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50) SOV/76-33-2-10/'4r,
AUTHORIS: Ifoi3ova, K. 1. , Rakov, A. A., , Veselovokiy, V. 1.
,T--rTLE: A Study of the Electrochemical Behavior of Ozone on the
Platinum Electrode by the Method of Cathodic Polarography (Izu-
cheniye claktrokhimichonkogo povedeniya ozona na platinovom
elektrode metodom katodnoy polyarografii)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizichesko khimiif 19599 Vol 33, Nr 2,
1 '
PP 349 - 3',6
ABSTRACT: Experimental material concerning the cathodic reduction of
ozone on the rotating platinum electrode in sulfuric acid
solutions at 25, 0. -30, -50 and -700C was the basis for
thorough investi.gations on the mechanism of the electrode
reaction in the region of high anode potentials (analogous
to the experiments in reference 3). The apparatus used was
previously described (Ref 4). The rate of rotation of the
platinum electrode was about 3000 rpm in all experiments.
The stationary potential was determined as a function of the
temperature at constant ozone concentration in,10 nH
(Table 1)
and as a function of the ozone concentration at 250C
Mard 1/3 (Table 2). The polarogram curves (Fig 1) which were obtained
A Study of the Mectroclemlcal Behavior of Ozone on thO SOV/7C-33-2-18/45
Platinum ElectrDde by the Y'c:thod of Cathodic PolaroUraphy
in 10 n H SO saturated with 20a ozone and at 250C indicate
2 't
a value of T1/2' 1.30 volt for the ozone reduction, rhile
the reverse curve slhoi7s a half-wave of T1/2"1-55 volt for
the ozone reduction. The size of the limiting current is
directly proportional to the ozone concentration in the
solutionp no that the methol of cathode polarography with the
rotating I't electrode c~tn ba uned for a quantitative deter-
mination of ozone in solutions and in the gaseous phane. At
lower temperatures (-30 and -700) two polarogram waves appear
for the ozone reduction (Fi.-s 3,4), which is explained in
terms of a two-stage reduction reaction (0 3+ e 03;
0- + H + __~k 0 + OH). It is assumed, on the basis of the
3 2
formation of surface oxygen compounds on platinum, that the
following reaction mechanism takes place:
FtO+2 OH --). PtOE01 ads+H20; PtOC03 ads +2H++2 e- -+ PtO+H 20.
Card 2/3
. A Siudy of the Electrochemical Behavior of Ozone on the SOV/76-33-2-16/45
Platinum Electrode by the M1'e-thod of Cathodic Polarography
There are 4 figures, 6 tablesp and 7 references, 5 of
which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im. L. Ya. Karpova..Moskva
(11hysical-Chemical Institute imeni L. Ya. Karpov, Moccoly)
SUDITITTED: JulY 10, 1957
Card 3/3
AUTHORS: Shub, D. M.,Tyurikov, G. S.j and V
- ____ 0 " -
TITLE: Photo- and Radiation-chemical?Decomposition Of HYdrogen
Peroxide in the Presence of Iron Oxide
"_~60, Vol. 34, No. 10,
PERIODICAL Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1
pp. 2245-2253
TEXT: The application of semiconductor materials as heterogeneous
sensitizers in the transformation of radiation energy into chemical energy
is of special importance for the utilization of nuclear radiation to
initiate radiation-chemical reactions. in continuation of previous in-
vestigations, the results are given of the photo- and radiation-chemical
decomposition of concentrated H202 solutions with suspended Fe20,. A
nPK -2 (PRK-2) quartz lamp served as light source, while Co60 with an
activity of 81) Curies was used as I-radiation source; the experiments were
carried out in an apparatus warranting a stabilization of temperature,
good mixing of the solution, and regular irradiation. The experimental
Card 1/3
Photo- and Radiation-chemical Decomposition of S/076~60/034/010/009/022
Hydrogen Peroxide in the Presence of Iron Oxide BO15/BO64
results obtainel show that the catalytic effect of Fe20 3 upon the H202
decomposition due to light irradiation, as well as the V-rays is strongly
increased. This means that a chain reaction sets in on the surface of Fe 203
which is due to an energy transfer causing an excitation of the particles
of the Fe 203surface, and that the chain reaction of the H202 decomposi:-
tion is passed on into the liquid, The high photo- and radiation-chemical
activity of Felo can only be lue to the effect of a heterogeneous
2 3
sensitization 'which depends on the electronic state of the semiconductor)
The active centers on the Fe2c3 surface which cause the chain reaction
are the same in the thermal H202 decomposition and in the decomposition
due to radiation. A temperature increase accelerates in both cases the rate
of decomposition. Since no particular difference was observed between
the effect of the ultraviolet light and the I-radiation, the reaction
mechanism is assumed to be the same in both cases. Apparently, the higher
energy (approximately 1.25 Mev) of the y-quanta is transformed into a
Card 2/3
Photo- and Radiation-chemical Decomposition of S/076/60,/034/010/009/022
Hydrogen Peroxide in the Prenence of Iron Oxide BO15/BO64
lower energy (several ev) of the light quanta, thus, causing the same
excitation of the semiconductox as the light rays, no that a princ:cpal
analogy exists between the effect of light and nuclear radiation. fie
author thanks the laboratory assistant L. G. Kazakova. There are 6 figures,
2 tables, and 11 referencest 9 Soviet, f-British and 1 French.
