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TOPIC TAGS, trace analysis, bismmn trace detemunation, antim-ony trace deter- m1nation. gren-anitun anab-Gis, aermanium tetrev-hloride volta=-tric ar E 's a-r w r ~L 1~ TFAC-7 A j- v r, ~I ri r -i r-" r 'T~ P-+ Y-n-i -i pt ons r' ar- A I' , f-P 7 r F. iz rit ve r r- r Ll yA. Ye.N.; IVANOVA, V.A. Using diethyldith,iophosphoric acid for the separation of copper, cadmium, lead, and bismuth admixtures from zinc and for the polaro- graphic determination of germanium in the presence of arsenic. Vest.Mosk.un.Ser.mat., makho, astron., fiz., khim. 12 no.3:237-245 '57. (MIRA 11:3) 1.Xafedra analitichaskoy khimii Moskovskogo gosudarstvannogo universiteta, (Thiophosphoric acid) (Zinc) (Germanium) VINOGRAMVA, Te.N.; PROKHDROVA, G.V. --------- -Polarographic determination of ultraminute quantities with the use of a stationary mercury electrode. Zav.lab. 26 no.1:41-45 160. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Moskovskiy gosudaretvennyy universitet imeni M.V. Iomono'sova* (Polarograpbr) (Blectrodes, Mercury) VINOGRWU.-f- T6,N.; CHMINOVA. M.N. ftw-~ Polarographic. behavior of gallium. Z&v,lab.22 no.11:1280-1284 156. 1. Koskovskiy gosudarstvannyy universitet. (Polarography) (Gallium) VINOGRADOVA, Ye.N.1 VASILIYEEVA, L.11.; IOBST, K. Polarographic determination of lead in a particularl.7 pure aluminum. Zav.lab. 27 no.5,525-527 161. (VIRA 14:5) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M* V. Lomonosava. (Lead--Analysis) (Aluminum--Analysis) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5384 VinogErRadqo2vyaa,-YgYegniyA-Nlh2l~!~,- Zoya Aleksandrovna Gallay, and Zoya Mikhaylovna Finogenova. Metody polyarograficheskogo i amperometricheskogo analtza (Methods of Polarographic and Amperometric Analysis) ( Mosco~.- 1zCjrvo Moskovskogo univ. , 1960. 279 p. Errata slip inserted. noo copieE. printed. Resp. Ed.: 1. P. Alimarin, Corresponding Member, Academy of Scie:'--'C-:, USSR. Professor; Ed. : S. F. Kondrashkova; Tech. Ed. : G. 1. Georgiyeva. PURPOSE: This textbook is intended for students specializing in analytical chemistry at schools of higher education and for scientific personnel of research institutes and industrial laboratories. COVERAGE: The book presents the general theoretical principles of Card4" Methods of Polarographic (Cont.) SOV/5384 polarography and amperometric titration by means of mercury as well as solid electrodes. Methods of using mercury-drop and solid electrodes are listed and the prospects of polarographic analysis development are discussed. The concluding chapter deals with practical operations. All the problems are accurately and repeatedly checked during the practical training of students and were selected either to illustrate the theoretical course or to familiarize the student with methods of polarographic and amperometric analysis. Chs. I-VI were written by Ye. N. Vinogradova; Chs. VV[ and VIII by Z. A. Gallay; and Chs. IX and X by Ye. N. Vincgradova, Z. A. Gallay, and Z. M. Finogenova. The authors thank 1. P. Alimar in, S. V. Gorbachev, A. 1. Busev, and A. Kh. Bork, Professors, for their help. References accompany each chapter. There are a total of 292 references: 162 Soviet, 68 English, 16 German 30 Czech, 9 French, 3 Swiss, 2 Polish, I Italian and I other. Ca'rA.21" AGASUANq P.K.; VINOGRADOVAp U.N.; ANI 9-'SZIN-ZIIU (An Ching-Jul Determination of the Lumber of electrons taking part in the reduction of indium at dropping mercury electrode. Zav. lab. 27 no.2:131-135 161. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Moskov ki gosudarstvermyy universitet imeni M. V. Lamonosova-. (Indi (Electrodes, Dropping mercury). r VINOGRLDOVA, Ye.N.; Alil TSZ!N-ZH'U LAn Chinr:-Jul -. - - --- t, Polarographic deter::-dnation of indium in the presence of some orgenic acids. Vest. Eosk. Ser. 2: Khi--. 15 no.6:52-57 N-D 160. (MIRA 14:2) 1. Kafedra analiticheskoy khimii Moskovskogo universiteta. (Inditr,--Analysis) VINOGRIWVA, Ye.N. Polarographic behavior of indium in the presence of tri~ydrorcj- glutaric acid. Zhur.anal.khim. 16 no-5:55-4,561 S-0 '(I. (MIRA 14;9) 1. Lomonosov Moscow State University. (Indium--Analysis) (Glutaric acid) (Polarography) VASIL'YEVA, L.H.; VINOGRADUVAI U.N. . ~ 0- Distribution of concentrations of a metal inside a mercury drop in the course of its electrolytic deposition on a stationary mercury electrode. Zav.lab. 27 no.9-.1079-1086 161. (MA 14:9) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M.V. Lomonosova. (Electroplating) (Electrodes, Drippping mercury) 3 /07 5/6 2/017/00 5/00 2/007 1033/1233 AUTHORS: Vinogradova, Ye. N. and Vasillyeva, L.N. TITLE: Determin,-.tion of ultra-small amounts of ting bismuth, and niobium in highly pure aluminum by anodic voltam- metry on a stationar;y mercury electrode PERIODICAL: Zhurnal analitecheskoy lihimii, V-17, no-5, 1962, 579-584 TEXT: As little as 2.10-6% of highly pure aluminum containing 2.10-4% Cu was determined with an jxperimental error of 10%; 3.10-5~ of 3n in Al containing 2xlo-576 Pb, with a 22% error; and 2xio-5 ofSb in Al containing 2x1o-4%CU with a 15% error. Electrolytic separation and concentration of metals on a stationary mercury electrodpwas followed by anodic oxidation of the obtained amalgam. Sensitivity of the method increases with decrease of Card 1/3 S/075/62/017/005/002/007 I013/T233 Determination of ultra-snv-1l... both rate of voltP.8e increase and the si!