in Poultry. Orig Pub : Sb. naucyno-issled. rabot-stud. Stavropollsk s. kh. In-t, 1956, vyp. 4, llo-112 Abstract : The experimental clinico-histologic studies showed that deep cut wounds in poultry are not accompanied by the development of purulent complications. The healing of wounds in poultry is not associated with a marked serous inflammatory reaction, but with a rapid development of the proliferation of calls of the connective tissue. The cut vounds in poultry heal very rapidly. Card 1/1 USSR Pharmacology, Toxicology. Analeptics. V Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 18, 1958, 85133. Author : Amitina, R, Z., Vodyanova, I. I. Inst : Not given. - Title : The Influence of-~~&e-rg,-mon_~n Gastric Secretlen, Orig Pub: In the collection, Materialy k izuch. zhen'shenya i limonnika, No 3, Leningrad, 1958, 184-186. Abstract: In 15 healthy subjects and 11 patients with chronic gastritis, studies were made of the influence of ground lemon seeds (L) and of a 1.5% aqueous ex- tract of them (EL) on gastric secretion and an the acidity of the gastric contents. L was given in 2 gm amounts in gelatin capsules; stiidies of EL were made by the same method as in the control experi- ments with a caffeine test meal. In the hyperacidic forms,increases, the content of free HC1 in the gas- Card 1/2 28 USSR / Pharmacology, Toxicology. Analeptics. . v Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 18, 1958, 85133. Abstract: tric juice. EL influences the gastric secretion and the acidity of the gastric juice much less - strongly than the caffeine solution commonly used for a test meal. -- V. V. Berezhinskaya. Card 2/2 84-8-10/36 AUTHOR: Vodyanoy, A., Engineer TITLE: (Sab-title: New Airplanes samolt"-y;.) PERIODICAL: Grazhda-,,.skaya Mrlatl-siya, 1957, PIr b. pp. 14-17 (USSR) ABSTRACT! The teurbopr-Dp passenger aircral"v- -Ukralnia" was desAgned. by a group of scientiF_t's tnnder the leadersh-ip or 0. K~ Antcl-nov _'Pzz one ct b-areaus of `04he Minlatry of Avia~*..ton Indu-_~'V'ry. It Is an all-metial cantilever mt:,-0,~:- pla.n.a for tran5por'..- of passengers, mail and laggage. lt~s. k - 4 " fS O ' O o & -.5 0 Jun. cnilsing speed., e..; an altitude of 8 t 650 kd1ometers per hour; the take-off weigh!; is 51 11"he payload iz, up to 13 tons. The cabin iu~~t dezlp,~,-,~td accommodate 81, passengers. The range varles, dependl,4%g c-.n the payload. w1th the cruioing speed of, 600-650- Rn. a payload of 12 tons, the range is 2,000 km.., wb~er,?a~t a. ~jpOOD km.0 ; A payload of 10 tons the range increases to ' TY so on up 3,600 Icn. with a payload of 8.2 The de- signers primarily had the comfort of passcngex-F~ ir, mind. In additicr., -.o enable the "Ukraina" to land ey-13ting . the p1mic has high take-i-J."f and good airfields of th,5? GVF . landir;g capabilities. The plane Is equipped moat modern rad-ic InTtruments (not Bpecifled) for f1fghJ_-3 Card 1/5 night and -t~ider dif 'Llcult mete,~,rological col-nditf The "Ukraina" (Cont.) 84-8-10/36 wing is of the monocoque type, consisting of cen-t-ral se-1- tion, two inboard panels and two cantilever panels. III has a two-spar structure with normal and reinforced ribs and contains two fuel tanks. The fuselage is all-metal. The passenger cabin, separated from the cockpit by a parti- tion, is in turn divided into four compartments: front compartment for 25 people; nursery and galley; central compartment for 46 people) and rear compartment for 13 people. The last sector can also be used for cargo instead of passengers. The front and the rear compartments have o3ie toilet- each. The cloak-room and luggage sector is between the front passenger cabin and the buffet, The cabin is airconditioned and pressurized, The pressure is maintained normal up to an altils"Ude when it amounts to 0.5 kg per square em.; it will rise thereafter in proper proportion. The horizontal tail surfaces are of all-metal acnetrustion. The two-spar stfabilizer consists of two seifl,-Iczas, each bolted to the fuselage bulkhead, The single-spar elevallwor also comprises two separate sections, each Unged to the Card 2/5 rear stabilizer spar at four points. The elevator is "Ukraina" (Cont.) 84-8-10/36 axially compensated and has two sy=etric trimm-tra. 71-..