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Publication Date:
December 31, 1967
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In the Scientific and Technical Council of the All-Union Farm
Machinery Association. Mekh. i elek. sots. sel'k),oz. 2f no.1:
62-63 162. (.RA 15:2)
(Agricultural machinery)
Improve the testing of now farm machinery. Sellkhozmashina no.10;
3-4 0'55. (MLIM 8:12)
1. Direktor Povolshakoy mashinoispytatel$noy stantsir
(Agricultural machinery--Testing)
VLASOV, I.N., inzh.
I . . ......
ZgBA,3,5 mounted harvester. Zexlede3le 24 no-.6i64-65 Je 162.
(KMA 15t11)
(Harvesting machinery)
V3 3 7,,113 f, 11,Y3) S/126/60/010/004/020/023
AUTHORS: Berdyshev, A.A. and Vlasov, I.N.
TITLE: Resistivity of an Antiferro.iagnetic
PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov 1 metallovedeniye, 1960,
Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 628 - ~29
TEXT: Kasuya and Mannavi (Ref. 1) have calculated the
electrical resistivity of an antiferromagnetic transition
metal at low temperatures, assuming that the interaction
energy between conduction electrons and spin waves is
constant. It is shown in the present paper that the results
obtained by these authors can also be obtained (and in fact
were obtained earlier - Ref 2) by the S-d exchange model of
Vonsovskiy et al. In a later paper Berdyshev et al (Ref. 3)
obtained the exact form of the energy-operator for an anti-
ferromagnetic (Eq. 2). Using this operator it can be shown
that the "magnetic" part of the resistivity is given by:
Card 1/2
M__ 0 4- 8
Resistivity of an Antiferromagnetic
13-5Wm2 12 - (kT)5 (4)
h 2e2Nz5/2J 5kF2
(in-the absence of anisotropy~. This expr:?ssion is different
frem that obtained by Kasuya and Mannavi. (Pef. 1). The reason
for this difference is that Kasuya and NannaVi used an
approximate form for the interaction potantial while the
present authors used an exact form. There are 7 references:
2 English, 1 Russian translation from German and 4 Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Ural9skiy gosudarstvennyy unIversitet im.
A.M. Gor1kogo (Ural State University im.
A.M. Gorlkly)
SUBMITTED: January 15, 1960
slectric veaistance of antifferromagastic watsriaf~s Ylzo =to I
metalloved. 10 no~4:628-629 0 w6o* (KM 13:11)
lo Urallskly goeudaretvennyy universitet Iment A.M. GorIkogo.
VLASOV 1 11 inzh.
In the joint Scientific and Technological Council.
Zemledelie 24 no.10:85-86 o 062. (MIRA 15:11)
(Corn (Maize))
(Agricultural machinery)
VIASOVP I* Na.9 inzh.
,~-~~Oli-t ~ut~ 117~-=-thods for harvesting grain crops. Mekh. i
elek. sots. sel9khoz. 20 no.6260-61 '62. (MIRA 16:1)
VLASOVI I.F., inzh.
Colmmaar grain cleaner for pulse crops. Zemledelie 25 no.6:
61-U Je 163. (MIRA 16:7)
(Legumes) (Grain-Cleaning)
##see sea$* 0 000 0-
41, i. NA
0 1 lots #1111utjull V to it 01
00 4017. Vlamov, L.O.,-Disit"Um cl velotity at Mtmdm it
0 indined Iiiiii mki pressure (iu Ituminn), Priki. Met. MckA.
15, 1, 117-119, Jw%,-Ftb. 196).
00 Autbor cuismithvs the flow if a v6cmv fluid wwwds the drM
ha, up an inchimml tmmvw layrr of molaut smdam Lmmamw
Oot a!,uve atid Wow by ir. a imix-rvitiou atta(a. Tlw flow (*kA* pkft zoo
00 j iu a vvtticml p6m, Under pmouir MUMIk-d by the Weved boa-
wL-'txm flUid diml'66149 thu Cult (4vuJ Wkilf. a
Lly "Ifurutal tmLsfurm"im, Vx1g."ious are OtA&iaed (or tbe
00 j
ul dx- vi-W- ty anywIm-mbavicen tha4iviclinabaomd.
*OW sty of Ow tau liquids muld Ow drill " ist torma tA the LoW d6-
00 vis"K.- of 11.4.. drill Wile. Alt-viaulcr Ilreanikoff, Caaada Rik*
I's 4k
m ii OW4.; Tit
2: ad a a W IF F
~W , IZA
V cr tv W
to in q 0
*so* 0
YjtWv, On P method of numerical
__and C_UMyjL
L-CL, -a[ -!L f 0j-d-i n
VLR $4,
m1i 7; rL A. 3J. IV,7;1'-'. - Clwiise,i lit list- I'l "I
4.1 'Its avi.ilimt oil (b And 11W od Ir.1cli'"I Atf is viracklog
ill 1741 '"Voll') (11) t-411W.1 hy Ill
'111.11til hy Oh, Illelloul 11,,41 pir.
viou.1y (C.A. 33. 65731). kclall% A vipi, ill Ill,
'tild :ill lit.. "Cror "Millwkal. ISCII'lly, 'r, Im.U t
1we fix the I'll.%1.41vir ifitelfwe ,( l"'Ill ml. ill
ti,Awd And I p. 6tv.i,.A %%Ilh .1411.611".1 if thr dl~ IIAFK,.
ill " Jwr Illut little vt'l, glealve (.w 1 6. It.
'kilfAcc tril.iin Gw thr jif ~nf I'llvd,wr Trumiliv.1
As,"t.-tow cmifrn( foommA oavil.-Alv . ..I.f . fillf it.
i'm4wil in 11, if 110--ml..." I-
VICAWIf in I bUt M114ifiCti U111 11,11194-11 ill It, x. C.
Bel'skiy, Vladimir Leonidovich; Vlasov, Ivan Petrovich; Zaytsev,
Valentin illikolayevich; Kan, of Technical
Sciences, Professor); Karnozhitskiy, Vladimir Pavlovich; Kots,
Vaniamin Markovich; Lipovskiy, David Yevseyevich
-.Aircraft design (Konstruktsi.ya letatel'nykh apparatov) Moscow,
Oborongiz, 1963. 708 p. illus., biblio. Err4ta slip inserted.
'6200~copies printed.
~TOPIC TAGS: aircraft coni-ruction,-,aircraft strength, aircraft!
'design, aircraft rigidity;, aiierift hydraulics, aircraft pneumatics,
aircraft servo aircraft service life, aeroclasticity, aerodynamic
PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: The book is-intehded' for aeronautical en~ineer-.,~
concerned with a irca f t desig n and,zpanufacture. It may also be
,useful to students of technical schools'of.higher education. The
principles of aircraft construction and strength are di-tcussed. The
~principles of arrangement are examined.and design methods for strengt'
band rigidity are given. External design loads are analyzed,,and other
problems in the construction of airplanes, rockets, and'helicopters
are examined. The pneumatic and hydraulic aircraft systems as well
as hydraulic servos are described. Considerable attention is paid I
to the probloms of aeroolasticity, service life, and aerodynamic heat-
.ing. The factual and numerical data and the schematic diagrams of
.aircraft are taken from non-Soviet sources. The authors thank K. A.
LY*nshInsky for. writing s.rticla .3 of Ch. 2 and N YL .Hitro-
fanov who particpated in selection of material for some chapters.
Special appreciation is expressed to A. M. Okulov for illustrating
the b o ok a n d t o Doctors of Technical 5 ciences A. R. Bonin and
Professor L. P. Ninokurov and Candidates of Technical Sciences 14. G.'
Savusya, L. A. Kolesnikov, A. A. Yarkho andyV. P. Rusanov for their
valuable suggestions during the review and revision of the manuscript.
Foreword -- 3
VIAS-10,41, i.p.
I i z
uer~,---r of the 1c--ll-l,--'l-'e~~-lJ4rzfr- bi-~ce` on (:'-.LnIcal -.3p-tr-
T ru d y i 7 4 -. i, ~? ~' - ~ ~,. " 1 ~2.
' ~. I T.;( ;. 1'7 : 1(;'1
In+tor of the flow of a short circuit current. &ergatik 3 no.1:22
24 a 155. ~ (MM 7:12 )
(Short circuit a )
VLASOV ),~5.
Subject USSR/Electricity
Card 1/1 Pub. 29 - 15/23
Author Vlasov, I. S., Foreman
Title Indicator of a short circuit currents
Periodical Energetik, 1, 22-24, Ja 1955
AID P - 1633
Abstract To locate a short-circuit in an aerial electric power line
an electromagnetic apparatus was designed and constructed
by the aut'hor. The design and operation of the apparatus
is described. Pictures and 2 diagrams are shown.
