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VOCHOG, Vaclavl inz. Present conditions and development of tramBfOrmers. "71 obzor 50 no.ID606-609 N 161. 1. Cookomoravoka-Kolbon-Imek Praha, n.p, %-- VOCHOC IV V.., inz. "Transformers" by (prof.,, dr:, inz.) Wilholm Schafer. Reviewed by V. Vochoc. El tech obzor 51 no 12;6?1 D 162 VOCHDRISHVILI. G.B. General patbological and anatomical ebaracteriatice of fract?4re knitting under conditions of food and defense reflexes, Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 18 no.1:95-102 Ja 157. (MLRA 100) 1. Laborstoriya kortiko-vistserallnoy patologii Institute fiziologii im. I.P. Pavlovs, AN SSSR. 2. Kafedra patologicheskoy anatomii Leningradskogo institute, usoverebanstvovaniya vrachey im. S.M. Kirova. 3. Kafedra patologicbeakoy anatomii Tbilieskogo meditsinskogo instituta. Predatavlano akademikom Y.K. Zbgenti. (FRACTURES) (CONDITIONED RESPONSE) VOCILKA, M., inz.; FIKEROTA~ J. Determining the pulp content in paper 173,- brominatiom. Sbor cel pap no.7t2,59-268 162. m VOCI!-K-.'-,, m. Some eyDerience5 in using the IGT tester for determining the printability of paper. Sbor cel pap 9:187-206 164. VOCILKA, Milos,, inz. Testing tha scoring ability of paperboard. Papir a calulosa 20 no.1:27-29 ja 165. 1. Research lnstituta of Paper and Cellalose, Worksite Prague. li~ iTi"- Operational practice of students of railroad schoolLI. V. 178 ZELFZNICAR. Praha, Czechoslovakia, No. 7, July 1959 Month.1y List of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC. 'Tol. 8, No. 9, September 1959 Uncl. HUNGARY/General Problerm of Pathology - Comparative Oncology. U-3 Tumors of Mon. Abe Jour Ref Zhur - Biol.,, ?Io 16, 1958) 75557 Author Voesei, finna; Rutkni, Pal Inst Title Metastases of Malifp Tumors into the Momcardium. Orig Pub Orv. hetilap., 1957, 98, Ito 30, 818-821 Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 - 23 - . - 000 t I p V It 1) 1) U It t& Vie 110) On "At)% lift al A I 4 01f it I I Q IF ~ I-A I k4 10 (V fill I 01111 A Preparation at IOVW040 from Chicory. J. Well ("k Obv* 22, 201~1(1047). --A tneth4ld Is dt~t loc Swr elevulate d.ts. Callattle of etpen. ((out Chitoly jtt q ll I l mint intpottaut 1-int Is to obtain Coarse crr.tati calcium The protein COMAtitue"t of S ing .-an CA use difficultic-s In purifying and wah levulinate. They decotrip. during tile hydroly condematlot. rtxltk-ts with the nugar which are very 11 to reill4we and 41CCTC4W the Cry%ttl. III tilt fillAlSit-1110. ,here Wtut Ito advantage in Nine putifiestion, filotti" W coa lat d b ddi IIC i h e gu t y a ng I e erat mtreor contir,tiou4 fill 3.15 was found to be the beo for the pptn. of 1wat ana Slott for the lnVCr%j--m rif Inulin under pemure. C clon, levollilate was ppid. front [lit ]ulerx after Inversio after 61040011. WAIllillig, Slid "A". It liellICtl WOkIrlY 44,1 of plitity. Th"m will-%. clysId. tittliY "fill %li asthl"tory yields of levulose fruits tile original clik" 4t. pg. t,v. - 4fit rtt y. rin al- n. 111. ve KY jwt %ticks. IQ it u it 1 1 , If f o UM -00 A% 0 000 I 4,r* -10 a-( ~W 4.. 1,11 Joe ---- ;Pox -I,- Ant s"Wo a civil 9 a a a v KR, U 11 11 1 1., It a to to a lit K 4 sit a it it 4, 9 : :!* * e 0 a 0 0 : 9 0 0 0 0 40 * Ole a :10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 410 a 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 e 411 0 1111 0 * A it ow 2 -t 0 0 a 0 0 00 0000 0 I ~36' a: Sts % 014 On 106 a L B_jL__r_' 2_1L 0 u It tr et it Kiln list PO 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 An 1. 111, Pusid"tion of the OrPt-Walcory Jules. I Cke". (Awr 18, 145-8(1943), C". 1944, 11, Mjl).. -Conditions are given fOr the coagidation of the iffo(cia EuterW Present in the add medium of the raw Juice 0 extd. fnxu the chicmy. The uww. satisfactory c..n~ji_ Q9 0 tkxss for an optimum P"wrWvr rmplation are rrpxlnl. Cal Such coagulation rcquim 31) ruin. at rkl-45* sjul a ?311 vt 3.15. Under these conditions kilces are obtainn). =0 a which, after inversion. y"t very pufv fruct~m mAni. WO 46 suitsbk for crysto M. G. Mew" &ITALLUROXAL LjjjjjAjU#E CLASSWICAT-44 7 j'lg'Q MLV 441 V 0 R.-L L 7-40 i-of '00 Z:* so 0 t:6 0 1 COO 0 0 it IN of, o 0 0 0 g 0 0 00 0 vo c, /,Y! t Rumania 1177- ABS, JOUR# AMAM6.0 No* 5 1960, NO, 1975~ Vaailescu, 1. and Vociv, M. Not ! TITLE T'he Production of Calciam 011uconate by ti-Le Bio- chemical Oxidatlon of Glucose MIG. PUBi i Rev Chim (RP.R), 10, No 2, 89--'91 (195-9) ABSMACT t The strain Aspergillus niqer has been adapted to the oxidation of glucose to 51uconic acid. The fermentation proceeds satisfactorily at 30-400 in sith an average yield of abo-at 94~., , 34 rs. From authors' nur-m-ary VODA, Tiri,, inz.,; ZABKA, Milan,, inz. Loosening the frozen earth by explosives. Inz stavby 11 no.8: 291-293 Ag 163. 1. Vyskumny ustav stavenictvas Bratislava (for Voda). 2. Zapado- slovenske kamenolomy a strkopiskyo Bratislava (for Zabka). VODA. J. A half century after the construction of the biggast radiotelet.Taphic transmitter in the USA, an achievement of the Slovak Rev. Jozef Murgas, p. 433 TECHNICKA PRACA. Bratislava, Czachosldkakia. Vol.. 7, No. 10., Oct. 1955 Montbly List of East European Accession (EEAI), LC. V61. 8, No. 9, September 1959 Uncl. " ! 9 11 T) . L X, I kR.A j Jozef Murgas, priekOD-ak radilctele.--~ra-,-ie. (V7d. 1) '-martin, nsevnta, 1955. 103 P. (Friekopnici na:,ej pritonnoiti, .2) (Jrsph pioneer In radio btl nr:ra phy. Ist cd. illuo., Uhl.) ~~3-JTY-,C-F,: East Europcan Accessions List, Vol. 5, no. 9, Scnteml.~t~r 19576 ARGIZ .70-21 Z-,IG(j )/~.:T(d I IF BJIFSS-2 I ZX (r )ICi-l )/T-?