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SAMIN, M.K*, professor, doktor tekhnleheekikh nAuk; PRONIN. B.A., kmn-
didut tokhniehaskikh nauk, redaktor; BAWHO:, B.F., kazAidat takh-
nichaskikh nauk, rateensent; POMA, 3.m,, lexpNiumakly radaktora
[Shot peening; theor3r and practical applicatloAl Drobestruirql nakley;
tooretichaskle oenovy i praktika primenenlia. Moskva, Goe.nauchno-
tekhn*izd-vo washinostroitellnoi lit-rr. 1955. 3U p. (MMA 8t4)
(Shot peening)
"Fitriding as a wthod of increasing strength of sechine ports" a
ps"r presented at International Conference on I%tigm of Metals, Lmdonj
sop, 56.
DM. N6103
kandidat tokhatchoskikh nauk, r*tsensentj
IWITONOT. 1,1.. Inshoner, rotoonsent; BMISOV. S*V#. inthenor.
rod&ktorl NOISLIf B.1s, tokhnichookly rodaktore
[Toning machines and Instruments) lopyta.tWaye rashlay I priboryo
Moskva, Oosenauhno-tokhn.isd-vo mashinostrolt,lit-rr6 1957. 350 po
(MUU 10: 4)
(Ilesting machines)
AUITHOR: Balanhov, B.F.
TME-0 Patiguo of compressor bladoo
PERIODICXL: Referativuyy zhurnal. Noldianika, no. 9 1961, 409
abstract 9 V373 (V'sb. Vopr. prochnosti matcrialoV
i Icons trukto iy,, N.t All' SSSRp 19599 313-315)
TIZC"L: ReG1106 are given.of investigating the durable
strength of models klock joints of blades with a disc of the
11swallow-taill, t~p(~I, also profile parts of blade models trith shaxp
odes and natural blades of'comproosorag with respect to blade mat-
Crial, methods of their strengthening treatment (nitrogen treatment.
and cold surface worldt-0), structural aml tochtiological factors
(rounded and sharp blade profile atc.). Inveatigationn wre car-
ried out,at normal temperature and at vibrations in the fundamental
tone. Toots of models of lock joints tmre carried out on a roson-
anca machine with variable banding with the:frequency of 70-00 cy-
'Card 1/3
Fatigue of comprecaor blades D234/D303
cles and the basis of 2 x 107 cycles with.atatic c::tcncion corres-
po.ding to centrifugal forces Testn-o&^ profilc,parts or blades
were carried out with vibrations from an clectrodynamical vibrator
with the frequency of 400-500 c/o and,the base of 5 x 101 cycles,
Fatigue curves of models of lock joints of blades and profile parts
of blades, also photographs illustrating the development of fatigue
cracl:s and contact surface imar in models oC- lock joints, are given.
Duringe invostigation it was established% 1) Fatigue cracks in the
->ladc which
loch joint are developed in the section of the tail of
touches the dice edgea in the place where the blade tail cot,.,es out
oZ the groove. At the static tensile stress of 20 1%/M2 the fat_
igue limit of a model of blade tail made of IOXIA UOKWIVA) and
i -o
N -268 (LX-263) is respoct
vely 14 and. 16 kg/pm 9 and at static
th6 fatigue limit of a blade tail made
tensile atreso of 10 kg/m
of BA -17 (VD-17) alloy in 2, 5 kg/md. . Cold * ourf aco worlting of
blade tails node of IGIQMA abd LI-260 steels ' increases the fatigue
limit by 70 J 45% and that of tail made of VD-17 alloy *.100%.
Nitrogen treatment of tails made of IOXhNVA steel Incroaaaa the
Card 2/5
Vatigue of compraccor blades D234/0303
fatiSue limit by 2576. 2) The most dangerous point of a profile part
of the blade am the, aharp edges. For blade model trith char
made of I (3p edges
81(wTvAt 30)(A (30MA); 40YHMA (401=,L~); 30X2HBA OIQ%211V.%)
steels and VD-IX alloy the fatigue limit is rospectively 45-46, 30-
40 and 10 kg/m A " Defects of edge worldng (lack of due rounding,
low quality of surface) lower the fatigue limit of the profile part'
of blades by 20-25%. Steals of 40MIZU type aro more consitivo to,
defects of edge working than 181WIVA steel. For natural blades
made of' 40KhMA otce~.'the fatipc limit depends ongeonictry mid
quality of the surAfee and v.-wies from 30 to 50 krjnm2. Nitrogen
trentpent increasor.1the fatigue limit of profile parts of bladen.
made of 101WVA and 40KIMA by 20-30"P, and of those made of 3OX2F4213-
A (3OKh2N2VA) by40-50%. Cold worIjing bladen.with sharp edges does,
not increnae the fatiguo limit. racterla note: Complete
Card 3/3
Nauchno-tekhnicheakaya konferentsiya po voprosam povyshenlya
lznooostoykoett I aroka sluzhby mashin.
Povyahenlye iznooostoykosti i aroka sluzhby mashin. t. 2 (Increas-
Ing the Wear Resistance and Extending the Service Life of Ma-
chines. v. 2) Kiyev, Izd-vo AN UkrSSR,, 1960. 290 P. 3,000
copies printedo(Series: Its: Trudy, t .2)
Sponsoring Agency: Vaesoyuznoye nauehno-tokhnicheakoye obahchestvo
mashinostroltellnoy promyshlennosti. Tsentrallnoye I Kiyevekoye
oblastnoye pravleniya. Institut mekhaniki AN UkrSSR.
Editorial Board: Reap. Ed.: B. D. Orozin; Deputy Reap. Ed.:
D. A. Draygor; M. P. Braun, 1. D. Paynerman, 1. V. Kragel'skiy;
Scientific Secretary: M. L. Barabash; Ed. of v. 2:
Ya. A. Samokhvalov; Tech. Ed.: N. P. Rakhlina.
PURPOSE: This collection of articles Is intended for technical
personnel of the machine industry and for workers of scientific
Increasing the Wear-Resistance (Cont.) SOV/5105
research institutes and design and planning organizations.
COVERAOS: The collection contains papers presented at the Third
Scientific Technical Conference Klyev in September 1957
on problems of Increasing the-wear resistance and extending the
service life of machines. The conference was sponsored by the
Institut stroltellnoy mekhaniki AN UkrSSR (Institute of Struc-
tural Mechanics of the Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR), and
by the Kiyevskaya oblastnaya organizatsiya nauchno-tekhnicheakogo
obahchestva mashinostroitellnoy promyahlonnosti (Kiyev Regional
Organization of the Scientific Technical Society of the Machine-
Building Industry). Papers presented at the conference were
published In two volumes. The firstvolume contains papers
presented at the plenary'seasion and at the conference section
on "Wear of Metals and Methods of Investigation". The second
volume contains papers presented at the conference section on
"Methods of Extending the Service Life of Machine Parte~,These
pVm dimuss mechanical, chemical, and electrolytic methods of
Increasing the durability (wear resistance and fatigue strength)
S11231t IPOO/009/t 10/t27
OD A004/A104
TITLE: Increasing the fatigue strength of parts by cold working
PERIODICAL: Reforativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, no. 9, 1961, 83-84, abstract
9B613 (V sb. "Povyeheniya iznosostoykosti i aroka aluzhby mashin, v.
2% Kiyev, AN UkrSSR, 1960, 7 - 17)
TEM The author investigated the increase in strength by surfaos oold. work-
ing of cemented gear tooth, dovetail scarf joints of axial compressor blades and
herringbone scarf joints of turbine blades made from nickel alloys. Fatigue tests
of the cemented gear teeth made of IBXHOA(18)(hWA) steel with a module of 4 mm
carried out on the pulsator with asymmetric cycle showed that, at a cooffioient of
Plastic distribution concentration during bending d 6' W 2.1, the endurance limit
can be increased by 25 - 30% as a result of the cold working of the tooth space.
The coefficient of concentration being less than 1.5, the increase in strength
amounta to 10 - 15%. The endurance limit of the dovetail scarf joints of compren.
Card 112
S112pl' 000/009,-'01OA27
InCreasing the fatigue strength ... AOO, "~"j
scr blades mads of 18KhNVA steel increased by 43 _ 70% af4er cold working. The
cold working of the scarf joints of turbine blades makes it possible to increase
the endurance limit ty 25 - 50% even at high temperatures. There are 15 figures.