Institution: None
Submitted No*date
vqlrp orqdsa I?wj T7aoT,4v=tMvw
-azolmoo-ma" olq,4 j0 MU"udmo lv=oq.4 jo 9mver,
=j -peon eq wo voqi~m on 'GMT!; jo ONOT
-P= ZDVMWDV 4,90a q'4.TJL q-Tuu ftT4=Q=9-=RO',P
Qqq. jo ormVoqoo aq!~ UT!909MCM TTO -TO.; VMT1494
-uftDo Tv=*IT4 94vTV*=T 4pffaed vWqplm Woodoad -eta
oK ,o4=A=j.9oqm4oT,4qj,
dd lAO-40M
=j rpT4v-4xd~UDD TW=GZM JO VO'qq.GX "K. Va
and Mar& lava, T. K, (Notloturbostroyealys.-Aug. 1947,
(4) . 21-25). This method obviates the usual 4uocess1v*
approximations and,whilo equally accurate, is quicker than
the old methods, and in *love agreement with practical
results. Graphs and formula@ are given.
100 .1, 0%. Q*C IF211 Qk t MK 00. Ill
w A An I X fm a I w IM 0
U 0 A! - '.1 a w It a a t 1A
19 OP 11 W16 fi I
- : '9 0 so 0
400 . 0-0
-;1V 0 -0000 0 0 0 00 * 0 0 0 0 0 -1
1-1-v! vjj--p
- . , 1) V, 9!An
A New Me(W for Determh&g tht Iltst CRINst =
Baiter Inosilatwem (or C-Al"Ons Differinc from
Calctj&jed bl, Extrapdafloc6& Rusalon.) 1. Ya. Via-
id T. h. MarCulova, -floturbOsIr"Offic
$9y an
er M Turbine Manufactum), Aug. 1947, p. 21-25-
hat the thermal ellIciency of a boiler
Assumes t
anges during operation. The meth.
rontinuou~ Ch
does not require subsequent a roxi-
Oind ti."r"zk-Itlon of individual factors, Wulch Is
Id to speed up the work without Joss of accuracy.
I I NNW 1171I)IT.
SMACRO Hit Opq diet
0 Ole o 0 o 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 4
0-0100 0 * 0 0 0 * 00
All a I a IV 0 M 0 1 W a 0 a 4 3 4 W
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 e
0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 We We 0 0 0 0 0
so 0,
Vol. 6, n:~. 5, 'June
"New work cont( st. 1~-. fron --assi an. P. 23. TOB151
1952. Budtipest.)
SCI: Monthly List of East European Accessiom, Vol. 2, Library of Conpress
August, 1953, Uncl.
V ~ . , / 1,
1- rl c-l F-j
2. ussR (6oo)
4. Automobile Industry
7. A year of work by mixed teams. Za ekon. mat. no. 1. 1953.
9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1953, Uncl.
VLASOV, KJ.,&v. red.jdeqeased); SEMEVOV, Ye.I.p doktor gsol.-
mauk, otv. red.; TIKHONETIKOVA, R.F., kand. geol.-m-4n.
nauk., otv. red.
(Mineralogy and genetic characteristics of alkali maesifs)
Mineralogiia i geneticheskie osobennosti. shchelochrWkh mas-
sivov. Moskva, Nauka, 1964. 193 P. (MIRA 18:2)
1. Akademiya nauk &13SR. Inetuitut mineralogii., geokhimii i
kristallokbimii redkikh elementov. 2. Chlon-korrespendent
AN SSSR (for Vlasov).
Per-odic law, isomorphism and paragenesis of elements. Dokl-
AN SSSR 155 no. 5:1091-1094 Ap 164. (MIRA 17:5)
1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR.
, -,
Konstantin Avtonomovich Nenadkevich, 1830-1963; obituary. Geol.
rud. mestorozh. 6 no.1:123-125 Ja-F 164. (MIRA 17:11)
red. [deceasedJ3 FEKLIGIIEV, V.G., c)tv. red.
(Microinclusiono in minera-lal Vinerallriye mikrovkliuche-
Moskva., Nauka, 1965. 262 p.
(KIRA 18:7)
1. Akademlya nauk SSSR. Instiltut mineralogii, geokhimli i
kristallokhimii redkikh elementov. 2. Chlen-korrespondent
MI SSSR (for Vlasov).
ceasee ; BEZWERT11AYA, M.S., otv.
r FE REVY red.
[Experimental methodological studies of ore minerals]
Eksperimentallno-metodicheskie issledovaniia rudnykh
mineralov. Moskva, Nauka, 1965. 303 p.
(MIRA 18:6)
1. Moscow. Institut mineralogii) geokhimii i kristallo-
khimii redkikh elementov. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN =1
(for Vlasov).
PUSTOVAIDV, L.V., otv. red.; ALITGAUZEW, M.N., doktor geol.-
min. nauk, red.; VWt edjdeceasad]; DOLGOPOII)V,
N.N., red.; IVEITSMI, Yu.P.', "a6ktor geol.-mifi.nauk, red.;
POZHARITSKIY, K.L., doktor geol.-xin. nauk, red.;
SERDYUCHENKO, D.P., doktor geol.-min. nauk, red.;KRASITOVA,
N.E., red.
(Metals in sedimentary formations; heavy nonferrous, minor
and rare metals] Metally v oaadochnykh tolshchakh; tiazhelye
tsvetnye.metally malye i redkie metally. Moskva, Nauka,
1965. 389 p. (MIRA 19: 1)
1. Moscow. Laboratoriya osadochnykh poleztiykh iskopayemykh.
,ysics - Steel., Transfo,-7ner
Heat Tre,~tnent
21 Jun 41)
"Coercive Force Versus Temperature in Transformer Steel Monocryst-qls," Ya. S. Shur,
K. P. Vlasov, inst Phys of R'etals, Ural Affiliate, Acad Sci USSR, 4 PP
I'Dok Ak Nauk SSSRII Vol LXVI, No 6
Studied terperature dependency for nine nonocrystal discs subjected to various hent
treatments (high-temperature annealing in H2, magnetic cooling with a shield, aging)
by recording polar isotherms of Hc(a) from -195 to 2000 (a the ancle in the disc's
plane between field direction and an arbitrai-j dinmeter) and Hc(t) along directions
corresponding to rnaximum and ihinimum of He on Polar isotherms from -195 to 4D50.
Found a normal tempera ture d eperdency of He (11c decrea se s w i_ th t emperr-. ture rI se) I
discs of little anisotropy of Hc in the disc plane and for those monocrystals in which,
due to magnetic cooling, the polar isotherms had only one mininauri and one irm-xinizri.
An anomalous H. vs T relation was found in discs of low H., and Ereat anisotrop-j of
HCY two maxima, and two minima on the polar isotherms. Submitted by Acad S. I.
Vavijov 23 Apr /+9.
PA 151T100
USSR/Physics - Steel.. Dynmo Dec,: 49
Aging, Steel
*Influence of Aging Upon the Form of the Curve De-
scribing the Temperature Dependence of Coercive
Force in Dynamo Steel," Ya. S. Shur, K. B. V2.a.80v,,,
jast of phys of Metals, Ural Affiliate, Acad Sci
MSR, 3 pp
"Dok Ak J%auk SSSR" Vol LXIX, No 4
J*azurements made on specimens of dynamo steel in
tbo form of 9-All flat bars 0.5 x 2 x 60 czu = using
&4+Atic magnetometer showed that coercive force for
specimen which has undergone aging increases with
USSR/physics Steel, Dynamo (Contd) Dec 49
iv,mperature, at least up to temperatures of the order
vf 200-3000. Submitted by Acad S. 1. Vavilov
28 Sep 49.
- ~~ W-3141,
- I ~)-, - L. on divir n Io
4Rut 61, 0& tomakwilc tri, alloys ft~v of Inclus At of Willi
.10 I"Closionv -, Inlrodiki Itild , o0,
':clorikIlls jjw-ory or the cr'111;gI 10
IJh* houtlo
-hut'a'd vAb's evy - 11 -moil or a "WAVOlcmillill I mk~ Ouctarlus I
14, r
i, on C~. yll~ rIho
l4clatimi,~ it V rAcal- ncluilon" dlipmlon of Ind Inhomogoncitlei 6
Ortkipid- hutimW W 1. 'led for:alloyi lot,, Z
Cory premni , assuming that the dtimniletwo oVa on
"flit"a sloglo-p ilso solltl' solutioni of - *fto.'
has the chiracitr of 4 broken lWa.V
forntuN for Jhe ~crlifcal.,Ilcl.d Rj i4kox I hu form
16- cowlimia ch4rutOlzins. !h6 teftormAgnotle, state I , 11 . ~ , 4 -
+ -X-
r ibb componenis'ot ihe' ulloy. As the of;
iv free surface entrIly ot the boundury layers betwocti (1, Is saturation- nmgnet 6t lot), h,*. h, tosines of angiis
arlermy) Y Is a I-..
function of mdiikqk nold'add vmon or
iti-d Ahi--'deiisll~, of. thj buMnle energy NA.. It '90onfitneods itagnet i
Inalon Ii i*b 'twighbourIng
III Ouo be ti runctiols of. tho concoritrafion at rind domains), This fomitila Is then-teliw on expefl..
