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L 6,15 EPA (0 - 2 /PUP(k) IEWA (k- /EIN'T(m) /`P(b) /T/EWA (d) /MWP(W /,~4VVVEXIP;t) Pf-4 i ip, J S ACCESSION 11R: A715017709 AUT11CRS- ffikolay!vj G. A.; Sanalovich, V. UR/0000/65/000/000/0222/0236 S. A.; Gazm7 A. ~S. TITLEt Residual atresses and defornations of welded structurea SOUPCEt All UkrSSR, Institut olaktrosvarki. Proyoktirovaniyo ova konstrtfktq~i (Design of welded structures). Kiev, Nauk-ova dumika, 1965, 222-236 TOPIG TAGSt "'I 1010fr) steelp residual stress, til&nium tempering, welding techi 'J welded struoiFa~e,_Wsidual aa~"formation, nonferrous metal alloy, plastic property ABSTRAM Residual deformtion, stresses, and associated subjects related to the strength of welded structures are discussed. Jhe process of the formation of re- sidual stresses Injointo of different motal~ when waldod from very thick elements was Investigated for the causos of tho formation of brittlo fractures In welds, and ways to alimJmate those fractuares are Proposed. The physical and mechanical proportioa of tho materiala w-3re fou-nd to havo a major effect on the residual stresses and deforwtionn. it was fotmd exTier"'mentally that ronidual atroaaes are di.rected along the weld (9 :-- TT) only in some stools but not in nonferrous alloya and titanium. A comparison was made of the streases and deformations resulting !-Card 1/3 L 60253-65 AGCFZSION OU t.T5017709 in various ty-pes of stools welded coveral techniquors. The d0formition and stresses can be rorulated by procesgir4 techniques, and particularly tvjr 1-1-1a use of Gppropr~ate prenaureg. Residual rtrosses vcre fourid to b-3 little af.'0c*,(3C IM., tliG e'o-'r-,n ra; contribut~'ng c,-,iovxjnents. 7-ac cal-c-i-atinr~ the thrac--F-i(~s flrla ind ros idua I stres3os. n r-",3 firc*" the W9 Id Was cut 1 '3 a x 13 ' r; *.- s '. r ' po the changen in the length anud Ululck-neza of uie-ze STrips were *-i~G S~econd mothod a hole was bore4, the stresses were mieasluredl, and the deformation was determined. The stresses in thick z--em~-,rs were 1'01-md t-'D t'e nr)nun.f-)mI-'- dis- tr 1 b-j te d. ~rn 'tjr 2 e 5 F q T-Ii-I h r) f',t,C- 'JE,','i arll~ I r, C ',,-IIC *~UrL'- sncl-j-ld bj OL- j r ma Care. 2/3 L f':~9253-65 ACCESSIO:. ItRi AT5017'709 t.51JOCTAMOtli MVTTJ imo Baumana(KiTU) SUBM7MEDi 7.3JanS5 !"o luT. lcov 1 006 -Card 3/3, ENICL 1 00 SUB CODE 6??40-65 1:WT (d) I -Tf C) ACCMSIOS Uft: AP5021247 UR/0293/65/003/004/0534/0539 1,5 43 AWHOR; Vinokarov, V. A -I ,_~~y . ~,fi ARITLE. Gmeralizud Nevton wtbod ror epolving b9unda -value _=bjejL- r Y_ TOPIC TAO~71 t, ,I I,,,, a -Y - R UC- ~ rz ~f -.-- ~n :nr gr,_- ne r z e e v'~ .,r. me s *_,~ e PC. S I- i e S _, e I me I nod y-value prob-lems fc~r rd i n az- y differential equati)ns, ABSTRACT: For solving boundar- a method syntht!sizina tvo meethods of the i, Un", tne s n s ~,j rv~ d ani 'he nt, r-q~llrel f-:- tit I ~r cu. b-! ric r, r,,t Z, Ir. S ~req-~, e~, I-M cc-M ,7 L 62240-65 ACCESSION NR; AP5021247 -4 t specu'iarillies &re anaiyzel. 1t indicat,d that the prf-)porpd methf-d -ari be -41 s y 5 nr c qu aL I ans ti- M[ K.- rl- ~T)p -14 F- -~',DE IMA NO REF SOV: 005 OITHEF D012 AT r, PFEs,, Card 2121111?.P VINOKUROV V.A., doktor ttukhn.nauk; GOLGOFSKIY, F.I., inz'h.; DANILGIV, Gj..".' :.:.L-- V.V., inzh. Electric machinery with evaporating and univernal cooling synto~%n Cor aircraft. Elektrotakhnika 36 no.1:5-7 Jft 16-5. (MIRA 18:3) ALUTHOFS.- Kur~da,-S,-,k.; Luklp~nov, V. F.; Vinokurov,__V. A.; Gubancv, li-1. H.1 Pa.razLair, V. li. TITLE: An arp-tus for testing ttiin, sheet metal and welded joints. Class 42, No. 1698L9 12 7 8 3,9 u -D r for t of, Cara e ;;I r'K L 42050-65 SUBI-MTEDt 08,lex64 NO RU SOV 000 Card D"W L: 00 SUB C ODE cffHEP Ox ACCESSION 101 AF300Oh98 s/0145/63/boo/bol/blwola AUTHOR: Vino'kurov, V. A. (Candidate of technical sciences, docent) TITM Stress relaxation in welded construction made from thick sections . I SOURCEs Izv. VUZt Mashinostroyeniye, no. 1, 1963,.157-161 TOPIC TAGS: stress relaxation., welding residual stress, welding seam annealing, relaxation time, thick section welding ABSTRACT: A procedure for finding the relaxation time in welds with a three- dimensional residual stress distribution is presented in order to calculate more accurately the annealing time for wqlded joints with thick cross sections. The stresses were assumed in the forrk -0.50 C, os 2 ,it z 0 2r. GY0 ~ I COS -a Z -Cord 113 ACCESSION NR.- AP3000498 After assuming that planes crossing the y-axis remain flat and do not move (and using the equilibrium relations) the stresses in the center of the weld were calcqlated as follows (c o): dz.. Oz Q2 Vy 10 Card 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AP3000498 (where 5 is the thickness of the weld). If in addition the relaxation curves of stress versus time for a certain annealing temperature (and,*material) are avail- able),-z time plot of the three-dimensional stresses can be constructed. Although these'relaxation curves are easily obtained only for the simplest geometrical shapt$2 they are nevertheless of importance. A comparison was plotted between a weld with only one-dimensional stress and a weld with the stress distribution ,@Pen above. It was found that the stress in the center of the weld relaxes much more slowly for the three-dimensional case. orig. art.. has: 5 figures and 14 formulas. LSSOCIATIONt MU im. No E. Baumana (1,170) SUMUTTED: o4jul62 DATE ACQ: 2lJun63 ENM: 00 SUB CODE: HL2 14A NO REF SOVt 002 OTHER: 000 Card 313 VINOKUROV. V.A.. kftd.tekhn.nauk,dotsent -, Strome relaxation in weldod structures made of ver- y thick components. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; 163. (MIRA 16j5) 1. Moskovokoye vys aheye tekhnicheskoys uchiliohche Imeni Baww-na. (Strains and stresses) PARAKHIN, V.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; FROLOV, V.V., dots., kand.tekhn. nauk; SHORSHDROV, M.Kh., dots., kand. tekhn. nauk; GOSPODAREVSKIY, V.I., inzh.; SUBBDTIN, Yu.V., insh.; ORKIN, S.A., dots., kand. tekhn. nauk; VINOKU.RGV,. V.A., dots.,kand. tekhn. nauk; KAGANOV, N.L.v 66ts., kand. tekhn. nauk; SHASHIN, D.M., kand. tekhn. nauk; AKULOV, A.I., dots., kand. tekhn. nauk; NAZAROV, S.T., dots., kand. tekhn. nauk; YEVSEYEV, G.B., dots., kand. tekhn. nauk,- NIKOLAYEV, G.A., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; TITOVA, V.A., red.; FUFAYEVA, G.I., red.; CHIZHEVSKIY, E.M., tekhn. red. (Laboratory work on welding] Laboratornye rabDty po evarke. Moskva, Rosvusisdat, 1963. 274 p. (KRA 16:8) 1. Nauchno-podagogleheekly kolloktiv Kafedry avarochnogo proizvodstva Moskovskogo vysshego tekhnicheskogo uchilishcha (for all except Nikolayev, Titova, Fufayeva, Chizhevskiy). 2. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy "Mashiny i avtomatizataiya eva- rochnykh protsessov" Moskovskogo vysshego tekhnicheskogo uchilishcha (for Nikolayev). (Welding-Study and teaching) ,____VIXDKUROVy V&A# _ Lengthening the service life without repairis of the pins of the N8 electric locomotive truck coupler. Elek.i tepl.tiaga 6 n~--5%22 hy 162. (KUU 15:6) 1. Glavnyy inah. depo Zlatoust Yuzhno-Ural'skoy dorogi. (Mectric locamotiveo-4asign and construction) VINOKUROV, V.A. A word from the locomotive engineers about the new T8 electric locomotive. Elek. i tepl. tiaga no.6-.29-30 Je 162. (ML-.P 15-.7; 1. Glavnyy inzhener depo Zlatoust Yuzhno-Urallskoy dorogi. (Electric locomotives) KURKINJ, S.1111, kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent; VINOKUROV) V.A., kand.tekhn.nauk Co4octing the buckling of thin-aheet welded structures by rolling, [Trudy] MVTU no.101:186-196 161. (HIPA 14:8) (Sheet metal-Welding) (Welding-Defects) S/135/61/000/wZ/003/0 12 A0061AO01 AUTHORS: IT400wa" Candidate of Technical Sciences, Gazaryan, A. S., ng neer TITLE: Residual Stresses in Thick Butt Welded Joints PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, 1961, No. 2, pp. 9-12 TEXT: At the welding laboratory of MVTU imeni Bauman mean values of the three components of volumetric residual stresses averaged over the thickness of weld Jointswere measured (Ref. 1, 2). However, the mean values obtained did not give a sufficiently precise picture on the distribution of residual stresses at various spots across weld Joints over 40 mm thick. Therefore the authors developed an improved method of investigating volumetric residual stresses with the aid of deep drilling (Ref. 3). The investigation was carried out with the participation of S. A. Kurkin,, Candidate of Technical Sciences (MVTU imeni Bauman) . The stresses in the metal were measured with the aid of cylindrical calibrated insertion pieces (Fig. 1) onto which resistance strain gauges were fastened. The inserts were placed in stepped apertures' oriented along the main axis of stress field or through a certain angle to the field. Multilayer and electroslag butt-welded specimens Card 1/7 S/1 35/6 llWaICL21CI, 1-3/0 222 Residual Stresses in Thick Butt Welded Joints A006/AO01 8o mm (Fig. 3), 12o (Fig. 4), 240 (Fig. 5) and 350 mm thick (Fig. 6) were Investi- gated. The magnitudes of elastic deformation and stresses were calculated from the difference of measurements prior to and after recording residual stresses. If the aperture axes coincided with the main axis of the residual stress field, the stress components in the depth are determined by the following formulae: 6 AL E + E X (I + + Ak E E + + LP E E 6 + (l + (l 2)U) 1 + ~4 where u-is the Poisson rAio; E is the modulus of elasticity of the first kind, and A - EX + Ey + 64 is the volume deformation. If the direction of the aperture axes are forming a certain angle with the *direction of the main axes, the magni- tude of stresses can be determined using the known formulae of the theory of elasticity. To reveal the nature of distribution of residual stresses across the thickness of the weld the mapitudes of residual stress field components on the surface must be known. If bw is equal to zero, Gy and 6y are measured with the C ard 21-7 S11 _~5/6 1/0CO/002/C-C~'/0 _1 2 Residual Stresses in Thick Butt Welded Joints ;. C, r, 0' /"' C 0 1 aid of strain gauges, placed along the weld to measure ey and across the weld to determine & Having determined the magnitude of stresses in the depth and on the 0 surface of le metal, data are available on the nature of stress distribution across the thickness. The measurements yielded the fo2owing results: The distribution of residual stresses in eler-troslag and multilayer welded joints has a different nature. In multilayer welds the stresses along the weld joint on the surface approach yield limit values of the material; in the weld depth they are, as a rule, somewhat lower than on the surface. In electroslag welded joints the stresses along the weld attain their highest values in the metal depth along the weld axis; on the surfaces the stresses along the weld are low and often close to zero. The distribution of transverse stresses across the weld joint, in both multilayer and electroslag welded joints, is non-uniform and of a different nature. In electroslag welded joints these stresses in the metal depth are tensile ones and attain values approaching 6T; in multilayer welded joints they are, as a rule, compressive ones and usually relatively low.. Residual stresses across the thick- ness 61- can be tensile (mainly in the case of electric slag welding, less frequent- ly in multilayer welding) and compressive (in multilayer welding). The force system of residual three-axial stresses during the welding of up to 100 mm thick parts, can obviously not cause the transition of the parts to a brittle state, Card 3/7 5/135/61/000/002/03/0012 Residual Stresses in Thick Butt Welded Joints A006/AOO1 since the formation of a stress field with the components 6X w d!j in the given case Is almost excluded. In electric slag welding of over 200 mm thick parts a rigid system of residual stresses may be formed. The tests performed show that tho method is applicable to determine three-axial stresses. Figure 1 General view of a cylindrical insertion piece placed into a specimen: A-A A Al llx~ Card 4/7,' Residual Stresses in Thick Butt, Welded Joint3 Figure 3: y Fizure -3 Results of experiments made with a 80 mm thick specimen; a - general view of the specimen; b - changing of gap as a result of welding process; c - distri- bution of G'l across the specimen .Card 5/7 S/135/6 12 , r 0', er ez #I#X 011M 64 IV Figure 4 Results of experiments made with a 120 mm thick specimen; a arrangement of Inserts in the depth and oil the strain gauges on twhe specimen surface; b - distribution of stresses across the specimen Figure 4: ' 2/C-CY~ Residual Stresses in Thick Butt Welded Joints A:rjO6/AOO1 Figure 5 4X Results-of experiments made with a 240 mm thick specimen; a - stress on the specimen cc's 0 5 Ujf7_ Oce IOV IC17 J-27 4,X -It surface; b - distribution of and ia!a 6.Zacross the specimen Mv -16M 61 A V Kilt N. I'M Car Re~idual Stresses in Thick Butt Welded Joints Figure 6 Results of experiments on a 350 mm thick specimen; a - stress on the specimen surface; b distribution of G~' 6' and across the specimen. There are 6 figures and 4 references, 3 Soviet and a English. iT fl-, ff ASSOCIATION: WM imeni Bauman Figure 6: Card 7/7 S/ 135/6'/G-0/CG2/C-03/C 12 c0 IL YINOKUROT, V.A. Keans for improving operation of the N8 electric locomotives during winter. Blek.i tepl.tiaga 4 no.2:6 F 160. OUBA 13:6) 1. Zemeatitell nachallnika po remontu depo Zlatoust, Yuzhno- Urallakays. doroga. (Alectric locomotives--Cold weather operation) NIKOIATICV, G.A.; VINOKUROY, V.A.; GAURYAN, A.B.; KUBIN, S.A. -4 t~ Formation of inherent stresses In weldizg varjr thick netals. Avtom.avar. 13 no.6.3-11 Je '60. OCLU 13:7) 1. Moskovskoye vyssheys tekhnicheskoye uchilishche Im. Baumana. (Plates, Iron and steel-Welding) (Therval stresses) EIRKIN, S.A., kand.tekhn.nsuk; 71MOKUIJOY. Y.A., kand.tekhn.aauk; PARAX IN, V.A., i=h. ____ ___ Strengthening weld joints by press working the mean with rol1s6 Svar*proizve no.8:15-16 kg 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1, MoskOT9100YO vyseheye tokhnicheakoye uchilishche inoBaumnse (Sheet metal-Welding) (Metals--Cold working) oo 270g/Is-11 tP.