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80416 RUM/8-59-1-9/24 Study of Uce Behavior of Constructions by Experimenting With Mockups From Plastic Materials at banding: 480 - 600 kg/aq am. The values of the elasticity module and flow, depend from the thermal treatment of the material. "SDP-2", "SDP-3" and "SDP-4" become white at tension and black at compression. The characteristics diagrams of the second and third varieties are very similar to the theoretical diagrams of Prandtl, being almost perfectly elastic for 6 -< a 0 and perfectly plastic for a a 0~ . (Figure 2) . The first experiment has been carried out within the Chair of Mechanical Constructions of the Institutul do Constructli. (Institute of Constructions) in Bucharest with the "SDE" plastic, by checking the frequency of the proper vibrations of a seven-story frame (Figure 4). 7be plastic mookup, has been built in a scale of 160. The concentrated masses have been re- duced to 1/40,000 and the time value scale was tm - - 4 tp. The ex- periments have proved that the hypothesis of the InfITFte rigid spare of' the frame is admissible. New'statical computation methode of tower can- struotions have been checked by another experiment [Ref 2), a~:oomplished with "SDE" material. By using "SDP-1" material, the moment of the appearance of the first plastic joint, the points of the appearance of the Joint, their order and the computation of the bearing capacity have Card 7/ 11 been checked by a frame (Figure 6), loaded symmetrically [Ref 2). Based 16 R W 8-59-1-9/24 Study of the Behavior of Constructions by Experimenting With Mockups From Plastic Materials on a computation of 0.1, Rozenblat [Ref 31, the appearance order of the plastic joint should be, as shown by Figure 6. According to the c&lcula- tion gf the first order, the breaking load Is P Ma 0 me W 103 kg. cm, P r " 777 r a' W.4 kg. AccoMing to Uie calculation of the second order [Ref 6]. the breaking load Is Pr w 72.6 kg. The real breaking load resulting from the ex- periment was 76 ks. The-results obtained from mockups can be used for the construction of normal size M N 1 1yl N I + 1.6 1 P . + P2 is equal for both, the model and the construction. Since this condition is not satisfied, there is no similarity between the mockup and the con- struction, which has an Influence only upon the bearing capacity-, The bearing capacity of the prototype Isl OL. X2 . P I? P R Card Q/ 11 rp rM m 8041 h RUW8-59-1-9/a4 Study of the Behavior of Constructions by Experimenting With Mockups From Plastic Material3 Apresenting thainfluence of the axial leads upon the bearing capacity of the frame. The Iq coefficient to 0.98 - 0.99 for the prototype and 0.85 - 0.95 for the mockup. In case of a. metal prototype with & = 50, E - 2, 100,000 and T w 2 400, and a mockup of "SDP-1" with a 0 M - 550W*q cm, Em k.0;6 kg/sq cm, the following result is being ob- tainedi D m The experiment supplies the appearance points of the plastic joint, their ordar and the bearing capacity. Another experimental frame LRef 51 is shown by Figure 8. Two mockups have been made, the one fVom SDP-2 and the other from "SDP-3". The results are shown by the table on page 162.~ A series of experiments have been conducted with photo- elasticity. Photo astle mookups are made from "Dinox F-110", an optical active epoxy resin~produced in Rumania [Ref 61. The behavior of a girder with rectangular oles made of "SDP-I" and of Dinox F-1101' has been studied simultaneously'. The authors have examined: a) the bearing capacity; b) the influence of the oono*ntration of tension, in the hole Card 9/11 comers upon the bearing capacityj a) the regions of entrancer into the q1 8*1k IRWV8-59-1-9/24 Study of the Behavior of Constructions by EMerimenting With Mookups From Plastic Materials plastic zonej d) the coincidence of these regions with the maximum stress, resulting from the photoelastic mookup. Mookup Nr ' (Figure LO) has Lo" thickness 6.5 mm, square-shaped holes, with the side , diEension a .7 5, of solid section 4 x 6 Okup Nr 2 fFigure 111 had 0 ;;, 5 thickness 6.5 oj5 mmj o~ Mm' otangular k as thI bass andq height, dimensTo solid section x 6.5 mm. The experimentation w1th mookup Nr 1 has proved that the lose of the bearing capacity of the bar was due to the unitary forces of tension In the lower section, In the region of the two central solid sections. Figure 12 shown the distribution of the tension in the elastic field. Accomplishing the calculations, P - 112 kg, at which the plastifi- cation has appeared, thus resulting for the "SDP-1" mockup: CF - 530 kg/aq cm. The calculation of the unitary tension force has been accomplished by con- sidering the value of the material bandt T 0 1 - 5.25 kg/sq cm/cm. The thickness of the mookup from "Dinox-110" was 5.5 mm and the power by which the Isochromatio table has been established was P - 18.7 ks, The maximum tension has appeared not In the mainly stressed middle section but in the solid section. The experiment with mookup Nr 2 has proved that the loss of the bearing capacity was due to the shearing of the solid section (see Card 10/11 Figure 11). Regarding the bearing capacity, the loss has been produced at 80416 RUM/8-59-1-9/24 Study of the Behavior of Constructions by Experimenting With Mockups From Plastic Materials the mookup Nr 1 at P - 125 kg and at mockup Nr 2 at P - 100 kg. Other experiments have been conducted with a curved bar exerted to horizontal symmetrio forces (Figure 15) and a frame exerted to a horizontal force. Plutic materials allow a study of a wide range of problems, regarding the kind of loss of the bearing capacity. Chromoplasticity makes the, direct detection of plastic deformation zones possible which cause the rupture. The experimental results have been checked by theoretical cal- culations and photo-elastical experimentations. Chromoplastic experiments are very simple and can be accomplished without special devices, except the load arrangement. There arse 22 photographs, 2 diagrams, 2 graphs and 6 references, 5 of which are Rumanian and 1 Russian. SUMMED: October 29, 1958 Card 11/11 AZ IKE id pot 41 -BA~~F-Em-'V4EP-8-tou, - --- - Studying the behavior ot Vierendeel beans in the sUsto-plastia range using chromoplastic models. Stroimekh, i rasch. soor. I no.2:19- 22 160, (MIRA 14t5) (Girder"odels) (Plastics) BALAX. Stefan Teaching of theoretical mechanics in the institutions of higher technical education. Studii caro moo apl 11 no.6tl361-1368 10. I 1. Hembru eorsispondent al Academiel. R.P.R. S116 62/000/010/020/071 D228X307 a 'S B"lan, Stefan, Bale, Auroi and Ifrim, Nihail T 17LE Tests on the seismic platform of-some models of buildings 2, 10 D I C. LL Pcfcrativnyy zhurnal, Geofizila, no. 10, 1962, 30p x3stract 10AI94 (Studii qi certdri autron. pi scio- mol., 6, no. 2, 1961, 315-324 (Rum.; summaries in Run. aad Fr.)) The results of tests, carried out on a seismic plat- over several models of stone buildings, arc 4iven together with infornation about the behavior of the stone buildings under the in- fluence of earthquakes. I'liotographs show the set-up and the beha- vior of the models while being iTifluenced b different forces. f.vastracter's note: Complete translation Card 1/1 ALLOP-Staftni-RAUTUP -S&ndu;--Prxu,--VaIAriu- Breaking points for statically indeterminate beams of variable croaa sectim Studii core moo apl 22 no.5:9,49-959 161. 1. Moxibru corespondent al Academisi LP.R.. (for Balan). 