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News in Brief SOT/32-25-8-28,/44 maloys according to a aeries of standard aiamplesi)A spectrograph ISP-22 and an so arc generator PS-39 were used. The author reports on a method for localized spectrum analysis of steels and welded aeons for the determination of phosphorus. The distribution of P was investigated in thin layers (up to 0.02 am) of metals and welding seams by the use of a DG-I generator and a quartz spectrograph and the phoophorue.contento of microscopic inolnelons and thin coatings were investigated* 5) The author determineo'calcium oxide and.ferrous -oxide in alags of electric furnaces in which the slag sample (0.2'g) was wetted with a saturated aqueous copper sulfate solution (2 ml) subsequently dried and put in the craters of two arc carbon electrodes. Spe.otrograph ISP-22 and generator DG-1 were used. 6) The author analyzed magnesits and magnesitic refraetory substaness by mixing the sample with carbon and barium tiltrate (ls2sl) and evaporating it in the crater of a carbon electrode Inan so arc. A spectrograph ISP-22 was used. The use of this method was intro- duced at the Plant "Magnesit", Kuznetaki;y metallurgicheskiy kombinat(ituzuetek Metallurgical Kombinat) and Zaporozhskiy xavod ogneuporov (Zaporozhtye Plant of Refractory Materials).7)Thaautm card t/4 apply a spectrum method for the determination of phosphorus News in Brief SOV/32-25-8-28/44 pentoxIde in zirconium dioxide, The datermiuatlon takes only 2 hours* 20 mg of the sample mixed with carbon (I t I I is Put into the carbon electrode GAd ths SPSOU'Am IIUSS We measured 'With a speotr gr h ISP-26. 8) The autborst .lutba-laboratoriya inatituts Institute Laboratory) report the preparation of standard samples fiom technical TI for the determination of hydrogen byAhe spectrum method. The attiale contains a description of the preparation method and the determination results according to different methods of the hydrogen in * , standard samples (Table). The differenbe is matiz= relative � 13-5%- 9) The author reports on a simple spectrum method for the determination of small quantities of Ba, and Mn in calcium chloride water of high mineral contents*' He used a spectrograph ISP-22p microphotometer MP-2 and standard samples. There are i figure and I t6hle. Card 3/4 News in Brief 307/32-25-8-28/44 ASSOCIATIONs 1) Laboratoriya nauchAo-issledovatel'sko o inatitu-ta (Laboratory 05 of the Scientific Research Instituts)o 2 Zavod "Serp i molot" (Plant "Serip i molot")# 4) Institut elektrourarki im. Ye. 0. Patons Akademii nauk U33R (Electric Welding Institute imeni Yea 0, Paton of the Academy of Sciences of the 7=35H)t 5) Stalingraaskiy meWlurgichoskiy zavod "Krasnyy Oktyabr'" (Stalingrad Metallurgical Plant "Krasnyy qktyabr"'), 6) Vossoyuznyy nauchno- iseledovatellskiy institut ogneuporov, Khartkov (All-Union, Scientific Research Institute of Refractory Materialep Khar1kov), 7) Zhdanovskoye radouprarlenlys g Volnovakha (Zhdana7 Mining Administrationp City Volnovakha~, ;) Ufimskiy neftyanoy nauchno- issledovatel'skiy institut (Ufa Petroleum Scientific Research Institute) Card 4/4 IUMRS Veselovskays., I.M. 32~2i+-6-i6/44 TITLE% Operating Test of the PM-1 Bty~~r k0pyj, raboty fotoelektriohsakogo stilometra. FFZ -.1) PMIODICAL: Zavodskaya. LabomtoriA, 19589 Vol 24, Nr 6. pp 709-710 (U$sR) ADSTRACTs Several investigations of the electrio and optical part of the &pparatus were carried out in cooperation with T.V. Xovalenko CraNIMM), on which oooasion the photametrical error In the light aro regime on the line Fe 4957.3 R lea determine4. It was found t1Y.t in the case of the revolving system the reproducibility error aziounted to 1.64%, whereas without revolution it amounted to only 0.9E%, so that the revolving system vw eliminated. It mks shown by experiment that It is possible to carry out analyses of chromi- mi and manganese with an aommoy of up to some hundredth parts of a %, on which oooasion the importance of the dimensions of opera.- tional.- and auxiliary discharge distances was recognizea. seVien, seconds v*s fom3 to be the optimal duration of preliminary irim- di%tion; by longer exposure it was possible to improve reproduci- bility, and for low chromium- and manganese concentrations a light- Card 1/ 2 -aro regime was found to be of greater advantage. For the determina- Operating Test of the M-1 Styltacter 32-24-6-i6,/4j+ tion of chromium, the trIP3.611- 5204-5206-5208 J? and the line group 4254P 427,14. and 4289 R we" fcund to be the most sensitivo, but the sorwitivity of the anellsig decreases in the case of higher conoen- trations. For -Vhe 4,atarmimtion of wnganese th-3 lint. 4823 1 was sulented. It w&s fourA that the not split-ap light beam, can be C(M.- sidered to be a stabla internal standard because also oonailerable clange:3 of acmposition exeroise no Irfluenoa upon its intansity. A period of fivi minutes is mentioned for tho analysis if detexmi- immition is careed out in whioh case 96% of the determinations carried crit wera 4thin the permitted error limits. Several di3-ad- vgmtages of the apparatus are mentioned, but In conclusion it Is said that, compared to the visual sty1cmeter, gria-bar ao.-amay ani a more raplA =07sis is r-,maered possibLi. There ara i figur* and 2 tables. ASSOCIATICK: Mettallur'23-chauld7 zavoa "serp i molot" (Ketallurgi--al Plant "Soxy i molot"T 1. Spectrum analyzers--Operation 2. Spectrum analyzers--Test results Card 2/2 TSSELOVSKAYA, I.H. - - Cberation of the IORS-1 t)hotonlectric steelommter. Zav. Isb. 24 n6. 6:709-710 151. 