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Effect of the size of the outlet on tho conditions of flow in the
Eirfnl chamber of n supersonic wind tunnel. Vast. LGU 20 no.7j87-
94 165.
Pro-o"tion of a supersonic jet In a bounded space. lbid.tl57-159
(MRA 180)
YONIOVALOV, I., doktor tekhn.nauk; PARFENOV, A.; bALANINj_V._Lkand.tekhn._
nauk; SHCHERBAKOVA, R., kand,tekhn.nauk; VNIHi, X.; OALINj N.
Measures for preventing ice jams on the lesser Rnd greater Northern
Uvina. 11peli. transp. 21 no.2.-44-46 F '62. (MIRA 15:3)
1. Predsedatel' hotlasskogo i3polnitel'nofo komiteta deputatov
trudyar,hchikhaya (for Parfenov). 2. Nachal'nik Kotlaaskogo
tekhnicheako o uchastka Severnoro basseynovoro upravlenlya puti
(for Bakhtins. 3. Glavnyy Inspektor Kotlasskogo tekhnicheskoro
uchastka (for Balin).
(Northern Ovina River--Ice on rivers, lakes, etc.)
SALANIN, V.,-kand.tekhn.nauk
Wave damping In the lower approach channels of navigation locks.
Rech. transp. 21 no.2t46-48 F '62. (MIRA 150)
(Waves, Calminr of) (14eks (Hydraulic engineering))
CHnMOO P.,, rukoyoditall sovetakoy deleptaii n& 11 wzbdwwodnon
sudokhodnom kongreeme Y Baltimore (&W)j BALANIML V,,,,-.WUen
delegateli n& XX mexhdumiodnow andokhodam-166greses v
Baltiare (SShA)
Twentieth International Congress of Navigation. Rach.tranap
21 no*4t49-53 Ap 162. (KM 154)
BALANIN, V., kand.taklin.nauk; KAPASIN, inzh.
11--------,-',-.- -
Itaprove Via mooring of shipo in Mvigation I"k clambera, Rech. transp,
22 no.606-38 A 163. (RW 16%9)
(Locks (Hydraulic ongitearing))
CH&KRMV, A,, doktor t4khn.nauk; BkLANIN, V., kand.tekhn,nauk; AMTONOVj B.t
Result of investigations on prolonging the navigation season. Rech.
tranap. 22 no.1109-41 N 163. (MIRA 16tl2)
kand. toklul. vauk; YJLRASINO M., in-sh.
Conditions of the passage of ships throuGh the lock chamber.
Rech. tranap. 24 no.11:30-32 165. (MIRA 1911)
BALLNIN,-O.V.,_ka.nd.oellskokhozyayatvGnnYkh nauk; KOVINIKO, D.A.,
kaDd.biologichaskiy nauk
PonsibUitien of the development of poUtry faraing in
Kazakhstan. Mdvotnovodstva 23 no.701-35 n 161. (MIRA 16:2)
1. Kazakhakiy inatitut sUvotnovodatya (for Kovinlko),
SOV/1 Z4- 57-4-4287
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 4, p 61 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Balanin, V. V.
T! TL E Laboratory Investigations on the Phenomena Prevailing in a Ftow Past
n. Cofferdam (Laboratornyyc issledovaniya yavleniya obtekaniya
potokon-t peremychki)
PERIODICAL: Tr. Akad. rechnogo transporta. 1951, Nr 2, pp 178- 197
ABSTRACT,- The paper is devoted to laboratory investigations on .1 flow past a
cofferdam on models equipped with a variabl.e bottom. The trough in
which the experiments were conducted was 6.25 ni long, 1.06 m wide
and 0. 18 in high. Investigations were made with a flow rate of lb.Z
liter/sec with a velocity of 15 cm/sec, a stream depth of 10 cm. and
a Reynolds number of 11520. The basic series of experiments were
conducted with a 30-900 angle between the transverse walls of the
cofferdam (the "wings") and the longitudinal wall of the trough, a
0. 35 - 0.80 ratio of the constricted width of the trough to its clear
width, and with the longitudinal wall of the cofferdam up to 1.45 m
long. The following tests were made for the purpose of protecting the
Gard 1/3 upstream corners of the cofferdam from eroding-, The vise of blind
SOV/124- 57-4 -4287
Laboratory Investigations on the Phenomena Prevailing in a Flow (cont.)
rectilinear and curvilinear spurs; the use of permeable spurs; and the change of
the contour of the upstream corner of the cofferdam. The experimental investiga-
tions of the above - rne ntioned series were conducted with one particular type of
cofferdam. The angle between the transverse walls of the cofferdam and the longi-
tudinal wall equaled 900. The jet-separation boundaries and the contours of the
turbulent jet-flow and stagnant areas were inve-itigated, the magnitudes of the sur-
face and bottom velocities were measured, and the magnitude and nature of the
river-channel deformation were determined. The author was able to note, on the
basis of the experimental investigations, that it was possible to isolate the follow-
ing zones in the flow past a cofferdam: a) A zone without eddies having a vertical
axis; b) a zone with vertical-axis eddies, in which the particles of the fluid, while
circulating around a vertical axis, are simultaneously carried downstream; c) a
zone of return flow in which the current flows in the direction opposite to the basic
flow; d) a downstream circulation zone between the end of the cofferdam, the edge
of the trough, and the return-flow zone; and e) a circulation zone at the edge of
the trough upstream of the cofferdam. According to the experimental investigations,
the erosion boundaries generally correspond to the velocity isolines (isotach3) in.
the plan view, The line of maximum erosion is displaced upstream as referred to
the line of maximum bottom velocities. An inten3ive precipitation of sediments,
Card 21/3
SOV/1 Z4- 57- 4- 4287
1 aboratory Investigations on the Phenomena Prevailing in a Flow (cont.)
as was to be expected, was observed In the zones of return flow and partially in the
zone of %ertical-axis eddies. The constriction curves constructed in accordance
with the theoretical relationship of 1. M. Konovalov are located below the experi -
mental curves, and the divergence between the theoretical curves and those obla',ned
in the experimental investigations increases with increased constriction of the flow,
The erosion profiles in the experimental investigations, at any value of the constric-
generally corresponded to the velocity isolincs. With a decrease of the angle
between the "wings" and the longitudinal wall of the trough (lie flow-constriction
curves become shallow and approximate the theoretical curves (in accordance with
I-M. Konovalov), while both the zone and intensity of the erosion are simultaneously
decreased, The experimental inve'stigations showed also that changes in the length
of the longitudinal wall of a cofferdam have no effect on the characteristics of the
flow which determine the shape and dimension of a stream channel. The author
indicates certain measures which were experimentally proved to be the most effec-
tive for the protection of the upstream corners of cofferdams from erosion. In
spite of the fact that the presence of transverse currents is mentioned in the paper,
no investigation was made of any measures for the excitation of artificial transverse
circulation in the stream flow. All experiments were conducted with the same flow
rates and depths, which impairsthe conclusiveness of the deductions,
Card 3/3 V. A. Shaurnyan, Kh. S. Shapiro
On the Influence of Vertical Vortexes on the Erosion of a River Bed Near
As a result of an analysis of the diffusim of vortexes the author
concludes that the reason for the. lack or correspondence between the de-
form.tim of a river bed In nature and on a mcdel for a region contAining
vortexes with vertical axis of revolution is the sharp differrnee of the
velocities of diffusion of the vortex In the two cases. Ile makes reccm-
Aendations for further Irmeatigations. (RZhyekh, No. 6, 1955) Tr- If%ningr-
in-ta Inyth- Vndn- JMnV-j No, 21, 1954, 64-?6.