~. vertical tail surfaces comprise a two-spar metal-akln fl.';, and radder with a trimmer and servo-compensetor. The aingle- spar rudder is axially compensated and bal&'L(,.edi 1., -'-_i hinged to the rear fin spar at three poirrts. A fairing provides smooth transition from the fin to fteelage. Th,~t fin and s-"W*abi3.izer have removable leading edges contalrdx% elect'r-o-thermal de-icers. Controls of the first; and second pilot are coupled. A retractable tall skid safe- guards the tail of the fuselage from hittting '14-hp, gro"=ad when landing-7he two front landing gears have no brakes. The main gearo have 4 wheels each, equipped with brakes. The plane is well capable of landing on grass-c-overed ground. The lowering and retraction of landing gearL~. is synchronized,, and is operated by hydraulic pumps attached ihe engines, The system has double control and car, be Qperated from either the left or the right, side, In ad- dition, it can be operated manually, The wonkdng pressure of the hydraulic mixture is 150 kg per scrtia-re cm. TkIle engines are attached to the nacelles by steel frames and provided with shock absorbers. The p.ropel_ler~4 have f,,.i:.r Card 3/5 blades. Starting is electromecharftcal Ly means of stamter- "Wrainall (cont.) 84-8-lo/36 generators. The engines are powerful enough to allow taking-off on three engines only, At an altitude under 6,000 meters the plane can continue the flight with two engines in operation, The plane is equipped with de-icers. The crew consists of 6 men: the aircraft commander, second pilot,, navigator,, radioman., and two stewards. Work on further improving and simplifying the "Ukraina" goes on. The article is accompanied by d pho- tographs and I diagram. The diagram shows a horizontal croon-sectional view of the "Ukraina". The photograph on page 14 shows a side view of the "Mraina". On page 15 we see the chief designer 0. K. Antonov. On page 16 are two inside views of the passenger cabin: on top - the froAt compartment, on bottom the central compartment; and on top of page 17 the rear compartment, A photo in the center of page 17 shows the "coimer" for mothers with babies kshci*-n in the diagram on the opposite side of the b-affetv). The Card 4/5 "Ukraina" (Cont.) 84-8-10/36 last two photos show Ya. 1. Vershnikov, leading te3ti~-,,g pilot of the "Ukraina" (photo on left) and navigator - P. V. Koshkin. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 5/5 VOD NO ~, A. I. Ku s teorii samoletov. Utverzhdan v kachestve uchebnika dlia aviatsionnykh tekhn. shkol. Moskva, Gos. voen. Izd-vo, 1940. 259 P., illus. Title tr.: A course in aircraft construction theory. Approved as a textbook for aeronautical technical schools. TL4671.2-V54 SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1955. cf, ,1 1, -7 ri r,, :~ i f -, , 1 1 r , I - - - - - 11 YODYANOY, A., inzh. lop"Nommil I I I The "Ukraina." Grazhd. av. 14 no.8-14-17 Ag 147. (MIBA 10:9) (jet ;ransporta) VO-J.'Uij, A. T. . Aco---rsc in '.he theory of' tey'.book ~'oskv3, -vien. iz-,~-vo, 11"4,--) 2r-9 p. ( =~ -1 460 ) TL671-5!-V54 CHAYKOVSKrl, V.F., kand. tekhn. nauk; SHMYGLYA, A.A., inzh.; VODYANITSKAYAJI N.I... inzh. , -7, -4 Methods for recording the changes in pressure during camprefsBor testing. Khol. takh. 39 no.5:11-15 S-0 162. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Odesskiy tokbnologichaskiy institut pishchevoy i kholodillnoy pronyablennosti. (Compressors-Testing) VODZIIISKYj Yladimir, inz., DO.T'.,'U-t, Ar!lr,-,J, ix~2;. Possibility of increasing, the borehole coefficient, its effect 0 on labor productivit7 and production costs in mine driving. Rudy 11 no.11: 365-368 11,163. lo Banicka fakulta, VyBoka skola tecluiieka, Kosice. L 29675-66 SVT(1)/ETC;(f) IJP(c) ATIXG (EX) ACC NR: A76012693 SOURCE CODE: UR/3137/65/OOO/114/orjOVC"J9 AUT110R: Xhizhrorak, 14. A.; Vodyanitskiy, A. A. su ORG: Physicotechnical Institute# Acaden7 of Sciences UkrSSR (Yiziko-tekhnichleskly, nstitul=eEr-n-aM UkrSSR) ,3 TIME: Oscil3jitions and heatin small j2l4s ra b ly- g -of --unches incident on an axial. symmetrical magnetic field SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Fiziko-tekhaicheskiy institut. Doklady, no. 114, 1965. o kolebaniyakh i nagreve malykh plazmennykh sgustkov, naletayushchikh na aksiallno- simmetrichnoye magnitnoye pole, 1-9 TOPIC TAGS: plasmoid, plasma heating, plasma oscillation) magnetohydrodynamics ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier work by one of the authors (Khizhnyak,,, Fizika plazqr i probleW upravljayerrogo termoyadernogo sinteza (Plasma Physics and; Problems of Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion], No. 40 AN UkrSSR, Kiev, in press) where it is shown that the equations of motion of a plasmoid can be represented in the hydrodynamic approximation in terms of the total current in the plasmoid and its self-induction. The present article deals W.1th the azimuthal current induced in a plasma following the incidence of plasmoids on an axially-symmetrical mag- netic fieldp and the interaction of these induced currents with the external mag- Card 1/2 L 29675-66 ACC IM: AT6oi2693 netic field and its effect on the plasma heating. The system of magnetohydro- dynamic equations is written out for an ellipsoidal plasmoid which is solved for two limiting values of a parameter defining the ratio of the Alf'ven frequency to the hybrid frequency. An analysis of the results shows that if the initial gas- kinetic pressure is smaller than the magnetic pressure, then the plasmoid will start contracting on entering the magnetic field, until the kinetic pressure of the plasma exceeds the magnetic pressure, and this contraction causes plasma heat-: ing. The next phase is expansion of the plasmoid accompanied by cooling. If the kinetic pressure initially is larger than the magnetic pressure, then the plasmoid~- will first expand and its temperature decrease. If the two pressures are equal, the plasmoid will move without change in radius, other than that due to collisions. Estimates are presented for the maximum and minimum of the temperature attained by the plasmoid. Me authors thank Z. A. Azoys~M for help with the numerical calculations. Orig. art. has: 1 figure and 19 formulas. suB com 2o/ sum DATE: oo/ oRIG REF: oo6 iCard 11009fAITITSUY, V- A- UONAbd1olne - Biology,, listory Jan 19W 3bdiclue - Biology, Studios 084venty-Five Years of the Sevastopol BloltMacal Station (1871-72--1947),l; V. A. Vodyanltakiy, Dr B101,06 Sol, 5* PP OV"t Ak Neuk SS8R* No 1 Provides history of persomel and achlevemonts or the station from the time of Its roundIzW to Its proment status. P-A 66TT8 I v .~ 0 "New findings about the hydrological structure of the Black Sea," Science and Life, No. 3, 1948. VODYANITSKIY, V. A. "The Basic Vater Circulation and the Evolution of Salinity of the Black Seall Trudy Sevastopol' skiby Biologicheskoy Stantaii (Proceedings of the Sevastopol' Biola- gical Station), Vol 6., 1948 VODYANITSKIY, V.A.. -4 -"77707 7Xovalevskii and the Sevastopol Biological Station. Trud7 SBS 8:3-10 '54. (MIRA 11:1) (Kovalevskii, Aleksandr Onufrievich, 1840-1901) V Biological productivity of bodies of water, particularly the Black Sea. Trudy SBS 8:347-433 154. (Km 11:1) (Black Sea-Marine biology) VODYANITSKIY, V.A. --- Concerning IU.P.Zaitsevis article on the d8T81OPMent of the roe of flounders. Zool.zhar-33 no.1:220-221 Ja-F 154. (MLRA 7:2) 1. Sevastopollskaya biologicheskaya stantsiya im. A.O.Kovaleva'-0 Akademii nauk SSSR. (Flounders) (Zaitsev, M.P.) MR VODTANITSKIY,V.A.; PCHBLIKA,Z.M. Unusual lateral organs on the tail of the anchovy. Zool.zhur. 34 no.4:869-87o Jl-Ag 155. (KLRA 8:9) 1. Sevastopol' skaya biologicheskaya stantsiya Akademil. nauk SSSR imeni A.O.Kovalevskogo (Anchovies) YODTANITSKIT, V.A., professor. Studying productivity and industrial resources of the Black Sea. Priroda 44 no-11:56-61 N '55. (MLRA 9:1) (Black Sea--Marine btolou) TODUNITSKIT, V.A. International session on the study of the Nediterranean Sea. IzT.AX'.252-257 Mr-Ap 157. (MLM 10.