1 (MIRA 11:7) 1 1. lintallurgicheskiy zavod "Sarp i molot." (Spectrophotometer) YAKIICNKO, L.M.; KOKIIANOV,, G.N.; VESELOVSKAYA, I.Ye.; DZIIAGATSPANYAN, R.V. Invastigating the electrochemical behavior of titanium and its alloys the electrolysis of chloride solutlions. Titan i ego splavy no. 10:168-175 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1 - ------- ---- --- --- -- - -- -- - - --- - - - - ---- - - -- - - -- -- - - - - - - - -- --: -- VESE f .,I.Ye.1 KUCHINSKIY, Ye.H.; MOROCRKO, L.V. - ~ - ~ -, - - I ~ v5jA Cathodic reduction of chlorate. Zhur.prikl.khim. 37 no.li76-83 Ja 164. (MRA 17:2) 1 VESELOVSKAYAp I,Ye,; 4ISSKIYI M.M.; DZHAGATSPANYANO R.V.; MOROCITO, L.V. Study of the adsorption of sulfate ion on a graphite anode uniler conditions of chloride electrolysis, Zhur. prikl. kh-Lm. 36 no.10:2179-2183 0 163. (KRA 17: 1) YAKDMVKO, L.H.; DZHAGATSPANYMp R.V.;,VFZELOVSKMI _I-Ye.; KHODKEVICH, S.D. Use of platinum-titanium anodes in the chlorine industry. Khim.lwom. no.10028-735 '0 162. (MIU 15:12) (Chlorine,industr*) (Electrodes,, Titaidum) (Eleoi~odes, Platinum) YAKINENKOI L.M.; KOKWOVj G.N.; VESELOVSKAYA, I.Ye.; DZHAGATSPANW., R.V. InveatigatiAg the electrochemical behavior of titanium and some othar x;atalo during the electrolysis of chloride solutions, Khim. prome no,1:43-47 JTa 162. (MM 34:1) (Titanium-Electric properties) (Chlorides) (Electrolysis) nISSKIYj M,M.j VESELOVSKAYAS .7 Up R.V.; CHERIIYAVSKAYA, O.V. -.1-- 1 J_p.; DZHAGATSPANt ln&dc pr6cess on graphite in the electroljsis of Bodi= chloridA in 140 presence of sulfate ionB.. Zhur.prikl.khim. 34 no.11:2483- 2487 N 161 WRA 15;1) ~Sodium chloride) (Electrolysis) (Sulfates) , PLISSEXT, M.N.; VZSRWVSKATA, I.Ye.; ])ZHAGATS.PAWAII, R-V- Destraction of gra;T-hite anodes in the electrolysis of sodium chloride in the presence of sulfate ions. Zhuro prIkl. khim. 33 n0-8:1901-1903 Ag 16o. I (HMA 13:9) Mectrodes, Carbon) (ZLectrolysis) (salt) 50) PHASE I a= EXPLOITATICS 307/2216 3oveshcharlya MIektrokhImit. 4th. Moscow. 1956. Trudy-1 laborolic) (Transactions of the Fourth Conference OA Elect roc7tjr7t,, Collection or articles) Moscow. Izd-vc AN 33SE," 1, 1 Zrrata slip Inserted. 2,500 copies printed. an , Age oys Akadestya nauk SSSR. DtdolanlYe k1alulchoAkIlth nauk. 141torial boards A.S. Fr%mk;in (Reap, Rd.) Acadom1clan, O.A. Yeala. Profoasorl B.I. Zhdanoy (Rasp. Secretary). B.S. Sabanov. Pro- reasor. 3.X. Tndanov (Keep. Setratary)j S.W. Xabanov. Professor, Ta. IL Kolotyrkln. Doctor of Chemical 4"oncoas V.7. Loose. ?.D. ULkOv%2*v,_ZrOf*AsOrj 2.A. 3olovIyoval V.V. 3tender, ?Mrataor; " G.A. rraor"-w.1ch; Ed. at Publishing Houses M.G. YeLorov; Tech. Rd.u .T.A. Prusakovs. PURPMt This book is intended for chemical and alactrical. angi- VAST%. physicists. metallurgist* and ree*aft1sers Incoreated in various aspects of a loot rocheals try. book contains 12T of the 136 reports presented at 1/';P-Q=m-r~;b;Onror*nC~ on Eloctrochosslatry sponsored by the Depart- ..t or CMadc 3401 *nces. and the institute or Physical Chemintr-I Academy or 15. 1:1 ... USSR Th. ..Iler.tloa Pertains to different 1sx-Ched Of' electrachonical kinwtict, double layer theories and SftlvalniQ Pr-00034*3 In metal slectro4epositon and industrial r4.72.42. kuoldaed discussions are given at the and Or Q&Ch d1v1, 810ft- 7110 mAJ0r1tY Or reports not Lneuc:cd "m have boon Publ-12"d 413 periodical literature, No pareonalities are mentionec. Rorforoncom are &Ivan at the and at most or the articles. _.0sD4j-(InstjtutQ of jlqctrOch#xjgtry, ~.. A . ~11 - :nd AL my 'SC nc*3, U-SISR), Effect of' Atomic Hydrogen Dtfftslon an the Potential Of Polarized Iran Electrodoposj% on It kIs--R-R.. and yU__N_yAjUll, (I.stItut -YU= khImII I th0%kOy telchnoloCil AN Lit. SSR-InstItutO of Chemistry A-ftd Ch*mI44I Tochnoloty, A &4027 Of S91anc*a, Lithuanj&n UR). Role Or Inorganic Icons in The p"ese, of Sloctr, 2rtlcally 3op"&ting Hydrogen Fr- Acid Solutions at a ROtJkt1ng CethO4. 86 10ft, 2- ., aad (Moakovskj, SOBu'd&r*tvennyy univorsIt"t-MOOcOw State University). Influence of the X&tura Or Cstl*"s On 0"rvOltage During the 3op4tsclan or Sydrogen from Alkaline 3*lutions at & Mercury Cathode 91 1. y# z _V68-41.1-r-s-kAYs. Deperdtnc* of graroten overvaltage an ike r;m;e %ilattlon of an Iran Cathode it' an Alkaline Solution 96 Cara 5)34 Durd!A-ZL, V., L' Wish, and V-1- Kr'Lvts0v. (Lenlngrodakly 34ud%rS1;v*rM7f-TM1~ era I tor-Monj -X-.A zhdAnOv4 - 440ingr0d State University lmftnl A.A. -Zhd4nov). Use of I the GscI-14O9r&phIc Nothod In Investigating the L%n*t1cs or ll*cttvd* Processes which Take Place at the 3urr&c* of DIa. Solving Netals 102 1.0sev, V.V-. !9~~ - ----Kc4Ld*" Of 3clencen, L'~Rj. Using Radioactive indicators to Study Processes Of ionization and Discharge or Metals OEM at AM41c" sloctrodes JWT11Lzk1a-X'6-A., and jk_T_;ta,,I.O (Moscow 3t:t%AnIv*r3itY) Ch"'relng Curve$ of Po""Ory CatAlYsts and Ad a nta la5 V'1-L-4'4-3-j;b1k0h, I. I. I Zhuk, -X1&6htftI1k. A.L. Rotinyan. M.P. LP Anoshin.jik. V,V. Krawnoyarsl(ly. N.A. OtrOvich A-0- 3trox~lrg and contributing authors) CAN 6/ 3a TRUEZONTSWA,, R.A.,; VESELOVSKAYA, Kh.A. Catalase contwa of the blood in leprosy. Sbor. nauch. zmb. pa lepr. i dem. no.l3t2l-28 I (MIRA 14s6) (Giru). (LEPROSY) M-- ..-- ~ "The Effect of Scme Synthetic 6ubstances onthe Development of Embryonic Roots in Winter Uneat," Dok. AN, 56, No. 9, 1947 an A SSfu~ TA -7f~~-` N", EIICL.- 00 SIMITTED: 00 I* REF SOV, 003 OMEM: 005 COM 2/2 SUB COM: USSR/Cultivated Plants - Potatoes. Vegetables, Melons. M Abs Jo r Ref Zhur Biol., No 18, 1958, 62371 Author VesejqXWsa=,_9____ List West Siberian VeGetable Experimental Station Title Selection of Watermloas and Muskraeloas Li t1he Zone of Nort'Llern Trailiug-F--.ant Growhig OriG Pub S. kh. Sibiri, 1957, No 10, 33-37 Abstract Cross-breeding, selection and station trials were carried o't; at the West Siberian Veretable Experimeatal Station d-aring 1950-1956. The fast ripening forms of watermelons- Tuvi:iskiy mestayy, Arikara, Hybrid qI and others were dif- fereatiated. A new variety of watermelon - Sibirynk - produced ou an averaSe for 3 years a crop of 223 ceutners/ ha of ripe fruit, and Stoke variety - 121 coiAners/ha, Breeding w4temelon hybrids on pLmTki:i stock heioitenea Card 1/2 48 USSR/Cultivated Plants - Potatoes. Vegetables. Melons. M Abs Jo,*.r Ref Zhur Biol., No 18, 1958, 823TI the fast ripe-Ang, increased the large size arA the flavor qalities of t'-iq fr it before the 4th geacra- tio~u. The muskaeloii vqrietieG studied, were divided into three grotpe accordii;g to fast maturing. Hybrid forms from crosaina varieties of different degrees of fast ripening, redaced their vegetation period, arA increased dry natter content and fertility upon being STafted at cotyledon stage on pompkia stock. In the variety trials the hybrid varieties prod..cod a yiold of 150-300 centiiers/ha. -- B.S. Shml'ko Card 2/2 VESELOVSKI'T, letl' Aleksandrovich, zael. deyate.11 nauki RSFM. PrI121ma-la uchastlya I= A OVSKAY M.A.g kcand. sellkhoz. naWc, FENIKOVA, G.A.., (Breeding and seed production of vegetables and fruit crops) Selektsiia I semenovodstvo ovoshchWkh i plodo- vyk;'3 kulltur. Leningradr Kolosp 1965. 