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81857 Some Geometric Properties of Normographic S/02 60/133/02/02/068 Equations C11 1YC222 From (4) it follows that (5) CiMP23 (u,v) + C2(f)p3l(u,v) + YOP12(U,V) ~ 0 where 'Yu)j . Differentiating (5) with respect to u,v Pik kBi((UV))B i k(v) and forming under consideration of (5) the ratio 01(f) I C2(f) 1 C3(f) then it can easily be proved that X(U#V) can be chosen so that the functions r X(u,v) satisfy the condition P2 + P2 + P2 1 and that for ik - Pik 23 31 12 them certain differential equations are simult aneously satisfied from which it follows that the lines u - conat , v - conat are\7~ desic lines on the , C P, .. sphere. From (5) it follows that the vector 101 2 0 U3y ies in the tangenting plane of the sphere and that the lines f(u,v) - a are geodesic lines too. For this interpretation the well-known condition of Gronwall means Card 21) 81857 Som6 Geometric Properties of Norcographic 3/020J60/133/02/02/068 Equations C1II/C222 that arbitrary values (ujv) C: g and the derivative 4Y flu du fIv which is determined from the equation f(u,v) - c , satisfy the differential equation of the geodesic line. These results permit to develop a differential geometric theory of nomo- graphic equations. There are 3 references t 2 Soviet and I French. ASSOCIATIONt Hoakovskiy gosudaratvennyy universitet imeni II.V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University.imeni 14.V. Lomonosov) PRESENTEDi Ilarch 1~, 1960, by P.S. Aleksandrov, Academician SUBMITTEDt March 11, 1960 Card 3/3 ARISTARKHOV, N.T.v Jnzbj BAKHVAWV, S,K%, inAs Triple-layer drop forging of large-ocale bottoms. Khim. i neft-. mashinontr. no,5s40-4a N 164 (MIRA 18:2) .0 3AMiyAwy, ~-V. SOVM03tnoye ltlibanVo dvukh svyazaWkh poverkhnostoy. Matem. sb., 40 (1933). 150-167. LA Ob odnom lzgibanil nori-mllnoy kongmentsil. Hatem. sb., 1 (43), (1936), 243-252. 0b. Odnom InvarlAnte asi.Vtotichasklkh probrazovan~y. DAII. 44 (19100. 95-96. SO: HathemtIC3 in the USSR, 1917-1947 odited by Kuro3h# Asues Mark-ushavich, A.I., Rashavskly, P.K. -1-aninerad. 1948 --BAXHVAIiOVY- S, - - - - --- ---- -- - - --- *On the Couples of Stratif iable Congruence& which Lie at the Congruence of Bianchi.0 Dokl. AN SSSRO 23j, No,8, 1939 Imet. Math. and Meche, Moscow State Us BURVAIDVJI-S. V. "Nil Alokaandrovich Olgolev," Usp. VAt. Nauk) 1, No.2, 1946 PSTROVSXIY. 1.0.; VOYCKENKO, G.D.; SALISHCHEV, K.A.; SIRGMY, I.M.; HOSXVITIN. Y.Y.-, SRITXNSKIY, L.V.; 0XVIOND, A.D.; GOLUBIV, Y.V.1 AISKSANDROV. P.S.; SCOOLEY, S.L.;jAXH 9 p.m.., ,jAWV,-a*B..; OOUBALOV XRXTHXS, N.A.; KTASNIKOV, P.V.; VOW.-T."777TALIPLU, S.A.; ZHSGAUINA-SLUDSKAYA, N.A. Yeavolod Alsks&ndrovich Xudriavtsev; obituary. Vest.Hosk.un. 8 no.12tl29 D 153. (KLRA 7:2) (NuAriayteov, Vievolod Alakeandrovich, 1885-195)) t~. - . '.. . I .. . A- ~' V. P I I I I . : I I I - . I " I t . I ,,I i A 1 ~ff -- . .., - - ... .,-. , , - -- , "'.. , , ., ; 'i 1~ N4 :Jif BAKRYAWV. 8.V.; ZHIDKOT, V,P*; SATIONOT, 1,I),; WPANOT. 0o Seventeenth aRthematical olymplad for the schools of Nospow, Usp,mat.nauk. 10 i2ol:213-215 !55. (KLR& 8:6) (Moscov-Mathematics) RAKHVALOV, S*Y. Represeutation Of the fimetion s awf(x,y) in %he form of f(x,y)AL -AW -=ILTI- - Ueh. z&P. NOPI 39 no.3-67-69 136. (KM loM C(z) - D(y) (Functions) 1 - .~' - V. - - - - - I 1 -4 Call Nr: AF 1108825 --- Transactions of the Third All-union Mathematical Cangress, Moscow, Jun-Tul '56 Trudy '56, V. 1, Sect. Rpts., Izdatel'stvo AN SSSR, Moscow, 1956, 237 PP. Baklivalov, S. V. (Moscow) and Zidkov, N. P. (Moscow). Xp-pr65R-m-ti-~-olution of the Direct Geodesic Problems. 