SO: Sum. No. 744, 8 Dee 55 - Supplementary Survey of Soviet Scientific
Abstracts (17)
BAIANIN,V.V., Inshener; OCRODIINSKIY,N.Y., Inshener
Investigations of navigitbility and operations for structures.
hydraulic installations, and fTa e waterways. Rech.transp. 14 no.9:
18-20 5155. (KIRA 8:12)
(Inland navigation)
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 1, p 96 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Balanin, V.V.
0. W. 0 po~~
TITLE: An Approximate Method for the Calculation of the Water Dis-
charge Seeping Through a Cofferdam (Priblizhennyy sposob
rascheta rasknoda vody. fil'truyushcheysya cherez peremychku)
PERIODICAL: Tr. Leningr. in-ta inzh. vod. transp., 1955, Nr ZZ, pp
ABSTRACT: An approximate calculation method in given for the dis-
charge of water seeping through cofferdams of different con-,
struction under the following assumptions: 1) plane, stationary
motion of the water; 2) relatively shallow embeddedness of the;
water-retaining structure-, 3~ relatively large width of the
foundation trench, and 4) absolute imperviousness to water of
the grooves (joints). Using the elect ro -hydrodynamic analog
method for some specified typical cross section of the coffer-
dam, the ratio of the seepage discharge to the product of the
seepage coefficient of the soil by the head acting upon the cof-
ferdam is found. Diagrams are adduced, also based on the
Card I /Z EGDA method, with the aid of which corrections may be deter-
An Approxinnate Method for the Calculation (cont.)
mined for the consideration of the variations of the aboveindicated ratio as
a function of the variation of one or the other dimension of the typical coffer-
dam cross section. In conclusion, certain design considerations relative to
the selection of a practicable cross-sectional cofferdam profile are offered.
The author confuses the concepts of the "active counterpressure seepage
zone" with the "active seepage discharge zone" (relative to the latter, ref.
Izv. Vaes. n. -i. in-ta gidrotekhn. , 1938, Vol 2Z, p 51). The method pro-
posed in the article for the calculation of the seepage from a pressure
aquifer imbedded underneath the cofferdam and its foundation trench appears
without substarice..
R. R. Chugayev
1. Dains--Seepage--Approximate computations 2. Fluid flow--Measurement
Card 2/2
RLLLNIN V.V. kandidat tokhnichookikh nauki OLSEM, Y.M., Inshoner.
Ifydraulto phenomena of f low arowA a half dam In a stream., Rath,
tranap.15 no.lltl4-l? 2 156. (K69A IM)
(Yluld dynamics)
SOV 112 - 5 7 -9 -18461
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika. 1957, Nr 9,
.6 pp 52-53 (USSR)
AUTHOR. Balanin, V. V.
TITLE: qjdii~lfc~6&racteristice of Special Butterfly Gates (Gidravlicheskiye
kharaktoriatiki spetsial'nykh tipov drossel'nykh zatvorov)
PERIODICAL: Tr. Leningr. in-ts, insh. vod . transp. , 19 56, Nr 2 3. pp 110 - I ZZ
ABSTRACT: In connection with poor sealing of lens -type butterfly gates and their
heavy seepage in areas close to the shaft, new gate designs with inclined or
simply displaced sealing planes have been developed recently. To insure a
smooth flow through the gate, special streamlining devices had to be installed.
The above changes in disk configuration Influence its hydraulic parameters.
The article is devoted to the performance characteristics of new types of gates.
Resistance coefficients and torques of gate shafts were investigated. As a re-
sult of investigation, the resistance factor was determined for 8 gate types, and
the effect of liquid expansion on the resistance factor was discovered; It was ee-
tablished that the gate characteristic should be plotted not against the slope
Card 1/2
SOV/ 112-57 -9-18461
Hydraulic Characteristics of Special Butterfly Gates
ti . A check of analytical methods
angle o< but against the relative gate opening W.
for determining resistance factors revealed their adequate reliability in the
whole range of openingai except for the extreme regions next to full opening and
full closure. Experiments revealed that the influence of streamlining devices
(installed near cylindrical -shaped dampers) upon the resistance factor in appre-
ciable only at the angles near the full-open position. In the course of investiga-
tion of the damper-shaft torque, curves were constructed that showed the effect
of the opening angle oe on the torque M for the above 8 gate types. The funda-
mental difference in torque characteristics of variously shaped gates can be de-
termined, according to the author, from the formula M =^t1D3 which includes
a "reduced gate torque"V. . The new parameter expressed as curves A-f(M)
adequately represents anchanges in hydraulic conditions of the flow through the
gate. The shape of the curves is different for different gate configurations.
Detailed graphical and tabulated material is supplied.
N. D. P.
Card 2/2
-BALUINs - Y*Y. *-- kand. - tekhn- SMIXIM Y.M., Insh.
no nauk. I
10*11~;ss,ttgation the offset of spaces between dikou on the over-all
con4ition of straightened sections of rivers. Rech, transp. 17
no. 601-34 Ja 158. (Rivers) (MIRA 11;7)
(HydAsulto engineering)
. -KOIN'73VALAW~ I-K-,-do~tor tePm-.nawk . MANIN-Y V- -kand*tel%bn.-n&uk------
dotsent I F'rof -.- t * t I
Formation of river beds. Trudy LIIVTno-2613-20 '59. (MIRA 14tg)
RA otsent~-,-SELLZNFV~ V.K.
--- -%7 d , in.-h.
Calculatinr the field of speeds beyond a vomi-dike.
no.2414.1-53 159.
(Hydrodynamics) (Jetties)
(MIRA. 1419)
KONDVALOV, LK-, Prof -; RKUNIN, VA., dote.; BORODKIN, B.S., kand.
takhn.nauk; SHC2MMMwX;- It.I., kand.takhn.nauk
Xxtending navigation on Inland water* and possibilities of
year-round operations Rech.tramp, 16 no,9133-37 8 159-
(MIRA l3t2)
(Ice on rivers, lakes. etc.) (Ice-breaking vessels)
BAUNIN, V-V-, kand.tekhn.nauk
Xffect of aquatic plants In weakening the momentum of
Rechetransp. 18 U061051 0 139. (,(MA 13
(AquAtia plants
(Ohore proteation)
I BAIIANIN, Y.T., k&ad.tekhn.m&ukj SRCBIRBMVA. R#L, kand.tokhn.nauk
Discussing the effect of Ice on navigational waterways at the
19th Intoroational Shipping Congress. Rech.transpe 18 no.11:
34-36 1 '59. (KM 13t4)
(Ice on rivers, lakes, *to.)