N. Il'ina
[Atatracter's note.- Complete translation]
Card 2/2
~ALAMOV. B.0. -. MITRAX, X.Ta.
Method for determining free sulfuric &aid in boilor-scales. ZAT.
lab. 26 no.gtlOBO-1062 160. (MIRA 13ig)
(BolUrs-Inorustat ions)
(sulfuric &aid)
v :nzh. 1 JOIlWa, B.Ya., inzh.
Study of acid corrooion of carbon stool. Teplooner tika 8
no.7s4l-44 JI 161, (Steel-Corrosic,n) rmIRA 140)
L 15755-(6 'r, (ri)AMP(t) /!V? (k) /),.' ,,'P j DA'Ir'
ACC NRs AP5027460 SOURCE COD&i - - UfV.0032.A15/03 1/01.1/113-58/13 60
AUTHORs Balashov,, B.~G.; Yog6rovap Yu. D.
OlGi none
TITLEs Determination of small contact wetting oing-31s
SOURCE: Zavolskaya laboratoriyap v. 31, no. 1l. 19651" 1358-1360
TorIC TAGSs c=km9mtkwx., m agnifying instrument, 4"-
ABSTRACT: Small contaot -wet.ting anS12. 1~ T < 900) are usually determined from
expression (1),, Lo P tan where a Is a radius of the baao of a
spherical segment ~oormed by a drop of the liqui4, axil h in its hetlhto The
determination requires special apparatus for measuring a and h. This coulA be
eliminated by using an analytical balancot a pycnomotir (or areometwr), an4 a
microscope on the Brinell tostinS machines Tako a s%mi'do ( 8 m In diametor and
1.5 MA thick) with a well polished surfacap wai'gh it, apply to the surface a'dror
of the studlea liquid ;1 0.01 ml, wolgh the plate with the drop, anti datermine'
the welot of t~e drop (w)% After 3 to 5 minutes) measure the parameter 2& by
1/4 UDG: 669.11
L 15755-66
ACC. .?;R: ,i~-56-27"4-60
using & microscope on the Brinell testing machined aetnmino tile density (A) or th
liquid at 200 by pyonomoter or areometer, and calculate thq voltrao of drop (V)
from I anI w. Measure 5 dropso subsequently applieno calculate their vollmo (0,
iplot v valuos nn t'he graph (in v vs 26a coordinates) prepared in a4vanoe,, and
letarmine the wetting angle frft the largest number of points nearest to onn of
the curves at Ya o,)nsts on thn ' aVb. For the grapb, calculate the positive
values of H from the expression rl) for each onleoted value of tan T (cf-O->900
and a n=bor of valu6s of 2a (e.g., 2a-2-8 =)p t'hon lotermine v from the corre.!)-
jponding a ani h by usin the formula of the volurna of the sp~erio segmentp and
Iplot the graph v a f (2a5 at ~O collit. An example of' this graph is attachod., The
disagreement of parallel determinations made by this method is I to 2 degrees,
Orig. art. hass 1-figure.
- - I - V7(&'%,vzQw 1 cit UUT i
- --., --.. . . ~ ~ - .- - - 4
1 99-55LST 7
L 157554,6
Graph of exprevvion v f -2a) at cionst.
L 27350-66 ww/RMA71
ACC NRj AP6007723 (N SOMICE COM UR/0413/66/000/003/0134M34
0~apov, Vsle; Balashov# B. G.; Rybaohek# L. T.
'ORG: none
TITLEt Device for hermetic underwater cealing of nn opening in a
_R~~i body during
cruising* Class 650 Nos 176699
SOURM Izobreteniya, proDWahlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 3, 1966, 134
TOPIC TAM ship cotaponent~ shipbuilding engineering
ABSTRAM This Author Certificate describes a device for underwater sealing of an
,opening in tho ship's body during cruising. The method incorporates the use of a
1 sealing disk. To simplify construction, the sealing disk is equipped with bracing
springs and a layer of sealing compounds The sealing disk is fastened to the out-
side surface of the ship (seevig.
L 27350-66
Fig, I - sealing disk;2 bracing
springs;3 - layer of scaling compound,
jOrig, art. hast 1 figure#
MM OODE# 13/ SM DAM O3Feb64
Cxd 2/2
-wommomp- -
Now standards for paoking 'boxese Dereprome 8 no.3:14-15 Nr 159-
1 (MIRA 12:4)
1e TSentralluata nauohno-looledovatel okays, laboratorlya kbtara.
- - - - -- -
Wooden boxes for objects up to 200 kg. Standartizatiefta 25 no.2t5o-w
7 161, (BoxeB--Standards) (KIM 14:3)
Nonsectional wooden boxes for industrial manufacture,.
Standartizataiia 27 no*3$55-56 Mr 163. (MIRA 1614)
'Investigation of the Speeds of Propagation of Elastic Waves in Mineral Rock
Specimens -With Manifold Pressure up to 5POOO Kg/Sq Cm." Cand Ti6h Sci., 00~Dphysics
-Mitt._Adid Soi USSR# Moscow., 1954. (KL No 4j, Jan 55)
Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher
Ed Tmatitutione ~12)
Sol Sta- No- 556, 24 Jan 5
SOV/1 24 - 57-9-10918
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 9, p 154 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Volarovich, M. P., Balashov, D. B.
TITLE: Study of the Effect of Omnilaterat Pressures up to 1000 kg/CMZ on the
Speed of Elastic Wave Propagation in Specimens 2f Coal (Izucheniye
vliyaniya vsestorohnego davleniya do 1000 kg/cm na skorost'
raspostraneniya uprugikh voln v obraztsakh ugley)
PERIODICAL: Tr. Geofiz in-ta, AN SSSR, 1956, Nr 34, (161), pp 164-178
ABSTRACT: A description of the methods employed and the results obtained in
experiments for the elastic-wave propagation speed in varLOUltypes
of coal subjected. to omnilateral pressure of up to 1000 k8/cm . It
was determined that the elastic-wave propagation speed follows a
curvilinear law increasing with pressure. A qualitative explanation
of the effects observedis given. From the authors' r4suM4
Card 1/1
PUN 6w mnanArm
A"~ _* A__ . ___ _ _. ,
tftldw 4okl-d" me IM oo"Mlw
flubi I", aftu =1 o"b"a"baw
UW IdWAit%d to a. 3M SM..
lm%ftsUm" AftJaU 4t I- MOV @,A VM
lourl an ot ast-law "I rkpol obAb's
) $iNow, ". lat. 'Nm .",N
2m. bkus 1.
U6, "U*tUft at wu*l" Amu
I" ok"Ohm MAW turod4 00 "Iftwn ma - JUN
at "Culubw sac 'he -i-tv oc us wullm Nib.
wn et "L-10 kvvw. om., 'WU'
ormt sea I- elm tm euvo.
Mews"I fte steaftlosul F"%14 00 61"Us "w"KIN w to"
--ftems. a, 0 6tte" at fto. moth"
go u of
bru'a OWN& bl"070"llo"Ift W" aftialm SKJOIN at SW
aNd". ",
t- UO-44"', lb, U~.'
""%a- utua. Q N,'
ftto""" wtv". at tromild abs'Ift
S-It"fta OJL
Ms ftn a fts'"A'"
ban, W.I. bows" Is Vaud &MV V""Wtou
I*A*I""" W"j4jjW In as ftwv it
A-T-.8" La. D.Um." .Ulwtuw
amt noli st OLt:&LK"*I-
valw"Ifti.- 13
. xp..
or luoul pnpwu4P4r*t*=w bft*Uskuft
"a 0-ftelftl FrOUZ, -womm"
f 'Y
AUTHORS: Volarovich, M.P. and Balashoy, D.B. 49-3-4/16
-TITLE: Investigation of waves In rock
samples at pressures UP to 5000 kg/cm . (Iasledovaniye
skorostey uprug1kh vol v obraztsakh gornykh porod pri
davlenii do 5000 kg/cm ).
PERIODICAL: "Izvestiya Akademii, Nauk, Seriya Geofizicheskaya"
(Bulletin of the Ac.3c., Geophysics Series), 1957-, No.3,
PP-319-330 (U-S.S.R.)
