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VAUND N, G.F.; K011,11ANTINOV, L.S. , kand. tekfm. nauk, ratvenltlyl (crystal structure formation In castings$ pure metals and single-phase alloys) Formirovanle. krintallichaskogo stroanila otlivoki chletyo motally i odnofnziWo -iplavy. Moskva., Ynshinostroeniep 1965. 2514; p. (ml Tiit is: 5) 1 0 BAUNDINI G. 1. qrozovo,ye lelo n-k morskort transporte (loalina, work on r-trine tr,tn3-011, b~~ 3. 1, 11 . I Balandin (and) A. I. Shapiro. Lenln-ya.], l-,d-vo ~~ors~oy transport, 19,`,16. 235 r. illus., %Olleq. r1/5 756. r45 .BI UUNDIN,-(,.I.; CHItYAlMe-V.99-i--rodsLkt0r;-MUYNYA, N.A., redaktor; Y*.A.. tokhnichaskiy redaktor. (Stowinx cargo on seagoing vessels] Ukladka grusoy me morskikh sudakh. Moskva, goo, lid-To Yodnogo transporU, 1954. 138 p. (Ships--Cargo) I I . . . . 11, . IF. - V ~ - 1- , VISHRVOLMM9 S.A.p kand. -ekono narttk; BOLVI SqHq# inzh. putey soob- obeheniyal BONDARENNO, V.S.1 RODIN,, Ye.D.1 CHUVLEVp V.P.j TURETSKIY, L.S.; 24IRNOV, G.So; 9HAPIROVSl=,, D.B.; OBOUSYSTER., A.M.; SINITSIN, M.T.1 KOGANj N.D,l PERUCHIKO V A A.O!j KOIESKIKOV, V.G., MARTIR030 OTKIT) I:B:jd9'cs=9ed#j; '.. s ZINMCHIO.B,jjm=Tw#()*io&r~4SEV)VoP,p kand, tekbn, na*l ZAMMOVSKAYA) A.O.p kand. tekhn. nauk; RAKALISKIY, I.I., kwA. skox. naukj MITROFANOY# V.P.,, kand. skon. naukl CHILIKIN, Ya.Ae.6 UWEVI V*G*j doktor tekbas maluk# redo Privimali uchantiyes DZHAVADj, Yu.Xh.j red,.l GUBEWMI H.L., kande ekon. nauko rodel RYABCHIKOV, P.A., red.; YAVUDISKIY, S.D., red.; BLYRASHEVSKlYp A.M.# kand. takhn. naukp red.1 POUUUKIN Vo#,p p4al B&WAEJ- 001#1 red.; Z;OtOVp D.K,j red.; RY2sovp V.400's, ,DOrf9lTK0qpA*Ne) red.; VULIFSON, M.S., kand. ekon. nauk, red.; U41TRIYEVp V.I... kand. ekon. nauk,,- red.; ALEKSJWDROV, L.A.j, red.; IAVRENO~A ,,,-N.B.v tekbno red* .1, [Transportation in the U.S.S*R.1 marine tranaportation) Transport SSBR; morskoi transport. MoeWas Iod-vo "Morskoi transport,,v 1961. 759 p, (Herchant marine) (HERA 1512) dALANri!',, t ., 1-rfinto4r .rt ut dianuse, Avt. dor, 28 nc).9:27 S 165. (KIRA 18110; It ,BAIAIWIM 1 2 a -A! ~,, ICVA I L. P. Dynamics of changes In the composition of blood veran proteins in guinea pigs wtth brucellosis. authors' abstract. Zhur.uikrobiol. spid. I ismun. 29 no.7!149 Jl 157. (HIRA 10:10) (BLOOD PRDTAINS) (BRUCILLOSIS) BALANDIN, I. G., Cand Med Sci of I)seudo-tubercu-la-r bactQria.11 Moscow, 19b0. 14 pp; (Academy of Medical I;ciences USSh, 1not of Epidemiology and Microbiology im 14. F. Gamaleya); 250 copies; price not given; list of author's works at end of text (12 entries); (KL, 52-60, 122) BALAMN# 1.0.; KARNITSKAYA, N.V. I- --. Urease activity of diphtheria and peoudodipbtbaria bacteria. Zhur. mikrobiol. ept-d., I Im2n, 31 nos IOM-20 0 16o, (KM 13#12) 1e Is Robtovekogo meditainskogo inatituta i Rostovskogo iwtitutft opidemiologiip mikrobiologii j gigiyeralo (ODRUMBACTMIUM) (URUM) TCVTGLJR#_WS_,,;_BA_LANDINO I.G,j VXSHEPAIlt YO*D*; KHOROSHUTINAJ E.B. Synthesis of PJU In cell-free homogenatea of leaves infected with tobacco mosaic vir-us* Vop. virus 8 nos2tI42-1" Mr-Ap'63 (KTRA 16112) 1. Ihstitut biologicheekoy i meditsinskoy khimii AMN SSSRp Moskva. BALANDIX,_;,,G, (Moskva) Universality of the matrix PrinciPIO in biology and the lave of dialectios. T*st,, AMN MR 19 no.ls22-26 164. (MIRA 1717) PORCISHUTINAP R.P.; TON'OtUR, V-S. n1' thf, mohnnism cf DNA synthesis in '4xtrskctfi or NicotiRna lonvas infe~tod with tolmw monnic vlruq. Dokl. AN 31,w 155 no.1001-201 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:1.) 1. I-stitut. b-lologiehookoy i maditainskoy khImii AYN Mrult. FrfA,-,t.ivlcno ak-ndemikcm A.N.Belozorakim. ~l T i-~- I I Fj "Sintez rnk virusa tabuchnoy mozaiki in vitro." report presented at S.Nmp on Vinis Diseases, Moscow, 6-1~ Oct 614. Laboratorlya blokhimli nukleinovykh ki.slot, Institut biologicheokoy i meditsinskoy khimli AYV SSSR, Moskva. BALANDINI I.G.; BABUSHKINAp L.M,l TONGURp V.S.; GEW)N, Yu.Z. Suppression of the DNA activity in the RUA dapandent polymoraso of cells Infoo W with polloWelitie virus. Vop. virus, 10 no.5t6O&-" B-0 065s. (MIRA 18111) lo Inatitut biologichookoy I. meditainskoy khJzU AMN SSSR i Moskovsk-ly nauchno-iseledovatelinkly institut virusnykh Preparatov. ZHDA?40V# V.M.; !IELI TKOVAO L.A.; K(CLOVA, I.Ae; BALANDIN, I,G.; PETERSON, O.F.; KISHARINA, L. SuLession of the symthesis of smallpox vaccine virus by histone. Dokle AN SSSR 165 nos51ll&-1183 D 165, (HIRA 191l) 1. Inatitut virusologii in. D.T.1-anovaRogo 91N SSSR. 2. DeystvitelInyy chlen AMN SSSR (for Zhdanov). Subnitted August 69 1965. 5(2) SOV/80-32-5-45/52 AUMOR3: Titov, V.A., Babkin, Yu.A., B&Iandin, I M TITLEt The Corrosion of Metals in Thionylchloride PERIODICALt Zhurnal prikladnoy khimli, 1959, Vol 32, Nr 5, pp 1167-1169 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Thionylehloride is the rawmaterial for dyestuffs, moving picture films, pharmaceutical products, etc. With the moisture of the air SOC12 forms B02 and. HCl. I've corresion activity Is not yet investigated. Ex- periments were made thereforeunder laboratory and industrial conditions. In the first case the pure substance was used, In the second case a mixture of W% SOC120 2.7% dissolved gases and 17.3% chlorides. It has been shown that the resistance of copper and titanium is very low, being 11.5 nmVyear and 6.8 mm/year, respectively. The corrosion of the steel of EI-461 and M18N9r grades was 0.01 and 0.02 mm/year, respectively. Both steels have also a high ductility, toughness and good welding pro- perties. EI-1161 Is very expensive and can be used only for a small Card 1/2 number of apparatus parts. The Corrosion of Metals In Thlonylahloride SOV/80-32-5-45/52 There are 2 graphs and I table. ASSOCIATIONt Moskovskiy institut stali (Mos-~ow Imstit-ute of Steel) SUBMITTED: may 30, 1958 Card 2/2 L IVT~ 'lilt, Jill ,T 11 11:11ii, Irk- 5/08?