/!7.[G (a) ('~3b) -2/Z-7' (C) -2/*-7--:)-2/Z~..G(C)/17CS(k)/~.;r-(bl/, AWAMUO , P3.-4/Pw-4/P&__an_4/ We EXPLOITATION PC-4/Po-5/Pn-4/Pac_4/f-r-4 Barvir, Mirouimv, (Unt~inccr)'; Jones, K6nrad, (I~roranGor, Doci.~r)- ssemnk~ Jiri,,.,' (wctor); IrIal, Ivo, Gradu_a0o==OCopIIy)- Cqbb-cha 7dCnrIL_,_j ;--ndilil -Un , KU;nL' zal, Vl_ Mysical and thtlacam=aat cSciences); Coal. if~ (Doctor): Dvorak, Antonin (Canclidata Ef -I'Ric-ai Gciancea); _5ior-ak._.IOvPf' (Doe GlIth, Vla&lnir. _It~z~~Z= of Medical Sciences, Docent, Doctor); no C' Us-new, (Doctor of My3ical and 11%thewatical Sciences, Corresponding 14ember of the CzechoulovaIt AcadcW of Sciences, ProfeaGor, Do L__~, (Doctor of cto4; 112ap2jjr Xt rhysical ana*Mthcnatical Sciences, Doctor); Klcc%cl.C. Joaip, (Doctor), Klc.-t, ail , of Flxyaica3. And Kolodow0cf, JAIn;' KO __P t (Candidate IrLadimir (Doctor); Kopecl-c-t, Idlosl (candidate of Legal Sciences), ~C_J~ Ladi slmy, (Candidate of Phfaica3. and 11[ath-atical Science,), Kviz Menck (Can- didate of Pbyzical and Mathc=tical Sciences); Ledvina, Weik, Vladimir, (Doctor): Moravek. Man. (Candidate a ancer. Mrazck a car); ~Irazclc Jiri (C of Jarozlav, (Candl&fa f Medical Sciences; Engin of T-echnic Sciences); Ncuzll, Ludek, (Doctor),' Ilovon 71hyzical and Mthe=tical Soiencer.); Ram-MY, Zd j:j (Doctor);Pcrnc(;r, Ja:roq V. (Doeto* -Candidate of Physica and Mathc=ticol Science* FOOCIC Prorescor, Doctor, Engineer), , I"'uoaav, (Doctor of Tacbniaal encos, CorTespending izember, of the OzodbodlovaX Acadamy of Sciences); Plavec, MiT053-Mv, (Dootor), .t r-okorny, Wenek, (CWdjasta of rAysloa wd card 1/# L 415ig-65 Ruml Vladimir (Candidate of Medical Sciences Doci Sum 'To-ef (Doctor of- Physiolog;Lcal Sciences); Schn-a. Ladirlay; Stypo'rnk. ;Oarri. Sv..L.-, (Candidate of Vhyical and Menek, (Doctor); T=a Jaros-2,2,v ienceffi, _71 Zc- -tor) i~Vari-aT-7,IT;D-;OC~ent, Enaincer); lllr%hln 'jLran I _, (Candidate of Technical rciencen, hcffc*rorj Doctor); Va3zleel" rn) q'.~C=Ulato of Phyvical arA Hatlm- I VI natical Sciancea, Doctor); VwjuCI'I (Candidate of ropical amA Xmthe- zatical Sciencen, Docent, Doctor); Vlazaki 14arian (Caaldnts of Phyaleal snA Mathematical Sciences; Doctor)j Vod PA-Inciples of antronautica (unady kosmonautuy) orbia, 1964. 445 p. mus., biblio. 5000 copies InUted. TopIC TZS: coumonautics, rocket, sate.Ulto, space 11 , MiGaile -PURP= AIID COVERAGE; Thin publication In & popzl= scieuWio referenoe book, for. people working In coumon=tics. The book Xwesentsi a =ny of comousatics au& opmao rli&t ui? to I A= 3.963. TA= CP Coy~=: Pp.rd 2/8 DVORAK, Jaroslav; MUSIL, Rudolf; SEKANINA, Josef; ZUREK, Vladimir; TRACHT=C, Jan; VCDA, Oldrich; CHLUPAC, Ivo; HOMOLA, Vladimir; FESEK., Jiri; ZAK, Lubor;~GtSPARIK, Jan Activities of the branches of the Czechoslovak Society for Uneralogy and C-oologyin Brno, Most, Olomouc, Ostravap Praha and Zilina. Gas min geol 7 no,3.385-392 162, 71L j. -~A ACCESI-TON NR: AP502,497 PU;10018/(-4/ej-'O/o!0/0544/0547 V. T _F C 0 - N~ ei ri ` F, 71 a ii Szilagyi. Milial- Voda. Teodor 't,, dy on th- the rmm f 4 v 9' rp,! pirts on fin, iron SOURCE., Gonstructia de mosini, no. 10, 1964, 544-541~ TOPIC TA05: iron, powder metal, powder metal slnterin~, powder Netal compaction, heat conductivity ARSIN-1AICT: Mhe authors studied the thermal conductivity of sintered iron parts in termii. of somme paremeterF3 of thp sinterinr_- Process, nanf-ly the pressure at which t!,,e :owd-r w-is compreFsel, Bile nrd the duration o~ 'hf- procoss. Orig. Art. Incl.: figure5, for7julsif-: Rnd ASSOGIATION: none sumirk-JED. 00 ENCL - 00 GUS CODE: W14, TD -M, -GOV_ 001 &F TPRS OMER -00 3 VODA, Vioral G., elev (Bucuresti) Solved problems; problem 4532. Gaz mat B 13 no-3:153-154 mr 162. VODA, V. , elov (Buouresti) "ii -- On teaching logarithms. ciaz.mat, fiz 14 no.,10:534-536 0 162. J~ --Q~-torel, -YMITRESCU, Flores I.; STRATMCU, Ion, student; ILOPA, -J) IONESCU-TIU, C.; DOBRE, Nelu, Prof. (Merei Buzau); POPESCU, Eleodor (T-r. Seveeln); GHEORGHITJ, D.R. (Timisoara); GRIGORE, Viorel (Oroftiane',. Exercises and problems proposed for grades 5-8. Gaz mat B 14 no.12:741-743 D 163. SANDUIACHE, 0. (Negresti, Iasi); IONESCU-TIU, C PETRU, Simon; MIHAILEM N.- YVUOD ,~,,*-.Viorel (Bucur;alw: BATINETU, D.M. (BucureBti~; POPA, Eugen,-'~Iast)i''STRATESCU, Ion Solved problems. Gaz mat B 15 na.7001-308 Jl 164. VODACEK, 0. VODAUT.j 0. Brown-coal mills for pulverized fuelfiring. P. 486. Vol. 6. no. 12, Dec. 1956 ENERGETIKA TECHNOLOGY Ciechoslovakia So: East European Accession, Vol. 6, No. 5, Hay 1957 VODACEK, 0., inz.; SAUDA, J., inz.; PICKA, V., Inz. Ccmparison of boilers with var-laiis co,11, g.-Inding systems and their suitability for heavy diity runits. Strojirenstvi 11, no.11-866470 N 164. 1. Research Institute of Electric Eqliipment~, Brno. KADLW., Vladimir, doe.., dr.; VODACEK, lso,-4nz. Use of linear programing in foundries. Ehit listy 16 no.4:256- 259 Ap 161. _,.jpz.; KOZAR, Zdenek, inz. . 10 ~J LQF K .,, ~f~ p Solution of the tasks of linear programming on automatic computers. Pod org 18 no. 1:32-114 Ja 164. 1. Ceskomoravska-Kolben-Danek Praha. -r~ '14; , I - I I V* Vodacek, 0. Grindability of solid fuels. (2d supplement) p. 17. =ETHA. Praha. Vol. 5, no. 7, Aug. 1955. SOt Monthly List of'be East European Accessionj (ML)j, We Vol. 4, no. 10, Oct. 1955. Uncl. VODACFey 0. G ,rindability of solid fuels. (2d supplernent) p. 17. ENZERGETIIKA, Praha, Vol. 5, no. 7, AuIg. 1955. SO: Monthly List of East Eurooean Accessions, (MIL), LC, Vol. 4, no. 10, Oct. 1955, Uncl. VODAGEK.. Ota,--inz. Two rotor coal pulverizer. Energetika Cz 12 nov7:376-378 JI 162. COJA, N., conf.1 RUSU, 0.; TURCAS, A.; VODAILO, St.; GIWNFELD, T. Staphylococcal infection in the puerperant and the newborn. Microbiologia (Bucur) 6 no.1:28 Ja-F 161. 