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BALANDIN, A.A. ?tilti 1, plot theory of catalysis. Pnergy factors in catalysis. Usp.khim. 33 no. 5049-579 Vq 164. (MIRA 17t6) 1. Institut organichaskoy khImit imeni N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR i Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy univermitet imeni M.V. Lomononova. 6MAMOVA, -'AA. ;: B-A-LAND-1-N,.A. A. ; YUY TSI-TSYUAN I [ YU Ch I i-ch I Uan I 11 - - -- --- ~ . - Kinetics of the dehydropnation of isopropyl alcohol and of the dehydrogenatioh of tstralin on neodymiua oxide. Izv.AN SSSR. SerAhim. no.10-8 Ja 164. (HIRk 17t4) 1e, Institut organlohaskoy khWi in. N.D.2911nakogo AN SSSR. - - - ZUBAREVA, N.D,; OBEREMOK-YAKUBOVAp A.P.; PETROV, Yu.I.; KLABUNOVSKTYl YeJ,; BALANDIN, A.A, Determination of the beat& of combustion of DL- and L-eandelic acids. lzv. AN S&SR. Ser. khim. no.l2t2207 D 163. (MIRA 1711) I* Institut organicheskoy khiali im, N.D. ZelinBkogo AN SSSR. OBFMMOK-YAEUBOVAO A.P.; BALANDINp A.As Determination of the heat 0i ~ombuBtion of xylitol. Isy. AN SSSR. Ser. khim. no.12:22104211 D 163. (HIPA 17t1) 1. Institut organicrieekoy khWi ime N,D. Zelinakogo AN SSSRs uumix,-A.s.1 miTrusimmo, vxh, - X"etic oorrelations in the dehydrogenation of compotmde with six- membered rings. Part 2. Zhur.fis.khim. 37 no.ItII5-124 JT& '163. Xtastio correlations in the debydr-ogenation of six-membered rings. ftrt 1, 125-131. (NIPA l7t 3) 1. Inatitut organicheakoy Wail imeni Zelinakogo, IN SSSR. TOLSTIOPYATOVA, A.A.j BALANDINt A.A. YUY -ISI-TSYUAN' [YU Qhti-ch'Uanl - Catalytic properties of lanthanum oxide In the reactions of dehydrogenation and dehydration of alcohols and dehydrogenation of tetralin. Zhur. fis. khIm. 37 no.912O34-2040 S 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Inatitut organicheekoy khImil imeni, Zelinskogo AN SSSR* TABERO A.M.1 POLKOVNIKOVO B,D,l MAL'TSSVA, N.N.j MIKHE179VAt-Y.I.1 BALANDIN A A akademik Study of catalysts produced by the reaction of sodium borchydride with salts~of heavy metals, Dokla AN SSSR 152 no.lsll9-121 3 163* (MIRA 160) 1e Inatitut prZanicheakoy khimii is* N.D.Zelinaknizo AN SSM, Cate lyats) *(Sodium borohydrid 8) (S to) BALANDIN, A.A.- --, -- 1, `, -I Now data on the multiplet theOT7 of catalysis. Kin. i kat. 4 no.6001-810 N-D 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Institut organicheskay khWi imeni N.D. Zelinskogo AN SSSR. - -- -- KONENKO -1-R- - 'W.IZWPYATOVA-,A-#A*-; -BALANDIN, A.A. # 0 of I Scandlum oxide as a catalyst of dehydrogenation and dehydration. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. khim. no.lltl899-1905 N 163. OGRA 17i1) 1, Inatitut organicheekoy khimli imoni N.D. ZelinBkogg AN SSSR- - --- - --- - GONEYPj- F. B 0- - - BALANDIN --A - A - - S WVOKHUMVA-p- T. A.- - - -- -- -- Kinetics of ethane hydrogenolynia on a Ru-SiO 2 catal Ott lave AN SSSR. Ser. khim. no.11s1905-1910 N 163. MRA 17:1) 1. Moskovskiy posudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova. BOGDANOVA, O.K.1 BAIANDIN,, A.A,j BELCMESTffKff, I.P. Effect of the structure of alkyl aromatic hydrocarbons on the kinetics of their dehydrogenation, and the debTdrogena- tion of dietbylbansenoo Izv# AN SSSR, Ser, kh1m, no*12:2100- 2105 D 163. (MIRA 171l) 1. Institut organicheekoy khimii im. N.D. Zelinakogo AN SSM. -- -Tu. T. (Y - ct~ -- ISAGULYANTS, G.V.;_BALANDINL A.A.; POPOV, Ye.l.; VERFENISEVp '68 W) C14 tracer study of the dehydration mechanism of ethyl alcohol on aluminum oxide. Zhur. fiz. khim. )8 no.1:20-27 Ja164, (MIRA 1712) 1. Institut organichaskoy khimli imeni N.D. Zelinskogo AN SSSR* ISAGULYAMS, G.V,t RYASHINTSINA, M.A.; DERB247W, Yusle; MINACIM, Kh,Me; BALAINDIN, A,A. Role of cyclohexene in the dehydrol - and isomerization of eyclohexana under cmd1tions of refoming. Neftekhi--44,m L no.;1:22214-235 Mr-Ap'64 t".!TTIA l7t8) 1. Institut organichoskoy khimtt AN SSSR Imeni Zelinskogo. DIIN, Ajek:;-ey,.4jpk:;urdro%-ich, akudemlk; GMASIVOV, Yu.1.0 prof., retsenzent; PLATE, A.Fop flof-p rOtFOn-,Or-L; AGRODN~.'OVI, A.Yo.p dots,, red. (Multiplet tbeory of catalyole) Fulltipletnuia tooriia kataliza. Moskvnp Izd-vo Mosk. univ, Pt,2. 