''i6rd -&-'CXtJedW tbifthd crltl'~ml ficid 0, ~:-tncfttal mAlerial obtalm-d on alloys a
pure rerr
11,1 vilue-Cr th~,coer.IY0cJOrc*.4jxn93 Snefles and conirwed w1th c t ri
I .;t nu gl
I I ty-,wl t bd-d * erWm-d'bv lid WIume and estimates of the aniplituda or I II
elven. ri K14A
Usb/metsis - coercive Force, Steel's Jan 51
"Temperature Dependence of the Cnercive Force in
Monocrystals*of Transformer Steel,;" K. B. Vlasov,
Ya. S. Shur, Lab Ferromagmetics, Inst Phys of Me-
tals, Ural Affil, Aced Sci USSR
"Zhur Tekh Fiz" Vol XXI, No 1, PP 39-50
Results-of measurements of temp behavior of coer-
cive force in monocrystallic disks of transformer
..iteel: Shows temp behavior of coerc *ive force de-
pends on crystallographic direction alone, which
USSR/Metals - Coercive Force, S 'teel~s Jan 5~
measurements are conducted. Analyzes exptL,lavi�
obtained on basis of theory bf-tAg6etIzation curves
used in eng. Submitted4 Oct 49.
USSR/Physics - CoDZuctivity) Blectrical
Nov 51
"Theory of Electrical Conductivity of Metals Tak-
ing Into Account Electronic Interaction," S. V.
Vons6vskiy, X. B. Vlasov, A. V. Sokolov, Inst of
Phys of Metals, Acad Sci Ural SSR
"Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fizu Vol XXINo 11,
pp 1185-1200
Presents quantum mech computation of temp depend-
ence of elec cand of metals bear OOK within the
fiame4ork of a poly-ele~tr6n polar model. Performed
computation in approximation of weak "polarization"
which allows one to use the method of quasi -parti rl es
and to appl kinetic eqs. This approxiiaation is
valid for "U" metali with weak electron cond
whose enertyspectrum is ot the.Bose type. Anaiyzes
theor results.
Alloys, Electric Conductivity.
Theory of conductivity of compounded,
regulated metal alloys. K.B. Vlasov. Zhur.
eksp. i teor, fiz. 22 No. 2, 1952.
Institut Fiziki Metallov, Ural'skogo Filiala
Akedemii Nauk SSSR
~ - 4 July 1951.
Monthly List of Russiam Accessions, Library
of Conk,ress, Se~tember 1952. UNCIASSIFIED
:7179. Atoralk tnapictic Moments of Anvatag
7 S. V., vo~~
L- T~
25. No. 3
, R
j 32 U2 3
Atomic inagnctic morrints amokulated using 4.
modt[ based on a thvxy of inforrving external 4s.
and interrul lklectrons: in thc crystal lattice. Ono
consequence of this thwry 6 that such vinormitts bmt
rM.111tegral valms, Viscuss-ing pure metals the
'fay of, the Ckdrovis
awhon assume thd towl No CM
-gicd of al and
to be the sum of the free enei the Inforn.
external clec(rons and derWed for the
atornk- magmtic moment at temperature T and at N,"y
dcriwd bi,V4jvwovsk [Zh. ibW. 1mr. Flz,, 16, 981
(1046)) and. the Smimy quantum theory
of allor.
th,. authors go an to determitive for dMr&md all*
the Nuffibriurn ~ju= of magnetization due to-s- and
and'hence,td 4cti%x,arj expreillon, fac
with concentration. Vie authors also
indicate how out the devendcrict of the Curie
point,on:Concumtration. Calculation of the energy
spcc(ruin of an tixicrtial efcctron takiiig account of
s-d ex0hinge intcraefion for an ordercd alloy shows
this 1141,; ii;~ forn-) of two non-overlapping hands.
Unlike Smirnov ilic at)(ficirs find Oct in a kirro-
magmucalloy 11h; Ivircaillb of thirst; tiicrgy bands and
their ~ ~V;ii iiI'0n.d,:fwnJ on dic m:i&niw&p(d-ckctron
ni.19nct1t,W,-,ii ;ind the cnicnianim tit' Iticspin of an
An, in
t Witited to be fOuftJ
--kt o)s the mkWatv
of ;*4,-rA
of tho ap6y-lovvy P=Wro 1~ rcmt Wiffl-w
niaximum,.u stoktiwffwnczl ccm~~"-
-iifltl~ of ll~, paper WmAd b6 mueb cnhvc~d by "i
loti, ivfij:iAetaUed
[&jjdbwj, rIPA co-Fan
MW add exjw~mww
---- ------
Card Nib. 43 5115
Authors Vldsovj K4 B,
Title On the theory-of anti-ferromagnetiam
Piriodicai I Izv., All SSSR. Ser. hz. 1813, 339-349, May-Jun 1954
-8fforta.were formulate an arkti-ferromagnetism theory by the.method,
of:energetic-gravitation centers. K"Ssiofts were derived for the ,;uscepti-_
bility -of 'anti-ferromagnetic monocrystali which take into consideration the
anisotropy of this vallue for a range of comWative3,v high temperatures
anti-ferromagnatic Curie point ). A term was established for the tempera-
ture-dependence of the.critical field above which the anisotropy is bound
to disappear. An expression was-also formulated for the anisotropy of the
anti-ferromagnetic Curie point. It is shown that the susceptibility aniso-
tropy., critical field and the Curie point anisotropy are determined by one
single factorY namely., the dependence of the anti-ferro-man-.etic energy
upon the orientation of the elementary magnetic moments. Sixteen references:
3 USSR; 3 French; 5 USA and 5 German (1932-1954). Graphs.
'Bl6tituvion AcadenV~.of Sciences -USSR.,. Ural Bralich.,-DWtitute-or Physics of Metals
U S:_S R
1041. Ferrom3&MIsin of miWaam of fvrel* type
SM artfiferrompc6sm , ~Vj_'"_1 csu 0.
Z Ckikuper. trar. Fiz., 1.7, ivo. 1j)
75--86 (195M) In R uss fan.
Above tho antiferromignctfi: Curie point the
permeability rollows the Curie-Wckm law, the
pu3niagntic Curic point differing, from thc anti-
jerrornagrictic otic. , TheorcticalLy this- indic-ates
c%chan' interaction not only: between sublattices
Wit also inside the sublattim themclits. . Below
fll~ amirific agrictic Curic point.the permeability is
the Perpcit(licuLir pertricability belng
indepcnilent of lemperaltirc. and the vitrallel per-
meabUity dependent; the hitter (ends toward- zcto
-at G'x and to,.42. -h~~e valtic of
rds -the pcrpcndicular~
permability at the anxifercormpetic Curie point,
.1lic form of-,the temperature xtrrve of the parall-cl
.(or multant) permeability is determined by the ratio
of the values or parginagnefic and anflrcrrom-jFutlr~ -
points -,the-mm1W-thU-rt1O-, tTW
-3 CPO -die- WrNralurc UAq
I of the curwrerctred to
~-Urjd van Vleck's c6niclusion"ased on thijiclhbd of-
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
to&a 6- Its- m
&~(O Rism a
_wbich rcndi:r cormt coniparkam diffi,cult and tho
thczry h~ji to far been evof~cd only for it .miijewhitt
On the effect of grain size on the magnetic properties of ferro-
magnetic sheet materials in the high-induction region. Fiz.mat.i
stalloved. 1 n0-1:70-74 155. NO& 9:3)
Institut fiziki metalloy Ural'skogo filial& Akademii nauk SSSR.
. . (Sliest steel-Kagneric properties)
V A,
imum, tree qr, 11; To coUculate
the free
~ rA
e qiud-nturn theory
h, of f~nonmgnetftat_ S V. V&Isov
skit, K,- B- VPMOV, alid, F. A. Turov. ',!bur. -Ekspil.