0 CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Chemical Technology. Ceramics, H glass, cement, materials, concrete. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-..'?'.iimiya, No 12, 1958, 40347. Author Vodak. Inst Title An Electromagnetic Separator for Ceramic Refuse. Orig Pub: Stavivo, 1957, 35, No 12, 490-491. Abstract: The working principle, work and efficiency of a new separator for the removal of Fe is described. The apparatus was manufactured in Zapadnocheshskom ceramic plant in Gorni Brsziza, according to the blue prints of NII of technology and mechanization in buildin..7 industry. Card 1/1 Czechoslovakia/.Veeds and iheir Control ,',bs Jour :Ref Zhur-Biol., No 2, 1958, 6412 1 author :Vodalc_.4-~ inst :NO-f given Title :Application of Herbicides, an Important ~.'~easure of Weed Control Orig z-,ub :Za vysokou urodu, 1957, 5, No 5, 100-103 ...bstract :In Czechoslovakia herbicides of domestic origin are used: kainite, cyanamide, green. vitriol, sodium of dinitrocresol, nitrous copper oxide, sodium salts 2,4-D and 2-.*~,A-4-Kh. The last named salt is used in planting flax, the other in ce- real crops. 1"I'lleans of application are described. Card 1/1 VODAK2--.ALES Semena a plody plevelu. Praha, Statni pedagogicke nakl., 1954. 45 P. (Ucebni texty vysokych skol) SOURCES: EJUL w Vol. 5 No. 10 Oct. 1956 VWAI-A!~~'~ Osivo a sad. Praha, Statni pedago icke nakl.) 1956. 79 p. (Ucebni texty vysokych skoll SOURCES: EFAL LC Vol. 5 No. 1C Oct. 1956 VODAK) ALES "Semena nebo plody nasich k, rostin a nt;jcastejsich plevelu. Zdenik Kropac, Marie Najedia: Klicni rostliny nasich beznych plevelu. (Vyd. 1.) Vraha Geskoslovenska akadentic zemadeiskyah ved ve Statnim zemedelskem nakl., 1956. 241 p. (hostlinna vyroba, 551) (Seeds and spures uf our agricultural plants and most common weeds. Zdenek Kropac, Harie Nejedia: Sprouts, of our current, weeds. lst ad. illus., bibl.) CU Not in DLC Monthly Index of East Buropean Accessions (EEAI) LU) Vol- 7, no. 7. July 1958 CIMALA, Zybnekj inzs;_YqDA~j.Jar. 14schanizaticn and autrzation of transportatian in mine stations. Rudy 12 no.9s355-358 S 164. 1. Jachymovske doly Natinnal Enterprioe, Rozna. VODAX, Pevel, BULC , Antonin School phobia and truancy. Geekspsychiat- 56 no.2:109-107 Ap 160. 1. Psychiatricke oddeleni MZ, Zachytny detsky domov v Liberci. (CHILD PSYCHOLOGY) Vod,ak, V. Work rechanizati-on in the manufacturing plans of heatproof products. 1'. 96 (Stavivo. Vol. 35, no. 3, Mlar. 1957. Fraba, Czechoslovakia) SO; Yonthl*, List of East European Acce3sions (EFAL-) LC, Vol. 6, no. 10, October 1957. Uncl. vuma' V. Presses for moldingg flooring tiles and facing 1.-iles of poidered materials. P. 20. (STWIVO.) (Praha, Czechoslovakia) Vol. 36, no. 1, Jan. 19,58 30: 'Monthly Didex of East European Acc33sion (EEAI) IC Vol. 7, No. 5, 158 ~4:~ - - - -, '71 ~ ~ - ~ , -ii- - . . /) , I" MEVN IMP EM .it Z 11 -43 ,;c I .K.-I ~ -, r -:. i:, Ja_ i J~.vIr I j 00 9L t~Ac 6101t 'he 0 , C)5q lkj tT'y c 'o OT ov:c i..a&JO Olllcq o 6-.T 9W3 110- 6 0j,_ 010 069L 6 OT of 0- ot C& Ist 'PT CY lo -5q Y~Gst JOT t%lo& Of &0 otil I ST 6 ATi 4,5 S 51o IT 6 , I 6%~%o .5ylt ol6aL O'D 0~ O~f 1334, teez" kttyo .09,tef 0 OTIOP of 11 ~&s iriva &T o qll~ fall. of~ l6 te tlNe J~ea, &let tjSoj-qG Ins Sol cjtr(f O-r Of . . . 7= _ `M- 2 ,-L~ 7 " i , 10 -VODAK, Z.; LDIINGER, 0. "Specific chromatographic test for silver cations using pyrogallolsulfoneph- thalein and its dibromo derivatives. In German." P. 1050 (Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications. Sbornik Chekhoslovatskikh Khimicheskikh Rabot.) Vol. 22, no. 3, June 1957. Prague, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 LK,10INGER., Otakar; FARSKY, Miroslwv; VODAK, Zdenek Contribution to the praparation of ?0-(2.4--dJ,~,Iorop,herG7~) butric acid. Chem prum 14 no.6.302-304 A '&,. t' 1. Spolek pro chemickou a hutnli vyrobu National Enterprise, Usti nad Labem. VODAK, Zdenek; A.DA.MIROVA , Iud-,rdla Nonpressure ~olyratrizzatlon isolautylene catalyzed acid !on-exchantg-,ng substances. Chem PI-am 14 no.12:660-~l D 16414, 1. Spolek pro chemickou a hutni vyrobu National Enterprise, Usti nad Labom. AUTHORS: Lowakina, G. A., kdakov, Y n-u-- --A-#, I 57-27-7-26/4o Naumov, G. --Y-- I P. P., blaslal-cTiets, ru. -PI T LTE: A Valve Rhotocell, of Cadmium Telluride.(A Preliminary Report) (Ventillnyy fotoelement iz tellurida kadmiya. (Predvaritelinoye soobftheniye)). PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fizikit 1957, Vol. 27, Nr 7, 1P, 1594 (USSR) ABSTRACT: For the production of r)-n transitions n-type plates of CdTe with an area of 1 to 2 qcm consisting of several (3 to 5) crystals were used. Their specific conductivity was (I -` 40 Ohm-1. Cm-1 , thermal-ELIK a 200 PV/ degree. The width of the forbidden zone was 1,34 eV. The thin p-layer was formed by means of thermal diffusion of elements of the first Group of the periodic law. The ohmic contact on the n-layer was obtained by melting of indium and on the p-layer by melting of Cold. The p-n transitions obtained in this manner were very "directed" with a distinctl.y marked saturation in the inverse direction. In Card 1/2 sunlight with 30 myl/qcm the photo-OM of this photoelectric A Valve Photocell of Cadmium Telluride (A Preliminary Report) 