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TINBERG, G.G., professor. Radioactive carbon and photosynthesis of marine plAnkton. Friroda 43 no.3:92-94 My 134. (MLRA 7:3) 1. Belorusskiy gosudaretvennyy universitet In. T.I.Lenina. (Carbon--Isotopes) (PlVtoplankton) (Photosynthesis) With I 1A Mau 0. OT-Itio., Tr I Vmo,,w. Gi*ouoi. o&4gkjW, 0, wuKlow-Eutoo. 01 tm belsAvior of costaminaw wet" With t~pt we *"" \) Mat kequestly tilo multaitude j =pWasyat tifia nwmtift Or ezmau Mat Producmd by atm. tanl4a, The "Oor in the I- instinct is the entmw of o'g. suateriah into the wgtcn fro[, the active 01 MIS matter being t"fir. to Nat of libe Plants, Me amt. rated 00. Ck*- aor theso meter" as b4mjm mad retative;Y fit'sh", h4l knee is c- (attar m 1 * mn hkb f4 m'" ";m T Tb*dMb~or^UmtL fled-ffOQ1441110" aftkvdoldN~~ C~ cob it Me tow amt. Of 0. it. Me Whale Wtu cia, j, kna- and the vuktim of it th-push the day an be dtd.. I - baged on purely bewly,frawn umpks are uw&tis. futmy, Smfc temP- stratAcktiOu KW mWmtn. " Os can produce gmt daily migdow in ()~ town, I, MA coaditious for excMage with the &tw. am poor, im in mer. oToks w" ~y SlOw mWm 01- flaw. In nwh cases M4 antmt of dissolved 01 IS ddd. mt only by cemintion of PbOtOll"Usells at niqbt but alm by vwktion at % utWz" by med t 4w CwhanP "ith Atm. in 'kht -4 d,,-. 71. suatifi;-atiou, Many pr"Jom dhafrecamts fteumoom Are d"a". M. Kosoh The Pau MER/Biology - Ecology Cird 1/1 Pub. 86 - 13135 Authors Vinberg, G. G., Prof. Title Circulntion of phophorus in reaervoirs Periodical Priroda 44/2, 136 - 88, Feb 1955 libstract The presence of minute quantities of phophorus in the water of reservoirs and its role in biological processes is discussed. It is explained that phosphor-us is a biogenous element assimilated by the organism only when taken into the system as a constituent of the tissue of other for=s of life. The method of stu(brAng the circulation and assimilation of this elerient by the u3e of marked atom is described. Three English references (1950 - 1952). Institution : V. I. Lenin Byelorussian State University Submitted : &,*oo USSR/Juology Ecolor-I Card 113. Pub. '22 46/54 Authors Vinberk, G. G., Godnev, T, N*q Act. Memb. of Byeloruss. Aced. of So.; and Ga]~one 0 V* Io .Title I fipplication of tho P radio isotope in studying the fertilization of ponds Periodical t Doko All SSM 10013, 575-578, Jan 21, 195_5 Abstract 3 The role of phosphorous fertilizers as a means of increasing the fish produotivity of ponds is explained. Methods of employing a phosphorus radio isotope during the study of pond fertilization are described.. Sw.o re3ults obtained by means of these methods are listedo Five references: 2 WSR and 3 TJSA (1950-1953~ Table, grap)i. Instituion t The V. I. Lenin ByelorlIsSian, State University Submitted t November 4, 1954 -T10-W,-Georgiy-GenXgiyevich, p of.; KISHCHMO, L., red.; BKMILIYA, I,, tekhred. [Using mineral fertilizers in fish ponds] Kinerallnoe udobrenie rybovodnykh prudov. Minsk, Izd-vo Belgosuniversitata imeni V.I. Lenina. 1956. 21 p. (MIRA 12:)) (Fish ponds) (Fertilizers and manures) VINURG. G.G.; KISHCHINKO. L.T., redaktor; BELINIKAYA, I.Ye., tekhnichasidy ~-b or [Metabolism intensity and food requirements of fish] Intensivnosto obmena i pishchevye potrabnosti ryb, Hinsko Izd-vo Belgosuniver. im. V.I.Lenina. 1956. 250 P. (MMA 10:1) (Fishes--Pbysiology) VINBERG. G.G.- SITKO, T.N. ~~ Phytoplankton an the agent of self-purification of polluted waters. Trudy Gidrobiol.ob-Ta 7:3-23 156. (Km 10: 2 ", I* Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy sanitarnyy institut Kinisterstva zdravo- okhrananiy& BSM, Minsk. (Alese) (Water--Purification) VINMG. G. G. Primary production of plankton. Zhur.ob.biol. 17 no-5:364-376 S-0 156. (XVIA 9:12) 1. Institut biologii kkademii nauk BSISR. (PIANUON) VUBMIG, G.G. w"'w ~U,- , 1w I ~ . ~e - Sove recul.'3 of studying fertilizer requirements of oonds in White Rustija. Uch.zan.BGU no.26:V~5-199 156. (MLRA IC--. 