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BALMarA., L.M. - ----- General rogularitlea In the directional main pressures acting In the ftewee Ct earthquakes in the Pacific Ocean seismic belt. Izv,'AN SSSR. Ser. geofiz. no.21%1471-1483 N 162. (MIRA 15:3-1) 1. Institut fi%W Zemli AN SWR. (Pacific Ocean-Selartology) BALAKINA L M.j BULMASOV, A.P.; IXJVZHIR, G.; YESHN, A.S.; KURUSHIN, LOGACREV, N.A.; LUKIYANOVt A.V.; NATSAG-YUM, L.; SOLONMOO V.P., prof.; TRESKOVt A.A.; FLORENSOVv N.A.; XHILIKO, S.D.; SHMOTOVt A.P.; ARSHNIYEV, A.A., red.fzd-va; DOROKHINAt I.N., takhn. red. (Gobi Altai earthquake) Gobi-Altaiskoe samletriasenis. Mo- skva, lid-4 Akad. nauk SSSR, 1963. 390 p. (MIRA 160) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Sibirskoys otdoloniye. Vostoohno- Sibirskiy geologicheskiy institut. 2. Chlon-korrespondent Akademil nauk SSSR (for Florensov). (Gobi Altai--Earthquakes) TARKHOVA, T.N.; BIYUSFIKIN, V.N.; BALAKINA, L*M. lAby'rinth trap for scattered X rays, Zav.lab. 30 no.3073-374 06-146 (MIRA 17:4) 1. Gorlkovskiy issladovatellskiy fiaiko-tekhnicheakiy institut. NRs AP6029665 SOURCE CODE: UR/0387166/000100810022/GO 5 V/ , 13 F AUT11OR: Balskina, L. M.: Vvedenskaya, A. V.; Koleonikov, Yu. A. I--- - - Z-S ORG: Institute of Physics-of the Earth, Academy of-Sciences SSSR,(Institut fiziki Zemli,'~kademiya nauk SSSR) TITLE: Investigation of the outer boundary of the earth's core by means of spectral analysis of seismic waves Y/ SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Flaika Zemli, no. 8, 1966, 22-35 TOPIC TAGS., BeI f1tic wave epagomma, eerth-mme, ani-1-1-2- ---..Ell tq= , .0 twi tot r r ABSTRACT* The ~AtudI7~ pectra of incident and reflected trans roe waves were used in the investigation of the outer boundary otthe earth' core.' Records from the Moskva, Irkutsk, and Kabansk seismic stations obtained with Golitsyn instru- ments were used. The amplitude and pha-;e spectra of the seismic waves were deter- mined with the aid of a computer. From these spectra the frequency dependence of the coefficients of reflection and the phase shifts in the waves reflected from the core bo%Andary were determined. The state of the matter at the outer boundary of the core was estimated by comparing these dependencies with the theoretical values computed for the case of a boundary between elastic and elastic-viscous media. The theoreti- cal values ofthe coefficients of reflection and the phase shifts in the reflected waves were computed for two possible elastic-viscous states of the matter in the core L 003119-66 ACC NRe AP6029665 corresponding to a Haxwell body and a Kelvin body. Discrepancies in the theoretical calculations of core properties obtained from frequency variations of the coefficie of reflection and the phase shifts in the reflected waves are believed to indicate that the real conditions of seismic-wave reflection at the core boundary differ from the reflection c6nditions at the boundary taken in the computations of ideal media. The author thanks G. S. Pod"yapollskiy, Ye. F. Savarenski . and N. V..Golubey Orig, art. hast 6 figures, IDMI SUB COM 08/ SUBH DATE: IOSep65/ ORIG REF: 004/ A;ro ~OW,1241 Card AUTHORS: Shevelev, A.K. and Balakina, TITLE. A Camara for Taking X-ray Low and High Temperatures rontganogramm pri. nizkikh PERIODICALt Kristallografiya, 1959, SOV/70-4-2-22/36 L.M. Diffraction Photographs at (TRK) (Kamera dlya slyamki i vysokikh temperaturakh (TRK)) Vol 4, Nr 2, pp 247-248 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The powder camera described in d8signed for vacuum operation between -196 and +600 C. The camera is like a Dewar flask with film and specimen in the vacuum. Thermal contact is made with the specimen by a copper rod and heating or cooling fluids can bo put into the flask. The whole of the inner vessel rotates to turn the specimen, sliding occurring in a double conical joint which can be water-cooled (or heated). The specimen has to be contred before closing up the camera as no adjustments are possible during operation. Tho design is particularly simple but depends on thermal conduction through the specimen to make good radiation losses. This will be adequate for metal specimens but may not be suitable for insulators. A differential thermocouple has been used to check this point but results are not reported. A diagram Cardi/2 of the apparatus is given. S OV / 70 -,1#- 2 ..' .1. 2/ 3 6 A Camera for Taking X-ray Diffraction Photographs at Low and High Temperature* (TRK) There are 2 figures and 3 Soviot, reforencos. ASSOCIATION: Isslodovatellskiy fizilco-teklinicheskiy institut pri Gorlkovskom gosudarsAvennom universiteto imeni N. 1. Lobachevskogo( Research State Vnivvraity im. N.1. SUMITTED: December 16, 1958 Card 2/2 S/14U/61/000/012/00-r/0097 E193/E383 AUTHORS: Apayev, B.A., Syauyev, Yu.A. and Balakina, L.M. TITLE: Th-) effect of carbide t rans f ormat ions on the variation of structure and properties of cold-worked and hardened carbon steels durinS tempering PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Chernaya metallurgiya, no. 12, 1961, 117 - 124 TEXT: Otlier workers (Ref, 1: V.K. Babich, K.F.Starodubov - IVUZ, Chernaya metallurgiya, 1958, no.2; Ref. 2: A.P.Gulyayev, N.I. Burova - Metallovedeniye I obrabotha metallov, no. 1, 1955j who have studied changes occurring during tempering of steel at temperatures above 300 OC have found that similar changes take place in both cold-worked and hardened specimenp. Starting from the assumption that pl.-,stic deformation does not bring about any phase transfornationB, 6'-hese workers concluded that the changes observed during tempering could not be caused by transformation of the carbide phases. Results of moro recent studies of this problem 1957; Ref. 4: (Ref. 3: B.A. Apayov, F1,01, v.4, no.2, B.A. Apayev, Yu.A. Sysuyev - Nauchnyye dolclady vysshey shkoly, Card 11 s/148/61/ooo/ol2/oo-,/oo(,'i Tlie effect of .... E193/E383 Motallurgiya, no, 2, 1958; Ref. 5: B.A. Apayev, Yu.A.Sysuyev, M1, v.8, no.6, 1959) indicate, however, that this conclusion Is not quite correct. It has been found that plastic deformation of stool with lamellar cementite is accompanied by the formation of carbide Fe,C and by an increase in the proportion of the oL-phase; as the proportion of lamellar cementite decreases, Cie plastic oleformation-induced transformation diminishes and ceases completely when grnnulnr cementite only is present in a given steel, The behaviour of cold-worked steel during tempering should therefore depend on the form of cementite it contains and the object of the present investigation was to chech tho validity of this postulate. The experiments were carried out on specimens of steel 'Y10 010), annealed under conditions which ensured the