ASSOCIATIONs Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im. L. Ya. Karpova
(Physico-chemical Institute imeni L. Ya. Karpov)
SUBMITTEDi February 19, 1959
Card 3/3
7 4 6 010
Goohaliyev, 0. Z., Zalkind, To. ID# Veselovskiy
!?he Potential of the Platinum Electradelin an Irradiate d
Sulfuric Acid Solution-
:Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 132, No- 4P
TEXT: In eazlier papers (Eefs. 1-4) the authors found that the potential
of a Pt electrode in irradiated 0.8 N H 2so4 (irradiation dose
2.1015 ev/OJ.s'eo) assumes a value close to that of the potential of the
9 eleetrods. The present papef6 deals yith the results obtained by a more
intensive irradiation (6.1.10 ev/oM-'.seo)o The experiments were carried
out with a Cj)60 radiation source,* and the method is described in Refs. 2
and 3. Fig. I shows the dependence of the potential of the Pt electrode
in oxygen-free 0.6 N H280 4 on the duration of irradiation. Also with this
intensityo selectivity of the Pt electrode with respect to the reduaing
radialytio products was observed. The potential assumes a value of between
Card 113,
The Potential of the Platinum Electrode in S/020J60/132/04/36/064
an Irradiated Sulfuric Acid Solution B004/BO07
10 and 20 mvV which remains aons tant up to a dose of 2.10 20 ev/om 3 and
then rises up to 0.85 v (Fig. 1). For the oxidation of the reducing
radiolytic products and the reduction of the oxidizing radiolytic
productog occurring in the irradiated solutiong the authors derive
equations for the currents I and I As the reaction constant k' is
R 01' R
considerably greater than k I because if the selectivity of the, Pt
electrode, the potential observed results. By the escape of R into the
gaseous phase -the stoiohlDmetria ratio between the reducing and the
oxidizing products is, however, disturbed, which leads to a positive
shifting of the potential in the case of high doses. Fig. 2 shows the
dependence of the depolarization current at 0-4 v on the duration of
irradiation. The course of this curve is,explained as follows: Due to
the selootivity of the Pt electrode, the oxidation of H at first pre-
dominates. Aa a result of the escape of R into the gaseous phase, the
reduction of R 202 is accelerated, the total current (I R - IR 0 ) decreases
2 2 20 3
and attaine negative values in the case of doses higher than 2.10 ev/om
If the experivient is carried out in a vessel that is hermetically sealed
and gompletely filled with the solution so that no gaseous phase is able
Card 2/3
The Potential of the Platinum Electrode in
an Irradiated Sulfuric Acid Solution
to form and no bldrogen can escape, a potential of +20 mv quickly forms,
which remains constant throughout the experiment (20 h)(Fig- 3)~ Because
of the increasing concentration of the oxidizing products, the polariza-
tion current quickly decreases (Fig- 4). The ionization of the H on the
Pt electrode, which is formed by radiolysis, may therefore be carried out
in the *&as of a steady potential only if the reduction of the cxidizing
products taken place at the same rate (e,g., on a second electrode which
is selective for these products). At the same time, a current will flow
through the outer circuit. There are 4 figures and 7 references- 6 Soviet
and I English.
ASSOCIATION:. Flziko-khimioheakiy inetitut im. L. Ya. Karpova (P!jYsico-__
chemical Institute imeni L. Ya. Karpov)
PRESENTED: February 26p 19609 by A. N. Frumkin; Academician
February 25, 1960
Card 3/3
I /---r
,S71-1600 B/020/60/133/03/10/013
B004/BO56 82275
AUTHORSi Lazorenko-Manevichq R. M., Aladzhalova, N. A.,
-Te-selovskiyl-v. 1.
TITLEi Electrochemical and Photoelectrochemical Processes on p-
and. n-Type, Germanium in the Region 3f Cathodic Polarization
PERIODICALt DoUady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 133, No- 3,
pp. 620 - 623
TEXTs The authors investigated the action of illumination on the
separation of hydrogen on germani~Afte experiments were carried out
- 21.0 and n-type Ge
with samples of p-type Ge resistivityt 0.5
(1.1 and 22.9 chm'.cm) in IN KOH and IN H 2 so 4* The electrode surface was
etched with CP--4 (8R-4) or a mixture of KNO 3 + HF. All experiments were
carried out in a hydrogen atmosphere. Illumination was carried out by
means of a 300 W lamp through a 10 cm thick water layer. The light
-1 2
intensity on the electrode surface was about 10 cal/cm .sec. Fig. I
Card 1/3 A41,00,
Electrochemical and Photoelectrochemical Processes 3/020/60/133/03/10/013
on p- and n-Type Germanium in the Region of B004/BO56 82275
Cathodic Polarization
shows the typical steady curves 0 - 4) after 10 - 15 h of cathodic
polarization and durve 5 for not previously polarized p-type germanium.
The inflection of the polarization curves of p-type germanium at high
amperages is explained by the inhibition of electron diffusion, which
does not occur vith n-type Go, because the latter has a high electron con-
centration in the conduction band. Fig. 2 a shows the change with time in
the overvoltage-I after switching on 10 ma/cm 2. The occurring maximum of
'I depends on the pretreatment of the electrode. In germanium coated with
a thick oxide layer (1000 - 2000 A), no maximum ofiZ occurs. The drop of
the I-ourve after the maximum is explained by an increase in the rate of
the generation of electrons on the germanium surface, which is caused by
the absorption.of hydrogen. During illumination of p-type Ge a rapid
drop ofiZ occurs due to a photoeffect. Besides, it was observed that in
the presence ol'7 hydrogen this drop occurred already in the region of
diffusion inhibition, which is explained by photodesorption of H. Fig. 3
shows the potential course in germanium,?(t), without an external current
source during illumination and in the dark. In the case of p-type Ge the
Card 2/3 kr
Electrochemical and Photoelectrochemical Processes 5/020 60/133 03/10/013
YB V2 2 15;
on p- and n-Type Germanium in the Region of B004 B056
Cathodic Polarization
photoeffect vanishes after a short cathodic polarizationg and in n-type
Ge it is intensified. Short anodic polarization no longer reduces the
potential to the initial value. The authors draw the conclusion that the
adsorption of hydrogen on the germanium surface increases its negative
charge aue to the formation of acceptor levels in the forbidden band.