-,e of the drop. The potential of anodic dissolution is -0.4 V. The peak height changes linearly at the concentration range 1.10Z.7 - 2xjO-8 1,1. ;And coincides with a l'b peak in the 1.5 N H01 medium. At pif 2-3 the Sn peak disappears while the Pb peak remains unchanged. The amount of Sn is found from the difference of the peak heights. A 1000--fold excess of Cd and a 100-fold excess of Sb, Cu, and Cd do not interfere. Bi may be determined in an HU medium in the presence of up to 25-fold excess of Cu if it is concentrated at -0.3 V but Sb interferes. In the H2SO4 medium the presence of an equal ainount of Sb is p,;rmissible. Sb may be determined in both HCl and the H2S04 medium after previous transformation to -the tervalent stn.te. In HC1 medium the presence of equal amounts Card 2/3 S/075/62/017/005/002/007 1033/1233 Determin-tion of ultra-small.... of Bi and 5--fold excess of Cu ie permissible. In H2SO4 medium 3b is dissolved at -0-13 V and 20-and 10-fold excesses of Bi and Cu, respectively, are tolorated. A I-JAII(TeLA) polarograph was used with a s.c.e. reference. There are-3 figures and 4 tables. ASSOCIATIONt Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledowitellskiy institut tsvetnykh m,.-tallov. (Government Scientific Research Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals) SUBMITTED: July 17, 1961 Card 3/3 VIIIQOZWYA-.-JavAgeniya--NUoJWXna- GALLAY, Zoye Aleksandrovne; FINOGKNOVA' ZoYa Kikhaylovna; ALIKARIV,II.P., prof.,; KOUMSHKOVA, S.F., red.; alORGIYEVA, G.I., [Polarographic and amperometric analysis methods] Hetody poliaro- grafichaskogo i amparometrichookogo analiza. Moskva, Izd-vo Moak. univ., 1960. 279 P. (KIM 13:12) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SM (for Alimer1n). (Polarography) (Conductometric analysis) L 1.652"3 OWT E YWIP (-.n ).;'B D .9 A7KN,,45~ 1P S/075/63/Ol8/OO4/Oo5/015 AUTHOR: Vasillyeva, L. N. and Vinogradova,, Ye. N. X1 TITLE: The determination of minute amounts of. gallium,..4,rjq, and -.zQL4;jjpz il)~6~ b- urity al-aminun by d of a~odic voltamperometry A -~the metho o0a-osau~riary mercury 6 ' lectrode PERIODICAL: Zburnal analiticheskoy khimii, v. 18, no. h, April 1963, 454-459 TEXT: The authors demonstrate the possibility of determining zinc, gallium and cadmium by the anodic voltamperometry method on a stationary mercury electrede with silver contact. They work out methods for determining impurities in aluminum at concentrations of 6-lo-5% for zinc, 1-lo-54 for gallium, and 2-3.0-6% for cadmium. There is 1 figure and 4 tables. .A&I=IATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitat im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State UniVersity iM. M. V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: April 19, 1962 Card 1/1 PROKHOROYAp G.V.; VINOGWOVA., Ye,N.; LUWI04KOVA, N.V. Deter-inntion of antirrany, bismuth, md lead impurities in citrie aoid. Matod. anal. khim. reak. i prepar, no.5/6-tI17-123 163. (MIRA 17% SJ) VINOGRADOVA, Ye.N.; KAWEI-EV, A.I.; LEElliK',-,-VA, N.V. Determ.ination of cadmium in --Bits Irl cr-cill-'lo.vra;h!c polarography with storage. Zav.lab. 31 no.10:11W-1182 t65. (NIPA 19:1) 1. Monkovskiy gosudarstvennyy univercitet. VINOGI 6 ..; -, -G~ ~.. lpidemiological characteristics of diphtheria in Leningrad Province in the postwar years (1946-1955). Trudy LwKI 32: 141-158 157- (MIRA 12:8) 1. Kafedra apideniologii Leningradskogo sanitarno-gigiyonichs- akogo moditsinskogo instituta Gav.kafedroy - prof.V.A.Bashenin). (DIPHTH&RIL epidemiol. in Ru;aia (Rus)) 50), 17(12) AUTHORS: Terentlyev, A. P., K,)Lt, A- It-, Z010trt."ev, Ye.Kh, VinoZradova, Ye. V., T. V., I. A. - TITLE: I.The E2'Uers of Ye1.rahY,!ro-Phth.--1ic Acid and Tto HOMDJO,;S as I'looct Rel*lclle 1, -to (I.Efiry totragidroftalov.)y ki~i!~)ty I YOYe 60niolot;ov !-."1k in:;oVtorepollonty) PERIODICAL: IzvestiYa vysshikh uchehny!~h zave(leniy. Khimiya i kiii.:iienes- I-aya tekhnologiya, 1958, Nr 4, PP 55 - 6o (us,~,W, ABSTRACT: Although the insect repellents have been more and more applied so far and thousands of individual preDarations have been tested, neither the relc~tion betmeen t::eir structure and efficiency nor their mechanism of efficiency have been definitely clarified. For thQse reasons the search for new m~ano was often unsuccessful,. whereas hardly a few of the thousands of tested zub- stances were practically used. Dimothiyl phthalate is the most carefully inveoti~-_.tcd and practically most applied repellent. Yet it is not efficient in any case, Card 11 /4 and lar,-e-ocaale use of it is limited by ra-a material I.The Est~-rs of Tetrahydro-Phthalic Acid and Its SOV/153-5C-4-9/22 Homolojs as Incect Repc-ll-nts scarcity. The --.uthors synthetized other proo.)octive repellents: "Ind- lon", "Rudzhers-6 1211 (in t!,.(, USSR RF-52) and "Dimelon" (RP-50), which had tiie same effec4asor , weaker effect th 'ar dimethyl plithalate on various mosquito species.RF-50 was a little more active than others. There- fore the authors investiCated, accor.,ling to the structural analo.-Y, a -,erion of Potors of the tetr:.i- Ihydro plithalic acid ~RP.