~'6'1~000/023/03i/06t B138/BiOl AUTHORSt Titov* V. A.p Balandinj_~~_-*,, Tomashov, S. D. TITM Inveatigation of the efficiency of different methods of protecting metals in solutions of sulfuric and phosphoric acids at elevated temperatures PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 23, 1961, 290, abstract 231276 (3b. "Korroziya i zashchita konstrukta. metallich. materialov". V.. Xaahgiz, 1961, 200 - 214) TEXTt The effect of cathodic (As and Bi ions) and anodic (Cu, Ag, and Au ions) corrosion inhibitors has been investigated, as also electrolytic protection by anodic polarization using Cu, Ag, and Au depositions and Ag and Au contact, on the rate of corrosion of stainless steels IXM19T (iKhi8N9T) and Y,231428H3A3T (Kh23N28M3D3T) and the alloy 90461(EI461) in 10~A solutions of If2so4 and H3PO4 at a temperature of 2500C. The cathodic corrosion inhibitor, Bi, has been found to have the greatest inhibiting effect for stainless steels in H 2so V Corrosion of the Ni Card 1/2 31966 3/081/61/000/023/031/061 Investigation of the efficiency ... B138/B101 alloy is more effectively reduced if it has a Cu. coating. In H3PO4 an addition of Ag ions to the acid solution is the most efficient way of reducing corrosion of the stainless steels and the Ni alloy. CAbstracter's notes Complete translation.] Y Card 2/2 --L 799,4-~'-' - - -05026566 SOURCE GODEz,~ UYV0286/65/000/019/01)0/01)1 AUTHORS: balWOkni, It-TA j Lojzn4j S. I.; Zapolls"Y, I*--S.; Lon1kov G. V.; qLqpchkin, VO rue-;-x1selevaq Zo Vol Hironov, A. A. Offit none TITM A mobile stand for assembly and welding of ship bull sections. Class 65p No. 175406 Lprosented by Kherson DepiEn aiRd Construction EnginoorinE Institu" (Khorsonekly proyektno-konati-r~l'~-t,o-r-i-iij to ologichoskiy !Lnetitut)_/- - SOURCE: BVulleten' it-obroteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 19, 1965p 130-131 TOPIC TAGSt sonstruction machinery, shipbuilding ong$,nooring ~5 ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a mobile atand for assembly and volding of chip bull aeotions. The stand is made up of longitudinal framing beams carrying transverse curved boams with vortically adjuatable supports (ooo Fig. 1). Fig. 1. 1- longitudinal framing beams; 2- tranoversb curved beams; 3- supports; 4- protruding teetht 5- hydraulic cylinders Card 1/2 UDGt 629.12.002.01lt62le,757t62-lt791 ACC NR- Ap5o265(-,6 To facilitate the work setup for a continuously positioned method of fabricating ship sections by mechanized assembly and welding techniquet the longitudinal bom of the stand carry protruding tooth on their lower surface, These tooth interaot with the bearings hinged to free ends of piston stems in the hydraulio cylinders of the mechanism for moving the stand. Orig. art, hast 1 figure. suB com iE/ suBm DATEs mug64 nw Cord . 2/2 ACC NRt AP5028536 S01URCE COM pVO286/65/000/020/0130/0130 AUTHORS I Balag, a I.; Zapoll1kiXi I. P.1 Lenlk4"' V*; L_p I Leanov, a. Goryachkfh--.T.- YU01 Rotov, V~- eleva'. Z" Ve; Hironov A, A, A0 U-B., 10 SS o9 is ifli Offit none TITLE s Multi-aupport stand, Class 65, No. 175838 Za-nnounced by Kherson Design arA Construction Tech 1 1 1 listitute (K49roonakiy proyektno,-konstiatZF91W------ g ic-Ews M1 i29 1ru 0 SOURGEt Wletent tsobrateniy i tovarnykh anakov, no. 20, 19651 130 70PIC TAGSa shipbuilding engineering, ship component, automation 7j- --- - .11 14 ABSTRACTt This Author Certificate presents a multi-su~pprt stand with frame supports for plaoing of ship sections. To mechanize tTio placing or the supporta under the ship sections, the frame supports are pivoted below the floor level and are kine- matically connected to the push rod of a hydraulic cylinder which synchronously lifts the supports to a vertical position and lovers then to a horizontal position until the back sides of the supportc are at floor level and form a flat platform (see Figs IA UDCs 629.12.002.Ollt621.757t621.791 1. '1 7, 11,1 ACC NRi AP5028536 Fig, I* I - ftme supportl 2 - pivotl 3 - puAh rodl 4 - baok side of sq)porto Orig. art. haso 1 figure. SUB CODFJ 131 SUBM DATEt 20Aqg64 2/2 BALANDINj K.N. J, . i~ - - .- -- a. ' -I' Urdlythingis in the Pends*mt region. Zdrav. Tadth. 10,,bno%ll 22,$5 163* (HIM 1617) 1, Is Pendshikentakoy gorodakoy bollnitay (glavrqy vrach U.S. Razakove). (PENDZHIMM OGION-CALCULI, UMNAM) - late results of the surgical treatment of aoute anoreotal thrombosis. Khirurglia 40 no.5slO3-106 Yq 164. (MIRA 18s2) L. Klinika Ronvitallnoy khirurgli (zav.- prof. A.Kh. Khaydarov) Sauar~andskogo maditeinakogo inatitutA Iment. Favlova (dir.- dotsent, M.N. Khaitov). L2" I- I N_~j' " USSR/Kuclear Physics - Hyperons FD-296o Card 1/1 Pub. 146 - 1128 Author : Jaij6d1g, 1L.C.; Balashov, B. D.; Zhukov, V. A.; Pontekorvo wonteeorvou-,B- M.; Selivanov, 0. 1. Title : Possitility of the formation of ^ 0 particles by protons with energies up to 700 14ev Periodical : Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz., 29 September 1955, 265-273 Abstract : The authors attempt to observe the formation of Ao particles during collision of protons with energies of 670 Mev with,carbon nuclei. In principle the experiments permitted them to r,tcord AO particles decaying according to the following scheme: A 0 --~ n " /to. They detected gamma rays from the decay of AO mesons by means of a telescope consisting of scintillational and Cherenkov counters. They find that the cross section of formation of Ao particles has a value approximately equal or less than 10-31 cm2/nucleon. They draw conclusions concerning the mechanism gov- erning the formation of A particles. The authors thank V. V KrivitskLy and A. I. Mukhin for assistance in setting up the col- limator. Ten references, mainly western and to Otchet IYaP AN SM. Institution ; Institute of Nuclear Problern, Academy of Sciences USBR (TYnP AN SSSR) Submitted : June 2, 1955 21M AUTHORSs Balandin, H. Y, koiseyonko, V. A., S07156 _7 6-2-12163 'Mukhin, 1. 