230 p. (MIRA 18:7) 1- .1 -1 4- A M. A. VESELOIISUi Mak, ego k1lassifikateila i znachenie, kak maslichnoi kulltury. 'he poopy, its classification and A15 importance as an cleiferous crop. Leningrad, Izd. Voes. in-ta raotenievodstva; 19". 213, 22 p. 4 S8 -~118 VESELOVSKrY, Ioill Aleksondrovich, prof., doktor sellkhoz. nauk; pJtand. selikhoz, naWc. VESELOVSKA -&rjXa-LjeksandroRg KOZHEVNIKOVA,, Natallya Nikolayevna, kand,sellkhoz. nauk; PENIKOVA, G.Ae. red.; BARMOVA, L.G.., tekhn. red. [IA.boratory and field manual on the breeding.and need produe- tion of vegetable crops] Praktikwu po selektsii i semenovod- stiru ojpshchnykh kulltur; dopuchcheno upravlaniem vyeshego i srodnego sellekokhoziaistvennogo obrazovaniia Ministerstva sell'skogo khoziaistva SSSR v kitchostve uchalmogo posob4a dlIa. phodoovoshcbnykh institutov i fakulltetov. Leningrad, Se:Llkhozizdat, 1963. 11+1 P. (MIRA 16:7) (Vegetable breeding-Study and teaching) VESEWVSKAYA, M. M. Cand Geolog-Kineralog Sci Dissertation: "Chemicomineralogical Investigation in the Field of Pyroxenes of the Diop5ide-Augite Series." 25 Feb 49 Inst of Geological Sciences, Acad Sci USSR SO Vecheryaya Moskva S )um 71 VWELOWKAYA, PETROV, V. P. j, EELYANKIN9 D.S., Acad. Muscovite - Kou=4 Sericite of seconcUxy quartzites of Kounrad, Trudy Inst. geol. nauk AN SSSR No, 106,, 1949, Monthl jjg& 2L hWLUU Accepsionas Library of Congresss December 1952o, Unclassified* vmOV'SWAYAJ M. H, "Priv-PambrIn Region of tbo W.uzbsk Upheaval Ac- cording to Data nom Deep Boring," M. 9. Veselov. Okwye, A. 0. Zavidonova "It A Nauk SSSR, Ser Geol" No 1) PY-107-114 Oiv*s the petrographic characteristics of the rocks of the.cryst fundament (foundatiob)':re- vee,led by deep borings in the region of the' X*3.uzhdk upheavb2 end compares the obtained data with results of atudies on the cryst rocki of other regions. ESELMSKAYA, m. 1"'. USSR/Geophysics Volcanoes May/jun 52 "New Data on Paleozoic Vulcanism in the Russian Platform," A.G. Zavidonova, M.M. Veselorskaya "Iz Ak Nauk, Ser Geolog" No 3, pp 89-94 Presents a petrographic description of rocks of ef.. fusive origin in the regionof Kaluga upheaval, vhich the authoreoses consider to belong to the Devonian age. Indebted to B.M. Kupletskiy. 22op63- VESELOVSKAYA, M. 14.,- SAf%HNOVSKrY, S. A. Petrology Mineral composti6n aiA origin of terrigenous rocks in some districts of the Penza-Yurom Depres,ion, DAL AN SSSR, 840 No. 5t 1952. Monthly List of Russiew Accessions Library of Congrep.--, Octotw--r 1952. UNCLASSIFIM. UVIDONOVA, A.G.; VIRLOYBUTA. MA. Anciant zone of weathering In the region of the Zalues Uplift. Xom Y"str. no.2:332-346 '56. (MA 9:8) (Kalugs Uplift-Geochemistry) VISBIANBKAYA M.N. a" I Study of the oldest carbonate rocks of the luestax Platf as (accordinC to dal a of ep-hole drillIM). Nka. JX SSSR 209 no,3tQ4-606 J1056, (KM 9110), xe 43" i.x. (Za:k d4 6trp)chovypi. tie (M neralea)) IVANDVA, Z.P.J VESEWVSKATA# MX; KIRSANOV, V.V, Diotribution of the Volhymian series in the Russian Platform. Biul..MOIP.Otd.geol. 40 no.5tl37-146 S-0 165. ()GRA 18:3.1) VELIKOVSKAYA, E.M.; VEYVARI, A.B.; Upi'liffOll, G.P.; APRODOV, Vol.; LYU31'IMI, Ye.N.; LIPOVETSKIY, I.A.; ROM,,ISHOV, A N.; FELIDMAN, V.I.; SAVOCHFINA, y I - . I CW , , e.1j.; (111.11DTFfi, V.yo.; PONEUSON, B,?',; Lo-P'7,(;n..CT 11. Ye.3.; LYUBIMIOVA, L,V.; 10-114ARAJ, A.Ya.; '1E3EJf)VSYAY~, 114.114.; KUDRIN, L.N.; CliFFOlIKOVI O.A.; SOROKINP V.S.; U-shl~,77.3r.' NMUSKAYA, V.N.1 ZE2,111, R.B.; TEPLITSKAY1, T.A.; :311LISILOVSKIY, S.A.; KISSIN, I.G.; Cill.ZROVA, N.I.; PAVLOVA, O.P.; SAUTOVI Yll.l. Supplements. Biul. 140111". Otd. geol. 39 no.4-155 JI-Ag 104- (MIRA 17: 10) VESELOVSKAYIL, M.M.j LAPINSKAYA, T.A. Pre-Cambrian formations of the ea3tern slope of luthe Vorcnezh nose. Tmly VNIGNI no,~6s231-239 163. (MIU 17:9) VESELOVSKAYA , M.M. Specific characteristics of the different stages of ths formation of anoient oedimentqry rocks in the Russian Platform. Dokl. AN SSSR 158 iao.4iS64-867 0 164. (MIRA. 17:11) 1. V'sneoponyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy geologorazvedocbnyy neft3nmoy institut. Predstavleno akademikom N.M. Strakhovym. T-MELOVSKAYA, M.M. Results of the petrographic study of the crystalline basenent in the Russian Platform. Izv. kN SSSR. Ser..geol. 28 no.7s 32-53 J1 163. (KIRA 16t12) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy geologorazvedochnyy noftyanoy institut, Moskva. VLICZIIOVB MA Zeoli-bes and zoollte-bearing rocko in the bighly upetanding block in the basement of the Rnssiazi Platform. Kora vyvetr. no.5:284-288 163. (KERA 16;7) 1. Vasaoyuznyy nauchno-inaledovatellskir geologichaskiy neftyanoy institut. (Russian Flatforio-Zoolites) MIMOVSKAYA 1-10110 Secondary feldspars in upper Proterozoic sedimentax7 rocks. Doke. AN SSM 143 no.3.,-697-700 Mr 162. (KIRA 150) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-insledovatellskiy geologorazvedochnyy toftlunoy institut, Predstavleno akademikom N.M.Strakhovym. (microcune) (Metar,omatis?4) Recent data on Pre-Quabrian formations of the IWssiazi Platfc=. Dakl. AN SSSR 139 no..L;~63-165 J3. 