Molecular hydrogen does not produce this effect. The illumination of
polarized p-type Ge influences the rate of gas separation in an alkaline
solution (Fig. 4). Photodesorption occurst Under the action of light the
adsorbed hydrogen dissolves in the electrolyte. There are thereforetwo
steady states: a dark state and a light state, where the latter differs
from the former by the lower probability of gas-bubble formation and the
higher content of dissolved hydrogen in the electrolyte% There are
4 figures and 11 referencess 4 Soviet, 5 American, I British, and
I German.
ASSOCIATIONs Fiziko-khimicheekby institut im. L. Ya. Karpova (Physico-
chemical Institute im. L. Ya. Karpov)
PRESENTEDs )larch 10, 1960, by A. N. Frumkin, Academician
SUBMITTED: Harch 1, ig6o
Card 3/3 Ar
AUTHORS: Yak.eyleva, A. A., Borisova, T. I., Veseloyakiy, V. 1.
TITLE; Tho Effect of Light Upon an Anode-polarized Germanium
Eloctrode A
PERIODICAL: Dolclady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 133, No. 4,
pp. 889 - 89a
TEXT: It was the aim of the authors to investigate the effect of
illumination upon the structure of the interface between germanium and
electrolyte as well as upon the anodic dissolution of germanium. The
method employed. permitted illumination of the electrodes through the
solution as well as of the dry side of the electrodes. (The electrode
formed the bottom of a cylindrical Teflon vessel.) The experiments were
carried out with monocrystalline n-type germanium of different resistivi-
ties in 0.1 N XaOH in a nitrogen atmosphere. The Ge electrodes were
etched with CP-4 (SR-4). Illumination was carried out by means of an
incandescent lamp within the range of 0.4 - 0.7,,w, partly with a constant
current, and partly with constant voltage, It follows from Fig. 1 that
Card 113
The Effect of Light Upon an Anode-polarized S/020/60/133/04/29/031
Germanium Electrode B004/B056
the system was aensitive to light within the entire region of polariza-
tion. The potential barrier Is removed by illumination, and the poten-
tial drops within the saturation region to the constant value of 0.5 v.
Above the breakdown potential this effect stops. In the initial part of
the polarization curve, the rate of the anodic reaction is not limited
by the concentration of minQrity carriers (Fig. 2). The last-mentioned
author derived equation (1);: 1 = k 9xp(-,&yF/RT).9xp(--aAHF/RT) for this
region in an earlier paper (Ref. 7); here,,Ay denotes the potential
chango in the volume charge of the somiconductor,,dH the potential change
in the ionic double layer. 11or A!p, there further exists the dependence
(2) on carrier concentratiom on the surface: 0 surf = C Yolumeexp
(-ne,WRT). All factors influeacing the surface concentration of
electrons and holes must therefore also influence and the total
potential difference 6_T- Fig. 3 shows Ailight and A tight a, function
of the intensity of illumination. 6ilight increases proportional to the
absorbed light quanta. AT14ght rises exponentially in the initial part
of polarization, and tends toward a limit with a saturation current.
Card 213
The Effect of Light Upon an Anode-polarized 5/0?-0/60/133/04/29/031
Germanium Electrode BOO4/BO56
Table 1 gives the quantum yield X for various intensities of the absorbed
radiation in the case of a saturation potential. Table 2 shows thevalues
of K for two inten5ities. K has a maximum in the saturation range. The
results obtained b illuminating the dry side of the electrode are shown
in Fig. 4, namely Xilight as a function of 1/1, the reciprocal value of
the thickness of the electrode, 61 light grows linearly with 1/1. No
differences between the two kinds of illumination could be found. Also
in the illumination of the dry aide of the electrode, a potential drop
occurred with olectrade thicknesses that were a multiple of the
diffusion leng-~h of the minority carriers. There are 4 figures, 2 tables,
and 7 references: 2 Soviet, 4 American, and 1 German.
ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-khimicheakiy institut im. L. Ya. Karpova
(Physicochemical Institute im, L. Ya. Karpov)
PRESENTED: 11arch 18, 1960 by A. N. Frumkin, Academician
March 18, 196o
Card 313
51-Li 5-o o 8/638161/001/000/053/056
*' 3 roe) B125/BIO4
AUTHORS: Shub, D. M.9 Tyurikov, G. S., Veselovskiy, V. I.
TITLE: Heterogeneous sensitization of radiochemical processes on
the semiconductor - solvent interface
SOURCE: Tashkentskaya konferentaiya po mirnomy ispolizovaniyu
atomnoy energii. Tashkent, 1959. Trudy. v. 1. Tashkent,
1961s 370-377
TEXT: Data on the radio-electrochemical process in Cc 60 gamma irradiation
(activity --s20,OOO g-equ. Ra) Of a Cu'CU20 electrode in a 0.1 KOH solution
are presented. The action of the optical radiation of a 500-watt bulb
under the same conditions is compared. The eyetem Cu-CU20-KOH solution
was irradiated. after 3-hr saturation with nitrogen. The radi.o-olectro-
chemical effect was first determined only from the change of the electrode
potential undor the simultaneous action of cathode current and radiation
from,&V, a VO.- V T at I a const for potentials between 0-770 v and 0.200 v.
