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S/076/63/037/001/016/029 Effect of the composition ... B144/Bls6 and adsorption, and a slow strong type in which the entire Pd surface is~ involved and the hydrogen penetrates into the metal in a single elementary act. An intermediate type is possible +in (d), owing to an increased I- adsorpt.ion in the presence of (C4H9)4N Tests*with (a) + Hg (b), and (d), indicated that.t~ depends-not only on the removal of H ads from the electrode surface but,predominantly on the-discharge of the H ion. The irreversibility of th6se two stages-was evident from the fact that in (a) vi~ th v =v ze 1/2 i~ ttpoi= 0.13, while ~tO.06. There are 7 pol dif Pol, Idif P~gures.and-l table. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (Yjoscow State University imehi M. V..tLomonosov) SUBMITTED: September 25, 1961 Card 3/3 S/62 63/149/001/020/623, B101 %144 'AUTHORS: Sabog Ke P~ 31 T IT LE' Study of.the hydrogen overvoltage on solid and liquid galliuml A in sulfuric solution PERIODICAL:, Akademiya nauk SSSi. Doklady, v. 149, no- 1, 1963, 139 141 TEXT: The overvoltage -rLo~f hydrogen was measured on solid gallium:in 1 11 H2 SO4 and hydro gen atmosphere-at..2800, and on.liquid gallium at 320C .1:using a platinum..anode and 6 hydrogen reference electrode. Results:- the gradient of the.polarization Is d is by 215- 30 mv less than 'Lliq; In the curve is the same for liquid and solid gallium, i.e., 0-095 v- presence of traces of oxygen, solid Ga oxidizes; subsequently the level On liquid, of the.polarization curve is higher and the gradient is 0.130- layer of liquid Ga is Ga no oxidation was observed; presumably the oxi very r and apidly reduced. Thecurvos 0 versus ruaro identical.for solid liquid Gap for oxidized. solid Ga the - 66 ~. With y are lower by about 60 :1 -increasing reduction, i~ decreases and C increases. There are 4 figures. Card 1/2- 3/020/63/149/001/020/023 Study of the hydrog n .. BlOl/B144 ASSOCIATION: Institut elektrokhimii Akademii nauk SSSR (Imttute of Blec i trochemi stry of the Academy of Sciences USSR) PRESENTED: December 6,1962t by A..N. Frum kin, Academician' SUBIMITTED:' December 61 1962 -paxd: ?/2' SABO, K.; BAGOTSKAYA, I.A. Hydrogen overvolta~g-e on gallium as effected by the double electric layer and by pH of the solution. Dokl. AN SSSR 150 no.1:128-131 My 163. (KIRA 16:6) 1. Inatitut elektrokhimii AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom A.N. Frumkinym. (Overvoltage) (Elecirodes, Gallium) KOVRAP L.D.;_BAGOTSKAYA, I.A. -.- -.. I - ~ ~ . - . .." Behavior of atomic hydrogen on a pure iron surface. Zhur. fiz. khim. 38 no.1:217-219 Ja'64. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Institut elektrokhimii AN SSSR.. SABO, K.; BAGOTSKAYA.. I A. EXfcct of pH and o!' the electrulyte -.i 1,-idoogen overvoltage at a galliim dropping eleitrode. Dnkl, AN S",:';R 156 no. 2i420-423 My 164, MIRA 170) 1. Institut elektrolhimii AN FrMEIT, A. N. ; 1ADLYA14OV6KAIII, h. 6. ; 6ii-iLk'J'Un- 1 !:~-V , X'T. -; '".1 - ... "Electrocapillary phenomena on gallium." report presented at 15th Mtg, Intl Comm of Electrochemical Thermodynamics & Kinemics, London & Cambridge, UK, 21-26 Sep 1964. Inst of Electrochemistry, AS USSR. t F.AIF rj~ C) j-~ 1 7r r f io 57/UYO S -7 v aya A d u-le laver I iri 1 ire re r; ;~,a I cL~ a cty gailium electrode ;,:PSTP,~CT- The dilrerential capacity on a dropping gaiiium electrode was measured at ~CJC in variou3 Na,,50, , NaC101 LiCI, NaC1, YC1, CsC1, KI ;-nd KCNS soluLiur,6, 13,' neutral ~4~LiL solutions were used for iaeasure-ments at potcntials from to -1.4' volts. For measure- ,i,ent.s from -1.) to -1.1 volts the solutions were acidified to 0.0114, r. d - r r rr! s L~ r5 r 0 t. -1.1~ VC-1-15 t- Tr)sltive vci~.a,-,eL they were ac--Ji 71~ -;2 concentratinns were IN. The ej(~ctroQ~ was j,re~.ared ~c_-~,r,3in;~ to 4 p '- -~etskava 's. Flys. Chem., r t i c, n YA N. rum jr V. 1A L 16hh3-65 ACCESSION INR: APW43555 13 6 , '15 ( 1 c At nerative potentiais ccrre5j.;cndj.,,- tc, ,reis of cation aasorptiun, LIle aifferen~,!o.' frora Lil to C.I. In solutions contai-,inr~ the same Cations oaf^ dif- ferent -tnions the differential capac4---.