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SOV-21-58-8-22/27 Effect of Various Forms of Potassium Fertilizers on the Yield of Farm Crops r ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziologii rasteniy (Institute of Plant Physiology) SUBMITTED: March 23, 1958 NOTE: Russian title and Russian names of individuals and institutions appearing in this article have been used in the transliteration. 1. Plants--Nutrition 2. Fertilizers--Applications 3. Chlorides --Plant metabolism 4. Sulfates--Plant metabolism 5. Potassium --Plant metabolism Card 212 1 11 1 1 -, 11 i I.- I , I II ; f i - ~. -Y-1, - - -- -- - - - - - -- ---- - - - -- - - - - -- --- - - --- - - - - -- V -,,, - , - I - vi~iiuK, P A What scientists are working on. Makh. oil'. hoop. 9 no.1-4 Ja 158. jKM llt2) 1, Prozident Uk:rainalkoi Akademii sillolkogospodarolkikh nauk. (Farm mechanization) fylasiuk, P.A.], akademik; RUDAKOTA, Yej. (Radakova, N.V.]. _,RXW,J,-,A6e influence of foliar feediug on the crop production of cultivated plants. Visnyk AN LTM 29 no.3-116-31 Mr '58, (KM 11:5) 1. AN URSR (for Vlasyuk). 2. DeFstriteVn~7 chlen Veesoyuznoy akademil sellskokhozMetvennvkh nauk Im. V.I. Ienina (for Rulakova). (Fertilizers and manures) VLASYUK, P.A.,._akadetoik; SIROCMTKO, I.A. "Agrochemical services in the collective mad state farms of the Ukrainian S.S.R. Visnyk AN URSR 29 no.4-30-34 Ap 158. (min 11:6) LAN URSR i Vsesoyuzna7a akademiya sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk im. V.1. lenina (for Vlasyuk). (Ukraine--Fertilizers and manures) AUTHORSt Vlasyuk, P. A., Member, AS Ukrainian SSR, 2o-119-1-17/52 -ffTd-z-1Ty-a,11. I . TITLEt The Influence of (1-Particles From Radioactive Isotopes Upon the Size Variation of the Chloroplasts of Elodea Canadensis (Vliyaniye P -chastits radioaktivnykh izotopov na izmeneniye velichiny khloroplastov Elodea canadensis) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii Wauk SSSR, 1958, Vol. 119, Nr 1, pp. 65-67 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present paper is devoted to an examination' of the influence of(~-particles of the radioactive isotopes S35, Ca45, W185 and P32 upon the size variation of the chloroplasts in the cells of Elodea canadensis. First the authors report shortly on previous papers dealing with the same subject. The leaves of Elodea canadensis consist of 2 layers of cells and are suited for the microscopical investigation of the chloroplasts in vivo. The Elodea culture was taken from natural waters and reared in aquariums with river sand and tap water. After Card 1/4 5 months from the young plants, which were reared in the The Influence of 1-5-Particles From Radioactive Isotopes 2o-119-1-17/52 Upon the Size Variation of the ChloroplaBts of Elodea Canadensis aquariums, about equally old 7-8 em long twigs were taken. Each 1-4 of them wore put into glass containers with each 2oo g of river,sand and 1/2 liter of water. After a week radioactive isotopes were introduced into these 33ontai- ners in the form of solutions of the salts Na 2S 0 4) Ca45SO Na 1850 and K EIP32 0 The experiments took 41 . 2 4 2 4* place in 1956 and 1957- On the control experiments also shortly is reported. The plants obtained beside the natu= ral scattered light a daily illiunination throughout 8 hours by 4 lamps of 75 watt each. Two days after the in. troduction of the radioactive isotopes the shape and the size of the chloroplasta in the cells of the Elodea was investigated microscopically. The results of the measure. ments are composed-~in a table. A diagram illustrates the progressing size variation of the chloroplasts. The most effective influence upon the size variation of the chloro. Card 2/4 plasts have the ~-particles of V1 1857. On the 9th day after The Influence of ~-Particles From Radioactive Isotopes 2o-119-1-17/52 Upon the Size Variation of the Chloroplasts of Elodea Canadensis the beginning of the (~-irradiation the diameter of the chloroplasts, which were irradiated by W185, increased by 40% compared with the control plants. The stable isotopes influence the size of the chloroplasts of Elodea only very insignificantly. Prom the results of the here discussed experiments the following results; For the biological effect of the ionizing radiation not only the quantity of the radioactive isotope and of its radiation is of impor- tance, but also the radiation energy of its particles. The highest energy have the radiation from P32and V118-Tand the biological effect of these isotopes actually is the grea- test. Beside the size variation of the chloroplasts also the acceleration of the motion of the protoplasm in the cells was observed in these plants. Thin obviously is a consequence of the increased hydration of the protoplasm under the action of the radiation. From all the here re= ported facts the following preliminary conclusion can be Card 3/4 derived: Even low dos'es of 0-radiation of the isotopes. The Influence of (~-Particles From Radioactive 2o-119-1-17/52 Isotopes Upon the Size Variation of the Chloro- plasts of Elodea Canadensis S35, Ca45' P32 and W185 cause an increase of the size of ,the chloropiasts of Elodea and the radiation energy of the P-part'icles plays a special r31e in this case. There are 2 figures, 2 tables and 3 references, all of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut fiziologii rasteniy (Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute for Plant Physiology) SUBMITTED: September 30, 1957 Card 4/4 ~LL ~,P. A. "The Importance of Mn and its U11=ainian Agriculture." Paper submitted for the Int'l Botanical Congress, Montreal, Canada, 19-29 Aug 1959. Ukrainian Academy of Agr1c. Selencou, KI-ev, U.S.S.R. --- - I- -- - - - - VLAb7U,, ~etr Antipovich [VlaBiuk, P.A.], skademik; SIROCHENKO, I.A., doktor I- sellskokhoz.nauk, red. (Significance of chemistry in agricultural Znachennia khimil u sillsikoma hospodarstvii KYiv, 1959. 