9", (Vinite Russia-Fish ponds) (Fertilizers and mnnures) 0 . G, I n t enn i ty of not mbo I i sm j n a r t re i e C-f the body. UcL."Pp.BGU no.26-. (Arthrotpoda) Ile 8 L GTO VINBXRG, G.G, ".1 'Rnglish-Russian hydrobiological dictionaryO bv 11.11'. Smirnoy.RaTiewed by G.G. Vinberg. Zool.zhur. 35 no.10:1591-1592 0 '56. (MLRA 10:1) (Marine biology--Dictionaries' (Fresh-water biology--Dictionaries) VINBZRG~, G.G.. __ -wr - ~~ 7-- Conference of hydrobiologists of the B<ic States. Zool.shur.35 no.10:1599-1600 0 056. (KIRA 10:1) (Baltic Stntes-Fresh-water biology) VINBXRG, G.G.- 'Transactions of the Sevan Hydrobiological Station.$ Reyieved by G.G.Tinberg. Unp.sayr.biol.41 no.3:381-387 Yq-Je '56. (KrMA 9:9) (SBVAN, LM-YMH-VATAR BIOLOGT) USSR / General Biology - General Hydrobiology. B Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 9, 1958, 38096. Author : Vinberg G. G. Inst :Not given. Title :Fodder Base of Belorussian Productive Lakes. Orig Pub: Tr. Belorussk. otd. Vses. n.-i. in-ta oz. i rechn. rybn. kh-vaj 1957, 1, 57-70. Abstract: Results of studies conducted on productive lakes of the Belorussian SSR by the Belorussian Lenin University and the Belorussian branch of VNISRKh (All-Soviet Scientific Institute of Lake and Riv- er Fish Industry). A grouping of lakes is sug- gested according to the nutrient content, depth, prevalent temperature, and other features. Av- erage biomass of plankton and benthos is given for the chief lakes of all the groups studied Card 1/2 U-3s,R / Gerieral Biology - General Hydrobiology. B Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 9, 1958, 38096. Abstract: (Naroebansk, Polotsk, Vitebsk, and Braslav Lake3) in g/m6 and kg/hectare. The plankton biomass expressed in kg/heetare yields the same order of magnitude as the benthos biomass. The sum of plankton and benthos biomass in kg/hectare is compared with fish production of the correspond- ing lakes. For a more thorough analysis of eval- uation as between the fodder value and fish prod- uctivity of the lakes, systematic stationary ob- servations are necessary. Card 2/2 31 VnF=a, a. --,----~Fifth Scientif to Conference on the Study of Inland Waters of the Baltic See, Region. Zool.shur. 36 no-10:1595-1597 0 157. (KIRA loill) I (Baltic Sea region-Yresh-water biology) VINHARG.A.G. iMinsk) Miss# culture of unicellular algae as a new source of food and industrial raw materials. Usp.sovr.biol. 43 no.3:3-12-351 My-Ja '57 (AW") (MLRA 10:7) U-, K- VINBERG, G.G. 'Physiological adaptability of fishes to environmental temperatures' by U.S.Stroganov. Reviewed by G.G.Vinberg. Biul.MOIP. Otd.biol. 62 no-3:91-96 My-Je 157. (MLRA 10:8) (TWERATURA-MSIOLOGICAL IFFACT) (FISHBS--JPHTSIOLOGY) (ADAPTATION (BIOLOGY)) (STROGANOT, N.S.) VINMG G G., prof., red.; BAMUN, V.A.. red.; GES', N.D., red.; I.Ye., takhred. [Transactions of the Fifth Conference on the Study of Inland Waters of the Baltic Sea Region) Trudy lauchnoi konferentsii po izucheniiu vnutrannikh vodoemov Pribaltiki. Pod red. G.G. Tjnberga. Minsk, lzd-vo 1959* 280 p. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Nauchnaya konfarentsiya po izuchsniyu vnutrennikh vodoyamov Pribaltild. 5th, Minsk, 1957. 2. Belorusekiy gosudarstvennyy wAversitst im. T.I.Lenina (for Vinberg). (Baltic Sea region--Limnology-Congresses) VINHZRG, G.G. a 4 eneral problems and some methods of h7drobiological research in fish ponds. Trudy Blol. sta. oz. Haroch' no.1:3-22 158. (MIRA 12:7) (White Russia--Fish ponds-Hydrobiological research) 0 1 "1 k; -VIXHCRG,-Q.Q~IZSHIIIA, A.V.; VASILIYEVA. V. Materials on primary production of plankton in ponds of the *Volma" Yish Farm. Trudy Biol. sta. na oz. Naroch' no.1:23-36 158. - (MIRA 12:7) Minsk Pro*ince-Fish ponds) 1antt6n) 4 VINRERG, G.G. the effectiveness of mineral fertilizers in experiment ponds of the "Shometovol Fish Farm. Report No.l: General surve7 of research undertaken in the experiment ponds of the "Shemetovo" Fish Farm and their hydrochemical characteristics. Trudy, Biol. sta. na oz. Naroch' no-1:79-93 158. OCRA 12-7) (Fish ponds) (Fertilizers and manures) VINHERG G G,,;.,KISHCHENKO, L.V. Research on the effectiveness of mineral fertilizers in experiment ponds of the "Shometovo$ Fish Farm. Report NO-3: Primary production of plankton in the experim6nt ponds. Trudy Blol. eta. na oz. Haroch' no.l*.113-126 158. (MIRA 12:7) (Fish ponds) (Phytoplankton) VINEZRG, G.G.; GAPODEIIKO, V.I. Development of some aquatic organisms in cultures with different activity of pj2 . Trudy Biel. sta. na oz. Naroch' no.1:193-196 158. (MIRA 12:7) (Fresh-water biology) (Phosphorus--Isotopes) VIROM -G.G.; BILUTSKAYA, YU.S. Intensity of metabolism as a function of body size in fresh- water gastropods. Biul.Inst.biol.AN BSSR no.3:273-276 '58. (MMA 13:7) (GASTIROPODA) (KWMOLISM) (0 CKO -f9.