- curves aimc5l~ coin--i I e ~i rr ot-F~t s c,-, r r,~:3,, r, i i v > t c, c,; cf~ s3 e c L~ n 'i S Lin, Z, L. 1~1. ectric double layer. The absence of dispersion of G i.ndlcaLed the rroce5s of Ga dissolution, which takes place at even mort- ~,ositive 4 -- i - "he bp-veen t~~e cY,ar-e rr,~ ,e rsi, 1 e . density E and the potentiai 4P for Ga and ng if I LIN OV.L U-v 4.i L compared i F in the vicinity of-the zero chn-r-e in IN Na-SO C = 135 and CH.. 2~-5 microfaraci/c.,n~. Further frcin tii,~ zercj'~ c5arge the rate 5!ncrease JlnEfor Ga was reduced; it appro.Ached E for Thus an electric double layer of the same state as on Hg was formed on Ga, only at a more positive potential with repsect to the Card 2/5 L -.6 5 CCIESSION NR: APL01-3555 zero cliarge y-i-JI;it. The Jncrease Jn C on lez5:,: riegat-*ve V~;Iues L I - - - ;. - w.~js attributed not to the adsorption of 0 or OH on the Ga surface, r- .3 r. Ca ions in the 'oundary layers, but to the n e gat -L vE: n, -a tiai. "I thane. B.~7-. Damaskin for participa tion in ev-aiua~"i!,g Li,c 11 ." "Call 7-- s ourified by the ILrI,5titute. r)t,'ained resul+s iwn wa _qk__j:qj~,q T.&Ltals rneLricd. ,e ~.&ke tlie ofpc,rtunitv tc, tlhank AN ~35R assoc. a.3sJstance in cbtaininr it ." Ori~-. -art. t,,Zi 6: ASSOCIATION : Nore SUB14ITTED: 311-41aru4 ELENC-L : u2 SUB CODE: GC, NR REF SOV: ouu OTHER: 005 Card 3 / 5 lp too- so- so - is ire j rv p Lj r, 7, f7u i c in s 7 V riottpri llne DI: r:i ..-o.i-s d.-i 1,.-i r.' .1 3C)V(-ShCh. po e iektro- ~-. ) . -1 r-,, 1' 4, , : -', . ,r) ~. . . - ) "r,- ; (1.1 ta C --, r 4 ~/'-', - - F.i --are 2, t 4 a r Behavior cif a rraliium dr:iFp'-'ng el,---:!trode hydro-en ra'ik~j-,".ne Jn the 138 Ag 164. I RA -.' 81 Al,' SSSR~ 44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : 9 : 0 0 a ~41 9 0 0 * * 0 0 0 41 41 0 0 1 1 - - I --- -- 9 V X J9 , IC )I I;lJMA ZI jt 1 4 1 If If A t t U 11 U to k v is Is MiN v It U V--~' kVJaJt#2Jl Q A 1 A 2 A ,.1, 1- V- I ~ALCC SP-111.t. -I ik--j s- -t V- -A. -A :0 0 Appearance at fre* atomic hydrogen on the mercury 1~00 cathode and the mechanism of the cathodic reduction of tungstate. V.A.-JUguiskil and Z. A. 1(,I.t M. 1'. Lotsinna"ir Mowow State llniv,j. C-std. rrfsd. acad. ' * 1 .R.S.S. 33. 4:19-42(19,14 0(in 11 Sci- 1 1191i,111- Tbv f 1 h i Wot 4 con41--re,1 ai t ti(vh.mi-i 1~ viectmn cond. o e tht- InAthudic weductinit of tile yt-flow fishpiridIv %Visa III th'. .00 a f bilts: WIC), ill vlectrul)fic v.,Tfs. Tile tht-ory thit fr,-r M. its vkl. urar the m0wle actsaw) islierint-diale ap-111 . 11, ill t1w reduction prorv%'. i, ext-111fir'l. Sifulk explS. are 112 dvwlilwd whirb fillpi"W1 The 01-1-trnij rowl. lbrory illpi arr ex 14.1i"Cli wit hout ll;y'1'*u 1131)l ioll ,%,I of lie a a* 0 00 J! of free I I in Vain. new the ralhode. 11. M. Philof4y zoo ael 0 00 '60 00 rIO v -00 too A 1 0 . t A -ItA14701 CLAISIMPst- F I - it -F-"- 1. 7;S' .1-0 4 --1- 2, ;~j IV so is Is a t, It It N el a A it St K (I ef It C( an*. 0 1 BAGOTSKIY, V. S. Cand. Chem. Sci. Dissertation; "The Kinetics of Eydrogen Evolution on mercury." Rfoscow Order of Lenin State U imeni M. V. Loraonosov, 18 4un 47. SO: Vechernyaya Moskva, Jun, 1947 (Froject #17836) !so *sees 600*0906 ***me- 0 6 0 0 0 0 f-w-w- ?alto' it T! to 'I Is Is t& H It x A, A x 11 V U W 9 V U k, 11 Q 4) 5d 4$ LI 0 A - 'r- -10 d . L . __A I ?- q-.9-A-T - 4 -T .- 'I- ~V. .. PC -so .00 0* A fulin z,A. W14, wid A. N. I'minkm (blm~ 11mv., M').I.-I. 00 J. 1'4p. CArm. (V.S.S.k.) 21. 2414(1947). -41tvitua- :_Go io I d ryci" 11 flugs. at the Cathode alrd their oxitution .00 C.A.41, !-So 00 0 -00 : 0 so ,q so LIO 0 .-Oo 00 Les AS 4. 11 A Q I At t 106K at tIfIWSTU*f CkA%S(FKAIIQ3I %s0 U v-t*--,q-i---;, -1 AV Q M -W r AA (U- tv 0 It0 of a It it At wo A I Sh It 0 0 0 0 :,is 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 a ~09 0 0 so fe 0 0 9 go 0 go 0 0 0 0 0 -s a 6 -6 ~116 s a 0-00 0 so 0 go sees 0 DokladyAkad. Mrs-"19117); chest-trolp. (kuvqkm Zone Ed.) 3040. 1. M.-The equat Ion of I'mmkin C.A. ZT.:NIM) Is" be" temed by Levina ami UdnAit 40: C.A. 31.PW 42 ) an LuCU It. nPOW It to KCI sulm. Con nd it to be valhi In I he following tom for v-1.40D+(2RT/FXlni)+ th - (Rrip) I V. in which q is the ovrrvoltasr, i tlw CA. and to, the Potential of the diff.- of the eW. double layer. WWWW'WWWWWWWWWWW _._- -~-__ 990-4 be 41 6 1. 