(Inland navigation)
- -- --- - -- -- - -- - --- - --- - -- - - ---- - ----- ---- ---- -- -- -- - - ---- - --- -- - - -- k
BALANINg Me, kand-tekhn.nauk, dotsent: SFLEZNEV, V.M., kand.tekhn.nauk
Hydraulic conditions in areas of flow hinderinp structures, Trudy,
LIVT n6.715-16 160. (MIRA 15:2)
(Hydraulic structures) (Streae measurements)
- --
I P kand.takhn.nauk
Calculating the stabilisation of channel bwLke at structure comers
prenenting a streamlining problem& Roche transp, 20 noa5sll-33 MY
la, I (MIR& 3.415)
ACC?F,310.1 N9: A.113ooP679 S/0124/63/DW/005/Bll5/Bll5
SOURCF: Rah. Mekhanika, Aba, 5B703
AWTICR,. Konovalov. 1,M.1 Bal V.S S'sleznsvl..Y~_~-
_Jqt$ and some of Its applications in hydrotechnics
TrrLE: New theary of tur_V%kj�,qt
CITFD SOkMCE-. Tr. Lenknir n-t~~ vA Anpp p. 1962, 24-34
T,O?lC TA,3S: Reynolds equationo turbulence, turbulent exchange, friction,
hydraulics, turbulent flov, pulsation, widening, expansion, method, calculation
71ANSLATION: The Heywlds equation, as to known, represents a non-closed system#
for beoide6 the pornmeters of averaged motion It contains the supplementary
pulsation terrn, on which the Wo fold correlation of velocities, called the
turbulent friction is based. For the cowletion of this system of equations,
various f,rmul;ic relating pulsation terms vith the parameters of the averaged
current ar,- 1ntr,4ii-e,1. For example, the Trubchikov, Prandtl (new and old),
ariA Taylor formuins nre known. All these familiar formulat ore based on defi-
nite phya~cal representations of the mechanism of turbulent exchange.
L~Old_ - 1113
L 15719-0
ACCESS1011 IM: AR3oo2679
The authors of the "new theory of turbulent jets" do not allude to
any physical concept at all, and Introduce into the system of equations a "new"
link between friction ana the parameters of the averaged motion W thus avoid
the analogous, but more usual formula, vbich has already long figured in the
theory of jets as the formula of Reichardt, (see Abramovich IG.N ThSREX of-
bulent Jjt1 M. Flzmatbiz, 196D, 715 Pages) which attained eignific,&At'develop-
;ent 16 the work of L. A. Vulia and his collaborators.
The authors consider the problems of the propagation of plane
parallel turbulent jets of incoWressible liquid in a stationary medium and In
current Jets; of the velocity field during longitudinal flow around a flat
plate; arul of the expansion of an infinite series of plane turbulent 'etc aris-
IrLg In the surrounding liquid. A similar analysis is made of the velocity field
during the propagation of the turbulent )et to the flat channel vith sudden
widening. Comparisons are made with the experiments of B.A. Fidman, and A.R.
Rakhmanov. It is noted that satisfactory agreement between the calculated end
the experimental results is attained due to arbitrary variation of the constant
coefficient vhieb Is contained In the ciiaculation relations (0.02 for free plane
Card 2/3
jets, 0.05 for channel jets, 0.04 in come general case). It is clear that the
noted clr~-u-rptance signifleantly lovers the value of the given method, for
diwing ~he n,~Iution of new proble=, the value of the irAlcated coefficient is,
al, fir,.t, Bibl, 19 mozes. O.Y. Yaiwvlevokly
DAW AC~,: 14 .1 unD63
ENCLt 00
Cota 3/3
KONOVALOV,, I*Ms doktor tokhn.naukp prof.j BAIANIN,
Smzia, V.M., kand.takhn.nauk
Plotting the, field of apeeds in the region of a Bubmargad
hydraulic J=p,, Gidr,otroie 32 no.7j40-43 J1 162. (MM 15t7)
KONMLOV, I.H., dr., tskbno nauk-t profol CIMTMKV, Me, dr. tekhn,
nauk,, prof 1.ZLANINP VeVep kand. tekbn. naukj dotsentj ANTtVOV#
B.S., kand: TeKnn-.--nwmr-
Metliods of prolonging the navigation period on inland waterways,
Trudy LIVT no.4600-37 163 (MIRA 17s7)
CWRF2?HVj A.I., dr. takhne naukp proto AW=4.YLY*l kand. takbn. nauk,,
dotsentl SHCHERBkKnVA, H%16, kan 0 tOft, n0ij MAKARCWKs N,Yot
Pressing oC the Northam Drina River in the autum of 19611 and
the effect of autumn Ice jamings on the, process of its opening
In 1962# Trudy LIVT no*46t66-71 163 (MIRA 1110)
jl~iyj"~~Ipy~pb,,,kand. tekhn. nauk, dote.; WHODON,
Boris Solmnonovich,, kamd. tek)u). riauk, dotc.; WLKONYAN,
Georgiy Ivanovichs kand, tekhn. naukp dotsel KONOVAWV,
I.M.j, prof.,, red.1 LOBANOV, Ye.M.# red.
[Utilizing the heat iDf deep vatqrs to rAintain ice-free
water areas) Ispoltzovanie top)a glubbuVkh vod vodoemov
diia podderzhaniia nez".emaiushcUkh Akvatorii. Moskva,
Transport, 1964. 271 p. (YdqA 18: 2 )
1. Leningradskiy institut vodnogo traniporta (for Balamln,
Borodkinp MelkoyWan).
o pr ~ f W,!,, N IN V. V.
Sffw-~t ct I." Jame In the lever reacbes zf the Ncrtbarr
Vvina Rive- on, the braaking up of Its deltA, Trudy LIV
(~an AII-1)
0000 0 0 0 0-W-40,-o--wT*-O--o 000000*00:::oo;o 0
ooooo:::::oooooooll);Ooolooooooooooo o 0 0:0::Oo
2fm 0 C P 06 4 A L aN 0 P4 1 T r
SWIV)SAMI) 48`14-4440 111116111W484 .11 too
oft 8F
P- 4- Appotba
oes' 9 *4WPOA 4RI so MM
MOM O"q*m Omp ap"'61 *Ppev
"P-Ow- A43" 8q) P 'nWwmp a" rm koo
fox no*
Im .; "I Ilp
09v ptm *qip:waqlwf -I
WKSIMPO IsA - - I ic' 00
"IP "m qp"
ft4 1AR a RKS out&
000 0" OR *0
000 pas 0"1
p =-P%Mqm 6 MION
000 men an IR
10pilop"m WSW" -2v2wm 71000
p mop, Mawell
Ol (INI)a "t '41 Vv 'v v ~ 11) . !11 00
L P-we savr*A"l V,m p
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of. I - - - - F--- N
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of a o if F1 ajs vit hl AN a tlIu "if
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A !, A!, .'r 1, +
UM/Nadlaine, - Tiamwe, Connective Jan/Feb 208
Medicine - Pressure
*Changes in the Active Connective Tiscaues (of MW-
f4r'6 Calls) Due to a Reduction of BGrometrit Pros-
sure," N. V. Balanins., Moscow, Chair of Pathol Anstp
PlOdiatrics Faculty, Second Mod Inst Imani Stalin, 2
"Arkbiv Patol" Vol X, Do I
Several sclan~lzte have vorked on the subject of
adiposity of Kupffer's calls during hypoxacda caused,
bir a lowering 4of barometric pressure. HowsTer, thqy
bave done little to clarify the significance of Mqt-
for's cells In the phenomenon of gas Interchange.
Author gives results of exTerlmmts he conducted to!
U.='~-Iclne - Tissues, Camective Jan/IP*b 2048
study the role played by Wfarl a cells in the
Vhenamamcm of gas Interchange. Submitted, 1 Nav
11946. Deputy of chair of Pathological Anatmv is
B. W. Ysogillnitskiy, Honorary Scientific Collabom-
USSR Pharmacology, Toxicology. General Problems. U-1
Abe Jour i Ref. Zh.-Biol. No 2, 1958, No 7802
Author t Bal&nina. N.V.