1964. 2.12 p. (mila 1812) 1. Zaveduyushchly kafedroy fizicbenkq klilriii Xot3kovskogo go,qudurstvennogo, tmivorsitota chlan kaMapondent All Wit (for Cloravimov). 2. Zaveduyuslichly karedroy kIdmii noftl Moiskovskogo, gosudarstvannogo universiteta (for Plato). KIABUNOVSKIY, Ye.l.; ANTIK, L.V.; RALUDB, A.A. Polarographic behavior of dihydrodioxobentotripticene. Itv. AN SSSR. Ser. khim. no.6.971-979 Je 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D. Zelinskogo AN SSSR. ISAGULYANTS, G.V.; DERBENTSEV, Yu.I.; KIABUNOVSKIY, Ye.l.; BAIANDIN, A.A. ~ ~- I ;~ - Mechanism underlying the catalytic dehydration of 2-butanol on the surface or aluminum oxide. 'L'zv. AN SSSR. Ser. khim. no.6085-990 A 164. (MIRA 1701) 1. Inatitut organicheakoy khimii im. N.D. Zelinskogo AN SSSR. KLABUNOVSKIY, Ye.7.1 ANTIK, L.V.; RALANDIN, A.A. Polarographic reduction oFdThydrodioxotrit)enzotrypticens in disethylformaside. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. khIm. noA1412- 1416 Ag 164. (MIRA 170) 1. Inatitut, organichookoy Wall im, N.V, Zellnskogo AN SSSR, ANTIK) L.V.; KLAUUNOVSKIY, A.A.; KAREU, B.Ya. Synthesis and transformations of dihydrodioxodibentotriptycene. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. khlz. no.8tl470-1475 Ag 16/*. (KIRA 170) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimli, Im N.D. Zelinakogo AN SSSR. KLABUNOVSKIY, Ye.l.; BUANDIN, A.A.; MAMETZADE, R.Yu.; ANTlK, L.V.; GORSKAYA, L.A. Dependence of polarographic characteristics on the structure of quinones of the triptycene series, Jzv, AN SSSR. Ser. khIm. no.8s1554 Ag 164. (MIRA 17%9) 1. Inatitut organicheskoy khlmii Im. N.D. Zelinakogo AN SSSR. ISAUGULYANTS, G.V.; RYASUNTSEVAP M.A.; DUIEFNTSFVP Yu.I.; MINArHEVp Kh.M.; RALANDINI-I.A. Meebanlem of cyclane Isomerization on bifunctional catalysts. lav. AN SSSR. Bar. kh1m. no.8sl555-1556 Ag 164. (MIRA 1719) 1. Inatitut organicheakay khimii im. N.D. Zelinekogo AN SSSR. KLABUNOVSKIY, Ye.T.; BALANDIN, A.A.; AN-11K, L.V. flydvogenation of dItWdrcaxob9rzotdj-ty,-ene. xv*AN S.VM.S9r.kblm, nc).00630-16U S 164s (KRA 17210) I# Institlit organicheskoy khlmii im. N.D.Zollnslkogo AN SSSR. TOISTOPYADNA, A.A.; B41I.Al"DINP A.A.; r0y 71.3 1 -T.'~Yll AA, [Y'6 ch'i-Ch'ilan] Kinetic parar-k-ters for dehvdroi-enntion arid deltyiratlon of ethyl, isol-ropyl alcohols and dehydrogenat ton of tetralJn on erbimi axido. Kin. I knt. 6 no.1t108-114 Ja-F lf,5. (MIRA 18:6) 1. lustitut organlchaiskoy khlrali imt~nl 'elinskoro All SSSR. BALANDINA A.A.; SLOVOKHOTOVA, T.A.; SHOLIN, A.F.; U('.OLITSFVA, L.A. llydrogenolyale or ethane In a flow syntem on nickel catalysts. Kin. I kat, 6 no.ItII5-120 Ja-F 165. (MIRA IM) 1. Moskovskiy gosudaretyennyy universAet. '4A Ilk t *, BAIASHOVAP S.A.; SWWOOTOVA, T.A.j_ .-)VIP A.A. Effect of the structuro of saturated hydrocarhons on theIr activIty in the reaction with water vapor on Ni-Cr203 cata- lysts Izv, AN SSSR $or, khime no.2:2.7~-281 165. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Moakovakiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. - ZAWSHISAIPEIVA , L.I. ; BAUNDIN, A.A. - SIPIMMOT(WA , 'F.A. Conversion of irpthylated pyridines in the presenci cf water vapors on a nickel-alumina catalyst. Izv. AN SSSR Ser. khim. no.2:330-336 165. (MIRA M2) 1. Moskovskiy gosud&ratvennyy univeraitet. I A"", 1", ',, !, , . rik,idt~vii , ,. ', ; :- ,,.I - :' 'i A' F 7 ; ~. : i ; , N T 1, -1 , - , " " ,l .! I -!? V !, -, 11: 1 1% 1 . ; V, - I'll. .. propt3rties of phosphritn. ')okl. AN S33R 1461, Ap IS5. ~'!IIA 18-51, I. Mcoskovskly Fonnlm3tvo-rnyy universitot Im. BALAIZINP A.A., nkad-n1k; Yo.11. Isotope exchnngo of cyclobutane with leixteri-Lm on contingn. 1)okl. AN 533M 162 no.4:843-80 in ,6s, (MIRA M5) 1. Institut orl,nnIcheskoy khtmil im. 4.1).Zolinskogo AN 3133H. I- 'v-, ; . i t- I I, ~ . - . ~ I ~,~ *"~ " 1 * ~ , ; 0 .,: . " 7-, .*1," q~ .i . ; , ( I ; , , ~ I I , .I . I ~ti i ~:1 - . . , . . . . S- ~ippr nn(' !! *, (" ', hr' 3 t ', 1-1.7 %7 C I I-: -, , rT~,, " ry )!' ! i"i active surfacr! of catalyst:;- 7?okl- AN 3~',:*,R 16.' nc.4:3;i-856 Jo 165. 