1, 11 off U it M ft' jgituamumuil ~A -S-A-JL AIj AL I A ~..j VIP A 1--A A o0 4 4 66#4 *0 Go "oMM Ab Wr#111#6 1.9,11 00 A TIWW 91 onseWsOm peledutim at a drow"s mer- N. Milma". ZA11F. Fit. thit". (J~ 1-00 irb 7eb equation YS 14 4C.A. 29.25W) Is valid only if the Ionic cown. C next 00 to the drop Is Independent of the d.c., i. It C - of (d consi.), the equation I a /,(7 re- '00 sults. to is tbo im limiting diffusion current Ui%ru bir -00 0 the riliiation of llko%rik), at is 3trittIPPIP, 4 brine ~Vnic 0 charge, F Fanday no., D diffusion cotff,, and I firne. .04 00 is 300PAP. r being the life time of a drop, and CO 1% .00 J. ;I function ilmessing Imm I at is - 0 to, e.g.. 0.W543 .1 j~ to. It. Cuives of Ike COOMtration Polarhation of hydre Ibid. 1466-76.-The above .,C!. V. S. B"inslill. e uu, quat was cohfiknid by measuring the current I (life t- discharge of H * as function of the polarization %vitage. 00 Thesoin.waso.33 NKci + 0.49 X 10-4or3,9 X lj)-9N IfCI and was satil. with lit. The I wits found by sub- tracting the cuffent in 033 N KCI (which 6 stwat for job charging the double layer on the growing tic drop) from 'r that In the solos. conic. JICL The value of 0 was rated. from cipts. on stationary He cathode In dfl. IICI + diL XCI, and The valtic of D from Illsovit's equation; In 4.2 X coo 10-4 N HCI + 0.33 N KCI, D of H * was 7.9 X to -4 sq. I cm./sisc. The r was lowered by cathodic polarization see from, e.g. 8 we. at -0.8 v. to IM than 3 W. at - 1.5 V. Contrary to Ilerrvnky (C.A. 32, 541) tbere is no essen- ja 00 list diffaTisce between the kinetics of It discharSt at a Poo inationasy and that of timpping electrode. J. J. U. V, IN)ONO Nit Q"V off O%V It( 1 0 '71 AA I t I U 0 AV so At 41 1W 0 0 4 1 a 3 0 00 00 00so 0000 0 sole 0 0 Le 9 000000 Do** 10 i 0 44 so A 00 0 00 so 00 go go of 00 '3 00'0 .3 00 i ; 4 17 KbMksd MIMI- flam as a 1AIrreary C1 V S. PA. W.tsklt anti 1. R. Y,blk,v,%. PNi4te-fesk"I of 1%yoleal t1hrenimtry), Y. 123, Apr. 1040. p. 413-4.11. Obtains, experinooentally. a curve Inditatinst the relationship of ovorvoltaxv to Ing of current den. ill), on thp mercury cathoile In phostoWe butTer solutions In the JAI Interval from 2.23 to 7, Wows that the valu" fit overvoltneer at qNstloolant miTri'M dortromity depends ion till and ion total lion conevittrot- tion of the solution. It Is further IndleRtrit thm the liberation of hydrqmn from slightly arid anti neutral solutions to subject to the same regularl- It" as In Sold solution, firsults are in agreement with the thri-ry prolmoval by Frumloin. it "-f. 10119*0 -4V INV eke &"Inv U 614t)) 0"K eftv I~h - W -". 10 0- 14 W 4 ~*" a it it 1W 0 a 0. ~MIA at ~1. '14 ~D 4 #IN 0 g 6 file 2 =00 000 ago roe too 0 I "NNOt" t . ova U, b16 omen c!irtT6dv i6z rimcury in mA.Alne 5~1 the lai6it~,= Mr t.~ Cthoee redljt~m cd 0 aad D. L. Moto;- (Al. V. 1-ma l Mesa -d. A ~ ow). Dobwy AL,. -~ S.S. S.R. 71 cAlbnde reAucli-n of 0 was studi--, ,-'3 - ncuufo --tAni. C, dc, Th. f"'o, wl -palw=e,2 %vLth respcet tc. the auxili.- -A-ucl ur incrt-uric ioln " c':- -4c 7:.- -,ft(i the ro,---h---rfm of fl., ep. r 1,~. h-v, v and in tas-x T~ir ne.--, -Ii. t-I h~ rt-A~Cti.-l SOCHEVANOVI V.G.;.PAGOTSKIY_, VS., red.; BDGATIN, G.A., red.; BABDCHKIN, S.N., tekhn. red. [Galvanic cells) Gallyanichaskie elementy. Moskva, Gos- energoizdat, 1951. 271 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Electric batteries) FRUMKIN, Alekeandr Naumovich, 1895-, redaktor; BAGOTSKIY, V.S.; IOFA, Z.A.; - KAMIOV, B.N. (Kinetic energy in electrode proceases] Kinetika elektrodnykh protsessov. [Pod red. A.N.Friu*ina. Moskva] Izd-vo Monkovskogo universiteta, 1952. 318 P. (MI-RA 6:7) (Electrochemistry) FRUMKIN*v As No IDFA, Z. A. Overvoltage N. I. Kobomev's adsorption theory of overvoltage. Zhur. fiz. khim. 26 no. 12 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May 1953. Unclassified. 1y Lquilibnwa potential of t~,e svs'.em~. ongc-n h.vd---,rcn --- slow dlj~~r~e tbeDry of Frumlin for 11 mduction (C.A. 44. 874Zrl 1-~d Th- -Pr- -( -~hr -3 C/., uSsR/Chemistry Hydrogen Peroxide; Bov 53 Polarography "Mechanism of Electrochemical Reduction of Oxygen ;.-and Hydrogen Peroxide at a Mercur?r,-,Electrode," J4. S. Bagotsk1y"2:1. Ye. Yablokovat~koscov State U Zhur Fiz Khim, Vol 27, No ii,pp 1663-1675 Investigated the kinetics of polarographic reduction of %02 and 02 (alone-or in the presence Of H202) in solne, of different PH. Found that the kinetics of reduction of 02 on acidic and alkaline solns are diffe'- rent" but formulated a single mechanism whickL ex- plaine, the behavior of 02 in both ranges. Demon- strated that all kinetic phenomena observed In the 274T20 reduction of B202 can be explained by the assump- tion that only molecules and not ions of H202 are reduced. .-,. I-,- I- . .- . . I 1 .1 "' I '. I..: % I , . , I . ~s r, ~ C -1 .