formation of granular cementite, normalized (i.e. containing lanellar cementite) and hardened. The annealed and normalized specimons wero cold-worked (by forging and di-awing) after which both the, cold-worked and hardened (quenched) specimens wore tempered for 30 i-An at progressively higher toi-,1peratures in the Card 2 . /' 7 5r' 14 _J/t, 1/000/0,11 _/010-1/00 Tito effect of E193/E383 300 - 700 OC range. After each tempering operation, the constitution of the specimen was determined by a viagnetometric method, its coercive force 11, was measured to provide information on the changes in the state of stress, the size of blocks in the a-phase grains was determined and the Rockwell hardness R A was measured. The results can be aum:aarized as follows. No change in the constitution during temporing was observed in cold-worked specimens of steel containing granular cementite. In contrast. tho consUtution of cold-worked steel containing lamellar cementite changed during tenperins in a manner similar to that observed in hardened specimens. This is dotaonstrated by the results presented in Fig. 1, where the proport ion (pvV 00 of the a-phase (Curves 1), cementite (Curves 2) and -carbide (Curves 3) is plotted against the )c I tempering temperature (0C) , Curves a and 6 relating, respectively. to plastically-deformed (500,j' reduction) and hardened steel specimens. Tito temperature range at. which the transformation of cold-worked of the x:carbide took place during tempering Card 3/1 Tae eft'ect of .... E193/E383 09 stevi (wittl. latziellar cementite) deponded on the degree of preliminary deformation, being shifted towards the lower toriperatures in heavily deformed material. The variation of other properties is illuptrated in Fig. 3, where the coercive force (11C , erg - graph a) and hardness (R A -graph G') are plotted against the tet;ipcring temperature (OC), Curves 1-3 relating, respectively, to hardened specimens, cold-worIfed steel with lamellar cementite and cold-worked specimens of steel with granular comentite. The results described above confirmed the findings reported in Ref. I on the similar nature of changes occurring during annealing in the properties of hardened and cold-iforked steel with lailiellar cementite and showed that tais sit-Alarity was absent when the cold-worked specimens contained granular comentite. In the same way. the foria of t!ie cei.-,ontite affected the changes in the width, D , of X-ray dirrraction linet~ of the a-phase. as illustrated in Fig. 4, where Wrim) is plotted against the tempering temperature (0C). Curv(!-,, I and relating respectively, to deformed specimens of steol with lamvllar and granular comentite. Oil tile linild lleit:lel- the Card 4/0 f D-j- ~V The effect of .... El)3/E383 variation in the X-ray diffraction-lines width of the a-phase nor the Ifc curve (Fig- 3a) obtained for the cold-worked specimens of steel with granular cementite resembled those obtained for hardened specimens. The cause of these differences and similarities becomes clear if the tempering-induced chan'ses in the constitution of cold-worked and hardened speclizzi-ns are compared. As can be seen in Figs 1, 3a and 4, anomalous variation in the coercive force and the X-ray dif fraction- lines width takes place in the same temperature range in which, tht _X-carbide undergoes a transformation. In cold-worked steel with gr&nuler cementite in which no phase-transrormation occurs, no anomalies in the variation of those two propertiesiAre observed. Consequently, the changes in the fine struc ure which occur during tempering at temperatures above 350 C and which cause anomalous variation of 11 and B in hardened and cold-worked steel with lamellar cententite are associated with the Card 51, f, -, ~ The effect of E193/E383 IP02C P03C transformation, whereas the variation in these properties during tempering of cold-worked stool with granular cementite is associated only with the variation in the state of stress in the a-phase. This difference provides an explanation or the character of the softening process during tempering of hardened and cold-worked specimens. The variation in hardness of cold-worked stool with granular comentite practically ceases at 550 OC (Curve 3 in Figs 30. The relatively slow rate of decrease in hardness of hardened and cold-worked specimens of steel with lemiellar cementite can be attributed to hardening of the a-phase caused by carbide transformation. Thus, it can be concluded that the similarity In the variation of the fine structure of hardened and cold-worked steel irith lamellar cementite is closely associated with the Pe,C --I Fe C YI 2 3 transformation. ApproximatelY 50~. of tile carbide pilase. iinder- goes this transformation, idiich obviously is accoi;ipaniod by a change in the conditions at t1he carbide/c&-,):iare boundaries. Card 64.;~ S/ V'3/6 1 /CCO/C 1'-)/C07/009 Thic of f oct of . . . .. Bl) 5/ E-, %"' ~ Av a result , tac stability of the s-.iosaic ntnicti!r.:~ of tuo a-pliase ift destroyed, which lovAs to Coo onsot of plcoitic vilip in UO cryntal lattico, catisint; frn~,,t~mitation of bloc!-.o an(7/or Inhibitiiia thoir ~;rowth. Ttivuo pzocauoes. 1~,. lura, C~M!jo .1 sli-Alor variation ill Vie coercive forco cinkl :iL~Jlnr ChIracter of the softeninL; Iii*oc(-* t; duvin~; tumporin-r-. m0 re.,tato of tho prose,nt investigation aro correlatoO. wit:i o,)L,,Jncd by othor worhoru and it is suZ-'cr;' that" c'inn~;czj in oll-iier proi)er- tiou (ijitolloity of specific vo.'Iu:~,e, ctc.) are , 0 also affoctod to a -roater or lesoor c::tc~it a-, --:io cirbido j ` transformation. ell the 01.%or Iland, t:Ar. %.,oc's not Cl,),,,)IY to specific 'Lleat., 11"1030 v"Iriation is -101.0 Ii,-.01y V.0sociatod with twili reliof of stras-nos of tao t3ocond type Li Cle a-pImso Ickttico. Thore aro 7 fi-ures and 23 rcl^crcnces: 20 Sovicu-bloc and 3 non-Sovi ot -bloc Tio throe referonces mentioned are- Re' . I': Ocado, Arato Jilnn limt.llotals, v.19, no. 2, 1955; Rof. 221 G.I. Taylor, I(. .1idimey - Proc. Soy. soc., 1934, 14-3, 307; Rof - 23 '. T- Sato - Sci- Univers., 1931, ^,0, 1. Card MAY 3/139/60/000/005/025/031 E073/H135 Investigation of the Phase Composition and of the Fine Crystal Structure of a Plastically Deformed Steel circuit means of a ballistic magnotometer In fields of 10 000 Oe. For determining the quantitative ratio of the phases the sections of the magnetograms of the phase components. were extra olated to room temperature, using the approximation of Heisenberg Nef. 12). To detect the nature of the dependence of the stressed state and the crystal structure on the degree of deformation) X-ray measurements were made by means of iron radiation with an ion tube ,.fter removing the surface layer by etching. For