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GIBUSKI, X.,LBARA, B. -, MAXOM, H.; SEMXA, Z.; SYPULOWA, 1. An epidemic of Bormholm d1sease. Polski tygod. lek. 14 no.48: 2101-2103 30 ITOV 59- 1. (Z III Klinlki Chorob Wownetrznych 31. A. M. w -Bytomiu: kierownik: prof . dr X. Gibinold , Oddsialu*Wirusologii: kierownik: prof. dr H. Makover i Instytutu im. Hirssfelda we Wroclavin- kierownik: prof. dr S. Slcmek). (PLMOD'YNIA EPIDEHIC, opidemiol.5 - RM, Boleslav; -MAKOWIM, Henryk; SKURSKA, Zofia; STFULOWA, Alicja Npidemic of Bornholm's disease observed in the zummer of 1957 in the Bytom region. ArchAmium.ter.doev- 7 no.4-569-586 159. (PLMMQDYNIA, MPIDEMIG opidemiol.) "I 1 =2_6 AcaderrL~e Degrees: Affil1ation: SaareetWarsawt Postegy Hjgleny i Medveyny DgswiaLc,&a1jj2j I Vol xvj No 4, 19619 pi'WP-4380 Data$ "Bornholm Disease in Upper Silesia." English abstract of En 9 lish article originally published in Bull. World Health Or ., 19 0) 221 1+21. Au%ors GIB Chief) Third MedicpLl Department I Silesian =~Kl I j(,Cornel7i mD, '816hool of Medicine I Bytom. MAXCUER, Ridtft-!yk I 11D, M 86. 1 Chief Virolopy Djeepaartmeent, Ludvik Hirsz- feld Institute of Immunology and4;2jp3_ee1-r~enttNl er&py , !Polish t I eri Academy of Sciences Wroclaw- Directors ! Pi-of. Stefan SLOPEK, Dr. *ZNNKA Zofia PhD &puty Chief Virology Departmentq tudwik Hir3z- feld Tnstit;ie of'Immunology,ana Experimntal Therapy, Polish Academy of Soiencesj ldroclaw;,Directors Prof. Stdfan SLOPEK, Dr. BARA Bolegs aw _MD Chief Assistant, Third Medical Departments 61les- ~an Eckol 61 Meaicine, Bytom. SYPULOLTA, Alicja, X Be Virology Departmentv tudwik Hi SZ44AIIA143 PAN Wroclav __A-Institute of Immunol;gly.and Experimental Ther~Ry BARA, BoleBlaw Excretion,of magnesium and calcii= with thermal sweat. Pol. arch. med. vewnet. 33 no-10SIU5-1132,'161. 1. Z III Kliniki Chorob Vlewnetrznych Sl, -IN w B~rtcmiu Kierownik: lwof. dr med. K. Gibinski. (SWRMAT) (hMAT) (CALCIUM) (MAGNESMI) I kEXMTION) RUM.ANIA CRISTEA, I., Dr, Dr, CERNI, I., Dr, and SECASIU, V., Dr. Work performed at the Regional Veterinary Labora- tory (Laboratorul Veterinar Regional), Sf. Gheorghe and at the Clinical Laboratory of the Unified Hospital of Sf. Gheorghe (Laboratorul Clinic al Spitalului Unificat din Sf. Gheorghe). "Mixed Toxic Food Infection with 01. botulinum and VC1, perfringens.11 Bucharest, rlicrobiologia, Parazitologia, Epidemiologig, Vol 8, No 1, Jan-Feb 1963, pp 49-54. Abstract [Authors' English summary modified]: _'-escribes lo, cases of raixed botulin-Derfringens food poisoning occurring after eating a pig's blood sausage conserved in jars filled with lard. The biochemical and pathogenic characteristics of the Cl. Derfringens strain isolated are described* Includes 1 table and 18 Rumanian references. '.1/1 HUNGARY BARA, (BACHRACH), Denes, LASZLO, Aranka, POKORNY, LaJos; Medical University V'Mged, Patbolol= Anatomy and Pathohistological Institute (Szogedi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, Korbonctani. as Korszovettani Intezet). "The Effect of Chronic Cerebral Lesions on the Neurosecretory Activity of Albino Rats." Budapest, Kiserletes Orvostudomany, Vol xV, No 4, Aug 1963, pages 439-445- Abstract: (Authors' German s=mary3 The effect of chronic electrolytic cerebral lesions on the neurosecretory activity of albino rats has been investigated by the authors. The observations and results of previous re- search conducted by the authors indicate that: the neurosecretory saliva- producing ability of the nerve lobes is decreased with increasing inten- sity by lesions localized above the paraventricular (F.V.) nuclei, by complete destruction of the P.V. nuclei and, furthermore, by injuries reaching the tractus supraopticohypophyssus. No deviations were observed by the destruction of the middle and dorsal hypothalamic nuclei, unilateral or Partial destruction of P,V. nuclei, lesions behind the level of these nuclei on the hypothalamic-thalamic border. and high thalamic. lesions. ? Hungarian, 21 Western references. BARA Jozoof okleveles banyamernok Sinking of the air shaft Kata3in II. Bany lap 96 no.1:12-19 Ja 163. 1, Banyaszati Aknamelyito Trosztp Nogradi Korzetvezetoseg, Wagy- batony. RLU, Marian, mgr inz.j KULAKOWSKI,, Antonip Inze, *in trends of toohnical progress in the water management of the wood induatrya. Gosp wodna 23 nb,,5:201-202 My 163, NEACSU, G.; BARA, N. Some ultrabasic rock transformed products from Pirvova- Lapusnicel-Sumita (Banat). Dari seama sad 46:293-304 158/59 [Publ- 1621. BARA, Nicolae, Ing. ; AURELIAN, Z.; RUSU; Adrian Preparations for winter. Consir Bic 16 no.7690..3 3 Oct P64 2. Ifead of the Office of Produotion,"CeramieO Fhterprise of Gmstruction Materials, Bucharest (for Bara). BAR-A ~ NiPelae,- ing. Bricks for covering the front of houseo. Constr Buc 16 no. 739:2 7 March 164. 1. Seful serviciului productie al I.M.C. "Geramicall, Bucuresti. BAM, Jozef; HRYNKIEWICZ, Andrzej Z.; KULGAWCZUK, Dominik S.; LIZUREJ, Henryk Apparatus for the inve5tigation of the Mossbauer spectra at room temperature. Nukleonika 7 no-3:135-140 162. 1. Institute of Nuclear Physics, Cracow and Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University, Cracow. BARA, Marian, mgr. inz. - ........ 