- I ~_ 4 ~ - V ~~ AUTHORS:Shte;7nber 9 G IV'. (Engineer) and Bagotskiy V,S'. (Cand. Chem.Sc ~M-7-10/30 TITLE: Some special features of the operation of the positive electrode in a chromic-acid cell'. (Nekotorye osobennosti raboty polozhitellnogo elektroda elementa s khromovoy kislotoy),. PERIODICAL: "Vestnik Elektro"omyshle-nn sti" (Journal of the Elect_r_1_c=..n_Tu_stryp "Vol-,2b, To""=, -1957, PPF-34-38 (USSR)'. ABSTRAM.Galvanic cells based on the electro-chemical system n ta C 0 '/-2 r2 7. ~2SO4/zn are still used be-cause of their comparatively high power, 'their ability to work at low temperatures and the possibility they afford of compact constructiom:. During the discharge of a chromic acid cell some phenomena are observed, the nature of which are not yet clear. For instance, under some conditions 6f-dis- charge the cell voltage drops in jumps of 0~.'27- 0'.3 volts after wh 'ich the element continues to operate at normal capacity. Under other conditions of discharge the cell voltage suddenly falls almost to zero despite the presence of a considerable reserve of unused active substances. Card Both these phenomena are associated with step-wise change 1/5 in the potential of the carbon electrode. The effect of Some special features of the operation of the positive electrode in a chromic-acid cell. (Cont'.) 110-7-10/30 step-wise change in the -potential of the carbon electrode by 0.1-0".3 volts in the negative direction has been called the "partial passivation" of the carbon, and the effect of step-wise reduction of potential by one volt or more is called "total pasdivation!' of the carbon. It is well known that cathodic polarisation of metals in chromic acid occurring at some definite current density causes a sharp potential jump in the negative direction after which separation of hydrogen commences. A similar potential jump has also been observed on the carbon electrodes This effect which is apparently analogous with."total passiva- tion!' of the carbon is usually explained as being due to the formation on the cathode of a screening diaphragm of trivalent compounds. Carbon materials may differ widely in physical-chemical properties and it was therefore of interest to find out whether partial passivation is a general property of carbon electrodes or is associated with special features of some particular types of carbon'. The investigations Card were made on 9 types of carbon of different physical- 2/5 chemical propertiesq see Table 1~. The investigations were Some special features of the operation of the positive electrode in a chromic-acid celf. (Cont..) IID-7-10/30 made by taking polarisation curves, and a number of pbysical-chemical properties of the carbon were also de- termined. Fig.1 shows curves of the relationship between the poten- tial (measured against a noimal hydrogen-electro~le) and the current densityv. and Fig.2 shows curves of the poten- tial as a function of time for different types of carbon, it is seen that for all-types of carbon, at current densities of 180-200 mA/cm4 there is a sharp ump of poten- tial of'1 to f.'2 V in the negative direction itotal passi7- vation). Separation of hydrogen commences after the jump'. At lower current densities of 5-60 mA/cm2 three of the nine types of carbon investigated displayed step-wise potential displacement'of 0'.1-0'.3 V (partial passivation)'. The same three types of carbon display step-wise potential reduct- ion during polarisation at a constant current density of 5-40 MA/oM2. Fig'.3 shows polarisation curves taken on a rotating carbon Card electrode at different speeds of rotation'. As the speed 3/5 is increased from 0 to 1200 rpm the current density at which Some special features of the operation of the,~ositive electrode in a chromic-acid cell'. (Cont'.) 