The potential was shifted toward more positive values by irradiation.
V0 and V T denote the electrode potential during and after irradiation,
Card 1/4
Beterogeneous sensitizatioil ... B1257BI04
respectively. Visible light and gamma rays apparently give rise to
similar excitation processes in the semiconductor, with the absolute values
of I&Vc under gamma irradiation being higher than with visible light.
Fig. Z.,shows the typical dependence of potential change on the duration of
irradiation for an initial potential of 0.200 v. Fox the other initial
potentials examined) the curve shape wan similar, but the absolute values
of A_Vc were lower. The potential jump at the beginning and the following
slow approach of the potential to the steady state are due to the excita-
tion of the semiconductor and to the electrochemical oxidation,
respectively. The compon&nts (OHI 02) appearing in the radiolysis of
water speed up the electrochemical reaction. The experimental results
available so far are not sufficient to back the assumption of a specific
mechanism for the radio-electrochemioal process on the CU*CU20 electrode.
They suffice, however, for the following hypothesis: Due to the action of
radiationp Clu.20 can be oxidized to Cu(OH)2 . hydrogen peroxide may also
be produced Isy a sensitized reaction involving the oxygen which is always
present in C112P. The radio-electrochemical process on the Cu-Cu20
electrode is of interest also for heterogeneous radiation sensitizztion.
Card 2/4
Heterogeneous sensitization
S16 38/61 /001 /000/0i5~1056*
A noticeable sensitization,.however, is only possible in the case of a
sufficiently large acting surface of the sensitizer. According to data
available on the dampi-A'g of luminescence (see also Veselovskiy V. I.,
Miller N. B. # Shub D. K. Sbornik rabot po radistnionnoy khimii, It., AN SSSFO
49, 19551 Shub D. M-s Tyurikov 0. S,p Yeaelovskiy V. I., Trudy I
Vaesoyuznoeo ooveshchaniya po radiatsionnoy khimii, M., AN SSSR, 161t
1958), the energy bf excitation of a semiconductor by electrons
transferred to the solution componente. A participation of excit4d
electrona of the semiconductor with more than 3.0 ev in the reaction, and
an excitation of radio-chemical processen by the energy absorbed and
converted by the semiconductor are possible. The rate of disintegration
under the action of irradiation is considerably increased by the presence
of an Fe 203suspension. In a microheterogeneous system, the suspension
Fe203-H 202solution is not substantially changed by radiation, and,
therefore, tho rate of hydrogen peroxide decomposition does not change
either. The heterogeneous process depends on the electron state of the
semiconductor, and the active surface centers determining the reaction are
of ihe same nature during decomposition due to heat and irradiation. The
Card 3/4
Hetbr,ogeneous vensitization ... B1257BI04
experimental data fit the said hypothesis and are indicative of the possible
excitation of-lieterogeneous sensitization processes. There are
5 figures, I table, and 8 references: 7 Soviet and I non-Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: N.-i. fiziko-khimicheakiy inatitut im. L. Ya. Karpova
(Scientific Physicochemical Research Institute imeni L. Ya.
Fig..2. Dependence of the potential change Of a Cu'Cu20 electrode on the
duration,of irradiation.
Legend: (1) gamma radiation; (2) optical radiatioui. (3 radiation;
(4) time, min.
Card 4/4
, gi
7A i -.104 4010 OIDA
of-Ioxidat on-and
'L. TITLE't; witici -of. aid
0 rogen'-gas'.0A
a, P !k. num
'.i-,~-.-~--~i:'-;, Q4
A, -- - -19,61"t .22564264'____-
L-1 isid 4's-kay" M
I" iiji.,*. Aio 10
el~~&-_,Me 0 :20abi f
--The 46sb:i~i 'if fictivo, i~:rate
aut4drs, Of ------- 2
_d n- gas: on - a-, plat hum
Mat ioiv,'_ a
dati okf,;~ Ov're nd a stion"- o h
t iToxy y roge
electrode-, . bas , od __ on gts- -cO.nsUMptit- -confron 4tion is.,made with data
ft k
found earlier by polarography (Ref. 11: _K I. Rozenta- if I; - Veselovskiyj
Zh. fiz. khimii, 31, 1555, 1732, 1957). Fig. I shows the experimental
arrangement. The electrode to be tested is placed in the central part A,
and the auxiliary platinum electrode B is situated in the lateral
ramifications along with the reference electrode C (Pd sheet saturated with
H2). The electrode to be tested consisted of a platinum net wrapped around
a glass tube which was caused to rotate at 700 rpm by a magnetic field. A
was filled with electrolyte (1 N H 2so 4; 1 N HC1 04 or 1 N KOH) -shich was
Card 1/4 A-,/
S/07 61/035/010/004/015
Kinetics of the! electrochemical ... B101 YB110
saturated with the respective gas mixture (H 2 :N 2 - 2 ; 1j
02 : N2 = I . 2; H2 : 02 - 2 : 1) at atmoupheric pressure and 200C. For
the preparation of gas mixtures and electrolytes, see Ref. 11. After the
desired potential was attained by polarization, the gas volume that entered
reaction within 30 min or I hr -was determined by the level of the liquid
in the burette D at the beginning and end of the experiment. The rate
&j(cm3/hr) of the eloctrochemical reaction was measured as a function of
the potential f. The following was found: N&J.2 in 1 11 H2SO4amounted
to ~1 CM3/hr 'letween 0.15 and 0.8 v. On a passivated anode (0-9-1.4 v),
co still wa.3 50-3VY* of the maximum rate, and thus was higher than had
been found in Ref. 11 by polarography. The oxidation of H2 on a passivated
electrode was assumed to take place by interaction with chemosorbed 02 vdiich
was either set free electrochemically or entered from the gaseous phase
(in case of oxyhydrogen gas). (2)4j 02 max was twice as high In acid solu-
tionB as in alkaline oneE. The values based on gas consumption agreed With
those based on current consumption. (3) The rate of reaction of oxyhydro
Card 2/4
28287 S/07 61/035/010/004/015
Kinetics of the electrochemical ... BIOIYB110
gas depended on the electrode,potential, on the type of anion, and on the
pH of the solution. In case of a steady potential (V - 0) 1 the "combUBtiOril
rate.of oxyhydrogen gas in 1 X H2S04 0.6-0.8 v) approaches the
maximum rate, end is almost twice that in I N HC10V and three times that
in 1 N KOH (,~ 11C104and IKOH - 1.6 v). The assumption that H2 ionization
and 02 reduction in oxyhydrogen gas take place independently of each
other is valid with restrictions (for KOH, and in part also for HC'04)'
*n general, these processes exert a reciprocal influencet and gi~ve rise to increase of the rate (with H2solt, ) o.r to an in"aibition of H2
ionization (with HCIO4). 0. A. Petrov assist.ed In the work. There are,
7figures and,16 references: 9 Soviet and 7 non-Soviet. The two most
recent references to Engl I eh- language publications read as follows: M. J.