138-140 DAKHTALOT, S.T., prof.; 7INIW# S,Po,, prof., red.; KnfS, 1*0*, tekhn, [Programs of pedagogloal institute@; analytio geometry for physics and mthemation famaties: majorl mthemtlcsj Proamw Paw- gichaskikh hatitutoy; analitleheskala geomtriia Ms. fisiko- matematicheekikh fakulltatov.*Spetsialluost' - matewatikL. [Waskya] Uchpedgize 19579 3 p. (xnkAntg) I Rusla (1917- R.S.P.S.R.) Olaynoys upravleniya vyesh0h I arednikh pedag iohasklkli uohobnykh savedeniy. 10sometry, An&lytlo-Study-*M teaching) IA IcarlRep *A*&&utm*vt*h. MODINOT, Patr Sergeyovich; PAMORSHKO. i~~Alekser Serapionovich; TSVBTXOY. A.T. , radaktor; GAVAIIW. S.S.. #e1chnicheakly raditktor (Collection of problems in analytic gemetry) Sbornik sadech po analitinhaskot geometrit. ltd. 2-ae, parer. Hooky&. Oos. lad-vo tekhniko-teoret.lit-ry, 195?. 384 P. (MaA 10:10) (Geowetry, Analytic-Problems, exercises, etc.) .*Vo, red.: HAMM. A.V.. takhn. red, PVMP=1N, D.I., Prof.; (Programs of pedagogloal Institutes; elements of geometry] Ptograrr- my pedagogioheek1kh Institutov; oanovanita goometril. (Hookml Uohpedgive 1957. 5 P. (xM ntq) 1. RdAGIA (1917- R,,3.F*S.R*) Olaynoye upravlentye vyeshikh I arednikh pedagogichev1dkh uchebafth savedenly. (Osometry-Study and teaohing) BAKHYAWY, S.V.1 ZHIDKOV. N.P. ,4~- The direct geodesic problem. Vest.Mosk.unoSer.mat., mekh., astron., fiz..khim. 12 no.2:15-23 '57, (MIRA 10:12) 1,11afedra vrehislitelinor matemattki Moskovskogo universiteta. (Goodes.v) PAUVAD07V 397 1 1 Inverse geodetic problem. Uch. tap. VOPI 57 no.4:143-151 '57. (MIRA lls6) (Ooodsay) 4 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 795 .Bakhvalov, Sergey Vladimirovich; BabuBhkin, Lev Ivanovich, and rv-a-n-l t-s-k-a-ya-,--TATO-nITU--Pmb-~ba Analiticheakaya geometriya; uchebnik dlya pedagogicheskikh institutov (Analytic Geometry; a Textbook for Pedagogical Institutes) Moscow, Uchpedgiz, 1958. 326 p. 25,000 copies printed. Ed. (title page): Bakhvalova,, S.V.; Ed. (inside book): Oatianu, N.M.1 Tech. Ed.: Natanov, M.I. PURPOSE: This book is approved by the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR as a textbook for students at pedagogical inatituteso although certain problems exceed the requirements of such a course. COVERAGE: The book is a text for a classical course in plane and solid analytic geometry. The book deals with basic elements of analytic geometry. More extensive theories of conics and of Card 1/13 Analytic Geometry (Cont.) 795 quadric surfaces are presented. Fundamentals of vector algebra are given, which are applied to certain problems of the theory of a straight line and to coordinate transformations. Although there is no presentation of equations in vector form, certain equations in Cartesian coordinates are derived with the aid of vector algebra. No personalities are mentioned. There are 6 Soviet references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Preface Introduction PART 1. STRAIOHT-LINE AND PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY 3 4 Ch. I. Straight-line Geometry 1. Ray. Direction of a ray [Directed line) 5 2. Determination of the position of a point on a straight line with the aid of coordinates 6 Card 2/ 13 Analytic Geometry (Cont.) 795 3. Length of a segment and geometrical meaning of-the sign of the difference of two-point coordinates 6 4. Division of a segment In a given ratio 8 Ch. U. Coordinate Method on a Plane Rectangular Certeslan coordinates 9 Distance between two points 11 Division of a segment in a given ratio 12 Polar coordinates of a point 14 9. Relations between polar and rectangular coordinates of a point 16 10. Generalized polar coordinates 17 11. Geometrical Interpretation of an equation with two variables. Imaginary elements. Classification of lines. 