the investigations the lines (220) of the atase and (222) of copper were used. Photometering of all the -ray diffraction patterns was effected by means of a microphotometer with an amplification of 9 X. The results show that plastic deformation of steels with lamellar and granular cementite leads to differing results. The basic difference consists in the fact that p ?e transformations are caused in steel..with I mellar-r-emantite whilst in the case of granular cementite this has not been observed. The character of the changes of the fine structure as a result of plastic deformation of steel U 10 In both states is qualitatively equal. Card 2/4 S/139/60/000/005/025/031 E073/Hl35 Investigation of the Phase Composition and of the Fine Crystal Structure of a Plastically Deformed Stool A high level of type 11 distortions and the smalle4 size of blocks in the normalized steel can probably be explained by a change in the coherent bond between the m-phase and the cementite as a result of phase reconstruction in the latter. In a number of papers, the change in strength is attributed to changes in the fine structure of the phase component&. On the example of single phase systems and satisfactorily annealed multiphase alloys, changes in type II stresses and in the size of blocks have indeed been found to determine the strengthening during plastic deformation (Refs 1+1 16 17). The experimental data given in the present paper indicate that this analog;y also applies to steel with granular cementite. Since during deformation of such structures the cementite phase is not slibJected to any changes, the changes in hardness can only be duo to the state of the a-phase. The higher hardness of the normalised steel both in the initial state and after plastic deformation can also be attributed to the difference in the fine structure. The change in the fine structure is similar for both states of the steel; Card 3/4 B/139/60/000/oo5/025/031 3073/H135 Investigation of the Phase Composition and of the Fine Crystal Structure of a Plastically Deformed Steel however) the character ofthe strongthening differs. This indicates that the changes in the fine structure of the a-phase do not reflect the law of strengthening during plastic deformation of steel with lamellar cementite. There arc 5 figures and 17 referencess 11 Soviet, 5 English and 1 Japanese. J ,~ISSOCIATIONt Issledovatel'skiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Gor1kovskogo gosuniversiteta imeni N.I. Lobachevskogo (Physics and Engineering Research Institute, q Gor'Hy State University imenT N.I. Lo1zcn9vsx1y7' SUBMITTED: December 19, 1959 Card 4/1+ 4_. -I'mot ring- hardnesiF of layervl_ pre e4 b tb Chemical Abstracts A L MV 25p 1954 ~1111 Ail 12; -ers depod Electrochemistry (11pA7, lie ink-fohirdnessol W - . itd 0" finne'41td J s(vel by inich,uge of 6 vnIcrrJ&tAd% &10.33 amp. S64 an Ml rm, fay ad% at I arnp. anti colployinS as electrodeshard Metal Iloys, FeCr. Anneo re, steel, W, At. and Cu were but little ected by the prowfure used. However, their thick"" N wai a function of both techniques and the mature of tk,- trottes. Hardness distribution and sattising produced by heatint at 200-700' were shown In charts. Softening tic-? lwnded on the esse with which deposited layer alloyed with the base. D. Gat SOV/ 137-57-6-10459 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1957, Nr 6, p 150 (USSR) AUTHORS. Balakina, L.N., Krupitskiy, B.A., Lukhina, Ye.M. I--------------- loft_~ TITLE: Investigation of the Wear Resistance of a Layer Hardened by Elec- tric Spark Treatment (Issledovaniye iznosoatoykosti sloya, uproch- nennogo elektroiskrovoy obrabotkoy) PERIODICAL: Tr. Leningr. voyen.-mekhan. in-t, 1955, Nr 3, pp 151-157 ABSTRACT: An investigation of the comparative wear resistance of 40-grade steel which was hardened by electric spark treatment (ET) with a hard T 15K6 type alloy, nitrogenized, carburized, and quenched. ET was performed at a 200 Rf capacity and a 5-6 amp intensity of the short-circuit current, and was followed by a smoothing operation at a 6 Id capacity and a 0.25 amp current intensity. The thickness of the hardening layer was 0.02-0.03 mm. The microhardnesa HV of the specimens investigated was 1300 after ET, 1200 after ntro- genization (St 35KhMYuA grade steel), 930 after carburization fol- lowed by quenching (St 15 grade steel), and 595 after quenching and annealing at 2000C (St 40 grade steel). Rings hardened by ET Card 1/2 exhibit a high wear resistance in contact with a hardened or Investigation of the Wear Resistance of a Layer (cont.) SOV/137-57-6-10459 nit ogenized surface. A rubbing pair in which both surfaces have been hardened bytT is undesirable because in that case a great wear of the block (shoe) Sur- face is observed. It is noted that with a decrease of the difference in the hard- ness of the bearing surface and the ring, the wear resistance of the rubbing pair is decreased. The authors advance their opinion that in a number of cases the employment of a rubbing pair can be recommended in which the ring has been hardened by ET and the bearing surface has been quenched and annealed instead of receiving thermochemical treatment. For lightly loaded articles the authors recommend use of a friction pair in which the bearing surface has been hardened by ET and the ring is made of refined steel quenched and annealed at low temper- ature. It is pointed out that the substitution of electric-spark hardening for car- burization and nitrogenizing permits a considerable reduction in the cost of thermochernical treatment. E. S. Card 2/2 BALAUNAI N.V.j agronom-entomolog (Wningrad) At the station for the protection of ornamental and shade-trees. Zashch. rast, ot vred. i bol. 8 no.8ll3-15 Ag 163. (MIRA 16s10) J- P Kl-.-#'--IVANOV--P- * AlekBoyevicb; -UAL&UUA-rN 14-v--r-n V L spots. red.; LEVINA# L.B., tekhn. red. (Technique of training service dogs] Tekbnika dronairovki sluthobnykh sobak. Yoskvap Izd-vo M-va soll.kba$. HUSRI 1961. 141 p. (Dogs-Training) (MM 1512) BilAKIRA, V.S.-, SIFOVSKIY, P.Y. -0 wip I" I -STUMfW- experiments III reproduced free introartioular bodies. Ortop.trays. t protes. 17 no.6:133-134 V-D 156. (HIM 10:2) I* Is patolego-anatovioheskogo otdalenlya lAningradekogo asuchno- lasladovatellskogo lastituta traymatologii i ortopedit. (JOINTS) GIAGOIAT, B.S., professor; BLINOT. N.L. profe sorl BAIAK professor: EMLINIT811T. O.K.. Imadida; m as ikh naukl DRIOMNUIt. U.T., kwAidat moditainakikh nank: DOTXO. 2.K.. kandidat seditainakikh nauk: DYSTROTA. T.T.. kandidat seditattiskikh nauk: VIASOTA, Z.A., kandUst moditelaskikh nauki ANTIPIU, A.N.0 nauchavy gotradalk Petr lasil4vich Stpovskii. Arkhepato 18 no-8:131-132 156. (kW 10:2) I* Deyetvitellnyy chela AM SSSR (for Oirgolov)o 2, Direktor Institute umovershenstvovanlya vrechey iment S.K.Kirave (for Blinav). 