0.11RA IS- 5) 1. Institlit or,:aniichni~oy khImll Im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSS!". JMW* - ich; 34MOV, N.A.. prof,. red.; PIN, ~ AxvArqy_Ap_d=yeY PANIVAN, P.S., red. izd-va; BELOGUROVA, I.A.j tekhn. red. [Fundamentals of fire safety at a conotruction site] Os- novy pozhamoi bezopaenooti na stroitellno-montachnoi plosbehadkee Leningrad, 1962. 28 ps (Leningrad. dom nauchno-tekhn, propagrndy. Bibliotechka otroitelia. po tekhnike bezopannootil no.15) (MIRA 16M) (Construction industry-Fires and fire prevention) ARTAMONOV, A.A.; DALANDIN, A.A,, akademlk; MARMAN, G.H.; KCTETENETS, M.I. ------ -- - I3olation or 4-vinylpyridine from a mixture of pyridine bases. DAL AN SSSR 163 no.2:359-361 J1 165. (MIRA 180) 1. Donetakiy filial Vaesoyusnogo nauchno-isaledovateliskogo instituta khimicheskikh reaktivov i osobo chistykh khimicheskikh veshchestv i Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.ZelAnskogo AN SSSR. XHIDFKELI, M.L.; PCLKUVNIKGV, B.D.; TAW-R, A.M.; BALANPIN.L A.A. Catalytic hydrogenation of quinonas in the presence of Pt, Pd, and Rh catalyotes Izvo AN S83R, Ser, khi%. no.3sA2-543 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Institut organichaskoy khWi im# N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR i In- stitut khimicheakoy fiaiki AN SSSR. KVLAN'D14.,,,,A.A,j akridAmIki PHAG, V..; SIPMKI10TOVA, T.A. ColparAtive stady of the transformation kinetics of ben7ona and its C,7 - Cg hcaologs tinior the effect of steam over a nickel-chromlim catalyst, Dokl. AN S-3-11 163 no.3t639-64l JI 165. (MIRA 180) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvermyj univeraltat. SLOVOKHOTOVA, T.A.; BALANDIN, A.A.; PETROV, E.S.; SHOLIN, A.F. , I -~, Catalytic; hydrogenolysis of ethane and cyclohexane on Ni-Kieselguhr catalyats. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. khim. no.53785-792 165. (WRA 180) 1. Moskvoskiy gosudaratvennyy universitet im. Lomonosova. jA Role of al~.all !!Ptt,l. IT(4.r,,,K Won anvi -%rbonatpa In tho (-AdIting Of VJI, AN ~::SR 363 r,0,5:1169-1172 AC 10. (WRA 1818) .9t SS SR VApori7,v.,l con'ti-w-1 oc ItA. P; ILI t I t (.V vurfaoe bl Of v Ic "'Orvor3lon's (", ('Ve -Irle. TAWER, A.M., TARSHIS. 1.G. FITect. cf aminns on the activity And 9eleot1vtty of a skeletal nickel ewltalyit, Izv., AN S.S.S.H. Ser. kh1m. ru.7o1151-1160 165. (MIRA 180) 1. Ins',itu; orgaxilchki.,3koy khlinli Im. N.D."('eltnOogo Ali SS7,11. KIIABUNOVSKIT, le.l.; PALANDIN, A.A.1 ~ - Comparative hydrogenation of quinones of complex spacial structure. lay. AN SSSR. Ser. khim. no.10t1785-1792 0 164. (KIRA 17M) 1. Instvitut organIcheakoy khimll in. N.D. Zelinskogo AN SSSR* BAT"~-n A.A., akademik; FARPENSKAYA, Ye.l.; FMArONTOV, V.A.; TOLSTOPUTOVA, Catalytia syniliesin of pl~*raalntt, Dok*J1. AN SSSR 165 N 165. (KRA 18110) le TnstiLut organlc~eskoy khimii im. N.D.Zellnikogo A', S,'7.;R. ARTAMONOV, A.A.; ULANI)INj_ A.A., skadpmik; BODNARCM, , R.D. Catalytic synthesis of p-arincstyrr-ne. DokI. AN SSSR 164 no.2027-330 S 165. (MIRA 1819) 1, Donetskly filial Vacsoyuznoro nauohno-Inuledovatellskogo Instituta. khimicheakikh reaktivov I osolv ch!stykh khimicheakikh veshchestv i Institut organicheskoy khImli N.D,. Zelinakogo AN SSSH. TOLSTOPIA'AVVA, A.A.1 BALANDIN, A.A.; Yuy Tsi-rsyup-mv M Ch'i-ch'uan Cata)vtia properties of erbium oxide with respect to the reaction of dehydrogenation and dehydration of alcohols and dehydrogenation. of tetralln. Kin. i kat. 5 no.5t877-880 S-0 164. (MM M12) 1. Institut organichaskoy Mimi! Imeni. Zelinakogo AN SSSR. BAILASHWA, ;.A.i PA-IRWEYEVO V'V.' BA4AVII I - .961fimptodripare & chernical model of the action of alcohol dehydro- genase. Izv., AN SSSi. Sor,. Win. no.7tl273-1274 165. (MIRA 180) 1. Hoskovskiy gosudnrstvonnyy universitet im. M.V.Loncnosovfi, .L.SAGITLYANTSO 0,V.1 KOMAROVA, Yci.N,; Dehydroganation me,~Ianism cf cjLiwnei, Pei76roge-Atlon or matlWIcyclohoxmio or, t-.n rA I tun inmr.r -,z ( mt~, up cata'A-,~rtt. DA I. AN a M 164 noo6s1307-1310 0 IC5. (MIRA ISM) 1. fnatitat. organicltsvkr4y MCm!L im. N.D.