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33491. The use of radiocarbon (CA) s/195/61/002/005/0i6/027 E030/EI83 An unexpectedly interesting systemlis the decomposition of isopropyl alcohol on a vanadium trioxide catalyst. The catalyst was obtained by passing hydrogen over the trioxide at 4170, The general scheme possible iss - H2 - 1120 C3H60 C3H7OH C3H6 H2\ / / 112 C3H#3 10 By using radioactive propylene (up to 29 000 imp./min on BaCO3), and by separating propane, propylene, and the catalysate, and determining their activities, it was shown that propylene is not converted to isopropyl alcohol at 5150, and that propane in formed, not from propylene, but from the isopropyl alcohol. There are I table and 10-referencess 8 Soviet-bloc and 2 non.- Soviet-bloc. The English language references read a& followat Ref.8s V.J. Komarevsky, J.Amer.Chem Soc., Y.69, 238, 1947. Card 4/5 33491 The use of radiocarbon (C14) B/195/61/002/005/016/027 E03O/El85 Rof.9t V.J. Komarevsky, Advances in Catalysis, v.9, N.Y., 1957. P-707. ASSOCIATIONt Institut organicheakoy khimii im. N.D. Zolinskogo AN SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N.D. Zelinskiy, AS USSR) Card 5/5 33492 S/195/61/002/005/017/02? E030/E185 AUTHORSi Derbantsev, Yu.j., Balandin, A.A., and Isagulyants,G,V. TITLEt Investigation of the role of cyclohexene in the heterogeneous catalytic dehydrogenation of cyclohexane, using radiocarbon PERIODICALt Kinetika i kataliz, v.2, no.5, 1961, 741-747 TEXTs The dehydrogenation of cyclohexane on chromia and rhenium catalysts has been studied, using C14. Chromia, was chosen as an oxide catalyst, favourable for doublet dehydrogenation, and rhenium as a metallic catalyst suitable for a sextet dehydrogena- tion, where the conversion rate of cyclohexone by this process is negligible. The chromium oxide in 2-Mm pellets was obtained from ammonium bichromate. Before every experiment tne rhenium catalys., prepared by the method previously described (Ref.8a A.A. Balandin, Ye.l. Karpsynkaya, A.A. Tolstopyatova, Zh. fiz. khimii, v.33, 2471, 1959) was kept for one hour in hydrogen at 480 OC. A continuous flow reactor was used, with varying initial concentrations of cyolohexane (obtained by hydrogenation of benzol), Card 1/3 33492 Investigation of the role of S/195/61/002/00.51/017/0277 E03O/E185 benzol, and marked cyclohe one (activitY 470 pulses/minute mg BaCO3) obtained from CIZ marked phenol. The catalysates were analysed chromatographically on.a 7m long spiral column of diatomateous earth, of which the first half was impregnated with dinonylphthalata, and the second half with, dio,-Aylsobacnte, the outlet from the column was led either to a thermal conductivity detector or for quantitative analysts to a bubbler wMi obaryta water. in order to obtain barium carbonate. The radtoa:tivitY of targets made from this carbonate was measured with an end window counter, ftnd samples taken after 15 min. Ott the chromia catalyst, benzole was formed by a parallel-consecuti've procesq%-, conversion of cyclghexane into benzole is 1.5 times raster then the conversion of cyclohexen#i a considerable part beAng formed from adsorbed and desorbed cyclohexone and it i.% obviously a doublet mechanism of dehydrogenation. On the rhenium -.a-.alyst, there is no consecutive process at alland cyclohexane -is converted directly into benzole by a sextet me of truwame, got see fee woe too* I A "I, 1;1 Ta p w ~ o e 0 0 0 0 0 t 0 010 * a! 6 ~01~ A all 9 1 t to a, -A, At 1 e aloon e . r peat It* Aft., 4 l t a #Or 004, 002 002 009 "it + 0.) 0111.1 '0111.1 + U Off - '9114 Itj 7 sea . ww"icinvu III VIl jai *WM 9 19 Ill 0!114 494 to "Sit" 1 -4mor es. 1 it oil %wisf 9 4-1 AIIKdes %,*it Is-i4l POM I SqI 81 / 4 .1 moll F1 1w. tel"ll Wall "Nis 01191 1-314-4 841 1* 131 n 1 n A1, 04 atj 19 It j s mw ousto l 4I I' l PA&A&3d tirmiaww" I qwq ! v I I~ 0" 19 Is , ki vi ' M IT g 1439 "Wani meopwood Is, "OP06MOV (011111,11111110 11me" 0 a - At a tt 0 ft 111 11 1 1 FC-11 t 11 - f do A a , 2 m It . *.ta - - A T fit ..i. 6 4 14 1 Coo 00 so 00 09C &M# Oda*M RomeMom bovolon Nitrotoo sed OM" is u, A DMdMrV- A. TA*MJ. T. W"m "d N. 0. SologN. I t #0 low InGdo *,-Tlwfqrum- 00 8, we of ow"re eawn hum, mt.