39 P. (Tovarystvo dlia poshyrennia politychnvkh i naukovykh znan' URSR. Ser. 6, U0.2) (Agricultural chemistry) (MIRA 12:4) POPOV, Fedor Andreyevich, kand. eel Iskokhoz.nnuk: V1L)kSYUK_, P.A., akademik, glavnyy red. [Soll cultivation practices in the Ukraine] System-a obrabitku bruntu na Ukraini. Kyiv, 1959. 49 p. (To-,ra- rystvo dlia poshyreania politychnykh i naukovykh mant Ukrainslkoi RSR. Ser.6, no.17) (MIRA 13:1) (Ukraine--Tillage) FEYVE, Ya.V., glav. red.; ALIMI G.A., akademiks red.; ABUTAUBOV, M.G.., prof., red.; BERZIN, YA.M. [Berzins,J.). akademik, red.; VINOGRA- DOV., A.P.., akademik,, red.; VIASYUK, P.A.. akademik, red.; VOYNAR, A.O.,,.prof., red.; DROBK 'v ror4,., red.; KATAMOVY M.V.y prof.p red.; KOVALISKIY, V.V., red.; KOVDAI V.A., red.; KEDROV- ZIICM4AN,O.K., akademik, red.; IE014OV, V.A,, akademik, red.; PETER- BURGSKIY, A.V.., prof., red.; SINYAG321, I.I.,, red.; CHERIOV, V.A.., prof., red.; CHAIIISHVILI, Sh.F., red.; SHKOLINIK, M.Ya., prof.,, redi SHCHERBAKOV, A.P., kand. sellkhoz. nauk, red.; VENGRAITOVICH, A.J, red.; DDIARSKAYA, 0.j. red.; KLYAVINYA,A [Klavina, A.), t~~. red. (Use of trace'elements in agriculture and medicine; transactions] Primenenie mikroelementov v sel'skom khooilListve i meditsine; trudy Riga, Izd-vo Akad.nauk Latviiskoi SSR, 1959. 706 p. (MIRA 14:12i 1. Vsesoyuznoye soveshchaniye po mikroelementam. 3d, Baku, 1958. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Peyve; Korvdit). 3. All Azerbaydzhanslcoy SSR (for Aliyev). I#. AN Lat-viyakoy = (for Berzin), 5. Voesoyuznaya akademiya se1'skokhozyajjstvennyk.h nauk im. V.I.Lenina (for Vlasyuk, Kedrov-Zikbmap). 6. fill Belorusskoy SSR (for Leonov). 7. Chlen-korrespondent Vsesoyuznoy akademii sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk im. V.I.Lenina (for SirWagin, Koval'skiy). 8. Chlen-korrespondent AN Gruzinskoy SSR (for Chanishvili). (Trace elements) (Biochemistry) (Agriculture) VLASTUK, P.A. Qlasiuk, P.A.], red. [Our prospects for the coming seven years] Hashi pearspekty-ry na nastupne semyrichchia. Kyiv, Derzhsillhospvydav URSR, 1939. 87 P. (MIRA 13:2) (Ukraine--Agriculture) VLASTUX, Petr Antipovich, akademik; KOSMATYY, Tevdokim Stepanovich, kand.1ch",ninik; DMITRMO, P.A..; SKOLIWORTA, Ye.A., red.; M"OTLO, Z.T., (Tagged atom method in agricultural physiology] Ketod mechenykh atomov v agrofisiologii. Kiev, Izd-vo Ukrainakoi akad.sel'khoz. nauk. 1959. 326 p. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Vsesoyuznaya akademiya sallskokhozynystvennykh nauk imeni V.I. Lenina; AN USSRI Ukrainskaya Akademiya seliskokhozyaystvannykh nauk (for Vlasyuk). 2. Chlen-korrespondent Ukrainskoy akademil sallskokhozyaystvennykh nauk (for Dmitrenko). (Tracers (Biology)) (Plant physiology-Research) VLASYUK, P.A-.,, akademik; LISOVAL, P.Z., kand.biol.nauk Improving nutritional conditions of plants b7 using various types of potassium fertilizers. Agrobiologiia no.lt9~-22 Ja-F 159. (MIRA 12:4) 1. Institut fisiologil rastenly, USSR, g. Kiyevo (Plants, Affect of potassium on) VLASTUK# P.A.9 akademik; PORUTSKIY. G-V- Affect of nuclaid acid metabolism on the viabillt, of plants. Agrobiologila no-2:177-183 Mr-AP '59. (1A 12:6) I. Ukrainskiy institut fiziologii rasteniy. g-Kyev- (Nucleic acids) (Plants-Aetabolism) VLASTUK, P.A.; DARMIKO, M.S. Using bentonites in agriculture. Bent.glizq Ukr. no.3:168-175 159. (KIRA 12:12) 1. UkrainsIdy naucbno-isoledovatellakly inatitut fiziologii rasteniyo (Plants--Nutrition) (Bentonite) VIASYUK, P.A.; KLIMOVITSFAYA, Z-M-; VIZIR', K.L. Manganese distribution In some cellular Btructures of plants. Izv.A11 SSSR-Ser.biol. no-3:368-378 )tr-Je '59. (MIRA 12:9) 1. The Ukrainian Research Institute of Plant Pkysiology, Kiev. (MANGAIMSB) (PLANTS--ASSIXIIATION) VIASYUK, P.A. - ~ - tl-135-A, "The great chemical industr7" helps our fields. Znan. ta prateia no.4:11-12 Ap '59. (KM 12: 19) l.Prezident Ukrainskoy akademli seliskokhozyaystvaWkh nauk. (Agricultural chemistry) 30(l) SOV/21-59-4-20/27 AUTHORS: 1_a3yuk.,PL.A., Member of the AS Uhr_SSR and of the 11 K9 VASK Shmiatlko, I.G. an TITLE: Effoct of Nutrition Conditions on the Physiological Processes and Product-ivity of Sugar Beet Transplants PERIODICAL: Dopovidi Akademii nauk Ulkrainslkoi RSR, 1959, Nr 4, pp 429-433 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors studied the effect of various condi'Uions of nutrition, created by introduction of organic and mineral fertilizing mixtures,on the physiological processes -and productivity of sugar beet transplants. on five speciments of transplants,in 1957-58. Every transplant %-ias put in a pot with 32 kg of earth, The fertilizing riiXtures for each plant consisted of 250 G scuii-rotten manure, 10 g superphosphate, "I C ammonium nitrate, 10 g manganic sludge and 15 Is faeces. The experiments have established that ad-. mixing of above-named fertilizer had good effect cn Card 112 the physiological processes of metabolism. The plants SGV/21-53-4-2o/27 Effect of Nutrition Coiadition3 on 'Uhn- Phy_-ioliosic,~,l 1--rocc-Ose-n. and Productivity of Sugar B-clet Transplants ASSOOI-LTION: SUBIAITTED: showed considerable rise in the int-onsity of photo- synthesis an" respiration. U growth, development aad productivity; the viei6ht of the su,-,rar beet seed 'balls increased. The best assimilation was shovin by the tr,,.