1 -11 - - A conference on the quality Of Drinting paper. Przeg1 papier 18 no.6: 201-202 Je 162 1. Zjednocienie Przemyslu Celulozowo-Papierniczego, Lodz. WINOGWOW, Leon; BARA, Staniolaw On the formtion of products made of special ceramics by hydrostatic methods. Szklo 12 no.9:269-273 S 161. ZILIBERj, L.Ao; BAYDAKOVA~ Z.L,; GARDASHIYAN, A.F.; KONOVALOV, N.V.; BUNINA, T*L*; BARABADZE, Ye.M. , i-I Study of the etiology.of anyotrophic lateral sc;erosis. Vest. AMN SSSR 18 no.6.-32-39 163. (MIRA 17:1) BAWAS, Janos r Various illuminations and their effect at microscopes working in transient light. KOP hang 5 no.3:65-68 je 1'59. , 1. "Kep- es Hangtechnika" szorkesato bizottsagi tagja. BARABASH, G.I. Phytogeographical and morphological characteristics of the Don floodplain ineadows in the section Liski-Belaya Gorka. Nauch;.zap.Vor.otd.VBO-za:3-9 164. (MIRA 18: 11) VENTSEL'y Sergey Veniaminovich; BARABASH. M.L., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; LOSI-KO-V,--ff~.V.-I -ao-iror tekhn. nauk, prof., red.; PILIPENKO, Yu.p., inzh., red.; GORNOSTAIPOLISKAYA, M.S., tekhn. red. tw~ricatibn of internalcombustion engines] Sma2ka dvi- gatelai vnutrennego sgoraniia. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1963. 179 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Gas and oil engines--Lubrication) tkl~,fy, 201~ AU-j.1iORS:.Barabashov N. P., Koval', I. K., Chekirda, A. T. TITLE: Fnotomietric Investigations of Mars in 1958. SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Nomissiya po fizike-planet. Izvestiya. no. 3. Miarkov, 1961. 3 - 15. 'Data are pres ented oh the distribution of brightness along the in-ten- sitty equator and central meridian of Mors, obtained on the basis of p1hotographic observations of the planet using optical filters. The emulsions and filters em,ployed a-.-a listed, and the exposures stated. No tie-in was made with -t:he sun, since the enoxer1ment was not aized at obtaining a detailed list of absol- ute bri~7htnesses. All ne - ives mem-calibratc-l-wil th_a_tubu_1,-_r_ -i~hotamate~ - - - - gat .-measured -w-jLxh- MF,-.-2-- -.he between the .a- ame e ta-an t -contrest jacro, bright -and dark regions and on the vardation of the brightness of the north- ern and southern polar regions of Mars, are tabulated. Except for one longitude re Factory correlation is observed between the "red" and "blue" cur- gion, satisf ves, and the lack of conelation in the particular region is attributed to the specific distribution of the enerV in the spectrum of the comesponding seas Card 1/ 2 ASSOCIATION: Ast-mnarnicheskaya observatoriya Kharlkovs),,,ogo universite-ta (Astmrmiical Observatory of the Kiarlkov Univemity) Car,d 2 / 2 SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Kanissiya,po fizike planet. Izvestiya. no. 3 Xharkov, 1961. 31 - 40 TEXT: The variation ofthe brightness of lunarobjects with the difference in the azimuths of the incident and reflected rays is investigated. The need for this irrjestigation is brought about by the fact that the moon's surface has by now )>een established to be quite roixgh and cut-up, and such a study can yield data on the form, and character of both first-order and second-order unvevenness of the moon's surface. The results indicate that the very rapid variation of'the brightness for any ewbination i = c(i is the angle of inc--'-d- ence and c the angle of reflection of the light ) for azimuth differences A between 0 and 900 and the slow variation between 90 and 1800 indicates that bet;.A.aen 0 and 900 the obscuring and smening of sane irregularities on the surface by others is much more pronounced. The results hint that the moon can be simulated by chopped-up tuff of suitable lump dirensions. The inter- Card 1/2 Measurement of the brightness... S/751/61/000/008/003/005 sections of the scatterirg indicatrices; for i 30 and 600 with pl.Anes pe-xpen- dicular- to the plane of incideno-- arO ' sin pas g through the incident ray are also obtained in order to check on the hypothesis that the luflar seas and continents aree'highly homogeneous. The data obtained confirm this hypothesis. There aree 9 figures and 7 tables.' ASSOCIATION: -Astrommicheskaya observatoriya Kharlkovskogo univemiteta (Astr,o,-mic Observatory of the Kharko~.University) Card 2 /2 L -7 AT5028246 SOURCE CODE: 93/0099 hr t AUTHOR: Lebedeva K. P. ; #Arab ~s!~n, .A, N. ORG: Institute of Electrochemista, Ural Branch, Academy of Sciences S�S (Akademiya nauk SSSR, Urallsidy filial, Institut plektrokhimii) 0V TITLE: Effect of conditions of qle lJolysis 6e structure of zirconium deposits. Part 1. Electrolysis of chloride melts containing tetravalent zirconium SOURCE- AN SSSR. Urallsldy filial. Institut elektrokhimli. T~-udy, no. 6, 1965. Elektro- khimiya rasplav).ennykh solevykh I tverdykh elektrolitov (Electrochemistry of fused salts and solid electrolytes), 93-99 TOPIC TAGS: electrolysis, zirconium compound, chloride, electrodeposition ABSTRACT: The,opnditionsunde which zirconium deposits adhoring to a~q are obtained fronAdhloride melts ~kvce studied, and It is found that the purit e . y b e cathode surface is the mai; factor determining. a good adhesion. The effect of the initial current density, temperature, and electrolyte composition on the size and shape of the particles of the deposit is also investigated. With an increase In current density, the proportion of acicular crystals decreases, and a concreting type of crystal becomes predominant. With rising tem- perature, the crystals become coarser, and the proportion of well -defined shapes (needles, highly branched dendrites) increases. The same phenomenon is observed when the potassium Card 1/2 Acc NR- ATr3028246 Ions of the solvent electrolyte are replaced by sodium tons. Orig. art. has: 8 figures and 2 tables. SUB CODE: 07, 20 SUBM DATE- none ORIG REF: 002 OTH REF- 007 Lf q//2 BARAB-TAVA, II.Te.;_WDIN, B.A. The 03-75-type semiautomatic machine for boring 3haped holes. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform. no.6:12-13 158. (MIRA 11:8) (Drilling and boring machinery) ' /_~ - / i M '_- IY, 3 )~Aluzh,; PAVIAk OUVARMS. ~P 44 #Ye., itzh.; SVIRIDIMM, S.Kh., inzh. The W-6601 autoZ"tic"roruffurawa -surfacing machine with magazine feed. Dor. prom. 7 no.1:3-4 Ja 158. (MIRA 11:1) (Jointer (Woodworking machine)) BRODSKIY, L.Sh.; BARAB-TAW, X.Te.; SVIRIDENKO, S.Kh. Automatic fdt ", pindle grooving machines. Der.prom. 7 no. 6:10-11 Je '58. (MIRA 11:8) (Woodworking macbiner7) RkRAB-TA=. M.Yq- VOLOTSBMCO. P.V. --------- Semiautomatic machine used for precision machining of cylindrical parts. Biul.takho-okon.inform, no.12:22-24 158. (14M 11: 12) (Lathes) SVIi'IDn-.1h0) 5crgc-,, K!jnritc-novicb;,D&AB--TARLE Matus' Yelevich; IIIZMSKIY, Lev Leonidcrvich; IUSHKOVIGH, Rikhail Pavlovich; SRIBNER, Leonid Andreyevich; SBRAGO, Leonid Konstantinovich; ORLIKOVj M.L.9 kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; ROMANOV, A.I., inzh.,., red.; BYKGVSKIY, A.Lp inzh., red.1 GORNOSTAYFOLISKAYA, M.S., tekhn. red. (Program control of jig drilling machines]Programrnoe xipravle nie koordinatno-sverlillrymi stankami. Moskva, Mashgiz 1962. (KIRA I' 87 pe 5:9) (Drilling and boring machinery-Numerical control) FILONENKO, Serafim Nikolayevioh; AFANASIYEV, V.F., kand. tekhn. mauk.9 retsenzent;.P8&B=TARL&r-X-Ya-, inzh., red.; - PILIPENKO, Yu.P., in2h., red.; GORNOSTAYPOLISKAYA, M.S.t tekhn. red. rmetal cutting] Rezanie metallov. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1963. 209 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Metal cutting) MEDMI 1. M.V.; CHIKAYEVp P.I., kand. tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; BARAB-TARLEI M.Ta., insh., retsenzent; PILIPENKO, Yu.P., In2h. V --red *. i sd-~' GORDEYEVA., L.P., tekhn. red. [Automatic orientatio~n'~Wd~'~,its and mechanisms] Avtomati- cheskie orientiruiushcble zagruzoehnye ustroistva i mekhaniz- my. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1963. 298 p. (MIRA 16:9) (Feed mechanisms) BARABADZE I I . BAIaWZB, G.S.; BERINE., G.I~; VAIUIVAKIIISIIVILI, V-I,,; GABUNI7Ap'G.Aq-UABUN37AO Sh.V.; GANGITA., A.A.; GOGODLIIDZE,, Ya.A.;- DZIMSTARISHVILIO A.I. (deceased]; ZNAWSKIY~ K.Y. ; VANTALIAIII., N.Aq NIKOLAYSHVILIs.V.S.; TOPADZEO L.I.; KRUNTSAR-TYA, A.G.; YAKO- BASMLIp N.Z,j DZHOMARDZHIDZE., G.S.,, red.; HOYNISHVILI, N.I., red.; FRITYKINA, L.A., red.; KISINA, Ye.I.p tekhn. red. (Food industry of the Georgian S.S.R. during the last 40 yearal Piohchevaia protyshlemost' Gruzinakol SSR za 40 let Moskva., Pishobsprozizdat 1961. 162 p, iMIRA -14:9) tGeorgia-Food industry) akWMM, E. M. "Erythrocyte Adsorption of Virus Papilloma in Rabbits" a report prepared at Sukhumi Medico-Biological Station, AMS USSR, 1954. So; Review of Eastern Medical Sciences, Munich, No. 2, 1956. -7 -77~- :i T; c77~ Card 1/2 Pub 17-15/21 FD-2432 Author Vadova, A. V. and Barabadze, Ye. M. Title Neutralization of the virus of papilloma Periodical : Byul. eksp. biol. i med. 39, 57-62, Jan 1955 Abstract : The virus o'f rabbit papilloma is not yet known. The authors believe that it is "masked" by -the developing tumor cells. They tried to isolate it from a malignant papilloma transplanted to the scarified skin of a healthy rabbit. The virus itself vas not isolated but af- ter a series of negative results, the authors found that it loses its pathogenic properties when mixed with the proteins of cancer tissues, and that union vith normal tissues activates it. Neutralization of the virus could be observed in vitro and in vivo. The authors-then investigated the effect of mixed carcinoma and papilloma material under similar conditions. Results were positive; the carcinoma Card 2/2 FD-2432 proved to be a favorable medium for the propagation of the virus which by its biological nature may be mistaken for any one of a number of other infectious viruses." The process resembles the neutralization of some other viruses by immiiner-sera. The mecha- nism,is not clear and will have tb be investigated. No references. Tables, graphs, illustrations. Institution. Laboratory of Experimental Oncology of the Sukhumi Medical Bio- logical Station (Director 1. A. Utkin) Academy of Medical Scie'aces USSR Submitted ; -- PETROV, N.N., VADWA, A.V., SMOYLOVSXAYA, Me.. BARARADZ%_T1e.K.* PROZOROVAJ.S. 7irst experiments in inducing neoplasmaARth radioactive silver. [with sumrary In Znglishl. Sksper.khir. 1 no.4.6^ .3-8 JI-Ag 156 (MIRA 11:10) 1. 