2. Inatitutul do constructli, Bacuresti (for Rautu). 3. Institutul do corostari in constructli el econorAla constructiil*r (INCERC), Bucuresti (for Petcu). OPREA, C.V.; 'B" .4 31. Phenomena of soil sliding destruation in the upper basin of the Timis and the measures to prevent and fight ngainst thon. Studii, agr Timiaoara 10 no.10-23 Ja-Je 163. BALANP S. Soil of tb4 upper baoin of the Timis. Studii agr Timisoara 10 no.lt25-47 JA-JG 163. OFREAP C. V.;_BAIANO S,; PRFUPCEANU, Oltea Humid phreatle soils In the Banat Plain and theIr agricultural value. Studii agr Timisoara 10 no. 2: 215-240 J1-D 163, KOIND19 V.; JACOUSCU. A.; MITRIGA, H.; T;AUX, St. Planvin doftbrinatIon through heat. Rumnian M. Rev. I no.3111-13 July-Sept 57, 1. The Centre for ffnamtology and Transfusion, Aicharest. (BLOOD PRWIRVI9D Plasm defIbrination by hent) (OAT, off, defibrination of plasma for storage) 1,4 ~%.CAMPY CATMrRy AW3. JOM AUTHOR JIM. T! ME JGPIG. FUB. AFSTRACT s Ruman ia T Jiuman and Animal PhYS10109Y, Blood: t WhBiol,'t Fe. 6 19591 N,,. 21989 tPopescu, Mm. :Plasma Transfusions In Experimental Immunologic HemolytIc'Anemia, IFIzicl. norm si patol., 1058, 5, No. 3. 229--234 t In experiments conducted on immunized rabbits and guinea pigs, the intravenous transfugion of plasma from huimals of the same species increased the severity ot the shock and the mortality and! caused a rise in the titer of antiserum precipitins in the animals injected with the beterogenous serum. Following the pUsma transfusion the inten- sity of bemolysis In the guinea pigs with immunolo- gic hemolytic anamia diminished. Inasmuch as the plasma transtusion raised the antibody titer, it is thought that the antibemolytic effect of plasma 1/2 T-42 IDDNDI-*-V*- ji-IAGODISGUt A-s-*-M1TJ11Q-tNat&lia; -HiLO, -St. Plasma defibrination by heat, Ned. lnt,, Ducur, 10 no-Is 117-120 J&A 58# (FUSM. preparation of defibrination by heat) (PBRIX plasma defibrination by heat) KONDI,T.,dr.; si chinistil UGOBBS(,V.A.., BAIAN.St.; XITRIGA.N. Preparation of an anti-humn soma vith great precipitating power and specificity. Ned. lut.,Bucur. 11 no.M1731-1753 N 159. 1. Central do homtologio, Buoureati. (IMMUM SXMM) KOJIDI,V.; IAGOBASOU,A.; BAIAN St.; YODOR.G.; HITRIGA,Natalia. L- An anticoagulant lnhibiting thromboplastin formtIon . Ramnlan X. Bay. 4 no.1:37-39 Ja-xr 160. (THROKBOPIASTIN') (ANTICOAGULUiTS pharmacol. ) KONDI, V. , dr.; IACOMCU, A., dr.; BALAK, Ste . dr.; HANICATIDE, E.T. , dr, Congw4tal hypoproconvertinemia. Mod. intern. , Bucur 12 no.12: 1913-1917 D 160. (BLOOD COAGULATION) XMIDI, V. , dr.; IACQLfZCU, A. I dr.,* UAW , St., dr. 1~ - 00miderations on Uio reticulooyte test in the verification of . reto-maternal inoompatibilitys Mod* inter,, Ducur 13 no.3s47l-474 Mr 161. NO Q~Ilf 1~ 4*~ r(RH FACTORS) a PASCUP T., dr.,j. BAIAN, St. S.0 dr.; STANCIULESCU, P., dr. Some unusual aspects of pOlyserouitla. Mod. intern. 3s3!+7-354 Mr 162. 1. Luarare efootuata in Clinioa medicala a Spitalulul "Brincovenese". dirraotor, prof. R. Brauner. (PERIODIG DISLUE ease reports) (SEROSITIS diagnosis) KONDIj V., dr.j. GRIGORIU, Gh., dr.; IACOBESCU, A., dr.; N PRETO.AIANO M., dr.j MITfaCA, N,, chimo dr.; The immunochomical study of macroglobulinemias in connection with a case of Waldenst:e6mls disease. Mod. intern. 14 no.10'LU5-1235 0 162. 1. Lucrare efectuats. la Centrul do hematologie.. Bucuresti. (HAMMWBULINERIA) (IM111UNCELECTROPHOFMIS) (MULTIPLE M)MLOFA) (DIAGNOSIS, DIMRENTIAL) RUMANIA BALAN, Dr. Institute of Hematology(Institutul,de hematologie), Bucharest. Originally presented 30 Mar 63 at a meeting of the.Clinical Laboratory Section of the Bucharest Branch of the U.S.S.M. Bucharest% Vista Medicala, No 12, 15 Jun. 63, pp 809-818 "The Thrombocyte (Exploration of the Thrombocytic Function)" KONDIP V., (Jr.; Ml"HICA, Natalia, chim.; 1AMBESCII, A., chim.; DAMN, St-o dr, Glucose-6-phosphat,o dehydrogennsa deficiency. Med. Intern. (Bucur.) 16 no.8t899-906 Ag 164. RAW, V, BAIANq v. Construction of wineries of wine-Froducting centers p.2* Vol. 7 no. 289, July 1955 GONSMCTORUL Bucureatip Rumania Soo Eastern European Accession Vol. 5 No. h April 1956 EWI'Xr./Menical 1'1-cductr, x1d Their %pplicatio;i. H-20 Illwtq-,raphic ft%tvri~~In. :~ba J,-ar: Ref Zhur-Miti., Vc 2, 1959, 5923. :.ut!ior Balm, Vir,;il. Inst T-Itle Cliaracturistier, of MototuoliAml FIL)n. Orio Pub: Tohai- C;rafica, 1957, !n 5, 14-16. :,bstract. 7ac basic sciaito;-,-'Vric charancterintics of pboto~~Ta- phic i.-Aterials the chcxactcriatie curve, [,a.~.cral ac:iaitivity) ca.,trast foG, sp~~cial aa;isitivity Cir-cuased, w-.d a table tinC, thv bmda Of fihz, th'Ar chanacter- , t -cy -in intics ruid 1*J:, d of wrh for which V ta ided - - . . , , p is C"INI 1/1 BAIAN, V. A unique formula for the preparation of glue solution necessary for the manufacture of matches; quantity of glue and water determined in relation to the viscosity of glue and the best range of temperature for the preparation or the glue solution necessary for the manufacture of matches. p. 467. INDUSTRIA UWULUL (Asociatia Stlintifica a.Inginerilor si Technicientlor din Rominia si Ministerul Industriei Lemnului) Bucuresti, Rumania. Vol. 7, No. 12, Dec. 1958 Honthly List of East European Accessions (EUI) LC, Vol. 8, No. 6, June 1959. UNCL B" p V. Characteristics of wood for the manufacture of matahea. p. 136. DOUSTRIA LEMNUUJI (Asociatia Stiintif Loa a Inginerilor si Tachicienilor din Rominia al Ministerul Industrial Ioemnulul) Buourostij, Rumnia. Vol. St no. 4p Apr. 1959. Monthly List of Last &vopsan Aocessions (EKAI) LGp Vol. Sp no. 89 Au9t 1959. uncl. I T PrDluct. i tchr.'r rvr')!~ r i vi -, tile vx i (-4- v ; th -I ~ c ro- thc L.1. (Asoclatin Stiintdficn a In I,arllov si rl.~ %ic icli ilor din Re-linia st Indwirtriel ucrr- Vol. ro. 6~ ',,mc )I,-,t of Snvtc~rn Luropcinn Indox v,,1. No. 11 SOLACOLU, S.; DINESCU, R,; SINGIMO 0,; BALW, V, Viscoeity of ooal alaga, affeat of eartain faotora. Rw eleotro- toobn anerpt 9 nool&123-131 164 1, Correoponding Member of the Ramaniem Aoadwq (for (Solaoolu) BALANCHIVADZE, I. Obilisi)-- Differential land rent In the U.S.S.R. Vop. ekon. no.8:104-111 Ag '61. (Rent (Economic theory)) (MIRA 14:7). KODARAMLI, VakhtW Aleksandrovich; BAWCHIVADZE, Georgly 11arionoviah .. I I' Iftsic processes and equipment of chemical technology) QsnovWe protsessy i apparaty khimicheskoi takhnologii. 'Tbilisi, Gos.izd-vo "TSodna"11963. 479 P. [;n Georgian. (MIRA 17t4) I Ct -A. A ;- AN';, 1'1,1 ~71T T I ;~x --&- N. G. ,).r).i TOTIA.141VILI, Production of amoniun, sulfate from,acid asphaltst, Trudy GPI [Gruz..] no-5:101-106 16,2- (MIRA 17t10) BALANCIIIVA=, Sh.E. Trees and shrubs of the southern hemisphere on the Black Sea coast of Adzharia. Blul, no.58il4-21 165. (HIM 18% 12) 1, Botanichookiy Bad AN Gruzinakoy SSRI DaWml& BAIANCHIVADZE, V.P.; W4L'?IIKCVPI V.S. 1~1 !-- t.'-, - Output of conifer cumber in necordmee with the new All-Union State Standard. Der. prom. 12 no.11:7-9 N 163. (MIRA 1731) R&LA.NGHUX, D.D. 501aft Dynamics of Vidal's reaction titer In patients with typhoid favor treated with synthosycla. Zhur. m1kroblol. apid. I lawan 28 no-2:134 P 157 (KLRk 10:4) 1. Is kliniki Infektatonnvkh bolesney I Moskovskogo meditsinskago Instituta. (CHIMONYCITIN) (TYPHOID YETER) BALA,N, V. How we ihuuLnians work for the generalization of a good e"rience in produation. Manca oindia 6 no.10:5-10.0 162. 