-h AUTHORSt Vinokdrov, V.A.# Gavaryan, A.S* B/125/60/000/009/001/017 A161/1130 TITLEs Defornatione in the Blectro-Slag Welding Presses MIODICALs Avtonatichaskaya avarka, 1960, No. 9, pp. 3-11 TBX?t The magnitude and nature of transverse deformations which develop in the butt welding of plates by the sl*otro-slag process have been investigat- ed, aRd approximate calculation of such deformations made, using the theory of elasticity. Special removable deformation asters with an indicator head were used for measurements. The conical leg ends of the "deformometers" spaced at 100 am were placed into holes made in the parts to be joined (Fig. 1) (100 mm. apace was chosen for making the calculations easier). The points on the part edges were not observed, rather points at a distance 94 35 mm fro& the edges were observed, which resulted in the observations of the butt face displaoements being very inaccurate. Various work with straight and annular seams was welded. Measured deformations are shown in Card 1/6 3/125/60/000/009/001/017 A161/Ai3o Deformations in the Electro-Slag Welding Process four graphs (Fig. 2-5) where the straight line left shows the work edge posi- tion before the process and is used for the ordinate axis for time t,qQC (t 1~r ) and the positions of the slider. Di laoement of one edge (i.e., one ha of deformation measured by the deformo:poter) in marked on the abscissa. The cylinder in Fig- 5 had a 2-5 m diameter and 450 am wall- Is the work faces in the electro-slag process are not in contact above the ool surface, and down to the 6000C isotherm the bond through the weld metal tfor low- carbon steel) does not cause high transverse stresses, the determined dis- placements apply with sufficient accuracy to the free plate butt face above Us 6000 isotherm. The equations describing the temperature field in the heated edge are taken from N.N. Rykalin's work (Ref- 3), and the coefficients characterizing the physical and mechanical material properties are assumed constant for simplicity in the entire temperature range. The calculation leads to the conclusion that bulging in the process is proportionate with the linear power of the welding heat source per 1 cm metal thickness. Engineers Card 2/6 3/125/60/000/009/001/017 Deformations in the Electro-Slag Welding Process A161/A130 V.V. Chernykh, G.G. Keyramov and others of KKMZ im. Stalina (NKMZ im. Sta- lin) took part in experiments. The following conclusions were drawn. 1. The method and the graphical presentation of deformations of the welding gap revealed to a suffiaient degree the mechanism of the development of weld- ing deformations with time. 2. It is clear that butt welded parts should be divided into classes by rigidity and weight- 3- In the welding of deep and heavy platoa (Fig. 3), two kinds of deformation are to be expected both of which are not dangerous for the process - convergence and bulging of the edges. A third kind of deformation (angular) is added to convergence and bulging in the case of wide plates with a sligh moment from the weight. To prevent convergence over the permissible tolerance, additional measures must be taken against angular deformation (using cramps, blocks, etc.). 4. De- formations in welding narrow plates lead to closing as well as opening of the gap. Although, opening caused by uneven heating of the plates consider- ably exceeds other deformations. The gathered experiment data made it possible to evaluate in the first rough approximation of the width of the parts at which the gap opening is to be expected. This must be expected Card 3/6 3/125/60/000/009/001/017 Deformations in the Electro-Slag Welding Process A161/A130 with the width of the parts between 0-4 and 1 m and the weld seam length above 2 m. If the parts to be joined are not sufficiently rigid, the open- ing of the gap must be prevented by cramps attached by welding to the top of the butt joint,. 5. The theoretical investigation has proven that local bulging in the process is proportionate with the linear power per I cm of the weld depth., There are 8 figures and 4 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONs J1VTU im. Baumana (XVTU im. Bauman) Card 4/6 S/I 25/60/000/009/001 /0 17 Deformation3 in the Electro-Slag W'elding Process A161/AI30 Fie. 1 I i xa_,w I 0 Card 5/6 S'/12 5/60/000/009 /001 /017 Dpformations in the Electro-Slag Welding Process A161/A130 Pic- k /* CT Car(i 6/6 p 5,)",l 3 ~Ci SOURCE: Elektrcitekhnika, no. 1, 1965, 5-7 Coo-, Inp" qvs [em, atr coo-, ing- P 1 'A 17 S i--cri ft _genera to r e r .-i -o r a -. c- : a v e C 0 L r. A."STRACT An a! rcraft-generator c0 0 1 11-1 a F; Vs t e M d e s I ;; n e 0 -, a t L; Ge S e x c e e d in i s d i s c u s s ec: e 5 1! 5 2 Im k1 z e s e v a D o ii t1 v e coo, nv -4~i i ch ffordr, coo i n ir~ e n s v ma ri v ime s r e a L! r "I i rl a r ~l z ri r C e e m e n r 7 , D A 7 1 1 r,r C i e 1. 1 7 A M , 77. e -5 a s a Cara 1/2 L 239j41-6r, ACCESSION NR: APS003380 ina ch i ne A comp3rative theoretical rind experimental inves E ', g a u n o v a r o u s aircraft-Zenera Itc r ro c, I ra~ Goi-nionv'ra.ed I ~sa a 1:. L: C, ":,L s is CM 4 r r ,De c, H c e r 2 v 0. T' 1 -i ASSOCIATION: none SUMITTED: 00 ENCL c 0 SUB CODZ. AC, P& NO REP SOVt 000 OTHER., 000 ATD PRESS: 3-170" Cord 2 / 2 B/08 62/000/013/025/054 B177XBIOI AUTHORS: Ivanov, A. I., Timofeyev, V. V., Vinokurov, V. B.p Lebedev, 0. A. TITLE: El-ectrolysis of titanium tetrachloride in molten chlorides PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 13, 1962, 412, abstract 13K190 (Sb. "Titan i yego oplavy". no. 6, M., AN SSSR, 1961, 145-152) TEXT: Three patterns of oemi-induatrial electrolyzers have been designed and tested (with a liquid cathode, with a removable cathode, and with rotating cathodes), enabling TiCl to be electrolyzed 'continuously or 4. aemi-continuotisly in the melt. Individual oub-aseombliou have been improved and the theoretical efficiency ia shown for all three electrolyzers and their basio components. Mention is maie of the weakest cub-assemblies in these designs, which call for further development. L.Abetracterle note: Complete tranalation.] Card 1/1 I Z)O 11091 21IJ34 v S/598'6l//O0O/0o6/oi9/O34 D228%303 AUTHORS: Ivanovq A.I., Lebedev, O.A.v Timofeyev, V.V. Tip ~kuro~vV~.B,, and Frantaslyevq N.A. r. TITL3i Electrolysis of Otanium tetrachloride in molten chloride salts SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut metallurgii. Titan i yego splavyo nov 6, 1961. Metallotermiya i elektro- khimii titana, 136 - 144 TEXT: The authors studied the technological aspects of the elec- trolysis of TiC14 in molten chlorides -- NaCl 50, CaC12 35, BaC12 15 % -- in a large, laboratory pilot-plant. 