Inat I
Title i The Effeat of Certain Phamaoologioal Agents In Conditions
Characterized by a Decreased Barometric Pressure, (Ex-
perimental Morphological Research)
Orig Pub i Arkhiv Patologii, 1957, 19, No,l, 37-40
Abstract t Rate placed in a barometric chamber succumbed when the
barometric pressura became equal to that at 12,000 meters
above sea level. The animals anesthetized with urethan
easily tolerated this "asoent" to 14,000 motors. When the
dose of urethan was above or below the optimal one, the an-
esthetized animals died even earlier than the unanesthetized
It kafedry patolo I he koli e atomil (rray.-ohlen-korrespondent AM
Card 1 1/2 SSSR Prof. 33. N. ~bgfylcnit= . Zdelceaeed/ pedistricheekogo
falmllteta 11 tbskoveko6o medits kogo inatituta lmenl 1. V. Btalina.
USSR / Pharmacology, Toxicology. General Problems. U-)
Abe Jour i Ref. Zh.-Biol., No 2, 1958, No 7882
;bstraot i ones. The protective effect of the optimal dose (1 ml, of
a 20% solution per 100 g) occurnti 25-30 min after introduction
of the urethan, and lasted between 30 min and 3 hours. The
circulatory changes, as well as the secondary dystrophic and
nooroblotio tiasue altorations in the internal organs and
CHS of the animals, which had boon caused by the hypoxemia
of the "ascent," were less pronounced in the animals an-
eathetized by the optimal dose of urethan than in the un-
anesthetized ones,
Card v 2/2
EXCLKnA trIWIGAW-2- Vol -12/12-Fayal.ology Ded
- 9 a I a n I n a N. V. ARKH. PATOL. 19% 20/11 (15 -2 1) Tables I Illus. 2
Ampheta"Ma post ;van t Unulat irq. antinarcotic and cumulative properties and
Influence$ the blood pressure. Rat experiments were made with a 2% amphetamine
solution (1-8 times s.c.) and with a 20fe urethan solution (2-8 times a. c.) with and
without reduction of the atmospheric pressure (to a simulated &Ititude of 16,000 m.).
A great similarity between the effects of amphetamine and adrehallne was noted.
On reduction of aunospheric pressure and administration of amphetamine glycogen
disappeared from On liver and brain tells. with Ilgrolyals irk the latter. In control
animals under administration of urethan and reduced atmospheric preseurs the gly-
cogen content of the liver tells was preserved for 4 to 5 hr. after death. A certain
parallelism between the glycogen loss and the concentrations of adrenaline
amphetamine and vtt*C in the blood was observed. arandt. Berlin
.1 .1 1,
'335* VhYalilc I:or.-,Icn*, a INtt Udoy I (,Ic.t;anjct-,Cz'.iy Soslav, I lolmo sov.
"~.,otokhnj.ya, 19,119, 110- 7o.'S, 2'j-37.--iiia10LTI 4 i "4:.,
S').' Lctopist Zhurnalli*,Idi Statcy Volo 3L) 19149
L.T., kand.-o*llkhos, nu*l STOLLYAR, T.A., kands sellkhos.
naukj ASAMOV, P.X , aselstactl qELYANSKIY, VAp kand. sell-
khos. naukl'LOSIM; N.V,t kand. sellkhos. naukl-KOVINIKO,-D.A.,
kand. biol. nauk; MASLITEVA, 0.1., kand. eallkhos. nauk;
PETROVI V.M., kande voters nauk; ANANITEV, P.K., kand. voter.
naukl PKNIONZHXEVICH, E.E., doktor blol. nauk, prof.;
SERGEYEVA, A.M., kand. sallkhos. nauk; BALANINA, O.V., kand.
selikhos. nauki GRIGORITEV, G.K.t at. nauchnyy sotr.1 KRIKUN,
A.A.9 Gamy Sotsiallatichookogo Truda, kand. sellkhos. nauk;
YARDVOY, P.F.., kand. voter. nauk; EELOKOBYLENKO, V.T., na-
uchnyy sotr.1 GROMOV, AM., kand. sallkhos. naukl MDSIYASH, S.,
red.1 NAGIBIN, P., tokhn, red.
[Handbook for poultrymen) Kniga ptiteavoda. Alma-Atap Kaz-
sallkhosgis, 1962. 354 P. (MIRA 160).
BATA INA# O.p kand. aellkboile nauki LEVINAl Lop nauchn. aotr.;
NAZARENKO, L., red.1 NAGIBIN, Pop takhn, ad.
(Practices in growing chicks for meat In Xazakhatan]
Opyt vyrashobivaniia miaatWkh toypliat v Kazakhatane.
Alma-Atap Usaellkhozgisp 1962. 26 nos. in I v. 13 p.
(KIRA 171l)
---- i~ l-, I -- - - -- --- --
ais sorts L ion: "Jurface lnonorion& aurifi~.,r tnq :,Iectrol,;tic ikefirling of ~Iwa--InL.;-.." Gand
locci ici, ;aoscu,,. Institute uf Zionferrous Aetal.-.; alid uold, 'Ao3cuA, 1953. k nif er& t. ivnyy
-nura&I--nimiya, --o 11, iio3coa, Jun 54)
j~): .A,U 318, -'.> Jec IV54
Card 1/3
Brief Communications. Concerning the Determination
of the Mutual Wetting of Inniscible Liquids
Zhurnal Frikladnoy khimii, 1960, Vol 33, Nr 3,,
pp 739-7 12 (USSR)
It was suggested by the authors that the wetting
characteristics of two immiscible liquids 1 and 2
are better defined by ~he value*of the angle CLthan
by the wetting angle () formed by the vectors of the
surface tensionst 1 liquid-gas ( Cr 2,3 ) and liquid-
solid surface ((T 1,2)' Angle CC was measured by
projecting on a screen the magnified contour of a
drop of molten aluminum placed on the surface of
molten electrolyte containing various amounts 8f
AIF 2' It was eutabliahed that CLincreased 24 _)JI0
Brief Cormnunications. Concerning the 78241
Determination of the Mutual Wetting of SOV/60-33-3-42/47
Immiselble Liquids
Fig. 2. Relationship between wetting angles
OL and 0.
when the AlF2 Jnorczwed Ifetwo, the value
Card 2/3
Dj~ief Communicationa. Concernintr, the
Determination of the Mutual WettinE of S 0 3
Immiscible Liquids
of U can serve to define the :jurface and wetting
characteristics of molten eleetrOlYte3 On their
boundary with molten alumlmun~ as well as the role
played by the electrolyte componentzi and admixtures
In the electrolytic reflning Of almlinula. There are
5 figure3.
SUBMITTEW October 20, 1958
Card 3/3
GGROLMY. N.D., slasar'; B&LAWY, A.X.0 lush.
Intomatio flow-ling equipment for trocessing atraight barlike
wooden dst&1196 Suggested by IsDoOorakhov. A.H.P&I&nova. Rats.1,
isobrepredl.v *trot, no.14123-23 160s XM I)W
1. Pabriko. vqagkoy a4bell Rostovskogo soynarkhosas Rostov-na-Dona,
ul, Toyenwa, 70o (Woodworking mahinery)
Some questions on the use of rectifiers as a source of
power for low frequency transistor cascades In class B
operation* 11ektroavlas' 14 no,3t26-33 Mr 160,
(MIRA 13z6)
(Trmaistors) (Ilectria current rectifiers)
3/106/60/000/003/0 W 003
AUTHORSt Balanov. A.T.; Tsykin, O.S.