1z laboratoril eksperimentalinoy onkologil Sukbunakoy nadiko-binlo- gicheskoy stantsit. (dir. I.A. Utkin, nauchuyy rukovoditell prof. N.H. Petrov) ANN SSSR. (NEOPLASMS, exper. induction by radioactive silver in rate (Run)) (SILVER, radionctive induction of cancer inrats (Rua)) (CARCINOGENS, radioactive silver-induced anneer in rats (Rue)) A PA ZROOZZMA, W. A. prof , BARA~.A7, e.M. (Sukhumi) Inducti-n of bone tumors In monkors [with summary In Inglishl Pat.fixiol. t akep. tersp. 2 no.3:14-18 Vq-J& '58 (MMA 11:7) 1. Is laborstorii ek-sperimentallnoy onkologii (nauchoyr rukoyoditell -deystvitellnn chlen AM SSSR prof. N.H. Petrov) Sukhumskoy mediko-blologicheskoy stantall ANN (direktor I.A. Utkin). (BONE AND 30NIS. neoplasms, exper.. Induction in monkeys puq)) (NEOPUSH; , exDsrimental, bone. induction in monkeys (Rua)) BARDfiJM. Ye.M. Conditions of adsorption of rabbit papilloma virus by erythrocytes. VoRovirus, 3 no*5:296-301- S-0 158 (MIRA 11:10) 1. l*,Doratoriya, akeperimentallnoy onkologii Sukhumskoy mediko-biologi- cheskoy stantaii AM SSSR, (VIRUSESS Shoppe rabbit papilloma virms, adsorption by erythrocytes (RUB)) (XRTMOCYTBS, ' Adsorption of Shoppe rabbit papilloma virus (Rua)) FMOV, N.We (Leningrad, ul. Saltykova-Shchedrina, d. 41, kV, 1); XROTKM, N.A.; BARABADZE, Te.M.: VIMVA, A.V-; GEL'SHTEYN, V-I-; MOLININDV, B.A.; -FOsTMWA,-*X-.A-.-, SMOTWVSKAYA, Z-~a. Results of 18 years of work at Sukhumi on experimental careftogenesis in monkeys. Vop.onk. 4 no;.6:643-655 158- (nn 1. Iz laboratorii eksperimentallnoy,onkologii Sukhumskogo institute, patologii i terapii (b. Fitomnik obez'7an i modbiostantsiya) (nauchWy rukovod. - prof. I.N. Petrov). (NBOPWKS, experimental, result of 18 year work on carcino4enesis in monkeys (Rus)) E:-CERPTA MEDICA See 16 Vol 7/5 Cancer May 59 s for ads on of rabbit pap Condition illorna virus by erythrocytes (Russian text) BARABA"'E -%I- "Pr~ 1-irl's(4- 1058, 5 .2f)6-:J0 1) '1 ables 2 The influence oFtemperature, tune of exposure,NaCl conccutration,and pl-I oil Jie adsorption of rabbit papilloina virus by erythrocytes was investigated in vitro, and optimal condition.; lor this adsorl)tion ~ver~ detr~uined. The presence orvinis was revealed I)v inoculation in rabbits. A temperature (?r 37' C. was inore ravourable Iliall fi, C., with optinial tinic of exposure In-Go ulin. The more concentrated ail initial virus suspension, the more virus paiticles weiv adsorbed by red cells. The quan~tity of'virus particles Adsorbed froul 'It suspension prepared %~-itli NXI Solution wa.% larger in comparison with that from suspensions pre ared With 0-4, 0-8, 2.0, '1.o, and 4.o",',, NaCl solutions. More virtis particles were aTsorbcd by red cells With'Pli 7.0 than with pH B.o or 9.o. Human red cells (groups I and 111)'as well as erythrocytes froni nionkey, sheep, d(kg, cat, white rat, and firog N%-cre found to adsorb rabbit piiipilloma virus. Adsorption oi' the virus 1)), guinea-pig red cells was also confirmed. The experiments showed that the pathogeniciti of virus s1ispensiom prepared with 1.6-2%' NaCl -aline was higher than that o suspensions with 0-4, 0-8, Io, and 4-0% saline. BARABADZE Ye M. Cand Me& Sci - (Diss) "Study of the adsorption by =t~~ erythrocytes of the virus of the papilloma of domestic rabbitts and the mechanism of its masking*," Sukhumi, 1960, 15 PP,( Acad Med Sci, USSR. Inst Epidemiology and Ilicrobiology im Honored Academician N. F. Gamale), 200 copies, (Ut 29-6o,126) ,BAR~MZE, Ye.M. r Study of viremia in papillomatoois in rabbits. Vop. virus. 5 no. 1:96-98 Ja-F 160. (KIM 14:4) 1. Laboratoriya eksperimentallnoy onkologii Inatituta eksperimentall- noy patologii i terapii ANN SSSRp Sukhumi, NUFSES) (TUMORS) BARABA-IqXv Ye.M, Effect of immme serum on the adsorption of the papilloma virus rabbits by erythrocytes. Vop, virus. 5 no, 1:98-101 Ja-F t6O. (MMA 14:4) 1. Wboratoriya eksperiinentalinoy ankologii Instituta eksperimentall- Oy patol erapii AMN $MR# Sukhumi. (ERYTHROGYTES) (VIIWSES) BA.R&BADZE, Variable infectivity of Shope papilloms. Vop.onk. 6 no.2:67-72 F 16o. (VITHELIUM-TUMORS~ (MIRA .14:2) MELINIKOVY R.A.; M~ ~y Cancer of the tongue in mmkeyq_produced after the introduction ot the radioactive isotope Agl-LU into the.,antrum highmorie , Vopwonke 6 no.:~-69-72 Fir 160. (NIBA 14:2) (SILVER-ISOTOPES) (TONGUE-CANCER) (NOSEY-ACCESSORY) BkRABADZE Ye.M. Resistance of an inhibitor of Shope rabbit papilloina virus to the action of various types of radiations. Vo virus. 7 no -3:328-331 * MV-46 162. V ~M-l 16:8) 1. Laboratoriya eksperimentallnoy onkologii Instituta eks- perimentallnoy patologii i terapii AIIN SM,Suk-humi. (CANCER) (VIRUSES) (RADIATION-PHSIOLOGICAL EFACT) ZILIBER, L.A.; BAYDAKOVA, Z.L.-Ideceased); GARDASH'YAN, A.M.; KOHOVALOV, N.V.; BUNINA, T.L.: BARABADZE Ye M. Possible viral etiology for ezVotrophic lateral sclerosis Voo virus-7 no-5:520-528 S-0 162. (MIRA i5 :115. 1. Institut epidemiologiL i mikrobiologii imeni N,.F.Gamalei ANN SSSR, Institut nevrologii AMN SSSR, Moskva, i Institut eksperimentallnoy patologii i.terapii AM SSSR, Sukhumi. (AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS) (VIRUS DISEASES) KROTKIKAp N.A. (Leningrad,, P-3, Bollshoy prospekt,, 31, kv. 91); DAUBADZE, YO.M. Two cases of induced sarcoiCa of extremities in monkeys. Vop. ank, 10 no.4:87-92 164. wiLkiiin) 1. Is Inetituta ankologii AM SSSR (dir. - deyBtvitelinyy chl6n i~N SSSR prof. A.I. Serebrov), Gosudaretvennogo maditainakogo instittita (dir. - prof. P.G. Gelbakhiani) Thilisii Instituta sksperimental!itoy patologii i terapii ANN SSSR (dir. - prof. B.A. Lapin) Sukhumi. lauohnyy rukovoditelt - deyetvitellnyy cUen AM SSSR prof, N.N. Petrov. 