- 4) Oigm;;;~Nw mA-KAmNx.Biom*r) (BLACK UL-MARINS BIOWGT) \-/f, n Vrl NLI-r r, J~ ~ I i_ j ,- V AUTHOR: VODIANITSKIJ,V.A., Corresponding Member of the FA - 2849 Ukrainian Academy of Science of the U.S.S.R. TITLEs Hydrobiological Research Work in the Countries on the Black Sea. (Gidrobiologichaskie iseledovaniia chernomrskikh stran', Russian) PERIODICAL# Vestnik Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1957, Vol 27, Nr 4, pp 68 -,73 (U.S.S.R.) Received: 5 / 1957 Revieweds 6 1957 ABSTRACTj In the course of recent years interest for research of the Black Sea has risen considerably, above all in oceanographical and hydro- biological respect. The characteristic feature of the Black Sea is the fact that the deep zone, beginning with a depth of 150 - 200 m down to the bottom of the sea, contains disoolved hydrogen sulphide and therefore excludes all organic life. The salt content of the water of the Black Sea ist on the surface 18 after which it gra.dually increases and attains 22,4 % in depths of more than 2200 m. These hydrological properties, which were ascertained already in 1890, were laier quite correctly explained by the fact that, because of the influx of mediterranean sea water through the narrow straits of the Bosporus into the lower strata of the Black Sea and bedause of the considerable influx of fresh water (on the north coast) a vertical mixture of water is prevented., "biological productivity" depends on the rising to the surface of the nitrates Card 1/2 and phosphates necessary for the vegetable world. Here, however, PA - 2849 Hydrobiological Research Work in the Countries on the Black Sea, ASSOCIATIONi PRF.9ENTED BYa SUBMITTEDs AVAILABLEi the necessary buoyant upthrust is lacking. It was therefore formerly assumed that biological productivity is obtained solely by the floating in of nutrients together with the inflow of fresh water of rivers. The nutrients then gradually pass from higher zones to lower ones, so that a "useless" accunulation of nutrients takes place in great depths, and therefore the comparatively poor plankton. This assumption was, however, found to be wrong in 19301 today it is taken as a matter of course that besides diffusion between higher and deeper zones, also an active exchange takes place, that the quantitative development of the plankton and its nutritive force is greater in the Black Sea than in the Mediterranean, but that it is lower than in the Caspian Sea. Gonsequently, intense research work was carried out. Thus, the investigation and elaboration of ichtyological problems has become a tradition in Roumania. Henceforth periodic meetings will take place with colleagues from other Black Sea countries. Not given Library of Congress. Card 2/2 AUTHOR: Vodyanitskiy, V. A.. uorresponding 30-58-4-12144 SSF TITLE: A Visit With the biologiata and Ichthyologist in Rumania (U gidrobiologov i ikhtlologov Rumynii) PERIODICALi Vestnik Akademii Nauk SSSRv 1958, V,,L-1~1, Nr 4, PP. 71-73 (USSR) ABSTRACT- On an invitation by the Roumanian Academy the author of this article together with the collaborator of the biological station in Sevastopol' the ichthyologist Yu. G. Aleyev spent more than two and a half months in the Roumanian People's Republic in the autumn of 1957. This journey has to be-regarded an ordinary stage of the development of scientific relations with Roumania. and Bulgaria in the field of hydrobiological and ichthyological research and was &rranged for scientific as well as for organizational reasons. The collaboration in this field was especially effeitive since in June 1956 at a meeting of the 3 Academies (of the USSR, Bulgaria and Roumania) an uniform program for research card 1/3 work in the Black Sea had been accepted. in autumn 1956 A Visit With the Biologists emd Ichthyologist in Rumania 30-58-4-12/44 a large group of Bulgarian and Roumanian scientists visited the Soviet Black Sea ports and became familiar withis, number of scientific institutions. In summer 1957 the ship, "A. Kovalevskiy" of the biological station of Sevastopol' together with the Bulgarian expeditionary ship 119 septemyriya" carried out hydrobiological works in the central part of the Black Sea. According to a request by the Roumanian Academy Soviet scientists had a chance to become familiar with the laboratories and the-current works of the Institute for the Research of Fishery. Then they visited the marine