% US&* the INSOMCe at h-(, diert"P h :0 0 *0 a;- latvf the decamp). Okla 61 is SOCAttow. %w4 Olt yflol lly W 4ftvMjKMwwl stial"S 4k ouflmob vkhm. W-11- Waive to tMW Into NO, 1-5 l1w tea touns ne in goa a two ammakila. K. 00.0; tooill Oil % see *0 see woo OW i to t' see too I 6~ $19 $pit --; - off", t'"Of woo alibis ea'~P--v il'o- u 0*10 '41, 61 0 * * * 0 a * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *0 00 0010900000 90 000 0 0: 0 Uo 0 0 a 0 0 -"A- a*-" -4 -all Jkj -AftimUl"101- A a is a;c 1 00 -.Iva awm laim admw mmdmjm k mah"Ps. ~ A.. -Mmi fAs& ft d "b bid - . o L y -") -U6 hwbwt~ ftmmn bmss~ as O P VAnft A Wfb--~- --qP W" dGdWd IM h a me of wo A" ULAW WOW thm" . . g p t Am Tb n W 1 O " =N o. I W a ee M0 . o 4 a". #A P. 1 -1 " 00 amwo of go 06GUO& WU f W d M C proem* o 00 cwmt OWN ol GonsoWW). NooDod6obswv wM 0 of 9 slow b W dbehup AMVO M6,krf- M.- - 4 by flo of jk e a rA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0~;21 4 0 0 * 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 0 0, 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0,0 * 0 0 0 0 : 06 0101: : :000 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 I I As I I q u so- .11 JL_R -A go NO FUN po 046 ll~v4 slow I,. ols.. u 41 10 oll i 16 * a ft4 4 4$ JNTO R 0 Is 0 IN JTX It - IR In V p NIN Is j.' 8 It 41; 41 4j 41 444 ff I. *-A T .8 AA 0 Ot It 9ls b 1 -100 A. 20. 4,UVI tflt%t ihe NII mill A.)# lar pl!Ak $.A Iq vAl O."k. i"ka"oln'm in Ao ..Do 14% as Oll I IM 3 a 1 0 No 0 0 v ; ; ~ , 4 a La M 44 So Is I A A k a a oil 4 11YAQ4111- 00 0:3 00 v 0.0 0 1 L & savaltv"xit 1,1111161111 u S at go d as 00000 4 ~ . , A J a i & 4 a I f . . . . . . . . ~ . . I . . 4 11 S 0 0 9 P v g 1 . if I f 6, " 4, z 0 ITUH Ip 4 V- %P. Aut 41.,tcfavl too 4='DM9XQU W'"Mia, by6w, --- - - - - - .** A.A. h6beadinwAlL. Kb. IfnWom. J-Gvw-f'k#- 00 a. 0 a.) 6, Me MIMI. "The lbernmol 184"A"IM toRall'imolts of mor4hosic aliphatic "s with eauttic wftk the foorewitim d bydritortiorhms no 1400A. LWI &W N&OH in warksow ..vm k-swe were rhaned it** a 6.gv. awpouk, The tol- of wbirb mrs. okswu to a dr. be tadift in a C614UYy ead ctorsavoed with a I ~ of KN(~ am NSN(h .00 ft"fsw!?~ was kept "=M, :11 a OV by as efer. trim - at. ju parow wW volid truilon products were Involl (cf. 4 APOW Chain. (11. S. S. R.). Is prMl. rmilcm, beigirms et 1141 &*d pratimd tospiilly oil ZVI . orec im givn pure H mA no CO. Ulob NsOll it x0e V. or highs? ratio. the good restellon P"Warl rm- NoojM. Mth M*014 Im Was tbas eqWv. atnt. its 4W. to NsiCID. tbcvt is formed NsICA. kK - ohm wil it Sop ilinytoadoill toile of NaOff and lox Is Wn temp. At bek stbost VD. so NANA Is Iforrosed ressnur-A Poo ml. of N*0111 added. NavCA shn ~% i"th Oil with %be fortortativis of N&AU and H. Tbe tresse. goo begivastWaodpoocet at an unwooolly high tate .V**. TheahaVir qrbmw of deva". it: (1) COsH 4 N H - NPA70I + It.. (2a) 2N*C(h,, :0 0 -a- NftcvOs + 111; 120 NOIC10. + 0 2N.IC0. + H.. Tt. dder. We.,, ::9 I stad 1 #4 limst IM fesselift w(rewds is I was" grbm NO" an am a evia" its q aed as a ressming 00 11 V. McA N. I., , w. a, 090 with NAM a** ft" ibis "",powaim. Chas vim._ 11, tots$, dM*iq as, _J 0 'MIAs Strowe a* I ar Is I'm 41 i -a- of of 1* 9 00 0 000000*40*40000 0 fait 4 it R114 r a A A it r n Fl, Al t*,#*, -490 -00 -00 *0 KIWOU of Hit 1 -00 j. !11=vKh, 1, Gee C". A; A bakm&u "d D. N 0 S. It.) S. 1 4" TOM, - A motb. di%rww-60 ul -90 tbf Ittwim IAVW"d io "Ill"Vit- P--SWI fiftt-r,w -00 ~kegs, od" as a commovio r%ampk Ow tAtnp*st 4aw 9. K. If. A* -D A 8 C. L4 e NO 9 00 00 00 -A 0 me* 30 ww I vj. 0.". to 0%4 4 ~, u a At 10 al A 0 0 3 9 a *00 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0', to 4 W 0 a- * - #:"r 0 : 4 a a I j a A, 0 4!~ Now". I" cablytic do. onslas h dale A A . . .1-y y * ad W N V*PhtVk-. J. (;f.L JIM. (1 . S~ IM9100m): #(Mb'. The I of vallkly-de mquirre that the Killinct. C. A. 7. Mil he the 144"tamin 4,( bydivemirtmaks by &c pa. of bytimakim. om a 1-i Cats. I au bnr t i l i A th f d 01 A e e. of s ale star o 6rulac I%xmm. P r f N; , a Use o 0 The hinelbe insiliml of Peffillri clmwir"- kims drertflk~4 mri-aislir q 4 wrmli" t-o i . f ~ . s a p s . it i k fi 1*0 s ritlin raulially mpropil that Air dnin"Im fl tv No. br'L 4&l b * k h d ill 1) 1 ; 0 w as w 4 1., kl falr 1 to Ql6 Y y l%q y 10 Cytkbg%&W (111 WitlAy POLVA" 1111010114 1414-111 4" Wirt - , and Ir stage The dilmine (M) Is w w til t th . as a s wi ry a half-firms, last of 34 6 me. III lpdl*. 1nW rm-laopl. r age 00 late Mists. ut the forinatimm of tit. its Alma"Pa. 1.0 11, NW It* the formatkin of cyr1uhrammul j1Vk air dred me.1 00 the rmiliare sbmm to Imp, 1W.1 Its, valistaim .I 00 n tv"Ilkwas Ibe der""141. 