-Lnsplant troated vilth la of mr-Inui.-C., nuper- phosphate and wamonium niLrAc. The oam,,; pl~inu ,,hovied particular development of its leaves. The transplant treated i,,,ith a mixture of manurel, superphosphate and manganic sludge s' o,:,,ed stron-or stalk and larger beet U 0 Q seed balls. The admi-x1ture of faeces decreased the in- tensity of the photosynUhesis. The photosynthosis study was made by Kh.T,,I. Pochinok, There aro 5 tables and 1 photo. Ulkrainsl-iy nauch-no-issledovatel'skiy instiIU4- fi. jo- lo-ii rastenly (TTI=ainian Scientific IIRe7,e:__rch In- stitute of Physiology of Plants) January 20, 1959 Card 212 VUSTUKO P.A.; KLIYDVITSKAYA, Z.H, 1---~ Manganese in different cellular structures of plants. Fiziol. rast. 6 no-5:560-567 S-0 159. (MIRA 13:2) I.tTkrainian Scientific Ijeoearch Institute of Plant Ph7siolog7, Kiyev. (Plants, Fffect ofganganese on) VLLSTUK, P.A. _--- Now tasks for agricultural science. Hauka i xhyttia 9 no.1; 9-13 ja 159. (MM 12:1) 1. Prezident Ukrainskoy akaAemil sel'skokhozyayetvennykh nauk, (Ukraine--Agriculture) VLLSYUK, P., akademik Radioactive isotopes. Nauka i pared. op. v sellkhoz. 9 no.4:39-.44 AP '59. (MIRA 12W 1,IAstitut fiziologii rasteniV Ukrainskoy akademii sellsko- khozyayatvennykh nauk. I (Radioisotopes) VLASYUK, P.A. Based on agricultural science. Nauka i zhyttia 9 no.6:31-35 Je '59. (AIRA 12:8) 1. Prezident Ukrainskoy akademii sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk. (Ukraine--Agriculture) . -VIA5RM,.P-A-,a1cademik Natural radioactivity in plants and potassium fertilizers. Dokl.Akad.sellkhoz. 24 no.2:3-8 '59. OaRk 12 -.2) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-inaledovateliskiy Inatitut fiziologii rastenly Ukrainskoy akademii selskokhozya.-mtvennykh nank. (Plants, Effect of potassium on) (Plants, Effect of radioactivity on) .Z,TASTUK, P.A., akademik Effect of microelementB and ultraoicroalements on the quality of farm crops. Dokl. Akad. sallkhoz. 24 no-7:3-7 '59. (KRA 12:10) I.Lrkrainskiy nauohno-issladovatellskiy institut fiziologii rdsteni7. (Trace elements) (Field crops) VLASTUK. P.A., akademik; YCAMINALOVSKATA, R.I. Fertilizer potassium fixed In soil and Its release and utill- zation by plants. Dokl.Akad.sqj1khoz. 24 no.10:9-14 '59. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy inatitut fiziologii rastaniy. (Potassium) (Fortillyaro and mamiree) VLASYUK, P.A. [Vlasiuk, P.A.], akademik Arincipal chemical problems in agTicultural biolog7 and in industry. Vionyk All VRSR 30 no,1:3-9 Ja 159. (MIRA 12:4) 1. AN USSR, VoesoYaznaya akademiya sel'ekokhozyavstvennykh nauk im. Leninap Ukrainskays. akademiya aellskokhozyayatvennyykh nauk, prezident Ukrainokoy akademli eel'ekokhos7aystvennykh nauk. (Chemical industries) LUCHKO, Aleksandr Sergeyevich (Luchko, O.Sjp agronom; YW:M.&-P-cAAjL_. akedemik, red.; OURMMO, V.A. [Hurenko, Y.A.]. red. [Growing peas in the Ukraine] Dosvid vyroahchuvennia horokhu na Ullcraini. Za red. R.A.Vlasiuka. Kyiv, 1960. 43 p. (Tovarystvo dlia poshyrennia politychnykh i naukovykh znaul Ukrainslkoi =. Ser.6. no.11). (MIRA 13:9) 1. VseSOYU2naya skademiya sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk im. V.I. Lenina; AN USM i Ukrainskaya akademiya sallskokhozyaystvannykh nauk (for Vlasyuk). Mraine--Peas) LA akademik,; YWYEV, V.YD., akademik. zDm. otv. red.; BULWOV, I.F., almdemik, red.; DANILMTKO, I.I., red.; DELCHE, L.H.. doktor biolog.nauk, red.; KUCHMOV, F.T., doktor sellskokhoz.nouk, red.; POLY-AKOV, I.M., red.; STRONA, I,G., Imnd.nellskokhoz.nauk red.; TKACIMIKO, F.A., kand.selskokh02. nauk, red.; CHIZHENKO: I.I., k:and.okonom.nauk, red.; LESOVICHENKO, Y&J., red.; MANOYLO, Z.T., [Vegetables and potatoes; works of so'-entific session, 11o.23 Ovoshchuye kulltury i kartofell; trudy nauchnoi aesaii, vypusk 2. Kiev, Izd-vo Ukrainskoi Almd.sellkhoz.nauk, 1960. 132 P. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Ukrainskiy ordena Lenina nauchno-issledovatel'skiy in5titut restaniyevodstva, selektsii i genetikI. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Vsesoyuznoy akademii sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk imeni Y.I.Lenina (for Danilenko). 3. Chlen-korreopondent All USSR (for Strona). (Vegetable gardening) (Potatoes) nASYUK, P. A. "Investigations Of Soils In The Farmi-ng System Of Me Ukra-ine". report submitted for the 7th Congress of International Society of Soil Science Madison, Wisconsin, 15-23 Aug 60. ,--.,,.VLAST.UK, -Petr Antipovich, akademik; KALININ, F.L., doktor biolog,nauk, rod. [Xicbmrin's teaching in the people's service] Hicbnrinsike vchannia na oluzhbi narodu. Kyiv, 1960* 79 p, (Tovarystvo dlia . poshyronnia politychnykh i naukovykh snan' Ukrainolkoi RSR. Ser.4, no.2-3). (MIRA 13:6) 1. Prazident Ukrainskoy Akademii sallskokhozyaystvennykh nauk (for Tlasyuk). (Agricultural research) VIA emiky otv. red.; GARKUSHA, 14.A.[Ilarkusha, red.; ZORIV, I.G.[Zorin.. I.H.), red.; KOZIY, G.V.