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A. L. Parpnovskiy, A. L. "On the chexacteristica of the resdstance to cold of the exce~,r of the r.,grk den~roflora ~f Zhitordr and its environs", Trudy Zhitomirsk. s. - kh. in-tay V01.111, 1949, p. 79-83. SO: Sent. 16, 1953, (Letopis ".,Iurnal Invich Stntey, No. 23, 1949). BAPA'107SK7 I A. I.. ST 1111TAY, S. 1. 1~a I L ~,:,povskiy,A. T. and Slukh~y,__5_.__j. "On the problen of the net!-icc; of termin;nc- thz~ resastnnce of so-,] to erosion", 'rru(',,' Zhitominzjr. S. kh. in-tzty Vcl. M, 194.c,, p. 97-1."~O. SO- IT-1,670, 1,, t . r,3, (I t.CV,41 - 17j),Ljj-jjtj I n,,-',-h 5t -A;- 23, 19'Q) 1. BARANOVSKIY, A. L. 2. USSR (600) 4. Plant Introduction 7. Introduced tree and shrub varieties in the Zhitomir Botanical Garden. Blul. Glav. bot. Rada No. 12, 1952 9. Monthlv Lists of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, ~~qh 1953, Unclassified. L HAZAREVSKIY, S.I. ; MAKAROV, S.n. ; PUTPENFO, F ~ZRAS1MOI,`:, M.V, ; IL'INSKAYA, M.L.; VEKSUR, 1-14,; 11,1IIZA, N,VM; SOKOLOV, S.Ya.; LOZINA-LOZINSKAYA, A.S.: SAAKOV, S~G,-ZALES~XIY,, D.M.; AVRORIN, N.A.; IVANOV, M.I.7 PRIhUDOV, N.V.-, SOBOLEVSKAYA, K.A.; SKIAMATOV, M.N.; M&LINOVSKIY. P.I.; LUCIOIK, A.L; UAVCHNNKO, O.A.; VEKHOV, N.K.; GROZDOV, B.V.; MASHKIN, S.; B03SE, G.G,- FALIN, P.S,.,(g.Shuya, Ivanov- skoy oblasti); MATUYJIIN; 7-ATVAPIiITSKIY, G.F,; GRACHEV, N.G.; C.HEMSOV, M.1.; KIRKOPULO, Ye.N.-, LEVITSKAYA,A.F-; GRISHKO, N.N.; LIUVA.R', D.F. VILICHINSKIY, N.M.; LYPA, A,LA ; OREKIIOV, M.V.; SHCHMINA, A.A.; TSYGANKOVA, V.Z~: BARANOVSKIY, A.L.; GEORGlYEVSKIY, S.D.; STEPUNIN, G.A, OZOLIN, E.P.; LUKkYT-IPNE, M.K., KOS, Yu.J.- VAI-fj'-Y.-&V. A~V.,- RUKEA.DZE, P.Ye.; VASHADZE, V.N. ~ SHANIDZE~ V.M.; MANDZHAVIDZE. D.V.; XORKESHRO, A.L.-, KOUSNIKOV:. A.I.,(g, Sochi)- SP2GEYEV, L.I..-, VOLOSHIN, M.P., RYBIN, V.A.; IVAINOVA, B.I.; RYABOVA, T.I., GAREYEV, E.Z. ;RUSANOV, F.N.; BUCHANTSE'VA, Z.P., BLINOVSKIY, K.V.~, KLYSIME, L.K., MUSIMGYAN, A.M.; LEONOV, L.M. Talks given by participants in the meeting. BiuI.GIav.botsada no-15: 85-182 '53. (MLRA 9:1) 1. Glavnyy botanicheakiy sad Akademii na-ak SSM (for Makarov,!-ilipanko, Gerasimov, Il'inskaya, Veksler); 2. Akadsmiya komunal-nogo khozya~- stva imeni K.D. Pamfilova for Vaailtyev); 1. VB9soyuznaya sellskokho- zyaystvennaya vys,'.avka (for 11'ina); 4. Botanicheskiy sad Botaniche- skogo instituta imani V.L.KomaroTa Akademii nauk SSSR (for Sokolov. NAZAREVSKIY, S.L.--(continued) Card 2. gosudarstvennogo ordana Lanins, unl-versit-3ta (for Zale5sskiy): 6. Pol yarno-Al'piyskiy botanichaskiy sad Kol'skogo filiala imeni S.M, Kirova Akademli nauk SSSR (for Avrorin); 7. Botanicheskiy sak pri Tomakom gosudarstvennom universitata (for Ivanov); S. Botanichaskiy sad pri Tomskom gosudarstvenncm uniiersiteta imeni V.V. ]Kuvbysheva (for Prik- ladov); 9. TSentrallriy7 Sibirskiy botanichaskiy sad Zapadno-Sibirsko- go filiala Akademii nauk SSSR (for Salamatov, Sobolevskaya); 10. Bo- tanicheskly sed. Irkutsko gosudarstv6nnogo universiteta im6ni A.A. Zhdanova (for Malinovskiy); 11. Altayskaya plodovo-yagodnaya opyt-- naya stantsiya (for Luchnik); 12. Bashkirskiy botanicheskiy sad (for Kravchenko); 13. Lesostepnaya sal6kti3ionnaya opytnaya stanteiya deko- rativnykh kulltur tresta Goazelenkhoz Ministerstva komminallnogo kho- zyaystva FSFSR (for Vekhov)-, 14. Bryanskly lesckhozyaystvennyy insti- tut (for Grozdov); 15. Botanicheskiy sad pri Voronezhskom gosudar- stvennom universitete (for MasbJcin); 16. Orokhovo--Zuyevskiy peclago- gicheskiy institut (for Bosse): 1?. Botanicheskiy sad pri Rostovskom goaudarstvennom universitelve imeni V.M. Molotova (for Matukhin); 18. Botanicheskiy sad Kuybyshevskogo gorodckogo otdola narcdnogo obrazo- vaniya (for Zatvarnitakiy); 19. ZoobotaDichaskiy sad pri Kazanskom universitete (for Grachev); 20. GosudarstvsnW respublikanskiy proektnyy Inetitut "Giprokommunstroy" (for Cherkascm)-. 21. Botani- cheskiy sad Odasskogo gosudarstvennogo universitet's, Imen! 1.I. MechnA- kova (for Kirkopulo); 22, BotanichesklLy sad pri Dnepropetrovskom aosudarstvennom universitete (for LnvitRlrnva)c 91 NAZAMSKIY, S.L.--,-(continued) Card 3. Akademii naWr USSR (for Grishko, Likhvar', Villchinskiy); 24. Kiyevskiy sel'skokhozyaystvenayy institut (for Lypa); 25. Botani- cheskly sad Chernovitskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta (for Orekhov); 26. Botanicheskiy sad pri L'vovskom gosudarstvennom universiteta '- imeni Iv. Franko (for Shcherbina); 27. Botanicheskiy sad KharIkov- skogo gosudaratvannogo universitets, imeni A.M. Gorgkogo (for TSygan- kova); 28. Botanicheskiy sad Zhitomirskogo sallskokhozyaystvennogo Instituta (for Baranovskiy); 29. Botanichaskiy sad Akademii nauk Belorueskoy SSR (for Georglyevskiy); 30, Institut biologii Akademii nauk Belorusskoy SSR (for Stepunin); 31. Botanicheskly sad Akademii Litovskoy SSR (for Lukaytens); 32. Botanicheskiy sad Latviyskogo go- sudarstvennogo universiteta (for Ozolin): 33. Kabardinskiy krVeved- chookly botanicheskiy gad (for Kos); 34. Sukhumakiy botanicheakiy sad Akademil nauk Gruzinskoy SSR (for Vaeillyev, Rukhadze): 35. Ba- tumakiy botanicheakiy sad Akadsmii nauk Gruzinskoy SSR (for Shanidze); 36. Tbiliaskiy botanicheskiy swi Akademii nauk Gruzinskoy = (for Mndzhavidze); 37. Sochinakiy park Dendrariy (for Korkeshko); 38. Gosudarstvennyv Nikitskiy botanicheakiy sad imeni V.M. Molotova (for Sergeyev, Volonhin); 39. Krymakiy filial Akademii nauk SSSR (for Rybin); 40. Botanicheski,7 sad Moldavskogo filiala Akademil nauk SSSR (for Ivanova); 41. Botanicheakly sad Botanicheskogo Instituta Aka- demii nauk Tadzhikskoy SSR (for Ryabova); 42. Botanicheakiy sad Kir- gizakogo filiala Akademil nauk SSSR (for Gareyev); 43. Botanicheskly N&ZAMSKIY, S.L.--- (continued) Cp----d 4. sad Akademii nauk Usbekskoy SSR (for Rusanov, Bochantseva); 44. Botanicheskiy sad Akademii nauk Turkmenskoy 6SR (for Blinovskiy); 45. Respublikanekly sad Akadsmii nauk Kazakhakoy Sa (for Klyshev, Mushegyan). (Botanical gardens) RkRUOVSKIY. A.L.. kandidat sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk. Knotweed the "herb nurse." Priroda 45 no.2:115-116 F '56. (MIJ3A 9:5) 1. Zhitomirskiy sallskokhozyaystvmnnyy institut. (Knotwoed) USSR/Cultivated Plants - Technical, Oil, and Sugar Plants. m-4 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 31 1958, io945 Author Daranovskiy, A.L. Inst Botanical Garden of the Zhitomir Agricultural Institute Title An Experiment in Growing Vegetable Sponge and Lagera.