44 1 Indy OW illf" 1.1 1.1 =. cbkfy IV. l(mng*e v( activation A* the 4.0161y.t% Wir - Pf 43 all 1*1 Imp l h a, KIM 0 IM IN ki .- : ' 3110 M t ain KIM I 1kNo I M + NOR h . . n t r t 4 . O f met o vatit" %kmtv Chang" to yes V ~111 a 0 a I gap -l Qat 111.1-4 11 is 0 a a 4 akI ir a I a at 0 1 Ii- it 0 tt 0 i ~ j 0 0 0 0 V 0 All 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 : 00-6 0 * 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 * 0 ! 0, I . -, , .1. ~- "Cat,hilyse la Jeshydrogenation Ju cyclohexine cri 1-1-ccence de lloxyde do chr=e.ff Balardine, A. A. (p. 18) SOI Journ&l RL General Chemistry (Zhurnal Ubahchei Khimii). 1937, Volumo 7, No. 1. 40 S g LLLI-I II a O's ift 6116k 66 ww"Wb" -k"" M ~ I - M C nit tipmoont is t"u,1,4 rquil an 6-Imtbet"A.Com pft"Is Imvdvw toy circa hiltim"fielf malro A Athik. 04 8 sea eta C~twe" Most" Si4co- 4 41 41 #1 a O.In -a IL~ A .21 -Issidu 0 e 9 sit0 0 0 0 0 0 6- 0-6 0 0 0 6 0 .00 see -4* see too see too ire 0, Joe 71 An' two A see S. S. M. sea A C. A. mi *of I la Mum tbo WM Wkwombi W 04 . . I ii'm- *no SIX ! lio of tba "OIL do mob smomb dw , , veb~ ad Ow o ;. so tit' sa. , T. cjw al atta, *a -.0 ~,,d- atiat Utw-, AN A 18 - I L A MITALORMAL Lin""M &&Arm"" ob" U I #bbo" oat W" Ou so 0" 4$4 woo *so too as* woe Joe woe Mel t 1 4 . j is A 4 A At '% 4 4, 1 t , 1 i 4 ; A _- 1 _- a ! 1 1 f a 9 1 99 9 9 1 9 9 1 9 1 9 9 as 1% a aa I a It to 11 ff a 0; 'A f a ' 611 011111t It s a flp~cukl~v r9wral its It MrM~L r- prow S d A " .00 . e . t fadiam - I* hum -to m + 00, '3 y f; see O k" "Is logo w NO ow mown h +M* at W . + AOM'W . L T. see WOO 14--~ IVA+-Oticac cKew., AN S'ss~ boo i, 0016. so' 06 .01 ..cwc I- 16, u lilt a al me " : 6, e OIA I U-10"Ll OfAmm-'.- 0 r a a 1! m b v 0 0 U% 7. an b on c". F. H. Rathmas w foe met we* we* a op I i a sold@ nelv"PAO it $m 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 9 0 0 9 0 0 0 00 " -11%1010f!I- A 4 a. IL 2 Vanydwts I t JXL S Awi V :4 OWNIWI J 4f. . . . ". Cesta. S. & 216 m , R M91 R d 24-1016,=t of b Mi I@ COMM is The 6011 A emin b 1 1 r . a" epasse y bu a" 00 Slogan Hi moon N, a), 00 4 &swam*" At The 0o d "tiet"ir" Ass on boom" wt tempi, 11416"Watv. q/& amw to 4 on. 6" this do no to kva~ t .1 Cd-Aud. Ties 0o w I =vkfts Is pore No. AlthasO NI to'". . of M WWI Is so r"Wabi X41=64 d h2wr4kowerim gLow R J r so. P041!c 6 tome w Of the bw Mae the . After '. F . Ps. is amok", a dow on "*Mms poft I Weep p 1 0 the rawks c0 + SILtaw"Aw"Oftied 04% that d the IF. H. itathwas V-0 R 04"i -C" Oti. c A I aI a SnaLsomm Louitais Cdasoafthe elm IMakivo tok" #0 1 slow 100 As 10 sep ". " w I 0 0. . i d it ir aw INS a a v old a w a If 0 0 a 0 3 1 v A -0-stoji a JL* 0 0 * a a 6 -0-0 0 0 0 0 4 .00 .00 .00 400 00 :001 600 see so foo vo* see go* T-f T4 i, 4, 4 4 4 4 . . . - - mv- "7,WW:V4AV-fl-# 0 9 & 0 0 0 - -4 V; fiv uf A Alai I -4 Y v 1B a 1-1 v a a P--V* - - ~ a. 6-V W Va"141 4.,- @'Attila am -kit distba of b1 4 d h 4 b e ai " o y T ky O m A A othm "Aamumm ain = i o Al i . . 4s l wes eve. KW%n saw IA. 1.1 31 I' X h1b) a43 14 Iv 0 14 N U . I , S ( 4 and Vit It II twm Ij (J) mid its eldslo V 1 ~ 00 . a 0 tfw 4 . j . , 41c, is rin, j31tj~a%&jgrs el Ifth filmamisory 1111-1 14114104 t I I wife. lit limukl4fir and malic syst"" TIM set. ta - l I eided on Valia** lwtws Owh I di d l - e fu to a ew luaw w *I the J;rA. 14 the fulm 404 Aft-ilude, kind III vinilladt St thr ctrudes calail t el t m W A 0101116 e ela &r diamials y t%!Uwq ILS frowlisw Ilie last of If or a clstupd. whillsal; lad -ee 0 4141 11 t. 8. 01, walliviliet .%# tvalid". ~hkvupvw alid - () was wb lICI * H l l h tn 4 e r rivi it st-tv tittwital in t w t At 09 09 OMW in Simi the lvwlko rallied I'll a *19 00 a r I ~R 0 roe m to MOSCOLL) ~fuh 1100 u ' '114016 IOU la a I I I v Am ~00 f g 0 0 , A a 0 o OR 0 66666000900 0 so 0 e 0 a 0 0 so 0 0 0 too so.) Si on ro r ell logo Ow A, albe-e-s- ;~4 ft 0 athe 006.01 of r Rift w '. Wv')-7A7,~~84 * ILW law im tw *6 Pt'WAW7 M, WWO MILd, --Fa- krrvv'rw- Iva W. c ab&" ;tO:,W k% flat *tmw hTmkwwly WNW hw .1 1 tho" P iou aim 10 Oft'"~,v A" art A. R. xrppe 4 to-ILA A" Of 3-0 goes**** *66,6 00 .00 lid life Nei 76 - F~ . A v is 0 a v a 0 a a a d 0 0.20 AT -1 1 6 4 * 6 - Ktwo-*%@ ""f"n S0." f 410, go c boo -to go 049 Ik aw.":& *so 74ri -ACUA pw CAML. "d IL t of j so 4. w *0 go Side sltch~w ~w Orj,)%I't coiallsis, L'ab. Of to Of 'A I ao A 0 W60, I". *&"Pow ROM -a* W.V= SIA&II sit 4.9 G-T T- w w ISO a I a a i w Im 6 