- e Ns qe "el Ci 1'0" ~'e I~e-(~' -')1- e6. ON INV e .. 0~~ ~' '-0 SV 6 - ye 121, %M e -")~ 0 -co 40 0. C- 0-~ co C% 0 ,1 '01 -C-3 0, 0 fm 0 0 0 G, 1~0 e *0 ell- ~VN 0. e. 10 N;q 6~ - 'C .4 -c'O CLO t '71 6 14 to L t 143 104 e bj 1, 19 J200 Or ip, 0~ 08 tL VOC, Zt 02 4*04P 08 ~Q" "d y -ea.r' 4, cjj~q 0 t .7b" jab, b ah 0 006 W, ale at Ch St..- th o'- b 2 .1 a e 4t e Qej .9 (1- et 12 e the 0 ~zj .3150k a t-I 8. 124ga 42 ea '0 :rp I OZJ' T'~ god a ae t el'i C, "7(1.t, 0,12 .1 12 Fvi 0 ,-b a 'I~r e -r6' Z. - 'Obe 3, 22 11 rp 002) at 0 GcI all J" z LIP, Z72 Ca2 02 2 v Ot -J, p "Nel2i I, 4C71 t 2 01, th t -:,.z bj 0, UJI. 4 ZOut C, , Q tZ Pit Z70(i Yclz' 02. 1 -d Pez. '4~~ Obj Os it ee b 010 Lij POQ2 t4 bt, .7 b, 40, t 7f 012f -The-, ZhIa 0111 Ob -10, VINBERG, G.G.; BNLYATSKAYA, Tu.S. --- Relation between the metabolic rate and body weight in fresh- water gastropods. Zool.zhur. 38 no-8:111&1151 Ag 159. (MIRA. 12: 11) 1. Institute of Biology, Academy of Sciences of the B.S.S.R., Minsk. Wastropoda) (Metabolism) TI!g~IRG.-Gaarg~y _.Georg JWSOY' _~yjyt;4; ROSSOLDIO, L.L., reteenzent; KU7 S.I., retsenzent; TOBIN, N.Y., akademik, red.; BULAT, 0., red.izd-va; TIMOSHCHUK, Iv., [Primary production of bodies of water] Pervichnale produk-taiia vodoemov. Minsk, Izd-vo Akad.nauk BSSR, 1960. 329 p. (M MA 13: a) 1. AN BSSR (for Turbin). (Phytoplankton) -TINBERGS G.G.; SIVKO, T.N. Photosynthesis of pbytoplankton in biological treatment ponds of Minsk filter fields. Dokl.AN BSSR 4 no. 11:490-493 N 160. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Belorueskiy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy sanitarno-gigiyenicheskiy institut. Pre"tavleno akademikem AN PSSR T.N. Godnevym. (Minsk-Sewage disposal) (Phytoplankton) (Photosynthesis) VINUM, G.G., prof. Studying the primary production of natural waters* Test.A.1 SSSR 30 no.6:138-139 Je 160. (MIU 13:6) (Marine flora) VINBERG G.G.,.prof.j, red.; GESI, N.D., red.; BEIRNIKAYA, I.Ye., tekhn. red.; DUBOVIK., A.P... tekhn. red. (Primary production in seas and inland vaters; reports] Perviobtaia produkt9iia morei i vnutrevnikh vod; doklady. Minsk, Izd-vo M-va vysebegoq arednego, spetsiallnogo i pro- fesaionallnogo obrazovaniia BSSR, 1961, 407 PO (MIRA 15:4) 1. Nauebncye soveshobaniye po izucbeuiyu prervicbnoy pro- duktsii vodoyemov, Minsk, 1960. (PIgtoplankten) VINBERG, G.G.; Prinimali uchastiyei. MIKHALEVICH, N.I.; WINA, L. Recent data on the metabolic rate in fishes. Vop. ikht. I no. 1:157- 165 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Belorusskiy josudarstvennyy universitet. (Fishes-Physiology) (Metabolism) VINBERG, G.G. The energy principle in studying the productivity and trophic relations in ecosystems. Vop. ekol. 4:13-15 162. (MIRA 15211) 1. Goaudarstvennyy universitet, Minsk. (Bioenargeties) (Biotic communities) VINBERGY G.G.; TYURYUKANOV, A.N.; STEBAYEV, I.V.; TITLYANOVA, A.A. A conference on blogeocoonology. Zool. shur. 41 no.4s633-640 Ap 162. (KRA 15W (Biological research) FUUOV, Vladimir Ivanovich, dots. kyPjjQ--;iG -,-G.G., prof., red.; GES)", 11--'.D., red.; 311MOVSKAYA, A.V., red.; I'DRGUIMA, G.M., teldm. red. (Introduction to biology]Vvedenie v biologiiu. Pod red. G.G. Vinberga. Minsk-., Izd-vo 1~-va vynshego, srednego spetsiall- nogo i professionallnogo obrazovaniia BSSR, 1962. 268 p. (MIRA 15:11) (BIOLOGY) C VINEERG#-~~ Energy principle in studying the trophic relations and productiv- ity of ecological systems@ Zool#zhure 41 notlls1618-1630 N 162, (MIMA 16 11) 1. The State University of Bi-elorussia, Minsk. (Zoology-Ecology) (Vital force) VIIMM, G.G.; LYAKHNOVICH, V.P. Hydrobiological methods for studying the productivity of ponft. Trudy sov. Ikht. kom. no.14:24-29 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Belorusskiy gooudarstvennyy universitet. (Hydrobiological research) (Fishponds) VINBERG..