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VLACH, Jzroslav., inz. Seminar on analog computers. Automatizace 6 no.11:294 11 163. -Crystaj.str~iSt~re of silver(III) oxide. Payel Weider - 'i tech. and Jind~ich Xqjch (VojensL akad. A. Upotockilio, li-ety 2, peroxyBulfate, and per- oxyfluorlde of Ag are essentially Agjf~ contig. such hnpuri- alt. ties as AgO. AX suboodde, and perb2ps the A; s, For AgsOj which forrfis a cubic lattice a structure is suggested With a symmetry &&-Pn3?n where the Ag atoms have the 4b as 10 Ifi a ijid the 0 atoms the Od position. The value of the l attice Const. lies between the limits CON _+ 0,004 and. 4,W3 L t O= A.; the scatter of the values Is rela ed to thel _j4jtjcP__djjj_qfLof the E. B"WO Y, V,,LA,C,H., Jiri inz kandidat technickych ved 0 P Television interfrequenU amplifiers vith resistance compensated rejection cirmdtao Slaboproudy obzor 22 no.10:596-602 o 161. 1. Vyzkumny ustav pro edelovaci techniku A.S. Popova. z/o3g/63/024/002/001/oo6 E140/E1631 AUTHOR; Vlach, Ji~ifq Engineer TITLE: Programs for the computer analysis of linear systems PERIODICAL: Slaboproudy obzors v.24, no*2. 1963, 65-68 TEXT: A set of programs has now been written for the Elliot 803 (in au-tocode), modified to take pseudoinstructions in the Czech language, for calculating the amplitude characteristics and group delay of linear circuits with lumped parameters, the residues of a function of the complex variable, the response of a lowpass filter to the unit step and the Dirac impulse, and for the envelope response of a bandpass filter to a step-modulated carrier. The programs are based on the methods developed in Slaboproudj obzor, v.23, no.10, 1962, 551-557 by the present author. There are'4 figures. ASSOCIATION; Vjzkumn~ ustav p7o sdelovacx techniku A.S.Popova, Praha (A.S. Popov Research Institute for Communications Engineering, Prague) SUBMITTED3 July 1C., 1962 Card 1/1 32676 Z/o42/61/ooo/olo/001/003 E192/E382 AUTHOR: Vlach, Jir-i' TITLE: the linear distortion of modulated signals PERIODICAL: Elektrotechnicky' c-asopis, no. lo, 1961, 611-624 TEXT: A general expression for the evaluation of distortion in a modulated signal is derived. It is assumed that the impulse response of the system through which. the signal is transmitted is h(t) . The output of the system to a signal uI (t) can therefore be expressed by: t u 2(t) h (-r) u1(t - -r,) d-r-' (3) 0 This integral can be split into two components, one from zero to infinity and the other from t to infinity; in this case the first integral will represent the steady state, while the second integral will give the transient response. Only the Card 1/6 Calculation of .... 32676 Z/042/61/000/010/001/003 E192/E382 steady state is of interest in the evaluation of the distortion and, consequently, the output signal is expressed by: 00 u2 (t) = i h (Y,) u1(t - T~ dl-t An amplitude- and frequency-modulated signal can be expressed by: t j[W0t +ig (x) dxI P(X)dx uI(t) = E(t)e 0 E(t)e 0 (8) For: p(x) = PO (9) Eq (8) represents the amplitude modulation, while for: Card 2/6 E(t) = 1 Calculation of .... 32676 Z/o42/61/000/010/001/003 E192/E382 it is a frequency-modulated function. It is shown by using Eqs. (4) and (8) that the final expression for the output signal is in the form: t (t) 0 p (x) dx 00 dn&01 (16) 2 z -n dp(t )n n=0 ,where the constants C are given by: C E C0 EW (1) (2) C2 p E + E 2 2 and so on [Abstracter's note: the first six coefficients are shown in a tabl e]. Card 3/6 32676 Z/042/61/000/010/001/003 Calculation of .... E192/E382 Eq. (16) can be employed to determine the instantaneous frequency of the output signal. For this purpose the signal is written asi j~ g(x)dx u2(t) = e [N r -&- j1i ill =t - j ~,,(x)dx+j arctg xm (21) + 2 r Vrl,2 + 0 N r Nim e and thus its instantaneous frequency, which is equal to the derivative of the phase angle, isgLven by: N! N NIN. W g(t) + im r r im, (22) ok N2 2 im r Card 4/6 Calculation of 32676 Z/0112/61/000/010/001/003 E192/E382 A single RLC circuit is considered and its effect on an amplitude-modulated signal is investigated. It is found that the circuit does not produce any frequency components which do not exist in the input signal. In the case of phase- and amplitude-modulated signals which pass through a discriminator, it is found (by employing Eq. 16) that the demodulated signal is in the form: a u2(t) demod. ~ ao + a_1[g(t) + a2 T(t) + S(OT(t)j I In this expression, g(t) is the desired signal, T(t) is tho undesirable amplitude-modLilated signal, and g(t) x T(t) is a combination interference signals The factor a I Xs the slope of the discriminator characteristic Card 5/6 32676 Z/ o4 2/ 61/ 000/010011001/0 03 Calculation of E192VE382 and a0 is a factor depending on the ratio of the carrier to the centre frCCILtericy of the discriminator. There are 2) figures, 2 tables and 6 references, I Soviet-b-loc and 5 non-Soviet-bloc, The three English-laiiguage references mentioned are: Ref, 31 Baghdady- IRE Trans,, CT-5, 1958, 11o.3; Ref,, 4i Carson-Fry Bell Syst. Tech. J., 1937, 16, 513-540; Ref~ 5: Van der Pol J. iEE, 1946, 95, 110.3, 153-158 ASSOCIATION- Vyzkl-unny i1stav pro sdZ~Iovacl techniku A-S. Popova (A.S. Popov Research Institute for Tele- c onriuni c a t i ons SUBMITTED, March 3, 1961 Card 6/6 -VLACH.. Jiri ., inz... C.Sc. Linear "stem analysis with the aid of automatic compUters. Slaboproudy obzor 23 no.10:552-557 0 16-2. 