A 4 1 0, 9 0 0 i ; 1 .0 1 0 .6 4; tools 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 6 6 * 0 * so 0 0 0 0,100099 9 q 0 a 0 0 *~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s *Goeo, ~109~ A A TL 1, 1 . ZA7U4jji. a-Nil (~M, owes. um low bm Is awk the a"* k*f^l mumaw" =*ol the low ;I saw I but % dWkr"A of re. - Mom we 606rimo 06 W04 )., e 00.4 w*tWmtk-*Vv. A. A. P. s0# woo ***I **A AA. 07 Or,6%;c woo No* too see see CAt'410m, 406 **a l at* OOW l ive* lot* see see woo woo, Ovij i T a ; Os ses ******Osseo &a& A66 so-* &_*Sets 0-06*06* ol .1 '. . "Rertction of nut,ine witii U-rtr'non dioxid(v ir, tlip ?rftlt!nc(3 ot' Gat-.lybt.4. "Iv.. ;~k. :'.,,Uk 'S'~ if, ,;tAol. ruii- :.-tuk. ;I~o. 1, 041. --- -- -- ---- - --- - -- -- - ---- -- -- j--7 - -- " 1z. Ak, :-'10- il-5h, '4411t - ilnl-,~. Xilike ,4 . t "Therovil Decotro';Itioll ,),* iol 1~)41. "on t.tie Cawicity of ~.otz%l Foraites to be into Ox ~Ituk- bziih. Otdil.. Khiu. "'o. 2, 1941. ~ 1 1. 1 1. 1. "On tc.o Gonsecutivo St-wes oj- t.-lo ):-Yt r z0! - ----- - ; ~ I I, zi of tv~, Into Ox, tin :' 1z. Ak. Nmuk SSSR, Utitol. Kmr% -'~kuk, No. -., 1941. 2A , L'I . 1, 1 z ~-% 1 , . , . "Therxvd i)ccompusition of Furakte. "1z. Ak. -,:iuk SSSR, Otdol, &~Ar. A-1k., ~0. !, 19riAl--. '-, 7. -~ I j -. 4 -L' , . *'f norret I A) )-) it I oll M, Lita !um ,'or n ac . " 1-.;~ . 'ik. -i-ult -) ~ J~(- Otfi- I -ru ;-O't .;o. 2, 1'41~~ 1 . my IN all= SINIM-a- A fit? All 11-1191- f -,k A A A P!2g"w" a" ;,46 ;;;Wf obr admasewn. A. A. - q 8, 0. of I gm. I *OMIm do- A-6" W"- smA tha knoUka ~ 00 i w Wi who see 00 8*0 000 UMA"M WSWCAM -000 we* too so* so* 4100 "fe 011W went Do 01-0*415, see 0* so 06090604 I a a a 0*4 god god *00 **W A.Ad-amIA *At 4 dog, "A. A. ma V. V. W W. 1(1941 ~As b- luw + Irsull, e MIX. IOWA to PlAtIllitutad lbr H MCI + apt. al ted C a is aa 140" x w NO to an 4mbk bmd does t t hem (M owe. Willi U. The some vatn" 41 a M"w 8 T%,Ftft bometwi- 40 tm C eban. goo see too wee see so$ so* woo see :00 9 AV 10 OR a S 0 Ild 0 0 9 1 It IM 9 A 4 31 4 * * 0 4 Ill 6 4 0 9 9 a ife * # 4 S a # 2 0 ~ w * * 1;' 4 - ~~ � t ~ - 0000 111 0 Ill 0 k Is %A 'A Ar 44 1. A. ns *bd Iffilmos A A Wendt", 11 % X. A. lieclur"Istra will M. S. 34d)-aiwis. J. (.f* civiia. (U. & & R.) I I. an-8111 1061 I.-Ni li) sitkift fectir dirt afed Kcalefule (C. A. 10, 911% 2). 41M). At-- -4 It in so amt. irk",rdwit novid"abir 4 114-16 -4 11 hirt thwif 44M tili"t -.41"t po-ftf.- Obbb W- lop I 0' if) Will".0f if jqjbVky*kk4M Q114-selsilw1w low.1hgens 16"1 1wittritip will.1"14 iftetrie'A.4 I'llwitiltv M In fell, 14 Ow m-litv" NA'Se i. 2rh1sleflif 4 u'll, *oil dl. t 1,111111orts + NOA, I 1616141 4 .114 - Nis 0 + 1%9 4 lihes 4 Mat'l. III), al - I be tx6frftv fit 1. wlkkt bed beft SIM I"rol; bir %Pub WIII'lliff, 11,1111 004 11"11 CONOWW4. Tblf 6011411 Iviellil"M is A I-v It I Wo &V% WA "viso, dittlioter lift "T'= .4 Nill'. 1-hullbs ve~mi C611'.1illill feduiv N1, go- 1 1. 1.- N1, 16* "44M Ni rjaekhril fit felt. mertnev M- -0- It and hlonst Nill. Nill, d".1 Nill., I Ow Towri,I, .4 hill, sold hills was rd OnSITO.'elly issid that .4 hill iiews"His. the =lkn I Ni hYdvkW, falir% l4ser in wirrisal Istojewis, wbk* wo r"racirti" by flow =&JKV III "as, Slid Mw as Ow cu' Wr. Tiww indi- a kras" wis boom 11 -IW.4-14 las . 'lilwtwql l'"41turel Frolls *fill "'Al'l we some with its by. ferwe 11.0 friatw" 6-0#14flexi all" 11wobvierplitsvIoW If jwq, 14 Ki. with thr Gattlaii-fit 4-1 NIll., ass arwsrph~nt* pot"re, ohi-h ~.W.sf% I's a" "'.411 %for 4.1 #1* tsslal. hill. fill stiul Niles ton I-lem %4a# .4.1. withil I No *# at-11, T 41W Nt M Ow lit- 1'rif Iter 416 "WAIWIS SdIawlrd 41"M u it IQ is 6- is 4 '-1-" sa- TV Ir - V 61`1 to 0 4 0 it , J.; 00 go$ 0 Its *i 0 0 0 0 r its *00 -00 -00 i to 0 too tog go* boo bee we* L 00, W U 4. 1, I Balk -04 fA T A A a t 9 1 Coll 0 A T.60 to a cats d delo t6a of tothyllomme f 00 e l re "I"k l- U- 10 - 11111FULVAIR 410 J. A ilitjw R ) 14 . , (194 11 -The hishem Tim (m) W 44641 M ( PbF .00 C "W" I we% 4,tained ist I=% phiq . kk'IIY 44 230 nit. p" Ito, in the f"-pm 4.1 a ' 1 .00 C11111 YO. "a thin. Colto, - C( 1 L 2. t OW4rr I % ytihl Ill SI)rlvllr UvIt 4411111-1 In The dthpjri%&r,j&jj4q% ' L with Ca-At id V C h too vs** . ot wit u. . pp t j .4t, rq,m,4rI.. wjjh.,jt : 11h d h low t irvits otich a% N et%l (ull,irl 4tifirlell, to 0 ;VMlitiorO. A &Iaik.1 dr.tiption .11 the tewtoted, 14 fr(rmat-ts. A, A 11 000 see too 0 its U s 0 a. 0 00 0 W 9 9 9 0 -A k A &-,A-.r& t + TT; C 2:~ -4 -A to TOV= P. A. 00 00 w *4 0 Vo V$ 16.1k6 46tackwAkak LOW"" C%AM#wAtlb IRON 60.44V WOO$ i.46 alif On "pi a" a 21 p 0 all MY SW my 1,r u 0 ;:i. a qv%dfwG1wb9AG low 0 0 0 we 0 1- 00 0-0 0 0 0 0 Vo so 00 00 lee IF Writs 0 w 0 em v v v u u is vi %, jpj pi n it it a 4 a p As Is A iF ...... foal oo d, 11. 