1., Otvinovs'kiy, S. Z. +_ +_ loans of a Propane Bubble TITLE: Investigation of e Decay by L Chamber and Scintillation Counters (Iseledovaniye lil- 0+-raspada pri pomoshchi propanovoy puzyrtkovoy kamery i stointillyatsionnykh echetchikov) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal qksperimentallnoy i tooratiohookoy fizikil 19599 Vol 36, Nr 21 PP 424-432 (USSR) ABSTRACTs After the diacovory of the, nonconservation of parity in the ease of woak.interaction (Refs 1t 2) the results of a number of investigations ofu-e-decay were published, which were carried out partly by means of electronic particle recording (Rafe 3P 4) and partly with photoomulaions (Refs 5# 6). In 1957 reports were published concorning also investigations carried out-by .means of hydrogen- Oaf 7) and propane bubble chambers (Refa 0, 9). Tho advantages and dinadvantagos of these methods are discussed in short in the introduction. The authors of the present paper aluo used a propane bubble chamber for the purpoas Card 114 of recording particles. The present paper intends to investigate Investigation of e- A+- a+-Decay SOV156-36-2-12163 by Means of a Propane Bubble Chamber and Scintillation Counters positron asymmetry in the reaction frt.;# 0 Me asymmetry -'Lound by the authors turned out-to be considerably less than that found by other research workers. (Rofs 4v 109 11). who had also used propane for their work. The difference is oxplAined by the difforonce in the purity of the propane used. A scheme of the experimental arrangement used le shown by figurn 1. The 670 Mov proton beam emitted from the synchrocyclotron penetratas a lead shield and is focused by quadrupole lenso 0; behind a further shield is the polyothylono targot in which the e-mosons are produced. According to the thicknoso of this target (70 or 30 cm), the li~-moson beam deviates from the primary proton beam by 7 or 300, and the It+-mooono havo an energy of 170 or 273 Rev. Behind a further shield, the mocon beam is electromagnetically deflected and penetrates a stool collimator, which is lot in to the window of the 4 m-concrete shield, which is lined with cast iron plates. The beam finnlly reaches a filter (at 170 Mev made from 29 cm Al, at 273 Yov 15.5 em Cu) and finally penetrates into the bubble chamber, which Is screened off by means of doublo-layer iron. The tracks of the charged particles Card 2/4 were photographed by meane of a stereophotoeraphic camera Investigation of fr~--^- 0 Decay sov/56-36-2-12/63 by Means of a Propano rubble Chamber and Scintillation Counters fitted with n "Yupiter-,1111 lene. (F- 5.24 cm). The chamber was filled vith toohnicil propane (OC~; prollano, 1Q;v' propylonog 6.0,t methane, jri, butane)l the normal op,-rational conditions: of the chamber were: 62oC, primary proonurc 32 atri, expansion 2.6~, . About 5000 atoroophotoC;raphs were taken. All platen were twice investigated. As a racult of tho first investigation, 6712 cases of +- + a+- and +- 0+- decays (as well an some A - 1A doubtful cases) wore found, and the second disclosed an additional number of 3% such cases. FiCure 3 shown the angular distribution of the latter, -,,.hich ic found to be independent of 4. Invostiention of the anE;ular disti1bution of A' mesons, in 4107 cases of e-decays gave a ronult which is shown by figure 4. The angular distribution of positive muone in "doubtful" caaas is shown by figure 5 1 an N(Ot). The results obtained by the investi--ation of the nnSular distribution of positrone from the a+- decay in 5252 cases is shown by figure 1; fiauro 7 shots the corr,,.spondini; result for doubtful casoo. It vias found that the ,~n~~ular diutribution of Card 3/4 1.4 +-mooons is isotropic, whereas pooitror, an~;ular distribution, Investigation of IT+'- o+-Deoay SV/V-36-2-12/03 by Moans of a Propane Bubble Chamber and Scintillation Count,2rs if doscribed by 1 0 -a cos io charactorizod by 7F a - 0,116 ~ 0-035t a vnluo that is z,-,uch luwer than those obtained by othore. The authors further inve3tigatod asymmetry by means of scintillation counter experiments (Fig 9) in order to find the reason for the low a-valuo. It was found to be duo to the difforenoo in tho dogrou of propane purity. A simultaneous analysis of the data obtained with propane of a given compositic-n was carried out by means or a bubble chamber and scintillation counters, and resulted in A (I-wc)-0-78-tO.26 where WC denotes the dopcla-rization probability 0f /A +-mesona in graphite and A a fundamental parameter of the neutrino theory. Tho authors finally thank D. m. rontokorvo for supervising workt Me Ya. Danyah, A. A, Tyaph--Ir. and N.A. Cherni!:ov for their help and advioo, ancl R. Me Ryndin and S's M. Dilon'kiy for discusclone; they further thank Be S. Noganov, V. A. Zhukov and Be D* Balashov as well as V. Trifonov and 0. idurin for takinj; part in the work. There are 9 figures and 17 references, 7 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Ob"~-odinonnyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (United Institute for NuCloar Research) SUBMITTED: August 28, 1958 Card 4/4 SOV/56-37-3-7,162 ~1(7), 21(8) AUTHORSs Laberrig-Froloval Zh. V.s Balandin, M. P., 0tvinovskiy, S. Z, TITLEt On the Absorption of n+-Mesons With Energies of Approximately 50 Mev by Carbon Nuclei FERIODICALi Zhurnal. skeperimentallnoy i teorcticheakoy fiziki. 