[Kozii,H.V.I,prof., red.; KUKSIV., M,.V.,, kand. selikhoz.nauk, red.; CHMr"VA, V 0..1 kand. sellkhoz.naukp red.; YUIUIIYCMK$ F.P.[Mirymchuk, F.P.j, kand., sellkhoz.nauk, red.; LISOVICHENKO, Ya.V.[Lisovychenko, IA,V,], rod.; VIDONYAK, A.P.) tekhri. red. (Increasing the productivity of natural forage lenads in the Ukrainian S.S.R.; transactions of the session of the Department of Agricultures of the Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture) Pidvyshchennia produktyvnosti pryrodnykh kormovykh uhid' Ukrainslkoi RSR; pratsi, naukovoi sesii Viddilennia zemlerob- stva. Kyiv, Vydavny-tstvo UASIRI, 1960. 185 P. (MIM 15:7) 1. Prezident Ukrainskoy akademii sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk (for Vlasyuk). 2. Sekretar Kiyevskogo oblastnogo komiteta Kommunistiche- skoy Partii Ukrainy (for Garkusha). 3. Chlen-korrespondent Ukrain- skoy akademii sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk, zamestitell ministra sellskogo khozyaystva USSR (for Zorin). /+. Nauchno-issledovatell- skiy institut zemledoliya i zhivotnovodstva zapadnykh rayonov USSR (for Koziy). 5. Ukrainakiy nauchno-isoledovatol'Bkiy insti- tut zemledellya (for Kuksin). 6. Poltavskaya gosudarstvennaya sellskokhozyaystvennaya issledovatellskaya stantsiya, (for Cherkasova). (Ukraine-Pastures and meadows) VLASTtJK P A skademik,; YURIYEV, V.Ya.. skademik, zam.otv*red.; BUZIMOV, I.F., skademik, red.; DAHIMINKO, I.A., red. DLIONE, L.11.. doktor biolog.nauk, red.; KUCHUMOV, P.Y., doktor sellskokhoz. nauk, red.; POLTAKOT, I.K., red.; STROILA, I.G.. kand.sellskokhoz. nauk, red.; TKACHENKO, F.A., kand.sellskokhoz.nauk. red.; COMM, I.A., k8nd.6konom.nauk# red.; BUNMA, L.F., red.; VIDONYAK, A.P.. (Problems in improving the quality of agricultural products; pro- ceedings of the scientific session] Voprosy uluchsheniia ka- chestva seltakokhozinistvennoi produktail; trudy nauchnoi sesaii. Kiev, Izd-vo Ukrainakoi Akad.sellkhoz.nauk. No.4. (Feeds and livestock products] Korma i prodiLkty zhivotnovodstva. 1960. 143 p. (MM 14:1) 1. Ukrainakiy ordena Lenina nauchno-istiledovatellskiy institut rusteniyevodstva, selektaii i genetiki. 2. Chlon-korrespondent Vse- soyuznoy skademii sallskokhozyaystvennyl-.h nauk imeni Y.I.Lanina i Ukrainskoy skedemii sell.skokliozyaystvannykh nauk; Usuchno-issledo- vatellakly institut zhivotnovo6stva Lenostepi i Poleslys USSR (for Danilenko). 3. Chlon-korrespondent M USSR (for Polyakov). 4. Ukrainskiy ordena Lenina nauchno-iesledovatellskiy inatitut raste- niyevodstva, selektaii i genatiki (for Strona). (Feeds) (Stock and atockbreeding) (Lj)q~~o ~PAq_KLIMOVITSKAYAO Z.M#; VIZIR, K.L, Tole of the root system in the translocati!m and transformation of manganese in plants. Izv.AN SSSR, Ser.biol, no.6;365-873 N-D 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the Ukrainian S.S.R., Kiev. (ROOTS (BOTANY)) (PLANTS, MOTION OF FLUIDS IN) (MANGANESE) 11 VTASM. P. - idmdemik Problems in the physiolog7 of plants, Hauka i zb7ttia 10 no.l:)O A 160. (MIRA 13:6) 1. AN,USSR, Vseso7uzrLaya akademi7a sell skokhozya7stvanrqkh nauk imeni T.I.Lenina, Ukrainskaya akademiya seliskokhoz7ayetvervkh nauk i direktor UkrainsIcogo naucbno-iseledovateliskogo instituta f iziologii rastenv. (Botamy-PhysiolojW) VLA,suK, P.A. )Jog7 and the agrj!' ltu-ral science- 'Bo*'- zhur. 4 5 Plant Pbvsi( 1- 12 no.3-.446-453 mr 16o. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-iseledovatellakly institut fiziOlOgii rastenly, Kiyev- (Plant pbyaiolog7) (kgrialltural research) ado-M. IrrTMA Inly MANORIKq VIASMi PA. j, ak ...01 P.F.i kand.seltak0khOzonauk; V (Manorykq A.V.1. kand-biologonauko vYFusk; MAROBOYSOMOVA 0 S. (Masloboish bykovaj O-S-11 red.; FOTOTSKAYAq LqA* tFoZts'kaj, [Advice for the use of boron fertilizers in agriculture) Reko- mendataii p0 zastosuvannju bori3ykh dobryv u sillslkmu hospo- darstvi. Kyiv.. Vyd-vo Ukrainslkoi akademii sillslkohospodarstkykh nauk, 1961e 3.0 pe (MRA 15:4) 1. Ukrainslkii nmkovo-doslid2wi instytat fiziologii roslyn. (Fertilizer and manures) LIMAR, Daniil Fedorovich[Lykhvar, D.F.); CMIERIS, Petr Klimovich [Chemerys, F.K.), aspirant; GURENKO, V.A. Hurenko, V.A.], red.; V 'LASYU-K,-E.A-,- akadenik,. otv. red.: YAMICI-PIUK, O.A., tekhn. red, (Companion cropping of corn with pulse for silage] Sumisne vy- roshchavannia kukurudzy z zernobobovymy na sylos. Kyiv, 1961. 45 P. (Tovarystvo dlia posbyrennia politychrjykh i naukovykh znan' Ukralnslkoi, MR. Ser.5., no.24) WIRA 15:2) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Ukrainskoy akaderii selfskAhozyaystven- nykh nauk (for Likhvar). 2. Vsesoyuznaya akademiya sel'sko- khozyaystvennykh nauk im. V.I.Lenina, Akademiya nauk USSR i Ukrainskaya akaderiya sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk (for Vlasyuk). (Companion crops) (Ensilage) VIAVUK.,Jp~r,'-AR~i-povich. akademik, zaal. deyatell nauki USM; FIj0'fSEN- NO) D.P., doktor biologo nauk, prof., otv. red.; LEUSKIY, A.V. (Leustkyi, A.VJj red.; ILiVIICHUK, O.A., tekha. red, [Mineral fertilizers with trace elements) Minerallni dobryva z mikroelementany. Kyivp 1961. 49 p. (Tovarystvo dlia poshyrennia, polity~!bnykh i naukovykh znan' Ukrainslkoi RSR. Ser 5# no.16) ?MIP%A 14:111) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Ukrainskoy Akademit'sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk (for Protsenko). (Fertilizers and manures) (Trace elements) VIASYUK, Petr Antlpovich, akademik; LISOVAL, Pestr Zakharovich; -tM'7121A) KVITKA) S.P., teklm. red. [Effectiveness of the use of organic-mineral fertilizers in grain and sugar-beet crop rotation] Efi'gktivnost' organomine- rallnoi sistemy udobreniia v zernovo-sveklovicbnom sevooborote. Kiev, Izd-vo Ukrainskoi Akad. sellkhoz, naukp 1961. 