1. Presedinte al. Consiliului regional al sindicatelor, Hunedoara. TSITURK, S.A.;BAXANCHUX# L.D,;XAB&X, ya.m. vWm"WvW"vW" Clinical asp*ots ana dimposis of recurrent typhus. Klin. W., Kooky& 30 no.2176 Pab 1932. (OLKL ?2:1) 1. Of the Clinic of Udectlaus Dissamm. (Director--% Profq, S. Yo. Shtayashuader), first Moscow Ordst of lealm Nedloal Institute, - ZkIWHUK, I.D. - ~ No Prowasek's accelerated aWutinatlon reaction of Rickettsia by serum and lysed blood in typhus. Zhur.nikrobiol.spid.1 Imun. no.801-84 Ag '53. (MM 6:11) 1. Kltnft Infah v tonafth 'bole aney I Mookovskogo ordena Lenin& neditelukogo institute. na base Xoskov*kay klinicheskoy infektsionnoy bolinitty, (T~rphue fevvr) BALAIVCWK, L.D.; ?a3YDL11R-,-S-.-A.-.-S0KOWVA. I.S.; ZAL1SKM, It G., gl&My-Trach* Role of the Rickettsia &Wutination re&otion In the diagnosis of initial and reourrent typhus; author's abstroot. Shar.mikrobiol.opid.1 Jumn. no.9: 7-8 5 '53. (KLVA 6S11) 1. Klinika infektolonafth bolesney I Noskovskogo ordens, Xeniam. meditsinskoso Instituts, n& ban* trasnoscrOokoy bollaitay. (Typhus fever) SULKIXA, I.G.; B9"CHUK,L.D.: POKROVSKIY,V.I. I --, ~ . I I Comparative evaluation of bacteriologic investigations of the blood and of the sternal punotate in typhoid favor following synthomWeatin therapy* Torap. arkho V no.6:37-41 155. (MM 9t2) 1.~ Is kliniki Laaktsionnykh bolesney (dir. doktor maditainakikh nauk X.Y. Bunin) I Moskovskogo ordens. Lonina medintsinskogo Instituta. (TYPHOID ny , therapy, chloramphanicol, off. on blood & bone marrow, baoteriol.) (0HURAMMICOL, therapeutic use, typhoid favor, off. o4 blood & bans marrow baotoriol.) (BLOOD, bacteriology, - in typhold.fever after ehloromphaniool ther.) BUNIN. K.Y.; DALAbOH-VX-,,-L.D. .o. Use of the hApten precipitAtion. test in diagnosing the carrying of typhoid germn. Zhur.vikroldol.apid. i Immun..supplement, for 1956:ig-4o 157 (MIRA 11:3) 1. Is kliniki lnfektalonnykh bolesney I Moskovskogo ordsum lonina seditsinskogo Instituta. (XBMHRLIA TTPHOSA) u1. Ri=koSo-Kortsakova,4,kv.23) Ristology and histochemistry of the co=cctive ti"uo irrwx-work of the vieceral flap of the yolk sao of rodonta. Arkho anat. plot. i embr. 40 no.5t82-84 Mr 161. (M RA ; 5 1. Kafedra gistologii I embriologii (mv. - prof. M.U.Subbotin) flovoulbirsko o meditnIm3'I-oi:o inatituta. &MOTIVE TISSSUSS) (FETAL IIIRINES) - TUIO 1EVA, Y)-?I-,' 12W.rVis V K I ;Z,-1..,-,--,,-- I . 0 11,:. Blocho,7.1cal and hia tochomteal res ,v. Ar,ell on pincent., prute,na In late Pregnancy toxemi&s. Aku!,11. i gin. 40 no.5t,57-61 S-0 t644 I- Kafedra gistolog It I embriologli (KRA 18.-5) Novosibirskogo medi (2av, - prof. M.Ya.S t8inakego jn3tj,tut&. ubbotin) POLAND BALANDA,, Andrzej Institute of Physics# Zagiellonian Univo (Instytut Fizyki Uniworsytetu Jagiellomkiego"q Crakow Crakow Postepy titlkip No 3* May-june 1965, pp 247-259 "Methods for measuring the shortest periods of lifo of atomic nuclei in an excited stateJ. - DAIANDAj D. V. "Scientific Cultivation of Tobacco in the Krasnodar Region,," Krasnodar Goes isd-vo, 195b The P-ObjeM of FOothill zorla a Agrlollltu-~,Sl syrIttlm in the Azz X R 7, ak-.h 1; Ll 4 L/ Kavkaza, 1,95e, No'no ~3-37 -V.A cam -0/ it 41552 3/06Y2/60/000/05/ 0 B004 B066 AUTHORS: BAlandin, A. Att Klabunovskiy, fb. I., O1C2XjBq)L-j& - ~uliova*_A* P*# Brusov, I* I* TITLEs Thermochemioal Determination of Combustion Heats of 2-Ethyl Pyridinsjand 2-Vinyl Pyridine PERIODICALt Isv*stlya kkadomil nauk SSSR. Otdel*niy* khimichookikh naukl 1960, No. 5, PP. 784-786 TEXT# The purpose of the present paper was to obtain thermochemioal data for the calculation of the themoohemioal squilibriumlin the catalytic dohldrogenationlof C6H4 NC 05 -K2 K 05'CR'CH2 - The experiments were carried out In a new calorimeter designed by J. Coops *t al. (Ref. 1). Combustion took place in a bomb caloriuet*r developed at the Termi- cheskays-t laboratoriya, im. V. F, Luginina MQU (Thermal Laboratory im*ni V. F. Luginin of Moscow State University). The measuring t*chnique is described In a paper by S. M. Skuratoy 'a t al* (Ref6 3). The calorifio, Card 1/5 'itiermochomloal Wtermination of uukbuutiva ~31 Oo2V6O/OOO/u5/ U Heats of 2-Ethyl Pyridine and 2-Vinyl Pyridins B004/BO66 0 value of the calorimeter system was determined With All 0.02 .. 0.03 per cent by means of benzoic acid supplied by Va9s3juzajy nauchno-looledovatellskiy institut metrologli Im. D. 1. Mendeleyeva (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of_Metrology imeni D. I. Mendeleyev). Because of the easy polyzerizability,of 2-yinyl pyridine, the. substances investigated were prepared immediately beforo combustion, distilled$ and filled Into ampule. Special attention was paid to M4 purity of the substances. 2-athyl pyridine was obtained by hydrogenatAon of 2-vinyl pyridinep which resulted from condensation ofaf-piooline with paraformaldehyde and from dehydration of the resultant alcohol on alkali. The physical data of both substances are compared in Table 1 with data available in publications, When calculating tho combustion heat (at 2500), all corrections necessary were considered (Regnault., Pfaundler-Usov foymulal oorreotion according to E, W. Washburn, Ref. 14), Table 2 gives the fQ11owing data for the two substancess heat of' con.. bustion, change,6E2) of anthalpl on combustion with molecular liquid oxygen at I atm to form CO 20 R20t and X2 . The formation heat of ethyl pyridine was found to be 0.69 kcal/zols and that of 2-yinyl pyridine Card 2/3 81552 ~w,~bufitiol, S1062J60100010510110i,~6 Heats of 2-Ethyl Pyridino and 2-Vinyi ryiw1c, B004/b066 to be 75,05 koal/mole. [Abstracter's notes This value 6~vujA i*- x-~ vil for ethyl pyridine is certainly a misprint.] There are 2 tables and 16 references, 4 Soviets I Dutch* I Germans and 10 American. ASSOCIATIONt Institut organioheskoy khimii ime No Do Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Ch !mistry imeni N. Do Zelinskly of the Academy of Sclencest U33R) SUBMITTEDs October 20, 1958 Card 3/3 RUMSNXO, A.P.; DAIANDIN, A.A,; XACH&M, &U. %o mechanism* of carbon formation In the course of the de- composition on alljoa Cal, of niparaffifts, naphthensel, and aromatic hydrocarbons having six and seven carbon atonse Isv.AN SSSR.Otd*khI*.n&uk no.6sg8l-988 JI 160# (MM 13t?) 1. Hookovskly Cosudaretvannn universitst imeni X.T.Zononosava. (Paraffins) (Uphthenes) (Prrolyels) 9/062/60/000/008/01411033/XX B013/BO55 A UTHOR S Tolatopyatoya, A. A., _Bal&4AJAU_A and Matyushonko, V. Kh, TITLE: Determination of the bonding Energies of the Atoms of Organic Molecules Reacting With the MnO Catalyst Surface PERIODICALt Izvostlya Akademil nauk SSSR. Otdoloniye khimicheskikh, nauk, 1960, No. 8, PP. 1335-1336 TEXT: The present paper to a continuation of the, Invootigstion into the transformation of alcohols on manganous oxide begun. In Refs. I and 2. The experimental methods and catalyst preparation have been described previous- ly (Ref. 2). Dehydration was carried out between 33OPand 3000C. The gaseous products consisted ef unsaturated hydrooarbona only. The first series of oxperlments,;as,~orformad to determine the apparent activation energy (Table 1, F . . The activation energy calculated by means of the Arrbonius equation from the relation log m - f(I/T) was 24.1 kcal/mol. Relative adsorption coefficients of isobutylene (Table 2) and water (Tablo 3) wore determined. The determination of the relative adsorption cooffi- Card 1/3 Determination of the BondlngEnorgiea of the S/062/60/000/008/014/033/XX Atoms of Organic Molecules