-G.G.; BF1YAT,;KAYA_POTAYENKO, Yu.S. Diurnal variation of gas exchange intensity in cold-blooded animals. Zool. zhur. 42 no.11:1593-1600 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. State University of Bielorussia, Minsk. VINBERG, G.G. The p9wr principle of the study of trophic relations and the productivity of ecologic systems. Analele biol 17 no-3:88-102 My-Je 163. VINHEROP G.(I.; tlmAvw-,-,:A , Y~;.l .; FIN'llym , Some data on the cblorophyll content Ir plankton and thp prima:~:.r production of the Black Sea. Trudy SB'32 17:212-220 ?64. (MDA VINBERGY G.G. Cultivation of green plankton algae in sewage. MiL-obiolotdia 33 no.3t5O8-515 ~br-Je 164- (MI.A 18:12) 1. Belorusskiy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy sanitarno-giriye- nichesk.iy inst'Ltu,"., Minsk. Vr K~C VINIE RGY G.G. 1 7-,~!--, C,, I310SHKINA I E.A. Pr6da~~tica of p7.ankton crustaceans in three different-type lakes. r Zool. zhur. 41, no-.~:676-0687 165. (!E-RA 18: 6) 1. Balomsskiy go;iudarstvennyy universit6t, Minsk. P MM~ VINB.ERG, G.G. International biological prcgram for lip-nological research. Gidrobiol.zhur. 1 no-5:70-72 165. (14IRA 18: 11) ZENKEVICH, L.A., otv. red.; BELYAYEV, G.M., red.; VINBERG,A,.-G., red.; GAYEVSKAYA., N.S... red.; ZHADIN, V.I., red.; REZNICHENKO, O.G., red.; SHCHERBAKOV, A.P., red. (Change in the biological complexes of the Caspian Sea during the last decade] Izmanenie biologicheskikh kompleksov Kaspiiskogo moria za poslednie desiatiletiia. Moskva., Nauka., 1965. 255 P. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Vaesoyuznoye gidrobiologicheakoye obshchestvo. 2. Chlen- korrespondont AN SM (for Zenkevich). be boa r! t.-l -Z BIRSHTMI, Ya.A.; VINBERG, G.R. Vlktor Sergearich IvIev, 1907-1964; 4) obituary. Piul. YTP- Otd. blol. 70 no. 62146-150 N-D 165 (HIP-4 19:1) MBE I BOOK EMITATION sovlftM Belopukhov, A. K./L. I. Vinberg, A. A. Dudin, M. L. Zaslavskiy,, and P. P. Moskvin Litlye pod davleniyes (Die Casting). Moscow,, Mashgiz, 1962- 399 P- (Series: Inzhenernyye monografii po, liteynamu proizvostvu) 8000 copies printed. Rbvievers:* N. ff. Bialousov, Candidate of Technical Sciences,, and A. V. rAkedmmskiy,, Engineer; Reap. Ed.: L. I. Vinbergv Ed.: L. A. Osipova, Engineer; Tech. Ed.: V. D. El1kIndj Managing Ed. for Literature on Hot-Working of Metals: S. Ya. Golovin, Candidate of Technical Sciences. PURPOSE: This book Is intended for enginters and scientific research workers in tha foundry industry and may allo be useful to students in schools of higher technical education. Card 1/f 2_ Die Casting sov/61o6 COVERME: The book outlines the history of the developwnt of the the casting process, its fundawntals, and the present state of Its appli- cation. It also reviews the designs of machines, castings, and molds and the problems of automation, mechanization, and production orga- nization. Theoretical principles which may be used for the develoyment of the manufacturing process and for designs of new casting machines are presented. The book is based on advanced practices and achievements in the field of the casting. No personalities are mentioned. There are U7 references, 55 Soviet and 62 non-Soviet. TABLE OF C Foreword 5 Ch. I. History of Develoluent and Present Status 7 1. Essentials of die casting 7 2. Historical review 8 3- Present status and fields of application 18 Card 2102 ARBUZOV, B.A.LjL4D4V4,_"; GOLUBOVICH, M.Pq STEPANOVA, N.M.; NEYFAX, Ye.V,; TSARLIVSIIIY., N.I. Casting into chill molds from wooden patterns. Alium. splavy no.1:182-194 163. (KMA 16:11) BELOPUKHOVI A.K.; VINEERG L.I - DUDIN A.A.; ZASIAVSKIY, N.L.; J, MOSKVINY P.P.; LAKEDEMONSKIT.. A.V.p.inzb.p retsenzent; OSIPOVA, L.A., inzh.,, red.; ELIKOD, V.D., tekhn. red. [Pressure die casting] Litle pod davleniem (By] A.K Belopukhov i dr. Moskva, Mashgizq 1962. 399 p. iMIRA 25:7) (Die casting) -00 0009 **see &*geese 11 Q If 14 is is it to " at v x a 3, a is v a m If it w It is a ft At to If 0 a of a a L.