152 p. NIRA 15:3) (Rotation of crops) (Grain-Fertil!; 'zeriq and manures) (Sugar beets-Fertilizers and manures) VLASYUK, P.A.; YANORIK, A.V. [Enriched compost] Obogashchennye komposty. Kiev, Gos. izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry Ukr. SSR, 1961. 294 P. (MIRA 16:11) (compost) (Fertilizers and manures) KHOMENKO) Aleksey Denisovich; VLASYUK, P.A.) akademik, red.; MASLOB(YISIICHIKOVA, 0.S--~-Y6dO--yf-VIDONYAKj A.P., teld2n, red, (Local fertilizer resoure" in the western regions of the Ukraine and their utilization] Mistsovi resursy dobryv za- khidnykh raioniv URM ta ikh vykorystannia. Za red* P.A.Vla- siuka. Kyiv, Vyd-vo Ukr. akad. sillslkohospodars 'kykh nauk 3.961. 231 p. (Ukraine (MIRA 15121 .. Western-Fertilizers and manures) VLASYUK) P.A. Biochemical characteristics of vegetable crops and potatoes grown on flood lands. Bic-L-him pl.i aroshch. no.6:100-1ZI f6l. (MM 14:6) 1. Ukraitwkly nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut fiziologii rasteniy. (Ukraine-Peat soils) (Vegetables.-Fertilizerp, and manures) (Plants-Chemleal analysis) VLASYUK P.A akademi-k-% For a close tie tween science and the work of the people. Viszqk sillhosp.nauky 4 no.8:3-10 Ag 161. (IMM 14:7) 1. AN USSR, I,.,.E;Oyuznaya akademiya sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk., Ukrainskaye akademiya sell skokhozyaystvennykh nauk, prezident Ukrainskoy ..xademii seVskekhozyaystvam**h-neuk**- (Agricultural research) VLASYUK, P.A. International congress of soi.1 scientists. Ifauka i zhyttia 11 no,1:57#49 ja 161, (MIRA 14:3) 1, Prezident Ukrainskoy akademii seI'skokhozyayatvennykh nauk (Soils-congresses) VLASIUK, P.A., akademik-- Seventh International Congress of Soil Scientists in the U.S.A. Zemledelie 23 no.6:81-88 Je 161. (MMA. 14:6) (Soil acience-Congresoea) "M VLASYUK, P.A. blethod of determining the condition of winter crope. Zem-ledelie 23 m.8:50-57 Ag 161. (*,,aRA 14:10) 1. Deyetvitellnyy chlen-akademik Voesoyuznoy akademii sell- skokhozyaystvennykh nauk im. V.I.Lonina. (Grain) - - VLASYUK , P.-A.--; - KLDIOVITS KAYA I - Z -. M. --- - ---- - - - - ---- -- -- - - - -- - - - - - Physiological role of manganese in plant life. Izv. All SSSR. Ser. biol. 26 no-5:740-759 S-0 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the Ukrainian S.S.R., Kiyev. (PWITS, EFFECT OF MANGANESE ON) VLASYUK, P.A. P~ysiologrical foundations of nutrition as a road to increased yields and quality of farm crops. Bot. Our. 46 no.10!1481-1490 0 '61. (MMA 14-9) 1. Institut fiziologii rasteniy Akademii sel'skohozyaystvennykh nauk Ukrainy, Kiyev ZPlants--Nutrition) (Field crops) VIASYUK, P.A.-. PROTSENKO, D.F.; KOLOSHA, 0.1. Physiological principles of harvesting j;rain in separate stj:qes. Bot. zhur. 46 no.11:1638-1649 N 161. (FJW, 15:2) 1. Ukraniskly nauchno-issledovateliski-ir institut fiziologii rasteni7, Kiyev. (Grain-Harvesting) 1~~UX,-P.A.y-akademik., otv. red.; SIROCHENKO, I.A., doktor sell- khoz.nauk., red.; MANORM, A.V... kand.biol.nauk, red.; OSTROVSKAYAI L.K.9 doktor biol. naukp red.; FERMPKDI., V.F.., doktor biol. nBukq red.; KHOMKO., A.D.., kand. bil. nauk, red.; KAPITANGHUK, V.A., red.; LISCVICHENKO, Ya.V., red.; KVITKA, S.P., tekbn. red. [Using trace elements., plymers, and radioactive isotopes in agriculture; transactions] ~~enenie mikroelemen-tov, polime- rov i radioaktivvjkh izotopov v sel'skom '.chozigistve; trudy. Kiev, Izd-vo Ukr. akad. sellkhoz. nauk. No.l,, 1962. 296 (KIRA 15.j0 1. KoordinatsionrWye soveshchaniya problemnoy komisaii Ukrainskoy akademii selIskokhozyaystvennykh nauk, 1960. 2. Akademi-ya nauk UM i Vsesoyuznaya akademiya sel'skokho- zyaystvenrWkh nauk imeni V.I.Lenina i Ukrainskaya akademiya sellskokhozyaystvenmykh nauk (for Vlasyuk.). 3. Uk-rainBkiy na- ucbno-issledovatellskiy institut fiziolog.Li rasteniy (for Manorik). (Agricultural chemistry) GI.IODZH,SKIY, Dmitriy Mikhaylovich; VLAUDL,.-P.A., akademik, otv. red.; MIATENKO, A.I., red.; PdfO-TSKAYA, L.A... tekhn. red. (Methodo of using radioactive isotopes in biologyll4etodika .., "',I primneniia radioaktivrqkh izotopov v biologii, Kiev Izd- vo Ukr. dkad. sellkhoz.naukj, 1962. 170 p. 64IRA 15M1) (Tracers (Biology)) VLASYUK, Petr Antjpgjiq4 akademik, zasl. deyatell nauki USSR; M.K.(Krupstkyi,. M.K.1, prof., otv. red.; MASIDBOYSHCHIROVA, O.S.(IIw9loboIshcITkova, O.S.I., red.; FOTOTSKAYA, L.A.[Pototsika, L.A.]# tekbn. red. [Manganese nutrition and fertilization of plants)Margantseve zhyvlennia i udobrennia roslyn. Kyiv, Vyd-vo Ukrainolkoi Akad. sillskohospodarslkykh nauk., 1962. 420 p. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Ukrainskoy akademii sellskokhozyaystven- nykh nauk (for Krupokiy). (Planta, Effoct of manganono on) akademik, otv. red.; BLANINA,, L.F., red.; POTOTSKAYA, L.A.,, tekhn. red. [Uaing trace elements, polymers, and radiactive isotopes in agriculture]Primenenie mikroelementov., polimerov i radio- aktivnykh izotopov v sellskom khoziaistyel trudy soveshchaniia. Otv. red. P.A.Vasiuk. Kiev, Gossellkhozisdat USSR. No.2. 1962. 241 p. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Koordinatsionnyye soveshchaniya problemnoy komiasii Ukrainskoy Akademii sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk, 1961, (Agricultural chemicals) VLASYUK"."'p-A~,v akademik, otv. red,; MANORIK, A.,V.[Manoryk, A.V,], kand. biol. nauk, red.; OKANENKO, A.S., doktor biol. nauk, red.; OSTWISKAYA, L.KjOstrovslka, L.Kj, doktor biol. -nauk, red.; KALININ, F.L., doktor biol. nauk, red.; PROTSEUKO, D.P., prof., red.; KAPITANCRUK, V.A., nauchn. sotr,, red.; BLANINA, L.F., red.; LAPCMIKO, K.P., tekhn. red. [Physiological and biochemical principles underlying in- crease in the productivity of plants) Fiziologo-biokhimieW osnovy pidv-yshchennia produkty-,mosti roslyn; pratsi. Kyiv, Derzhsil9hospvydav URSR, 1963~ 458 p.- (MIRA 16-10) 1. Ukrainslka Respublikans1ka, naukova konferentsiia molo- dykh uchenykh v haluzi fiz;ologii roslyn, Ist, 1962. 2. Akademiya nauk Ukr.SSR i Vsesoyuznays. akademiva sellsko- khozyaystvennykh nauk imeni V.I.Lenina (for Vlasyuk). (Plant physiology) (Plants, Cultivat4) SOKOLOV~ A.V.; VIASYUK,-"-,- GRINCHUX0, A.M.; GORBUNOV, N.I.j DMITRIYENKO, 1!.A.; KONONOVA, M.M.; MISHUSTIN, U.N. Immediate tasks in studying soil fertility and ways for its ', increase. Pochvovedenie no.ls8-20 Ja 163. (MIRA l6t2) (Soil fertility) PEYVE, Ya.V.,, akademik, otv. red.UL'WM,-,P.A., akademik, red.; SIROCHE21KO, 1.A.., prof., red.; VOYFJC!,"'A.I., prof., red.; MINORIK) A.V., kand. biol. nauk) red.; OSTROVSKAYA, L.K., doktor biol. nauk, red.; ZADDIIY, I.I., doktor sellkhoz. nauk, red.; KURIMAYA, M.F., dots., red.; KLD-WITSKAYA, Z.M., kand. biol. nauk, red.; MITSYK, V.Ye., kand. vet. naukp red.; KAPITANCHUK, V.A., red.; RADIKO, F,.K.) red, (Trace elements in agriculture and medicine; materials] I-',ikroelementy v sel'skom khoziaistve i meditsine; mate- rialy. Kiev, Gossellkhozizdat USSR, 1963. 689 p. (MIRA 18:1) 1. Vsesoyuznoye soveshchaniye po voprosam primeneniya mikro- elementov v sellskom khozyaystve i neditsine, 4th, Kiev, 1962. 2. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatell:3kiy institut fiziologii rasteniy All Ukr.SSR (for Ostrovskaya,.Vlasyuk). 3. Institut biologii All Latviyskoy SSR (for Peyve). 4. Kiyevskiy meditsin- skiy institut (for Kurinnaya). 5. Donetskiy medi'Llsinskiy in- stitut im. A.M.Gorfkova (for Voynar). 6. Ukrainskiy nauchno- issledovatellskiy institut fiziologii i biokhimii sel'sko- khozyayst,venrqkh zhivotnykh (for Mitsyk). 7. Belotserkovskiy sellskokhozyaystvennyy institut (for Zaderiy). VLASYUK, P.&.i akaden4k'--KAPITANCHUK V.A. The 4th A.1-246ion Conference on the Problems of the Use of Trace Elements ii 'griculture and Medicine. 2hur. VKHO 8 no.6:671-674 163. (MIRA 17i2) 1. Akademiya mauk UkrSSR i Vsesoyuznaya skademiya sellskokhozyayst- vennykh nauk imeni Lenina (for Vlasyuk). VLASYUK, P.A.; IMOVITSKAIA, Z.M.; LRIDNISKAYA, L.D.: RUDAKOVA,E.V. Differential centrifugation of plant cell structures with re- gard to their microelement content. lzv. AN SSSR Ser. biol. 28 no -5:653-667 S-Or63 (MIRA 16:1-1) 1. Institute of Plant Phys~ologyj Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian S.S.R#, Kiev* VLA9UKJ, F.A., akademlh-, otv. red. and bir,-~-hemic".-., cha-raocter--~a--ica of tHe rtuc2ear radialtion effect on plantg] FizioloFo-bickhi- michosk-te osobepnosti dolstviia iadernykh IzIuchonii na ranteniia. Kiev, flaukova, dumk~i, 196i,. 202 p. (1,11RA 18:j) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut fiziologrii rustoriii. 2. Vaenoyuzmtya akadem:17a sell nkokhozfwiF-re-nrzfth nauk imeni M.Lonina i hkaderJ.ya nauk Ukr,SSR. VLASYUK, P.A., akademik, otv. red.; SKUTSKAYA, N.P., red. [Trace element content of soils in the Ukrainian S.S.R.j Soderzharie mikroelempntov v pochvekh IJkrain- skoi SSR. Kiev, Naukova. dumka, 1964. 293 p. (MIRIA 18.2) fiziologii roolyn. 1. Akademiya nailk URS11, Kiev. lrisLytut 2. Akademiya na-uk Ukr.SSIR i V.-,eoo-yuznuya akader!dya ~;01- skokhozyaystvenriy1-.-h riauk Imprii V.I.Dnilna (for Vlasyiik). ak domik, glav. ro,!.; 1`11 '7,1101,'A i,~ellkhoz. nauk, blr~l nauk, red.; ZAD-HY, I.!~, do~,.t-o- red.; KUR12MAYA, M.F., med. rp-,,jk., -:.ed.; MITSYK, ,, kand. vet. P-ai;k, red.; V.A... red.; V.Ye. SKUTSKAYA, N.P., red. (Microelements in the life of plaPltsp aTiLmal-s and man; ~r,aisactlow of the CoorO i na Ling Conference of tbo S?ecial Com:mission of the Academy of Selences of the UkraInjan S.S.R. held on February 22-23, 19631 I-,ikro- eler,enty v zhizni raste-nii, I cheloveka; tru- dv koordinatsionnogo soveahc---,-,~Ia problt~ttzioi komissli All USSR ot 22-23 fevralla 11,163 g. Kiev., Naukcrva dumka, 1964. 323 P. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Akaderr.iya nauk URSR, Kiev. Instytut fiziologil, ros.13m. ,.,:,akader,iik; KOLOMIYETS O.D. (Kolomilets' O.D.1; VITKALENKO, L.P* Effect of gamma irradiati,r)a of seeds on -the extracts of cellular structures of sugar beet leaves. Dop. AN URSR no.5:678-682 164. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Ukrainskly nauchno-issl,edovatel'skiy institut fiziologii rasteniy AN UkrSSR. .-.I--,VIASYUKI P.A.; SILICHENKO, V,V. Effect of the presow.-nc- ga=-a i- Jfai;icn- of ss-eds cn the t~ I. I au- - mical structure of plants. Radiobiologi--'Ia 4 no.4:6u'7-612 '64. (MA 17:11) 1. Institut fiziologii rasteniy AN UkrSSR, Kiyev. A.,, akademik Concentrated and combined fertilizers. Priroda 53 do-5: 59-63 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. AN UkrSSR i Vaesaywnaya akademiya sel'skokhozy4ystvennykh nauk im. Leninay Yiyev, SIL I CHENKO. 