Reacting With the B013/BO55 MnO Catalyst Surface aients and their temperature dupendence-pormitted calculation by the method Jescribed In Ref. 5 of the changes in free energy, enthalpy and ontropj produced by dinplacement of trimethylearbiriol from the active centers of the catalyst by loobutylon* and water (Table 4). The true activation energy for the d9h)-dration of trimethylcarbinol, calculated from the relation log k - f(I/T) (e- - 31.0 kcal/mol) was found to be 6.9 kcal higher than the aj~j)ureiit octivation energy (El - 24-J kcal/mol). Oil the strength of thia Investigation, the authora sort able to determine the bonding enti-giou of the atomB reacting with the catalyst surface according to the well-known method (Ref. 6). Thos 0 reactions are, C-T C-0 H H H 11 11 0 M (II) (III) (I) dehydrogwrationof hydronarbons; (II) d*hydrogenation of alcohols; (III) dehydration of alcohola. The following bonding energies were found: QH-k - 50-75~ QC-k - 26.7 arld QO-k - 38.8. V. N. kondratlyev is mentioned. Card 2/3 Determination of the Don(ling Energiao of. tile S/062/60/000/006/014/033/XX Atoma of Orgaide Molveules Reacting Wlth. the BO13/BO55 MnO Catalyst Surfiwe 4ere art I figtire, 4 tables, uni 6 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Moskovikiy gjaudarutvennyy universitet Im. M. V. Lomonosova, (Moscow State Utiversity tkt.eni M. V* Lomonosov). InBtitut orgisiAchookoy khImil Am. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademil nuuk SSSR (Itistitute of Ort;anlc Chemistry imeni N. D. ZelinakJy: of ths Aviiderjq, of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED-z January 14, 1959 Card 3/3 VASIVNIM9 NA*; HiLMINp A.A.; CHEPIGO, S.V.; BARYSMA., G.S. Catalytio hydrogenation of wood and other plmt materials. Isv. AN SSSR Otd.khimnauk w.8&1522-1523 Ag 1600 (KIPIA 1525) 1e Institut organichookoy khWi Im. N,D.Zelinskogo AN SM i Gosudaretvannyy nauohno-Losledovatellakiy institut gidroliawy proVablemostio (Wbod-4homistry) (F4&ogonation) ! BALWIN~ Structural and energetic factors in the glementary stages of catalysis* Problo, kin* i kat. 10:314,328 160. (HM 3415) 1, Institut, organichookoy khimii AN SSSR#. (Catalysis) I -87667- - -- - - 9,11 1 ZI 4 o-41 SIO 81/60/000/0 23/'bO3/b 21 A005/A00l Translation from, Aeferativnyy zhurnal, Khimiya, 1960, No. 23, P. 67, f 91656 AUTHORS: "1&ndin, A IAP-Teteni, P. TITLE: On the Problem of the Role of d-Electrons in the Catalysis. The Kinetics or Dehydrogenation of Isopropyl Alcohol in the Presence-of Copper, Cobalt, Nickel, Iron, Silver, Platinum, and Palladium PERIODICALs Probl. kinet1ki I kataliza, 1960, Vol. 10, pp. .3,~q - ~4.3 TM(Tt The values were determined of the actual activation energies and the specific constants of dehydrogenation rate of Isopropyl alcohol with Cu, Ni, Co, Fe, Ag and Pt as catalysts. The temperature coefficient of the dehydrogenation rate of Isopropyl alcohol over Pd was determined. It Is shown that there is no direct relation, at the dehydrogenation of Isopropyl alcohol between the catalytic activity of the metal and the incompleteness of its d-level. However a relation exists between the catalytic activity and the atomic radius of the metals crystal- lizing In the racecentemd cubic crystal lattice. R.A. Translator's note; This Is the full translation of the orIgInal flusalm abstract, Card 1/1 KIPEMAN, S.L.; RAIA14DIN A A. Energies of the bonds between nickeli, iron# platinum,, and 1*11adiim catalysts and the atom of elements in organic compounds. Probl. kin. i kat, 10i3"-350 'Wo: (MIRA 14:5) lo Inatitut organicheakoy khimii, AN SSSR, (Chemical bonds) (Catalysts) J/081/60/000/021/605/018 A005/A0O1 Translation fromt Rereratlvnyy zhurnal, Kh1miya, 1960, No. 21, p. 50, 1 83983 AUTHORS: Tolstopyatova, A. A., Balandin, A. A. TITLEt The Determination of the Energy of Bonding-With Oxide Catalysts by the Kinetic Method for Developing a Theory of Catalyst Selection PERIODICALt Probl. kinatiki 1-kataliza, 1960, Vol. 10, pp. 351-355 TMCT: The authors determined by the kinetic method the bonding energies of hydrogen, carbon,-and oxygen with various oxides and'-show that, In iiccordance with the theory, the molecular structure, the'eatalyat's nature, and the mode of the catalyst's preparation affect the values mentioned. Summary of the authors Translator's note: This to the full translation of the original RusniAn abutract. Card 1/1 V-r- -A*A- - VASSERBMI37.-- 6', ALUM)=, Elementary atagos of the dehydration of alcoholo on A120 catalyetse "IF Probl, kin* i, kat. 10056-362 160* A 140) lo Institut organioheskoy khJ-Ji. AN SSSR. (Alumina) Dehydration (Chomintry)) toohols) BAUNDIN, A.A.; SOXMVA, N.P. Catalytic proportion of sodium,-tungsten bronzes, vhich are defective structures* Problo kin. i kat. 10063-368 160, (MIRA 1415) lo Inatitut organicheskoy khimli AN SSSR, (Bronzes) (Catalysts) S/062 60/000/010/019/031/XX B002/406 AUTHORS; TITLE: PERIODICAL: Baland_la,_A,._A,_, Ferapontov, V. A., and Tolatopyatova, A.A. Ability of'Cadmium Oxide to Dehydrogenate Hydrocarbons by Catalysis liveatiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, 1960p No. 10, Pp- 1751-1756 TEXT: The authors based on experimental work made on the dehydrogenation and dehydration of alcohols by means of oxides to make a theoretical study of the ability of beryllium oxide, magnesium oxide, zinc oxide, and cadmium oxide to dehydrogenate hydrocarbons. For this purpose, the activation energy was calculated on the basis of the multiplet theory (Table 1). The average value found for theadeorption potential of hydrocarbon dehydroge- nation was 51-5 for beryllium,oxide, 70.7 for magnesium oxide, 116.2 for zinc oxide, and 132 .3 kcal/mole for cadmium oxide. The catalytic properties of cadmium oxide were studied experimentally. Cadmium oxide was synthesized by precipitating a cadmi8m, nitrate solution with ammonia, and causing hydroxide to glow at 500 C in air free from CO , and vgs examinSd by X-raya Dehydrogenation of cyclohexane was studied betieen 458 and 540 C (Table Card T12 Ability of Cadmium Oxide to Dehydrogenate S/062/60/000/010/019/031/XX Hjdrocarbdne by Catalysis B002/B060 The reaction starts at 487 0C1 at 5220C the catalyst in Completely roduced, and dehydrogenAti8n, stops 0Dehydrogenation of cyclohexene to benzene takes place between 470 and 52; C (Table 3 B). No cyclohexadiene is formed in this connection. Convergion of bgtylene to butadlene In nitrogen atmosphere takde place between 575 and 605 C (Table 4). The degree of converaion Va;o 5.6% at goat* Conversion of piperidine to pyridine was examined bet%een 46 and 520 C (Table 5), and is believed to takeoplace ovSr piperideine. Rathafie does not reduce cadmium oxide between 500 and 595 C- It wasconclud- ad from results that two different types of reactions take place: 1) a) C, 4H8 0C4H6 + H2 b) CdO 4 H2 b Cd t H20 11)7 Cdo + C 4 H8 ---I~ Cd + 1120 + C4H6 0. Ve Krylov, S. Z. Roginskiy, and Ye. A. Fokina are mentioned. There are 1 figuret 5 tableaq and 26 references 24 Soviet, 1 US, and 1 British. ASSOCIATION; Institut organicheakoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinakago Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni X. D. Zelinskiy of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED; June 15, 1959 Card 2/2 S/062/60/000/011/,103/016 B013/B078 AUTHORS; Stegner, G., ludenkol A. Ps, Balandin, A. A. TITLE: Carbon Formation in the Decomposition of Isopropyl k1cohol# n-Hexyl Alcoholp