ABSTRACT: The object of the work was to develop a pulse method for
investigatine, the velocities of longitudinal waves of ultra-
sonic freq encies in rock samples at pressures up to
5000 kg1cm . Such pressures prevail in the Earth's crust
at depths of the order of 20 kit, in which the foci of
destructive tectonic earthquakes are located. A detailed
description of the apparatus and of the method, by which
measurements were made, is given. A sketch of the bomb
used for measuring the speed of propagation of elag
5tic waves
in rock specimens at pressures Of up to 5000 kF,/cml is shown
in Fig.1, P-320. The pressure was transmitted to the specimen
by means of nitrogen wi .th an accuracy of up to 11!6. The
experiments were carried out at a temperature of 20 C.
Wd 313A characteristic feature of the apparatus is the Plwing of
the (piezoplectric) ultrasonic emitter and receiver inside
Investigation of velocities of elasti waves in rook
samples at preusures UP to 5000 kg/cm (Cont.)
the pressure bomb, in close contact with the rock sample
investigated. The frequencies used were about 100 kc/sec,
which are more suitable than the 3 to 5 Mo/sec used by
Hughes (18) and (19) which have wave lengths approaching the
dimensions of structural inhomogeneities of rocks and cause
a dispersion of the velocities. A pulse-type ultrasonic
seismoscope was used for the measurements, the design of
which was similar to that of the aeismoscope SW -4 developed
by the team of the Model Laboratory of the Geophysics
Institute, Ac.Sc. (Riznichenko, Yu.V., Ivakin, B.N, and
Bugrov, V.R.) (25 to 27),which was developed for model
seismic waves and also for wwating and receiving mechanical
impulses of ultrasonic frequencies when measuring the time
of travel of elastic waves in solid specimens and particu-
larly inside mine shafts (29). The experimental results
are Plotted in Figs- 5-8. Fig-5 gives the dependence on
the pressure of the speed of propagation of longitudinal
waves for dolomite; Figs. 6 and 7 give the same dependence
for basalt of two different origins and Fig.8 gives the same
card 2/3 dependence for syenite. The table, P-328, gives the variat-
ion of the speed of longitudinal waves as a function of the
Investigation of velocities of elasti5
samples at pressures up to 5000 kg/cm .
waves in rock
pressure in specimens of ba5alt, Gyenite and dolomite of
pressures of 1 to 50ODkg/cm . Samples of igneous rocks
(basalt and syenite) and of sedimentary rocks (dolomite)
were investigated, usirq; fresh specimens which were obtained
by drilling to a depth of about 50 m. It was found that the
velocities of longitudinal waves2increase abruptly at
pressures up to 500 to 100Dkg/cm , whereupon their increase
slows down. This is due to the fact that at 500 to 1000iW
the pores of rocks are closed by the pressure. It was 2
further found that at pressures of the order of 5000 kg/cm
the velocities of longitudinal waves increase by 10 to 12%
in basalt and dolomite and by about 20% in eyenite, which
is similar to the increase of 10 to 20% in the velocity of
longitudinal waves at depths of the order of 20 km.
There are 8 figures, I table and 33 references, 24 of which
are Slavic.
SUBMITTED: May 26t 1956.
ASSOCIATION: Ac.Sc. U.S.S.R. Institute of Physics of the Earth.
(Akademiya Vauk SSSR Institut Fiziki Zemli).
AVAILABLE: Librex7 of Oonvese
Oud 3/3
"Investigation or Elastic Properties of Rocks Under High Pressure" P. 137
wejnwao&m ftA
mumv *W catio"
TronsactAom of t-be PIMA Conftreaco on MporimentaLl mA AWled Rimralo(W
and Petroom*W# Tz%&4y - - - Wmvp XrA-Vo AN BM* 1,95B,, 51APP.
reyrints of reports Vmmmuted at conf. hold in Lmxtngmdj 26-33L Mar 2956. T1w
purposo of the conf. we to exehange informtIon wA coordivAtte the sativities
in the fields of wQierimental *rA applied mineralocy and V*%rocraAw,, and to
otress tba inare"ing camplwdty of practical pmWAm.
"Propagation of Ultrasound in Nitrogen at Pressures up to 1,000 kilograns per Square
report presented at the 6th Sol. Conference on the Application of Ultrasound
in the Investigation of Matter., 3-7 Fab 1958, organized by Min. of Education
PMW and Moecov Oblast Pedagoglo Inat. ir. N. K. Irupskaya.
;53-2-20/3 7
AUTHORS-11t,~abinin, Yu. N., Vereshchagin, L. F.. Balashav D. and
Livshits, L. D.
TITLE. 4quipment f or2MOchanical Studies of Metals at Pressures
uF to 30 W"D kg/cm (Apparatura dlya mekhanichgskikh isslodo-
vaniy metallov pri davleniyakh do 30 000 ks/cmc)
PERIODI-CAL: Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta, 1958, Nr 2t PP 79-35
ABSTRACT: A description is given of an, apparatug which produces a
hydrostatic pressure of UP to 30 000 kg/cmc in a liquid en-
closed in a chamber 13 mm in diameter and 40-70 mm lonG. The
principle of the device is illustrated in Fig.l. The high
pressarcis are produced within a chamber drilled in a conical
:aetallic, body, In order P be able to w4thstand pressures
greater than 20 000 kg/cm this conical member is supported
by a close fitting female cone. Ex;-,eriments have shown that
tha best angle of Viis cone is 5 0. The same value wao used
by BridGman (Refs.1 and 5). The multiplicator is also of the
type described by Bridgman in Refs-5 and 6. The multiplicat-
or is chown diagrammatically in Fig.3. The apparatus was
designed for experimen-ts on various specimens placod within
the preasurised region. The force applied to the specinens
Card Os measured by a "compressimeter" described by Bridgman in
Equipwnt,for Mechanical Studies of Metals at Pressures
30 UOU kg/c:n-.
Ref.2. The pressure was measured by a manganin manometer. The
apparatus has been used to investigate the behaviour of steel
at hiSh .-treasures. Fig.8 shows photographs of ateel spectrienz
stretched to breaking point under various pressures. There
are 8 diagrame, no tables and 10 references, of which 3 are
English, and the rest Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Laboratoriya Fizikl sverkhvysokilch davleniy Ali SSSR
(Laboratory of Ultra-high Pressure Physics of the Academy of
Sciences USSR)
SUBMITTED: July 25, 1957.
CLird 212 1. MetalB-Mechanical properties 2. Meta Is-41'ressure
3. High pressure equipment--Applications
"'ranalation from: Referativnyy zhurnal,
AUTHORS: Volarovioh, M*P,, Balashov,
T".!TE% ion af Ultrasonic
to_ 1,050 ka/c qN,
8/0 81/60/000 /0 14/b0 2/tOg
Xhimlya, 196o
, No. 14, p. 42, 1 56125
Velo Aen t a Pressure up
cit in n1no
PERIODICAL% V eb.: Primeneniya ull-traakust. k iseled. veshchestva, N3. 8.
Moscow, 1959, PP- 83 - 91
TEXTz The ultrasonic vRlaoity (v) (115 kilocycles frequency) In nltr-,gen
at 250C and up to 1,050 kg/cm2 pressure was measured by the pulee method. The
ultrasonic velocity Increases linearly from 358 to 87~ m/sec at an inareate !r,
the pressure from atmospheric pressure. to 1,050 kg/cm . The values of ultra-
scnic velocity, v, were calculated using the KhImpan state equation (RZW0-.!n,
1956, No. 3, # 6283; No. 8, f 218781 No. 10, # 28391) which are In e~ eatin-
fattc,ry agreement with experimental data found at pressures belew 100 kg/crv.2.
At a higher pressure the calculated values of the ultrasonic velocity are below
~h.~se observed in the experiments (at a pressure of 1,100 kg/cm2 the discrepancy
Card 112
S/t)8 1/160/000/1014/tO211t09
investigation of Ultrasonic- Velocity in Nitrogen at a Pressure ip t^ 1,050 kg/Tm2
Its 23%) since at high pressures the Khimpan equation yields too I'Dw -f
the isothermal modulus of volumetric dompression.