1 -7-10/30 total passivation commences increases threefold'. In order to studv the influence of the solution composi- tiony potential/time curves were determined with constant current density on the cathode in solutions with different concentrations of chromic and s-alphuric acids, trivalent chromium and salt. Fig'.4 shows curves taken on solutions with different concentrations of chromic acid with con- stant total solution acidity'. On the basis of the.experi- mental data that was obtained it may be concluded that the effect of total passivation. of carbon is caused by definite concentration changes in the layer of solution adjacent to the electrode. The removal of these concentration changes also removes total passivation of the carbon which demon- strates the absence of an insoluble diaphragm of chromium salts at the carbon surface under conditions of total passivation:. The effect of partial passivation is not associated with changes in concentration near the electrode'. Partial Card passivation is a general property not only of carbon 4/5 electrodes, but of inert metal electrodes in general Some special features of the operation of the ositive electrode in a chromic-acid cell'. (Cont.) 11t-7-10/30 (platinum and gold) in chromic acid:. Partial passivation depends on the nature of the carbon, the composition of the solution and preliminary polarisation of the electrode. Change in the composition of the solution or preliminary treatment of the carbon can vary both the electrode poten- tial before and after partial passivation, and the time to the commencement of partial passivation ,. Data on the influence of mixing, the composition of the solution and preliminary treatment of the carbon on partial passiva- tion show that this effect is not associated with the deposition of chromium compounds of low solubilityf, Par- tial passivation is caused by change in the state of sur- face of the carbon under the influence of the process of Card reduction of chromic acid. 5/5 There are 4 figures, 9 references, 1 of which is Slavic'. ASSOCIATION: NIEEI'. AVAILABLE: i r 5 x, y AUTHORS: Shteynberg, G. V., Bagotskiy, V.S., 20-3-41/59 TITLE; Certain Features in the Catholic Reduction of Chromic Acid on a Carbon Electrode (Nekotoryye osobennosti katodnogo vomkanovleniya khromovoy kisloty na ugollnom elektrode) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1957, Vol- 115, Nr 3, PP- 568-571, (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the case of cathodic polarization of a carbon - or any other in- ert electrode - in a solution of chromic acid a sudden check of the reaction 9f reduction of the chromic acid anion Cr207 +14 R+ + + 6e -4 2cr+++ + 7H20 is often observed. This check is accompanied by a instantaneous shift of the potential to the negative,which is followed by a reaction of hydrogen separation (a complete inacti- vation of the electrode). Apart from this phenomenon, in some in- stances a small shift of a few tenths of a Volt have been observed in the case of densities, where the potential of hydrogen separa- tion has not been reached. The complete inactivation of inert elec- trodes in solutions of chromic acid was the object of investiga- tions of several authors. In the paper under consideration the in- fluence of a series of factors (composition of the solution, of stirring and of the treatment of the electrode) on the partial in- activation of the carbon electrode was studied. From the figures it can be seen, that the potential of the upper and lower niveau Card 1/3 of the curve, corresponding to the active and partially inactive 20-3-41/59 Certain Features in the Cathodic Reduction of Chromic Acid on a Carbon Electrode. condition of the electrode, as well as the duration of the active state are dependent on the composition of the solution. The in- fluence of identical components of the solution on the potentiil of the active state and on that of the partially inactivated elec- trode is differing. In particular the effect of an addition of an indifferent salt to a highly concentrated solution is falling in- to the eyes. The salt instantaneously shifts the potential of the partially inactivated electrode to the negative, whereas the poten-' tial of the active electrode is very little affected. An introduc- tion of three-valent chromium, even in1high concentration has practically no influence on the partial inactivation. An addition of chromiumsulfate in high concentrations, however, shifts the po- tentiil of a partially inactivated electrode. This is apparently not connected with the presence of three-valent chromium. A simi- lar shift also takes place in highly concentrated solutions of sul- phuric acid and chromium acid. These effects detailed here are to be considered as a check of the electrochemicil reaction and not as a change in their nature. The experimantal results obtained here contradict the conception, that the check is produced by the for- mation of a diaphragm consisting of compounds with small solubility Card 2/3 of the three-valent chromium. It is