Joncicht 11. Hackerman, J. Phys. Chem-p Ut 674, 19531 J. M. Kolthoff, J.
Jordan, J. Amer. Chem. 80c- ]At 570 and 4801, 1952.
SUBMITTED:- February 111 1960
SepLration of hydrogen iootopes on a panadium cathode, DokloAN
SSS11 138 no.6:1385-2388 .16 161. (KMA, U.- 6)
1*. fisiko-khWobaskiy institut imo Predstavleno
akedemikom A.N.Frw*lnym.
Eleotrocbemical and photoelectrosAamical be&--vlor of the silicon
electrode in acid and alkaline solutions. Zbur. fiz. kbim. I'll
no.60246-1254 Jre'62 (MIRA
L Fiziko-khimicheskiy- Institut imeni Kailova, ~btikva.
MAZITOV, Ti.A.; ROZENTAL-110 K.f.; VE'l-novsKlyp V.I.
lonLzation of cxygen at a three-phase baarxh--y in alkaline
solutions. Zhur. fiz. khim. 38 no.2:449-455 F 164.
(M1 W. 17:
1, Fiziko-khimicheckiy institut iment Kamovae
Ionization of oxygen at a three-phase boundary in alka2ine
oolutions. Zhur. fit. khim. 38 n3.3t697-701 Mr '64.
(MIRA 17-.7)
1. Fiziko-khimiches'Uy institut imeni L.Ya, Karpova.
MAZITOV, Y%,A.; ROZENTALl j K.l.j VE,%M:uV3KlYi V.1.
Oxywen ionizaticn on a sil"fer -'--trade In alkaline solution,
Elektrokhlmlia I n0.1-.36-410 J- 165. (MIRA 1815)
1. Nituchno-issladavatel'skly fiziko-khimicheskly institut Im. L.Ya.
Karpt)va, Moskva.
It alka
L 4 9 4,6- 7 -
IT -al
j:: O--M--J 0-a-
--kiv ins Ya 'Karp*v
I A 0 C r f,:Fi I--i -I-! r-! z.1 t. 7~kj,
sm- cc
f the rural nonagri cultural
geography 0 Czv. Vaes. geogo
Several fca-t;UrOa of '~he Vologda ITOVInc6v (MIRA 1831)
Populated localities of _0 t 6,4
ot,va 1)6 no.6z488-494, 11
MAZITOVJ, Yu.A.; RDZENTALI, K.I.; ~T_S !qXj_y~~. (Moscow)
Anodic formation and cathodic removal of oxides on palladium.
Zhur. fiz. khim, 38 no.1:151-155 'Ja'64. (MIRA 17:2)
1. Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut imeni L.Ya. Karpova.
,AOOES SION NR: AP4011448 SWO-076/64/038/001/0151/0155
~AUTHORS; Mazitov, Yu. 'A. (Moscow); Roazental't X. 1. (Moscow);
Veselovsk (Mosoow)
;'TITLE: Anodio formation and oathodio removal of oxides on palladium
Zhurnal Xiz. kh1m, v. 38, no. 1, 1964p 151-155
,,TOPIO TAGS: anodic palladium oxidation, cathodic palladium reduction
iABSTRLOT: The soarcity of work on the anodic behavior of Pd prompted.
.'-'this study. The authors investigated the formation and reduction-of.,
:,palladium oxides in 10.6 N KOH at different temperatures by plotting
.Ahe curve of cathode charge after prior polarization of the electrode
ot. ~
1.Vith different potentials. It has been found that begl=lng with
1.05 v anode potential, the '-Id surface becomes coated with a divalent
Pd oxide, or at the potential of oxygen liberation with two differenV.-
,oxides. It is supposed that the second is a perokide. Th6 rate of
;oxide decomposition rises with the temperaturp, and the'stabIlity
:of the first oxide is greater than of the second. IIt was found that
'the slope of the Tafel equation for cathodic reduction of both oxides
:Card ~ 1/2
iis 55 mv. The formation of an overvoltage resulting from the re-
-iduotion of the second oxide has been observed and It Is attributed
~to ooncentrated ;,olarization in the oxide layer, OrIg. art, havi
..13 Figures
ASSOOIATION:.PJ.z:lko-kh:Lmloheak:ly institut Im. L. Ya. Karpova!
