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BERGp S.L.j polkovniki VOROBIYEVo V-1-o knpitan porvogo ranga; GILIDOp O.M.t kapitan pervogo ranga; AWAIXIDIXG, A.A - BALWAIMAJ ~". K. ~WIIIIXOV; b.S.9 kapitan vtorogo ranga; BA)GfTiN41,2 MI iMM91TA14, N.V,; bUTYRINA# N.Ya.; VOROWYEVp V.I.p kapitan pervogo rangal GASSj I.P.; GINHYSIi, N.S.1 GLADIN~ D.F,p polkovnik; GOLOVANOVA, L.G.p k". ist. nauk; GOLUIEVA, Z.D.,. kaml. filol. nauk; GONCUOVA, A.I.; ZANADVOAOVA, R.N.; IVANOVA, N.G.; KAUMUN, G.B.; KOVALICHUK, A.S.1 FIOUIDOVA, V.A.; LITOVAp Ye.I.; YIOIZHANOVA# T.I.; OhIJNI., L.S.; POCITEUUTI. AX.; HAYTEMS, V.I.1 SAVIROVA) G.N.1 MICHKDIA9 T.I.1 SERYUNIKOV, R.G... kand. iat. nauk; FURAYEVA, I.I.; CHIMOVA, N.N.; YASINSKAYA, L.F,; GLADIN, D.F., 1,olkovnik; LAIETSKIY, Ye.P., pod- polkovnik; L&MMI, S.M., kapitan pervogo ranga; ORDYNSK17p N.I.f kapitan pervogo rang&; NADVODSKIY, V.Ye., podpolkovnik; DEVIN, L.A., inzho-kontr-acbr,irals glav, red.; MKIN, NeSep polkovnikp 24Wo otve red.; LEVCHWKOj G.I.p admiralp red*; BAKETBA, G.F,, tekhn# red, (Naval atlas) Morskol atlas. n.p. Izd. Glavnogo Shtaba Voonno- Morsko 0 Flota. Vol.3. [Unval history] Voomio-istoricheskii. Pt.l,. Next for the mapej Opisanila, k kartarn. 1959. =iii, 1942 Pe (KIRA 15:5) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Hinisterstvo obororW. (Naval history) BAIAKSHINA, M. S.s *RectoromanoscolT as a method of diagnosing bacillar dysentery in. children." Second Moscow Stete I*dIcvI Inst imerd I. V. Stalin. Moscow, 1956, (Dissertations for the Degree of CanAidate in, Medical Sciences). S0$ MlIhnan letopial No. 22j 1956 KOZHINv Sorgey Pavlovlcb; RM H.S.,, red. I BALDINAp II.F., tokhn. red* [Work experience of a achool doctor)lz opyta raboty shkoll nogo vracha. YoAvap 14edgiz, 1962. 122 p. (MIM 15, 1-1) (SCHOOL PHISICIMS) RAIADHINA, Y.L.. SARADZHA, K.D. Disorders of the higher nervous function in dogs In jaundice,, Trudy rnsts fislol, 3t77-81 154o (KLRA 812) 1, Laboratorlys, kortOw-Tisteerall nay patologit. Zoveduyushchly loTolurtsin, (JAUNDICZ. experimental, higher nervous funct. In) (CMITM MYOUS SYSTIKO in various diseases, exper.jaundice, higher nervous fumet. changes) a acteristics of the arinary apparatus in pathological conditions of the higher nervous function, Trudy Inst, fistol. 31 463-473 154. (MM 8:2) I* Laboratorlys, kortiko-vistserallno7 patologile Zareduyushohil I.T.Mu-teft. (KIDNMI ptwslologyo off* of oonditioned. reflex disord.) (MIFLNC, COADITIORID, disordso off* an Irtdasy funot.) MOW New modification fo the method of investigation of the urinary tract* Tru4y Inate fisiol, 3%4'14-479 054o (XLRA W) 1, Ubroatorlys, kortlko-vistooralluoy patologlit saveduyushow I.T.Nurtsino (MINARY TUC?. surgery Isolation of ureters with preaorr. of bladder for Investigation of UrInM7 traat) USSIP/1'humn and ',niml Myziol~)cza Nowcus Systan* T TU-Awr Neivoun Oyston. Ichavior. .1 ,',bs Jour: 1'wf 211ur-Tliol... No 20., 1958# 93650. Authcr :.,Lalakshim, VAt. 111st t,S USSR Title Action of Urine-SecratinC Apyamtw as a Woult of Counteraction of Exterccoptiva and Literoceptive Conditioned Reflexes. Orir, Pub: V ab.z. Probl. fiziol. tacntr. norm. sistmlv- 14.-L-p Mi SSSRp 1957.. 55-61- Abstract: ExparLmental. iiaurosLs In doas as a result of interfer- ence of intcroceptive mia exteroceptive concUtioned re- flexes was accomcanied by porzistent pely-tiric. cmd a disturbance of the filtration-reaboorption fLuiction. AccordirC to the ancwit of cxcatlidno In thc urizic GdrXI V2 U3SII/!Mm.;i cuia 'jiiual 11hyniulua. Normus Systan. T .UCj-,cr Norrous Systmi. 13clinvior. .ba Jour, Rol' Vlair-nivl., No 20, 1958, 93650- aftcr vmtcr Imail4; the xuabsoxI)tion rato was Imur thrui tho filtration rate: in coqvirison with the norml tho inamase in filtratiou %ma 9-fola, and in renbsorp- tion it was unly 6-fola. Thc3c procesoca were ndjuutod by alliniotration of 0.02 a of I-w-linol (vice cvery twenty-four hourr. fcr 5 -6 days, aral i'duresis do- civued, tipproachinL; the ori(jnal level. 1.1,T31cation I)f dilirctic nc;cats ill 0110 Of tho dOGG at VIC hCI-r,;lt of polyur~'a provv.w(I a saccmd ccllapuc of LIN', ar. a result of Intcroceplive frai tho - holo - k. pa'. L;i cally nItcmd or(;=i. lonbinovolmya. C-r~l - 2/,.,. 120 Ratio of conditioned to =conditioned reflexes In the kidney activity of dogs in a neurotic state, Trady Inst,fisiole 8t 223-227 0590 OaRA 1315) 1, Laboratoriya kortiko-vist mal Ittoy patologit (saveduyusbably - I,% Matsin) Inatituta fiviologil In I.P. Paylova AT 8882. OCIMULS) (MMM30) zALVsSKATA, L.Sel kand.arkho, ALzKsAMOVA, V*Dqq arkh.; SHKVARWOV, T.A.s red.; DYUFSUUM, V.S., red. [deceasedIt KOLICSNIXOT, A.I., red.; DONSHLAK. I.P.. redo; BALAKSTIVA- TO.." arkhitaktor, redo; IFRIEMG, G.V,, inth,, redel BRUSINA, Lj., [Manual for architects] Spravoohnik arkhitaktora. Red.T.A. Mxkverikoy i dr. Moskva, Gos.lad-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhIt. i stroltowterislame Tol*3,o pte2o Elandecaping of cities) Oze- lonenle gorodov. Soot. L.S.Zaleaskals i V.D.Alskeendrov . 1960. 463 p. (Ml 13:9) 1. Akadsuiya stroitallstva I aAhltektury SSSR. Institut grado- stroitalletys i rayonnoy planirovki. (Landscape gardening) 3 A I ~ F F'I ..- Y . 1'. , " o",Cn o4 n 11, . -Vaine, air-pressure for oli dts.-~,Arre from tartka. ATt.trAcsp. 15 no.6.-l? Je 157. (!!i,?A in: 7) J'ft oAOr tncl-s) BAIAKSHIY, Ya.0. __ __ __ - - - ~ . Bringing floodlands In the supoy Tailor under cultivation, Nekh. Bill. hoop. 8 no.9:11-12 S 157. (KLRA NO) 1. Direktor Pidetavkivolkoy,Ivgo-mallorativnoy stantsil, Chorlmalkoy oblasti, (SVoy Valley-Agriculture) According to IzveatiyvLp Acad- Na,jk SM (MI 12, (18W-91) 195377-h-e-T-0110vint; vfts iond tit the mminar of the lAborstory of Machine anti Inntrumetit Prerislon, Institute of KwLine Scienre, Aradt-V of 11ciencen, USSR in 1952 and the first )-jilt of B-S- DALAX"2TTN rcad a Paper - "Methodr, Of analYeis of the bacirlC and workinr, out of theomt1cal scheriles for the basing of wheelo of ball arid roller bearingo." 60-, Gt Brit, Min of Lefence, VS'11 TTans #08. MRY 54,Unclas. red.; B.S.P inzh., red.; BOGATYKH,, Ya.D.0 inzh., red.; 130ROZNIN, A.A.p inzbop redo; STRASHNYKH, V.P., red.izd-va; NAUXUVA, G.D., takhn. red. (construction specifications and roLnilations] StroitellrWe norm,y i pravila. Ft.3- Soc,V. cll,,10.[Hoat inaulation; regulations for production and acceptanae of work] Teplo- izoliatalla; pravila proizvodstva I priemki riebot (SNiP III-V. 10-62). 1963. 14 P. (FURA 16:12) 1. Russia (1.923- U.S.S.P.) GosudarstvoM-y konitet po delar, stroitellstvn. 2. GosudarstveM-y konitot po delwa stroitell- stva SSSR (for Balalayov). Mozhduvedomstvcnnaya, komissiya, po, porevrotru Stroitelfirikh norm i pravil (for Nemirovakiy, Bogatykh). (Insulation Ofeat))-Standards) f I To, -I JA 1,1 A *4 Uit + 1 2 A 6! 00 00 66 p"Mus wftwm 0 POOSCIM to A. 114W&M n M AH1,411 GO 1. C&MI, led. W. A. A. R-) It. No. Is I , 4f cf. C. A. ft. 4410.-Melb(ab f-W MA-fins Opp, fr,,m 00 amabnowdi. 11. M. 1'eir"te? -00 09 .06 .00 410o go 26* 09 400 909 0 see *0 too ' I is 14 NA40 pop" ffft~. to & * 9 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V: 9,0 6 0 6 0 * 0 0 00 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000 *;* 0 00 0 * 0 000 0 0 so** 0 6 MOWIN, T.M.. prof*, doktor takhn.naukl PLUNGTANSIATA. M.N., kand.tokhn. AWs,,-O.A.o Insh., red., KIDTKW, T.M.9 kandtokhn. nauk I JL" nouk, rodet XOTIN, B.N., redisd-val BLIKINA, 1,K,, tekhnerede Unstruotions for protecting reinforced concrete and masonry work 'by using varnish. point, and water-repellent coatings] Instruktalis po sashohite sholesobstons, i kamennol kladki lakokrasoohayal i gidro- fobisirulushohial pokrytilani. Koakva. Gos.1ad-vo lit-ry p0 stroit., arkhit. i stroit.saterialam, 1959. 58 p. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Akademiya stroltol'stva i nrkhitaktury SSSR. Institut batons, i sholosobatona, Parovo. 