probable, that the partial in- 20-3-41/59 Certain Features in the Cathodic Reduction of Chromic Acid on a Carbon Electrode. activation is connected with a modification of the state of the oxyde layers on the surface of the electrode. Several facts in favour of the concept, that some forms of the surface oxydes correspond to the active condition of the electrode. They vanish during the cathodic polarisation and reappear during the soft ano- die polarization of the carbon. The phenomenon of partial inact-i- vation of the carbon-electrode can be explained as a modificati':~., of the electrochemical mechamism of the reaction of ion-reduction of the 6-valent chromium into three valent chromium. This transi- tion takes place because of the modification of the oxyde layers on the electrode sueface. Phenomena of the same qualitative cha- racter were observed on inert platimum and gold electrodes. There are three figures. ASSOCIATION: State Union Scientific Research Oarbon Electrode Institute. (Gosudarstvennyy soyuznyy nauchno-issleauvatellskiy elemento- elektrougollnyy institut) PRESENTED BY:Frumkin, A. N., Academii:iia, Feb. 32, 1957 SUBMITTEDs FebruarY 5, 1957 AVAILABIEs Library of Congress Card 3/3 I BAGOTSKIY, V.S., Imnd.khim.nauk - - Progress in the field of electric power production from chemical action. Khim. nauka i prom. 3 no.4:448-454 158. (MIRA 11:10) (1lectric power production from chemical action) 50) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2216 54veshchanlye po elektrokhlmll. 4th, Moscow. 19%. ril Trudy... s Isborr.11c] (Transactions of the Fourth Conference an Elect- rochomistry; Collection or Articles) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SOSE.' 1959. 89 P. Errata 02 Ip Inserted. 2,500 Copies printed. Sponsoring Agencyt Akadomlya nauk SSSR. Otdolonlye khlmicheakikh nauic. Iditorial Boardt A.M. Prumkin (Reap, Ed.) Academician, O.A. Yesin, Yroressor) S.I. Zhdanov (Ramp. Secretary), B.M. Kabanov Pro- rossor, 3.1. Zhdanov (Reap. Secretary)l B.N. Kabanov. ?;;ftsllor, Ta. M. Xclatyrkin, Doctor of Chemical sciences; V.V. Losev, P.D. WkOVt3eTo PrOfea3Orj Z.A. Soloy-yeval V.V. Stender. Professor-. and G.K. FlorlanovIch; Ed. of Publishing House: N.C. Yagcrov. Twch. Id.i T.A. Prusakova. PURPOZEt This book Is Intended for chemical and :Ieotrlcal angl- neers. physicists, metallurgists and researcher in tereated in Various aspects of electrochemistry. OVERAGE: The book contains 127 of the 138 reports presented at the Fourth Conference on Electrochemistry sponsored by the Depart- Rant of, Chqmlcsl Sciences ar4 the Institute of Physical Chemistry Academy of Sciences, USSR. The collection pertains to different branches of electrochemical kinetic$, double layer theories and galvanic processes In metal e2ectrodepoeltOn and Industrial elect- 7 rolysio. Abridged discussions are given At the and or each dIvI- *ion. The maJority of reports not Included here have been published In periodical literature- No personalities are mentioned. References are given at the end of most of the article@. Z&4-,t-.- !- 4, y, S.A. , J~O._Zjjj=%tzkiy (Deceased), and 1_4_Bogdanova. Anodic Behavior of Manganese and Its Alloys Z3 (Dnepropetrovskly khIm1ko-tekhnolog1cheskIY ln#tl'ut Imeni F.E. Dzerzhin3kogo; Inatitut khImil AN KaZSSR - Dnepro- petrovsk institute of Chemical Technology Imeni P. r. Drer- VhInsk17, Institute of Chemistry, Academy of Sciences, Kaz- SSR). Electrlode Processes at a Lead Anode and Its Corrosion During the Electrolysis of Sulfuric Acid Solutions 729 Discussion IF. P. Tsyb and contributing authors) 732 PART IX. CHEMICAL SOURCES OF CURRENT 735 Electrode Processes In Mew Electrochemical Card 2964 Sources of Current 737 Easpv yn. B., z. a. yampOl -skaya, and BX_"banOV. Lead Su1T1LtW--Tr--hO_M09ftt've ?'a%* Ot W T44 Battery d V 1. Bartlenko. Mechanism of the W65 or lffLci.."'n _Zge-7mterial of the Positive ey in e-jE~ Electrode of a Lead Battery T48 XrIxAlA.P_0Yq_1--Y- - 8. S. Vaymberg, and IL X. Kabanov. Znv#&t1i8tj"g & LaAC-rr=jde- E lect rode i-Or P6t'e_MtIWI Drop 757 and oxygen Evolution Ary%~~qya,__T_A, (Vp0boyu~ny7 nauchno-Inaledovatol'oklY inatitut Istochnikov toka-All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Electric rover Sources), Growth Of Zinc - D*ndrltea in Some Swelling Polymers .62 plerov, V. X. (Gor1kovskly politekhnichoskLY lnstLtut laenI card 'J0/34 50, 2) BOV/2o-128-3-39/58 AUTHORS. Mendzheritskiy, E. A. , TITLE: Equilibrium Conditions an a Zina.Electrode in-Alkaline-Solutions Saturated With Zincate PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 128, Nr 3, PP 575-577 (USSR) ABSTRACT; In spite of many investigations, the t pe of ucts (whether zinc hydroxide or -oxide~.for_me4..An__itor1r4n the solutions mentioned in. the title- on-the-zinc-alecirDde has not been precisely determined (Ref 0-The.corivera.ion of primarily separated modifications of zinc hydroxidea in stable forms causes an "aging".of the zinaate impoverishment in zinc ions. A publication Burvey.shows (Refs 2-5), that individual investigators diaagree w1th respect to the value of the free energy of the~stablest 9-modifioation of zino hydroxide. To determine. this.problem more precisely, the authors measured the eleciromotiveL.force (emf) of the chain; Znp ZnOoaq(KOH'+ zincate)HgO, Hg at dif- ferent alkali concentrations. In the case of formation of zinc oxide on the discharge of such an element, the electro- Card 1/-S motive force (emf) must be independent of the concentration /_7 SOV12o- 128-3-39/,58 Equilibrium Co4ditions on a Mnc Electrode in Alkaline Solutions Saturated With Zincate of the alkaline solution according to the equation Zn + HgO - ZnO + Hg (1). If, hovever, zinc hydroxide is formed (2), the emf of the chain is bound to decrease with the increasing alkali concentration since the water activity falls. Principal attention in these experiments was paid to the maximum approximation to the state of equilibrium. In preliminary experiments it was found that the omf of iner- curic-oxide elements is fully stabilizad 2-3 months after the preparation, and remains practically unchanged during the subsequent 9 months and more. A partial additional charge with an elimination of 10-15% capacity of the element great- ly accelerates the stabilizing process of the emf. Heret the solution is particularly saturated with zincatew and the solid phase falls out. Figure 1 shows the dependence, found in this way, of the emf on the alkali concentration in the KOH-solutions saturated with potassium zincate betpeen 0.6 and 12-5 n. It shows that the emf is constant between 0.6 and 1.5 n, and amounts to about 1-344 volts. This value approximate- Card 21a ly corresponds to the data of reference 2 for F_ Qn /Y (OH)2' SOVJ20-128-3-39/58 Equilibrium Conditions on a*Zino Electrode in Alkalifte.Solutiona_ Aaturat~d With Zincate Prom the amf value of 1.353 volts in-higher-concentrated solu- ti8ns, the value of th8 free energy of the zinc oxide at 25 follows, i.e. A F ZnO - -76.4 + 0.1 kcal.-The difforenoe of this value by 0.35 kcal as compared with V. Latimer (Ref 4) 9 is essential since it yields a vdl:ue- of the free. energy 'of the transition of-the-zina-hydromide-4nta-zine.. oxide AF - v0.5 kcal instead. of -0-15 kaal-The-sigrx-of this new value is undoubted,- and gives_pr_oQf._of.a_high thermo- dynamic resistance of the zinc-oxide-in.dilifted solutions (at a water activity - 1). The-above conaluaion-sta-ting that, under equilibrium conditionst,zinc-oxidei.not zinc hydroxide, is formed, is also confirmed by.othem.exparimantal results. The temperature coefficient of the emf measured amounts to 0 4 + 500C + 0-00004 volt/degree. There.ara 1 figure and 8 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut istochnikov toka (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Scurcei of Card 3 CurrentY it. S/02 60/132/03/42/066 ,57 A310 0 B004YB007 AUTHORS: Popova, T. skiyj Kabanov, B. N. TITLE: Anodic Passivation of Zinc in Alkaline Solutions - A 1 PERIODICAL; Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960p Vol- 132, No. 3, pp. 639-642 TEXT; It was the aim of this paper to investigate the influence exerted by the adsorption of oxygen and by the formation of an oxide film upon the passivation of zinc. The anodic behavior of Zn was investigated in KOH by means of osoilloscopic; recording of the potential - time curve y(t) at constant current density i on a rotating disk electrode. "Pass =itn was determined (Qpass is the amount of electricity necessary for passivation, t n is the time up to pa8sivation). Fig. 1 shows the diagrar~ 1/qpass - f(i). At mean current densities there is a linear dependence between 1/Qpass and i. In the case of i being low, Qpass becomes dependent on the rate of stirring, and in the case of a very low i and a high rate Card 1/3 Anodic Paasivation of Zinc in Alkaline Solutions S/020 