B. Kjdryavts,~v
Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian
Card 2/2
AUTHOM Voronoyt F.F, and Balashovo D,B*
M"! i 0 h -
TITISs Adiabatic Moduli or-MITITITYMf Cermet Tungsten Carbidesyl
PERIODICALiFizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1960, Vol 9, Nr 4,
pp 616-620 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs The moduli of elasticity of the carbides VK6, VK8t VK10,
VK11, and VK15 (Co contents between 6 and 15%) are given
which were determined at 22% by means of a dynamic
method, namely from the speeds of the longitudinal and
transverse ultrasonic waves and from the densities.
The moduli of elasticity were determined with an accuracy
of 2 to 4%. The speed of the ultrasonics was measured by
means of apparatus described in an earlier paper (Ref 6),
using piezoquartz pick-ups with a natural frequency of
10 Mc/s; the duration of the radio-frequency pulse
received by the pick-up was about 1 pa. The pulses were
emitted at a frequency of 1 kc./s. The speed of the
ultrasonics was measured with an accuracy of 0.5% for a
specimen length of 5 cm. On the basis of the obtained speeds
and densities* the adiabatic moduli of elasticity and
Poisson's coefficient were calculated with an accuracy of
Card 1/3 2 to 4%, taking into consideration the scatter in the
Adiabatic Moduli of Elasticity of Cermet Tungsten Carbides
values of specimens of various batches. The graph, Fig It
shows the dependence of the density JO, the speeds of
the 10 Mc/a longitudinal v and the transverse va
waves on the Cc content of the tested tungsten carbides.
The Dependence of the adiabatic modulus of compression K,
the Young modulus E, the shear modulus Q and the
Poinson coefficient o: on the Cc content is plotted in
Fig 2, using the same data as are given in Table 1.
In Table 2, the most reliable values of the Poisson
coefficient, as determined by Lardner and McGregor (Ref 3),
for specimens of 6 and 10% Co, by means of the method of
static compression of cylindrical specimens, are given and
also the values obtained by the authors of this paper for
specimens with equal Cc contents. In the plot, Fig 3,
published data are compared with results obtained by the
authors for the Young modulus as a function of the
Co content. The following values were obtained for the
carbide VK6: modulus of volume compression
I - 3,59 x 1012 OynoWcm2; Young modulus E -- 6.20 x l0l2&p*kz2;
Card 2/3 shear modulus G vL 2.61 x 1012dyms/cm2. The increase in the
Adiabatic Moduli of Elasticity of Cermet Tungsten Carbides
Co content from 6 to 15% leads to the following
reduction in values X by 12.6%; 3 by 14.5%~ and
G by 14-7%; the Poisson coefficient increases thereby
from a aL 0.212 to a w 0.222. There are 3 figures,
2 tables and 12 references, 8 of which are Soviet,
2 German and 2 English.
ASSOCIATIONsInstitut fiziki vyaokikh davleniy AN SSSR
(Institute of-High-Pressure Physics AS USSR)
SUBMITTEDt January 21, 1959 4/
Card 3/3
AUTHORSi Vasillyev, M. Ya., Balashovo D B., and Mokrousov, L. N-
TITLE: Investigation of the Isothermal CoMpressibility of Explosives
at Pressures of up to 22,000 kg/cMz
PERIODICiLs Zhurnal fizioheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol. 34, Ko. 11,
pp. 2454 - 2459
TEM The authors were the first to study the colpressibility of trotyl,
TEN (tetranitropentaorythrite), and Hexogen a t 18 C and pressures at up to
22,000 kg/Om .For this purpose an apparatus was used whose piezometer is
shown in Fig. 11 it was designed at the Institut fiziki vysokikh davleniy
AN SSSR (Institute of High-pressure Physics of the AS USSR). Sample 14
(0-4 - 0.5 om high, 0-53 om in diameter) is enclosed in a lead cover 13,
and is compressed between the pressure pistons 5 and 8 in the channel 6 of
the piezometer (0.6 cm in diameter). The pressure P is produced by a
hydraulic press and transmitted to 5 and 8 by means of the steel bare 3 and
Card I
Investigation of the Isothermal Compressibil!'. B/076/60/034/011/006/024
ity of Explosives at Pressures of up to B004/BO64
22,000 kg/Om2
10. The steel bare are reinforced at their ends by the blocks 4 and 9 made
of a 098 (VK8) tungsten - cobalt alloy, which prevent the bare from being
crushed by the pistons 5 and e. The motion of 5 and 8 is measured by the
indicators I and 17. The pressure P was measured with a spring manometer
which was calibrated against a dynamometer. The experimental error in
measuring the volume decrement Av/v 0was +1%, and that in pressure measure-
ment was +100 kg/cm .The samples of the explosives were pressed from
fine-cryetalline powder at 700 or 10000 and 2000 kg/CM2, so that their
density was close to that of monocrystals. The volume decrements as a
function of pressure gave flat curves, concave to the abscissa. At
20,000 kg/om2 , their voluas were 11.9% for trotyl, 10.8% for TEN, and 9.4%
for Hexogen. At atmospheric pressure, the density was 1.63 for trotyl,
1.77 for TEN, and 1.80 g/cm3 for Hexogenj at 20,000 kg/cm 2, however, it was
1.85 for trotyl, 1.98 for TEN, and 1.99 g/OM3 for Hexogen. No polymorphous
changes were observed. The values obtained for trotyl and Hexogen are in
Card 2/0
irvestigation of the Isothermal Compressibil- B/076/60/034/011/006/024
ity of -Exploeives at Pressures of up to B004/BO64
22,000 kg/cm
good agreement with those .,.f V. S. Ilyukhin who determined them by means
of a shock wave at 6.104 - 24-104 kg/cm2. Within the error limits, the
measured volume decrement of pure lead, of which cover 13 was madeq was in
good agreement with the data of P. W. Bridgman (Ref. 11) and Fr. Birch and
R. R. Law (Ref. 12). K. K. Andreyev,.Yu. N. Ryabinin, and I. A. Leskovich
are mentioned. Academician N. N. Semenov and Professor L.F.Vereshchagin
are thanked for interest, and V. G. Babikov, A. 1. Molotkovy and
V. D. Yashin for assistance.. There are 4 figures, 1 tablet and 14 refer.
enoest 8 Soviet, 5 US, and I French.
ASSOCIATIONt Akademiya nauk SSSR, Ihatitut khimichookoy fiziki, Moskva
(Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Institute of Chemical
Physics, Moscow)
SUBMITTEDt February 7, 1959
Card 3/4
B"HOTI-- D.-B. -, kand -0--tekhnt~
Selecting cylinders for laboratory hydraulic presses. Vest.mash-
40 no.1106 N 060. (MIRA 13:10)
(Hydraulic presses)
4.4,000OZO/) /0 mlm 2) B019/B067
AUT9ORSt Volarovich, No Ps and Balashov, Do
TITLIt Effect of Pressures of Up to 5000 kg/oM 2 on Velocity and
Absorption of Ultrasonics in Nitrogen
PERIODICALs Doklady Akadsmii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 135, No. 5,
Pp. 1117-M9
TEXTs The experiments described here were made by means of an elsotro- 1,
mechanical radiator prepared from Rochelle salt and almonium dihydro-
phosphate at 200 and at pressures of up to 5000 kg/om in a frequency
range of from 160-310 kilooycles. The pressure dependence of the ultra-
sonio velocity v which is shown in Fig. 1 indicates that by increasing
the pressure from 0 to 5000 kg/OM2 V increases by the five-fold, i.e. from
352 to 1723 m/aec. Table, 1 gives comparisons with results obtained by
other authors. Fig. 2 shows the pressure dependence of the damping coef-
fioient. There are 2 figures, i table, and 8 references, 4 Soviet, I
French, I Oerman, and 1 US.
--- -ADAWROV4-0~~Aoi-BAWHOV-i--DiB.-VDREKIN,-A*N-6
I .
Investigating the oubio compressibility of marble at high pressures.
IzvoAN SM.Ser.gsofize no.3i?12-716 ~y 161. (KMA 14:4)
1. Akademiya nauk SSSR# Institut khtnicheakay fitikl.
(Xarble) (Compressibility)
S/08 62/000/008/007/057
AUTHORS: Volarovich, Lt. P. , B,.
TITLE: Study of the velocity and absorption of ultrasound in
nitroCen at prenauroa up to 5000 kg/cm 2.