SUB OODE: OR DATE JLCQ: l4Peb64 lNot: .00,
SUMaTTED: 17Apr63 NR UP. SOV:- 001 OTM* OU
- . ......
wSom Specific Features of the Double Ia7er Structure and Electrode
Process on Elemental and Oxide Semiconductors Go, Sip hg~O# Ta '2050
Report presented at the 14th mating CITCE, Intl. Comm* of
glectrochanical TherrWynamice and Kinetiesp Moscowp 19-25
Aug 63.
Karpoy ftpico-Clamical Xnetitute,, Moscow# U.S.S.R.
ROZENTALI K.I.; VESEIDVSKIY, V.I.; *Inimai uchastiye: FEIROV, G.A.
Kinetics of the electrochemical oxidation and reduction of
ff2Q2 and oxyhydrogen on an Au electrode in N H2S04 solution.
Zhurefiz.khim. 35 no.11:21+81-2486 N 161. (MIM 14:12)
le inatitut, imeni L.Ya. Karpova.
~Orldsttlon-reduction reaction)
8/844 62/000/000/028/129
''AUTHOR: Veselovskiy, V. Io
TITLE: Radiation-electrochemical processes in aqueous solutions
SOURCE: Trudy Ii Vaesoyuznogo soveshchaniya po radiatsionnoy khi-
mii. Ed. ~y L. 6. Polak. Moscowt I.,,,d-vo AN SSISRt 19629
TEXT: The appearance and evolution of stationary radiation-electro-
chemical processes is described. The process of changing the elec-
trode potentials was carried out in aqueoas H 280 , under the action
of r rays, using gold and platinum electrodes. He Pt electrode po-
t6ntial drops from about 0.9 v to.0.05. v '(stationary potential) af-
ter 30 hours and that of the Au electrode increases slowly from
about 0.7 v to 0.9 v (stationary potential). The fall of the Ft
electrode potential to a value near that of the hydrogen electrode
-is explained by the selectivity of the Pt electrode in respect to
the radiolysis products of water (H and H2). stationary potentials
--of a metal electrode reached under the action of radiation of a
Card 1/3
Radiation-electrochemical' 1)244/,V,)07
givQn intensity* are iven by
0 t q)0 k fox [Ox]
Ox red + RT 1n
Tstat 2. 2dF k;ed ~edj
0 and 0 are-the values of stationary potential for the
where YOX red
oxidizing and reducing components respectively and the k 6X and kred
are resdectively the rate constants for the-electrochei,,tical oxida-
tion and reduction processes. The total ionization flow in,the Pt
electrode in an.uninsulated system increases with the radiation do-
. 21
sage to about 0.1 ev/ml x*10 and then decreases to a value below
zero. The cros3ing of the zero line indidates that considerable
ionization of H202 takes place. The ionization current in the i't
electrode in an .insulated system reaches the 'maximum value rapidly
Card 2/3
Radiation-electrochemical ... D244/D307
and then falls slowly to a value slightly above zero. For the Au/Pt
electrodes acting separately and selectively to oxidizing aqd reduc-
ing components the current remains constant (about 6 mka/cm~) inde-
finitely. The power yield in the processes does not exceed 2 3~4
of the absorbed radiation energy. There ari 3 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-khimicheskly institut Im. L. Ya. Kar~ova (Phy-
sico-Chemical Institute im; Ya. Karpov)
Card 3/3
8/84 62/000/OOU/030/129
AUTHURj: Gochaliyev, G. Z.j Zalkind, Ts. I. and Veaelovskiy, V. I.
VITLE: The radiation electrochemical processes in oxygen-bearing
aqueous solutiona of sulphuric acid
SOURCE: Trudy 11 V8euoyuznogo-ooveshchaniya po radiatsionnoy khi-
mii. Ed. by L. 6. Polak. i-iosc.owg Izd-vo AN 8SORt 1962t
TEXTz The authors investigated radiation-chemical processes in
02-c ontaining solutions to obtain additioYial data on the interme-
diate reaction-products. The experimentB ivere conducted at 10 OC +
1,0C with a rotating Pt electrode and a dropping Hg electrode i-m-_
mer8ed in 0.005 H 11260 + 0.5 N Hu 2so4 containing 02# '2he irradia-
tion dosage was 4 x 1016 ev/mlouec. On irradiation there appear
two waves in the polarization curve for the',Pt electrode, occurring
at 0.76 and 1.06 v, corresponding to the oxidation of H 0 formed
2 2
Card 1/3
The radiation ... J/844/62/000/000/030/129
during irradia-,ion, and Q'tV value of the li6iting current at the
reducing potentialij of U is increaued. Pif ty minute8 after the, be-
ginning of irradiation, 9tutionary currents are established, cor-
responding to the oxidation of H202, After the end of irradiation,
curreAt decreakiec in both cases, which it; accribed to the disap-
pearance of intermediate reaction products cEipabl2 of being oxi-
dized at the potentiul~ as H202 and reduced at the reduction
potential of 0. at the,Pt electrode. For the dropping Hg electrode.