-I A., -A_j__JL_L a _a tp .0 a I I y T -P-L .1-L-A& k A -_A_L_S-4L_A_ A-0 k ~S_AL_J W too ..a 1.~ Coup! -00 IDS 0 as all 1.401. cow" of ft d "-qpw roftm_ fee ~ 11 - a - vim OMN rww Oky in of bmbw V see Ttw cauws of vibratitmu art cxp6kw "" Ame act up in rolurs *hcn ftm is insumcir"I madam in the age barinp. OW pwicol mcdoh Ow shw" for m surhw the corml Ormum of "ww sudium. The a 0 s mettfoils mm ilkturatcd by exAmpics rmm tuf%n~ 90 Are* 411941 see -j ii ate-ILA attAtuJISKAL LITIOATIMI CLAISWICATION, jejeop -1, 0-9 111JASS at O-V Ali _w__r I U SAV .0 as an It K tow Ve 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 te 0 0 *1* 000 0 0 0 00 0 a 0 0 I'll0 000 0000 0 0 000 0 IS 0 Oi VINCAIEK . V. , inz, ~, , - Electronic selection of telephone n,=Ders. S-del tech 12 no. 3:109 Mr 164. . , - m '-~ "Wr zl--~~!-~f7- ~ ":T - -- - 4~ . -- UAC-RUJ-3. VINCANT, R. Our work helping cooperatives. p.21. Vol. 9, No. 11, No. 1955, PER BUJQk;5LNZ SUCIALISTE. Tians, Albania. SO: Monthly List of East Europoan Accessions, (EEAQ., LC~ Vol. 5, No. 10, Oct. 1956. VVICANI, S. Current production in naphtha refinerles~ P. 343 TFiNIKA, (Ministria Industri-Miniera dhe Ndertim-Komunikacion) Tirane, Vol. 3, No. 2, Mar./Apr. 1956 SURCE: East European Accessions List, (EEAL) Library of Congress, Vol.3i, No. 12, December 19J6 EXCERPTA MEDICA Sec-7 Vol-10/4 Podiatrics Apri156 791. VINCE A. and MIRE 11. Budapest FOvdros LIszld Kdrh.1za rr)nt1'en0szWl. . Budapest Foviros J1nosk6rh1zrendel6in tdzeti egyst4g r0ntgcnosztAl. k0zl, *A polionlyelitises csontclvd1tozdsok kialakullstlnnk m6dja. T h e d e v (! I o p - ment of bone changes in poliomyelitis MAGY.RADIOL. 1955, 7/3 (154-160),rables I Illus.6 106 cases were controlled by radiograms from the viewpoint of tile development of qualitative and quantitative bone changes from the onset of the symptoms, duringa period of 3 yr. after the paralysis. In the bones of tile extremities there are neuro- genic trophic disturbances. ITi infants the endosteal and tile epiphyscal growth is re- tarded. One year after the evolution of a definitive paralysis a grave bone-atrophy is present, that cannot be influenced by any treatment at present in use. The re- tarded development of the bones aggravates the crippling of the paralytic extrenli- ties. Surgical operations on atrophic bones are difficult. The atrophy of the bones and their disturbed development may be explained by a complex neurovegetative noxa from the lesions of the sensory and motor nerves caused by virus- infection, by the absence of normal impulses at the bones, by pathological stimuli, by vasu- motor influences and by direct trophic disturbances. The necessity is emphasized tor overhauling present-uuy therapeutic methocis ancl their completion by effica- cious proceedings to influence the vegetative and the sensory nervous system and the elimination of the pathological impulses and their substitution by normal or approximately normal stimuli. GyOrgyi - Budapest (XX,7,8) -7 n 9 . A T-) T,17- R., F_ UAN D A I T J.... i n d R. A TjTT,,T0XVYT7, F_ Pbvqiv-0 mod. T)rnt. vi2lCE, Augustin., dr.; LENGM,, Abna,, dr.; NASZ, Ist7anp dr. Late course of the type 8 adenovirus Infeation associated with roentgenological changes In the lung. Ory. hetil. 105 no.29t 1366-1368 19 J1264. 1. Badapesti Fovarosi Laszlo Korhaz, Rontgenositaly eff Buda- pesti Cr7ostudomanyi Egyetem. Mikrobiologiai Inte2mt. WEINFEILER, Gyu-la-. KAUSZOVA., V&lonruina~ FOLDES, Ist-van) VINCE, Egon'~. GIENES,' Qoza r;ji,-l- i Y :,f- attf-l"JaUeft bacillus stooks in rabbits. S Biol orv 'llciz! MTA 13 n:~.1-2~'31-39 `62. 1~ Magys. Tudomanyo-3 Akado~a Kiserleti Orvostudomanyi Kutato Intezete 0-~~zag-)s *Kirany-~O M-. Intmet; Budapest Orvostu- domanyi Egyetam -,;., L)rbonotani Intezete. 2. Ma ar Tudomanyos kkadomia levelezi tagja (for Weiezfeiler 0 VINGS, L, REVZSZ, K., MOIJM, A. Reticulo-ondothelial system In infantile atrophy. GYermek9Fog7aazat. 2 no. 12:363-366 Dec. 1951. (CLML 21:3) 1. Doctors. 2. 7irst Pediatric Clinic (Director - Prof. Dr. Pal Gegesi Kiss, Budapest Medical University. VINCI, Istvan, dr.; SZBKBLT, Aron, dr. -'~- " Clinical end bacteriological observations in sateral Infections In Infant. Oyarmakaogyassat 5 no.12:381-385 Doc 54. 