PERIODICAL : Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. a, 1962, 39, abstract
6B265 (Sb. I-Primenaniye ul'traaIkunt. k iosled.
veahchestva". 141., no. 13, 1961, 63-77)
TEXT: 71he pulse method was used to study the velocity and absorption of
ultrasound in N2 at frequencies of 160 and 310 kc/s at 20
C and pressuros
uP to 5000 kg/cm . The technique has been desoribed before (RZhKhim,
1960, no. 14, 56125). The accuracy of the measurements is 2 7c. When the
pressure i s increased from I to 5000 kE;/GM2 the velocity of ultrasound
increases " 5 times. Good agreement was obtainod with other measurements
(,RZhKhim, 1955, no. 6, 9161) and computations (Benedict U., J. Amer. Chem.
Soc., 1937 , a, no. 11, 2223p 2224). The velocities of ultrasound are
Card 1/2
S/061 62/000/oCe/007/057
Study of the volocitX and*&* B166,/BIOI
also computed on the basis of the equation of state su66eateJ earlier
(RZhKhim, 1956, no. 3, 6283). The results agree with the observationd
only at pressures up to 1000 kg/CM2; at 5000 kG1cM2 the discrepanw, amounts
to -40 7% The expel-imental data and literature data are used to calculate
the ratios of the specific. heat's tit constant pres3ure and volume. ". i t h
chanCe ir, pressure from I to 5000 kg/cm2the darping coefficient decreasesby
5600 times. For pressures up to 1000 k9/cm 2the damping coefficient is
found from the Kirchhoff-Stokes formula; it is extremely close to that
observed. iAbstractor's note: Complete translation.]
Card 212
Design and testing of containers for geophysical investigations
at great.depths of the ocean. Dokl. AN SSSR 146 no,43s592-595
3 162, (MMA 15,10)
1, Inatitut fisild vysokikh davleniy AN 636R, Predstayleno akademikou
(Oceanographic ins"ntm)
L 14,)5.k61
ACC&'7%F*, 1 '11 ITR
RWP~O N.PW,V_W7(,0'RD.S kYFT A ';7 ;>r _4 j /)Trl
AUMCIR: Vol&rovich M. P.; Balanbov D. B. Tcmasheva.", 1. S.; Pav~Al!ny_~~
V. A. ____ ~ -71- - - I __ __
T=t Study of the effect of ucliAxial ccmprensicn Cn elastic %MVID velocities
in rock samples under 4igh Aydxoatatic pressure fi
SCURO: AN SSSR. Izv. Ser. geofizichesk*%, no. 8, 1963, U98-1205
TOPIC T&GS: uniaxial campressicn, elastie-vare velocity, hYdrostatic preseure,
rook d_-fOx-_at,,1Cn
ABSTF.A=3 Devices and techniques used In recent tents to measure ultrascnic lon-
gitudinal vnve velocities in granite, dinbase, basalt, nerpentinAte, and limestone
snmples sub,%ected to ,mlaxiaA campression and vnrying hydrost-ntic pressures are
deocrl.b~ntd (see Figs. I and 2 of Enclosure for diajram.B of equipment used). Test
ri!Laxilto shaw a rnpid Incie(we In velocity vIth an Increatc in canpression
tc .r)(, kp~'_ -yssure of kj~,/(=2. 'hii3 Increnze Is
_.,a t a hyrtrontatic pr%
attributed to decreased pore apac.?. Additional load produces a much Blower in-
crease 1-n vnve velocity. Simil&rly, under bigber ccrifining prensures, velocities
innrease at a slower rate. At pressures above 2~ kg/cm2, the velocity gradicat
Card l# 2-
falls -in the range of the meaBurament error Fngineer Yu. 1q. Kmonova,
pa-rticipated in the experimentra pext. of this vork. The articre-VUB presented
by Ye. V. Savarenakiy. Orig. art. has'. 5 figures and 1 table.
AMOCLMM Akt-demiya nauk SSSR. Inatitut fitiki Zemli (Academy of Sclencea
SSSR, Institute of F~sies of the Earth)
SUW.Crr= z 04Dec62
rATE Acq: c&eP63
E71C L 1 02
(MER: 001
C.-d 2/,4~_
A U-i It' OR 3 Volarovich, 11. P.,_B&jAahoy oma F; h P v s k ayaIS.
v 3 g r a d a k 1y A.
Ar, ~nveot igit ion of t~.n vvoci teo of vlaf-.t ic viaver, in
samples of rock at the cot:.;),3site action of hydraulic pressure
ancl 3inj~leaxlal coviprersion
PERIODICAL: Akneemiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 149, no. 3, 1963, 58)-585
TEXT: The preparation of longitudinal supersonic waven in rock samples is
invvsl~kalpd wltr- a vulse methqde Tne apparatu-n is 5homn in Fig. 1. The
propagation ratoo wore measured7with piezoelectric pickupa at hydraulic
preenuree of 1, 500t 1000, 20GOP-And 4000 kdom p the eingle-axi&l
-Reculto: Up to a hyd -;pronou
pressure, being o.hanged gradually- raulic. ro of
1000 kg/cm 2 VP increases rapidly duo to the closing of pores. At higher
precoures v increases more slowly. If the single-axial compreasion
incrdases up to 1000 kg/cm 2 v P increases rapidly too. At higher
Card 1/4
S/020/63 / 149/00 3/015/028
An investigation of the velocities of ... B104/BI86
pressures, single-axial comprestion has nwirly no influence on the
propagation rates. jig. 2). There are 2 figures and 1 table.
ASSOCIATION: "notitut fiziki Zemli im. 0. Yu. ShmAdta Akademii nauk S&AI
Anstitute of Earth Physice imeni 0. Yu. Shmidt of the
Acadw7y of Scieno(a US.At)
PRE~;ENTED: Jetober 12, 1962, by P. A. Robinder, Academician
B:,' "7TV:, ,,ctober 11, 11~62
sting apptirntuv. Legend
Fig. To stuo . chambor Hampl e
p, st In. preq ~i croos pi oce t~. P"P7001OCtrlC
I~i~u t s 0 (7 (' r, C K T
kgl cir,
LC C 7. kg/
C,~rd. 214
Sl')2016 3 ' 149 "005 '01 51028
An Invest igat Ion of t~.p ve I oc it ipq ) f . . . R 1 64 /.B ' 8 6
Fig. 1
Card 3/4 --
An investigtition of the volocitieo of ...
Fig. 2
Card -4/4
FM :.I I M I iim
-ACC-NRt-AP6032-269--- .---------------SOMCE-UODE.'-UR/0076/66/040/009/2125/2129---!'
AUTHOR: Balashov, D. 1B. L4
-Z-77-77.1171 11-1-
ORG: Institute of Chemical Physics, Academy of Sciences SSSR (Inatitut khimicheskoy
Miki Akademii nauk SSSR)
TITLE: A study of the isothermal compressibility of nitro 1 cerine owders in the
pressure range up to 26000 kg/cm2 and temperatures of-M-92C
SOURCE: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimli, v. 40, no. 9, 1966, 2125-2129
TOPIC TAGS: double base propellant, explosive, nitroglycerine powder
ABSTRACT: The isothermal compressibility of nitro-glycerine owders N, XB-40, and
NB-60 containing various smunts of nitroglycerine was determined at pressures up
to 26000 atm at 18-92C. The 0.5-0.7 cm long samples with a diameter of 0.53 cm
were placed in lead casings, subjected to pressure in a hydraulic press, and the
pressures were recorded by a piezoelectric pressure pick-up. Curves of the piston
displacemenV,ve pressure were obtained, and a method for determining the coefficient
of thermal eipansion from p-v-T data was also developed. Orig. art. has: 6 for=las.
1 hs
-662.2b +541al --
UIASHOV, 7. 1.
Spondylograph; apparatus for measurement and graphic registration of
spinal curvature, Sovet. sod, 17 no. 1:39-40 Jan 1953. (OLML 24:1)
1. Of Lipstsk Children's Bons Tuberculosis Sanatorium (Read Physician --
M. V. Sveshnikova).
Payment by check, Dan, i kred. 20 no.3166-69 Mr '62,
(YJIU 150)
1. Glavnyy bukhgalter Nishnoudinakogo otdeleniya Gosbanka.
(Nishneudinak-Paymnt) (Checks)
bALASHOV, q. V. Cond Tech Soi -- (diss ) "Aarodynanlos of' secondary-air feed
4., ,,1-$
in highly forced atoklms" Mos, 1968, 16 pp with CraphG. (Moe Order of
Lenin and Order of LAbor Red Banner Ifigher T. eh ISchool im 13numan), 150 copies.