57-P-7-7-26/40 cell amounted to more than 500 mV and the short-circuit amperage 2 mA/qcm. The loaded part of the volt-wnpore charactexi8tiC in this connection a2proached the rectangular form. The efficiency of such a photoelectric cell has the order of magnitude of 2 ~a. This value, however, is by far no boundary value for photocells of CdTe. The maximum of the spectral sensitivity of the obtained photocells lay within the boundaries of 0.75 to 0.186A. and the long-wave boundary of photosensitivity was 0.; t-A,. The photoelectric cells of cadmium-telluride possess a high sensitivity as compared to X-rays. ASSOCIATION: Institute for Semiconductors AS USSR, Licningrad (Institut poluprovodnikov All SSSR, Leningrad) SUBMITTED: January .70, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 1. Photoelectric cells-Development 2. Photoelectric cells-Design 3. Cadium-telluride-Applications TMAKOV Yu A - LCMKINA, G.A,,; NAUMOV, G.P.; MASLAKOVETS, Yu.P. Properties -of -p - -m junctions In photocells from cad--.i= ,-teUuri&. -Mz. tver, tela 2 no.1:15-22 Jan 160. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Institut poluDrovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad. (Cadmium te1luride-Electric properties) (Photoelectric cells) 8/181/60/002/01/01/035 B008/Boil AUTHORSt WOW- --A'. Lomakina G. A., Naumov, Go P.1 Ma-s-I-ak-6*FD-t-dI-Td-. P. pi -VI TITLEt A Photocell,Made of Cadmium Telluride With a p-n Junction P --Of J - PERIODICALs Fizika tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 1, PP- 3 - 7 TEXT: The authors report on the properties of a new cadmium-telluride photocell. Cadmium-telluride crystals with a cubic modification were used for its preparation. The light characteristics of the CdTe photo- cells are similar to those of Ge'and Si photocells, which have a p-n junction. Fig. 1 shows the characteristics of the OdTe cell for an irradiation of 4, 30, 300 and 3,000 lux. Current-voltage characteristics of the CdTe photocell are shown in Pig. 2 for room temperature, in Fig. 3 for +500C, and iZ Fig- 4 for +1010C. According to their character, they are similar to those of silicon photocells. Fig. 5 shows the temperature dependence of the electromotive force, of short-circuit current, and of the maximum capacitance yielded to the outer circuit under continuous exposure. Fig. 6 shows the characteristics of another Lr Card 1/3 A Photocell Made of Cadmium Telluride B/181/60/002/01/01/035 With a p-n Junction B008/BO11 photocell at a relatively short exposure. Fig. 7 shows the temperature dependence of the short-circuit current, of the electromotive force and of the maximum capacitance yielded to the outer circuit. Fig. 8 shows, in relative units, the spectral sensitivity of the CdTe photo- cell referred to an equal amount of quanta and to an equal incident radiation energy. Cadmium-telluride photocells with p-n Junction are very sensitive to ultraviolet and X rays. CdTe photocells have at present an efficiency of 4% and can be utilized for solar batteries.A The lower efficiency is compensated by their simpler and less ex sive preparation. Due to their spectral sensitivity and a high duty factor of the characteristics, they might be used to solve some technical problems. The authors thank T. L. Kovallchik for his discussion of experimental results and G. B. Dubrovskiy for his examination of the spectral sensitivity of the photocells. B. K. Subashev is also mentioned. There are 8 figures and 6 references, 4 of which are Soviet. 41 Card 2/3 A Photocell Made of Cadmium Telluride S118IJ6010021011011035 With a p-n Junction BOOS/Boll ASSOCIATIONs Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad (Institute of Semiconductors, AS USSR, jjnLngre~d) SUBMITTED: April 9, 1959 Card 3/3 S/181/60/002/01/03/035 0 BOO8/BO11 '2') 0-0 AUTHORSs Vodakov, Yu.,A., Lomakina, G. A.. Naumov, G. P., MaBlakov TITLEs Properties of p-n Junctions in Cadmium Telluride Photocells#~~ PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, Wo. 1, PP- 15-22 TEXT: The current-voltage characteristics of cadmium telluride photo- cells were thoroughly studied by means of a circuit Fig. 1) consisting of the current source, a diode, a current generator ~which simulates the photocurrent), a resistor connected in series, and a shunt (Figs. 1 to 10). The technique used for the preparation of cadmium telluride photocells leads to the formation of a p-n junction. The depth of its position can be regulated. In the resulting p-type layer the minority carriers have a very short lifetime, and the electrical conductivity of the layer is poor. For this reason it plays the part of a filter with respect to the incident radiation, and is the main cause responsible for the high resistances. The authors obtained photocells with p-n Junctions, whose current-voltage Card 113 Properties of p-n Junctions in Cadmium 5/18IJ60/002/01/03/035 Telluride Photocells BOOO/Boll characteristics at room temperature complied quantitatively with Shockley',- theory which considers a recombination in the p-n junction. Near the surface, such characteristics are very difficult to obtain. Their form is in most cases distorted by a "hump". A tunnel effect is assumed to occur in CdTe photocells on narrow points of the p-n Junctions. By applying the suitable technique it is possible to obtain a p-n junction with a relatively high efficiency even near the surface, both on a low and a high exposure level. An efficiency of 4% was attained with the best photocells in the sunlighe~~although, with a band width of 1.4 