3AUt.njlenr~k Kidney function tests by sodium thiosulfate clearance rate. Rospr.vydze'nauk med, 3 no-1:5-65 1958 1. Z'Oddstalu. Vewnetrzuego Szpital Vojskowego Wroclawskiego; Kierownik: dr med. Henryk Barabano' (Praedstavil: doe* dr med. Tadeuss Orl-ovski). (XIMY PUNCTION TESTS, sodium thiosulfate clearance test (Pol)) (MIOSULPATES, sodium thiooulfqLae clearance in kidney funct. tests BARABAN, Henryk; RK51-LO, Bronislaw Trnnnient pulmonary infiltrations in the course of infection with Strongy- laides stercoralis. Polski tygod. lek. 13 no.41:1592-1594 13 Oct 58, 1. (Z Oddzialu Wewnetrznego.Bspitala WoJakowego I Oddzialu Wewnstrzaego Witaln im, Oxerwiakowskiego we Wroclawiu; ordynator: dr mod. Henryk Baraban). Adres: Wroclaw. ul. Przodownikow Fracy 19/4. (STRONGYMIDIAS31S, compl. pulm. infiltrations, transient, in Stronaloide8 sterooralls infect. (Pol)) (LUM, in various die. Strongyloides sterooralis infect, with transient pulm. in- filtrations (Pol)) BAROAN -- - ~01'tpl'iX --I un en?,ymes in kidney diseases with s cial reference pa to tbeii- activity, in the blood serum and urine. Folskie arch. mad. wewn. 31 no.8-11101-1118 161. 1. Z III Kliniki Chorob Wownetranych AM we Wroclawiu Kierownik: Prof. dr mad. E. Szczeklik. (KIDNEY DISEASES metab) (ENZYMES metab) BARAW, Henryk Group study on enzymes in kidnqy diseases with particular consider- ation on the activity of the '71oo%2 serum and urine. Polskie arch. med. wewn. 31 no.10:1337-1347 161. T. Z III Kliniki Chorob Weenotrznybh AM we Wroclawiu Kierownik: prof. dr med. E. Szezeklik. (GLaEanoWHRITIS metab) (ENZYMS metab) BARABLN, Henryk Group study on enzyme in kidney disbaoes with special reference to,the activity of the blood serum and urine. M. Late pregnancy toxemi4s. Poldkie arch. med. weir. 3-~ no,11:1"9-1462 1611. 1. Z III Kliniki Chorob Wownstrznych AM we Wroclawiu Kierownik: prof. dr med. E.Szoseklik. (PREGNANCY TOXEMIAS metab) (ENZYM metab) .BARABAN, Henr$k - Group study on.61'syms in k~dnoy- diseases with special reference to the activity of the blood serum and urine. IV. Lipoid nephrosis. Polskie arch. mod. wewn. 31 no.12:1565-1574 161. 1. Z III Kliniki Chorob Wesnetrznych AM we Wroclawiu Kierownik: prof dr med. E.Szczbklik. NEPHROTIC SMMROME metab) (BELDES metab) .~~ROAV-, lypA �t.~panoyiqh, qATED, A.A - , L HA IKO, A - .4 - ] , kand. a e1 I a kahaspadarchykh 1~--- __4~ *.red.;- rAZARCHTK, X.. red.; EARPINOVICH, Ta,,tekhn.rado LAdvnnced practlees of the "Ross" State Farm In feeding for mM productionj Peradavy vopyt eouhAsa "Roe" us rasdoiu karou. Pad red. A.A. laika. Minsk, Dziarzh. vyd-va BSSR, Red. sellhasp. lit-r7. 1956. 89 p. (MIRA 11:8) (White Russia-Zairying) BARABAN, L.; NIKOLAYEV, N. First results. Stroitell no.12:15 D '56. (MLRA 10:2) 1. Predoedatel I komiteta postroyek uchaetka Zhilatroy~2 tresta, Voroshilovskstroy Ministerstva stroitallstva prodpriyatiy metallurfl~icheskoy i khimicheskoy protWahlenaosti SSSR. (for Baraban) 2. Brigadir komplekenoy brigady uchastka, Zbilstroy-2 tresta Voroshilovsketroy Hinisterstva stroitelletva pkedpriyatiy metallurgichaskoy i khimicheskoy proiWablermosti SSSR. (For' Nikolayev). (Voroehilovsk--Building) BARKBAN. M. -,-S olving the mochanizatlon problem. Sov.profeoiuzY 7 no,1:61 A 16o. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Sakreiarl savodgkoy gazety "Kalininats" savoda im. Kalinina, Voronezh. .(V6ronexh-gachinsry inaustry) BARADAN$ M. L. "Club of the Derbent Viticulturists," Vin. SSSR, 12, No.2, 1952 BAIURM, M. gAorqnazh) dIopygirlag-pidpseo. Izobr. i rats. no.9:8 S 161, (19JU 14:8) (Voronezh--Power pressel) ACC NRo "6031838 SOURCE CODE: UW0129/66/,000/007/0028/0033 AUTHORt Petrovichevp N. P.j*Barabanenkov N I - Folmin, A. P.; ftroganov, 00 Be;. Gracheva, A. P.; Pozdayakna, G. Weii If ORG: none TITLE: Utilizing the kindle Plastichy Of stainless stool to reduoe'the warping of work, parts''* during their heat treatnient SOURCE: Metallovedenlye I termicheskaya obrabotka metallov, no. 7, 1966, 28-33 TOPIC TAGS: stainless steel, metal deformation, plasticity, phase transition, stress relaxation ABffRACT: During its phase transformations steel displays higher plasticity, and this efta my be exploited to reduce warping, particularly in intricate large-sized work parts of high.;- -strength stainless steel (0. 11-0. 16% C, :5 1. 0% Mn, 14-15.5% Cr, 4-5% M1,'2.3-2. 8% Mo, 0. 06-0. 1% N) whose structure, after a complete cycle of Its heat treatment, consists of martensite, residual austenite and isolated carbides, and which tends to shrink 0. 5% vvhen* quenched and expand%3%when subjected to subzero treatment. It to shown that the warping of ~ments from from ation 2 SUB* ACC NR, AP6031838 work parts made of steels of this kind can be reduced by means of: use of fastening attach-, designed so that the shrinkage associated with phase transformations would proceed thin to bulky sections of the work part, while expansion, by-contrast, would proceed residual bulky to thin sections; and orientdd deformation designed to.maximize deform- also to maximize the degree of stress relaxation 0. 