TrTIE: Some problems concerning transistorized audio-frequency class B
stages using power-supply rectifiers
PER10DICAL: Elektroavyazli no- 3P 1W, 26 - 33
TFXTt AftA-br enumerating the various causes of non-linear distortions in
transistorized audio-frequency class B stages using power-supply rectifiers (and
namely the distortion due to the power-source impedance Zeource when this imped-
&nce is commensurable with the amplifier load Re), the authors discuss the ade-
quate choice of the parameters of the smoothing filter ensuring an undistorted
operation of the amplifier. Sound signals with time-varying level can be consid
ered as a certain carrier modulated by a relatively Blow varying function [Ref.
2t Yu.S. Bykov, Teorlya razborchivosti rechi I povysheniye effektivnosti radlot-s-
lefonnoy svyazI (Theory of speech intelligibility and increase of radio-telephone
communication efficiency), Gosenergoizdat, 19591. For simplicity, the authors
assume that. the level of the input signal at sound frequency W varies cc~elnueol-
daily with the modulating frequency SZ, I.e. ;
Iinp M 0 Iinp mod (1 + m cos 0 ainci t, (3)
Card 1/5
S1 I 06/60/000/003/0,W003
3omp prcblomq concerning transistorized .... A055/A133
where m Is the sound-frequency modulation factor. Taking into account the cutoff
In ol&ss B amrlifiers, the cilleotz-r currents of the tricdes canbe expressed as%
~kl M - Ik mod 0 + m Cos & t) + -1 sin W t 2~ cos 2 n wt (4)
2 Tr 4 ni?
Cos 2 0 + I sin ( tit It) coo 2n (wt-n)
k2 M Ik mod (I + m 2 4 ne
where Ik mod M kiln od, and k constant is the current amplification factor.
Expressions in brscmts represent a development Into Fourier series of half-sinu-
soldal pulses of frequency w , where pulses Ik2 M lag by Jr behind pulses lkl(t)'
The equivalent circuit of the investigated transistorized stage Is given. The
collector voltage is the sum of the voltage of half the primary winding of the
output transformer uT (t) (which does not contain components ^t the envelope fre-
quency), and of the voltage drop aeross tbe power-sourct impedance due to current
If (t) (which contains the modulating frequency Q). Since.2 44 2n W, and the
filter resonant frequency Q res 4 2n(j, the voltage drop across Zsource corres-
ponding to components at frequency 2n &j can be neglected. On the other hand, tak-
Card 2/5
S11061601000100310 W 003
Some problems concerning transistorized.... A055/A133
Ing Into account the statistical independence of w and , and the fact that
.oCw, only the voltage amplitude on half the primary winding of the output trans-
former can be taken Into consideration. The upper envelope of the collector
voltage will then bet 2
u Ek 1 Ik mod r Z
k M X rect. m Ik mod source 005 t *Tsource)
Ik mod Re (1 + m coo 'Q (8)
where Zsourc and(Peource correspond to the Impedance of the supply circuit. To
avoid limitation of the signal, the minimum absolute magnitude of the collector
voltage must not be belowt JEko (1 - 9mjx)1 20 1Re B
(13'), where B (Yr + q)(1 + q). Since the magnitude Of C.In as given
by (13') proven often extremely large* It is Interesting to find out how much It
can be reduced if a slight upper cutoff of coll. ator current Is tolerated. For
this purpose, the authors assume thKtthe ratio I
Co. as calculated according to (12).
Card 4/5
Sow problems concerning transistorized.... A055/A133
must be increasod h times, 8, q:and go remaining unchanged. They find that, in
that case. It is hardly possible to r*;uce considerably the magnitude in question.
The new magnitude In C' - 9A= d.the numerical calculation of the maximum
min '49 , an
harmonic coefficient shows that this coefficient Increases rapidly with h. In a
practical case& the authors found that a 17% and 23% reduction of Cmin brings
about distortions of 5.6 and 12.2%. respectively. The fundamental formulas de-
duced in this article were-chooked experimentally by the authors on a transistor-
Ized stage with "P4-B" triodes on a common base, using either a rectifier or a
d-c power supply. In both cases, the experimental results coincided, with a Prac- sufficient accuracy, with the calculated magnitudes. (Abstracter's notet
Subsylpt mod (modulation) stands for the Russian Aj 1 (load) for K; f (filter)
for root (rectifier) for 8 j source for ucm; roe (resonant) for p j max
(maximum) for APXC; min (minimum) for omv; outp (output) for doxi inp (input)
for Sx.] There are 8 figures.and 5 Soviet-bloc references.
SUBM17TEDs November 30, 1959
Card 5/5
4) 00 24, //.Cy, /X-3:0. B010/B070
TITM Investigation of the Transition Processes Due to the Complex
Internal Impedances of the Source of the Working Voltage in
Class-B Amplifiers
PERIODICALt Radiotekhnika, 1960, Vol. 15, No. 7, pp. 67-74
TEXT: In low-frequency power amplifiers with final B-push-pull stages,
nonlinear distortions appear during the period of mutual current transfer
due to the capacitive components of the internal impedances of the source
of the working potential, even when the I a-U9 characteristic of the final
tubes is assumed to be ideal. The distortions are calculated, and the ef-
fect of the negative feedback of current and voltage is discussed. The
results give some hints about the design of the filter capacitor of the
anode voltage source and of the cathode capacitors. If the tubes are re-
placed. by two-terminal sources, the squivalent-circuit -,'iagram of a final
push-pull otage represents two circuits which are coupled by the total
Card 1/4 VV(
Investigation of the Transition Processes S/iOO/60/015/007/013/013/XX
Due to the Complex Internal Impedancesof the BO1O/BO7O
Source of the Working Voltage in
Class-B Amplifiers
source of anode voltage. The voltage ratios In each of the two meshes for
different intervals during the period of the signal are given by two dif-
ferential equations according to Kirchhoff's laws. In the solution of
these equations, there appear besides the aignal frequency, additional
higher-frequency functions whose expansion in Fourier series determines
the distortion factor numerically (see Fig. 5, 82 0 2C(R + R where
a where R and R are the internal and external impedances, re-
Hi I N
spectively, of the tubes, C is the filter capacitance, and Q is the signal
frequency). The application of a negative feedback of current reduces the
nonlinear distortions since it increases the external dynamic resistance.
On the other hand, the negative feedback of voltage decreases the internal
impedance of the tubes and thus favors the appearance of nonlinear dis-
tortions. The quantitative relationship as a function of the negative
Card 2/4 1~(
Investigation of the Transition Processes S/108/60/015/007/~11j0".1yx
Due to the Complex-In'ternal Impedancesof the BOIO/BO70
Source of the Working Voltage in
Class-B Amplifiers
feedback coefficient is easily obtained by the usual modification of the
two-pole pqrameter of the amplifier tubes. The R-C part of the automatic
grid bias production is an additional source of distortion which is par-
ticularly significant for tubes with mutual inductance. The following
circuit constants are recommended for keeping the distortions smqll in the
absence of negative feedbacks For the cathod4 capacitor, C It 10S
k R N( I+a)
C.:t (812 -L 12.5) . Practical measurements of the distortion factor and
I"!n (HN+Rj)
oscillograms confirm the results of calculation. G. S. Tsykin assisted
in the work. There are 5 figures and 6 references.