-11 1W-2,RP -5,R~ -17,RP -20, HP-23, RP-33 aandAp~..51). Dimethyl, diethyl and dibuty.L phthalate were used for comparison. The compounds investit-1-ated are related in structure to dimethyl phthalate, but differ by their lack of aromatic bonds in the 6-membered ring. Diene hydrocarbons and maleic anhydride, which are easily obtained by benzene or furfural-oxidation, were the raw materials used for that purpose. In summer of 1954, Ye.Kh.Zolotarev and N.A. Tamarina inventi,~;%ted at the Belomorokaya biologichookaya stantoiya MGU (White Sea BioioC7ical Station of the univeroity men.tioned in the title) the effect of individual preparations Card 2/4 on mosquitoesAedes communis and D.dorsalis and cer,-to- 1. T-e of Te - ra,-~Tj,o c A C: j aA S -'V, f2 -r), '2 2 HOM010,~s as Inect Repell pojonideo of the ?t tne tUt i,!~.4 1 4 C t'. t n.-.,-,cotic effect .Occ) by t-,c -7ib-Lzlllyl t L C- - ncale 'Uec-+c in t i,:):-. S RP .1 andRP -110 prot~,ctC C 4 C~ I- t 1~- Aedes vex-~,,*s , A . x~ c us A. c,,-taphylla, A.~?Unctor,!.ereus, A. ~0-1':;- and Anop,-.eles bi-',-'.rcatuo. A s t'-n efficiency of ntz. 14 u I t r t h i c t' t t','. 11 e n t:; RP - 1RP RP viere invr-2-t-4--ated for t7e firct tir-:c., :,.r"i --iuall to di-7et;nyl Dhthal---te vith rec-;.--,ct to tlieir 0 lfj C 4 C,- Tho efficiency deLr,.~r-- of v-riouc of compounds not F-.,i-t.'-c-r be necescary only of 1~-44 (di-c-thyl p-tl~ 1:.,tu wit'. diel":,-1 adi,,aLe), RP-.,- (the and RP-47 W1,10 al t:-- C-rd 3/4 lor.,L;- .. effic-*en't I. T'Ie Estc-ro of c ILC Uo;.-Ioloas us were irv'stj to th-~-ir ariclity, i-- i o n L..t.voll!ct~or Of 0 in to e of n t e:z Q r tc o.-,,,: ic. r j r" e 0'. ~.c t i v 0 f t c P" (1,d on Ad Lul:r t by 0 El C -JR, id V. L,,,uboz,,i 1 ov, c ij, Of C c 1 3 c c -7 T h r c 1 t c 17 1 c an d I P- S AS S 0 C Li T 13: "'o 4 -;:--y (!"').-cow 0 'hi7:ii i e-," Ollie) I oj -J' (Chair of 01-61~,.ic ~nd C,.,--"r of Entol.-iolo::y) SUB:IITTFD: Nove-ber 2, 1957 ca--d 4/4 S/079/60/030/008/002/008 BO04/BO64 AUTHORS: Kost, A. N. Terentlyev, A. P., VinojZadova,_Ye.-V.q Terenttyev, P. B., Yershovp V. V. ' TITLE: Addition of Aromatic Amines and Phenyl Hydrazine to 2-Methyl-5-vinyl Pyridine I PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1960., Vol. 30# 110. 89 pp. 2556 - 2562 TEXT: 2-methyl-5-vinYl pyridine reacts when heated with aniline in the presence of metallic sodium under the formation of 2-;methyl-5-(2-phenyl aminoethyl)-pyridine (I): CH 3-C5H 3N-CH=CH2+ H2NC6H5 -Na--> CH 3-C5H3N-CH2CH2NHC6H5* Similar react ions occur with ethyl anilinep o-# m-# and p-toluidine, o- and p-anisidine, with p-oompounds reacting more eaoily* A low yield in the addition product was obtained with P-naphthyl a-mine. It was not possible to isolate the reaction product with p-phenylene diamine. A decrease in the basicity of the amino group reduces the capability of addition. While Card 1/4 Addition of Aromatic Amines and Phenyl S/079/60/030/008/002/008 Hydrazine to 2-Methyl-5-vinyl Pyridine B0041BO64 diphenyl aminep o-nitroanilineg indole, acetamide, and phthalimide re-. act iith a-vinyl pyridine, no reaction took place with the 0-vinyl pyridine used by the authors. Nor did a reaction take place with aceto- acetic eater, ethanol, butanolp phenol, and sodium bisulfite. k by- product with a high boiling point, N,N-bia[2-(2-methylpyridyl-5)-ethy.-I -p-toluidine (structural formula 2) was obtained with p-toluidine. Ito structure could be proved a) by the lacking N-H absorption band in tho infrared spectrum, b) by the impossibility of carrying out acylation. The N-nitroso compound was obtained from I with HNO 2' which could be reduced to the N-amino compound CH 3C5 H3N-CH 2CH 2V_C 6H5W. Compound 3 NH2 was also obtained by direct addition of phenyl hydrazine to 2-methyl-!i -vinyl pyridine. Corresponding to a typical aryl hydrazine a re-arrange- ment according to Fischer takes place in cyclohexanone under the formit- tion of N-E2-(;2-methyl pyridyl-5)-ethyl]-1,2,3,4-tetrahydrocarbazole M. The experimental part lists the synthesis of the following compounds: 2-methyl-5-(2-phenyl aminoethyl)-pyridine; 2-methyl-5-(N-formyl-2-phertyl -aminoethyl) -pyri dine j 2-methyl-5-(N-acetyl-2-phenyl amino ethyl) -pyridine; Card 2/4 Addition of Aromatic Amines and Phenyl S/079J60/030/008/002/006 Hydrazine to 2-Mothyl-5-vinyl Pyridine B004/Bo64 2-methyl-5-(N-benzoyl-2-phenyl aminoethyl)-pyridinel 2-methyl-5;(N-ni.. troso-2-phenyl aminoethyl)-pyridinel 2-mathYl-5-(2-o-tolylamino thyl) -pyridine and the respective N-acetyl compoundl the correspondJ-a& m- und p-tolylamino oompoundsl 2-mothyl-5-(2-o-anisylamino ethyl)-pyridinel the respective N-aostyl compound and the corresponding p-anisyl amino compoundal 2-mothyl-5-(N-ethyl-2-phonyl aminoethyl)-pyridinel 2-methyl -5-L2-(N-p-nitrosophenyl-N-ethyl amino)-othyl]-pyridinel 2-methyl-5 ;(2-p-naphthyl aqiinoothyl)-pyridinel 2-methyl-5-(N-amino-2-phenyl amino- thyl)-pyridine; .1q-[2-(2-methy1 pyridyl-5) ethyl]-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro- carbazole. The majority of the substances ;ynthesized are highly via- oous oils. Experiments made at the Kafedra farmakologii Minskogo meditsinskogo institute, (Chair of Pharmacology of the Minsk Medical Institute) led to the finding that peritoneal injection of the hydro- chlorides of these compounds in mice leads to the excitation of the paraiympathetio'nervoun eyatem (munoarine and niogtine effect). The toxicity (LD100) is between 300 and 500 mgAg live weight. Nitroso groups in pars, position increase the toxicity by its five-fold. Iodo- methylates are more toxic than hydrochlorides. There are 4 non-Soviet references. Card 3/4 Addition of Aromatio Amines and Phanyl 8/079j6O/O3O/OO8/OO2/008 Hydrazine to 2-Methyl-5-vinyl Pyridine B0041BO64 ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Mosoow State - Universit ) SUBMITTED: July 15? 