161. (MMA 14:7) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellokiy geologorazvedochnyy neftyartoy institut, Predstavleno akademikom N.M. Strakhovym. (Alatyrf region-Geologyp Stratigraphic) Ofelidovo region (Kalinin Yrovince)-Geologyp Stratigraphic) FMLSMKO) A,I. [deceased); VESELOVSKAYAp M.M. Grystwilline basement and pre-Cambrian formations. Ttudy VNIGNI no. 113;12,22 138. (KUU 14: 5) (Russian Platform -Rocks, Crystalline and mikt4Vorphic) .0 Flo VIS3LOVSMAO H.H,; MIIIAO L#M.; ILIINA, H.S.; NARASIV. H.S.; SOIDWVA, MIIPPOVA, M.7.; nUMM, D.Lo, k=ator Alatyr key well. TrvAy VVIGITI w.261113-175 160. (MM 14: 1) (Russian Platform-Petroleum geology) ,._VZSXLOVSKATA, 1W.Mt; ILOINA. NJ.; PZMSHMO. A.I, [deceased]; TWSOVA, FILIPPOVA. N.Y. Isoa key well-, Trudy MGNI no.26:1?6-226 ,6o. (KM 14.- 1) (Rusian Platform-Petroleum geology) (Russian Platform-Gas, Nhtural---"olog7) MLNOYA, Z.F.; KLEVTSOTA, A.A.; _VESZUTSKATA,- X.M. Stratigrapby of Bavkv sediments in the Volga-Ural region. Tru(Iy VIIIGZII no. 19:7-23 159. (KMA 13:12) (Volga-Ural region--Geology.. Statigraphic) VICSILOVSKAYA, M.M.; ITANOTA, Z.P.; KUVTSOVA, A.A. Burled dlabasen In The Volga-Ural reglon. Izv.AX SSSR. Ser.geol. 25 no.8:37-57 Ag '50- (Km 13: 8) 1. Tsesoyusnyy nauchno-lealedovatoliskiy geologorasyedocbnyy neftyanoy institut. Moskva. (Tolga-Ural region--Dlabase) VIS:CLOVSUYA, H.M. - ~UTXXHIN, D.N. -, SUKHANOVA, S.M. I. I-f_-.W'_,_..,.J__, Proterozoic forgAtiOnS in the Russian Platform, based orl doe dri Ili vg data. 'A rudy THIGIff no.13:7-23 '59. klaRA 13 rU (Russian Platform--Geology. Stratigraphic) 33SCLOVSXAYA, M.M. Old weathering surfaces in the Russian Flatform, based on deep drilling data. Trudy MGNI no.13.,24-28 159. (KIRA 13:1) (Russian Yiatform--Weathering) 3 (5) 'AUTHdR; Veselovskaya, M. M. BOT/20-127-3-43/71 I" M."SoAft-Woork" TITLE: New Data on Secondary Feldspars in Upper Proterozoic Sedimentary Rocks PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk S38R, 1959, Vol 127, Nr 3, pp 627 - 629 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Metasomatoois of potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron, and si- lioate is widespread in pre-Cambrian rocks and was thoroughly investigated by several scientists (Refs 3,6,9, etc). It took place much later than the formation of the rooks transformed by it. A survey of publications (Refs 4M shows that potassium metasomatosis ("microolinization", Figs lap b) is most widely spreadv sodium metasomatosis, however, is comparatively rare. ThLa is true of the two last-mentioned types of metasomatosis of the crystalline basis. The effect of these two metasomatosse on the old masses of the sedimentary cover of the Russian Plat- fo:rm was investigated in the present paper* In the old masses of the so-called Baylinskaya Suite of the Volga-Ural region feldspathization was found -to be widespread. The lower Ba,rlinskiye formations (Ref 1) are divided into the Card 1/3 Kal inskaya , Seraf imoyaltaya , and. New Datis on Secondary Feldepars in Upper Proterozoic SOV/20-1:27-3-43/71 Sedimenlary Rockii L .9 o n i d o v s k a y a 3 u i t e a . They are discordantly overlain by horizontal upper Baylinskiye sediments (Lower Cainbri&ng Ref 1). The complete depth of the lower Baylinskiye formations amounts to 800 ml they are situated at a depth of abDut 2,000 and 3,000 m. They are slightly metamorphosed, bearing dikes of gabbro diabases. A number of newly-formed feldepars were found in the two first-mentioned suites. The types of their sandy and aleuritic rocks are described Pigs 192). The lower Baylinskiye sediments mentioned last the two first-mentioned suites) belong to the Upper Protero- ~ zoic-Riffean, i.e. they are about 685 - 868 million years old (Ref 2). There was a continental break after their formation at the end of the Upper Proterozoic during which the deposits mentioned were dislocated. The dikes intruded probably at that time. It is possible that the K- and Na metasomatoses took place during this period. The aVeolute age of microcline in the pre-Cambrian mioroolinized granite-gneisses amounts to 7CO - 800 million years (according to an oral information by A. I. Tugarinov). Thus, the two types of metasomatosis took Card 2/3 New Daiia on Secondary Feldopars In Upper Proterozoic BOT/20-12T-3-43/71 Sedimentary Rocks place after the Upper Proterozoic folding and belong to the pariod of Baykal folds. The solutions rich in K and Na as- c,anded in the breaks of tho basis. Z. P. Ivanova directed the 14 investigations. There are 2 figures and 4 references, 8 of whioh are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Vi3esoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatelfskiy geologorazyedochnyy nf.aftyanoy institut (All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Geological Petroleum Prospecting) PRESEVED: March 24, 1959, by N. H. Strakhov, Academician SUBMITTED: March 24, 1959 Card 3/3 3 (5:1 AUTHORS: Ivanova, Z. P., Veselovskaya, M. M., SOV120-126-4-45165 Klevtsoval A. TITLIJ: On the-Straiigr-aphic Subdivision and-the Formation Stages of Pre-Devonian Deposits in the Central and Eastern Regions of the Russian Platform PERIODICAL: Doklady Akadem.ii nauk SSSH, 1959, Vol 128, Hr 41 PP 800 - 803 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The above deposits became interesting since petroleum was found in them. They contain Upper Proterozoic and Lower Cambrian formations in the sedimentary cover of.the part of the plat- form mentioned above. More recent sediments: Upper Cambrian and Ordovician occur in the central regions of the platform and strike in a northwesterly direction. Only the twoolder ones (more than 3000 M thick) are discussed in the present paper. Quartzite sandstones (analogues of the Shokshinakiye) are the oldest of the platform formations investigated here. They rest directly itpon the basement in Yulovo-Ishim and Yelshanka. They were identified by the authors as the Yulovo- Iehimskaya suite of "Iotnium". The deposits known as 1111inhrie- Card 1/3 Bavlinskiye" in the east, as Kaverinskaya and Serdobskaya on- the Stratigraphic Subdivision and the Fornation S-VV/2C- I Stages of Pre-Devoniar. Deposits in the Central and Eastern