ev, the conversion coefficient of solar radiation into electric energy should be considerably higher. This low efficiency is for a large part explained by the presence of a semitransparent metal electrode through which only about 50% of the incident light passes. The second factor affecting the efficiency of CdTe photocells, is the short lifetime both in p-type and n-type CdTe. The efficiency could be only increased by prolonging the lifetime of the minority carriers in p-typa and n-type cadmium telluride. An increase of UP to 7% should be expected in this case. This, however, would entaill due to a complicated technique, a considerable increase in the cost of the photocell. When preparing photocells with an efficiency./ Card 2/3 Properties of D-n Junctions in Cadmium S1181160100210110-11103'5 Telluride Photocells BOOS/BO11 of about 4%"it is, however, possible to restrict oneself to relatively simple methods of preparation. The authors thank B. Ya. Moyzhes for discussing the results. There are 10 figures and 7 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONi Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad (Institute of Semiconductors, AS USSR, Leningrad) SUBMITTED; April 9, 1959 Card 3/3 00 S/181/60/002/01/13/035 BOO8/BO11 AUTHORS% Vodakov, Yu. A., Lomakina, G. A., Naumov, G.P., -_ Maslakovers-,yu.-I. ~1 ,y TITLE: Investigation of the Surface Layer on Cadmium Telluride Crystals PERIODICALt Fizika tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 1, PP- 55-61 -TEXTa The authors describe experiments made for the investigation of the surface layers of cadmium telluride (Figs. 1-6). The diffusion co- efficient is calculated in an appendix. The mechanism of the formation of p-type surface layers was investigated. The respective conductivity in CdTe is due to an admixture of elements of groups I and V or by the presence of Cd vacancies. The most likely is the formation of Cd vacancies or the disappearance of the donor impurity from the surface, which, in the case of p-type CdTe partly compensates the acceptor impurity. Two mechanisms may bo assumed which, in the air and at a tem- perature of 2000C, lead to the formation of Cd vacancies: The one is the diffusion of oxygen into the surface layer and, hence, formation of Card 1/3 investigation of the Surface Layers on Cadmium Telluride Crystals S118116010021011131035 B008/ .Oil metalloid excbss therein. The second mechanism is the disappearance of cadmium from tlie surface layer; also this process can be strongly in- fluenced by the presence of oxygen. Compared to the glowing in the air, pre-heating in deoxidized argon or hydrogen has a somewhat inhibiting effect on the diffusion process, but all the same, p-type conductive layers are formed, Also in this case, the influence of oxygen is not excluded. In the authors' opinion, the stimulating main factor is at- mospheric oxygen. It was not clarified, however, which type of in- fluence predominates here. On longer standing in the air o 'r on pre- heating up to a correspondingly high temperature, tho properties of CdTe are irreversibly changed only from the surface. Important changes in volume properties start occurring when the processes beginning from the surface penetrate the material to a considerable depth. The same phenomena can be observed in n-type CdTe crystals with low resistivity. Strikingl high is the diffusion coefficient of acceptor impurity (appendix~, which raises the surface layer conductivity. Its height can be explained by the great number of vacancies and mechanical ten- sions in the crystal lattice, occurring in consequence of the treat- ment and etching of the surface. The authors thank B. Ya, Moyzhes_ Card 2/3 Invectigation of the Surface Layers on S/181/60/002/01/13/035 Cadmium Telluride Crystals B008/B011 and T. L. Kovallchik for assistance given. There are 6 figures and 3 references: I Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR9 Leningrad (Institute of Semioonduotorep AS USSRq Leningrad) SUBMITTED: April 9, 1959 Card 3/3 5118IV621004100310431045 BIOI/B102 AUTHORS: Lomakina, G. A., and Vodakov, Yu. A. TITLE: Phonon drag effect in a-SiC crystals PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 4, no. 3, 1962, 820 822 TEXT: Because of the high thermal conductivity of SiC a special method was developed of measuring the thermo-emf in n-type and p-type a-SiC crystals.- In rectangular, 0.5 mm thick specimens of monocrystalline SiC (resistivity up to 104 ohm-cm) two pits with a diameter less than 0.5 mm were produced by means of ultrasound, the distance of the pitsfrom each other being greater than their diameter. Electrical contacts were fit into the bottom of the pits and chromel-alumel thermocouples were pressed in. The measured temperature coefficient a of thermo-emf for n-typq and p-type specimens was not consistent with the equation of Pisarenko: (k/e) A + ln[Z (2nmv`k/h2)3/2] a ln n + (3/2)ln T where m - 0.6 m e ri 0 1 m- or 2m A 2. The deviations are explained by phonon drag p 0 0 Gard 1/3 -------- S/181/62/004/003/043/045 Phonon drag effect... B100102 which may arise due to the high thermal conductivity of SiC. The phonon drag effect a calculated according to r- Herring (see below) for ph 16 -3 17 cm-3 specimens with carrier concentrations of 5.6-10 cm and 2.7-10 -2.3 gave a linear dependence a ph = BT In n-type SiC with a carrier concentration 18 c -3 of 3.6-1o M a deviation from the straight line was observed which is caused either by degeneracy or by saturation. For p-type SiC, at