1959 Card 4/4 VINOGRADOVA, Ye.V.j DAUT, Kh.,- KOST, A.K.; TERENT'YEV, A.P. Synthesis on the basis of vinylpyridine. Part 4: Synthesis of pyridylethylindoles. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.5tl550-1556 FT 162. OaRA 15t5i', (Indole) KOSTIT A.N.; VIROGRADOVA, Ye.V.; WWT, hl.; MUNTIYEV, A.P. Alkaloids and alkaloidlike structures. Part 5: Functional deri-ati-ja.- in the pyridylethylindole series* Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.6~.-,050-2-056 je 162. (141RA 11;:6) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvemvy universitet imo M*V*Lomonosova* (Indole) (Alkaloide) VINOGRADOVA, Ye.V.; MITROPOLISKAYA, V.N.; KOST, A.N.; TERENTIYEV, A.P. Synthesis of pyridylethyloxindole. Dokl. AN SSSR 144 no.5: 1046-1049 Je 162. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Terentlyev). (Oxindole) (Pyridine) KOS 1, 1, 14, , h'i? A K.~ 1 N.A , V I IT , - V7 , Y, , li, . R-9',lucill-" -,! t1le ~-t~ In - .- .", Zt-.:I. - ~ - ",~Yf'- 1- 4 . - kr~!-,,n I I no. I -, j I ) I ira I i . -i. 1. Moskovskly gr,3-,ldarstv,)r;-,yy lin. VINOGRADOVA, Ye.V.1 GRINEV, A.N.; DANUSEVICH, I.K.; DZIK, M.F.; DUBOVIK, P.V.; 'A.S.; ILtYUCHNIOX, T.Yu.; KOSTj A.N.; MARTINOVICH, G.I.; MIKLEVIGH, A.V.; PILITIMTKO, L.F.; RACHKOVSKAYA, I.V.; RWT, N.A.; TALAPIN, V.I.; TAMARINA, N.Z.; TERENTIYEV, A.P.; SHADURSKI-Y, X.S. Research on pharmacological agents with prolonged hypotensive action. Wat. AMN S SSR 18 no.1:69-86 163. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Iaboratoriya spetsiallnogo organicheskogo sinteza khimicheskogo fakullteta, Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni Lomono- sova i kafedra farmakologii Minskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (HYP=SION) (BWLE) VINOGRADOVA, Ye.V.; KOST, A.N.; MITROPOLISKAYA, V.11.; " o - z3wzxxx~ - ~ - . p A.P. S7nthemes based on rinylp7ridines. Part : Introduction of functional substituents into pyriclylethy-toxindoles. Zhur. ob. khim. 33 no.5:1556-1561 My 163. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Moakovskiy gosudarstvennyy liniversitet imani Lomonosova. (Pyridins) (Oxindole) VINOGWOVA, Yu.A., dots. Iebor induction in parturients with nephropathy [with summar7 in Aingliahl. Akush. I gin. 34 no.1:27-31 Ja-Y 158. (KIRA 11:4) 1. 1z akushersko-ginekologichookoy kliniki (dir. - prof. G.K. Cherepakhin) GorikovBkogo meditsinakogo institute na baze rodill- nogo dome Vo.4 (glavnyy vrach Ye.A.Yudins) (LABCR, IjWUCED in nophropstby, methods (Rua)) (KIDNEr DISEASES, in pregn. nephropethy as induce for labor Induction, methods (Rua)) A I I I M It U 11 a of 41 a a ago A A -JL_ -A-J--k A A L -A-,* P A-- b- a 0 ell 4 -0 of.. C~Cpel- I-so o: no a a it Cticiparstivit action of quinine &n4 striquins on the contractile actMty of the uterus. y1. A. Vv4riultyva. a A IqUille stul quinine (1: 10 inillino, &net 1 1% million) I "tic IN contractile activity and rair the tontle; of the to 2rttd tcrus of rabbit. Acriquine givv% a roeve laming effect and its min lal doee is about 'h that of quinine. With concm. of I SM)OO and 1-30XM the effect tw- cotntee pt-rin wnt, With rioncn%. of I - 2.'11011) and I l(KIN11 o: the effect CrItZit, its dire"icin In vicat cawte (cuntractions see diinini,h in Intenetity.) With cancirs. the 0 ~ffcct Ii alwa%~ rtirrrved. W&, =00 hin the uteru% in Tyrode 0 An. fultv rr-itit- its activity. lot rim in tabbite, it"i. AS 0 quine, he, net eff" t in dirwei in which quininr intrimfie,; the r-0 0 so .3 "ontrafluen, Aryujoint I, Ojvioijily imerv, linir for go 0 00 U w the utcru, thAn minine. C S. Stsapt... 00 A re 0 LITINATtoll CLASSIFICATION too* ItsS, va,-i 1;-Qi 'I 1 0 E? U U AV Zb, 1, Kin to I Ia A it Its man Itle 00 00,0 00 Soo 0 0 0 0 Co 0 0 e 0 0 0 & 0 0000 0 oi 00 0 oie 0 111, is 0 0 0 411, 00- 000000 00010 0 * 0 0 0 000000 0 6400 0 0 VINOGRADOVA, Yu. A. Doc Med Sci - (diss) "Several stimula 4- ors to the contractive act- U ivity of the uterus." Kuybyshev, 19,61. 19 pp; (Kuybyshev Stal;e Med Inst); 300 copies; price not given; list of auti,or's works at end of text (15 entries); (KL, 7-61. sup, 255) YjT // V I NIC-1- i. U JOVA )_:. A. "Treatment of Malaria in Pregnant Women" Akusher. i Ginskol.0 No 5. 1949 VINOGRADOVA, Yu.A., kandidat meditsinakikh rauk ------ Quinacrins for labor acceleration. Akush. i gie. 33 no.2:32-36 Mr-Ap 156. (YIRA 9:7) 1. Iz kafedry akusherstva i ginekolo-gli (sav. - prof. O.K.Cherepa- khin) Gortkovskogo meditsinskogo insituta iment S.M.Kirova. (LLBOR acceleration with quinacrine) (quINAGRINE, ther. uae labor acceleration) MOM VINDUADOVA, Yu.A. Untimely bursting of waters W our tactics for managing labor with this complication. Sbor. nauch. rab. Kaf. akush. i gin. GMI no.2'-19- 23 160. (MIRA 15--4) 1. Iz kafedry akusherstva i ginekologii lechebnogo fakullteta (zav. kafedroy - prof. G.K.Cherepakhin) Gortkovskogo moditainskogo instit-ita im. S.M.Kirova. (LABOR, CONPLICATED) VINOGRADOVA, Method for combined acceleration of labor. Sbor. nauch. --ab. Kaf. akush. i gin. GMI no.lt74-79 160. (MIU 15:4) 1. Iz kafedry akusherstva i ginekologii lechebnogo fakulltata (zav. kafedroy prof. G.K.Cherepakhin) Gortkovskogo gosuda-stvennogo meditain- skogo instituta. (LABOR (OBSTE7RICS)) VII40GRADOVA -Yu.A Comparative action of acrichine and ergot on the postpa.