1. "lyzkumy ustav pro j3delovaci techniku A.S. Popova., Praha. VLACH, Jiri, inz... C.30, Programs for linear system analysis by an automatic computer. Slaboproudy bbzor 24 no.2s65-68 F 163. 1, VYzk1=nY ustav pro adelovaci techniku A.S.Popova, Praha. VLACH, Jiri, inz.., C. Sc. Use of computors in radio technologY. Sdel tech 10 no, 31-81-83- March 162. JIRSA, Evzon; ILATYS1160VA, Ga=-~,-.; IfIvA.Clil, Jiri Approximaticm of a P--aph.,nal:y, given ftrat-lor. b7 an autonatic computer. ApIllace not. 8 ro.'+e,'302-32,3 163. -- 1. Vrzkumny astav pro adelovaoi teahniku A.S.Popova., Praha 4~- Branik, Novogrodska ui. YLACH, Jiri, inZ, L I Building documentation as a part or the un.fied systnm of building production control. Poz stavby 12 no. 6:230-232 164. 1. Hydrostav, Bratislava. - -, -V ~L~.jiri, inz.; r'ILGAS, Miroslav I'SbwAL, important problems of tne builaing incustry manage--nt. Foz sta-vby 12 no.&.%,191-1vj 'b4. i. mydrostav, Bratislava (for Viach) 2. Institute of Standardization in the bui.1ding Industtly, Worksite Bratislava (for filgas, V~Clf,.Jiri, lnz'.; FILGAS, Miroslav Some important problems of the building production management. Poz stavvy 12 no. 1:33-34 164. 1. Hydrostav Bratislava, n.p. (for Vlach). 2. Ustav normovani ve stavebnictvi, pracoviste Bratislava (for Filgas). VIACH, Jiri, inz.; FILGAS, Miroslav Some-Rdportant problems of the building industry management: Poz stavby 12 no. 3: 101-103 64. 1. Hydrostav, Bratislava (for Vlach). 2. Institute of Building Industry Standardization (for Filgas). VLLCH, Josef.. inz., dr. Optimm length of pipeline sections using expansion U-bends. Energetiks, Cz 12 no,5:230-233 MY 162. 1. Vyzkumny ustav energeticky, Praha. ~IACH, Josef . inz. dr. Graphic inethod for determining the mean annual temperature of water in hot-water systems. Energetika Cz 13 no.7050-352 Jl 163. 1, Vyzkumiy ustav energetiokyp Praha, VIACH, Josef, inz.dr. Operational properties of ejectors. &ergetika Cz 14 no.2t 57-59 F164 Lp Vyzkumny ustav energatickyp Praha. VUCH, Josef., lriz.dr. Econoralaal plans for heatIng and power plants. Zdravot tech 6 no.61270 163. VIACH, Josef) inz., dr. Heat storage in heat engineering. Energetika Cz 13 no.8: 403-406 Ag 163. 1. Vyzkumny ustav energeticky, Praha. ,VLA , Josef, inz.dr. .7.9~: . -- Some observations on the corrosion of heating pipes inmdated by foamed concrete. Etergetika Om 13 no.3209,4 1q'63. 1. Vyzkmn-y ustav etiergotickyt Praha, Phrr-O I'r-'0'Aj '- S*"94,816 IlIt' InIlomi; of VWkIW Prutdo an do MWORM14W rfavertles ef rAh Cobtlits. A. DYCI~IIIN sod L. VLAcif. Chem. Uiry, 48,234-238.1947: S. 11). 133-134, Apt., were made with cystift, a a d retarder, as an addition to an unwashed. ammoniacal bro Cos 04 O(L~ pap,:r positive type. Fog remained at a low, consitan figure W VW continuously decreased, with increw or ripening time, ;1,4: un giving an increase in both properties. Further work was done aft roducts obtained by hydrolysis of wool. Pdatin. Cie. (use d" E ydrochloric acid, followed by neutr2!jzing with caustic soda). numerous otbu asninoacids bcing presedt. The hydrolysis product from gc[Atin resulted bi slight increase in speed and an appreciable increase of fog. Thereafta, a t4 was made oftlic individual Influence of the principal products, from the hydr*i of gelatin, the pure material being employed. The photogmpbk propenis imparted by various groups of aminoacids are given. The best murder is cystin. Other bodies being known to be present in the hydrobrmd pM oduct in small amount, it was decided to itivestipto other maitcrials, sock a Mmoslobin. etc. This latter gave a marked increase in speed and considerelk build-up of foM Albumin, globulin, cholesterin. etc., led to decreased VW and retardation or fog Increase. Sulphuric acid hydrolysis of cattle hdr as also tested. The experiments indicate that cystin may be replaosd by * hydrolysis product of hair. and also that in the manufacture, or phMograo gelatin great care should be taken to free the raw materials from the icelip of blood and tissues. Vic "0' 7 ? o21, 11 7 11. SA4, it) Ilia Effed'of Ike Addition of NIM60OWWOM-114' fit Igoe tm pbot"graphk Gelal;n. A. l1vulf fit" Into Chem. I im, 41. 1'6-8. 1(147 ~ S, et I.P., 19, 333-4, Nov.. 1947 flic livinti1% M 111VIC h.1%0 In he added to photogiaphic piper to rciard Ili%: dc%do,pinvoil 4 lol- th-l-ouU. -in flie l1fopertics of the gdalin (conictit or %ulploo al"if IcArmfwr~,) .1ndon tlic dewed propcfliv~ or the emilkion. CLOICrAly 11.11111punc% to M, wccri 0 1 ind 0.5 '%, of Ilic vkciplit of the dry plavin, I 11C 1111.1,nic can I%: cinployvil .11 ~idjjjjvii In nictlun,4. vili.inol, ;i4xv,ne Of .1 111I%1111%: nf Iliew Ilic mij,volc I% jquom, of ih %odinlit t1r '1111110111111(ri If 1% tx-,( I.- JAM 1he to Ow S-0.111f) 1111firip it% I't-fore 1111r.111.1ft .4 1110 extracu. In one case the E.1i speed of an 01111111" was raised from 320'10 50* hv the Addition 0( 0.06 % of merca while the rog W" rcdu~id from 1.40 to .08. Aium Abs, W or If It ti It $4 it As 11 a 13 14 A hfivence of divolve proltins an Of phQ1qTA t4i KI(Mi. A-.