2. Chlen-korrespofident Akadenii stroitel,letva i arkh1taktury SSSR (for Moskvin), (Protective coatings) BAIALATIT, G.A., Insh., red.; MUTIN. B.N.. red.lsd-va; BOROTNZT, W.K.0 Elustructions for protecting concrete structures of electrolysis *hope against corrosion caused by stray currents; Mi 65-59. Approved by the State Construction Committee of the Council of Ministers of the U.S.S,R. on September 2t 1959) Ukassaila po sashchite shelasobetonafth konstraktoll elektroliznykh teekbov ot korroalle Yysyvaszoi blushdalushchini toksal; sm 65-59. Utvershdany Gos,konitstoz Sovota Kinistrov SSSR po delan stroltall- stva 2 sentlabris, 1939 g. Hookv&. Oos.lid-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.saterialam. 1960. 22 p. (MIRA 13:6) I* Russia (192)- UtS.S.R.) Golmdarstvann" konitst po delan strottelletys. (Reinforced concrete construction--Corrosion) BALALAYST. Gorman Aleksandrovich; VOLODIN, V.Ye., nauchnyy red.; OURVICH# I I-L.. r6d.lid-va: ZMKOVA. N.L. (Protecting construction elements and apparatus from corrosion] 2ashchite stroltelinykh konstruktoli L apparatury ot korrosil. Moskva. Ooe.isd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. L strolt.materialame 1960. 331 p. (MIRA 13:7) (Corrosion and anticorrosiveO BAIAIAYEV, G.A., inzh.0 rod.; STROSM191, V.P.# rcd. izd-va,* tekhn. red. (Tochnical specifications Sll 205-62 for conducting and Inspect- ing rubberising) ToUnichealde, ukazaniia na proizvodstvo i pri- emku gumirovochMkb rabot (SN 205-62). Moskva# GoBetroiisdatp 1962. 26 (MrRA 15:7) 1. Russia R923- U.M.R.) GosudarstvemW komitet po delain stroitelletva. (Rubbor coatings) BAIAIAIEVI G.A.1 DIMSHKF.VIQI, Yu-.V.; lI=,AuOVjTmWA, 10.A., lnsh.j I nauchMy red.; VDOVENKO, Z.I.,, red. izd-va; RODIONOVA, V.M.,, tekhn, red. (Corrosion prevention operations) Proizvodetvo raintikorro- aiirqkb rabot, Hookyat Goestroiizdat, 1962. 23 1 (KPCR-A 15:7) (Corrosion and anticorrosives) ALUSE)XV0 S.N.; ANTIPIN# V.A.; ARTAYONOV# V.S.; WALAYEV G.A., inzh.; VOLODIN, V.Ya.; GOLIDEUBEIGP N.L.; GOFENj D.A.; GRISH111p F.Je,; DERWHMUCH, Yu.V.; DOUONENKOVjI.M.; KLIKOV, I.Ya.v doktor tokhn. nauk, prof,; LEYRIM, V.E.,- LUTONIN, N.V.; MOLOKANOV, A.V.,, dots.; NOGIN, A.Ya.; PAKIMOV, N.M.; FROTOSAVITSKAYA, Ya.A.; ROM, I.V.; C11APLITSKIY, L.A.; TM"rLIN, A.G.)STRAV1"TE,P.K.; MOSECILOSKIY, N.A., doktor takhn. nauk, profoo red.; MUNGUX, 10.1 red.izd-va,- TINK134A, Ye.L.,, [Corrosion protection In the construction of industrial bulldinp) Zashchita ot korrozii v promyshlonnom stroite.11- otva. Moskva, Goostroiizdat, 1961. 406 p. (MIRA l61l2) (Corrosion and anticorroz;ives) (Industrial buildings) BALAL.AY-EV.3 G.k., lnzh.p red.; SAVVINA, Tu..A.j karxJ. tokhn. nauk, red.; (Instructions for planning anticorrosive protection of structural elements of Industrial buildings producing ag- gressivo modial UkazrAniia po prooktirovanilu antikorrozion- nol. zashchity stroitellrWkh konstruktvii proryohleMkh zda- MI. v proizvodstvakh a ngresaivi-OTA sredaml (IN, 2&1-63). Xo- ekvn, AroiAzdat, 19(d.. 89 p. (Fau 1718) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gouudarntvennyy koritot po delam stroitellstva. 2. Gosstroy SrM (for Balaloyev). 3. Nauchno- IaGlodoyatellskiy inutitut betona i zholez.obetona Gosstroya SSM (for Savyina). Gorran -Alekoundrovich; YRITUIA, V. A. p nauchn. red.; 1,1MULICE-UK, Z.V.9 red, Icarrying out acid-resistant work] Froizvodstvo kirloto- upornykh rubut. MoBkva, Vyi3B)iaia shkola, 19U.. 325 p. (10,11RA 1F:3) BALUAYEV, Corman Aleksandrovick, fFrotecting structur&I elements arri chemimal apparatus from corrosion) Zashehita stroltellnykh knastrukt"11 i khimichaskikh apparatov ot korrozii. 2. izd,. neror. Moskva,, Strolizdatl 1965. 372 STOPICHIV, S.G., kand. tOkhn. nAuk Miabarovsk)j a Ail &I ATjjJ &WILW inzh* (Mabarovsk); RODTX, V.VqP inshe (khabarovek)' Using the elsotronio digital computer for the oomputation of pUns for makihg up trains. Zhel. dor. tranep. 45 no.30446 Mr 163, (MIRA l6s6) Railroads-Making up trains) Urai Computer) ~ BAWAYEV, S.V., Irmh. (hImbarovsk) Urgent problems concerning the d1strilmtiton of classIfication vards. Zhal. dor. tranap. 47 no. 1103-Y7 N t65 (MIPA 1911) 8/056j62/043/006/008/067 B184/B102 AUTHORS: Balalayev, V. A., Dthelopov, B. S., Medvedevt A. I.s Wshteri--A-.,--M9v&tkin, I. IF, TITLE: Refinement of the information on the 0+,-+ 0+ transition in Ce140 PERIODICAL; Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fisikil'v. 43, no., 6(12), 1962, 2019-2020 TEXT: The Pr140 conversion electron spectrum was muasured with a high- resolution D-spectrometer a result, more accurate data on the 0+ --,*0+ transition in Ce14OA:ere obtained: energy: 1902 t 3 kevj (K/L) 1902 - 7-40.t 0.34# These values are ~rell consistent with those obtained in earlier measurements and with the theoretical results. MIL - 0.27 t 0.031 (K+L+M) 1597/P+' 1~;, (K+L+14) 1902/0+'0.1%. There are I figure and I table. car,j Card 1/2 LAYEV V.A,; DZHEIZPOV, B.S.; MVEDEVp A.I.; UCUVATKIN, I,F. Conversion electrons amitted by Lul7*p4--&u the energy rwwe 540-1450 Kev. Isv.Al SSM.Serfis, 27 nooWOO-203 T 163. (MRA 16s2) L Veasoyusnyy nauchno-i9slodovatel'shy Institut metrologil, in, D.I.Mendeloyeva. (Internal conversion (~iolear "ios)) (Lutetlux isotopes) - nAV At A 7 If A . I T rA T'Klnl T A11A DUTUE'LUE-FICIVI a. .177r'qj A I TrTTI-IT TUI T. r. A I7K V~ M_Q -likiTOPALOVA, S. A. "New Data o ~85 onveralon and the End-point Energies of Beta Spectra in the Decay of Ta report submitted for All-Union Conf on Nuclear Spectroscopy, Tbilisi, 14-22 Feb 64. VNIIM, M (All-Union Sel Res Inst Metrology, Physico Technical Inst) - - I.-j VUES~I-VTI A,; MAUMMZEVA, V. P. ; _hALALAYF4A_Y_I=A-4t- UNIWkRIN, I. F. "Concerning the Decay of La 14o., report submitted for All-Union Conf on Nuclear Spec%roseopy) Tbilisi) 14-22 Feb 64. VNIIM, Radiyevyy Inst (All-Union Sci Res Inst of Metrology; Radium Inst) 2/3 lvn-. ACCESSION NR: AP4031176 S/OOS6/64/046/004/1478/1478 ALMIOR: Balalayev, V. A.; Dzhelopov, B. S.; IMWvedev, A. I.; Mashter, A.; Uchevatkih.-I.-'r. - '-- I I TITLE% Half-lives of gxxmd and iswieric states of W-174 SOURCE: Zh. eksper. i teor. fiz., v. 46, no. 4, 1964, 1478 TOPIC TAGS: lutecium, half life, isawric tr,'Llsition, conversion electron spectr"-n A3STRAM Following an earlier measuranent of the ccnversicn elect=n spectrum of 173,174 L" (Izv. X11 SSSR ser. fiz. v. 27, 200$ 1963), the wasurr-Tentu ware repeated 1 174 of the 994 and 1243 keV tran4itions :Li Lu. with the sarrve. source. In the 340 days elzpQ,ed between tho two series of meazun-~=nts, the 1243-keV K-line ir.-.ensity had hax\Jly changed 0half-life peater thcun 800 days) , but the 994 keV Y-1-,rie intensity had decreased with a half-life of 150 + 40 cavs. 7b determine Vh~..h of the half- liv3s conesponds to the ground state _* ;h to the isawrle sl ate , the half- life of the L-line intensity of the 59.1 cmd 67.1 keV transitions was estimated and found to be less than 200 days, which disagrees with the data of 0. D. Kovrigin and G. D. Laty*shev (Spektrcmter 9 dvoynoy fokusirovkoy, Izd. M Kaz. SSR, Abna-Ata, Card 1/2 AOCESSICN UR: AP4031176 1962, pp 35-41) Who estimted it to be 1300 days. The results of the investiga- tions lead to the following cmclusions: (1) the ground state of LA~74 decay_ With a half-life of 1300 days; (2) the isamric state of W174 decays with a half-life of 140 days; (3) the 1243-koV transition is excited frcn, the ground state; (4) the 994-keV transition is excited from the isoneric state. 'The authors are grateful to S. A. Shestopalova for a discussion of the measumment results." ASSOCrMON; Vsesoyuzny*y institut metrologii im. D. I. Mende-eyeva (All-Ulim Institute of VetroloV) SU&=D-. 