and Cyclohexanol on the, Copper - Silica Gel Catalyst PERIODICkL% Izvestiya Akademii. neuk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk) 1960) No. 11, PP- 1930 - 1937 TEXT: A study has been made of the mechanisms of carbon formation in the decomposition of isopropyl and n-hoxyl alcoholovas well as of cyclo- hexanol in the temperature range of 200 - 9500C, proceeding in the same manner as with ethyl aloc-hol (Refe.1,2). The experiments were conducted in a contihuous system for heterogeneous catalyt Ic studies at atmos- phario pressure and a volume velocity of 2.25 h- . Fig.1 shows the tem- perature dependence of the carbon formation rate in the decomposition of the above-mentioned substances. The presence of three meahaniame can be inferred from the course of the curves.. Diagrams are suggested for the three mechanisms: the low-temperature mechanism in the temperature Card 1/5 Carbon Formation in the Decomposition of 8/062/60/000/011/003/016 Isopropyl Alcohol, n-Roxyl Alcohol, and B0131B070 Cyclohexanol on the Copper - Silica Gel Catalyst ranGe, of 2000 - 6000C acts, like a pure polycondensation of aldehydea and ketones, according to the following scheme: Ialdehyde _H 0. polycyclic saturuted, i.-n- 2 2 saturated, and aromatic hydro-, catalytie polyc carbons and oxygen derivatives dehydro- densation of different donsities, up to genation carboide This scheme is applicable to all alcohols concerned, including ethyl alcohol. The intermediate mechanism in the temperature ringe of 6ooo - 7500C is a polycondonsation of products of the catalytic dehydra- tion of alcohols (propylene, hexylene,*cyclohexone). Possibly, a poly- condensation of ethylene takes place likewise under these conditions, but since the rate of this process is too low, it occurs only at higher temperatures, in the course of the high-temperature mechanism. The following scheme is offered for the intermediate mechanism: Card 2/5 Carbon Formation in the Decomposition of 3/062/60/0001011/003/016 Isopropyl Alcohol, n-Hexyl Alcohol, and B010078 Cyclohexanoi on the Copper - Silica Gel, Catalyst polyoyclic saturated, un- _H20 _H2 etc. saturated, and aromatic b hydrocarbons of different loat&lyticT 7olycondenz density degrees, up to dehydro- sation carboids genation I I The replacement of the intermedJate mechanism by the high-temperature mechanism manifests-itself by a marked retardation of the process at temperatures above 75000- In thi range of 7500 - 8750 the carbon forma- tion is slowed down, after which it is again speeded up vigorously beyond 875OCw' This mechanism (7500 - 950 C) comprises the following processeel polycondeneation of decomposition products of the alcohols used (lowest paraffins and ethylene)l polycondeneation of aromatic hydrocarbons, resulting from the decomposition of alcoholal polycondensso- tion of the alcohols used. A general scheme applies to them: Card 3/5 Carbon Formation in the Decomposition of S/062 ,/60/000/011/003/016 Ivopropyl Alooholl n-Noxyl Alcoholl and B013/B078 Cyolohexanol on the Copper - Silica Gel Catalyst _H201 -H2 - polycyclic aromatic polycondeneation' hydrocarbons of dif- _H201 +H lowest paraffinal -Hq ferent degrees of dooo and ethylene lpolyconden) density, up to tion poly- -H2 sation carboide conden- _H2 poly- sati 0n\ conden- -H 01 H simplest aromatic sation 2 2 10 hydrocarbons aromatization ' to opposed to the two first-mentioned mechanisms, aromatic hydrocarbons only are given here as the end products. This is explained by the fact that under the conditions of the high-temperature mechanism the forma- tion of saturated, unsaturatedt and hydroaromatic polycyclic systems is practically impossible# which is indicated by the composition of Card 4/5 Carbon Formation in the Decomposition of s/062/60/000/011/003/016 Isopropyl Alcohol, n-Hexyl Alcohol, and B013/B076 Cyclohexanol on the Copper - Silica Gel Catalyst resinous polycondeneation products. Their composition and aromatic character is almost the same in all of the alcohols investigated. Table 1 gives the composition of gaseous decomposition products, of the alcohols on the copper - silica gel catalyst. The composition of the hydrocarbon part of the gaseous decomposition products of isopropyl and n-hexyl alcohols on the copper - silica gal catalyst is given in Table 2.There are 4 figures, 2 tables, and 4 references: 3 Soviet and 1 German. ASSOCIATION: Moskovakiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M*V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M..V4 Lomonosov) SUEUITTEDc June 2~j 1959 Card 5/5 S106 601000101210021020 B013YI3055 'j AUTHORS% Tolatopyatova, A. A., Konenko, 1. R. TITLE., Investigation of Catalytic Transformations of Icopropyl Alcohol and Cyclic Hydrocarbons on Titanium Dioxide (Anntase) Using a Differential Thermocouple PERIODICAL; Izvestlya Akademil nauk S55R. Otdeleniye khimicheekikh naak, 1960, Not 12, pp. 2o96-2102 TEXT: The authors of the present paper investigated the dehydrogenation and dehydration of isopropyl alcohol (Tables 1-4) and the dehyirogenation and irreversible catalysis of hydrocarbons, cyclohexane (Table 5), cyclohexene (Tables 6 and 7) and 1,4-oyclohexadiene (Table 8) - on a modification of titanium dioxide (anatase) using a differential thermocouple (Chromel. - cupr nickel). The latter bad 10 junctions each at both sides of the mica sheet to which it was attached. All the 20 junotiona were on the one half of the sheet. The distribution of the catalyst In the quartz tube containing the thermocouple Is shown, in Fig. 1. A continuous reaction vessel was used for the kinetic experiments (Refs, 4 and 5). The temperature was maintained with Card 1/3 Investigation of Catalytic Transformations of Isopropyl Alcohol and Cyclic Hydrocarbons on Titanium Dioxide (Anatase) Using a Differential Thermocouple S/06 6o/ooo/on/002/020 B013YB055 0 an accuracy of +5 ,The evolution rate and quantity of gaseous products were measured and recorded by a rcn-jo (GSP-10) gas meter (Fig. 2). X-ray analy- sis of the catalyst prepared from titanium tetrachloride showed It to be anatase. The iransformation of isopropyl alcohol on TiO 2 was accompanied by a marked change in thermal effect during the first 15-20 min(Table 1, Fig-3a). The analysis of the gaseous products formed in the reaction showed that. the alcohol is practically only dehydrogenated durin3 the first 7-8 min. After this period dehydrogenation and dehydration take place simultaneously and after 15-20 min dehydration occurs alone. From a comparison of the thermocouple data with the analytical data of the reaction products and t!ie degree of carbon deposition on the catalyst surface it can be seen that the rates of dehydrogenation and dehydration, and the carbon content of the surface run parallel. The change in selectivity at otherwise unchangel general activity of TiO2 is probably due to the accumulation of carbon on the sur- face. Deposition of carbon on the surface of Cr 203 (Fig. 3b), however, W4S found to have no effect on its activity and selectivity. Summarily, the Card 2/3 Investigation of Catalytic Transformationn of SIG621601000101210021020 Isopropyl Alcohol and Cyclic Hydrocnrbons B013/F055 on Titanium Dioxide (Anatase) Using a Differential Thermocouple authors conclude that a gradual accumulation of carbon on the unatase our- face almost entirely suppresses the dehydrogenation of the alcohol and promotes its dehydration, but does not affect the