959. Vol 37, Hr 3(9), pp 634 - 63e (USSR) IBSTRACTo By mean of a propane bubble chamber the authors investigated the R+- -9+-decay and have already given a report on this in- vestiglion (Reims 1,2)1 during evaluaton of the photographs, also the stare formed on the occasion of the absorption of (5ot2o)Mev n+-mesons in carbon nuclei were investigated (figure i shows the photograph of a double-pronged- and figure 3 the recording of a triple-pronged,star). The cross section of the formation of such stare was determined as amounting to (145,t36)mb,. Figure 3 shows the distribution of the stars according to the number of their prongs (the double- and triple-pronged stars are the most frequent, the single- and four-pron6ed ones about half as frequent as the triple-pronged stars) and for the purpose of Card 1/3 comparing the results from reference 11 (dotted lines) also the On the A.baorption of R+-Resons With Energies of Approxi- SOV/56-37-3-7/62 mo-tE:IY 50 Mey by Carbon Nuclei results are given, which were obtained at En+ a 250 -'o 270 Mev- . Deviation is insignificant, but also stare having 6 and 7 prongs were found to occur. The average number of prongs per star was determined to 2.6+0.3. The angular distribution of the prongs, with respect to the direction of motion of the R 4_ mesons is shown by figure 4. It is found that the number of the prongs N fwhich lead to the front hemisphere Is 1.81 times as Urge as, the number Nb leading to the rear hemisphere. The ratio (N f- Nb)I(Nft Nb) is used for the determination of anisotropy. The following values of this ratio were determined& 1.00 +0.29 (1), 0.56+0*09 (2), 0.31~10.08 (5), 0-18+0-09 (4)1 -0-56 -0.1 0.20+0.16 (5). Tho numbers in parentheses indicate the respective numb'~r of the prongs of the stars. In this summary a certain tendency of an increase of anisotropy with the decreasing number of' prongs is obaerved. Figure 5 shows the distribution of the doubrle-pronged stars according to the angle a between the two Card 213 prongs. The distribution shows a conaiderable increase of the On the Absorption of 14escne With Energies bf Approxi- SOV/56-~7-3-7/62 matclY 50 L',ev by Carbon Haclei stars with increasing ot. Finally, the authors thank B. M. Ponte- korvo for suggestions and, his Interest in thin workp V. A. Moi A seyenko. It. Trifonov, and Ye- Yurova for carrying out mcaGure- ments. Zh. V. Laberrig-Froloya ilso thanka Professor D, 1. Blok-hintsev ana eroressor V. k'. Dzhelepov for her good recoption at the Institute at Dubna. Thcre are 5 figures and 13 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONs Obl'yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research) SUBMITTLDs April 4, 1959 Card 3/3 ULMIDIII, M.P.; OREBINNIK, V.G.1 SELIVOOV, G.I. (Synchronizing the operation of a bubble chamber and. a synchrocyclotron] Sinkhronizataiia. raboty puzyrlkovol kamery a sinkhrotaiklotronom. Dubnap Ob"edinonrqi in-t iadernyMisal'. 1961. 12 p. (MIM 15: 1) (Bubble chambor) (Synchrotron) S/120/62/000/005/010/036 E192/9382 AUTHORS: tB_SIAUdLU4-MAZ&-,-Qr*binnik, V,G, and Selivanov, G,,I. TITLEt Synchronization of tKe operation of a bubble chaimber with a synchrocyclotron PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperiminta, noo 5, 1962, 6o - 64 TEXT. The usual method of designing the synchronization circuit for a bubble chaLm Ibar relies on a number of series- connected binary circuits and in this system the spread of the fronts of the triggering pulses can amount to 3% of the total duration or the delay pulse. This, in practical, produces an additional time error of about Oeq ~is, which completely obscures the growth period of the bubbles to visible dimensions. The. system described does not suffer from the above fault due to the production of a coincidence between the internal signal and -.the synchronization pulse in the final stage. The photographic- exposure time is m4tched with the instant of passage of the beam to* within 10 sec. The system is provided with a "type-of- .operation" switch which permits the actuating of the system by tard 1/3 Ir S/120/62/000/005/010/036 Synchronization of thO operationos B192/9382 the start pulses obtained from the photo pick-up of the accelerator (external actuation) or by trigger pulses produced by an internal generators In either case, the system can operate continuously or only once. The internal drive is useful during the testing and adjustment of the system and permits testing the chamber independently of the accelerator. In order to provide definite intervals for the growth of.the bubbles after passage or the beam through the accelerator the instant of producing the illumination pulse is made variable. Also, relative time-3pacing of the other control pulses is unaltered. This is-aehieved by providing a delay circuit at the input of the system for the synchronization pulses. The synchronization pulses from the accelerator appear at intervals of 8 12 Us, whereas the operating cycle of the chamber is 2 5 sec- Stable operation of the system as a whole is therefore achieved by blocking it for the duration. of the operating cycle an soon as a start pulses is received. The blocking pulse is produced by a special forming circuit which blocks the chamber for a duration of 0.5 30 see- A single start pulse triggers therefore two independent channelat Card 2/3 5/12o/62/000/005/010/036 Synchronization of the operation.* E192/E382 a system for forming pulses for controlling operation of the electromagnetic valve and a unit for producing the illumination pulse. Both channels comprise delay circuits permitting the shifting of the indeption of expansion, the starting of contraction and the instant of triggering of the sparli tube. It is possible. to select the optimum ponitiori of the illumination pulse by shifting the instant of expansion. There are 6 figures.' ASSOCIATION; Ob"yedineanyy Inxtitut yadernykh isaledovaniy (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) SUBMITTED: December 9, 1961 Card 3/3 I ACCESSION-NR% AP4019201 S/0056/64/046/002/04IS/0430 AUTHORSt Ralandin, M. P.; Ivanov, 0. I.;.Hoiseyenko, V. A.1 Soko- lov, G. TITLE: \Investigation of the absorption of 40--70 MeV charged pions in carboh,nuclei with the aid of a propane bubble chamber SOURCEs Zh`~rnal ekspere i teor. fiz.