-Ndatill I., this, plwf,V,14~s. pI-g.,f_. 00 oclit" of Wde gotatits. A. U) 'k-lititsa 06'e Pro** ti) PheitylAlAnitte, (Yi-tnev 4110 fit"W"Al ~01 h4*e 11f1, lid L- VI~Cll (lAb* tayor&blc ScjkM, & #Ww IaL.,ruse ill 2pegd Wit -00 00 A 8811CPS'. 114111- thtt.A). CAfM Li-ity 41, 234-9(1947)(' Cavich.); 5d, led. PA". 19, i n by a considerable issiacosse in lag, even It only W 3.3-VINS).-The autho gn ~d 00 Mudkd the induenev of cystine an an unwashed AM- pening; (2) Canine, proline, hydrostyproline, as. monlacal plife A41ir efilillAtivi of tmlwf bose, I MIP11. Isit"k7wid, vill attinine regard I,tg lcafn itim, Nif in f I., olptilittrrif ill siwrl; 13) #It, life sti,j let#, In- *,Iw,#ttf .4. clor"11110"s twitlit th'.W pto-vi'sil4ir d;l1Tf~ql It* life 41140v to wwlw Ii W11,11WO. 11'.1. 4J, A Kj)~ 1110 y4lifliks M-IV "hillfiF b-stillf Wvrvi olwr4l. '-so Will"1411"ll titI1116~1r-l lovis. 411 porInt tiltill list, s4111? 041111,10 is ustwh filter simsts"I jkatj that .4 ill& Inc. r.Illjj 2 jjl~,jll,j 00 . : -00 A leth, 11141f K0141m. lluiv 4willor Ill lit*), will )ill 14 loll Csivoltifill Ifladfil. rest 0 Vogl 0 m4dr till fit Isis[ 111.11 Ill f. Pitt Ill) 1. illy jV61111) 14tv the fullowing *lid coutd(upt Itaw bloat fictiollissfifit, A notithle Io. 00 ill Opgoldsandfold. Ffur various riperilux.flittes: crolitar of splifil leM obtained, but with comildet-Able Increttle In tog. Albumin. st"In, blood serum. Cholesterol, and 0 0 With c7dille "thin demase speed slid retard tog formalkm A 010 It r ;Q so (W vitide cysilille "An. wito 1-triki. Ily 110MI. all? 3M, 0. Off degivaled tniview heir. It rAtIllsill"I *4 and gave #JU 74 .118 t t lor labile $. =5 of the "Is.. 10) 11) 25 OR U ry ~TcOj and flitered. was'~&Odidrd go l(Kj g. 120 .26 21). .08 dry gdatin and photographic tests were inside with the so Ttsr cvutte hydrislysi,, prodoct-i td wrx4, gelatin, stsel folli's result. :;I of ham cionlif. 7.3. 0-15-J9, and 7.3% cyxth*. mp.. war aireashe Wil"t "aine With IT 04, at i so tested w" Onan-l by A-hr. c.*JLinx with (We I VVIT Lid. 110 and W."Urtil twilluslisallcm toy Nalffl. .11) 1:- 1,.F. 4~ rise fl.wl, Mi jt~lqfin m4n no. U."t in voult. I,( lid 1 190 1.8 cv. lorr 9 g dry arlatin. A Qow ttwrIa~ itz spml istki 111) 1111 ? Anappyviaw iswrrlsw in bbs were Ofstainell whillnerra4aff 1:11) to 0 rilicninig little. Ile indivulual Influence of the b)drolyiis ;,pxjuj-l*.4 jjj4jitj I)tllrf illall cyallue was iblil. for snits, The rviulta ind"tv tilat cy%tine cats Ile trplAItrtj by the lowial lit 11st, cutwo. lit tho, bythislivolId hYliffloix fillsillwl 44 lit gfhh 0 s;z:f1III. V.1 -h hit* lieris fircil so niu4 flat 4 111w ititiltits owlits rould Ile divilv,l hilts wv. Pistol td Oftsild litill I stop It. jame. I or till to it ~Mj . -, - .400 &two[ tLMIFICAMN 41,40-1iLA WALLLMKfit. liltil , - 7 U I iNA or 4 OF N K a Is It of IUD 0 0 0 0 o * 9106000 0 0 0 a ef 0 **411seellis 9 0 0 01; 0 0 4, 0 0 0 : 00 es 0 0 0 0000 (-),so 000 00000 0 4111, 0 6 0 0 0 0 91 : : 919 go elseet 00 St 000 111i'll'WITS. 41!0~0 ' 11 1. C al 41 it *1 G.L'o v !,,j -1 AA ime tx w_u+l._k I .'s, it ik r q R J., a of nift raptietionsimidissols to liblifnipaphle StIalLno, A toy- whill Alld l'. Vlach ( "b. hiltri'la. swil. ILIIA I t'hem' 1,ii1y4I.l.W1eCUdCSvch); Sri. ind.phot.18,1134(1111,17). fee authors studied the influence of toddles. of suzinine, rystitiv. evioteltiv, awl vartmis oref. tits. oil file phota. sitillkl1W 111111*#1104 14 hills, of tittles, In Cho, p1q.11, Ill life. voiltillellim Im Ill" 1411,114, Ifir I.-Ifil'itlook .11 14-to 1. 44.111 .4 *.so I lev Sll vil"11w, r a (11), list of-millifil Allit 'IrlW10-1. :-n lfw oriximil Ctroprities ill the grWin (orlmovt quamigirt II of "1641filf-fie Amf refardem) '411.1 Cho flesired gw.'J~Clio,n of 8 0o file rflolutlint (speed altile.4marmt); itfoartirrilly1wilito is OA sold Wh-r of the wt. tif dry corinflit. I ean fer orne. 00 qvvvij Its AW411. in MrOll, IffOll. Arril?"r. '* 11"'Ir mist..; Ooo I let i% villi'loy"I Ill 1911 411, 044H. 411 J1W NA - N11, Aall, coneilds. am I"t ad-INI to thr jorlatin ill limts'll, Wme fillrellom.if Ill* it. k. 1.I-' il"t I'-_ fin. 1-1,ti fit%- 110 o SMAI ll%tAjjjjjil4 Ill I *10111KV%. 111N, .11ilt 1,814~1 4111481tilW1 ii~ go ';~t. v ar im" "I file '411W cluld.l."I "lrie with ff 1-t- (P N".* I jWr Wt. Of drV ar[Afill 4 firli, I14ryfq tw1wo, r(wried will; them rimilmme; wa,% vall'b"d on Out Ifiler,11whi Ati rontleelten 4firt-tript-lied lit 4 firliq vvl)h,h ii1th-tor mblys, ConvP me fint ti I n led -j lot a f~~I .4 Not P If mid A it-it -d it fete fee lfw jor--tt.-t -4 11141":, 1. Ali ilog,"i - llltjjt~ VOCIV '11.jAjlWd by 41111.0 -4 It. 1" 11 m. v jtoo 00 S L A &11ALLVVfK4L o.111MATLPE CLASSIPWO10" llltl~' is An I a rw is- '" ii-T so W 'j -37 1 140 b it 6 Alt 40 If; P el it 00 60, a a it 9 it .1 .11 Ill a o 0 04 0 0 Cis 0 0 0 o o sts flis 0 0 0 0 0 ellfe 6 fis 0 s o 0 0 g.T: 0 0~401 : : : : : : 11~ 0 0 0 *1* 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 10 4 0 0 0 0 lb 0 0 0 0 0 0 ffftfl tip" L T Y i-!t be CL to "4 baoss" of Chem. I.isty 42. A. 13YckItID uld 6(tw) ; C( &7-7 11,M)i S,*-,d beWat and "I emal. the effect at 40r I,.". r1c. I V- thil WAhMMM" (M(A, wafiousaducu Asl;F ",lub*s:l t 00 tbe Not tivillo Old h bide 1,09 by stant"ll at the #Ann time. Lecithin 110A all Ot and onwitivitl outakoormls Ord. 00 0 00 -;0* logo t:90 to** i too* U W~'J$ to v I- r i-- ,T IS An L s 4 rw a 4 1 IF 10 JA t 2 a $9 at Op 0 , I ; 1. Ct It it 11. 