temperatures higher than room temperature, a ph was linear just as in n-type SiC, but owing to the low hole mobility its value was higher. The considerable decrease of a at lower temperatures cannot be ph explained by the vanishing of phonon drag since at the same time the thermo-emf becomes smaller than a . It is assumed that the thermo-emf e in p-type SiC is reduced by an additional electrical conductivity caused by an impurity band. There are 2 figures and 3 references:'I Soviet-bloo. and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. The two references to English-language publications read as follows: I. A. Lely a. F. A. Kr6ger, Semiconductors and phosphors, Now York, 525, 1958; C- Herring, Semiconductors and Card 2/3 S/181/62/004/003/043/045 Phonon drag effect ... BlOl/bIO2 phosphors, New York, 184, 1;58. ASSOCIATION; Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSRI Leningrad (Institute of Semiconductors AS USSR, Leningrad) SUBMITTED: December 25, 15",'l Card 3/3 -49 L 2. 19 ACCEMON M.- APW330 S/DI81/63/005/008/2228/2229 AUMOIR: Bl=kj, Yu. S. IVoftkovjp Yu, A, IMostovskly., A. A, 5Y TITLE: Same results of investigations of elez:trollmdnescence in silicon carbide p-n junctions SOURCM. Mika tyerdogo tela,, v. 51 no. Bo 1963o 2228-2229 silicon cerbide eleetroluminescence, carrier-injection electro- TOPIC TAGS: 1 luminescence, injection luminescence, silicon carbide diode, light-generating 1 diode ABSTRACT: The production of light emission in siMcon carbide p-n junctions by the application of continuous and pulsed electric fields bas been investi- gated with the aim of appraising thp practical potentialities of the phenomenon. The measurements shcmed that the intensity of luminescence at continuous excita- tion, varies linearly vith the current density and that only a few volts pro- duce a luminescence on the order of 100 nit. At an excitation with -pulses of 5-20psec at 200 cps the afterglow inertia is about 10 psec, and the intensity decreases 5'p4; pulses of about 1.2 pec were required for saturation intensities, Card 1/2 N, N, 3-66 w(A)Aw,(m).0~r/w(t)&rT Tjp(e) an AM: NRe , P661251~ CODE: Un/0181/66/008/0011/1298/1299 AUTHORS: -Vddakov,, Yu. A.; Mokhov, Ye. N.; Reyfman, M. B. ORG: Institute of Semiconductors AR 85SR, Leningrad (Insti~A' poluprovoini-M-AN TITLE: Diffusion of boron and aluminum in n-S~100 ,.SOURCE: Fi.zika tverdogo tela, V. 8. no. 4. 1966., 1298-1299 TOPIC TAGS: silicon carbide, physical diffusion, boron, aluminum, pn junction,, temperature'dep endence, activation energy ABSTRACT: In view of the lack of data on the diffusion of boron and aluminum in n-SiC, in spite of the fact that it is extensively used for I fusion p-n junctions, the authors measured diffusion produced in a closed system based on vacuum-dense graphite from the gas phase at 1800 2250C. The diffusion time reached 30 hours. n-type a-SIC was used with nitrogen concentration 1 x 1019-'-2 x1017 at/cm3. The diffusion coefficient was calculated from the depth of the p-n junction, which in turn was measured by taking an oblique out, using a thermal probe, and chemical decoration. Plots of the temperature dependence of the diffu- sion coefficients and empirical formulas corresponding to them are given Card 1/2 SHIMANOVy K-Ioy inzho; VODAyjloV, L.A., inzh. Prevent exogenous fires in mirxs. Bezop. truda V Prom. 5 ro. 5:11-15 MY 161. (MIRA 14: 5) lo Upravleniye Sverdlovskogo okruga Gosgortekhnadzora RSFSR. (Mine fires) ZAYTSEV, A.P.. red.; BOR20V, K.Y., red.; BOGIJSLAVSKIY, Yu.K., red.; BELOUSOV, V.G., red.; VODAKHOV, L.A,, red.; DMAITELI, S.A., red.; KOLI, A.M., red.; LISYUK, S.S,, red.; MOISKM, S.L., red.; )MINIKOV, N.Y., red.; MOROZOV, V.P.. red.; RMOV, P.A., red.; PCLYAICOVA, Z.K.. red.; PODEM , Yu.S., red.; POLESIN, Ya.L.9 red.; POKROVSKIY, L.A., red.; SLASMOV, V,G,s red.; WMRAT, V,K., red.; STRUNIN, M.A., red.; SOKOLOVSKIY, M.M., red.; FEOUISTOY, A.T.# red.; CHESNOKOV, M.M.. red.; SHUKHOV, A.M., red.; YAMSHCHIKOV, S.M., red.; BYKHOVEKAYA, S.M., red.izd-va; BERESIAVSKAYA, L.Sh., (Unified safety regulations in open-cat mining] Edinye pravila bezopasnosti pri razrabotka mestor02hdanil pole2nykh iskopaemykh otkrytym sposobom. Moskva, Goo.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po gornom delu, 1960. 61 p. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Gosudarstvennyi komitet po nadzorn ze bezopasnym vedeniyem rabot v promyshlennosti i gornomn nadzora. (Strip minin&---Safety measures) GORDIN, losif Mikhaylovich; TODAKOT, A.A., inzhener, nauchW redaktor; X&PUN, X.Ta., redaktorT*'~~, Ts.,L., tekbuicheskiy redak-tor. (4tensible panel scaffolding.for bricklaying] PanelInye razdvish- nye podmosti dlia kirpichnoi kladki. Leningrad, Goa. izd-vo lit-ry po stroitelostv'l i ark~itekture, 1954. 46 p. (MLRL 8:1) (Bricklaying) (scaffolding) ZIMMKOY,- V.P.; GORDIN, I.K.; SPIVAKOV, H.S.; ALMMM. H.P.; YODAKOV. A.A. Adjastable scaffolding for bricklay-Ing. Rate. i isobr. predl. v strol. no.91:7-9 154. (MLBA 8:8) 1. Treat lebmekbmontashotroy ispolkoma, Iengorsoveta. (Bricklaying) (Scaffolding) VODAKOVA, E.I. Effect of the functional state of the central nervous system 6n the dew topment, of experimental "thyrogenaus"h rtension in animals!of different ages. Sbor. nauch. trud. T. nauch.-issl. inst. eksper. endok. 15:191-199 159. (MM 14111) (HYPERTENSION) (AGE) (CEMRAL coRra) YODAKOVA#. 