3* Direktor Nsuahno-lasladoratelOskogo Institute traymtologil I ortopedil (for Balakiam) (SI]POVSKII, ?2TR VASILIXTICH) ~~ALA J-I-1AI.-Y.Jul professor (Iionlr4gradg ul*Kuybyohovo~ d.3-t kv-33); d!# ujM, 8,T&,, profossor Some problems in the organization of aid for injuries [with sums in ftlishle Yeatekhir- 78 no.401-54 Ap 157. (KLRA 10:97 1. Is Leningradek-aro rauchno-isaledovatellskogo Institute travmto- 10611 1 ortopedi-Odire - prof# V-892slakina) (WMM AND 15=38l prove & ocutrole trounstole serve In Russia (Rus)) C--' a -vT--A- - Y-1, MT ZI- CA Sec-19-VoI-2"-; Rehibilitation YaT 59 I Wit 1. Re-Illole ie%klll% of treammit of p%eudoarditoses at tile Lertingrad Instimle if 'irmurnmoh)p anti oithopactliti for tile lam five )car% 0951-191)10 (Ruv%ijn lV%0 RAI Aki',.% V. S. .111d K%Ilkl%lt it K. V. Khmogqa 1958. 2 (3-11) lables 2 11%clillo-al till 0%i-. whith apix:a1% ill licalviiine is usually tile Itmill of wimig Item. 111clit o1 tile hamiles. 1,11VIVIore it i% %cr% importavit to otgar, ite pio1wr ttall- 111.41ologital ;till ankladvalltril Irlillingotskligtolm Trealmelliol lw%ctltlo-.1 I till o%i% o( tile lolig IN)IIC% k a dillif tilt 1;4%k aml failed in 277.4", of Excellent. g(xxI aild uIlMa(lot) lc-.1111% wele oblahied ill 7231.1i";, of tile paticim. 11cit mults ill the treatincrit (if Inctido-aitiminis are provided by tnu-ott& antoplaitv contietted with 111(tallit: (mco"Vilthe%is. I loillopli%ty by (rolell Imlie retillirm hirther study. V. 20-UMPTA-MMICA Swqftol-13/5 -dam 2192. (619) SOME PROBLEMS OF OSTEOSYNTHESLS IN THE TREAT161VNT OF FRACTURES (Russian text) - Us I a k i no V. S. - ORTOP.TRAVM. I PRO TEZ. 1958, 19/2 (3-9) A historical r*vL~w on the different alloplastic techniques is presented. Special Itention to given to Intrarnedullary metallic fixation, Its indications and advant- : gee. All Russian and some weot*rn contributions to this question are mentioned. Boytchov Sofia (LX, 19) k,_ BAUKrllA,__!.-O.; SIMTSIIY9 P.T. Study of experluentally reprodua&d. free Intra-artloular bodies (Ijolut mloeO), Trudy Lsn.Cos.u&uoh.-lssl.just.tmvu.j ortop. n0-7817-25 158. (mak l3tO 1. Is patologoanatoolobookogo otdalenlya TsenlagradebW gown- darstvannogo nanabno-Iseledovatellakep InstItuta travmtologil I ortopedil. (MVIS-DISRASTA) BALAMA, V.S.g prof. (LenIngrad) In trauimtology, orthopedics$ and reconstructive surgeryt" collected paper noo2 of the Kovosibirok Institute TrmmatologieRl and Orthopedic Remenrche Reviewed by V,.S* Balakina. Ortop.trevzo I protes. 19 no,4175-77 JI-A 158 fmMA of 11811) (ORTHOPEDICS) BALA.KINA, V.S.. prof.-. XVITKEVICH. X.Y. Surgical treatment of pseudoerthrosse at the Leningrad Institute of treumstology and Orthopedic& during the past five years (1951- 1956) [with sumaq In Anglish). Mitrurgiia 3k no.2:3-11 If 058. (HIRA 11M 1e Is Laningradsk o instituta travestologii I ortopedii (dtr. - prof. V.S.3slakinal (PMDOARTHROSIS. surg. results (Rue)) BALAXM%, V.S., prof.j KVITMICH~ 11,V, late results of treating fracture* of the femur ; from data of the Leningrad Institute of Traumatoloff and Orthopedics for the past 10 years. Ortop.triaYmj protes. 20 no,9tll-18 5 '59. (MIRA 13Q) (TIMUR, fract. & disloc.) L41AXIMA. V-S.. prof. (Leningrad, U1.1urbyahava, d.3. kv.53) I -; late results of surgery for free intra-articular bodies. Vast khIr. 83 no.7:101-107 J1 059* (MIRA 12:11i (JOINTS--DISBABBS) BAIAKINA, V.S.1 MEDVEDEVAj N.I. Treatment of diaphysial fractures of the dhin bons. Vest. khir. 85 no. 8:101-108 Ag ,6o. (14IRA 14il) (TIBIA-FRA,CTURE) (FIBULA-FRACTURE) V.-S.-; YU)CDLIIT- -- -- -- - -- ---- --- - - - - - - -- --- A- - -1--7. s Prospeots for further improving publio traumatological servicat in the R.S.F.S.R. Ortop., tramn. i protes. 22 no.2t4O-44 P Ila. 1 "IT (MIRA 14:3) l'', I , (ACOIDWS) t .,~I! 1. P BATAKIKAt V.S.~ prof. Skin as plastic material for interposition In arthroplasty of r1gid jointel experimentelstudy. Ortop. travm.i protez. 22 no.D38-43 Ja 161.. (10,11 11, 15) 1, Is patologoanatmialieskogo otdelenlya Leningradskogo nauohno- inaledovatellskogo instituta travmatologii I ortopedii. Adres aytorat Leningradj*Park Lan-ina,Id.5, Institut travmatologiJ I ortopedii jJOINTS-ZURGERY) (SKIN GRAFTING) SUKIKA, V.S.1 MEDVEDEVA, N.I.1 GRIBENNIK, Ye.V. Combined anesthesia in operations on the extremities. Trudy Den.gos. ortop. no.8:16-24 161. (KM 15:9) (EXTREMITIES (ANATOMY).-SURGERY) UUKINA V S., prof-I VERINGIR, N.V., doktor sad. nauk; VAYNSHTEYN, --V-.G., profol YERMKAYA, M.F., etarshiy nauchnyy sotr.; MHKARDV# S.Te.# starshly nauohnyy sotr.; TITOVA, A.T., starshiy nauahnyy sotr.; FRSYDLIN, S.Y., prof.; TALIMAN, I.M., red.; KHARASHj G.A.,q tekhn. red.; SkFRONOVA, I.M., t9khn. red6 (Concise course in traumatology)Kratkii kurs travmtologile Leningrad# Medgis,, 1962 287 p. (miu 16t1) I ~TRAUMATISM) BA~ prof.; RUHAN, N.V., mladshiy nuuchnyy notrudnik Errors and complications in metal ostoosynthesis. Ort. travm. i protez. 23 no.lOt46-50 0 162. (MIRA 17t10) 1. 1z Laningradakogo inatituta travmatologii i ortopedii (dir.- prof. V.S. Balakina). Adres avtorovi Leningrad, P-46, park Lenina, d0o Institut travmatologii I ortopedii, &IIAKINAR V.S., prof. (laningrad 11-46, u1. Kuybyeheva, d.3, kv.53); RURAN, K.V. Results of treatment in spinal fractures, Ortop., travm. i protez. 26 no.1:11-18 Ja 165. (KRA IS: 5) 1. It Leningradskogo inatituta travmatologii i ortopedii (dir. - prof. V.S. Balakina). IBA4~�-, # prof a Creativa path of Profeboor Vladimir GrIgorlevich VaInahtein# 10954 Ortope travm. I protess 26 no.602 it 165. (MIRA l8s8) BLIAKIRV 6- A*A*; POLUBOTARINOTO DvNe - - .Ow'---EVdrI&tIon of corwdo products made of looms rocks. Tru4 MINT no,241. 117-123 15?, (Ceramic materials) (Hydration) (XIRA 11t6) I BALAXIRSV. As As Cand, Teoh Soi -- (dies) "Physiooohomioal bbasm of a rational toohnology of produots of oonstruotion oeramlos made of loses rqw material.' Moo, 1959, 19 pp (Min of Higher and Sooondary Speoialized Bduoation RSFSR. Moo Order of Lenin Chealooteohnological Inst im D, 16 IMnAeleyev), 125 ooples. M, 52-59, 120) -68- RAIAKIREV A A.; POLLWYARINOV, D.U. . - ---j- -It --- Phaso composition of coramic products made of loeso. Trudy MITI no.2712l5-228 t59., (MIU 1516) (Ceramic inductrieo) (looeso) MAYET. 0 ILL; BAIAKIRRV, A.A.; M.!, Operation or specific-weight gauges In a .!em!d-..&ckIng unit. Norteper. I neftekhLm, no.606-4,01163' OURA 17:7) 1. llovo-Gorlkovskly ntfteperer-abatyvayushch:ly zavod i Sp4rtsJall- noyo konstruktorskoye byuro po aytomittike v ri-ifteperarabotke I neftekhimile SOURCE CODE: UR ACC NR, AP6019448 3/66/000/003/0037/00.