403 electrolyses were carried out, and the longest period of continuous operationp during which the cathode and deposits were extracted 50 timest was about 100 hr. TiC14 was fed through a special quartz pipe into the space between the stainless-steel cathode and graphite-block anode. The following optimum Conditions for electrolysis on a semi-industrial scale were first established: 1) The saturation of the electrolyte with TiC14 for 1 hr. at a d.c. strength of about 200 amp. and at a Card 1/3 21034 S/598/61/000/006/019/034 Electrolysis of titanium tetrachloride.. D228/D303 TiC14 outlay of 1 - 1.5 i/hr.; 2) A unit-eiectrolysis time of 5 -_ the,cohesion between the cathode and deposit is poor at 15 - 22,cm2; 3) A cathode current-density of approxima- tely 1.8 - 2.0 amp/cm2; 4) An operating temperature of 720 - 75001 5) A TiC14 outlay of 1 1/1000; and 6) The cessation SE the TiC14 input for 5 min. before the end of the electrolysis -- to process the electrolyte at a nominal current-strength, These spesi- fications were then checked by experiments in an electrolyzer with a hollow cathode and fixed cell -- when it was found that varying the current-strength has little effect on the electrolyte's Ti con- tent for a given outlay of TiO14 that within the limits 1.5 - 2.72 amp/cm2 the cathode current-density does not influence the grade or yield of the TI depositt that raising the operating temperature to 8000 reduces the amount of Ti precipitated at the cathode# and that varying the TiC14 input above or below I ml/l lowers the current-discharge as a result of the formation of Na or lower chlorides on the electrode surfaces. Additional tests showed that the current discharge is 60 - 70 and that the cathode metal con- tains 1.5 - 4 % of impuritiess Fe from the cathode rod; C - from Card 2/3 Cj_U I _fV_ S/598/61/000/006/019/034 Electrolysis of titanium tetrachloride.. D228/D303 the a.c. electrodes; Si, Mg and Al - from the lining of the bath; and 09 H and 11 - whose concentration depends on the electrolyzer's airtightness. In concluBiong the authors mention certain problems which require further study if the current-discharge and grade of the metallic Ti are to be impored. These include the perfection of the techn*ue of prolonged continuous electrolysisi the improvement in the degign of the electrolizer's components -- in particular the distributor for introducing the TiC14; and the rectification of de- fects in the eleojprolyte -- its poor ability to.#issolve TiC14 and its tendency to aBrade the brick-linings and steel parts. The con- tent of impuritieeg whose transference is proportional to the time of electrolyis and to the area of the various working.-Wurfacesp would be reduced by increasing the electrolyzer's airtightness, by removing the a.c. graphite electrodes, by cooling parts of the steel cathodes, by glazing the steel covers, and by lining the bath's inner walls with MgO slaV. There are 5 figures and 2 tables. Gard 3/~ IVANOV, A.I.; LEBEDEV, O.A.; TIMOFEYEV, V.V.; VINOKUROV, V.B..; M~NTAS'YEV, N.A. --------------- Electrolysis of titanium tetrachloride in fused chlorides; design of continuous action electrolytic cells for use in pilot plants. Titan i eFo splavy no.6:136-i44 161. (MIRA 14:11) (Titanium--Electrometallurgy) (nectrolysis--Equipment and 3upplies) 2 1035 t 3/'598/'61/000/006/020/034 D245/D303 AUTHORS: Ivanov, A.1,, T--1mofeyevv V.7., Vinokurov, V.B., and Lebedevp O.A. TITLE: Electrolysis of titanium tetrachloride in fused chlorides I SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSS~~ Institut metallurgii Titan i yego splavy. no. 6, 1961. Metallotermiya I elektro- khimiya.Alitana, 145 -- 152 TEXT: The design is described of a pilot-scale cell for electro- lysis of TiC14 in fused chlorides. Operation was continuous with a molten alloy cat)aode and a graphite anode. The! Ti faked on the cathode surface and was periodically removed by ladles moving bet- ween cathode and anode. The bath consisted of a welded, water-coo- led housing lined with chamotte brick to a wall thickne#s of 130 - 150 mm. Reference is also made to other cells designed by the au- thor and collaborators, namely an ele'#trolytic cell with extracts- ble cathode and stationary compartmen It (Ref. 10i Avtorskaya zayavka Card 1/2 21035 S/598/61/000/006/020/034 Electrolysis of titanium tetrachloride's D245/D303 0 prioritetom ot 10/V 1956 g., noo 461408) and with reversible ca- thodes (No. 461772). The chief drawbacks of the design proposed were the lack of an effective means of feedings 014 to the electro- lyte and the unsatisfactory hermetic sealing of the cello There are I figure and 11 references: 2 Soviet-bloc and 9 non-Soviet-bloc. The 4 most recent references to the English-language publications read as follows: M.E. Sibert and M.A~ Steinberg, J. Metals, 19569 v. 8, no~ 99 1262-8; American Metal Marketr 19579 v, 64, no, 101, lf~ Metal Bull. 1957, no. 4200, 28; J. Burgesq G. Brown, 0. Roberts, J. Appl. Chem., 1958, v. 8, no. 1, 6~ Card 212 83635 S/081/6O/bW/'3 15/50 1/j' 14 5".,2v, ooA Aoo6/Aool Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Xhimiya, 1960, No. 15, P. 15, # 6o232 AUTHORS: _M4~tsev_, A.A., Kuzyakov,_Yu.Ya., Tatevskiy, V.M. (1) r4a`1-ts-ev-,-A.A-.., Vinokid-rav-,-V.G., Tatevskiy, V.M. ~II) TITLE: Study of Electron Spectra and of the Isotopic Effect in Oxygen Boron Compounds. 1. P-Bands of BO Molecules. Il. "Boric Ac1d7' Bands PERIODICAL: Fiz. sb. L'vovsk. un-t, 1957, No. 3 (8), pp. 475-48o; 480-485 TEXT: I. A A OC-3 (DFS-.3) spectrograph (2A/qm disp5rsion) was used investigate the emission spectrum of BO A-bands (B'Z - X Z tritnaition) in the are and a discharge tube with a hot hollow cathode containing B203, Rota- tion analysis of 0 - 0, 0 - 1, 0 - 2, 0 - 3, 1 - 4, 1 - 5, 2 - 5, 2 - 6, and 3 - 4 bands was made, and by thn method of least squares the following rotational ri 2Z st!~e were obtained; Be - 1.5192, CU e - 0.0210, constants n_gm-1) of the B De - 7.4 lo and P e -0 2.0 . 10 . It is shown that divergence of Steibe's rotational constant values (Sheibe, Z. Phys., ig3o , vol. 6o, P. 74) with '.-ose of Djenkins and McKellar (Djenkins, McKellar, Phys. Rev. 1932, vol. 42, p. 464) Card 1/3 83635 S10811601000/0 I 5/c,-J 11/i I" Aoo6/Aool Study of Electron Spectra and of the Isotopic Effect in Oxygen Boron Gcmpo-indz. I. P -Bands of BO Molecules. II. "Boric Acid!' Bands can be explained by the inaccurate treating of experimental data by Shelbe. 