8 and hence rig art hai; figures tables. Pa, 006 CODEz I]/'SUBM'DATE: none/ ORIG RE 13 2A . _. ! . 407+- / 0, J Oo O(A') 66821 AUTHORs Barabanenkov, Yu.N. SOV/155-58-5-16/37 TITLEs Longitudinal Compression of a Thinned Plasma in an Axial- Symmetric Magnetic Field PERIODICA-Lu Nauchnvye doklady vysehey(shkoly. Fiziko-matematicheakiye nauki,1958,Nr 5#PP 78-84 USSR) ABSTRACT% Starting from the hydrodynamic equations of a diluted plasma being in a weakly variable magnetio field$ the author in- vestigates the motion of the plasma along a magnetic tube with axial-symetric magnetio-field. He considers two different statistical distributions of-the plasma along-the tube-for which a maximum of density corresponds to the minimum of the magnetic field. It is shown that distributions of statistical type can arise for an instationary motion along the tube. 1. Initial equations 2. Conditions for quasi-neutral plasma 3. Statistical distribution of the density of the plasma along the tube 4- Compression of the quasi-neutral plasma along the magnetic tube. The author thanks Professor Ya.P.Terletskiy Card 1/2 L~' 16 66821 Longitudinal Compression of a Thinned Plasma SOV/155-56-5-16/37 in an Axial-Symmetric Magnetic Field . for the interest in his-paper. There are 5 non-Soviet references, 3 of which are American, i English, and I German. ASSOCIATIONs Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M.V.Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M.V. Lomonosov) SUBIrJTTED.- July 13, 1958 Card 2/2 240), 21(7) SOV/56-35-5-33/56 AT! '110R: Barabanen TITLE: A Rydrodynamic Investigation of the Compression of a Thinned Plasma in an Axially-Symmetric Magnetic Field (Gidrodinami- cheskoye rassmotreniye szhatiya razrezhennoy plazmy v aksialL no-simmetrichnom magnitnom pole) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1958, Vol 35, Nr 5, pp 1280-1281 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors investigated a completely ionized plasma without collisions, which was enclosed in a narrow magnetic tube of an axially-symmetric magnetic field. The axis of the tube is identical with the symmetry axis of the magnetic field. If quasineutrality is assumed, the motion of the plasma along the tube can be described by the equations of hydrodynamics. The author deals with two types of plasma compression along the magnetic tube: a) Isothermal compression. The correspond- in- expressions for magnetic field strength and density dis- tribution at a given instant of time are written down. In this case the plasma is subjected to periodical compressions Card 1/2 along the-., e in the direction of the W.nimum of magnetic field 1 SOV/56-35-5-33/56 A Hydrodynamic Investigation of the Compression of a Thinned Plasma in an Ax.ially-Symmetric Magnetic Pield strength, and to expansions up to equilibrium distribution. b) An adiabatic layer-wise decomposition by the quasistatic application of a gradient of magnetic field strength, rhich iq- periodic along the tube. The corresponding expressions for magnetic field strength and density are written down. Accord- in.- to the formulae obtained, the plasma forms layer-like compressions along the tube, vhich are concentrated near the points with a minimum magnetic field strength. There are 2 references. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (moscow State University) SUBMITTED: Jiine 3, 1958 (initially) and July 9, 1958 (after revision) Card 2/2 67511, 25 -2434- ~21/, 2 3 0 0 SOV/155-59-1-21/30 AUTHORi Barabanankov, Yu.N. TITLE: Maxwell Equa ions in the Rotating Reference System PERIODICALs Nauchnyye doklady vysehey shkoly. Fiziko-matematicheakiye neuki, 1959, Nr 1, PP 141-145 (USSR) ABSTRACT% The author establishes Maxwell equations in the rotating co- ordinate system fixed with respect to the body, in a vectorial form (three-dimensional). The equations are used in order to calculate the electric field of a rotating magnetic body in the system fixed with respect to the body. The author thanks Professor Ya.P. Terletskiy for the problem and discussions. There are 6 references, 4 of which are Soviet, I German, and 1 American, ASSOCIATION: IToskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni '..~,V. Lomono9ova (Moscow state University imeni -M~V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: November 15, 195B Card 1/1 21(7) SOV/56-37-2-15/56 AUTHOR: Barabanenkov, Yu. N. TITLE: On the Solution of the Kinetic Equation of a Plasma in a Variable Magnetic Field PERIODICALz Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoretioheskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 37, Nr 2(8), PP 427-429 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The motion of a totally ionized plasma (collisions being neglect- ed) along a narrow magnetic tube of an axially symmetric field is considered by means of the kinetic equation in Hamiltonian form. The latter is transformed by canonical transformation into a system of four equations in the canonical variables (4); this system corresponds to the Liouville equation for the dis- tribution function F LF- + A-h -8F + ah ) -2F- - 0; at ay aj" aill 8~ h =_ -8S/8 t, (j =- 801/8J,, (T and J,, are the canonic variables). This equation is solved on the assumption that the magnetic field varies only slowly with time. As an example, a magnetic Card 1/2 field of the form H(X,t) - H(t)(1 + x 2/a2) with Maxwell dis- SOV/56-37-2-15/56 On the Solution of the Kinetic Equation of a Plasma in a Variable Magnetic Field tribution function is dealt with and the moments up to the third order are calculated; (a is a distance of the magnitude of the dimension of the inhomogeneity of the magnetic field along the magnetic tube). The author finally thanks Frofeseor Ya. P. Terletskiy for diSOUSBing this work. There are 3 Soviet ref- erencea. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Moscow state University) SUBMITTED: September 17, 19513 Card 2/2 BARAAgE-Nh OV, -Yu. N.- Possibility of natural oscillation of a ebarge in mutually opposed fields. Zbur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 38 no.1-263 Jan #6o.- (MIRA 14:9) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Electric fields) (Magnetic fields) (Oscillations) 83588 S/056/60/033/005/021/05() 14.),11-0 B006/BO70 6 -7.331 A'UTHORx Barabanenkov. Tu. N. TITLE% Coulomb Scattering_of Charges in a Strong U&IMetic Field PERIODICALs Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol- 38, No- 5, PP. 1512-1514 TEXT, The effect of a strong magnetic field on charge collisions in a plasma was earlier investigated by Ye. M. Lifshits on the basis of the equation of L. D. Landau, and by S. T. Belyayev on the basis of the equation of N. N. Bogolyubov. The.present work makes a contribution to this topic by investigating the Coulomb scattering of two positively charged particles in a strong homogeneous magnetic field constant in time. The following conditions are satisfied : (ewH/O)/(e2/R2)>>I, and R ? L >>1; w is the component of the velocity of the charge perpendicula ~0-?L- is the Larmor radius,.and R the collision parameter. The equations of motion of the charges in the field are set up, and the solutions are given. The meaning of the solutions'is discussed in detail, The two r.'%-rd 1/3 83588 Coulomb Scattering of Charges in a S/056/60/038/005/021/050 Strong Magnetic Field 'Boo6 B070 charges revolve round I in a Larmor circle with velocities w 1 and w 2- The centers of the Larmor circles (which in the following are designated as leading centers) move along and transverse to r. Equations (4) and (5) describe these motions of the leading centers. The velocity of the Larmor revolution of the charges is not affected by the scattering. The projection of the distance between the leading centers onto the plane perpendicular to is a constant quantity. The same is true of the "electric" center of gravity of the leading oenters. Application of these results to a plasma shows that, if at any instant the distribution of the electrons (or ions) is an even function of the transverse (with respect to.the magnetic field) velocity w, is an arbitrary function of the longitudinal velocity, and is homogeneous in space, it does not alter with time. A special discussion about the electrons shows that the electron distribution function which is symmetric with respect to w cannot be affected by electron collisions, in which, of course, only a change in velocity takes place. This result is in agreement with those of Belyayev and Lifshits. There are 4 Soviet references. LA--- Card 2/3 83588 Coulomb Scattering of Charges in a S/056j6O/O38/005/021/050 Strong Magnetic Field 3006/B070 ASSOCIATION% Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet tMoscow State University x SUBMITTEDt November 9, 1959 Card 3/3 BARA.BANENKOVO Yu. No, Cand Phys-Math Sci -- "Certain prob- lems in the dynamics of rarified plasma in a magnetic field." Moo, 1961o (Mos Oblast Fed Inst im No K. Krupskaya) (KL, B-619 225) - 5 - BWMNEKOV, TuiN. Ch~dges of momentum of cbwrges colliding in a magnetic field. Zhur. ekep. i teoir. fit* 4.0 no.5t1476-1480 My 1.61. (MIR& 14e7)- 1, Moskovskiy gosudarstvenW uniiersitet. CollisionEt (Nuclear physics)) ~Magnetic--fields) BA4~~~,._Tu.J.; TOLKACHEV, A.A.; AYTKHOZHIN, N.A.; IZWTA, O.K. 6 Scattering of an electromagnetic 46-impulse bodies with finite dimensions. Radiotekh. i 1069-1071 Je 163. waves) on perfectly conducting elektron. 8 no.6: ()URA 16:17) (Electromagnetic -BARABANOV. A.- bripadir; AREF'YEV, B.; MOSHKIN, G.; CITISTYAYDV, V.; PETLAUSHIN, V.1 VLADIMIROV, L.; BYEOOV, A.; PETMV, r,.; OCANE-EYAN, S. Tb.e party'S program is a banner for a nation-wide effort in build- ing communism. Rech. transp. 20 no.8:3-4 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Brigada kommunisticl-.eskozo truda Moskovskogo sudostroitel'nogo i sudoremonstnogo zavoda (for-Barabanov). 2. Rektor LeningradskoFo instituta vodnogo transporta (for Aref'yev). 3. Kapitan , volzhskogo teplokhoda "Tallin" (for Moshkin). 4. Master stanochnogo uchastka derevoobdelochnopo tsekha Moskovskoro sudostroitel'nogo i, sudore- montnogo zavoda (for Chistyakov). ~. Master mekhanicbeskikh mas- terskikh moskovskogo Zapadnogo porta (for Petrushin). 6. Vedusbehiy konstruktor TSentral'nogo proyektno-konstruktorskogo byuro Xinis7 terstva rechnopo flota (for Vladimirov). 7. Nachal'nik Stalingrad- skogo porta (for Bykov). 8. Nachal'nik tekhnicheskogo otdpln moskovskogo Yuzhnoro porta (for Petrov). 9. Kapitan teplokhoda "Zaraysk" Moskovs~.ogo rechnogo parokhodstva (for Orane--yan). (Communism) (Inland water transportation) BARABANOV, A.