11 V. Effeet of -ionizing rad Ation on the size of nuclei of the assimilating 06 tissue of the leaf. ;)okl. AN SSSR 155 no. 3:6 8-669 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Ukrainskiy r-uchno-issledovatelvskiy institut Vziologii rastenly AN UkrSSSR', 2. AN UkrSSSR (for Vlas)uk). VLASYUK P ,j akademik, otv, red.; YANKOVSKAY , Z.H., red. . t A (Trace elements in animal husbandr-y and medicine] 1,1,ikxc, elementy v zhivo+novodstve i medi-taine. Kiev, Nauko-va dumka, 1965. 170 p. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Akademiya muk UR,5,11, Kiev. 2. Institut fiziologil AN Ukr.SSR (for Vlasyuk). OSTROVSKAYA, L.K.v doktor biol. nauk, otv. red.; VLASYUK, P.A.p b u.i--re 0- akademik, red.; MMORIK, A.V.p kBmd. d' KALININ, F.L., doktor biol. nauk, red.,, 01WIENKO, A.S.,, doktor biol. nauk., red.; PROTSMIKO, D.F., doktor biol. nauk., red.; SIROCHENKO, I.A., doktor biol* nauk, red.; KAPITANCRUK, V.A.~ red.; MAKAROVA, G.M., red. [Complexons as a means against lime-Induced chlorosis of plants] Kompleksony kak sredstvo protiv izvestkovogo khloroza restenii. Kiev, Nawkova dumka, 1965. 194 p. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Institut fiziologii rasteniy AN Ukr.M (for Ostrovskaya). 2. AN Ukr.SSR (for Vlasyuk). VI-A9UK1'J ukadea,ik,, otv. red.; KOLOMIYTISEVA, 141.G., prof.Y red.t i'-PUPSKEY B.K.,p pro'L., red.; KLTD~W-TTSKAYA, Z.M., doktor biol. nawk, red.i EMB"I"AYA, F., kand. med. nauk, red., MITSYK, V,Ye.,. kand. vot. nauk red.; FLAPITANCRUK, V.A., red.; RUDAKOVA, E.V.p kand. biol. nauk, red.; SKUTSKAYA, N.P.., red. [Use of tra:~a elements in agriculture; Republic interde- partmental colie--tion of papers] Frinenenie mikroelemer,w v sellskom khozialstve; Respubldkanskii mezhvedomstvennyi sbornik. Kiev.. Naukriva dwaka, 1965. 228 p. (MIRA 18t7) 1. Akademiya nauk UR&R, Kiev. 2. Institut, fiziologii rasteniy Ukr.SSR (for Vlasyak,, Rudakova). VLASYUK, F.A. , akademik, otv. red. ; MIATYASUMAYA, T. 1. , red. (Plant nutrition and fertilization] Fitanie i udobrerie rastenii. Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1.965. 251 P. (MIRA 1911) 1. Akademiya nauk URSH, Kiev. 2. Institut fiziologii ra- steniy 24 Ukr.SSR (for Vlasyuk). VLASYUKJ. P.A.y akademik, otv. red.; OKAMIKO, A.S., doktor biol, ----n-a-uT, red.; MANORIK, A.V... kand. biol. nauk, red.; KALININ, F.L., doktor biol. nauk, red.; PROTSENKO, D.F., doktor biol. nauk, red.; SIROCHENKO, I.A.p doktor sellkhoz. nauk, red.; KAPITANCHUK, V.A.,, red.; ANDRIYCHUK, M.D. red. (Photosynthesis and cro.r yields] Fotosintez i produktiv- nost' rastenii. Kiev2 Naukova dmnkap 1965. 2F0 P. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Akademiya nauk URSR, Kiev. Instytut fiziologii roslyn ta agrokhimii. SLUKHAY, Stepan Ivanovich; -VIAZLK4 F.J.P akademik., ntv. ri-d. ' . KUZMSOVA, A.S,y red. (Nutrition and fertilization of Young woody plants] Fi- tanie i udobrenie molodykh drevesnykh raiftenii. Kiev, Naukova dumkag 1965- 300 P. (MIRI, 18-~7) 1. AN Ukr.S.SR i Vsesoy-uznaya akademiya seltskokho- zyaystvennykh nauk imeni V.I,Ienina (for V.1as-yuk). A ,.. ..'. IL '-S YUK -- , P.A., akademik; LISOVAL, P.Z., kand. biolog. nauk ~ -, r.-:~' Effect of organic and mineral fertilizers on the increase In the yield of basic rotated crops. Agrobiologiia no.1:10-17 Ja-F 165. 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy instititt fiziologii rasteniy AN UkrSSR, Kiyev. RM)OWSELISKIYt I.D-; VLASYUK~yj~t:..Z.,, I 1 -1 ,"i , - 'Y nqveloping standa:~i nethac,E for I,h~ c~)-;!-;-ct-'- -'-' '5. of iron powders. Forosh. 'mot. 5 no.9:22-.27 ~', 'i, (1,1111A 18:9) 1. InstItut problem mnterialovedenlya AN UkrSSR. KHOMAZYUK, A.I.; VIASYUK, V.M. -77* Renal pletbysmograph. Biul. eksp. biol. mod, 47 n0-5:120-122 Yq '59. (MM 12:7) 1. Iz otdela patologicheakoy fiziologii (zav. - kand. med. nauk A.I. Khomazyuk) Ukrainskogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo institute. klinicheskoy meditainy imeni N.D. Strazhesko (dir. - prof. A.L. Mikhney), Kiyev.' Predatavlena doyetvitelinym chlenom AMN SSSR V.V. ParizWm. (PLICTHYSMOGRAPHY, renal plethysmograph (Rua)) (ICIMYS, same) V.T.:. PARIMODIKO. A.?. qrasp%ve, fuel uttlizati*on at fractories of the Cherkaosy Sakhavoklotrant. Sakho prom.-32 no. 7:34-36 Jy '-~S. (MIRA 11:8) 1. Cherkasekiy sakheveklotrest. (Charkmasy Ilrovince-Sugafr industry) 'e 1- r. A, 111,"~'i-~- L . I%FT..., TY T -I' - I .Y YA. (6m) - 4. Valley - Soils 7. E~uri-~ soils of tl--- seccnd %(-and) +-.-r!-ic-. rf -1,Idl- -.n.,7 1c,-.= er. F'schw;lmdenle r7c. 3, 1o'53- 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1953. Unclassified. I 1. 1IT-1.51m, Ya. 2. USSR (6oc) 1 4. Soils - Transearpathia 7. Genesis of soils in the Transcarpathian Depression. Trudy UNDISOZ 6, 1951. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May -1953. Unclassified. 1. MtSM, Ya. A, 2. UJ#SR (600) 4. TranscarDathia - Soils 7. Genesis of soils in the Transcarrathian Depression. Trudy INDISOZ, 6, 1951. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May -1953. Unclassified. T d " ~~ 7~ , alo i 13 d v . I....... lll~-~., L.,.,-- - with performed !x, pc;-.