SUBMITTEDi January 0, 1960
for the filter capacitor,
where S is the mutual inductance in
Card 3/4
i. . I . Pile. S -f - - ,,.- -1,
;- Card 4/4
. il .- ---- -- - !-- .1 . ~ . I -
AUTHORSt Timishahenkop M. O.,.Balffinov, A. T.
- ---------
Tr=1 Analysts.of a wide-bm*d limiter
PEMODICALI Elektroavyazl, no. 12, 1961, 19 - 28
TEM This article Is a theoretical analysis of a wide-band liatter with
"ideal" diodes whose internal resistance In the conductance direction In equal to
zero. Fig. I shown the circuit of the limiter. The L circuit (anode load of
Ck '00,
the tube)# shunted by Nho contains two crystal diodes, It the, oscillating_ LA
tage exceeds the retarding voltage Eret, the diode current begins to*flow ai~d pre-
vents a further Increase of the circuit voltage, which In the underlying opera-
tion principle of the examined limiter. Fig. 2 is the equivalent circuit of the
limiter. The tube Is represented hero by the generator of current ik a 1kGiTUA,
where Ik - SVIn Th initial oonditione.corr*spond to the voltage and
Eret across C, ?;A toothe currents 101 and 102 in L at the moments toi_!ro_~/W .
t - YWp respectively. At these moments, one of the diodes In being either un-
;?ookea (cot or blocked Ot - -rj or at a Ir-Y, ) The internal resistance of
Re;ted and considered as equal
the diodes in e conductance dirsoti8n can be neg
Card 1/5
IJA/6 1/000/01 Z/003/0 10
Analysis of a wide-band limiter A055/A127
to zero. The authors smineSeParatelys a) that part of the period when both
diodes are blockedt _Y2 4. wt /, T21 b) that part of the period wben one of the
diodes in unblockedI Jr2 4 Wt /,ir-fl. The initial equations (in operator form)
for part a) of the period arej
Ucl(P) - 101(p) + Bret
PC p
U1,16) - PLXLI(P) - L1.01
cos~j-p sinfl) J(P)
IcI(P) + ILI(P) + IR
where ICI'(p), ILI(P) and IRI(p) represent the currents in the C, L and R arms re-
spectively. Solving (1). the authors find first the current IRI(p) in operator
form, and then, using the Laplace inverse transformation methodo they obtain the
expression for the current iRI(t). This expression inj
C ard WS
Ausaysio of a w1do-band limiter AOWA127
M[IkA ~A7iil(9
ve d=
4. 2
20. is
ar tg
0 Op
_:p_ ilia
cob+, + On +L + -g-
Card 3/ 5
Analysis of a wide-bqma limiter A05VA127
-:Having thus determined IRI(t), the authors obtain analogous expressions for Vie
currents ICIM and iLI(t I and'also for the voltage %1(t) at the output of the
jimiter, For pak.b) of the. Periodi.
Iksinjj Ept- +
IL2(t) R 7w- TA). (15)-
The current In the capacitance am of the circuit Is here equal to zero. The ob-
talfied formulas show that the values of the currents and voltages in the limiter
depend on its parameters R, L,. C, on the relative detuning y and on the cutoff
angles r and Two eqUations pamitting,to calbulate and are given by
the'authors, a method is described-for computing their sum ~l + it'2 " 01 the
)mowledge of +A being necessary for the calculation'of and Th6 authors
conclude by giving a set of formulae permitting to calculate igee amplitude and
phase of the first harmonic of the limiter output voltage. They also reproduce a
numerical example,,I.e. the practical calculation of a w1do-band limiter. There
Card 4/5
Analysis of a wide-baM limiter A055/A127
are 8 figures, 5 Soviet-bloo references and 2 non-Soviet-bloo references. The
following names of Soviet authors or saientits are mentioned in the articlet Kon-
torovich, M. I., Gonorovskiyo 1. S., Deoh, 0., Broyde, A. M.,wid Tarasov, P. 1.
SUBMITTEN April 26, 1961
Fig, 1.
Legendt I - Uinp 4 - D2
2 - R 5 - Bret
3 - Dah 6 - Uoutp
Fig. 2.
Legendi I - DI 3 Bret
2 - D2 4 Uoutp
PUC. 2
Card 5/5
ACCBSSION NRs AT4031805 8/0000/62/000/0Q0/0126/0132
AUTHORs Dalanove' A. T.
TITLEs Response ~f a linear system to a periodic signal of cmplL-
cated forms without the use of the summation of Fourier series
'SOURCEs Nauchno-tekhniches);oye obahchostvo radLotakhniki L slektro-
ovarki. RadLoel*ktronLka v narodnow, khozyaystva SSSR (Radio elec-
tronics in the U.S.S.R. national econooW)i sbornLk trudov nauchno- -
takhn. konferentsLy. Kuyby*shev, 1962, 126-132
Topic TAGS& circuit theory* Lapl-ace transformation, Fourier series,
operational calculus, periodic function
ABSTRACTs A simple methqd applicable to periodic signals is proposed
for circuit analysis, based on the use of the theory of operator
calculus. in tihis method the driving-s-ignal Laplace transform is
obtained# for "ch of the equations describing its behavior at the
Card 1/3
corresponding segments of the period witb the aid of Laplace trans-
form tables with allowance for the deloy theorem. An expression is
then not up for the operator impedance (by the methods of operational
calculus) and tbe."nonzero Initial conditions," which take into
account the intluences.-of all the preceding periods or fractions of
the period under-consideration on the ch&Xacter of the transients in
the given segment of the period, are introduced. The inverse trans-
forms of the quantities of interest are then obtained with the aid
of the expansion theorem or if necessary by the rosidue theorem*
The unknown initial conditions are then evaluated. The method is
most advantageous when the system is not too complicated, and is a
particular case of a method employed by the author elsewhere (Blek-
trosvyazle 1960, No. 3, and RadLotekbnika,,'v. 15, 1960, No. 7) for
the solution of some more caVlicated problems. Orig., arto b4st 2
figures and 3 formulase
CwJ 2/3
z ~9000"
Acczssxou NR# AT4031805
IUMZTMo 0000062 DATS AWs 17AVL*64 =CLI 00
Card 3/3
C RR3 AT60 2336 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/000/0020/0026
AUTHOR: Balanov, A. T.1 Solemov, A. V.; Solomov, 1. 1.
ORGi none
TITLE: Constructing 11all-gonorator wattmotors for radio transmitters
SOURCE; Vsesoyumaya nauftaya sessiya, ponyaAchannaya Dny'a radio. 22d, 1966.