total activity of the catalyst. The catalyzed irreversible transformation of cyclohexene and cyclohexadiene is suppressed by the accumulation of carbon on TiO., wherens the dehydrogenation of cyclohexene, cyclohexane, and cycloboxadione in pro- noted by this process. There are 3 figures, 7 tables, and 12 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut organtobeekoy kh1mii im. N. D. Zelinvkogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: June 26, 1959 Card 3/3 Wlwt~-DIN, A.L Molecular structure and reactivity In catalysigo Kin. I Imt. I no.10-14 W-Je 060,, (KIRA late) le Inst1tut organlchoskav kbiv,11 Ise W.D,ZolInskoto AN SSSR. (Oktalyeis) YWDLINN L.Ihs; BAL&OIN, A.A.; ZHUtOYA. I.F. Selective tqdrogenation of butynediol to butenediol on a skeletal nickel catalyst. Zia, i kate I no, 3:447-454 B-0 160. (XIU 13111) 1, Inutitut organicheskoy khimit imeni NeD, Zelinskogo AN MR., (Butynediol) (Butenediol) (Wdrogenation) S/195/60/001/004/008/015 4-'b o o B017/.055 A. As, Stehishevekiyj V. AUTHORS: Tolstopyatova, A. At, Baland~nh_._' TITLE: The Kinetics of Alcohol Dehydration on Tungsten Oxide and the Energy of Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen Bonds With Catalysts PERIODICAL: Kinetika I kataliz, 1960, Vol. 1, No. 4, PP- 550-565 TEXT: The kinetics of the dehydration:of ethyl, isopropyl, a-butyl and tort-butyl alcohol and cyclohexanol on W20 5 were investigated under isothermal conditions. This catalyst was also used to study the do- hydrogenation of methyl alcohol and 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro nap-thalone.-The catalyst was prepared by subjecting the yellow tungsten oxide WO, to heat treatment In air at 350-4800C for 5-6h, and subsequent treatment with alcohol vapors at 200-390 C. Thermal effects in dehydration reactions of n-butyl alcohol are shown in Table 1. Table 2 gives the apparent aotiva- tion energies of alcohol dehydration on the tungsten-oxide catalyst. L relation was found to exist between the apparent activation energy and Card t/4 -- - - - --83360-- -- -- -- - The Kinetios of Alcohol Dehydration on Tungsten S/195/60/001/004/000/015 Oxide and the Energy of Carbon, Hydrogen, and B017/BO55 Oxygen Bonds With Catalysts the structure of the alcohol. For ethyl and n-butyl alcoh4 the apparent activation energy of dehydration is 30 koal/mol Is , for isopropyl. alcohol, 24 kcal/mole and for tert-butyl alcohol, 16 kcal/mole. The true activation energies of alcohol dehydration (isopropyl and butyl alcohols) were determined, at 26.1 kcal/mole for isopropyl alcohol and 33.4 kcal/mole for n-butyl alcohol by means of the kinetic equation by Balandin (Ref. 20). The relative adsorption coefficients of the dehydration products from n-C,H OH and ito-0 H OH as a function of temperature are given in Tab 965. From this3il may be soon that the relative adsorption coefficients are independent of temperature. Results obtained in the kinetic determination of the dehydration of n-butyl and isopropyl alcohol are shown in Table 5. The true activation energy is 3 kcal/sole higher than the apparent activation energy. The alcohols to be dehydrated are oriented with their functional groups towards the surface of the catalyst: C - C I I,, H 0- The kinetic method was used to determine the energies of the bonds of the Card 2/4 The Kint-tizs of Alcohol Dehydration on Tungsten Oxide and the Energy of Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen Bonds With Catalysts 3/195/60/001/004/008/015 B017/BO55 carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms with the active centers of the W 205 surface. The bond energies were found to be a function of the structure of the alcohol. The energies of the bo nds of reacting ato ms and molecules with the surface of the W 205 catalyst are given in Table 6. Table 6 Activation Bond Energies Alcohol Energy of %-Cat QC-Cat QO-Cat Dehydration n-Butyl 29.9 56.7 24-1 39.4 Ethyl 29.4 56.4 24.5 39.7 Isopropyl 23.7 52.6 27.6 45-5 Cyclohexanol 21.9 51.5 29.5 44.6 Tart-butyl 17.8 40.7 32.2 47.5 1. Ye. Adadurov and P. Ya. Krayniy are mentioned. There are 6 tables and 25 references: 24 Soviet and I German. Card 3/4 -- -- -- -- - -- - ---- - -- -- --- -- -- - - - --33360- - - - -- --- ---- --- -- The Kinetica of Alcohol Dehydration on Tunesten s "" ', 9 5, 1601CO 1 /004/008/015 Oxide and tho Energy of Carbon, hydrogen, and K07~BO55 Oxygen Bonds With Catalysts ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudaretvennyy universitet (Moscow State University) SUBMITTED: May 15, 1960 Card 4/4, AUTHORS: sOvro-1. T. TITLE A PERIODI' AL: . v, ox ,Iratlcl, o!, 1 j 11,1-10,i w I T, met", C I JI, VC UE'k-I C C, C. ~-; 1. (~ W ~I 0 10h 0! Vx bc,~O, ,:11el t c ;_6 On Their Dchydrogonatlon S Ov I - ! di-[/37(r,,ethyi(iictiiorostiyi)cl!i-,,,j -ber;zene (IT) f ailed to produce a 1 Iquld pt,OdLCt 0." Catalyals. Dehydrogenattion or over the same catalyst at y,~O-,,60 ICNC(l t;-% 11 C .,I-(; Cllvolta- ot, n 1wo ol' !,ho ol)tAned t,,a3 111~11(~atO,l thit It Colltains anJ 5,~.V% hydro-,cn. DistillatIon or0c a t' alyzate ~6o(lklced thrue fra".tions:01,11'st, hp 'Iti- ~'j (.1 k' 01 D .5007); Co mm~. -1,0' 1 I third, bp 10~:,-10, lation of' th( pvoiltict am-laylls of' the ob- I,01ned ga3 that alorg, With ~lohydrogenat Ion a '11 ) ace . The of' (I to. by-pvo~Jucts takes pl., 'j T I') 1,,e I)e ItIF (~on t JBued,.,O De- !t:,*,~1.wCT,;11 to?) 0t, t t.1 ell lovoct hy 1:3 11 aric'. 111)9r) D .42,50, over oxidic, catalvat'. prepa,'O'.1 l'i,o!n owp,,I~~ 3nd 4 1 fei,r1c nitrate, at 25-5':4 , Indicates that de,-r)-,,uos1t.1on of this cot-npovind taties place with the ~'OTMXAlor of' ~illkle l0tl pvo~,lllct !3. so lef- !on of !,ne "or dehydvogcnal 101'. ol, 'u., wnat le silanes In being continued. The luthol-3 exprea:3 thell, gratItude to T. K. Lavrovskaya for aralyols o1' gat3c,~,,. There are 10 referencen. (b SovIct, :' Cerrva.n, 2 U.S, The U.S. rel"erences are: D. , J. Am. Cheri. Soc. 67, 15115 (1945); Holand, P., Muvqourdt, K., Lu.,,e, E. W. , Anal . Chein. 19(31 y Instil-Lite of Org~tilc Chemlst!,y of the ASSOCIATION: N. D. Zelirivkl Academy of Sclent~es o" thr, USSR khImIl. 'Iment N. D. Zellnskogo AN SSSR) SUBMITTED: January 211, 1959 Card 4/4 5 b2 0 CY) SOV /79 - -,'~ 0 - 1 - 7 o/,(,13 AUTHORS: Bal and In ,A . A. I Mal'Uky-an, G . M. ,Seymovloh, It. G., et, T T T Lli Citalytlc Dehydvogeriation of PEHIODICAL- "hurnal obolichey sklinil. IlKjO, Vol. Nr 1, pp ABSTRACT: Catalytic dellydvogenation of 2-othylthlophene at "00- 6000 ovel, , coppel-clivomiLlin oxl(IC:3, C0j)j)CL'-Il'Otl OX I ~le:3, anki Coppei-Iron riltvat-cs, f0i'mo --'-%'It)Ylthlophenc. Accovi-i- it)6 to the. multiplet thcovy, catalytIc dehydrogenation of the ethyl gvoup can be repreoented by the following: Card 113 Catal,ytic Dehydr-ogenution of 2- 77 Ethy 1 th tophe tie SOV/,('11 - ""0 -1 -'(OPS wliepe the reacting atoms, in contact wIlli the catalyst, are withIn the square. The reaction was conducted In a flow system (at the space velocity Of 0.15-0.'"- hr-l) at atinospheric pressure In presetice of water vap~!, and. car- bon dioxide as well as In absence of these diluctits. The product was collected In a receiver provided with a con- denser and analyzed by bromometric titration, making a correction for bromination of the thlophene ring; the gaseous products, collected In a gasometer, were analyzed In the Orsat apparatus,; /-;he 2-ethyl~.blophene (bp 176-0-135-50 (7111.!j mm n 1.5130; d 0.990) was D 4 submitted by Ya. L. Golld.farb.,7 13est results were ob- talned by dehydrogenation at 525-5750 11siniv copper-11,01, oxides as catalyst. Umlet* thez:e cond",-Ion6, t,he de- hydrogenation was not accomipanlel by nl,ic Such ao breaking 0fr of the "Ade (only O."