-t=- uterus; preliminary report. Sbor. nauch. rab. Kaf. akush. i gin. aII no.l: 83-84 160, (MI-HA 15:4) 1. Iz kafedry akusherstva i ginekologii (zav.kafedroy prof. G.K. Chorepakhin) GorIkovskogo gos.meditsinskogo instituta. (QUBACRINE) (ERGOT) (UTERUS) VINOGIWOVA, Yuj~ Comparative action of acrichine alid quinine in combination with pituitrin on the contractive acti4ity. of the uterus during labor. Sbor. nauch. rab. Kaf. akush. 1, gin. H1 no.l:eO-82 160. 1 (MINA 15:4) 1. Iz kafedry akusherstva i ginekologii lechobnogo fakullteta (zav. kafedroy prof. G.K.Cherepakhin) Gortkovskogo goo.moditsinskogo instituta. (IABOIL (OBSTETRICS)) (QUINACRDIE) (QUININE-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (PITUITRIN) VINOGILUOVA Xu.A. Use of acrichine in outpatient abortions. Sbor.nauch. rab. Kaf. akash. i gin. GMI no.1:173~-275 160. VAIPA 15:4) I.Iz kafedry almsherstva i ginekologii (zav.kafedroy - prof. G.K. Cherepakhin) Gorikovskogo gos.maditsinakogo inatituta. (QUINACRINE) (ABORTION) VINOGHADOVAj, Yu.A. Effect of acrichine on the liver of a pregnant woman and of a pu"ra. Sbor. nauch. rab. Kaf. akush. i gin. Ghl no.1:68-73 160. (MIRA 1514) 1. Iz kafedry akusherstva i ginakologii lechebnogo fakul'teta (zaveduyushahiy kafedroy prof. G.K.Cherepakhin) Gor1kovskogo gostudarstvennogo meclitsinskogo instituta. (LIVER) (QUINACRINE) FA 38T77 IMAbdIolue Titambw- - - INTOOt - Nor 1947 Medloine Invertebrates "Woot of Same Vitamins on Growth and Maltipliontlon oUBlack Sea Invertebrates,ff Z. A. Vinogradova, FAra- dagsk Biological Station, AcadeW of Sciences of the u3m, 2j pp "Dok Ak Nauk" Vol LVIII, No 4 Records observations made on the e"ect of certain vitewin particulwly Dp B, and C an Black Sea inverte- brateo, IncludIng: Nassa reticulstas Leander squillaq and Actinia aequina. Lists results obtained. Sub- mitted by Academician I. I. Moral Igauzen, 24 Apr 194T. 4M VINOGRADOVA, 4' A. V,ro,7rpdove. 2. A. and VirogrFdnv, Y A. - "On thr discovery of laricrlet 2-r-rcH:)stomp lpnceolatur, costa in the Black Sea st Doklt-dy Akpd. nauk Ukr S-S-IR, 7~,). 19L8. T). 8-11, (In 'Ukrr-nirn, re-sune in Russian) SO: U-1355, li. August 53, (Letopis 12hurnal Inykh Statey, lTo. 15, 19-1-9) USO/Wicine - Max-ins organism May 1948 Medicine - Fish "The Yearly Cycle of Loss of Color in Sea Ruff," Z. A, Vinogradova, Khradagsk Biol Sta, Acad Sci Ukrainian 88R, 3 pp "Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol LX, No 4 Loss of color In sea ruff first observed in Dec 1946, in sea ruff vhich had been In aquarium since previous May. Gives results of obaervations on four ruff. Lose of color occurs all year round, Independently of season, at mean intervals of 28 days. Alterations In rhythm depend on characteristics of individual fish and not on environment. Submitted 1 Her 1948. go 77T42- Z. A. AblynmltovP-V nogrPtio-ft. Z. A.- "Cr. t*-e ch-icnl co=.rjsiti~n of t~e ~f the 131,-ck Ser, iind of its vnriations," Truryy I b 41 o I . Fi t n n t n I I , I - r -u r '~ , 19), 'f , -, . -, - !: .- . - , I , Bibliog: 25 items SO: U-I!QI4, 29 Oct 51, (Letopis 'Zhurn- 1 Inyll-11 Statr.;, No. 16, **A fell 00 C to god if 0 OZ to Is *0 00- 0* 0 0 14 ~* S 160 e A R I L TI-64 tit A" F12 ~Apffff k-j5F*Vx?F'Ifjf lid hils bu a "40 it 4141 4wdno C-reii Chemical compWtion of Lrivartabcates of the Black Sea. Z, A. %'tnopWova. Dokkdy Akad. Ndik N-SN.R. 65, Mt4(1W9),-Study of various Myhlaj speri", Madf.- laj. Perim, VCRNI Calliwa, Altijia, gild Cww"birls) alwOrl -in mpect of protein, tat, carbohydrate, sob, chitin. and ctifulow content dwvked th2t CDUlpn. Of the 10ftle "ics I living under different ecolils"I conditions F"y vury C In- Aderutily. tientfAly. Org. 1211111tr (0111MI rig" 11) Ihr 1 spring SIXI rarly fall; tbif is cunnerled witb the ~..Jl APJAMrAnce 0( plankwu. L~~ 1.11FRATURE CLAHWICATICH ~A IfIQ.j IF 0.1 GAP& UP If It or at K a It x o 0 ; a 40 ; ;n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 a : : : 0 a 0 0 000000 00 0 * O-AL4 .00 00 .00 00 I** .00 ago =00 400 roe lose Voo :00: -ww Slow .0.911V 00 I 6a 0.1 151 Z ?A =:___OJAo 0 ? S V (W a a IF I N of a a 3 fl W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a *L*-&-O &-o 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0000000 VII-TOGMIDOVA, Z.ji. Materiale on the fertility of fierappod crustuceuns (DewpocO o--:' 31--k Sea. Tnidy rarudl.biol.stu. no.11:69-91 151. 0A ,--IA 0' : ~ ) (Black Sea--Dpcm)oda (Cmstucea)) (Decapeda S,~O CA --- ---- - --- - - --- -- / -/-- - Viumis A in Uvwe of ~* fth ed Ow Blot So@ -LA- ,;!;IpV&,Aykm Khm. 27, No. 4, 6"195D.- . mm"010 " max. vitsm n A con. lent 0t tb* fivir of dw b:Vp--=v. vow ot 4W7 units =mrk sa Otbri vark4la Pl#v my rem x 3OW units. aftmmw vatiatiomexim mw Rax.le"Is appedr to occur In ftiomber and April. UmUr m4ks ca"Islas bAebw q4tausla A lev*b th" the #make. 0. M. Kfmldtpaf~ ROLL, Ta.Y., otvatstvann" rodaktor; SANCHANKO, O.S., redaktor isdatellstva; KORMYLO, N.T., t9khnicheakiy redektor LVitsmin A In the liver of fish from the Block Sea] Vitamin A y pechani ryb Chernogo sort&. Kiev, Izd-yo Aked.nauk USSR, 1957. 