-1S AUTHOR: KhOmat, 1.; Balakirev,_A. A.; Zhebrovskiy, V. ORGz none TITLE: Some properties of,coatings"With epoxy and urethane regina SOURCE; Lakokraaochnyye materialy I ikh primenenlye.. no. 3, 1966, 37-38 TOPIC TAGS: eavb*M, enamel coating, polyurethans~ coating.0 opoxy resin, elasticity, hardness ABSTRACT- A comparative study ~as been made of some properties of enamel c;atinvs6made with E-33%"E-41., and E-10 epoxy resinshgainst polyurethane coating with _:k_'j ~__",)Varnish base. -it has-been establisk that coatings made with E-10 resin were more resistant to dichloroethar Enamel coatings with E-33 and E-41 resin base were found to have lower vapor permeability thar. polyurethane coatings, All coatings tested have shown a good metal-adhesion property. The enamel coating 'With an E-10 resin base was found to have a high degree of hardness but lower 1/2 ACC NR. AP6019448 elasticity as compared to other coatings. The E-33 resin-base coating has shown a higher degree of hardness combined with high elasticity. Tests with laboratory-type artificial-weather apparatus on naturally drying epoxy-urethane coatings have shown high resistance under test conditions, Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 4 tables. (Based on authors, abstract] ['AM) SUB CODEt l1/ SUBM DATEt none/ ORIO REN oo6/ OTH REP: none/ GRIGCOITXV# Goorgly lWouidoviahg GRUSVICHO Stanislav losifovich; NAMON, B.I., otystetvonvj7 red.; RAIAXIRIV. A.7., red.; YMSOVA, A.G., takhnereds P--- ~ I I . -... ~ I I , . [Full-enatomic testing apparatus for testing selectors of modernised ton-stop systmal Polnoavtonstioheskoia'iwpytatelinate apporstura dIts proverki iskateld mod orals i rovannoi dekedno-shagovot. AM Xoskys. Oos. isd-vo lit-r7 po vopr6 ovissi I mdlo, 1957, 49 p, (MMA 11tO (Tolophone.,Autonstio--kpparatut and supplies) TITATW, Taygenly Vamillyevich; BAIAKMIV, A*F., red.; SMM, 0.1e, tokha. redo [Telephoig; prinotpleact telephony and mmially operated telephone statiowj Tblefontial 08,20TY, tolofonll L tilofonws stantalt z-rwh- nogo obolushivanita, rsd,3,, parer, Noskra, Obs, Isd-ro lit-rw po, Yopromm arl"I I radlog 1958 283 p. (NM 1197) iblephoue) I RIZYYAKOV, Aleksandr Petrovich; AKINVIYIT. U.N..; BALAKIM, A.Y., red.; KARABILOVA. S.F., [Iffect of nonlinearity on the quality of long distance telephone comounication] Vliianle nolineinosti na kachestvo dallnei tels- fonnoi eviazi. Moskva, Goo.isd-vo lit-ry po voprosam eviazi I radio, 1939. )) p. (MIRA 12:9) (Telephone) XUARXXVICH. A.D.; ROGINSKIY, V.N.; CPMOMATA, Ye.1,; LAZMHV, T.O.; WIAPIRO, S.B.; GORTACIUff, V.A.; FARAPONOV, L.S., otv.redo; BALAKIRNV, A.F.# red.; KAWILOVA, Me, takhnoreds [Crossbar tolephone substationj Information collection] loordintnaia telefounnia podstantaiial informatsionnyt obornik. Moskva, Goo.isd-vo lit-ry po voprosam sviazi I radio, 1939, V P, (KLRA 1311) (Telephone. Autoratio) PBTRUSIUN, I.P.,, BALAKIRMY'. A.F.. rod.; KMOCH, Z.G..,, -- - (Rules for the oReration of long distance telephone and telegraph oablenj Pravils takhnichookol eksplustatell kabol'afth linii meshdugorodAol tolefonno-tolografnoi eviazi. Moskva. Sviazlisdat. 1959. 113 P. (KIRA 12:10) 1. Moscow (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministerstvo syyasi SSSR. Glav- noye upraylonlys mashdugorodnoy tolefonno-tolografnoy svyasi. (Telegraph cables) (Telephone cables) SOKOLOV, Vasiliy Vasillyevich; FATIKIN, D.Y.,; BAIAKIRST, A.Y., red.; MMOCH, K,G.,, [Urban telephone lines] Linil gorodskikh telefonnykh astal. Moskva# Gos.isd-vo lit-ry po voprosam evissi i radio, 1959. 303 P. (MIRA l3i7) ttelephons lln~s) tekbn: r'e'd. (safety engineering regulations for vork on long-distance municipal tolecomunication.and wire broadcasting lbes] Pra- vila tekhniki bazopasnosti pri.rabotakh n& mezhdugorodnykhs go- rodakikb kabollnykh liniiakh eviasi i kabellnykh liniiakh radio- fiketail. 14oakva,, Goo.izd-vo po voprosam eviazi i radio, 1960. 99 p. (MIRA 15 11) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Hinisteretvo aviazi. Laboratoriia okhrarq truda. (Telephone lines-Safety measures) (Electricity, Injurios from) GROUT, Igor' Ismaylovich; J=SHOV, Vasiliy Nikoleyovich; SOKOLOV. Vasiliy Tatillyevich (doosseed); SIRMCKUK. K.Ys., bad.tokhm. mauk, red,; HAT-ArIRIff, A.F., reds.1 Flnl I , G.I., toklut.rode ECable commmication 11mes] Kabellve lizil evissi. Pod redo X.IA,5ergelohuka. Xoskys, Gom.tsd-vo lit-ry po voprosam eviazi I radio* 1960. 494 p. (MIRA 13:7) (Bleatric oables) KUTASHOV. F.D.; LITSHITS. B.6.; OPOLISKIT, Te.K.; OMMOTO IOTOOP Oty* red; j-R&LAXIBITI A;F&I red;i WMM, G.I., tekhn,red. [Universal ton-level step-by-step automatic telephone exchange with a capacity of 30 to 100 numbers designed for metropolitan and rural usel Universallusla ["Iskals I uchreshdanoho~kAls) dekadno-shsgovaie ATS no 30/100 nomerov: informatsionnyi abornilt. Koakva, Gos.isd-vo lit-ry po voprosan avissi i radio, 1960, 147 po WRA 13:11) (Telephozov Autowt1o) DITUODORTSHV, Gennadly Petrovich; NOVIKOV, VasilLy Aleksandrovich; RIMAKOV, Alskeendr Petrovich. BMUS, Y.M., kjjnd,tekhn.nauk, rateensent: TAKUB, Yu.A,l kand*tekhn.nauk# rateensent; NOVIXOT, V.A.,,; BALAKIRIV, A.?., red.: XARABMOVA, S.F., tskbnaed, ETheory of long-distance commmications) Teorlia dallnei eviazi. lsd*3*, pervre Moskva, Oov.lzd-vo lit-ry po voprosam eviazi I radio, 1960. 494 P. (MIRA 13tl2) (Talecormication) - ___LIVSIJITS --Boris -Samoyloviah;- OOLUBT-SOV -I-Ye*#--otv-*--red.;--BALAKIREV A.F., red.; MIKOCII, K.G., tek~n.*red. [K-40/80 Itural. Autorsatic Telephone Exohangel Sel'sknie, ATS 1-40/80, Moskva,, Gos.izd-vo, lit-ry po voprosAm oviasi i radio,, 1961. 47 . (MIRA 150~ (Telophonep Automatic) MUGMIYU, Georgly Loonidoviohl GOIAIBTODY. I.Te., oty.riod.; BAIAZIM, A.F., red. I I ' I I , G.I.., [Problems concerning the joint operation of wmicipal automatic telephone exchanges of different types of systems] Yoprosy sovm9stnol roboty gorodskikh AT$ resufth sistem. Moskva. Oos. Isd-vo lit-ry po Yoprosax svLaxl I radio, 1961. 50 p. (KIM 14:4) (Telephone# Antowtio) mrimArwv. Kilthall Ivanovich: RAZUXOV. Alek:sandr Sergeyeviah: KHOROV, Leonid D&Yydovich; BALAKMVP A.F.~ red,; RONANOTA, S.Y., tokba,rod, [Protection of wire oommunleatIons lines from the slootro- magnetic effect of hiCb-voltage power transmission lines] Ushohits, ustroiepv pro"duol oviast ot elektrouagnitnogo vIliantia liull v~ook*So napriashoulls. Moskva, Goo.izd-ve lit-ry po Yoprosau eviasi I radio, 1961. 70 p. (NMA 1012) 1. ?Sontrallmy nauchno-Issledoy&tel'okly Institut avyasi Kinisterstya svyazl SSSR (for Kikhayloy, Rasumov, Khorov), (Telephone lines-Overhead) (Shielding (Ilootricity)) (Telegraph lines) KOSHCHEYEV, Ivan Alekseye-richl RSZVYAKOV, Aleksandr Petrovichi POPO'/As N.E. I starshiy nauchroy sotr.s kand. tekhn. nauk,, otv. red.1 BATAK redel SHEMp GeLp tekhno red* (Fundamentals of t4w tbeory of electrical co=micationa and long- distance communications] Oanovy teorii elektricbeBkoi Bviazi I dal,'- niaia evias'. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po Yoprosam avi&si i radios 1961. 398 ps Wu 14 1 n) le TSontrallra nauchno-Issledovatel'shy iwtitut nya2i (for Popova). (Telecommmication) POLEKHIN, Sargey Illarionovich; ULAKIREV, A.F.p red.; =Ml, G*I9, I- - tekhn. red. (Croastalk coupling between telecon=nication networks) Vzaimnoe vIiianie mezbdu teepiami sviazi. Moskva, Svissf- izdat; 1962. 68 p. (MIRA 15:10) (Radio lines) (Telephone lines) EYDELIMANi, Inv Yakoylevich; STOUNOVp MeN.,; BAIAKIREVp A.Pop r*d.j SWTSKIN, A.A.p (Asymetry of the power supply bridges of telephone stations) Asimetrila pitaiusbehikh mostay tolefomVkb stantaii. Moskvm# Sviazlizdat, 1962. 121 p. (KMA 15:4) (Telephone stations) (Electric power supply to apparatus) BOO. Letter to the editor. lsv.AV SSSR Otd.tekh.nauk. no.5;780-781 My 153. NLRA 6:8) (Bearings (Machinery)) (Diiachkov, A.K.) BAIAKIFMT~~~ Automatization and telemeohanics in the Kulbyshev Hydroelectric-Power Station (GES). P. 182 TECHNICKA PRACA. Czechoslovakia, Vol. 7,, No. 4. 1955 Mont* List of Xast lhwopean. Access tons (ERAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 9, September 1959 Unal. 4 1__,I,,, - ICI.I AUTHOR: Balakirev, D.A. TITIZ: Laboratory Equipment for (Laboratornaya ustanovka raskhodomer6v) 120-4-35/35 Calibration of Gas Flowmeters dlya Graduirovki gazovykh PERIODICAL: Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta, 1957, 110.41 pp. 106-107 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The equipment is designed for meacurement of larEe and small outputs of gas under pressure and is distinEuished from existing types by its compactness absence of frictional components, simplicity and suitability for laboratory cond- itions with maintenance of itG accuracy. The layout of the apparatus is shown in Fig.l.- 1) ras cylinders-, 2) gas ramp; 3) manometer; 4) valve 5~ reducer; G) butcher; 7) flow measuring orifice; 85 and 9) manometer ri and a thermocouple for measurement of the pressure and te!.'.;.,,cratuz- of the gas at the input to the orifice; 10) manometer P 2 (pressure at the orifice); 11) special hiGh-pressure tank; 12) and 13) manometer and a thermocouple for measurement of the pressure and temperature of the gas in the tank; 14) safety pressure valve; 15), 16) and 17) flor. measuring orifice, Unrdl/4 thermocouple and inverse differential manometer for measuring 120-4-35.1/35 Laboratory Equipment for Calibration of Ua8 Floimeters. the output of the water from the tank; 19) filter; 20) valve; 21) cut-off valve; the openinL and closing of which is simultaneously accompanied by connection and disconnection of an electric seconds-meter; 22) throttle cock for creation of back-pressure in the tank at the output; 23) receiver for the water flowing from the tank during the tiLie of one measurerent for this or the other constant output. The method of calibration of this equipment is based on the equality of the volumetric output of the liquid and of the gas in the reservoir (11). The output of the liquid is determined by weighing. irrom the measurements of the volumetric outputs of the gas and of the corresponding jrrameters of the state of the gas in the reservoir, the gravimetric output of the gas is determined. If a truncated flow measuring orifice is used as the throttle apparatus for measurement of the output of the gas with a supersonic drop (0*> .' P2//P1 then the weight output of the gas redi ced to the standard conditions will be directly proportional to the gas pressure at the input of the orifice 7 (Fig.2). Yor the inverse differential manometer shown in Fig. I a Card2/4 reversed differential manometer 6T-150 or 6T-50 with an Laboratory Equipment for CalibriAlon of Gas Flowmeters 120-4-35/35 additional valve a , previously cleansed of mercury, can be successfully used. The basic advantage of the reversed differ- ential manometer ever the usual mercury differential manometer is that it is not necessary to use an intermediate working liquid mercury - the use of which is undesirable due to its pernicious- ness. Also higher than permissible splashes of the liquid in the reverse differential manometer due to sudden increase of the output are obviously safe as compared to the usual differential manometers. Priming of the pipelines and of the liquid set-up to zero (0 - 0) in the reverse differential manorreter is realised by the valves (a, 6 (3). Theue same valves also balance the pressure in the tay7k, and in the reverse differential manometer I? at the zrater output W-rouGh the orifice 15. The liquid output G can easily be ascertained from the drop on the reverse diff- erential manometer A h and from the graph G = f(qZM) (Fig-3) as also in the case when a differential manometer is used. The laboratory apparatus described and the inverse differential manometer worked well in use. This is a full translation. There are 3 figures. Uard 3/4 120-4-35/35 lp.borptory Equipment for Calibration of Gas Florruete-s. I t,SSOCIATION: Institute of Mineral Puels Ao. So. USSR (Institut goryuchikli iskopayemykh Ali SSSR) SUBMITTED: February 5, 195?. AVAILAB13: Library of Congress Card 4/4 BALAXIRV, Z. Outstanding physician, navigator and discoveror. Mor. flot 25 no.7t 37 Jl #65. (ICRA 180) 1. Rukoyoditoll otde3.a predupreditelloogo aanttarnogo nadsora TSentrallnoy na%iohno-~tooledovittellskoy'lRboratorli gigiyany Vodnogo transport&. BALAKIRVP IOAO Ur*noh for the receptacle holding the gamma,--ray source, Geofisq ramde no.31120-121 161. (KnU 17s2) ACCESSION NRs AP403S424 S/0166/64/000/002/008910090 -AUTHOR: Be k r D.;., Dplm&tov, K. 1. ~TITLE: One method of measujing the velocity of motion of an'blectro-c6nductive liquid ,SOURCE: AN VaSSR. 1zv. Sariya fitiko-matem.stichadkikh navk, no.2, 1964, 89-90 TOPIC TAGSt conductive liquid, atectrode, electrochemical polarization, copper sulph&to, current streng4h, circuit, galvanic pair, resistor, balancing pair, electrolyte ABSTRACT: The authors propose a new method for the measurement of low velocity mottoK Vased on the utilization of electrochemical polarization of electrodes. Ex-. periments were conducted in long.tubes (-1m) having an I.D. of 30 mm. it was ax- periment&lly shown that by increasing the temperature of a small concentration of CuSG4, the current increases% by increasing the concentration of the solution, how- ~ever, the current decreases, Since the velocity corresponds to the current strength, then this effect can be used for measurement purppses. The authors concluded that water, in its natural state, Is a good electrolyte and, therefore, the phenomenon described can be applied to determine the velocity of motion of water* Origs art, hasi 2 figures. Card 1/2 'ACCESSION NR: AP4038424 ,ASSOCIATION: Tashkentakiy Institut Inshenerov thelannodoroshnogo transport& (Tash- ~kont Institute of Railroad Transport Engineers) tSUBNITTED: 8Oct63 DATE AOQt 26Jun64 ENCLs 00 .SUB CODEt EG NO REP SOV: 001 OTHER: 000 t CatJ 2/2 BAMIREV-VN -*-I, - Inth-t __ - ____ - __ No-w--Mthod-for calculating flights. Grazhd.av, 18 no.11:27 N '61. (MIRA l5s2) (Azerbaijan.