branch of the Institute in Konstantea as well as the zoological marine station of Jassy University which had been considerably enlarged. From Konstantea they travelled to-Ahe lakes of Razelm and Sinoy in,the Danube delta and.after that to the fish-station at Tullcha. From there they made a voyage aboard the "Razelm" into the delta of the river Danube where they visited a number of.other places, among other the Malyuk island where wide reed thickets grow which are used as raw material. Of late a national park was founded in the delta of the Card 2/3 river Danube; some of the big islands of the Danube were A Visit With the Biologists and Ichthyologist in Rumania 30-58 -4-12/44 changed into spawning places. At Braila they visited the scientific fishery station. They returned to Bukarest and took part in the meetings of the commission for hydrology and ichthyology where a representative of the Bulgarian AS~ the zoologist Professor P. Drenski also was present. At these meetings the fulfilment of the common program was checked. Also the problem of the Permanent International Committee for the Investigation of the Black Sea was discussed. It was decided on asking the Oceanographic and Ichthyologic Commission of the AS USSR to take the initiative and call a constituting meeting of this committee in 1958. 1. Marine biology-Black Sea Card 3/3 26-58-2-7/4P AUTHOR: TI1LE: PFRIODICAL: Vodyanitskiy, V.A., Professor. Corresponding Member of the of Sciences Should 'Ile Allow the Dumping of Black Sea? (Dopustim-li sbros v Chdrnoye More?) Priroda, 1958, Nr PP 46-52 Atomic Industrial Waste in the otkhodov atomnykh proizvodstv (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Black Sea was till recently considered as consisting of two separate layers, an upper layer to a depth of 200 m and a lower layer with greater salt and hydrogen sulfide content below that depth. No intermixing was thought to take place between the two layers and it has therefore been proposed to use the black Sea as a dump for radioactive waste. The Turkish hydrologist, N. Pektas distinguished three layers. '17ater from the Mediterranean flows into the Black Sea and mixes with the surface layer but not with the bottom, stagnant one. The author attAcks both these theories and brings hydrological, hydro- chemical and bacteriological evidence to show that there is considerable mixing between all layers of the Black Son, of which he finds five. The causes of this are: winds cresting a Card 112 cyclonic system of surface currents, the rotation of the Earth 26-58-2-7/48 Should We Allow the Dumping of Atomic Industrial Waste in the Black Sea? deflecting the currents to the right and clockwise, cooling of the surface layers, heating of the deeper layers, internal waves, turbulent movements and diffusion. fie concludes that because of this constant mixing of the layers,the Black Sea should not be used as a dump for radioactive waste. Scientists active in this field have been: M.A. Dobrzhanskaya, N.M. Knipo- vich, Yu.M. Shokallskiy, N.I. Chigirin and M.N. Lebedeva, who detected on the surface bacteria belonging only to the deep layer. There are 16 references, 10 of which are Soviet, 2 German, 2 Turkish and 2 English. ASSOCIATION: Sevastopol ,skays. biologicheskaya stantsiya (Sevastopol' Bio- logical Station) Card 2/2 1. Atomic waste--Disposal 2. Black sea--Applications VODYANITE.KlYp V.A. --- Ilinet--lat anniversary rf the --evas"opol Biologica' S'~ation- th - I - - Tnidy SB-S 16~-3-25 161/0 (KRA 17-6) '~-, VODYANITSKIXp,-V.A.; SUSHCHENYA, L.M. gFrimary production of waters" by G.G.Vinberg. Reviewed b7 V.A. Vodianitskiip L.M. Sushchenia. Zhur. ob. biol. 21 no.5:390-392 S-b 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Sevasto ollskaya biologicheakayn stantsiya. WOPLANKTON) (VINBERG, G.G.) VODYANITSKIY,.,V.A. Some results of research completed by the Sevastopol Biological Station in the Mediterranean Sea during 1958-60. Okeanologiia 1 no.5:791-804 161. (MIRA 15%3) (Mediterranean Sea--Marine biology) ALEYEV, Yuriy Glebovich;_DPjArI=KII,_" , otv. red.; BEKKER, V.E., red.izd-va; TIKHO141ROVA, S.G., tekhn. red. (Functional principles of the external structure of fish] Funktsionallnye asnovy vneshnego stroeniia r*. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1963. 246 p. (MIRA 16:6) (Fishes-Anatomy) VODYANITSKIYO A.A. (Vod-1kanyts1kyi, O.A.) Polarization energy losses of a charge moving along a circle in a medium with dispersion. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 8 no-82855-860 Ag 163. (KRA 16:11) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN UkrSSR, KharIkov. -V.ODYPI]ITSKIY, V,A.., otv. red.; DOLGOFOLISKAYA, M.A., kand. biol. nauk. red.; Vri:OaR.A.DOV, K.A., dok-lor biol. nauk, red.1 GEEZE, V.11.~. doktor biol. nauk,, red.; IVIZ-7, V.S., doktor biol. nauk,'red. [deceased]; KISELFEVA, M.I.t kand. biol. nauk., red.; SHARPILO, L.D., red. [Benthos] Bentos. Kiev, flaukova dumka, 1965. 137 p. (1-JRA 18:7) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN Ukr.SSR (for Vodyanitskiy). otv. red.; DOLGOPOLISKAYA, I VODYANITSKIY,,, I.A., kand. biol. 7 r-. GPEZE, V.N., doktor biol. nauk, red.; IVLEV, V.S., doktor biol. nauk, red.[deceaBedj'; PITSYK, G.K.0 kand. biol. nauk, red.; SHARPILO, L.D., red. [Studies of plankton in the Black and Azov Seas] Ion-!e- dovaniia planktona Chornogo i Azovskogo morei. Kiev, Faukova dumka, 1965. 115 p. (MIRA 18:8) .. Akademiya nauk-URSR, Kiev. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN Ukr.SSR (for Vodyanitskiy). .!T ; -1. i,. VC)j:';f' r:,*F,..Ty,4 . ..j. - I., , * , .- - - 1. . . . " . -! no. 7 : ! 2-19 , A .57 . .:, " -~ '~ -- r *7 - , ~ " 1: - -.~-1-2--..1--- - ( Y! :)~I, 18: 5 1 .1. linstitlit Ir,,].-Jc-,,7ij, Y117,1-m-11-h moniv All Ukro"S"R, Seva-I! to.~Oil , .1 1 - ASTAKHOVA, L.N.; UTNITSKAYA, P.M.; LEVINA, T.A.; KOANOVA, L.K.; VCDYAJINIKOVA, A.A.; SUCHILINIKOVA, N.A.; 14YLINIKOVA, N.Ye.; LYUBOVITSKAYA, V.Z. Separability of the poliomyelitis virus in those innoculated with live attenuated vaccine. Vop. virus 7 no.1-121 Ja-F 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Sverdlovskiy institut po profilaktike poliomiyelita. (POLIOMYELITIS VACCINE) w VODYANOVA I.I. Somo functional studies of the kidneys in hemorrhagic naphrosone- phritia. Trudy no.20:95-103 160. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Iz fakulltetakoy terapevtichezkoy klinW (zav. prof. Sh.I. Ratner) Khabarovskogo meditsinsko o instituta. (KIDNEYS-DISEASES) &WRRHAGIC FEVER) VODYANOY, A., inzh. Air express An-24. Grazhd. av. 19 no.3:18-20 Mr 162. (IURA 15: 5) (Airplanes-Jet propulsion) S/08 621000100310011004 D045YD114 AUTHOR: Vodyanoy, A., Engineer TITLE: The An-24 express aircraft PERIODICAL: Grazhdanskaya aviatsiya, no. 3, 1962, 18-20 TEXT: General data and data on individual parts of the -24 (An-24) a~roraft,. which will fly on airlines of the GVF in 1962, are described. Vie power plant zonsists of two A H -24 (AI-24) A.G. Ivchenko turbo-prop engines, each driving aa AB -72 (AV-72) 4-blade variable-pitch airscrew. The full capacity of the fuel system is 5550 1, and of the oil system - ;.3 l. The aircraft is 23-53 m long, the wing span - 29.2 m, wing area - 71.3 m-, height- - 8.32 m, propeller clearance - 1.15 M, cabin door clearance - 1.55 m, maximum take-off weight - 19,200 kg, pay load - 4000 kg, cruising speed - 475 km/hr, service coiling - 9100 m, maximum flight range - 2065 M, starting ran - 450-500 m, landing run - 400-500 mt and flight altitude. - 4000-8000 m. Design changes made to convert the basic 44-ocater type, int,-, Card 113 S/08 62/000/003/001/004 The An-24 express aircraft D045YD114 peszenger-freight and freight types are described. The fuselage is of semi-monocoque structure, and the tapered monocoque wing unit consists of a otenter panel., two middle portions and two cantilever parts. The tail unit is of the oantilever type. The retractable tricycle-type landing gear has twin wheels on all units. If the landing gear does not lower Or, landing, a warning siren is switched on. Means of controlling individual parts of -the aircraft, e.g. the elevator, ailerons, rudder, are des-,ribed. The hydraulic system, which operates on an Amr -1o (AMG-10) liquid, consists of a banic unit operating from two hydro-pumps installed on th4 engines, and an emergency unit operating