26Jul63 SW CODC: MP DATE ACQ: 07May64 NR IMF SOV: 003 ENCL: 00 OIHER: 002 Cord 2/2 BAIALAYIN, V.A.1 MIELFTOV, B.S..; WSWIERP A4 3ffe,%-rOPAL(NA, S.A. Spectrum of conversion electronB from Full,6 in the energy range of 750 - 1550 Kev. Izv. AN SSSH. Ser. fiz. 29 no.71lI12-1120 JI 165. (MIRA 180) 1. Vsesorianyy nauchno-issledovateltskiy inatitut metrologii im. D.I.Mendeleyeva. --- -- ---- - - --- - -- -- -- - ---- -- --- - --- - . I ; - ., ~ I" ~~ " !,, ~';'Olls B ~, ; ll+:vp ". 1. ", - IN$ I.F.; SHFSTOPALDVA O.A. fierent data on GL4135 deciy. Izv. A!' Sf~r. flp- 29 no.12t 2204-2224 1) '(5- (MIRA 19: 1) 1. Vsei3opzn.,,7 nai,c-hnc,-ir,.i2edovatellt;k',y tristitut metrclcell Im. V.I. 'V~-,Tldeleyevll. BAIAIATEV) V.A.1 D7HELEPOVp B.S.; MEDVEDEV, A.I.; MESIITER, A.; ------- PRIKHOD'T9"A,-V.P.; UCHEVATKIN, I.F. Recent da,a on the spectrum of conversion electrOn3 from 1A140. Izv, AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 29 no.l2t2250-2254 D 165. (MIRA 19;1) 1. V4esoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovateltakiv inatitut metrologil im. D.I. Mendeleyeva I Radlyevyy institut Im, V.G. Khlopina AN SSSR. I BALALAYEVI V.A.; VOINOVA, N.A.; DORELEPOV, B.S.; 1410'PTN, L.N.; Sir- T,,)I'IT,OVA, S.A. On the Xdecay of Te,182 with an ener&-v ubfve 600 Kev. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser.fiz. 30 no.1:126-131 Ta 166. (MIRA 191l) 1. Voonoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy inntitut mtrologil im. D.I.Mendeleyeva i Flzlko-tekhnlchei3kiy institut im. A:F. Iorfe AN SSSR. I C 1". - I &I ~A, 1 J-9- -3 SWRCE COM UR/0048/65/029/(M/UU/1120 AUTHORt ~,j Dzhelepov, B. S.; Meshter, A.1 Shesto - BajAlaMt-,V.., J palova, A--A- 2~ .8 Offit All-Union Scientific Research Institute of MetrolOx"Y (V8A-3oYU2nYY h-~u~c=o- swiKV-6i LlskiylCstif.-Ut Metrologffil TITM Conver3ion electron spectrum of Eu aup 146 in the energy range 750-1550 key SOURCEt AN SSSR. Izvestiyao Seriya fizlc~neilkaya, v, 29, no, 7, 1965p 1112-1120 TOPIC TAGSt europium, electron spectrum ABSTRACT: This article Is a complete prose,ntation of results from.', an experlmont reported on earlier In part at th?411I Congress at Dubna In 1964, A segment of the spectrum of Eu conversion also* trons was studied In the energy range from 750 to 1550 kov. The ~ article Is primarily made up of graphs and tables representing the" data from the experiment with a brief description of the setup and some discussion of the results. It was concluded that a) all ,the conversion lines observed by *ther researchers were observed In the present experlmentj b) 23 now tranaltions were dloooveredi, 0) Ali the transition energies In title range were more pr3olooly., determined. The authors thank Zh. T. Zhelay for his assistance in the receipt of the sourcesl jf__N* MoskyIn for the cleansing of the preparations; and ja-E_,Uc~beva~ D. VjtMpt At 1. HQdvedov and L, A. 5hal,,kyeya for 1hoir asoistance with the measurements. 0hrig. art. haot 8 flWi-rea aid 1 table* [JPRSI SUB CODFA 20 / SUBH DAM none / ORIG REF1 006 / OTH REF: 001 I IJP __L o7l55w67_EWr(M)/W(~)/F.T ACC N;t, AP7001027 SOURCE CODE: uR/Oo4e/66/o3p/oOl/Ol26/0l31 AUTHOR., Balal= V. As; Voinova, N, As; Dzhelepov, B. S.; Hoskvin L. N. and r3 ShestopaioM, 5. ORG: All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Metrology ime D6 is Mandeleyev (Vsesoy~~rW-n warlillo-Vitill y iniEltut metrolo- o1:9q_Rhn&1L_ 91 EIL __ - o-tekhnicheskiy institut _9.~SRJ Institute im. A. F. Ioffe AN SSSR (Fizik AN TITLE: Beta ddecay of ta sup 182 with energy above 600 kov Cpaper presented at the I2nd All- n o S sium on the Physics of thin Ferromagnetic Films; Irkutsk, 10_15 j ulY 196 T 4J SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheukaya, v. 30, no. 1, 1966, 126-131 TOPIC TAGS: radioactive decay, tantalum, beta radiation ABSTRACT: In a previous paper the authors were the first to discover a continuous background in the 820-kov region for the beta decay of ta sup 182. This prompted a continuation of the wjMk to invoetigate the hiu*d beta radiation in the 1500-kev region of a stronger Ta-sup 182 source. Results are plotted in curves, tabulated, and compared with results of other authors. The authors thank A. Meshter. If. Fs, .Rc4evatkin, and A. I. Madvedev for assistance in the taking of the measurements, I*' F, Uchevatkin also took part in the operation and discussions of the original experimntal data. The authors further thank G. M. Bukat for setting up the program for the electronic calculating machine. Ot.'ip. &rt. has% 3 figures, and 2 tables. card 1/1 rj PK S ' 35*, q361 SQ8 COW-111 It _YSUANANTE! noneIM-Egm ul"dam L 31407-66 'W m ACC NR. AP6622573 .30MICE CODE: UVO048/66/030/00:YO413/0415 AWHORs BalalaYev._X,.AAj_Dzhelepov0 B. S.; Medvedov, A, lot Uchavatking I# Fe Shestolmlovap S. A. ORG: All-10nion Scientific Research Institute of Metroloa-im.Do Is (V5er'oyuzny.y nauelmo-iseledovatallskiy Inatitut Metrologii) TM.Et New data on the spectrum of conversion electrons for the strongest traneitiol in Yb sue 17Q_- /I SOURCEt All =R. Izvestiya fisichaskayup ve 30, no. 39 1966t 413-415 TOPIC TAGGt ytterbium, transition radiation p conversion electron spectruins. spectral line, electron energy level ABMUCT; The availability or a'neit h1gher-energY'soure6 made it possible to study oonversion eleotrons having energies above )150 kev. Thezeferenoe used was the X-convereion line of the transition 12955.2 kev. The speotrum from 2880 to 3150 kev was remeasured to confirm those made above 31509 Inasmuoh as the speotrum Is oomplex and the X, L, and M lines of the various.transitions overlap* Re- sults of measurements above 3150 kev$ given, In a tabled are easen- tially now. Six now transitions were founds 32249 324S, 3263, 328?,', 3302 and 3325, The latter Is suggested as possibly the strongest transition in the speotrum..'The- authors thank X Ya. Gromov ard- z T, imle% for providing.the sourcee*'- Orig. art* hast 1 figure and 1 tablise eJPR3( -SW vwl;t, 20/ SUBM DATEt none/ ORIG FIM 003 80198 /Y.P.100 S/129/6o/ooo/o4/009/020 E073/E535 AUTHORI Balala&eY.&-Yu,.F.., Engineor ..AW-0-00~ 0. TITLE- Structural Changes and Strength of the Steel in the Case or High Frequency CyclIc LoadIng-I ~f PERIODICALt Metallovedeniye i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov, ig6o, No 4, pp 41-45 + I plate (USSR) ABSTRACT: For investigating the fatIgue strength, the kinetic heating due to internal dissipation of energy and physico- chemical processes in stools during cyclic tension- compression loading with a frequency of 17 to 20 kc/sec, the author developed a resonance system, a skotch of which is shown in Fig 1. This consisted of the cylindrical specimen 4, which was rigidly connected via a sleeve 3 to the axis symmetrical intermediate piece 2 which in turn was brazed onto the magnetostriction vibrator 1 (a 50 x 50 mm packet of nickel sheets 0.2 mm thick). The theoretical investigation of the rod as an elastic oscillation system was based on solving the equations for Card 1/4 longitudinal oscillations. For the case of steady state ~'K 80198 S/129/60/000/04/009/020 E073/E535 Structural Changes and. Strength of the Steel in the Case of High Frequency Cyclic Loading sinusoidal-oacillations, the following equation applies: t - -A 1 sin 1 x sin wt (1) a a where a is: the relative elongation, w the circular frequency, a the speed of sound in the material of the specimen, A is the oacillationamplitude in microns. For steel the maximum stress is: Umax a + 0.0257fAkg/mm2, f, oscillation frequency in kc/sec. In add-Ition to a sketch of the resonance system, Fig I also shows the distribu- tion of the oscillation amplitudes along the elements of the system and the longitudinal stresses of the specimen. The micro-specimens from the end parts of the rod can be used as reference specimens for studying the influence of alternating stresses on the physical and chemical processes in the material in the centre of the specimen where maximum stresses occur. The features of the Card 2/4 oscillation processes in the axis symmetrical rod with V/"~ 80198 S/129/60/000/04/009/020 8073/E535 Structural Changes and Strength