Regions of the Ru3sian Platform series in the central part lie stratigraphically higher above a disconformity and an angular unconforoity (Refs 5,8)- In the Nizhne-Bavlinskiye deposits the Kaltasinskaya- (316 m thick) and Serafimovskaya suites (450 m thick) and their time equi- valent, the Sordobskaya sc-rios, are divided into lower and upper strata corresponding to the sedimentation half-cycles. In several cross sections the above suites are intruded by gabbro and diabase. FigrurG 1 shows the oc~3urrence of the suites mentioned. A thick (more than 700 m) sandstone body classified by the authors as the Leonidovokaya ouite (Ref 2) rests upon the Serafimovskaya suite. The Riffinn formatlex ,s are trans- gressively overlain by Lower Cambrian sediments uith an angular unconforj.,.ity and a stratigraphic disconformity. This body is most probably synchronoun.wlth the Volynskiy (volcanogenic) 'complex of the western part of the platform (according to Ye, P. Bruns, Rof 1). The Lower Cambrian (Verkhne-Bavlinskiye) deposits in the eastern regions of the platform consist of 2 complete sedimentation cycles. Table I gives a stratig-raphic Card 2/3 section of the pro-Devonian deposits. The authors identified Gn; the Stratigraphic Subd_-visiorl and thee Formation 507 /2C -' 28 -4, -4 Stages of Prv-Dcvonian Deposits in the Central and Eastern Regions of the Russian Platform several timo units in the latter according to the stratifica- tion peculiarities of the old platform sediments: (1) Yulovo- Ishimskaya, suite of "Iotniumll. (2) Riffian deposits, and (3) Lower Cambrian with decreasing angles of inclination (up to 30', 10-170, 0-9'1 respectively). The rocks of individual structural stages belong to different, zones with respect to the degree of deformation (Rei's 4,6). FI&u.-c., 2 shown 112io micro- photographies of the rocks of the "Iotniumll age, figure 3 those of the Riffian age. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 8 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Vseaoyuznyy nauchno-issledovateliskiy geologorazvedochnyy neftyanoy institut (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Geological Petroleum Prospecting) 1MBEITTED: May 27, 1959, by N. M. Strakhov, Academician SUBUITTED: January 25, 1959 Card 3/3 NACHITAYLO, G.K. ; TAO!A; SXVORTSOVA, Ye.N.; LYUTKIVICH. Te.X., iumchnyy red.; XULIKOT.A.-T.#,yedushchly red.; GMF.IIADIYZVA, I.M.,, [Materials on the geology of the Gorodets-Kovernino tectonic zonal Materialy po geologii Gorodetsko-loverninakoi tekto- nicheakol zony. -Pod red. R.R.Liutkevicha. Leningrad, Gas. nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo neftionoi I gorno-toplivuoi lit-ry, Leningrahkoe otd-nie, 1959. 126 p. (MIRA 12:9) (Gorkiy Province-Geology, Structural) VNSEWVSUYA,'M.M.,- TASIMA, N.A. Stages of formation and variation of terrigenou" rocl;,ilbz- 0tral;ed by the study of the Novo-)(Inskaya bore bole ban-Lov- land). DokI.AH SSSR 123 no.6:1085-1088 D 158. (KIRA 12:1) I* Predstavlono akademikom N.M. Strakbovym. (Novo-Minskeya-Rocks, Crystalline and metanorphic) 3(0) AUTHORS: Veselovska X-seneva, M. A. SOV/2o-123-6-35/50 TITLE: Pormation and Variation Stages of Terrigenous 11ocks Illustrated by the Investigation of the Novo-Minakaya Well (The Ifear-Kuban'Lowland) (Stadii formirovaniya i i3meneni-a 4;errigennykh porod na prinere izucheniya Novo-Minslcoy skvazhiny .fPrikubanskaya nizmennostl)) PERIONCAL: *Doklady Akademii nauk SSSH, 1958,.Vol 123, Ur 6, PP 1065 - 1088 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The bore-hole mentioned in the title came upon metamorphic, at a depth of 2566 - 2336 m. The authors describe types of these paleozoic rocks and of the above lying slightly altered Cretaceous sediments (depth 2336-2060 m) on the results of this and four other bore-holes (Fig 1). A part of the "buried Hercyrids" (Ref 3) which is an old paleozoic mountain area that stretches to the east as well as to the weatt was everywhere discovered below th-3 Lorer Cretaceous. 1. Rock-types of the metamorphic Carboniferous. The authors were able to determine the age of the paleozoic Card I/ rocks as Lower Carboniferout). 1) Cataclastic conglomerates. Formation and Variation Stages of Terrieenous ..ocks SOV/2o-123-6-35/50 Illu.3trated by the Investigation of the Novo-Minskaya Well (The Near-Kuban' Lowland) 2)Cataclastic various-grained quartzite sandstones. 3) Carbona- ceous sericite-schiste- 4)Sericite-quartz-schists., 5)Glauco- nite-siderite-rocks. 6) Sidarite-clay-~-ocks-7) Quartz-,calcite- more rare chlorite veins. Table 1 shows the thickness of the moot abundant rocks. II. Rock-types of the Lower Creta- ceous. 1) Neocom rocks (depths 2336-2321 m): a) in the upper part dark-grey, almost blacl: carbonaceous schists. b) in the lower part,- !:andstones of various grain size-s, mo.,;tly fine grained. 2) In the higher ragion (depth 2321-2o6o m) lie rocks of the Lower Albian: u~ grey quartz-glauconite aleuro- lites. b) quartz-glauconite sandstones. A bituminous content wa3 di3covered only in the black schists of the Carboniferous. (3). The bituminous content is spread and does not correspond to that of the oil region. In all Cretaceous rocko the bitu- minous c:ontent fluctuates between 0.05 and 0-156. These were oily and intermediate tYpes and in single cases types similar to those of the oil regions. (Fig 2). The authors come to the following results according to the above mentioned facts: Card 2/3 1. The paleozoic rocks are altered until the stage of 11meta- .1 M. Formation and Variation Stages of TerriEenaw RockI3 SOY/2o.123-6-35/50 Illustrated by the Investigation of the Novo-Minskaya Well (The Near-Kuban! Lowland), genesis" (beginning metamorphism) (Ref 1). 