# vo 46j n0#, 2# 1964# 415-430 '.,TOPIC TAGSs pion, charged pion, charged pion absorption, absorption cross section,lcharge exchange cross section, pion absorption in car- bon, prong number distribution, proton,energy distAbution, prong angular distribution, secondary particle angular distribution, angular distribution anisotropy + -ABSTRACTs The'absorption of 7r- mesons of equal energy by carbon nuclei'at 40--70,MeV was investigated with a 30 cm, propane bubble chamber, with aLn aim at obtaining more data on the two stages of the ACCESSION NRt AP4019201 pion absorptiop process (pion energy transfer to internal primary nucleons,,,4nd-. emission of f inaj particles). Data were obtained on the- total cross section for 7r- absorption and charge exchange in carbons (98 +17 and 99 +24 mb for n+ and 7r-, respectively), the dis- -10 -19 +0.13. .tribution of pion absorption vs. number of prongs (average 2.22 ; 1 -0.11 and 0.94 +0.14 for 7T'+and w- mesons),.distribution -0.13 prongs of mean proton energy vs. the number of prongs, and angular distribution of .the prongs. The results show that the angular distribution of the :charged particles emitted by the carbon nuclei is isotropic for nega- tive pions bu~ not for positive ones. It is cohcluded that In most cases thepion energy is transferred during the first absorption ,stage to a neutron-proton primary pair with probability 0.65 + 0.10. iCauses of differences in the behavior of positive and negative piohs are: discussed. PIn conclusion the authors thank.B. M. Pontecorvo for continuous; interest and valuable suggestional M. G. Meshcheryakov, Card 2/$ ,,ACCESSION NR: AP4019201 i S. S. Gershteyn, and V. G. Solov'yev for discussions; Yu. D. Pro- koshkin for extracting the pion beams; Ye. P. Zhidkov and A. F. Luklyantsev for assistance with electronic computer data reduction; V. L. Trifonov and A. 1. Sharov for assistance with the experiments; Ye. A. Burov for processing the photographat and the group directed by I. A. Pankov and K. A. Baycher for constructing the bubble cham- bar." Orig. art. hass 9 figures, 15 formulas# and 3 tables. ASSOCXATIONt 0b"yedinenny*y institut yaderny*kh inaledovaniy .(Joint Xnstitute of Nucleor Research) ;'SUBMITTEDs 09Mav63-- DATE ACM 27Mar64 ENCL: 02 SUB COD92 PH NO REP SOVt 005 OTHER: 020 1 3/4 Card, f ACC Ni-- -AP66J~M6 NMTORSt L%_Iandinj Me ?a I Volosatoyj A. X.) Antonanko, 1, Yaq Dushtstop P, Pal hirnovi Ae Io-f-1vanwi-Wo Vol Kruglyakov, Me L,; Mordukhoviobj A* Iol Popov$ YO :*I Smetnavj So Do; ranfarord, Fe 1o1 Shchertakovp A, Mel Kri"shey, Me He t none TITLE% A device for broadcasting pesticides and meliorating substances. Class 45# No. 166787 C"ounced by All-Union Scientific Research Institute -for Mechanization at Agriculture V8680yusmy nauchno-issl6dovatelle1dy institut makhanizatail sel'skogo khozyaystv SOUNCEt Isobrete",, pauq hlennM abrastay, tovarvM anakil, no. l9j, 1966j, IM TAOSs agricultural mobineryq agricultural engineeringp broadcasting operation,, Ade. fertilizer ABSTRACTs This Author Certificate presents a device for broadcasting pesticides and maliorating substances* The device contains a tank divided into sections, broadcasting mechanism, receiving chutbers of the fertilizer duct, and a driving mechanism, TO provide for a uniform broadcasting of &.material, the broadcasting meohanins are made in the shape of cones mounted on a. oowwn shaft carrying.a. spiral vith the opposite direction of coil loops, Every revolving *one my be spring loaded and my Cwd 1A UDO a 631,33399 ACC H14-AP6Q35746 bo contalwAs to~ with a rweiving, chadmrp- in a comm casings Cwd 2A I - -I- I . Ferepletnoe proizvojetvo ffBo0kbIndin-Z--/'. SO: Yonthly List of Russiah Accessional Vol. 6 No. 11 Febrmry 1954 lskusutvc, 1.953. 316 r, ALWIN, Mikhail Vasillyeviah-, MILICHIK. I.A., rodaktor; CHIGMall. A.N., [Laboratory vork on the toohnology of the book binding and stiching industry] Imboratorays raboty po tokhnologil broshi- rovoobno-perepletnogo prolayodetva. Hook-va, Go@. Isd-vo 61skumstyo,' 1954. 167 P. (MM 7all) (Sockbindinc) t.t~~ --. V. Introlicatcr;tWo przemysxfwo (Industrial n -), ' -.. :'. .~If--)ortccl in 7:cy J.~o,-krp (,Now(~ Ksiazki)) :lo. 7, A %r,11 IV "' .1 . , .:.(!. ALANDIN, t-likIIIIII. W1,311'Yovich; KU,'YJ'LKUVA, I.I.,, red. [bookbinding) Liro-shlurovochno-perepletnoo I~rolzvodstvo. Moskva# "Inkusntvo," 1963. 362 p. (VIRA 1716) PA 1,A N.. 1711N . 'Pookkeei'j.,11. Calculating BOOkkeerors' Work by tile ratin.- 3 sWr y '.) Dukhr. uch,,t, 11, 80- 4, 195.-. Eonthly List of. itusslan Accessions# Library of ConCre.,,, July I,.?. LInclassified. PAIMIN, N.I.;ROZUBZW, G.Ya. *-M% momonomw N*v slootrophorstio apparatus. small modal. Blokhtallag Xoekva 17 no.21 203-207 Mar-Apr 1952. (OLKL 24.3) 1. Of OKB and the Uperisental, Plant of the AoadesW of Medical Sciences and the Central Institute of Hestatology and Blood Transfusion# Kosoov. 11', 11 A Ni i I N . , . A . ; KAI RIM A-', ~' N' , h . i . ; " 7~ '~ , A D. Tortinc, tractor transmir4nictt in a U-it rtinnio!r. Trfikt. 1 s"A I- kilo.-.avit h. nn. I I ~ 15, 16 N lt~5. (kilm 1.'kvvlkly traktornyy -.,,aviii. B11311EV, A.G.1 KAGARMANOV, N.F.; I'9BFDONOSTSFV, V.S.; MAKI-111P Sh.Kh. Corp reoovowy from producing horizons using DKNU "Mmo-ta" core assemblies. Purenip no#D20-24 164. (M.IRA 1815) 1. Wimakly neftyanoy nnuchno-iss1odov*telIskty Institut. 1 i V Lccq-,.' "I A I 6-c-tuidrurich PKERUVA 01 '9n PaVlov n- a-, Petrovich, PCE'I"NOVA, Arina Tirnofeyevna, SADIIXINKO, Konstantin KIWIKO, Nikolay Alekawidrovich YAKUSUN, Vavilly Mikhaylovich, "Mekbanicheskiye i abmzivnyye svoystva gornykh porod (Mechanicnl and Abrasive Properties of Rocks)," Moscow, GoctoptekhIzdat, 1953. 200 p.. PLEPOSEk The book is intended for scientists, e"bieers and techxiicinns eriguged in drilling operations in the petroleum and mining industries. BALANDIN,. F. S. Cand Teoh Sol -- (dies) "Abraisive proportion of rooks." " , 1959. 18 pp (Min of Higher Sduaation USSR* Moe Order of Labor Red Banner Inst of Petroohemical end Gas Industry im 1'. M. Oubk1n, Chair of Drilling of' Petroleum and fte Wells), 160 ooples (KL, 43-59, 123) -39. BkLAMIN . GOUOV., I.A.; KAGAPYAMV, N.P.1 POBEDOIWTSEVI V.S.1 *:::~~V, D.D.; KHANZINj Sh.Kh. Core recovering from the producing layer If In the Tuymazy field, Nefts khos, 40 no*5:59-62 My 162,, (MM 1519) (Tupasy regiori-Core drilling) Iliaxonl drilli-p of' tlv~ oil and gas welln of Ns~ft.khoz. 4' 1 no, ILDig-I 5 () 16.4. (MIRA l?!4) Y K N Plamoni tiL4 for drIlIt", oil and f,-#Aa wills. ixv. vys. u:heb. 2&v.,- rieft' I fs-i 5 nt.11~11.