-0.~,"V OIL' unsaturated not detei,tritned-weve found In tile ra,?eo-,itI u 1-1 S pvod t S and Card 2/3 yielded 50-60% of' vinyl th iopliene. Addition of CO Catalytlc Dehydvogenation of' Ethy 1 th I ophe tie Sov/'I"") -I -'(O/~1'8 enhances decomposition (resulting In j.6;-2,8% un3at- Ull'atCd hydrocarbons). Prellminary e:*pc.-l merits have shown thall under the con,11tionpi of the experiment 0110 thlophene ving, Is not openeA. There ave tatOco; zmal l(? refevences, 11 Soviet, 2 Gcvrrilan, I U,K., 5 U.S. T'ne 5 most !,ecent U.S. and U.K. i,efcrenceo are: Ch. Waililig, J. Am. Chem. Soo., 70, 154~ (1943); Synthetic Rubber, . I merson, T. M. Patrick, J. Org. N Y., 694 (1954); W. S. E Ch., 131 729 (194S); A-n. Pat. '268)81-15 (19-)4); Hartough -d, Thlophene and Its Dot,tvatives, Lon.- '52). Howat '10H - 1, ASSOCIATION: 14. D. Zelinskiy Institute of Organlc Chetrilkstry (Institut orf~anlcheskoy 1-chimil. lm(r)l N. 1). Zellnskogo) SUBMITTED: December 22. 1959 Card -313 -_A-4i 'C>0 27126 3/080/60/033/008/019/022/XX D213 D305 AUTHORS: Preydlin, L-Kh., Hozina, V.S., Sorokin, P,Z,p and Voroshilov, G.A. TITLLt Method of prepitring 2-loopropylanthraquinone PERIODICALi Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, v. 33, no. 8, 1960, 1893 - 1896 TEXTt Recently alkylanthraquinones have been applied as hydrogen carriers in producing hydrogen peroxide. It has, therefore, been necessary to look for new methods of preparing these compounds on an industrial scale. The specific reaction with which the authors were concerned was to prepare 2-isopropylanthraquinone in two sta- gest instead of four as in Scholl's method, which involved react- Ing isopropylbenzone with phthalic anhydride and reducing the re- sulting 4-isopropylbenzoyl-2-benzoic acid to 4-isopropanyl-benzyl- 2-benzoic acid followed by cyclization of the Intter in the presen- ce of sulphuric acid, To avoid the formation of sulphonic acid Card 1/3 27126 S/080/60/033/008/019/022/XX Method of preparing D213/D305 derivatives and to increase the yields of the required quinone the authors investigated the influence of the oleum concentration, tem- perature and period of heating, In the case. of 3 % oleum and heat- ing for I - 3 hours sulphonation occurred., When the concentration was increased to 8 % the yield of quinone was 15 %; however, this yield decreased when 12 - 20 % oleum was used. The effect of heat- ing with 8 % oleum is shownt and it is clear that the time of re- action determines the yield of quinone. Beut results were obtained with reaction times of 2.5 3 hours, and under optimum conditions the yield reached 55 - 60 In the earlier investigations the first stage, condensation of phthalic anhydride with ieopropylben- zene, was conducted in a carbon disulphide medium, The authorst however, used chlorobenzene as a less hazardous solvent and achie- ved 88 % yields of 4-isopropylbensoyl-2-benzoic acid. The quinone obtained in the present work had a melting point of 56.5 - 57.00C9 (recrystallized from alcohol) as compared. with 450C given in the literature. The composition and properties of the resulting pro- duct corresponded to those of isopropylanthraquinone, The quinone Card 2/7 27126 8/080/60/033/008/019/022/XX Method of preparing D213/D305 obtained in both the laboratory apparatus and the model plant had a malting point of 560C and its 0 and H contents corresponded with the fQraula 017H14 02* The use of isopropylanthraquinone an a hy- drogen transferring agent was studied by hydrogenating the compound in the presence of a skeletal nickel catalyst until a thick mass of 2-isopropylanthrahydroquinone was formed. After separation the catalyst the product was oxidized with air and the hydrogen peroxide formed Was removed with water, A similar reaction has been found to proceed with 2-othylanthraquinone. In both cases the melting point of the material recovered corresponded to that of the original quinone. There are I f:Lgure, I table and 2 non-Sov- let-bloc reference. The reference to the English-language publi- cation reads as followet A.T. Peters, P.M. Rowe, J. Chem. Soc.0 181, 1945. SUBMITTEDs February 25t 1960 Card 3/3 BAUNDIN, k.,A.1 ROZHDESMNSKAYA, I.D. (Moscow) Kinetic determination of the energy of the bond between H. D, as 0 and N. and zinc oxide. Zhur. fis. khim. 34 no-41872-V9 Ap '60. !.(MIR& 1/,95) 16 Akadsmiya nauk SSSR Institut organloheskoy khimli imeni N.D, Zelinskogo. (Chwdeal bonds) (Zinc ox$de) (Dohydrogenation) S/07 601034100910301041XX B020YB056 AUTHORS: Balandin, A. A., Kukina, A. I., and Malakhova, E. A. TITLEs Ca.talytic Decomposition of Di-n-butyl Sulfide on 0~.-Fa PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol-34, No. 9, pp. 2030 - 2040 TEXT: It was the purpose of the present work to carry out a multi-purpose investigation of the procoss of decomposition by means of kinetic, thermo- magnetographic, radiographical and chemical analyses for the purpose of explaining the mechanism of the desulfurization on contacts containing reduced iron by the example of the catalytic model reaction. The catalytic and thermal conversion of Di-n-butyl sulfide and n-butyl mercaptan wns studied with the help of a flowing-through method in a device used in the authors' laboratory. It was found that the sulfide decomposes thermally at temperatures of more than 4000C. The kinetics of the catalytic decom- position of the sulfide was studied at 300 - 4000C, where 8 r.1 reduced aL-iron in a. 6.5 cm thick layer was used at a feed rate of the substance of 0.18 ml/min. The experiments took 45 - 50 minutes. The mubn gas evolu- Card 1/4 Catalytic Decomposition of Di-n-butyl S/OV/60/0341100~/OW/041XX Sulf3de on A-Fe B020/PO56 tion rate per minute with a duration of the experiments of 15 to 30 minutes w4s taken for the calculations. For the purpose of displacing the initial mnt~~rlal and the decomposition products from the reaction zone, nitrogen was blown through, and the catalyst was regerertited with hydrogen at a temperature that was 500C above the experimental temperature, with the result that H2S was evolved. The compoaition of the gaseous decompouition products is given in Table 1, from which it may be seen that unsaturated and saturated hydrocarbons (up to 17 as well as F2 were liberated. H 2S is formed after a longer time of contact, If the activity of the catalyst. is highly, and the decomposition of the sulfide is little reduced. Other sulfur-or anic compounds are not formed. Fig. I shows log I as a function of I/TtP, from which the apparent activation energy E is calculated as amounting to 12.7 kcal/mole. The results of the hydrofenation of Di-n-butyl sulfide on ck-Fe are given in Table 2, and the composition of the gases, determined by the low-temperature rectifying apparatus QHATIIM-r)l (TaIATIM-51) are given in form of a summary. The results obtained by means of a catalyst poisoned with sulfur at a hydro,onolysia of the Di-n-butyl sulfide at 430 - 4800 are given in Table 39 whorc It was found that Card. 2/4 Catalytic Decomposition of Di-n-butyl S/076/60/034/009/030/041XX Sulfide on d,-Fe B02O/BO56 sulfidized o~-Fe hydrogenizes sulfides more slowly at higher temperatures, which may be seen from the values of the activation energy. Fig. 2 shows the thermomagnetogram of d.