11. The metamorphism observed in the Novo-Minskaya bore-hole has a regional spreading. The authors believe that all stages of the epigene- sis and of the early metamorphism are of a regional importance. III. These rocks are almost completely enriched with quartz: secondary quartz occurs in the cement, the effusiven are ailicized, and many quartz veins occur. IV. The rocks of the Lower Cretaceous are altered as all indications show until the stage of beginning -11epigeriesis" (Ref 1). Comp;~ctness here is,however, higher than that mentioned for the rocks in this zone. A. L. Yanshin, Academician, assisted in this work. There are 2 figures, I.table and 3 Soviet reference!3. PRESEFTED: June 9, 1958, by 11. M. Strakhov, Academician SUMMED: June 9, 1958 C ar d 3,13 AUTHORS: rVeBelovskaya, M. M., Karpov, Pe A. SOV/20-121-5-35/50 TITLE:: The Proterozoic Rocks of the Eastern Slope of the Voronezh Massif (Proterozoyski e porody vostoohnogo sklona Voronezhakog o mass iva PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958t Vol. 121, Nr 5, pp. 893-806 (VSSR) ABSTR&CTj Proterozoic rocks were found in the vicinity of the massif, viz. in 1i bore holes. They are embedded in a depth of from 145 to 2170 m- Various symptoms indicate that the concerned area formed a peneplain during the sedimentation of the Devo- nian Deposits. Ths Eastern slope referred to in the title hes been formed at the beginning of the Devonian time. The Pre- Cambrian Rocks descend eastwardat not evenly bedded, however, but in steps. 2 steps are investigated. It may be easily assumed that these steps are accompanied by faults in the foundation. Thig assumption agrees well with the data obtained from electrical investigatlons by means of which "elevations" *ere uncovered in the foundation rock. From the following Card 1/3 descriptions of the rock proceeds that intrusions of different The Proterozoic Rocks of the Eastern Slope of SOV/20-121-5-35/50 the Voronezh Massif ages are concerned. A north-east orientation both of the steps and of the intrusions indicates an affiliation of the latter with the deep faults of tho foundation. A description of the rock types from the above mentioned bore holes is given. Figure 3 shows their distribution. Conclu4ing, the age of these rocks is discuseedt they date from the Lower Protero- zoic time, Taratashakays. Suite (Refs 6,1). It is correlated with the Saksaganakaya series of Ukrainis (Ukrains), the Carelian formations of Carelid (Xareliya) and the Huron (Guron) of America (Biotite-tourmaline- and pyroxene-amphibole slate). The age of the granite gneiss containing tourmaline is'hard to determine. They are either Neo-Archeozoic or Prote- rozoic. All rocks investigated here are doubtless of sedimen- tary,origin. They are radically metamorphosed loamy and par- tically carbonate rocks amongst which are also intermediary, inter-Aleurolite sandstones and slates. Concluding, the tour- maline of that area has been mineralogically described. There are 3 figures and 7 references, 6 of which are Soviet. Card 2/3 The.Proterozoio Rooks of the Eastern Slope of SOV/20-121-5-35/50 the Voronezh Ussif ASSOCIATIONs Veesoyuznyy nauohno-isoledovateltakiy geologorazvedochnvy neftyanoy institut (Al-l-Union,.Scientific Research Institut6 of Geologioal'Petroleum Prospecting) PRESZOTEDs 'March;31s 1958, by.,N.~~X. Strakhov, Memberg Academy of Sciences, .USSR SUBMITTEDi March-31, 1958 VICSEIDVSKATA, bI.M.; IVANOVA. Z.P.; XUVTSOVA, A-A- Stages in the formation of.Pre-Devonian sedimentar7 strata of the Russiaz Platform and their age. Dokl. All SSSR 134 no.6sl4lo-14'13 0 160. (MIS 13:10) 1. Veeeovuznyy nauchno-iosledovatelisiciy geologorazvedochnyy neftyanoy inetitut. Predstavelno akademikom H.H.Strakhovym. (Russian Platform-Geoloaq Stratigraphic) VESEWVSKAYALj M.M..; KIRMOV., V.V. Basic rocks on the eastern slope of the Voronesh protrusion* Dokl. AN SSSR W no.2:413-416 Mr 162. 1 , OURA 15:3) I@ Vv.esoyazW nauchno-losledovatel'okiy geologo-razvedochnyy neftyanoy institut. Predstavleno, akademikom N.M.Strakhovyme (Volgograd Provinc6.-Diabases) V- - ------- -------- - 21885 V2l7'noVI",j7jYA, '.I. !T Sortoizucheniyxi Kartofelr- i ovoshcluiyKI Kulltur v Leningradskoy ob-lastio Trudy PusWcinal:. a. - KI. in - ta, t. XIX, 1949p s. 33-44- S0: letopist Zliurnalinykh Statey, 'No. 2,, i'.'.oAkva, 1949 Y 1. A. i- K voprosu o selek-tsii Kartofelya Nk skorospe-lost' - Trudy Pushkinslc. a - ka. in - tat t. XIX, 1949, a. 2~32o SO: Latopis' ZhurnalInykh Statoy, Doo 29, ll-loskva, 1949. waff a" a7 defalood r"W" in =dud ;;Ited butter (Ui;;In.) vim commmmy In smobtum contool. with ev. 34%. The av. dry teddo k OJ%. Cookkftbk deviockm from the a*" aft tau". 0. if. Kom6p4 do Milk to" 11. No, t3. 11110MIrnit"Ir -"Wvatim "r It was Aaw" that dw cam"Mm of 11solms into cofu~p A rba with he cmilent. Ill. = crftw of lAt cosiUst from 3J% to 4A ON." an efoam"y ul 1.24 kg. In tM mWIt comm=W pw al d cot P"kiWI01. 15 1 nm r7o PROTSIHO, A. ;,,VXSZIoOVSXATA, N. ablAr---- - - - - . -- Use of separator-purifisis in the production of butter bir ths continuous method* Moloch.prom. 18 noo3s22-24 057, (MM 10$W 1,.Ukrairinkaya nauchno-issledovatellskV& laboratoriya moloohnoy (Oreas separators) (Batter) VZSILOTfiM"6&, khimik-tokhaolog. 7"lin blwwhing and method of recopizii;,g the f izing of pigments. PUM.Prim. 31 no.6:21 is 156. O"A 9: 8) 1. Ub,,riks, tekhnichaskikh bumag "Gktyabrl*. (Paper industry) (Kaolin) (Bleaching) .. .Z,-. 4z- - I R ~ - I -~ "', ~~, Z", ~ 1 !N -I- ms~RMM I-, -t' L-i. in ~M ,;Ir . .! 7. khimik-tekhnolog Paraffiv.-stearine emulsion with potassium stearate. Bum.prom. 30 n0-7:17-18 J1155. (MlaA 8:10) 1. Fabrika tokhnichenkikh bumag "Oktyabrl" (Sizing (Paper)) PROTSMKO, A.L.; Pq4ffAqAU.JU-; DOMMOV, P-B-, spotsred.; VASILIUVA, G.K., red.; KISIMA, TO.I., (Zvar4gorod bu.tter and chse4'faoto'ryj Zventgorodakii maelodellno- syrod.allnyi zavod. Xoskva, Pishohopromisdat, 3:957. 25 P. (KIRA 120) (Zvenigorod-Dairy plant.s-Equipment and supplies) 'VESELOVSKAYIL, T. Patrol arrived in time. Za bezop.dvizh. 4 no-4:14 Ap 162, (MIRA 15:5) VZSJWVSKATA., To; SERGXYXV, No; GUSHCHIN, A.; YORUNDV, 0.; WRSHKOT, To For the health and happiness of cbildrenl Z& bexop.dvizh. no,,6:8-10 Je 160. 1,.Direktor detskogo parks Im, Payliks, Morosove. (Childrem,-Recreation) (Traffic safety) VESELOVSKATA T. Youneed a mature friend. Za bezop.dvizb. 