60/132/03/42/066 B004 3007 of stirring, no passivation occurs. From these results as well as from the anodic polarization curve (Fig. 2), the curve of the increase of the potential after 60-min passivation and after switching off the anode current (Fig. 3) as well as from the dependence of the dissolution rate of the passivated electrode on the speed of rotation (Fig- 4)-the authors draw the following conclusions: The dissolution of zinc depends on the dissolution rate of the zinc oxide (and peroxide). As passivation occurs already at potentials (-1.1 to -1.0 v), which are more negative than the reduction potential of the zinc peroxide in the oxide film, passivation is primarily based on a change in the concentration of KOH and the zincate retarding dissolution in the liquid layer near the electrode. The forma- tion of the oxide film is a secondary process. There are 4 figures and 7 references: 4 Soviet, 2 German, and 1 Indian. ASSOCIATION: Institut elektrokhimii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Electrochemistry of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED: January 25, 1960, by A. 1. Frumkin, Academician Card 2/3 .Anodic Passivation of Zinc in Alkaline Solutions S/020/60/132/03/42/066 ~z B004/BO07 SUBMITTED: January 11, 1960 Card 3/3 WHE) A.I.; ASTAKHOV, I.I.; NIKITINA, Z.Ya.; REZNIK, I.F.; Change of the structure of a negative electrode in a oilver-zino storage cell in operation. Zhuro-prikl.khim. 34 no.10:2254-2260 0 161. (MIU 34:12) 1, Institutelektrokbi-44 AN SSSA i Voesoyuznyy nauchno-isoledovateliskiy inotitut istochnikoir toka, (Electrodes) I 1OFAJ, Z,-A.; KOIU~EV, L.V.; BAGOTSKIY, V.S. Hydrogen overvoltage on a zinc electrode In alkaline solutions. Effect of the concentraticn of a potassium hydroxide solution. Zhur. fiz. khim. 35 no.7:1571-1577 J1. 161. (MIRA 34:7) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V.Lomonosova i Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut, istochnikov toka. (Hydrogen) (Overvoltage) OSHE~ A.I.; BAGOTSKII., V.S. Mechanism of the cathodic reduction of zinc oxide phase layers on a zinc electrode. Zhur. fiz. khim. 35 no*7:1641-1642 Jl 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Inatitut elektrokhimii AN SSSR. - (Zinc oxide) (Reduction., Electrolytic) S/030/62/000/007/002/004 1048/1248 AUTHORS: Bagotakiy, V.S., Doctor of Technical Sciences, and A;aRkin, A.N. , Acdemician TITLE. The problem of direct conversion of chemical energy into electrical Cen~rgjj PERIODICAL: Akademi-i--nauk.SSSR, Vestnik. no. 7, 1962, 19-32 TEXT. This reyiews the history and the state of development up to 1960 of fuel cells and other electrochemical current gene- rators. Their operations Eire briefly discussed, the emphasis being on weig C, ht vs. -,Do,.Ner output considerations. The use of fuel-- cblls is preferrea fb 'r long times of operation (20 hrs and over),* but conventional storage batteries (e.g., lead or Ag-Zn accdumu- Card 1/2 S/030/62/000/007/002/004 The problem of direct .... 1048/1248 lators) are superior for short-time uses. Although available luel c6lls have a weight of 35-70 kg./];_-w. output, cells weighing 15-20 kg.";, . could be developed the lowest possible limit being /.-w 6-10 kg./kw. 2uture applications envisaged are in city transport, for military purposes (due to quietness and absenoe of smoke), and in Artificial earth satelites and spacerockets. A Scientific Council for Puel Calls, associated with the USSR Academy of Scien- ces, has been set up in the USSR. The article is based mainly on VIestern Sources. There are 4 figures. Card 2/2 S/076/62/036/007/003/010 B101/B138 AUTH023: Popova, T. I., Bagotskiy, V. S., and Kabanov, B. N. (Moscow) TITLE: Anodic passivation of zinc in alkali. !. Measurements at constant current densities PERIODICAL: Zhurnal 'Lizicheskoy khimii, V. 36, no. 7, 1962, 1432 -1438 T:: X T :The -,~otential-time curves for rotating zinc anodes were oscillo- ,--'r,'11)hicnllv recorded in 0.1 - 1 N KOH at 60 - 5000 rpm, 200C, and current densities, i, of uP to 340 ma/cM2. The curve 1/.,4 ' showed three sections 2 pass. BeMeen 10 and 200 iriia/cm, the total amount of el.ectricity required for Dassivation rises lineirly with i, and is not affected by changes in the becomes independent of i and race of stirring; at i -\ 200 ma/cm2, Qpass z-anches a 1�.-..itin,- value vhich is independent of the stirring rate but diminishes with decreasing alkali concentration; at.i