~-ia in Zhitomir. Orig Pub Dyul- G1. Botan sacla All SSSR, 1956, No 24, 105-107 Abstract An experiment in raising vegetable sponge and lagenaria in peat-humus pots in the Botanical Garden of the Zhito- mir Agricultural Institute. i Card 1,/-' ~D PLAN!!. F CUj REF M Ol ? 1 Fa--!.I novI 'J"'.0-til `%)Stern U.? Nal I c"m 2, i: i: g 1957 4 i--4i- 186 a-, -h1ti,)mir Insti- U T-f)!-;~.ty ~'rle -ar"ults 3'LOnning "j'c--m liav~lm(; Qve~r the 55 ,,fidc~h the'~ ~y lonr, 10 -r'or the nol"kh -I o wi of vp :,tic S l,e ~ 11 Tlj:r~jli-l a- tllo- tlll~ arie I 11 A -3 C, Ol d i k' 2 1s 1.1 r!,~ find wart) bot c,, "IV t. 1-,, .3 arld uIlcol?':;r-'jd. It fle5ol,lvtion is alven of R11 ,)'I p-,zowing, ;,,rnpes (the snace betwoon the -!.,I i3roljilud in thb shapt) of a C GUL'I IVA 'E -I, ~:l A;-i' I RNU ITF: 4 :1- 1 T 'A 'R 2 n not--' ~2. `!";I" t 1, the d4t-lh V131" Ao r- Plant introduction at the botanical garden of the 21hitomir Agricultural Institute. B~ul. Glav. bot. sada no.41:111-112 161. (MI.-PA 14:11) 1. Botapicheskiy sad Zhitomirskogo seltskokhozyaystvennogo institutA. (L"hitomir-Plant introduction) RODIOIUV, I.V.; BARPMVSKIY, A.M ~; T - ke Some problems on the study of engineering geology properties of rocks in establishing open pits and deep excavations. Razved. I okh.nadr 23 no-3:49-57 Mr '57. (MLRA 10:5) 1. VassoyuzzWy nauchno-isaledovateltakiy inatitut gidrogeologii i In2henernoy geologii. (Inginearing gaolo&v) BARkVDVSKIY. A.M. [Baranovalkyl. A.M.] M_ Grand triumphs and wonderful prospects of communist construction in the Ukraine. Visnyk AN URSI 2 no-7:11-23 Je 158. (MIRA 11:9) 1.Zastupnik golovi Derzhplanu URSH. (Ukraine--Economic conditions) BAHANOVSKIY, A.M. LBaranovslk-yi, A.M.j Basic problems in the industrial development of the Ukrainian S.S.R. from 1959 to 1965. Visnyk AN URSH 30 no.3:3-13 Mr 159. - S: win 12:6) 1.Zatnastitall nachallnika GospInna USSR. (Ukraine-industries) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5293 Nauchno-tokhnicheakaya konferentsiya po razvitiy-u proizvoditellnykh ail Kharl- kovskogo ekonomicheskogo administrativnogo rayona, 1958. Voprosy mashinostroyeniya; trudy konferentsii ... (Problems of Machine Building; Transactions of the Scientific Technological Conference on the Development-of Productive Forces of the Khar1kov Economic Administrative Region) no. 3. Kiyev, Izd-vo AN UkrSSR, 1960. 182 p. 1,500 copies printed. Sponsoring Agencr: Akademiya nauk Ukrainskoy SSR. Sovet po izucheniyu proizvoditell- nykh ail UkrSSR. Editorial Board: Rasp. Ed.: A.A. Vasilenko, Academician of the Academy of Sciences UkrSSR; A.A. Gorshkov, Corresponding Member, Academy of Sciences UkrSSR; I.M. Postnikov, Doctor of Technical Sciences; S.M. Rutsenko; A.I. Adamenko, Candidate of Technical Sciences; G.M. Davydov, Candidate of Economical Sciences; Ed. of of Publishing House: S.D. Lepkiy; Tech. Ed.: R.A. Buniy. PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for scientific personnel, engi- neers, technicians, sovnarkhoz workers, and planning organizations. Card 1/7 Problems of Machine Building (Cont.) SOV/5293 COVERAGE: The articles deal with problems in technology and techniques in the manufacture of engines, hydraulic turbines, diesel locomotives, tractors, com- bines, electrical machinery, etc. Considerable attention is given to the fol- lowing: the development of various types of equipment used for automation in the coal industry; equipment development for the production and use of rectifiers; the development of now accessories for measuring and controlling heat-engineering parameters; and the introduction of advanced methods into founding and die forg- ing. No personalities are mentionned. References accompany some of the articles. There are 20 references: 16 Soviet, 2 German, 1 French, and 1 English. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword j~a,ranovskiy, A.M. [First,Deputy Chairman of Gosplan for UkrSSR]. Problems in the Technological Progress of the National Economy in the Ukrainian SSR Card 2/7 Problems of Machine Building (Cont.) SOV/5293 Shneye, Ya. 1. [Professor at the Kharlkovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Kharlkov Polytechnical Institute)]. Present Trends in the Development of Gas Turbines 17 Proskura, G.F. '(deceased) [Academician AS UkrSSR, Laboratoriya gidravlicheskikh mashinAN UkrSSR (Hydraulic-Machinery Laboratory AS UkrSSR~.Hydrodynamic Principies in the Development of Hydraulic Turbines 27 Kuznetsov, B.G. [Deputy Chief Designer at the Kharlkovskiy zavod teplovoznogo elektrooborudovaniya (Khar1kov Plant for Electrical Equipment for Diesel Locomotives)]. Trends in the Development and Improvement of Drive Mechanisms in Diesel-Electric Locomotives 36 Glagolev, N.M. [Doctor of Technical Sciences at Khar1kov Polytechnical institute]. The Present State of and Outlook for the Development of Engine Building 44 Koval') I.A. [Chief Designer at the GSKBD (Gosudarstvennoye Spetsiallnoye Konstruktorskoye Byuro Dvigateley - State Special Engine-DesiLrn Bureau) in the "Serp i Molot" Plant]. Work Done by the "Serp i Molot" Plant in Khar1kov and by Its GSKBD in the Design of New Tractor and Combine Engines 61 Card 3/7 Problems of Machine Building (Cont.) SOV/5293 Kashuba, B.P. LChief Designer at the Kharlkovskiy traktornyy zavod (Kharlkov Tractor Plant)j. The All-Purpose T-75 Caterpillar Tractor 68 Garf, M.E., and O.Yu. Kramarenko [Candidates of Technical Sciences at the Institut liteynogo proizvodstva AN UkrSSR (Tnstitute of Founding AS UkrSSR)]. Investigating the Dynamic Strength of Certaii, Constructions in the Tractor and Transportation Industries 75 Po.stnikov. I.M. [Doctor of Technical Sciences at the Institut elektrotekhniki AN UkrSSR (Electrochemical Institute AS UkrSSR& Basic Prospects for Re- search in tha Field of Design of New Types of Electric Machinery 87 Perellmuter, M.M. [Candidate of Technical Sciences at the Khar1kov Branch of "Tyazhpromelektroproyekt"]. Prospects for the Development of Electric Drives 92 Card 4/ 7 Problems of Machine Building (Cont.) SOV/5293 Zillberman, B.Z. [Candidate of Technical Sciences at the KharIkov