-Aeronautics in makito control) BALAKLUTI, VAAILM~ Inshener; MOLCHANOT, R.S., kandidat talchnichesk"Uhns # suchzQ7 redaktor; XAPIAN, M.Ta.. redektor isdatellstre ; PULIKINA, Ts.A., takhnichookiy redaktor [Squipment for manufacturing hollow reinforced concrete elements) Oborudovants dlis prolsvodetva pustotelykh thelesobetowifth isdelii. Leningrad, Oostitd-vo lit-ry po stroit. i arkhtt., 1957. 67 p, (Precast concrete) (HLRA 10:8) HINATSVICH. losif Karlovichl BALAKLM, Mikolay GavrilayLah; LSYCK"UrO. Yajov Inshop red*; Ovfmm;7 [Now building material "mokhovit' and Its productionj Mokhovit - novyl stroitelloyl material I ago proisvodetvo. Leningrad, Ledngr.doa muchno-tekhn.propagandy. 1938. 1$ p. (Infortwtsionno- teldmichaskii listok, no,32. Stroltelinala promyshlonnost) (KIRA 12:12) (Building materials) BALAKMIT, 0. [Balakiriev, 0.3 They make machine parte of wood. ZMn- M Pratela no.8.13 Ag '60. (XIRA 13t 9) (rhartsizek-Wood, Compressed) BAILAKIR V N. NIP insh, Simple metho4for oalculations in dusting chemicals from airplanes. Sershob. rant. ot vred, i bol, 5 no-.10,37' 0 160a (MIRA 16:1) I* Azerbayftbanskoye territorial Inoye upravleniye Gmzhdanskogo vosdushnogo flota. (Spraying and dusting in agrimiturs) MLL:,SH.. V. IMAlysh# V, ] c- SALAXUMV,, _q, . [Balakirievp 0. 11 KOBELETSKIY's Te., (Kobeletolkyip redol LOUO, A,# k&Dd,tekhn,nauk News of eovist science and technology, Zran. ta pratsia no, 12il6 D 160, (mrm 3.4s4) 1. Redaktor DersUit-vidavu URSR (for Kobeletakiy). (Technological innovations) In the brigade of Mikhailo Telytchenko. Znan. to pratsia no, 2tlO .Y 163. 1, (HIM 14t5) (Donets Basin-Mining engineering) Imshener-kontr-admi-ral.- "Submarine boats of the Imperialist states" b7 V,N.Gerasimov, V.F.Droblenkov. Reviewed by V.Balakireve Starsho-sersh. no.9t 37 3 161. (C-oranimovpV.N.)(DroblankovtV.IP.) (KIRA l5t2) (Submarine boats) -Ile BALAX)REV, V.. -., -_ ~L,. ! A . 11 l0i. vo, .- ", - ~ - i .. , - ~ 1 .-1.0."', . ..""ft, ;. - , 1: "'. .. Automittzstion or hydro-electric ststion-. 183 P. (50-25,~W,~, ) Xoekvs, C-on. ariere. tz,;-vo, 1949. TKI08I.B3 v. F. 3950 .L, - "Automatizotion and Talemchanizatlon. of Uydroclactric Pcwcr Stations," TARMOTSMo A.A.; STIMT, M.P.; UKIN, V.V., red&ktor; AWUA--YRUAAv redaktor; YWK, 5. Is, vedushchij rodaktor; BBGICHXfA, kaot - t0hulohookly redaktor. [Operation of mechanical and electrical sluice gate squipaint] Ampluatatsils, "kbantabsekop i slektriaboakogo oborudovanits shlinsov. No*kT&, lad-vo Kinisterstva, reohnogo flots, SSSR, 1952. 210 P. ENtarotilml . (Km ?t11) (sluice gate$) SOMY. 0.M.: BALAXInT, rodaktor; LARIONOT, G.Te, takhnichaskiy rodaktore . .... ftmw [Teleasterlag] felsiamerealoo Kookya. Goo. onerge Isd-vo, Pt*2. [Synchronous-traoe and Impalvej Slakronno-oledlashchle i impullanys, i ,:metemr. 1953. 415 P. Wak 7.612) (To storing) U,'~"R/Enginaeriir, - Mitomitization Card 1/3. Nib - 77 - 3/20 Auth,)rs Balakiroy, V. F., Engineer Title Autonitization, and remote control at the Kuybyshev State Electric Power Plant Periodical I 11auka i zhizn' 21/12, 7-qp Dee 1954 Abstract i An explanation in piven of soma of the features in the autorkatization and re- mote control of the Kuybyshev Electrical 11cwer Plant on the Volga, which is scheduled to start or-arating in 1955 and is -4aid to be one of the largest In the coinitry. The need for such automatization is based on the fact that both the water supply and the load on the system vary. The operation is not com, pletely automatic since the stopping and starting of the various turbines is controlled by a dispatcher who bases his action on sign-Als received automati- cally from the various parts of the installation. Illustrations. Institution : Submitted : T XUCHKIN, Mikhail Dmitriyevich; SPITSTN, likolay Andreyevich; AbULUU22-11'" reteensent; XOSIS, T.L., retsenzent: LARIONOY, G.Te.. t#khn.r~&. (Automativation of hydroelectric power stAtions) Artomatisattlia gilroslaktricheskikh stantaii. Pod obahchei red.N.DJuahkim. Moskva. Gos.energ.lsd-vo, 1957. 350 P. (MIRA 10-12) (Hydroelectric power stations) (Automatic control) I ft (P $1 1: Ila oil- BAIAKIRST V,Y.- YSTRIM, ro*A.; TISHCHEND, A.A.; PABAMHAW, A-A-s --- -!!MLL 10-ft -go -.I- Zino passage from matte to the gaisous phase under the effect of converter blow. Trudy Inst. mat. UFAN SSSR no.4:81-85 158. (KRA 32M) (Zino--Metallurg7) S/02OJ60/135/005/025/043 B016/BO52 AUTHORS Dalakir V. F. - SIVA- _V TITLSe Mechanism and Kinetics of the Reduction of Cobalt Oxides PIRIODICALt Doklady Akad*mii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 135, No- 5, pp. 1127 - 1130 TEXTt The author studied the reduction kinetics of Cc 304' and reports on X-ray examinations of solid reduction products. He intended to explain some discrepancies found in publications. According to Hof.4, Cc 0 is 3 4 reduced in two stagesi Cc304into CoO, and CoO into Co. Ref.2 states that no CoO forms below 300 0. The author reduced Cc 304 by hydrogen in a vacuum &t:2250, 2500, 275 0, 3000 , 3230, and 3500C. Hydrogen preosure was 100, 200, 400, and 600 am Rg. Fig.1 shown the reduction rates at the above tmeratures and under a pressure of 400 an Hg. Fig.2 depioto this rate at 2 0 C and different hydrogen pressure*. From the maxima of the curves, the author concludes that thv process follows the laws of topochemical Card 1/3 Mechanism and Kinetics of the Reduction of 3/020/60/135/005/025/043 Cobalt Oxides B016 B052 reactions. Its activation energy was calculated to be 1e-5 kcal/mol9. The X-ray structural analysis of samplea with different degrees of reduction 03.1 - 6e.9do) indicated the phases, Cc 0 CoO, and Cc to be pr*sent in 5 49 each sample. Hence, the author concludes that the reduction takes place on two levels simultaneounlyl Co 304 ' CoO and CoO - Co. The author suggests the following reduction mechanism for Cc 504t During the reduction, oxygen in separated by hydrogen, thus liberating cobalt ions at the surface of the crystal. Under the action of the concentration gradient, the Co-ions diffuse into the lattice of the initial phase. Cc 304 is thus converted Into CoO. The CoO crystals formed immediately must have a maximum number of vatanoiss which are occupied by Co-ione coming from the surface. The ions diffuse through the CoO lattice and penetrate into the lattice of the initial Cc304' thus