-Fe, upon which Di-n-butyl sulfide was decom- posed at 300 - 4000, whereas Fig. 3 shows the change in magnetization with the temperature for a catalyst, which had been poisoned with mercaptan at 2700 and did not decompose the sulfide. When this catalyst was brought into contact with Di-n-butyl sulfide at 430 - 4800, a further accumulation of sulfur was found to occur (Fig. 4, curve 0, where a maximum occurs at 2000, and at 2800 magnetization. vanishes. Nhen cooling the specimen# a sharp rise of magnetization is found (Pig. 4, curve 2). Table 4 shows the results obtained by X-ray structural analysis. By the catalytic decomposi- tion of the sulfide and mercaptan, also compounds FeS 1+X are formed, where x< t. The effect produced by these compounds upon the desulfurization is investigated on N-Fe by means of carbidization and sulfidization tests, where the apparent activation energy of the sulfidized catalyst equals 19.7 kcal/mole. On the basis of the multiplet theory, schemes (index groups) for the decomposition of sulfur-organic compounds and hydrogenolysis were suggosted, which are confirmed by data from publications and the results obtained here. Mention Is made of I. N. Tits, F. P. Ivanovskiy, and Card 3/4 Catalytic Decomposition of Di-n-butyl S/076/60/034/009/030/041XX Sulfide on ot,-Fe B02O/BO56 V. N. Kondratlyeve Yu. P. Simanov and V. B. Yovdokimov are thanked. There are 4 figures, 4 tables, and 34 references: 18 Soviet, 7 US, 1 British, 2 French, 1 Dutch, and 5 German. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudaretvennyy universitet im. K. V. Lomonosova (Moscow state University imeni M. ~!. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED; March 26, 1958 Card 4/4 '67 / 19 0 80OCT AUTHOASs' Agronomov, A. 0. ' BalandLiL-A-1!_A-1 3/02OJ60/131/05/038/069 Academician, Mardashe=VC-2., BOWBOM TITLEs The Dependence of Activation Energy on the Relative Adsorption Coefficient PERIONCALt Doklady Akademil nauk SSSR# 1960, Vol 131, Nr 5, pp 1120-1122 (USSR) TEXTt The authors of the article under review studied several nickel catalysts within a wide temperature rangep using dehydrogenation of oyolohoxaA4 The same amount, of nickel was applied to different carrier substances W20 siliO& go', kieselguhr) in equal proportions by weight. The data listed in tibl; I Indicate that the apparent activation energy, Q, calculated from the Arrhenius equation, and the relative adsorption coefficient, %2, of the benzene being formed are greatly dependent on the nature of the carrier substance. These two quant Ities are interrelated by Q - I - k10922 (I and k are constants). This relationship Is graphically represented in figure 1. For all catalysts under consideration it was found that E.was constant and 14 koal/mole approximately. This value cor- responds to the initial coordinate of the straight line depicted in figure 1, and thus represents the true activation energy. For nickel applied to silica gel (second sample) It was found that the value of z2 increased in dependence of Card 112 8000? The*DopsAdence of Activation. Energy on the Relative S /0 2 0/6 0 /13 1 /0 53 8 /0 6 gr Adsorption Coofficiont B004/BO14 the. benzene content of the starting mixture Of C696 + C6H12 (Table 2, Fig 2). Proceeding from results obtained by other research workers, the authors discuss this dependence and arrive at the following conclusions As long as the dehydro- genation of C6R12 by means of a catalyst taken place at active points of mean activation energy, which are m4derately covered with C6H6, 52 does not depend on the yield, a. However, as soon as these points are covered with a larger amount Of C6U6, the benzene has an inhibitory effect, and the relation z? - f(m) occure, as may be seen wheausing catalysts with great values of z q1 Taking this into account, one obtains a value of I ror the second sample, hich Is In close agreement with the N-Yalues of the other catalysts* Graphical solving of' the relation Q a I - klOgX2 Is recommended as another variant. The authors refer to a publication by A. A. Balandin and Yu. K. Yurlyev (Ref 10). There are 2 figures, 2 tables, and 12 references# 10 of which are Soviet. ASSOCUTIONt Moskovskiy- goeudaretyennyy universitet im. V. V. Lomonosova (Moscow $%at* University imoni M. T. Lomonosov) inatitut organi- cheskoy khImil In. No D. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR. (Institute: of Organic Chemistry imeniN. D. Zelinskiy of the Academy ot Sciences or the USSR) SUBMITTEDs December 289. 1959 Card 2/2 3/020/60/132/02/27/067 S'-Oc~ 0 0 B011/B002 AUTHORSs Vogdanova, 0. K., BalandinIA. A.$ Academician, belomeatnykh, 1. P, _W TITLEt CatalXtic Deh, .Zdrogenation\of Isopropyl Benzen PERIODICALt Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 132, No. 2, pp. 343-345 TEXT& The authors Investigated the reaction.kinetice and the influence of the structure of the carbon molecule on the reaction rate of the catalytic dehydro- genation of isopropyl benzene. The experiments were conducted according to the continuous method on a mixed-oxide catalyst (Ref. . The substance used for dilution was water vapor (w 0ight groportion of la2~)- Before the reaction, the water vapor was overheated to,300 . The nontents Of C02, unsaturated and satu- rated hydrocarbon and hydrogen were determined in the gas obtained after the reaction. The catalyeate was colorless. A far-reaching agreement was observed between the amount of liberated hydrogen and the developing a-methylatyrong (Table 1). For 30 min a mixture of air and water vapor was blown through the catalyst afters each experiment, and thus the activity of the catalyst was maintained. The kinetics of the above reaction was investigated at 5000-5500 with a Passage Of 0.42 ml within 3 min. The latter eorresponded to a volume Card 1/3 Catalytic Dohydrogonation of Isopropyl. Bonsono 3102 60/132/02/27/067 B011YB002 velocity of 800 ml per 1 1 of the catalyst per i h. The reaction rate was determined from the amount of the liberated hydrogen. The contact gas mainly consists of hydrogen with 0.5% to 2.0% Of C02, and contains up to 0.4% of unsaturated, but no saturated hydrocarbons (Table I). The constants of the reaction rate were calculated from the obtained data according to Ref. 7 on the basis of equation (1) In such a way that they can be used under the conditions of a continuous system. The authors also investigated the ratt of dehydrogenation of binary mixtures of isopropyl benzene with of-mothyl styrene and drogv.-:~ From the results they dotera.1sted the relative adsorption coefficients 12 ana z ) of the reaction products. For this purpose they used the formula ~ given by i0t. S. Table 2 shows the values of these coefficients. Hence z2 Of at-methyl styrene is reduced from 3.8 at 5200 to 0.95 at 5500. is regards hyarogen however, the value of s3 does not change with the temperature and is 0.7. Fig. I shows the logarithmic dependence of the reaction rate constants on the absolute reciprocal temperature. The points form a strai ht line. The Arrhonius equation is observed. The activation energy is 30.5kcal7mole and the pro-exponential factor 1g k - 6.25. The authors found out tb&t the grain size of the catalyst (1-5. 3, ang 5 mm) is of no effect on the process. The dependence of the yield of of-mothyl styrene on the temperature of the catalyst with various grain sizes Card. 2/3