%.120 16~. (WRt 176) p I Kk,3ARMANOV, N.F.; BALA ill -, ~, . f%. I I Investigating the physicorrichanic-0 projx~rtins of' YakO, in connection with *heir imv In the roinforremont of driliting bIts. Mash. I neft. obor, nodill-15 165. (MIRA 1815) 1. UNmakly ne!'tyAnoy nauchro-is-31cdovatellskiy inotitiit. t S/004/60/000/02/02/006 AUTHORSi Balandin, R.1 Balandina, M. TITLEs The "Miracle"' That Never Was PSHIODICALi Znsniye-SII&# 1960, No 2j PP 14 - 15 TEXTt The authors discuss a heating-cooling apparatus designed in the Moscow plant "Santakhnika"' and demonstrated by the plant director V. Potapov. Newspapers had PuBlished articles that this apparatus had an efficieno.y factor of 200%. Apparently this erroneous assumption was made because only the actual amount of electricity consumed was counted, neg- lecting the. amount of heat taken from air. The apparatus is, based on the principle of ordinary heat pumps. The Soviet physicist Professor V.A. kli- khellson designed a heat pump already in 1920. The heat pump absorbs the amount of heat contained even in a-cold medium and transfers it to the place where it is needed, e.g., to a room to be heated. The apparatus uti- lizes thermal energy collected from the cold medium as well as electric power; seen in this light, the heat emitted by the apparatus is always low- er than the energy consumed. The heat is simply transferred froa one point to another and for this a certain amount of electricity is needed. Thermo- Card 1/2 kZ The "Miracle" That Never Was S/004/60/000/02/02/006 dynamic laws set certain limits to the efficiency of such a process, which is practicable only if there are no too great differences of temperature between the cold medium and the object to be heated. Thus the much publi- cized miracle proved a miscalculation and it needed the authority of soi- entists like Academicians L.A. Artdimovich, P.L. Kapitea and X.Ye. Tama Oravda" of November 22, 1959 "Irresponsible Chase in ~u-est oi scientific Sensational') to convince the public that such a miraculous device does not exist. The apparatus 4a the first heating and cooling device operating on somiconductore with considerable possibilities. There is no motor and. the design is simple. With certain improvements it can well 'become one of the most economical electric heating appliances. There is I figure. Card 2/2 PAMUDT Heat power station drinks water. Znhn-eila )5 no.7:28-2? il 160. (H ru 13: 7) (Blectric power plants) -Bil"DINO R,---- YerUllsor salt Is on the way., Znan.sila 37 no.3s8-32 W 162v (KEPA l5aQ (goligorsk-Potassium salts) BAUNDIN, R. -...... --.- Most precious mineral on earth, ?can,-Bila 37 no,6s34-36 A 162. (MIM 1519) (Water supply) --- BALANDINt -- R. Difficult routs. Znanie-sila 38 no.lil-4 Ja 063, (MM 160) (Geological surveys) H&UNDIN, R. 4 ---.". In a lunar crater, Znan,-Bila 38 no-5:31 My 163. (MIRA 16:11) PAIA011, $.I. (lAypp*p# lAtylyskaya SU) Ure o"o of entotio noise. Yestootorino IS no.2:73-74 Kr-Ap 136. (BAR-D ISUSIS) WaA 9:7) 1. B~T-AQTR, V~; m.-umme, r. 2. USSR (600) 4. Xoving-Plature Projection 7. Admeed group. Kinmekhanik No. 3, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April__1953, Uncl. --BALMDIN6--V.--O -BlITOR-0- 1'. Xotion-picture service for young pioneer caMs. Kinomekhanik no.6s16 Js '53. (KLH& 6:8) (MvIng-plotureefor ohildrea-lopasnya District) (lopasnya District- Xovft4-picturoa for children) BAIANDIN, V.i.j 1n7-,h*; OBINj T,.!.# Inzhe ard denigns of boiler roams with Vf7-50'and VPT-100 water beating boilers, Nov-.tokhszhJ.1&-kom,khoz.t Elek# i topl. gore no,5t94-120 161, (MIRA 180) " ~ -. -, " ZI Ali All I HAI all - -pill lilt Mill i. 51 1 IS 206 IPA P BALAMIN, V.11..- WMUISHM, S.L. Possibility of aMLysing the conposition of a metal In an are furnace without taking a samploo Fisesbore no*4.387- 388 '50. (HIRk 12:5) I, FIvIchaskiy Institut iment, P.M.Lebodeve AN SSSR. (metals-spectra) 24M SOV/48-23-9-27/57 AUTHORS t Atamanov, A. P., Balandin, V. N., Ivantaov, L. 1.11. TlTLE: 77"o On the Stabilization o~the "o'"Tition of' a Spcctru-- by Keeping the Temp"rature of the Spcctroscopical Ipparatus Constant PhRIODICALi I-.vestiy*a kka,demii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1959, Vol 25t Nr 9, pp 1112 - 1115 (USSR) ABSTRAM Temperature variation impair the accuracy of photoelectric spectroscopical apparatus by shifting the 3puctrum relative, to the gap. The authors kept the air temperature between th.., thermostat and the spectroscopical apparatus constant by means of an electric heater. The calculation of the heaters and their mode of operation is briefly discussed and the duration of' heat pulses is given. The experiments were carried out on six different apparatus, three of which had a weight of 400-45o kg and a volume of 0.25 M51 the weights of the other three amounted to between 3o and 100 kg and had volumes of from 0.08 to 0-05 m3. The apparatus differed considerably both with respect to ther- mal inertia and in finish, and they were tested at the inati- tute &a well as in work-shop laboratories. Five of these appa- ratus were in wooden caece, and one of them in a case of dur- Card 112 alumin. The diagram in figure 1 shows the stabilization of On the Stabilization of the Position of a Spectrum by SO V/."Fj -2 3 -9-2 7/57 Keeping the Temperature of the Spectroscopioal Appnrat~js Connt,int. temperature, the stabilization of the spectrum, and variationa of uir pressure in arparatus Nr I with n weight of 45c kg river a period of 7o hours. Aft !r cotablist:aent of equilibrium the teziperature fluotuated riot more than 0.10 0 and the shifting of a Hg-line amounted to an average cf only 2.5)Le The Varia., tion of air pressure of 5 to 10 torr caused ric) noticeable shifting of tho line. In the case of the other five instruments the results differed but littlo froui those irieiitioned, but, ob. viously, the time needed for heating up to a certain temperature depended on the size of each individual apparatus. The authors hope that this method may be applied also to the DFS-10 type instrament, wh oh haa a weight of 1-5 to 2 tnnb and a volume of roughly I mi. There is I figure. Card 2/2 BALANDIN, VA; ZARUBINI B.I. Using a radiogoodesic system fc,r thq vertical ty-Ing of ae'rial pbotc~ graphs. Geod, i kartt nuoUt45-511 N '63. (MIRAI 17:1) A i AIL JL h )j k ilk BALAINPIN) Vl%'.;. C.v. I . . I,rl4lcna jjjVeStjgatj_,,j; L~a aCCI,raoy CO' a %,I.,. - -.riga*t,:n oystm. Good* i kart, ncel:49-53 Ja 155. (FaRA 183") HALASHKV, V.N.j N02'.HMKIN, Yu.V.; SPITSYN, V.L. Spectral distribution of scattered gamu-radiation in arushod are, Biul. nauah.