-Mllnskcgo AN SSSR. L so6~-6 S*vi'P(m)/~7.PF(c)/E'~it)(j)-~~-~, M ACCESSION NR: "6025608 UR/0062/65/000/009/1566/1670 /541.128 Aq C41- AUTIIOR- Malenjnrg, A,_,jc~:j_.DW4Win. A. A.; Kuktna, A. 1. TITLE. CaLalyt!RyEpportie 6f iron orthorAiosphate. lteportNo' 2. AlUylation of benzene and its homologs anti dorivatives SOURCE: AN SSSR. 17vestlya. Serlyakhtinicheskaya, no. 9, 1965, 1565-1570 TOPIC TAGS: Iron compound, alkylation, aWL"?woQ I ABSTRACT: no catalytic properties of iron orthophosphato FeP04 were studied In the Wkylation of benzene and its homologs with baloalkyls of various structures. Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, cumene, chlorobenzene, and phenol were alkylated %ith 4m -propyl T !-chloride and bromide, and with t2#-butyl chloride. The condensation of benzene 6d Its derivatives with aliphatic mowhgo derivatives took place u follows: Card 1/2 L 5063-66 ACCEMION NR.- AP5025508 FePO4 was shown to be active and specific In the I Iquid-phase alkylation of benzene and ltq homologs. Ile amounts of moDoalkylated products obtained, ranging from 38 to 73%, are comparable to the yields obtained irk the presence of such widely employed catalysts am ,AIC13 and FeC13. In contrast to the latter, the formation of dialkyl derivatives and of considerable amounts of tare is not observed in the presence of 1POP04 - , However, reactions of acylation and of shylation of benzene and its homologs by haloalkyls of normal structure were not detected. "Ile authors take this opportunity to thank Ye. N. Roseglovsk fiind L. D. Ashkinadze for his comments and assistance." 0rv-.-a-d-.TMs: 2 tables. V,/.;I, -/ ASSOCIATION- Moskoveldy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova. (Moscow State University) SUBMITTED: MeM ENCL.- 00 BUD CODE: NO REF SOV: 016 OTHER; 006 Card 2/ MAMED-ZAVEl R.Tu.; KLABU,'.'V,'SKIY, Ye.1.1 PALANDI'Nlk-~!L- Catalytic hydrogenation or tetrahydrodioxo-(dihydreanthrylone) tr~;tycene. lav. AN SSSR. Ser. khIm. no,9tl570-1575 165, (MIRA 1819) 1, Institut oreaniaheskoy khlmll im, NX, Zelinskogo AN SSSR6 SIDVOKHOIWA, T.A.; BAUNDIN, A.A.; KIPUDISkat 1. Rate of transformations of m-cresol tinder the effect of water vap-r on nickel catalysts# Vest, Flosk, une Ser. 2t Dim. 20 no.6:30-33 N-D 165. (MIRA 19:1) 16 Kafedra organichaskogo kataliza Mookovskogo universiteta. Submitted May 13p 1964. BALANDTN, A,A.; SPITSIN, Vikt.l.; DoBROSELISKAYA, N.P.; MIKHAYLENKO, re Ye. Iffect of the radiation of radioactive S~' on the catalytic dehydration of cyclohexanol. Mmr, fis. khim. 39 no. la 258-261 J& 165 (MIRA 19#1) 1. betitut fiziaheskoy Waii AN SSSR i Moskovskly gosudarst- vennyy universitet imeni. H.V. tozonosova. Submitted April 11, 1964. GUDKOV, B.S.1 BALUDIN.- A.A,,, akademik Deuterium exchange of cyclopentane over sprayed metal catalysts, DokI. AN SESM 165 no,50.105-1107 D 165. 0AIRA 1921) ), Institut organicheakoy MCI im, N.D.Zelinakogo All SSSR. SubmItted July 3, 1965- T01STOPTATOVA, A.A.1 BALANDIN,, A.A.; PYN BI-SYAN (Pleng Pi-heiang) --- ... -- , , -, , Catalytic properties of thullum oxide In the reactions of d9hydrogenation and dehydration of alcohols and debydro- genation of tetralin. Isy. AN SSSR. Ser. We. no.11s1953- 1960 165. (MIRA 18M) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvannyy universitst, BAIAIOIN, A.A,.. insh.1 SHULM1CH., N.S* Proposals of the Officianoy promoters of the gUallevich ZIO enterprise of the loonomic Counoil of White Rassia* Torfoyrom, 39, no.3s28-30 162. (MIR& 154) 1. Torfoprodpriyatiye 'Vasilevichl Il*. (WUte lboal*--ftat maohiory) BALANDINs A,A~q inthe ---------------- Provide quality lubricants 39 no.404-35 162* for the angines. Torf.prom. (HIRA 15:7) 1, Torfoprodpriyatiye Vasilevichi Il Boloruaskogo sovots. narodnogo khozyaystva. (Diesel onginse-Lubrication) (Peat machinery) DOMIN9 MA-1 STNIAXOTt 0621w, inshei SHIWMVIGHj N.S., insh,j POPMCH, H.V.; TAUMIOVs M.N.1, PJMINO AA., Inzh,; KHOLCDKOV, N.Te#j X=ATM,o Soy*# IkKahan" ofpraotioes by the enterprises of 9oonomio counails. Torf, prom, 39 no*W8t-35 162* (MM 1617) 1, rAlInIna"y Bovet narodnogo khozyaptva (for Bondin), 26 2. Torlopredpriyatiyo Vasileviobi 11 (M~ SiMakov, Shirkeviob, Belandlus ldholodkov), 3, N"hallnik konstruktorskogo byuro Tesovskogo.trampartnogo upravlaniya (for Popovich). 