-WTT ectro
quantute-meebanilvI model of it crystal there is derived the
calm. of the Magactic ictiouf)f theclecirtms upon the feto-
The energy spectfurn of the systein is caled. for
thiple-oflowten. Thecoiiiputationoftlietcrmsattlic
-magnetkictionin todgi6atRamiltouLtnsystcnllq!idsin
the energy tothe sppearance o(coinpanculs ul the maguttle
U&SICIAWMI type as Well of terms of the wpe of anionuople
n4guctic) exclutuse. This Utter fact might have some
significance. for the calcn. of the relazatiou pheuomcu2
bout In feurmigattle and antiferrmagnetic cfyxta!s~
There Is also, derived the tMITy of the systetu close to the
,as cental gn -
"I xvity, I-V. tha case of u1shet tempi. An
VLASOV, K. B. (Sverdlovsk)
"Some Theoretical Considerations on the Theory of Elastic Ferromagne-tic
(Magnetostrictional) Mc3iums," paper presented at the International Conference
on Physics of Magnetic Phenomena, Sverdlovsk, USSR, 23-31 148Y 1956.
, ~11 t B.
llqaations realted. to the state of a polarized magnetoslastic medium,
Fiz.met. i metalloved. 3 no-3051-553 156. (KUU 10:3)
1. Institut fiziki matallov Urallskogo filiala AN SSSR.
,(Magnetic fields)
AUTHOR: Vlasov, K. B. 126-3-24/34
TITLE: On the -thermal dynamics of irreversible processes in a
P.9,;4kized magneto-elastic medium. I. (K termodinamike
neobratimykh protsessov polyarizovannoy magnetouprugoy
sredy. I).
PERIODICAL: "Fizika Metallov i Meta 11 ovedeniye 11 (Physics of Metals
and Metallurgy), 1957, Vol.4, No.3, pp. 542-544 (U.S.S.R.)
ABSTRACT: The author considers an isotopic magneto-elastic medium
which is polarised in the initial state by a magnetic field
H in the direction of the z-axis. It is assumed that
d8viation of the state of this system from the original one
is determined only by the magnetisation vector I and the
deformation tensor e - The thermal and electriF
conductivity, hysteregis and a number of other irreversible
processes are not taken into consideration. For the j;iven
case the equation of Biot, M.A. (1), eq.(l), assumes the
form expressed by eq.(3) and by solving it we obtain an
equation of "state" for the steady state processes which
takes into consideration the irreversibility of the processes,
namely: I
Card 1/2 H = Y, I + h ej; 0 = h I + c 6
M mn n mj i ni n ii j
This equation describes the magnetic, mechanical and the
On the thermal dynamics of irreversible processes in a
polarised magneto-elastic medium. I. (Cont.)
magneto-mechanical phenomena in a polarised maE;ne'tlically
elastic medium without taking into consideration heat and
electric conductivity and hysteresis. Particularly, it
describes the spin-spin relaxation which was first taken
into consideration thermodynamically by Shaposhnikov, I.G.(5),
the magnetic resonance and the magneto-mechanical resonance
Card 2/2 to which attention was first drawn by Alltshuler, S.A.(6).
Acknowledgments are made to S. V. Vonsovskiy for his
continued interest in this work.
SUBMITTED: March 21, 1957.
ASSOCIATION: Institute of Metal Physics Ural Branch of the AC.Sc.,
U.S.S.R. (Institut Fiziki Metallov Urallskogo Filiala AN SSSR).
AVAIIABLE.- Library of Congress
AUTHOR: Vlasov, K. B. 126-5-3-1/31
TITLE: Thermodynamics of Irreversible Processes in a Polarized
MaGneto-Elastic Medium. II (K termodinamike neobratimykh
protsessov polyarizovannoy magnetouprugoy oredy. II)
FERIODICAL: Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniye, 19,57, Vol V, Nr 3,
pp 385-9 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Visvanathan's and Laval's treatments of the elastic
properties of crystalline media of low symmetry are
applied to an inifially isotropic magneto-elastic medium
(one that becomes ma&netic under Gtress), polarized by
a magnetic field. The treatment is theoretical; eqs.(l)
relate to reversible processes the usual international
symbols for stress, magnetic field, etc. being used.
Eqs.(2) relate to non-equilibrium processes where the
deviations from equilibrium are small; Eqs-b) are the
Onsager equations for the kinetic coefficiert--s. The
condition that Bqs.(l) are invariant against rotation
about the special direction are then applied, and the
theoretical consequences developed. The physical natures
of the 54 parameters required to define the state of
strain are not interpreted.
gomk--W There-are 7 references, 3 of which are Soviet and 4 English.
Vlasov, K. B.
Some ~'roblems Connected With the Theory of Brittle Ferromagnetic
Magnetostrictive Domains (.Nekotoryye voprosy teorii uprugikh
ferromagnitnykh (magnitostriktsionnykh) sred)
Izvestiya AN SSSR, Ser.Piz.,1957, Vol, 21t Nr 0, pp. 1140-1148
ABSTRACTt For the purpose of solving problems concerning magnetomechanical
transformations, it in necessary that equations of electrodyna-
mics, of the elasticity theory, and equations of state are avail-
able. Mechanical stresses in a ferromagneticum form (in general)
an asymmetric tensor. According to Brown there nevertheless is a
possibility of introducing a quasi-symmetric stress tenvor (6i..
d1j) by somewhat changing the equations of elasticity. Accora-
ng y, a symmetric tensor was from the outset assumed in this
work. What is"required is an approximate equation of state of
the brittle ferromagnetic domain by the decomposition of a ther-
modynamic potential in series development with respect to small
parameters, on which occasion the quasistatistical processes were
followed. As a thermodynamic initial potential the energy of a
mass unit was assumed which was decomposed into the order of the
componentst tensor deformation IN ---------- 0a vector component
Card 1/3 of the specific magnetization M2 magnetic m ment of the mass unit)
Some Problems Connected With the Theory of Brittle Ferromagnetic 48-8-15/25
Magnet ostrictive Domains.
according to temperature changes4T up to terms of the quadratic
ratio of the values Ci and 4 T and according to terms of the
6th step M2 near the siate Lij-0, 92-0 and T-To. Acoording to
Brown the modification of the'free ener y of the mass unit here
has the expression3 dF-H2dM2+lr(dijd Cij~-sff, where H2 vector
component of4tthe voltage of the magnetic field, v -specific volu-
me - 1/Q - vo(1+6ka6ka), q- elasticity, and a -entropy of the
mass unit. In the course of computations, which here comprise
45 formulae, we here find:
,j- oRT BET (f %_O~H
i ij di- mj i 4T,
oaT. OIT k 6
i _j dT 6 + H -q 6T1
n n ni i m n
q- AQ'1 - -Ta.d.-Tq -H m_QC AT.
0 1 1 M
Conclusions: The tensor constant ,f the equations of itate are
expressed by corresponding tensor constants which are able to re-
place one another. These values are.obtained automatically in the
course of the process of thealgebraic transformation to the new
inconstant variables. These values are similar to conditions of
Card 2_13 the corresponding stabln values in thecase of piezoelectrica or
Some Problems Connected With the Theory of Brittle Ferromagnetic 48-8-15/25
Magnetostrictive Domains.
polarized seignette electrica. If, instead of T the entropy S is
inserted as independent variable, the ratio between isometric and
adiabatic values of the corresponding tensor stable values can be
obtained. The data obtained here may be obtained for electrostric-
tion domains of the keramic type of barium titanium. or this pur-
pose a corresponding replacement of values is carried out. There
are 7 references, 4 of which are Slavic.
ASSOCIATION: Insitute for Metal Physics of the Ural Branch AN USSR (Institut
fiziki metallov Urallskogo filiala AN SSSR)
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 3/3
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurr-al, Metallurgiya, 1959, Nr- 5, p 174 (USSR)
AUMOR. Vlasov, K.B.
TITLE- Some Problems on the Theory of Mechanical, Magnetic, Uiermal.,
Magneto-meohanical, Thermomagnetio, and Thermoelastic Properties
of a Mmetoelastic Medium 'k1
PERIODICAL. Tr. In-ta fiz, metallov Ural'skly fil, AS ITSSR, 1958, Nr 20,
PP 71 - 8
ABSTRACT.- Polyorystalline ferromagnetic substances, which can be considered
as magnetic arA elastic isotropic media, are used for the manu-
facture of magneto-mechanical converter cores, operating In the
range of ultrasonic frequencies. The author derives relations
necessary for the calculation of these converters and for the
solution of analogous problems. By modifying the el%s,10ity
equations, the elasticity tensor is obtained which is also symme-
trical in the ease of a magnetopolarized medium with a magnetiza-
tion resultant. The author derived equations of state for a qilasi-
Card 1/3 dynamic case by anapproximation method. He used thermo-dyn-aam-l-,
Some ProbleMs on the Theory of Mechanical, Magnetic, Thermal, Magneto-
mechanical, Tharmomagnetic, and Thermoelastic Properties of a Magnetoalastic
relations and considerations of the symmetry of magnetic non-polarized and
polarized media, -taking into account the thermal effect and the arbitrary
deformation. Free energy was selected as an initial thermo-dynamic peten-
tial. Some cases are analy zed where the intensity of the magnetic field
and the voltage are used as independent variables (of magnetization, de-
formation and temperature). Considering th&t the presence of polarization
magnetization causes reduced symmetry, It follows from the equations ob-
tained that the properties of the polarized magnetoelastic medium are
oharacterized by a greater number of tensor constants than in the case of a
non.polarized medium, whereby the number,6f independent components increases.