M, 56-58, 112)
J~ALASIMV. G.V.. inzb.
Modeling, secondary air feed into furnaces and combustion
chambers. N&uch.dok1.vys.shkoly;mash.i prib. no.1:68-74
58o (MIRA 12:1)
1. Predstavleno Itafedroy "KonRtruktall t remont lokomotlyov*
Rostnvekogo-na-Donu institute, Inshenerov sholesnodoroshnogo
transport&, (Gas and oil engines) (furnaces)
Translation fromi Referativnyy zhurnal. Mashinostroyeniye, 1959, No. 11,
P. 373, # 44530
kUTHOR% Balashov, G. V.
"Waunn - I-
TITLEs Turbulent Jets in High-Temperature Media
PERIODICkLi Tr. Rostovsk. in-t& Inth. zh.-d. tranap., 1958, No. 21,
pp. 156-170
TEXT, This work deals with the experimental checking of the theory
of free hot gas Jets (J) (V. Ya. Borodschev, L. Ye. Kalikhman). The tests
carried out confirmed the fundamental propositions of this theory. The
author elucidates that the propagation of cold J differs essentially from
the propagation of isothermal J of the same initial parameters. In
partioularl he draws the conclusion that an increase in temperature of the
-gurrounding medium leads to a contraction of the J and, consequently, to a
decrease in its capacity to intermix with the medium.
P. M. V.
Card 1/1
Give more attention to payments by checks* Dens i kreds 20
no.9W-288 162. (MIRA 1519)
1. Nachallnik planovo--okonomichookogo otdola Kirovogradskoy
oblaatnoy kontory Gosban)m (for losoy)o 2, Glavnyy bukhgalter
Nizhneudinskogo otdeleniya Gosbankm. Irkutskoy oblasti (for
Catalytic synthesis of neohexane. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. khIm.
no.9%1699-1701 165. (MIRA, 18t9)
1. Institut organicheakoy khirdi im. N.D. Zelinnkogo AN SSSR.
Evolrosu o r1ardrovan.11 kepitallnogo stroltallstva CCn planning large scale
vonstructio2n. (Sots. transport, 1934, no. 1, .. ;9-5c).
Peference Depar!ment, Washingtong 1952; Unclaaoifled.
Spark discharge enussion spectra resolved in time and along the
channel cross sections, as recorded with an electron optical con-
verter. Opt. i spektr. 9 no. 6:790-791 D 160. (MHU 14:1)
(Ileotric discharges through gaoes--Bpectra)
9,501/0 B201/3191
AUTHORS: _BaJa;hov, I _1k .13_ LEI , Vixratov.,_V . R,
and Hilov, Ye.V,
TITLE: Image-Converter Recording of Spark-Dlsoharm~spectra
Resolved In Time and Along th_e__CFa__nn9l Cross-Sectlon
PERIODICAL: Optika I spektroskopiyat 1960, Vol.9, No.61 PP 790-791
TEXT: The authors describe a method of recording rapidly
changing spark-discharge spectra using small portions of' the
discharge channel. The apparatus Is shown schematically In FJg,.l,
Light proceeds via a monochromator M and is projected by a lens
04 on the photocathode of an image converter )on (EOP) fitted
with an electronic shutter. The shutter Is connected to a
generator of square pulses 3. The generator Is synchronized
with the discharge by moans of a photomultiplier I and a
syn,.;~hronization circuit 2. In this way- one obtains a spectrum
on the Image-converter screen at a time governed by the delay
between opening of the electronic shatter and the beginning of
t.hg disr;haTge. Exposures can be varied from OJ to 10 pse(- and.
C a T d 112"
S105116010091006101 5/018
Image-Converter Recording of Spark-Discharge Spec,,t-,a Resolved In
Time and Along the Channel Cross.-Section
spectra. can be recorded 0.07 to 25 ysen ftom the beg.inning of a
discharge. The Image-converter screen Is photographe4 with a
,Amera, denoted by A.- In Fig..I. The method was applied to a
10 kV discharge a(-Ass a, 4 mm, gap In airs N I, N II, and tim
lines were recorded 1, ~1. 10 and 221 pse:~ from the beginning
of the discharge (Fig.2).
There are 2 figures and 5 references: 3 SovAet and 2 English.
SUBMITTED: June 1960
Car I 21;_'
AUTHORSt Vanyukov, M,P,, Muratov, V.R,
and Nilov, Ye.V.
TITLE: The Recording of Time-resolved Spectral Line
Profiles by Means of an Image Convertor
PERIODICALt Optika I spektrookopiya, 1961, Vol. 10, No* 4*
Pp. 540 - 541
TEXTs The present authors point out in*Ref. 1 that the
image-converter method can be used to record time-resolved
spectra of various parts of a spark discharge. The present Vx
note reports results obtained with this method in the
recording of time-resolved spectral line profiles. The
method has the advantage that a single flash is sufficiont
to record the profile ' The apparatus employed is said to
have been described in*Re f. 1. It incorporated the
;_ ~ , t
_-~" (ISP-51) spectrograph with an 800 mm focal length
camera. The image-converter was switched on by 1 ps pulses
at different times after the onset of the discharge. The
image of the spectral line was photographed from the image-
Card 1/3 40pt;k4 ; Tpetf rot koptya ~ 1160, Vo I.% Ala,*; pp 710-191
The Recording of .... ELN32/E314
converter screen with a lil magnificatfton, using a. photo-
graphic objective with a focal ratio of 111#5, Fig. 2 shown
the distribution of the intensity at the centre of the H a
line across the channel of a spark discharge in hydrogen.
Fig. 3 shows the IiQ profile emitted by the central zone of
the channel. Preliminary calculations mhow that by using the
highest-sensitivity image-converters (Butslov et, &I - Ref. 6),
and with an intensity corresponding to the saturation region
(Vanyukov and Mak - Ref. 7) the profile of the spectral line
can be recorded with a spectral resolution of 0.1 1 with an
exposure of 1 neec.
There are 3 figures and 7 referenceat 6 Soviet and
1 non-Soviet.
SUBMITTEDt October 14, 1960
Card 2/3
The Rocording of ....
Fi g. 2:
r(6 mv)
Fi,(;. 3:
ACCESSION NR: AP4038655 S/0109/64/009/005/0907/0909
AUTHOR: Balashov, I. IF.; Yermakov. B. A.
TITLE: Frequency response of multiplier phototubes
SOURCE: Radiotekhnika, i elektronika, Y. 9, no. 5, 1964, 907-909
TOPIC TAGS: multiplier phototubs, phototubs. multiplier phototube froquoncy
response, FEU-19M photo multiplier. FEU-36 photoviultiplier
'ABSTRACT: The frequency response of FEU-19M and FEU-36 multiplier photo-i
tubes was experimentally determined in a hookup that contained a Kerr cell
modulated at 0. 2 -20 mc; 50fo modulation was used; edstortion was under 10%.
Experimental and estimated frequency -re spons e curves are presented; the error
in the experiments was 10-15% at 10 mc or lower frequencies, 20-25% at 20 mc.
"In conclusion, the authors wish to thank Yu. Ve Popov and G. E. Lavin for
i discussing the results of this work. 11 Orig. art. has: Z figures and I fornyala.
SUBMITTED: 03M&y63 DATE ACQ: 05Jun64 ENCL: 00
WHOM 'Balu hav, I. r.1 muratcy, v. R., movt To. v.