16 Starshiy, insbe konstruktorskogo byuro Tesovskogo tramportnogo upravloniya (for Tatarnikow), 5, laroelavskoye torfoprodpriyatiye laroslavskogo nerodnogo khosyaystva (for Kolevatykh), (Peat asohinery-Toohnological innovations) BALANDINy 1#.A*# inzhe; AYSIN, V.I., lnzh.; BUKSHTYNOV, P,Is, inzh, Rzebange of practices by the ente-rpriess of economic councils. Torf, prom. 39 n0,705-36 162, (min 16t8) 2. Torfopredpriyatlye VA912evichi 1I Belorueskogo soveta narodnogo khozyaystva (for Balandin). 2. Torfoprodpriyatiye Radovitskiy Mokh (for Rysin). 3. Upraylentye onergotoplivnoy proWshlonnoati Yaroslavskogo eoveta narodnogo khozyaystva (for Bukahtynov). (Peat industry) i I s I I I -I: ~, - - , - ; -- . , --,. M)'MININA, N.A.; WA)," "I" A.A.; G.6.; . : -I 't ~ '. . J. . , . 1 4. .1. 1 . k, A . , . & Ilydrolytlc hydrogenation of votton callulo."'a. :~hu- ~r!, 11 1.. 37 no.12:272~--?72() D 164. IP:3) - -T--- V-- I:;- , , r ~ . . A - , I . : I , 1. -). C, T y 1-. -1 -1 . 1. . - . , .,.A, i . . . ~ . ~ ~ . . ., - ~ ~ '~ : 2 . ri-j-,o I ar It I eq lit tllc cl ocrri rrcroca, ,nd act.'Yation orierlry on oxhic (atulp'to, .~htir. flz. 'r".I;17.. Y. rio.6:16;~12- V27 Je It'.4. (MilRA 18:3) I 1. InitituL organichorkoy khAraii AN S'ST'. BALANDINP A.A., akademikl GIJDKOV, B.S.; FEDOPOVICH, R.M. Mechanism underlying the interaction of cyclohexans with the surface or a metallic catalyst. Dokl. AN 888R 155 no. 3t626- 628 Mr 164, (WRA 1715) 1. Institut organicheakoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinakogo AN SSSR, BAUNDII-'~~-A.; TOLSTOPYATOVA, A.A.; YUY TSI-TSYUA?lt [YU Chli-ch'Uanl, Kinetics of dehydrogenation and delqdration of isopropyl alcohol and of dehydrogenation of tetralin on samarium oxide, IzvAN SSSR* Serekhime no*21262-267 F 164. (MIRA 1713) 1. Inatitut organiehesko~,khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo A.N SWR. DERBENYSEV, Yu.I.; MARKOV, M.A.; ISAGULYANTS, G.V.; HINACHEV, Kh.M.9- BALANDIN, A.A.0 akademik; Prinimala uchastiye SHCHUXINA, O.K. Mechanism of oyolohexane dehydrogenation over holmium oxide atudied with the uae of radiocarbon 014,, Dokl. AN SM 155 no.lvl28-131 Mr 164. (MIRA l?s4) 1. Institut organichaskoy khisii in. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SM. BALANDINO A.A.j SPITSYNt Vikt.l.; DOBROSELISKAYA, M.P.; MIKHAYLENK09 LYO. I Determination of the specific surface of radioactive catalysts Izv,AN SSSR,Serekhim. no.2s379-382 F 164* (MIM 17 t 3) 1. Institut fizicheskoy khimii AN SSSR i Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imo M*V*Lomononova, !0 cl,lk ro, to r i it t o (-k t I i '-x It I, o, o w t i 1 0 r! c- u,.- (li-c-cenvict j"Asifficat I -~n 146-153 Ja 165. TOWTOYMOVA. BATA1d)7N A A T~Y Til-TiYUA!"I [yu 9-0 0- KLri"tic- pitramaters of dchydrogeuttion and dehydrati-,,i of" Ijapropyl alcohol and dehydrogenation of tetrulin on pranecly,7 (,xide. hin, I kat. 6 no,4-.682-687 JI-Ag 165. 18.-c)) 1. lrxtitut orgatilche3koy khLmii iment N.D.Zelitu~kcrc-- AN ~.,;SR. ZAMISHI.YAYFVA, I.t.1 31.(VCKHOTCVA,, T.A.; BALANDIN, A.R. Ac,tivity ct ioccerlo picolinoup cmeolop and xylones. in astalltio conwrsiono vith pt~eam. Vest. Hook. ut. Ser. 2tKhim. 20 no.409-41 JI-Ag 165. (Min 18110) 1. Kafedra khimichookoy kinetiki Mookovskogo gosudarstyannogo ,universitata. TOISTOPYATOVA, A.A.; PYN Br-SYAM (Plkng Pi-haiang)l BALAXDIN, A.A. uata4tia aetivity of ytterbius,oxids with roswt to the reaotions of dehydroMatlon and d9hydration or alooholn and dohydrogenation 6f tetralin. lsv.AN S5SR.8sr.khJA* no#12&2100-2106 165. (MIPA 18s12) lo Moskovskiy goeudarstvennyy universitst is, Lomonosova. Submitted Jull 17, 1963. DERBENTSEV, Yu.1.1 ISAGLITAN"rS, G.V.; BALANDT1%, A.A. Study of the mchanifa of alcohol ani other 1-9hydta,tion over &a aluminepatamalum oulfal,.9 catalyst radlocetzbon, C-14. Zhure fizAhIm, 39 no,I.OtAU-2614 0 IIF6 I (MIRA 18t12) I& Inatitut organicheako7 khW! imnt Zelinskogo AIN ESSRe Submitted August 27t 1964. BALAND'IN. A.A. - 10i'll"ISYN Vlit.