27 The method of least squares was used to recalculate Sheibe's data rcr the X state, In all bands spin -doubling was observed. II. Spectrographs with diffraction gratings were used to investigate fluctuation bands of boric acid, located in the 3700 - 6800 A range. The following spectrum sources were used: a discharge tube with a hot hc-11ow 2athcde containing boron or boron-anhydride in an atmosphere of Ile and 02 mtxture, and an oxygen-hydrogen flame into which boric acid solution was introduced. A-. a high resolution the complicated rotational structure with several edges wa-z obs 76 ved for the majority of bands. The use of boron concentrated to 85% wi-h a B isotope, allowed the determination of Isotope band edges, shifted toward_~ the short-wave side by about,6,5 and 5 A respectively for bands In t;,e 545o ani 5750 A range. This result rejects Singh's theory (Singh, IT.L., Prcc. Indian Acad. Sci., 1949, Vol. A 29, p. 424) who relates the fluctuation bands of 'Doric acid to the BO molecule. According to Singh the isotopic bands mus-~ be shif,ed to the long-wave side by 22 and 44 A respectively. When Introducing to 'he spectrum source heavy water vapors, no isotopic effect is revealed in Card 2/3 83635 S/081/60/000/015/001/014 Aoo6/Aooi Study of Electron Spectra and of the Isotopic Effect in Oxygen Boron 1, (6 -Bands of BO Molecules, II. "Boric Acid" Bands fluctuation bands of the boric acid. This indicates the absence of hydrcgen in the molecule composition giving rise to these bands. It is assumed that. t~.C- fluctuation bands of the boric acid belong to the multi-atomic oxygen compouni of boron, 13.0 A. Malttsev Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. Card 3/:5 5 (3) AUTHORS: Zagorevskiy, V. A., Zykov, D. A., SOV/79-29-7-43/83 ,~_Xin_qkuro,v,_J-.--(P-.-' TITLE: Derivatives of Chromonecarboxylic-2-acid (Proizvodnyye khromon- karbonovoy-2-kisloty) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obahchey khimii, 1959, Vol 29, Nr 7, pp 2302 - 2306 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the preceding paper (Ref 1) the synthesis of a number of aryl esters of the chromonecarboxylic-2-acid bj means of the acid chloride of thia acid was described. The acid chloride was prepared by reaction of thionyl chloride in a pyridino so- lution of the acid and the crude mixture used without purifica- tion. In the present investigation 15 new and different N-sub- stituted amides as well as some other derivatives of the chro- monecarboxylic-2-acid were synthesized in search of pharmacolo- gically active compounds (Table). All the substances (I)-(XV) were synthesized by reaction of the acid chloride on the above acid with the corresponding amino, oxyp and mercapto deriva- tives. The crude acid chloride, obtained by the previously proposed method, was used for reaction in dichloro ethane so- Card 1/2 lution. In every case, excepting (XIII)-(XV), sodium bicarbon- Derivatives of Chromonecarboxylic-2-acid SOV/79-25-7-43/63 ate was used to bind the HCl formed in the reaction. By syn- thesizine the aryl esters (XIII~4IV) it was demonstrated that the acylation of phenole with this acid chloride by the Schot- ten-Baumann method is possible. The compounds (Viii)-(Xii) form water-soluble salts when treated with sodium carbonate or so- dium bicarbonate (carboxyanilide (IX)). The relation between the color of the chromonecarboxylic-2-acid anilides and the kind of substituent in the benzene ring of the aromatic amino group is of interest. Thus, for instance, the anilide of the chromonecarboxylic-2-acid is colorless, the p-toluidide (II) is light greenish-yellow. The p-methoxy-(III) and p-oxy- anilide (IV) are yellowiah-green, whereas the anilides (VI) and (VII) are yellowiah-orange or red. The aryl esters of the chromonecarboxylic-2-acid show similar effects. An explanation of this phenomenon will be the subject of further investiga- tions. There are 1 table and 5 references, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut farmakologii i khimioterapii Akademii neditsinskikh nauk SSSR (Institute of Pharmacology and Chemotherapy of the Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: June 5, 1958 Card.2/2 50) AUT-170--)S: Kochetkov, !-i, -.1., ^Ott4kh.., :3. V., SOV12( -21 J-7 r R. Y Vinokurovp V. G., Khomutav, TITLE. On the Structure of ~-Chlorovinyl Ketones and on the Stereochemistry of tho Reaction of Kotovinylation ~-khlorvinilketonov i sterookhiriii reak'sii (0 konfiguratsii ketovinilirovaniya) P:ERIODICAL: Dok-lady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 125, Nr 1, pp 89-92 (USSR) ABSTRAM ~The structure of the substances mentioned in the title RCOCH=C11C1 is, in spite of their vell elaborated utilization methods (Ref 1), still an unsolved problem. From the most important methods of production (Refs 2-4) it may be assured that the substances produced in this way have a trans-structure. The authors succeeded in clearly con-firming experimentally this assumption. If one of the simple fl -chlorovinyl ketones, mothyl-fl-chlorovinyl ketone Is oxidized with sodium hypochlorite, the trans-R-chloro acrylic acid (Ref 5) forms under rigidly controllable conditions as the only product. If this oxidation does not contact the C-atoms with a multiple Card 1/3 binding, moreover, if the mild conditions of reaction excludle On the Structure of ~-Chlorovinyl Ketones and SOV/20-125-1, -23/67 on the StereochemiBti-f of the Reaction of Ket-ivinylat-10r. the isemerizatior of the iritial sub!3tanre und th(~, reaction prorluct a ccmple-tlo -~ransformatlon of the structure durino the roaction is imposslbl~-. Due to this fact methyl-f-chlorovinyl ket9ne has to be regard?dja~ a transisomer. Thus, also all alkyl-, alkiny!-, arid a-ry- _ -chl-irovinyl ketones (Refs 2-4) are transisomers undor similar conditions. As far as the -chIorcv--'nyI keto.-es (Ref o ~, 'I ) 1).r,iduced by other method.-; a"e . identical with those. obtainc-3 by c3ndensati,)n %,;ith w,.styiene, they ar--~ 3t~vizusly als--j transisomers. By knor,ledge of th~- above? structurc, the stereochemistry of the, r:aaction mentio-ed in the title (Ref 1) :~Duld be ob3erved. it 13 one of the T-cst fmportant reactions of fl -chlorovinyl ketnnas and is only a subst-itut.-ion of a halo:7en atom. Since the chemioal methods cannot be used for determirdng the structure of the rea-Ition products mentioned the authors used -*.nfra-red spectra. Although the authors mention only data on the ketovinylation of sulfinic acids and g -dicaarbonyi compounds, they have little doubt that also in other cases ('11ef 1) ketovinylation reaction leads to a formation of Card 2/3 transisomers, In other aords, the reaction takes place under On the Structure of ~ --Vhlorovinyl Ketones and SOV/20-125-1-23/67 on the Stereochemistry of the Reaction of Ketovinylation preservation or the utructure of the keto-vinyl Group of the initial fl-chlorovinyl ketone. This preservation may be explained by the substitution mechanism of the halo-~T-en (Ref 1, see Scheme) su-cested by the author mentioned first. There are 3 figures and 16 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIOIT: Instit-ut farmakologii i khimioterapii Akademii fleditsinskikh nauk SSSR (Institute of Pharmacology and Chemotherapy of the Academy of I'lledical Sciences, USSR) PHES'--';'1F22D: December 1, 19158, by.,',.. N'. F-esmeyanov, Academician SU73""ITIED: Yovember 29, 1950 Card 3/3 FUSHKOVP V. G.;,VINOKUROV, V. G. Steelmakers from the Urals are striving to make use of intarr-al potentialities in the industry. Metallurg 7 n0,,11:11-13 11 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Sverdlovskiy aovet narodnogo khozyayatva. (Ural mountain region-Iron and steel plants) IVANOVV A.I.; VINOKUROV, V.G.,- PROTOPOPOVA, T.V.; SKOLDINOV, A.P. Synthesis of stereoisomric chlorovinyl carboz*l"qompounds. Nhur. 164. 