4"*: 0 00 so* 00 * a 0 *to * 0,0 0 0 00 00 0 0 6 4 0 0 0 0 # 0 0 40 0 00 0 0 * 00 46 0,0 0 0 0* 00 0 b a Ob a 0 a60 V~AOH., Miloslav., inz,,* PESIX, Jooef-p inzj FRPMYL, Kvatoslavp inz. Pre"ut situation-and prospeetive methods of cultivating higWeld varieties of winter wheat in Ozechoolovalda. Root vyroba 9 noJ/4029-348 Mr-Ap !63o 1e Vyzkumny ustav obilnarokyj, Kromerize FAIT, IM.; VIACII, 0. Use of a Canadian-type Drothesis followina mcarticul-f4-n of the hip Joint. Acta chir. orthop,-trA=-asch.. 29,Ao.2s2l4,--216 162. 1. Ortopedicka katedra, University J.Ev.Purkyne v Brne, vedouci dr. Maneeek. (HIP surg) (PROTHESIS) 05, dL.Kf: orthap. k',jr-'Lka lokar3ke fakulty v P.-ne, :)gicka katWra b"O. y -n!- , BOZDECH, Z.; STRZAKV.;- Transposition of the u1nar nerve after traumatic neuritis. Acta, chir. orthop.traum. cech. 30 no-5t421-426 0163. 1. OrtoDedicka klinika lekarske fakulty UJE;vP v Brno,, pred- nosta prdf.d-:,. M.Janecek. 4~ FAIT, M.; VLACH, 0. Experience with the "Milwaukee" corset in the surgical treatment of scoliosis. Acta chir. orthop. traum. cech. 29 no.5:/+78-480 0 162. 1. Ortopedicka klinika lek. fak. University J.Ev. Purkyne v Brne, prednosta prof. dr.-M. Janeeek. (SCOLIOSIS) (ORTHOPEDIC EQUIPMENT) VLACH, 0. io years of our workshops p. 177s STROJW,.NO'KA VYROBA (Kinisterstvo strojirenstvi) Praha, Vol. 3,, No. 5# May 1955 SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) Library, of Congress,, Vol, 4, No, 12, December 1956 SMANAK, V.; VLACH, 0. Contribution to the differential diagnosis of cervicobrachial syndrome. Acta chir. orthop. traum. cech. 31 no.2:139-141 Ap 164. 1. Ortopedicka klinika lekarske fakulty UJEvP v Brne (prednosta prof. dr. M. Janecek). FAIT, M. VIACH,, 0. Evaluation of amputation and exarticulation of the foot. Acta chir, orthop. traum. cech. 30 no.2s96-99 Ap 163. 1. Ortopedicka katedra lekarBke fakulty UJEVP v Brne, vedouci prof. dr. M. Janecek.' CSO. (FOOT DISEASES) (AMPUTATION) VLACH, S. Welding galvanized construction. P. 381. ZVARANIE Vol. 4, no. 12, Dec. 1955 Czechoslovalda Source: EAST EUROPEAN LISTS Vol. 5, no. 7 July 1956 CIZKOVA, J.; VIACH, V. The clinical picture of neuro6ndoerlno rfArAtImohips. Cook. pedint. 20 no.6s46-2-466 Ja'65- 1. Xt--Ya klinika lekarske fakulty hygienicke Karlovy Univemity v Praze (Prednostka: prof. dr. J. Cizkova-Plaarovicova, DrSc.) a Ifeurol-gicka Katedra UDL v Praze (vedoucis prof. dr. Z. Mace]-, GSc.). C) V VLACH, Vladimir Fleotic diseases and tbo nervous system. Cwk. neur. 20 no.2: 128-132 Mar 57. 1. Neurologicks klinika KU. prednosts, akademik K. Renner. (XMGUS DISX451S relation to NS (Cz)) (NERVOUS STSUM relation of fungus din. (Cz)) Vindimir IOIWAAWV-~ -mowowwmwms Heada:3ha & ~..jycchic clvm,~,as i!-, (.--;seases Of rhe central systen. -roist-I h '~~rosc _-a I Oenk. -)sych 'IQ -l,:"83-235 ept 57 Tilli-10T', dis, -.ndache Ic rettlew 'Cz)) i tho CNS, STUDINT. Vladimir: VLACH, Vladimir a MIMM Treatment 0f depressive states with procaine injections. Cook. psyebtat. 53 no.1:7-12 Feb 57. 1. Perchintricka a nourologicks. klinika KU v Praze. (DIPMISSION, ther. procaine in reactive depression (C%)) (PROCAINE. tber. use reactive depression (Cs)) (HUMSES, RIACTI 1, therapy, procaine in reactive depression (Cs)) VLACH j V. "Protection of Localities with Halophyte Ve,,-etation.4 p. 73 (OCHRARA FRIRODY, Vol. a. No. 4, Sept. 1953) Praha, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, Library of Congress, Vol. 3t No. 4. April 1954. Unclassified. ROTH, Bedrich, Dr.; JLACH, Vladimir, Dr.; LACIGA, Menek, Dr. Lumbar anesthesia as &-cause of spinal arachnolditis. Frakt.lak., Praha 35 no.7:150-153 5 Apr 55. 1. Neurologicka klinika Karl6vy university v Praze, prednosta akap- demik Awdl Renner (for'Roth, Vlach). 2. Nourologicka klinika lar- lovy university v Plzni, prodnosta prof. Dr. Vaclav Piths, (for Laciga). (AWHITOID,.disea'ses,. arachnoiditio, spinal, caused by lumbar anesthesia) (AMTHESIA, IMGIOIUL, complications, lumbar anesth. causing spinal arachnoiditis) VTACH V. Datline for a short neurological examination oE the n-,A)rzm infant. Cesk. neurol. 27 no.2r73-80 Mr'64- 1. Katedra neurologie UDL v Prazel vedoticii prof.dr. Z.Macok. CZECHOSLOVAKIA -T V1. VLACH, Neurology Clinic, Faculty of General Medicine, Charles Urlivr-raityl Head (pred-iosta) Acadmician (akademik) K. HENNF-R. klinike fakulty vsenbecneSo Ickarstvi University Kavlovy) P.-Ow'-de. "Periodic Itypernomnia, Bulinia and Psychic Cfanges (Kleine-Levln Syndrome)- rri-ue, Ceskoulovenska Neurc~koALe, Vol 25(58)t No 6, Nov lq62; pp 401-405. A'onrrafIt Cznglish au=aary modifieJ7: Case reporL of 37-year old lawyeri in 1944' frorn a 3-year period of forced tranual labor in Germany, Y'nttactcsf recurred whenever he tried to do mental -vork. Now doing manual labor, disease quiescent. Sixteen Czech, 9 Wentern, I Sbvict reference. 1/1 k- -j moo Z.; VLACH, V. Veritricular meningiomas in children. Cesk. neurol. 25 no-5:327-332 s 162. 