ORG i none
TITLEt InforeatiOn tr=210itting Capacity of an IftLe convorter
SOURM AN SSSL KadesIza F2 nauchnW fotggrefil I klDwatgLrafli. Uspskhl nauchnq
fut*8rafff, Y.-W. IM. VY"-k-oxxv-r-0-8-thays Uatogratlya I kinsmatograflys (MLSh-speed
photpBraphy and cinematography), 79-93
TOPIC TAGSt leap convertor, image Intensiftere Lnt"Veation theory
ABSTRAM Image convertere permit the recording of ropidly occurring phenomena with
a tim r*solutIon of 10-6 see =6 higher. The suthm selected the basic parameters
of a rocordir4g apparatus which Included an Imago convertor, using the basic tenets of
2inforywtion thoorig to this end, the system was trostod as an Infamation chonnelo
The calculation of the optical part of the recording apparatus consisted of quwftLte-
tLv*ly evaluating the laftmtLon sh1ch obould be obtidood In a gives roooWbg everA
and coaparIng this sammt with the information wtually passed throq& the Laftma-
tion channel. The follmin formula is derived tim the trassmittbW capacity of am
image, coaverurs
ACC NRs AT6001"S
wher* 9 Is the number of 11nes per unit 'length. it Is micluded that In OWer to
make the vmlwm we of the transuitting eVacity of the image converter, It is two-
essary to code the Image being transmitted. This coding should consist of an arti-
fIcI&l redistribution of the brightness by mans of wime coding system which mwW io-
elude elements of fiber optics. "a use of the Mrsquency-contrast characteristics
of the converter perimits not only the calculation of its trenmaittiog capacity but
also the dsterwination of the specific characteristics of the cods to be mods Orige
art* hass 2 figurwag U foremlas,
SUN ODW t ' 14 SUBN RAM 001 Ong WS ODS/ M Ms
C~ft.-AA008040 SOUPCE CODE- UR/0020/66/166/OGV~ii~/085'~
-Ar 1
AUMORt Ananlyevt Yu. A.; BaLlashov,. 1. F. ; Mak, At__A._
ORG: none
TITLEt Theory of mon9pulse operation of lasers I >
SOURCE: AN USK. Dokladys Y. 166, no. 4, 1966, 825-028
TOPIC TAGSt laser pulsation, laser radiation, laser emission, laser energy
ABSTRACT: The theoretical examination of the monopulse mode of laser operation made
In this paper includes the processes following the Instantaneous increase in resonator
Q as well as the process of energy accumulation In the active medium. When the In-
verted population Is large, spontaneous emission Is amplified and the lifetime of the
excited state is decreased. This, together with the light leakage from the active me-
dium, Is one of the main fadtors limiting energy accumulation and consequently the
generated power as well. The media considered art three- and four-level solid state
rods with polished and mat side surfaces. Energy accumulation in the active medium
must continue for a time exceeding the effective lifetime of the excited state in or-
der to obtain the maximum population inversion. The population inversion Is found for
a three- and a four-level medium, taking into account spontaneous and Induced radia-
tion. Equations arv derived for calculating the number of quanta Induced by Dpontan-
UDCt 621.378.3
Card 1/2
_A& _NR,
eous quantum of a given frequency, taking losses into account. The effective length
of the r*ds is calculated and the average photon paths incident to the walls fta de-
scribed In relation to rod diameter. A more effective method is given for finding the
number of spontaneously induced quanta, based on the spectral density of the Lliumina-
tio-j. Conditions are outlined for the generation mode and equations are given for
finding maxism pulse power, generation energy, and pulse duration. Calculations are 1
made for both three- and four-level systems and rtsults for maximum power are plot-
ted. Presented by Academician A. A. Lebedev on 31 May 1965. Orig. art. has: 11
formulas, 2 figures.
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATEt 27May6S/ ORIG FXrt 006/ OTH REr! 003
R -7:
P .4
2/2 &f
G;;~ORGIYFVSr,IY, Yu.I., inzh,;__~~A~12.OV .1
Discrete computer for automatic analysis of two-component solutions.
Avtomsi prIb6 no.Zt(,1.73 161. (XIRA 14112)
(Solution (Chemistry)--Analysis) (Electronic analog computers)
i ACC NR. AP6017910- -
INVENTOR: Dalashov, 1. 1. -, Georgiyevskly, Yu. I.; ZarechW, _V. F.
ORG: none
77TLE: R2 to AC converisr. Clubs 21, No. 181724
SOURCEz Isobrateniya, promWeblennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye tnaki, no. lot 1966, 52
TOPIC TAGS: electric energy converter, electronic circuit
ABSTRACT: A DC to AC converter (intended for measurements) in the form of a two-
transistor direct coupled eatable sultLyibrator to shown in the figure. To increase
Fig. 1. DC to AC converter
I - Transistors; 2 - temperature
sensitive resistor.
UDCt 621.314.5721537.312.
L 2"84-66
ACC NP. AP6017970
its accuracy In a wide temperature range, the emitters of the two transistors are
coupled to ground through a temperature sensitive resistor (for exampleja copper
resistor). Orig. art. has! I figure. tBDj
SUB COM 09/ SUBM DATE: 29Mar65/ ATD PRESS:.3-#01
Card 2
ZkW,lll,lT.Y#.-V F. [Zarlochnyi, V.F.J;
I. TE:
_R t1h.4 al pr(;xLmatr; eie r! r- r~,w~~r canswap~~-,n
Nvice for registorini
by IrduntrIal elenlxuly-zc~ri~o r., Ap-j4
(M:RA 18:6)
AUMORS: Goorglyovskly, Yu,L__.U~ho~v,1.1~.
TITLE: Digital regulating apparatus for tho automatic analysis of two-com-
ponent solutions
MIODICALt--Reforati,~nyy-zhumalp- Avtomatlkaj- telemekhanika A vychiailteilwa -
tekhnika, no. 3, 1963, 81 - 82, abstract 3B483 (3b. nauchn. tr. In-t
avtonatlki Gosplana 11.1a, 1961, tic. 2, 61 - 73)
TEXT: One of the principal apparatus for the automatic analysis of multi-
-component solutions is a differential analyzer. The digital principle applied
to the solution of problems of autojiatic ruialysin has considerat-le advantages
over simulation apparatus. DC poteatl&IL; whose values are proportional to the
electrical conductivity and density of a reversible solution ar-ft fed to the in-
from an automa
,.it of a digtal differential analyzir tic conductivity-meter and
densitomf-ter. These potentials a-,.! conv,jrted Into a digital pulao code and fed
into the memory matrix. In the r4itrix a:-.-nory are permanently recorded the de-
pendences between donsI ty, electri,,il co-inuctivity, modulus and concentration.
Card 1/2
S1 LY7 1 /(-;3/000/003/047/049
Digital regulating apparatus for Vh) .... A060/A126
obtained on tha basis of the analysis of the reversible sol%x"
tion. When the matrix Is intorr^,S;-.-.0d bY signals corrospondtig to the determined
electrical conduotivity a-rid deni;lt~, J:xt. as to the quantitAtIve composition of
the solu'llon Is fou--' to the outp.jl. invor-or in binary code. rn the output con-
varter taw data is oonverted fron bit,A 'y COdC to an amplitudo pulse by means
of a df-coder. The block diagrai. o' U,.e ilgItAl differential tnalyzer Is nhown
, A
and the operation of its componoril. )art s described In detaiL. In the memory
unit of the analyzer torroidal for.,,to c -ros are used. The memory unit, forming
the mialn part of the differentin, ,. ialyz~r contains In t-abular form the depend-
encen of the output quantition, upoi-, the lensity and electrical conductivity.
The r,-,emory unit connists if two matrices of modulus and of concentra-
t i kn- F ac!'. rnatrix cantains WO fcr-ite forts and has a capacity of 2,000 bits.
A d1lagrrim ~-)f Uie p,)-wor-ei ~~ly ,oltage-stlbilizer oftl'w analyzer As
showii wlilch admits a variation cf j -16 v dtage by and of load current from 0
to 300 '--a wit)' a vk,.-t!igo variat.'w. it th ~ load not exceeding 1%. The desorlbed
digital '11"forent.1,11 analyzer 1, 6t,.ilgne . Cor oporation under shop conditions
and Is constructed in the form, of ~ o,~k- anel construction. There are 7 figures
an~'. 12 referunaes.
LAbstractor's note: Couiplete trcx: latioill V. T,,,.