1"j. (Umr' kov. Sumelcava u1. d.47. kv.20); SMYUKOVA, O.A., kov, ul. Wyabriskoy Revolyutaii, d.24. krv. 25) Growth and development of tumors implanted in rate of various ages following induction of experimental neuroses. Vop.onk. I nos3: 121-125 155- (MLEA 10:1) 1. Iz otdela vosrastnoy andokrinologil (zavedu7nahchly - Z.H.Diner- shtsyn) M=ainskogo Institute ekeperimentallnoy andokrinologii (direktor - kandidat meditsinskikh nauk S.V.Kaksimov) (IMOPIASKS, experimental, a ff. of neuroses on develop. in rate of various ages) (IMUROSES. experimental, eff. of cancer growth inzate of various ages) (AGING, physiolog7, age factor in cancer responses to exper. nauroses in rate) BUJASy Z.; VIDACEK, S.; VODANOVIC, larjana Effect of some pbarmaoological agents on the efficiency of repeated pbysical performances. Arh hig rada 11 no-4:261-287 160. 1. Institut za m,edicinska istrasivanja i medicinu rada, Zagreb. -(EXERTION) (FATIGUE) YUGOSLAVIA- - BUJAS, Z., PAVLIKA, Z., SREREC, B., YIDACEK,,;~6, and VODANOVIC,-..H-, .Institute of Medical Research and Occupational Medicine, Zagre "Subjective Rating of Fatigue" Zagreb, Arhiv- za- Hizijgnu Rada I-ToksiRolori". Vol 17, No 3. 1966, pp 275-290 Abstracts After being subjected to a static strain as a result of holding a 7-17 kg weight for 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180 see, persons on whom the tests wer-i performed rated their feeling of fatigue on an arbitrM scale. At the same time, the effort of four active muscle groups was detemined aloctromyographically and then summed up. The subjective degree of fatigue as a function of the duration V Nof tho static effort could be expressed by the equation T = 0.0048 (V - 30 )-Le Y" representing the average result, while the effort measured 9n, the electromyograph corresponded on the average .to EKO = 0000~1 ( 9, - 30N).Lt 51. Individual variations were expressed in deviations to the same extent from the general curves for both V and EMFs Tables and graphs$ 13 references (all Western)* English wzmryo Manu- script received 9 Mar 66o VODARI A., inzh. " - - . Boats oadf! of iron. Te)-'&-. ~~101, 26 no. 6:27 1~19, WIRA 'I :-) 030-athilil-line') AUTHOR: Vodar, A., Civil Engineer 29-58-6-13119 TITLE: --------------- Boat Made of Iron (Lodka iz zheleza) PERIODICAL: Tekhnika Molodezhi, 1956, Vol 26, Nr 6, pp 27-27 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Numerous readers built boats according to the description published in "Tekhnika molodezhill 1956, number 7. Many readers write, however, to the editor that in several regions it is difficult to get veneer plates for this purpose. The editor publishes today an article by civil engineer A. Vodarq in order to comply with the readers' wishes~ The author describes in detail the construction of a boat of iron with three seats and adds plan drawings as well. The author himself built such a boat and aailed already hundreds of kilometers in it. This boat has a weight of 30 kg and costs approximately 150 Roubles. It is solid, watertight and stable. A tire is fixed under the seat in order to prevent the boat from sinking in the case of overturning. A single tire is sufficient for keeping a boat Card 1/2 filled with water on the surface. An outboard motor of 1,5 - 5 HP is mounted at the stein. The boat can, however, . Boat Made of Iron 29-58 -6-13119 be used as rowing boat as well. There are 2 figures. 1, Boats--Materials 2. Boats--Construction 3. iron--Applications nard 2/2 v VODA 11. ---------- E>mericnces and comparisons from a trip to thn US'R. P. 4r9. STLROJ=-~21TSKA TfR'~70.. ("inisterstvo st-rojirenstvi) Praha. Vol. 3, no. 12, Dec. 1955. Sr)URGL: Fast Euro.:-)ean AcceSzions List) Vol. 5, n-,. 9, Septem"--,ef 1956 VODT, A. A.. Vodar, A. A. - "Perfecting a contact device for an automatic re7gistering- micrometer", Soobshch. Gos. astron. in-ta irrit. Shternberga, 110. 31, 19-1-9, P. 14-16. so: U-4110) 17 July 53, (Letoi)is lZhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 19 1949). V0DARj A. A. Vodar, A. A. - "The printing chronolvmoh", Soobshch. Gos. astron. ir,-ta 1,-l. Shternberga, No. 31, 1910, P. 8,13. SO: U-4110, 17 July 53, (Loto,,)Is lZhurnal Inykh Statej, No. 19, 19h9). , R. A. ~ ~ - VCDI- It, - -, "Electrical sychronizing systems", Astron. Zhur., 16, No. 2, 1939. (Bubmitted 15 Ncrv 1938) Report U-1518, 23 October 1951. ~ 1 4 vowE"'IR, L. Mathod of producinr parts with slotted hubs., p. 186, STROMENSKA VYROBA (14inisterstvo strojirenstv-1) Praha., Vol. 3., No. 5., I-lay 1955 SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) Library of Congress., Vol. 4r, No. 12, December 1954 '-!0D1a:-:K, L. ; REHU?2K, J. - 11 ----------------- Adjustable heads; a universal tool for horizontal drilling machines. P. 13. (STROJIR-vN3KA VYRO---A) (Praha, Czechoslcrrakia) Vol. 6, no. 1, Jan. 1959 SO: IMonthly Index of East E-urop-ean Accession (EEAI) LC Vol. 7, 110. 5, 1958 . VODAREK, Ludvik; FIOJREK, Jaroslav Adjustable heads; universal tool holders for-horiuntal boring and milling machines, turret lathes and sultiopindle, automatic machines. StroJ vyr 9 no.12:600-602 161. 1. Zavody presneho strojirenstvi Gottwaldov, n.p., Gottwaldov. I OID A) c 1 C, V RLMNIA/Chcmical Technology - Chemical Products and Their H-27 Application, Part 3- - Fermentation Industry. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - nimiya, No 14, 1958, 48418 Author C. VodcTiqj-- Inst Title Record Sufpr Content in Wine from Murfatlar. Orig Pub Gradina, via si livada, 1957, 6, No 8, 26-29 Abstract The climatic conditions of the Murfatlar region are des- cribea. In 1956 they created optimum conditions for the development and ripening of grapes and for the production of hiSh quality sorts of wine thereof. The juice of the grape sorts Pinaud dris and Chardonne contained the grea- test anount of sutpr in the last 25 years, i.e., 400 a and 384 g.