- CHALAYA, Z. - 7 - OwAnwW-*P- -- -;,t ~ - Use of horn and hoof "plastios." Prom.koop. n0-7:22-23 Jl 157. (K6RA 10:8) 1.Direktor Chornovitskoy pugovichnoy fabriki (for Barabanov). 2.Nachalinik otdoleniya tekhnichaskogo kontrolya Chernovitskoy pugovichnoy fabriki (for Chalaya). (Horns) (Buttons) BARABAYOV A. (Alm-Ata) Instructive conferences. Zhil.-kom. khoz. 12 no./+*.21-22 Ap 162. (MBU 15:7) (Alm-AtaApartment houses-Maintenance and repair) OQOD~ ~C, AP6027781 SOURCE CODE:UR/0126/66/022/001/0007/0017 ,,Vi al 1 OR: Barabulov, A. F.; Maksimov, L. A. ORG: none TITLE: Calculating the ' electrical resistance of aluminum SOURCE: FiziLa metallov i metallovedeniyo, v. 22, no. 1, 1966, 7-17 TOPIC TAGS. electric resistance, aluminum, conduction electron, phonon, mathematic ABSTRACT: S-mrtin- with a system of non-interacting quasiparticles -- electrons and phonow which are described by tho hamiltonian Ho and in which any distribution with the density matz po = poo (I + F); POO ZV exp -F) (2) is steady~-state if the operator F satisfies the conditions UDC: 539.292:537.211 Card 1/2 .- L 09 %04-67-.--- ACCNR. P6027781 F-~+; [~fi.1=0; ~-SPPOOF=O. (3) A A (in this parLicular case F op P is the electron momentum operator, with the density matrix describiii,r a SUIto wiIII electric current proportional to the vector c. On this basis formulas for electrical resistance and electron-phonon interaction are derived, with special reference W the clecixical resistance of aluminum at six values of temperature within the 64-2050K range. The calculations pertain to a true Fermi surface of aluminum and real wave functions of conduction electrons. By contrast with the studies dealingwith the calculation of the kinetic 1 coefficientof monovalent metals (see e.g. Greene, M. P., Kohn, W. PhYs. Rev., 1965, 137, 2A, 513) in this case (a polyvalent metal) the matrix element of electron-phonon interaction is determined on the basis of the pseudopotential theory. Electrical resistance is found to be essentially dependent on the value of the Fourier component w(p) of the' -ps e-udop- o-.t-e-- tial in the t. A region p ;~:: 2k,,-., with scattering on transverse phonons accounting for 70% of the resistance. The 'aicorctical findings are found to be accurate within 15%. "We wish to use this opportunity to express our gratitude to Yu. VII. Kagan for his unflagging interest in this project and useful discussion". Orig. art. has. 1 table, 5 figures, 27 formulas. SUB CODE. 20., 12/ SUBM DATE; 29Sep65/ ORIG REP: 001/ OTH REP: 009 ACCESSIOK NR; ARW39832 8/0044/6k/0O0/W4/b048/BDh8 AUTHOR: Bwmbawvp As To TITIE: Solution of the cauchy yroblt= for the Laplace ordinary differential equation* SOURCE: Refo Zh. Matematikaj, Abe 4B196 TOPIC TAGS: caxtclW problem, ordinary differential equation., laplacej, contour integration Az TRANS: The caucby problem for the Laplace linear ordinary differential ?equation of order np with regalar singular point, is solved by the method of contour Integrations 7be solution is given in an allUcaW closed fom-mdor the asomption that tha roots of the ebaracterist4a equation are kumno Vo Nemyftskiyo. ASAOQIATION: n9ae. SUB CODr!#: W1 DATE AM INCL: 0c) or SOV/147-58-4-1/15 AUTHORS: Barabanov, A. T. and Rayzberg, B. A. TITLE, 'b'es-c-ent-o7-a-K-Artificial Satellite from its Elliptic Orbit (Snizheniye sputnika na ellipticheskoy orbite) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya VyBshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, AviatsionrLaya Tekhnika, 1958, Rr 49 pp 3-8 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The object of the article is to determine deviations from the elliptic orbit which the satellite would follow if there were no air resistance. The only disturbing force considered is the (frontal) air drag and since this is assumed small, the problem is solved by means of small perturbations method. Using vectorial notation, Eq.(l) gives the equation of motion, where: m - mass of the satellite; V - its absolute velocity; g,- gravitational acceleration at the ground level; r - radius of the Earth; -3 r - vector radius describing the position of the satellite with respect to the centre of the Earth; X - aerodynamic (frontal) drag force. Card 1/4 Multiplying this equation vectorially by i (~ 1 and i2 are SOV/147-58-4-1/15 Descent of an Artificial Satellite from its Elliptic Orbit .the unit vectors in mutually perpendicular directions - see Fig.1) Eq (2) is obtained (the law of swept areas) in which the suffix 11011 denotes the initial values of the variables. The result of scalar multiplication of Eq (1) by v is Eq (3). Hence, by sultable substitutions (h0 H09 ~b and ~ as defined i~ the article and putt' Z = TO from Eqs (3) and (2), Eq (4) is derived, ming now small perturbations from the elliptic orbit as resulting from th aerodynamic drag (i.e. putting Z = ZZ + Az and (pl = 1 + E? where the asterisk denotes the undisturbed conditions) Eq (4) transforms into Eq (6), which is considered as the starting point for the disturbed orbit. (For the undisturbed elliptical orbit it is taken e,> 0.01). Eq (6) is now linearized by assuming disturbances to be small, which is sufficiently accurate when A z ~,, f and dA z