converting still more Cc 304 into CoO. This diffusion is comparatively slow due to the relatively low temperature of the ex- periments, while the formation of metal ions at the surface takes place quickly. Bono*, the metal phase of part of the metal ions is formed long Card 2/3 Mechanism and Kinetics of the Reduction of S1020,1601135100510251043 Cobalt Oxides B0161B052 before all Cc304 is converted into CoO. The metal crystals continue to grov due to the diffusion of cobalt ions on the interface between metal and oxide, and on the free crystal surface. G. I. Chufarov, Corresponding Member 18 USSR, is thanked for guidance and assistance. There are 3 figures and 12 referencest 7 Soviet, I British, i French,-and 3 German. ASSOCIkTIONs Institut metellurgil Urp.1'ekogo filial& kkadenii nauk SSSR (Institute of Motsllur,gy of the Ural Branch of the Academy of Sciences USSR) PRESINTEDt June 29, 1960, by G. V. Kurdyumov, Academician SUBVITTEDo June 27, 1960 Card 3/3 23812 S/02 61/138/001/016/023 A% 7sV0(111jo+1114 0/ 1134 B103YB208 AUTHORS: ..Balakirev, V. P. and Chufarov, 0. 1., Corresponding Member As USSR TITLEt Equilibrium conditions in systems Co-O and Co-O-H PERIODICALi Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, v. 138, no. It 19611 112-114 TEXT: The authors determined the crystal lattice parameters of the two cobalt oxides accurately defined: CoO and Cc 304* CoO has the lattice type of KaCl, Cc304' the apinel type. The authors studied samples of Co20, (from the iavod "Krasnyy Xhimik", plant "Krasnyy Khimik") and also detected a spinel type of the lattice with parameters similar to those of Cc304* It was, however, difficult to determine the quantity of the para- meter, since the lines in the roentgenogram are indistinct. The authors point out that anhydrous Cc20 3 cannot be prepared, but that CoO and Cc 3 04 may form solid solutions with oxygen. Since the published data on the Card 1/7 23812 S/020/61/138/001/016/023 Equilibrium conditions in systems... B103/B208 dissociation pressures of cobalt oxides in the system Co-O-H and on the equilibrium In this system are contradictory, these problems have been studied. They are important for the production of cobalt and its compounds (for the technology of direct production of high-quality cobalt metal from its oxides by reduction with hydrogen). The authors obtained Cc 3 04 by annealing analytical-grade "cobalt oxide" for 70 hr at 8000C in the air. Table I contains data on the equilibrium pressure of oxygen in the system Co304;=t 3CoO +1/2 0 2: T, OK 923 973 1073 1123 1173 P021 MM 5.32o10-2 0.12 7.3 25.0 153.5 yl~ The equilibria in this system and in the system CoO +H -OCa +H 0 were 2` 2 studied both in the direction of the Cc304 dissociation und of the CoO oxidationj 'he oxygen pressure was determined in a vacuum device. The mean values of t~e 02 pressure for the dissociation of C0304 are expressed by Card 2/7 23812 8/020J61/138/001/016/023 Equilibrium conditions in systems ... B103/B208 the following equationt log P 16522 + 13.4 (P in atm)l the 0 T 0 2 2 change of the isobaric-isothermal potential AZ 0 , 37794 - 30.652 T cal. T The dissociation pressure of Co304 being high,. the equilibrium C0304 +ff2a= 3COO +R20,is difficult to determine directly owing to the low equilibrium pressure of H2#- But the authors determined from the equi- librium conditions of the two prpo*eses.ooupled in this system: Co3044=~_ 3CoO +1/2 02and of the dissociation of water vapor: X H 0 I=i H + 1/2~ 0 for,the latter of which log KH equals - 13160 + 3-05, 2 2 2' 20 T the terms of temperature dependence of the equilibrium constanti log X, - log P ~P - AM + 3.,65 and of the change of the isobaric- H 20~ R2 T isothermal potential: &ZO 22413 - 16.699 T cal. The equilibrium T constant decreases with.inoreaoing temperature owing to the exothermic Card 3/7 S/020/61/138/001/016/023 Equilibrium conditions in systems... B103/B208 character of the reaction 6H0 296,1 19412 cal. It was found that in previous studies of the,equilibrium CoO +H21--kcO +H20 methods with considerable errors had been applied. Among others, neither thermal diffu- sion has been considered, nor the equilibrium gas mixture analyzed. The authors studied nalytical-grade CoO. The sample was found to be monophase (like that of Co;O4), and its lattice parameter was in agreement with published data. To eliminate thermal diffusion, a continuous cirou;..*ttion of the gas mixture was maintained by means of a diffusion pump. Equi- librium was attained at a constant water vapor pressure (4.579 mm) which was maintained by dipping the receiver with water into a Dewar flask containing thawing its. After.equilibrium had been attained, the sample was remoied from the furnace and hardened. From the vapor-gas mixture the water vapor was frozen out in a receiver immersed in liquid nitrogen. The equilibrium gas was again analyzed for impurities. This was made by Interaction of H with CoO which was again introduced into the furnace. 2 The resultant water vapor was frozen out. The pressure difference gave the Card 4/7 S/020J61/136/001/016/023 Equilibrium conditions in systems... B103/B208 equilibrium pressure of H 2' It was converted by a correction diAgram to the H. pressure at OOC* The results are presented in Table 2. They may be expressed by the relationi log Kit + 0,52. Also in this case, T ithe equilibrium constant decrease& with rising temperature, as the reaction 0 H298.1 631 Cal is exother4~, The change of the isobaric-isothermal potential is determined by AZO w - 4457 2.381 T cal. The dissociation pressure of CoO is calculated Tfrom P02 (K H20 K'')2 atm. It follows: ; 24373 log P02 M - - _T_ + 7-14, and the isobaric-isothermal potential AZO - 55754 - 16-333 T cal. There are 2 tables and 13 referenceL: T *6 Soviet-bloo and 7 non--Soviet-bloo. The 3 most recent references to English-language publications read as follows. H. W. Foot, E. K. Smith Ref. 41 J. Am. Chem. Boo-, 309 1344 1908 , P. H. Emmet, J. E. Schultz ~Rsf. 8: J. Am. Chem.800., 51, 3249: 1929~, M. Watanabe (Ref. 10: Sci. Card 5/7 S/02 61/138/001/016/023 Equilibrium oonditions in systems.... B103YB208 Rep. Tohoku Imp. Univ., 22, no* 4, 892, 1933). ASSOCIATION: Institut metallurgii Urallskogo filiala Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Metallurgy of the Ural Branch of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: January 25s 1961 Legend to TaKe 21 1) Tt 0Kj 2) P equil mm H9t 4) conditions; 5) K'' 112 1 mean valuej 6) from the side of reduction; 7) from the side of oxidation. Card 6/7 ANISHENA, H.A.; BALAKIREV. Y.F.; VETRYNKO, Ye.A.; KASIIIN, A.I.; KOW"P G.A*- VoIRtilization of zinc during the smelting of copper concentrates. Trudy Inst. mot. UFAN SSSH no.8t83-95 163. (MIRA 170)