14.. 43b-46(is VruK*. 4")(1941)1 Icaudistion to OFvrqw r a !A at F&A. 0. 110-1111 941). - Tbr "artlim 11" "Kdw out Is The P imam ~ d M Issaawlass catislyow WINN, C111% as kkwkmr (35% 111t.) and ve a lmbmM dowly whited to =. ICW&rd IOLIC "d ko (0.1 by vA,). OA will Masth 140 111 fee ISO" 36.4 by wt. md V400 the Ob 040'. AIN.N. k4% by McO. W 0,14 Pod. d- wwcwrirdmtalatm.pnmoww bw cmtwqbg Im 04 w. mod VwAq butem In a 11411. v*k C(h (mis 1,14% by VW.), At OW the 1AViaTi mwmb to 24% an the paw4 mW 77% m the de. see is Lv7t. WOW, *Wk IN 6W the YkIll on the Isaft"t Is 07% mW as 111111 *cvm*d- 82%. 11'quitift 4119111 '0 in see 2 Ism The sibmr prothicts cal ow Im an Its most L "Plowd. r."m low with a Slight admixt w C9114 aw ostd. by*wwbma. 10 Met"Kes. A. A: 11mismullk Joe* ttli a Ic too A%41 Its 01tALtIONGSLAt 11111161%al Ctatwatall" bee still, imi-som. it. u III &I do 11 It It of a 41 0 0 0 MA Al -11te"Ott vo *Mon numa-L J., Kbeft do"IeWL, an at lbawy W Il - Is 0911 wako b W bow **-I WA~ Of Strwtwid mason as ibe wAtbob of NOUN 401 mom .. b a swL Md am to = not- Marl" of alw*k dam thwL TWO tyl V.7-E-0,1W tkm nor"m on P" Ism 0 i!; OW an -a Pam otb an to ON latmet- 9 do WSW wmh d wwa awbm It Im &M-, g" bo 067i 004 of uw M~* Mo" Oew I #tow i blue a Tbl fwQW .16- "* wtw b Wood Ilt- rdl ~m-ts to tiw-- howww" IN wa of Como" mw Im sm. st"Wtw". wt duW6mko of bHwtkwr ll-~m mtod. to avwb" *WL mtww as wwt ML It Is dmm tut Am :Mdkwsm cd wt pr**tbw kkmtbr die- walyda IN" (tva".1 go Am. #"-I wft swim of sum wd mdkmh~ TWO I low. mw lbrawo to 'WornmesbW, ' wtj~. The tbwr Is 1016"41 - 60~0 00 0 es 0 00 9 0 0 0 0 *04!00 0 6- 0 0 0000001000000900000*0*-90:1:::::Oooooooeooooo T"di~6-*-. 16i .00 w" we ebms is ban -=. mm of ag k 00* m oawf y "am. W44.-Tu ftm- ~410 .00 go. see f t I XA~~A a k -&=A-A-" IL I---l-A4-M (X to to A c &Hka, 0, K. kkq&WTA. Wid A 13. No. 4. 4-7 t* *off tkm of a- w 00 00 .- d. C.A. V, 23 am * or u6sidys is a pjavtomWr =rd SM. Poo (C.A. SO. nUl). mrAM "Wral pnvwlr. Slao. WW 6 ow Kv. W69-t. showed a butsdiew Id of 7.4 P" pan (46.7% of &-ewpd. bmykw gmkr be unw 7 00 qlh~*"tml With Ike polum, redgem to 810 mm., the Ykkf R.P.S."t tla-M Wkkr tin so- m"tions but with, moo -coubm.t ykm!. rowls. )~ l mW2'.-l.'dl~ CVWurft twkj- P 28% (47.3'rle) at 0004. too me. plom . ,A fj.h;.We Ito % am te"wc lwkvw twiti, k low l 6*0 Oftay of wr ' be "We" Products milstnt shout V~"q" IS. of botailkive mW I I f j XOG am .. butykee. kamwh V* 0, It o 0 "of 1 o"Nas" two t too= T 4141IN ON suv Ito Aws I all 10 As I AM A 0 1 IM 0 0 0 j if l If 0 a 0 3 0 RX! ow 00 0 0 do 41 010 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 a 0 0 6 0 0 do do 0 a go A A_L_.A_ & OAS " " 0 - _. i . 4talb4jo; 12*'WA 8 4 WA C #WAS :~ = god Am - lik", 6*0 Id. C. A.$$, 0_" , the #Ap of the romi" 600 . H. Rfwr .000 0*4 see 008 see #o# 699 wo# 10 - t L A IOVALLM"&L LIUSAV%M CLAMMAIIIIN WO* ad 00 w 0 del a31 0 9 0*00 0 IA Nij-11N, A. A, Catalytic dehydrogenation of *./-butane. A. A. Balandin, N. D. Zelinski, M. N. Maruchkinx and L. N. Pavlov (Compt. rend. Acad. Scl. U.S.S.R.11941, 32; 135-130-The Yields of butenes, C,.H 14 11 and saturated hpArocarbons obtained fromowot~11.jwith a and times of con". r, ed Cr catalyst st 525-625' act 0-8--3-5 eec- are recorded. 7be yieia of butenes is 105% (based on ~A decom- posed) at 550-5750 after contact fir 2 sec. The catalyst' is de- activated by cooling In V$0 and reactivated by heating in air. v4sj- etj- cku%., Ao SJJq 6 4 !1 %1 4 St 44 V1, -9 0 it 11 W w &1 0 a a 101~4 tilt 6.4 %*Aft "NNW to "W" *I ft nwol" aw". A. W4", (1, SPO C&M. IOU, to* 1,~,V1VA%aalkt%SXl1k 641011101"1 "641fiva rart wd t. th~ aAaftsis 44 tvk""14, 11"1 -00 It thr 4itittor"sat lilt Wbe" & " %kv WINW11111t.11 matrix. the aktbrak se"I 01611 the Iftlkwity "w"* of th. %%-Ivm it VMS, it 00 J 60 too go* 11 oiam~c. ckv*-~ Ali SSJ~ ols it 0 tolvegilef clativilLsommi w0 0 to 0 4t., I I th, 14 14 0 V '14 40% 00 0 ir 0 It 5 as a it v it IV it a Of 9 a IN a IN X it a "a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0,1110 0 0 4 0 0 I I . I . . . . ~ - , , . . 