Soktsiya radioporodayushchikh ustroystv. Doklady. Moscow, 1966, 20-26
TOPIC TAGS: wattmeter, Hall generator, radio transmitter. -r--A--
ABSTRACT: The problem of constructing Ha-U-
generator-type wattmotors for measuring Antenna foodor
radio transmitter output at low, medium, 4a
and high radiofrequoncios is discussed. % ~glootromagnot
The current in the antenna feeder is
measured by a ferrite ring with an air-
gap (see Fig. i). The voltage is measured IV* HO 1/0
by C C. capacitive divider connoctedo via
limIng resistor R, to the current
electrodes of the Hall generator. The
output represents the r-f power indicated QC
ACC NRs AT6022~36 0
by wattmeter P connected via an amplitier. Curves are plotted which show that a
magnetic induction of 50-500 gs for medium frequencies and of 15-150 gs for
high frequencies can be expected from a single-turn ferrite magnet. To reduce the
undesirable effect of temperature on thin InSb films, a series temperature-
compensation circuit is suggested. Preliminary experiments with a 125-W, 100-600-ka
transmitter showed that the Hall emf has a linear relation to the r-f power and
that the emf is sufficient for driving the output amplifier. Orig. art. has& 3 iruri
and 5 formulas. 163F
SUB CODEs 09 / SVBM DAM 31W66 / ORIG RM 002 1 OTH REF: 001/ ATD PRESS:,~7',#."
t' i C!l I and i e C 11:m.c t 0 1- i.; L I C.'; of a pneumn t i C powe
k"A.'keory or machincrie
ccntrol Gyrtem, coatz'01 V.Y...tem rta-
'1`lc ::Lud-1 the effeet of variationr, in the parm-icterr of the cum-
~;ui)- 'y k~a Lhe b'u;*~'e Of 'u pne"u-'atic drive (u)(1 closed power
atic z;ervc4-.cc1v,ni.-.% i-.; :;ho-wn in the figurc. i
utial",mm of the pnexim-
conaiLio.-m or a pn(.urialic arive'lith a conut rnal
Y-Z~L~tc 011c. A \~ ant exte
10~i(l "Ire by the riechanical characteri,;tictu, Output power and efficiency
iii dctcr~minea the, vrkri.%ti t, it-, 1e,
Tlie zitzbility o,L' *~',;c power cvtLl-%;-
'~~x variation In o.,&'1cic, output power. It in chown that the no-load
1i; ztable w-,*L:i ronpect to variationi; in prcG:;ui-c and that the braking force is
Card 1/2
ACC )_3 " I
Gn,p~u; ire j;ivvi ohowing
tbe 0*1'.1ciency -~n u fulletion 0, 10"Id
w-.u thic pwe-~ for drives
with voriouz
I --cd
art, whicli i,,.,y tic U; in deaiGn-
il;"- pnelt.-viLic Coatrol for se-
i~arxwters Which Civc tile
i ol rtatic and dynn-
nic ci,~IracLer`stics and for determining
rav.,:c of variatioti:; in
o' tlic worYing fluid for
1-oqu.;rc;Jcwz w1th rcspoct to the
Stj,~O;jjj,I,? 01 -L:lt4C ancl dyzv-,.~rie cl,.arac-
o,^ -)ower coutrol systeinG.
Or I j-
A, 5 fi~;urcs, I tuble,
2U fo~-..-,;Ias.
1,S-aln lb:c~-z; 2--pfoton; 3,4--fir.3t and
ceexal oorki):g Cavitice; 6--81-.'dc vazv 0; i
op,,Lng; 6--facdback a d'
r)rz-?L3; 9--fCO
!-Ick Zcvc.-:,- Id-cirternal load;*
G igna I
U;,.% 1; ATL 12.1=66/ ORIG MY: 003
Data on the nature ok action of araftl sodium and aximwin on the
central nervous syst6m in mn. Aotiv. nerv. sup. 3 no.0381-388 161.
1. Tnatitut evoliutsionnoy fixiologii in, % T. Sechenova AN SSM
'*"irektor - chlen-korr. AN SSSR Ye. T. Kreps)
(AMOPARBITAL ph%rm&ool) (CHLORPROWINE photrmool)
Narastanie sloia Prandtlia v priamouGollrAfth tmbakh pri lardnarnom rezhim.
(TSAGI. Trudv, 1934, no. 176, p-19-32,, diagrs.)
Sum,mry in FmClish.
Title tr,: Growth of the Prandtl boundary layer in rectangular tubes with
lardnar flow.
QA911-M65 no.176
SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union, Library of ~'ongreas,
AUTHORs k~-Iltovp To. I*
TITLEs On the-- motion'of a heavy rigid body around a fixed point
(the oaso of dynamic symmetry)
PERIODICALs Reforativnyy zhurnall Matom&tika, no. 7, 1962, 38,
.abstract 7B184- ("Tr. Samarkandek.'un-ta-'p 1960(i961),
no. 107P 113-128);
TEXTa The author investigates the motion of a gyroscope (cars
A = Bf xa, a 0), the contra of gravity of which lies in an arbitrary point,Y~
i. a. a more general case than.the classical cases of Lagrange and Kova-
lovskays, Is considered. The author does'not accomplksh the solution of
the problem to the ond..Anyway he obtains (after having introduced into
t~o Eular equations instead of pp q and r, the War coordinatos f, *
and 0) "Iftor a number of deformations u 3yetem of two difforen.-I''.1.
equations with two unknown functions. ayet-on is, - t-ccoruii-.a .o the
opinion of the author - more simple than that system which in this case
is obtained according to the method of Rose-Sohiffor (look s. St
Golubey, V, V.z Lsktsii. po integr1rovaniyu uravneniy dvizheniya
Card 1/-Z
On the motion of a heavy rigid CIII/C333
tyezhalogo tvordogo tela okolo nopodvizhnoy tochki [Lectures on the
integration of the motion equations of an rigid heavy body with a fixed
point I 1:.t 1951). The author also investigates the conditions, under
which in the conaiderad qase a regular procession is possible. Further
on the author puts up the linear 24aithiou differential equati.on
~t-2 + a (M - a sin r0t) - 0
for the psaudoregular procession, where 2 is a small nutation.
ml r0 and a being parameters.
tAbstraotorls notea Complete translation.]
Card 2/2
AUTHORSt Voly no kaya (Klevt a ova), M. P. Kuznotoov, V. ks .#a lan,~~at S.-Ya.
TITLEs Electrocapillary effects on Tl-Sb alloys
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v. 37, no. 1, 1965, W - i89
TEXT: T1 and Sbj chosen because thuir zero-chargo potentials differ con-
siderably, were used to investigate the depeddence of the zero-charge
potential on the composition of binary alloys. The zero-charge potentials,
of TI and Tl-Sb alloys were determined from the maximum potential of
eleatrocapillary curves at 4750C- A mixture of-molten LiCl-KC1 served as
electrolyte and molten lead so reference electrode. Since a solid phase
precipitated at 4750C it was not possible to investigate alloys containing
more than 65 at~ of Sb. Tho omf of the-Falvanio elonents, type
Tl_ ILiCl-KCI + ~% by weight TIC11 TI-Sb+ alloy, was measured in order to
determine the activities of TI and Sb. The curves representing the activi-
ties differed only slightly from Haoult's law. The electrocapillary curves
ahow that the surface tension acting on the interface alloy-eloctrolyto de-
creases with increasing content of Sb, and that the zero-charge potential
Card 1/2
Electrocapillary effects on T1-Sb alloys BIOI/B186
shifts toward the positive dir.ection. The adsorption of Tj and Sb at the
,surface, the surface concentration of the tAo components and the portion 0
,of the surface occupied by the two component3 are calculated. The following
values are given for the Sb content given in atomic parts (0 T11OSb), 0.05, '
0.82, 0-151 0.20, 0.65, 0.3~ib-'40, 0.52, 0-471 0.65 0 50 0.6Z. The ze~o-
charge potential was calculated,from the equation 6~6w 0 . /
;a " YTI
0 0 11
(?S . For the Sb: content in atomio parts, 5~,o 0
b 9TI)""Sb' calcul and 9exper
are givent 0-05) -0-45, -0-53; 0.20, -0-39t -0-46; 0.40, -0-31, -0-42;
o-63, -0.20, -0-30. The discrepancy between the values of yO an calculated
and those obtained experimentally is attributed to the fact that the applied
equation takes no account of a certain type of interaction of the alloy com-
poneets. There are 4 figures and 2 tables.