of the Steel in the Case of High Frequency Cyclic Loading variable croon-section are such that as a result of these the amplitude of the. streases in the specimen are considerably increasedi in this respect exponential and catenoidal shapes are most effective. For ratios of the maximum to the minimum diameter of 50/8 it was possible to obtain in 5 mmi diamater specimens amplitude stresses up to 50 kg/mm . The electric power in the magnetostriction element did not exceed 3 kVA. The resonance length of the intermediate piece was. 160 mm. Results are described which were obtained for variou a it' materialat Fig 2 shown the fatigue curves for Ste 1 '15 and for commercial iron-, Fig 3 shows the temperature distribution along a specimen of Steel 25; the table on p 44 gives the results of measurements of the tempernture of the central part of specimens of various materials at the instant of failure for a loading frequency of 17 to Card 3/4 18 kc/sec and a maximum stress amplitude of 10 to 25 kg/mm 80198 s/u!9/6o/ooo/o4/oo9/o2o E073/E535 Structural, Changes and Strength of the Steel in the Case of High Frequency Cyclic Loading Fig 4 (plate) ahows microstructure photographs of commercial iron in the zone of heating anj of fracture of the specimens; Fig 5 shown the microstructurellof steel Odiin the zone of heating and failure in a specimen; Fig 6 shows the micro- structure of a 2OKhGSAI steel specimen with "pronounced" grain boundaries% Fig 7 shows the microstructure of SteeI25 after heating followed by quenching in water. The results: obtained indicate that the here described resonance system permits investigation of processes taking place in steels during hWrequency cyclic loading.and heating of the specimens up to 1000*C and more as a result of internal dissipation of the oscillation energy. The here described method of high frequency loading of specimens permits determining the locations of active Frank-Reed sources and to study the dynamics of dislocations. There are 7 figures, I table and 5 Soviet references. Card 4/4 5/0)2/60/026/05/40/063 BOIO/BO08 LUTHORt Balalayevj Us. F. TITLEt kpplianoe for the Excitation of Cyclic Stresses in Test Samples With a Frequency of 16-20 Kilocycles PERIODICALs Zavodskaya laboratoriya, 1960, Vol. 26, No. 5, pp. 617-619 TEXTt A resonance system with a magnotostriction exciter and valve generator with electric oscillations up to a capacity of 3 kva was design- ad for investigations of the physico-ohosical processes in metal alloys at cyclic, tension-comprossion loads with a frequency of 16-20 kilocyoles. The peculiarities of the oscillation processes in an intermediate rod with stepwise varied diameter were used for increasing the amplitude V /C of the stresses in the samples (Hof. 1). For standing ainusoidal oscillations, the stresses in the sample may be described by the follow- lag equationt 6 Ytiqw-Asin z sinwt (E - modulus of elasticity, 9 - density of the material, JL amplitude of the oscillations of the sample end, w - angular frequency of the oscillations, a a sound velocity Card 1/2 Appliance for the Excitation OfCyclic Stresses S/032/60/026/05/40/063 in Test Samples With a Frequency of 16-20 Kilo- B010/BO08 cycles in the material. of the sample, X - coordinate measured from the sample mounting). It appears from the block acheme of the generator (Fig. 1) that the current of a ZG-tO generator is amplified by a capacity amplifier (OU-80 valves) and a two-cycle scheme is used. A description of the block scheme is given and resonance curves (Fig. 2) are obtained with steel samples of various length. The attenuation can be determined from the change of the active and reactive resistance of the oscillation of the vibrator and consequently from the amperage and voltage of the generator. Oscillograms of the change of amperage and voltage of the exciter at a change of the frequency of the generator recorded with an MK-2 oscilloscope are given (Fig. 3). There are 3 figures and 2 Soviet references. Card 2/2 3007 S/032J61/027/C11/004/016 to Bl16/BI02 AUTHORt Balalayev, Yu. TITLEs Ultrasonic detection of dislocations PERIODICALt Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 27, no. iiq 1961, 1362-1363 TEXTs For the purpose of detecting dislocations in microstructure3it is recommended that the metal in question be subjectid to high.-amplitude ultrasonic vibrations. This method has been elaborated on the basis of the theory deyeloped by K. Wake and A. Granato (Ref. 3) for the internal friction of metals. On local heating round dislocations, impurities undergo supereaturation and dislocations become "decorated". This is due to the fact that in the case of ultrasonic vibrations, the rate of evolu- tion of local heat near dislocations may exceed the rate of heat withdrawal. Commercial -grade iron (0-04% C, 0-07% Mn, 0.03% Si, 0.035A S, and 0-019,k)'/ and YBA (USA) steel were used. in the experiments. Ultrasoric vibrationa were generated by a device previously described by the author (Yu. F. Balalayev. Zavodskaya l,aborstoriyat 26t 5 (196D)). The samplea were subjected to ultrasonic vibrations of certain frequencies at maximum Card 1/2 S/03rViO27/0ii/004/016 Ultrasonic detection of dislocations B116 B102 tension amplitudes. It is shown that ultrasonic treatment brint-s about a "decoration" of dislocations. Microstructures treated with various etching agents exhibit the same features. N. F. Mott stated in Ref. 7 that dislocations accumulate in consolidated metals. This assumption was confirmed by ultrasonic treatment of the microstructure of cold-harden6d, completely deformed commercial iron. It is noted that dislocations blocked by finely dispersed Darticles of the second phase or by "cloudr.11 of impurities cannot be detected by ultrasonic treatment. There are 2 figures and 7 referencest 5 Soviet-bloc and 4 non-Soviet-bloo. The 4 ref- vrLncea to the English-language publications read as followst :. S. Suits, J. R. Low. Acts, metallurgica, 5 (1957)1 Ref. 3, K. LUcke, A. Granato. Dislocutions una Vech. properties Crystals (1957); C. E. Morris. Metal Pro6ress, 56, 693 (1949)1 Ref. 7t N. F. Mott. Phil Mag., 43, 1151 (1952). Card 2/2 ACCESSION NRI Ap4oogj8o S/0126/63/016/006/0872/0876 AUTHOR: Fs; bokshteyn# S.s..Z TITLEt Ultrasonic high-temperature heating and Its use forthermal treatment In studies of metals and alloys SOURCEs Flzlka metallov I metal lovedenlye, Y. 16, no. 6, 1963, 872-876 TOPIC TAGS: ultrasound. ultrasont c heating; ultrasonic high temperature heating, metal heat treatment, alloy heat treatment, steel, martensite, 30KhG$A steel, heat conduction, aluminum, Iron ABSTRACT: The authors used a now ultrasonic heating technique for the thermal treatment of metaltic rods In order to study the condition and behavior of the grandles, the processes of recrystallization,and the martansitic and other trans- J formations In the solid phase. Longitudinal waves with a frequency of 18-27 k1locycles/sec and a stress amplitude somewhat lower than the fatigue limit of the material were produced by a compound resonance system wtth a magnetostrIctive stimulator and energy concentrator as described In a previous paper (Batalayev. Yu. F. Zavodskaya 3a6oratorlya, 1960. No. 5), As shown by the example of a steel specimen heated to the burning stage by Internal friction with elastic vibrations having frequency of about 20 kilocycles/soc and a stress amplitude of 3-15 Cord 03 ACCESSION NR: AP4009380 kg/mm2, only the central part of the sample attains a high toWerature since the stress along Its axis changes according to the sinusoldal low., in the establish- ad method of heating to temperatures above the critical point for phase trans- formations, the thermal losses from the surface of the sample are equat to Its Internal potential. As the result of the sinusoldal distribution of stresses and the cooling effect at the extremities of the sample, a