Branch of "Tyazhpromelektroprqyekt"]. The Use of Computers for Planning Production Processes 96 Sorochenko, V.Ye. [Chief Equipment Designer at the Khartkovskiy elektromekhaniche- skiy zavod (Kharlkov Electromechanical Plant)]. Trends in the Development of Electrical-Apparatus Manufacture at the KharIkov Electromechanical Plant 99 Yanchuk, G.M. [Candidate of Technical Sciences at Zavod "Krasnyy Metallist" (The Krasnyy Metallist Plant )J. Equipment for Automation in Coal Mining 105 Oganlyan, Ya.P. [Engineer at the KharIkov Branch of "Tyazhpromelektroproyekt"]. The Use of Mechanical Rectifiers in Electrolytic Processes 115 Lomakin, V.P. [Engineer at the KharIkov Electromechanical Plant]. The Manu- facture of Mechanical Rectifiers 127 Card 5/7 Problems of Machine Building (Cont.) SOV5293 Didenko, K.I. [Chief Designer at the Zavod kontrollno-izmeritellnykh priborov (Control- and Measuring-Instrument Plant)]. The Development of New Accessories for the Measurement and Control of Heat-Enginee ring Parameters 131 Gorshkov, A.A. [Corresponding Member AS UkrSSR, Institute of Founding AS UkrSSR]. The Introduction of Advanced Methods Into Founding 134 Apatov, D.I. [Chief Metallurgist of the Mechanical Section of the Khar.,kov Sovnarkhoz]. Methods for Raising the Technical Level and Development of Founding 141 Malysh, Yu.I. [Chief Metallurgist for the Administration of Agricultural Machine Building at the Kharlkov Sov-narkhoz]. Trends in Mechanization and Automation in Foundries and the Reduction of the Manufacturing Cost of Castings 148 Kharchonko,tP.F. [Candidate of Economic Sciences at the Institut ekonomii AN UkrSSR institute of Economics AS UkrSSR)]. 2-e Economic Effectiveness of Intro- ducing New Methods in Founding 156 Card 6/7 Problems of Machine Building (Cont.) SOV/5293 Levitskiy, P.A. [Docent at the Khar1kov Polytechnical Institute]. Concen- tration and Specialization in Founding 164 Kostin, L.G. [Docent at the Khar1kov Polytechnieal Institute]. Prospects for the Introduction of Die Rolling Into the Mills of the Khartkov Economic Region 170 Khodosko, D.L. [Docent at the Khar1kov Polytechnical Institute]. Methods for Reducing the Manufacturing Cost of Forgings 177 Felldman, I.I. [Docent at the Kharlkov Polytechnical Institute]. Problems in the Modernization of Press-Forging Equipment 180 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress VK/wrc/gmp Card 7/7 8-3-61 Npm.hWNKO, 0.0..; BAMMYSUT. A.M.fBaranovalkyi, A.M.], red.; KOROID. 0.S.0 kand.okonom.nauk, red.; GOMMIK. L.Ye. [Horelik, L.1.1, doktor skonom.nauk. rod.; GRADOV, G.L. (Hradov, H.L.I. kand.okonom.nauk, red.; KOZAERVICH, T.A., red. izd-va: RAMNA, N.P., tekhn.rod, [The national economy of the Ukrainian S.S.R. in the seveL-year plan; its present-day conditions and prospects for its developmanti Narodna hospodarstvo Ukrainalkoi RSR u somyrichtBl; suchaunyi Stan i porspektyvy rozvytku. Kviv, 1960. 519 p. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Akademiya nauk USSR, Kiyev. Institut ekonomiki. 2. Chlon-korre- spond-)nt AN USSR (for Nesteranko). 3. Pervyy sameatitell predse- datelya Gosplana Ukrainskoy SSR (for Baranovskiy). (Ukraine--Economic conditions) (Ukraine--Econamic policy) B-C-,*--~-'70VS-KIY, A. V. dav ~3tr,;it. ir.-I u li~17. n E~ OV -z0 10 (--etonis K. F"DI h--lienk.) ano Zhur, a--. klm-r, 'It' OLMIKOV., Viktor Alekseyevich., kand. tekbm. nauk; BEIXKH, Ivan Kalistra- tovich, inzb.; BARANOVSKIY~ Boris Grigorlyevich, inzh.; SIDOHOV, Anatoliy I4an6V1Oh,--1nzh-j-SHIFULM1 -P P---- kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; YEGORIKOV, N.F., red , i;~-va; BELOGU'R~;VA:'I.A.p tekhn. red, [Servo system for electric spark machining] Slediashchaia sistem-a dlia elektroerozionnogo stanka. Leningrad, 1960. 21 p. (Leningrad- skii Dom nauchno-tekhnichoskoi propagandy. Obmen peredo,., opyton. Seriia: Elektricheskie metody obrabotki materialov, no.7 (MIRA 14:10) (Electric metal cutting) (Automatic cortrol) BARA OVSKIY, B.K., inzhener. First class TU-5-3 transmitter amplifier. Veat.qviazi 14 no.11:6-8 N 154. (MIRA 8:1) 1. Rukovoditell gruppy laboratorii T9KB Hinisterstva svyazi. (Radio--Transmitters and transmission) (Amplifiers. Electron-tu- be) U=/Faectron1cv'K- -Lo Card 1/1 Author Baranovsky, B. Title City Radiofication Systems Periodical Radio. 5., 23 - 26, May 1954 Abstract The author describes the method of relaying radio programs from large cities and regional centers to the periphery,, and the layout of radio-network lines in wire broadcasting. Simplified diagrams of radiofication of large cities and regional centers. block diagrams of amplifier-repeater stations and substations., and others (five diagrams in all) are featured in this article. Institution Submitted BARWOVSK UW 11lectroules -Amplifiers .Cut Pub- 133 . 3/23 Authokv I Baranovak y* b K Engineer and Group Leader of the Central Bureau for Siii;W~Stry of Communications Title I Relay amplifier Class I of the TY - 5 - 3 type (for Class I Stations) Periodical j. Vest.'evyazi.11, 6 - 8, Nov 1954 Abstract I A Class 1, type TY - 5 - 3 relay amplifier manufactured according to GOST USSR Bureau of Standards. assembled on the feed-back principle, and having an output of 5 kilowatts is described. A block and circuit diagram, showing the pre-amplifier (or limiter) stage, the power stage and rectifiers, and indicating the types of amplifier tubes, resistances, capacitances, transformer couplings, and voltages at various stages of operation, are presented. The correspondence of the amplifier character- istics to the GOST standards is demonstrated in a special table. The component parts of the amplifier are housed in two cabinets. Diagrams; graphs; illustrations; table. Institutions Submitted: SHYARTS. Boris Aronovich; LIPXIKA, Vera Arkadlyevna; SIGALI . Solomon arigorlyevich; BARAHOYSXIT.~. Boris KoAliltantinovich; YMOV, V.A., otvatetvannyy redaktor; LIPKINA. V.A.. redaktoi-i-MoVA, N.V.. takhnicheskiy radaktor [Now radiobroadcasting apparatus; a collection of papers] Takhnika evisisii Novaia radioveshche tell naia apparatura; informatsionnyi abornik. Moskva, Goo. ird-vo lit-ry po voprosam eviazi i radio, 1956. 