1. Neurochirurgicka klinika fakulty vseobeeneho lekarstvi University Karlovy,prednosta prof. dr. Z. Kunc Neurologicka klinika fakulty vooobeeneho lekarstvi University Karlovy, prednosta akad. K. Henner Neurologicka katedra Ustavu pro dookolovani lekaru, ved. doe. dr. Z. Macek. (MENINGIOMA) (CERWRAL VENTRICLE NEOPLASMS) VLACH, V1. Pericd-ic somnolence, bulimia and mental disorders (Kleine-Levin syndrome). Cesk. neurol. 25 no.6-.401-405 N 162. 1. Neurologicka klinika fakulty vseobecneho, lakarstvi University Karlovy v Praze, prednosta akademik K. Henner. (SLEEP DISORDERS) (HUNGER) (DEPRESSION) :A C- I Il: 1.1L 11 -Il Yt^~' ~,v - I. -It A r 3. - wra-c-1-1, F-:-: -I I Its A zlta .6 sbtr4c~ C,r Ah, ~.Z. PIT- Urr~r., 0: 2~1!,_ -,',r LJPXI T _.U4IP 1~3- #sow -~t in Ji~r Ar-, 6;,a ti nt -r -11IILY~?S (i.VrL ;_mj~ DITTRICII,J.; SUTA,M.; VLACH,VI. Hemihypertrophy with malformation of the spinal cord. Cook. nourol. 27 no&2tlO5-108 mr'6/, 1. Neurologicka, klinika a laborator pro patofyziologii ner- vove soustavy fakulty vseobecneho lekarstvi KIJ v Praze (prednosta: akademik K.Henner) a Oddeleni detske neurologie (vedouciz lekar doc*dro I*Leany), DITTRICH,J.1 VIACH,VI. Sydenham's recurrent chorea minor. Cesk. neurol. 27 no.2: 92-95 Mx'64 1. Neurologicka klinika fakulty vseobeeneho lekarstvi. v Praze;(prednosta: akademik K.Henner); a Neurologicka kated- ra UDL v Praze,(vedoucit prof.dr.Zd.Macek). VIACH, Vladimir, inz. dr.; SCHENK, Zdenek Basis and methods of critical path analysis in complex operations, Pod org 17 no. 12: 557-562 D 163. 1. Multar, Praha, WLICHAR, Jan, inz. .; VLACH, Vladimir, inz., dr. Rational conference on the use of mathematical and statielical methods in the wood indastry. Drevo 17 ,xc.2:55-57 F 162. 1. Vedeeko-vyzkumny,ustav dopravni, Praha (for Melichar). 2. Maltar, Praha (for Vlach). LESNY, Ivan, Doe. dr.; VJACH, Vladimir, MUDr. Paeudomyopathic form of dermatonVositis with Dseudohypertrophy of calves in a 5 year old boy. Cask. pediat. 13 no.9:822-827 5 Oct 58. 1. Neurologicku klinika NU V Praze.' prednosta akad. prof. K. Henner I. L. a V. V., Praha IL, Katerinaka u1., neurol. k1. (DWMTOr4YOSITIS, in inf. & child paeudomyopathic form of dermatomyositls with paeudohypertro- phy of calves in Boy, case report (Cz)) (LEG, din. pseydobypertrophy of calves in boy with poeudonWopathic form of dermatomyoeitis, case report (Cz)) VIACH,V.; EJOHIL,O, Sensory disorders with unilateral and asymmetric gynecomastis.. Cook. neur. 23 no.1/2:65-72 Ja 160. 1. Wourologicks. kliniko, fakulty vseobeeneho lekarstvi Karlovy university v Praze,prednosta akademik prof. Mamil Renner; III. interni klinika fakulty vaeobacnaho lekaretvi Karlovy university Y Prase, predrosts, alademik prof. Josef Charvat. (GYNACOUSTIA compl) (81MUTION) L_ ,, C ' ' f r7 CZECHOSLOVAKLI/Ifuixin and Aninal Mysiolo~,'y - Litorrin.1 secretion. T-7 General Froblens, Abs Jour : Rcf Zhur - Biol., No 18, 1955, 84302 Author : Ochel, 0., Polak, H., Vla Inst : - Title : The Problem of Asymmetftc Hormone Phenomena. Orig Pub : Casop. lelmru ceskych, 1957, 96, No 33-34, 1082-1090 Abstract : Eiditcen patients with unilateral or symmetric gynocoL=tia were oxamined. In all of then neurological examinations revealed symptons poilitin(,? into the direction of some local cortical innervation elisturbances. In some of the patients, earlier impairments of -~`Ac nc~:vous system were clearly in- dicated by anamestic -)1icajmcaa~ It is aasuried that the development of gynecomstia A related to the wcakei*.-iii~; of inhibitory activities of 'Crophic innervation cfjfcctiiir'~ hor- rmne activity in the zones of impaired innervation. V.V. Y-nzvikov. Card 1//1 PASTOROVA, Jana; BAIA3, Vladimir; BIGANO'KiXT, Mojmir; JUNG3R, Indislav; IUMOVA, Tamara; VIAGH, Vladimir Importance of open intracranial Injuries with regard to mortality & loss of working ability. Rozhl. chir. 38 no.6:373-380 June 59 1. 1. chirurgicka klinika v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. J. PavrovsVgr New-olo~icka klinika v Praze, prednosta akademik prof. dr. K. Henner. (BR&IN, wds. & inj. ) (DISABILITT FWALULTION) KDHDUT, Josef, MUDr.; VLACH. Vladimir, KOr. Meningitis caused by Candid& albicans. Neur. & psychiat. cook. 18 no.6:449-*57 Nov 55. 1. Z nourologicke kliniky Karlovy university v Praze, prodnosta akademik Kamil Henner. (MONILIASIS. complications. meningitis. (Cz)) (MMIGITIS, etiology and patbogeneals, monillasis. (Oz)) VLACH. Vladimir, MUDr. Ostoonclerosis Cue. lek. cesk. fragilis generalizata. Albers-Scbonberg disease. 44 no-34-35:946-948 26 Aug 55. 1. Z psyciatricke kliniky, Karlovy university v Fraze Preduosta; prof. MUDr. Zdenek Myslivecek Z neurologicke kliniky Karlovy university v Praze Prednosta: akademik Kamil Henner. (OSTMSCLUDSIS osteopetrosis, generalixed. fragile.) VLACH, Vladimir, inz. dr.; SCHENK, Zdenek #IRECT analysis of the critical path of activities by the CPM method in a structural diagram. Pod org 18 no. 1:23-25 Ja 164. 1. MultarY Praht. -VLACH. Vladimir Mental disorders in Klein~Levin syndrome (somnolence-huwr syndrome). Cesk.puychlat.56 no.4:263-266 IgI60. 1. Neurologicim klinika KU v Praze. (SIXICP DISOMRS) (HUNGER) (MENTAL DISOREERS etiol) A LESNY, Ivan; VLACE, Vladimir;. ,DITTRICH, Jah The phenomenon.-pf triple flexion with abduction. Ceak. neur. 24 no-4: 239-243 JJ3. 