166 p. OUXA 10:8) 1. Chlon-korrespondent Akademit, nauk USSR (for Roll) (VITAMINS -A) (BIACK SBA - FISHAS) TINOGRaffA. Z.A.. - ~ - '0 Sterol content of the bodies of filter-feeder mollusks In the Black Sea plankton. Trudy Xarad. b1ol. sta. no.14.'135-154 15?. (Black Sea-Mollusea) (Sterols) (KLRk 10%8) -t A- "-) It"- v1 VV4X r , L &.UTHOR: Vinogradova, Z. A., 2o-4-44/51 TITLE: The Biochemical Composition of the Black Sea Plankton (Biokhi- micheskiy sostav planktona Chernogo Moria) 0 PERIODICALt Dokladj All SSSR, 1957, Vol. 116, Nr 4, pp. 6aa-69o (USSR) ABSTRACT: The biochemical composition of the plankton was investigated in 1954, 1955, and 1956 mainly in the north western part of the Black Sea, since it is here, in the shallow waters, exposed to especially great fluctuations. For the purpose of comparison al- so the plankton of the west Crimea and of the Caucasus shore was used where comparitivcli con---tant accumulations of the nutritive plankton occur. Furthermore also the summer plankton of the Azov sea was investigated. As the 3ingle plankton organisms are only short-lived and produce several generations in the course of one year, there is a continuous vanishing of the one and appearing of the other forms, or generations. There art. alao less known, complicated 11tropitic" int er-,ict ions butwuen the oingle grrouln3. Not a single kind, but a whole complex of plankton species uan be considered as the physiologicallj most valuable fijh food. The results of the investigations of organic substances (fat, irotein, and summarily of carbonhjdrates) are shown bj figure 1. The plank- Card 1/3 ton collected or. the Crime-,; ard Caucasus shore in thi; winter 1954 The Biochemical Composition of the Black Sea Plankton. 44,'51 is characteriotic by its great similarity of the water content, the organic substances, and the ash. This plai,kton hu(~ r..Ari- tive properties of high value. The h4rdrobiolo~;ical observation in the north western part showed that in the course of sprin,~, and summer the uppc-r layera rich in salt penetrated Lere to a great extent. This favored the develOPUILIlt of the zoo.)1ankton which forms are characteristic of the Black Sea. On t;le other hand, unfavorable conditiuns were created for the forms which prefer salt watur and %armth and usually sho-;i in the ..inter months a mass developm,--nt. The plankton developed during; the -win- ter- and spring UunthB obtainu up to June its hi0hest content of organic substances, then it be,,an to decrease rapidly till it reached its minimum in Aabust. The rapid decrea:~(. of the organic oubstancea and the increaue of the mineral substances in the plankton is apparentlj to be adjuribf-d to the extreraQ develol-Lient of the Rhizosolenia. calcaravis in Julj and Augaut 1955 which formed the main mass of the plankton. The ~,iiallo-.% wateraeums to be favorable for the development of thu forms which prefer warmth and for the summer forms. The spring plankton of 1956 coiitained a high percenta.--e of organic substances which decrease till July Card 2/3 and increased anew in fall. The fluctuations in the content of The Biochemical CoLaposition of the Black Sea Plankton. 2 0 -4 -4 4/51 organic substances in 1955 and 1956 are shown bj figure 2. In 1956 the protein content obtained even in August tiic fourhold of the same month of last jear. The fat content in 3a.."er 1956 three tiLius gruater than in 195j. The ash quantitj (27'ij in Julj 1956) was, however, 2 1/2 timen smaller than in 1955. The jear 1955 was with respect to the content of organic substarces in plankton extremeli unfavorable. The food basis for fishes living on plankton was very poor. An exception were the mor,ths Februarj and March, when the content of organic substances was on 'he shore of Crimea and Caucasus comparativeli great. There a:~-e 2 figures, 1 table, and 4 references, 4 of which are Slavic. ISSOCIATION: Biological Station of the Institute for Hjdrobiologj Al; of the Ukrainian SSR,Odeasa ( Odesskaya biologicheskaya stuntsija in- stituta gidrobiologii Akademii Nauk USSR) PRESENTED; May 6, 1957, by A. P. Vinogradov, Academician. SUBMITTEDs April, 1, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 VDiC(2AMVA, Z. A.: Doc Wol Scl (diss) -- "Vitamin A In ithe flah and. cortain vertebrates (if thb Black Sea". Kiev, 1Q,58. 16 pp (Acad Set Mcr SSR, nept cT Biol ScIencea), 150 copion (KL, No 1, 1959, 116) viINJIR VA.!..Z.A.. kand.biol.nauk f, Studying the chemical composition of food organisms of fish in the Black Sea. Trudy sov.Ikht.kom. no.81:4,~~/-436 ' 58. (MIRA 11:11) a 1. Odeaskaya biologichaskaya, stantsiya Institute. gidrobiologil AN USSR, (Black Sea-Fishes-Pooil) VINWHADOVA., Z.A.; VEIM, V.P. D provitamins and sterols of some invertebrates of the Black Sea. Vitaminy no.4:106-113 0-59- (HUM 12:9) 1. Odeoslavm biologichealmya stantelya Instituta gidrobiolcell Aicadenii nuidc USEM, i Inatitut bioic-hinii Akudemii naiLk USSR, Kiye-1. (FROVITAIGNS) (STMOLS) (BLACK 3-MA-INVERTHBR&TES) VINOGRADOVAP Z.A,-, [V~rwhradova, Z.A. I Biochemical composition of p1m*tou in the northwestezm part of the Black Sea* NaukesapeOdebiol.sta. nool:52-76 159. (KGA 14:7) (Black Sea-Moinkton) MIOGRADOVA, Z.A. El~nohradova, Z.A.) Dyn=ics of the bioche=--cal cmposition arA heat value of r1anjItcn in the Elack Sea in its seasonal and geographicea aspects* Fauk, zap.0d.biol.sta. no.213-36 160. WIRA 14-11) (BLACK SEA.-PIANKTON) ___~UkOqRAWVkL--Y~[-Vybobradova, Z.A.] Biochemical composition and beat value of two mysid (Mysidacea) species in the Black Sea, laukesap.0dabiolestae no.2a99-101 IEO. Nim u3n) (BLACK SF.A.