1. A Budsposti Oryostudomanyl Baotou 1. as. Oyermokklinikajanak koslemanys. (Igasgato: Dre Gogeml Kiss Pal east* tanar, aWomikus. (GASTROINTISTINAL DISBASIS, in Inf. & child. dyspepsia, clin. & bactertol. aspects) VINCZ. Istvan, dr. Ireatment of infantile pneumonia, Gyarmekgyogyagat 5 no,4:97-110 AP f54o (JUAL 3:8) 1. A Budapesti Oryostudomanyi 1"etem I. as. gyarmakk1intimJana (iga'zgatot Dr. Gegenj Kies Pal egyat. tanar) kozlemenya. As Orvoe- Egeszsagugyi Ssakeservezat 0yermakgyogyass Ssakesoportj&nA 1953. evi nag 1953 nov. 21-en alhangzott ref6ratum nyoman. =11 2i " in inf. & child. Otherj (INFANT N M ORNO die. *pneumonia, ther,.) (BRMCHOPMMONIA. in inf. & child. Other.) VINCZE, Ivtvan (Budapest) Deviation of the empirical distribution functions of two variables. Mat koal MTA 10 no.3:361-372 160. (Ew 10:9) 1. A Mdgyar Tudomanyos Akademia Mmtematikai Kutato Intezete, Budapest. (Distribution(Probability theox7)) (Functions) CSILLAG. Inns, dr.; XLNCI, Istvan, dr.; SIMON, Oyorgy. dr. Incidence of Candida albicans in throat secretion of health and sick children. Orv. betil. 98 no.12:298-301 24 Mar 57. lo Ai Oresa&s KozegemssegWl Inteset (folgasgato: Tako. Josef, dr.) es a Budapesti Oryostudomnvi laet*m I. oz. 0yermekklinikajama (Igazgato: Gegest-Kies. Pal. dr. akademikus) Vozlememys. (THROAT, microbiol. Kouilia albicaus. incidence In healthy & sick child. (Hun)) (NDNILIA ALBICANS incidence In throat of healthy & sick child. (Hun)) BART , L.:VINCZ, I.:HOLNAR, A. The influence of Intravenous amino acid compound on the amino acid nitrogen balance of atrophic infants.. GyermokUogyaszat 3 no. 11:341- 343 Noy 1952. (CLKL 23:5) 1. Doctors. 2. First Pediatric Clinic (Director - Prof. Dr. Pal Gegesi Kies). Budapest Medical University. RARIFA. L.; VINCS. 1. ' ~. Value of the microprecipitation test; Xandula reaction in infancy and childhood. Orv. hatil. 92 no.19:601-603 13 KaY 1951. (CLML 24:2) 1. Doctors. 2. First Pediatric Clinic (Director -- Prof. Dr. Pal Gagesi Kiss). Icrand Zotvos University, Budapest. V111C.E., Janosno,- d-r. Standardization I*n the clothing izxhastry of the Gez-an Democmtis Ralrublir-.. Szab7ary kozl 15 no.4.-84 Ap 163. VINCE, Jozsef law on retirement. Munka. 9 no.1:7-9 Ja 159. 1. Szakszervezetek Orszagos Tanacsa titkara, es "Munkall ozerkeazto bizottsa."k tagja.- 11. M -TA 12-i-DICI 7 Vol. 11 / f( FG,t - -, - _,t - - - , , - -7 IF EXCE tP A .1. - S 2191. VINCE S. and CSILLAG A. 1. Kinderklin., Med. Univ., Budapest. zur=ruk -der Candidiase (Mordliensepsis) des SZ!uglin f:o alters. Candidi- asis following antibiotic treatment in Infants ANTN.PALDIAT. (Basel) 1956, 187/1-2 (134-151) Tables I Illus. 6 Candidiasis was seen following antibiotic treatment in 3 infants. The fungus was demonstrable in the blood by an indirect method of demonstration in all case.-.. Ozbil - Ankara 7) R2VISZ, X.:VINCI, I.:XOIXU, A. Study of the hypophysis adrenal system in atrophia Wants. Oyersoka- ogyassat 4 no, 1:20-23 Jan 1953. (GIML 23;5) 1. Doctors. 2. First Pediatric Clinic (Director -- Prof. Dr. Pal Gegesi Kiss). Budapest Medical University. IrM., 14~ BARTA, L.; VINCE, I. -.1 - - -r Intravenous amino acid treatmient of newborn infants, Ory, hatil, 93 noo 37:lo63-lo66 14 Sept 1952o (CIML 23:5) 1. Doctors. 2. First Children's Clinic (Director -- Prof. Dr. pal Gogest Kiss). Budapest Medical University. VINGA, Istvan,; CSIIJAG, Anna. Contribution to the clinic of maniliasis in infants. Oyeraokgyogyanzat 6 no-7&*1-220 JUIY 55, 1. A Budaposti Orvostudomanyt J~ffetem I. oz. 07ornakkUnikajanak (igaxgatQi dr. Gegesi lies Pal ogyet. tanar, akadwdkas) es az Orexagoo XosegeszeV47i Intezet (foigasgatot dr Tako Joxsef) kozleienyo. (KCNIIr-TA IS, in infant and child clin. aspects) CSERNAY, Laszlo; JAVOR, Tibor; IBOLYA, Jung; Y;NqE,_Varro The role of acid secretion in the pathogenesis of experimental phenylbutazone ulcer. Kiserl. orvostud. 14 no-5:479-483 0 162. 