ASSOCIATIONs Urallskiy goe'udaritvennyy universitet im. A. M. Corokogo
(Ural State University imeni A. M. Gor'kiy)
SUBMITTEDi October 28, 1961
Card 2/2
------- -- VOLYNSKAYA-0 0, -
M.P. (Kleyteove)l KUZNETSOV, V.A.1 UIANOVAp S.Ya.
Electrocapinary phenomena in Tl-Sb alloys. Zhurdis.khiu. Y?
no.W86-189 Ja. 1630 (MIPA 170)
1. Ural'skiy goeudaretyannyy universitat iveni GorIkogo,
CoOlAtate a0tast desipers and 'builders. Zhil.-kolm.khos, 6
Ao*5tIO 156. (a" 9111)
(8tailingrad-4partiment houses)
--RAtAlJOYSjjTt 34j-
Training potrolnu workers In related profession@. Prof.-takh.obr.
11 no.6:29 8 134. (XLRA ?tlO)
1. lkahallutk otdola podgotovki kadrov Upraylentya rabooblkh kad-
rov, truda I tarplaty Kintatsrstva noftyanoy promythlennosti.
(P*trolouu workers-Iftcation)
OURVICHO To-o-DO-0--mfiticlo A.&. LIVSHITS, Z. Lo WSZV, M.T.; r S.A.
01206IMOT, V.3.1 PCMp $*So; HATSUS, L.A.; RATUSH. P*P.f- PARYSMOV,
Ye.1.1 DMOVINA, N.D., vedushchiy redo; XMIM, N.A., tekhn.reds
[Soviet petroleum industry] lbftiansia proaWablennostf SSM,
Moskyal Oosousuchno-tekhaotsd-vo naft, I gorno-toplivnot lit-ry,
1938. 330 p6 (KnU 1113)
(Petrolem Industry)
, Inthener.
R"k falling during shaft sinking. Dozop.tradA v proo. 1
no.6:7-8 Jo 157. (MU 10: 7)
(Mine moldents)
BAIANOVSKIT~-Vj-..gorr*,y inshener.
PRSH-1 dust respirator. Shakht. stroi. no.8t22-23 Ag 157.
(Mine dust) (Respirators) (WLRk 100)
. - .1 il ,- I : - I N x 1 11 - I
- - - -n- -4 i ? r-tv - - -
.- -04
Results of the analysis of rocks In the Donets, Basin. Bezop..
truda v pros, 2 no.1:36 Ja 158. (MIRA 11:1)
(NnOte Basin--Coal mines and mining--Safety measures)
BALA NOV.5'K' 11'e-VeY . --I nub.
r-~ Dint control as factor for Inarnnaing thn rate of dbvolopimnt
ninit4: operntinum. MmMt. strol. no,3:12-111 "')a, (MIRA 1113)
(HIne duntit) (Rnring)
BLIANOTSM" T.P.. insh.
Frollahary rook comentation In Donets Basin 9Wt sink-i
Shakht. strol. no,9t6-9 158. lim litio)
(%note Basin-swt linking) (Grouting)
Replaoing shas barriers by water, Sha)ditostroi, uoo3tl3,~14 Mr 1598,
(NDU 12:4)
(Mine dusts) (Ooal mines an& mining-Safety measures)
. I
--ra-ter -evrow-ers used in Donate-Basin mines. Basop.truds, v proms 3
no.ltg-lo Ja 059. (HIS& IND
(DonetsBasin-Coul mines and mining) I
- T
~-y -
,sprays the structure of c*aj ulna mnagamente Ugoll 34 no.1-01-53
A 159. (XIRA 3.2tl)
1.8talinskly Sovet narodnogo khosmetyao
(mine management) (Coal mines and mining)
RAIANOVSKIY, V. F~ 8 inshov -- -- -- - - - - -- - - -
Ater bwTier in the sinst of A4trlaa Shakbtostroi. 3 ao*4s32 Ap
161, (KERL 3.4 t 5)
.1 (Austria-BWting-Safety x6asurem)
- -:1, -
-- 13ALANOVSKIYt V.F. y-gomyy insh. - -- - - -- - -- --- ---- -- -- - -
Investigating the effect of certain factors on the qualitative
changes of inert dust. Ugoll Mr. 5 no.4s28 Ap 161. (MIRA 14W
(0oal mines and minink-Safety measures)
BAIANOVSKIY, V.F., insh.; BRAYNINO M.I., inzhe
Explosion problem in a methane and dust atmosphere** Shakhto
etroi* 5 no*10117 0 161, (HIM 16:7)
1, Institut gornogo dela AN UkrSSR*
(Hine explosions)
Problem!t of air conditioninp in the con] mines of' the Wcrain6~
Urol' 16 no.8158-_5q Ag '61. (MW Ilog)
(Ukraine--Coal mines and mininq--Air conditioning)
Urgent problems of air conditioning in the Donate Basin mines*
Ugoll 37 no.D63-4 Ja 162. (KMA 15:2)
(Donato Basin-Coal mines and mining-Air conditioning)
ETS #-V#I kand.tekhn.naukl B nah.1 ZINCHENK09 V.V.0
lnsb,,j XOFTWVP V.F.P in SMYCHMOO L.I., inih.
Efficiency of water curtains for directed protection againit the
air uave imna-et. Ugoll Ukr. 6 no.5138-41 MY 162. (KRA 15ill)
(coal nines andidninc-Fires and fire prevention)
(Blasting-,-Wety measures)
UIANUV31U Y V. F. inzh.
Conference on the meahazisation and automation of ventilation
In coal and ore minon. U9011 37 no.9j59-60 5 162.
(MRA 15:9)
(Hine ventilation) (Automatic control)
KUSOV,-V1, (Kr-nan-od-%r)i-.!ALANZI
,~,V. (Leningrad); xozlkv, P.; KARPOV, V.
From the editor's mail. Sov. profsoiuzy 19 no.12t19 A 163.
(MIRA 16t8)
1. Neshtatnyy korrespondent shurnala "Sovetaklys profsoyusy",
Rovno (for Kozlov).
(Technological innovations) (Bonus system) (Trade unions)
Ql the "Fergana" StAn Frait and Graym Farm. Zashch, rant. ot
v-rnfl. J bol. 9 no.10ill-12 164 (11111A 18:1)
1. Calavnyy tigrono"n sadviii-oovkhna "Fergo-11. Foregarskayn oblant'.
dotsent; MALEZHIK, G.M.; SIRNOVp B.M., doktor salfskokhoz.nauk;
From the practices of the use of poisonous chemicals. Zashcb.rast.
ot vred. i bol, 8 nool2128-29 D 163. (MIRA 17:3)
1. Gruzinskiy institut zashchity rastaniy (for Tulashvili, Samun-
dzheyap Raohveliohvill), 2. Kishinevskiy oellskokhozyaystvennyy
inatitut (for Antonova). 3. Zavoduyushchiy otdelom tashchity rae-
t:niy Sumskor opytnoy stantsii (for Malezhik)o 4o Nauohno-iosledo-
v teltskiy institut sel'skogo khozyVstva Yugo-Vostoka. (for Smirnovj,
Matveyenko). 5. Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut bogarnogo zemle-
deliya, Gallya-Aral (for Balantayeva, Garnaga)e
Urganising the complete processing of oorn. Jakh. prom. 33
to,8t58-61 Ag 159,
(MIRA 12M)
(Cornstarch) Otarch Industry-Iquipment and supplies)