108 p. (MIRA 10:1) 1* Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Miniateretvo ev3~azt. Takhnicheskoye upravlonlye. . (Radio-TransmitterB and transmission) vt T, --, r. '' - ;,-, , -, -,,~ K"?,RMAN, Te.l., inzhener.; IBAJQX511"~ In2hener. U14- & Remote control equiDment for ty-pe UUP-l substations. Vest. aviazi 17 no.4:8-10 Ap.'57. (MIRA 10:5 ) 1. Tsentrallnoye konstruktorskoye byuro Ministerstva avyazi SSSR. (1,Plectric nover distribution) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 949 U.S.S.R. Ministerstvo svyazi. TL-khnicheskoye upravleniye. Novaya apparatura radiofikatsii gorodov; informatsionnyy sbornik. (New Equipment for Urban Radio Systems; Collection of Information) Moscow, Svyazlizdat, 10,58. 48 P. (Series: Tekhnika svyazi) 11,800 copies printed. Resp. Ed.: Fursov, V.A.; Tech. Ed.: Mazell, Ye. I.; Ed.: Novikova, Ye.S. PURPOSE: The monograph may be useful to engineers working in the design of wire communication systems. CO'v-ERAGE: The monograph contains three articles describing some new components of typical wire communication equipment designed for the switching and remote control of various sections of an urban wire communication network. The equip- ment was developed by the Central Design Bureau of the USSR Ministry of Com- munication. No personalities are mentioned. There are no references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Lipkina, V.A., AVK-1 Equipment for Distribution of Output Power and I;beder Card 113 Control 5 New Equipment for Urban Radio Systems (Cont.) 949 The AVK-1 equipment is designed for use at supporting amplifier stations and substations. The author describes the operation of a circuit for auto- matic switching of loads of a TU-5 power amplifier and discusses a system for protecting and switching on the distribution feeders. She also de- scribes measurement of feeder input resistance and the resist-ance of feeder insulation. A general view and the method of assembling the AVK-l equipment are also presented. Baranovskiy, B.K. UUP-1 Equipment for Remote Control of Amplifier Substations 20 The UUP-1 equipment is designed for controlling two amplifier substations from a central amplifier station. The author describes the system in gen- eral and discusses a method of switching on the filament circuit and the plate circuits of TU-5-3 amplifiers. Switching of preamplifier circuits is described and a method of signaling and automatic switching of ampli- fiers is discussed. A general view and the method of assembling the equip- ment are also given. Card 2/3 New Equipment for Urban Radio Systems (Cont- - ) 949 Kuperman, Ye.l. (Deceased). UffF-l Rack for Remote Control and Supervision of Transformer SubjitAtions 36 The UKTP-l rack is designed to control six or twelve transformer sub- stations. The author gives basic specifications of the rack and de- scribes the remote control of main feeders. He also discusses the re- mote control of feeders of public-address systems. A general view and the method of assembling the equipment are also presented. AVAILkBLE: Library of Congress (TK 656o.RB) JP/fal 1-4-59 Card 3/3 8-7-0 /27 AUTHORS: Baranovskiy, B.K.; Lishchinskiy, S.M. TsKB Group Directors. TITLE: The PTU-4 Portable Relay Set (Perenosnoye translyatsionnoye ustroystvo tipa PTU-4) PERIODICAL: Vestnik svyazi, 1958, Nr 7, PP 15-17 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The PTU-4 portable relay set, devised by the Central Construc- tion Bureau of the Ministry of Communications of the USSR, is described. The set can take 5 microphones and an e~cternal line (tape-recorder, relay line, etc.) and from it's output feed two connecting lines. Each microphone has a 2-stage amplifier arranged as a separate plug-in unit, feeded ite own level control. There are also two .3--stage push-pull line amplifiers. The Nr 5 microphone channel can be linked direct to the studio for purposes of rehearsal or to include the an- nouncer's commentary. An impulsemeter and monitor amplifier are built in for measuring and listening to the amplified signal, either on headphones or through a control set. There is a great de,3ree of standardization of components and a 6113P tube is used throughout. The set is powered either from AC Card 112 mains (it contains its own rectifying unit) or from batteries The PTU-4 Portable Relay Set , ~ ~ ,j - ~ as a DC reserve supply. Details of the operational switching system and some basic electrical indices are given. There is 1 photo and 1 block diagram. ASSOCIATION: Mlinisterst,,,o svyazi SSSR (Ministry of Communications of the USSR) 1. Conxmications 2. Radio relay systems-Characteristies Card 2/2 b( It PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2774 Novaya apparatura radioveshchatellnogo trakta; informatsionnyy sbornik (New Equipment ol" a Broadcasting System; Information Series) Moscow, Svyazlizdat, 1959. 56 P. (Series; Tekhnika svyazi) 10,000 copies printed. Reap. Ed.: V. A. Fursov; Ed. : V. I. Bashchuk; Tech. Ed.: S. F. Karabilova. PURPOSE: This collection of articles may be useful to radio engineers. COYMAGE: The authors discuss the following broadcast equip- ment: PRA-1 panel of a broadcast control room; FFA-1 panel of a speech-broadcast control room; PTU-3 and PTU-4 portable transmitters; and SDS-l announcer's desk, equipment. No personalities are mentioned. There are no references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Card 1/3 New Equipment (Cont.) SOV/2774 Meter, Ch. M. PRA-1 Panel of a Radio Broadcast Control Room 4 ThE author discusses the construction of a PRA-1 panel of' a radio-broadcast control room and describes the operation of various circuits in the panel, such as audio- frequency and signalling 3ircuit3, linear amplifier, frequency compensating circuit, pulse meter, control amplifier, attenuatDr, re:!tifiers and power-supply circuit. Baranovskiy, B. K. PFA-l Panel of Speech Broadcast Cofi-t-ro~[O-om 17 T11-te author disetmes the construction of a PFA-1 panel of' a speech-broadcast conLrol room and describes various circuits in the panel, such as~ t1he audio-frequency ampli- fication circuit, microphone amplifier, linear amplifier and the telephone circuit. A brief discussion of the soUnd level, signalling arid power-supply equipment is also presented. Doroshenko, A. I. PTU-3 Transmitting Equipment 32 Card 2/3 New Equipment (Cont.) SOV/2774 The author discusses the construction and operation of a PTU-3 transmitter for transmitting speech and outdoor music programs and describes tranzimitter components. Upkina, V. A. PTU-4 Portable Transmitter 41 The author discusses the circuit of' a PTU-4 portable transmitter and its components, such as the microphone amplifier, pulse meter, control amplifier and the power- supply circuit. Meter, (%. M. SDS-l Announcer's Desk 52 The author presents a brief description of the equipment of the announcer's desk and discusses its operation. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress JP/mmh card 3A i-14-6o z IN 5 JA .g RA,R-AllOV.SKIY.,.-B.K.,-,_-SPERAIISXIY, G.N. Duplex amplifier for a telephone apparatue. Vest.sviazi 20 no.3:9-10 Mr 160. (MIRA 13-6) 1. Rukovoditell gruppy TSentrallnol-o konstruktorskogo bruro Ministerstva svyazi SSSR (for BaranovaKy). 2. Starshiy tekhnik TSentraltno7 mezhdugorodno3r telefonnoy stnntsil (for speranskiy). (Telephone) BPMNOVOCIY. Boris Konst4i~tA!~qyioh; TUDAROVSKIY, V.P.,; --kAHKOCH, K.G.. RYAZANTSWA, M.M., red.; (A set of small measuring devicesj Komplekt malogabarlUfth priborov. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po voprosam sviazi i radio, 196o. 33 P. (MIRA 13:12) (Electric measurements) red.: ,C'(j7'A [rl U-5-4 r6,. eat n, 'Iransliatsdonnaia al~,para- tura v"'. K 108 ID. KHOLUFYAK, Konst-antin Leontlyevich [Kholupliak, K.L 1, kand. sellkhoz. nauk; BARANOVSKIY Djdp~~ranovslkyi, D.I.jY dots., red.; VASKOVS'Kff, Yu.I.tVas1kovs'kyi, IU.I.], red..~ (More effective forest plantations for erosion control] Pidvyshchemmia efektyvnosti protyeroziirWkh lisovykh na- sadzhen'. li3-iv, Vyd-vo Ukrainslkoi Akad. sil's'kohospodars'k3rkh nauk, 1961. 153 p. (MIRA 13:3) (Erosion control) (Windbreaks, shelterbelts, etc.) LY , ij "Dif CUSL, 01`P'OA` Of the riijules of ti_ 2 l'idney", ;'I',irur,--- ,7a, r' Cllrdo 2nd L 3. 1 T-d 4" C I'd n - zns, c c) z c 1 :,.1 f c c) I, Z, 1( Z c r 0, BARANOVSKIY, E.A.,__STEPANO. V. Te. Profile of the sodium D line and the gradient of the magnetic field of a sunspot [witi summary in English]. Izv.Krym.astrofiz, obser. 21:180-189 159P (MIRA 13:6) (Sunspots) 22383 S1035161100010,051016101-2 A0O1/A1Ol AUTBOR: Baranovskiy, E.A. TITLE: On depth variation of ratios of coefficients of selective and con- tinuous absorption in a sunspot PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Astronomiya I Geodeziya, no. 5, 1961, 53, ab- -stract 5A348 ("Izv. Krymsk. astrofiz. observ.", 1960, v. 23, 3o4- 310, Engl. summary) TEXT: Profiles of the lines of Mg ~, 5173 and Fe k5434 in sunspot spectrum are investigated. The observed profiles of the mentioned lines differ strongly from theoretical ones calculated on the basis of the existing sunspot models. It is shown that for the case of ;to = const (qc is the ratio of coefficients of selective and continuous absorption) it is impossible to bring into accord the the- ory and observations by selection of physical parameters characterizing the sun- spot structure. The variation of ~ 0 with the depth, necessary for the explana- tion of the profiles observed, is calculated. In addition to the profiles of the Card 1/2 22385 S/035/61/000/005/016,042 On depth variation of ratios ... AU0I/A1OI mentioned lines,, also the profiles of the line DI Na in a sunspot, obtained by the author and V.Ye. Stepanov (RZhAstr, 1960, no. 12, 12291) are used. The mag- nitude of proved to be increasing with the depth by 2 or -~ orders. Tnere ave 7 referenIso Author's summary [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 SAZONOV, N.A., akademik; BA,hANOVSKIY,--L.V.) inzh.; SHILO, B.D.,.inzh. Use of deeply-placed electrodes for grounding rural electrical systems. Mekh.i elek.sots.,gellkhoz. 20 no.4:54-56 162. ONaRA 15:8) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy inatitut mekhanizatsii i elektrifikatsid. sellskogo khozyaystva nechernozemnoy zony SSSR. 2. AkiLdemiya nauk Belorusskoy SSH (for Sazonov). (Rural electrification) (Electricity in agriculture) I I TLE, Z., f P. I f M ly'- i PERIODICAL, 7-t-11, 'Y.-, .~'.ly' 9. P;. l h.11 t of P jlo f or thr.. -6n- f Th, rf;.rto by L-n C.rA 1/4 S. 7. ?, of S of t~.. Cty) - . - t z.-. : F~inta r, ti. o n :'n!'. :!~ Ll . .t.t un:,.r ir, of XL-~ 41. xrel 'f t * _1~ -, . t,.X~t:!~. t _rt'ln .911~ ryIfT. on :~ ~."l ;1- t'.. t:~-' t. i1c. I r, tn' -; -t ty fl of in, nt"-; n --pi'm of t.%a -.t4tion :;f ~o-lc G- U-6,3. "-he gol.l C-1-1 2/4 of t r 1, ith -I... of Floe of H-" 1-.. 1 ~-L- c cl _Z' 'd ao;oe . c he t i t t ,H. 7, 7, t -a t d 1 1, p a k ir report on '"r ith Pre. f of Y-- .'* - re : ~ n of thl ".t. 't (Nn. i-. :rot..t,to), en~ 41 'oc"'t j,-lyt,ctnic Ln,ttt.t,, tit Ir., ory of r.~.:inl ttertion pail in .Fort by,,r `=Pro'.A & '-mz' - .th.,, t by P ~fo- r;or L_: _ I'ti.n to or. f th, =o t' o. t in,; : probl,m of n r.or;,rt g- in~,anico expl--tIon of Card '4 ;h.n ... n . n ASSOCIATIC.I. -"y ... yy Cn_', ty) TOPCHIYEV, A.V.,professor; KWRIKIYAN. S.Kh., inzhener; MATKRASYAN, R.Vo, inzhener;_p4~~~~,, inzhener. Persistently Improve methods of coal mining. Mekh.trud.rab. 11 no-3:33-36 Mr '57. (miaA 10-5) (Coal mining machinery) BRUK, Ya.S.; SOLOVIYEV- G.A.; BAUNOVSKIT, F.I.,; KoLOMIYTSEV, A.D., red.izd-va; ALADOVA, Ye.l., (Machinery for the coal mining industry; a catalog] Gornye mashiny dlia ugollnoi promyshlennosti: allbom. Moskva, Ugle- tekhizdat, 195B. 231 P. (MIRA 12:4) (Coal mining machinery) TOPrEIY%7,A.V., prof.. red.; ILAB inzh., oty. red.; ARZAKASOT, 14.4., red. izd-va,; ALADOTA,, Te.I., tekhn. red. [Mechanization of coal mining abroad; survey of foreign machinery used in stoping) Mekbanitateiia vyemki uglia ze rubezhom-, obsor zardbashrykh. aredstv mekhanizateii ochistnykh rabot. Moskva. Ugletekhizdat, 1958, 543 P- (MIRA 11.10) (Coal mining machinery) - TOPCHITEV. A.V., prof., obshchiy KLORIKIYAN, S.Kh., insh., red.;_.'_PARANOYSKIY, F.Io, izd-va; ALADOVA, Ye.A., red.; GRIDIN, red.; KHORIN, otv.rede;; A.D., inzh., red.; V.N., kand.tekhn.nauke DIYAKOVA, G.B., red. KOROVMOVA, Z.A., [Mechanization in coal mines] Mekhanizataiia na ugollnykh shakhtakh. Moskva, Ugletakhizdat, 1959. 