Equations of state are obtained for the particular case of one-sided com-
pression or extension along the direction of polarization maguatization or
for the application of an alternating magnetic field in the same direction.
With the use of the aforementioned equations of state, equations can be ob-
tained which are Usually applied to the calculation of magnetostriction eon-
Card 2/3
Some Frbblems on the Theory of Mechanical, Magnetic, Thermal, Magneto-
mechanical, Thermomagnetic, and Thermoelastic Properties of a Magneto-
elastic Medium
verters. Their solutions are represented merely by longitudinal vibrations
of the type of one-sided extensions or compressions. More complicated
vibration types such as tranwrerse, torsional vibrations etc., can also be
clb-1-ained by general forms of equations. To facilitate pra-atical. calculations
'the vector of the magnetic induotio4 is introduced instead of the vector of
magnetization as a value describing the magnetic state. Equations of state
are also derived for the dynamic case. Methods of irreversible thermodynamics
are used. The number of components characterizing the magneto-elastio PO.LCL~--
medium increases, There are 22 bibliographical titles,
Card 3/3
Translation fromg Referativnyy zhurnal, Kh1miya, 1959, Nr 5, P 35 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Vlasov, K.B.
TIM: On Several Questions Conoerning the Quan'tum-Mechanioal and
Phenomenological Theory of Ferromagnetis Anti-Ferromagnetismi
and Ferrimagnetism
PERIODICAL. Tr. in-ta fiz. metallov, Urallskly fil. AS USSR, 1958, Nr 20,
p p ~1-- 97
ABSTRACT-. A review. There arre 34 titles in the bibliography.
Card 1/1
Translation from: ReferativnyY ZhurnaljFlzika, 1959, Nr 10, p-145 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Shui~,-Ya.S., Luzhinakaya, M.G., Vlasov, K.B., Shiryayeva, 0.1,,
Zaykova, V.A.
TITLE: On the Relation Eetween the Magnetic Properties and Sensitivity of
Magnetostrictive Receivers
PERIODICAL: Tr. In-ta f1z. metallov. Uraltskiy fil. AN SSSR, 1958, Nr 20, pp 131-140
ABSTRACT: The authors made an experimentAl study of the relation between the
sensitivity of magnetostrictive receivers and the magnetic charaoteristics
of a number of materials out of which they were produced. For this study
soft magnetic materials were used that possess very dissimilar magnetic
and magnetostrictive properties. IT. is demonstrated that for every
receiver the greatest magnitude of sensitivity is attained at those values
of the magnetizing fiold and that magnitude of induction, at which the
greatest value of the product p, "- (ah/aB) is obtained for the given
material. The sensitivity.of receivers made of different kinds of
Card 1/2 materials, measured at optimum polarization, is proportional to the
On the Relation-Between the Magnetic Properties and Sensitivity of Magnetostrictive
magnitudes u (B' t) B) (Bopt) , a rv - (Bopt) S/Is) , or /4 0 ( As/Is)
obtained on these ma~erials~ It follows that if the static magnetic characteristics
pt, 0, A., and Is of the materials are known, then, using the correlation emax CV #0
KWIs), it is possible to make an approximate comparative estimate of the magnitude
of sensitivity of magnetostrictive receivers produced from these materials. Cf ab-
stract 22801.
V.A. Zaykova
Card 2/2
AUTHOR. SOV/48-22-10-1/23
TITLEs Dynamlo.-Constants.of-Magnatically PolarizeeL.Magnetoelastic
(magnetostrictive) and,Electrically Polarized (Electro-
strictive).Xedia (Dinamicheskiye postova=yye magnitno
polyarizovannykh magnetouprugikh ~magnitostriktsionnyxh)
i a-ektricheski polyarizovannykh (elektrostriktsionnykh).'ered.
PERIODICALt Izvestiya Akadamii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1958,
Vol 22, Nr 10, PP 1159 - 1167 (USSIO
ABSTRACTs In the present paper the author gives derivations of
equations that describe the dynamic behavior.of magnetically
polarized magnetostrictive and electrically polari-zed These equations. also- consider the
non~equilibrium processes taking place in these media
acco.rding to the method of the so-called thermodynamics of
irreversible processes. In order to.solve the problem of
the.dynamic behavior of the.magnatostrictive medium for the.
general case of the steady (and not onl of the,quasisteady)
proo.esses either the equations (5) f0 I and VC-together
t U
with Maxwell's (Maksvell) equations, consideriny the theory
Card 1/2 of elasticity and the relation (12) Must be solved; or the
..Dynamic Constarts of Magnetically Polarized SOV/48-22-10-1/23
Magnetoelastic (Magnetostrictive) and Electrically
Polarized (Electrostrictive) Media
.system of equations (17) together with Maxwell's equations
and, the equations of the theory of elasticity must be.
solved. The obtained equations describe a large number of
magnetical, mechanical, and magneto-mechanioal phenomenal
e.g. the phfinomenon of the magnetic and magneto-moohanioal
resonance (Ref 14), the spin-spin relaxation (Ref 15), the
influence of the mechanical state of the,-medium upon the
resonance-aniso:.,opy of gyromagnetic phenomena etc.
Equations are also given for the calculation of the dynamic
behavior of electrically polarized electrostriotive media.
In the present paper the possibility of an excitation of the
dynamical conditions of iaternal degrees of freedom is not
considered. There are 16 references, 10 of which are
ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki metallov Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of
Metal Physics,A-6 USSR)
C ard 2/9
AUTHORS: Shurp Ya. S., Luzhinskayat Us Ge, SOV/48-22-10-18/23
Vlasov, X. B., Shiryaywraq Oe Is, Zaykovat -1. A.
TITLEs the Dependence of the Sensitivity of Magnstostriative
Receivera on Their Magnetostriotive Characteristics (0
zavisimosti chuvetvitellnosti magnitostrikteionnykh
priyemnikov.ot ikh magnitnykh kharakteriatik)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizioheskaya, 1958,
Vol 22, Nr 10, pp 1259 - 1262 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs According to theoretical calculations (Refs 1 - 3) the
sensitivity of the magnetostriotive receiver can be
reUted to the magnetic characteristics of the
material of the receiver as followst
e jj 3 x 8 W
emax (Bopt.)7 (2)
X8 (3)
Card 1/3
On the Dependence of the Sensitivity of SOV/48-22-10-18/23
Kagnstostrictive Receivers on Their Magnetostrictive
The symbols denotet e - sensitivity, ~~apparent permeabil-
ity, A- magnetostriction, B - induction,,k - saturation
magnetostriotion, I - saturation magnatizalion,Ao- initial
permeability, e ax ! maximum sensitivity of the receiver
at a certain opTimum value of the induction of the polariza-
tion 13 . In the present paper the above-mentioned
theoreWal relations and their potisibli application in the
selection of the material for magnetostrictive receivers
were checked by experiment. Materials with widely differing
magnetic properties were investigated. The measurements
shows& that atter different treatment the alloys exhibited
widely differing magnetic properties and sensitivities. From
experimental data can be seen that in the case of a modifica-
tion of the magnetic state of the concerned receiver its
sensitivity varies according to formula (1). The relations
(2) and (3), which relate the maximum values of the receiver
sensitivity of various alloys, are satisfied leas exactingly.
One of the reasons for this disagreement'might be errors in
Card 2/3 the experimental determination of various characteristics.
On the Dependence of the Sensitivity Of SOY/46-22-10-18/23
Magnetostrictive Receivers on Their Magnatostrictive
The results show that when formula (3) is employed an
approximate comparative estimation of the sensitivity of
the. material can be given if the values of.Af., X , and I
are known. Detailed results of this work are p8blishedsin
reference 3. There are 3 figures and 3 rcferences, I of
which is Soviet.
ASSOCIATION% Institut fiziki metallov Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of
Metal Physics,AS USSR)
Card 3/3
I-'* Vlasov, h. B.