18 12. Line as loous of points. Formation of an equation 26 Card 3/13 Analytic Geometry (cont.) T95 Ch. III. Elements of Vector Algebra 13, Same direction of two plane rays. Vector. Equality of vectors 32 14. Addition of vectors 34 . Subtraction of vectors 36 2 1 . Vector times scalar (number) 36 1 . Resolution of a vector Into two noncolinear directions 39 Z 1 . Affine coordinates. Coordinates of a point, coordinates of a vector 40 19. Prcblems on vectors with coordinates in orthogonal Cartesian coordinate system 43 20. Area of a triangle 4T Ch. IV. Straight Line 21. Various methods for determination of the position of a straight line 49 22. Straight-line equations In orthogonal Cartesian coordinates 49 23. Conditions under which two linear equations represent the same straight line 50 24. Conditlons under which two straight lines are parallel or perpendioular 51 card 4/13 Arialytlc (cont.) '795 25. Normal equation of a straight line 52 26. Geometrical meaning of the sign of trinomial Ax, + By I + C 53 27. The perpendicular distance from a point to a straight line 54 28. Parametric equation of a straight line. General equat-Inn of a straight line 56 29. Slope-intercept form of a straight line equation 56 30. The. po.4,.nt-slope form of a straight line equation 59 31. Two-point form of a straight line equation. Condition where three points are on the same straight line 59 32. Intercept form of a straight-line equation 60 33. Point of intersection of two straight lines 60 34. Pencils of straight lines. Conditions where three straight lines belong to the same pencil 61 Card 543 Analytl,~ G(-,ometry (Cont.) 795 35. Angle of two straight lines in orthogonal coordinate systs~m 63 36. Con~,ept of a nomogram of adjusted points 66 Ch. V. The Study of Conits From Their Canonic Equations - 3 Problems wh1oh reduce to conics 69 ~ 3 . The circle 73 39. Ellipse. Can,,,nIc equation. Determination of the forms of ellipse from canonic equations 75 40. Ellipse as a result of uniform compression of a circle in the direction of a diameter 81 41. Parametric equation of an ellipse 8,,) 42. Hyperbola. Canonic equation, Asymptotes. Determination of the form of a hyperbola from canonic equation 84 43. Parabola. Canonie equations. Determination of the form of a parabola from canonic equation 91 44. Diameters of conics 95 4 . Tangents to conics 101 ~ 4 . Directrices of conics 1o6 4 . ---uation of conics in polar coordinates lie 1 4 . Con,"cs as plane secti ne of [right circular] cone o su- .'ace 114 Card 6/ 13 Analytic Geometry (Cont.) 795 Ch. V1. Transformation of Coordinate System 49. Transformation of one affine coordinate system into another. Translation or axes, Transformation of a rectangular coordinate system into another rectangular system (Rotation of axes] 118 Ch. VII. General Theory of Conics 50. General form of conic equation 121 51. Reduction of general conic equation into equation with term x y missing 128 52. Further simplification of a general conic equation 1~3 53. Invariants of an equation after rotation of axis 1 3 54. Transformation by translation of axes and Invariants of an equation 