from a pumping plant. The rat-,J pressure within the system is 155 kg/vlm~-J. For preventing th~! wing, verfll- .;a! fizi, stabilizer and air intakes from icing up, warm-air de-icero ar'n used., and for protecting the propeller blades and cowlings. acoumulator2,. astro-compasses, etc., electric heating is applied. The plane oan fly during day and night and in bad weather conditions. Two-way (..omm,Ani,~aticns with the ground, with other members of the orev,, with the traffio -ontrol point and other aircraft can be maintained. The basic piloting and- navi- Card 2/3 S1084162100010031'CO!1004 An An-24 express aircraft D045/D114 gational instruments are duplicated so as to enable the co-pilot to control. the aircraft independently. Information on the general layout of the passenger liner and on various structural materials employed is given in detall. There are 6 figures. Card 3/3 VODYAIIOY, A.; SOLOIa-VIGH, F., predpodavatell Control over the preservation of merchandise in cold storage* Sov. torg, 36 no.3:32-33 Mr 163. - (MIRA 16'3) 1, Glavnyy bukhgalter nolodillnika Ko.7 14yaoorybtorgall Moskva. (Cold storage warehouses) , V. A. Extraction of metals from ore tailings Sverdlovsk, Goa. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tsvetnoi metallurgii, 1954. 123 P- ('15- 32297) TS2111.V58 1. Scrap metal induetry. KORCHAZHKIII, M.T.; GRACHLV, V.11.; VODYANOY, Yu.A, KGV-1 direct-flow flow beam. Gaz. delo. no.2-.13-IJ,, 164. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Vsesoyuznyl nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut prirod- nogo gazag 11CMIMI'l, N F p, r 1, .ITS Fizida j lt:himiya v pczlr~arrcr. Izal. 2-nl For-r. i (pinysics and a-;e7'stry in Fire bj) T!"- F. Vodyanyuk, Y. M. Savellyev. ?',oslva, 1952. 1.62 p. illus., diagrs., tables. TODYA'NYUK,_N,-To SAVELOYEV, K.M.; TARASOV-AGALAKOV, N.A., spetsialin7y IOFINOVA, Ts.B.. reclaktor; PITROVSKAYA, Ye.. tekhniche- ski), redaktor [Physics and chemistry in fire extinction] Pizika i khimita v po- zharnom dole. Izd. 2-e, perer. t dop Moskva, Izd-vo Ministerstva kommmallnogo khoziaistva RSFSR, 195;. 162 p. [Microfilm) (Fire extinction) (MLRA 7:10) (Firemen's manuals) GLUBISH, P.A.; VODYAITYUK, S.O., ispolnyavus~chiy obyazannosti starshego, nauchnogo sotrudnika; SHUTENKO, G.F., inzh.-tekhnolog; KULIKOV, A.I. Use of acrylamide for warp sizing. Tekst. prom. 25 no-5: 3?-40 My 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Zavedyushchiy sektorom Ukrainskogo nauchno-issledovatell- skogo instituta tekstillnoy promyshlennosti (for Glubish). 2. Glavnyy inzh. Zhitomirskogo llnokombinata (for Kulikov). TISHCHENKO, D.V.; VODZINSYAYA, A.N.; FILIPPOV, L.A. Isolating guatacol from wood phenols. Gidroliz.i lesokhim.prom. 9 no.3:6-8 156. (NLRA 9:8) 1. Lesotakhnichaskaya Akademiya (for Tishchenko); 2. TSentrallny7 nauchno-tasledovatel'skly lesokhimliheakiy institut (for Vodzinekaya). (Guaiacol) (Phenols) Y' I f t USSR/Chemical Technology Chemical Products and Their Application. Wood Chemistry Products. Cellulose and its Manufacture. Paper., 1-23 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 19, 1956, 63343 Author: Tishchenko, D. V., Vodzinskaya, A. N., Filippov, L. A. Institutiont None Titlei Recovery of Guaiacol from Wood-Chemical Phenols Original Periodical: Gidroliznaya i lesokhim. prom-st, 1956, No 3, 6-8 Abstract: Two methods have been worked out for recovery of guaiacol from wood- chemical phenols: (1) by formation of acid guaiacolate of ammonia on interaction of NH3 with the phenols (180-2120 fraction),- at low tem- perature the guaiacolate crystallizes out is separated by filtration from the admixtures and is decomposed at 1000 -to yield guaiacol and ammonia; (2) by precipitation of Mg guaiacolate from alkaline solution of phenolates in the process of separation of wood-resin oils (180- 2120 fraction) into phenols, acids and neutral substances. ~% and NaOH are regenerated. Pure crystalline guaiacol has been isolated with a 1rielc Card 1/1 1 of up to 75% of the amount contained in the oil. ~Aiaparatlan of-RhapA-z(forn settled bv4LojyVx tar. D jisbebenkp.L V Gordon , and N N. V-,X* S S~ W-- (-Zo- tin. i Le5okisirri. PFo"'I-No. 0, lems of a continuous hydrolytic wood tar sepij. process are discussed. The 15t step is distg. off ii mixt-of phenolic and neutral substances, consisting of ales., ketones, esters, C'Jf'. phcnanthrene. and their homologs. I is cxtd. -mith INWICO, ;or Na:COa and ivith NnOlf. Pheno]2t,,n are then wanhed with benzene or EtG, and decompd- wit's CC, Acidifica- tion and dista. of the Nalcos ext. give!l about 5% Acolf. 