-%, 1kbJZOSFL111'-KtYA, N.Y. - -t Cra,.klng of eumene over a trii,-.-alclkm ~lirspha'A catalyst, Izv,A.N,m* noel2t2095-4100 165e (MIRA 284LI) 1. Institut fizichee~c7 1-himil AN SSSR i Mopkovskly gomidarstvennyy univeraltot lm Lmonosova. 'W LF b, L) --I'~Wj M.e. NKO, ti.p.; flum"o, va., 1N, 4.A.1 (AkPIAIL-11, i A~kylaUcn of bintene by, - ctely, aa~rl.drtce (,!)* fz-r-tu Frcpylene, cn s~~' 11.7.oa ge'A, D,~!, AN : 65 7 D 165o (%mnA I -c j, va , .. YosUcvakiy gvsudurmtvonr.3,.v -.& !-%. BALAM)Mf A.A.; GINDIN, L.G. Kinetics of antibnaterial reactions. Report No.l. Effect of so-e organotir eompounds on patAtogenle bacterls. Blofizlka 10 no,6086-992 (MIRA 19c1) 1. VaosoyuziVy zaochnyy politeklinichenkly Institul., Mn~ikva. Sifmittod MRroh 23, 190. AcC Rl AP603 Pal .4 (X~Stjtut 4to Of 04V P. VIV00201 TTTzz: OrC04*40 4410 6611 -Ovzo 044rane O.V' kkj~eftlstrx 4'-Po-vskW4jo I Aka~; Alletlas . 4 44 D. ZD'Ubskly 4-"Iit or 44i 40,4d*W of AN f4b:j~L* 7, a 30 Jutro C4 to go COhtln 4 ntlon n.. 84cl 14he 4o Qlftfttoo4ww - -9-592 polo M in On J..% w"% & 0 tho 'Ourse 0 reaOtI. In Pojjlta 414 uctr Of Of mlo 04 Or --- s C~rrlo 44%14 ove o4t r Zo z -""& cAtl on of 9 -*bs (66 "OtIvIt 14 -4vo.1 4re colt4ln t or at the. xo,y Pi 4u (0 POO 1*,Mzlne Ithol. a ;-2?hglv poZAI. A 0'% 200~) 4t A Q04SOd to ZO ft ot *t"T-S-*~ -cawo pot *04 J40120 llt*d (1~ *"POW- &'-404.2 al "FS* Ot ahola. 4t. 4-NOunt. - 4ft b. CO'd the 941d Ah, er*ht b. 0l on, Qr 1.0 st vap.,X~.4t 0.7 Od iling, 4~p ~tt~r4~r, 064 4 6024d QOJA On J4 ca t OJ3 kn do 02 Vlth 44d 17 t;q~* j V J~~-7 ~th COS also ;~d Ae O'rtlleo"t 0-5,9 or the or Jhca /, ~t A~LMJN,--A.A.; KUKINA, A.1-; CHMAN KHOU-SlIFN tChang llou-sheAng]; KONICKAYAP LYR. Contact conversion of cyclohexene and 1,2-cyolohexndiene In the presence of OC, -iron. Zhur. fiz. khIm. 37 no.Ilt2504-2512 N163. (MINA 170) 1. Mlonkovskiy gosudarztvennyy universitet Imeni Lomonosovas UIAMN, A.Dej TUIATV. X.T.1 XU~ATOTA, 0.; YAWAROW. L.M. ' . A Oytology. of Y>ul emeare during pripwro 10orl4ad puerkerumi Akuh. giso no, IIU-44 Jai-Feb 1953, IXL 2482) 1, Otudents, 2e Of tb* Departmat of Obstatrios wd Opsooloa (Usi . Prof, Be Yaq, Otsvskap)s BUTropolt Xedloal Isftltutee BALAMIN, A.D.; NBM41TXMYA, N.P. istcroseopical examination of vaginal smears. Akush. I gin. m 4:71-76 JI-Ag 155a (KLRA 8:11) 1. Is 2-V gorodskoyp bollnitsy g. lemarovo. (VAGI M SHMS axe&, diage value In gyn. diet) (MMLOGICAL WSMS381 diag. vaginal anwo, method of exam.) RAIAND111, A.D.: PROKOPANKO, LG- lT*re87eO;io* for projecting microscopic specitents on a sersen. lab.delo 3 no,6:43~44 H-D 15?- (MIJU 11:2) 1, Is kafedr7 patologicimakoy saatomil (say. - dotsent X-1-Savyins) Stayropollskogo Meditsinskogo Institute. (PROJNTMS) BALANDINg A.D. (Stavropol') Savage disinfection apparatus for the hospital department of patholog7~. Arkh.pat. 21 no.4t79-80 '59. (MIRA 12M) Is Is kafedry patologicheskoy anatomli (save - dots, KJ, r*vvina) Stayropolielcogo seditslaskogo instituta, (ANTISIPSIS AND ASIMIS, swage disinfect. in hoop. pathol. department (Rxis)) (HOSATALS, same) (MAGI, disinfect. in hoop. pathol. department (Rkio)) BUANDIN* A.D. Natural yellow-green Vft~i;so once of of the to-in A.omtent,of the hiumn %)Iqj* I n. liver aectione w an indep body. Arkh.pat. 22 no.78 (MIU 1411) 1, Is kafedry patologieheakol amtomii (sav, - doteent K.T.SaVyina) Stavropol Iekogo moditolneko~o instituta (direktor - prof*-q*G,BUdY1in)* (LIM) NITAMINS-4) BALANDIN, A.D. Characteristics of spontaneous (primary) fluorescence of the liver In people who have died or cancer and some other diseases. Uch. zaps Stayr, goo. med. Inst. 12t278-279 163, (MMA M4) 1. Kafedra patologicheskoy anatomil (zav. doktor med. nauk Ye.P. Yevoeviyev) Stavropollskogo gosudarstvennogo medit- Binskogo