161o 1. Nourologicka klinika lek. fak. KU v Praze, prednosta akademik prof. Kamil Henner, detake odd*Uni, prednosta doc. dr. Ivan Lesny. (SPINAL CORD dis) (REFLEX) DITTRICH, Jtln; -TIROUT, Jan; VLACH, Vladimir Pneumoencephalographic findings in individual form of earlr infantile cerebral palsy. Cesk. neur. 24 no.1228-33 -Ta '62. 1. Neurologicka klinika KU v Praze,, detoke oddeleni a rtg laborator, prednosta akad. prof. Kamil Henner. (CMEBBAT PALSr radiograplo (VENTRICULOGRAPH!r in inf & child) VLACH, Vladimir; VITEK, Jiri; HOUBOVA, Jaroolava Menbigeal syndrome as a trequent cause of acute leukemia in childhood. Cesk,, neur, 24 no.l'.14-19 A 161. 1. Neurologicka klinika, prednosta akad. K. Henner, III detska klinika, prednosta prof. MUDr. 0. Vychytil. (LE M MIA in inf & child) (NEUROLOGIC MANIFESTATIONS in inf & child) (MENINGEZ pathol) LESNY, I.; BOR, I.;-YJAM" Blectroencembalographic changes in children vith congenital heart defects. Effect of oxygen inhalation. Sborn.lek.63 no.2: 40-53 P 161. 1. Elektrobiologicke laboratore neurologicke klinilq fakulty vaeobecneho lekarstvi, University Karlovy v Praze, prednosta akademik Kamil Henner; II. detaka klinika pediatricke fakulty University Karlovy v Praze, prednosta prof.dr. J.Hountek. (HEART DEFECTS CONGENITAL physiol) (ELECTROEMEPRALOGRAPHY) (OXrGEN) VW4.9, V,; HRADKOVA, M. A rare case of primary sarcoma of the spine with spinal cord compression in a 6-year-old bar. Cook. pediat. 18 no.8.9707-7-16 Ag 163. 1. Neurologicka katedra UDL v Praze a neurologicka klinika lokaroke fabilty- hygionicke KU v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. Z. Macek. SARCOMA) (SPINAL NEOPLASMS) INAL CORD COMPRESSION) W (PARAPLEGIA) PASKOV, D., Frof. dr.,, IOVCHEV, A.; DJARI)V,D.; MIZOV,V.,6 VLA(,HOV,V. Pharracologic, action of a nc-.r gr(rap of synthetle compounds and the cOnnection with their cheinical strunture. Nauch. tr. vissh. mad. inst. Sbfiia 43 no.4:9-14 164 1. Chair of Pharmacology of HMI, Sofia (Directorl Profs D.Paskov). CZECHT03LOVA,K1A VL&aE.__V,- Heurological Chair, Institute for Postgraduate Medical 'Training ~Neurologicka Katedra UDL), Prague, Head (Vedouci) Prof Dr Z. MACEK. "Clinical Mxamination ,of the Principal Functions of the Nervous System in the Newborn.1' Prague, Cesicoslovonsij:a Neurologie, Vol 29, No [~, Jul 66, pp 217-22b. Abstract jutiiorts tbglish surimary modified '7: A survey of several groups of clinical reflexes and reactions ii~ the newborn is pre- sented. Definite reflexes correspond to definite functions of the nervous system. 100 newborn babies were examined and the inten- sity of their reflexes as3essed. Over 200 reactions of each indiv- idual were investigated. Reflex phenomena of muscle tonus, myotactic reflexes, reflex reactions to light, and sound, vestibular reflexes, feeding reflexes, reflex head movements, exteroceptive reflexes of the limbs and of the trunk, automatisms, nd priorecep- tive muscle and joint reflexes were studied. I Table, 4 Western, 10 Czech.* 1 Russian, 1 East German reference. 1/1 VL~C~-: ljji., D. ; ZAF-!A R. CS ?,; !'"H-` TIAN, P inst"it.1-1te of Phvsical Chcmisti-j, C-cchos!cvaJk Academy of -';Cicnce., Zahradnilc),, Institute of 1'1~lc, Hy.,-4enc and Oevapational inclaa-sr-'s, Pr.--i, art ... ent, of Orn-.anic Unc-ni-stry, -S-lo-valk Tcc,-L'Iic--2. 'Ljrivcr:;4 y, ,. c, and U" D---nt-islava Uor -Cqe ras -U) i0 Fra-tic, Colicc'ion of Czcchoslovak Chrandcal Go-nmuracati ns., No 12 1962 p:) 2 8 2 1 ~~O "IQL-ctics of Vie Roact-ion vri~Ui Oil- Ions and Polaro,-raphy of Aromatic Tsothiovjanates" VUC'f1',-XA, D.; ZAMIAJIUK, H.; AIMS K; KRISTIMij P.; MMA, A. G' 57 Institute of Physical Chemistry, GZOChosloVak Academy of 6cience) 1rague (for Zahradnik), Institute of Industrial iFy~-iene and Occu'pational DI-Iseases, Pi-.-,:ue, and Department of Organic Chemistry., Slovak Technical University, Bratislava (for the rest) Prague, Collection of CzachoslovpJr Chemical Conmunication2.' No 12, ).962., pp 2826=-10 "Kinetics of tl,.o Reacti-on vrith OfF Ions and Folarography of Aronatic isothiocyanates" 0 EXCERPTA FEDICA See. 1? V 1 June-57 1907. VLACHOV,& 1). t1st. Ilyg. PrAce a Chor. z Povol-Anf, Praha. '_'Stanovenf 13-nitro n-o-Tu-vmotliexponovan.~el-,osob. Detet re- -initiation of ni,trophenol in the urine of exposed persons PRACOV%i LEKAftSTVi(Praha) 1956, 8/4 (283-288) Graphs 6 Tables 5 The method of Eicken, which was completed and moeified, is described in detail. The determination of as little as I jig. of p-nitrophenol at a concentration of O.Igg./ml. of urine I,; possible by this inodifiention. A group of persons was examined and exposed lo parathior. at the spraying operations in market gat-dens, flower gardens and hop gardens, to establish the /)-nitroplienol content in the urine and the activity of cholinesterase in the blood. The maximal concentration of p-nitrophenol found was 520tig. per litre In a single specimen of urine, and 2001Ag. of p-nitrophenol per litre of a 2.1-hr. urine specimen. In subjects exposed to spraying in hop gardens, no case of decrease in the activity of cholinesterase after the exposure was found; in other exposed subjects, where no possibility existed of establishing the activity of cholinesterase before commencing work with parathion, the values of cholinesterase activity found were within the limits