148 55. Invariants of a general conic equation after general transformation 150 56. Determination of the coefficients of reduced conic equations with the aid of Invariants 151 57. Determination of the type of conies by invariants 154 Card 7/13 Analytic Geometry (Cont.) 795 58. The center of a conic 16o 59. Determination of the loca',Aon of central conic 162 60. Intersection of a conic with a straight line 163 61. Classification of a conic based on asymptotic directions 16 Z 62. Diameters of a conic 16 U. Axes of a conic 170 6 . Asymptotes of a conic 172 6 . Tangent to a conic 174 E 6 . Method of determining location of central conic 176 6 . Determination of location of parabola M Z 6 . Construction of pair of parallel straight lines 1 1 PART 2. SOLID ANALYTIC GEOMETRY Ch. 1. The Method of Coordinates in Space 1. Affine coordinates in space. Coordinate of a point 182 Ch. II. Elements of Vector Algebra 2. Projecting vector on axis parallel to a given plane iA4 3. Resolution of a vector into three noneoplanar vectors. Coordinates of a vector and their properties 186 Card 8/13 Analytic Geometry (cont.) 795 4. Scalar product of two vectors 18~ Vector product and its properties 19 Products of three vectors. Scalar triple product. Vector triple product 198 Ch, III, Geometrical Meaning of One Equation and of a System of Two Equations With Three Variables Equation of a surface 202 Equation of a line 205 Ch. IV. The Plane and the Straight Line 9. General equation of a plane 206 10. Analysis of the general equation of a plane 207 11. Geometrical meaning of sign of the expression Ax, + By, + Cz, + D 210 12. Normal form of the equation of a plane 211 13. The equation of a plane passing through three given points 213 Card 9/13 Analytic Geometry (Cont.) 795 14. Relative positions of two planes 15. Angle between two planes. Conditions where two planes ,are parallel or perpendicular 16 Relative position of three planes 11. Penoll of planes 1 . Parametric equation of a straight line 19. Canonic equation of a straight line 20. Equations of a straight line passing through two given points 21. Straight line as intersection of two planes 22. Reduction of the equations of a straight line to parametric form 2~. Angle between two straight lines 2 . The perpendicular distance from a point to a straight line 29. The shortest distance between two straight lines 2 . Angle between a straight line and a plane 27. Determination of common points of straight line and lane 28. Cponditions under which two straight lines lie in the same plane 214 21J 21 21T 219 219 220 220 220 222 223 224 224 226 226 Card 10/13 Analytic aeometry (Cont.) 795 Ch. V. Quadric Surfaces and Their Canonic Equations 29. Surfaces of revolution 227 30. Quadric surfaces of revolution 229 31. Quadric surfaces and their canonic equations 232 32. Analysis of the type of quadric surfaces using plane sections of the surface 8 2 33. Ruled quadric surfaces J 2 0 Ch. V I. Transformation of Coordinates 34. Transformation of affine coordinate system into another affine coordinate system 248 35. Transformation of rectangular Cartesian coordinate system into another rectangular Cartesian coordinate system 249 36. Translation of axes 251 37. 