TIT12: 'On the-1 3,o b a t i on'- of the Plane of Polarization of Elast
Ltagnetically Polarized Metals (0 vrashchenii
ploskosti polyarizatsii uprugikh voln v magnitno-
po-Lyarizovanny-kh metallakh)
PERIODIUAL: Fizilka metallov i meta llovedeniye 9 1959, Vol 7, ITr
pp 447-448 (USE2)
ABSTRACT; The present note discusses the propagation of a plane
U u = a exp 1:1 (wt, - kz)] )
ti~ansverse elastic wave (- 0 , in a
metal in the direction of the polarizing magnetic field
H (directed along the z-axis). In the above
expression u = ux + juy, where u i are the components
of the dis-lacement vector for points inside the elastic
aedi~--Lw.. The propagation of this wave is accompanied by
a ehanE;e in the electron distribution function f. On
solving the Idnetic equation for the electrons and
using Diaxwell's equations (Refs 1 and 2) it is possible
to obtain the distribution function and hence calculate
the mech-,fnical stresses which arise as a result of the
Card 1/2,-.han(~e in the distribution function (Eq 1). In Eq (1)
6 7 7 L_ 4
On, t1le i,,otat ion of the Plane of Polarization of Elastic !Uaves
in Polarized Yletais
n is the number of free electrons per cc and
M, P ~ and T are the mass, charge, velocity, mean
I Y V1
free path and mean free time, respectively. For low
f re a ae _r ode s when kt ''KV~ 3 Eq (1) assumes the simple form given by Ba (2).
Uzing these results an expression is obtained for the
rotation constant (BqS 3 and 4). It is wcluded from
these rusults thali- in the field of say 10 oersted the
rotat-ion of -the plane of polarization should lie at least
ftaw tent"as of a radian for a path of 10 cm, provided the
fL,e,.T_i(_,ncies are not too large. Acknowledgment is niade
-[.;o V. Vonsovskiy for his interest in the present viork.
er~~ are 5 references, I of which is Soviet and 2 English.
ASO'WlXVi'10_ki: Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR (Institute of Physics
of 1,'etal.--, Ac.Sc., USSR)
Def-ewber 19, 1958
Card 2/2
AUTAOR: Vlasov, K. B.
TITLE: On the Report by N. A. Baranov and Ya. S. Shar (Po dokladu
N. A. Baranova i Ya. S. Shur). "On the Problem of the
Temperature Dependence of Magnetic Properties of Highly
Coercive Alloyall (Vol 22, Nr 10, p 1272) ("K voprosu o
temperaturnoy zavisimostlmagnitnykh svoystv vysokokoertsitiv-
nykh splavov" (t.22, No 10, str. 1272))
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1959,
Vol 23, Nr 3, p 418 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The specific character of the temperature dependence of th~~
coercive force Hc, i.e. the existence of a maximum on the o-arve
of the dependence on H., may be explained in several hetero-
geneous, magnetically hard materials by the assumption that.
H. in these materials is chiefly determined by the anisotropy-
energy of the magnetic dispersion fields (inner demagzietizing
fields). This anisotropy may be due to the fact that the
separations of nome of the phases have a stretched shape, or
Card 1/2 that their distribution,in space has an anisotropic characte-r.
on the Report by N. A. %ranov and'Ya. S. Shur. 30V/46-23-3-28/34
"On the Problem of the Temperature Dependence of Magnetic Properties of Highly
Coercive Alloys" (Vol 22, Nr 10, p 1272)
If the separating phase as well as the matrix are ferromarmetic,
the energy of the dispersion fields will be proportional to
the square of the difference of spontaneous magnetization of
these phases (1 81-Is2) . This energy will - in the existence
of its anisotropy - take over'the role of the anisotropy
oonstant in the formula for Ho. From the figure can be seen
that in the case of different Curie points 91 and 92 of the
two phases the difference (I s1 -Is2) and, consequently,also
the coercive force will increase with temperature within a
certain range of temperature. There is 1 figure.
Card 2/2
Ab'THORS: Vlasov, K. B., Ishmukhametov, B. Kh. SOVI*56-36-4-49170
TITLE: On the Rotati 'on of the Polarization Plane of Elastic Waves in
a Magnetically Polarized Medium (0 vrashchenii plogkosti
polyarizatsii uprugikh voln v ma.anitno-polyarizovannoy srede)
PERIQDICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959,
Vol 369 Nr 4, PP 1301-1303 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In the present "Letter to the Editor" the authors investigate
the propagation of plane elastic waves in a magnetically
polarized medium with uniaxial symmetry. The case is investi-
gated in which the constant polarized field Ho is orientated
along the symmetry axis x 3' In disregard of magnetomechanical
effects, the propagation of these waves along 110 is theoreti-
cally investigated. It was found that during piopagatioa along
Ho the gane polarized transversal elastic waves experience a
rotation of the polarization plane round the angle For T
an expression of the form f = KHox = Bk(O)'x /2(vc 1/2 is
(2 3 3 ) 44
obtained, k(0) =(k(l) , k ))/2, B plays the part of the
Card 1/2 tensor component of the elasticity modula--; it may be complex.
~ the Rotation of the Polarization Plane of Elastic SOV/56-36-4-49//70
Waves in a Magnetically Polarized Medium
For the calculation of T its real part is used. The imagi-
nary part of B supplies absorption coefficients for the left-
and right-circularly polarized waves. During passage of the
linearly polarized wave an ellipticity occurs (a circular
magnetic dichroism of the transversal elastic waves) beside
the rotation of the polarization plane. For the ratio of the
axes of this ellipse it holds that
b/a = +th Im(Bk(0)2x 342 (N4) 1/211 . The authors finally
thank S. V. Vonsovskiy for his int'erest in this work. There
are 3 referencesq 2 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki metallov Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute for
Metal Physics of the Academy of Sciences, USSR)
SUBMITTED: October 209 1958
Card 2/2
240), 240)
AUTHORSt Vlasov, K B. Ighmukhametov, B. Kh. SOV/56-37-3-23/62
TITLEi Rotation of the Polarization Plane of Elastic Waves in
Magnetically Polarized Magnetoelastio Media
.PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoretioheskoy fiziki7 19599
vol 37, Nr 3(9), PP 745 - 749 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: By using an equation (1) derived by VlaBOV in reference 1,
which describes the elastic, magnetic, and magnetoelastic
prop4rties of a magnetoelastic medium, the authors in the
presentpaper invest-igate the propagation of magnetoelastic
waves in magnetically polarized'media, viz. for the special
case of a homogeneous uniaxially symmetric.. medium. It is
shown that the magnetoelautic wave propagating along a
symmetry axis consists of three wavess a longitudinal wave
and two circularly polarized waves, the propagation rate of
which is different and depends on the magnetic state of the
medium (magnetization or polarization field). The latter
circumstance should lead to rotation of the polarization
plane of linearly polarized elaatic waves. The analysis is
Card 1/2 based on the use of the phenomenological "state equations"-,
Rotation of-the Polarization Plane of Elastic SOV/56-37-3-23/62
viaves in Magnetically Polarized Magnetoelastic Media
which describe the dynamical properties of magnetoelastic
media; displacement currents and conductivity currents were
taken into account. For some particular tykes of magneto-
elastic media some detaili concerning the physical nature
of the constants determining the rotation of the polari-
zation plane are discussed. The frequencies at which an
appreciable effect may be expected are estimated as,,
'"..'10-9sec-1 for ferromagnetics. There are 10 references,
6 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki metallov Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of
Metal Physics of the Academy of Sciences, USSR)
SUBMITTED: March 289 1959
Card 212
~A,7fp# Boo6/BO14
kUTHORs Vlasov, K. B.
TITLE: Equations of State Defining the Magnetoelastic Properties of
Y-erro-mai-gn-etio Single Crystals 7-k
PERIODICALs Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheakoy fiziki, 1960,
Vol. 369 No. 39 PP~. 889-694
TEXT3 In 5)arlier papers (Refs. 1-3) the author set up dynamic equations,
termed "equations of state", which define the magnetoelastic properties
of a magnetically polarized medium. 0- the strength of these equations
he further proved that the polarization plane of elastic transverse waves
rotates during their propagation along the axis of magnetization, In order
to investigate this effect more thoroughly it is necessary to study an
actually occurring case (a ferromagnetic single crystal in the present
paper). The following assumptions are mades 1) The ferromagnetic single
crystal has a hexagonal symmetry, and the axis of weak magnetization
coincides with the sixth-order axis, 2) The crystal is finitely largep
and the prOGeesee taking place therein are equilibrium processes., 3) The
Card 1/3
Equationa of Statii- Defining the Maea6toela5tiC 5/056/0'0/038/03/20/1)3-2
Properties of Ferromagnetic Single Crystals BOo6/]3ol4
elastic deformations occurring in the crystal and the variations in
magnetization are small. The equations of state are derived proceeding
from the condition that the thermodynamic potential is a minimum. In the
case of inhomogeneous deformations, the equilibrium values of mechanical
stress and magnetic field strength are interrelated by the equations of
state not only with the magnetization vector and the deformation tensor
but also with the rotation teneor which determines the orientation of the
volume element under consideration. On the basis of the results obtained
some oonolusions are drawn as to the features of the propagation velocity
and the rotation of the polarization plane of transverse elastic waves in
ferromagnetio materials. In this respect, the relations derived are also
applied to practical examples. Concerning the rotation of the polarization
plane of elastic waves it is shown that rotation is determined not only
by the constant of magnetostriction but also by that of crystallographicEi
magnetic anisotropy. For the velocity at the author obtained an
expression slightly different from that found by L.,.I! khILLzer, VO a.