temperature gradient ap- pears resulting In a gradation of structures corresponding to different hooting temperatures In the same sample. At a definite stage, one observes a rapid local Increase In temperature and the destruction of the sample, the rapid development of fissures being accompanied locally by a bright luminescence along the path of propagation. Studies have shown that samples made of technical Iron and steals. as well as technical grades of aluminum, heat rapidly In the annealed state. Weak hardening Increases the tendency of samples to beat rapidly and to form fissures. Strongly hardened samples. do not heat easily; for their heating In- ternal friction Is preferred, temperatures above IOOOC being attained by ultra- sound. A mathematical treatment Is given for the active potential of loss at the expense of the viscosity component of the Internal friction, as well as for the overheating temperature, using A# Go SpeUtor's formulm such in analysis Is made possible by the fact that the statistical model of a double-component system with resilient !ImIts and elastic granules coincides with the model of a hetero aneous conductor. In both cases, the statistical model can be represent- Card 113 ACCESSION NR: AP4009380 ed by a plate whose two opposite surfaces emianate heat. in this particular case,, the distance between the two parallel surfaces Is considered to be equal to the average size of the granules. Studies using the ultrasonic technique showed that the main characteristic of this method Is the phenomenon of microfocal superheat- Ing of the viscous regions, resulting In a specific effect on the microstructure of the steel. Intensive relaxation with a high frequancy and amplitude of vlbra. tions sometimes provokes such rapid heat loss that the recrystallization becomes Insignificant; In some other cases, the local overheating of viscous cofffonents provokes local recrystolllzotlon. An Investigation of somples Of 30 KhGSA steels hardened In water after ultrasonic heating, showed a different martansitic pick- ling at the boundaries of the granules than In the body proper, which can be ex- plained Ily overheating at the boundaries. OrIg. art. hast 3 figures and 3 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Voronezhskly politekhnichoskly Institut (Voronezh PolytechnIcal Institute) SUBMITTEOt 26Feb63 SU8 CODU ML Cw,d 3/3 OATE ACQ: 03Feb64 NO AEF SOVt 008 ENCL: 00 OTHEA; 001 Dependence of' the structure: of cornerclal-grade iron on ultrasonAc. high-texperalture heating. HetaUoved. i term. obr. met. no.1:46-49 JA 164. (MIRA 170) 1. Voronezhskiy roUtAhnicheakly institut. ACCESSION NRz AT4040415 5/0000/64/000/000/0113/0116 AUTHOR: Balalayev, Yus F*; Sokshtsyn# So Zo TITLEi behavior of the grain boundaries In Iron during ultrasollc high-temperature heating SOURCE., Protsessy* diffuzil. strukture I svoystva.metallov (Diffusion processes, structure and properties of metals); sbornik statays Moscow, lid-#o Mothinostrayenl-i- ye, 1964, 113-116 TOPIC TAGSi Iron$ Iron grain boundary, Iran microstructdre, grain boundary, ultra- sonic heating ABSTRACT: In view of the wide use of hot recrystallizatlen during the production i of.austenitiC 3te0l. the authors Investigated the behavior of the grain boundaries during ultrasonic recrystallization of Iron containing 0.04% C, 0.07% Nn, 0.03% SI, 0.035% S. and 0.015% P. In order to obtain a homogeneous fine-grained struc ture, the specimens were annealed at 950C for I hour, and were then subjected to ultrasonic vibrations at 19.5 kII0CYIC03/SeC.* resulting In a temperature of more 11. than IOOOC at the node. -Cuts for micrographte Investigation were made b; x1olly through the speclmenj~ and the cold worked surface layers were removed electro- &1111~jng, fol.lowed,by etching to reveal the microstructure, The micr03tfucture ACCESSION NR: AA00415 was Investigated at various distances from the zone of minimum temperature In the direction of Increasing temperature. Analysis of the photom1crographs obtained showed that an Increase In ultrasonic heating temperature Is accompanied by an In- crease In pitting along the original grain boundaries after etching. This pitting, which Is not observed after electrical heating, Is explained by Internal friction caused by defects at the grain boundaries. The relaxation spheres detected by 1 ultrasonic heating do not overlap, and relaxation proceeds In each sphere Indepen--, dently. in the zone of heating above 910C, boundaries of new grains appear Indics- ting the absence of relaxation processes and the small accumulation of elements causing chemical non-homogenelty between the boundaries and the grains at these places. in the zone Of hl~qher temperature, etching pits along the original grain i boundaries become less pronounced. and new grains become-coarser and more d1stInc In the zone close to the site of specimen failure, only remainders of the original grain boundaries are present, and now grain boundaries show signs of grain loosen- Ing. in the zone Immediately adjacent to the site of failure. crack formation is ob5erve4; failure of the specimen takes place along now grain boundaries formed In the process of grain transformation. The authors conclude that tracts of the orlq~ nal lmp;rf;ct grain boundaries remain after transformation but gradually disappefr. with a ur her Increase In temp4ratures OrIgo arts host photomicregraphs, Card 2/3 7 ACCESSION NR: AT040415 ASSOCIATIONS none SUBMITTE01 09D"3 DATE ACQs 28Kay6W ENCU 00 $Us CODE: MM 00 RIF SOVI 003 OTHER: !001 fV card 3/3 ;"A I I I , -41 j I ., . 6 I r . . - , I . - I , : 1 -11 % .. 1. 1 - j 1 1. . ~pj . 11 v v ~ ) y : ~ Fx, ~, o n XCC NN. A 013357 AUTHORI BalslaysT9 YU# To (Voronoth)l 0101 none TITUt Ultrasonic heating of Metals SOURCE COM UR/0370/66/000/(KI,2/0058/0060 Poetnikov, V. 8, (Toronath) SOURCE1 AN SSSR. Itvostlya. MIstally, no. 2. 19660 58-60 TqPIC TAGS1 Itrasonic Wvftofi~; weal grain structure 1-7yxc ABSTRACTt An experisontfe described which confirmed a overheating of grain bound- arias as compared to the(Lbody of the metal In IMION9TOASteel acted upon by ultrasonic vibrations. The InductAilcrostructural changes were followed by means of high-tem- piarature metallography an cylind Ical specimens with highly polished walls. The sq1crostructure resulting from selective oxidation showed the heating caused by the ultrasound to be Inhomogeneous and Indicated an "overheating" of the grain boundaries due to vi acous :11p along these boundaries and to processes of microplastic grain- bqundary deform ilon. The migration or boundaries took place In both unannealed spe- cimens and specimens thoroughly pre,anntalod at temperatures above the heating temper- It r* associstadvith the ultrasonic effect. Loosening of the boundaries may be duo 17tho coagulation of vacancies formed as a result of the movement and Interaction of t , dislocations during cyclic deformation. It to concluded that ultrasonic heating to a niont method which makes It possible to change the Istat* of a metal In a short 1/2 MCI 669-151 L 4162 -66 ACC NRt AP6013357 Period of time, and to follow the chm*os taking place In a **tat Placed in an alter- nating mechanical field by means of u*tallography and other tochnIques. Orls, art. haso 4 figurese SUB cOme It/ Sum VATU MOW 0110 Ws 003 2/2 hs ZAKHAROVA, G.N.; Treatment of obliteratine endarter 4 t!B with hydrogen sulfide baths of the Saratov Sokolovogorskiy Spring. Vop. kur., fitioter. i lech. fit. kul't. 28 no.4010-312 Jl-Ag 163. (MIRA 170) 1. Is kafedry gospitallnoy khlnirgli OEpolnyayushchl obyazannosti saveduyushchego - dotsent G.N. Z&khnrova~ Saratovskogo medltelnokogo Instituts I Saratovokoy Sokolovogorskoy vodolechobnitsy (glavnyy vraoh B.I. Kirkorov). L R L~ fA YF- V 6, N "'I - USM/Virology - Rickattsiaa6 4 Abe Jour : Rat Zhxlr - Biole# No 15, 1958t 67005 Author : Balalneva N,,M. Zuborp L.P., Inat Titla The Study of the Biological Properties of Rickettsia Woseri After Prolonged Cultivation in the Organism of Body Lice. Coummication II. The Oxidation Property of Rickettsia Mooseri in the Presence of Glutamic Acid* Ori g Ptb Zh. mikrobiol., opidomiolp i immmobiologil,.1957, No 8, 14-16. Abstract Fermentative activity (M) of He mooseri (oxygen uptake) cultivated in the or&anism of body lice was stWiod and was compared with that of H. prawazekii under the same conditions of cultuvation. '&"he study was made according to Warbura's mnomotric mothod (the technique is doscri- bod). It was shown that 11. moosori and R. prmzWi were conuuminG oxygen when glutamic acid served as the Cara 1/1 USS/Viroloa - Rickettsias, B-5 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Blol.,, No 15, 1956, 67005 oxIdAtion substrate, Control experimits with uninfectod lic-2 producod neamtivo rosultes To coLT4ro the oxidation PA of t1io R. mooserii with that of R. prowazekii, a count was mde on the nurdbar of rickettsias that had boon stained aceording to Morozov's wthod; In 0.01 ml of suspension distributed on 2 c=2. surface area of a (Ush, The ratio of oxygen consumed (in t-,. 