34 no.1054-355 J?- (MRA l7t3) 1. Inatitut farmakologii i khimioterapil AWIWR. -I t 1 0 ,~ , ~ If - -1 , I / , I f~ W / ~v - A' f- I % - v VINOYLIROV, V. P,. PA ^f,'7j"' Ij USSR/Mathematics - Modern Algebra, 1 Aug 52 Biorthogonal Systems "Biorthogonal Systems That Pass Through Given Sub- spaces," V.G. Vinokurov, Cen Asia State U I.IDok Ak Nwak SSSR" Vol 85, No 4, pp 685-687 A basis (zi) is said to pass through a subspace P if P contains a subsequence which is contained in P and which is the basis of P, where P is a sub- space of Banach space E and sequence (Zi) is com- plete in E. Submitted by Acad A.N. Koliogorov 19 May 52. 227T54 24(7) 3 PHAss I Boox KXPLOITATIOM SOY/1365 WTOY. UAlversytot Materlssay X P~*ZhChlLn&7& pe ap4ktrookopit. t. 1% Molakulyssmays vpektrvk~plya (Papers of the 20th All-Union Conference on Speatviscopy. Vol. Is Molecular spectroscopy) (Ltvovl Issi-wo Llvovakogo -i-ts, 195T- 499 9- 4,09O)eopLas prlnt*4. (3orloss Itai Flaychnyy abir.Vkp vy V8/ Additional Sponoorl ji Ak&4*miya nauk $3311. goodeelya po apoktrookopli. 0.~?J'a"tor, S.L.j Tech, Lr4.s Sar&nyuk Editorial Boards W-wisterg, G.S., Academician (Romp. LdT:YD-ej*s&&*d). Reporent, B.S., D"tor of Physical and Mathematical Solssncoo~ FabelinBkiy, I.L., Dootor of Physical AM PiathematIcal Soleness, Yabrikov6p V,A., Doctor of "Leal AM Mathematical Science 4 Koraltak1g, V.O., Candldat* of Too!Lsloal Solencem Wokly, EX., Candidate of ?hyaloal LrA W.1,Azatissal Saiewssis, faimovskir, L.Y., Candidate of PIVol-cal and ftthomatLcal Soleness, MilLymobuk, V.3., Candidate of Fbjssli41 a:-A Ma*-Um&tloma Seltzkoos and Glauberaw, A. To.. Candidate of Physical " Mathematical A.14210041. Cold 1/30 K*Ioaova, V.k. V1,braticnal Spectra of Domble-oanonsist Phosphate Olass"a 04 sow Crystalline Phomphatem 44 Nalltassy, A.A.. To. W. Moskyltina. and V.X. Tatevakiy. Study of the Isotopic Effect And Verification or Infrared Spoetruss of Baron Trifluoride 465 F411tassy, A.A., To. N. MookyltIna, and V.M. Tatevskly. Quantitatl" Analysis of Boron Isotopes by Means or Infrared Bpectre of Bor= TrIfluorldem 47a Hal I t"T' A.A., Yu. To. JOLLzya"V, and V.9. TateVoldy. ftady or ]Moatron Spectra and lootopiss arrest In Boron 03Wgtu Compounds 415 MaxIt"T. A.M., V 0. and T.K. Tateva1dr; Stud ~ Zooko l6 arrest or Zlob;~p . y p Baron Oanom Campowwo 40 Cud 200 V I ~\) () t- ~') ~ -_ C., J '..'j " , AUTHOR VIKOKUROV V.G. 20--5-3/67 TITLE -M-C-on-E-tions if Regularity of Probability Processes. (Usloviyr- regulyarnesti veroyatnestnykh protsessov.- Russian) PBRIODICAL Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR 1957P Vol 113, Ur 5, PP 959 - 961 (USSR) ABSTRACT Lot the abstract quantity of the states X1 -JWJ and the quantity 4 of the functions y(t) with values in SLbo givenj here t rui.,s through the quantity of all whole numbers. For every y from ;tnd at arbitrary n let the function Trx(t) also be contained in When on 0 the BOREL field of the probabilities P is given, then a probability process [SL , �, PJ is thereby determined. The author defines in the paper under review for each t a projection Rt of the space 0 in S1 : Rt? - 40 if T(t) - a. On ~ the trans- formation T 9 (t) - T (t+1) is defined. Then follows a whole series of additional definitions. A probability process is then defined to be of the MAMOY kind, when at all t and at all A COM the equation P(A 19 t)) - P(A J?t) is valid almost every- ,Yhere on 1. Let S - fl Z and let always contain a constant t M I ~s contains only one regular function. The paper under review denote a a process as regular wher, function. The sense of regularity consists in the circumstance CaD 1/2 AJ Lib-' 4Y56. ---yi, Afer U2,belc S'14ce ra . aber of t 51?. 011~ress. he Ac.d... , if Wprod -Ut. V. 1. nouAl'otion) review, 1.11. 1956. OV3J('z rer, VINOKWHOV. V.G. Independent complements to the algebras of sets. Dokl.ATJ Us. SSR no.1:9-10 '59. (MIU l2s4) 1. Institut matematiki i mekhaniki Iment V-1-Romanovskogo AY USSR. (Algebra) 16(1); 16(2) 06370 AUTHORt Vinokurov, V.G. SOV/166-59-5-5/9 TITLEt On ro abiliTY-Froceases Given in the Coordinate Space PERIODICALt Izvestiya Akademii n~Luk Uzbekskoy SSR, Seriya fiziko- maiematicheskikh nauk, 1959, Nr 5, pp 42-48 (USSR). ABSTRAOTs Let ~1 be a space with the probability measure P defined on the (6 -algebra Q"M of measurable sets. Let from A CB, B4eQsl; and P(P) = 0 follow Ac=Q("'and P(A) - 0. The probability process % t1T, SLI is a family of random variables ~t defined on-CLand depending on the parameter t which rune through the set T. Let be the sot of functions F(t) given on T. The author investigalt the question under which conditions for almost all funationey(t) of 0 there exists an weilso that jt(LJ) - LP(t). The author introduces the notions of a fundamental process and a process immediately given mod 01 and he gives necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of the desired OEM.& There is 1 non-Soviet reference, which is American. ASSOCIATION:Institut matematiki im. V.I.Romanovskogo AN Uz SSR (Institute of Mathematics im.V.I.Romanovskiy AS Uz SSR) SUBMITTED: April 1, 1959 Cardl 1/1 4~4~ 16-9900 66457 AUTHOR: Vinokurov,V.G. SOV/20-129-1-1/(4 TITLE: Generalized Lebesgue Spaces I PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR,1959,Vol 129,Nr 1,pp 9-11 (USSR) ABSTRACT: According to the author a generalized Lebesgue space is a space E with a complete measure m, where 1) mE - 1, 2) to every two points x,yC-E there exists a measurable set A so that xE A, y CA, and 3) the factor space of E with respect to every measurable deco osition of E is a Lebesgue space in the sense of V.A.Rokhlin Fnef 12. Starting from an other definition (with the aid of certain representations of a Boolean algebra with a finite-additive measure) the author investigates the properties of generalized Lebesgue spaces and shows that they are in a near connection with Card 1/1 the measures in topological spaces. Some properties of probability theoretical nrocesses in the considered spaces are discussed. There are 5 ieferences, 3 of which are Soviet, 1 American, and 1 Hungarian, ASSOCIATION:Institut matematiki i mekhaniki imeni V.I.Romanovskogo Akademii nauk Uzb SSR (Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics imeni V.I. Romanovskiy,AS Uzb.SSR) PRESENTED: May 18, 1959 by A. N. Kolmogorov, Academician SUBMITTED- May 18, 1959 ,,'V,.I..NOKU.R.0,V,- 'I!G* SPaces with a measure Of contInual we'ght. Dok'!. V,' SEZR ~63 4 no.6,1307-1309 Ag '65. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Institut natematiki ins V~I#Rormnovskogo All UzSSR. Submitted February 10, 1965- VINOKUROV, V.G. Supplementary representations of algebras with measures. Teor. verolat. i mat. stat. no.1:1216-129 t64. (MIRA 18:6) VTNCKTJROV,, V.G. Contin-inus pr~;di~-,t ~~If Lf--L-3gue Dckl. k1l no.21255-257. My 165. lp--7,A 13-.5) 1. In3titut maternatiki im. V.I.Romanovskogo AN 'Tz&V,. VINOKUROV V G. ~L-Lx- Representettione of partially ordered sets, and spaces. Izv. PJT Uz.SSR. Ser. fiz.-mat. nauk 7 1. Institut matematiki imeni V.I. Romanovskogo topological no,5:5-13 163. (NIRA 17:8) All UzS-ER. V I f.1 ~~ W7t e p r c f L n. 1. lnst,itut rqale-mat!k~ In. V.'r. RoinanOV3kogo AN UzIbC4,skoy S:5,11. Fru-i,qti-~vleno a",(aelerdkom A.N. Aclsmogorolym. VINOKUROVI V.-G.; TROITSKAYA, V.S.; GRANDBERG, I.I.; PENTIN, Yu.A. ' Pyrazoles. Part 39: Structure and tautomerism of hydroxypyrazO.Les Zhur. ob. khim. 33 no.8:2597-2605 Ag '163. (MIRA ib:ll) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M.V. 1,omonosova. VINOKUROV, V.G.; TROITSKAYA, V.S.; GBANDBERG, 1~1.. Pyrazoles. Part 44: Tautomeriam of hydroxy and amirc pyrazole systems, classification of intramolecular effects and structure of bifunctional pyrazole derivatives. Zhur. ob. kh1m. 35 no.7; 1288-1293 JI 165. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Institut farmakologil I khimioterapit AMN SSSR I Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. VINOKUROV, V.G.; TROITSKAYA, V.3.; GRANDBERG, I.I. PYrazoles. Part 41: Inifrared. spectra and tautomerism in the arzinc- pyrazole sorlea. Zhur.ob.khim. 34 no.2:654-660 r 64. (MIRA 170) 1. Institut farmnkologii i khimtotorapli AMN SSSR i Moskovskiy gosu- darstvennyy universitat ineni, M.V.Lomonosova. POPOVA, R.Ya.; FROTOPOPOVA, T.V.; VINOKUROV, V.G.; SKOLDINGV, A.F. Functional derivatives of malodnialdehyde and their reactions. Part 141 Condensation of some allyl halides with vinyl ether. Zhur.ob.khim. 34 no.1:114-119 Ja 164. (AURA 17:3) 1. Institut farmakologii i khimioterapii AMN SSSR. VINOKUROVY V.G. Topological properties of partially ordered sets. Usp. mmat. nauk 18 no.5tl5l-155 5-0 16-J& (W IRA 16 :12 ) VINOKURGV. V.G,,; TROITSKAYA.. V.S.; SOLOMINA, N.D.; GRANDBERG, 1.1. Pyrazoles. Part 313 Infrared spectra of 4-acylpyrazoles, their salts and metal derivatives. Zhur.ob.khim. 33 no.2: 506-511 F 163. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Institut farmakologii i khimioterapii LMN SSSR I Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. H.V.Ioomonosovao (pyrazole--Aboorption spectra) GRANDBERG, I.I.- VINOKURCIV V.G - FROITSKAYA, V.S.; SHARMA, G.I. Pyrazoles. Part 30: Synthesis and ultraviolet spectra of 4-acetyl- and 4-be=oyl-3.,3-dimetbylpyrazoles. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.ll-.3582-3586 N 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet i Inatitut farmakologii i khimioterapii AMN SSSR. (Pyrazole--Spectra) KUZITETSOVA . Ye.A.; STETIJIYEVA. V.111.; ZHtw-,.VII,.V, S.V.; V-TNtIKUROV-, Y_,G.; TROITSKAYA, V.S.; Prinimala uchastiye SOLOXHIMA; N.D. Synthesis and properties of 2-:~ercaptobensothiazole derivatives. Part 1: Some S-substitute" 2-moreaptobenzothiazoles .nd their 3ulfones. 71ax.ob.khim. 32 no.9:3007-3011 S 162. (".,Ipl lr,:g) 1. Institut fanrakologii i khimiotera ii AMIT SSSR. (BenzothiazolG) (Sulfonm VINOKUROV, _yq~.-(Tashkent) RepreBentations of Boolean algebras and meanurable spacea. Mat. obor. 56 no.3075-391 Yx 162. (KMA 15:4) (Algebra.. Boolean) (Spaces., Genoralized) VIIIOEUROV, V.G.- TROITSKAYA, V.S.; Z/tGORF,"VSXIY, V.A. Spectral colors in the series of derivativeF of 2-chromonecarboxylic acid. Zhur.ob.khim. 31 no.9:2901-2995 S '61- (YJRA 14:9) 1. Institut farmakologil i khimioterapii Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR. (Chromonecarboxylic acid--Spectra) AUTHOR: TITLE: PERIODICALs 315 312 5103916210561001410041004 B125/B102 Vinokurov, V. G. (Tashkent) Representations of Boolean alrebras and spaces with measure Matematicheakiy sbornik, V. 56(98), no. 3, 1962, 375 - 391 TEXT: A finitely additive non-neeative function m which is Eiven on a Boolean algebra and equal to unity in the unit element of Z-is said to be a measure belonging to/,-. A representation JE, R, V.; of ).&, m: consists of a set E, of the algebra R of the subsets of P,, and of a h1omomorphism V of the algebra-4 onto the algebra R, which satisfies the following con- ditions: 1. For arbitraq two points x and y of E, there is zuch an A~R that x4A,Y~4;2.For each bE~e-with m'b> 0, the set Vb does not vanish. A subset 71 oi'.~-, which has the property that a,%b ~ 0 and a-btJ for ai',',' and bt-'71, is said to be a lattice. For each element b6-&, there is a set B which consists of all maximal lattices containing b. All these set's B constitute an algebra Rce V 0 11 the corresponding isomorphism between -'rand R c. A representation f Ec, Rc, Vcj is said to be maximal. For two representations Card 1/3 S/039/62/056/003/004/004 Representations of ... B125/B102 -ind ~E R set " or~r-, the set of El, R1, V and an arbitrary sub j- 1~ - 27 2' V21 all the maximal lattices 7` for which there is such a lattice 'iil!--T E 1 that "I", , but no lattice IWIGTcE2 such that V~7 - *,'P',!, is dezirnated by A I A representation IE is said to be subordered to a E2 t 1 1 Ri I V1 representation ~Iif for an arbitrary subalgebra ~ct-there is a IE;2' R20 V2 '?' I subalgebra j ci~ such that 3c P and A has the measure 7ero in the space produced by, .1-1 m I for each suba'leebra The concept of subor- dering of representations is the most important concept of the paper. The metrical structure of representations is invariant under the procedure of subordering. Therefore, this procedure leads to a clas3ification of the metrical types of representation3 and spaces produced by reDresentations. There are 6-references: 5 Soviet and 3 non-Soviet. The reference to the English-lanpuage publication reads as follows: P. R. Halmos, J. V. Ilieu- mann, Operator methods in classical mechanics. II, Ann. of -~'ath., Z3, no.2 Card 2/3 S10391621056100310041004 Representations of ... B125/B102 . (1942), 332 - 350. ASSOCIATIONt Tashkentskiy E-osudarstvennyy universitet imeni V. I. Lenina (Tashkent State University imeni V. I. Lenin) SUBMITTED: September 2, 1960 Card 3/3 -_yRqMOV, V.G.j TROITSKAYA, V.S.; ZAGOREVSKIY.. V.A. Absorption spectra of derivatives of 2-chromanecarbaX721c acid in the ultraviolet and viBible, Zhur, ob. khim. 31 no.4-1 10r- 1082 AP 161; (MIRA 14:4) 1. Institut farmakologii i lrbimiotorADU AWOMii meditainakikh nauk SSSR. I (Benzopyrancarboxylic acid--Spectra) S/()~.4/6070,10PO/012/012/014 L) 0 Ill/ C 333 UTEORt Vinokarov# V. G. TITM A problem of control theory PIRIODICA.Li Reftrativayy skurzalp Xatematika, na.