instituta. BkLANDIN, A.D.; STEPANOVA, V.K.; SHVARTSM&N, S.G. Three cases of nodular perlarter.11.1"ist Uch. zap. Stavr. goo. mode inate l2t4O2-403 16). (MIRA 170) 1. Kafedra patologichaskoy anatouli (zav. kafedroy dotsent K.I. Savvina) i kafedra detskikh bolesney (zav. kafedroy dotaent B,G* Apoatoloy) Stavropollskogo goeudaretvennogo meditsinskogo, instituta, BALANDI N, _ A. Do * (S tavropol I ) Fluorescence-microscopic examination of the liver In cancer &W some other diseases. Arkh,, pett, 25 no,11:67-71 163, (MIRA 17:12) 1. Is kRfedry vatologichaskoy anatomii (zav. - dotsent K.I.Savvina) Stavropoliskogo meditsinskogo inatituta. ACC-Nk, APM668i )------SOURCE CODE- - UR/0l45/66/ooo/olo/oi42/0l46-- AU111OR: Balandin A ructor) 1ORG: None !TITLE: Investigation of the optimum geometry and stability relationships of hard-alloyi ;milling cutters made from plasticized blanks in machining E1654 steel 1 :SOURIC& IVUZ. Mashinostroyeniye, no. 10, 1966, W_i46 70PIC TAGS: cutting tool, metal machining, durnbility, wear realetancl, high temper ;ture steel !ABSTRACT: The author determines the optimum rake and relief for three-sided disc t Pills in machining E165h refractory steel. The cutters were made from VK6M and VK10M 'hard alloys produced in the Profiled Components Laboratory, of the All-Union Scientific :Research Institute of Hard Alloys. These milling cutters were 145 Mm in diameter, 10 :mm wide and had 12 teeth. Machining was done without cooling on a 9.2 KV horizontal i AM with spindle speeds from 19 to 950 rpm at #=1.26. Cutter wear was measured at speeds of 8.6-52 m/min and feeds of 0.01-0-0T an for various cutting depths~. It was found that wear takes place chiefly on the clearance surface of the cutting teeth. ,The results show that the optimum relief for cutters of this t~c in machining E1654 Isteel is 120, the optimum rake being 50 for VK6M cutters and 100 for VK10M cutters. 1 1 1/2 uDe.. 621.914.2 f--- - - - ~ ACC 4CAP700 --- i Approximate formulas are given relating cutter stability to cutting speed. The articl was presented for publication by Doctor of technJcal sciences P. 1. Granovskiy, Professor at the Moscow Technical College in. M. R. Bauman. 01rig. art- has: 3 figures. 7 formulas- SUB CODE: 13/ SUSK DATE. 76ep65/ ORIG MWt 002 2 ARTA40NOV, A.Ta.. kendidat tekhnichookikh nauk; PMMIN, A.T., professor. rateensent; BVSRLIHAN, R.D., Inshonar. rodak-tor; BALANDIN,- ALL- inthaner, redaktort UVAMVA, A.T., tookhnichaskly rdTM -- [Research on the worknbility of high-strength crude iron) Issle- doyanle obrabatyraomosti vyookoprochnogo chu&na. Hooku, Go*. nauchno-takhn.ind-vo mashinostmitallnot lit-ry, 1955. 133 p. (Iron -Notallur (KLRA 8:10) (met;l cuttlzfl LAPIN, N.A., KATSMISON, V.YU.; BkLAO y inshener. redaktor; UYAROTAj A.F, I takhniches or [Curling Of shavings according to the innovator A.I.Merkulaves methodl Strushkosavivanis po metodu novators A.I.Merkulova. Wo- okwal Oos* uanchno-takhn, izd-vo mashinostrottellnol lit ?7, 1955. 28 pe (metal cutting) imIRA at?) ORkNOVSKIT, 0.1., profeasoro doktor tekhnieheakikh naukp redaktorl BRODSIff. M.O.j inshenere radaktor-, BALANDIN, A.F., ingrisner, radaktor isda- telletva; SMMIXIIi, S.I.,I-FMT6ffNj* redaktor [Desip of cutting tools] lonstruirovanis reshashchago instramenta, Pod red* G.I.Granovskogot Xoskya, Goss asuchno-takhn. isd-vo mashino- strolt, lit-ryj 1956o 141 p. (KLRA 919) 1* Moscow* Teesoyan" instrumentalln" Institutt (Cutting tools) NA14HAN. Ashot Oadsonovich; YXDOTXNOK, A.A.. kandidat takhnichaskikh Aauk, retsengent: TMHOV, A.I., Inshoner, ratsensent; OLIZAROT, P.T., Inshener, redaktor; AJIANDI!., Ajo,,, Inshener, radektor IsdatelOetva; MODILI, D.O., takhnichas y re aktor; TIKHONOT. A.Ya., takhnichs- skiy radaktor [Machine tools) Notalloreshushchle otanki. Xoskya, Oos. nauohno- takhu. isd-wo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1956. 