1 Crmrolitcre,3) to tho average rickettsias count was considered no the intensity indox for PA of rickettsias. It vao established that in the first 1-susagm., the oxidation FA for R. moserii diffcred from tbat for the R. prowatakii. However when the numbor of pasear~aa ineroased, the FA for Ro mosert npproachod the PA for R. provatckii) are, in a number of instances, QxcwXW it. Card 2/2 S-~V/84_1;8-11-47/58 AUTHOR: Balalov, S., Commander of instru,.tion and Training Unit '44WAS TITLE: tring-574r"s imu i7aiors in Pilot Training (Ispolizovati trenathery v obuohl!~nli pllotov) PBRIODICAL: Grazhdanakaya aviateiya, 1958, Nr 11, P 34 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author refers to the privilege extended to pilots of light aircraft In er4clal purpoao, aviation unite to fly at night under difficult meteorological o*ndltlons. Since this en- tailed considerable cost and an Increase In training piremnel, it was proposed to use simulators already produ.-ed by OVF in 1957 to train crews of LI-2 and An-2 plants. The exp#.riment produced satisfactory moulta and a sp,%-dial tr&1nIng program was dtvelopsd for pilots training on any level. Card 1/1 SO F: Pr k 'in el TOPW TAC-S: v!ectrw~ vg .:at!,n. e:e, ene r Rv s I ~ I.. -~. -! '.' - r; A BS I A T A systern is describf- 0.ich is imlrnd~d for !),e rcRulatiorx and --~ r~ 4 ! ~%r ri\.i x ~ 7~vi n-. e n e T . ~, T P - I - ' T .1 ~11 ' . ~. ,t4 i - L t r urn in A Me v A A rW a I 1 1 -1 c nn 1 - n f!'P V -a rr Of h ' i t FlAh' 1 1 t4 S % ~'VTT-, r r !4hc)N% n . S v f Y i o;- ral~~ r i n ~ ta a ~:s e r , a nd are c;roiU'vrcd. End-window counters of -activity of Cues were used in testing the !3ystcm. It was fmind that the energy instability, at the IZIA-Mev point, dil not exceed t H kev for several days andt 25 kev for several Card 112 A C C F~ N R p 1 4 q b 2 rn o n th.-i "in conc.uiioll, wr wish 0- V- Bo ,,gdan~,evi,,h for hit, u,-' j-cKjr, inri yu Soro~-'n for 91c1. atimistance ill the 'A( Orig 3 figmC14 ii-! 7 101`1`1111~,18. A&SOCIATION' Nauchno-isslt-dovatellokiy infititut yaderiloy fimiki MGU (Scientific -Resear eh Institute of Nuclear Physics, Mosco- State University) SUBMITTED: 15Aug6Z SUB CODE: NS DATE AGO. 2SAug63 ENCL: 00 OTHER: 003 NO REF SOV: 00 3 COM Z/z f , betatron tia lbil-MA - . - , I - - --- -- - - -- - .5-- -e-MZr& onurgy ratign. A ulp WURC-1 UEMI I ~ ,,;: A" IV F-f f , III ~ I, -I ~ -- - - -- - - - --7- - - - . I ~ ~, ! - - -,- , -- , - - , 1-7 - ---: - J, ~7 -., - - - - - . --: . 1 1 , ACCESSION NR: "4033640 S/0188/641000/002/0085/0087 AUTHOR- BAlaamtov, N. N.; Ishkhanov, D. S.; Shovchenko, V. G.; Yurlyov, B. A. TITLE: An apparatus for measurement of the cross sections and angular distribu- tions of the products of photonucloar reactions SOURCE: Moscow. Universitat. Vestnik. Soriya 111. Fizika, aacronomiya, no. 2, 1964, 65-87 TOPIC TAGS: physics, photonuclear reaction, betatron, bromostrahlung, gamma radiation, gamma quantum ABSTRACT: In order to compute the cross sections of photonuclear reactions with a sufficient degree of accuracy when working with bremestrablung gamma radiation of betatrons it is- necessary that yield curves be measured with exceptionally high accuracy. Errors in experimental determinations are caused by the statistical error in determining the yields of nuclear reaction products, error in determina- tion of the energy of electrons in the betatron, drift of the instrument determin- ing the intensity of the flux of gamma quanta and the error associated with the instability of the recording instrument in time. Most of theta error# have been eliminated or decreasid by use of an apparatus already described in the literature Cotd 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4033640 (0. V. Bogdankovich, Atomnaya enargiya, 12, No, 30 199, 1962). An apparatus of a similsr type now has been constructed for simultaneous measurement of the yield of photoprotona at three angles. The descriptive text is accompanied by a block diagran of the apparatus; there are two synchronously operating units: a unit for regulatin,.~ and stabiliring electron energy and a recording unit. The apparatus WAS cht~,ckcd by measurement of the yield of photoprotons from zirconium. The re- cording was for angles of 900, 900' and 1500 relative to the beam of gamma quanta. The results are sho%ni W.Fig. I of the Enclosure. "The authors wish to thank 0. V. [1oFdau,ct-vLch, 1. M. Kapitonov, I. M. Piskarev and N. G. Vodyanov for valuable advice and ansistance". Orig. art. has: 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-Lasledovatel'skLy institut yadernoy fiziki (';c entific Research Institute of Nuclear Physics) SUMUMD: 1SAu&63 D.Vie. ACq-. 30Apr64 :.NCL: 01 SUB CODE: NP No REF SOV: 004 OTHER: 002 MEN ACaSSION M AP4033640 ZNCLOSURE 01 yoffs. r/ I Y*VAL fA Jo it - it - I f JL 8.1 Met 1i If 17 11 IJ It 401 Fig, 1. Yield of photoprotons o from the reactiono measured at angles 90% , and ISO*. go otn, ed..-c relative units H Mov C&Td 3/3 MEN ACaSSION M AP4033640 ZNCLOSURE 01 yoffs. r/ I Y*VAL fA Jo it - it - I f JL 8.1 Met 1i If 17 11 IJ It 401 Fig, 1. Yield of photoprotons o from the reactiono measured at angles 90% , and ISO*. go otn, ed..-c relative units H Mov C&Td 3/3 1. f, -4 E~~. I . 7; N k A F' ' . "f the cb1oTo-g1Fcem1c r1luffir'r in u1c,'I'cit" I. Nitukwu. Gh BF1111 i-A TIv of the ~14 ith 31,~rn ia wit-., ~'W. -I irdurrd I n '.ti caxi the d1.V.rh)r L ,L' jD thr 111,11VI A 111 1 T4 T~ tl 0 thf JnCTV~LSkl ill f,nmd jwmm% It w;%-4 SKRGZT3V. A.A.. red.; ANPILOGOV, I.X., red.; ASSONOT, V.A.. red.; BABATANTS, N.A., red.; BABOKIN, I.A., red.; BALANUTOT, A.D., rod.; BOOOROD- EXIT. M.N., red.; BOLOIMIKO, D.C."redo; MWIT, V,K## redo; Y&HRINTSIT, (I.S., red,; VORONKOV, A.K.j red.; GARKALMM0. I.I., red.; GWATOV, P.Ye.1 red.; GMYIAT, Y.Ta.. red.; DMMHAYV, X.M., redel DUBNOV, L.T., red.; MMIM, A.D., red,-, TIRIM0, Ye.K,, red.; =NINO V.I., red.1 XRIVONOGOY. K.K.. red.; KUPAUX-TAROPOLK. I.X.s red.1 MATS=. V.G.. red.: NIKOLAYHV, S.I., red.-, ONISHCHIM* KeNes red,-, PSTROV, K.P., red.; PILYUGIN. B.A., red.; PLATONOVA. A.A., rode; PCUSIN, Y&.L.% red.#, POIROVSKIT, LA.