1. Szegedi Orvostudcmanyi Egyetem I. sz. Belklinikaja. (PHENUMTAZONF.) (PEPTIC ULCER) (HISTAMINE) (ATROPINE) (VAGOTOMY) MARETIC, Z.; MARETIC-SISUL, N.; RADEJ, I.; SENKER, K.; V-INCE,--V-; ZUVIC, M. The epidemic of acute gastroenterocolitis caused by staphylococcal enterotoxin in 1956 in Pula. Higijena, Beor, 12 no.2/3:240-250 160. (STAPHYLOCOCCAL INFECTIONS epidemiol (GASTROENTEKTIS microblol) 0 & & 0 * 0 * 0 0 0 * g~f: 0 0 0 & I I I I IN It A I -L- a Ij 11-"_L go A Ale -01ft"'is o a A RFITFJ - &PrMZZT go SULWIM - ARCHMCrW. 00 VOL. 11 , - 1950 To No, 9-10, Sapt.-Cot. 4 11w Ow 4111s.. 00 so 11.01-111v% 1)~-Igvsolw fm Ill, Ift-0-t Go 00 ~00-1: 00 It :1 Aso ILA -11AW,116KAL 01124TWt CLOSOKATION a- 5-1 a -r s- V- u 2, ty rp it o ac a a % u At a r, it 0 :0000000000600: I ;o 0000 0 $00 * 0 0 : III ill Ir -,.F- -I 1.. 0 0 Ott 0", 00 00 -00 -00 200 An 4 lid 0 14 of 0 to f 00 BRADACY 0.; FROCHAZKOVA, Z.; SESINOVA, D.; VIMENC, J. A year's stud7 on the distriet system of child care in rural districts practicing pediatrics. Cook. podiat. 19 no.6:542- 549 Je 163. 1. Vyzkumny ustav organizace zdravotnictvi v Praze OUNZ v Teplicich - OUNZ v Kladne - OUNZ v Bruntale. (PEDIATRICS) (RURAL HEALTH) (CHILD CARS) (CHILD WELFARE) P111,111111KY [I.; I-".; VOCENCOVA, B. Plastic operations In hydronephrosis. Rozhl. chir. 44 429-432 Je 165. 1, Ile chirurgicka klinika fakulty vaeobecn,--ho lekarstvi Karlovy University v Praze (prednosta prof, dr. .1. Ujotka). JEKLER,J.;M~qEI'*P,CLI~A, - SETKA, J. 'P., Contributior to the troatmont of ascitea In liver cirrhosis with entectropy of an Real loop. Rozh. chir. 43 no.l: 47-50 Ja164. 1. 11. chirurgicka klinika fakulty vseobeeneho lekarstvi KU v Praze (prednosta: prof.dr.J.Lhotka) a II.interni kli- n1ka fakulty vseobeeneho le.,.arstvi KU v Praze (prednoslva: prof.dr. F.Herles). SMAT, V.; POSPISIL, M.; VINCENCOVA, B. Some indications for surgical treatment of inflammations of the gall- bladder. Cesk. gastroent. vyz. 15 no.8:607-611 D 1622. 1. IL chirurgicka klinika v Fraze, prednosta prof. dr J. Lhotka. (CHOLECYSTECTOMY) JEKLER, J.; BORTH, Z.; VINCENCOVA, B.; FRIEDBl,,R,'jER, V. Sur.gical treatment of extra.7.epatic Foztal- hypertensicn. Rcznl. chir. 43 no.8:505-513 Ag 164. 1. II chirurgicka klinika fakulty vseobecneho lekarstvi Karlovy University v Praze (prednosta prof. dr. J. Lhotka). !~.~:-,z7- ~- ''-L, VINCENT, B. Theoretical basis and its applicktion in the determination of forest types in the area of Brno. p. 175. SBORNIK. RADA LESNICTVI. Praha. Vol. 28, no. 2, Apr. 1955. SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) library of Congress Vol. 5. no. 7. July 1956. VI-C, I:T) r. 1~ "- orcst Ty?,c:oC-,- *is ~', Da-sin, (-~f 7,larrir,~7 arrl Cullti-;-Air~n 7r "crr:`s" .1. - -L .-I- ) P. 193, Vol. 25, 3, 195), IPTaha, czeel'.) SC: Yrrthly List of East Furope:in Acrnssicrs (EFAL), LC, VOL 4, Yc . 3, Yarch 1955, Urcl.. ; :-: ~ ~I ~; ij, ' ~ ~~- ' ~ - - ZT T, j : .; ;,".% , ~ , - ,~! -- -, , , , , --1- - ~'. V -V -1 -~- VINCENT, G. Economic evaluation of varietties and types of certain species of forest tress. p.233. SBORNIX RADA LESNICTVI. Praha. Vol. 29, no. 4, April 1956 S SOURCE: East European Accessions List, (EEAL) Library of Congress Vol. 5. No. 8, August 1956 I 'T 4 ~/, V I I; G - JOSCf; 3C. UIA, Arl-'1.11 -- --J, - -- . Contribution to modern ourgicul truatment of the traricos.2 ccrl.i lex. Sar. med. fac. med. Brun,;n. 35 no.3:99-](Y7 '62. 1. 11. chirurgicka klWka lokarske fakulty university J.'--'.PurKmc v Brno -- Studentsky vedecky krouzek Vedouci: prof. dr Jan llavrtil. (VARICOSE VEINS surgery) vIIIC,_?."T, G. Selection and transfer of the forest-tree species. p. 341 (Cookoslovenska akademie zemedolskych ved.) Praha., Czecl~oslovakia, Vol. b, no. 5, I-lay 195e- ~'IontUy List of East _,'uropean Accessions LC, Vol. C, no. 11, Nov. 1959 Uncl. VINCENT, G. "Forest and its significance for agriculture." p. 155. VESTNIK. Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 6. No. 3, 1959 Monthly list of Fast European Accession Index (EBIA)j Library of Congress, Vol. 8. No. 7, July, 1959, Unclasaified VI NCENT,, G. VINCENT, G. Breeding of forest trees. P. 453. Vol. 292 No. 7/8, Aug. 1956. SBORNIK. IRADA LESNICTV1. AGRICULTURE Praha, Czechoslovakia So: East European Accession, Vol. 6, No. 2, Feb. 1957 VMCS4T, Ou--tav,- VINCENT, Jan Ecotypes of Norway spruce;, thoir grouth and wood 3rlold. Les cas 10 no.2tlU-132 F 164 1. V~uoka skola zemedelaka, Pmo. IMIGMT, OunLav; laRCENT, jan Ecotypes of Norway spruce, their growth and wood yield. Les cas 10 no.2alIl-132 F 164 1. Vhjuoka skola zemedoleka, Dmov VIt'TCF?;T' M. Highways in Hungarj. p.1h. (Silnice, Vol. 6, No. 1, Jan. 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Vonthly List of East European Accessions (E-EAL) Lf. Vol. 6, No. 9, Sept. 1057. Uncl. L 13160-66 ACC NR, Ap6W5668 SOURCE CODE: 79/0190 AUTHOR: Vincent, 0. ORG: MilitM Research Insti._tut2., Faculty for Military Hygiene, Hradec Kralove (VoJ. vyzkwmy ustav, katedra voJ* hygi eny) TITLE: Individual differences in man's reactions to unfavorable factors (A contribution to the experimental study of human higher nervous activity in hygiene (This paper was presented at the Third InterdisciDlinMy (Mj2reno a E a _a yMimer _g_ _y=imer a and Clinical Study of Higher Nervous Functions hold in Kirianske Lazne from 19 to 23 October.1 SOURCE: Activitas nervosa superior, v. 7, no. 2, 1965, 179-180 TOPIC TAGS: man, psychology, behavior pattern ABSTRACT: ChAfig6s in the characteristics of motor reactions with di"iferentiation were investigated. Assessment of changes from the reaction time (Rrff) and of the number of errors revealed two ,types of changes: lengthening'of RT and a few errors, or shorter RT and many errors. Four bas:Lc characteristics of nervous proc- esses were found: changes in RT, number of incorrect reaetions, coefficient of variationt incidence of very fast and delayed responses. Marked interindividual changes in subjects were found. ,SUB CODE: 060 SUBM DATE: none .card 1/1 VINCENT., Oldrich Effect Of iOniging (gamma) radiation on ascorbic acid and thiamine in foodstuffs. J. hyg. epidem., Praha 5 no.2:248-256 161. 1. Purkyne Military Institute of Medical Research and Post-graftate Training, Hradec Kralove. (VITAMIN C radiation effects) (VITAMIN Bl radiation effects) (RADIATION I M CTS experimental) VINGMT, 0. Individual differences in man's reactions to unfavorable factors. (A contribution to the experimental study, of human higher nervous activity in hygiene). Activ. nerv. sup. (Praha) 7 no.2tl?9-180 165 1.Milit-v Research Institute, Faculty for Military, Hradec Kra-ova.and 'Toj. vyzkumnyustar, katedra voj. hygiany, Hradea Kralove. BESNARD, J.; VINCENT, R. Some results of axperimental studies on the storing of liquefied natural gas. Patrol si gaze 12 no.6:283 Ja 161. FILIPESOU,, M.; New mathod of extracting argon from rocks and Its ricrcdetaz-=~l*tlCn by gas chromatography for determining the aboslute age of rocks. Rev chimie Min petr 13 no.11:693-696 N 162. KEMULAv Wlktor; CHODKOWSKI, Jerzy; BALASIEWICZ, Michal; KORNACKI, Jacek; RAKOWSKA, Bwa;YINCENZ, AlIna Polarographic investigation of some derivatives of ~6-nitroacetophenone, /4-nitropropiophenone, and l-,~0-nitrut,',,)!ryl-1,3-propanediol. Rocz chemii 33 no.6:1485-1493 959. MAI 9:9) 1. Katedra Chemii Nieorganicznej Uniwersytetu, Warszawa. Zaklad Fizykochemicznych Metod Analitycznych Instytutu Chemii Fizycznej Pol Polskie Akademii Nauk, Warszawa. ~Polarograph and polarography) (Nitroacetophanone) (Nitropropiophenone) (Nitrophanylpropanediol) rILIFF.=, H.; MARMSCR, Zo; GCDARCFA, M.; AUPZUAN, 14.1 ZADURIAN, Al.; VINMMS 1. ..; .............. ~-M Hathodo and apparatus, for ex.traction and miaredetermia&tim of hydrocarbon& from soil and.reaka in the "geochamical proapeating of hydrocarbou accumulatlaft. Patrol A gaze 14 no.4:169-174 163* VINCUIT L2-A. z:=i:I-= D7nanias of labor productiritty in France from 1949-1960. Produkti-imost 3 no.10:635-638 0 161. VINC&RIBARIC, Vlasta, dr. Clinical corAribution to the study of favism. Lijecn. vjesn. 84 no.2:151-~-15e,, '062,;* '4 ' 1. Iz 0djeltL-za zarazne bolesti Opce bolnice u Zadru. (FAVISM case reportsi -- VT~' qI!7a'-F. Viftorx-tu, K. Water for preparing developers in the film Industry. Fotokemijska. P-23 Vol. 4, No.8, Aug. 1955 XEMIJA U INDUSTPIJT SO- Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EeAL), I.C., Vol. t,, '!o.3 March, 1956