of individual variations of a control group of 10 unexposed subjects, The small number of workers with parathion does not allow an evaluation to be made of the test of p-nitrophenol and cholinesterase; the results show, however, that the presence of i)-nitrophenol in the urine is a sensitive measure of parathion ex- posure, especially in cases where a decrease in the activity of cholinesterase has not yet taken place. EXCERPTA YEDICA Sec. 17 Vol- 3/8 Public Health Aug- 57 1 2570. VLACHOVK D. Ifst. Hyg. prdce a Chor. z Povoldnif, Praha. *Mikrostanovenf parathionu v ovzdugi a v roztoci'ch. M i c r o d e t e r m i n a t i o n o f p a r a - thion in the air and in solutions PlIACOVNtL9KA&I;TVr (Praha) 1956, 8/4 (289-291) Graphs 2 Tables 2 A colorimetric method for the determination of p-nitrophenol was applied for the determination of parathion in commercial preparations after previous alkaline hydrolysis, by which an equivalent amount of p-nitrophonol is liberated from pa- rathion. The limit of sensitivity is 2 pg.of parathion absolutely, the error of de- termination 1: 2%. The free p-nitrophenol, 'often present in mixture with parathion especially in older solutions, can be determined in a parallel sample without hy- drolysis. The method can also be used for the determination of parathion in the air. VIACHOVA* An easy method for the determination of trichlorethanol in the urine after exDosure of trichlorethylene. J. Hyg. Npidem., Praha 1 no.2:225-229 1957o 1. Institute for Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases. Prague. (ALCOHOL, IML, related apda. trichloroethyl alcohol determ. in urine after exposure to trichloroathylone, method) (TRICHWHORTHMNI, metab. same) VLACHOVA, D. Microdetermination of paratbion in air and In solution. Pracovni lek. 8 no.4:289-291 Aug 56. 1. Z Ustavu bygieny prace a chorob z povolani, Praha, redit e1 prof. MUDr. J. Tei0inger. (PARATHION, determination, in air & solution, micromethod (Cz)) (AIR POLLUTION, by parathion. microdeterm. (CZ)) VLACHOVA, D. Determination of urinary p-nitrophenol In exposed subjects. Pracovni lek. 8 no.4:283-288 Aug 56. 1. Z Ustavu bygierq prace a chorob z povolant, Praha, reditel prof. Mr. J. Telsinger. OUTROPTMIOLS, In urine. determ. in exposed subjects (Cz)) TEISINGER, J.; STYBLOVA, V.; VLACHOVA, D. Importance of determination of urinary trichloroethanol in workers exposed to trichloroethylene. Pracovni lek. 7 no-5: 258-260 Sept 55. 1. Z Ustavu hygiany prace a eborob z povolani v Praze a z neurologicke kliniky bygienicke fakulty v Praze. (TRICHIDROETHY . effects, urinary trichloroethanol in workers exposed to tricblorootbylene) (URINE, trichloroethanol in workers exposed to trichloroethylens) CZECHOSLOVAKIA VLACHOVAS D; DROBNICAg L I*Instltuts of Industrial HySiene and Oacupational Diseasess Prague (for 7)s 2. Institute of Technical Microbiology and Biochemdatrys Slovak Institute of Teehnology,, Bratielaval, (for ?) Pragueg GolIgglLgn kf 2zoghogloylk QW1081 22mamicatiomme No 3. March 1966, pp 997-IQOU "Some relationaMps between biological activity and physico.. ohem1cal properties of monosubstituted phanyllsothiooyanateso 760 -Imyt Ojewv h e, Smeck and D. %'V;c ys. pdc 1,1,uml ClIcl, VFAS N.'lld (n the air Expired by "Onil CAP06*1 to desclib:d for the dem.of CUM lit the pmcuecdO44 1. ItW lmvcd on measummeut of the CGIor tewlthis (MIS Fult.! wara3 mctici% in thr! 420- and &W-4LW rm(ws t, 5"001 pr.1thwop; of thc cw1versimi 0i I to Its Hit am sm. J. UAbkwjL~ p-Purther metaboiltes of t lichlowlthyltne 'fit MlS7--V,' Sofl&k and D~ %lachov4 (61tty flyc. prhm 11fasrm)'! 1. ~ Pr!lcc,vnf Ukjlst~( 61331T-7004); d. Offf-~ 4, 31-41( -rhe urine of tn~o expocvl to tricblotoethytent V4.0ts coattilris bvildes trie.,hloroacetic acki, trichlormthatiol glu- curanide and monochlorapc-tic add, __ - L, _J! - _~bk VLACROVA, D. Simple method of determination of trichloroethanol in urine. Pracovn1 Isk. 8 no.6:433-435 Doc 56. 1. Z Ustavu bygierq prace a chorob z povolani Praha, reditel Prof. MMr. J. Teisinger. (ALCOHOL, FML, related compounds, trichloroothyl alcohol in urine, determ. (CZ)) ZAHRADITIK, R.; ~ A~CHOVA ,_D.;, KOUTECKY, J. Electronic spectra and MO-LCAO examination of aromatic isothiocyanates. Coll Cz chem 27 no.10:2336-2348 0 162, 1. Institute of Physical Chemistry, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciencesp Prague, and Institute of Industrial H5~gkw and Occupational Diseasess Prague. 4"-w VLACHOVA, D. Excretion of p-nitrophenol and behavior of cholinesterase foUowing repeated administrations of parathion in rats. Frac. lek. 14 no.7: 323-325 S 62. 1. Ustav hygiany prace a chorob z povolani v Fraze, reditel prof. MUDr. J. Taisinger, DrSc. (NITROPHENOLS) (CHOLINESTERASE) (PARATHION) KRISTIAN, P.; ANTOS, K.; VLACHOVA, D.; ZAHRADNIK, R. Electronic nature of the isothiocyanato group and its effect an the basicity bf acridines. Col-I Cz Chem 28 no.7:1651-1655 J1 163. 