$ redel POMM, D*Ta*q red.; POLTUSHICIN. A.Kh.. red.; RZYKM. V.Pe, red.; GHDOV, N*A,, red.; SIDDIISHKO, I.Te, red.; FIDnV, A.A., red.; CHAKHKAUClOff, Aegoo redol CHIMODUROV, K,Ta., red.: SHUMOV, A.A., red.; YARZ- MEMO, N.Ye., red.; PARTSVSKIT. T.H., red.isd-va; ATTOPOVICH, M.X., [Standard safety ragulotions for blasting operational IMinye pnviln bazopasnosti pri vzryvnykh rabotakh. Isd.2. Moskva, Oos. rauchno-t61rJm.i%d-vo lit-ry po chernot i tevetnol matallurgii, 1958. U8 p. (MIRA 13tl) I- Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) lomitat po nadsord sa basopoanym vadeniyom rabot v promyshlonnosti I gornomu nadsoru. (Mining anginearing-Safety measures) MIAMOT, A*Dst insh.; RAKOVo PaPs, limb, Nov equipment and techniques for the petroleum Industry durlAg the seven-year plan, 16sop. truds v prom. 3 no.60-5 Je 39. (Oil fi,elds-Iquipment and supplies) (MIRA ~tlo) BAWWTOVI 11. Training porsonnol for tha financial ;;~stem. Fin. SWR 22 no.3s 21-27 Mr 161. (MIRA 14s7) 1. Chlen kollegii Ministerstva finawov SSSR. (Finance--Study and teaching) 13 A T 41 7VNI-Y A-.1 ~Im_v -nj- - - BAU-I,JTOVAp E. A. : "Experimental determinatioh of the density of vapors and the molecular weight of certain polyatomic liquids." Min High- er Education USSR. Moscow Order of Lonin Aviation Inst imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze. Moscow., 1956. ( Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Technical Science.) Knizhnoya lotopial,, No. Up 1956. Moscow. I ._ . I - . . , . . 1, . ~ I I AUTHOR: Balamutova, E. A. SOV/32-24-10-23/-to TITLE: The Determination of Density and Molecular Weight of Vapors Over a Wide Range of Temperatures (Opredeleniye plotnonti I molekulyarnogo vesa parov v ohirokom, inter- vale temperatur) PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1958, Vol 24, 11r lo, pp 1230 - 1231 (USSR) ABSTRACT: For these investigations in temperature ranges up to 5000 and at prescuroa of 50 mm Hg to 1,5 atmospheres a method of hydrost.%tia taring was worked out which employs a device with a qunrtz-opring-balance. By means of the test device and measurement of the density of the vapor the dependence of the pressure of the saturated vapor on the temperature can be investigated. The device is nhown in a figure, which illustrates that the current control is performed by an autotrans- former of the type W571t1l. The experiments showed that quartz 8pirals; of wires of a dinmeter of 0,2-0,3 mm, a diameter of the turna of 1,0-2 cm, and a number Card 1/2 of turns of 33-40 are the moot ouital1e conditions. The Determination of Density and Moleciilar Weight SO-i/32-24-lo-23/70 of Vapors Over a Wide Range of' Tempernturea Usually quartt balances were used for density do- terminationaat temperatures. of 100' (Refs 1-4). To judge the described rethod experiments were made with air, steam, and vapor of n-heptane, the densities of which. tire all known exactly. Determinations were also carried out with silicon , a carbon fluoride fluid, and multi-comporient fluldc like gasoline and the kerosene T-I fraction. There are 1 figure and 7 refer- ences, I of which if; Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Uoskovskiy gosudaritvennyy univervitat im.M.V.Lomoroaova (Moscow State University imieni 1,1..V.Lo!7.ono.,_,.ov) Car+/2 3/076/60/034/008/007/014. B015 B054 AUTHORS: shakhparonov, 9 1 lamutoyal E. A., Lellchuk, S. L., Rikheyev Ye F. ih' vat -L.-V--'-TTff"fK-Va, L. F. anF Us tynoval (Moscow) TITLE: Investigation of Pressure and Density of the Vapor in Systems Containing Organosilicon Compounds. I. The System Benzene - Mothyl-dichlorosilane Methyl-phanyl Dichlorosifa-ne PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizioheskoy khimlij 19609 Vol. 34T No. 61 pp. 1754-1740 TKXT: The authors determined pressure and density of the vapor of a number of halogen alkyl-silanoi\\and -aryl silanes since these substances readily react with water vapor or metals, dissolve in lubricants, and. easily polymerize. In the present paper, they report- on the system benzene - methyl-dichlorosilans - methyl-phanyl dichlorosilane. The experimental arrangement (Fig. 1) described in Ref. 2 is based on the Card 1/3 Investigation of Pressure and Density of the 8/076/60/034/008/007/014 Vapor in Systems Containing Organosilicon B015/B054 Compounds. I. The System Benson# - Methyl- d1ohlorosilane - Methyl-phonyl Dichlorosilane principle of hydrostatic weighing, and in thoroughly explained. The apparatus Includes a quartz balance which to Installed In a glass balloon in a thermostat. In another thermostat there Is. the evaporator connected with an Hg manometer. Balloon and evaporator are joined by a thermally insulated, heated pipe. A quartz ball is suspended from the quartz spiral of the balance# as the vapor of the substance Investigated enters the balloon, the quarts ball loses in, weight, and the vapor density can be determined from the decrease In length of the spiral. The method of operation, the calibration of the Instrament, and an estimation of the errors of measurement are Indicated. The latter are about 1% in the pressure-# and about t 2.5% in the density determination. The molecular weight of the liquid vapors was calculated by the Mendeleyev.- Clapeyron equation, and compared with data of publications (Table 1); pressure and density values of mothyl-dichlorosilane and methyl-phenyl dichlorosilane, as well as their solutions, are given in Table 2. Tho results show that the vapors represent associate complexeB. The Trouton Card 2/3 Investigation of Pressure and Density of the S/07 60/034/008/007/014 Vapor in Systome Containing Organosilioon B015YB054 Compounds. 1. The System,Benzene - Methyl- dichlorosilans - Methyl-phanyl Dichlorosilane constant for the vapors was calculated, and given In Tables 2 and 3. It is found that at 400 - 10000 the vapor composition of the solutions benzene - methyl-dichlorosilane - methyl-phenyl dichloroailane is practically equal to the vapor of the corresponding binary mixture benzene - mothyl-dichlorosilane, The heats of vagorizationAAnd the entropit ore calculated. There are 5 figures, 5 tabl7s-,abd 4 references: 3 Soviet and I US. ASSOCIATION: Moskovekiy goeudarstvennyy universitet Im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonoso.v) SUBMITTKD: October 30, 1958 Card 3/3 84245 S/076/60/034/009/003/022 0 1 L 0 5 B015/BO56 AUTTIORS: Balamutova, E. A., 3hakhparonov, M. I., Lellcliuk, S. L., !',ar I M - -F L., Mal I kova __ G. N. , tyll0vil Le. ,a T Glushkova, L. F. TITLE: Investigation of the Pressure and Density x~f Vapor in Systeme Containing Organoollicor. Compounds. II. The Systems: Methyldiohlorosilanel- Ilethyltrichlorooilane -- Methyl- phenyldichlorosilane, and Methylpheny1dichlorosilane - Methylchlorophenyldichlorosilane - Mothyldichlorophenyl- dichlorosilone PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheekoy khImJi, 1960, Vol. 34, No. 9, pp. 1916-1919 TEXT: The working method and the measuring technique of the investiga- tions mentioned In the title have already been described in a previous paper (Ref. 1). The pressure and density of the saturated vapor phase over the systems mentioned in the title were measured in a broad con.- centration and temperature range. The constanto of the Antcine equationti, Card 1/3 84245 Investigation of the Pressure and Density 3/076/60/'034/009/003/022 cf Vapor in Systems Containing Organosilicon B015/B056 Compounds. M The Systems; Methyldichlorooi- lane - Methyltrichlorosilane - Methyl- phenyldichlorosilant, and Methylphonyldichloro- silane - Mothylehlorophenyldichlorosilane - Methyldichlorophenyldichlorooi,lans as well as the values of the evaporat!or. heats and evaporation entropies for the individual components (Table 1), and the two- and thr ee-component solutions at normal boiling temperature were calculated (Table 2). The valuesobtained show that the vapors of metbyl trichl.orosi lane and: methyl- ch lorcphenyld Ichlorosi lane contain asaccibted moleculea, whereas the vapors cf methyl.dichlorophenyldichloresilane do not associate. At 100 0C and about 900 torr, the vapor (ir, equilibrium) over a solution of 50 mole% CH3SIM, 2 + 50 mole% CH3SiCl 5 consiats nearly entirely of methyl- di,,hlorosilane., At temperatures from 400 to 100 0C, the vapor composition of the three-component solutions CH 3Sincl 2 - C113Slci~ _ C11 C H Sicl 1 3 6 5 2 is slightly different from that of the binary system CH 3 SiHC1 2 -CH 3 SICI3 at the same moldr ratio of the latter