464 p. (MIRAI 12:6) (Coal mining machinery) ALPSKSANDROV, B.F., inzh.; BYiLYROV, V.M., inzh.;_BARAllOV'lKIY. Yj-, inzh.; BOGUTSKIY, N.V., inzh.; BUNIKO, V.A., kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent; VAVILOV, V.V., inzh.; VOLOTKOVSKIY, S.A., prof., doktor telrhn.nauk; GRIGORIYEV, L.Ya., inzh.; GRIDIN, A.D., inzh.; Z"WVN, L.N., inzh.; KOVALEV, P.P., kand.tek-lin.nauk; KU%Nl-,TSOV, B.A., kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent; KUSNITSYN, G.I., inzh.; LATYSHE-V, A.F., inzh.; LEYBOV. R.M., doktor tel6in.naiik, prof.; LEYTAS, Z.M., iw:h.; LISITSYN, A.A., inzh.; LOKHANIN, K.A., iilzh.; LYUBIMOV, B.N., inzh.; MASILKEIVICH, K.S., inzh.; MALKHASIYAN, 11J.; MILOUERDIN, M.M., inzh.; MITNIK, V.B., kand.tekhn.nauk; MIKHEYEV, Yu.-A., inzli.; PARAWITOV, V.I., inzh.; ROMANOVSKlY, Yu.G., inzh.; RTIBINOVICH, Ye.Yo., inzh.; SAMOYLYUK, N.D., kand.tekhn.naulc; SR]MOV, V.K., inzh.; SMOLDY- REV, A.Ye., kand.tekhn.nauk; SNAGIN, V.T., inzh.; SRAGOVSKIY, Ye.S., kand.teklin.nauk; nYGIN, L.M., inzh.; FREUMI, B.B., inzh.; FURMAN, A.A., inzh.; IWORIN, V.1i., dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk; C-HW- VF~HOV, B.M., inzh.; CHUGUNIKIIIN, S.I., inzh.; S=OVNIKOV, V.N., inzh.; SHIRYAYjN, B.M., inzh.; SHISHKIN, N.F., kand.tekhn.nauk; SHPIL'BlUlCr, I.L.. inzh.; SHORIN, V.G., dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk; SHTOKMAN, I.G., doktor teklin.nauk-; SHURIS, N.A., inzh.; TMPIGOREEV, A.M., glavnvy red.; TOPCHIYEV, A.V., otv.rod.toma; LIVSHITS, I.I., zamestitell; ABRAMOV, V.I., red.; LADYGJN, A.M., red.; MOROZOV, R.N., red.; 07,KtNOY, H.I., red.; SPIVAUSUY, A.O., red.; FAYBISOVICH, I.L., red.; jAM:UNG:-MlSKlY, A.S., inzh., red.; (Contimiod on next card) AT, SANDROV, B.F. ---(continued) Onrd 2. BELYAT-7V, V.S. , inzh., red.; BTJKMIOVA, L.I., inzh., red.; VTUISOV, V.M., inzli., red.; GLADILIN, L.V., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk, rod.; GREBTSOV, 11J., inzh., red.; GRECHISHKIN, F.G., inzh., red.; GON- CHAREVICH, I.F.,, red.; GUDALOV, V.P., kand.tekhn. nauk, red.; IGNATOV, N.N., inzil., red.; LOMAKIN, S.M., doteent, kand. tekhn.nauk, red.; MARTTNOV, M.V., dotsent, kand.teklul.nauk, red.; POVOLOTSKIY, I.A., inzh., red.; SVETLICHNIY, P.L., inzli., red.;S21L'- TSEVICH, L.A., kand.toklin.nauk, red.; ZTERANTOV, A.V., kand.tekhn. nauk, red.; SiETLAR, G.A., inzh., red.; ABARBARCHUK, F.I., red.izd-va; PROZOROVSKAY.A, V.L..; KON-DRAVYNNA, M.A., [Minina; an encyclopedic handbook] Gornoe delo; entsiklopedicheskii spravochnik. Chleny glov.rodaktaii A.I. Baranov i dr. Moskva, Gqs.nauchno-tekhn.iz-d-vo lit-ry po gornomu delu. Vol-7. [Mining machineryj Gornye mashiny. Redkol.toma A.V.Topchiev i. dr. !959. 638 P. (Mining machinery) (MIRA 13:1) VAVILOV, Vyacheslav Viktorovich; ORLOV, Anatoliy Aleksnndrovich; BARANGVSKIY F I p otv. red.; SHKLYAR, S.Ya., tekhn. red. - ~ 7.1. 1 , . ., tekhn. red. [LM-9 And n1-9 coal-mining units] Ugledobyvaiushchie kom- pleksy KY-9 i K'V.-9D. 14oskva, Gosgortekhizdat, 1963. 111P. 041 RA 16:9) (Coal mining machinery) BOBKOV, Vasiliy Ivanovich; POCHUYEV, Yurly Grigorltevich; BURCLY, Georgiy Georgiyevich; BELOV, Nikolay, Pavlovich; NOODY, Yuriy Pavlovich; SEROV, Vyacheslav Alekseyevich; BARANQV$KIY.., F.I., otv. red.; KOVAL', I.V., red. izd-vv4 ILIINSKAYA, G.M., tekhn. red. [0MKT mechanized stoping unit] Ochistnoi mekhanizirovannyi. kompleks OMKT; rukovodstvo po ekspluatatsii i remontu. Mo- skva, Gosgortekhizdat 1963 242 p. (MIRA 16:8) (Stoping (Mining~)--Equ*ipment and supplies) 88868 S/044/60/000/007/022/058 C111/C222 AUTHOR: Baranovskiy, F.T. TITLE: Mixed p~~bl~~ for a linear hyperbolic equation of second order which degenerates in the initial plane PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Matematika, no-7, 196o, 107. Abstract no-7663. im.A.I. Gertsena, 1958, 183, 23-58 TEXT: The author considers the correctness of the problem T(t)utt (a 2-u )+bi au +cu+f; '3x. ij 'c)x. ~Fx- j I i aii,b,,c,f are functions of x11x21 ... 1xm1 t; aij = aji; u Is . 0; 11t=o ~'F(X-l .... 9xm); ut lt=o ~XV(xl,...,xm). The satisfaction of the equation and of the boundary and initial conditions is understood in the generalized sense. Under certain conditions for the smoothness of the coefficients of the equation, of the free term, and of the initial data the author proves the correctness of the formulated mixed'problem Card 1/2 88868 S/044/60/000/007/022/058 Mixed problem for a linear.... C111/C222 if J(t) for t ->0 behaves like tc*"(0 to( 0, t. G.For 0 ar d C .3 n' 4 + 0- 1 -, the author states the uniqueness, existence, and carrectneas of the reg-alar solution of the problem,, The given proof of uniquenesc;, oxistence and correctness of the problem (1).(2) remqiwi xrkie if a) I - (-j -1 '2 and 0; b) I ~ a < 2 and 'L-e +flt=o - 0; 0 the quadratic form *:,, a degenerates L -. 0 - I "jO I j j but not strongly, 1 ~i?,, ':, (t) - O(tL), m Wilh the aid of a separation -''- 2 2 2 9 of the variables, for the eq~.Lation t - U/ T 11)Vim- in the rectangle 0,' x 'I ', 0,. t ,.T the author so!vpq the mIxed problem with the boundary- conditi.ons u(O,,t) - ii(!,t) =0 and the initial conditions Ca:rd 2/3 3/04 60/OOC)/008/0!9/035 The Cauchy problem for a lanear, CI'I~CC222 u1 ~Xr (X) , 'I U/ '-i t' (x), w1wre C (0.1) and It-0 0 0 !t-0 - `1 0 ~' I vanish at the final p.)ints )f the lntervql~ The problem has a unique solution for 0 il .-i f I ~ wh:le for ' At Io po-~94.ble to aatisfy the initial conditions in the sense,. 119refrom the author concludes that also for the equation (2) fox -'Y -, I and the general initial conditions (1) the Cauchy problem oiight not tz, '~e established. LAbstracter's notes The-above text Is a LAI translation of the origirial Soviet abstract,,~ Card 3/3 3ARANOVSKIY, Mixed problem of a byperbolic degentorating equation. Izv. vyS* ucheb. zav.; mat. no. 3:30-42 160. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Severo-Osetinskiy pedagogicheakiy institut imeni K.L. 11hetagarova. (Differential equations) jo 883-76 S/140/60/000/006/002/018 C111/C222 AUTHM Bar~ -T- ;WAWAwm" TITLE. The Cauchy Problem for an Equation of the Type of Euler-.Darboux- Poisson and for the Degenerated Hyperbolic Equation PERIODICAL% Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnvkh zavedeniy.1'atematika, ig6o, No. 6. pp. 11 - 23 TEXT: Theorem t Let the coefficients of the equation Id2u + U n u (4) +~7 b + CU - f 2 t -~-t i IT ) t i,3=1 xiD xi I satisfy the conditiono t the a- have continuous derivatives up to the order ij 3r, + 6 b, b,, c., f have continuous derivatives up to the order 2 j 11~1 + 5The initial conditions 2 Card I/ 88176 S/14 60/000/006/002/018 C 11 1YC222 The Cauchy Problem for an Equation of the Type of Euler-Darboux-Poisson and for the Degenerated Hyperbolic Equation (2) P a, 0 'It-o T ('V '2""'xn) d t1 t-o - have continuous derivatives up to the order [ -L] + 7 - Let b(t,xl,,,, 2 xn 0 . Then there exists exactly ono function u(t,xl,x2,.,, X. n) with continuous second derivatives which satisfies (4) and (2). Then the Cauchy problem is considered for n 2U ~ u D U (30) f(t + b + b + OU f 2 ij ax Dx t 191. 1 i j ~=I where .3 C t OC -< P ( t) ~5 C2 C3t C4t By introducing the new variable Card 213 88176 C 11 IYC222 The Cauchy Problem for an Equation of the Type of Euler-Darboux-Poisson and for the Degenerated Hyperbolic Equation i (33) *(t) (v) 2 dv (30) is transformed to an equation of the type (4) so that the assertions of the above theorem can analogously be applied to (30). The author mentions M.B. Kapilevich, S.L. Sobolev and K.I. Karapetyan. There are 7 references t 4 Soviet, 1 Brazilian, 1 German and I American. ASSOCIATIONt Severo-Osetinakiy pedagogicheskiy institut imeni K.L. Khetagurov (North Ossetian Pedagogical Institute imeni K.L. Khetagurov) SUBMITTED: December 17v 1956 S114 60/000/006/002/018 Card 3/3 AUTHOR: Baranovskiy, F. T. S/042/62/017/002/001/002 B112/B108 TITLE: Cauchy's problem for a hyperbolic second-order equation with a singularity in the coefficient PERIODICAL: Uspekhi matematicheskikh nauk, v. 17, no. 2 (104), 1962, 167-174 TEXT: For the problem L?(y_x)92u/axay a(X,Y)au/ax + b(xpy)au/3y + d(X)Y)u + f(X,Y), (3), lim U = Y, lim ~u (4), Y- X-0. + Y-X--9-+O /ay = T2(x)l the following theorem is demonstrated; The equation (3) with the initial conditions (4) has an unambiguous solution u with continuous derivatives U for y - x> 0, if the following two conditions x, ~,u/ay, 2u/jxay 8u/9 are fulfilled: 1. ~(Y-X), ~,(Y-X), ..., VII(Y-x) are continuous Y functions for y - x > 0, and c, (Y - X)F, -*,~ tf (Y - X) 4 C2 (Y - X),Y, Card 112 Cauchy's problem for a hyperboli, c (y - X),-' 4 T' (y - x) 4 c4(y 3 Y constants. 2. The coefficients continuous derivatives up to the lip to the seventh order. SnBMITTED: November 25, 1959 S/042/62/017/002/001/002 B112/BIOB xf where cip c c are positive 21 c3l 4 a, b, d and the function f have sixth order, and the functionsy, and y2 Card 212 BARANOVSKIY, F.T. Cauchy problem for a strongly degenerate hyperbolic equation. Sib. mat. zhur. 4 tio-5--1000-1011 S-0 163. (MA 16:12) 9 a ra BARANOVSKIY, F. T. Mixed problem for a hyperbolic equation o.' the second order with a singularity in the coefficient. Pribl.metod.resh.diff.urav. no.223-22 164. (MI RA 18: 4) BARANOVSHYP F.T,, Kiyev% i D,l.filerential properties of t1he scluti-~n I-o E -"-'xe.4 probISM for a atrong%v degenerate hyperbo'-!,c equation, Iz-.r. *,rys. uAeb, zavo,, ma'vo no.3&17-27 164. (K-IRA 17;72'1 I i BAII&NOVSY [Y Or Yn., mayor vied. sluzhby; JUIUSITITDIIIOV, A., leytenant mad. sl*..-,zhby Amplile for blood tranaftsion. Voen. mad. zhur. no.1:83-84 Ja 157 (BlOOD THAITSYMION, apparatus and inntruments, (MIRA 12:7) anipule Obis)) _j, (Baranovslkyi, I.], inzh.; KONSTA BARANOV�~:L~_,_ ITINOV, V., inzh. Use of fiberglass to make roofing materials. Bud. mat. i konstr. 4 no.2:31-32 Mr-Ap '62. (MIRA 15:9) (Glass fibers) (Roofing) BARANOVSK1j,--j-,- KONDRATENKO, N. New principle for television image r,rajectiin *Journal of the Te2evision Society" 9, no.4, Radio no-3:61 Yr '61. (MIRA 14: 8) (Televisi:)n) 5(4) AUTHORS: Babaye-a, I.., V. , B--rL7- 3OV/7fj-4 -4 - 6/44 TITLE: The oxidation of 1Pyridine.,containin,-1 Complex Compounds of' Di- valcnt Cobalt (01.1slenily- p:Lcidiisodf-,i,2:lia:~lic,iil-.Ii I.-o,-,)Ieksnyl:h soyed3.-ieniy dvu1rhvalentno,t,-,c, kc-b-0.1ta) PERIODICAL~ "'hurnal khimii 11 ~517 Vol Nr 4, rr 755-760 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The oxidation prore3se.,- of CoYy, 'I Bi . CoPy, ; Co"Y (NO 1 ) .. , 2 - - 2 2 2 COPY4 B12' and CoPy4c-2 with chlorine and bromine were investi- gated in alkioliolic Z,70'1UfiCjj,~ T -.- _. wa.- found that the compounds 01 and CoPy COPY are transformed to ihe compound k N0 ) 9 2 2 2 2 .YH by the effect of chlorine, ','I'her insufficient )2 4 amountq of chlorine are introducc-d into the solut-ions of Copy 4C 12the ~cmpound Co,,Py9c1r, is produced in ','-.he forr. of blue.-green needle-shaped c7,~stals with the refractive indices ITZ ~ 1,698 and NP = 1 660. 'ha ~rystaiz are diffic-ultly soluble -Ln water. but dissolve. ens-i1v in absolute methy! alco- C d hol, The oxidation of Collv ca- leads to the formation of ar 1/3 , 4 The Oxidation of' Pyridine- ccritainlin,- Ccz~-iplex Compounds of Divalent C,-.L;a'0; 0 Py C,~-iCll , This rompo-ancl with 6 molcculc~,-- of wa,Ac7 The ,orip,,und is after -re,~rystal.'-izaticn. from Loc The cx:idl~~ticn c-c A CoPy.,Bi, CoFy,Cl an a , L I ') COPY 31--, wit-b the pc,',ybTomide~~ p 4 c . LC C~ Py br Bi, B--*., ar,l j Gc 1) Y c Pr -R-~ Trcatui--~n-c of 4 4 Lc (-.PY,,Br2j B-z -Lodide solution transforuis 2 thi,i --0Mj)C,LlcId 2' ' :Jlj -1 luiack I)clyder whitih turri.~, b;~ci-in and then Cr~,~.z vlh-~!n -exposed to- the air . By and Q'~ l-G-,)PY,CI,);; C.( the f'ol-- lo-a3-nig mco-ioa::!.-roe.- picdz--ed ~ P V.H 1 r. c. lyD"j -pyll iccPirc~.Br 7. and PYHf,,-.-vyc-] I~Iha C.Onv),Iex ~li 4'1 2 and IvIoPy C.:Pyc)-,I.t vicru syw.hesiz-ad f(.,r the -f is t t i me 4 - 21 For the first --Lmc- heyapyrid--inc cobalt bromide CoPy.- ;B-,- was Card 2/3 isc;lated., -Jr, the fl-, --m of -.ri c] et - -. i - y L, 11 -1 1 s ,~% ~4 The'Oxidation of Pyridine-containing Compley 0, V / 74 - -,' -,5,, ~ 4 d Compounds of Divalent Cobalt A table -ives the results of the molecDlar weight determination 0 for the compound CoPy 'Br by 'he Rast method, There are 1 2 of'7hich are Soviet- table and 10 references SUBMITTED-, January 13, -1958 Card 3/3 5(2 ') . SOV/78-4-8-38/43 AUTHORS; Babayeva, A. V., Baranovsk TITLE: On Monoamines of Divalent Cobalt-(O.monoaminakh dvukhvalent- nogo koballta) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal.neorganioheakoy khimii,.1959, Vol 4, Nr 8, pp 1931-1932 (U.SSR) ABSTRACT: The substitution reactionsin the'inner sphere of the tetra- hedral complex PyH CC opycl~ (Py = pyridine) were investigated for the production of monopyridine compounds with different acid substituents..The crystallizing compouncla PyR [CoPyBrp and PyH [CoPyj~ wexe obtained. In the paper by L. Katzin and E. Gebert (Ref 2) bands at 595 and 665 muwere observed in the spectrum of solutions of CoGI LiCl and pyridine in acetone V which were ascribed to the ion lcopycl 31. The spectrum of an acetone solution of PyH Ec op~ci record6d-by the authors showed the same bands. In the substitution of chlorine by Card 1/2 bromine and iodine a bathocromic shifting takes place in the Oa Monaamine8 of Divalent Cobalt. SOV/76-4-8-38/43 spectrum (Fig 1). With potassium thiocyanate the compounds COPY 2(NCS)2 and (PyH)21bo(BCS)41 were obtained. The reaction between.PyH [CoPyCl 3] with sodium or silv4-r nitrite yielded the compound CoPy2 (NO 2)2' As was described in an earlier paper (Ref 3) the anionECoPyCl - and the cation CQPY 01 produce 31 1( 4 2]+ the difficultly soluble compound OPY CT j [CoPyCr- . This com.- IC 4 2 ~3 pound may be obtained also by mixing the alcoholic solutions of [CoFy4C12] 01 and CoPy2C12 . By using this reaction the com- plex compound was obtained with a monoquinoline-anion: (COPY4Gi 21 [CoquinCl~. The attemRt.of substituting the pyridoaium ion in PyH IC oAmifiX 3j by another catlon as lcopy4c'21' . aild because either pyridine is substituted in the anion or because unstable compounds are formed. There are I figure and 3 ref- erences, 1 of which is Soviet. SUBMITTED: March 5, 1959 Card 2/2 69067 AUTHORS: Babayeva, A. V.p Baranovskiyp I. B. S/078/60/005/03/044/048 BOO0005 TITLE: Complex Compounds of Bivalent Cobalt With Different Amines in the Inner Sphere PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheakoy khimii, 1960p Vol 5, Nr 31 PP 749-751 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors give a short survey of publioations on the complex compounds of Co(II) with pyridine (Py)p hydrazinep ethylene di- amino (En), and thiourea (Thio)t and mention M. G. Akhmedli and E. A. Bashkirov (Ref 7). They produced the compound CoPyThio 2cl 2 by boiling a solution of CoPy 2 C12 in absolute methyl alcohol with thiourea. The yield was 91.2%. The compound 0 malts under decomposition at 107 - 109 . Its blue crystals sug- eat a tetrahedral structure with the coordination formula coPyThio 2 CI]Cl. The molecular electrical conductivity in methyl r alcohol is indicated. Sodium rhodanide causes a transformation into a mixture of COPY2 (NCS) 2 and CoThio 2(NCS) 2- CoPyThio 2Br2 Card 1/2 was produced in the same manner. The compound CoPyEnCl 2-H2 0 was 69057 Complex Compounds of Bivalent Cobalt With Different S/078/60/005/03/044/048 Amines in the Inner Sphere BO04/BOO5 obtained by dropwise addition of alcoholic solution of ethylene- diamine hydrate to CoPy2Cl2 dissolved in methyl alcohol. According to measurements by V. I. Belova, this compound is paramagnetic, i.e. a compound of Co(II) . The molecular electrical conductivity in methyl alcohol is indicated. In alcoholic solution, CoPyEnCl 2 H20 behaves like a two-ion electrolyte, in aqueous solution like a three-ion electrolyte. The pink-colored compound has an octahedral structure, and probably the coordination formula IC oPyEnH2Oci 21- There are 10 references, I of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut obahchey i neorganicheskoy khimii im. N. S. Kurnakova Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry imeni N. S. Kurnakov of the Academy of Sciences, j�S SUBMITTED: October 14, 1959 Card 2/2 A.V.; iA.ANOVS:fIY, . .. A -.,,VA f __I. 3 Tripyridine comple.-: co.,. ,.' tirva. e:~t cobalt. Zh-L=. ne:;-- -. 6 no.l'-225-227 161. ("IRA (Cobalt co;.,.r.~,uii,I,;) (Pyrirdine) BABAYEVA, A.V.; BjWNOVSKIY, I.B. Transeffect of some additivps in trivalent cobalt complex compounds. Zbur.neorF.khim. 6 no.8:1?86-1?90 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:8) (Cobalt compounds) BABAYEVA, A.V.; BARANOVSKIY, I.B. Complex compounds of cobalt (III) with a sulfite group in the inner sphere. Zhur.neorg.khi-m. 7 no.4-.783-790 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:4) (Cobalt compounds) (Sulfites) BABAYEVA, A.V.; KHARITONOV, Yu.Ya.; BARANOVSKH, I.B. Infrared absorption spectra of cobalt (III) complex compounds with an inner sphere sulfito group. Zhur.neorg.khim. 7 no.6: 1247-1257 Je 162. (FJRA 15:6) 1. Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii imeni N.S.Kurnalkova AN SSSR. (Cobalt compounds-Spectra) BABAYEVA, A.V.; BARAITOVSKIY, I.B.; AFANASIYEVA, G.G. Reaction of sodium nitrocobaltate with pyri0ine. Dokl. All SSSR 143 no.3:587-589 Yx 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khiTnii ir.. N.S.Kurnakova All SSSR.. Predstavleno akademikom I.I.Chernyayevym. (Sodium nitrocobaltate)(Pyridine) BABAYEVA, A.V.; BARANOVSKIY, I.B.; AFLIIASIYETA, G.G. Interaction of the disodium salt of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid with complex compounds of cobalt (111). Zhur. neorg. khim. 8 no.6:1527-1529 Je 163. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Institut obshchey i neorganicheskay khimii imeni Kurnakova AN SSSR. (Acetic acid) (Cobalt compounds) BABAYEVk, A.V,; ARMS"YEVA, G.G.; RARI~NOVISKIY, I.B. Reaction of nickel acetate with ethylenedlardne and potassim n1trite. Zhur. neorg. khAm. 9 no.5;11103-11104 ~~ '64. (MIRA 17-9) BAjUjT,,.Sy,jy, I.J.; DAHIYEVA Conplex compounds of trivalert cobalt with, c~.,-ano Erou! S. Zhur. neorg. khim. 9 no.9:2163-2169 S 164. 17:11) 1. Institilt Obs"Ichey i 110 or:-,unlcl,o:~ho~- kh-irlid -1,:A,11, A!' -R. . I ~ 1. ~ '.., .1 1. -. ~ I . .: I I,; -,:, s ~ : : - .-o,- I I ~.::. ; !, ~ I; .: ". - " " . : . -,,A -A 3 17" e n. BARANOVSKIY I B., YEVSTAFIYEEVA, A.V, 1 BABJHYEVA, A.V. I--,,,-,-- .. _-Q. Fentacyanoha-lide.9 of tetravalent platina-,7. Dr-ilwl . AN SSSR 16-1, no-3: 6-12-645 Jl 165. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Institut obshchcy i noorgani-7heskoy khimii im. NN,S,Kurnakova AN 5.13SR, Submit.ted Jantiary '.?, '196r~. V'v L4 F t n c c~ ri~. RAILMOVSKlY. I.K.; ZEIXSIKII'FN, B.P. (Simforopoll) Work of an interhospital (interconnected) pharmacy in the Crimea. Aptech. delo 1.2 no.3945-47 Kv-Je'63 (MIRA 17:2') BARANOVSKI~ 1. Architecture; 192 p. 0. materials and works. Berlin Amerikanskoe izd-voj, 1924. Cyr.4 TH5 NN li,ill'-d rue, ~n' r!pe-rt~no r e an n o 3 !-%l V