,there are also two polarization waves, the first of which corres-
ponds to the reduction of 02 to H202 through the intermediate stage
of H02 formation, and the second corresponding to the reduction of
H202 to H20. An increase in the current during irradiation takes
place both at the reduction potentials of 02 and at that of H2020
.For the Pt electrodeq the current decreases at the reduction poten-
tials of 02 after the irradiation is cut offs The 8tationary con-
Card 2/3
8/84 62/000/000/030/129
The radiation D244YD307
centration of If202obtained during the irradiation.wae calculatedo
With decreasing concentration of H 0 (1,64 to 1.18 n x 10- 3) the
2 2 10-4
concentration of the intermediate products falls from 3.4 x
to 1.6 x 10-4 N. 'ehere are 5 figur*es and 1 table.
ABSOCIATIONs kiy instiXut ime L. Ya Karpova (.Phy-
aico-Chemical Institute im. L. Ya. Kar;ov)
Card 3/3
AUTHORS: Shub, D. M., B-31okopytov, V. Po and Veselovskiy V. I.
TITLE: Investigation of radiation-chemical processes using semi-
conductor electrodes
SOURCE: Trady II Vfjeso:yuznogo. soveShchaniya po radiataionnoy khi-
mi-' . B'd. by L. 6. j?olak. Hoscow, Izd-vo AN SGSR, 1962,
TEXT: The system Cu - Cu20/KOH solution was investigated to de-
tormine whether semiconductor ulectrodee,tranaform the aboorbed
energy of irradiation into electronic excitation energy, as is cur-
rently believed. The solution (0.1 N KOH) containing the (;u-Cu2 0-
electrode wao irradiated with rray's from a Co source with an ac-
tivity of about 20,000 g-eq4iv. Ra, and with visible light (500 W
lamp). Under the irradiationj a uhift of the CU-CU20-electrode po-
tential (in the region of 0.2 - 0.7 v) in the positive direction,
_yas ob8ervedo A reverse effect was observed in the region of 0.8 -
Card 112
Inveutigation of radiatiori-'... D244/D307
1-7 V. Detailed analysis 6f the results in tl ie region of 0.2 - 0.7
v allowed that irradiation'promoted an electrochemical reaction on
the electrode 8.urface, which led to the oxidation of Uu20. Reduc-
tion of the products of -Vlle oxidizing reaction and return of the
electrode to its original state lakes place by means of cathodic
polarization. The oxidation reaction occur8 as a reoult of absorp-
kaon of the irradiation unargy by Ua 0. The results are interest-
ing from the point of view of the Mcidation of the posoibility
of reaching a otationaty potential difference uriier the influence
of ionizing radiation, since the Cu-Cu20 electrode then assumes a
sufficiently high and stable anodic potential. There are 4 fi-
ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-khimicheskiy.institut im. L. Ya. Karpova (Phy-
sico-Chemical Institute imq L. Ya, Karpov)
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Killer, He Be, Veselovskiy, V. 1. and Borotyntoev, V, A
TITLE: Investigation of the mechanism of radiation-electrochemi-
cal processes in aqueouu solutions of uranium salts
SOURCE: Vrudy II Veesoyuznogo.soveshchaniya po radiatBionnoy khi-
mii. Ed. by. L. S. Polak. Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR9 1962,
TEXT: Soluticna of hexavalent U and mixtures of U VI and UIV were
investigated to elucidate the mechanism of radiation-electrochemical
conversions, using Pt, Au and lig electrodes. The muthod used was
that described. previously (Collection:.De~atviye ioniziruyushchikh
izlucheniy na nL;organicheskiye i organicheskiye sistemy, Izd-vo AN
SSSR, 1958, P. 93 (The action of ionizing radiation on organic and
inorganic systems.)).-On irradiation the Pt electrode potential in
a solution Containing U assumes a value about 2U mv lower than
zero (w.r.t. the hydrogen,electrode). The effect is accompanied by
Card 1/3
Investigation of the U244/1)307
.Vigdrous evolution of 11 2 resulting from the preuence of U which
acts as an UH acceptor and prevents the recombination of H and OH,
VI ~11 ' IV V
In the preaence of U .ixnd U.- there is some formation of U by the
reduction of U and oxidation of U . The yield of U in solutions
containing only U VI Was ab Iout 4.ions/100 ev, and in those containing
both U VI and U IV' it.was 6 ions/100 ev. Stationary concentrations of
V 1
U in the eolutionu were fawid to be In the ratio of -
V7. *tudy of
depolarization currents at a et electrode potential of 0.4 V, the
electrode being illuierued in the uranyl solutions irradiated with
4 x 10 ev/'rql.f3E!C, showed that for a given dosage the lower concen-
tration limit, cc-i-respunding to approximately complete capture of H
by the uranyl ions, ic 5 x 10-2 N. 3tudy'of the formation of U VI
and UV on the oxiaation of UIV solutions showed that for increasing
Ca!rd 2/3
8/844 62/000/000/032/129
InVeBtIgUtiOn 01' the ... D244YD307
-concentration 01, U the stationary concentration of U becomes
greater. Radiation yields G(UV) were found to be 2.1, 1.5, 1.06~per
100 ev of absorbed radiation for 0.1, 0.2 and U.4 1-1 solutions of U
respectively. Die stationary concentrations,of U V were 1.2 x 10-4
2.2 x 10-4 and 3 x 10-4
M for the same solutions. There are 5 fi-
ASSOCIATION: Piziko-khimicheskiy institut im. L. Ya. Karpova (Phy-
sico-Cheinical Institute Ya. Karpov)
Card 3/3
8/84 62/000/000/045/129
AUTHORS: Shub, D. 1,1,, Belokopytov, V. P. and Veselovskiy, V. 1.
TITLE: Investigations of the radiolytic ox-'ation of organi.c
substances sensitized with semicQnductors
JOURCE: Trudy II Vsesoyuznogo.soveshchaniya po radiatsipnnoy khi-
mii. Ed. by L. S. Polak. Roacow, Izd vo AN ~68R,~1962,
TEXT: Possible methods were investigated for increasing the yield
of products during the radiolysiu of organic substances, by using
the system ZnO (suspension) - potassium oxalate (aqueouE; solution)."'
The marked effect of heterogeneous uenaitization can only be ob-
served when the active uurface of the 8'ensitizer is sufficiently
iarge. ZnO ausponsiona in aqueous potassium oxalate were therefore
used, being continuously agitated during irradiation (800 rpm).
Oxygen or nitro,gen were led through the sol4tion (40 ml/min) and the
reaction temperature kept constant at 200C. After irradiation the
concentrationa of 'A' (", 0 and If 0 were determined and compared ,-iith
2 2 4 2 2
Card 1/3
j/434 4/62/000/000/04 5/129
Investigationu of the 1)287/P307
data obtained fov solutiona,not containing AnO. The samples consis-
ted of 50 ml of 5.U x 10-3'
H K 2C204 solutiozi (containing 1 g ZnO).
Investigations on, tile relationuhip between the decomposition of ,
K2C204 and tile time of irradiation showed, in the preoence of oxy-
gen, that the rate of decomposition increased noticeably in the pre-
sence of ZnO. The yieldo also increased (4.7 mol/100 ev as against
2.8 mol/100 ev in homogeneous'solutions) in the presence of ZnO but
.no marked discrepancies in the yield of 11 202 could be recorded in
the presence or absence of ihe suspension (2,4 and 2.2 respective-
ly). The gaseous phase did not contain any C.0 2 and it is suggested
that the 00 2 is absorbed by,the solution, increasing its pH. This
increase could also be observed during irradiation for e.g. 5 hours.
Decompo6ition yields were much higher when the experiments were
carried out in a current of nitrogen; increased reaction rates were
also recorded but no H 202 could be detected. A linear relat .ionship
Card 2/3
Investigations of the D287/D307
exists between the decomposition of K2C204 and the quantity of 6nO
in the solution when the solution ie irradiated for 20 min. The re-
action 16 thas hetprogeneoue,,-Hoterogeneous sensitization processes
payt therefore, conatitute one method for utilizing nuclear radia-
tion more effectivqly in chemical reactions. There are 4 figures,
ASSOCIATION: FiT'iko-khimioheskiy institut im, L. Ya. K)trpova (phy-:
sico-Chemical In8titute im, L. Ya. Karpov)
Card 3/3
Partl=Lar fiature6 ot the photoolectrochamical bekdor of the
oiliom-alMi interface. Dokl.AN SM 3.45 no.3:598-6oi n 162.
OM& 15 &7)
l*--Fixiko-k1iWchsxkiy institut-lwu~ L.,YA.Karpova. Predstavlano
akadomJJtom A.N.Frw*ivme
(Sillcon) (Alkali) (Photochemistry)
State of germani= electrode surface in the prozess of anodic
solution. Dotl.Alf 3WR 145 no*2073-376 JI 162* (MM 15:7)
1, Fisiko-khimichaskiy institut imeni L,TaAarpova. Predstavleno
akademikom A.N.Frumkigym.
(Germardvm~--Zlectric properties)
3/07 62/036/011/018/021
AUTPORS; Yakovleva, A. A., Borisova, To Iot and Ves .elovski V. 1.
TITLE: State of surface and mechanism of self-dissolution of
germanium in hydrogen peroxide solutions
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v. 36, Ino. 11, 1962, 2541-2544
TEXT: The dependence of the potential, photoeffect, and capacitance on the
Y2 concentration in O.I.N NaOq was studied on n-type.and p-type L;ermanium
(5 ohm-cm) (Fig. 2). Corresponding to the maximum dissolution rate at
0.5 moles/liter of H 202' maximum capacitance- alpo occuri at this -o'6nabfitration.
The anodic polarization curves showed maxinium saturation current at the
lowest H202 concentration. These data suEgest that the etching of
,germanium in alkaline hydrogen peroxide solutions proceeds via a stage of
GeO formation, and is ttlectrochomical in nature, since H 202 is reduced on
the cathode and Ge is dicsolved on the anode. With a high H 202 excess,
however, GeO oxidizes to GeO,, and the dissolution process is inhibited.
Card 1/2
State of surface and mechanism... B10i/B180
There are 3 figures.
AISSOCIMON: Pi:-.iko-khimicheskiy institu t im. L.'Ya. Karpova (Physico-
oh(!mical Inatitute imeni L. Ya. Karpov)
SUBUTTED: Apra 6, 1962
Pi E;. 2. Variation in potential,
photoeffect, and capacitance of
Ge electrode at different H 2 02
concentrations in 0.1 N NaOH;
Potential of (1 n-type Go;
~2 e ~5 capacitance
otoeffect of
) ?h
n-type Go; (5) photoeffect Of
P-type Ge; absol asa: 11 0
2 2
concentration, moles/liter.
--------------- J*
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Izidinov, S. 0., Borisova, T. I., and Veselovskiy, V. 1.
TITLE: Characteristics of the photochemical behavior of the silicon-
alkali interface
PERIO=JkLi Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 145, no. 3, 1962, 5ga-6ol
TEXT: ExDosure of the Si - KOH int erface to light showed paeeivation of
the Si electrode and activation of the passive electrode. 'Passivation
occurred only with anodic currents i