ccp1ponents. Calculations carried Card 215 84245 Investigation of the Presoure an,.1 Density S/076/60/034/009/003/022 of Vapor in Systems Containing Organosilicor, 1"o 1 C, ' 1) 0 Cempounds. II.. The Syatems: Niethyldichloroni- lano - Mothyltrichlorosilans - Methyl- phonyldichlorosilane. anJ 11ethylpheny1d;.chlcro- silane - Ilothylchlorophetiyldichlorouilaiie - Y.athyldichlorophenyldichloresilane out on the basis of the Antoine equation show that above 100 0C no change in the CH 3C6 H531-Cl2content in the vapor phase takes placQ, 1.e, the content remains low with the exception of solutions in which the molar ratic of CH C 6H5SiCl near unity. There are 2 fiFures, 2 tables, and 2 referenceat 1 Sovigt'asnd I US. ASSOCIATION: Moskoveklky goeudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (Mos-g," State University imoni M. V. Lomono-ocv) SUBMIT-TED: October 30, 1958 Card 3/3 S/076/60/034/010/001/Q22 B015/B064 AUTHORS: BalamU E. A, Shakhparonov M I., Lellchuk, S, L ,oval -7ro'mov, I.. L,,-TlkheTe7v Ye, -F-7--M-ari'y nova,. M, Ye., andUlushkova, L. F, TITLE: Investigation of the Vapor Pressure and. Density In Systems Containing Qrgano-silicon CompoundsN III.. The Systems Dimethyldichlorosilane - Methylchloromethyl- dichloroailane and Trimethylchloroallane - Dloethyl- ohloromethylehlorosilane - Dimethyl Dichloromethyl- chloroeilane PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicho.koy khimii,. 1960, Vol. 34, No. 10, pp. 2156-2159 TEXT: Pressure and density of the saturated vapor of the systems (CH 3 )2 Sicl 2 - CH3 CH2Cisicl 2 -CH3cllcl2Sicl2wid (CH 3)3 Sicl (CH 3)2 CH2ClSiCl - (CH3 )2 ClIcl2SiCl were investigated in the wide range Card 1/6 Investigation of the Vapor Pressure and S/076/60/034/010/001/022 Density in Systems Containing Organo - B015/BO64 - silicon Compounds. M. The Systems Dimethyldichlorooilane - Methylehloro- mothyldichlorooilane and Trimethylchlorosilane - Dimethylchloromethyl- chloroeilane - Dimethyl Dichloromethylchloroailane of concentration and for temperatures of from 00 to i500C. The same method of measurement was used an in a previoua paper (Ref,i), and pressure and density of the individual components were determined, The curves obtained on the temperature dependence of pressure and density show that pressure and density of the systems investigated rise exponen- tially with temperature. Table,l gives the values of the refractive indices, the density, the boiling points of the components at 760 mm Hg~ the molecular weight of vapor at this pressure, the values of the con- stants of the kntoine equation as well as the values of the evaporation heat and evaporation entropy at tho normal bcilling point. Card 2/6 S/076/60/034/010/00VO22 DOWBO64 74b14-1 ~ - -L I . f m T"Pj A ults),sicl 1,4052 411 ' 1,0715 1 23M 7011 5 1 9 129.0 7 0 i2q.0 6 63 9,572 30 3110 2 345 74"'o 21.7 W :4 :4107 t 1 , 149 0 1 1. 198.2 1 , t98,O 6,9 6.306 1 M 123 0 1 194 203 PI.Y) 7940 22.6 18.8 3" O,SMI 57 7 112,3 tOO.65 ?,OM 118 229 7500 22.5 SIC, 4372 : 11,0844 114,9 152 143,1 9,035- 26M, -314 8400 21.8 Card 3/6 3/076 634/010/001/022 B015YBO6 % To6amitp 2 A solut Ion An As T. i4prb 1 l 1 l C +50% CHICHICIsicif " ! 1,4 1.1842 5.820 732 159 0960 19.2 89.4 I 50 1 c j s I +50%CHsCHC1sS1C1~ , : :) rc, ~ H C1 C ISIC1 1.4 1.252 6,5M MO 216 7250 19.8 , 93.5 . 1-4- I 4 % ~MCIOSIC11 + M14 CH 1.4610 1,344 DM 7, 1435 124 IM 26,8 I 130.9 . 33%(Cl &)tSiU&+33%CHaCHsC1S1C1s+ J , 4460 1 2670 t . + 34% C11.CHC scli 9, 50 Cli cl . , - - 9500 25.2 103, 0 o si ,).x + % % ( ( XcHirtsicl 4,4158 0,6197 M763 tOW 810 7540 161.4 78.8 150% Hole 80+50% Vioh X Rc slcl 1 4304 1 05121 6 923 1426 264 O 8 9 88 X t , , 1 , M 1 . ,5 .50 I ~ 1 [flu la + 50% (Clit), x t m . I - 1,1583 549D 13. 8 124.0 810~ 1 % x SWA + 34 % (C H j)a X We % CHC iMICI 1,0070 7000 19,2 tra.0 i0"6 (cif 'O%pl Is 0% H~ +50%1 OKI% 0%0~ .1 x 311 0%fill, x ICI -.,(CH ific,"I + ~ A Card 5/6 5/07 60/034/010/001/022 Y B015 B064 Tabl* 2' (continuod) T a 13 Jf X 11 A2(Apo&Axemue) Solution PSCTDOP ju 3 ISiClI+bO% GlIXINCISiCle 142.3 0,68 0.32 SiCIA+50% ClIsCIICJvSlCIs I CI lei + 139.7 0,845 - INC130, t80,0 - 0.605 SiCls+3 l 3%C IsCII&CISiCIj+ I ,,R&Ci lse a 142,5 0,70 0.18 sici+50%(Cll#)tx ;lei SICI+50% (CIIO,x 113.0 - - 0.90 0.10 SICI MaCISICI + 50% pi,),)c 114,0 SICI - 'V , e 01 147's 0,860 11 S 0 cf s,8 1 I C M,61 i ~0,855 =0. 132 S/07 60/034/010/001/022 B015YBO64 40 Tables It 2: In Table It 1 denotes the substance, 2 boiling point at 760 mm Hg, 3- molecular weight 9 at 760 mm Hg, 3 w M theoretical. I a boiling pgi'nt in OC in Table 2. There are 4 figures, 2 tables and 2 Soviet references.. ASSOCIATION: Mookovskiy gosudaretvannyy universitet im. R. V, L'omonosova (Voscow State-University imeni M. V. Lomonosov)', SUBMITTED: October 301' 1959 i_-- Card 616 V/ t7665 A.0/00 AUTHOR: TITLZ: S/535/61/000/132/011/012 Z030/2484 Balamutova 9 A , Candidate of raciinicai Sciences Experimental determination of the vapour density and molecular weight of gasoline 6-70 (B-70) and kerosene T-1 SOURCEs Moscow. Aviatsionnyy Institut. Trudy. no.132. 1961. 123-143. Teplofizicheskiye evoymtva n*kotorykh aviatsionnykh topliv v zhidkom i gazoobratnom sostoyanii. TEXT: An orthodox apparatus of considerable accuracy has been developed which enables vapour densities to be determined at any temperature below the melting point of quartz and hence for molecular weights to be calculated*. The molecular weight data are accurate for most substances but the method in particularly useful when the normal cryoscopic or ebullioscopic methods fail or are inaccurate, due to lack of suitable solvent or corrosivity of the liquid. The apparatus consists of a hollow quartz ball, weight 0.5 to 0.9 and volume 35 50 cm3, to suspended from a g quartz spiral of 33- 40 turns of 1.8 -2.0 turn diameter fibre, of diameter 0.2 to 0.3 mm. The extension of the ball is measured Card 1/3 17865 S/535/61/000/132/011/012 Experimental determination ... Z030/E484 over the required temperature range with the ball in vacuo, and then with the ball in an atmosphere of the required vapour. Hookets law is strictly obeyed. The system will measure 0.01 mg changes in load and, using Archimed9a' principle, densities can be obtained accurate to one part in 10 . Errors due to adsorption of gas on the quartz cause at most 0.001 mg loading and can be neglected. The apparatus was tested with n-heptane and, gave an accuracy of 0.16% agreement with beat previous data. Data were then obtained for the three cuts of B-70 and T-1. Molecular weights M were obtained from the formulas M Y2RT2 P where Y2 was the vapour density. The values so obtained were plotted for all cute against M as determined by an accurate Ve obullloscopic method and gave a scatter or only 0.576, while cryoncopically obtained values deviated'bY 5%. M.I.Shakhparonov and'I.V.Roahkov are, mentioned in the article for their contributions In this field. There are 10 figures, 7 tables and Card 2/3 17865 S/535/61/000/132/011/012. Experimental determination 9030/E484 17 references: 9 Soviet and 8 non-Soviet. The four most recent references to English language publications road as followes Rer.llt Hartley A.R., Henry T.H. and-Whytlow-Gray, R.G. Trans Faraday Soc., v.35, 1939, p.1452-i461, Ref.12. Marx J.W. and Sivertsen J.M., J. of the Appl. Phys., v.24, No.1, 1953, P-81-87-i Ref.13: Mills I.W., Hirachler A.S. and Kurtz S.S., Ind.and'Zng. Chem., 38, 1946, p.442-450. Ref.171 Wagner G.H., Grant C., Bailey G.C. and Eversole W.C., Ind. and Eng. Chem. Annal. Ed., v-14, 1941, P-131. Card 3/5 BALUMTOVA, H.P. (Leningrad) Changes in the corebroepinal fluid in closed carebrocranial Injurlas. Vop.neirokhir. 23 no.4:26-28 Jl-Ag 159. (MIRA 12:10) I* LaningradskV nauchnoviseledovatel'skiy neyrokhtrurgichaskiy institut Imeni profwk.L.Polenova. (BRAIN, wds. & inj. carebrocrantal closed Inj. CU dynanics (Rua)) (UMMOVINAL YLVID, In var. dis. cerebrocrantal. closed hj. (Rue))