'Rotation of axes around one coordinate axis 251 Card 11/13 Analytic Geometry (Cont.) 795 Ch. VII. General Theory of quadric Surfaces 38. Simplification of the equation of quadric surfaces by rotation of axes around the origin 252 ~9. Further simplification of equation of quadric surfaces 2 3 0. Invariants of equations of quadric surfaces after transformation of rectangular coordinates into rectangular 268 41, Determination of the coefficients of reduced equations of quadric surfaces using Invariants and Identification of the type of surface with the aid of invariants 2~4 42. Intersection of quadric surface with a straight line 2 4 4j. Asymptotic directions. Asymptotic cone 2 -- 4 . Center of quadric surfaces 291 45. Diametral planes of quadric surfaces. Principal diametric planes 295 46. Centre of plane section. Diametere 296 47. Tangent plane to a quadric surface at a given point 298 Card 12/13 Analytic Geometry (cont.) 795 Appendices 1. Method of abridged designations 300 2. Affine transformations 303 Equation of a conio in affine ooordinates 310 Affine classification of quadrics 314 5, Problems for Chapter IV of Part 1 317 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 13/13 LK/jmr 11-24-58 V I ,~"z 4J4 KF r,.A i 2 :--jAjj;.i 4-4 N U 04 Eli ~c a "I W-U a Fum f i - i the 30 35" AMP-. to E -Rol I 10 i I i 1111 11 - IAn vow v ~~Jza i. 3- .2 1 au S,3 .4 4A.; WW S/055/60/000/03/03/010 AUTHOM lovau.Y., and Ivanitakaya,V.P. TITLEs Orientated Angles and Their Properties IV PERIODICALt Yestnik Moskovskoro universiteta. Seriya I, matematika, mekhanika, 1960, No. 3, pp. 20-~O TEM The vQtallty of two rays with a common origin and one of the two domains bounded by these rays Is called an angle. The angle is called orientated if both rays are considered in a fixed mequence. On the base of the system of axioms of Hilbert the authors prove several properties of orientated angles defined in this manner, e.g.s Theorem 4t Two arbitrary angles which are orientated like a third one, are equally orientated. The authors mention P.S.Modenov, PX.Rashevskiy and V,F.Kagan. There are 3 figures and 4 referoncesi 3 Soviet and 1 German. ASSOCIATIONs Kafedra vyashoy geometrii (Departaent of Higher Geometry) SUBMITTEDi June 29, 1959 Card 1/1 UKHTALOV, S. V- I IVAIIITSWA, T. F- Oriented angles and their characterieticso Veot.Nosk.uu*Ser.l: Hatog mokh. 13 no.3s20-30 W-Js 160. (XIIA 13110) 1, Xmfodra vyoshey geoustrii Nookovskop univermitstas (Angle) BAKHVALOV, S.V. W-11-1 -1-11-"~",- Nomographic representation of equations. Uch, zap, MOPI 961 Z31-237 160* (mmA 16:7) (Nomography (Mrithematlen ) (Differential cquntiomq~ . BAKHTAWY, S. V. Some geometric properties of nomographable ustions. Dokl. AN SSSR 133 no,2:258-260 J1 160, * rXI 13:7) 1. Noskovakiy goaudarstTanayy uAlveraltst Ins NoTaLononosovas ProdstaTleno akademikon P,18.kleksandrovyme (2quations) A 69564 S/055/61/000/001/001/005 lktoo CIII/C222 AUTHORs -Bakhvalov, S.V. TITLEt A differential-geometrical method for colving the problem of general anamorphoeie PERIODICAM Moscow. Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya I. Hatematika, mokhanikal no.11 1961, 24-32 TEXT: The equation W - f (u,,F) (1) is called nomographable if there exists a function Aj(u) A2(u) A,(U) &(UPvfW)- BI(V) B2 (Y) B3(v) t 0 (2) 10 1(w) C2(W) C3(W)I which eatisfies AIM A2(u) A3(u) BI(y) B2(v) B3(v) =0, (3) Card 1/6 Ic (f(ulv)) C2(f(u'v)) C3 (f(u,v))l 89564 S/05 61/000/001/001/005 A difforential-goometrical. method... C111Y0222 Then an alignment nomogram can be constructed of (1). The determination of (2) which satisfies (3) for (1) Is called the problem of general anamorphosis. The author given a differential geometrical zgethod for solving the problem. The paper consists of three parts. Part