Bar'7akhtar, and S. V. Peletminskiy, which is due to the fact that the
rotation of volume elements was taken into account. This is exemplified
by ihe velocity at of elastic waves propagating within a magnetodielectric.
Card 2/3 k<
EqVations of State Defining the Magnetoelastic
Properties of Ferromagnetic Single Crystals
There are 9 references, 7 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATIOM Institut fiziki metallov Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute
Metal Phvsice of the Academv of Ociences. USSR k,""-
!ugust 14, 1959
Card 3/3
-ACCESSION NR, AP4023383 1;/0048/64/028/003/0423/0429
AU711OR: Vlasov,K.B.; Volkenshteyn,N.V.; Vonsorvskiy,8,Vo; Mitnek,A.L; Turchinskaya,
~,:'TITLE: Unidirectional anisotropy ZR-eport, Symposium on Forromagnetiam and Ferro- 1
electricity held in Leningrad 30 May to 5 June 10CIV7
~SOURCE-: U SSSR. Izvestiya,fizichoskaya, v.28, no.3, 1964, 423-429
.,TOPIC TAGS- ferromagnetism, antiforromagnetism, cubic lattice ferromagnets, unidi-
anisotropy, nickel manganese alloy
~ABSTRACT: A substance is said to possess unidirectional anisotropy W) when its
magnetic properties differ in the two directions of the same crystallographic axis.;
This phenomenon was first observed by W.H.Mejklejohn and C.P.Bean (Phys.Rev.,105,
904,1956), who ascribed its appearance in their material to an exchange interaction
across the boundaries between ferromagnotic and antiferromagnotic phases. Two of
the present authors have suggested that UA could appear in a single ferromagnetic
substance providod a weakly interacting sub-lattice constituting an antiferromagne-
:tic subsystem to and they have given a thermodynamic.discussion of a unil
'were presen
!axial system of this sort (K.D.Vlasov and A.I.Mitsek, Fizika metallov I metallove-
deniye,14,487,498,1962). In the present paper the theoretical treatment is extendedi
~to systems with cubic symmetry. UA is po~siblo when the coupling between the unti-
Iferromagnotic vector and the crystal lattice is stronger than the coupling etween
thq, ferromagnetic and antif erromagnetic subsystems. The states with UA are ta-
stable and can be altered by application of a magnetic field exceeding the t resh-
old field of the antiferromagnetic subsystem. UA was observed in disordered Ki-*.n
alloys (28.1 atomic percent Mn) at temperatures below 20.40K. The magnetization was!
investigated in the Lill) direction, and the UA was evinced by a characteristic bend
:,..."in the magnetization curve or by a horizontal shift of the hysteresis loop. Samples~
ithat were cooled in the presence of a magnetic field showed UA; those that were
cooled in the zero field did not. The samples were subjected to an intense pulsed*
magnetic lield (up to 170 kOe) In an alter their UA. At 4.2eK a field of
~',110 kOe appreciably altered the UA of a sample that had been cooled in a field of
'1300 Oe, and a field of 130 kOe changed its sign. A sample that was cooled in the
!absence of a magnetic field and initially showed'no UA, acquired UA when subjecte
magnetic fields greater than 60 kOe. The degree of UA (as measured by th bif
0 t
iof the hystereoisloop) was a linear function of the lield for inducing fie
igreater than 60 kOe. These.fields are of the order of the threshold fields for typi~-
ACMSSION NRj AJ4023383 ---- ----
cal cubic antiferromagneticas The experimental results thus support the
hypothesis that the investigated alloys Possess both ferromagnatic and anti-
ferromagnetic states., Orige art, hass 14 formulas and 3 figures*
ASSOCIATIOI!t Inatitut f:LzUd metallov Akadem:LL nau)c SSSR (Institute of Phyaice
of Ketals, Academy of Scienceep SSSR)t Urallakiy gosudaratvenny*y universitat
(Ural State Univeralty)
flA V~ ~- -IS~,,,
ACCESSION NR: AP4013105 S/0120/64/017/001/03-52/0155
'AUTHORS: Vlasoy, K. B.; Filippov', B. N.
,TITIZ: Resonance phenomena in the rotation of the pla no of polarization and
.circular magnetic dich.7oism of olostic'waves in motala
SOURCE: Fizika motallov i metalloved., v. 17, no. 1, 1964p 152-155
.TOPIC TAGS: polarization planeY magnetic dichroism, elastic wave, crystallo-
graphic direction, absorption coefficient, mean free path, fermi surface, cyclotron!
.frequency., plasma frequency, electrical conductivity tonsor
ABSTRACT: Starting with the model of a free electron in a strong magnetic field
.and using the results of K. B. Vlasov and B. N. Filippov (M M, 1963, 44, 922),
.the following equations were derived for the coefficient of absorption of circu-
larly polarized waves and the constant of rotation of the plane of polarization-
sof an initially linearly polarized wave
Card 1
NM e1v
1: % - -
2.4 ste
-a' (3
442 6'1 22- 2- 3 2-
+ 7
W2, .2 W2
0 ( 0 0
Bt :F 2 3 T. T 2 4 + 2
flog 602 3. W2 ad, 0
S, .2
4s: Mill
Hore m, OPT, is v0# n r,J wp H are respectively the mans, charge, time
,mean free path, velocity at the Fermi surface, cyclotron frequency, r
adius of
Card 2/5
7- Mp, W I-M
the cyclotron orbit, plasma frequency of the electron, and the number of
olectrons per unit volume; w I k, A I st are tho.froqudncy$ wave vector, wave
length, and the velocity of propagation of transverse elastic wavos, Rosonanco.
is observed in the neighborhood ofw/w = 1. As shown in Fig. 1 on the Enclosuresp
in the neighborhood of resonance, x passes through zero. This plot corresponds
5 8 15 -1 10-11sec 5
to at = 10 CM/580, vo = 10 rm/sec~ ~)p = 10 see H 10 oersteds,
and td = 10 nec It was shown that if at some rdlativoly weak field (still
strong enough so as not to violate the original assumptions) the rotation of the
Plane of polarization was positive.. then at a certain value of the magnetic field-
given by
it vanishes, and then if comes negative. It was also shown that resonance
must be observed when the wavelength of elastic waves becomes commoasurate with
the penetration depth for electromagnetic i-mves. Orig. art. has: 9 formulas and%
2 graphs.
ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR (Institute of Physics of Metals,,
Card .3/5
ENGL-. Oll
OTHER: 002.
Card 4/5
AP6007347 SOURCE COM: ' '-U26/66/021/002/0176/0186
K. B
ORGi institute of the Physics of Metalso AN SSSR (Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR)
TITLEt Theory of the rotation of the plane of polarization and absorption of trans-
vorse ultrasound In magnetically polarized metals with arbitrary electron dispersion
SOURCE: Fizika metallov I metallovedeniye, v. 21, no. 2, 19660 176-186
TOPIC TAGS: ultrasounde ultfasonic absorption, magnetic field.. circular polarization
AEFRACT: A theoretical calculation of the constants characterizing the absorption
7La__0(_ and the rotation of the plane of polarization X of circularly polarized elastic
waves (ultrasound) propagating In magnetically-polarized metals with an arbitrary
conduction electron dls_~~ersoFlaw in the regions of strong magnetic fields is pre-
sented. The calculation Is based on previously published work by K. B. Vlanov and
13. N. Filippov (FMM, 1964p 18p 333). The results of the calculation are surmn ized
graphically. It is concluded that,, in the case of lattices having cubic or hexagonal
symmetry, the dependence of the absorption and rotation constants for wave propaga-
tion along the four- and six-fold axes respectively is similar to the propagation
of ultrasound in metals whose conduction electrons may be described by a model for
free electrons. It is also shown that if the direction of transverse sound
1/2 UDCt 539.292,534; 538.65
L h2203-66
. IACC NR: AP6007347 0
propagation and the direction of the magnetic field (which is parallel to,the latter)
do not coincide with the principal crystal axes a strong anisotropy in c< I and X
should result. Orig. art. has: 1 graph and 55 equations,
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 15Mar65/ ORIG REF.- 010/ -OTH REF: 003
E't4T(I)/EVIT(m)/EWP(t)/ETI/EWP(k) IJP(c) JD
AN029103 SOURCE CODE: UR/0048/66/030/006/0943
AUTHOR: Vlasov, K.B.