~-.12p 1960, 142, abstract 14213.(Tr. In-ta mates. i makkan. Al Us SSRp 1957t vyp. 20, 5-4) TIM The author considers the.-problem of'the assumption of a st&tistieal solution for tho,folloving genor&l.soksime.4-sartain object-can-be with:prabability measure P in an arbitrary point of ~he abstrao t space The apse is decomposed into a finite number of disjoint sea urable not* on there are .&Lven-monaegative, ixtegrabl.e function&.-r W, 0 ris-, -equal- -to. -the- lose ihich must be suff *red when ;us real stati of the objeot-is- Xt. while it is assumed -that the state of the object belon4s, to 0j. A. test is. carried out an& it is stated to which olesent-of a-airtaia-decompasition I Of the Spec the state of'the object belongs. L:t be,&wouposed into the so a where are measurable e6ts whi hsun of the .t %f9 -Then the *o1uti is made -if z Wader fixed *16monts o n x Card 1/2 22664 S/044/60/000/012/01-2/014 A problem of-cozt~rol theory C ill/ C 333 decospolvition ORO Wstains a siximm. 0-f losses If for almost a-lIxet! it is D&tisfio 8 X (x) - X(x), where N (x) 0 11 (X)11 , i :, author canwideva, tke- losses whiek are comes-ted- with the expenses of - tko town and investigates- the qutati*A -of -tho optimal sela,tion, uxdAr.cGAsid*re;tftn of 'these,lO=! O"tiv&,-tQ.AkO sit of sill-possible decanpasitions of%tkv AP 4 , Tkq~glv set is memod-osA&Ake 49me Z -of ,Mw elassm-of_ decompaslations jL, -in which Tke. minims- value K(J) of tkis, sathmatical pxpeatatioa.of the losses for the door_-qjpositita~s can--bO-dofixed se X(s)' x E Z. It turns out that x(s) is &-uniformly coniinuous fx"6u in L Then - Z is sn'bedded into &.certain sexplaig, -4-A kp*oi,2 ;- rt in d4fineds the measure P is called vatur"04; 44 z .-Z T#e L*besgue measures in the sense of V. Ae Rokklin (Wem+..~ebd 1949t 2~, 1) are astaxate& misasurte. It --thO -and vf * tke article the .*maple of a-ba-turatod measure whisk is no Lebeagno-measure is Ifivene [Ibstrac,'ter's- notes Complete trazellationj Card 2/2 VINOKUROV, V.G.; TROITSKAU, V.S.; KOCHETKOV9 N.K. Gyaloserine and related compounds. Part Ilt Infrared spectra of 3-inoxazolidinones. Zhur. ob. khim. 31 no.1:205-210 Ja 161. (MIU 14: 1) 1. Institut farmakologii i khimioterapii Akademii meditsinskikh nauk WSR. (Isaxazolidinone-Zpactra) VINOKUROV) V. I. VIHOKUROV, V. I.: "Investigation of rimthods of radiometry." Min Higher Education. Leningrad Electrical -Engineering Inst Lnleni V. I. Ullyanov (Lenin). Leningrad, 1956 (Dissertation for the Degree of Gandidate in Technical Sciences) So: Knizhnaya Letopis', 110. 18, 1956 VIROKUROV9 V.I. inzhener; SVI, P.M. Detection of defective Insulators by means of ra4iation. Slektrichestvo no.11:86 N 156. (MLRA 9:12) 1. Leningradolciy alektrotekhnicbeskiy institut imeni Ullyanova (Lenin&) (for Vinokurov) 2. Kontora po organizateli ratsionallz&tsil rayonnykh elektrostantail I seti (for Svi). (Zlectric Insulators and insulation--Testing) (Radio measurements) 1 66528 ~, 4 SOV/112-59-18-39235 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 18. p 167 (USSR) AUTIHORt Vlno)curov,, V.I. TITLE: Devices for the Measurement of Fluctuating Signals PERIODICAL: Izv. Leningr. elektrotekhn. in-ta, 1957, Nr 31, pp 139 - 143 ABSTRACT: A modulation type radiometer for the measurement of fluctuating signals in the 3-cm range is described. The longitudinal sensitivity of the radiometer is 20 at a time constant of 8 sec, which corresporAs to a lowest measurable power of 1o-16 watt. The input signal is modulated with the aid of a modulator consisting of a rectangular waveguide,of 2 mm height, in the interior of which a 0-10 type ferrite is placed. Modulation is effected by the alteration of absorption of the ferrite by a magneti'zing field of a frequency of 175 keyoles; the modulation depth amounts to 75%. The modulated *signal arrives at the balance, mixer of the resonator type through a ferrite insulator poxsessIng Card 1/2 valve properties and weakening the noises of the receiver and the mixer, 66528 Devices for the Measurement of Fluctuating Signals SCYV/112-59-18-39235 which reach the antenna. Further follows a pass frequency indicator -(UPCh), tuned on a frequency-of 60 Me and having a pass band of 12 Me, a selective low frequency indicator (UNCh) and a phase detector. The supply of the radiometer is effected by a stabilized rectifier. I B.I.K. A Qard ^/n C/.m 66527 SOV/112-59-18-39234 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 18, p 167 (USSR) AUTHOR: Vinolcurov, V.I. T=: Investigations of the Possibility of Temperature Telemeter!.ng of Heated Bodies With the Aid of Radiometers PERIODICAL- Izv. Leningr. elektrotekhn. in-ta, 1958, Nr 35, Pp 1517 - 165 ABSTRACT: The f',jll energy of radio emission received by the antenna of a radio- meter depends on the frequency band, the absorption coefficient of the heated body (B), the amplification factor of the antenna and the solid angle under which the surface of B is visible from the plane of the antenna opening. The power which is received by the radiometer is equivalent to the temperature increase of the emission resistance of the antenna which, generally, is determined by the integral value of the temperature of the B under investigation. The value of the equi- valent temperature of the parabolic antenna of 40 cm In diameter at an Card 1/2 opening angle of 10-2 steradian Is found. The smallest temperature I-r ()WI? 7 SCV/112-59-18-39234 Investigations of the Possibility of Temperature Telemetering of Heated Bodies With the Aid of Radiometers increment of a heated dielectric, which can be measjred by the radiometer, amounts to approximately 250C. The radio emission being radiated froir the heated B is absorbed by a flame. 'file absorption magnitude, according to the author's data, amounts to a few tenths of decibel/cm. I.I.L. t~v Card 2/2 go-- & IL A--P, IL IL Ow., A. n C- od"-.. W-4 lll =0m-" -A W-l A. JL L IL Mm An- M- G-P. 4 A. N. llS fullems IL t a"- 04 a IN Alft sommue r. JL aff".. L L Se-- aL X.W- IL P. r-q. S. IL t IL b-"9" -"Z= JL L lp-" ft 10 AG 16 "ICM) IL ap-6 A== 41 Verne sam"We rev us combommial amstme le an alimmalf" ftawoftL 0.1.4, t owme nodbow*w wo RISSWIMI commalsoulmn ft. A. 9. raw (~M), WAOM, 8-n awn. /?S'1 AT6022237 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/000/0020/003Y Vinokurov, V. I.; Vakker, R. A. AU111OR: ORG.: none TITLE: Using nonlinear elements in correlators SOURCE: Vsesoyuznnya nauchnaya sessiya, posvyashchennaya Dnyu radio. 22d, 1966. Sektsiya radiotekhniki. Doklady. Moscow, 1966, 20-33 TOPIC TAGS: signal correlation, correlation statistics, nonlinear effect A*BSTRACT: The properties of a correlator based on a nonlinear element (detector) whose characteristic is described by the equation: 'Z ay, Y 0'. 0 Y