-SCHIZOPODA) VINOGROM-Z.A. [Vynohradova, Z.A.); VINOGRADOV, K.O. [Vynohradav, K.D.] Zoobenthos of Fastern Sivash. Pratai Inst. gidrobiol. AN URSi no.35:50-71 160. (MIRA 14:4) (Sivash.-BenthoB) - VINOGRADOVA, Z.A. [Vynohradovap Z.A.]; VINOGRADOVp K.O. (Vynohradov, K.O.] Zoobenthos of Lake Molochnoye. Pratsi Inst. gidrobiol. IN UFSR no.35:143-155 160. (MRA 14:4) (Molochnoyep Lake-Benthos) VINOGRADOVA. Z.A. Contribution to the study of biocbemical composition of the Antarctic Raphausis. superbs, Awa. Dokl.AN SSSR 133 no.3:66o-682 Jl ,6o. (HIU 13:7) 1. Odeaskaya biologicheskaya stantsiya Instituta gidrobiologii Akademii nauk SSSR. Predstavleno akad. A,P.Vinogradovym. (ANTKRCTIC REGIONS.-SUPHLUSIIDAB) (VITLMINS--A) MiOGRADOVA, Z.A. [V~rnohr&dova, Z.A. I . ~.', -, , -, - ~. Characteristics of the biochemical composition and calorific value of phytoplankton and zooplankton of the northwestern part of the Mack Sea in 1955-1959. Nauk. zap. Od.biol. sta. no.3:3-26161. WIRA 16:6) (BLACK SEA-FLANKTOII) VINOGRADOVA, Z.A. Reproduction and growth of the Black Sea mollusks under laboratory conditions. Trudy Karad. biol. sta. no.17:65-84 '61. (MIRA 15'. 5) (Black Sea-Mollusks) VII'OGRADOVA, Z.A. [Vynobradova,, Z.A.] Some observations of the gastropod mollusks Rissoa verrusta (Mill.) v.pontica (1411.) and Hydrobia ventros (Mtg.) un- der laboratory conditions4 Eauk. zap, Od.biol, Bta, no*3t 124-125'61, (MIRA 16:6) (BLACK SEA-GASTROPODA) VDIOGRADOVA, Z.A. [Vynohradova, Z.A.3 Biochemical character3stice of the Pacific pravn Pandalus 3at4rostris Rathbun. Hauk. zap. Od. biol. sta. no.31127-128 161. (MIRA 16-.6) (ELACK SEADECAPODA) (AUDIAL 1111TRODUCTION) VINOGRADOVA, Z.A. Importance of the geographical variability of the biocher-ical!ca!s- position of marine plankton in studying the ecologic characteristics of planktonic organisms. Vop. ekol. 5t24-27 162. (14IRA 16.6) 1. Biologicheekaya stantslya AN UkrSS Odessa. (Black Sea---P~ankton) V7NOQkM:VA, Z. A.; KOVALISKIY, V. V. On this Ohemical vbm, tU7 coWoltion of XAck Sea plankton. DokI. AN sssR 347 no.01458-1460 D 162# (mIRA 16s I) 1. Odemokaya biologicheekan stantgiya Institate, gidrobiologii AN UkrSfft i Institut gedkhWi i an-gliticheskay kbixii im. V. I. Vernadikogo AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom A. P. Vinagradovym. (Blaok Sea-Plankton) v I No"'lip row , I' , ~,. Rr~lle of marine Plankton in the m1pra-lon of chemical -lLmtrt,5, Gldrobiol. zhur. 1 no.4:12-18 165. NTFIA 18ilo') 1. Odesakoye otdelenlye Instituta blologil yuzhnykh morey Ali UkrSSR. VINOGRADOVA, Z.A. Cllynohrudova, Z.A.1 Biochemical composPion of scme bstt=. invert-ebrates of :he Black Sea. Nauk.zap.0d.biol.W-A. nc.5.,26-33 164. (14TIRA 19,11) IL IL 12592-63- EPR/EWPQ)/EVF(o;)/EWT(m)/BDS ASD Ps-4/Pr-4/pc-4 RM/WW - ACCOSION NR: AP3001601 9/0399/63/000/003/0024/0017 0 AUTHOR: N tin W V. S.; 1~611tsev, A. A.; Pchell."ina, K. A.1 Vinogradova, Z. F. TITLF,t Infrared spectrum of diborontatrahydroxide B sub 2 (OH) sub 4 and bcron_ monoxide (BO) sub x SOURCEt Moscow. Universitet. Veetouik. Seriya 2. Khimiya, no. 3# 1963, 14,17 TOPIC TAGS: infrared spectrum, diborontetrahydro3dde, boronmonoxide, polymer of boron ABSTRACT: The study was undertaken to ascertain tho frequencies charaeterittle for the H~~ bond in infrared spectra of diborontatrahydroxide and baronmor.ox1de.! A white modification of boronmonoxide was prepared by heating diborontetrah3,drox- ide to 250-270C in a vacuum, and a brown modification obtained by further heating to 600-650C. By hydrolysis of the white boronmonoxide with heavy water a dev.- terium-substituted diborontetrahydroxide was obtained, which served to pinpoint the absorption lines of diborontetrahydroxide. The samples were suspended in vase- line oil or In hexachlorobutadiene and subjected to infrared spectroscopy. For diborontatrahydro;dde the line at n50 cm sup -1 was found to represent tha B-3 valency oscillation. The wide absorption lines of tba white and brown modffica- -L 12592-63, ACCMICN NR: AP3001601 tions of boronmonoxide lead-to the assumption that both are I _Mratnw~ 8-11 ni_ _R2_-yw larity of the spectrum of the brown modification with that of boric anhydride In- dicates that the brown boronmonoxide Is a mixture of boric anhydride v1Ath bor.)% which was confirmed by experiment. Orig. art. has: 5 formu2as, 2 chart3, anil I table. 1ASSOCIATICK: Moskovskly univeraltet, kafedra fizicheskoy khimii (Noscow Univer- sity,, Department of Phy3ical Chemistry) SUBMITTEDi 27Doc62 DATE ACQ: O9,TA63 ENCL: 00 SUB COM t 00 NO REP SOVt 000 MHER 1 016 TDWRADDTA, Z,I, Yertility of the crab Yortams holmatus Yabr. in the Black Sea. Dop.AN URSEL no.2:23-25 148. (Kwu 9: 9) l.Prodstavlene dlymnim chlenom AN URSR D.K.Tretlvakovim. (Black Sea--Crabs) VINOGRADOVA, Z.I. Improve the manufacture of women's furnishings. Shvein.p:-~--,7. no.21l3-14 Mr-Ap 162. (KRA l510 (Lingerie) v3NoGRADovAj, z, K,,. candidate Geogr Sol (diss) -- "Russian travelers in the torrid zone in the first half of the 19th centux7 and the development of certain problems of geography". Leningrad, 1959, 18 pp (Mtn Educ pSM, Leningrad State Pedagogical Inst im A. I. Gertsen), 150 copies (KL, no 24, 1959, 129) ANTIPOVA,, A.I.; VINOGRADOVAp Z.H. (Leningrad) Stamping of parts from lays in the manufacture of womenle underwear. Shveln. prom. no.2:19-20 Mr-Ap 163 jHMA 1618) (Garment cutting) VINOGRADOVA, Z.K. Physical geography of Oceania" by N.K.Shullman. Izv.Vses.geog.ob.