5 no,2:5 F 163. (KMA 10 2) - (Mpscow-Tra"ic aafety) ALIS079 P.A;jp polkovnik medit4inakoy sluzhby, prof T!6A,,--_ K*LNTSEVP 4.P.0 Mayor maditainskoy aluzhbyt Effect of the body's vitamin C requirement.on the immilmological rea.c.tivity of patients with dysentery. Voen.-med.zhur. no.4:55- 58 Ap 160. (ASCORBIC ACID) (DYSENfERT) (MIRA 1431) VESELOVSKAYA, T.A.; STARSHOV., P.D., kmnd.*d.nauW DiWostic and-prognootic value of son= trans"nass apA aldolase activity tests-in patients with Botkin's disease. Sov.mod. 25 no.5:47-52 My 161. (MIRA .14:6) l..Iz kafedry infektsionnykh bole 'zney (nmphaVnik - prof. F.A.Alisov) Vo,ranno-meditsinskay ordins, Lonina akademii imeni S.M.Kirqva.. (HEPATITIS, IN?ECTIOUS) (ALDOIASE) (TROSAMUISE) . FAZANTSBY, L.P., kaud. med. nauk; VESBIOVSKAYA, ?.A.; BTLINKIRA, To.M. Iffect of protozoan and inth infections on vitamin 0 notaboliss in dysentery. Sovot. mod. 23 no.2-.81-84 Y 059. (XIJU 1293) 1. In kafedry infektsionnykh bolesney VoYanno-meditsinskoy ordena Innine. akademii imeni S.M. Kirova (nach. - prof. P.A. Alisov). (DYSINTIOT, compl. protozoan & helminth infect., eff. on vitamin 0 metab. (Rus (PRMZOAN PATHM3XIC INMT1019S. compl. dysentery & helminth Infect. , off. on vit4imin 0 metab. (lbs)) (Hmnm INMTIO=t complo I dysentery & protozoan infect., eff. on vitamin G notab.~Rus)) (VITAMIN 0, metab. In dysentery with helminth & protozoan infect. (kas)) XOMAROVSKIY L,Ye.; PRIMODIKO, Yu,N.j SOT-DATLINKO, V.I.; MIZUR, V.V.; VESELOVSKAYAp T.I.p red- [Selecting an optimal grinding set for preparing pulp for condenser paper] Vybor optimallnoi razmalyvaiushchei gai-nitury.pri podgotovke massy dlia koudensatornoi buma- gi. Moskva# TSentr. nauchno-issl. in-t informataii i tekhniko-ekon. lBsledovanii po leir-oij tseLUulozno- bwnazhnoij derevoobrabatyvaiushchei Pronyshl. i lesnomu khoz.j 1964. 15 P. (MIRA 17:12) YAKUBOVIGII, S.Z.v red. j---VYWELQY,"WAj-T-i7I. v rwl. (Improving technological processes in the production of sulfate pulp" Usovershenstvovania tekhnologicheskikh pro- tsesuov sulfatnogo proizvodstva. Moskvaj 1963. 39 P. (MIRA 17:7) lo Moscow, TFQntrallryy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy nstitut infomataii i takhniko-ekonomicheakikh iseledovani-y po leency) tael:Lyulozno-bumazhnoy, derevoobrabatyvayunhehey promyshlen- nosti i lesnomu khozyayst-vu. IVARITSKIY, Yu,P.; GUBERNSKAYA~ L.T., red.; VESE:WVSKAYA, T.J.0 red. (Worl: practices of the Kama Combine] Ollt raboty Kamskogo kombinata. Vosk-vap 1963. 30 p. (142A 170) 1. Moscow. TSentrallnyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut informatsii i tekhniko-okonomicheakikh issledovaniy po len- noys tsel:Lyulozno-bumazhnoyj, derevoobrabatyvayushehey pro- myshlennosti i lesnomu khozyaystvu. 7MQz2TQUQrAVA Ir T nauchn. red.; PETRENKO, V.M., tekhn. red. ~Nmpw P [Modarnization of low and medium-speed papermaking maebinery] Modernizatsila b=agodelatelInykh mashin arednei i maloi skoroati. Moskva, 1963. 53 (MIRA 16:9) 1. TSentralInyy institut tekhnicheskoy informateii i ekonomicheskikh isoledovaniy po lesnoy, bumazhnoy i derevoobrabatyvayuahcbuy promyshlennosti. (Papermaking machinery) m ULIBORG) R,F~: VESEI'VSKMA. T,11.,. re~ rtlo~!d P'-" srr- f -. r pr- ~: os z-* z c ble a p r as j ye zsrvdy p... vyrabij k-3 b-1-,-nio iz rxost- Mrskid, TSon-r-r. na%-hw-is!il. ln---~ Infcrmatsil i h,.r,,azrjn,-! proczjs~d. -1 lesnurmu khoz, , 196-`- Nun .18-4) Tlkral- -`wr G. s,.tdarz t-,rer-Trjy 'Instilcil. po proyektircusni.rL 'i J no I%. Pred,priyBtly gidroJ..znay pr-.- try s E Im u s t , I u1, I bti rg )~ VESE K.; MACHINSKAYA~ I.V.; NADELTAYEVA, A.K. Certain properties of anol acetates. Part IN PhenoxyUtiaa of ketones by the :7eaction of their bromo-substitgted anol acetates with sodita phenolate. Zhur.ob.khim. 34 no.2:560-565 F 164. (FaRA 170) 1. Mosk3vakiy khimiko-takhnologichaskiy institut imeni D.I;*,`~Indeleyeva, K*; MACHINSKAYA, I.V.j BUTAUGIN, S.M., retoonzent; ~ ASItIEV S.V.p retsenzent; BEWV, V.H., -prof., red. [daesagedi; FEDORDVA, T.P., red.j SHVEE'=V, S.V., tekhn. red. (Problems and exercises In organic chemistry) Zadachi up- razhnerdia po organicheakoi kh1mii. Pod red. V.N.Belova. Petroze.vodsk, Roavuzitdat, 1963. 154 p. (MIRA 1611l) (Chemistry, Organic-Problems, exercises, ate.) RACIMISKAU, LV*.; VFSFjOVSkAYA, T.K.; KTREWAS V.G. Some propertlas of erol acetates, Part 121 Phenoxylatiou of by the reaction of their bromenof -acetatem -with modi= phenolates Zhuro orgo khim, 1 no* 12a-154-21'56 D 165 (MTRA 19:1.) L MoO:ovskiy khImIko-tekhnologicheakly Inntitut Imeni Men- deleycn-a. Subnitted November 16j 1964, VXSIWVSKAYA, T. j fell cbher- (Saratov) Pay wre attention to improvingthe coupetence of the feldsher. Felld i akush. 24 no,2-.50-51 7e 159. (Km 12:3 ) (MICZJI--STUDY AND TYACHING) - coottemitim r"cd*3 of py-iodaWdshydaii wilk nWOOIC scill &W cyomcotig oster. V. Pit. Rodsorm and T. 9, VeselaysliarA (M 1. Nfejufrlcvv Chirm.-Tec". JUIL." 116k4w). xhar. Glttj~lftm Xhims. 0. Geu. Chem.) 20, Rodionay method of Tudlesill of 1!1-amino sicidif MA. 21, 1257) manot be ux~d ~* 4.4misto at:klif of ladule; unsatil. "s are formed. Me groups in indole &6M The taw of condensation with malook ": Me In the 2-pooftion lowers the aldehyde activity, wbik 1-36te raises It. Aildn. over I hr. of III's ir, Me.S0, to 263 g. 3-inclulecar6jiAltichyde (1) anct 47.7 S, NAOII its 7151) lot. 11,0, sh4king 4 his., and kiting stand overnight fye 23J$ g. (H). in, 69-70- Witjud, $ J., 4..A. 29, , while thl!' Mother liquor gave an Addifl. 2-6 tt~ J-i*Johxarbiza1.kh3Nk, to. lou-21. $-Afdiiyl-J-indoi4etathxxakifekyde (111). m. 1M-210'. by cyclisation of NlcrC~NNIII`b with zlich In cumene, and intro,luction of CIJO acmtting to Boyd will Robson (C.A. 29. UNA$) Into :-w,thylisdol,. t% 143-4*. til4thylation of M with MeStli. in i4q. Koff at Mj* gave 70% 1.1-diftfMA S-i*dok&aj,boxWdehyJa. in. 128 -30' (from HIM 1). fleating 2g. 1. 