-,per liter respectively, the mean crop having-, been 3803 kg per hao Card 1/1 ,Z,-~ARSKU, Ya. Ye. (14oskva) Medics in Russia in the 18th century. Felld. i akush. 27 no.6: 56-58 Je 162. (MIRA 15t7) (MEDICAL PERSONNEL) VOD.kTZf)!,,IY) E. Ae Ziver regulation 2. izd osln-a, 'lodnvi transport, 1039. 267 P. Twms- T (49-57194) TC530.1,6 1103/0 1. Rivers - Regulation. - - -----V - - - -- i I VODARSKI/P/E. A. I--- - -.-- - Gavant ver4hnego blefa Zaporozhskogo porta. LHarbor in the head waters of the port of Zaporozhyg/. (Vbdnyi transport, 1934, no. 7,, p. 9-10; illus.) DW: I056I.R8 SO: Soviel Transnortation Md Commmication.. .4 Bibliogra . LLbrary of Cpngress.. Reference Departmentp Washingtonp 1952, Unclassified. VODARSKII,ft.A. Rechnye puti. CWaterways2. (Vodnyi transport, 10,34, no. 11, p. 4-5). DLC: PE561.R8 SO: Soviet Transportation and Comrurdcations, A Bibliograph-l", Librar.y of Congress, Reference Department, ~ashingtonj 1052 Unclassified. TRISHINg 7.101 VODOURMTO-00A. Method for fast determination of the ash content of flour'. Inw. vym,, wbob; sav j,plahche tekh, no;ItII3-116 158' WRAn:8) 14 Obeeldy told%nologlaheeldy institut Imen.1 I.T. Stalina, Tafedra analitiobeelcoy khWi. ,4,~rj ; 1 MIHALCA, E., assist. prof.; MAM11,BANU, 0.; GROSU, M.; 19D~~ STEINt S.; ROSENFUD, C. Considerations in connexion with dyBpepsia due to colon bacilli. Rumanian M Rev. no.3:37-41 161. (DYSPEPSIA etiology) (ESCHERICHIA COLI INFECTIONS case reports) RUMAM/Gonerr.1 Biology - General Hydrobiology. Be Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biole) No 21) 1958) 94717 Author : Vodcanitkii, V&Ae Inst : Title : New Data on Biological Productivity of the Black &a. Orig Pub : Bul. Lizt. cerectari picaicole) i957, 16, No 4) 5-11 Abstract : No abstract* Card 1/1 VODEMLi, JOSEF go 9 ZIP., MIR go IF Wyk R la Pi~ VIM, .65 ia a z R IR Ifi CZECHOSLOVAKIA STEPANO.V; VODMINALI' ~;_~OSSLER., 1; GAYLORD, N*G 1, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague - (for Stepan.Vodehnal and Kossler). 2: Gaylord Associates Tna., Newark, 'U.S.A - (for Gaylord) Prague*, Qollecti2g 9_f Czecho loyak Chemiqal gommmiicatL=# No 7, July 1966a PP 2878-2888 ffOyclo- and cyclized diene polymers@ Part 6% Infra-red spectra of a-yelopol7cyclopentadiene and polyeyelopontadienes, BIELICKY, Tibor;'VP ~,__Yladimir Morphological and biochemical changes in the liver in cl=onic erythematosua. Cesk. dorm. 37 no.3:155-159 Je 162. 1. IL dermatovenerologicka klinika fakulty vseobacneho lekarstvi Karlovy university v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. J. Obrtel, DrSc. IL interni klinika fakulty voeobeeneho lekarstvi Karlovy university v Fraze, prednosta prof. dr. V. Hoenig, DrSo. (LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS pathol) (LIW,'R p4thol) Ht7 S/186/60/002/002/012/022. B071/e433 AUTHORSi Pumhlenkov, M.F,, Nik it inck G,P, and Vodon, V,G. TITLE.:' A study of the formation of uranyl'nftra~e comDlexes with phosphorusorganic compounds. II -221 PERIODICAL: Radiokhimiye~, 1960, Vol.2, No.2, pp.215. f;~ TEXT: In Part I (Re-f.l: V.G.Vodbn, G.P.Nikitina, M.F.Pushl-enkov, i;, Radiokhimiya, it was established that uranyl., 1, 2, 121 (1959)) '3 nitrate is transferred from the aqueous phase ([HNO~ --0.2 to -1. 1 M) ~,,'intb the organic phase in the form of a disolvate U02(D?O,;)9-2T (where T-= DBEBPh di-n.butyl ester of n.butylphosphinic~a~id or: '..~';TBPhO - tri-n.butylphosphinoxide). The stability constants (KK) ~i* ",Y,for the compounds U02(NO3)2-2TBPh and U09(N03)2-2DBEBPh were. 9.5 x 102 / ~. 1., determined by the distribution method '(12 and- respectively) j.7 The calculated stability constant for. the latte-r compound was 6.3 x 102. The difference between the determined and calcula*ted- values of the constants was assumed as being due to the presence of:-- oxide i urities which changes the slope of the-curve- in S f FNO W, 'from 0,6 to I and corres ondingly,increases the i`,~~'valUe of the constant 2 (N70j] w 0 S -Card 1/4 ~p 0T S/.186/60/002/002/012/022 i A study of the formation.of uranyl E071/E433' i where N0jjw is the eo'ncefitration of--~N03 ions- in: the 'e quilibrium 2 _ concentration of T in the 6i~gahic I~:aqueous solution; 0 [T] bution 'of U02(NO3)2 between solution; Kp - coefficient of distri the aqueous and organic phases. The stability constant for U02(NO3)22TBPhO was obtained'only by c.alculation, since the dependence* of 1n S on was represented by a curve indicating IN031 ~"i the presence of some factors influencing the distribution which were .,.:not taken into consideration. 'For the systemi aqueous solution of :~uranyl nitrate -,solution of n.butyl ester-of di-n.butylphosphinic :~,:acid in carbon tetrachloride, neither the composition of the 1,~'complex extracted nor its stability constant were determined. The 1"! scope of the present work was to determine the composition and the i i-stability of the complex extracted'in the latter system, thb t determination of the stability constant Of U02(NO3)2-2DBEBPh when ;i the DBEBPh is known to be free from oxide admixtures and to explain the curvature of the relationship S - f[N0jj,, for the system: '!,:aqueous solution Of U02(NO3)2 - TBPhO in CC11,. -For this purpose it was necessar to obtain three relationshipsi i:':*l) lg K . f(Ig EDBPhjO), where K coefficient of distribution YEB p of,U02(90.3)2 between t e aqueous and organic phasesi' Card 2/4 CIO