10-1570 MCO~H and PXO~H, Am'Xhlf. and a dopen irbstranial amt. of higher adds and solut Ille thyley tanaline, T. jurecie PEFIWV, V.V.; VOICINSKAYA. A.R. I-------- Composition of the tar produced in the gasification of wood wastes. GidrolizA lesokhim.pron. 12 no-8:5-7 '59- (MIRA 13:4) 1. TSentrallnY7 nauchno-iseledovatellskiy lesokhimicheakiy inatitut. (Wood tar) (Wood waste) V1 ~ I -.,- kz-T-p- 1 14, A , TISHCHMUO, D6T.: GQLDW, L.Y.; VODZINSKATA, A.M. Ixtrection of phenols frim settled tar oils. Gidralis. I lesokhim. prm 8 no,6:6-8 15-~;. (NLRi 9:1) X.?Sectralluaya naachno-lealedovatellskaya laboratoriya khinicheskogo instituta. (Wood tar) (Phenols) VC,ijz , A. ~, . ; TiSzt I , --)' - V - Chnracteris tics of resins processed at the Amzinsk-ii Plant. Gldrolir. i lesol,:'him.,orom. 10 no-5:9-11 157. (.L:R~ " 1.TSontrallnyy nauchno-lasledovatellskogo lesokhirlichoslrogo instituta. (Gu-,la and resins) TODZINSKAYA, A.N.- , leolation of moth7lc7clopentenolone decomposition of wood, and study of TSKIIAM no.12:56-63 157. (Cyclopentenone) from the products of the thermal its properties. Sbor.trud. (KERA 13: 10) (Ttood-Chemistry) 0" :-,a** o 6 . L 16 f QL a a mv M A JC A 10 3, 1J, ~11 ~f I t 1_0 00 4 - - ()28& add, 'V. A. laffe and A _o* 0 Ruw. 31.436, Oct. 31. JIM. NatCA), ii tmiated witip- -00 111SO4 W PPt- NAHCA. This is filtried off and furtlerr 0 tfraW With If.90. to fnrm - 0 00 a 00 A -0 0 00 -00 00 l l, I' =00 00 1 r0 0 0 13 ZOO 0 v ze 0 0 0 C go Ala-ILA VPCKAL LITINA74011 CLA$IlfKATW*' A, 03 11 ct it 1, w at a a of a X e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 so go 0 0 0 0 0 0 too goo 1200 200 ' 00 L too tie 0 U00 t I t* :10 0 04 i 030 1 All 1 9 0 04 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 O~ 0 0110_06 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o0 11 v 11 m a k11 is I so see 0 is 11 UIt 14 It AA w U Q R $.1- 110-1-W --e 0 06 A ...... 60 A. TOffe and A. V., 00 0 Rms- 31AW, Oct. 31, 1933 N&,Co tg 6Q~Wlk ZOO HAN lax, Malfelo'. jj~j is gut" off slid fuither coo 0 wx zoo S-09 zoo 00 of TAtLUPOKAL LITINAIL'Of too ;MA .1 L 1 0 U 41 so LI; pp ty P It x 1( KtlqK tj tt it K kLO AI ila 0 0 0 0 a 0 4 4, 0 !00 0 0 0 66 00 0 ipm~ ~w^u to SIMANOVSKAYA,.R.IC.;,,.Y,ODZINSKATA, Z.V.; KOROTOVA, Z.F. 11-11-,__,1-1,1~1" . Oiosphog7psum and its use In the manufacture of sulfuric aced and portland, cement; laboratory studies. LTrudrJ RMF no.160: 9-49 158. MU 12:8) (G7peum) lpovo" cement) Oulfuric acid) SIMANOVSKAYA, R.E.i rukovoditell raboty; SHFUMP. 5-Ya-;J0DZ,,jIrqKAYA, 9.7.; XDXIxA, z.I.; rSTUKROVA, M.G.; NAYiZNOVA, V.A.; VASIYANOV, V.P.; VASILIYEV, N.F., master; ORIOV, U.N., starshiy apparatchik; KAUKOV, P.M., starshiy apparatchik; TRUPIN, M.P., starshI7 apparatchik; VOLKOVA, Y.M., starshiv appiiratchik; ZORIKA, Ye.A.; OROVA. V.A.; LUTOVA, Z.I., ZINKINA, Z.P., laborautt SHMOMINA, L.A., laborant; NIKITINA. N.A. Phosphogypeum and its use in the manufacture of sulfuric acid and portland cement; small-scale operati6n at the pilot plant of the Scientific Research Institute of rertilizers and Insectifuges. LITrudyJ IIIUIF no.160:59-76 158. (MIRA 12:8) l.Sotrudniki Nauchnogo inatituta:,po udobreniyam I insektofungisidam kfor Simanovakaya, Qhpunt, Yodzinakayal Kokina, Jrastukhova, Maydenova). 2.Zamestitall nachal'nika 3-go tfiekha C~ytnogo zavoda fiauchnogo instituta po udobreniyam i Insektofungisiaam tfor Vaslyanov). ~ 3-.7 taekh Opytnogo savoda Nauchnogo institiita po udobraniyam i 1' ineektofungisidam-tfor Vasillyev, Orlov, 14autnov, TrupIn, Volkova, Zorina, Kirova, Lutova, Zenkina, Samokhina). 4.TSentrallnaya analiticheskaya laboratorl3ra Opytnogo zavoda Nauchnogo instituta po udobraniyam i ineektofungisidam kfor Nikitina). kGypsum) (,rortland cement) tSulfuric acid)