Card 2/2
7~717111FV, ).Yn.; WTUMN, Y.V.,
lndustr~al test Int, ol' pi r-i t. - 1, : . -. -r. liz-1 I Ukr. 7 no.h)i
37-,38 0 163. (MRA 17t4)
ZAIASH07i 1e -and TVrIAYKIN) Ne S. -- -- -
"Increase Sowing of 'Regerialf" Korm. ban&, 31 No.30 1952
"Widespread Testing of a Now Fodder Graes-Redneria," Sov. agron.,, 10,, No-3,,
) A 0 %-p *
"Sound and Timely Suggestion.," Sol. i sem.p 19j, No.8, 1952
-- --- --- - -
kand,sel skokhotyavetvannykh nauk
Increasing the productivityof forestated meadow and pastures.
Zenledelie 24 no.6t79-82 Je 162. OM 15111)
1, Irkutakays. oblastnaya gosudarstvinmys. sellskokhosyayetyannaya
opytnaya stantsiya, (Pastures and meadows)
I~A ". , - . - I . I' -Ai .
~-A -Ikfi 33
GRIVDISSIlre P*G*, professor; SKMOSIM, L.M., lushenerl ROUMBIRO, B11.1
kandidat teldinicheakikh nauk; BAXASHOTj goge, kandidAt tekhalcheskikh
nauk; HILINIZOV. W*A., kandidat-reWh-tn'i'o"'h*'a'*;6kh nauk,
Calculating load-oarrying capacity iA selecting transformers. 119k.sta.
28 no.3:61-70 Mr 157. (XLRA lOi5)
(Ilectric transformers)
AU12HOR: Balashov, K,K,, Candi1ite of Technical Sciences.
TITLE: Discussion of urudinskiy's article.
PERIODICAL: "Elektricheaki-ve Staptsii" (Power Stations), 1957,
Vol. 289 No-3, pp. 68 - 76 (U.S.S.R.)
ABSTRACTs This dimussion of Prof. Grudinskiy's article is of a
mathematical nature and introduces the concept of specific
cost of transformer which is the ratio of the total cost over
the pay-off time to the amount of electric, power usefully
transformed in this time. Calculations on this basis are mde
and a numerical example is worked out for a 3 200 kVA 35 V
transformer showing that the selection of a smaller trans-
former running heavily loaded would usually be unjustified
and that it is best to run the transformer lightly loaded.
Prof. Grudinskiyls conclusions about the series of standard
ratin a are also affected if the concept of specific cost is
introguced. There. are 2 tables.
ASSOCIATION: Odessa Polytechnical Institute (Odesskiy Politekbni-
cheskiy Institut)
AVAIIABLE: Library of Congress
oard 1/1
110-58 -5-24/25
AU~HOR: Balashov K.K. Candidate of Technical Science,~
1i;T13: Translormers with Aluminium Windings (Transformatorv a
alyuminiyevymi obmotkami)
PERIODICAL: Vestnik Blektropromyshlennosti, 1958 Vol 29t Nr 5,
pp ?A - 79 (USSR).
ABSTRACT: This is a discussion of an article by L.M. Shnitser,
published In Vestnik Blektropromyshlennosti, 1957, fir 4. In
comparing transformers.with aluminium and copper windings,
Shnitser considered that the latter are always cheaper and,more
efficient. This is only true if the shape of the transformer
ia made the same in both cases. However, when aluminium
windings are used, the legs should be made longer and the
windings narrower, There is thus a reductian in the number
of volts per turn, which causes an increase in the volume of
the winding; but as aluminium is lighter than copper, the
weight of the windings remains unchanged.
A lower current density must be accepted and the mechanical
strength must be maintained. It is pointed out that if the
appropriate design changes are made, the aluminium-wound
transformer be--omes cheaper and more efficient than one uaing
copper. Comparative data for 560 kVA transformers with
Cardl/2 aluminium, and copper windings are given in Table 1. It shows
Transformers with Aluminium, Windings 110-58-5-24/25
that for the same losses the transformer with aluminium
winding weighs.leas and is 4% cheaper; also that the no-load
current Is 21.5% less and the temperature risS of the
aluminium, winding above that of the oil is ? C less.
Table 2 gives comparative data for 180 kV transformers
with similar results. It is recommended to develop a series
of aluminium-wound transformers for mass production.
There are 2 tables.
ASSOCIATION: Odesskiy politekhnicheakiy institut
(Odessa Polytechnical Institute)
Card ?/2
AUTHOR: &-ilashov Candidate of Technical Science)
TITLEs. The Variant Mothod, of Designin, Transformers (VariantnYY
noted raschata transfornatorM Qy
PERIODlCAL: Vestnik Blo',ctro,,)romystilonnosti,1958,*Nr 8, pp 45-50 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs Thi3 article describes the variant hiethod of designing
I given value.,, of los:;os
Lran,~-,forncr3j which ensures that:
,nd ohcr~ circuit voltage will be obtained; all the z-,,ain
dinansions of tranavarse and longitudinal Insulation are
naintainod; the windings fit well into the windows; and
the roquiaito winding temperature rise is ob3orvad. Given
the valuej of the losses and roactancet the design of a
transformer is a problem with a single solution found by
i,.iaking a number of variant dusigns. The formulae offered
in this article are derived for three-phase coro-typo two-
winding transformers but can be extended to other types.
Tho formulae are darived by assuming that the high- and
low-voltago winding:3 are replaced by a single oquivalont
winding to which a number of conditions amply. Formulae
Jard 1/2 are than derived for the mean dia,;ieter of the equivalent
winding, the rated power and (~Lher important features.
The Variant Method of Designing Tranjforraers SUV/110-58-8-13/26
The order in which the calculations: should be mado is
explained. A number of varianta are compared to find
the best. It io concluded that with this mGthod of
design it Is possible to analyse the construction of
tran3formors and to ;uggost methods of improving then.
Transformors can be desi tied for various temperature
risos and loss ratios. In example is given of the
design of a 18-0 INA, 10 ItV transformer.
Thoro Is 1 Soviet reference.
SUBMITTED: April 23, 1957 - -
1. Transformers--Deslgn 2. Mathematics--Applications
Card 2/2
BALASHOV. K, .1candtekho. mauk
Transformers equipped with aluminum windings. Vest. slektrepron,
29 no. 5t78-79 Ky 158. (MIRA 11:7)
1, Odevskiy politakhatoboakly institut.
(Ilactric transformers)
13AIASHOV,, Konstantin Kona tantinovich, kAnd*t-Dkhn.nauk,, dotoont
Dimensional relationships and methods for designing olectrio
transformers, Isvo vyv, uohob. zav.; olektromekh. 3 no.606-48
160. (MIRA 15:5)
1. Kafedra olektrichookikh mashin Odeaskogo politeklmichookogo
(Elootric transformers)
RALASHOV, K.K., kand.tekhn.nauk
Problems of technical and economical design fundarentals for
transformers. Yest.elektroprow. 31 no.1:36-39 Jn 160.
(MIRA 13:5)
(Slectric transforiers)
ti~-n-sta~n-tin--X--o-notantinovich, kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsiont
-.-I-1.1- - I.-
Pandamental principles for the design of efficient transformers*
Isve vT9% uchebw sav*; elektromekh,, 3 n0-3255-70 (KM 13:10)
I* Isfedra elaktricheskikh mehin Odesekogo politakhnichaskogo
(Xiectric transformers)
Methods for designing efficient transformers. Izv. vya. uchebo tave;
elektromekh. 4 no.214l-52 161. (MIRA 140)
(Blectrio transformers)
_L, kand.takhn.r
Economical choice of an electric transfomer with alumium
windings* 1xv. vys. uchebe save; energ* 5 no.1:7-14 ,'a '62.
(MIRA .15%2)
1, Odesekiy pelitekhnicheskiy institute Predatavleno kefedroy
elektrichookikh mashin,
Electric transrorners)
ectric power distribution)
Electric transformers vith alumin= vindinga and increased
overload rating. Jav. vys. ucheb. sav.1 elektromakh. 5 no.21
168-176 162. (MIRA 150)
(Electric transformers)
BALASHOV; K.K., kand.takhn.nauk
Complex engineering efficiency method for designing electric
transformers, Elektrichestvo, no.400416 Ap 163, (MIRA 160)
1, Odesakiy politekhaicheakiy institut.
(Electric transformers)
BkLASHOV,: K.K., kand.tekhn.nmiuk
Choice of short-circuit voltage for electric transformers. Vast.
elektroprm. 34 no.4t20-24 Ap 163. (KERA 16s10)