1.6g. tralonicsic4l, and 5ml.7%ale-SlIaoilasteAm biath A or 17 firs. pve largely unmActed I and inalonic "; J1 ponsile amt. of tulkleatificif Aci'l WA'S also obtained. With heattlog, U in a hri.gave (from$ in. identiried as 041filiffe 81fid, ('4411104NOV), WhiCh 1WAVII 10fill PlINSift to ml.-Iflol over I hr.. gAve CO, *not 1-melkyl-3-isdolit. a(rjt4ir Au id. in. M-4% .1 very SMA I Atilt.; 4 . flily I- m. 73-4'. AW) ornied tr"I" livilect with' 10% Koff gAvt a Soliti, in. 9K 9'. I'll, rr~ctiun of mAlonk &61 with 111 did not procrotl un,frf al's ooditicia, tried. IV) wa. at- unchantled amt only a tr-ice of a inict. 1-12 jcvlq. tit. l5f, t" and m. 154 4*, was sffu;t4l, po~ihly mpylk still acids. lfcLting I'S S. 1. 3 it. "1410flic S fill. p%rPhric. a" dt ", pipc6liat 40 firs. at 3SAW gAve afirr trrAtni4titt with do. IIC9,01ml tala. Willi Etit). 10 f. I. And 31.6% 3-inalokaeryli~'airld, tit, P06% %ith I ~rir ol,f4ined 0.2g. ci,#J. sit. 141-1' ( FtOlV. And 0.7 0. IV. fit. M -j'. Ill an't V 4114 nal ('A. . rzvpf for Ifusittible 4ij.-V Atilt'. Of 1111, EMII, Atilt 3 (1M101 IJJjWfWit1V It I %f4IVI 4X fil"S. gAV4` 91,90,; Fj iM, fit. 11 Kilnit4fly Itat c M.7% of life I-M, JPte. It( Vt, in. 14W-50'. III g4ve -M,070 :.Aic d4r,jr. 44 Vt. fit, w', Amt V x.4y, 1,24ji-Aft dt6r.. in. 129 34". G, M, K. I r I v U Lo 1 7 ps"11"s AW 0060421-49 04411 " to it 9.04 00'a goo .0*1 a j o00 0011 I A I a. I L A MSTILCO"IC" Liff"FON CWWWWO a-C-7 I~Ix. Az too n $Hmm 1"1"81610 2040M "OLRY see a losew Z I, 4-v, 0 "Awass, moil#$ " 4WV f IA 0 AV 00 as a - i i 1 0 fm 0 0 f 11 IV 9 a 4 & ff If 31 9 0 0 0000 0 of 00 0 00000 Goo * 0 0 -0 0-4 64 0 0 e 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 000 ' The con4onsatWo r"dion of joy4a"cMdelty4ov with PIAWIC adtl and cluto&cMk order. V. PC kirwhonov strut J. Gfil, C40". 20, =2)(7 -11; CA, 43, 7,110. VESEDDVSKHAp,,V. New city settlements in Vologda Province. Volog. krai no-31 6o-8o 162. (MIRA 16:12) 8i860 s/o2o/6o/133/02/40/068 BOO4/BO64 AUTHORS: Izidifiov, S. U. Borisova, T. 1. Veselovskaya, V. 1. TITLE. Electrochemical and Photoelectrochemical Behavior of the Silicon Electrode PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol- 133, No. 2, pp. 392 - 395 TEXT: The authors investigated monocrystalline silicon of the n- and p-type with p = 1 and crystallographic (111) orientationof the surface. A cinematographic incandescent lamp served as light source -1 2 ("10 cal/cin sec). The silicon surface was etched in hot KOH or in HP + HNO 3Y or ground. Fig. 1 shows the dissolution of Si undeit.hydrogen separation in KOH solutions of 0.1 - 10 N. The time change in 15otential, occurring at 'the same time is the same for n- and p-Si, and dep6dz on how the surface has been'treated. Fig. 2 shows the curves of the anoclic polarization for both types immediately af-~er plunging Into the solu- tion and after the stable state has been reached. There is no essential Card 1/3 81866 Electruchemical fuid S/02000/133/02/40/068 Behavior of the Silicon Electrode BooVBo64 difference between the two types of silicon apart from the fact that the maximum potential of 'the anodic curve is 200 mv more positive fDr the p-type than for n-'Si. The photogalvanic activityAV of the system is changed by etching. In the case of p-Si 4V rises from zero to the constant value of 600 mv; in the case of n-Si&V becomes not more than 10-15 mv (Fig. 3). Oxidation of the surface botfl by means of anodic polarization and by cheniical etching or introduction of oxygen into the solution exerts an influence upon the photoelectric effect; in the case of n-Si 4V is increased to 50-100 mv and bV reduced in p-Si to 200-400 mv? After the dissolution of the oxide film the photoelectric effect is increased in p-Si and decreases with n-Si (Fig. 4). The dif- ference ofAdVC for p- and n-Si in the presence of an electric field is caused by the fact that in the dissolution the surface of p-Si ap- proaches the n-type, whereas oxidation acts in the opposite direction. Though the measured static potentials are the same for both types, the distribution of the change in potential is different at the interface of silicon - solution. The etching off of the mechanically defecti~ie layer leads to the increase of 6Vc in p-Si. Light acts mainly upon the space charge Vnich Can be also seen from the practically unchanged Card 2/3 81866 Electrochemical and Photoelectrochemical S/020/60/133/02/40/968 Behavior of the Silicon Electrode , B004/BO64 hydrogen separation in the case of an exposure to light. The inde- pendence of the rate of irreversible dissolution of silicon in alkali of its type iE. due to the a-::tion of two conjugate reactions of oxidEL- tion and reduction. There are 4,figures and 7 refurences: 1 Soviet, 5 British, and. 1 German. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im. L. Ya. Karpova (Institute of Physical Chemistry imeni L. Ya. Karpov) PRESENTED: March 18, 196o, by A. N. Frudkin, Academician SUBMITTED: March 16, 196o Card 3/3 ------- .11 VESELOVS?ls V. I. VESEILVSU, V. I. - Me City of Vladimir (Economic Geograpky Charac- teebsticB)." Sub 20 Dee 52, Moscow City Pedagogical Inst imeni V. F. PotAimkin. (Dissertation for the Vegree of Candidate in Geographical Sciences). So~ Vech!r~ma Moskva Januar7-December 1952 MUMMA, V.L.,;ograficheskikh nauk ,Volol,,dg, province; C!Conomic and geographical features" by V.A. Mineeir., V.M. Malkov. Revieved by V.I. Veselovskaia. Volog. krai jw.2:348-349 160. .(MIRA 14:11) (Vologda Province-Economic geography) (Mineev., V.A.) (Wkov, VJWRLOVSUTA, V.I. . " , Scientific conference on the study of Volo#La Province. lay.Voes. geog-ob-va 87 no.6:568-570 N-D '55. (Kuu 9: 3) (Vologda Province) I VF.SEWVSKVCA, V.I. Citios of Volo da Frovince. Volog. krai nool*.74-93 119o Mlcgda Province~Cities and tmms) VESELOVSKAh' V.I. Brier report of an the work of the Vo2ogda Branch of,tbe Geographical 8ociety'of th; UA.S.A. Volog; krai uo.IU95~,199 759. (141RA 15~2) 1, Uahenyy sekretaxl Vologodekogo otdola Geografichookogo obahchestra SSSR. (Vologda-Geographical sodeties)