ORG: Institute of Metal Physics, Academy of Sciences, SSSR (Institut fiziki
metallov Akademii nauk SSSR)
,TITLE: Spatial dispersion of the 'velocity of ultrasound in forromagnets having
!domain structure i5eport, All-Union Conference on the Physics of Ferro- and Anti-
ferromagnetism hold 2-7 July 1965 in SverdlovS9
SOURCE: AN SSSR, Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya. v. 30, no. 6, 1966, 943-944
TOPIC TAGS: forromagnetic structure, magnetic domain structure, ultrasonic velocity
ABSTRACr: It is pointed out that the velocity of ultrasound in a ferromagnet should
be'different, depending gn whether the wavelength is long or short compared with the
dimensions of the domaini, and it is suggested that this dispersion of ultrasound be
employed to measure the domain size. The ultrasonic dispersion is duo to the fact
thdt the velocity of ultrasound is determined in part by the susceptibility of the
ma4rial, When the wavelength is long compared with the domain size it is the bulk
susceptibility that is significant, to which both rotation and domain wall displace-
meA processes contribute, When, on the other hanji, the wavelength is much smaller
than the domains, the significant susceptibility is that which obtains within the
domains, to which only rotation processes contribute. It is also pointed out that in
L 07111-67
ACC NRs 06029103
some cases the dispersion can be masked by magnetic effects &ssociated with the non-
vanishing of.the divergence of the variable portion of the magnetization excited by-
the ultrasound; such a case is that in which a longitudinal'ultrasound wave propagates
parallel to the magnetization. Orig. art. has: 4 formulas.
L 1V96-" 13WT(l)
MA. PAi AP5018852 SOURCE COVE: UR/0126/65/020/001/0003/0011
AUTHOR: Vlasov
ORG: Institute of Physics of Metals AN SSSR (Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR)
TITLE: Associated magnetoelastic waves,in anisot.ropic-ferrodielectrics
SOURCE: Fizika metallov i-metallovedeniye, v. 20, no. 1, 1965, 3-11
IOPIC TAGS: ferroelectric material, dielectric material, magnetic anisotropy, wave
mechanics, ultrasonic wave
ABSTRACT: The author considers propagation and absorption of longitudinal elastic
waves and transverse circularly polarized elastic and magnetoelastic waves in a fer-
rodielectric with,cubic symmletx-1. A dispersion equation is derived for wave propa--
and absorption on the assumption that there are no free electric charges in
the ferrodielectric and that it does not have spontaneous electric polarization.
The equation is simplified by disregarding conduction and displacement currents. The
equation takes account of.variations in the intensity of magnetization due to chang-
es in the density of the ferrodielectric medium. The material is assumed to have
UDC: 539.294:538+539.294:3.01
Card 1/2
L 13896-66
ACC HR: AP5018852
itive constant of crystalline anisotropy (the axis of preferential magnetiza-
a posl
tion is parallel to the axis of four-fold symmetry) and to be located in a polariz-
ing magnetic field also oriented along this axis. Formulas are derived for the
phase velocity and absorption of these waves and for the angles through which the
plane of polarization rotates during transmission and reflection of ultrasonic waves.
-It is ~.-aund that at low temperatures or high froquencies where the module of the
:,specific magnetic moment is.nearly constant,-vai,_'zttions in the velocity of longi-
t~dlnal ultrasonic waves are dependent only on chara_-es in the intensity of magneti-
zation due to variations In.the density of the material. The formulas derived im-
ply that association is possible-between transverse elastic and magnetic oscillla-
tions in anisotropic ferrodielectric media as a result of the rotation of volumme-
tric elements caused by the elastic waves. These rotations result in localized
variable effective fields of crystalline anisotropy which define a force pair act-
ing from the side of magnetization on the crystal-line lattice (and vice versa).
Orig. art. has: 63 formulas.
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DAM 17Sep64/ ORIG REF: 009/ OTH REF: 003
Coupled magnetoelastic waves in anisotropic ferrodielectrics.
Fiz. met. i metanoved.20 no.10-11 JI 165-
(MDU 18: 11)
1. Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR.
V LI-'-' C-V, K.B.
'-rZorr, deter.T.IrJung tbe
and ahsorption of vltrasonic waves in metals in a
,~trorg magnetic field.*.. -4 metalloved. 20 no.2--173-178
Ag 165. (:/,Ilu. 18-9)
L,, fristitut fizi-ki metallov AN SSSR.
'~2 s.:,v z
a ~.n waves and; qenera-
tiDn cF rei-lected e1ecromazne~:'- waves when, u-I-rasonic vibrations a~~t on a magneti-
cally i>olarized conductor
SO UPOM - Nzi'pra meta"lov -,' mietalio-,ed'a-live, v. !q, no. 6, 1965, R-27-R34
TOPIC TAGG, eleect-romagnetia wave wave, veatGr an-vally-e-la,
magnetic ~javes I~n pclarizpr! ~~Au~tors. Th h e n, n, r.- n o r vof roration of the plane of
:Polarization and ellipticiy predicted, as wc-1-1 as the appearance of refl'~-cted
1 1. %V7 whp~ --I ~-nldl-~O,?' is
waves. Theoretical conditions were examined for the reflection and the condu,:tion
W ~l S .
(-nstitute of ph-,1-3-s of Met-ais AN
A A T T n?4: 7-
SOV: 012 U-NER; 006
ZF1,1t'(f-)/RWP(h)/EWA(h) JD
ACCESSION NR: AP5021931 UR/0126/65/020/002/0173/0178
AUTHOR: Vlasov, K.B.; Filippov, B.N.
TITLL:. Certain properties of. thate.ri.sors determining- the features of the propaga-
tion~*and a the ultrasound in met I ithin a strong magnetic field:
deorotion of a
'iOURCS: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v. 20, no. 2. 19t5, 173-178
TOPIC TAGS: tensor field, inverse tensor field, ultraqonic propagation, magnetic
field, magnetically polarized metal, rotqttqg polarization plane, ultrasound,
as totic expression, crystallographic axis Fermi-,surface,-,rot.tional..constant
ABSTRACT: The article is a continuation of a previous investigation (K.B. Vlasov,
B.N. Filippov, ZhETF, 1964, 46, 223), which was concarn4d.with calculating the
rotation of the plane of polarization of the ultrasound in magnetically polarized
metals.with an arbitrary law of variance of electrons for the case of a strong
magnetic field, where the characteristic orbital cyclotron radius of electrons is
much shorter than their free-path length and the wavelength of the ultrasound.
The present investigation is concerned with the features of the propagation and
adsorption of the ultrasound during its propagation parallel to a polarizing Mag-
Card 1/2
netic field and second-, fourth-,,d sixth-order crystallographic axes, as charac-
terized by the inverse tensor field. on the basis of considerations of the general
symmetry of the magnetic field and crystals, it is concluded that certain terms of
the expansion become zero when the inverse tensor field reaches a certain magnitude
Asymptotic expressions are given for these tensora with resFect to closed and open
Fermi surfaces anddifferent cases of orientation of the polarizing magnetic field
relative to the,crystallographic axes in different ranges of variation in ultra-
sonic.frequancies. In particular, it is shown that, under specific conditions,
when the magnetic field is oriented along the fourth- or'sixth-order crystallo-
graphic axes (as well as along the-direction of propagation of sound), the rota-
.tional constant is determined the type of thetensoe ',o 1331- which,-in its
turn, depends on the type.of:-th,e deformation potential (totque . Orig. art. has:
23 formul-As.
ASSOCIATION:' Inatitut.,Ifiziki metallov AN SSSR (Institute of the Physics.of Metals,
NO SOV REF: 007..
OTM*. 000
LC; I i Ld_ 7
Characteristics of the rotation of a pole-rization plane and the
circular magnette of ultrasonic waves in metals in a
strong rkgnetio field. Yiz. met. i matalloved. 18 ro.3:333-339
5 f64, (MIRA 17:11)
1, Lnaut-itut fizikt meta.Uov AN S,~'SR,
The phenomenon of unidirectional anisotropy. Izv. AN SSSR.
Ser. fiz. 28 no. 3:423-429 Mr 164. (MIRA 17;5)
1. Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR i Urallskiy gosudarstvennyy
Rotation of the polarization plane and the ci--cuJ-ar magnetic dichroism
of ultrRsonic waves in magnetically polarized square law of digpersion.
Fiz. met. i metalloved. 16 no.6001-807 D 163. (MIRA 17j2)
1. Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR.
I ,
Resonance phenomena in the rotation of a polarization plane and the cir-
cular magnetic dichroism of elastic waves in metals. Fiz. met. i metallti-
ved. 17 no.1:152-155 Ja 164. (MIRA 17:2)
1. Institut fiziki. metalloy Ali SSSR.
Vw *--to
Rotation of the plane of polarization of ultrasound in metals
situated in a high magnetic field. Zhur. eksper. i teor. fiz.
46 no.1:223-231 Ja'64. (MIRA 17:2)
1. Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR.