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50) sw/63-4-2-37/39 AMEORS: Rogovin, Z.A., Vladimirova, T.V. TITLE: The Preparation of'Phenyl Ester of Cellulose With a Higher Degree of Substitution PERIODICAL- Khimicheskaya nauka i promyshlennost', 1959, Vol 4, Nr 2, p 286 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A higher degree of substitution is obtained by phenylation of not only the primary but also of the secondary alcohol groups.. The phenyl- cellulose was tosylated by a solution of n-toluene-sulfo-chloride in pyridine which produced a mixed phenyl-tosyl ester. Additional phenyl- ation by a solution of sodium phenolate in phenol did not substitute all tosyl groups. It has been shown, however, that not only primary but also secondary hydroxyl groups may be phenylated. Ditosylcellulose dis- solves in pyridine, acetone, cyclohexanone, chloroform, etc. Card 1/2 There are 2 references, 1 of which is Soviet and 1 German. SOV/63-4-2-37/39 The Preparation of Phenyl Ester of Cellulose With a Higher Degree of Substitution ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy tekstiltnyy institut (Moscow Textile Institute) SUBMITMD: October 6, 1958 Card 2/2 ROGOVIN, Z.A.; VLADIMIROVA, T.V. Synthesis of nev cellulose derivatives and other polyeaccharides . Part 5: Synthesis of phenyl others of cellulose and study of their properties. Vyookom. soed. 2 no. 3:341-346 Mr 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1, Mookovskiy tekatil'W7 Inatitut i Vseao7uzny7 Eaochnyy energeticheekiy institut. (cellulose) , . I-' ;, [',-I IRtAli.. T, I, ~ cAl", i_,! I " - Fmmi, RNOWN, ''.P. , I ta~:S J,3 ri f ;f F t C I ~, r 1.)'.] r-- -c o n ta, i n 4. c c I I u I ~-- a - e s t e r r. . V y,~ o k,;,z- . 5 c c- A- - r 7 no.5!786-V~j Fy 165. (MIRA 18-9) I. Hookovskly tekst.,Ilr-,yy irof.itut, CA P18-ritD. ptables. Gucurbits. Potatoes. Vep BS. JOUR. No. 3, 1959, E0. 10976 Vladimirovaj 17-ITLE The 5ov.'.ng Foriods of Micumbars ard Tomatess for Hot- housa Cultivation. blff(r. PUB. ZeA~Iedeliye i zIdvotjiovndstvo Moldavii,, 1958, No. 6, 49-51 ~BSTPAMI No abstract. 1A -69- DROZDOV, N.P.; KUPTSOVA, Z.K.; VLADIMI~O-VA,_.V.A.; YFLISEYEVA, N.I.; RMIIKOV, A.N. Purification of the waste waters from butyl acetate manufacture. Gidroliz. i lesokhim.prom. 17 no.1:26-28 164. OaTO- 17:4) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovateltakiy lesokhimicheakiy institut (for Drozdov, Kuptsova, Vladimirova). 2. Dmitriyevskiy lesokhimichaskiy zavod (for Yeliseyeva, Rybnikov). VLADIMIROVAp V.A.; POTAPOV.. A.A. -. New models of traps for horseflies and blackflies. Med. paraz. i paraz. bol. 32 no.103-88 Ja-P'63. (MIM 16:10) L.. Iz entomologicheskogo otdela (zav. - prof, V.P.Beklemishev) [deueased']) Irstituta meditsinskoy parazitologii i tropicheskoy meditsiny imeni Ye.1.14artsinovskogo 14inisterstva adravookhrane- niya SSSR (dir. - prof. P.G.Sergiyev-). VTVd- L li VIADIMIROVA. V.G. Application of polychromatic sirnItansous injection in the study of cerebral vascularix&tion in man. Uchen. sapiski vtor. moskov. mod. Inst. Stalina Vol 2:235-237 1951. (CIML Zl:4) 1. Assistanto 2. Department of Normal Anatomy (Elaaa--,Prof. T.H. Ternovskiy, Active Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR) of the Therapeutic Faculty. A , 1Vr .111. VL11.D11'1'RCV' tfData cn the 11eT?ic;m_1, T tscu-_, rtr ~ -,-It,* cn :.f f.he C~?i e' e1' u:-!." '!ub 0 14,r 5-1-1 Second Moscow State Medical Inst i-m-eni I. V. Stalin. Dissertations presented for ccience and engineering degrees in I'lloscow during 1951. SO: Sum. No. 480, 9 May 55. VLADIMIROVA, V. Go Brain - Blood Vessels Application of polychromatic simultaneous Injection in the study of cerebral vascularization. In-man. Uch.zap.Vt.moskomed.inst., 2v 1951. Mont List 2L Russian Accessionst Library of Congress.. April 1952* UNCIASSIFIED. VLADIMJROVA,,,-.V.I.;,ZHADROVA, G.M.-, KADENATSI, B.M.; KAZANSKIY, V.B.; PARIYSKIY, G.B. Radiation-catalytic transformation of metbanol. Dokl. AN SSSR 164 no.2:361-36,4 S 165. (KIRA 18:9) 1. Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR. Submitted February 19, 1965. AUTHORS: TITLE: U562, 3/020/63/148/001/021/032 B140186 Vladimirova, V. I., Zhabrova, 0. M., 1(adenatei, B, M.p 1rai-ith'skly 0-' V' Pariyakiy, G. B. Joint action of radiation and oxide catalysts on the dehydrogenation of oyclohexane PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 148f no. it 1963, 101-10CI A12039 or NiO. After a vacuum pretreatment of the catalyst at 4000C ' c clo - hexane vapors were led over it. The determinations concerned. 1~ the catalytic properties after Irradiation with 0.8 Mev electrons at room 6- 9 temperature, dose 2-4*10 rad/sec, energy absorption 1.4-10 rad; 2) the paramag"tic properties after gamma irradiation-with CobO at - 1960C, dose 3200 mcu, energy abaorption 5,10 6 - 1-108rad. 1) A low-temperature dehydrogenation of cyclohexanone took place. Good results were obtained TEXT: The radiation effect on catalytic systems is studied in the dehydrogenation of cyclohexane activated by SiO 2, MgO, ZrO,, ZnO, Card 1/3 S10201631148100110211032 Joint action of radiation and... B144/BI86 with SiO , A and alumosilicate with a H evolution of 0.58, 0.5659 2 1203 2 and 0-405 mg1g. ZrO 2' MgO and ZnO were hardly active and NiO was com- pletely inactive. On SiO 21 the conversion percentage increased with increasing irradiation'dose. Thus, the oxides that proved effective vere just those that are ineffective under normal catalytic conditions, even at high temperatures; while the otherwise active ZnO and NiO proved ineffective in catalysis combined with radiation. 2) The e.p.r. spectra revealed additional lines in the irradiated samples which are attributed to the formation of adsorbed free radicals, i.e. C 6H7' This effect Aas most marked on SiO 2 and increased with incre asing dose. Similar signals were observed for alumosilicate and Al 20)' Weak additions. I lines were observed in MgO and ZrO 2, but their origin was not cleared up. No lines at all were detected for irradiated ZnO and NiO, either with or without adsorption of cyclohexanone. The different activity of the catalysis studied in oxide catalysis combined vith irradiation is explained by Card 2/3 B/020/63/148/001/021/032 Joint action of radiation and B144/B186 their different electron properties. In dielectrics and poor semi- conductors the radiation-induced ionization is stronger, since the electrons and holealformed are longer trapped and the paramagnetic* centers are resistant at low temperatures, while they vanish so rapidly in ZnO and NiO e.p.r. signals could be recorded. There are 2 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskoy fiziki-Akademii nauk SSSR (Inatitute of Chemical Physics of the Academy of Sciences USSR) PRESENTED: JulY 30, 1962, by V. N. Kondrat.1yevq Academician .SUBMITTED: July 19, 1962 A Card 3/3 HAM1,01") G.M.; KA2 IASKI'L7 1I.B.; VLADIM"OhOVA, V.I.; KADENATSI, B.M.; PA:RIY-SKIY, G. B. Rarliation-catalytic corivor::ions of cycloh~-xane. Neft6khimiia 4 no.5: '753-762 S-0 '64. (MIRA 18 r 1) 1. Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Adl SSSR. ;L -1327-66 )/E--WA(h)A-,'1A (i ) - - -Gr-VHm 1ACCESSIOM NR: AP5024005 UR/0020/65J,164/002/0361/0364 jAUITHOR: VladLmirova. V. I.; Zhabrova, G._H.;_KadenatsL, B. H.; Kazanskly, V. B.; I Pariyskiy,-G-. -catalytic conversion of methanol !TITLE: Radiation J V :SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, 164, no.4, 1~ 5. 361-364 ;TOPIC TAGS: methanol, gamma radiation, radiation chemistry, electron paramagnetic !resonance, free radical, silica gal, alumina, aluminum silicate, semiconductort heterogeneous catalysis ABSTRACT: The authors had established earlier that during the combined action of ionizing radiation and solids of different electronic properties, the dielectric- Itype oxides S102, A1203, and aluminum silicate S102-AI293, in which paramagnetic 1centers and ads orb d di als were detected, displayed the greatest activ.ty in th6" !conversion of SySclohne=e an the adaorbed layer, whereas semiconductors and metals,, ;which had no paramagnR-ic enters or radicals, were inactive. In order to deter- i Imine the scope of thene findings, a similar study was made on the radiation-cataly-' t I ,tic decomposition of methanol In the adsorbed.layer at 200C. C060 gamma radiation !being used (dose rate, 4.3 X j016,,ej/g.6eC;1adsorbed radiation dose,8.2 X1019 to i.-Card- L 1327-66 ------ ACCESSION NR: AP5024005 7 xJ021 ev-/g). It was found that as in the case of the heterogeneous radiolysis of- cyclobexane, S102, A12.03, and SiO2-Al2O3 were the most effective catalysts for methanol; the radiation-chemical yield and rate of formation of hydrogen, formal- dehyde, and ethylene glycol on silica gal were ten times as high as in the case of homogeneous radiolysis. The electron spin resonance spectra of the radicals formed on S102 and A1203 were recorded. oxides with semiconducting properties such as ZnO showed a considerably lesser catalytic activity. The results confirm the rela-, tionship established earlier between the radiation-catalytic activity of solids and their electronic properties# The high radiation-chemical yields of hydrogen, for- maldehyde, and ethylene glycol during decomposition of methanol on silica gel, alu-' minum oxide, and aluminum silicate am apparently closely related to the processes of transfer of the energy of ionizing radiation absorbed by these solids to the molecules adsorbed on the surface. Orig. art. has: 1 figure, 1 table. (141i1 ASSOCIATION: Institut khWcheskoy fiziki Akademli nauk SSSR (Institute of--Chemi- cal Physics, Academy of Sciences SSSR) SUBMITTED-.~ o4Feb65 ENCL.- i.00 SUB COD9:CCGC NO REF SOV:- 005 OTHER: oo4 ATD PRESS: Card 2/2 p RIM /0753/0762 e nil Y I r, "01, q,- I ~Ir 4 i c dehyd r0 - I ;~) k , i. ~ .i , .. I I I ,I I I . 1! 1 L 15296-165 ACCESSION, Nk: '114047688 spectrometric analysis." Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskuy f;ziki SSSR t i tkite of Chemic a! S S S SUBMITTED: 12Nov63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: OC NO M-F SOV: 007 OTHER- 008 Card 3/3 66856 SOY/76-33-11-11/47 AUTHORS: Zhabrova, Go M.# Vladimirova, V. I.# ?~G~gorovlye- V. TITLEs Data From the Conference on Physics and Physical Chemistry of Catalysis (MarcR 1958), Influence of Sorbed Impurities on , e - -cat-a-1-YTIT Properties of Zinc Oxide PERIODICAM Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 19599 Vol 33, Nr 11, pp 2442-2450 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The sorption of ions may occur on oxide and hydroxide catalysts by dissolution of the catalyst itself. A typical catalyst of this type is zinc oxide. The authors investigated the dependence between the rules governing the sorption of impurities, their chemical charactert the stability of the bond, the chemical nature of the impurities and their influence on the activity and selectivity of a zinc oxide catalyst. The investigations were carried out in the sorption of phosphoric acid, sulfuric acidt sodium hydroxidef sodium chloride, and zinc chloride. The quantity of sorbed ions was determined with the radio- p32 _S35 isotopes Z'n 65t C136 and Na 24."The ion exchange was Card 1/3 , , , studied by means of zinc oxide by pH measurement after sorpti 66856 SOY/76-33-11-11/,47 Data From the Conference on Physics and Physical Chemistry of Catalysis (March 1958)- Influence of Sorbed Impurities on the Catalytic Properties of Zinc Oxide equilibrium had been attained; a pH-meter of the type LP-5 was used. The sorption of the sodium ions increases with the in- crease of the pH of the solution, while the sorption of the chloride ions increases with a decrease of the pH. It is as- sumed that three types of sorption occur with the zinc ion; an irreversible chemical-reaction at pH ~/_ 6-5 (the formation of a basic zinc sulfate in case of small pH-values from zinc sulfate and sodium hydroxide was already observed by 1. V. Tananayev and N. V. Mzareulishvili (Ref 7)), a reversible chemical sorption at pH > 9, and in the third case an ion ex- change at pH 6-5-9-5- In analogy to the scheme recommended by Be P. Nikollskiy (Ref 9) for the sorption properties of aluminum oxide, a corresponding scheme is recommended for zinc oxide. The authors investioated zinc oxide samples, with sorbed impuritiest for their catalytic activity with respect to iso- propanol decomposition at dynamic conditions and in adsorbed layers (Table 1). Impurities of sodium- and chloride ions in- crease the dehydrogenation capacity of the catalyst. The Card 2/3 sorption of "acid" impurities, such as zinc sulfate and phos V 668~6 SOV/76-33-11-11/47 Data From the Conference on Physics and Physical Chemistry of Catalysis (March 1958)- Influence of Sorbed Impurities on the Catalytic Properties of Zinc Oxide phoric acid, intensifies the dehydration reaction. In the catalytic process in the adsorbed layer the decomposition re- action of the isopropanol shifts (in a large part of the samples investigated) toward the dehydration (in comparison to the dynamic conditions). In accordance with the data of 0. V. Kry- lov and Ye. A. Fokina (Ref 10) it was established that the activation energy of the isopiopanol dehydrogenation in the ad- sorbed.layer is higher than under dynamic conditions. This dif- ference may be explained by the heterogeneity of,the zinc oxide surface and the inverse direction of the activation energy of the catalytic reaction ard of the -desorption energy of the reaction product,.i*e,, acetone (Table 2). There are 5 figures. 2 tables, and 10 Soviet referenceri. ASSOCIATIONs Akademiya nauk SSSR,Institut fizicheskoy khimii.,Moskva (Academy of Sciencest USSR, Institute of Physical Chemistry,_ Mas-C-O-Wf --- X" Card 3/3 a 0 AUTHORS: _11adimirovap-J, I., Yenikeyev, E. -Zhabrova, 0. M., Margolis, L. Ya. TITLE: The Relakionship Between Electric Funotion%'bf Modified Zinc Oxide 68993 K-h.1 El/020/60/131/02/037/071 B004/BOO7 X Conductivit and the Work PERIODICIL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSRy 19609 Vol 131, Nr 2p PP 342 - 345 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In many cases, the experimental data on the electric conductivity of semiconductors contradict the conceptions of the position of the Fermi level. The present paper is intended to characterize the position of the Fermi level by the amount of the work func- tion of the electron. For this purpose, the activation energy E of electric conductivity and the change in the work function of an electron after introduction of the admixtures Liq Na, T, and ZnSO4 into ZnO are measured. For the purpose of introducing Na and Li, the ZnO was saturated with the oxalatee of these metals and heated up to 450 - 5000. Thorium. was precipitated from thorium hydrate onto the surface of ZnOq ZnSO 4 was adsorbed as a basic salt from a solution of this salt. Also with Th and ZnSO 4' the 0 Card 1/3 sample was heated to 450 .The ZnO with the admixtures was Vr 68993 The Relationship Between Electric Conductivity and the 5/020/60/131/02/037/071 Work Function of Modified Zinc Oxide B004/BOO7 subjected to X-ray- and electron diffraction studies. Table 1 shows the measurements of activation energy and the change in the work function as a result of admixtures. The activation energy of pure ZnO was very low (0,08 ev). The admixtures led to an in- crease of the activation energy as well as to a decrease of eleo- trio conductivity. The electric resistance of the samples at 3500 decreased in the following order: ZnG+Li 20 >Zno+xa2O~ ZnO+ZnSO4) > ZnO+ThO2> ZnO. From measurement of electric conductivity alone the conclusion might have been drawn that all admixtures used are acceptors and reduce the Fermi level to the level of the valence band. Measurement of the work function, on the other handq shows that Li and Na decrease the work function, and that ZnSO 4 and Th02 increase it. The X-ray measurement carried out by H. A. Shishakov et al. and M. Ya. Kushnerev revealed no changes in the lattice constant of the modified zinc oxide, so that no conclusions could be drawn as to the formation of solid solutions. The different influence exerted by admixtures was explained by their different distribution on the surface and in the interior Card 2/3 / The Relationship Between Electric Conductivity and the S1020160 131/02/037/071 Work Function of Modified Zinc Oxide B0041BOO7 of tho sample. ZnO was saturated with Na and Li, whereas ZnSO 4 and ThO2 were precipitated only on the surface. Measurement of the change in electric conductivity alone is therefore not suf- ficient in order to carry out a unique determination of the po- eition of the Fermi level on the surface of modified catalysts. For the purpose of recognizing the true relationship between catalytic activity and electric conductivity, it is necessary to investigate admixture distribution on the surface and in the in- terior of the semiconductor. There are I table and 13 referencesp 7 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut fizicheakoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Science , USSR) PRESENTED: November 4, 1959, by M. M. Dubinin, Academician SU13MITTED: October 30, 1959 Card 3/3 S/020/60/133/006/031/031XX B004/BO67 AUTHORS: Zhabrova, G. M., Vladimirova, V. I., and Vinogradova, 0. M. TITLE: Mechanism of the Effect of Modifying Additions on the Selectivity of Zinc Oxide With Respect to the Dehydrogenation and Dehydration of Isopropyl Alcohol PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 133, No. 6, pp. 1375-1378 TEXT: In Refs. 1-5 the authors had found that the sorption of micro- impurities strongly influences the selectivity and catalytic activity of ZnO during the dehydrogenation and dehydration of isopropyl alcohol. Therefore, they attempted to explain this effect by comparing the data of reaction kinetics, chemosorption, and electron characteristics in ZnO containing certain admixtures. ZnO was modified with Na20 and U20 by soaking the oxide with alkali oxalates, and by heating to 450 - 500OC- Modifying with ZnS04 was done by soaking ZnO with sulfate solution. The specific surface was determined by adsorption of n-heptane by a Card 1/5 Mechanism of the Effect of Modifying S/020/60/133/006/031/031XX Additions on the Seloctivity of Zinc Oxide B004/BO67 With Respect to the Dehydrogenation and Dehydration of Isopropyl Alcohol chromatographic method developed at the catalysis laboratory of the authors' association, as well as by adsorption of krypton according to Brunauer, Emmet, and Teller. The results obtained by both methods were in good agreement. The effect of the admixtures on the dehydrogenation of isopropyl alcohol is shown in Fig. 1. During dehydration, the admixtures showed the contrary effect: Na20 suppressed, and USO increased, the rate of this reaction. The followin- values were obtained Lr the desorption of acetone from the surface of Zn6: pure ZnO: 32 kcal/mole; ZnO with 14.5% ZnS04: 41 kcal/mole, ZnO with 6.2% Na20; 10 kcal/mole. Fig- 3 shows the work function & I as depending on the content of admixtures. By simultaneously meaauring the work function and the electrical conductivity in the presence of vapors of isopropyl alcohol, acetone, water, hydrogen, or propylene at 10 mm Hg and 1000C the following was found: Sorption of isopropyl alcohol and acetone lowers the work function; other vapors had no effect. Henoe, a donor-acceptor process is assumed for the dehydrogenation of isopropyl alcohol, which proceeds in the following Card 2/5 Ylecj~,~ism of the Eifect of iodifying 3/020/60/133/006/031/031XX idditlions on the Selectivity of Zinc Oxide B004/BO67 With-Respect to the Dehydro-enation and '.Dehydration of Isoprop Alcohol -y1 stagep: (Cq CHOH -->(CH ) CH6H' + e (I); (CH CHOH+~ 3)2 3 2 3)2 -~(CH3)2r'O+ +. '~2 .(I!);' (CH )2co+ + e ->(CH ) CO (III). The slow stage III limits* the rate 3 3 2 of reaction. Dehydration, however, is regarded as an ~Lcid-type process ~charaoterized by proton exchange betveen the catalyst and the reacting; molecale. F. I. Vilesov, A. N. Tnerenin, E. Kh. Yeaikeyev, L. Ya. and. S-.' Z. Ro.-insXkiy are mentioned. There are 3 figures, 1 table, and 15 re~ero*nces:, 12 Soviet, 2 US, 1 British, and 1 German. ASS.OCIATION: Institut fizicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR (institute of Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciencez USSR) PRESEJITED: March 21, 1960 by 11:'. Dubinin, Academician SUBIMITTED: "arch 8, 1960 Card 3/5 CN 9 w v x x S/020/60/133/006/031/031XY B004/BO67 the LeUend to Fig. 1: Kinetic curves.ot- dehydroL;enation of isopropyl alcohol on modaflied ZnO; I: Z 0 + 0-114if N-220; n 11: ZnO + 0-36~o' Na20; III: ZnO + 3 - 1 '~o' Li20; !V: ZnO + 6.2cill, 1Ta20; V: pure ZnO; VI: ZnO + 14-5~o ZnS04 1) M'n- SJ/020/60/133/00~1 -/031/0317X A 01 0 04/B b7 L e,- Work function bend to Fig. 3: for ZnO a3 dependent on the modifyinG admixtures. Zn A j --L-4" I dy ZHABROVA, G,,R.,., KADENXTSI, B.,M,.; KAZAPSKI7, V.B.; -IELADIRIROYA, V PARIYSKIY, G. B. Joint action of radiation and oxide caVilyots an the dah7droga- natimi of cyclohexamea Dokl. till SSSR 148 no.11101-104 Ja 263. (MIRA l6s2) 1. Institut khimicheskoy fiziki. All &WR. Predstavleno akademikom V.P. londratlyevym. (Oyclohexane) (Dohyd-rogenation) (Radiation) (Metallic oxides) VLA.DIMI.ROVA. V.I.-. ZHABROVAJ, G.M.; KADWATSI, B.M. Particular features of the radiation-induced catalytic conversion of methanol at a small surface coverage. Kin. i I kat. 6no. 6:1112-1.113 N-D 165 (MIRA 19 t1) 1. Institut khimicbeskoy fl?.Jki All SSSH. Submitted June 9,, 1965. VLADIMIROVA, V.L., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; FITOVA, L.9 red.; POLONSKIY, S.9 I- r. (Growing vegetables in greenhouses and hotbeds] Vyrashchivanie ovo- shchei v tepliteakh i parnikakh. Kishinev, Gos. izd-vo "Kartia moldoveniaske 1959. 26 p (MIRA 14:8) iGreenhouses) (Hotbeds) (Vegetable gardening) VIADIMIROVA, Y.M. Complexometric titration of zirconium vith the determination of the equivalence point by the amperometric method. Zav.lab. 22 no.5: 529-532 '56. (NLRA 9:8) (Zirconium--Analysis) (Titration) v El. GORTUSHINA, V.G.; VLADIMIROVA VPM -.. Present state of analytical chemical studies on zirconium. Zav.lab. 22 no.10:1171-1180 156. (MLRA 10:5) (zirconium) V/_ 0 bell, V, fi) 137-58-5-11096 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 5, p 313 (USSR) A UTHORS: Milovanov, G.N., Vladimirova, V.&I... Notkina, M.A. TITLE- The Seventh Conference on Laboratory Methods for the Investi- gation of the Ores- and Minerals of Rare and Dispersed Elements (Leningrad, June 11-20, 1957) [ VII soveshchaniye po labora- tornym metodam issledovaniya rud i mineralov redkikh i ras- seyannykh elementov (Leningrad, I 1 -20 iyunya 1957 g. PERIODICAL: Byul. tsvetn. metallurgii, 1957, Nr IT. pp 26-27 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry. Ref. RzhMet, 1958, Nr 3, abstract 6224 1. Laboratories--USSR 2. Ores--Analysis 3. Minerals--Araly-si.s Card 1/1 AUTHOR- 32-11 -W6o TITIEs Ampem" atria Titration of Indium by "Complexon" (AMerometriches- koye titrovaniye indiya kcmpleksonm) PMODIM: ZaYodskaya Laboratoriya, 1957, Vol. 23, Nr 11 , pp. 1286-1289 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Titration in this cane is carried out with the "trilon B" together with eriochromio black "B" as indicator with pH=8-10, oi by determi- nation after the vanishing of moringa fluorescence at PH=5. Po- tassium cyanide is introduced into the solution and titration of in- dium in the tartaAo ammonia. solution in the presence of the elements Eg, ou, ca, Co, Ni and Zn. The presence of other elements may have a disturbing influence. For the purpose of investigating the possibility of amperometrio titration of inaium by "oomplexon III" polarog wer made at different pH. In the interval rH=1-5 trivalent indium produces a clear polarographic line. Hare the diffusion current be- comes noticeable beginning from -0.65 to 0.7 V. At pH_-7-10 the po- tential of the half-line is shifted as a result of the forming of a solid indium complex with tartaric acid into the negative part of the spectrum. In the interval pHw3-1 indium is quantitatively titra.- Card 1/2 ted by ccoplexon. In this way pH=1 is an optimum point for the amps- Amperometric Titmtion of Indium by "ComplexW 32-Ii-W6o rometrio titration of indium. by complexon. The following are dis- tuzbing elements in this titrations Ou, Pb, As, antimony, bismuth, zirconium, and thorium, ands the other way round, this titration takes place without disturbance in the case of Zn, Mn, Co, Cd and Al, as also in iron if the latter is previously regenerated by azoorbio acid. By this method it is possible to carry out analyses of products with a high content of indium and also of such with respect to.which no data concerning investigations carried out are known. There are 2 figures, 3 tables, and 4 references, I of which is Slavic. , AVAILABLEs Library of Congress Card 2/2 AUT11O.-S: Tsyvina, 3.6., Vladl.nirova, V.i '11' TLL: Aie Letr-rr.:irat-on of Indlum -.,n Lp.,iaj-eritc- Concentiates Uy ~,.etr;c Titration 1%dth "Kcmp-Lexon" (Upreoeien--ye -,ndiya v sfaicr:LtOVYKh kontsentratakh a.,~prrmi.etricheskiifi titrovnmyen t~o!,piekscno,- PE, ild GAL: Zavodska i ya Laboratordya, i~5b, Vol. 2h, Nr 3, pn. 270-2 0 ~USLH) A3,~TRACT: In substances witti a Lovj cuntLnt of :mAum am: Li muitinic cont.(.nt cle- -ntL, v ~, u ~u of forc of' o', hei mc U& :;;u:A,_ -iatL t.lon. Ln the nrc,,ent paper uutyi acetatc -ins;ca o., ctiicr ior extraction from tne sanpLt: (hFsoived in 5n hydvo,-en is used, so that one sin.,,le extract-Icn as sufficient. Learn', roiyudenv7~, g,aiijvu~i, ax-sen-.c (jil), Jvor, (iii), ant'im,.y (V) artc extracte(i at trie same time; only -Iiron, ant-.1ronv and, i7aliium disturb the in- -i.latrz -1.n the prE-,cnce ves,tii-ation, am' 3ron :md antumony itii lu,7nEu of notassium io6ide must L)c rcduceu; in 7mis v,-ise extvact~o '. s repeai ed an,-'. --~m7iuI,, is separatc,6 fro;-,. the , ;tiiium extracted at ttle --me timie by an extract '( I S I n with hyoroehioric ac'd. 'From tne soiut-on indium is deternromrj 'j-! tne f:,ell-od ,n Thc t-tle Card 1/2 either coiorif-Etricaity or by ,i fiuores~--.ence !!iet~od. 'A process of T 11.e Deter-rdnation of Incl.-um in Lpha-Lerate Concent.,ates 32-I--t,-/;2 Oy Ar-.perouetrjc Titrat.:on "Korfv-.Lexon'I analysis is described in deta.*.L. Tnerc. arc 1 t.,it)j-c, anli refercrees 2 of wilm ave Slavic. AV A 1 j Librar y of Conp-ess 1. 6priolevites 2. Inc~iur,-Determ:Lnat.,on 3. Butyl acetate- Appiications CHEW SHIMA, T.V.; VIADIMIROVA. V.Mo Present-day status Of the analytical chemistry Of Oallium. indlux, and thallium (surve7). ZAY.lab. no.11:1307-1318 159. (KIRA 13-4) (Gallium --Analysis) (Indium.- Analysis) (Thallium --Analysis) VIADIHIROVA, V. H. ,Use of organic reagents in the amperometric titration of some rare elements. Trucbr, kom. awl. khim. 11:352-360 160. (HIM 13: 10) 1. Gosudarstvenny7 naucbno-ioaledovatellakly institut redkikb i malykh metallov. (Metals, Rare and minor) (Chemical tests and reagents) S/032/60/026/01~/003/0'15 BOI-0066 AUTHORS: Chernikhov., Yu. A. and Vladimtrova.,, V. M. TITIE: Determination ~;fylirt~onium in Nic-b.-um Alloyi PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laborator-4ya, '960., Vol. 26, No. I!, pp. 1207-1208 TEXT: An ammetric method of determining z-4--conium in niobiam alicys is described. It is based on back-titration Of eXCe3S complexon with a bismuth solution at pH = 2 (Ref. 3). By this method 11 is pcss',ble to determine Zr along with ten- 4o thirtyfold quantities of niobium bcund by tartaric acid. At a Zr content of more than 2-3% no pre-rious separation is necesnary, whereas at 'Lower Zr content the main ma53 cf niobium has to be separated. Experiments disclosed that among the methods of separating niobium and zirconium described In pubItcations a melting C, with potassium carbonate (Refs. 4-6) proved to be most convenient. The melt is dissolved in water, the residue whish contains if.he Zr is filtered, ashed, fuged with potassium pyrosulfate, the melt dissolved with iv/,, Card 1/2 Determination of Zirconium in Niobium S103214010261011100310,351 Alloys BO!5/BO66 tartaric acid is brought to a certain volume, and the ammetric t.-tratIcn is carried out in an aliquot. The ccmplexon ex--eas added is titrated with a 0.01 M btamuth solution. ml of a 0.0? M complexon sclut'lon ~s equivalent to 0.91 mg Zr. The ammetric titrati-on Is also possible in the presence cf a twentyfold amount of MAnd W.Aso that in thio way vc*. only systems Zr - Nb may be analyzed bu~ also Z7 - Nb , W and Zr- - Nb - Mc. There are .3 tables and 6 referen--es-. 3 Soviet, 2 US, and I Britigh, ASSOCIATION: Gosudaretvennyy nauchnc-issledcvatul~qkiy inGtitut redkometallicheskcy p-rcmyshlennosti (State S-31.entific; Research Institute of the Rare MeLal indastry) Card 212 Colorimetric determination of theoriiun with arsenazo III in nlo- bium-containing producto. Zav.1ab. 26 no.U:1210-1212 '60. (MM 13:32) 1. GosudarstvanW naitchno-issledovatellskiy institut redkometalli- chaskoy proryshleanooti. (2horium-Aaslysis) (Kicbium) t the ari. '40 no. ~2 i~~ Mo ta i c- -i oy i, c my 3 e n n o Acenuom mRs AW35M 8/0032/64/00Q/005/05t6/O.QP m=ns Vledimirtws# Ve Mel XuahmMUwap 0, 1, TITLE# Determining Belettun content in sadoonductor materials by the fluoresow" method SDUTORt Zavodskaya laboratOriyag nos 59 1964s !;96-529 TOPIC TAGSv oemiewAuctor analysis# se2enium determination,, diaminobenzidine selenium reaction# pyrazine selenium compoundp metal Trilon complex ABSTRACT j The described method is based on the reaction between selenium and 3,j36- diaminobanzidines resulting in tho formation of a pyrazine selenium co.Vounde This compound can be extracted by crrganic solvents and possesses fluorescent properties* The addition of Trilon B (which forms complexes with a rAunber of metals) makes it possible to determine selenium in the presence of bismuth and indium but not, in the presence of gallium and antimony* The work was startod by digesting a 0.5-3.,.0 ga aliquot of the analyzod material on a sand bath with 5 al nitric acid of spegr, 1#40 (when the base metals were indiump bismuth or antimony)., or with 5 ml of a lil Card 1/2 ACCESSION NRI AP03062 mixture of concentrated hydrochloric and nitric acids (when arsenic or gallium were the base metals). The dry residue was dissolved in 6 to 8 ml of hydrochloric acid (10) and was diluted with water to 30 ml. This was followed by adding 2 ml formic acid (l19)., 1 ml Trilon (8%)., 2 drops of Cresol Reds and ammonia (1:1) wl-dch produced a pH of 2*5. Nact3 2 ml of freshly prepared 0*5% solution of diaminobenzidine (allowed to stand for 30-40 minutes in a dark place and neutrali ed with ammonia to a pH of 8) was added, The solution was then transferred to a separatory funnel and mixed with 7 ml of toluene. The fluorescence of the organic phase was then determined by means of Scherbov's fluorimeter,, using the appropriate light filters* The analysis of gallium and antimony base materials f or selenium was conducted by a similar but slightly modified technique, The sensitivity of the method was found to be 1 to 2o10-;%. Orig. art. hast I table. ASSOCIATIONs GoeudarstyeaVoy nauchm-isslodovatel'skiy i proyaktrM institut rodkometallicheskoy proM"hlenn st:L (State Scientific Research and Design Inst a of the Rare Metils Industz7) SUBMITTEDs 00 DATE AM 20K&Y64 ZiOLs 00 SUB CCDB1 OG NO RV BOT 1 001 OTHM I O(M Ccwd 2/2 VIAD1141ROVA V 4 . DAVIDOVICH, N. K. Determinatinn of aluminum with hydroxrquinoline in metallic rhenium. fetod. anal. khimreak. i .repar-no. 4:59-62 162. (MIRA 17-5) 1. Goaudarstvennyy institut redkikh metallov (GIREDET). VLADIMIROVA, V. M.; DAVIDOVICH, N. K. DFAermination of tballi= In metallic zinc and cadTium with rhodamine 6G. Matod. anal. khim.reak. 1. 1.:116- 119 1621. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Gosudarstvennyy institut redkikh metallov (GIREDKET) VLADIMIROVA, V. M.; RAZWOVA, L. S. Determination of indium in ores by rhodamine 6G. Metod. anal. khim.reak. i prepar. no. 4:82-85 162. (MIFA 17:5) 1. Gosudarstvennyy institut redkikh metallov (GIFEWET). VLADIMIROVAI V.M.; DAVIDOVICH, N.K.; KUCIR-IISTAYA, G.I.; RAZUMIOVA, L.S. Determination of tellurium in arsenic by a fluorescent method. Zav. lab. 29 no.12:1419-1421 '63. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Gosudel-stvennyy nauchno-inaltdovatellskiy i proyaktny7 institut redko- meta-Uichaskoy promyshlennosti. IrWIMIROVICH, ler, ---- - low data on the correlation of coal-bearing sediments in various deposits of the Trugay (Ubagan) Basin. Inform. sbor. VSIMI no.10: 15-23 '59- (MIRA 13:12) (Turgay 4uss-coal geology) BOYAKOVA, V.D.; VLADIMIIMVICH, V.P. Stratigraphy of the northern part of the Chelyabinsk brown coal basin. Inform.sbor.VSEGEI no.42:105-120 161. (MIRA 15:1) (Chelyabinsk Basin--Coal geolopy) I VIADMIROVA, V. S. A "Alleviation of Complications Arising Daring Irradiation Treat- ment of Cancerous Jjiseases of the Female Reproductive Organs by Use of Ascorbic Acid." Cand Med Sci, Central Sci Res Roentgenological and Radiological Inst, leningrad, 1954. (RZhBiol, No 5, Mar 55) SO: Sum. No. 670, 29 Sep 55--Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Hivher Mucational Institutions (15) 0 VIADPUROVA, V.S. Effect of ascorbic acid on transplanted tumors in mice. Hedych. zhur.24 no-3:55-63 154. (KIaA 8:10) 1. Klivelkiy naukovo-doolidniy rentgan-radio-onkologichniy institut. (VITAMIN C. effects, on exper.neoplasms) (NMPLASMS. experimental, off. of vitamin C) VLA.DIMIROVA, V.S. Effect of ascorbic acid on tumors following irradiation with X rays. Vast. rent. i rad. 32 no.1:4 supplement '57 NLRA 10:5) 1. Iz Kiyevskogo nauchno-issladovatellskogo rentgeno- radioonkologichaskogo inatituta. (ASCORBIC ACID) (TUMORS) (I RAYS--PHYSIOLOGICAL XMCT) ZAYCHIKOVA, K.N.;,~IMIROVA, V.S. Using ascorbic acid in radiation treatsent of cancer of the carrix uteri. Vast. rent. i rhd. 32 n0.1:4-5 supplement '57 (KRA 10:5) 1. Iz KiyevskGgo nauchno-iseladovatellskogG rentgano-radio- onkologicheskogo instituta. (ASCORBIC ACID) (RADIOTHERAPY) (UTIRUS--CANCER) VLADIMIROVA, V.S., Case of multiple primary tumors of the female genitalia. Ped., akash. I gin. 20 no.6:61-62 '58. (MIRA 13:1) 1. Onkologichealcaya klinika (zav. ginekologicheekim otdeleniyem - dots. Yu.T. Koval') Kiyevskogo nauchno-iaeledovateliskogo rentgeno- radio-onkologichoskogo instituta (direktor - prof. I.T. Shevchenko) (GMMATIVE ORGANS, FEMALE--TUMORS) MI)INTROVA) Vast Use of aolpomnicro3mrpy for eaTI.-,- uf cervix iit(-,ri. Vop. onk. 11 no.9;e8-12 165. 1. Iv, Flyevskoge che~;kogo i onkologichaskogo lmtituta (dlr. - zusluzhennyy deyatell nauki prof. I.T.Slicvchenko, 7viv. ginekoloricheskirl otdcleniyenn - dotsont Yu.T.Koval I). VLADJ14MOVA, V.S.-, SARUDUP11, Ye.M. Yanctionalafate of th,~ adrenal cort-ex in fibromyoma of the uterus. Irra;,h, delr, rilb-0139 Ap'63- (MIRA 16:7) 1. Laboratoriya endokrinologil (za7.--atarshly nauchnyy sotrudnik L.I.Kore-nevakly) Kiyevskogo rentgeno-radiologicheakogo i onkolo- gicheskogo inetituta i laboratorlya kompensatornykh i zashchite- nykh funktsiy (rukovoditelt - akademik ALI UkrSSR R.Ya.Kavatskiy) (ADRM:AL GLAFDS) (UTERUS-TIR-IORS) VIADD-111MA, V,S. Effect oi orgarn-neral fertilizers on the yield wn,-~ of the Done--,a 312-1 tomato variety. Ukr. bot. zhur. 12 nc.3 --- '' 39 161. ONIRA 14: 12) 1. Kharsonskiy podagogicheskiy inatitut, kafedra botaniki. (Tornatoes-Fertilizers and manures) VLADIHIROVA, V.S. Clinical and experimental use of *specific* antigenB in tumorous processes. Uch.zap. KRROI 7t23&-248161. (MI.-A 16:8) (CANCER RESEARCH) (AMIGENS AND ANTIBODM) uLD-ULTItOVA, V~S. Fj~actice in the administration of preparations made of lymphoid tissue. Ucho zap. KRROI 7:235~-23'7161. (BURL 16:8) (CAIICER) (LYTIPHOID TISSUE) (TISSUE EX.TRLCTS) VLAD=107A, V. S - Oak Effect of acorn size on the growth of the oak seeding. Les. khozo 6 no. 1, 1953 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, may -1953. Unclassified. USSR / Forestry. Forest Crops K-4 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol. , No 13, 19581 581+11 Author : Vladituirova, V. S. Inst : Iffierson State Pedapogical Institute Title : A Study of the Effect of the Row Method of Sowing Acorns on the Growth and Development of Oak Seed- lings (Merson Shaya Oblast) Orig Pub: Nauk. zap. Khersons1k. derzh. ped. in-t, 1956, viP. 7t 79.82 Abstract: No abstract Card 1/1 V6- U251R/ForesUy Forest -rlants. K-5 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 3, 1.958, lo6i.4 Author Vladiiairova, V.Z. Inst Botanical Garden of the Kherson Pedagogical Institute. Title The Effectiveness of Planting Oaks in Autumn. Orig -Pub Lesn. kh-vo, 1957, Ho 7, 83-84 Abstract Experiments conducted in 1954-1956 in the Botanical Garden of the Kherson Pedagogical Institute have determined that vhen sprouted and germinated acorns are sown in autumn, the results are better thpn if they are sown in spring. In seedlings sown in autumn the quantity of leaves was 48% greater, the trunk 3?% higher, and the shoot 28-5% thicker than in seedlings sovn in spring. The root sys- tem of oaks sown in autumn branch out. Date are given on Card 1/2 FCCAPOV, A.A.; VU.M.MMOVA, V.Y. Comparative test`-ng of rep-elients again3t horsef'lle~: a..4 tlack A. fliez by olfactometry ard with traps. Izv. S(' IMN SSSR .71C.8. Ser. bial.-med. nauk no.2:99-104 165. NRA '118:9) ,stit-at raeditsirl-skoy F-arazitch:)gil i tropiche-,kcy med-tsiny, 1. Ir I - Mosk,ra. t r view ~,f jtLrasura. 34 no.3:340-346 MY-Ja 165. 91novskC90 Minister5tva imeni ~Ye-l, Mart MOSI,-Vd. POTAPOV, A.A.; VLADnMOVA , V.V. Effect of repellents on some species of horsefly at different air temperatures; field trials vith Skuflin traps Med. paraz* i paraz. bol. 32 no-5:542-546 S-0163 iMIRA 16t12) 1. 1z otdela entomologii (zav. - prof. V.N.Beklemisher [deceased]) Inatituta mecUtsinskoy parazitologii i tropicheskoy meditsiny imeni Ye.I.Martsinovskogo (dir. - Prof. P.GoSergiyev,) Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR. S/035/62/000/012/Okl/064 AOQI/AIOI AUTHOR; Viadimirovi~, Vladimir TITLE: Safeguarding of outer geodetic points PERIODICAL: Referativnyy'zhurnal, Astronomiya i Geo~eziya, no. 12, 1962., T. abstract 12G43 ("Geod. a.karto . obzor":-1962, v. 8, no.. 7, 134 gr 135, Czech) TM-' In order to safeguard geodetic pointso the author recommends to form barrows over them, to build wooden fences around them, to transplant low bushes, to fell trees around the points in forests) to.attach warning tablets, to check systematically their state, and to explaixi the importance of geodetic points to population. N. M. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 v OTAKINA, T.; VLADIMIROTA, _1_~, .0w, ------- Businoss accounting in the shop. Promakeopeno-3-.10-12 mr 156. NO 917) 1.Prqdoodatell pravlonlya artoli ONosk"pshveybollyso (for Vedearakina.2.3ekretarl byure partsrganizataii (for Vladimirova) (Industrial management) L 15746-66 EVN(1). R01 ACC HRs AP50241'14 SOURCE CODE: UR/0290/65/000/ool/6099/0104 AUTHORt Potapov, A. A.; Vladimirova, V. V. ORG; _IUI;itute of Medical ParasitoloV an Tropical Medicine, Moscow (Institut meditainakoy parazitologil I tWjfCfie8K;y ';edlt iny) !TITLE: Comparative tests of horsefly and gnat repellents in olfactometers and traps SOURCE: AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otdeleniye. Izvestiya. Seriya biologo-meditsinskikh ,nauk, no. 2, 1965, 99-104 TOPIC TAGS: Insect control, insecticide, insect repellent, entomology, olfaction ABSTRACT: Findings derived from more than 60comparative tests (conducted In the !field and in the laboratory) of recently developed compounds against horsef2ies and Ignats are described. rindings in the field, which are to be interpreted with cau- ition because-they are profoundly influenced by meteorological conditions, showed 1that diethyltolumaide, R-2, and benzimine were the most effective repellents of horseflies of the genus Tabanueo On the other hzind, quezol and R-228 ("pat6l"), al- UDCi 632.93i.41 iftrd 1/2 2 e - L 15746-66 ACC NR: AP5024174 though less effective initially, were much more stable, retaining their activity af. ter the other compounds had lost theirs. Of the two predominant species of TaUanue, soletitialis was more susceptible to all the chemicals tested than T. trdpicus. Eaboratory tests with the olfactometer showed that R-325, benzimine, R-162 (H-ben- .zoylpiperidine) and R-31 were the most effective repellents of gnats. Those found to be the most stable were benzimine, R-216, R-326, and R-163 (phenacetylpiperidine' qimuliwn gateratum was found to-be considerably less sensitive to all chemicals than Gnue cholodkovkii the other most common gnat. With the application of small 'doses (at high tezperatures and low humidity) certain compounds exerted a powerful I iattraction on horseflies (R-243, 280, 63 crude diethyltoluamide and R-2) and on gnats (R-254t 2800 154, 243 and 257).- Orig. art. hast I figureq I table. U9 CODE: 06/ SUBM DATE: 16Jan65/ ORIG RErs 007/ OTH RE F., OM Card 2/2 1. VIAMMOVA, Y6. A. 2. USSR (600) 4. Physiological Chemistry 7. Sore biochemical characteristics of the processes of stimulation and retardation of the central nervous system. Priroda 42, No. 5, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1953, Uncl. VIADIMIROVA, Ye.A. r r' fixation of ~-c =SS twl chemical content of the rat brain during the state of inhibition and stimulation produced by conditioned reflex. Doklady Akad. nauk SSSR 90 no.6:1191-1194 21 June 1953- (GLKL 25:1) 1. Presented by Academician X. A. Bykov 20 April 1953. 2. Institute of Physiology-imeni I. P. ftvlov of the Academy of Sciences USSR. VLADIMIROVA, Te.A. Changes in the previously formed ammonia content in the carebral hemispheres of the mt In states of inhibition induced by the action of conditioning atimulants.Dokl.AN SSSR 95 no.4:905-908 Ap 154. (KLRA 7:3) 1. Institut fisiologii in. I.P.Pavlova Akademli nauk SSSR. (Brain) (Conditioned response) (Ammonia--Physiological offset) - 1 't ~ ~ w f, i , 4 il Egbtl 1 Wn MMMNIII-~Ilfflml , t VIADIX ROVA Ye.A,. Chamber for a biochemical study of the brain in rats during conditioned reflex motor-digestive and motor-defense reactions. khim. 2 no.3:229~233 MY-Je 156. (MLRA 9:10) 1. Iaboratoriya biokhimii nervnoy sistemy Inetituta fiziologii imeni I&P.Pavlova AN SSSR. Leningrad. (BRAIN, physiology, chamber for biochem. study of brain of rate in conditoned reflex reactions (Rus)) (R3WLEX, CONDITOMM, same) YLADIMIROVA, Ye.A. Ammonia and glutamine content Of the cerebral hemispheres in rate ...:,- during conditioned reflex excitation and Inhibition. Trudy Inst. fiziol. 5:440-448 156. (MLRA 10:1) 1. Iaborstoriya biokbimii nerynoy sisteaq. Zaveduyushchiy - G.Ye.Vladimirov. (AMMONIA) (GONDITIONED RZSPONSE) (INHIBITION) VL&DIMIWvA,_ Variation in the ammonia content of the cerebral hemisphere of rats In the state of couditi9ned-reflectory motor and food excitation and at same phases of differentiation.' Dokl. AN SSSR 106 se.5:937- 940 7 156. (MLRA 9:7) 1.7isiologichaskiy institut imeni I.P.Pavlova Akademii nauk SSSR. Predstavleno akademikem X.M.Byicovym. (CONDITIONED RRSPONSM) VIADIMIROVA, Ye.A ~Effect of conditioned excitation and inhibition of the central nervous system on the ammonia level in the cerebral hemiupheres In rats [with sum ry in IngliBb].71siol. zhur. 43 no.2:117-125 F '57 (KLRA 10:4) 1. Laboratoriya biokhimii nervnoy sistemy Instituta fiziologii im. I.P. Pavlova AN SSSR, Leningrad. (AMHONIA, metab brain, off: of conditioned excitation & inhibition of GNS) (CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM, physiol. eff. of conditioned excitation & inhib. on ammonia melab- of brain) (BRAIN, metab. ammaia, off. of conditioned excitation & innhib. of CHS) -VLADDIIROVA, Ye.A. [Vladymyrova, E.A.1; GORDON, B.G.; NILOVA, N.S. Content, of s=e low-molecd1ar ritrcgen =--rxunds in the cerehral hemispheres and cerebellum in variou-.- functional itates of the organism. (I,JTPII Ukr. biokhim. zhur. 37 no.4:538-545 165. L 18:9) 1. Ills-titilt fiziolog-Ii. Uti. I.P.Pavlova AN SSSR, Leningrad. VIADMROVA, Ye.A. Active characterlatico of differentiating inhibition and of the content of free amaonia in the cerebimm of rats. flauch. 3oob. Inst. fiziol. All SSSR no.1:123-124 159. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Laboratoriya biolddmii nervnoy sistemy (zav. - G.Ye.V:Ladimirov) Instituta, fiziologii imoni Pavlova, All SSBR. (CONDITIOIC-D RESPONSE) (AMONIA-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) VLLDIMOVA.)[G,A. Studying changen of the free ar=onia level In the brain during differential inhibition and under cottAin neurotic conditions In rats. Fiziol. zhur. 46 no.11:1373~-1379 N 160. (14IRA 13:11) 1. From the Pavlov Institute of Physiology, U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Leningrad. (BRAIN) (AMONIA) (INHIBITION) -A~ I'A VLADIMIROVA, Ye.A. ----------------------- Initial phase of excitation in absolute differentiation and the amount of free aymonia in the cerebral,hemispheres of rats. Biul. eksp. i med. no.2:42-45 F 161. (ME1,A 14:5) 1. Iz laboratorii biokhimii ne'rvnoy sistemy (zav. - daystvitelinyy chlen AMN SSSR G.Ye. Vladimirov (deceased] Instituta fiziologii imeni I.P. Pavlova (dir. - akademik V.N.Chernigovskiy) AN SSSR, Leningrad. Predstavlena deystvitellnym chlenom AMN SSSR G.Ye. Vladirdirovym [deceased). (BRAIN) (AMMONIA) (CONDITIONED MPONSE) N VLADIYIROVA. YE. A. (USSP) OX;~chanism of Development of Cortical Inhibition and some of its propertl,r~s from BiochemicAl Data." Report presented at the 5th Intornational BLochemistry Congress, Moscow, 10-16 Aug 1961 PATLOT, U.K. -, VIADIMIROVA, To. 7. Jffect of sloop therapy of function of the visual organ. Test. aft., Moskva 31 no- 3:13-17 Sopt-Oct 1952. (GIML 23:3) 1. Professor for Pavlov; Departmental Physician for Vladimirova. 2. 6f the' Pro Clinic of Stavropol' Medical Institute. ANDREYUK, Ye.l. [kidriiuk, K.1.1; VLADDITROVA, Ye.V. [Vladymyrova, O.V.] Formation of heterowiytin by coil actinomycetes. Mikroblol. zhur. 25 no.5:3-11 t63 (Min 16t12) 1. Institut mikrobiologil AN UkrSSR, 0 ANDREYUK, Ye.l. [Abdriiuk, K.I.11 VLADIMIROVA, Ye.V.,. [Vladymyrova, O.V.] Effect of some actinomyceteo on wheat rhizosphere bacteria. Report No. 1. Mikrobiol.zhur. 24 no.2s22-29 162. (MM 15:12) 1. Institut mikrobiologii AN UkrSSR. (ACTINOMYCES) (WHEAT) (RHIZOSPHEIE MICROBIOLOGY) VIADIMIROVA Ye V. [Vladrmyrova, O.V.1 Amylolytic activity of soil actinommycetes. !dkrobiol. zhur. 27 no.0':8-11 165. Effect of the comFosition oil ;iiedium and pH on the amylolytic activity of soil actinomycetes. lbid.:1.2-16 (MIPA 19: 1) 1. Institut mikrobiologii i virusologii AN Ukro'SR. Submitted February 4, 1965. RUBENCHIK, L.Y.[Rubenchyk, L.1.1; KORDMI, V.A.; IAZURKEVICH, Z.M. [Lazurkevych, &M.)-'VMDaROVA~ Ye V. [Viadymyrova., IE.V.j t:- = ~_,_ , "~__ * , ~L' Growth of bacteria-free Chlorella cultures in a multi-state continuous flow system. Mikrobiol. zhur. 23 no.5:5-8 161. MIRA 14:12) 1. Institut, mikrobiologii Ali USSR. , (AMILE-CULTUR&S AND CULTURE, MEDIA) VLADI ~:IR' OVA2 . 1-1 - "Loss in ItTeight of Hens' Eg-ls Duriq; -Storage and Transp-rt." Cand AE;r r, - Sci, Sci Res Inst of Poultry Husbandry, I-lin Agxicul-~ure IRSF3k, foccow, 1;-55. (KL, Ilo 11, Nar 55) So: Sum. No. 670, 29 Sept 55 - Survpy of Scientific and Techni al Dissertations Defended at USSII Higher Educational Institutions (15) Us,..R/Biolor,r Embryolou Ca.rd 1/1 Pub. 86 - 25/34 Authors : Vladimirova., Yu, No Title : Two embryon in a goose egg Periodical i Priroda 1,, 114-U5.. Jan 1954 Abstract I Several instances of the developmeit of two embryos in one goose egg are described. The causes for this phenomenon are explained. Ii-lus- tration, Institution : The District Agricultural Experimental Station, Voroncezh Submitted : o..#* VIADIKIROVA, Yn.N. vMWOMM ~~. ~IvKi, Two embryos in a goose gg. Priroda 43 no-ltI14-115 Ja '54- (KW 7--1) 1. Voroneshakaya zonalInays. opytnaya stantsiya po ptitseyodstvu. (Zmbz7ology--Water bir" ) (Geese) VLLDINIROVA, Z. -~ Chinese sea wall. Vokrug oveta no.6:43-45 Ag 154. (XUU 7:9) (China-Sea walls) (Sea walls-Chins.) 81939 S/078/60/005/07/04/014 B004/BO56 AUTHORSt Komi8earova, L. N., Simanov, Yu6 Psp Vladimirova, Z, A, TITLEs Some Properties of the Crystalline Modification f ZI-02 PERIODICALs Zhurnalneorganicheskoy khimiip 1960# Vol- 5t No. 7, Pp. 1413-1417 TEM Ih the introduction the authors discuss published data on the modifications of zirconium dioxide (Refs. 1-20). They then give a report on their investigations of the phase transformations of Zro 2 within the temperature range of 20-13000C and the reactivity of the various modifi- cations. Zr(OH) 4 was produced from Zr(SO 4)2*4H2O by precipitation with ammonia. Thermal analysis was carried out by means of the Kurnakov ,pyrometer of the type +ITK-55 (I?PK-55), the gravimetrical analysis by leans of the continuous scales of the type BP -HB-20 (VR-NV-20). The X-ray pictures'were taken by means of a BCB (BSV)-tube and an PkA-57 (RKD-57)-cameras Fig. I shows the changes in'the weight of Zr(OH) 4 Card 1/3 Some Properties of the Crystalliy.~Q Modifications of ZrO 2 SAO 1')0/005/07/04/014 BOOIRB(056 during heating, Fig, 2 the thermogram, and Table 1 the radiographical data. The reactivity of the modifications of ZrO 2 was investigated by treatment with HCI and H 2so4 of various concentrations (Table 2). The results area The tetragonal modification of ZrO 2crystallizes within the temperature range of from 290 to 3000C with the thermal decomposition of zirconium hydroxide and -nitrate, and in the temperature range of from 350 to 4000C with the thermal decomposition of zirconium oxyohloride. A further rise of temperature leads to the formation of the monoclinic modification4 From the Debye patterns, the parameters a - 5-08 kX; a = 5.16 8 kX were obtained for the tetragonal modification; the para- meters a - 5-11 7 kX; b - 5.192 kk; 5.299 kX; P- 80.820 were determin- ed for the monoolinic modification. The reaction with HC1 and H 2s04 showed that the tetragonal modification of ZrO 2 is considerably more reactive than the monoclinie one. Up to the range of the reversible transformation at 1170-1200OC9 the reactivity of monoclinic ZrO 2 is independent of Card 2/3 Some Properties of the Crystalline s10111" 50/005/07/04/014 Modifications of Zr02 BOORBIOM annealing temperature. However, samples which were heated beyond this temperature and were subjected to the transformation, showed a con- siderably lower degree of reactivity, There are 2 figurest 2 tables, and 20 references% 2 Soviett 1 British, I Dutch, 6 German, 1 Italian, and 9 American. ASSOCIATIONt Moekovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova Kafedra neorganicheskoy khimil ~Moscow State University imeni M. V. LomonoWp Chair of Inorganic ChemisFiy-T SUBMITTEDs March 10, 1959 Card 3/3