9 v - 4w * 0 10 W- If 0 0 9 go 0 0 0 4 -4--* $6 A i t V 7 f A t, i QC OU so 4r qP get' Comfy* dak not al but*"* at i*4dc*4 pres. N. 1). Z060kd. 1). K. 110611&ROWIA A. j:k owe A ftchessm. Aou. ", ul (14.10 1042, $10 64)(English adinineq); rf. C-4. 3T. il-vtO.-With a Cr catelyit at 180 mm. lwvsmrv. on rsw .4 ithip. The mas. dehydrog"allms In effoctoil in abmiri 00 ~vwart thm. The tmp. cog. of dKoi Pa. 6 bialw 00 lbsu that at dobydropution. be" at bkbw lemm, At~~. opthomm nwAi- i =im( 8.0 onsm. pnom. 89D0 0.73 W. contact) V.0 00 4 nod. % balsdiew iw~u obtakwd. bomml am Me butylent age hisaw. Rates of dtky&opmdn W the a folml tit toaty1m wtv appm. Ow um. C &-position an The tlw kKTftwo whis rim at temp. U- too L U 14 0000 0 0 0 0 0 010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0 0 0 0 9 0 * * 0 0 0 000 0 (A 0- 0 0 -0 0 0 46 0- 0,41 * 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 see 0 0 of Ak. -i )f In8titil4a of ortn-Oo k;llf-Inistry. Jenaru..e-it of 1~- J. `uLtniiKv -emher 3f t1le Aci~dpu BAW "Kinetics of catalytic monoinolocular reactions In a flow Bystem taking Into consideration the displacement vith foreign substances." (pt 159) SO: Journ2l of General Ch9mist (Zhurnal Obshchei Khimii) 1942, Vol 12, No 3-4. 1vt)1. O,,&W"t 0".8 AN SISq A. A. "On reaction-kinatical method of deteraination of anisochrony." (p. 167) SO: Jgurnal 0t agagral Gbamixia (Zhurnal Obahchai KhWi) 1942, Vol 12, No 3-4. Iris+, al WAA~. ChUln-j 4 ti dJSq -T -T-1 "Topochemical factors in the formation of the hydrides of nickel." Dalfiadin, A. A.9 and Erofeew, B. V. (p. 170) SOs Journal of General Chemistry (Zhurnal Obahchei Khimii) 1942, Vol 12, No 3-4. Ivisf. Ovi. Ch'tM., AO SS51? 'T 'Tul *The kinetics of the interaction of sodium acetate and sodium hydroxyde, in the molten state." Palandjn.-A.-A., Jurba, L. I., and Waskevitachl D. N. (p. 179) SO: Journal of General Chemist (Zhurnal Obshchei Khimli) 1942, Vol 12, No Iv%Sf- 014w*t c6u~tmj, fig - i~j J 4 ~i .-A-, -..-Ftl "The selective effect of nickel catalyst and the enerCy of chemicftl linkaCes.' (p. 342) SO: Journal or-General Chemist (Zhurnal Obshchoi KhImil) 1942, Vol 12, No 7-8,. Wt. OtI. Ckup., ~N is -11 Catalytic dehydrogenation of butylene to butadlene at reduced presoure. A. A. Salandino N. D. Zelirkkio 0; K. Bogdanovap and A. P. Schtscheglova (J.Appl.Chem.ftse.,1942,150128-138) ------ jr-Butent (1) passed through an unspecified catalyst givesebuta- diene; the yield is UP to 85% oil the (1) consumed and up to 291, on the (I) ""sed through; the best temp. is 580-6000. VIle yield of (CII.CH!,.Is almost independent of the rate of gas flow ajkd K 8 orre onds to the equilibri-m concn. A few %, of nearly as hig c a (1) are isomerised toA;-butenet and a fev % are fomed. J. J. B. A.- A. Dehydrogenation and decomposition of cyclohexane at high tem- peratures over metallic catalysts. A. A. Bmlandin and. N. Z. Kozelkov (J.Appl.Chem.iftion.1194q,,15,139-150).--cycloilexane (1) was passed over heated metal spirale. There was no decomp. with Fe below 553o or with er-plated Fe below 5,000; a little decorp. occurred with n1chrome at 3000, and at higher ter.T. much Cl~ctc. was forne(l in addition to C~11'-,,Platlnlsed nichrone dehyarogenates M at 'zc,O_4C)OO; the rare is lowered by dilution with CO,,at 300-31500 and raisca by dilution with N ,,,at 4C;oO. Soot gracIttally builds up on the catalyst, and the energy of activation drops from 101~g.-cal. to 5 kg.-ca.!.pcr ml.; the activity of the. catrayst has a max. at some medium soot content. An explanation Is given for the promoter erfect of soot. Palladised nichrone is leav active than platinised nichrove, and the energy of activation (without sooL) 1B 7 k6--cal. As "Sliding" isomerism ("Oliethonerism"), A. Balandin (Acta Physicochem., UIW-i 1942s 16p 195-205)- -Where it is possible by change of group,3 in different ways to arrive at the same compound from the same starting ma- terials, the products are cilled "sliding" isomerides or oliathomeridea. 