-tekh. Worm. VIMS no.203-36 163. (MIRA 1W) 1. Gosudaretvannyy geologicheskiy komitat MR. HOUNOT. A.1. inshonor IAS; KLIKOV, T.Ta., general-mqor, Goroy gotsiailstichookogo truda, SI&vM konstraktor motorov; BUAN- DIN, V*Po, gonoral-wWor US. "wwmftMe [The VI-107A and VK-108 airplane engines) Aviatsionnyo motory TK-107A .1 TZ-108. Xoskya, Oos. Isd-vo oboronnoi prowqshlonnoatl,. 1946. 112 p. CNIcrofils) OUM 7:11) (Airplanes-Ingin*s) BAIAIMIN. Va., insh. Selsoting the optiw= fors and diviensions of an Impaot tool for breaking frozen ground, $trot i dor. mashinostr. 2 no,ll-.6-8 1 15?0 (MIRA liti) (ftoavating mobinery-Usting) (Frozen ground) BAIANDIN,q V, Fes Candidate Tech Sci (dies) -- "ft"rimental investigation and selection of the optimal shape and dimensions of the vorking organ of' a pounding mchins for breaking up frozen *oil". Moscow, 1959. 13 PP (Min Righer Edue USSR, Moscow Order of lAbor Red Banner Construction Engineering Inst is V. V. Kuybyshev), 130 Copies (KLO No 26, 1959, 124) MiAnz, TOPOS lash. Ifflolent ripping of frosen Crounds vith vedgeeo StrDio I dore mashbostre 4 no*3112-13 Xr 159. (XIRA 12t4) Orroven ground) (load, machineaO IAWDIN,, V*Po,, kand, takbn, nauk Sm maoline for vorking frozon ground b7 ah"ring, Stroi I dors subs 8 nool2t7.4 D163 (MIRA 1717) BALANDINAO V.V., kand. tekhn.nauk; FONOMAREVA, Ye.I* Seminar on the technology of white and color cemonts. Zhur.VKHO 10 no.5:586 '65s (MIRA 18:11) ABRAMOV, G.K.9 kand.tokhn.nauk; AVIRSHN. S.G., prof.. doktor tekhn.nauk; AMM060T. 1.L, dohor ge,,)l.--mln,nauk; A11DRITIVSKIT, Y.D., insh.; ANTROPOV, A.M., inzh.-, AYANA51YXV, B.L., lnzh.; WIGHAN, Y&J., inshe; BLOKHA, Ye.Ye.. inth.; BOGACHUA, U.N., inths; BMIMSKIT.V.A., kand.tokhn.nauk; VASILlY.WY, P.V., doktor gool.-min.nauk; VINOGRADOY, B.G., inah.; GOLUBEV, S.A.. inzho.- GORDIYENKO, P.D., inzh.; GUSEV, N.A., lmnd.tokhn.nauk-. DOR011111. I.V., kand.geol.-mia.aauk-, XAIWKOY. G.8., Insh.; XASATOCHKIN, V.I., dok-tor khim.nouk; ICIROIST. 1.Y.. inth.: KOSTLIVTSXV, A.A., itirh.: WTKOVSKIY, Lelf., inzha; KHASHNINNIKOV. G.7.. prof. doktor geol.-min.muk; KRIKUNOV. L.A., inzh.,- LWIT, D-Ye., Who; LISITSAl I.G.g kend.t"khn.nauk; WSUIXOV, V.A., inzh.; HATYNYBY. A.Z.. dote,6 kandogeol.-min.mik; HXPLMISHVILI. G.Ye.. iznh.; HIRONOV, K.T., hshag HOLCHAMOVO I.I., irtih.,- NAUMOVA, S.M., starshiy nauchnyy notmdalk; l=lPX*V* V.Yo*, inzh., PAVWV. Y.Y.. doktor tekhn.nauk.- PAMMOV. P.N.0 doktor geols-uln.nauk; POPOV, V.S., insh.; PYATLIN. M.P.,, kand.tekba. nauk-, RASHKOVSKIT, Ts.R., Inzht; ROMANOT, V.A., prof*# doktor takhn. nauk; RTZHOTO P.Av, prof., dok-tor tekhn.nauk; SILYATITSIEZY, G.A., Insh.; SPXRAMSKIY. M.A., inth.; TIRMWTV, Ye.Vo, Who; TITOV, NeG.,doktor khim.nauk; 00XARW, I.F.. inth.; TROTANSKIT, S.Va, prof.j doktor geole- min*nauk; YXI)CROY, B.D., dots.. bnd.tekhn*nauk;lPXIW0V, V.S., Insh. [do coated); KHOMMOVSKlY, A.S., prof.0, doktor geole-mitionauk; TROYANOT- SKIT, O.T.t otyetetvouryy red.; TERPIGORRY, A.M., red,-, KRIKUNOT. L.A*, red*; XMNWSOV, I.A., red.; HIRONOV, X.V.. red.; AYRRSHIN.. 9.G.. red.: BURTS]rf* MaPo, redo; VA81LITNT, P.V., red.; MOLCHANOV, I.I.. red.; RTZHDV. ?.A.. red.: inah., red.; DIM, I.M., kkAd. takhnonauk, red.; BUKRU."XIT. V.A., kand.tekhnsmuki red&; VOLKOV, X.Yu., Insh,q red,-. V(RCOPYW, A.A., Inah., red.; ZVONARRY, K.A., prof. doktor tokhnonsuk, red* (Continued on mxt card) ABRAMOT, (continued) Ct~ rd ZDANOTICHp V.099 prof.,roktor tekhn.nauk,r*d.-, IVANOV, G.A.. doktor geolo-min,naukg red.; W(AVAIW. N.M., red.; KOROrKOV, G.T., imad.gool.- min,nauk, red*: IOROTKOV, N.Y., kandetakhoonsuIr, red,; X&MUVEM, A.A., doktor Cool.-min.nauk, rcd.: ORNLICHINIO, A.N.,ksnd,.tskhn.aauk,rsd*; SINDXRZON, I.M.,kand.gool.-min.nauk. red.; USHLKOV, I.N., dotes, bad, tokhn.nauk, red.; TAKOKOV, V.S.. b nd,,gool.-minaroult, red a; XOROLIVA, T.I., redelad-ve: WHALKIRA, Z.I., redeltd-va; PROZOROVSKATA, P.L., takhnered.; NADXIMKATA, A.A.,, [Mining; an encyclopedia h&ndbook) Gornoe delo; entsiklopedicheskii apravochnik. Glav. red. A.H.Terpirgorev, Moskva, Gosensuchno-takhas isd-ovo lit-ry po ugollnO prorWettle Tole2a [Geology of coal deposits and surveying] OsoltV;Itt tq*,oltnykh mostorozhdonit i markshelderskoe delo, RadkoleCIIA tote S.Y.Troisaskly, 1957. 646 p. (MMA 11:5) 1. Chlon-korres ondent Ali SSM (for Karavaiev) Noel ruo) Piz-Dict ions riem TVWKIHOV, Nikolay Nikolayevich(deceaBod]l YELIKOV., L.V., stArshly prepodavatell, retsewwnt; AMANW.AU., prepodayatell, retsenzent; MUCHEV, H.V,S dots.p kand.tekbn.naukp red.; LABAZINA) S.N.1, red. igd-val MECHISHCMA, V.I.p tokhn. rod. (Principles of construction]Oanovy stroitelinogo dole. Rid red. N.V.Lonache'va. Moskva# Goole8bumisdat,, 1962. 249 p. (Mm 1518 I* Voronethshy leaokhoiW&yoty9miyy Institut (for Yellkov~- 2. Lisinshy Ismay tokhniJmm (WoMin). (Construction industr7) AIEKSANDROVAO M.A.j ASlNOVSKIY', E.I.1 dALANDID; DRODWSKIY, V.M#q kands tekhn. naukj VAKHRAWIR, Ye.A.; VERBA, H.I.p kand. takhn. nauk; VORONII,, T.A., kand. takhn. ftauk; GIRSHFEL'Dp V.Ya., kand. tekhn. nauk; EEYCH, M.Ye., prof. doktor tekhn. naukl IVIN, F.A.1 LAPSHIN, M.I.j, kand. tekhn. naukl LIPOV, Yu.M.,, kand. takhn. nauki LYUBARSKAYA, A.F.1 MAKAWKOp LD,; MIRIMOVAp. VaHo; NEVLERp S.Ye.1 ROZANOVj K.A.