664 p. (KLIA 9:11) (Machine tools) XASWT. U.N.. professor, doktor tokhRichookikh nanlrj rodairtor; BAIANDIN&AIF. lashener, redaktor Isdatel'stval UVAROTA, A.7 . tekhnicrieskly redaktor, t4cont studies In metal cuttiagj lovve issledovanita v oblasti obrabotki astailoy resanim Pod red.I.I.Maelova. Hooky&. Go@. nauchna-4tkhu* isd-vo mathinostroit.lit-rr, 1957, 77 Po (HLRA 1WO 1. Moscowi Ilockovskir Inshenerso-fisicheekir Instituts (metal cutting) KAPLUNOV, R&fall Uvolovicho kudidal telchnichoskikh nauk, detsestj NIUM, Xplkoo kandidat tekhalebeekikh nauk, doteent, redaktorl ~'k r::~ or lsdatellstvag NORUMV, V.S*, d9ktor tolMiac ~es~na stsensent; UVAROVA, A.P., takhnicheekly roiaktoro [Accuracy of controllirg.ocVaipaent]TochaoatI kostrollnykh prispo- soblenito Kookys., G*s.nauchno-~ekhn.lzd-v* washinestroit.lit-ry, 1957. 207 Ps (RLBA 10%6) (Neasuring instruments) -ZUBARIV, TW!uir Yedorovich, doktor tokhnichookikh nauk, professor; UNDA. A.7., doktor takhnichaskikh nauk professor, reteentent; IMAYSI(IT, 310 kandidat tokhritchoskikh uauk, redaktor .L1A. "Ir redaktor Isdatelletva; TIK W OT, [d*c*&s*d1;,2aE!F AJIL., tokh-uTo-Fe-Uffy-fFdMbr [Theoretical principles of the graphitization of white Iron and stool] Toorettabookle omnovy grafitixatsii bologo chugwaa I stall. Xoskra, Gom, nauchno-tokhn, lxd-vo mashinostrolt, lit-ry, 1957. 222 p, OUA 10: 6) Oron-Plotallurgy) (Stool-Notallura) LIKW, L.O.1 KWINOV, V-A.j IAPIDUS. A.$.-, AZAUYIGH. G.M.; SKIDALISKIT, X#M,j VILi&IKOV, A.Z.; PROKOMICH, A.Te., reduktor; BALAXDI#"JOwnwp, rodaktor isdatellotya; BLIXIND, V.D., takhnichaMM F-~Gk-tor Nodernization of automatic turret lathes; directions] Modernizatsits, tokerno-reyollvernykh stankov; rukovodiashchle saterialy. Pod red, A.I.Prokopovicha. Moskva, Goo.nauchno-tokhn.lad-vo mashinostrott. lit-ry, 1957. 17D p. NLRA 100) 1. Moscow, AksueriwntalInyy usuchno-Issledova tell skly Institut *at& Iloreshush ch Ikh stankov. (lathes) BALANDIN, A.N.; DOBROT:N, S.S, Extended hypotherala In treat!mg hyrxiy.A-,- atates, Gmj no.19005-309 165, (MIRA :A.8.0 1, 1z kliniki goopitallnoy khirurgii Gortkovokogo go!!uaAratvsllnug,,. mtditainskogo Inatituta Jmsni S.M.Kirova. --PAIANDINNt-ke 11. 1952 "Cultivation of the Bessonovka Onion Under Field Conditions," Sad i Og.,, No.5., CRWOVp Tikhon Petrovich, prof.; SELIVERSTOV, Anatolly Nikolayevloh, Insh.j SE11VERSTOVA, Im-A Mikhaylovm, inzb.1 ULANDIN, A.N.s speu. rel. (Present-day structure4 and methods for laying pile founda- tions for buildings] Sovremem-qe konstruktall I. metody voz- vedenlia oy&irqkh furdwrentov zdanii. Fem-1, Perviskoe knizhnoo izd-yo, 1963. 141 p. (MIRA 170) RLIANDIN, AA. lxperlence obtained in the use of stow fron srstemm of evaporation cooling of open-hearth furnaces. rromoensrg 15 no,5:13-16 VV 160. (Kt" 1327) 1. Magnit"Orskly astallurgichookly kombinate (Stei;Z (Opew-hearth flax"ces) BAIANDIN, D. Soviet designers have shown originality and daring. Sov.foto. 19 no.8:50 Ag 159o (KIRA 1311) (Wmeras) 0 0 * * 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 * 0 9 9 9 ED 0 * #1# a 0 6 a -9 0 w w w . - - - - - . 0 & IF * 0 0 0 & 0 0 # 0 00010 0--g- IF _*_*~ i -4 0"0 if if 9 0 a 0 0 # 4; * a 0 g * a 1 I f L v if v " t$ 41 flit axis leas A, it 1! u u n a 0 fi; a a a .1 .6 JL- A- 1L.A-p A-4 I I _2'A I -I-M -M T P.A. food. tea. Onw. J41. V. A. S. M. -W 61 (1) %ilk tOwl 65%v 33.Avjt4 fatty OU Ift"IWIMS a IN V?" 111W, 6 "*air do - %%4 a talw taste, go hjiv 6 big% I V*kW. loydn-Ity "I MAIVet MA Ull- be l twe"Ablor The fatty acids ham I had Ibr fjlkmw4 mid torods. 4.7%. train W6'1% 06.7; 444 i, *' 0, 31 1. 2.1.2 -Idk&vr ak id, 3 1 2 *11, Ad, I-at doe go* so* 00 s 0 1111641 L v 0 0 Igoe (Me 0 'i' 4 ilk OT141 ::*: 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 00 0 00 got .g0# sea oed t 4 s a t ii fi 1-4 l" Ijx 11. A. " = knut OW 1"d id6w& at MOMMOM .00 L wa tMbmgb MWAIM mtem k Ntbw in y"Re O*b* to ON Ow ) ohm 8 100W rhm of &tk&$Okb w 5 -00 -00 620 4 "left kbw lafta Wbk (L. - *00 le VQOW 1w the hkb qm*r 01 ke MoOme. he" F. gnat i 000 411"L At LmMal"I Cu 8:0 .900 gama to owe a 91INSOM4 see 0 6 0 0 * 0 * 0 0 0 a 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 sees** see 00 **to 198169-10 0.0- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 e