'thus, in the formation of HeOAc from AcOll and MeOH, the substances may combine. as followst He OH + MeCO CH and Me OH + MeGO 0 H. Conditions for the existence of this type of reaction are outlined, Reactions in which it may take place include esterification,. formation of others from alobhols, formation of mixed acid anhydrides, mixed ketones) aldehydea from formic and anot~sr carboxylic acid, (see.) amines from two primary aminesp and the reaction between two different peroxides, etc. The in- vestigation of the reactions provides an important method for comparing the strengths of linkings and the mobility of groups and atoms. Isotopes, artificial radioactivity, and optical activity can also be introduced int study of the phenomenon. AsJ.M. 1696 t V.) Otju;c. the LA.) Moscov. A- A Ik caw 41mb Tp. "a WK% j" Col Cf, as I'sk "M V, at W14 tb 0). t" cothir Cos t int &I (IM 'Wit fw so is ow. .1th ismasim tmp. thr %,,.I ies 0 activity & with (111) docliaw J,W of VFAMOMW bYttf*M W tm pmespowaual =ZZU,* of tm betinuom easw wAch"im prop-d 00' bcu)c M k OPRMUVV fm re"Un a Cathipt ViLmoly A., 1637- 1, S4M ftff~' is Uw CON" . Pkt "Mb&SWM G"un J. Mow, Differential equation Vor the kinetIC3 of contact wd-ol"ulAr r-actions itIVOSLilated by the I'low wthad. A. "-In (;xta Pt%,IMCOO~IIM. 11639JOJ-49 L942, 1-1, T-morutical. The rv-~ults are aj~js'.%!A to Lim dWi.~AroovivitiI.,ii of al~,o:wlj ..tit IL, ooll'-wL, iso-,vrisation. J. Ii. O*Jku4t C~tw-j AN ~SSk 001 eat 00, 046 eat 046 046 eat *416 046 0 04L 00. of. sea Ive go*$**** a****** 001*0* Go* 0- -00000 - 000000W*0000 'D 0,9 64409040000066*06 *9000000*99*0000kee 00 "0 Ibp t W 6 0 2 Vf so jw A ItA 10 va 0 a a 4 0 in *.got 0 Vol "O.Ow lm" "Pw Ps -"%" to w =."O =43 . ON 11 4, " IN P" Pd ad so" 0.0 is 04 9 PW 00 4 w". lpi#14344 Sol 60441*94 *0 00 M a Im Ad a It ff or 0 0 0 z4" *..S.oa d "70111111W, I'M . -,m OAIW now d a %". mftm arrom "" , "0d k j%U%*4v It VA A. A =v"I.-ttor catalytil I"T. '. . j thr moo W404 60 1 a b u, &,w Vkhm I I t l Wa4al tau Fit,- p 111M *d t ow ItAl It 0 with IW C4 Uct with temp : I Mto ad[ C foocormt Iva otlawlt. C-htln,# &fv J-fjlK loss, to NI tm. mit"t 1041.1.341) me mv tatbj we bord otrwea dow Tu ftnift (is aapd by the oww dnal =WItJA*RPWI"M- lk"tA1I*w"*tUOGGW*COUMWWG4tbi$ J. if. M. Ayj sss~ Ll Oft"11111611 led Owd-4111111" A, X~ N. uwvxiaw, Md lit U. Ah"w*v tAtft t ow. U. S 'lm. S.. 1142. 1?. 83-4d)-mth no ilk tmp, 6w to OW. (CO &6d JHJ ad !hM H, AW 6r*dvge=rC,H, I". Ow tow Nl- I= with k.- CH ,caL W MW CQ, mte C'll lod decons~ at C.H- &W decrease in OC>.ZV..tqdll:3 Neu laditame dam -toc. CH,blovoditim , wipwitneats VIS ttat dim to w" do* so olefiame am prodoced. The abstract). C-11 Witb the t&Wysg the Coll AM mom M;ftm" of a Makillf Ma' I bY kmt 01%z to give K CH, md APAI H neambiw to " %H c(% livis 00 am - I g&W CH, wkh I The I , thals "Oft (makelailom 6bb" it to iL soft Uvowabil. Afteitiative r"O."ll"+ Is bydropmted . Z =C&W= CH~ M to CHI, Ot and PeC Aftlifir v" "WAS famovat 6acnames wm sham with C H Tblm to the C.H.A reactions. J. it. lm. Otvac. Chun., 6" SSSI? t f t A a L-A L fk k I L F 6 1 A --L V A j V T%* proper*osa som. ril"46816 406ormbisailbe A halstOlm, 1".a '% 1 (1t916 400 1 3(NUOM "Immot V); Ohl I oil Ift , . = 4, WWI oral 01g.tWe at, it %rckwd mW a# lbe slofthwe a ww. tun detwob"to k dols. dw sine, twv as pt" In ob , goo goo woo age see woo Woo 2. 11 too I --T 0 it it P 0 14 6 4 IN 0 01 0 It of a I %s goo 0 0 9 0 0 Oi 9 400 0 0 ,-., " ~ I - - - - - --, - - -- .,v I A-p Xto ^, I%snml *A,u*,mVLWftA~A%lljr *1 tM &17"" Pattilimv JINU A-4 Nfl. (F-R N.S.. CI. IN3. 416 All)- as'hi thf cuum of a catalyuc fwtko 2DAY be obt&twd by a ttw~~ smple, ~ jvwt" of wtokh is In the calalyst anil the i0it in memolar. Imt inrn, mornal placW 4djacvni to it. V. It 1 1 1 4 4 0 # 4 6 4 6 9 9 9 0 *i* 0 L a I r F. a I k L #A of 43 w tt 4 -4tS A ).- a"%twGOf&~&j 0"4 vbmby "-16 40- 00 V. IL 00 f go .06 000 Cos 00 J 0 900 of see go 0 goo 91 rx$ 0 too it 4 0 109774 a too 6 1 w ""..0 *-Ill via" 0 It a A C'Sa 9 a I I'Aygit*94ANiM. U. S.S.. Us muft Mm 11061L amid ol the lAttk* tit catalysts, Is Ulikk tb* "to and M. eo catalpt VV tnaMM U of WOMY imirart"CV. is dlKVmM otth pentrielar referitwo to W defirdireigretalwa of hydrmwetums, 00 Mo&b indicallell the orlentsticeli CA O-C It I i. A-botomw Ilb. 09 oil' atv, truors, aud tho nvictime an wludlo& u4*4 the Swir metkNI With .0 g Ill. thf t1thint"O 16" at a Cr "Olialy" Softele, to U% 4 A 4 w to M% of ilimis dwimspreva at 4w. amd a lipatkal d, TtXl,- 100 1. pw bit. At to ftmp~ ibe ywM tm Ow lVi C4 f u*O 100 1. 71-14) ,r,*A M A--.