I contains differential-geometrical remedies. Part II contains the given method. From (3) it follows CI(,f)P25(u'v)+C2(f)P31(uv)+C 3(f)P12 -.0' 19) where jAi(u) Ak(u)j The Pik Bat'afy Pi',-,(utv) Bi(v) Bk(v) V ~2F u ZU2 (20) D 0 (21) i6 0, (22) u v Card 2/6 69564 S/055/0/m/m/ool/005 A differential-geometrical method... CIII/C222 where 11 - 0231P311P121' If S(u,v) is determined so that P ikoS(Upv)Pik satisfy the condition p2 +P 2 +P 2 then the P can be interpreted as 23 31 12 ik coordinates on the sphere. The Pik satisfy (20)-(22) too. From (20),(21) it follows -02p ik 'a Pik 2Pik i) Pik U2 , Pi U +qlpik' ZV2 V2 v +q 2P ik' 11 1. 0 and herefrom it follows that f 2 , ?21- 01 i.e. u - const and v - const are geodesics on the sphere. By differentiating (19) with respect to u and v tmd using the Gaussian derivation formulae 2~ 2F . 1 111 1 ~ ~ +D-p Z2P_ I' +DIF, 2 2 )v DU 7 u DV . 12 22 I.E (15) ~2P7 . 1 2j_?j 2~ )P- v . + J12 + DIF, ~U b , ~ 1 U Dy whore D,D1,D" are coefficionts of tho second fundamental form of the Card 3/ 6 89M S/055/61/000/001/001/005 A differontial-goometrical mothad... 0111[C222 sphere, the author obtains the Gronwall condition in the form I ~ -2 2~ )f,,,+( '2 21 -2 f 1121)fl" M(u,v), 1 1'2 2 where f" f, 2_2f 11 f I f I + :f" f 12 R(U,V) uu v f1f uv u v VY 1 u v or, after introducing the fundamental terms of first order, in the formt q(U,V)f IV + P(U"Y)f t U all(u' V), whereVand (I are giYen by 1) E3/2 U, v - 7-u in 2 EG-F (Y) in IV EG-F2 (27) (1811) The lines f(u v) - conat. are the geodesics on the sphere. Let W a f(u,v~ satisfy the conditionst 1) f(uty) is dofined for all u,v of a neighborhood of u 0'V06 Card 416 89564 S/055/61/000/001/001/005 A differential-geometrioal method... C111/C222 2) f(u,v) and its two first derivatives are continuous in this neighborhood. 3) '3f(u,'w) j 0 for u a uop V .0 To. zy Then from f(u,v) - c there results the relation v .(;(u,c) and To S(u,o), where u f(u, 6(u,o)) a 0. (28) Since the lines f(uty) - c are geodesic lines, v -4T(u,c) and V1 , C;I(u.0) must satisfy the differential equation of the geodesics u on the sphere. Therefrom it follows d 1n G~(uqo)= oSe, TIS, T12S, InSe, CdSe and CdS was Investigated under both photodiode and recti- fying operating conditions. Light Intensity was selected so that photocurre~nbly 11 generated by the light would be of the order of photocurrent 1. generated the x-rays. It was established that under joint action of x-rays and light rays, total current I - Ix + 11. It was found that selenium rectifying photoelectric cells are 800 times more sensitive to x-rays under photodiode operating condi- tions than under rectifying o erating conditions [Editor's note: something is missing In the original text.1 device in which the receiver simultaneously [Editor's note: something Is missing in the original text.] photocurrent is proportional to x-ray line intensity F. For high voltages Ir - cF~ where Card 1/2 33690 S/058/61/000/012/081/()33 Some characteristics of selenium ... A058/A101 O~ %;~I. The experimental results pertaining to the variation of photocurrent with x-ray Intensity for constant applied voltage are Interesting from tne standpoint of x-ray dosimetry, [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] 0. shustov~l Card P-12 UKIIYSIIOV, A.S.; AKHIJIWV, G.A. Riotoeloctric proportion of inditm i3olenide , and InSo - So burrier-layer photocells. Izv. All Azerb.SSR.Ser,fiz,-,Dat. i tokh. iiauk w.4o.45-50 161. (MIRA 14.12) (Photoolectricity) (Indium aelenide) 13AMYSHOV, Afs, Static and photoolectric characteristics of selenium photocells with InSe and TIS9 coatings. Izv. AN Azerb,SS11.Ser,fiz.4m&t. i tekh. nauk no.4t65-72 161. (MW 14:12) (Photoelectric calls) Undium solenide) (Thallium selenide) BAKHTSHOV, A.E. -1, -. .