-va 95 no.3:274-275 Yq-Je 163. (MIRA 16:8) (Oceania--Physical geography) (Shullman, N.K.) c-4. (M. `R A I HVAMIC.~ All PIA-M ,f-1-01 14IMM110,01M -IRWR M M v M M. VMA m WIN 1 VINOGRADOVA,, Z. P., V. S. JATLOV, ZhPKh 1934, 7, 39-46) VINOGRADOVA, Z. F. V. S. YATLOV, ZhPKh, 7, 329-46(1934) VIROGUMVA, Z-Y&. ~ ~~ 7z-..-. :-- .. -- Operational experience of continuously active production conferences at.shipyards. Sudostroanis 25 noo2t83-84 7 '59- (KIRA 12:4) (Shipyards) 0 60 0 o.0 '*",a "0 9 jb 11 It .1 P a 14 it n rp m of It is a a I' a 0 a it ii 4u I~ sto f. a L-1 at 1 Ij ,u 0 V. w Ofi, j I TV-* pilot$, is ~Lfl .00 Elemitutary chetillicall compositlon of Meloloothiome. 00 0 a Kh- 134- UILIW110"AMYS, 211d M. P. It- UYA. mrad. if i. t . R. S. S. S. 81 X~in .00 M-01)(MO); cf. C. .4. 26, 167,; 30, 5J."61. Invarkxi-isinvit %it( ihk~uhl[Avitly t I:iiftqx uncia kchaft-f%i -it S.-mraltmei.Mv Or conktit I.( N. K. Ca. Fr. Mit and ,,I z "ills that its Am,lwlm, mid Ahhmsia .-C n till ~'1'111411A, %119 11 41.1 11.3'~~ NA NA I'mall. 0 000 got ,go 00 tj ts 00 o "doe 0 It ,D ; I a 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 'T " t. 0( x it R it ts It 1( 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 9 0 0 do - s a ad 0 a 0 1 w 1" to .1 1 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 6 0 0 0 41 0 o1 0 0 4 00 VITOGRADROVA, Zt.T4.; RUDASHEVSKIYq 0'.Yo.. Evaluation of neuromuacular function in patients with a convulsive syndrome. Herv. sist. no.1:89-104 160* (MIRA 13:9) 1. Psikhonevrologicheskiy institut im. V.M. Bekhtereva i Fiziologiche- skiy institut Leningradskogo universiteta. (EPILEPSY) (MUSCLES) VINOGWOVA-SOKOLOVA.. A.S. Treatment of respiratory disdrders in acute poliomyelitis; from data of the Gorkiy CityPediatric Clinical Hospital. Pediatriia 23 no. 5:20-21 My 160. (MIRA 14:1) (GORKIY-POLIOIIYELITIS) PIKOGRAD.O,TA-VOIZH INS KAYA, N.A. Orbitnl neurinomas. Oft.zhur. 13 no.1:50-53 '58. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Iz knfedry glnznykh bolezney Voyenno-maditainakoy mkAdemii im. S.H.Kirova (nachallnik kafedry-prof. B.L.Polynk). (ORBIT (EYB)--TUMORS) A VOT'YAF~ -J. L.~ i. A., V. T. Cornea - WozAnds and Injuries Exclusion of the iris in the healim-, of experimental penetratLng, cornoal wounds in var.1rjus surgical metliods. Vest. oft. 31 No. 2, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, june 1952 MA. Unclassified. ~ - I ~ . I r, ".1 1 - . I . . ~ . ~ I I - .. -- . -1 '0. P, .. - - - -k I '--; -- I-.- ---jL - -DLA 1~1 r, - T--, , - -- t-, , 7 . - . , LYAK 13 - - T . I I . T . v . ---. V -) _i - - I Eye - surgur~j Exclusion of the iris in the healint- of axprim~mtai penetrating corneal -wo-an.1's In varikous surgical methods. 'lest. oft. 31 No. 2, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1952 iWd. Unclassified. 1. r, u z MLL 1 11 r;,"nf I V . I Lit i't Cornea Wounds and Injuries Exclusion of the iris in the healing of axparLmental Tenetrat*nt corneal W~Ln,-!3 in wir]ous surgical methods. Vest. oft. 31, No. 2, 1952. 9. Monthl Li.3t of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1~>'2 -tot ,)6, Uncl. Feb 1947 "A Gineral IAv of the Theory of Primes," I. M. Vinogradov,, 2 pp 'tR Aced Scia Vol LV, No 6 Consideration of the special case, where f(p) Is not an integral polynomial, of the general &istribution lav for the fractional parts of the values of functions f(p). 8T30 tj -- EXC RFTA -MEDIrA -Sebe 1 Vol. 5/12 Cancer Dne. 57 F F 4474. VINOGRADSKAYA-EZrRSKAYA IM.A. Dept. of Clin. Hacmatol., Ukrain~_71-531. of Uin. Med., Kiev, USSR Guides 16 the therapeutic lue 0 phojphorus for pooc (1011-1016) ythaemi.a and chronic feukaemia (Russi n text) Vrac. D 1936, 10 In hacinatological diseases such as polycythacmia and chronic lculclemil, com Ilea- tions such as multiple thrombosis etc. Are observed during treatment. In OrTer to I ascertain the cause of tht,se complications an cxPcrimental study Nvas made on animals with normal haernopoicsis, utilizing radioactive P. Rabbits wcrc given I to 4 doses of radio P (i.v. or intra-intestinally). This caused a noticeable lowe * ring of haemoglobin, leucocytes and erythrocytes and also a hyperplasia and anaplasia of the bone marrow. After cessation of the treatment the rabbits gained weight but nevertheless lost it again and developed severe dystrophy after a varying period of 3 to 14 months. There was no change in the control animals. Pathological observa- tion on the dead or killed rabbits showed hypoplasia of the bone marrow, (fatt marrow) dystro hia, necrosis and oedcma in all organs and tissues. There was also hyperplasia of t9e blood vessels with marked thickening of the walls and necrotizing changes. The clinical and experimental findings show that indiscriminate use of radioactive isotopes, and in particular radioactive P should be guarded against. Guscva - Moscow VINOGRADSKAYA, G.1". Genesis of granitolds in the Zlatoust rf.-gion of the UrrA Mountains. Trudy VSEGEI 96:34-64 163. (MIRA 17:9) VINOGRADSKAYA, G.H. ,e~~~Zes'is of banded dunito-neridotites in the western ultrabasic zone of the Urals. Hat. VSBGBI no. 21:66-80 157. (MIRA 11:7) Nral Rountains-Peridotitc) Amp~ibole from the granite gneiss of the Gubenskiy maseif in the Southern Urals. Zap. Vass. min. ob-va 88 no.1:60-71 '59. OURA 12:3) Ulatoust District--Azphibole)