--. tie -Iiw - iacrvaws. draws vadono so .1 Ito CONSMIko of see th* I I It 31 0 -Vur fit OWN# Ito V him% Jbit ty decirtwes goo IN" of w Is. Ilw Ow so buM "d .mrgo lop 76 wimet lopeet"t fwtb" 00 IS( 0+40N. + tascodomimicepaiwattie ta I I hi activity vRii"Vik"k is a pet"m saaaer. The == wasticia d& bw &M bew imaisaiml at low mearm, ia sk" ame 409' 1 is greimillar. Tlw ellim me stum, with !goo :12 CO, amd N was abo KvillmiL Two mmetbods tw the prodectim of goo moft A pa V". Tbwe ft.alialill an optimum 1, PlMo~ w4 C H rompftlively, to Ago MKI likikat" 4: 4;tI=Rf w4wirwo 11:60 OR tow flece I Mi > figs MMe > C It The twv" of .1 mln , '.9 aft aim am r lob D awast to Slid" Aw"d is the A. M, goo It it 4 ISO A I lla w Al 6 0 doe 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 so a 6 0 o *1 saiti 4 4 4 L, I r If p w I T hit a if to so at L JL 1K. & Love liful It. it 00 ft AcM Mj"wmalmito 1'. IN. 13" 11111 I IOU) (in Itits") I , f. C. .4 - ST. *V.I,.t the r %ptl IF bY 1C. A. Is, 217.) Ir of NI furvant boo the ft"Im. 'Vill, folk" JIM" NO#.. Milt *&'I perpl. by bileld'I" Of sag, SOW Wum Or di"Wvwd In 11110, "Vol. colle. lith"Im ew %YkWinefialm. lIw&~&WrwdbyIhm- Islivmpn Jet o 16.1061"1111. NOV. III #wow&* an jutww"N'lielf. fw%kimt CV0 00 UkI IkIftmaIk)r "J*Pto the h III'm .4 Coll, Im"d too If of 00 "1111411 AA-1 All IF i%o A$ SSSq 'I I I I "I' A - I v rk, A j -W 6 4 a I a be 0 A, 0 1 "iii m 91 49 43 441' 6 It all nail Ito I I ft 1 a 0 0 All 6 0 0 0 0 & 0 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000 0000 so* 0 0 '46 0 0 9 -1 0 09 0 0 * 0 0 A4 0.09= 04 m4blildillill W WMIUM W IM bWAN 0 akkd. assbudift awr It, V=4m%. h % solool M S St 1. Al ON 1, N -~ %, 1043, It *0 310) U'vichwifel-We %iew that the Iwmdks&~-m .,I Imm %Al. Mgl'hllt &%.I It, 16,11"r Io tht W111A,14-11 A III -11h vowd as 66 oriteffra4late "W"INVIKI. to tfk.-Ifq~t SK 14 ISM4CW to N1 Ivy M41*hlk 14 stooorwtol 11 11orlwmat"m t'I NI hidiklet 11), Intefs(INM of r"twell No &A It lq~Nretlv in stalt". Thew stag" am mialmootalitK. th; 1, 411111 %4ftl SI Wool 101th the 110MICS A&I %11l. %Ill, 4ml Noll #,C. thi.14ten. *%kh 10VOrost the I~Iwtfiolbw 0 It. I*-Cf&CV 411ki IIWMSI.-n 1*1 11TAMS.. the I 12 r"m afe"Irt I-Of IM11101% Ill the 1 11 wo'hu. - .'n the .411" hAfMI. the I~Mfo-fliffijj .11-I ..h the At-3mlown -1 11. in the hithidosis vriv small %A%robis ",or wasmouni I IrOov in I,t,0 as- k-- MaRe IhA. it.- to ('J1.. I`hM9. anti ii)loooe. oselfhabre jUgillotirl is >%Am . smarating that dio"' t I Mg lit on W hyArWo surface "ects the ctolkii& 161*11Y coagoilate The kVI& t' R it. DpAhft d NAM 600dum awsw bobovom d A IU IS Oftbd Irm obl"Aaft b6" 110411601 op" _W'ad N. Kutolkov (Aaa PAynewAva. U.R.S.S.. 1943. I& .-The catalytic dehydroroal6m sad drcmp~ of civiobesano owt Ill - &ad N-aichrome michrome. Vr Fr. and re at NV dW' has tw** ouvestlestad. kichromme ur-11f. and Fr Wr 104CUM INI-11khtoOf is A P" COW)-OU h-G%htuQA* is 4, gmAcatalyotalhigWlerap. TbidepusitioutifCdo"cwtilimlook be deb)AtfteoAlkpa activity of tho catalyst; on be "lattaty. : be activitr is incte4wd, DePositim q,f V 1-9 the IAt it( drmintes 4-1 OVKEMQ tok 6splasali-ma. C. R. It. tAottow s6h V-) Wt. 9f orjt%Am~c Chem., AN SSSq- A a c 0 rp 6 a a 0 .tj I t j .184okm o0 "I- 1"PF04P got k W 1 so. "'I at o- W"Jp- ""Sp 1 1 Ap *10 Cb " is n cj S-A so pne"ad Oup6m" a" so Owww" a4" if ol fty-wd #qL -WpAq M in "if 10 IW64W P-Al No RNA -M PRM VMMM ""FPO* Me"" - VRIPM WU VtVPWVA low Will won" p SM #AM %m" &4% A"I 44 0 00 so 00 00 !.so Sol t --e ro" -v --so go i DRILMON CF A014 Ih 1 F't A"A I if! got HYL)RO'ARPONS ftlandin A A ond Marli.rhkin X N (,.,omit* rend: 301111al.3, 40# 21.161 r,.C.U.R.A. Pull.1 roraffin vina (msr. 500 0*6 0 , uv. mol , *t. bb4) It n I.- &mood sto voi-olir ,vr r .90 o;romium oxide catalyst at 4500 bbOO C. rho .419 pro1icts had lower mola~-.I&r selghts (295-450) 8*0 and c~-ntlned 304-60A unsaturateds., 40me Joco-hptsltl n "go occurred# with rorwtJor, or c, rbon, rotlone and A little aromat Is ation alno occurreJ. 00 lose It- of IN a Wp I& I I A- 0 owe so I W861,490 In a 0 41 0 0 *1; 0 0 10 41 0 0 * 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 4, 0 e 10 41 0 0 0 S 0 0 Sol ~-P M616 00409 , 00009009 0 00 so -- -- 0-0-004 9 0 0 '~ 0 & 0_# a 0 0-61A XltAti.-3 of consocutift rautions onsisting ov biaal-a -ular wi. wilmol zular :"I L., S. Li.),nson (Go-yt. re cad. ici. 1. mbas 66j, stalods A. A. 'gala 19. A II)IJ, 39, equations for com3ccutivu of ttk. 2.,f4j#C ..rt- SOIVUJ, alm tim msoults ca piz%- I wivi o"ri3wnt in thc ca-i-. or t1to femi,,tioll of ^I froa equimoL. mixtures of N&OAc anA N&Oil* Thet mactiott In made. up 6f two con- L~utive ones. The firstj the formtion or an intermediate coapound, is Lizols, :al has a V~Aocity cooff.