-,' - Effect of impurltlea on the temperature coefficient of the direct resistance of selenium rectifiers. Uch. sap. AGU. Ser, fis.-mat. i khim. nauk no.5tl45-147 161, (MIRA l6sO (Electric current rectifiers) L n047-63 EWT(l)/EW(k)/BDS/EEC(b)-2 AFFrC/ASD/ESD-3 FZ-4 AT/IJP(,%") MISSION XR, AT3002972 S/2927/62/000/000/0005/0012 06 07 AUTHM. Abdullayov, G. B.I_Bakiroy, M. Ta.).Ga vp R. BO; BaWshov, A. 3. ffI TITLEs Investigating the nature of n junctioll? n selenium photocells [Report at the All-Unlon Conrerence on Somicondiuwa r Devices, Tashkentp 2-7 October to 1961] SOURMS 3l*ktronAo-4y*r**btq*ye porekbodyf v poluprovoftikakbe Tasbkontp Isd-vo AN U%Ms 1962, 5-12 TOPIC TAGS: selenium photocell,, p-n Junction of photocell ANTRACTs Although selenium photocells have been widely, usedp marq pbysical phenomena transpiring In them are Dot entirely clear, Experiments have shown that the junction is formed at the contact of two different semiconductors (e.g., So and CdSe); the tbeor7 of sub Junctions has been developed. The article describes ex- perimental studios of the p--a junction in and aging of solonium pbotooells. Also attempts to oreato a higMy sensitive and stable photoceU by coating Se with an electron-type somiconduot.or are reported. Photocurront and pboto-W of So coated with Al. Cup Zu, Gap Ag Cd In, Sap Aup Hg, Pb, Bi were measured. Iffo-ete of thermal and electrical fo;2ug on the photocell characteristics were investigated. Cord 1/2 L 11047-63 ACCISSION fiRt AT3002972 It was found that aging of sslenix= photocells is due to excessive thickening of the melerAds coating (over the optimum tbickness of 5 x 10 sup -5 cm). Four sets of artificial n-layer electrodes, So-GaSel, Se-InSe, Ss4dSe, " S"gSep were investigated In detail. Current-voltage, sensitivity spectral dietribution,, and illumination characteristics were determined for the *boy* combinations (curves given), an well an all pertinent electrical and photcalectrical data (tabulated). With a solar-radiation intensity of 10 millivatt per eq cup current up to 3 ma per 9q cap and oaf 0.6 v (offideney about I per cent) were obtained for So-CdSe combination. It in concluded that, in the soisnium photocenep the p-n junction can be obtained by coating solenius with a thin layer of an electron-type semi- coDductoro Orig. art, bast 5 figuress, 5 formulae, and 1 table. ASMCIATION t Akad. nauk SSM(1W9W of Solencen SM) j Akad nauk Uz=(Aekdeny of Smionaes U&SSA); Tashkentskly gosviniversitat in. V. I. Lenina (Tashkent State SMWITTED s 00 DATE ACQt 15M&Y63 INGLt 00 M COMS 00 NO IMF SOVt 010 GTMs 003 keel* Card 2/2 ........... ................................................ ........................... -1 - --A, f-MYWAROVA fv",g -.r.1 91 Dopendanne of the capatity of a gt~--Tlge, Se--InSe rectiflor on the voltage. Uch. zap. ACU. Ser. ftz,-mat. nauk no.4t 97-101 '63. (MRA 1702) BAMSHOV, A. To. -. ABWLTAYNV, G. B. Photoelectric properties of seadjonductor systems T1 So - Be and InSe - So In X rays* Dokl*AIF Azarb.SSR 16 no.5:437,:44i 160. (MMA13:8) 1. Institut f1siki AN AserSSRe (Semiconductors) (Selenium compounds) C,r r'.ti v-! if -,Ike -All,n ;,,I duAry a' nd c.,itel,pr-ises. ~"COT~racl' Vol. 1", no' 10-1. mop