1, Department of Organic Chemistry, Slovak Technical University, Bratislava; Institute of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, Prague, and Institute of Physical Chemistry, Czechoslovak AcadeDW of Sciencesp Prague, VIACWVA, D, ZMMNIK.. R. CZWHW"'TC7vA.,.TA no aoademic degree indicated Inatitutm of PbyaicaLl Chemistry, Czechoslovak Icademy of Science, Pmtue, and InBtitute of IndustriAl Hygiene and Occupational Disea"a, rrarae ?vWs, ColUxtion of Cmachoolovak Chmical Comunications, vol 27p No 10, oat 62., Vp 2336-2348 IKLactrcnia Spectra md NO-WAO Stuctr of Aromattc laotbiocysinatew" GO-authoral VIACHOU., D. mane as abavo XCUTICIff, J. " " CZECHOSLOVAKIA KRISTIAN, P; ANTOS, K; VLACILOVA.--D; ZA11RADNIK, R. 1. Department of Organic Chemistry of the Slovak Technical University, Bratislava; 2. Institute of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, Prague; 3, Inotitute of Phy- sical Chemistry of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague (for all) Prague I Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications-, No 7P 1963, pp MT-1654 'Slectronic Nature of the Isothiocyanato Group and Ito Lffect on the Basicity of Acridines." VIACHOVA D.; ZAHRADNIK, R.; ANTOS, K.; KRISTIAJI, P.; HULKA, A. Kinetids of the reaction with Ofl- ions and polarograpbv of aromatic isothiocyanates. Coll Cz Chem 27 no.12:2826-2840 D '62, 1. Institute of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, Prague, and Department of Organic Chemistry, Slovak Technical University, Bratislava, 2. Institute of Physical Chemistry, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague (for Zahradnik). VOSTAL, J.; VIACHOVA,__P. Distribution of strontium in theblood plasm and a possibility of its influencing in experimental conditions. Prac. lek. 14 no.10: 449-453 D 162. 1. Ustav hygieny prace a charoic, z povolani, Praha, reditel prof. dr. J, Teisinger, DrSc. (STRONTIM) (BLOOD PROTEINS) (EDATHAMIL) EECHOSLOVARIA J. Vr;~TAL and D. I&ACHOW., Insticute of 11!ork Hygiene a*nd Occupational Diseatee (Vsta-v-Wy-j-i-eny ~iace a chorob z 11ovolani), Chltaf-(reditel) Pro-f Dr 3. TEISINGEP, DrSc, Prague. l'StrorLtiUM Distributlan in Dicod Plasma and 11jethods of Influencing it in !!ocie2 Inarinents." Trnguv, Frscovni Lekarstvi, Vol 14, tic 10, Dec 1962; FF 449-453. 41nzli4h siziriary modified7: Ulcralfiltration of beef- plasma 5~).4�1.23% of Sr;*rest rrotein-bound; Sr complex with lactic or citric or etbylenedia-minetetraacetic acid removed 69.3, 82.5 and 6t..3% resysetively. Sr is nearly as tightly bound to beef plasma rrate~n as Ca is so differenci.,di removal is pot easy but ultrafiltration Is a.,nalle:ir device for experimentation in this field. Four Cables, 5 Czech (including senior author's dissertation on Pb renal excretion,) 1-4 ',.eatcr-n references. 1/1 . i SOWFAK, Bohumill VLACHOVA, Dagmar Trichloroethylene metabolites Isolated from human urine. Fracovni lek.11 no.9:457-461 N 159- 1. Ustav hygieny prace a chorob z povolani v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. Jar. TeieipZer. (TRICHLORCITHTLMM urine) C, Z E C11 Ifeinii-ildittlJri 6fchfaiotiWjJ--iie- nlem b oliries, -TII-4~ frifir VlachnvA. Plucovnf Lik.1sivi -/, (C .4. 44, 1558b) %was in.,1441CA ta itwlvdet Al!4 file detil, nf Cl ill v,ll:,Iiic OrK. collip,14, lih-V tiMilow- c-thyl,ne. A -mw mcibrill I,; ilisr, &rtrilml for .he detil. of 11 ichluracalutiol (1) and CCI&COJI (11) ill liv- drolyrol l1rinc. 11 wai rcitiovvil by mion exAmige ~wll I was de!d. by Fuliwaraoi mictipa follt~objg it,i oxiolitints. The lowe5t amt. ii to T"Jill. d wiliv, In (lr(l,.r Io det. 11~,CCICOJII (111) file :ldd, - by paper chruinvalograpIty (pyritfiric-AmOll 1: 1 )wul ill the bpot to Ill tht amt. M cgimicAly Imuml CI itas deld. by the madfilled 1. prrwcAurv. 11c meth(A ii qwmt. r wjatn morr than 20 -y of Ill ii pre4cul. L. 1. Ufl?41W,%_~ VIACHOVA, Dagmar, RNDr Methods of determination of trichloretbVlene metabolites. Pracovni lak. 7 no.2:9P-192 Apr 55. (TRICHLOMHTLENE, metiLbolism, metabolites determ., method) SOUCIK, B.; V7ACHOVA, Do, Furtb;'r-~mi-tabolltes of trichloretIVIons in man. Pracovul lek. 6 no.6:330-332 15 Noy 54. 1. Ustay higieny prace a chorob z povolani, prednosta, prof. dr. J.Taisinger (TRICHLORORTHYIARN, metabolism urInaa7 monochloracetle aold & trichlorethanolgluouronide lif mum exposed to trichlorethylens vapors) (URINI metabolites of monochloracetic &oil & trichlorethanol- glucurouide in man exposed to trichlorethylene vapors) - VLACCHOVA, V~- Now rrospects in using thp Aerofall grinder. Stavivo 42 no.5: 196-197 My 164. UACI 107 A, ". SWiss strindarns for bir.41inp, mpterial,'- as co,..-pi,-,.r,-.-d ;,,itn ~', ard standards. P. 17,3. 1, Praha, 7o1. 33, no. 5, 1:-''j, 1955. _10: I".onthly List of Diropenn Accessions, LC, Vol. 4, no. 1(.~, Oct. 19~rj Uncl. VIAGHOVAO M. Rules for use of epoxy resins in combination vith concrete. Stavivo 41 no.7.-265-266 n 163. TIVOW, I Z. VLPCFOVAY Z. Josef Bulow, our advocater of Darwin1sm. p. 1;2. Vol. 2. 1955 SBORNIK FRO DFJINY FRIRODNIGH VED A TEC14NTKY TECIRIOLOGY Praha, Czechoslovakia So: East European Accessions, Vol. 5, no. 5, MaY 1956 Deteardnation of tricliforoathantil in ma urtnd----J.f Teisinger, V, St~blov&, anti V. Warhovk (Ostav hyg,l M cprdce, Prague), Pyarrvni Internal Lintl nettrologiral majims, of 41 pvtsoxin workiog hi- ari atin. voritg, O.MO-O..'370 mg. trichloreethylene in 1 1. did nat rvveid any definite relatiati httwimit (fit Hint, of excreted trichlorou'cetic acid (1) and the clinical picture. Moa of the workers (13) excrettd 1.5 1-1,3 tinivi mort: tri-