--Ifjr 4 F.rrlr; 2-4 nn.3,2.39 Yr 16 5 . HLINGARY/Weeds and Weed Control. N Abs Jour : Ref Zh~_r Biol., No 18, 1953, 82632 Alathor : Vlaszaty, 4don Inst Title : Resvlts of Tests on Chemical Control of Weeds in Fores- try Orig Pub : Erdeszeti katatasok, 1957, No 1-21 95-112 Abstract : A method of destroying weeds milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) and q:,,.ack grass (Agropyron repens) by chemical means has been developed in Hungary. Quack grass control was car- ried out in combination with soil cultivation. Evalua- tion of the results of the tests on controlling beach grass (Calamagrostic epigeios) has not been completed. It is recommended to destroy weeds on areas contaminated with rhizome weeds prior to afforestation. In n-rseries, after treatment with chemical means, contaminated areas must be exclcded from prod,-.ctinn for one year and left as Card 1/1 bare fa-Uov. -- A.M. Shchepetil'niko- va VLASZATY, Odon, dr. Thoughts on the chemicalization of saplinp. Erdo 12 no.2: 94-95 F 163. 1. Erdeazeti Tudomanyos Intezet tudomanyou munkatarsa, Budapest. VIASZDV, I. "Conditions of the undisturbed operation of the overhead wire in winter." Tr. frori the Russian. p. 169. (KOZLa-ED ESTULCIIAff-I SZ:14LE, Vol. 3, no. 5, Flay 1953. Budapest.) SO: Monthly List of Fast European Accessions, Vol. 2, A, Library of Congress AuGmst, 1953, Uncl. . I w I VLOTER, t. M., WAMIU) S. L., SUMAPOTC, T. V., YMC-KVC-VA,-A. I., MOWER, B. B. Pneumonia Albomycin therapy in pneumonia in infants. Ncvbsti med. No. 23, 1951. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December _1954, Uncl. 2 fTJGOaA71A e,. al. of In f n za L t~,e 7et-aviwary, Faoufl.ty svnla and ti'lo dleollw%'1~1.'11 r, i t i , u t ~"":R 3) Con-,ributlon to o--,' tha -31 1,-, .r m " 1 11 3]1.a~itema ",all o .-,,on Cvyetatui. Acta. j,-1, ~~o 3-4, Ab st a - t -utuho 2:nF- !I sh in-s auti-iors, ry r- j exo:arims.unt lnvo-iv-93 lu-~-.s c.-mputr-,tlon o.f' the ri h I I ch .alonp, the mIddle o-.',' t1aa tAbla an-1 f130-9, on t IQ,-, -wi.2 of Critor, crystatus. Thv cytooin, matli,, -ompr, clea.cly expressad on the celli ,)." eavl%p (5 CaLtooh~'njl I*Lq n-rj oftetj lays after amputF.-ACAon) Th e ~CrOUZO the 18XC-~~V VeSICI~33, az!--i Man.11 amall v3 n- ic'19.s are visib''La aro~an,~ Lh.o u-.1tc-chonirls3. 10 10 :3 e 1 ii-nitga ribonuclein ,ranuiaa or are- v! sib", !3 0,~- VIATYMC,_ B. and TMIC., P. "Development of Tvypanosraa ~~erdura in the Body of a Ground Squirrel (Citellus Citillus) during Hibernation" p. 19 (ZBORIfIK RADOVA., Vol. 25, no. 21 1952, Oco.rad, Y-o-coslai1a) SO: Honthlzy List of Fast Eurok2an Accessions, Libra7 of Congress, Vol. 2~ No.1W, Uctober, 1953, Unclassified VTArKOVIC, B.., DOTUMVIC, M., and :1LOJESVIC, D. "Influence of o1chicine of the Fission Frequency of the ."examecim" p. 119 (ZBORINIK RA~OVR., Vol. 25., no. 2,.1952, Beograd) Yugoslavia) - SO: Mop~h of East E , Library of Congress, Vol. 2, . k List uropean Accessions klo.W, October, 1953, Unclassified - ~7, f'r f f al)~i /'IT Dec. of EaS-' -St VLATKOYIC,_-B. and DMOVAIII, R. "Effect of Chermcal Substances on Healing Wounds of Albjmo Rats1i p. 75 (ZBORIIIK RADOVA, Vol. 25, no. 2, 1952, Beograd, Yugoslavia) SO: Mop~~hl List of East European Accessions, Librar-f of Congress, Vol. 2, fio..JJD, Uctober5 1953,.Unclassified VL&TKOVIC,Gojko,dr.; RAIC,Fedor,dr. Nephrotic svndrzme and its therapy in children. Lijec. vjes. 81 no.9-10:625-635 159. 1. Iz Klinike za djecje bolasti Medicinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu. (NVHROTIC SYNDROMM in inf. & child) VAUCIC# Antunp Dr.; KALAFATIC, Zrnka, Dr.; PRPIGI Ivan, Dr.; VLATKOVIC, Gojko, Dr. Treatment of retained tests in children* Lijec vjeB 82 no.9/10: 763-768 o6o. 1.-Iz Kirurske klinike i Ilinike za djecje bolesti Medicinskog fakulteta SveuciliBta u Zagrebu. . (CRYPTORCHM surg) STROHAL,P.; VLATKOVIC,M.; IIEWYM-Je; DESP(YTOVIC.*Re; MIRNIKjM* Production of radionuclides in the Zagreb.cyclotron; abstract. Glao Hem dr V no.9/101482 t64 1. The Puder Boskovic Institute, Department of Radiochemistry, Zagreb. KAUGIC, S.; ~ATXOPG,M. Reaction of thermal annealing and isotopic exchange in neutron-irradiated Ca(,703)2; abstract.- (;Us Fam dr Z7 no. 9/10009 'U 1. The Ruder Boskovic Institute, Department of Radlochemistry, Zagreb. VIATKOVIIG, rwiSPOTOVIC. B- -36 The pre!arqtjc',rk 64. Crr-,at ch,,TrL UCLI ~.,ub,jj ~,,e - j-_,ly 2 tLl(,er Bc~*.kovlc s t i tu reb Ci VAUCIC, S.~ V:ATKOVIC', M. 11hprinal anneallng rea--tIcns In te,-tran-irridia~.ta -1-1:1~-m iodate. Croat ch-5ru acta 35 no.4.-305-313 16"l,. 1. Institute "Ibider Donkovic% Zngr-3b, Croatia, PAVLOVIC, M., Major dr.; -17,~TKOVIC, V., kapstan Ir.; LIRD, Z., kapetan dr. Indicated lung resections not performed due to lack of preoperative diagnosis of dissemination. Taberkuloza, Beogr. 8 no-3-4:235-238 May-Ang 56. 1. Klinika, za plucue bolesti, M JXk Beograd (nacelnik: pukovnik prof. dr. Jazdimir Studio). (PMWMNMTOMr, in var. die.. tuberc., indic. (Ser)) APOSTOISKI, Ar~stokrat, sanitetski potpukovnik dr.; STAWNK(YVIC, P., sanitetski pukovnik dr.; VLAVMITC sanitetski major dr. Contribution to the study of pois6n~ing with organic phosphate insecticides. Apropos of a case of poisoning with Etiol (Malathion). VoJnose-nit Pregl. 21 no.2tl23-126 F 164. 1. VoJna bolnica u Skopju, interno odeljenje. PMAIIIC,F,do; VLATKOVIC, Vida; SOKOLOVSKI, Borivoje. Salmonella typhimurium (breslau) as a pathogenic factor in multiple lung abscesses. Srpski arh. celok. lek. 91 no.10: 939-946 MO. 1. Ifirursko odeljenje u HEO Tojne bolnice u Skoplju. Nacelnik: san,puk. dr. Edo Predanic.