# kand. tekhn. nauk; HOTACH, V.Ya., kand. tekhn. nauk; KHMELINITSKIY, R.Z., kand. tekhn. nauk; SHEVCHENKO, E.G.; BOGOMOLOV, B.A., red.; VAYNSHTEYN, K.N.# spets. red.; LICHAKj S.K.j spots, rod, (German-Russian heat engineering dictionary) Nemetsko- rueskii toplotekhnichookii slovar'. Moskva, Sovetskaia entalklopedilal 1964, 512 ps (MIRA 18i1) 1. Moscow. Energetioheskiy institute 2, MoskOVBkiy enarge- ticheskiy institut (for all except Vaynahteynp Lichak). SOV/1 24-57- 3- 3467 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 3, p 122 (USSR) AUTHORS: Balandin, Yu, Bolonov, 1. TITLE: Concerning a Method of Investigating a Longitudinal Impact (Ob odnOM 3posobe rassmotreniya prodollnogo udara) PERIODICAL: Sb. rabot stud. nauch. o-va. Penzensk. Induatt, In-ta. 1956, Nr 2, pp 3-7 t", ABSTRACT! The impact of a load against an imponderable rod is studied as an oscillation of a system having one degree of freedom. This method Of study is as well known as the method based on the energy relation- ships. V. L. Biderman Card 1/1 iWBKAW, 8800; 3AA_VlW-AJ%a,, The now PPU-1 IngtrullOnt fOr Measuring elastic livits mA after- effects In shost.materials,,2t26-31 HP-Ap 156o Ollastiolty-Mmourement) (Measuring Instrumonts) (X= 9:7) TSOBULW, 8*0., kandldgt fj-jjkq-i~"-tm&tjC-h4gkjkh n&uk-,--ZALANDITI. Tuj-j- Anzhoa Blasticity limit and elastic aftereffect of peened L62 bra s shoot. TSvot.not,29 ne.9174-76 *8 156, INW.,gao) (brass-Hardouing) (Ilosticity) .BkIANDIN Yu.F.v kand.takhn.nauk I Thermal fatigue of metals. Metanovedenie, 3030-262~159. MDU 34:3), (Metals-Fatiguo)(Metalat Iffeat of temperature on) lu" it jA I'al 1! 1,14 93;.1 t 511Tuo j -. list fill OR t a Ail Its TSOXALW. 8.O.; BAZANDIN, TUIT, Studying the elastic limit and the elastic aftereffect In stool spring strip*. Tr%Ay LPI no.202:68-78 159. (KIRA l2t12) (21astloity) (Spring$ (Mechanism)) TsopxAT.--, 50061: BLLAVDIN9 Tu*F- Zffect of peening and low-teneraturs, annealing On the elastic lindt and elastic aftereffect in nonferrous spring alloys.'Trudy LPI no.202:79-86 159. (MIRA 12:12) (Nonferrous allors-Testing) (Ilasticity) 85382 S/032/60/026/010/014/035 i016/BO54 AUTHORSt Balandin, Yu. F., Bratukhina, V. A., and,Zolotukhina, M. A. TITLEt Methods of Testirltj ateriale Used Under the Continuous Action of Cyclic Thermal Stresses PERIODICALt Zavadskaya laboratorlys, 1960, Vol. 26, No. 10, pp. 1130-1132 TEM The authors discuss two methods of testing the continuous action of cyclic thermal stressesi a) The. samples are chucked in special clamps (Fig. 1). The sample and the clamp must be of the same material, or of materials with a similar coefficient of expansion. A difference in this co- efficient would effect an additional deformation (or relief) of the sample. The dimensions of sample and clamp given in Fig. 1 are practically the possible minimum. The samples stretched to a certain extent are put into a furnace which is heated to the required temperature. After a cer- tain period of time, the samples are taken out of the furnace, cooled, relieved, then again stretched to the same extent as in the first cycle, and so on. The tests are continued until the destruction of the sample, Card 1/3 85382 Methods of Testing Materials Used Under the S/032/60/026/010/014/035 Continuous Action of Cyclic Thermal Stresses B016/B054 or until attaining the given number of cycles. The internal stress of the sample can be determined by measuring the elastic deformation. Thus, the following parameters are given in this method.j the deformation charac- terizing the temperature gradient under the conditions of practical use of the material; the temperature corresponding to the actual state of the material in the respective construction; and the duration of the action of temperature which is chosen to be equal to the average period of time between the abrupt fluctuations of the temperature field along the cross section of the workpiece. b) The second method, which also simulates a continuous action of cyclic thermal stresses, is based on a periodic load- ing of rings made of the material to be tested in the form of wedges driven in. Fig. 2 shows the geometrical dimensions of a test ring chosen on the basis of a preceding calculation. By analyzing half the ring loaded by a force perpendicular to the opening (Ref., Footnote 3) it is possible to establish a relationship between the variation of the opening width and the stresses resulting in the outer fibers of the central ring part (cross section AA, Fig. 2) within the elastic range. Either of the test methods simulating a continuous action of cyclic thermal stresses, has its specific advantages. Therefore, it is convenient to choose the method Card.2/3 85382' Methods of Testing Materials Used Under the S/032/60/026/010/014/035 Continuous Action of Cyclic Thermal Stressea B016/BO54 according to the purpose of investigation. There are 3 figures and 1 Soviet reference. Card 3/3 0 R PHASE I BOOK MIPLOITATION SOV/5988 Balandin, Yurly Fedorovichp and Vadim Georgiyevich Markov Konstruktolonme materialy dlya ustanovok a zhidkometallicheakimi teplonositelyamt (Constructional Materials f6r Power Plantb with Liquid-Metal Heat Carriers) Leningrad., Sudpromgizp 1961, 205 P, 3250 copies printed, Scientific Edoz I. A. Bytenskiy; Reviewert B. 1. Bruk# Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed.s R. D. Nikitina; Tech. Ed.t L. M. Shishkova. PURPOSE: This book in intended for workers of scientific research institutionsp design bureaus, and plants concerned with the con- struetion of power plants using liquid-metal heat carriers, COVERAGE: Problems connected with testing and selecting materials for power plants which operat e with liquid-metal heat carriers are revI^wed on the basis of systematized and analyzed Soviet and non-Soviet published data. Corrosion behavior of these Card 1/4